Schools Plan Summer Projects Lawler Irish Fest


Schools Plan Summer Projects Lawler Irish Fest
$0.75 per copy
Volume 38, Issue 25
Official Paper of
Calmar, Fort Atkinson,
Ridgeway, Spillville, Waucoma,
Winneshiek County
& Turkey Valley
Community Schools
Warriors Face
Clayton Ridge
SPORTS: Page 12
P.O. Box 507, Calmar, IA 52132 | (563) 562-3488 | | USPS: 335-690 | | Tradidi quod et accepi
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
South Winn, Turkey Valley School District Sharing Declines
▪ TV Sharing
With New
By Michael Hohenbrink
Edito r
Area districts are looking to maximize sharing across district lines in
order to reap state incentives for
With the end of superintendent
sharing between South Winneshiek
and Turkey Valley, though, the dynamics of just how this plays out appear to be changing.
With a new school year approach-
ing, the two districts will see significant changes in sharing.
Staff sharing not only allows
districts access to trained staff who
might not otherwise fit within a district’s budget, but it also is incentivized by the state.
Districts are allowed up to a maximum of 21 full-time equivalents
(FTEs) of sharing.
A superintendent is worth eight
FTEs while a business manager, human resources manager, transpor-
tation director and operations and
maintenance manager are all worth
five FTEs. A curriculum director
and school counselor are each worth
three FTEs.
South Winneshiek will enjoy the
maximum sharing allowed under
state law with the full 21 FTEs while
Turkey Valley is currently at 18
FTEs. Discussion is underway with
Turkey Valley at present looking at
how the district might reach the full
21 FTEs.
For the upcoming school year,
South Winneshiek will share the
largest number of positions with Turkey Valley, including special education, media specialist and industrial
Following closely behind will be
Northeast Iowa Community College
(NICC) with two positions: human
resources and transportation.
Allamakee and South Winneshiek
will share a curriculum director.
By contrast, Turkey Valley’s largest number of shared positions will
be with New Hampton with which
Turkey Valley will share a superintendent.
Turkey Valley and New Hampton
will also share transportation and
operations and maintenance as well
as agriculture, ELL, environmental
science, TAG and Family and Consumer Science. That has Turkey ValSHARING to page 3
TV Voters Wonʼt See
Special Election
Sifting for
coins drew
kids as part
of the fun
during Lawler
Irish Fest.
music, a 5K,
a parade and
more the
event drew
visitors to
Lawler over
the weekend.
By Michael Hohenbrink
The Turkey Valley Community
School District will not see a restructuring of its school board make-up, at
least in the near future.
At issue was a possible revamping
of the district’s current system of five
board member districts into a revised
form with three board member districts and two at-large seats.
During the June 13 meeting,
school board members discussed the
potential cost of holding a special
election to give voters a chance to approve the idea. Special elections are
possible Sept. 13 and Dec. 6 this year.
To get on the ballot for a Sept.
13 vote, board members would have
needed to have acted during the June
13 meeting.
Citing cost for the district to pay
for a special election, board members
ELECTION to page 4
Lawler Irish Fest Celebrated
Lawler Irish Fest enjoyed good
weather and a good turnout.
Over 100 entries took part in the
parade this year, as Mother Nature
cooperated to help make the event a
The theme for this year’s celebration was “Kickin’ It Irish Style.”
Parade winners included:
Best Overall: The Burns Family
Best Family Float: The Murray
Best Commercial Entry: 5 Star
Best Irish Float: BankIowa
Best Non-Irish Entry: Busta Lawn
Most Unique: Colton Kurtenbach, transporting the Little Lad and
Lassie, pulling a goat, mini pony and
baby piglets
Little Lad and Lassie were Blake
Eidahl and Drey O’Brien.
Photos by Nichol Hohenbrink
and Courtesy Lawler Irish Fest
More Photos to page 3
5K Photos to page 11
The gym floor at Turkey Valley will be replaced. Image courtesy Turkey
Valley CSD
ABOVE: Using balloons in the colors of the Irish flag, 5 Star Co-op took the
award for Best Commercial Entry for the 2016 Lawler Irish Fest parade.The
parade drew over 100 entries this year. LEFT: Busta Lawn Care and Snow
Service took home honors for the Best Non-Irish Entry.
ʻLoganʼs Hopeʼ Helps
Muscular Dystrophy
Research Efforts
All funds raised during the event
are being donated to muscular dystrophy research.
An area youth lent a helping hand
“We’re close to $11,000 right now,
but checks are still coming in because
Logan Manderfield, 12 ½, of St. we are still selling dry fit shirts for $7
Lucas, will be a seventh-grade student from the run,” said Lyndsey. “We will
at Turkey Valley next year.
sell them until we run out.”
Yet, despite his age, the young man
With his own muscular dystrophy,
was involved in raisLogan has difficulty
ing funds for muscular
with stairs and cannot
dystrophy research.
take part in most ath“Logan’s Hope” 5K
letics, though he is a
Run/Walk was held The Decorah Fire
fan of sports.
June 11 in Decorah.
Lyndsey noted her
Department was
It’s an event near
son loves to rattle off
and dear to the hearts an amazing help
sports statistics and is
of Logan and his fam- to us, and they
a fan of NASCAR and
the Dallas Cowboys.
“When he was 16 gave Logan a fire
School presents
months he was diagsome obstacles with
helmet with his
nosed with Duchenne
Logan unable to take
Muscular Dystrophy,” name on it.
part in vigorous activiexplained Logan’s
- Lyndsey, Logan’s mother ties.
mother, Lyndsey.
Still, Logan is a
To help out others with muscular strong student.
dystrophy, the family took part in this
“He’s been getting straight A’s in
school,” noted Lyndsey.
The community helped to make
The district has made accommodathe event a success.
tions for Logan’s physical limitations.
“The Decorah Fire Department
“Turkey Valley has been awewas an amazing help to us, and they some,” said Lyndsey.
gave Logan a fire helmet with his
After the success of this year’s
name on it,” said Lyndsey.
event, the family is planning to do it
The department also surprised Lo- again next year.
gan by inviting Josey Jewel, an Iowa
Logan is the son of Don and Lyndlinebacker and Decorah native, to the sey Manderfield and has two sisters,
Reese, 14, and Raelen, 7.
Schools Plan
Summer Projects
▪ TV Will See New
Gym Floor, New
Football Bleachers
For South Winn
By Michael Hohenbrink
By Michael Hohenbrink
Significant projects are planned
for area schools this summer.
Among highlights will be new
flooring for the Turkey Valley gym
and new bleachers for South Winneshiek.
The Turkey Valley School Board
has approved refinishing of the gym
floor with support from the TV Athletic Boosters who have made a commitment to help finance the project
with $5,000 coming from the boosters, $2,500 coming from individuals
in the community and $5,575 coming
from the school.
As part of the project, the floor
will be sanded down to the wood and
paint removed. When the project is
completed, the refinished floor will
have updated lettering, lines and the
Turkey Valley mascot in the center of
the floor.
Work is scheduled to begin late
this month.
South Winneshiek fans will see
new football bleachers. The South
Winneshiek school board has approved purchasing bleachers from
Kay Park Recreation at a cost of
Other projects underway at South
Winneshiek include a bus shed
($43,924), bus parking lot ($5,955)
and new heating/cooling controls in
the weight room, district office and
teacher work room ($12,030).
Additional Turkey Valley projects
include replacing pillars ($16,000)
and doors ($39,496).
Early Deadlines For Independence Day
TOP: Logan is shown with Iowa
linebacker and Decorah native
Josey Jewel at the 5K. ABOVE:
Logan Manderfield wears a
Decorah Fire Department
helmet. RIGHT: Participants
take part in a 5K walk to
raise funds for muscular dystrophy research in an event
called "Logan's Hope," after
St. Lucas native Logan Manderfield. Photos courtesy
Manderfield family
News and Advertising deadlines
will move up with Independence
Day, Monday, July 4.
Deadlines for both News and Advertising will be 5 p.m., Thursday,
June 30, one day earlier than normal.
Legal notices should be submitted by
5 p.m. Wednesday.
The office of the Calmar Courier
will be closed July 4 in observance of
the holiday.
Normal hours will resume Tuesday, July 5 at 8 a.m.
In this Issue:
Local News ............... 2-3
Worship/Obituaries ... 6-7
Opinion ........................ 8
Legals ..................... 9-10
Classifieds ................. 10
Sports ....................11-12
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
St. Lucas Fun
Days Returning
▪ 7th Annual
Event Set For
June 24-26
By Michael Hohenbrink
St. Lucas Fun Days will boast
some new additions.
“On [June 25] we’ve added the
magician and the Bluegrass band that
is just getting started,” said Wilma
Meyer, an organizer.
The 5K race has been moved from
Friday night to Saturday morning,
and on Sunday, the event will have a
chicken dinner and, new this year, a
card party.
A slow pitch tournament has been
moved to coincide with the festival
instead of being held over Memorial
Day weekend.
The seventh annual festival is set
for June 24-26 on the grounds of St.
Luke Catholic Church in St. Lucas.
Not only is the event a major draw
for the community, it also provides
funding for a number of community
improvement purchases.
According to Bud Winter, defibrillation equipment, new furnishings for
the community center, town signs,
banners on street light poles, flower
90th Birthday
A 90th birthday celebration honoring Alex Reicks is set for Saturday, June 25, 2016 from 4 to 8 p.m.
at the Starlite Ballroom in Lawler
with food as well as music by the Jim
Busta Band and Mollie B.
pots and more have all been purchased with event proceeds.
“We continue to get great compliments each year that the setup on the
church grounds is very nice and that
it’s a small town event where everything is right there – it’s all on the top
of the hill and there’s something or
another going on all [weekend] long,”
said Winter.
The event kicks off this year at 6
p.m. and will feature a softball tournament and beanbag tournament as
well as music and more on the opening night.
On Saturday, the 5k run/walk will
take place as well as a tractor ride,
coed volleyball, games and children’s
entertainment during the day with
music in the evening.
The run has registration at the ball
diamond picnic shelter from 7 to 8
a.m. and starts at 8 a.m., rain or shine.
“We will be taking same day registrations for the same price right up
till race time,” said Al Schmitt, a race
Winners in each age group will
receive prizes along with championships for men and women overall.
Softball will continue on Sunday,
and a dinner is planned from 10:30
a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the parish life
center featuring Mike Reicks.
Concessions and a beer garden
will be located on the grounds.
Freedom Bank
Adam Schaufenbuel has joined
the lending staff at Freedom Bank’s
Elkader location.
Schaufenbuel is originally from
St. Lucas and is
a recent graduate of Iowa
State University. Throughout high school
worked on his
grandfather ’s
farm south
of St. Lucas,
which helped
to lead him to
pursue a bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Business and a career that
was related to agriculture.
Local News
Calmar Courier
Blueprints lie spread
out before Heidi Busta,
a design specialist who
will operate her business
out of the St. Lucas area.
Photos courtesy
Heidi Busta
It has been a very
essential stepping
stone on my path
to starting my own
business. It helped
me realize where
my heart truly was
in the design field,
which is home
design and house
- Heidi Busta
Busta Offers Design Expertise
▪ St. Lucas
Native Coming
By Michael Hohenbrink
A new business has come to
St. Lucas.
Heidi J. Busta has gone into
business as a design consultant
serving customers in the area.
Busta runs the business part
time in addition to her other
“I currently work at ProBuild
in Elkader doing house plans,
kitchen design and flooring design, along with material selection and sales,” said Busta. “It
has been a very essential stepping stone on my path to starting my own business. It helped
me realize where my heart truly
was in the design field, which is
home design and house plans.”
Busta’s family situation also
Chicken Dinner
played a role in going into business.
“We are expecting our first
child in September and thought
what a better time than now to
start my own business; I could
work from home and raise our
child,” said Busta. “I will continue to do house plan drawings
for ProBuild (commuting there
one day a week) and just expand my business to surrounding areas.”
It’s a homecoming for the
business owner and her husband. She is originally from
St. Lucas and her husband is
originally from Calmar. They
are moving back to this area
coming up.
With her new business,
Busta offers detailed floor
plans, elevations and 3D color
renderings as well as room and
furniture layouts, large scale
blueprints (24”x36”), material
selection, paint colors, lighting,
accessories/décor and material
g cabinet finfinishes including
ish, flooring, countertops, hardware, etc.
“My business is unique because I am very flexible and I
v the ability to set my
m own
le,, wh
ichh allows
ws me to
ve a ver
eryy qu
uicck tu
me of pr
i g dr
sa d B
ta. “I
“I ttake
a e th
tthee stan
o ie cut
ter ap
h tto
o de
and add unique [flair] based on
each client’s individual needs.”
Busta comes to this line of
work after earning her Bachelor of Arts degree in Interior
Design from UNI and working
for over five yyears with kitchen
and bath design.
“My long term vision for
my business is to have enough
steady work coming in and
to build a reputable name for
myself,” said Busta. “I don’t
c tto
o add staff members
at tthis
hiss ppo
ooint but depending how
sy I aam in the future that
u d bbee a possibility!”
June 26 • 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Serving: Mike Reick’s famous
chicken, broasted potatoes, sweet
corn, coleslaw, rolls and bars.
Prices: Adults $10; Ages 5-11 $7;
Preschool and under free.
No advance tickets. Carry-outs available.
7th Annual
St. Lucas Fun Days
June 24 - 26 • Located on church grounds
- 2:30p.m.:
3 p.m.:
6 - 8 p.m.: KVIK/KNEI Harley/Pick-
8 a.m.: 5K Run/Walk Registration
up Sign-up
7 - 8 a.m. Contact: Al Schmitt
9 a.m.: Tractor Ride; Registration
8 - 9 a.m. Contact: Henry Langreck
563-380-6367 or Kerri Langreck
9 a.m.: Coed Volleyball Contact:
Eric Dietzenbach 563-380-7222
9 - 11 a.m.: Little League Games
11 a.m.: Coed Softball continues
11:30 a.m.: Magic Herman
12 - 2 p.m.: Kids Games
(Mini Golf, Bouncy House,
Fish Pond, etc…)
6 p.m.: 6th Annual Shelly Smith
Memorial Coed Softball Tourney
Contact: Bud Winter 319-231-3337
7 p.m.: Open Bean Bag Tourney
Contact: Nic Schaufenbuel
8 p.m. -12:30 a.m.: Back
Home Boys
8:30 p.m.: Ms. St. Lucas/
Community Citizen of the Year
10 p.m.: Fireworks
Mike McAbee
Tractor Pedal Pull
5:30 p.m.: Raffle Drawing
6 - 9 p.m.: Bluegrass Music
by Squirrel Tail
11 a.m.: Coed Softball continues
10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.: St. Luke
Parish Life Chicken Dinner
Mike Reick’s Chicken, Potatoes,
Coleslaw, Sweet Corn, Rolls & Bars
Tickets at Door Only. Adults $10,
Children 5-11 $7, Preschool free.
Carry-outs Available
1 p.m.: Euchre Card Party
Hosting Ag
Safety Day
Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) and the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety
(NECAS) will be hosting Progressive Agriculture Safety Day on Tuesday, July 19, at Iowa’s Dairy Center.
The event will be held from 9:30
a.m. – 2:30 p.m. and is designed for
children ages four through 12. Topics
may include safety practices in regard to: ATVs, animals, bikes, electrical and fire, first aid, lawnmowers,
machinery, railroads, sun exposure
and weather alerts.
Registration is required, and space
is limited. For more information, call
888-844-6322 or 563-557-0354.
Turkey Valley Encourages Reading Time
Turkey Valley Schools have implemented district–wide programs to help
students improve their reading skills with support from the Turkey Valley
Education Foundation. Shown here, students at the elementary level take part
in a reading activity. Photo courtesy Turkey Valley CSD
Local News
Calmar Courier
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Summerʼs Arrival Brings
Out Zika Concerns
Democrats Meeting
▪ Ticks Also
Possible This
Winneshiek County Democrats
will hold their regular monthly Central Committee meeting
Thursday, June 23, at 7 p.m. in the
Democratic Party Election Year
Headquarters at 218 W. Water St.,
By Michael Hohenbrink
St. Lucas Fun Days
5K Run/Walk
A 5K Fun Run/Walk in conjunction with St. Lucas Fun Days
is set for Saturday, June 25 with
race starting at 8 a.m. For more information, call 319-215-7526.
better way to
cool off on a
hot day than
water ball with
members of
the Lawler Fire
LEFT: The Best
Legs contest drew
men not afraid to
wear a kilt.
Great Strides
Benefit Horse Show
The Great Strides Benefit Horse
Show will be held on Saturday,
June 25, beginning at 10 a.m. at the
Allen Fadness Memorial Arena,
Winneshiek County Fairgrounds,
Check out the
Calmar Courier
website, www.
com, for more
photos! Photos
may also be
purchased off the
Public Square
Rosary Rally
A public square rosary rally for
marriage and family is set for Saturday, June 25, at noon at the Veterans Memorial in Lawler.
St. Luke
Chicken Dinner
St. Luke Catholic Church
Chicken Dinner will be held Sunday, June 26, from 10:30 a.m. to
1:30 p.m.
Support Group
A Parkinson’s Support Group
meeting is set for 1:30 p.m. on
Wednesday, June 29, at the Winneshiek Medical Center in Conference Room B1. Physical Therapist
Stacey Quam of the Winneshiek
Medical Center will do a presentation on the BIG program and its
benefits in helping with movement
for those with Parkinson’s.
Dairy-themed headgear for the kids was offered as visitors chowed down at
the Dairy Center's Breakfast on the Farm.
Lawler Library
The Winneshiek County Secondary Roads Department has
announced closure of 185th Avenue starting approximately one
mile south of Ossian.
The road is closed for replacement of a drainage structure with
closure expected to last through
June 24.
Ag Safety Day
Northeast Iowa Community
College (NICC) and the National
Education Center for Agricultural
Safety (NECAS) will be hosting
Progressive Agriculture Safety
Day on Tuesday, July 19, at Iowa’s
Dairy Center.
During Breakfast on the Farm, visitors had a chance to check out a variety of
options, including these critters. Photos by Nichol Hohenbrink
Blood Drives
Blood drives have been set for
the following times and dates in
the area:
Waucoma: Tuesday, June 21,
from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Event Center
Calmar: Friday, June 24, from
1:30 to 5:30 p.m. on the lower level of the Calmar Lutheran Church,
200 North East St.
Decorah: Friday, June 24, from
noon to 6 p.m. at St. Benedict Parish Hall, 307 W. Main St.
Fort Atkinson: Monday, June
27 from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the
Community Center
West Union: Wednesday, July
6, from 12:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the
Holy Name Parish Center
Join us for snacks, refreshments & prize drawings!
Available June 22, 2016 Only in Luana, Ossian, and New
Hampton! $5,000 minimum deposit required, includes a
one-time add-on option. Penalty for early withdrawal.
(APR) Annual Percentage Yield. Luana Savings Bank reserves the right to change rates & terms without notice.
Send us your
address before
you move... your
isn’t interrupted.
The Iowa Dairy Foundation hosted the 7th Annual Breakfast on the
Farm event Saturday, June 18.
The event drew visitors to Iowa’s
Dairy Center in Calmar.
In addition to breakfast, visitors
could tour the facilities, sample milkshakes, get photos taken, see live animals and more.
Road Closure
Lawler Public Library will host
a summer reading program with
the theme of “On Your Mark, Get
Set, Read.” Programs are being
held on Monday mornings at 10
a.m. June 27 and July 11 and 18.
All ages are welcome.
na: 80
n: 86
New Hampton:
n: 880
The official start of summer
means many things, but along with
school being out, the picnics and all
the rest is a very real fear – Zika.
Since making headlines, the disease has reached American soil and
has prompted fears.
The good news for Iowans is that
it’s not a high likelihood for this area.
“I have been told that the Iowa
Dept of Public Health will be doing mosquito surveillance this summer to be sure that mosquitoes in
Iowa [don’t] have Zika,” said Krista
M. Vanden Brink, administrator for
Winneshiek County Public Health
Nursing Service.
Even if Zika is not found, residents should protect themselves.
“Zika or not, it’s always wise to
use some form of insect repellent,”
said Vanden Brink. “There are some
good commercial brands and some
good homeopathic solutions. Whichever you will consistently use, is the
Other sources of concern include
West Nile as well as an upsurge in
“We seem to hear about them
in the spring and fall [yet] they are
around year round,” said Vanden
Brink. “It’s important to check yourself for ticks especially after being in
wooded areas. It’s also important to
check pets that may come in and out
of the house for ticks as well.”
Size is an issue.
“Keep in mind, that deer ticks are
very small and difficult to spot,” said
Vanden Brink. “We encourage the
use of insect repellent and wearing
light colored long sleeves and long
pants if planning to do any hiking or
walking in the woods.”
ley sharing eight positions with New
Hampton and three positions with
South Winneshiek.
As in the 2015-2016 school year,
the sharing of industrial technology,
special education transition and a
media specialist between South Winneshiek and Turkey Valley remains
constant for the upcoming year.
Moving to sharing for agriculture
instruction, ELL and TAG with New
Hampton from South Winneshiek are
changes. Sharing has also ended for
art between South Winneshiek and
Turkey Valley. In total, that means
five fewer shared positions between
the South Winneshiek and Turkey
Valley districts.
Turkey Valley will continue
to share transportation with New
Hampton as well as instrumental music and operations and maintenance.
A net change for sharing will see
Turkey Valley going from sharing
three positions with New Hampton to
sharing eight positions this year. At
the same time, Turkey Valley is going from sharing eight positions with
South Winneshiek to three positions,
a mirror image in some regards.
By the numbers
South Winneshiek:
2016-2017 Operational
Function Sharing:
Turkey Valley
2016-2017 Operational
Function Sharing:
NICC - Human Resources .2 FTE;
NICC - Transportation .2 FTE;
Allamakee CSD Curriculum Director .2 FTE
New Hampton CSD –
Superintendent Management;
New Hampton CSD –
New Hampton CSD Operations and Maintenance
2016-2017 teacher sharing
agreements from other districts to
South Winneshiek:
Turkey Valley CSD Media Specialist .13 FTE;
Turkey Valley CSD - Industrial
Technology .5 FTE;
2016-2017 teacher sharing
agreements from other districts to
Turkey Valley:
New Hampton CSD –
Instrumental Music;
New Hampton CSD – Agriculture;
New Hampton CSD – ELL;
New Hampton CSD – TAG;
South Winneshiek CSD - Special
Education Transition Coordinator
2016-2017 teacher sharing
agreements from South Winneshiek
to other districts:
Turkey Valley CSD Special Education Transition
Coordinator - 18 days per year
2016-2017 teacher sharing
agreements from Turkey Valley to
other school districts:
New Hampton CSD –
Family Consumer Science;
South Winneshiek CSD Industrial Technology;
South Winneshiek CSD Media Specialist
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Tis BBQ Season
I would like to share a fun and interesting web site. If you like to grill
and enjoy BBQ, you will enjoy this
website. The website is called BBQ
Pit Boys.
I will warn you, that many of
their recipes are probably not listed
on your diet menu. They are great
for enjoyment, good eating and for
many of us to be enjoyed in moderation. They have recipes that include
using duck, venison, bison and even
Bacon is also a popular ingredient. Not real great at cooking and following recipes, they also have their
recipes on video. The following two
recipes are from the BBQ Pit Boys.
Beer Can Bacon Burgers
Ground Chuck – 4-5 pounds 80/20
Bacon – 2 pounds regular cut (Pork
Can Beer – 1 unopened
Buns - 6
Cheese – chunked/shredded (your
favorite will do)
Beef Hash
Grilled Onions
Bell Peppers – Red/Green
Tomato – chopped
Roast Beef
Canned Chili
BBQ Sauce
Bring grill temperature up to 300
degrees with coals offset for indirect
cooking. Sauté the mushrooms, onions and peppers and heat up beef
hash, chopped tomato, bacon, roast
beef and canned chili (or your favorite toppings). Make hamburger balls,
8 to 12 ounces each. Make sure meat
is cold. Press beer can into center
of each meatball forming a pocket
around the can. Wrap bacon around
each one (should take two pieces of
bacon). Using a dishtowel, remove
beer can from the meatball carefully.
Do this until all meatballs have been
formed. Take stuffing/toppings and
start placing inside meatball pockets.
Use your favorite toppings. Chunk
cheese and place 2-3 pieces inside
desired meatballs or top with shredded cheese. Add a few dashes of hot
sauce or BBQ sauce. Place bacon
burgers opposite hot coals for indi-
rect cooking. Put lid on grill and cook
for one hour (optional – turn and rotate after 30 minutes). After one hour
check for desired doneness. Remove
from grill. Place bacon burgers on
buns. Top with favorite condiments.
Serve with fries, chips, cole-slaw,
potato salad or grilled vegetables. Sit
back, relax and enjoy!!
Bacon Cheeseburger
Stuffed Zucchini
2 large zucchinis
1 large ground chuck patty (grilled
to medium doneness)
Salt and pepper to taste
Two cloves garlic (grated)
1/2 c. cheese (mozzarella or your
1 sm. Idaho potato (peeled and
1 Tbsp. hot sauce (BBQ sauce)
Grated dry parmesan cheese
Around 16 slices of bacon
Grill one large ground chuck patty
till medium doneness. Take two large
clean zucchinis and cut each in half
lengthwise. Do not remove the ends.
Using a regular spoon, scoop out
the center of the zucchini, removing
the pulp and seeds. In a small bowl,
crumble the beef patty into small
pieces and then add salt and pepper
to taste, two grated garlic cloves, 1/2
cup grated mozzarella cheese, one
small grated peeled potato and one
tablespoon hot sauce. Mix together
using your hands. Sprinkle the insides of all four of the zucchinis with
the grated sprinkle parmesan cheese.
Place eight slices of bacon closely
side by side, the long way on a clean
board or counter. Place a zucchini on
the bacon. Fill the middle of one zucchini with half the meat and cheese
mixture. Place the other half of the
zucchini on top. Carefully wrap the
bacon around the zucchini. Place
the two bacon-wrapped zucchini on
the charcoal grill. When about done
(about one hour) add some BBQ
sauce on top of the zucchini. When
done remove from grill, slice and enjoy! If confused, you can watch the
video online.
Fresh Strawberry Yogurt Cake
From Chris Hermsen
1 c. (2 sticks) butter, softened
Calmar Courier
not to proceed at this time with
the move. The change is still possible
2 c. granulated sugar
3 large eggs
3 Tbsp. lemon juice, divided
Zest of 1 lemon
2 1/2 c. all-purpose flour, divided
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 (8 oz.) plain or vanilla Greek
12 oz. fresh strawberries, diced
1 c. powdered sugar
for voters to see, likely down the road
when it would be possible to combine
the vote with a regular general election.
The idea had originally come up
for discussion back in December and
would have allowed for two board
members who could come from any-
where within the district, at-large
members, on top of three board members who would come from specific
areas within the district.
A tentative map of how this might
reshape the district already exists,
drawn up by the Keystone Area Education Agency.
The redrawn lines for representation would divide the district into
three zones instead of the current five
zones. Demographics in the district
would dictate, based on population,
that the eastern and western edges of
the district would be relatively narrow, a factor of where most residents
in the district live, with a larger geographical area in the middle.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease and flour a 10-inch
Bundt pan or 10 to 15 c. tube pan. Sift
together 2 1/4 c. flour, baking soda
and salt. Mix in lemon zest and set
aside. With an electric mixer, cream
together butter and sugar until light
and fluffy and then beat in the eggs
one at a time. Stir in 1 Tbsp. lemon
juice and alternate beating in the flour
mixture with yogurt, mixing just until
incorporated. Toss strawberries with
remaining 1/4 c. flour, and gently
mix them into batter. Pour batter into
Bundt pan. Place in oven and reduce
temperature to 325 degrees. Bake for
60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes
out clean. Allow to cool at least 20
minutes in pan and then turn out onto
a wire rack to cool completely. Whisk
together the remaining 2 Tbsp. of
lemon juice and powdered sugar and
drizzle over top of cake.
Stuffed Pasta Shells
From Danielle Nauman
This map shows how the Turkey Valley's school board map could look. Image from AEA
1 6 oz. pkg. large pasta shells
1 large carton cottage cheese
1 egg
10 oz. mozzarella cheese
1 Tbsp. seasoned salt
Chopped parsley
Spaghetti sauce
Prepare pasta shells according
to directions on box. Mix together
rest of ingredients (except spaghetti
sauce). Stuff cooked shells with mixture. Pour favorite spaghetti sauce
over top. Bake at 350 degrees for 30
Till next time, a quote to ponder.
Spring being a tough act to follow,
God created June. ~Al Bernstein~
Under its current configuration, the Turkey Valley Community School District is divided into five parts with each
selecting a member of the school board. Image from Iowa Secretary of State's office
Local Universities Announce Deanʼs List And Graduates
This is a weekly feature highlighting some of Iowa’s unsolved homicides in the hopes that it
will lead to new tips and potentially help solve cases. The project is a partnership between this
newspaper and other members of the Iowa Newspaper Association.
The body of Lee Rotatori was found in room
106 at the Best Western Frontier Motor Lodge
in Council Bluffs on the afternoon of Friday,
June 25, 1982. She was found wearing pajamas
and lying on her back in a pool of blood on the
bed. She had been stabbed once in the heart
and had likely been dead 12 hours before her
body was found.
Police found no signs of forced entry or any
kind of struggle. Investigators said the homicide may have been sexually motivated but had
no conclusive evidence to support or disprove
that theory. Despite reports that some of Rotatori’s personal items were missing — including a purse and some jewelry — police weren’t
sure robbery was the motive since the room
wasn’t torn apart as if somebody was looking
for something.
Rotatori had lived at the motel for about a
week while in training for her new job at Jennie Edmundson Hospital in Council Bluffs.
Her husband, Jerry Nemke, remained in Michigan while his wife was in Iowa for the job
training, but had planned to move to Council
Bluffs once she had become established in the
new position.
On Thursday, June 24, Rotatori had spent a
few hours boating with other employees from
the hospital. That gathering broke up at dusk
and Rotatori stopped at McDonald’s to pick up
food before returning to the hotel. McDonald’s
employees were the last to see her alive. The
food from the restaurant indicated she’d made
a purchase for only one person and she was not
seen by any motel personnel as she entered her
ground-floor room.
Police considered Rotatori’s murder one of
the most perplexing they had ever worked. A
$3,000 reward was offered but the reward went
unclaimed and Rotatori’s murder unsolved.
In April 1982, less than three months prior
to Rotatori’s murder, 21-year-old Linda Mayfield was stabbed to death at the Starlite Motel in Council Bluffs. A witness in that case
described the offender as a Caucasian male,
26-28 years of age, 5’7 to 5’10, clean-shaven,
and wearing a blue jean jacket, blue jeans and
a light blue pullover shirt with an emblem on
it. The witness also described the offender as
having lots of body hair that came up over his
shirt collar. The witness told responding officers she remembered the offender’s first name
as “Chris.” Mayfield’s murder also remains unsolved. It is not clear if the murders are related.
| Age: 32 |
Died: June 25, 1982
Location: Council Bluffs
Find out more about this and other unsolved
homicides at
Anyone with any information is asked to contact the Council Bluffs’
Police Department Criminal Investigation Division at (712) 328-4728,
or Council Bluffs’ police detective Steve Andrews at (712) 326-2511.
You may also contact Crime Stoppers at (712) 328-7867.
Upper Iowa University Dean's List
Upper Iowa University has announced
the dean’s list for the Spring 2016 term.
Named from this area were:
Calmar: Bradley Kuboushek
Castalia: Grant Wagner
Ossian: Erick Schroyer
Mercy College Honors Students
An area student has been named to
honors for the Spring 2016 semester at
Mercy College of Health Sciences in
Des Moines.
Named to the dean’s list from this
area was Morgan Lensing, of Waucoma.
ISU Dean’s List
Iowa State University undergraduates have been recognized for outstanding academic achievement by being named to the 2016 spring semester
dean’s list.
Named from this area were:
Calmar: Carson Randal Bruess,
Construction Engineering; Elizabeth
Eileen Bruess, Open Option (LAS);
Leah Marie Elsbernd, Dairy Science;
Jerod Jeffrey Heying, Aerospace Engineering; Taylor Margaret Heying,
Event Management; Megan Elizabeth
Lien, Management; Cassidy Jean Severson, Elementary Education
Fort Atkinson: Justin Vincent
Hackman, Agricultural Business; Nathan Wayne Herold, Agricultural Business; Emily Rose Lensing, Dietetics
(H SCI); Jessica Jean Lensing, Animal
Science; Mariah Kay Schmitt, Dairy
Lawler: William A. Kuehner, Mechanical Engineering; Olivia Hope
Reicks, Supply Chain Management
Ossian: Allen Lloyd Anderson,
Industrial Technology; Brendan D.
Hageman, Agricultural Engineering;
Tanner Clarence Kuennen, Construction Engineering
Spillville: Christian John Kleve,
Civil Engineering
Central College
Announces Graduates
Central College celebrated com-
mencement May 14. The graduating
class included 256 participants from 21
states and the following local students:
Ashley Oblander, of Spillville,
summa cum laude
Nelson Wiese, of West Union, cum
Coe College Dean’s List
The following area Coe College
students have been named to the Coe
College dean’s list for the spring 2016
Garrett Bohach, of Spillville, the
son of Mark and Barb Bohach
Carter Broszeit, of Ossian, the son
of Christina Broszeit Musselman and
Darcy Broszeit
Bethel University Dean’s List
An area student has been named to
the dean’s list for academic excellence
for the spring 2016 semester at Bethel
University, St. Paul, Minn.
Named from this area was Rebekah
Shindelar, senior, of Waucoma, the
daughter of Allan and Kay Shindelar.
Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging Menu
Each meal includes milk. Meals are offered
on a contribution basis for people over 60 year
of age. Actual cost for the meal is $8.28. People under 60 must pay the actual cost.
Meal locations in Winneshiek County are as
Calmar: Senior Center (106 E. Main
Street), Tuesday and Thursday - for reservations call 563-562-3654
Decorah: Winneshiek County Senior Center (806 River Street), Monday through Friday
- for reservations call 563-379-9737
Fort Atkinson: Community Center (300 3rd
Street NW), Wednesday and Friday - for reservations call 563-534-7517
Home delivered meals are also available.
All meal reservations must be made the day
before you plan to attend. For more information or to find a location near you, call 866468-7887.
June 22:
A: Salisbury Beef with Gravy; Whipped
Potatoes; Glazed Carrots; Wheat Bread with
Margarine; Strawberry Applesauce
B: Spinach and Turkey Chef Salad; Assorted
Fruit Juice; Crackers with Margarine;
Strawberry Applesauce; Salad Dressing
June 23:
A: BBQ Chicken; Ranch Beans; Coleslaw;
Multi Grain Bread with Margarine;
Peach Cobbler
B: Sliced Roast Beef and Swiss; Multi Grain
Bread with Mustard; Potato Salad; Mixed
Green Salad; Peach Cobbler; Salad Dressing
June 24:
A: Country Fried Steak with Country Gravy;
Whipped Potatoes; French Green Beans;
Multi Grain Bread with Margarine;
Fresh Seasonal Fruit
B: Split Pea Soup; Chicken Salad; Multi
Grain Bread with Margarine; Carrot Raisin
Salad; Fresh Seasonal Fruit
June 27:
A: Spaghetti; Green Beans; Mixed Green
Salad; Garlic Bread Stick with Margarine;
Hot Spiced Fruit; Salad Dressing
B: Chicken and Pasta; Green Beans;
Mixed Green Salad; Garlic Bread Stick with
Margarine; Hot Spiced Fruit; Salad Dressing
June 28:
A: King Ranch Chicken Casserole; Pinto
Beans; Fiesta Vegetable Blend; Multi Grain
Bread with Margarine; Cookie
B: Asian Pork Salad; Assorted Fruit Juice;
Multi Grain Bread; Cookie; Salad Dressing
Calmar Courier
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Flames, Food Take
Late 1938 By Storm
On a Thursday night in early
November, a crowd of about 1,200
people attended an event hosted at
George Bucheit’s Store in Calmar.
The evening began with a free educational picture show, with
a matinee for
school children.
Mr. Bucheit
had made many
to the building, including a fine new
refrigerator unit to handle his meat
supply. He had one of the finest fruit
and vegetable displays in this part of
Iowa. Bucheit’s Store had closed out
its dry goods section and now was
handling groceries exclusively. Various foods were demonstrated, and
$75 in merchandise was given away.
Children received free balloons,
whistles and snacks. Samples of various food products were given out to
the public, and Mr. Bucheit was to be
congratulated on a fine, up-to-date
food store.
Alvin Harry was born on Nov. 11,
1938, Armistice Day, to Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Schissel. The little lad was baptized the same day, with sponsors being Mrs. F. J. Schissel (Mr. Schissel’s
mother) and H.B. Hageman (Mrs.
Schissel’s father).
St. Aloysius Parish in Calmar had
its annual Fall Festival Sunday and
Monday, Nov. 6-7, 1938. The main
feature was the dinner on Sunday,
and the menu was: chicken and
dressing, sausage and sauerkraut,
mashed spuds, buttered peas and carrots, molded cranberries, assorted
pies and coffee. Added attractions
were the game stands, fancy work
and apron booths, candy stands and
bingo for children. A turkey was given as a door prize on Monday night
to close the festival.
Saturday, Nov. 19, 1938 was the
date and 5 p.m. was the starting time
for the Lutheran Ladies Aid’s Chicken Supper at Calmar Lutheran. Everyone was welcome to come for the
menu of chicken and dressing, meatballs, mashed potatoes and gravy,
buttered carrots, cabbage salad, cranberries, lefse, bread, cake and coffee.
Adult meals were only 35 cents, and
children’s meals were 25 cents.
The Calmar Fire Department
responded Nov. 13, 1938, to a fire
call from the Joseph Tieskotter farm
residence. The fire had burned holes
through the roof in several places,
and neighbors had helped keep the
fire in check until firemen reached
the scene. The Calmar Fire Department used chemical supplies to get
at the heart of the fire and control it.
Farmers were reminded that every
farm home should have a large reservoir or cistern, because you never
knew when a fire could happen.
Without a plentiful supply of water,
even the best firefighters can do very
little. The Calmar department had a
chemical supply and a small water
supply to use for small fires but relied on the homeowner to have an
accessible water supply.
Man Reproduces Stradivarius
Violin” was the
front-page headline of the Nov.
23 Calmar Courier. The article went on to explain
that George Kovarik, of Spillville,
had just finished a perfect reproduction of the famous violin.
Thirteen members of Calmar’s
Study Club met at the home of Eldie
Yager on Monday, Nov. 28, 1938.
Roll call was done by each member
responding with a patriotic quotation. Ina Iverson read a letter from
the National Consumer Tax Commission urging women to make a study
of “hidden taxes.” This commission
was a non-profit, non-partisan group
devoted to the education of women
in tax matters. Lorraine Meyer read
a paper on Clara Barton that detailed
her work in caring for the sick and
wounded in the Civil War and founding of the American Red Cross. Esther Weselmann gave a report on
the American Red Cross today. The
program was closed by a reading of
Walt Whitman’s poem, “O Captain,
My Captain.”
On Nov. 30, 1938, it was frontpage news that seven residents of
Winneshiek County received their
naturalization papers in District
Court at Decorah. Mrs. Edith Bergmann, who was born in Iowa and
who had always lived in Iowa, had
married August Christian Bergmann,
who was a native of Germany, and
then lost her U.S. citizenship. Mr.
and Mrs. Bergmann, who lived north
of Decorah, both got their naturalization papers. Nicholas Maliaritsis,
of Ridgeway, foreswore his Greek
citizenship to become a U.S. citizen.
Giving up Norwegian citizenship
was Mrs. Dina Katherine Omdahl,
of Decorah. John Drabek, of Fort Atkinson, and John Kafka, of Calmar,
had been Czechoslovakian citizens
but now were American citizens.
Mary Murdock, of Bluffton, who
was born in Scotland, also became a
United States citizen.
This was the largest number to
become U.S. citizens at one time in
several years in this county.
Buttermakers of Northeast Iowa
met in Decorah on Nov. 30, 1938. In
the butter judging, first place went to
Henry Fjelstuhl, of Calmar, second
place to N. Larson, of Decorah, and
third place to A. Thoreson, of Garnivillo.
Weselmann & Becvar, Calmar’s
“meat men,” published a notice that
Calmar's baseball team in the 1920s can be seen here.
they were immediately switching to
making two deliveries daily, except
for Sundays, at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
On a Saturday afternoon in early
December, the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Schneberger, in the north part
of Calmar, was visited by a very bad
fire that gutted the lower floor of the
A dish of lard had been placed on
the stove to melt for use in cooking
and overheated, either exploding or
spattering on the walls, causing the
paint to ignite. In a flash, the whole
kitchen was in flames.
Mrs. Schneberger had luckily just stepped out of the kitchen to
the “summer kitchen” to get something for her baking, and returned to
find the room in flames. She rushed
through into the dining room and
found that room also in flames.
She then tried to get out the door
in the dining room but found it was
locked, so she was forced to go out
again through the burning kitchen,
luckily escaping injury. Mrs. Schneberger then rushed over to the L.
F. Stone home and put in a call for
the Calmar Fire Department, which
responded quickly and held the fire
to the lower floor. Heat from the fire
was extremely intense and broke
most of the windows in the house,
and the kitchen windows actually
melted from the heat.
Mr. Schneberger had just gone to
the coal bin and returned to find the
kitchen a mass of flames. He had attempted to pump water to dowse the
fire, but it was spreading too quickly
for him to make any headway alone.
Only the rapid and splendid efforts of the local firemen saved part
of the house. None of the furniture
was saved; what the flames did not
consume was ruined by intense
smoke damage. The work of reconstruction had begun, and the loss was
partly covered by insurance. Unfortunately, there are things lost in a fire
that can never be replaced.
Plans to electrify rural Winneshiek County were slowly but
surely underway in late 1938. It was
planned that by the end of 1939 a
considerable portion of the county’s
farms would have electricity. Farmers in Orleans, Fremont, Burr Oak
and Hesper, the northern tier of townships, were practically all signed up.
Some work was being done in Lincoln, Sumner, Madison, Springfield,
Military and Washington townships.
Forty-five farmers recently attended
a meeting in Festina, where a committee consisting of John Elsbernd,
Theodore Schrandt and Norman
Hageman was chosen to contact prospective customers.
On Thursday, Dec. 1, 1938, there
was a Farmer’s Evening School at
Calmar High School on “Feeding
and Care of Brood Sows.” Another
session was scheduled for the evening of Thursday, Dec. 8, and the
topic was “Increasing Cow Production Through Breeding.”
Calmar residents had a chance to
make a show of their Christmas spirit
by decorating their house/lawn and
possibly win a prize offered by the
Calmar Community Club in 1938.
Five dollars was the prize for first
place, $3 for second place and $1 for
Explore Fayette County Tours Area Locations
Nineteen Fayette County Junior
4-H members, grades 4-6 and seven
adults had the opportunity to “Explore Fayette County” on Friday,
June 3.
The day started early at the Fayette County Extension office in Fayette where they loaded the limousine
bus provided by Troy Johansen and
driven by Bob Sadler. The first stop
on the tour was Shrimptastic, LLC
on Lincoln Road north of Fayette
where hosts, John and Sharon Orr,
shared their experiences of raising
Pacific white shrimp. The facility is
a closed ecosystem where the water
temperature must remain a constant
80 to 85F. They learned that the
shrimp start off the size of an eyelash and grow to a market size that is
20-25 shrimp per pound. The 4-Hers
were shown the growing facility, the
feed and how the shrimp are harvested from the tanks.
The second stop of the day was
the Associated Milk Producers plant
south of Arlington. Everyone geared
up in white lab coats, booties, safety
glasses and hairnets to tour the immaculate production area. They were
shown how the milk enters the plant
and is processed to become nonfat
dry milk.
The final morning stop was at
Fassbinder Apiaries near Elgin where
hosts Bob and Kathy Fassbinder and
the 2015 American Honey Queen
Gabrielle Hemesath shared their
love of raising bees. The youth were
told there were three types of bees:
Youth in Fayette County 4-H toured area locations as part of Explore Fayette County. Photo courtesy Fayette
County Extension
drones, workers and queens. They
also were treated to fresh homemade
rolls and honey.
A walking taco picnic lunch was
enjoyed at the Fayette County Fairgrounds before boarding the bus and
heading to Unionland Market and the
Northeast Iowa Food Hub in West
Jason Unruh explained to the
youth how locally-grown lettuce and
herbs are grown as they toured and
saw the hydroponic systems worked
at the Rolling Hills Greenhouse lo-
cated on Ironwood Road, near West
Union. The children were able to
pick fresh produce and eat it on the
Country View Dairy located on
Highway 18 west of West Union
was a big hit on the hot day as Bob
Howard gave the tour, explaining
how milk gets turned into yogurt at
the dairy and sharing a sample with
every one of their newest flavor of
frozen yogurt, Vanilla Cheesecake.
The last stop of the day was at the
4-H greenhouse that was started this
spring and is located at the Brenda
and Loran Steinlage farm on 220th
Street, West Union. Kassi Steinlage,
Ayla Moss, Hailey Walvatne and
Carly Knapp shared how the 4-Hers
have been busy planting, building
and weeding raised beds, transplanting plants and selling flowers and
vegetable plants. They led the group
in hands-on activities in which each
youth painted a clay pot and planted
a marigold along with planting green
bean seeds in a natural fiber pot that
they were able to take home.
third place.
It was my pleasure
to be visited by Tara
Boettcher Sitrick and
her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William David
(Bill) Boettcher, who
live in a Des Moines
suburb. They are not
related to Calmar’s
former mayor Fred
Boettcher, and although their name is
spelled the same, it
is pronounced differently.
The current Bill
Boettcher is the son
of William Walter
Boettcher, who was a
Calmar resident in the
1920s. The building
that now houses the
Horseshoe Tap, was
at one time Vogel’s
Store. After that, it was
Schemmel & BoettchWilliam Walter Boettcher is shown in the Winer’s, and that was the
neshiek Giants uniform in 1927.
William Boettcher
from years gone by.
That William Walter Boettcher was
also a formidable ball player for the
Calmar baseball team and later for
the Winneshiek Giants team. His son,
Bill, shared some photos with me,
The Lord has given
which may be seen with this article.
me many wonderful
In two weeks, we will tell you
things -- one of them
more about December and Christmas
in 1938 and also the story provided
was giving me family
to us by Jim and Sharon Huber about
and friends like you.
a baby eagle born in Calmar’s Huber
anks for an “unforHatchery in 1939.
Thank You
gettable” day!
Irma Hageman
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Calmar Courier
Habitat Supports Home Builds
Area Parishes Host Totus Tuus
Winneshiek County Habitat for
Humanity has received word from
Habitat for Humanity International
that its financial contributions since
1994 have resulted in 41 houses being built in Guatemala. As an Affiliate of Habitat International, Winneshiek is required to tithe to the
International office. All U.S. affiliates participate in this program.
“We are pleased to know that we
have had an impact in Guatemala as
Area parishes will host a summer
The Totus Tuus program will expand beyond the traditional vacation
bible school format and extends from
students entering first grade through
recently-graduated seniors.
One week will run in Calmar, and
the program will run the following
week in Calmar to serve students
throughout the area.
The parishes of St. Aloysius, St.
Francis DeSales, St. Wenceslaus
and Our Lady of Seven Dolors will
host Totus Tuus in Calmar July 2429. The cluster of Christ Our Hope
will host Totus Tuus in Lawler July
31-August 5.
Totus Tuus is a summer program
dedicated to sharing the Gospel and
promoting the Catholic Faith. Totus
Tuus accomplishes this by taking
trained college students and seminarians to engage the youth of area communities through skits, songs, games
and inspiring, interactive teaching.
Students from Loras College will be
staying in the area to teach the pro-
well as here in Winneshiek County,”
said Gus Johnson, executive director.
“The generous contributions from
the Winneshiek community have
helped us provide decent, affordable
housing to 29 families in the county
and 41 in Guatemala.”
WCHH will soon begin renovating the Hesper Friends Church, and a
family will be selected in the near future. This family will have a 25-year
no interest mortgage.
500 Winners included: (front row, l-r): Rosemary Vopava and Ethel Neuzil;
back row: Arlene Huinker, DiAnn Hageman, Mabel Schwamman and Carolyn
WMC Auxiliary Card
Marathon Raises $1,120
Turkey Valley Students Create Art
With funding provided by the
Turkey Valley Education Foundation, elementary students at Turkey
Valley had the opportunity to participate in a semester-long art experi-
ence. Students not only worked with
paper, pencils and colors, they created art using plastics.
Photo courtesy Turkey Valley
The WMC Auxiliary card marathon players raised $1,120 for the
Auxiliary in 2016.
At an appreciation coffee, the
winners of the marathon received
their awards. They were:
Bridge Group A: 1st – Pat Ward
and Rose Peterson; 2nd – Elaine
Bodensteiner and Mary Bohr
Bridge Group B: 1st – Elaine
Bodensteiner and Mary Bohr; 2nd –
Mona Monroe and Barb Houdek
Bridge Group C: 1st – Cheryl
Craft and Rose Peterson; 2nd – Lorraine Weis and Katie Kelly
Bridge Group D: 1st – Shirley
Carolan and Shirley Donn; 2nd –
Darlene Rosholt and Ruth Woldum
500 Group E: 1st – Carolyn Boe
and Lorraine Rear; 2nd – Mabel
Schwamman and Ethel Neuzil
500 Group F: 1st – Rosemary Vopava and Ardy Triska; 2nd –Arlene
Huinker and DiAnn Hageman
Bridge and 500 will again be offered this fall. Card playing begins
in September and continues through
May. Registrants are welcome to
sign up for more than one marathon.
Contact Gerry Sorenson at 563382-2669 or Judy Doty at 563-3826129 by July 31 to register.
By Rev. Ron Wilson
Bethel Presbyterian Church
Located in a quiet, residential neighborhood
• Long term care, therapy services, respite care
• We provide quality of life as well as quality of care
(641) 394-4153 • • 704 S 4th Ave.
Kensington Place
• All the comforts of home plus a little extra
• Independent living with supportive services to meet your individual needs
Medicare, Medicaid, Private Pay & Private Insurance Accepted
Bridge Winners included (front row, l-r): Ruth Woldum, Mona Monroe and
Lorraine Weis; back row: Darlene Rosholt, Rose Peterson, Cheryl Craft, Shirley Carolan and Shirley Donn. Photos courtesy WMC
$0.75 per copy
me 38,
3 Issue 11
Of½cial Paper of
Calmar, Fort Atkinson,
Ridgeway, Spillville, Waucoma,
Winneshiek County
& Turkey Valley
Community Schools
P.O. Box 507, Calmar, IA
52132 | (563) 562-3488
| USPS: 335-690 | calmarc
ƒ St.
St. Patr
P t ick’s
i k’
Day A Chance
o Celebrate Irish
heritage came about after
deaths in the family, one a couple
and one of their mother. of a sibling
“I think it caught on at
said Pat. “At her wake, we that point,”
music in the background.” played Irish
Later on came a chance
a concrete way with the to connect in
family’s Irish
By Michael Hohenbrink
“As a family we went to
Ireland,” said Pat. “My mom’s
and my dad’s side came
Bill Sheridan is Irish.
northern Ireland [though
Proudly so.
far enough south to be
Part of a family with
of the Republic of Ireland].
roots, Bill celebrates where deep Irish While we were there
his family
came from.
found… our great-gr eat
“I cannot ever remember
grandp arents home,
proud of my Irish heritage ‘not’ being what was left of it.”
“[I’m] guessing most of
Today, the family
adoring the Lawler High comes from continues to celebrate
School ‘Fighting Irish’ sports teams
when I was in its Irish roots.
¿rst grade.”
One focal point
Bill relates a humoro
us moment for that interest is
from his childhood.
with the annual
“I recall seeing a Notre
Lawler Irish Fest.
ball game on our black and Dame footThe event takes
TV for the ¿rst time and
becoming very place in June.
angry because they, in my
For years now,
old mind, stole our high seven-year- Pat has helped
song,” said Bill. “It was school ¿ght with the event,
quite a shock
to learn from my buddies
and he helps out
had with
stolen it from them.”
Facebook to
From a family with six children
help to promote the
, Bill
and his siblings have learned
a bit about event.
their roots.
The Irish festival is
Bill’s brother Pat, a former
a chance for remembering
with Turkey Valley who
taught for 32 Irish heritage.
years, explains that the
It’s an opportu nity to
commun ity
helped to shape an Irish
take pride in being Irish.
The family’s origins lie
Likewise, St. Patrick’s
Longfor d, County Fermanin County Day presents another
agh, and
County Monaghan.
“I’ve done quite a bit of
“St. Paddy’s Day
work actually,” said Pat. genealogy my favorite days of is one of
grandfather emigrated from“My great- Bill. “It calls to mind the year,” said
ancestors who
Ireland in
the late 1800s.”
lived an entirely differen
t way of
“I’m not sure we thought
much It and in a very different country.
about being Irish because
makes me appreciate their
couran Irish community,” said Lawler was age and sense of adventur
e travelThinking about the family’s
ing to America.”
- Bill Sheridan
Pat Sheridan, a
former long-time
Turkey Valley
teacher for over
30 years, gets
into the spirit
of things during
Lawler's Irish
’Not Just Fade
City Eyes Big Projects Aiming For
ƒ Waterline
Extension, New
Businesses, Road
Work On Tap
By Michael Hohenbrink
Part I of a Series
Editor’s Note: This article
is part
of a series looking at how
the City of
Calmar and private individu
als and
groups are working to revitaliz
e the
Big things are happeni ng
for the
City of Calmar.
Indeed, what is happeni
ng could
well see a reshaping of
the community.
As warm weather arrives,
ipal employees have begun municon projects that have been working
by winter’s fury.
That’s par for the course
but with the new year, the any year,
work will
be much more visible as
plans are in the works forambitiou s
the community.
This week, the city began
of its street projects for 2016. the first
On Monday, March 14,
began taking down the large the city
trees on Charles Street (Highwa
y 24)
between Main and Clay
The highway was closed
tree removal, which itself for the
with upcoming street tied in
By itself, the tree removal
is minor, but it’s also the first
of projects, an ambitiou a number
s slate as the
St. Paddy’s Day is one
of my favorite days of
the year. It calls to mind
ancestors who lived
an entirely different
way of life and in
a very different
country. It makes
me appreciate their
courage and sense
of adventure
traveling to
Tuesday, March 15,
Subway Franchise
Coming To Calmar
Members of the
Sheridan family
celebrate all things
Irish as they ride in
a carriage during
the parade for
Irish Fest in 2014
in Lawler. In the
middle are Pat and
Jan Sheridan. In
front is their son
Ryan, and their
three daughters
are in back
including Andrea,
Autumn and Kara.
eridan B
Brothers Hold Irish
Living in Faith
What Do You Mean By That?
New Hampton Nursing
and Rehabilitation Center
(641) 394-3316 • 504 Short Ave.
By Michael Hohenbrink
es set to open in the city
within the
coming months.
Council members heard
A Subway is coming to Calmar.
that work
should start soon on the
The new business is set
Dollar Gento
later this year at 304 N. Maryvilopen eral store set to open in the
Owners Heath and Chris
of Monona , briefed Calmar
In other business, council
City from
Council during its March
Officer Andrew Hagema
7 meeting
n that
the Calmar Police Departm
on details of the business
ent is targeting enforcement with
“We’re hoping to be open
traffic in
by the the
fall,” said Heather.
Accordi ng to Hagema n,
The owners have spoken
to neighthe department will select one
bors and have worked with
street in the
the city
commun ity each month
to get things ready.
to specifically target.
Heather has previous experien
with the Subway franchis
The departm ent is cur
e as she has
working on 175th Street.
worked for the owner of
outlets in a
number of area commun
Also, the department is
ities includmaking
itself visible at South Winn.
ing Monona , West Union,
GuttenAn officer walks through the
berg and other cities in the
on a
weekly basis, said Hagema
The franchise is among
South Winneshiek
Eyes Bus Purchases
ƒ 1 New Bus
1 More
By Michael Hohenbrink
The board gave its approval
to replacing one bus at a cost
with tradein of $74,800 and will
consider at
its next meeting whether
to approve
purchase of a second bus
at a cost of
The purchases come as the
looks at its finances with district
hearing approaching for the budget
FY 20162017 budget. That hearing
is set for
April 4.
One idea in which interest
pressed was whether it might was exmake ¿nancial sense for the district
leasing vehicles rather than look at
purchasing buses outright.
This might address the issue
vehicle depreciation.
As it stands right now, once
go beyond a few years
in age, their
trade-in value is almost
Leasing might allow the
district to
avoid that pitfall.
Wagner told the board
he would
look into that possibility
for the district.
The South Winneshiek Commun
ity School District will replace
its aging buses and may approveone of
additional expenditure at its next
Members of the school
board approved purchase of at least
during the March 7 meeting one bus
consider an additional purchase will
at the
next board meeting.
Todd Wagner, a bus mechan
and driver for the district,
briefed the
board about its bus Àeet
and noted
that older vehicles were
expensive to
In other business, the board
After ¿ve years, the trade-in
discussed whether to grant also
for a bus drops precipitously. value waivers to students
who take part in
Wagner said this was because
an athletic program. Iowa
law allows
a bus hits that age, other districts once that districts can
waive participawere
leery about purchasing
that old of a tion in physical education for some
vehicle, given the costs of
students if those students
are out for
A 9-year-old bus, the one
the board football, basketball, baseball or anapproved replacing, has
a cost to other athletic program.
maintain of thousands of
Even Marching Band, under
dollars per
law, is eligible for the waiver, Iowa
if apMultiple buses in the school’s
proved by the school.
are seeing annual costs to
While some interest was
maintain of
around $10,000 per year.
Replacing in the possibility, no action on the
older buses can make sense
waiver idea was taken
during the
of reduced costs for the district. terms March 7 meeting.
city seeks to aggressively
business and development. promote
The most visible sign of
be a massive street projectthis will
involving resurfacing and sidewalk
along three highway s
within the
city including U.S. 52, Iowa
150 and
Iowa 24.
Bid letting was set by the
ment of Transportation Departfor today,
March 15.
The project is signific
scale, involving two state ant in its
and a U.S. highway forming
jor north-south and east-westhe mat arteries for the community.
The work is expected to
last for
much of the summer.
Going along with the street
though, will be the addition work,
businesses to the commun of new
One of the biggest things
to the city will be a new
eral store, set to be located Genat 2372
175th St.
Work was underway Monday
on removing trees along
For its part, the city is
precursor to street work
Hwy. 24 in Calmar, a
water line extension with running a take
work set to
place through the summer. up along the city's three highways set to
begin shortly.
Photo by Michael Hohen
An Urban Renewa l Area
been declared by the city
to assist
with construction of the
new store in
the city. Iowa law allows
municipalities to set up urban renewal
Local News ...............
assist in the removal and
Legals ..........................
Worship/Obituaries ......
Classi¿eds ...................
Opinion ......................
FADE AWAY to page
.. 6
Sports ...........
During Totus Tuus students will
participate in daily Mass, Eucharistic adoration and praying the rosary
and have the opportunity to receive
the Sacrament of Penance.
Students will also have a chance
for recreational activities, including
water games with local fire departments on Friday for first to sixthgrade students and a fun night for
middle and high school students
Thursday night.
The program is open to both
Catholic and non-Catholic students.
Students entering the seventh grade
through recent seniors can take part
Sunday to Thursday from 7 to 9:15
p.m. Students entering first through
sixth grades can take part Monday to
Friday from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
For more information, contact
Patty Frana about the Calmar Totus
Tuus week at 563-562-3045 or and Martin Ahrndt about the Lawler week at 563238-5004 or
Subscribe to
the Calmar
Courier and
you won't
miss current
local news
about people,
places and
3 Months
July 6, Oopy, Goopy Day Camp,
9 a.m., City Park, Waucoma; Master
Gardeners Summer Webinar, 1 p.m.,
Winneshiek County Extension Office, Decorah; County 4-H Council
Meeting, 3 p.m., Fayette County Fairgrounds; 4-H Livestock Fitting Clinic,
6 p.m., Fayette County Fairgrounds
July 8, 4-H Static Judging Day, 9
a.m., Winneshiek County Fairgrounds
July 12-16, Winneshiek County
Fair, Winneshiek County Fairgrounds
July 22, 4-H & FFA Static Judging, 9 a.m., Fayette County Fairgrounds
July 26-30, Fayette County Fair,
Fayette County Fairgrounds
July 28, Wonderful Worms Daycamp, 9 a.m., Fort Atkinson Park; Fayette County “Day At the Fair,” 3 p.m.,
Fayette County Fairgrounds
July 29, Day Camp at the Fair, 9
a.m., Fayette County Fairgrounds
July 30, 4-H Communications
Day Awards/Style Show, 10 a.m.,
Fayette County Fairgrounds
July 30, 4-H & FFA Achievement
Auction, 3 p.m., Fayette County Fairgrounds
For more information contact Deb
Kahler, Fayette County, 563-4253331 or Carrie Courtney, Winneshiek
County 563-382-2949
We’ve become such an “in your
face” culture that we tend to relate
with each other only superficially, if
at all. We have to associate with others in the course of daily life, yet we
don’t have to relate with them. Most
of us resist “in your face” encounters,
perceiving them as attacks, which in
many cases they are.
We live in a “shades of grey”
- “both/and” world where many
people prefer to see the issues of life
through the lens of “black and white”
and “either/or.” If a good defense for
our “position” is an effective offense,
then we become a very “offensive”
culture when we fail to listen before
we speak the truth in love.
Besides, we don’t want to offend
the people we care about or with
whom we must live, so . . . we just
avoid talking about the really important things, the things that mean
a great deal to us personally, like
“love.” After all, “they” might not
I find myself saying it frequently,
because the reality remains: Meaning is in people, not in the words we
use to express (or defend) ourselves.
If “love” is indeed a verb, what is
“loving” behavior? That’s the persistent question for Christians! When
one asks us the question, “What do
you mean by that?” it is a legitimate
question when asked in the context
of a loving relationship. It’s a question seeking deeper meaning and
understanding of the other who, like
me, is created in the image of God.
As God creates unique human
beings and calls us all into personal
relationship with God, our individual experiences of that relationship
will be perceived as, and in fact be,
unique! Christmas, experiencing
God in Jesus, is a unique gift from
God to be received and shared!
For Christians, it is only as we
learn to listen to and share our unique
stories, stories of our individual and
collective experiences with this God
whom Christians claim to meet in Jesus, that we will be led beyond the
labels to discover and celebrate the
unique human beings through whom
God has graced our lives. That celebration is a cause for thanksgiving!
Your story and my story, while
infinitely unique, are woven by
grace into God’s story. Dialogue is
the means and opportunity for us to
discover that what we share, while
unique in our experience, is a story
that binds the human race together in
a tapestry of breath-taking beauty.
May all the seasons of your life
be occasions for discovering anew
God’s story of unconditional love…
for you!
Phyllis Dotzenrod Lewis
Phyllis Dotzenrod Lewis, 92, of Ossian, died on Thursday, June 16, at the
Ossian Senior Hospice in Ossian.
Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11 a.m., Friday, June 24, at St.
Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 420 East Main St., Ossian, with the Rev.
Robert Gross presiding. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
Visitation will be held from 3 to 7 p.m., on Thursday, June 23, and also
after 10 a.m. on Friday morning at St. Francis de Sales. The Schluter-Balik
Funeral Home in Decorah is handling the arrangements.
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Calmar Courier
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Worship Schedule
Little Turkey
Father Nicholas March
Sunday, June 26:
10:30 a.m. Mass
Rural Ossian
Sunday, June 26:
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Pastor Linda Thompson
Sunday, June 26:
9 a.m. Worship
Pastor Phil Olson
Sunday, June 26:
9 a.m. Calmar Worship
10:30 a.m. Springfield Worship
Father Robert Gross
Sunday, June 26:
8 a.m. Mass
Father Nicholas March
Thursday, June 23:
8:30 a.m. Mass
No Weekend Mass
Sunday, June 26:
9 a.m. Worship
Father Nicholas March
Friday, June 24:
8:30 a.m. Mass
No Weekend Mass
Pastor Dave Lenth
Sunday, June 26:
8:30 a.m. Worship
Father Robert Gross
Saturday, June 25:
4 p.m. Mass
Father Robert Gross
Sunday, June 26:
10 a.m. Mass
Saturday at 3:15 p.m. or
by appointment
Saturday, June 25:
4:00 p.m. Mass
Sunday, June 26:
7:30 a.m. Mass
10 a.m. Mass
Fort Atkinson
Father Nicholas March
Saturday, June 25:
4 p.m. Mass
Rural Waucoma
Rev. Wayne T. & Irmagard
Ellingson, Pastors
Sunday, June 26:
10:00 a.m. Worship
St. Lucas
Father Nicholas March
No Weekend Mass
Father Nicholas March
Sunday, June 26:
8:30 a.m. Mass
Rural Sumner
(8 miles SW of Waucoma)
Rev. Wayne T. & Irmagard
Ellingson, Pastors
Sunday, June 26:
8:30 a.m. Worship
Father Robert Gross
Saturday, June 25:
6 p.m. Mass
Sunday, June 26:
10 a.m. Worship
Pastor Jesse DeDeyne
Sunday, June 26:
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Eleanora Franzen
Eleanora Franzen, 91, of Ossian, died on Sunday, June 12, 2016, at the
Winneshiek Medical Center in Decorah.
Mass of Christian Burial was set for St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church
in Ossian at 10 a.m., Friday, June 17 with burial in the parish cemetery.
Eleanora Lucille (Imoehl) Franzen was born Feb. 21, 1925, the
daughter of Frank and Angela (HageELEANORA FRANZEN
man) Imoehl, near Festina. Eleanora
attended St. Mary’s Catholic School
in Festina and was a hired mother’s
helper for families with newborns.
On Nov. 11, 1947, Eleanora was
united in marriage to Guido “Pete”
Franzen at Our Lady of Seven Dolors Catholic Church in Festina.
Thirteen children were born to this
union. Together they farmed near
Ossian for many years. Eleanora was
a busy mother but was always willing to help others. She helped organize and worked for CDA wedding
receptions, made lots of quilts and
baked lots of cookies and cinnamon
10 a.m., Friday, June 17
rolls. She enjoyed playing cards with
St. Francis de Sales Catholic
friends and family, as well as travelChurch, Ossian
ing and visiting. Eleanora loved her
large family and being a grandma.
Schluter-Balik Funeral Home
In 1998, they moved into Ossian.
She was a member of St. Francis de
Sales Catholic Church. She served as
president of Rosary Society and was
Grand Regent of the Catholic Daughters of America, Our Lady of Victory
Court #983. She also was president of Ossian Senior Citizen Club.
Eleanora is survived by her 13 children: Sharon Kay (Phil) Stoddard, Independence, Keevin (Mary) Franzen, Dubuque, Clyde (Debra) Franzen, Ossian,
Dean (Joann) Franzen, Elkader, Ivan (Karen) Franzen, Ossian, Inez (Larry)
Brincks, Decorah, Brian (Judy) Franzen, Decorah, Phyllis (Curt) Krambeer,
Cedar Rapids, Joyce (Randy) Tietz, Cedar Rapids, Arlin (Jill) Franzen, Ossian, Lester (Cindy) Franzen, Waverly, Rodney (Lynn) Franzen, Ossian, and
Terry (Meghan Herold) Franzen, Ossian; 29 grandchildren; 35 great-grandchildren; one sister: Corrina Steinlage, New Hampton; three brothers: Nilus
(Jenny) Imoehl, Ossian, Merlin (Anita) Imoehl, Decorah, and Laverne (Leonilla) Imoehl, Elgin; two sisters-in-law: Alvina Imoehl, New Hampton, and
Arlene Imoehl, Tucson, Ariz., and Pete’s siblings and their spouses: Irvin
Franzen, Hawkeye, Helen (Ronald) Palmersheim, Greeley, JoAnn Franzen,
Festina, and Marion Franzen, Decorah.
Eleanora was preceded in death by her parents: Frank and Angela (Hageman) Imoehl; her husband: Guido “Pete” Franzen on Sept. 5, 2011; one sister:
Valeria (Gordian) Lensing; two brothers: Jerome Imoehl and Ralph Imoehl;
her brother-in-law: Leo Steinlage; her father-in-law and mother-in-law: Joseph Sr. and Kathrina (Boyer) Franzen; Pete’s siblings and their spouses:
Catherine (Roy) Tierney, Carl (Madeline) Franzen, Marie (Lawrence) Bruening, Leonard (Mary) Franzen, Raymond Franzen, Theresa (Raymond)
Baumler, Theckla Franzen in infancy, Louis (Arlene) Franzen, Lawrence
(Pat) Franzen and LeRoy Franzen.
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorials may be given to the Ossian Senior Hospice, Box 98, Ossian, IA 52161.
Orville Ball
Orville P. Ball, 89, of New Hampton died Wednesday, June 15, 2016, at
Linn Haven Rehab and Healthcare in New Hampton.
Funeral Service was held at 11
a.m., Monday, June 20, at Redeemer
Lutheran Church, 611 W. Court St.,
in New Hampton, with Rev. Jesse
DeDeyne presiding. Interment was
set for New Hampton City Cemetery
with Blayne Willadsen, Tyler Ball,
Chad Ball, Jared Ball, Lisa Cloninger
and Russell Ball serving as pallbearers. Online condolences for Orville’s
family may be left at
Orville P. Ball was born Sept. 18,
1926, in Elma, the son of Charles
and Mary (Buchholtz) Ball. He was
baptized and confirmed at the Lutheran Church in Elma. After finish1926-2016
ing eighth grade he began to work on
the farm with his father. On Aug. 8,
Monday, June 11
1947, he married Viola Cummings at
Redeemer Lutheran Church
the Little Brown Church in Nashua.
New Hampton
To this union two children were born.
Orville started working for the
Chicago Northwestern Railroad
Home, New Hampton
Company at age 17 before he was
drafted to the United States Army.
He was stationed in Hawaii and Japan for most of his service during World War II. After returning from the
army, he started working again for the railroad company. He went 28 straight
years without missing a day of work and ended his tenure there in 1986. His
wife Viola passed away in 1993, and he married Louise Nelson on June 25,
Orville was an active member of the American Legion in New Hampton.
He enjoyed going on the Honor Flight with the Legion and also was very
proud of the railroad memorabilia that he donated to the Carnegie Cultural
Center. In his spare time he enjoyed the outdoors, doing things like fishing,
growing voodoo lilies, turtle hunting or catching rabbits by hand. His grandchildren held a special place in his heart, and he loved being a part of their
Orville is survived by one son, Douglas (Kathy) Ball, of Little Turkey; one
daughter Nancy (Kevin) Willadsen, of New Hampton; five grandchildren:
Lisa (Rob) Cloninger, of Boise, Idaho, Jared (Kim) Ball, of Little Turkey,
Chad (Crystal) Ball, of Ft. Mitchell, Ala., Tyler Ball, of Ankeny, and Blayne
(Kelly) Willadsen, of Springville; eight great-grandchildren; one sister,
Rosella Fausnaugh, of Cresco, and his wife, Louise Ball, of Clear Lake, Wis.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Viola Ball; his parents; four brothers: Herman Ball, Albert Ball, Victor Ball and Lester Ball and four sisters:
Laura Gaskins, Sally Pogose, Helen Carlson and Gertrude “Tootsie” Hedrick.
I know
health insurance.
Pastor Alan Wicks
Sunday, June 26:
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
with Holy Communion
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St. Aloysius Catholic
Church in Calmar held First
Communion April 10. Pictured in the photo above are
(front row, l-r): Scarlett Gansen, Madalin Jansen, Keira
Holien, Kamryn Leuenberger, Josie Engelhardt,
Ella Theis, Addison Timp,
Alyssa Zweibahmer and Gracyn Humpal; back row: Mrs.
Ward, Brodie Olson, Holden
Miller, Braiden Todd, Henry
Schmitt, Diego Flores and the
Rev. Robert Gross.
St. Wenceslaus Catholic
Church in Spillville held First
Communion April 9. Pictured
in the middle photo are (front
row, l-r): Lila Quandahl,
Tessa Phillips, Alivia Kuennen, Sophia Dvorak, Haylee
Hanson and Kaitlyn Klimesh;
back row: Hunter Riehle,
Brandon Kriener, Kyle Kuboushek, Drew Kray and the
Rev. Robert Gross.
Our Lady of Seven Dolors
Catholic Church held First
Communion April 30. Pictured in the photo to the right
are (front row, l-r): Jadrienne
Langreck and Adeline Kipp;
back row: Jamison Zweibahmer, Matson Winings, the
Rev. Robert Gross, Carson
Streeter and Cooper Franzen.
Photos submitted
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schedule an appointment for our special night or another time during clinic hours.
*According to the IHSAA, physical exams are valid for one calendar year.
Children under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or
have signed parental consent.
Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center, Inc. | Gundersen Clinic, Ltd. | 18393_0516
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Calmar Courier
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It is the policy of the Calmar Courier to run virtually every letter we receive,
promoting an open flow of ideas within our community.
As we are a community newspaper, preference is given to letters from readers in
our readership area. Letters from readers outside of this local coverage area will
run as space permits and at the sole discretion of the newspaper.
We restrict letters to no more than 300 words in length and to no more than
one letter to the editor per person every 30 days.
The Calmar Courier will not publish personal attacks or profanity.
Letters to the Editor must include the name of the author, address and phone
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Address letters c/o Editor, P.O. Box 507, Calmar, IA 52132 or by email to
Deadline for letters is Friday at noon.
Gawker On The Ropes
The ruins of the first parish church in Dorchester still stand on the grounds of
St. Mary Catholic Church in Dorchester. Photo by Nichol Hohenbrink
Close to Home
By Michael Hohenbrink
I can’t say I haven’t gotten a measure of joy from the announcement
that Gawker Media has filed for
bankruptcy in the aftermath of losing the lawsuit brought against it by
Hulk Hogan for releasing a sex tape
of the former wrestling star.
It’s a just punishment for a company that has for too long been a
toxic presence in the world, preying
on the base desires of the masses by
selling voyeurism under the guise of
Gawker’s editorial philosophy,
to tell the stories that real journalists would only tell each other over
drinks, is an affront to the profession.
It belies the standards that make up
the foundation of our industry.
There is a reason the stories journalists tell each other don’t end up
on the page. It’s because our job, our
responsibility, is to sift through the
information we receive and weigh it
for newsworthiness. Not everything
reporters learn in the course of an
investigation or interview is a matter
of public interest. Over the course of
my career I’ve had people tell me a
great many things not meant for the
public. It may seem paradoxical to
tell secrets to somebody whose job
it is to share stories but to get to the
details that matter, sometimes you
need to get through sensitive areas.
Be it a veteran with a war story, a
family that just lost their home, or a
businessman in the middle of a deal,
people trust me with the stories of
their lives.
Which is not to say I’ve never
printed anything that somebody
might not want in the paper. I’ve gotten my share of angry phone calls
and text messages, but there are
things the public does need to know
and if that means somebody gets mad
at me about it, that’s just the name of
the game.
For Gawker, their editorial code,
if that’s what you want to call it, is “If
it’s interesting, it’s news.” Which is
great if all you’re looking for are attention grabbing headlines and give
no consideration to the consequences
of your actions.
Gawker owner and founder Nick
Denton is the real-life embodiment
of every sleazy, morally bankrupt,
scoop-obsessed news reporter that
you ever hated in an action movie.
His flagrant disregard for ethical
journalism is only compounded by
his recent self-aggrandizing statements portraying himself as some
kind of champion of free speech.
Since discovering that billionaire
Peter Thiel had financed the lawsuit that bankrupted his company,
he’s spinning his current situation as
though he’s an intrepid reporter being bullied by a vindictive businessman abusing the court system.
That’s one way to look at it, I suppose.
On the other hand, why did it take
a billionaire to finance a lawsuit to
finally hold Gawker accountable for
its actions?
Thiel may have financed the lawsuit, but it wasn’t Thiel that decided
to share Hulk Hogan’s sex tape with
the world nor was he on the jury that
decided Gawker’s actions earned
Hogan a $115 million compensation,
with an additional $25 million in punitive damages just for being so awful.
This is also why you don’t report
“what you share at the bar” as news.
It gets you sued.
Sadly, Gawker Media’s bankruptcy may not be the deathblow it
deserves. Publishing company ZiffDavis has put up a $90 million bid to
buy Gawker and its various spinoffs,
which is $89,999,980 more than I’d
pay for the lot of them. (Well, Lifehacker isn’t bad. Maybe I’d shell out
another $20 for its sake.) As much as
I’d like to see these sites burnt to the
ground, it looks like the best I can
hope for is that the new management
will shape them into something that
resembles real news and not gossipy
Travis Fischer is a news writer for
Mid-America Publishing and hopes
the Gawker/Hogan trial ends with a
leg drop off the ropes.
The Show Must Go On Q & A: Obamacare Not Meeting Its Hype
On a spot at the edge of a tiny
town in northeast Iowa, an old
church stands on a hill.
Next to the church, the ruins of an
even older church stand, just out of
sight unless you look just right.
Driving through the tiny community of Dorchester recently, I happened to catch a glimpse of something half obscured amidst the brush.
It was enough to prompt us to stop
for a bit. Traipsing up the hill, we
got a look at the remains of the first
Dorchester church, now standing a
short distance away from the current
Solid, heavy and immense, the
stones and arches were built at some
point around the 1860s, a marker
Trees and undergrowth were doing their level best to obscure the
sight, which is designated with a
historical marker, but despite the
growth, the ruins were impressive.
You could see the workmanship
present. There is an old expression,
“sermons in stone,” referring to
churches, which speak by their very
lines and grandeur to something transcendent.
Ars gratia artis, art for the sake of
Appropriately enough, our trip
to Dorchester followed a visit to the
Civil War re-enactment recently in
With the historical marker noting
the date in the 1860s, the 1861-1865
conflict would have taken place right
around that time.
The day was hardly the most
ideal for the circumstances. Muggy
and hot, the day was bad enough for
those of us in casual clothes. Throw
in wool uniforms and voluminous
dresses, and you had the beginnings
of an unpleasant time.
Yet, the re-enactors were anything
but short.
Patiently, they addressed questions made by at least a couple of
youngsters (who shall remain nameless).
At least one of the re-enactors my
wife pegged as a teacher. With such
patience and in-depth knowledge,
she was a likely candidate for being
a schoolteacher in her regular life.
For a couple of the boys, it was a
fun time. Cannons, muskets, battles,
what was there not to love?
The uniforms? A headache to be
And giving up your time on a
weekend, amidst the heat and humidity, followed the next day by the rain,
certainly couldn’t have made for an
easy, 5-star experience, with fine
gourmet dining and poolside service.
Nonetheless, they did it.
Through less than ideal conditions, the re-enactors undertook their
Their art, the show itself went on.
That’s neat. It’s also a lesson in its
own right, for kids and for adults.
Terry Branstad
Governor of Iowa
1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319
(515) 281-5211
With Charles Grassley
U.S. Senator
Q: How is the Affordable Care
Act stacking up to expectations?
A: The sweeping health insurance law, widely known as Obamacare, turned six earlier this year.
Recall that the 2,700-page bill was
rammed through Congress on a
party-line vote. That’s a bad way to
implement public policy, particularly considering that the law redirects
one-fifth of the U.S. economy. Now
layered on top of the law are tens of
thousands of pages of federal rules
and regulations administered by
scores of federal departments, agencies and boards. Since signing the
bill into law, President Obama has
issued dozens of unilateral executive
orders and sidestepped congressional
intent with regulatory directives.
We now know the Affordable
Care Act has failed to live up to its
name by a country mile. Health care
is anything but more affordable for
millions of Americans. The law
thrusts Obamacare between patients
and doctors and into the pocketbooks
of just about every American. It has
created massive regulatory burdens
on employers and massive headaches
for consumers. Instead of empowering consumers and tapping free
market forces to expand innovation,
Michael Breitbach
Iowa Senate, District 28
1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319
(515) 281-3371
Darrel Branhagen
Iowa State Representative,
District 55
1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319
(515) 281-3221
coverage and competition, the Affordable Care Act expands government-steered health care. More and
more people are realizing that Obamacare isn’t living up to its promises.
Paying high deductibles and skyhigh premiums with restricted choices of medical providers sounds more
like a bad deal than a good value.
Here in Iowa, families scrambled
when 13 of the 23 co-ops nationwide failed, including the one serving Iowa. Now taxpayers could be
on the hook for nearly $1.4 billion
to bail out these failed plans. The
co-op serving Iowa and Nebraska
left 91,500 consumers hanging in
the wind. Now we are seeing a lack
of competition driving up prices and
driving down choice. Americans living in 650 counties across the United
States will have only one choice of
insurance provider on the federal exchanges next year. More and more
people are coming to the conclusion
that Obamacare has not made good
on its promises.
Q: Why did you introduce the
“Small Business Healthcare Relief
A: One of the many mandates
written in the Affordable Care Act
is making matters worse. It’s the one
that has the effect of barring small
business owners from reimbursing
their employees for the cost of buying health insurance on the individual market. This flawed provision is
poised to have a very negative, expensive impact on tens of thousands
of Iowans. That’s because if small
employers continue with the longused arrangement in which they help
employees defray costs of their individual health insurance policies, they
will face a hefty new federal fine.
Specifically, they would risk paying
$100 per day, per employee if they
continue this employee benefit. It’s
one of the most absurd outcomes of
the Affordable Care Act.
Proponents argued the goal was
to expand coverage and get people
insured. So, it makes no sense to
punish smaller employers who help
employees pay for health insurance
coverage and other medical costs.
The chorus of discontent is growing, especially now as double-digit
increases are slated to hit individual
insurance policyholders in Iowa.
After six years on the books, Obamacare has broken too many promises. That’s why I supported the U.S.
Senate vote to repeal it. Earlier this
year, the President vetoed it. I’ll keep
working to repeal the law. But in the
meantime, I’m working to fix what
can be done yet this year. That’s why
I have introduced a bipartisan bill to
stop the small business penalty.
Rod Blum
Joni Ernst
Barack Obama
U.S. Senator
111 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-3254; Fax (202) 224-9369
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This is issue Volume 38, Number 25 on
Tuesday, June 21, 2016.
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Charles Grassley
U.S. Senator
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Records / Legals
Calmar Courier
Man Sought After
Attacking Wife
With Vehicle
An Elgin man is being
Cannon’s wife had atsought after allegedly attempted to get away aftacking his wife with a moter being assaulted and as
tor vehicle.
she tried to flee, Cannon
According to the Fayrammed the vehicle she
ette County Sheriff ’s
was driving three times
Office, a domestic diswith another vehicle. Both
turbance in Elgin was revehicles sustained several
ported June 14. Jeremiah
thousand dollars damage.
Cannon Young, 37, of ruHis wife suffered no inral Elgin, is charged with
juries as a result of the veJeremiah Cannon
Simple Domestic Abuse
hicles colliding and upon
Assault and Assault with a
deputies being notified of
Dangerous Weapon, an Aggravated the incident Jeremiah fled and is curMisdemeanor.
rently wanted on a warrant for the
In a release, the department said charges.
Sex Abuse Suspect
Held Without Bond
A West Union man in the coun- ment of Homeland Security Immitry illegally is being held
grations and Customs
without bond on felony
(ICE) on the status of
sexual abuse charges.
Candido, the department
Following a report
has said Candido was in
of alleged sexual abuse
the United States illegalof a minor, the Fayette
ly, and a hold was placed
County Sheriff’s Office
on Candido through (ICE)
has arrested Pedro Raalso. The victim is also
mon Candido, 41, of West
being monitored by the
Union, for sexual abuse in
Department of Human
the second degree, a Class
Services, and they are
“B” felony, and sexual
working with the family.
Pedro Ramon
abuse in the third degree,
According to the FayCandido
a Class “C” felony.
ette County Sheriff’s OfAccording to the department, fice, more charges could be filed at
Candido performed multiple sexual a later date. If convicted Candido
acts upon an 11 year-old female and could serve up to 75 years in prison,
again upon the same female at the be required to be on the state sex offender registry and could face deporage of 12.
After working with the Depart- tation.
Winneshiek County
MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2016
The Board of Supervisors met at 9:30 a.m. on
June 6, 2016 with all members present.
Lee Bjerke, county Engineer, met with the
Board to discuss road matters.
Moved by Ashbacher and seconded by Thompson to approve the road closure request by the
Festina Community for a portion of County Road
B32 on the 4th of July. Motion carried unanimously.
Chopper Albert and Jon Lubke, county GIS,
IT, and MetroNet, met with the Board to update
them on the MetroNet plan for expansion to the
E911 towers, other MetroNet updates, and website updates.
Andy Van Der Maaten, county Attorney, met
with the Board to discuss county issues.
Moved by Beard and seconded by Thompson
to sign the agreement with Iowa Economic De-
velopment Authority for the grant associated
with Cutting Edge Enterprise LLC awarded June
23, 2004. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Kuhn and seconded by Thompson to
approve the consent agenda which includes the
minutes of the last meeting, the fireworks permits submitted, to accept and file the monthly
report of the county Recorder, and to certify the
cost allocation plan as prepared by Cost Advisory Services. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Ashbacher and seconded by Beard
to approve the annual Licensed Code Support
Agreement and IT Services Agreement with Solutions Inc. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Thompson and seconded by Kuhn
to adjourn to 9:30 a.m. Monday, June 13, 2016.
Motion carried unanimously.
Benjamin D Steines County Auditor
John Logsdon, Chairman Board of Supervisors
Published in the Calmar Courier
on Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Winneshiek County
Sheriff’s Office
June 11
Rachel Sorenson, 43, of Castalia,
was charged and booked into the Winneshiek County Jail for Harassment –
third degree. Additional charges are
June 14
Jacob Tripp, 29, of Lime Springs,
was being booked into the Winneshiek County Jail to serve time on
Howard County charges. During the
booking process jail staff located narcotics contraband on Tripp.
June 16
Justin Borseth, 33, and Stephanie
Borseth, 37, were both arrested on
theft - second degree warrants (Class
“D” felonies) and transported from
the Howard County Jail to the Winneshiek County Jail.
Winneshiek County Court
Lisa Diana Schroeder, Fort Atkinson, driving while barred, $625 fine
suspended, community service, DNA
requirement, probation, two years in
prison suspended; violation of probation, one year in a residential facility;
possession of a controlled substance
– marijuana – third/subsequent offense, $325 fine suspended, two years
probation, two years in prison suspended, community service, DNA requirement; driving while barred, $315
fine suspended, two years in prison
suspended, probation, community
service, DNA requirement
Justin Amos Pritchard, Decorah,
public intoxication – third or subsequent offense, $625 fine suspended,
365 days in jail with 355 days suspended, two years of probation, community service
Chris Joshua Wiltgen, Calmar, jury
trial set for Aug. 3
Joseph Gallagher, Decorah, jury
trial set for July 13
Daniel Allen Knight, Decorah,
jury trial set for Aug. 3
Dennis Michael Brodbeck, Decorah, jury trial set for July 13
Chance William Beard, Decorah, carrying weapons – knife used
in crime, $625 fine suspended, two
years in prison suspended, DNA re-
quirement, community service, two
years of probation; public intoxication
– second offense, $315 fine, community service, two years of probation,
one year in prison suspended, DNA
Steven Lee Fritz, Decorah, motion
for continuance
Ryan Christopher Hackman, Decorah, domestic abuse assault, $625
fine suspended, two years in prison
with all but 10 days suspended, two
years of probation, community service, DNA requirement
Jeremy Lee Dunn, Ridgeway, possession of a controlled substance,
written arraignment and plea of not
guilty, jury trial set for Sept. 21
Gina Diane Brincks, Ossian, two
counts possession of a controlled substance – third or subsequent offense,
controlled substance violation, order
setting trial for Aug. 3
Harold Allen Jacobson, Jr., Decorah, order for arraignment, criminal
complaint, trial information, hearing
for initial appeal, criminal complaint
Alexander James Ray, Maple
Grove, Minn., written plea of guilty
Brandon Lee Dahlstrom, Decorah,
written plea of guilty
Quentin Eugene Holkesvik, Decorah, order setting trial
James Elvis Worth, Clermont, motion for continuance
Dalton Lee Hagen, Cresco, order
setting trial
Kent Allen Miller, Decorah, order
of disposition
Jeremy John Franzen, Decorah,
order setting trial, criminal complaint
Tristan Levi Close, McGregor,
criminal complaint
Aubrey Faye Wilson, Decorah,
criminal complaint
Crystal Marie Kramer, Cresco,
motion for continuance
Charles Brandon Lightfoot, Calmar, notice of appeal
Angie Marie Stapleton, Cresco,
motion for continuance
Jacob R. Wehrkamp, West Union,
order of disposition, written plea of
Dominick James Watson, Decorah, written plea of guilty, order of
Nathan Scott Guyer, Decorah,
City of Waucoma
hearing will be held by the City Council of the
City of Waucoma in the Community Center, at
103 1st Avenue SW, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., on
Tuesday, July 5, 2016. Said public hearing shall
be to consider the intent and proposal of vacating and disposing of the City’s interest in the alley adjacent to lots 10-17, Block 2, Original town
of Waucoma, Fayette County, Iowa.
That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and
directed to publish public notice of the time and
place of said public hearing.
day of June, 2016.
Marlene Klemp
City Clerk
Published in the Calmar Courier
on Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Public Meetings
June 21
Commission of Veterans Affairs, 1:30 p.m., Winneshiek
County Courthouse, 201 W. Main
St., Decorah
Pioneer Cemetery Commission,
7 p.m., Old Winneshiek County
Jail, next to the Winneshiek County Courthouse
June 27
Winneshiek County Board of
Supervisors, 9:30 a.m., Second
Floor – Winneshiek County Courthouse
written plea of guilty, order of disposition
Eric M. Tiller, Gillesple, Ill., order
for arraignment, trial information
Patrick Ervin Curran, Decorah, order setting trial, trial information
Jordan James Harrington, Decorah, criminal complaint, hearing for
initial appeal
Jacob Daniel, Cresco, hearing for
initial appeal, trial information, order
for arraignment, criminal complaint
Andrew Quinn, Decorah, criminal
Ethan Duane Kipp, Fort Atkinson,
criminal complaint, hearing for initial
appearance, possession of a controlled
substance cannabidiol – first offense,
unlawful possession of prescription
Joseph Arthur Schiller, Fertile,
written plea of guilty
William George Hruska, Jr., Lawler, written plea of guilty, order of disposition, OWI – first offense, $1,250
fine, community service, two days in
Adrian Wester Strand, Decorah,
motion for continuance
Harold Allen Jacobson, Jr., Decorah, hearing for initial appearance
Charles Dean Wynn, St. Louis
Park, Minn., motion for continuance
Thomas Martin Thompson, Decorah, motion for continuance
Alexander James Ray, Maple
Grove, Minn., written plea of guilty
Craig Oliver Sandvig, Decorah,
written plea of guilty, order of disposition
Tracy Eugene Morris, Lawler,
order of disposition, OWI – first offense, $1,250 fine, 60 days in jail with
58 days suspended, community service and one year unsupervised probation
Harold Allen Jacobson, Jr., Decorah, hearing for initial appearance
Tyler Evan Lund, Mabel, Minn.,
order of disposition, written plea of
July 5
Spillville City Council, city
hall, 7 p.m.
July 6
Fort Atkinson City Council, library basement, 6:30 p.m.
July 11
Winneshiek County Board of
Supervisors, 9:30 a.m., Second
Floor – Winneshiek County Courthouse
South Winneshiek school board,
7 p.m., District Office, Calmar
Turkey Valley school board, 7
p.m., Jackson Junction
guilty; Cynthia M. Larson, Decorah,
written plea of guilty, order of disposition
Harlan James Sande, Decorah,
written plea of guilty, order of disposition
Kaysie Marie Kerns, Canton,
Minn., written plea of guilty
Sergio Jesus Landas Carrichi,
Calmar, order setting trial for July 13
Samuel Joseph Bartlein, Fort Atkinson, order setting trial for Aug. 3
Miles Louis Johanningmeier,
Harpers Ferry, order for arraignment,
trial information
Marissa Leigh Grubl, Cresco, trial
information, order for arraignment
David James Funk, Calmar, order
for arraignment, trial information,
criminal complaint, hearing for initial
Jerome Wayne Sanderson, Decorah, criminal complaint
Fayette County
Sheriff’s Office
June 13
At approximately 5:15 a.m., the
Fayette County Sheriff’s Office responded to a car versus deer collision
on Montauk Hill in Clermont. Patsy
Ann Martin, 45, of West Union, was
driving a 2004 Chevy Trail Blazer
southwest bound on Harding Road
in Clermont when she struck a deer
that was in the traveled portion of the
roadway. The vehicle sustained approximately $3,000 in damage, and
no injuries were reported.
June 16
At approximately 8:55 p.m. the
Fayette County Sheriff’s Office received a report of an assault that had
occurred in the city of Randalia. The
suspect, Katie A. White, 25, of Randalia, had left the residence and was
later located in Hawkeye. White was
arrested and transported to the Fayette
County Jail where she was charged
with Domestic Abuse Causing Injury,
a Serious Misdemeanor.
Turkey Valley Community School
The Turkey Valley School Board met in regular
session on Monday, June 13, 2016. The meeting
was held in the Elementary Media Center at Turkey Valley School, Jackson Junction, IA. Emie
Schmitt called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.
The following Board Directors answered roll
call: Brenda Mueterthies, Don Blazek Jr., Ernie
Schmitt, Jody Steinlage and Leon Shatek.
Moved by Don Blazek Jr. and seconded by
Leon Shatek to approve the agenda as presented. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Jody Steinlage and seconded by
Brenda Mueterthies to approve the Early Retirement of JoAnn Wurzer. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Leon Shatek and seconded by
Don Blazek Jr. to approve the consent agenda
items. Board Minutes: Regular Meeting -May
9, 2016 and Work Session- May 25, 2016. Appointments: Ethan Adams- Musical Director and
Ethan Adams- Volunteer Assistant Volleyball
Resignations: Kaitlin Kempel -Cheer Coach
and Brian Schmitt -Activities Director and PE
Teacher Open Enrollment: Approved. Carried
Moved by Brenda Mueterthies and seconded
by Don Blazek Jr. to approve the financial reports and bills. General Fund: $55,379.12, Hot
Lunch: $5,366.40, Clearing: $26,257.58, PPEL
$1,510.00, Capital $466.69 Carried unanimously.
Cheryl Carolan has asked the board to consider switching the date of prom for April 2017. New
Hampton, North Fayette Valley, and South Winneshiek all have prom on the same weekend
as Turkey Valley. Mrs. Carolan mentioned that
there is also a family conflict which will affect a
number of students. This was not an action item.
The Board thanked her for her time.
No Spotlight on Education Presentation this
Brian Schmitt reported on the gym floor project.
Through generous donations from patrons, the
gym floor will include the updates of two tone,
lettering, and a larger logo. The general fund will
pay $5,575.00 and the TV Athletic Boosters will
donate the balance. Thank you to all who support the boosters throughout the year.
Moved by Don Blazek Jr. and seconded by
Brenda Mueterthies to approve the tuck pointing bid from Brian Tank Masonry. The pillars will
need to be replaced. The Board approved the
brick option vs the concrete masonry unit. Cost
will be $16,000. Carried unanimously.
Additional infonnation is needed for the doors
and this item was tabled. No bid was accepted.
The Board has asked that bids for a Suburban
be sent out and presented at the July meeting.
A new bus is not being budgeted for this year.
Phase 3 Heating Project- The work is proceeding as scheduled.
The Board talked about a resolution to change
the method of election and decided to add it to
the election process next year, thus saving the
cost of a separate election. This item is tabled
until Summer 2017 to correspond with deadline
dates for the election process.
Moved by Don Blazek Jr. and seconded by
Leon Shatek to approve the following salaries
and benefits increases for 2016-2017 as presented. Custodians 2.9%, Bus Drivers $20 per
month, 1.5% and carry over of 1/2 personal day,
Secretaries $.08 per hour 1.5%, Food Service
$.12 per hour 2.1%, Mechanic and Groundskeeper 1.5%, Principal, Business Manager,
Superintendent Secretary, Head Custodian,
Lead Cook, and Success Coordinator 1.1%.
Substitute bus drivers who drive for 10 routes
and/or activities within an academic year, will
be eligible for a Booster Athletic pass for themselves and their spouse for the following school
year. Carried unanimously. Mr. Shatek and Mrs.
Steinlage thanked the groups and their representatives for the pride and dedication that they
showed. Everyone was cordial and understanding. Their time was appreciated.
Moved by Jody Steinlage and seconded by
Don Blazek Jr. to approve the Associates salaries and benefits for 2016-2017 as follows: Aging the salary schedule, 10 cent increase on
base, up to 10 days of sick leave may be used
for family medical, pay will be distributed over
12 months. The Board also approved 1/2 insurance paid for 2 associates at 35 hr/week. Carried unanimously.
Information Technology Cybersecurity PolicyThis item is tabled until the Technology Committee meets in the fall to research this policy
Moved by Don Blazek Jr. and seconded by
Brenda Mueterthies to accept the early graduation request for Nick Njus, pending meeting all
requirements. Carried unanimously
Moved by Don Blazek Jr. and seconded by
Brenda Mueterthies to approve the following
sharing agreements for 2016-2017 as presented. Operational Function Sharing 1. New
Hampton CSD- Superintendent 2. New Hampton CSD -Transportation 3. New Hampton CSD
-Operations and Maintenance; 2016-2017;
Teacher Sharing Agreements from other districts to Turkey Valley. 1. New Hampton CSDEnvironmental Science 2. New Hampton CSDAgriculture 3. New Hampton CSD- ELL 4. New
Hampton CSD- TAG 5. South Winneshiek CSD
- Special Education Transition Coordinator;
2016-2017 Teacher Sharing Agreements from
Turkey Valley to other school districts 1. New
Hampton CSD- Family Consumer Science 2.
South Winneshiek CSD- Industrial Technology
3. South Winneshiek CSD -Media Specialist.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Don Blazek Jr. and seconded by
Jody Steinlage to approve the 2016-2017
Sports Medicine/Athletic Training Services
Agreement with Winneshiek Medical Center.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Leon Shatek and seconded by Brenda Mueterthies to approve the following 2016
IASB Legislative Priorities; 2,4,8,20, & 30. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Don Blazek Jr. and seconded by
Brenda Mueterthies to approve the milk bid
from Prairie Farms Dairy as presented. Carried
Moved by Leon Shatek and seconded by Don
Blazek Jr. to approve the bread bid from Pan-0Gold Baking Co. as presented. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Don Blazek Jr. and seconded by
Brenda Mueterthies to approve the kettle bid
from Rapids Foodservice Contract and Design
as presented. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Don Blazek Jr. and seconded by
Jody Steinlage to approve the Annual Goals as
presented. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Leon Shatek and seconded by Don
Blazek Jr. to approve the agreement with Northeast Iowa Food and Fitness for 2016-2017 as
presented. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Leon Shatek and seconded by Don
Blazek Jr. to approve participation in ISCAP as
presented. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Don Blazek Jr. and seconded by
Brenda Mueterthies to approve the following:
Level I Investigator: School Nurse, Level I Alternate Investigator: Principal, 504 Coordinator:
School Counselor, and Migrant Liaison: School
Counselor. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Leon Shatek and seconded by Don
Blazek Jr. to approve the Senior Year Plus (Concurrent Enrollment Classes) Agreement with
NICC for 2016-20 I7. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Brenda Mueterthies and seconded
by Don Blazek Jr. to approve the Northeast Iowa
Health Occupations Consortium Contract with
NICC for 20 I6-20 I7. Carried unanimously.
Ms. Knoll sent congratulations and thank you
to JoAnn Wurzer on her early retirement. Thank
you to Kaitlin Kempel and Brian Schmitt for their
years of service to Turkey Valley and good luck
in their future endeavors.
Thank you to Mrs. Milbrandt for emptying the
high school library so that construction can take
place in there again this summer. Ms. Knoll has
been contacted in regards to the school class
composite pictures. A patron would like to have
them to display. The Board suggested that they
be scanned and put on the website.
This meeting was Mr. Goltz 's last meeting as
Superintendent of Turkey Valley. He thanked
the board saying it was a pleasure to work at
Turkey Valley. The Board thanked him for all of
his years of service to Turkey Valley. He worked
five years as a consultant and two years as the
Superintendent. "You did a great job" stated
President Ernie Schmitt.
The next regular school board meeting will be
Monday, July II, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m.
Moved by Jody Steinlage and seconded by
Don Blazek Jr. to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Carried
Turkey Valley Community School
General Fund
Balk, Angela, Mileage ............................ 111.75
Carquest Of New Hampton,
Vehicle Maintenance ............................195.68
Central Motors, Inc,
Tires For 2012 Grand Caravan .............461.24
Decorah Community Schools,
April Crossroads ..............................14,190.00
Dept Of Education, Bus Inspect X 16 ....640.00
Fareway, Fcs Supplies ............................17.73
Farmers Unions Co-Op, Gasohol .......3,012.54
Farmers Win Coop, Diesel .................2,573.45
Fastenal Company, Building Supplies ...409.03
Graphics, Inc, Newletter Printing ..........712.85
Hawkeye Rec, Electricity ....................3,650.78
Hd Supply Facilities Maintenance,
Building Maint Supplies ..........................10.28
Hometown Tv & Appliance, FCS
Freezer (Walmart 1X Giving Grant) ......700.00
Howard's Tire & Repair, Tire Balance ......35.00
Huber's Store Inc., Fcs, Bldg .................284.67
Iowa Assoc. Of School Business Officials,
Iasbo Membership ................................175.00
Iowa Communications Network,
Network Services..................................361.74
Iowa Family And Consumer Sciences Educators,
IFCSE Conference Registration.............150.00
Iowa Testing Programs,
Iowa Assessments .............................1,492.55
Jesup Gym Equipment, Replacement
Cables For Trainer-Fitness F ..................87.00
Johansen, Lezley, Mileage ....................122.15
Jw Pepper, Vocal .....................................12.94
Kabel Business Services - Flex,
Flex Fee................................................117.60
Leuenberger, Wendy, Mileage ...............190.40
Malcom Enterprises, Inc., Garbage .......218.75
Marco, Supply Freight Fee ......................25.00
Martin Bros. Distributing Co.,
Building Supplies ...............................1,335.38
Mastercard, Equip For
Failed Hard Drive..................................326.50
Mid-America Publishing Corp,
Publishing .............................................214.66
Midamerica Books, Library Books .........279.30
Northeast Iowa Community College,
Drivers Ed ..........................................6,631.00
Office World, Bowl Cleaner .....................68.00
Purchase Power, Postage .....................208.99
Rosonke, Jean, Mileage ........................191.07
Schmitt, April, Mcelroy Supplies .........2,341.71
Schneiter, Natalie, Supplies.....................90.52
State Hygienic Laboratory,
Water/Wastewater Sampling ..................44.00
Steve Crawford-Ne Ia Roof Consulting,
2016 Roof Insp/Rep..............................300.00
Superior Welding Supply Co.,
Ind Tech Supplies ...................................55.47
Svec, Jeree, Mileage ...............................68.49
Testamerica Laboratories, Inc,
Water/Wastewater Sampling ...................75.60
Thompson Truck & Trailer, Inc,
Drum Rear Wheel Brk ..........................339.38
Tlusty, Michelle, Pd$..............................300.00
Turkey Valley Hot Lunch,
Preschool Juice ....................................484.40
Uhlenhake, Jay, Licensed Operator ......650.00
Unity School Bus Parts,
Vehicle Maintenance ............................261.16
Usa Blue Book, Plumbing Materials ......552.39
Visa, Pstge,Spec Ed,Office,
Comp Repair .....................................2,215.43
Visa, Busines Mgr Travel Exp,
Transp Ext ............................................308.91
Wal-Mart, Nurse, Bldg Supplies ..............80.40
Waucome Tire Company,
Tire Repair ..............................................15.00
West Music, Credit ................................192.98
Windstream, Phone ...............................192.77
Wittfitt Llc, Hokki StoolsCommfound/Tvef ...............................6,528.00
Worthington Direct,
Noodle Stack Chairs Tvef ..................1,069.48
Total ..................................................55379.12
Activity Fund
American Color Imaging,
Prom Picture Re-Order .........................297.90
Beaver Creek Graphix, 8/9Th Jerseys2,819.57
Bergman, Kelby, Officiating Jv Sb ...........80.00
Blue Iris, The,
Memorial Plant- Evelyn Bohr ..................30.50
Buhr, Dean, Officiating JV/V
Bb 06-01-16 ............................................95.00
Calmar Courier, Yearly Renewal..............33.00
Clayton Ridge School,
Track Fee 04-14-16 ................................90.00
Come And Save Here, Inc.,
Softball Field Concrete Mix...................104.57
Craft Cochran, Inc,
(21) White/Black Gamer Jerseys ..........752.24
Decker Sporting Goods, Bat Bags......1,971.95
Decorah Community Schools,
Varsity SB June 25 .................................70.00
Dough & Joe, Llc,
Senior Breakfast Recognition .................35.40
Fast Mart, Concession Supplies ..............64.03
Fastenal Company, Prom Batteries .........11.18
Gillette Group, The,
Concession Supplies .........................1,190.70
Gladbrook-Reinbeck School,
Varsity BB Tourney 06-18 .......................60.00
Herff Jones, (25) Diploma's ...................414.11
Howard-Winneshiek Comm. School,
BB Tourney June 4 ...............................140.00
Huber's Store Inc., Awards Banquet ......207.87
Iowa Girls Hs Athlectic Union,
Ms & Hs Membership Fee '16-'17 ........100.00
Iowa High School Music Association, Vocalsolo
& Ensemble Vocal Registraitons ..........133.00
Jackson Heights Golf Course,
Athletic Field Spray ...............................100.00
Knoll, Carol, State Track
Meal Allowance.....................................900.00
Lawless-Anderson, Amanda,
Reimbursement Senior Awards Night.....33.45
Lifetouch, Elem. Yearbooks ................1,154.80
Martin Bros. Distributing Co.,
Pride Pizza Supplies.............................265.55
Mashek, Mike, Rolled Ball Fields...........320.00
Mick Gage Plumbing & Heating Inc,
Restroom May 26-June 26 2016 ..........360.00
Myers, Janice, Ltr Start Up Cash...........768.00
New Hampton Comm. School Dist,
SB Tourney 6-18 ...................................140.00
North Fayette Comm. School,
8/9Th SB Tournament 6-28-16 .............210.00
Novotny, Mike, Officiating 06-07-2016...240.00
Nuss, Mark, Officiating 06-07-2016 .......210.00
Pasker, Erik,
Officiating JV/V Bb 6-1-16 ......................95.00
Polashek Locker Service Inc.,
80# Roasted Pork @ 3.69 ....................295.20
Pullman, Jessica,
Reimbursement (Oriental Trading) .......121.39
Schmitt, Brian, Reimbursement
State Track Parking ...........................2,434.15
Schmitt, Darren,
Officiating 9Th BB 6-2-16 .......................80.00
Scholastic Book Fairs-8,
Spring Book Fair ................................3,833.01
Scott, Mark, Parking State Track ...........119.02
Starmont School,
V Boys Track Meet 04-29-16 ..................75.00
Stecklenburg, Chuck, Officiating Jv Sb ...87.00
Sumner Community School District,
Varsity Baseball 6-7-16...........................65.00
Tope, Randy, Officiating 06-07-2016 .....210.00
Turkey Valley Comm. School,
Cheerleading Fundraising .................4,887.32
Visa, Costco 14 Drawer Carts (7) ..........533.26
Wal-Mart, Prom Supplies .........................19.41
Total .................................................26,257.58
School Nutrition Fund
Barloon, Connie, Hot Lunch Refund ........17.20
Deleon, Victor, Hot Lunch Refund ...........20.91
Easton's Water Conditioning,
Softener Salt/Rent ..................................45.00
Hageman, Randy, Hot Lunch Refund ........7.80
Huinker, Kevin, Hot Lunch Refund ............2.75
Iowa State University, Manager's Update 85.00
Malcom Enterprises, Inc.,
Garbage Services .................................218.75
Martin Bros. Distributing Co.,
Food, Supplies...................................2,846.84
Martin, Gary, Hot Lunch Refund ................2.50
Miller, Catherine, Hot Lunch Refund........49.75
Pan-O-Gold, Bread ................................309.15
Prairie Farms Dairy, Food...................1,514.97
Presto-X Company, Pest Control.............33.77
Revtrak, Revtrak Fees ...............................3.61
Rinnels, Mildred, Hot Lunch Refund ..........8.10
Sawyer, Wayne, Hot Lunch Refund .........12.25
Schaufenbuel, Keith,
Hot Lunch Refund...................................11.10
School Nutrition Association Iowa,
Conference Fee ....................................105.00
Sheridan, Don, Hot Lunch Refund...........26.85
Stahley, Albert, Hot Lunch Refund...........12.40
Winter, Tammy, Hot Lunch Refund ..........20.40
Wurzer, Joann, Lunch Account Refund ...12.30
Total ...................................................5,366.40
Ppel Fund
Marco, Inc, Copier Lease ....................1510.10
Capital Fund
A&J Associates Pc,
Phase 3 Fee Per Contract ....................466.69
Published in the Calmar Courier
on Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Classifieds / Legals
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
A Country Touch
Sudoku - Fun By The Numbers
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Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will
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Janet Bodensteiner • 563.380.3361
15598 Nature Rd., West Union
Maintenance Free Steel-Vinyl
& Aluminum Siding
$0.20/word with a $5 minimum
105 S. Maryville, Calmar, IA
Ph/Fax: (563) 562-3142
The City of Sheffield is accepting applications for a Police Officer.
More details are available at www. and at City Hall
in Sheffield.
thru 26p
DEDICATED: Dedicated driver
position open to run van loads from
Fort Dodge, Iowa to Eastern Nebraska and Iowa. Home every weekend
with PLENTY of miles. Weekly pay,
plus health insurance available. Must
have a Class A CDL, current DOT
physical, and pass a pre-employment
drug screen. Call Gene at 800-7236369, Ext. 2 to get more details.
thru 25p
Insuring Your Future . . .
House For Sale: 4 bedroom in
Kanawha, asking $45k, WILL SELL
ON CONTRACT! 641-420-8752
1452 271 Ave
Fort Atkinson
(563) 534-7147
Sale Results for June 13, 2016
High Choice All Natural Beef Strs & Hfrs ..Up to 136.50
High Choice Beef Strs & Hfrs....................... 128; 131.5
Choice Beef Strs & Hfrs .................................. 125; 128
Select & Choice Beef Strs & Hfrs.................... 122; 125
High Choice Holstein Strs ................................ 118;121
Choice Hlstn Strs & Hfrs ..................................115; 118
Select & Choice Hlstn Strs & Hfrs ....................110; 115
Thin Shelly Cows .........................................74; DOWN
High Yeilding Cows .......................................... 74; 82.5
Market Bulls ................................................... 96; 102.5
Holstein Veal Calves ......................................Up to 260
Colored Veal Calves ......................................Up to 300
Decorah, IA (563) 382-4203
Exterior Home Fashions
Lawler, Iowa • (563) 238-3804 • 1-800-765-1433
1 Bedroom Apartments • Seniors 62 or older
and people with a Handicap/Disability at any age
No Lawn Mowing or Snow Shoveling
Stove & Refrigerator Furnished • Laundry On-Site
Rent Based on Income • Rental Assistance Available
Cattle Sales
9:30 A.M.
Head Start Program
Part-time position (30 hrs/week during school year) in West Union.
Assist Teacher in providing safe, secure and nurturing educational
environment to 3-5 year olds. Assist children to gain awareness, skills
and confidence necessary to succeed. Requirements include High
School Diploma or GED with experience in preschool teaching.
Must obtain CDA in 2 years. Position to begin in August 2016.
For applica on and job descrip on, visit To request
applica ons to be mailed, email or call 563-387-4911.
Completed applica ons must be submi ed no later than 7/6/16.
*Must pass pre-employment drug screen and criminal history check
NEICAC is an EOE. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon
request for individuals with disabilities.
Mayor Keith Frana called the meeting to order
at 5:30 p.m. at the Calmar Fire Station. The
meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present were: Ondrashek, Schissel, Kleve, Sabelka and Kirkeberg.
Don Wurtzel introduced Chris & Keith Landt
from Monona. They stated they are building a
Subway Restaurant on property purchased on
N. Maryville St. They said construction would
begin as soon as the weather straightened out
with hopes to be open by fall.
Motion by Schissel, second by Kirkeberg to approve the consent agenda (agenda, minutes of
February 1, 2016, clerk/treasurer reports, claims
for February 2016 and the ABD license for the
Horseshoe) Aye: Kleve, Schissel, Sabelka,
Kirkeberg and Ondrashek. Motion carried.
Claims February 2016
Acentek, internet ww ...............................59.90
Alliant, electricity ..................................7968.26
Aramark, uniform ...................................291.40
Barnes & Noble, books ..........................130.78
Black Hills Energy, natural gas ............1555.29
Bodensteiner Impl, parts..........................73.74
Calmar Community, membership dues ...75.00
Calmar Development,
development director ..........................4125.00
Calmar Motors, oil change explorer.........28.70
Capco Products, supplies ......................600.00
Center Point Lg. Print, books...................41.94
Centurylink, phone serv .........................371.65
Chemsearch, defoamer .........................728.80
Decorah Electric,
program west lift stati..........................1104.44
Decorah Newspapers, add ....................141.76
Delta Dental, insurance .........................215.34
Digital Alley, softwear update.................395.00
Ed Roeher Safety, police uniform ..........129.97
Farmers Union, fuel pd ..........................268.82
Fayette Publishing, add pool ...................26.00
Gunderson Clinic, annual dues drug/alc..80.00
Hawkins, chemicals ...............................357.00
Heying Lbr, supplies ................................19.31
Iamu, member dues...............................523.21
Imfoa, clerk dues .....................................50.00
Ingram, books ........................................185.66
IRS, taxes ............................................5372.91
Interstate Power Syste,
water level sensor...................................72.12
Iowa Dept Public Healt,
pool registration ......................................70.00
Iowa One Call, monthly charge .................5.40
Ipers, retirement ..................................3351.69
Iroc Web Design, services .....................940.95
John Deere Financial,
maintenance items ...............................146.31
Keystone Labs, testing ............................12.00
Kwik Star, fuel ........................................448.16
Little Falls Machine, plow repair ............975.72
Malcom Enterprise,
Jan & Feb garbage ...........................12027.83
Region 1 awwa, registration operators ....40.00
McDonald Supply, supplies repairs .......142.76
Micromarketing, books ..........................363.33
Mid-America Publishin, publishing.........482.57
Mississippi Welders, charger ...................95.35
Napa, supplies .......................................316.87
New Hampton Red Po, part.....................22.35
Penworthy, books ..................................279.64
Postmaster, postage water bills .............154.29
Postville Vet Clinic, ship samples ..............9.00
Malcom Enterprises
Garbage, Recycling & Cardboard Services
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& Residential Collection
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Reid Hageman, lift christmas lights .......150.00
Rite Price Office, copier fee,
trash bags .............................................159.45
SHE Inc, wwtp facility plan ....................149.25
South Winn Post Prom, post prom ........100.00
Storey Kenworthy,
checks & receipt books.........................411.00
Fehr Graham, well close out..................745.00
Fehr Graham, dg water & sewer ext......491.70
Test America Labs, sewer testing ..........390.60
Treas State Ia, taxes .............................911.00
Upper Explorerland,
housing administration..........................368.51
US Cellular, phone serv .........................454.73
Utility Equipment, parts............................81.51
Walmart Community, supplies ...............107.53
Wellmark, premium..............................3268.88
Wiltgen Const, snow removal ................115.50
Wiltgen Mfg, snow plow repair...............161.65
Payroll February ................................15482.70
Total ..................................................68425.23
Claims by fund
General .............................................38,153.26
Road Use.............................................5331.50
Water ...................................................8639.07
Sewer ................................................11310.01
Total ..................................................68425.23
Revenue by fund
General ..............................................11642.73
Road Use...........................................10108.64
Emergency ..............................................33.58
Lost ......................................................9375.91
Tif ...........................................................558.19
Debt Service ..........................................255.86
Water .................................................13943.34
Sewer ................................................19993.11
Total ..................................................66197.12
Mayor Frana opened the public hearing on the
2016-2017 Budget. The clerk stated there had
been no written or oral comments or questions.
There were no public comments at the hearing
and the mayor closed the hearing. Motion by
Kleve, second by Sabelka to approve Resolution # 530 approving the 2016-2017 budget.
Aye: Kleve, Sabelka, Schissel, Ondrashek and
Kirkeberg. Motion carried.
Paul Herold from HRS Surveying was present to discuss a property issue that probably
occurred when the property was transferred
for the Calmar Swimming Pool. He displayed
maps of the area and possible ways to correct
the problem.
Discussed was the property between the Calmar Sewer Plant and Albertson Spray Foam. Albertson is interested in this property but there is a
large portion of this property that has permanent
easements for water, sewer and drainage. This
parcel did not have to be surveyed as expected.
Motion by Sabelka, second by Schissel to sell
this property to Albertson for $ 500.00 and associated costs to transfer the property after all legal notifications and documents are completed.
Aye: Kleve, Sabelka, Ondrashek, Schissel and
Kirkeberg. Motion carried.
The Fire Department Report was presented by
T.J. Schissel. The Department had 4 paged calls
(2 fire and 2 car accidents), held their business
and training meetings with 55 volunteer hours
donated in February.
Officer Andrew Hageman presented the Police
Department Report. He stated that they had a
lot of traffic stops with warnings and citations for
the month. He stated that they would be devot-
Beaver Creek Graphix
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1351 280th Avenue - Fort Atkinson, IA 52144
Farm Service Agency
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MARCH 7, 2016
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Complete Trim • Thermal Replacement Windows
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thru 30p
Calmar Courier
ing special attention to a different street each
month in order to try and enforce speed limits.
This month they are focusing their attention on
175th Street.
Junior Boyer presented the street department
report. He said that Martin Timp would like to
put in concrete stop posts in front of the Medical
Clinic near the curb area. After discussion the
council agreed he could put them within a foot of
his building but not at the curb and that it would
be at his expense. Junior stated that they held a
long conference call with the DOT regarding the
Calmar project. Many items were found on the
plans that were not as expected and these items
were discussed and will be changed on the DOT
specifications as previously discussed. Junior
went to New Hampton when their maintenance
people were working on the street sweeper to
become familiar with the machine. He stated
that it would probably be available the end of
April and that it would be delivered to Calmar.
Junior presented the water/wastewater report.
He stated that they had attended a pre-construction meeting regarding the Dollar General
water/sewer extension project. The contractors
expect to begin work next week.
Jeremy Bril, City Engineer, stated that according to the contractors the Dollar General project
would take them a couple weeks to complete.
Don Wurtzel reported that the final sale of the
property to Dollar General should take place
this week. He stated that Calmar Development
would be submitting a request for funding to the
Depot Outlet on behalf of the Freedom Rock
Project. A grant was submitted to the Community Foundation for the concrete on the Freedom
Rock Project. We have not received notification
yet if the project received funding. Black Hills
Energy will be donating $ 500.00 to this project and now that the work on the site will begin
soon hopefully other donations will come. Any
donation over $ 500.00 will receive recognition
on a plaque at the site. Don stated that another
project along 175th Street was also in the planning stages.
Mayor Frana shared with the council the drawings for the Freedom Rock Project. Sara Neuzil
donated her time and talents to design the site
and prepare the drawings. He stated that site
work would begin shortly. The rock is scheduled
to be painted in 2017 but could happen sooner
as the artist is ahead of schedule.
The South Winn Trap Team was discussed.
Motion by Schissel, second by Ondrashek to
donate $ 400.00 which is a Trailer Sponsorship
Renewal ($ 200.00) and a 12 Gauge Sponsorship ($ 200.00). Aye: Schissel, Ondrashek, Sabelka, Kirkeberg and Kleve. Motion carried.
Discussed was the property issue near the
swimming pool. It was the consensus of the
council that they are agreeable to trade properties with the city getting property on the north
side of Hwy 24 and Mr. Langreck getting property on the south side of Hwy 24 as long as Mr.
Langreck pays all associated expenses to transfer the property.
Motion by Kleve, second by Sabelka to adjourn. Aye: Sabelka, Ondrashek, Kirkeberg,
Schissel and Kleve. Motion carried, meeting
adjourned at 6:32 p.m.
Keith Frana, Mayor
Michele Elsbernd, City Clerk
Published in the Calmar Courier
on Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Auction Service
Carl Shirk Owner/Auctioneer
Fort Atkinson, IA
We do Farm, Real Estate,
& Household Auctions!
Call for available dates!
Farm Service Agency has initiated an environmental review. The proposed project is for the
construction of a 2499 head hog confinement
building. The location of the project area is 2.39
acres in Lot 1 in the NE ¼ of the Fractional NW
¼ Section 7, Twp 100N, Rg 9W, Winneshiek
County, Iowa.
Any persons interested in commenting on environmental issues should direct their comments
in writing to Farm Service Agency, 10500 Buena
Vista Ct., Des Moines, Iowa 50322 Attn: Chris
Comments must be received no later than 30
days from the date of this publication
Published in the Calmar Courier
on Tuesday, June 14 & 21, 2016
Borderline Growers
Borderline Growers plans to submit a Notice
of Intent to the Iowa Department of Natural
Resources to be covered under the NPDES
General Permit #2 – Permit No. 2 "Storm Water
Discharge Associated with Industrial Activity for
Construction Activities, or General Permit.
The storm water discharge will be from Swine
Finisher located in NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of T100N
R9W Winneshiek. Storm water will be dis-
charged from 4 point source(s) and will be discharged to the following streams: Goes from a
ditch to a unnamed creek to the pine creek
Comments may be submitted to the Storm
Water Discharge Coordinator, Iowa Department
of Natural Resources, Environmental. Protection Division, 502 E. 9th Street, Des Moines,
lA 50319-0034. The public may review the Notice of Intent from 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday
through Friday, at the above address after it has
been received by the department.
Published in the Calmar Courier
on Tuesday, June 21, 2016
City of Spillville
The Spillville City Council held their regular
June meeting at the Spillville City Hall at 6 p.m.
on Tuesday, June 7, 2016. Mayor Klimesh
called the meeting to order with the following councilmen present Wagner, Schmitt and
Straube, Balik & VanHorn. Absent, none.
Moved by Straube, seconded by Schmitt to approve items on the consent agenda as follows:
a. Approval of May 2016 meeting
b. Claims
c. City Finance Reports
On roll call vote, Ayes; Wagner, Schmitt,
Straube, Balik & VanHorn. Nays; none. Motion
The council meetings will be changed to 7:00
PM for the months of July and August.
Moved by VanHorn, seconded by Schmitt to
approve the cigarette permit applications for the
MainStreet Minimart and the Farr Side.
On roll call vote, Ayes; Schmitt, Straube, Balik
& VanHorn. Nays; none. Motion carried. Wagner abstained.
Moved by Schmitt, seconded by VanHorn to
allow the prosecution for a tobacco compliance violation at the Main Street Minimart to
be handled by the State. On roll call vote, Ayes;
Schmitt, Straube, Balik & VanHorn. Nays; none.
Motion carried. Wagner abstained.
Discussion was held concerning the Hotel Capone liquor license and outdoor area. The council decided to not make any decision on outdoor
music at this time.
Moved by Schmitt, seconded by VanHorn to
approve the liquor license for the Hotel Capone. On roll call vote, Ayes; Wagner, Schmitt,
Straube, Balik & VanHorn. Nays; none. Motion
No reports from the Bily Clocks or the library.
Received the city maintenance report. Discussion was held concerning metering outdoor
water use.
Moved by Schmitt, seconded by Straube to hire
Mike Pecinovsky at a rate of $500 per month to
help Larry until he receives all his licensing. On
roll call vote, Ayes; Wagner, Schmitt, Straube,
Balik & VanHorn. Nays; none. Motion carried.
The lagoon pumps have been plugged several times and an area of sewer lines needed
to be jetted due to someone flushing some sort
of shop rags. We please ask that these types
of items, including paper towels not be flushed
as they cause a lot of unnecessary work and
The North Park shelter will be discussed at the
July meeting.
Moved by Balik, seconded by Straube to approve a building permit for Ryan Soukup for a
20X24 addition to his shop. On roll call vote,
Ayes; Wagner, Schmitt, Straube, Balik & VanHorn. Nays; none. Motion carried.
Discussed the Independence Day Celebration
which will be held July 2.
Received the Mayors Report.
Moved by VanHorn, seconded by Straube
to adjourn. On roll call vote, Ayes; Wagner,
Schmitt, Straube, Balik & VanHorn. Nays; none.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:52.
Mayor, Michael T Klimesh
Attest: Joane Kulish, City Clerk
April Revenue
General - $8163.40
Clocks - $6330.85
Library Trust & Agency - $410.76
Road Use - $1578.54
Local Option Tax - $2852.89
Sewer - $5856.94
Water - $7246.99
Water Deposit - $1.13
City Of Spillville
Claims Paid & Summary Of Receipts
May 2016
Intuit, ................................................... -519.00
Main Street Mini Mart,
Fuel-Park Clean Up Supplies ............. -256.10
Decorah Rental, Shop Maintenance.... -514.00
G&G Mfg. & Souvenirs,
Clocks Souvenirs ................................ -205.81
Penfield Books, Clocks Souvenrs........ -143.87
Ad-Vise, Inc, Clocks Souvenirs ........... -243.67
Naxos Of America Inc.,
Clocks Souvenirs ................................ -120.75
Continental Art Craft,
Clocks - Souvenirs.............................. -798.50
Penfield Books, Souvenirs................... -121.25
Discover Card,
Clocks-Souvenirs-Supplies................. -275.58
Aks, Mowing Expense ........................... -66.00
Centurylink, Telephone ........................ -233.30
Marv Smith Electric, Shop Repairs ... -1,142.69
Keystone, Water/ Sewer Testing............ -56.00
Graphics, Inc., Sewer Testing ................ -17.48
First National Bank, Library-Books ...... -194.95
John Deere Financial, Shop Supplies ... -91.22
Fencl Oil & Lp Co., Fuel ...................... -603.62
Kathy Meyer, Mileage .......................... -108.00
Shimek Sanitation, Sanitation........... -2,304.97
U. S. Postal Service, Postage ............. -392.00
Francis, Shirley J, Payroll .................... -181.91
Krivachek, Patricia A, Payroll................. -46.72
Mashek, Sharon H, Payroll .................. -362.86
Meyer, Kathleen A, Payroll .................... -96.35
Ott, Ervin, Payroll................................. -537.34
Discover, Clocks Cc Fees...................... -53.13
Phillips, Larry J, ............................... -1,047.50
Jerald Andera, Flowers ..................... -2,710.00
Wiltgen Manufacturing,
Public Works Equipment Repair ............-83.11
Decorah Rental, Void: Park Equipment Rental
Gje, Rgje Created On 06/07/2016 ...........0.00
Huber's Store, Shop Supplies ............... -16.15
Michael Schrandt,
Consulting & Training ......................... -150.00
Northeast Iowa Lawn Care,
Rock Sweeping................................... -265.00
Mid-America Publishing Corp.,
Publication ........................................... -111.90
Fastenel Comany, Shop Supplies ......... -69.44
Us Cellular, Sewer ................................. -95.88
John Deere Financial,
Shop Supplies & R&M ........................ -294.38
Hawkins, Inc, Water-Supplies .............. -160.55
Franzen Sales & Service,
Street Cleaning ....................................... -8.97
Drillings, General ................................. -462.86
O'reilly Auto Parts, Shop Supplies ......... -79.79
The Northway Corporation,
Sewer Repair ...................................... -400.00
Graphics, Inc., Sewer Testing ................ -17.91
Skyline Construction, Inc.,
Project Fund .................................... -8,822.10
Mediacom, Clocks Internet Access........ -55.30
Alliant, Electricity ................................. -190.89
Alliant, Electricity ................................. -312.84
Alliant, Electricity ................................. -610.62
Alliant, Electricity ................................. -127.98
Alliant, Electricity ................................. -134.27
Alliant, Electricity ................................... -17.80
Alliant, Electricity ................................... -36.17
Alliant, Electricity ................................. -109.41
Alliant, Electricity ................................... -17.80
Alliant, Electricity ................................... -33.32
Alliant, Electricity ................................... -48.39
Alliant, Electricity ................................... -38.26
Alliant, Electricity ................................... -16.21
Alliant, Electricity ................................... -36.63
Citizens Savings Bank,
Loans Debt Service ....................... -23,897.08
Phillips, Larry J, .................................. -883.86
Kulish, Joane, ..................................... -497.05
South Winn Area Community Group,
Independence Day Celebration ....... -2,325.00
Service Charge ........................................ -3.40
Published in the Calmar Courier
on Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Calmar Courier
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
South Winneshiek Girls Win Weekend Victories
By Michael Hohenbrink
A pair of games Saturday saw the
Lady Warriors add two more wins to
their season total.
Abby Hageman’s homer helped
to power South Winneshiek to a 6-2
win over West Central while the contest against Denver ended in a 3-2
June 18 – SW 6, West Central 2
Against the Lady Blue Devils,
South Winneshiek got on the scoreboard first and held West Central to a
low-scoring game.
Briefly, the Lady Warriors were
down by a single run but recovered
in the fifth inning to tie up the game.
A 4-run sixth inning clinched the
South Winneshiek victory.
Abby Hageman homered for
South Winneshiek.
New Hampton Tourney
Hosts Lady Trojans
By Michael Hohenbrink
Turkey Valley girls saw action
twice Saturday.
Competing in tournament play
hosted by New Hampton, the Lady
Trojans faced their first battle with
the host team, then took on Central
Both games offered hard fights for
Turkey Valley.
June 18 – TV 2, New Hampton 5
The day’s first contest could have
gone very differently as the Lady
Trojans scored early.
“It was good to see us jump on the
scoreboard right away in the first,”
said Coach Haley Kriener. “Again
it was one inning that got us behind
and we couldn’t dig ourselves out.
We were hitting the ball hard but
couldn’t find their gaps to get anything going on offense.”
Senior Delany Lensing homered
for Turkey Valley and picked up two
The Lady Trojans struggled with
just five hits in 27 times at bat.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
4 1 0 0 0 0 0 5
Team batting stats:
5-27, 2 R, 1 HR, 2
RBIs, 1 BB
Individual batting
stats: S. Martin 1-3;
D. Lensing 2-3, 1 R, 1
HR, 2 RBIs; E. Busta
1 BB; J. Winter 2-3; L.
Schuchhardt 1 R
Individual pitching
stats: E. Busta 6 IP, 3 H,
5 R, 3 ER, 4 BB, 4 Ks,
3.50 ERA
June 18 – TV 5,
Central Springs 17
The Lady Trojans took the lead
early against Central Springs but saw
their opponent enjoy a powerful second inning.
Pitching for Turkey Valley, Ashton Kout gave up eight walks and allowed seven runs, and Kim Fischer
gave up three walks and four runs
during a walk-ridden second inning.
Turkey Valley then turned to Emily
Busta who finally retired the inning.
While the Lady Trojans saw some
success at bat, that run during the
second inning proved an insurmountable obstacle.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R
2 3 0 0 0 0 0 5
1 14 2 0 0 0 0 17
Team batting stats: 4-14, 5 R, 1 2B, 3
RBIs, 6 BB
Individual batting stats: D. Lensing 1-1;
M. Kuennnen 1 RBI; S. Nymeyer 1 BB; E.
Busta 1-2, 2 R, 1 2B, 1 RBI, 1 BB; K. Reicks
1-1, 1 RBI, 1 BB; E. Winter 1-1, 1 R, 1 BB; J.
Winter 2 R, 2 BB
Team pitching stats: 3 IP, 6 H, 17 R, 10
ER, 15 BB, 1 Ks, 23.33 ERA
Individual pitching stats: A. Kout 1 IP, 2
H, 7 R, 7 ER, 8 BB, 49.00 ERA; E. Busta 2
IP, 3 H, 6 R, 4 BB, 1 Ks; K. Fischer 1 H, 4 R,
3 ER, 3 BB
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R
0 1 0 0 1 4 0 6
0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
Team batting stats: 12-29, 6 R, 1 HR, 5
RBIs, 1 SB, 2 BB
Individual batting stats: A. Hageman 3-3,
2 R, 1 HR, 1 RBI, 1 SB, 1BB; J. Elsbernd 3-4,
1 RBI; C. Nesvik 1-4; T. Buchheit 1-4; J. Severson 1-2, 1 BB; T. Numedahl 1-3, 1 R, 1 RBI;
G. Schmitt 1-1, 1 R, 1 RBI; H. McGee 1-1, 1
RBI; E. Loesch 2 R
Individual pitching stats: T. Buchheit 7 IP,
3 H, 2 R, 1 BB, 4 Ks
June 18 – SW 3, Denver 2
Both sides struggled to get on the
scoreboard as South Winneshiek battled Denver.
Denver managed a 1-0 lead with
the first inning and held the Lady
Warriors scoreless until the sixth inning when South Winneshiek managed three runs to take the lead.
A single run for Denver followed
in the seventh inning to end the game
3-2 in favor of the Lady Warriors.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R
0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
Team batting stats: 3-20, 3 R, 1 3B, 3
RBIs, 1 SB, 2 BB
Individual batting stats: J. Elsbernd 1 R, 1
BB; C. Nesvik 1 R; T. Buchheit 1-3, 1 3B, 2
RBIs; J. Bushman 1 RBI; J. Severson 1-3; T.
Numedahl 1-2, 1 SB; K. Rommes 1 BB; M.
Martin 1 R
Individual pitching stats: T. Buchheit 7 IP,
5 H, 2 R, 1 ER, 3 BB, 8 Ks, 1.00 ERA
Lady Trojans, Lady Warriors
Split Double Header
By Michael Hohenbrink
Double-header action Thursday
saw South Winneshiek and Turkey
Valley each emerge with one win.
The Lady Warriors took the first
win of the night.
“SW was able to jump on the
board right away in the first inning
after getting [one of their players on
base] on an error followed by two
walks,” said Turkey Valley Coach
Haley Kriener.
The Lady Trojans managed to
catch two South Winneshiek players stealing, first in the second inning
and then again in the third inning.
“The score remained 1-0 due to
solid defense from both teams until
the 6th inning when SW had a big inning to score 4 with 2 walks and 3
hits, one being a double,” said Kriener. “We couldn’t make adjustments
at the plate to string hits together
even though we got ourselves base
runners every inning.”
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R
1 0 0 0 0 4 1 6
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2
South Winneshiek stats:
Team batting stats: 9-25, 6 R, 1 2B, 6
RBIs, 8 BB
Individual batting stats: A. Hageman 2-4,
1 R, 2 RBIs; J. Elsbernd 2-4, 1 R, 1 2B, 1 RBI;
T. Buchheit 1-2, 2 BB; J. Bushman 1 R, 1 RBI,
2 BB; J. Severson 2-2, 1 BB; T. Numedahl 1-4,
1 RBI; M. Martin 1 R, 2 BB; H. McGee 1-1,
1 RBI; K. Rommes 1 R, 1 BB; E. Loesch 1 R
Individual pitching stats: T. Buchheit 7 IP,
7 H, 2 R, 1 ER, 3 BB, 8 Ks, 1.00 ERA
Turkey Valley stats:
Team batting stats: 7-28, 2 R, 3 2B, 2
RBIs, 3 BB
Individual batting stats: D. Lensing 1-3, 1
RBI; S. Reicks 2-3, 1 R, 1 2B, 1 BB; E. Busta
2-3, 1 2B, 1 RBI, 1 BB; K. Gebel 1 BB; K.
Reicks 2-4, 1 R, 1 2B
Individual pitching stats: Busta 7 IP, 5 H, 6
R, 2 ER, 9 BB, 5 Ks, 2.00 ERA
The night’s second game might
well have been the most exciting of
the week.
South Winneshiek’s Taylor Buchheit and Turkey Valley’s Delaney
Lensing both homered as the teams
took part in a hard-fought battle.
“I was happy our girls were able
to make an adjustment at the plate
right away, facing the same pitcher,”
said Kriener. “We were able to score
2 runs in the 1st on 3 solid hits. The
score was evened up in the 4th with
a SW home run and they were able
to temporarily take a 4-2 lead in the
fifth, but Kayla Schaufenbuel was
able to score Shelby after getting herself on with a single and stolen base,
followed by a Delaney Lensing HR
to give us the 5-4 lead.”
The Lady Warriors weren’t done,
“SW pushed two more across in
the 6th on a couple of our miscues, to
go up 6-5,” said Kriener.
The game’s final inning proved a
real nail-biter.
“In the top of the 7th our defense
shut down their side, to give our
bats a chance to finish the game in
the bottom of the 7th,” said Kriener.
“Delaney led off with a single, followed by Steph’s single, and with
a perfectly hit and placed single by
Morgen, Delaney was able to score
from second with the throw coming
to the plate, [and] the catcher wasn’t
able to hang on to the ball.”
Crowd support may have played
a big role.
“After seeing our lead be taken
away in the 6th, our crowd really got
behind our girls going into the top of
the 7th on defense, so when the girls
came back in to hit I asked them [‘D]
o you hear your crowd? Give them
something to really cheer [for’] and
they did!” said Kriener. “I was very
proud of the fight and determination
in the girls to believe in themselves
and each other. We needed a game
like that to show them their true abilities and that they can persevere.”
South Winneshiek stats:
Team batting stats: 9-30, 6 R, 2 2B, 1 HR,
6 RBIs, 1 SB, 3 BB
Individual batting stats: A. Hageman 1-4,
1 R; J. Elsbernd 1-4, 1 2B, 3 RBIs; C. Nesvik
2-3, 2 R, 1 SB, 1 BB; T. Buchheit 1-4, 1 R, 1
HR, 2 RBIs; J. Bushman 1-3, 1 R, 1 2B, 1 RBI,
1 BB; J. Severson 2-4; G. Schmitt 1-2, 1 R; K.
Rommes 1 BB
Individual pitching stats: T. Buchheit 7 IP,
10 H, 7 R, 4 ER, 3 BB, 8 Ks, 4.00 ERA
Turkey Valley stats:
Team batting stats: 12-31, 7 R, 1 2B, 1 HR,
6 RBIs, 1 SB
Individual batting stats: K. Schaufenbuel
1-4, 1 R, 1 RBI; S. Martin 1-4; D. Lensing 3-4,
2 R, 1 HR, 3 RBIs; K. Huinker 1-2, 1 R; M.
Kuennen 1-4, 1 RBI; S. Reicks 1-2, 1 R, 1 SB;
S. Nymeyer 1-4, 1 R; E. Busta 2-4, 1 RBI; K.
Reicks 1-3, 1 2B; L. Schuchhardt 1 R
Individual pitching stats: E. Busta 7 IP, 3
H, 6 R, 4 ER, 4 BB, 5 Ks, 4.00 ERA
Warriors Earn
Golf Honors
South Winneshiek golfers have
earned honors.
Area athletes honored include:
First team
Logan Schweinefus, Anthony
Emanuel and Nathan Winter
Jaden Schweinefus and Skyler
All-Tournament Team
First Team
Logan Schweinefus
Second Team
Jaden Schweinefus, Skyler Luzum and Jaimie Elsbernd
All-District Team
Jaden Schweinefus and Skyler
South Winn
School Calendar
Wednesday, June 22: 8th/9th
V Baseball @ TV, 9 a.m.; JV/V
Softball @ Sumner-Fred HS,
4 p.m., 6 p.m.; V DH Baseball
@ Starmont HS, 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, June 23: 8th/9th
Baseball @ SW HS, 10 a.m.; V
DH Softball @ SW HS,
5:30 p.m.
Friday, June 24: JV DH
Softball @ MFL Mar-Mac, 10
Saturday, June 25: V Softball
Tournament @ Dunkerton HS, 9
a.m.; V Baseball Tournament @
Waukon HS, 10 a.m.
Monday, June 27: V DH
Baseball @ SW HS, 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, June 28: JV DH Baseball @ Postville HS, 10 a.m.;
JV/V Softball @ Decorah HS, 6
p.m., 7:30 p.m.
Turkey Valley
School Calendar
Wednesday, June 22: 8th/9th
Baseball & Softball Tournament
@ TV, 9 & 10 a.m.
Thursday, June 23: Varsity DH
Baseball @ Home, 4 p.m.
Friday, June 24: JV/V Softball
@ TV, 5:30 p.m.; 8th/9th Softball @ New Albin, 10 a.m.
Saturday, June 25: V Baseball
Tournament @ Fayette, 10 a.m.;
V Softball Tournament @
Decorah, 9 a.m.
Monday, June 27: V DH
Baseball @ Home, 4 p.m.; V
DH Softball @ Home, 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, June 28: 8th/9th
Baseball @ NFV, 9:30 a.m.;
8th/9th Softball @ NFV, 9:30 a.m.;
JV DH Baseball @ Starmont,
5:30 p.m.; JV DH Softball @
New Albin, 10 a.m.
The 5K race gets underway during Lawler Irish Fest. Photos courtesy
Lawler Irish Fest
Find us on
5K Draws Area Runners
Among the highlights at this
year’s Lawler Irish Fest was a
5K Run.
Returning again this year,
ABOVE: Winners of the 5K race
held during Lawler Irish Fest gathered outside city hall. LEFT: The
heat didn't prevent the race from
taking place.
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your advertising needs!
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Calmar Courier
Turkey Valley Boys Split Double Headers
▪ Win Against
Iowa Valley,
Suffer NH, G-R
By Michael Hohenbrink
A double header against Clayton
Ridge got the week off to a start for
the Trojans with split results as Turkey Valley fell in the first game, then
recovered for a victory in the second
Facing North Fayette Valley on
Thursday, the Trojans likewise split
a win and a loss.
Turkey Valley traveled to New
Hampton Friday for a loss, followed
by a loss Saturday to Gladbrook-Reinbeck and a win over Iowa Valley
Saturday to cap off the week.
June 13 – TV 2, Clayton Ridge 6
Turkey Valley boys began the
week with a loss against Clayton
Ridge, 2-6.
“We were in the ballgame, [but]
we just didn’t do enough to win,”
said Coach Dan Stepan.
1 2 3 4
0 0 0 0
1 0 3 0
Blazek 1 SB
Individual pitching stats: E. Busta 5 IP, 4
H, 1 R, 1 ER, 2 BB, 5 Ks, 1.40 ERA
Team batting stats: 5-27, 2 R, 2 RBIs, 1
BB, 1 SB
Individual batting stats: E. Drilling 1-4, 2
RBIs, 1 SB; C. Hackman 1-2, 1 BB; J. Bruess
1-3, 1 R; M. Goerend 1-3, 1 R; W. Leibold 1-3
Team pitching stats: 6 IP, 5 H, 6 R, 4 ER, 4
BB, 3 Ks, 4.67 ERA
Individual pitching stats: C. Reicks 5 IP, 4
H, 5 R, 3 ER, 3 BB, 2 Ks, 4.20 ERA; J. Snyder
1 IP, 1 H, 1 R, 1 ER, 1 BB, 1 Ks, 7.00 ERA
June 13 – TV 5, Clayton Ridge 1
The night’s second game saw only
five innings thanks to darkness and
the elements.
That was enough time for Turkey
Valley to manage a 5-1 game against
Clayton Ridge.
“I thought we competed against
a good baseball squad,” said Stepan.
“Evan pitched well and found a way
to scrape some runs across the plate.”
1 2 3 4
0 2 0 3
0 0 0 0
Team batting stats: 6-22, 5 R, 2 2B, 4
RBIs, 3 SB, 4 BB
Individual batting stats: C. Hackman 1-3;
E. Busta 1-2; W. Einwalter 1 R, 1 SB; C.
Reicks 1 R, 1 BB; R. Schmitt 2-3, 2 R, 1 2B,
1 RBI; J. Bruess 1 R; M. Goerend 1-2, 1 RBI,
1 SB, 1 BB; W. Leibold 1-3, 1 2B, 2 RBIs; W.
June 16 – TV 6, NFV 1
Against a solid NFV team, Turkey
Valley boys pulled off a win.
The game saw a number of factors
work together just right.
“Evan Drilling pitched well, we
played great defense and we made
our hits count,” said Stepan.
Turkey Valley took the lead early
and built on the lead.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R
NFV 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
TV 1 0 3 2 0 0 - 6
Team batting stats: 6-25, 6 R, 3 RBIs, 1
2B, 5 SB, 7 BB
Individual batting stats: E. Drilling 1 R, 2
SB, 2 BB; W. Blazek 1 SB; C. Hackman 2-4,
2 R; E. Busta 2-4, 1 R, 1 RBI, 1 2B; C. Reicks
2-3, 1 R, 1 RBI, 1 SB, 1 BB; R. Schmitt 1 R,
1 RBI, 1 BB; J. Bruess 1 BB; W. Leibold 1
SB, 2 BB
Individual pitching stats: E. Drilling 7 IP, 8
H, 1 R, 1 ER, 1 BB, 4 Ks, 1.00 ERA
June 16 – TV 7, NFV 15
Turkey Valley’s second game
against NFV went against the Trojans despite an early lead.
“Cale Reicks pitched well enough
to earn a victory, but we just didn’t
play well defensively,” said Stepan.
“We battled back to make it a ballgame, but then it got away from us
The Trojans fought back against a
6-1 NFV lead with four runs in the
fifth inning to make the score 6-5,
but a six-run sixth inning for the TigerHawks was answered by only one
run from the Trojans.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R
NFV 0 1 1 4 0 6 3 15
TV 1 0 0 0 4 1 1 7
Team batting stats: 6-30, 7 R, 5 RBIs, 1
2B, 2 BB
Individual batting stats: E. Drilling 1-4,
1 RBI; W. Blazek 1 BB; G. Kruse 1 R; C.
Hackman 1-3, 1 R, 2 RBIs; E. Busta 1 BB;
J. Snyder 1 RBI; R. Schmitt 1-3, 1 2B, 2 R;
J. Vsetecka 1-1; J. Bruess 1-4, 1 R, 1 RBI; M.
Goerend 1-3, 1 R; W. Leibold 1 R
Team pitching stats: 7 IP, 12 H, 15 R, 8
ER, 4 Ks, 4 BB, 8.00 ERA
Individual pitching stats: C. Reicks 5.33
IP, 9 H, 8 R, 5 ER, 2 BB, 2 Ks, 6.56 ERA; E.
Busta .67 IP, 1 H, 4 R, 1 ER, 1 BB, 2Ks, 10.50
ERA; J. Snyder 1 IP, 2 H, 3 R, 2 ER, 1 BB,
14.00 ERA
June 17 – TV 1, New Hampton 11
Turkey Valley saw a tough opponent in New Hampton Friday.
Stepan noted his opponent was a
“quality team.”
Taking the lead with a five-run
first inning, New Hampton held the
Trojans scoreless until both sides
scored a single run in the second inning.
Turkey Valley was unable to over-
come the deficit.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
5 1 1 2 2 0 0 11
Team batting stats: 4-17, 1 R, 1 2B, 1 RBI,
1 SB, 1 BB
Individual batting stats: E. Drilling 1-3,
1 2B; C. Reicks 1 BB; C. Hackman 1-2; W.
Blazek 1 R, 1 SB; R. Schmitt 1-2; J. Bruess
1-2, 1 RBI
Team pitching stats: 4 IP, 9 H, 11 R, 11 ER,
4 BB, 19.25 ERA
Individual pitching stats: E. Busta 2 IP, 2
H, 1 R, 1 ER, 2 BB, 3.50 ERA; C. Hackman 2
IP, 5 H, 3 R, 3 ER, 10.50 ERA; W. Blazek 1 H,
2 R, 2 ER, 1 BB
June 18 – TV 7,
Gladbrook-Reinbeck 15
Saturday’s action for the Trojans
began with a contest against Gladbrook-Reinbeck that saw Turkey
Valley fall 7-15.
While the Trojans were competitive for much of the game, a rough
sixth inning did in Turkey Valley as
Gladbrook-Reinbeck scored seven
runs while holding the Trojans scoreless.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R
0 3 2 2 0 0 0 7
0 2 1 5 0 7 0 15
Team batting stats: 12-31, 7 R, 2 2B, 7
RBIs, 3 SB, 2 BB
Individual batting stats: E. Drilling 3-3, 1
R, 1 2B, 2 RBIs, 1 BB; C. Hackman 1-2, 2 R,
2 SB; E. Busta 1-3, 1 RBI; W. Blazek 2-3, 1 R,
1 RBI, 1 SB; R. Schmitt 2-3, 2 R, 1 2B, 1 RBI;
J. Bruess 2-3, 1 R, 2 RBIs; G. Kruse 1-1; W.
Leibold 1 BB
Team pitching stats: 7 IP, 16 H, 16 R, 13
ER, 5 BB, 1 Ks, 13.00 ERA
Individual pitching stats: J. Vsetecka 3
IP, 7 H, 7 R, 4 ER, 2 BB, 1 Ks, 9.33 ERA;
C. Reicks 2 IP, 1 H, 1 R, 1 ER, 1 BB, 3.50
ERA; J. Snyder 1 2/3 IP, 4 H, 2 R, 2 ER, 8.40
ERA; E. Drilling 1/3 IP, 4 H, 6 R, 6 ER, 2 BB,
126.00 ERA
June 18 – TV 14, Iowa Valley 3
Turkey Valley ended the week
with a commanding win over Iowa
The Trojans dominated their final
contest as they scored first and never
let Iowa Valley take the lead.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R
0 0 0 2 1 0 0 3
1 3 2 0 2 4 2 14
Team batting stats: 17-35, 14 R, 5 2B, 11
RBIs, 4 SB, 3 BB
Individual batting stats: C. Reicks 3-5, 3
R, 1 2B, 1 SB; C. Hackman 2-5, 2 R, 2 2B,
1 RBI; E. Busta 1-3, 1 R, 2 RBIs, 1 BB; W.
Blazek 1-2, 2 R, 1 2B, 1 RBI, 1 SB, 1 BB;
R. Schmitt 3-5, 2 R, 1 2B, 2 RBIs, 1 SB; J.
Bruess 2-3, 1 R, 1 BB; M. Goerend 3-3, 1 R,
3 RBIs; W. Leibold 2-3, 2 RBIs; W. Einwalter
2 R, 1 SB
Team pitching stats: 7 1/3 IP, 2 H, 3 R, 3
ER, 6 BB, 4 Ks, 2.86 ERA
Individual pitching stats: J. Bruess 4 2/3
IP, 2 H, 3 R, 3 ER, 5 BB, 3 Ks, 4.50 ERA; E.
Busta 1 2/3 IP, 1 BB, 1 Ks; J. Snyder 1 IP
Warriors Face Clayton Ridge
By Michael Hohenbrink
South Winneshiek got well acquainted with Clayton Ridge last
week as the Warriors faced that opponent four times.
Trouble on the defensive side and
an injury to pitcher Ryan Dietzenbach made those contests trying for
South Winneshiek.
Over the course of the four games,
the Warriors would emerge victorious just once and see three losses.
June 16 – SW 3, Clayton Ridge 9
The first of the four contests ended in a Clayton Ridge victory.
“Defensive miscues in the top of
the first put us in a hole,” said Coach
Alex Smith.”
South Winneshiek’s top four hitters in their lineup combined to see
seven hits. That included a 2-3 performance with 2 RBIs by Hunter
“Cole Phillips had a breakout
game at the bottom of the lineup going 2-3 with a double,” said Smith.
1 2 3 4
4 1 0 0
2 0 1 0
June 16 – SW 2, Clayton Ridge 0
Pitching was a key part of South
Winneshiek’s win in Thursday’s second game.
“A complete game [shutout] by
Hunter Todd,” said Smith. “This was
our best pitching performance of the
season. CRC is a quality team with
a number of good hitters. Hunter
worked out of a couple of jams and
kept them off balance by locating
his fastball and getting his curveball
across for a strike.”
June 30, 2016
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o r YO
Team batting stats: 9-29, 3 R, 1 2B, 3
RBIs, 4 SB, 1 BB
Individual batting stats: A. Holthaus 2-3,
1 R, 1 SB, 1 BB; R. Schwartzhoff 2-4, 2 R, 2
SB; J. Lukes 1-4, 1 RBI; H. Todd 2-3, 2 RBIs,
1 SB; C. Phillips 2-3, 1 2B
for a
Team pitching stats: 7 IP, 9 H, 9 R, 5 ER, 3
BB, 3 Ks, 5.00 ERA
Individual pitching stats: M. Holthaus 6
IP, 7 H, 7 R, 3 ER, 3 BB, 2 Ks, 3.50 ERA;
A. Holthaus 1 IP, 2 H, 2 R, 2 ER, 1 Ks, 14.00
Charity to Benefit:
South Winn
Recreation Program
W E A LT H M A N A G E M E N T & B A N K I N G
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Team batting stats: 3-21, 2 R, 1 2B, 2 SB,
2 BB
Individual batting stats: A. Holthaus 1-2,
1 R, 1 2B, 1 BB; R. Schwartzhoff 1-2, 2 SB, 1
BB; L. Lukes 1-2, 1 R
Individual pitching stats: H. Todd 7 IP, 4
H, 2 BB, 7 Ks
June 18 – SW 1, Clayton Ridge 15
The Warriors saw an injury early
in their first game Saturday.
“Starting pitcher Ryan Dietzenbach suffered an injury after being
hit by a line drive by the second
batter of the game,” said Smith.
“We utilized a few different pitchers to get them some experience,
and unfortunately we weren’t able
to throw enough strikes and make
plays defensively to be competitive.
We know there will be some bumps
in the road with our youth, and this
proved to be one of those games.”
Two six-run innings and a threerun inning propelled Clayton Ridge
to victory.
June 18 – SW 5, Clayton Ridge 7
“Our guys responded well in the
second game and put themselves in a
position to win,” said Smith. “A big
inning by CRC in the top of the sixth
proved to be the difference.”
Pitching helped the Warriors.
“Mason Elsbernd tossed four
quality innings in the starting role
allowing just two runs,” said Smith.
“We look for him to throw some big
innings for us in conference this up-
Detailed floor plans,
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South Winneshiek's Matthew Holthaus sizes up the situation before the start
of game play during double-header action at home. Holthaus was the sole
player for the Warriors to score in Saturday's first game against Clayton
Ridge. Photos by Nichol Hohenbrink
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R
0 6 0 3 6 0 0 15
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Team batting stats: 3-16, 1 R, 2 SB, 2 BB
Individual batting stats: A. Holthaus 1 BB;
R. Schwartzhoff 1-2, 1 BB; L. Feltz 1-1; M.
Holthaus 1 R, 1 SB; C. Klimesh 1-1, 1 SB
Team pitching stats: 5 IP, 12 H, 15 R, 13
ER, 9 BB, 1 Ks, 18.20 ERA
Individual pitching stats: R. Dietzenbach
1/3 IP, 1H; A. Tieskoetter 2 IP, 3 H, 3 R, 1 ER,
2 BB, 3.50 ERA; L. Lukes 1 2/3 IP, 6 H, 6 R, 6
ER, 2 BB, 1 Ks, 25.20 ERA; N. Tieskoetter 1
IP, 2 H, 6 R, 6 ER, 5 BB, 42.00 ERA
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Heidi J. Busta
South Winneshiek’s offensive
game also helped.
“Alex Holthaus keyed the offense
early with a leadoff double in the
bottom of the first,” said Smith. “He
managed to score on a wild pitch.
Levi Lukes added a run in the bottom of the fifth.”
South Winneshiek warms up prior to facing Clayton Ridge Saturday at home.
Team batting stats: 10-31, 5 R, 1 2B, 5
coming week.”
2 SB, 2 BB
South Winneshiek also played RBIs,
Individual batting stats: A. Holthaus 1-3,
well with hitting.
1 R, 1 SB; R. Schwartzhoff 2-3, 2 R, 1 2B, 1
“Our top five hitters combined for RBI; J. Lukes 2-4, 1 R, 2 RBIs; H. Todd 3-4, 1
10 hits highlighted by a 3-4 perfor- RBI, 1 SB; L. Lukes 2-4, 1 RBI; M. Elsbernd
S. Greve 1 BB; J. Todd 1 R
mance by Hunter Todd and a 2-3 per- 1 BB;
Team pitching stats: 7 IP, 10 H, 7 R, 7 ER,
formance by Rodney Schwartzhoff 4 BB, 7.00 ERA
Individual pitching stats: M. Elsbernd 4 IP,
that included his first double of the
5 H, 2 R, 2 ER, 1 BB, 3.50 ERA; A. Holthaus 2
season,” said Smith.
IP, 4 H, 4 R, 4 ER, 2 BB, 14.00 ERA; K. Kleve
1 IP, 1 H, 1 R, 1 ER, 1 BB, 7.00 ERA
Fort Atkinson Shooting Victim Named
(563) 380-2694
St. Lucas & surrounding areas •
A Fort Atkinson boy has been
identified as the victim of a fatal
Jayden Choate, 4, of Fort Atkinson, died following a fatal shooting
Friday afternoon.
According to the Fayette County
Sheriff’s Office, deputies responded
at 2:47 p.m. to a call of a 4-year-old
child who had possibly shot himself
and was suffering from a gunshot
wound. The location of the shooting was identified as 210 Main St.
in Elgin. The victim was transported
to Palmer Lutheran Hospital in West
Union where he was later
head, which at this time,
pronounced dead.
appears to be accidental,
Choate was visiting the
the sheriff’s office said.
residence, along with his
An investigation continmother, a two-year-old
brother, five-month-old
Because Jayden was
sister and a family friend,
attending preschool in
the sheriff’s office said.
the Turkey Valley school
Preliminary information
system, the Turkey Valindicates that Jayden was
ley Community School
inside the residence alone
District will have on hand
with his two siblings when Jayden Choate
counselors to assist any
the shooting took place.
students who may have
An autopsy Saturday determined known Jayden.
he died from a gunshot wound to his