harrovian - Harrow International School Bangkok


harrovian - Harrow International School Bangkok
the newsletter of Harrow International School Bangkok
Vol 17 No 14
10th April 2015
From the Head Master
Dear Harrow Bangkok Community,
At the end of a long, busy and productive term, it is my great pleasure to wish you all Happy Songkran, 'Sawasdee Pee
Mai Krub', an enjoyable family holiday and all best wishes for the final term of the School Year.
I'd also like to thank all the hard working and dedicated staff here at Harrow Bangkok for everything they do to give the
children a great school life: staff members, you are the best!
Happy holiday!
Mick Farley
Child protection is our first priority at Harrow Bangkok.
We would like to advise you about YouTube videos being published online. As you are aware, Harrow Bangkok has a
YouTube channel to showcase the School and we are very careful about the content which is uploaded. This is in line with
our Social Media Policy.
We would like to remind parents to be aware that many parents don't want to see their child on YouTube without their
permission. Please show consideration when you are videoing your children i.e. in sports, in class or performing in
assemblies, as the films should not be uploaded to public YouTube without the permission of the parents of the other
children who appear.
Child protection is our first priority, so please, if you have any questions you can email Chris Hayton (Digital Media Officer)
Lower School News
I am sure readers will have seen construction work really taking off in the Early Years Centre and on the Infant roof. Both projects
are on scheduled to open on time at the beginning of the next academic year. The Infant roof will become an impressive new
sports hall and Pre Prep performing arts centre capable of seating all Pre Prep pupils as well as many parents. All going well we
will hold our first events upstairs (fingers crossed) this side of the summer holidays.
Earlier this week Year 2 showcased their work in a spectacular Expo where their learning about life under the sea was displayed,
presented and performed. Pupils’ IT skills, knowledge of aquatic animals and how to protect our marine environment was
impressive for their age and a testimony to the high quality of teaching and learning in Year 2. And in Year 5 on Wednesday, our
Year 5 pupils enjoyed a VE day anniversary street party, where they commemorated the ending of the Second World War 70
years ago through celebrations, music and games. Once again the high level of learning through our creative hands-on curriculum
was evident.
Barely a week goes by at Harrow Bangkok without our pupils achieving in sport and music. Last Friday Mrs Preston led the Pre
Prep Sporting Achievement assemblies where I was proud to see so many of our pupils receiving awards for their participation
and success in this area. On the weekend before we hosted a very successful BISAC swim meeting where our Pre Prep pupils
gained many medals for their races and our girls took Gold in one of the relays. Congratulations and well done to all! Well done
and thanks also to our Sports coaches for working so hard to make the event such a success. This week it was the turn of parents
and staff to triumph at our termly community football tournament. It was fantastic to see the ‘older’ generation showing their kids
how to do it (or not how to do it, depending on the team you were in!) Well done to the canteen team who won the event on
penalties after extra time was played.
In Music, last week some of our talented Pre Prep pupils took part in the Thai Music Showcase in the Olive Theatre. The
performances were remarkable – well done! And last night the Olive Theatre was packed once again for a Beatles Singing
Showcase where our Junior Choir and solo singers put on an awesome show. The highlights for me were the moving renditions of
Yesterday by Michael and Christopher and Imagine with beautiful solos by Sophie K, Nana, Belle, Evie and Nicky. What a way to
end another very productive term!
Thanks parents, pupils and staff for all your support and hard work this term – I wish you a very enjoyable Songkran break.
Nicholas Prockter, Head of Lower School
K1 Visit Little Gym
This month the K1 children ventured on their first school trip to Little Gym at Central Chaengwattana. There was a buzz of
excitement as the children boarded the bus and both teachers and parents alike were very proud as our young learners
confidently waved goodbye at the clock tower. At Little Gym, the children practised their gymnastic skills; climbing, balancing and
practising forward rolls. The day was filled with smiles and laughter and ended with a picnic on the bus.
Well done K1, this was a great start to the many exciting trips and expeditions ahead of you in your future at Harrow Bangkok.
Caroline Stott
An Easter Monday Treat
Friends of Harrow laid on a special ‘Easter Breakfast’ last Monday. Parents enjoyed the traditional fare which included
some delicious hot cross buns.
VE Day Celebrated by Year 5
On Wednesday 8th April, Year 5 celebrated VE (Victory in Europe) Day to complete our topic on World War Two. We listened to
music, ate scrumptious food and played traditional games. It was a fantastic celebration that commemorated the 70th anniversary
of the end of the war in Europe.
Alex Wilkes
From the Head of Upper School
Following recent parent consultation evenings and target reports for our Year 11, 12 and 13 students, there can be little doubt that
we are fasting approaching the IGCSE, AS and A Level examination season. I was delighted to see a range of intense
conversations taking place about how grades could still show a marked improvement. I wish all of our students well in their
preparations for their examinations next term. I recommend some rest and relaxation during the holiday, as it is important to take
some ’time out’ with elements focused revision too! I look forward to celebrating another outstanding set of examination results in
August 2015.
Can I take this opportunity to wish you all safe travels, good health and happy family times, whatever your plans during the
Songkran break, and to say thank you once more for all your support and commitment throughout this busy second term. It has
been a great team effort.
I look forward to focused returning students on Monday 27th April as we look forward to a busy nine week third term, with our
exciting and vibrant Speech Day and House Songs on Friday 27th June. Let’s not forget those important internal and external
examinations in between these key dates; good luck to all Harrow Bangkok students!
Allan Forbes, head of Upper school
The Harrow Bangkok Student Film Festival
Harrow Bangkok's annual Film Festival took place recently, with screenings of AS and A2 Media coursework as well the entries for
this year Film Competition. There were a total of 10 entries, all of which were diverse in nature, including narrative short films,
documentaries and impressive displays of visual effects.
The entries were judged by Malcolm Mowbray, a British director who has worked with Maggie Smith, Michael Palin and Helena
Bonham-Carter during his career. He is also a long-standing member of the Directors Guild of America, BAFTA and founding chair
of the UK’s DGGB Director’s Awards. Malcolm is a Directing Tutor for the MA Film Production Course at the Arts University
Bournemouth, UK, who kindly provided the first prize of a GoPro Hero 4 Silver camera.
The overall winner of the competition was Pun (K10) with his short film ‘3 Pages of Homework’ which Malcolm described as "a
clever idea, with good use of effects and intriguing throughout". It was hugely encouraging to see the enthusiasm, drive and talent
that Harrow Bangkok students have for film making. All those who took part should be applauded for their efforts.
David Harrison
Model United Nations
“It was great to have Harrow Bangkok in such strength at THAIMUN” said the THAIMUN II conference Director. Our students were
also commended by other advisors for their quality, confidence, compassion and sensitivity towards other delegates. Harrow
Bangkok took the largest delegation to the conference and secured five important chair positions. Well done to Nick, Numtip,
Nicki, Pete and Proud for their professionalism, competency and enthusiasm when running their committees. In additional,
congratulations goes to all the Harrow delegates who participated. It was fantastic to see our delegates, from Year 7 to 12, getting
involved in heated debate and actively involved in resolution writing to solve global problems. Special mention must also go to
Gale (C11) who was voted Best Delegate in the SPECPOL committee.
The three-day conference saw our delegates being challenged intellectually and extending the boundaries of their academic
learning and understanding of current issues. They had to analyse and evaluate evidence, create solutions then defend and justify
their country’s views through negotiation, mediation and team skills.
I continue to marvel at the way in which our students immerse themselves fully in the Model United Nations programme and the
determination they have to participate, problem solve and work together to create relevant, focused and accurate resolutions
much the same way as United Nations does.
Of all the activities I am involved in, Model United Nations fully epitomises our School vision, ‘Leadership for a Better World’, and
offers a forum in which students can strive to meet this goal.
Kathryn Gavin
Harrow Bangkok student essays shortlisted for top prize in economics essay competition
Two Sixth Form Economists, Sand (N13) and Arisa (B13), made it through to the final round of the Bangkok Economics Essay
Competition 2015 for which they researched and produced extended written responses on the theme of ‘Conflict, Cooperation and
the Common Good’ in an economic context.
Sand was awarded 2nd place for her detailed analysis of the efficiency with which resources are allocated in the provision of
education in Thailand, while Arisa came away with 4th place for her essay on the impact of climate change on the economic
development of South East Asian countries. Essays were judged by Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Professor of International Political
Economy at Chulalongkorn University. Congratulations to both Sand and Arisa on their outstanding performances in this
Peter Fotheringham
Military Training Students (Ror Dor) News
According to the announcement from the Territorial Defense School, Army Reserve Affair Centre, HIS physical exam date (for
Year 10) and registration date (for Y11 and Y12) will be on Tuesday 18 th August 2015.
Year 10 students who would like to apply to be Military Training Students of the Territorial Defense School, the Army
Reserve Affairs Centre for the academic year 2014/2015 must join Physical practice on every Thursday at 14:50-15:50 till
June 2015.
Please contact Kru Khanitha at Thai Principal‘s Office room No. M012 from Monday 27 th April - Friday 8th May 2015 to get details
and an application form.
There will be a meeting for Y10 parents on HIS military training students programme on Wednesday 29 th
April at the top floor of Library from 14:40-15:00 before Y10 Parent Consultation evening.
A Muddy Paddy!
A group of four Harrow Bangkok students and three exchange students from Australia visited a family near Lopburi on 20th March
to experience the life of a rice farmer for the weekend. It was very muddy and tiring work planting rice in the paddy fields but
everyone really enjoyed the experience and learned a lot about themselves.
For most us it was a real eye opener as to how some people manage to survive on their incomes and the harsh working and living
conditions they endure. We all left the farm feeling fortunate that we do not have to do this every day, and with an enormous
amount of respect for the backbone of Thailand - the farming community.
The students were a credit to their schools and we should be very proud of them. A big thank you to Erika's mum who came along
and helped out for the weekend.
James O’Connell
The Climbing Team
As we wrap up three weeks of Climbing competitions (Sunday 15th, 22nd and 29th March), we reflect on the incredible hard work
our students have committed into training for these events. Hosted at Harrow Bangkok and Bangkok Patana twice, the students
created friendships and were supportive of each other’s efforts and skills. The students competed in bouldering, top-roping and
speed climbing and overall, Harrow Bangkok won 49 out of 72 medals – a truly fantastic result for our first competitions!
Please congratulate the Climbing team: Alice (6T), Bam Bam (6W), Many (6W), Jack (5W), Tobey (5W), Tyler (5W), Boon (6W),
Tang-Tai (K8), Un (N7), Samuel (B8), Tun (S7), Anushree (K10), Harriet (S9), Maprang (K9), Prima (C10), Toon (S10), Ying
(So10), Andris (B8), Jub (B9), Sam (So10), Jay (N10), Ethan (S10), James (N11), Victor (K13)
James Waugh
Ice Skating Success for Harrow Bangkok Student
Tang Tang (So7) competed in the Thai National figure Skating championships recently. Against competition that included some of
the most talented skaters in the country, Tang Tang put on a confident routine that won her first place in her division and a place
on the Thai National Figure Skating B Team. We congratulate her on this fantastic success.
Jonathan Horsnell, Head of Prep School
Boarding news
Songkran 2015 In Boarding
Orgainsed by Miss Sue and Miss Linda, along with the Harrow Bangkok Estates team and Epicure catering
close at hand, we had a splash-tastic time on Sunday afternoon celebrating an early taste of the Songkran
festival. With temperatures in the high 30s, it was necessary to assemble the giant slip slide mat, a huge
speaker for music, five giant buckets of ice cooled water and 150 people involved in an epic water fight.
Teacher residents and their families joined and got stuck in straight away. It was wonderful to have the two
Harrow Bangkok communities joining together to have fun and it was a great way to end the term.
Boarding ‘Helmets for Life’ Project
Riding motorbikes and mopeds in Thailand is very popular. The risks associated with travel on bikes is
considerably higher than when in an enclosed vehicle. In other words, every day, approximately 50 Thai people
who leave home for work, school, shopping, temple/church/mosque, social gatherings, never return home
because of road accidents.
The Boarders have decided to try and make a small difference in helping to protect those who live around us.
We have had loads of fun making Slime and Gunge, which was then sold to raise money for our plan: to donate
20 children’s-sized motorcycle helmets to a class at a local primary school. We were able to raise over 6000
baht in one afternoon and we thank all those who bought our excellent products and donated money.
Particular thanks to Sai, Rafael, Eyn Eyn, Ploy, Joe, Mingming, Lavik, Alfred, Andy, Senghab, Mike, Juliet,
Marissa, Sarah, Allen, Grace and Leo.
We are also seeking sponsorship. If you or your company would like to consider sponsorship in the next
academic year, please contact Mr McDonald on 0879321020 or email: Tim_mc@harrowschool.ac.th
Happy Holidays!
Boarding is open from 2pm on Sunday 26th April
Tim McDonald, Director of Boarding
School Golf Team are BISAC Champions
On Sunday 29th March, the Harrow Golf Team played the last event of the season at Windsor Park & Golf Course and, after an
impressive season, they managed to come away with more trophies than ever at BISAC.
North (B9) won his flight and also had the best score of the day with an incredible 67 – 5 under par. Along with Tan (B8) with a
fantastic 71 1 under par, and Bhoom (N9) with a good 73 – 1 over par, the boys’ team came away with the BISAC title. Ou (K11)
won her flight as well as the best girl’s score of the day with a solid 70 – 2 under par and this also helped the girls’ team to finish in
4th place.
This final tournament of the year also wrapped up the Bangkok trophy, which, like the FEDEX Cup, is a culmination of points from
all the tournaments of the year, with our brilliant team managing to beat ASB for the first place team of the year. What an
incredible season and a huge congratulations to a very talented team.
Trevor Godwin
Harrow Bangkok students recently competed in the U19 BISAC Badminton tournament at NIST. The U19 boys, who last year
dominated the U17 field, met a very strong RIS team and eventually ended up with well-fought silver medals. The U19 girls (a
very young team who had to play up to U19 level) played with great team spirit but didn’t manage to place in the medals.
Special thanks must go to Bright B13 (captain), Oak C13 and Bright N13 who played their last competitive match for Harrow
Bangkok - we would like to acknowledge their incredible services and their part in the growth of badminton at the School. They
have been tremendous role models for the younger students and we wish them well as they go on to ever greater heights in their
respective university teams.
Thanks also to Badz, our team coach, who has persevered this year to train the players to such a high level and the other
coaches – Stuart W, David F, Tukta H and Yu Lin who have all played their part with enthusiasm.
Andrew Hardy, Austen Heeley
Inaugural FOBISIA Sailing Championships Hosted by Harrow Bangkok
Five schools, some 50 competitors and two boat types (Optimists and Qubas) battled it out at the Royal Varuna Sailing Club in
Pattaya for the first FOBISIA Sailing Championships, hosted by Harrow Bangkok. The crews came in from far and wide, with four
top teams from Thailand, and Kellet School, Hong Kong, who fielded a team which had recently won the Inter school’s Sailing
Championships in Hong Kong.
The weather conditions were challenging, with wind speeds of 8 knots in the morning, gusting to 12 in the afternoons. Many of our
teams were used to the strong tides which Pattaya Bay is notorious for, and this enabled them to steal a march on their Hong
Kong competitors. Early on in the event, the host school Harrow Bangkok beat Bangkok Pattana School (BPS) and Regents’ to
move into a firm lead, but their competitors fought back to move into strong positions, with Bangkok Prep proving to be the
outstanding team in terms of team tactics and individual sailing skills.
The final races of the event were held on Saturday; BPS and Harrow were fighting it out for 3 rd Place with BPS eventually
triumphing in a nail-biting finish. Kellet Hong Kong and Bangkok Prep provided a tense final for the event, with strong sailing skills
eventually winning the day for the Bangkok Prep team. It was certainly an experience that many of us will never forget, a comment
from the Harrow Bangkok Team Captain, Nano, sums up the event perfectly, when he said, “Skippering my team to some closelyfought races has been the height of my sailing career, and I shall definitely be back to cheer our new team on in 2016”.
Stewart Ross
An 'eggcellent' Easter breakfast
this morning with parents and
staff, organised by Friends of
Come to Hyde Park and make
your dream home come true.
Houses available Ring 02 197
7077 @TheBigChilliMag
Intellectual minds at work as our
Prep students compete in the
house chess competitions this
Y5 celebrated VE Day yesterday
with cakes,scones,lemonade,
singing and dancing.
#70yearson #veday70
HarrowBKKLibrary @HarrowBKKLibrar
Epicure @Epicure Thailand
François Stalder @francoisstalder
Languages-HarrowBKK @MFL_harrowBKK
Nicholas Prockter @Nprockter
Mr Dellow @mrdellow
FCSuphanburi English @fcsuphanburi
Follow us on Twitter, keep up
with recent news and media.
Harrow’s THAIMUN delegation
at the opening ceremony of the
conference - good luck to our
chairs and delegates.
Harrow got silver medal U13
FOBISIA Girls Football at Brunei
Mr Farley joined our Friends of
Harrow reps to celebrate the
opening of our brand new Pre
Prep House Head Quarters
Harrow Bangkok hosts the inaugural FOBISIA Sailing Championships - starts this morning for
three days.

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