Logansport Municipal Utilities
Logansport Municipal Utilities
L M U Logansport Municipal Utilities Logansport, Indiana 2009 Annual Report L M U UTILITY SERVICE BOARD A. Todd Miller, Chairman Richard L. Dilling, Vice Chairman Thomas N. Slusser, Secretary John R. Davis, Member Jeffrey Muller, Member MANAGEMENT Paul A. Hartman, Superintendent LuAnn Davis, Controller Robert Dunderman, Manager/Electric Department-Distribution Greg Wengert, Manager/Generating Plant James A. Jackson, Manager, Water & Wastewater Pamela M. Gregory, Manager, Human Resources 1 L M U LONG TERM INDEBTEDNESS As of December 31, 2009 LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM INDEBTEDNESS INDEBTEDNESS INDEBTEDNESS INDEBTEDNESS INDEBTEDNESS INDEBTEDNESS INDEBTEDNESS INDEBTEDNESS INDEBTEDNESS LONG AS AS AS AS AS AS AS OF AS OF OF OF OF OF TERM AS OF DECEMBER OF DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER OF DECEMBER DECEMBER INDEBTEDNESS DECEMBER 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, LONG 31, 2009 31, 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 31, 2009 2009 TERM AS 2009 OFINDEBTEDNESS DECEMBER LONG 31, AS 2009 TERM OF DECEMBER INDEBTEDNESS LONG 31, 2009 AS TERM OF INDEBTEDNESS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AS OF DECEMBER 31, 20 OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING AS AS OF OF OF AS AS AS AS AS OF AS OF OF OF OF OF AS BONDS BONDS BONDS BONDS BONDS BONDS BONDS BONDS OUTSTANDING BONDS ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED AS OF DURING 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3,018,000.00 3,018,000.00 3,018,000.00 3,018,000.00 3,018,000.00 3,018,000.00 WATER UTILITY 3,018,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WATER305,000.00 305,000.00 305,000.00 305,000.00 UTILITY 305,000.00 305,000.00 305,000.00 305,000.00 3,018,000.00 305,000.00 0.00 WATER2,713,000.00 2,713,000.00 2,713,000.00 2,713,000.00 UTILITY 2,713,000.00 2,713,000.00 2,713,000.00 2,713,000.00 305,000.00 3,018,000.00 2,713,000.00 0.00 0.00 86,806.50 86,806.50 86,806.50 86,806.50 86,806.50 86,806.50 86,806.50 305,000.00 86,806.50 2,713,000.00 3,018,000.00 86,806.50 0.00 SEWAGE SEWAGE SEWAGE SEWAGE SEWAGE SEWAGE SEWAGE SEWAGE UTILITY UTILITY UTILITY UTILITY UTILITY UTILITY UTILITY UTILITY SEWAGE UTILITY SEWAGE 3,572,000.00 3,572,000.00 3,572,000.00 3,572,000.00 3,572,000.00 UTILITY 3,572,000.00 3,572,000.00 3,572,000.00 SEWAGE UTILITY 3,572,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEWAGE 626,000.00 626,000.00 626,000.00 626,000.00 626,000.00 UTILITY 626,000.00 626,000.00 3,572,000.00 626,000.00 0.00 SEWAGE 2,946,000.00 2,946,000.00 2,946,000.00 2,946,000.00 2,946,000.00 UTILITY 2,946,000.00 2,946,000.00 626,000.00 3,572,000.00 2,946,000.00 0.00 3,572,000.00 0.00 626,000.00 2,946,000.00 125,753.25 125,753.25 125,753.25 125,753.25 125,753.25 125,753.25 125,753.25 125,753.25 626,000.00 2,946,000.00 3,572,000.00 125,753.25 0.00 STORMWATER STORMWATER STORMWATER STORMWATER STORMWATER STORMWATER STORMWATER STORMWATER STORMWATER STORMWATER 395,000.00 395,000.00 395,000.00 395,000.00 395,000.00 395,000.00 395,000.00 395,000.00 STORMWATER 0.00 0.00 0.00 395,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 STORMWATER 125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 395,000.00 125,000.00 0.00 STORMWATER 270,000.00 270,000.00 270,000.00 270,000.00 270,000.00 270,000.00 270,000.00 125,000.00 395,000.00 270,000.00 0.00 395,000.00 0.00 125,000.00 270,000.00 17,495.00 17,495.00 17,495.00 17,495.00 17,495.00 17,495.00 17,495.00 125,000.00 17,495.00 270,000.00 17,495.00 395,000.00 0.00 TOTALS TOTALS TOTALS TOTALS TOTALS TOTALS TOTALS TOTALS TOTALS $$$$$ $$ $ 6,985,000.00 6,985,000.00 6,985,000.00 6,985,000.00 6,985,000.00 6,985,000.00 6,985,000.00 6,985,000.00 6,985,000.00 TOTALS $ $TOTALS BO 6,985,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTALS $1,056,000.00 1,056,000.00 1,056,000.00 1,056,000.00 1,056,000.00 $1,056,000.00 1,056,000.00 6,985,000.00 1,056,000.00 0.00 TOTALS $5,929,000.00 5,929,000.00 5,929,000.00 5,929,000.00 5,929,000.00 $ 5,929,000.00 5,929,000.00 1,056,000.00 6,985,000.00 5,929,000.00 0.00 $$$$$$$$ 230,054.75 $230,054.75 230,054.75 230,054.75 $230,054.75 230,054.75 $ 1,056,000.00 230,054.75 230,054.75 5,929,000.00 6,985,000.00 230,054.75 0.00 0.00 $$$$$$ $1,056,000.00 $$$$$$$$$5,929,000.00 $$ This This This This This This This is is is This is to to to is to is to certify to certify certify to certify is certify certify certify to certify that that that that that that that the the the the the that the the data data data data 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accu kno This isis to certify that the data contained this report isis accurate the best of my knowledge and belief. 2 L M U ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2009 ELECTRICDEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTBALANCE BALANCESHEET SHEET ELECTRIC ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2009 December December 31, 31, 2009 2009 ELECTRIC BALANCE SHEET DecemberDEPARTMENT 31, 2009 DEPARTMENT ELECTRIC BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2009 ASSETS December 31, 2009 ASSETS ASSETS ASSETS CURRENTASSETS: ASSETS: CURRENT ASSETS: CURRENT ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash-Operating………………………………………………. 8,000.00 ASSETS Cash-Operating………………………………………………. 8,000.00 Cash-Operating………………………………………………. $$$ 8,000.00 December 31, 2009 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET CURRENT ASSETS: Cash-Operating………………………………………………. $ 8,000.00 AccountsReceivable-Customers…………………………… Receivable-Customers…………………………… 2,788,585.52 CURRENT ASSETS: Accounts Receivable-Customers…………………………… 2,788,585.52 Accounts $$$ 2,788,585.52 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2009 Cash-Operating………………………………………………. $ 2,902,322.66 8,000.00 Accounts Receivable-Customers…………………………… $ 2,788,585.52 AccountsReceivable-Others……………………………….. Receivable-Others……………………………….. 113,737.14 2,902,322.66 Cash-Operating………………………………………………. $ 8,000.00 Accounts Receivable-Others……………………………….. 113,737.14 2,902,322.66 Accounts 113,737.14 December 31, 2009 ASSETS Accounts Receivable-Customers…………………………… $ 2,788,585.52 Receivable-Others……………………………….. 113,737.14 2,902,322.66 Accounts Receivable-Customers…………………………… $ 2,788,585.52 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET CURRENT ASSETS: ASSETS Accounts Receivable-Others……………………………….. 113,737.14 Prepaid Expenses……………………………………………. 0.00 113,737.14 Accounts Receivable-Others……………………………….. 2,902,322.66 Prepaid Expenses……………………………………………. 0.00 Prepaid Expenses……………………………………………. 0.00 ASSETS December 31, 2009 Cash-Operating………………………………………………. $ 2,902,322.66 8,000.00 CURRENT ASSETS: ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET Prepaid Expenses……………………………………………. 0.00 Inventory-Coal………………………………………………… $ 995,298.18 Inventory-Coal………………………………………………… $ 995,298.18 Inventory-Coal………………………………………………… $ 995,298.18 CURRENT ASSETS: ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET Accounts Receivable-Customers…………………………… $ 2,788,585.52 Cash-Operating………………………………………………. $ 8,000.00 December 31, 2009 Prepaid Expenses……………………………………………. 0.00 Inventory-Coal………………………………………………… $$ 2,788,585.52 995,298.18 Inventory-Oil…………………………………………………… 0.00 Prepaid Expenses……………………………………………. Inventory-Oil…………………………………………………… 0.00 Inventory-Oil…………………………………………………… 0.00 Cash-Operating………………………………………………. $0.00 2,902,322.66 8,000.00 ASSETS December 31, 2009 Accounts Receivable-Others……………………………….. 113,737.14 Accounts Receivable-Customers…………………………… Inventory-Coal………………………………………………… $ 995,298.18 Inventory-Oil…………………………………………………… 0.00 Inventory-Materials…………………………………………… 1,464,905.07 2,460,203.25 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET Inventory-Coal………………………………………………… $ 995,298.18 Inventory-Materials…………………………………………… 1,464,905.07 2,460,203.25 Inventory-Materials…………………………………………… 2,460,203.25 Receivable-Customers…………………………… $ 1,464,905.07 2,788,585.52 CURRENT ASSETS: Accounts Receivable-Others……………………………….. 113,737.14 2,902,322.66 ASSETS Inventory-Oil…………………………………………………… 0.00 Inventory-Materials…………………………………………… 1,464,905.07 2,460,203.25 December 31, 2009 Inventory-Oil…………………………………………………… 0.00 Accounts Receivable-Others……………………………….. 113,737.14 2,902,322.66 Cash-Operating………………………………………………. $ 8,000.00 ASSETS Prepaid Expenses……………………………………………. 0.00 CURRENT ASSETS: ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET Inventory-Materials…………………………………………… 1,464,905.07 2,460,203.25 INVESTMENTS: Inventory-Materials…………………………………………… 1,464,905.07 2,460,203.25 INVESTMENTS: INVESTMENTS: Accounts Receivable-Customers…………………………… $995,298.18 2,788,585.52 CURRENT ASSETS: Inventory-Coal………………………………………………… $ Prepaid Expenses……………………………………………. 0.00 Cash-Operating………………………………………………. $ 8,000.00 December 31, 2009 INVESTMENTS: Operating Fund (Savings)…………………………………… 1,491,072.99 ASSETS Operating Fund (Savings)…………………………………… 1,491,072.99 Operating Fund (Savings)…………………………………… Prepaid Expenses……………………………………………. 0.00 Accounts Receivable-Others……………………………….. $$$$ 1,491,072.99 113,737.14 2,902,322.66 Cash-Operating………………………………………………. $ 8,000.00 Inventory-Oil…………………………………………………… 0.00 Inventory-Coal………………………………………………… 995,298.18 Accounts Receivable-Customers…………………………… $ 2,788,585.52 INVESTMENTS: Operating Fund (Savings)…………………………………… $$ 1,491,072.99 Bond Sinking Fund………………………………………….. 0.00 CURRENT ASSETS: INVESTMENTS: Bond Sinking Fund………………………………………….. 0.00 Bond Sinking Fund………………………………………….. 0.00 Inventory-Coal………………………………………………… 995,298.18 Accounts Receivable-Customers…………………………… $1,464,905.07 2,788,585.52 Inventory-Materials…………………………………………… 2,460,203.25 Inventory-Oil…………………………………………………… 0.00 Accounts Receivable-Others……………………………….. 113,737.14 2,902,322.66 ASSETS Operating Fund (Savings)…………………………………… $ 1,491,072.99 Bond Sinking Fund………………………………………….. Bond Reserve………………………………………………… 0.00 Cash-Operating………………………………………………. $ 2,902,322.66 8,000.00 Operating Fund (Savings)…………………………………… $0.00 1,491,072.99 Bond Reserve………………………………………………… 0.00 Bond Reserve………………………………………………… 0.00 Inventory-Oil…………………………………………………… 0.00 Prepaid Expenses……………………………………………. 0.00 Accounts Receivable-Others……………………………….. 113,737.14 Inventory-Materials…………………………………………… 1,464,905.07 2,460,203.25 CURRENT ASSETS: Bond Sinking Fund………………………………………….. 0.00 Reserve………………………………………………… Construction Fund (Investment) 0.00 Accounts Receivable-Customers…………………………… Bond Sinking Fund………………………………………….. 1,464,905.07 0.002,460,203.25 Construction Fund (Investment) 0.00 Construction Fund (Investment) 0.00 Inventory-Materials…………………………………………… Inventory-Coal………………………………………………… $ 2,788,585.52 995,298.18 INVESTMENTS: Prepaid Expenses……………………………………………. 0.00 Cash-Operating………………………………………………. $ 8,000.00 Bond Reserve………………………………………………… 0.00 Construction Fund (Investment) Depreciation Reserve………………………………………… 3,811,680.76 Receivable-Others……………………………….. 113,737.14 2,902,322.66 Bond Reserve………………………………………………… Depreciation Reserve………………………………………… 3,811,680.76 Depreciation Reserve………………………………………… Inventory-Oil…………………………………………………… 0.000.00 Prepaid Expenses……………………………………………. 0.00 Operating Fund (Savings)…………………………………… $3,811,680.76 1,491,072.99 INVESTMENTS: Inventory-Coal………………………………………………… $ Accounts Receivable-Customers…………………………… $ 995,298.18 2,788,585.52 Construction Fund (Investment) 0.00 Depreciation Reserve………………………………………… Banked Vacation…………………………………………….. 272,485.90 Construction Fund (Investment) 0.00 Banked Vacation…………………………………………….. 272,485.90 Banked Vacation…………………………………………….. 272,485.90 INVESTMENTS: Inventory-Materials…………………………………………… 1,464,905.07 2,460,203.25 Inventory-Coal………………………………………………… $ 995,298.18 Bond Sinking Fund………………………………………….. 0.00 Operating Fund (Savings)…………………………………… $ 3,811,680.76 1,491,072.99 Inventory-Oil…………………………………………………… 0.00 Accounts Receivable-Others……………………………….. 113,737.14 2,902,322.66 Depreciation Reserve………………………………………… Banked Vacation…………………………………………….. 272,485.90 Employee Savings…………………………………………… 0.00 Prepaid Expenses……………………………………………. 0.00 Depreciation Reserve………………………………………… 3,811,680.76 Employee Savings…………………………………………… 0.00 Employee Savings…………………………………………… 0.00 Operating Fund (Savings)…………………………………… $ 3,811,680.76 1,491,072.99 Inventory-Oil…………………………………………………… 0.00 Bond Reserve………………………………………………… 0.00 Bond Sinking Fund………………………………………….. 0.00 Inventory-Materials…………………………………………… 1,464,905.07 2,460,203.25 Banked Vacation…………………………………………….. 272,485.90 Employee Savings…………………………………………… 0.00 Insurance Reserve…………………………………………… 270,000.00 Inventory-Coal………………………………………………… $ 1,464,905.07 995,298.18 Banked Vacation…………………………………………….. 272,485.90 Insurance Reserve…………………………………………… 270,000.00 Insurance Reserve…………………………………………… 270,000.00 Bond Sinking Fund………………………………………….. 0.00 INVESTMENTS: Inventory-Materials…………………………………………… 2,460,203.25 Construction Fund (Investment) 0.00 Reserve………………………………………………… Prepaid Expenses……………………………………………. 0.00 Employee Savings…………………………………………… 0.00 Insurance Reserve…………………………………………… 270,000.00 Restricted Customer Deposits……………………………… 155,000.00 6,000,239.65 Inventory-Oil…………………………………………………… Employee Savings…………………………………………… Restricted Customer Deposits……………………………… 155,000.00 6,000,239.65 Restricted Customer Deposits……………………………… 155,000.00 6,000,239.65 Bond Reserve………………………………………………… Operating Fund (Savings)…………………………………… Depreciation Reserve………………………………………… 3,811,680.76 Construction Fund (Investment) 0.00 0.000.00 INVESTMENTS: Inventory-Coal………………………………………………… $$ 1,491,072.99 995,298.18 Insurance Reserve…………………………………………… 270,000.00 Restricted Customer Deposits……………………………… 155,000.00 6,000,239.65 Total Current Assets………………………………………. 11,370,765.56 Inventory-Materials…………………………………………… 1,464,905.07 2,460,203.25 Insurance Reserve…………………………………………… $3,811,680.76 Total Current Assets………………………………………. 11,370,765.56 Total Current Assets………………………………………. $$$ 11,370,765.56 Construction Fund (Investment) 0.00270,000.00 Bond Sinking Fund………………………………………….. INVESTMENTS: Banked Vacation…………………………………………….. 272,485.90 Depreciation Reserve………………………………………… Operating Fund (Savings)…………………………………… 1,491,072.99 Inventory-Oil…………………………………………………… 0.00 Restricted Customer Deposits……………………………… 155,000.00 Total Current Assets………………………………………. $ 11,370,765.56 Restricted Customer Deposits……………………………… 3,811,680.76 155,000.00 6,000,239.65 Depreciation Reserve………………………………………… Bond Reserve………………………………………………… 0.00 6,000,239.65 Operating Fund (Savings)…………………………………… $272,485.90 1,491,072.99 Employee Savings…………………………………………… 0.00 Banked Vacation…………………………………………….. Bond Sinking Fund………………………………………….. 0.00 Inventory-Materials…………………………………………… 1,464,905.07 2,460,203.25 Total Current Assets………………………………………. $ 11,370,765.56 FIXED ASSETS: INVESTMENTS: Total Current Assets………………………………………. $ 11,370,765.56 FIXED ASSETS: FIXED ASSETS: Banked Vacation…………………………………………….. 272,485.90 Construction Fund (Investment) 0.00 Bond Sinking Fund………………………………………….. 0.00 Insurance Reserve…………………………………………… 270,000.00 Employee Savings…………………………………………… 0.00 Bond Reserve………………………………………………… 0.00 FIXED Plant inASSETS: Service………………………………………………. 79,438,795.05 Operating Fund (Savings)…………………………………… $$$ 79,438,795.05 $155,000.00 1,491,072.99 Plant in Service………………………………………………. 79,438,795.05 Plant in Service………………………………………………. Employee Savings…………………………………………… 0.00 Depreciation Reserve………………………………………… 3,811,680.76 Bond Reserve………………………………………………… 0.00 Restricted Customer Deposits……………………………… 6,000,239.65 Insurance Reserve…………………………………………… 270,000.00 Construction Fund (Investment) 0.00 INVESTMENTS: FIXED ASSETS: Plant in Service………………………………………………. $ 79,438,795.05 Construction Work in Progress…………………………….. 232,603.67 79,671,398.72 Bond Sinking Fund………………………………………….. 0.00 79,671,398.72 FIXED ASSETS: Construction Work in Progress…………………………….. 232,603.67 Construction Work in Progress…………………………….. 232,603.67 Insurance Reserve…………………………………………… 270,000.00 Banked Vacation…………………………………………….. 272,485.90 Construction Fund (Investment) 0.00 Total Current Assets………………………………………. $79,671,398.72 11,370,765.56 Restricted Customer Deposits……………………………… 155,000.00 6,000,239.65 Depreciation Reserve………………………………………… 3,811,680.76 Operating Fund (Savings)…………………………………… $ 1,491,072.99 Plant inReserve Service………………………………………………. $ 79,438,795.05 Construction Work in Progress…………………………….. 232,603.67 79,671,398.72 Less: Reserve for Depreciation………………………….. 51,084,039.33 Reserve………………………………………………… Plant in Service………………………………………………. $ 79,438,795.05 Less: Reserve for Depreciation………………………….. 51,084,039.33 Less: for Depreciation………………………….. Restricted Customer Deposits……………………………… 155,000.00 6,000,239.65 Employee Savings…………………………………………… 0.00$ 51,084,039.33 Depreciation Reserve………………………………………… 3,811,680.76 Total Current Assets………………………………………. 11,370,765.56 Banked Vacation…………………………………………….. 272,485.90 Bond Sinking Fund………………………………………….. Construction Work inDepreciation………………………….. Progress…………………………….. 79,671,398.72 Less: Reserve for 51,084,039.33 Net Plant……………………………………………………. 28,587,359.39 Construction Fund (Investment) Construction Work in Progress…………………………….. 232,603.67 232,603.67 79,671,398.72 Net Plant……………………………………………………. 28,587,359.39 Net Plant……………………………………………………. $$$$ 28,587,359.39 Total Current Assets………………………………………. 11,370,765.56 Insurance Reserve…………………………………………… 270,000.00 Banked Vacation…………………………………………….. 272,485.90 FIXED ASSETS: Employee Savings…………………………………………… 0.00 Bond Reserve………………………………………………… 0.00 Less: Reserve forCustomer Depreciation………………………….. 51,084,039.33 Net Plant……………………………………………………. 28,587,359.39 TOTAL ASSETS………………………………………. 39,958,124.95 Depreciation Reserve………………………………………… 3,811,680.76 TOTAL ASSETS………………………………………. $$ 39,958,124.95 39,958,124.95 TOTAL ASSETS………………………………………. $$ Less: Reserve for Depreciation…………………………..$ 79,438,795.05 51,084,039.33 Restricted Deposits……………………………… 155,000.00 6,000,239.65 Employee Savings…………………………………………… 0.00 Plant in Service………………………………………………. FIXED ASSETS: Insurance Reserve…………………………………………… 270,000.00 Construction Fund (Investment) 0.00 Net Plant……………………………………………………. $ 28,587,359.39 TOTAL ASSETS………………………………………. 39,958,124.95 Vacation…………………………………………….. 272,485.90 Net Plant……………………………………………………. $ 28,587,359.39 FIXED ASSETS: Total Current $6,000,239.65 11,370,765.56 Insurance Reserve…………………………………………… 270,000.00 Construction Work inAssets………………………………………. Progress…………………………….. 232,603.67 79,671,398.72 Plant inBanked Service………………………………………………. $ 79,438,795.05 Restricted Customer Deposits……………………………… 155,000.00 Depreciation Reserve………………………………………… 3,811,680.76 TOTAL ASSETS………………………………………. $ 39,958,124.95 TOTAL ASSETS………………………………………. $ 39,958,124.95 Employee Savings…………………………………………… 0.00 Plant in Service………………………………………………. $ 79,438,795.05 Restricted Customer Deposits……………………………… 155,000.00 6,000,239.65 Less: Reserve for Depreciation………………………….. Construction Work in Progress…………………………….. 232,603.67 Total Current Assets………………………………………. $ 51,084,039.33 11,370,765.56 Banked Vacation…………………………………………….. 272,485.90 79,671,398.72 Insurance Reserve…………………………………………… 270,000.00 Construction Work inAssets………………………………………. Progress…………………………….. 232,603.67 0.00 $51,084,039.33 79,671,398.72 FIXED ASSETS: Current $ 11,370,765.56 NetTotal Plant……………………………………………………. 28,587,359.39 Less: Reserve for Depreciation………………………….. Employee Savings…………………………………………… Restricted Customer Deposits……………………………… 155,000.00 6,000,239.65 TOTAL 39,958,124.95 Less: Reserve for Depreciation………………………….. 51,084,039.33 Plant in ASSETS………………………………………. Service………………………………………………. $ 79,438,795.05 Net Plant……………………………………………………. FIXED ASSETS: Insurance Reserve…………………………………………… 270,000.00$ $28,587,359.39 Total Current Assets………………………………………. $ 11,370,765.56 Net Plant……………………………………………………. 28,587,359.39 Construction Work in Deposits……………………………… Progress…………………………….. 232,603.67$ 39,958,124.95 79,671,398.72 FIXED ASSETS: TOTAL ASSETS………………………………………. Plant in Service………………………………………………. $ 79,438,795.05 Restricted Customer 155,000.00 6,000,239.65 TOTAL ASSETS………………………………………. $ 39,958,124.95 Less: Reserve for Depreciation………………………….. 51,084,039.33 Plant in Service………………………………………………. $ 79,438,795.05 Construction Work in Progress…………………………….. 232,603.67 79,671,398.72 Total Current Assets………………………………………. $ 11,370,765.56 FIXED ASSETS: Net Plant……………………………………………………. $79,671,398.72 28,587,359.39 Construction Work in Progress…………………………….. 232,603.67 Less: Reserve for Depreciation………………………….. 51,084,039.33 Plant inASSETS: Service………………………………………………. $ 79,438,795.05 $ 28,587,359.39 TOTAL ASSETS………………………………………. $51,084,039.33 39,958,124.95 Less: Reserve for Depreciation………………………….. Net Plant……………………………………………………. FIXED Construction Work in Progress…………………………….. 232,603.67 $ $ 39,958,124.95 79,671,398.72 Net Plant……………………………………………………. 28,587,359.39 TOTAL ASSETS………………………………………. Plant in Service………………………………………………. $ 79,438,795.05 3 L M U ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET (Continued) December 31, 2009 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET (Continued) ELECTRIC BALANCE SHEET (Continued) DecemberDEPARTMENT 31, 2009 December 31, 2009 LIABILITIES LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES: ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET (Continued) CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable……………………………………………. December 31, 2009 Accounts Payable……………………………………………. Current Portion (Bonds)………………………………… ……. $ 0.00 … Current Portion (Bonds)…………………………………… ……. $ 481,034.44 0.00 Accrued……………………………………………………….. Accrued……………………………………………………….. 481,034.44 Customer Deposits………………………………………….. LIABILITIES Customer Deposits………………………………………….. TotalCURRENT Current Liabilities……………………………………. LIABILITIES: TotalAccounts Current Contributions inLiabilities……………………………………. Aid………………………………………….. Payable……………………………………………. Contributions Aid………………………………………….. Long Term-Bonds……………………………………………. CurrentinPortion (Bonds)…………………………………… ……. $ $ 0.00 0.00 Long Term-Bonds……………………………………………. $ 0.00 EarnedAccrued……………………………………………………….. Surplus………………………………………………. 31,562,621.21 481,034.44 Earned Surplus………………………………………………. 31,562,621.21 CurrentCustomer Year Earnings………………………………………. (340,558.82) Deposits………………………………………….. Current Year Earnings………………………………………. (340,558.82) TOTAL TotalLIABILITIES Current Liabilities……………………………………. TOTAL LIABILITIES Contributions in Aid………………………………………….. Long Term-Bonds……………………………………………. $ 0.00 Earned Surplus………………………………………………. 31,562,621.21 Current Year Earnings………………………………………. (340,558.82) TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 2,841,742.43 $ 2,841,742.43 481,034.44 481,034.44 150,840.00 150,840.00 $ 3,473,616.87 3,473,616.87 $ 5,262,445.69 $ 2,841,742.43 $ 5,262,445.69 481,034.44 $ 31,222,062.39 150,840.00 $ 39,958,124.95 31,222,062.39 $ 3,473,616.87 $ 39,958,124.95 $ 5,262,445.69 $ 31,222,062.39 $ 39,958,124.95 4 L M U ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT INCOME STATEMENT January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT INCOME STATEMENT January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 REVENUES: Electric Sales……………………………………. Customer Penalties…………………………….. Customer Service Sales……………………….. Interest Income………………………………….. Fuel Adjustments Revenues…………………… Miscellaneous Revenues………………………. $ 25,409,837.71 103,768.21 205,184.08 41,072.88 10,520,174.49 78,238.83 $ 36,358,276.20 EXPENSES: Steam Power Generation………………………. Purchased Power……………………………….. Distribution Expense……………………………. Administration & General Expense…………… Payroll & Revenue Receipts Tax…………………… Interest Expense………………………………… Depreciation……………………………………… $ 13,791,186.41 15,348,502.17 2,475,464.54 2,393,375.18 784,006.69 0.00 1,906,300.03 $ 36,698,835.02 INCOME TRANSFERRED TO SURPLUS……….. $ (340,558.82) 5 L M U ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH FLOW ANALYSIS JanuaryDEPARTMENT 1, 2009 to CASH December 31, 2009 ELECTRIC FLOW ANALYSIS January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Operating Cash Balance 1/01/09………………….. SOURCE OF FUNDS: Net Revenue…………………………………….. Interest from Investments………………………. Misc. Non-Operating Revenues……………….. Contributions in Aid…………………………….. Total Cash Available…………………………. USE OF FUNDS: Operation & Maintenance Expense…………… Administrative & General Expenses………….. Purchased Power………………………………. Coal, Oil and Gas………………………………. $ $ 35,820,820.02 41,834.18 283,422.91 319,826.27 $ Less: Increase in Payables & Accruals……. 2,276,133.10 $ 36,465,903.38 $ 38,742,036.48 5,811,003.76 3,177,381.87 15,348,502.17 10,455,647.19 368,903.19 Cash Available after Expenses……….. $ 34,423,631.80 $ 4,318,404.68 $ 1,995,072.95 Net Cash Available from Operation……. Transfer to Investments………………………… $ $ 2,323,331.73 824,258.74 Operating Cash Balance 12/31/09………………… $ 1,499,072.99 Invested 12/31/09……………………………….. $ 1,499,072.99 Prepayments & Inventory………………………. Capital Outlay-Utility……………………………. $ 441,365.41 1,553,707.54 6 L M U ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES December 31, 2009 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES December 31, 2009 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES December 31, 2009 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES December 31, 2009 December 31, 2009 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES December 31, 2009 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES December 31, 2009 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES December 31, 2009 December 31, 2009 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES December 31, 2009 December 31, 2009 December 31, 2009 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES December 31, 2009 December 31, 20092008 CASH BALANCES ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES: December 31, 2009 December 31, 20092008 CASH BALANCES ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CASH BALANCES: December 31, 2009 December 31, 20092008 2008 2008 CASH BALANCES: Cash Operating Fund…………………………… $ 2,268,133.10 CASH BALANCES: Cash Operating Fund…………………………… $ 3,026,876.07 2,268,133.10 2008 CASH BALANCES: 2008 Depreciation Fund………………………………. Depreciation Fund………………………………. CASH BALANCES: 2008 CASH BALANCES: CASH BALANCES: Cash Operating Fund…………………………… $ 3,026,876.07 2,268,133.10 Banked Vacation……………………………….. 233,629.53 2008 Cash Operating Fund…………………………… $$ 2,268,133.10 Banked Vacation……………………………….. 233,629.53 Cash Operating Fund…………………………… 2,268,133.10 CASH BALANCES: Depreciation Fund………………………………. 3,026,876.07 Insurance Reserve………………………………. 279,307.32 CASH BALANCES: CASH BALANCES: 2008 Depreciation Fund………………………………. 3,026,876.07 Insurance Reserve………………………………. 279,307.32 Cash Operating Fund…………………………… $$ 2,268,133.10 Depreciation Fund………………………………. 3,026,876.07 Cash Operating Fund…………………………… Cash Operating Fund…………………………… 2,268,133.10 Banked Vacation……………………………….. 233,629.53 Restricted Customer Deposits………………… 145,095.00 CASH BALANCES: CASH BALANCES: 2008 Banked Vacation……………………………….. 233,629.53 Restricted Customer Deposits………………… 145,095.00 Depreciation Fund………………………………. 3,026,876.07 Banked Vacation……………………………….. 233,629.53 Cash Operating Fund…………………………… $ 2,268,133.10 Depreciation Fund………………………………. Depreciation Fund………………………………. 3,026,876.07 Insurance Reserve………………………………. 279,307.32 Construction Fund........................................ Cash Operating Fund…………………………… Cash Operating $ Fund…………………………… 2,268,133.10 CASH BALANCES: CASH BALANCES: 20080.00 Insurance Reserve………………………………. 279,307.32 Construction Fund........................................ 0.00 Banked Vacation……………………………….. 233,629.53 Insurance Reserve………………………………. 279,307.32 Depreciation Fund………………………………. 3,026,876.07 Banked Vacation……………………………….. Banked Vacation……………………………….. 233,629.53 Restricted Customer Deposits………………… 145,095.00 Depreciation Fund………………………………. Depreciation Fund………………………………. 3,026,876.07 Cash Operating Fund…………………………… Cash Operating $ Fund…………………………… 2,268,133.10 CASH BALANCES: CASH BALANCES: Restricted Customer Deposits………………… 145,095.00 Insurance Reserve………………………………. 279,307.32 Restricted Customer Deposits………………… 145,095.00 Banked Vacation……………………………….. 233,629.53 Insurance Reserve………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………. 279,307.32 Construction Fund........................................ 0.00 Banked Vacation……………………………….. Banked Vacation……………………………….. 233,629.53 Depreciation Fund………………………………. Depreciation Fund………………………………. 3,026,876.07 Cash Operating Fund…………………………… Cash Operating $Fund…………………………… 2,268,133.10 Construction Fund........................................ 0.00 Restricted Customer Deposits………………… 145,095.00 Construction Fund........................................ 0.00 Insurance Reserve………………………………. 279,307.32 Restricted Customer Deposits………………… Restricted Customer 145,095.00 Deposits………………… Insurance Reserve………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………. 279,307.32 Banked Vacation……………………………….. Banked Vacation……………………………….. 233,629.53 Depreciation Fund………………………………. Depreciation Fund………………………………. 3,026,876.07 Cash Operating Fund…………………………… Cash Operating $Fund…………………………… 2,268,133.10 Construction Fund........................................ 0.00 Restricted Customer Deposits………………… 145,095.00 Construction Fund........................................ Construction Fund........................................ 0.00 Restricted Customer Deposits………………… Restricted Customer 145,095.00 Deposits………………… Insurance Reserve………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………. 279,307.32 Banked Vacation……………………………….. Banked Vacation……………………………….. 233,629.53 Depreciation Fund………………………………. Depreciation Fund………………………………. 3,026,876.07 Construction Fund........................................ 0.00 Construction Fund........................................ Construction Fund........................................ 0.00 Restricted Customer Deposits………………… Restricted Customer 145,095.00 Deposits………………… Insurance Reserve………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………. 279,307.32 Banked Vacation……………………………….. Banked Vacation……………………………….. 233,629.53 Construction Fund........................................ Construction Fund........................................ 0.00 Restricted Customer Deposits………………… Restricted Customer 145,095.00 Deposits………………… Insurance Reserve………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………. 279,307.32 Construction Fund........................................ Construction Fund........................................ 0.00 Restricted Customer Deposits………………… Restricted Customer 145,095.00 Deposits………………… Construction Fund........................................ Construction Fund........................................ 0.00 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 $ 1,491,072.99 $ 3,811,680.76 1,491,072.99 2009 2008 2009 2009 $ 3,811,680.76 1,491,072.99 272,485.90 2008 2009 $$ 1,491,072.99 272,485.90 1,491,072.99 3,811,680.76 270,000.00 2008 2009 270,000.00 $ $3,811,680.76 1,491,072.99 3,811,680.76 2,268,133.10 1,491,072.99 272,485.90 155,000.00 2008 2009 272,485.90 155,000.00 272,485.90 $ $3,811,680.76 1,491,072.99 3,026,876.07 3,811,680.76 270,000.00 2,268,133.10 1,491,072.99 2008 20090.00 270,000.00 0.00 272,485.90 270,000.00 3,811,680.76 233,629.53 272,485.90 155,000.00 3,811,680.76 $ 3,026,876.07 2,268,133.10 1,491,072.99 155,000.00 270,000.00 155,000.00 272,485.90 279,307.32 270,000.00 0.00 233,629.53 272,485.90 3,811,680.76 $ 3,026,876.07 2,268,133.10 1,491,072.99 0.00 155,000.00 0.00 270,000.00 145,095.00 155,000.00 279,307.32 270,000.00 233,629.53 272,485.90 3,811,680.76 $ 3,026,876.07 2,268,133.10 1,491,072.99 0.00 155,000.00 0.00 145,095.00 155,000.00 279,307.32 270,000.00 233,629.53 272,485.90 3,026,876.07 3,811,680.76 0.00 0.00 145,095.00 155,000.00 279,307.32 270,000.00 233,629.53 272,485.90 0.00 145,095.00 155,000.00 279,307.32 270,000.00 0.00 145,095.00 155,000.00 0.00 2009 2009 2009 $ 1,491,072.99 2009 $ 3,811,680.76 1,491,072.99 2009 272,485.90 $ 3,811,680.76 1,491,072.99 270,000.00 272,485.90 $ 3,811,680.76 1,491,072.99 155,000.00 270,000.00 272,485.90 $ 3,811,680.76 1,491,072.99 0.00 155,000.00 270,000.00 272,485.90 3,811,680.76 0.00 155,000.00 270,000.00 272,485.90 0.00 155,000.00 270,000.00 0.00 155,000.00 0.00 7 L M U ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT BALANCES January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 ELECTRIC ELECTRICDEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTINVESTMENT INVESTMENTBALANCES BALANCES JANUARY JANUARY1, 1,2009 2009TO TODECEMBER DECEMBER31, 31,2009 2009 ELECTRIC ELECTRICDEPRECIATION DEPRECIATIONAND ANDREPLACEMENT: REPLACEMENT: Balance, Balance,January January1, 1,2009……………………… 2009……………………… RECEIPTS: RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. $$ 1,200,000.00 Transfers…………………………………………. 1,200,000.00 Interest 24,804.69 InterestEarned………………………………….. Earned………………………………….. 24,804.69 Total TotalBalance Balanceand andReceipts……………….. Receipts……………….. Disbursements………………………………….. $$ 440,000.00 Disbursements………………………………….. 440,000.00 Balance, Balance,December December31, 31,2009…………………. 2009…………………. ELECTRIC ELECTRICINSURANCE INSURANCERESERVE: RESERVE: Balance, Balance,January January1, 1,2009……………………… 2009……………………… RECEIPTS: RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. Transfers…………………………………………. Interest InterestEarned…………………………………. Earned…………………………………. Total TotalBalance Balanceand andReceipts……………….. Receipts……………….. Disbursements………………………………….. Disbursements………………………………….. Balance, Balance,December December31, 31,2009…………………. 2009…………………. RESTRICTED RESTRICTEDCUSTOMER CUSTOMERDEPOSITS: DEPOSITS: Balance, Balance,January January1, 1,2009……………………… 2009……………………… RECEIPTS: RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. Transfers…………………………………………. Interest InterestEarned………………………………….. Earned………………………………….. Total TotalBalance Balance&&Receipts…………………. Receipts…………………. Disbursements………………………………….. Disbursements………………………………….. Balance, Balance,December December31, 31,2009…………………. 2009…………………. ELECTRIC ELECTRICCONSTRUCTION: CONSTRUCTION: Balance, Balance,January January1, 1,2009……………………… 2009……………………… RECEIPTS: RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. Transfers…………………………………………. Interest InterestEarned………………………………….. Earned………………………………….. Total TotalBalance Balance&&Receipts…………………. Receipts…………………. Disbursements………………………………….. Disbursements………………………………….. Balance, Balance,December December31, 31,2009…………………. 2009…………………. $$ 0.00 0.00 3,944.64 3,944.64 13,251.96 13,251.96 $$ 13,251.96 13,251.96 1,366.82 1,366.82 4,713.78 4,713.78 $$ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $$ 0.00 0.00 $$ 3,026,876.07 3,026,876.07 $$ 1,224,804.69 1,224,804.69 $$ 4,251,680.76 4,251,680.76 $$ 440,000.00 440,000.00 $$ 3,811,680.76 3,811,680.76 $$ 279,307.32 279,307.32 $$ $$ $$ 3,944.64 3,944.64 283,251.96 283,251.96 0.00 0.00 270,000.00 270,000.00 $$ 145,095.00 145,095.00 $$ $$ $$ 14,618.78 14,618.78 159,713.78 159,713.78 4,713.78 4,713.78 155,000.00 155,000.00 $$ 0.00 0.00 $$ $$ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $$ 0.00 0.00 8 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT Kilowatt Hours Produced by Month ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT ELECTRIC 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT Kilowatt Hours Produced byDEPARTMENT Month ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT Kilowatt Hours ProducedHours by MonthProduced by Month GENERATED PURCHASED Kilowatt ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT Kilowatt Hours Produced by Month GENERATED PURCHASED ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT Kilowatt Hours Produced by Month GENERATED PURCHASED 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… PARTMENT ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 2009 ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ANNUAL DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT STATISTICS DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT 2009 2009 REPORT 2009 2009 2009 2009 ANNUAL 2009 ANNUAL ANNUAL ANNUAL ANNUAL ANNUAL ANNUAL STATISTICS STATISTICS STATISTICS STATISTICS STATISTICS STATISTICS STATISTICS REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT Kilowatt Hours Produced by Month GENERATED PURCHASED 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT Produced by Kilowatt Kilowatt Kilowatt Month Kilowatt Kilowatt Kilowatt Kilowatt Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Produced Produced Produced Produced Produced Produced Produced by byby Month Month by by by by Month Month Month Month Month GENERATED PURCHASED 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT Kilowatt Hours Produced by Month GENERATED PURCHASED 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT Kilowatt Hours Produced byGENERATED Month GENERATED PURCHASED PURCHASED GENERATED GENERATED GENERATED GENERATED PURCHASED GENERATED GENERATED PURCHASED PURCHASED PURCHASED PURCHASED PURCHASED TOTAL 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT Kilowatt Hours Produced by Month GENERATED PURCHASED 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT KilowattJANUARY………………………………………… Hours Produced by Month GENERATED PURCHASED 17,675,000 17,675,000 17,675,000 17,675,000 23,813,472 17,675,000 17,675,000 17,675,000 17,675,000 23,813,472 23,813,472 41,488,472 23,813,472 23,813,472 23,813,472 23,813,472 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… JANUARY………………………………………… JANUARY………………………………………… UARY………………………………………… JANUARY………………………………………… JANUARY………………………………………… JANUARY………………………………………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… ELECTRIC APRIL……………………………………………… DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT14,411,300 KilowattFEBRUARY……………………………………… Hours Produced by Month GENERATED PURCHASED 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 18,031,100 18,031,100 18,031,100 18,031,100 17,101,466 18,031,100 18,031,100 18,031,100 18,031,100 17,101,466 17,101,466 35,132,566 17,101,466 17,101,466 17,101,466 17,101,466 17,101,466 RUARY……………………………………… FEBRUARY……………………………………… FEBRUARY……………………………………… FEBRUARY……………………………………… FEBRUARY……………………………………… FEBRUARY……………………………………… FEBRUARY……………………………………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT KilowattMARCH…………………………………………… Hours Produced by Month GENERATED PURCHASED 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 14,499,000 14,499,000 14,499,000 14,499,000 21,142,397 14,499,000 14,499,000 14,499,000 14,499,000 21,142,397 21,142,397 35,641,397 21,142,397 21,142,397 21,142,397 21,142,397 21,142,397 RCH…………………………………………… MARCH…………………………………………… MARCH…………………………………………… MARCH…………………………………………… MARCH…………………………………………… MARCH…………………………………………… MARCH…………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT KilowattAPRIL……………………………………………… Hours Produced by Month GENERATED PURCHASED 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… IL……………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 32,486,040 32,486,040 32,492,340 32,486,040 32,486,040 32,486,040 32,486,040 32,486,040 MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 KilowattMAY……………………………………………… Hours Produced by Month1,152,900 GENERATED PURCHASED 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 ……………………………………………… MAY……………………………………………… MAY……………………………………………… MAY……………………………………………… MAY……………………………………………… MAY……………………………………………… MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 1,152,900 32,107,158 1,152,900 1,152,900 1,152,900 1,152,900 1,152,900 32,107,158 32,107,158 33,260,058 32,107,158 32,107,158 32,107,158 32,107,158 32,107,158 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… GENERATED PURCHASED 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 14,411,300 14,411,300 14,411,300 14,411,300 24,768,232 14,411,300 14,411,300 14,411,300 14,411,300 24,768,232 24,768,232 39,179,532 24,768,232 24,768,232 24,768,232 24,768,232 24,768,232 E……………………………………………… JUNE……………………………………………… JUNE……………………………………………… JUNE……………………………………………… JUNE……………………………………………… JUNE……………………………………………… JUNE……………………………………………… JUNE……………………………………………… 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… GENERATED PURCHASED 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… 17,807,500 17,807,500 17,807,500 17,807,500 21,214,623 17,807,500 17,807,500 17,807,500 17,807,500 21,214,623 21,214,623 39,022,123 21,214,623 21,214,623 21,214,623 21,214,623 21,214,623 Y……………………………………………… JULY……………………………………………… JULY……………………………………………… JULY……………………………………………… JULY……………………………………………… JULY……………………………………………… JULY……………………………………………… JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 307,335,901 GROSS TOTAL……………………………… 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 18,141,600 18,141,600 18,141,600 23,016,728 18,141,600 18,141,600 18,141,600 18,141,600 23,016,728 23,016,728 41,158,328 23,016,728 23,016,728 23,016,728 23,016,728 23,016,728 UST………………………………………… AUGUST………………………………………… AUGUST………………………………………… AUGUST………………………………………… AUGUST………………………………………… AUGUST………………………………………… AUGUST………………………………………… AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 307,335,901 GROSS (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 17,279,100 17,279,100 17,279,100 18,320,682 17,279,100 17,279,100 17,279,100 17,279,100 18,320,682 18,320,682 35,599,782 18,320,682 18,320,682 18,320,682 18,320,682 18,320,682 TEMBER…………………………………… SEPTEMBER…………………………………… SEPTEMBER…………………………………… SEPTEMBER…………………………………… SEPTEMBER…………………………………… SEPTEMBER…………………………………… SEPTEMBER…………………………………… SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 GROSS (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OBER……………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… ---35,496,177 --------MILLS 35,496,177 35,496,177 35,496,177 35,496,177 35,496,177 35,496,177 35,496,177 35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 GROSS (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 KilowattOCTOBER……………………………………… Hours Produced by Month 106.96 49.94 MILLS ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 1,224,300 1,224,300 34,058,221 1,224,300 1,224,300 1,224,300 1,224,300 1,224,300 34,058,221 34,058,221 35,282,521 34,058,221 34,058,221 34,058,221 34,058,221 34,058,221 EMBER……………………………………… NOVEMBER……………………………………… NOVEMBER……………………………………… NOVEMBER……………………………………… NOVEMBER……………………………………… NOVEMBER……………………………………… NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 GROSS (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 KilowattNOVEMBER……………………………………… Hours Produced by Month 106.96 MILLS 49.94 MILLS ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 16,430,000 16,430,000 16,430,000 23,810,705 16,430,000 16,430,000 16,430,000 16,430,000 23,810,705 23,810,705 40,240,705 23,810,705 23,810,705 23,810,705 23,810,705 23,810,705 EMBER……………………………………… DECEMBER……………………………………… DECEMBER……………………………………… DECEMBER……………………………………… DECEMBER……………………………………… DECEMBER……………………………………… DECEMBER……………………………………… DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 307,335,901 GROSS TOTAL……………………………… (7,720,878) USED BY LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 Kilowatt Hours Produced by Month 106.96 MILLS 49.94 MILLS GENERATED PURCHASED ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 136,658,100 136,658,100 136,658,100 307,335,901 136,658,100 136,658,100 136,658,100 136,658,100 307,335,901 307,335,901 443,994,001 307,335,901 307,335,901 307,335,901 307,335,901 ROSS TOTAL……………………………… GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS TOTAL……………………………… TOTAL……………………………… TOTAL……………………………… TOTAL……………………………… TOTAL……………………………… TOTAL……………………………… (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 Kilowatt Hours Produced by Month 106.96 MILLS 49.94 MILLS GENERATED PURCHASED 2008 2009 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 GROSS TOTAL……………………………… (7,720,878) (7,720,878) (7,720,878) (7,720,878) (7,720,878) (7,720,878) (7,720,878) (7,720,878) (7,720,878) SED BY LIGHT PLANT…………………… USED USED USED USED USED USED USED BY BY BY LIGHT LIGHT BY BY BY BY LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT PLANT…………………… PLANT…………………… PLANT…………………… PLANT…………………… PLANT…………………… PLANT…………………… PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 Kilowatt Hours Produced by Month 106.96 MILLS 49.94 MILLS PURCHASED 2008 2009 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy Delivered to System……………… GENERATED 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 GROSS TOTAL……………………………… (7,720,878) USED BY LIGHT PLANT…………………… ET TOTAL…………………………………… NET NET NET NET NET NET TOTAL…………………………………… TOTAL…………………………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… TOTAL…………………………………… TOTAL…………………………………… TOTAL…………………………………… TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 128,937,222 128,937,222 128,937,222 307,335,901 128,937,222 128,937,222 128,937,222 128,937,222 307,335,901 307,335,901 436,273,123 307,335,901 307,335,901 307,335,901 307,335,901 307,335,901 Kilowatt Hours Produced by Month 106.96 49.94 PURCHASED 2008 2009 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy to System……………… GENERATED 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 65MILLS .75% 7MILLS 0.45% Percentage ofDelivered Energy Purchased……………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 GROSS (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 106.96 MILLS 106.96 106.96 106.96 106.96 106.96 106.96 49.94 106.96 MILLS MILLS MILLS MILLS MILLS 49.94 49.94 49.94 49.94 49.94 49.94 49.94 MILLS MILLS MILLS MILLS 2008 2009 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy to System……………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 65MILLS .MILLS 7 5MILLS % 7MILLS 0MILLS .MILLS 4 5% Percentage ofDelivered Energy Purchased……………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… Property/Plant Valuation………………………… $ GENERATED 77,999,887.49 $ PURCHASED 79,438,795.05 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 GROSS (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 106.96 49.94 2008 2009 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy to System………………$ GENERATED 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 65MILLS .6,300 75% 7MILLS 0.45% Percentage ofDelivered Energy Purchased……………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… Property/Plant Valuation………………………… 77,999,887.49 79,438,795.05 APRIL……………………………………………… 32,486,040 117,803.69 $ PURCHASED 232,603.67 Construction……………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 GROSS (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 106.96 49.94 2008 2009 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy Delivered to System………………$ 77,999,887.49 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 65MILLS .6,300 7 7MILLS 0.4 Percentage of Energy Purchased……………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… Property/Plant Valuation………………………… APRIL……………………………………………… 32,486,040 117,803.69 $ 79,438,795.05 232,603.67 Construction……………………………………… MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 05 .0% 0 05 .0% 0 Outstanding Obligations………………………… 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 GROSS (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 106.96 49.94 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 17,675,000 23,813,472 JANUARY………………………………………… 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy Delivered to 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 615MILLS 7 71MILLS 02.4 Percentage of Energy Purchased……………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… Property/Plant Valuation………………………… 77,999,887.49 APRIL……………………………………………… 32,486,040 117,803.69 $ 79,438,795.05 232,603.67 Construction……………………………………… MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 Outstanding Obligations………………………… 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… Number of Meters inSystem……………… Service…………… $ 2008 2.6,300 ,65 8% 6 ,65 1% 2 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 GROSS TOTAL……………………………… (7,720,878) USED BY LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 106.96 49.94 2008 2009 464,181,448 464,181,448 464,181,448 436,273,123 464,181,448 464,181,448 464,181,448 436,273,123 436,273,123 436,273,123 436,273,123 436,273,123 436,273,123 l Energy Delivered to System……………… Total Total Total Total Total Total Energy Total Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Delivered Delivered Delivered Delivered Delivered Delivered Delivered to to464,181,448 System……………… to System……………… to to to System……………… to System……………… System……………… System……………… System……………… 18,031,100 17,101,466 FEBRUARY……………………………………… 615MILLS 7 71MILLS 02.4 Percentage of Energy Purchased……………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… Property/Plant Valuation………………………… $ 464,181,448 77,999,887.49 79,438,795.05 APRIL……………………………………………… 32,486,040 117,803.69 $ 436,273,123 232,603.67 Construction……………………………………… MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 Outstanding Obligations………………………… 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… Number of Meters in Service…………… 2.6,300 ,65 8% 6 ,65 1% 2 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 136,658,100 GROSS (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 106.96 MILLS 49.94 2008 2009 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy Delivered to System……………… 65.75% 661,152,900 55.6 .77 67 5 6 5 6.5 0 % 6 5 7 % .7 .470 7.% 57 50 5% 5 % %% 7700.7 .44 0 757 5 7.0% 7 0 4 % .5 4 .40 4.% 54 50 5% 5 % %% entage of Energy Purchased……………… Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage of of Energy of Energy of of of Energy ofEnergy Energy Energy Energy Purchased……………… Purchased……………… Purchased……………… Purchased……………… Purchased……………… Purchased……………… Purchased……………… 14,499,000 21,142,397 MARCH…………………………………………… Property/Plant Valuation………………………… $ 77,999,887.49 APRIL……………………………………………… 6,300 32,486,040 117,803.69 $ 79,438,795.05 232,603.67 Construction……………………………………… MAY……………………………………………… 32,107,158 0 Outstanding Obligations………………………… 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… Number Meters in Service…………… 15 2 ,5.65 8 6 1MILLS 2 ,0.60 1 2 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… (7,720,878) USED BYof LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 106.96 49.94 2008 2009 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy Delivered to 615MILLS 7 71MILLS 02.4 Percentage Energy Purchased……………… erty/Plant Valuation………………………… Property/Plant Property/Plant Property/Plant Property/Plant Property/Plant Property/Plant Property/Plant Valuation………………………… Valuation………………………… Valuation………………………… Valuation………………………… Valuation………………………… Valuation………………………… $Valuation………………………… 77,999,887.49 $$ $ $77,999,887.49 $ 77,999,887.49 $$ 77,999,887.49 77,999,887.49 79,438,795.05 77,999,887.49 77,999,887.49 77,999,887.49 $$ $79,438,795.05 $ 79,438,795.05 $$$79,438,795.05 79,438,795.05 79,438,795.05 79,438,795.05 79,438,795.05 APRIL……………………………………………… 32,486,040 117,803.69 232,603.67 Construction……………………………………… MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 Outstanding Obligations………………………… 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… Number of Meters inSystem……………… Service…………… 2.6,300 ,65 8% 6 ,65 1% 2 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 106.96 49.94 2008 2009 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy Delivered to 615MILLS 71MILLS 02.4 Percentage of Energy Purchased……………… Property/Plant Valuation………………………… $Meters 117,803.69 $$ $ $$$$ 77,999,887.49 117,803.69 117,803.69 117,803.69 117,803.69 232,603.67 117,803.69 117,803.69 117,803.69 $$ $ $$$$79,438,795.05 232,603.67 232,603.67 232,603.67 232,603.67 232,603.67 232,603.67 232,603.67 struction……………………………………… Construction……………………………………… Construction……………………………………… Construction……………………………………… Construction……………………………………… Construction……………………………………… Construction……………………………………… Construction……………………………………… MAY……………………………………………… 1,152,900 32,107,158 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 Outstanding Obligations………………………… 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… Number of inSystem……………… Service…………… 2.7 ,65 8% 6 ,65 1% 2 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 106.96 MILLS 49.94 MILLS 2008 2009 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy Delivered to 601 .07 701 .04 Percentage of Energy Purchased……………… Property/Plant Valuation………………………… $ 77,999,887.49 117,803.69 $ 79,438,795.05 232,603.67 Construction……………………………………… 0.00 05.2 .0 0 05 .00 .0 .6 0 .00.0000 00.2 .0 0 05 .00 .0 .2 0 .00.0000 tanding Obligations………………………… Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Obligations………………………… Obligations………………………… Obligations………………………… Obligations………………………… Obligations………………………… Obligations………………………… Obligations………………………… 14,411,300 24,768,232 JUNE……………………………………………… Number of Meters inSystem……………… Service…………… ,06 80% ,06 10% 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 2008 2009 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy Delivered to System……………… 562 .1 062 .14 Percentage of Energy Purchased……………… Property/Plant Valuation………………………… $ 77,999,887.49 117,803.69 $ 79,438,795.05 232,603.67 Construction……………………………………… 0 .,2 0 .,2 Outstanding Obligations………………………… l Number of Meters in Service…………… Total Total Total Total Total Number Total Number Number Number Number Number Number of of Meters of Meters of of of Meters ofMeters Meters Meters Meters in in Service…………… Service…………… inin in in Service…………… in Service…………… Service…………… 1Service…………… 2Service…………… ,686 1 1226,1 ,6 18 817 ,26 1 2 625 ,0 8 6 ,% 66,0 6 81 6 8862 8 666 11227,1 ,6 11 ,22 16 25 ,0 1 6 ,% 66,0 2 16 1121 222 17,807,500 21,214,623 JULY……………………………………………… 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 2008 2009 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy Delivered to 6152.7 7102.4 Percentage of Energy Purchased……………… Property/Plant Valuation………………………… 117,803.69 $ 79,438,795.05 232,603.67 Construction……………………………………… 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 Outstanding Obligations………………………… Number of Meters inSystem……………… Service…………… $ 77,999,887.49 ,65 8% 6 ,65 1% 2 18,141,600 23,016,728 AUGUST………………………………………… 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 307,335,901 GROSS TOTAL……………………………… 2008 2009 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy Delivered to 6152.7 7102.4 Percentage of Energy Purchased……………… Property/Plant Valuation………………………… 117,803.69 $ 79,438,795.05 232,603.67 Construction……………………………………… 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 Outstanding Obligations………………………… Number of Meters inSystem……………… Service…………… $ 77,999,887.49 ,65 8% 6 ,65 1% 2 17,279,100 18,320,682 SEPTEMBER…………………………………… OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 307,335,901 GROSS (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy Delivered to 6152.7 7102.4 Percentage of Energy Purchased……………… Property/Plant Valuation………………………… 117,803.69 $ 79,438,795.05 232,603.67 Construction……………………………………… 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 Outstanding Obligations………………………… Number of Meters inSystem……………… Service…………… $ 77,999,887.49 ,65 8% 6 ,65 1% 2 OCTOBER……………………………………… -35,496,177 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 GROSS (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 615MILLS 71MILLS 02.4 Percentage of Energy Purchased……………… Property/Plant Valuation………………………… 117,803.69 $ 79,438,795.05 232,603.67 Construction……………………………………… 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 Outstanding Obligations………………………… Total Number of Meters in Service…………… $ 77,999,887.49 2.7 ,65 8% 6 ,65 1% 2 1,224,300 34,058,221 NOVEMBER……………………………………… 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 GROSS (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 106.96 49.94 Property/Plant Valuation………………………… 117,803.69 $ 79,438,795.05 232,603.67 Construction……………………………………… Outstanding Obligations………………………… Total Number of Meters in Service…………… $ 77,999,887.49 1MILLS 20 ,6.0 80 6 1MILLS 20 ,6.0 10 2 16,430,000 23,810,705 DECEMBER……………………………………… 136,658,100 GROSS (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 106.96 49.94 117,803.69 $ 232,603.67 Construction……………………………………… Outstanding Obligations………………………… Total Number of Meters in Service…………… $ 1MILLS 20 ,6.0 80 6 1MILLS 20 ,6.0 10 2 136,658,100 GROSS (7,720,878) USED BYTOTAL……………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 106.96 49.94 Outstanding Total Number of Meters in Service…………… 1MILLS 20 ,6.0 80 6 20 ,6.0 10 2 (7,720,878) USED BYObligations………………………… LIGHT PLANT…………………… NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 106.96 49.94 2008 20091MILLS Number of Metersto inSystem……………… Service…………… 2,686 2,612 NET TOTAL…………………………………… 128,937,222 307,335,901 106.96 49.94 20081MILLS 20091MILLS 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total Energy Delivered 106.96 49.94 200865MILLS 20097MILLS 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total EnergyofDelivered to System……………… .75% 0.45% Percentage Energy Purchased……………… 200865.75% 200970.45% 464,181,448 436,273,123 Total EnergyofDelivered to System………………$ 77,999,887.49 Percentage Energy Purchased……………… Property/Plant Valuation………………………… $ 79,438,795.05 L M U TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 41,488,472 TOTAL 41,488,472 35,132,566 TOTAL 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 TOTAL 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 TOTAL 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 TOTAL 41,488,472 41,488,472 41,488,472 41,488,472 41,488,472 41,488,472 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 TOTAL 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,132,566 35,132,566 35,132,566 35,132,566 35,132,566 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 41,158,328 TOTAL 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 35,641,397 35,641,397 35,641,397 35,641,397 35,641,397 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 41,158,328 35,599,782 TOTAL 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 32,492,340 32,492,340 32,492,340 32,492,340 32,492,340 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 41,158,328 35,599,782 35,496,177 TOTAL 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 33,260,058 33,260,058 33,260,058 33,260,058 33,260,058 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 41,158,328 35,599,782 35,496,177 35,282,521 TOTAL 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,179,532 39,179,532 39,179,532 39,179,532 39,179,532 39,179,532 39,022,123 41,158,328 35,599,782 35,496,177 35,282,521 40,240,705 TOTAL 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 39,022,123 39,022,123 39,022,123 39,022,123 39,022,123 39,022,123 41,158,328 35,599,782 35,496,177 35,282,521 40,240,705 443,994,001 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 41,158,328 41,158,328 41,158,328 41,158,328 41,158,328 41,158,328 41,158,328 35,599,782 35,496,177 35,282,521 40,240,705 443,994,001 (7,720,878) 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 41,158,328 35,599,782 35,599,782 35,599,782 35,599,782 35,599,782 35,599,782 35,599,782 35,496,177 35,282,521 40,240,705 443,994,001 (7,720,878) 436,273,123 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 41,158,328 35,599,782 35,496,177 35,496,177 35,496,177 35,496,177 35,496,177 35,496,177 35,496,177 35,282,521 40,240,705 443,994,001 (7,720,878) 436,273,123 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 41,158,328 35,599,782 35,496,177 35,282,521 35,282,521 35,282,521 35,282,521 35,282,521 35,282,521 35,282,521 40,240,705 443,994,001 (7,720,878) 436,273,123 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 41,158,328 35,599,782 35,496,177 35,282,521 40,240,705 40,240,705 40,240,705 40,240,705 40,240,705 40,240,705 40,240,705 443,994,001 (7,720,878) 436,273,123 TOTAL 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 41,158,328 35,599,782 35,496,177 35,282,521 40,240,705 443,994,001 443,994,001 443,994,001 443,994,001 443,994,001 443,994,001 443,994,001 (7,720,878) 436,273,123 TOTAL 39,179,532 39,022,123 41,158,328 35,599,782 35,496,177 35,282,521 40,240,705 443,994,001 (7,720,878) (7,720,878) (7,720,878) (7,720,878) (7,720,878) (7,720,878) (7,720,878) 436,273,123 TOTAL 41,488,472 39,022,123 41,158,328 35,599,782 35,496,177 35,282,521 40,240,705 443,994,001 (7,720,878) 436,273,123 436,273,123 436,273,123 436,273,123 436,273,123 436,273,123 436,273,123 TOTAL 41,488,472 35,132,566 41,158,328 35,599,782 35,496,177 35,282,521 40,240,705 443,994,001 (7,720,878) 436,273,123 TOTAL 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 35,599,782 35,496,177 35,282,521 40,240,705 443,994,001 (7,720,878) 436,273,123 TOTAL 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 35,496,177 35,282,521 40,240,705 443,994,001 (7,720,878) 436,273,123 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 35,282,521 40,240,705 443,994,001 (7,720,878) 436,273,123 41,488,472 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 40,240,705 443,994,001 (7,720,878) 436,273,123 35,132,566 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 443,994,001 (7,720,878) 436,273,123 35,641,397 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 41,158,328 (7,720,878) 436,273,123 32,492,340 33,260,058 39,179,532 39,022,123 41,158,328 35,599,782 436,273,123 33,260,058 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Pressur Pressur High Pressur …High Pressur eeee Sodium Pressur Sodium Sodium e340 Sodium ……… e……… ……… Sodium … ……… … ………… … … 1,780 340 340 340 319340340 319 319 319 319319 150 Watt High Pressur Sodium ……… … 340 319 150 Watt High Pressur e Sodium ……… … 340 319 (Boulders) 150 Watt High Pressur 150 150 e150 Sodium Watt Watt Watt 150High 150 High ……… Watt High Watt Pressur Pressur High Pressur …High Pressur eeee Sodium Pressur Sodium Sodium e Sodium 10 ……… e……… ……… Sodium Boulders … ……… … ………… … … 10 10 10 10 Boulders Boulders Boulders Boulders 10 10 Boulders Boulders 10 10 10 Boulders Boulders Boulders 10 (Boulders) Boulders 10 Boulders 150 Watt High Pressur Sodium ……… … 10 Boulders 10 Boulders 150 Watt High Pressur eVapor…………………. Sodium 10 Boulders 10314 Boulders 175 Watt Mercury Vapor…………………. 175 175 175 Watt Watt Watt 175Mercury 175 Mercury Watt Mercury Watt Mercury Vapor…………………. Vapor…………………. Mercury Vapor…………………. Vapor…………………. 324………… 324 324 324 314 324324 314 314 314314 175 Watt Mercury Vapor…………………. 324 314 175 Watt Mercury Vapor…………………. 324 314 250 Watt High Pressure 250 250 250 Sodium………… Watt Watt Watt 250High 250 High Watt High Watt Pressure Pressure High Pressure High Pressure Sodium………… Pressure Sodium………… Sodium………… 346 Sodium………… Sodium………… 346 346 346 339346346 339 339 339 339339 250 Watt High Pressure Sodium………… 346 339 250 Watt High Pressure Sodium………… 339 400 Watt Mercury Vap 400 400 or……… 400 Watt Watt Watt 400Mercury 400 ………… Mercury Watt Mercury Watt Mercury Vap .Vap Mercury Vap or……… or……… or……… Vap Vap or……… ………… ………… or……… ………… 9 ………… . ………… ... . . 346 9999 9 9 9 9999 9 9 400 Watt Mercury Vap or……… ………… 400 Watt Mercury Vap or……… ………… .……… 9 171171 … … … … ………… …9 …144144 400 Watt Pressure Sod 400 400 400 ium Watt Watt Watt Vap 400Pressure 400 or……… Pressure Watt Pressure Watt Pressure ……… Sod Pressure Sod Sod ium ium ium Sod Vap Vap Sod Vap ium 144 or……… or……… ium or……… 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34 26 28 21 42 28 38 33 24 28 44 34 26 28 21 42 28 38 33 23 369 Street Lights Repair 369 age checks Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage checks checks checks Voltage checks checks checks 555 1 5 228 25 222 4 2 134 12 21 42 444 3 4 542 54 15 31 23 222 33 5 2 2 524 3 233 2 223 2 233 33 33 33 22 2 2 244 11 4 1 226 22 5 2 428 44 1 4 421 55 2 5 128 11 2 1 338 33 33 22 33 Voltage checks 5 2 2 1 2 4 4 5 1 3 2 2 33 o 100 Upgrade 60 60 60 60 toto to to 100 100 60 100 100 to 60 Upgrade Upgrade Upgrade Upgrade 100 to 100 Upgrade 30 3Upgrade2 7 3333 3 3 223 1 221 2 002 0 030 30 30 30 22 4 2 772 77 5 7 337 33 2 3 443 44 0 4 554 55 1 5 225 22 1 2 002 00 2 0 110 11 0 1 1111 30 22 00 30 60 to Outage 100Outage Upgrade9 225 1715 745 1521 325 2125 421 2545 517 4525 223 2521 012 2117 115 1723 1 245 2 1215 0 15 15 30 245245 age Outage Outage Outage Outage 17 15 21 25 45 25 21 17 23 12 15 245 17 15 993 17 15 21 25 45 25 21 17 23 2312 12 15 245 245 9 17 15 21 25 45 25 21 17 23 12 9921 917 17 15 21 25 45 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127 78 63 41 57 114 Ten Year Single Phase Test 150 7 74 20 55 67 56 2009 METERING TOTALS 2009 2009 METERING METERING TOTALS TOTALS Three Phase Bench Test 3 0 4 4 7 10 4 Three Phase Field Test 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 Ten Year Meter change 13 5 16 25 17 31 16 Jan May Jan Jan Feb Feb Feb Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr May May Service Turn 51 54 76 62 92 Service Service Turn Turn Ons Ons 51 51 54 54 76 76 62 62 92 92 Ons Service Service Service Turn Turn Turn Offs Offs 31 42 60 49 71 31 31 42 42 60 60 49 49 71 71 Offs Service Service Service Cuts Cuts Cuts 180 97 96 180 180 101 101 101 97 97 119 119 119 96 96 Service Service Service Reinstate Reinstate Reinstate 147 74 71 91 70 147 147 74 74 71 71 91 91 70 70 Reinstates Reads Reads Reads Meters Purchased…………………… 101 99 101 101 99 99 116 116 116 130 130 130 107 107 107 111 Re-Reads 203 63 41 Re-Reads Re-Reads 203 203 127 127 127 78 78 63 63 41 41 819 78 Meters Tested………………………… Year Single Phase Tests Ten Ten Ten Year Year Year Single Single Single Phase Phase Phase Test Test Test 150 7208 74 20 55 150 150 77 74 74 20 20 55 55 Meters Retired………………………… Three Phase Bench Tests Test 33 3 0231 44 4 44 4 77 7 Three ThreePhase Phase Bench Bench Test Test 00 Meters in Stock………………………. Tests Three Three Three Phase Phase Phase Field Field Field Test Test Test 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 10 10 10 1,182 Meters Moved………………………… Year Meter Changes Ten Year Meter change 13 5232 16 25 17 Ten Ten Year Year Meter Meter change change 13 13 55 16 16 25 25 17 17 Meters Changed……………………… L M U Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec TOTAL 99 97 98 70 71 984 87 76 72 52 53 778 93 134 93 26 36 1,182 56 98 74 23 24 880 138 127 136 129 132 1,462 70 54 66 75 100 1,028 70 72 73 42 51 747 1 0 7 5 3 51 0 3 2 6 0 21 39 17 32 23 12 232 June June June July July July Aug Aug Aug Sept Sept Sept Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Dec Dec Dec 100 91 99 97 98 70 71 100 100 91 91 99 99 97 97 98 98 70 70 71 71 87 87 87 76 76 76 86 84 72 52 53 86 86 84 84 72 72 52 52 53 53 93 93 93 134 134 134 111 94 93 26 36 111 111 94 94 93 93 26 26 36 36 82 71 56 98 74 23 24 82 82 71 71 56 56 98 98 74 74 23 23 24 24 138 138 138 125 125 125 138 138 138 127 127 127 136 136 136 129 129 129 132 132 132 57 70 54 66 75 57 57 114 114 114 70 70 54 54 66 66 75 75 100 100 100 67 56 70 72 73 42 51 67 67 56 56 70 70 72 72 73 73 42 42 51 51 10 44 4 11 1 00 0 77 7 55 5 33 3 10 10 00 0 00 0 00 0 33 3 22 2 66 6 00 0 31 16 39 17 32 23 12 31 31 16 16 39 39 17 17 32 32 23 23 12 12 TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 984 984 984 778 778 778 1,182 1,182 1,182 880 880 880 1,462 1,462 1,462 1,028 1,028 1,028 747 747 747 51 51 51 21 21 21 232 232 232 Meters Purchased…………………… Meters Meters Purchased…………………… Purchased…………………… 111 111 111 819 819 Meters Meters Meters Tested………………………… Tested………………………… Tested………………………… 819 Meters Retired………………………… Meters Meters Retired………………………… Retired………………………… 208 208 208 231 231 Meters Meters Meters in inin Stock………………………. Stock………………………. Stock………………………. 231 1,182 1,182 Meters Meters Meters Moved………………………… Moved………………………… Moved…………………………1,182 232 232 Meters Meters Meters Changed……………………… Changed……………………… Changed……………………… 232 11 L M U DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM NUMBER OF 2008 # of Svcs New Commercial Installed 2008 SERVICES 2008 2008 3 Overhead……………………………………. New Commercial Installed # of Svcs 20082008 # of # Svcs of Svcs New New Commercial Commercial Installed Installed 16 Underground……………………………….. Overhead……………………………………. 3 NewNew Commercial Commercial Installed Installed # of # Svcs of Svcs 3 3 $ Overhead……………………………………. Overhead……………………………………. New Industrial Installed Underground……………………………….. Overhead……………………………………. Overhead……………………………………. 3 16 3 $ 16 16 $ Underground……………………………….. Underground……………………………….. Overhead……………………………………. 0 New Industrial Installed Underground……………………………….. Underground……………………………….. 16 16 $ New Industrial Industrial Installed Installed Underground……………………………….. Overhead……………………………………. 0 NewNew New Industrial Industrial Installed Installed Overhead……………………………………. Overhead……………………………………. 0 $ New Residential Installed Underground……………………………….. Overhead……………………………………. Overhead……………………………………. 0 0 0 $ Underground……………………………….. Underground……………………………….. 0 0 $ Overhead……………………………………. New Residential Installed Underground……………………………….. 0 Underground……………………………….. 0 4 $ NewNew Residential Residential Installed Installed Underground……………………………….. 12 Overhead……………………………………. 4 New Residential Installed New Residential Installed 4 12 4 $ Overhead……………………………………. Overhead……………………………………. New Systems Installed-Totals of New Underground……………………………….. 4 $ Overhead……………………………………. 4 Overhead……………………………………. Underground……………………………….. Underground……………………………….. 12 12 $ Overhead……………………………………. 7 New Systems Installed-Totals of New Underground……………………………….. Underground……………………………….. 12 12 $ NewNew Systems Systems Installed-Totals Installed-Totals of New New of 28 Underground……………………………….. Overhead……………………………………. 7 New Systems Installed-Totals of New New New Systems Installed-Totals of Overhead……………………………………. Overhead……………………………………. 7 28 7 $ Commercial Services Upgrades Underground……………………………….. Overhead……………………………………. 7 $ Overhead……………………………………. 7 28 28 $ Underground……………………………….. Underground……………………………….. 2 Overhead……………………………………. Commercial Services Upgrades Underground……………………………….. 28 28 $ Underground……………………………….. Commercial Commercial Services Services Upgrades Upgrades Underground……………………………….. 9 Overhead……………………………………. 2 Commercial Services Upgrades Commercial Services Upgrades 2 $ Overhead……………………………………. Overhead……………………………………. Industrial Services Upgrades Underground……………………………….. 9 Overhead……………………………………. Overhead……………………………………. 2 2 $ 2 Underground……………………………….. Underground……………………………….. 9 $ Overhead……………………………………. 1 Industrial Services Upgrades Underground……………………………….. 9 Underground……………………………….. 9 9 $ Industrial Industrial Services Services Upgrades Upgrades Underground……………………………….. 0 Overhead……………………………………. 1 Industrial Services Upgrades Industrial Services Upgrades Overhead……………………………………. Overhead……………………………………. 1 $ Residential Services Upgrades Underground……………………………….. 0 Overhead……………………………………. 1 1 $ Overhead……………………………………. 1 Underground……………………………….. Underground……………………………….. 0 0 $ Overhead……………………………………. Residential Services Upgrades Underground……………………………….. 0 Underground……………………………….. 0 14 $ Residential Residential Services Services Upgrades Upgrades Underground……………………………….. 32 Overhead……………………………………. 14 Residential Services Upgrades Residential Services Upgrades Overhead……………………………………. 14 $ SystemOverhead……………………………………. Upgrades-Total of Upgrades Underground……………………………….. 32 Overhead……………………………………. Overhead……………………………………. 14 14 14 $ Underground……………………………….. 32 32 $ Overhead……………………………………. 17 SystemUnderground……………………………….. Upgrades-Total of Upgrades Underground……………………………….. Underground……………………………….. 32 32 $ System System Upgrades-Total Upgrades-Total of of Underground……………………………….. 41 Overhead……………………………………. 17 System Upgrades-Total of Upgrades Upgrades System Upgrades-Total of Upgrades Upgrades Overhead……………………………………. Overhead……………………………………. 17 17 $ Underground……………………………….. Overhead……………………………………. Overhead……………………………………. 17 17 41 $ Underground……………………………….. Underground……………………………….. 41 41 $ Total Paid Jobs Underground……………………………….. Underground……………………………….. 41 41 $ Overhead……………………………………. 24 TotalPaid PaidJobs Jobs Total Total Paid Jobs Underground……………………………….. 69 Overhead……………………………………. 24 Total Paid Jobs TotalTotal PaidPaid JobsJobs Overhead……………………………………. Overhead……………………………………. 24 24 $ TOTAL Underground……………………………….. 69 Overhead……………………………………. Overhead……………………………………. 24 24 93 $ Underground……………………………….. Underground……………………………….. 69 69 $ TOTAL Underground……………………………….. Underground……………………………….. 69 69 93 $ TOTAL TOTAL 93 $ TOTAL 93 TOTAL 93 93 $ $ 1,137.00 $ 102,370.53 1,137.00 $1,137.00 1,137.00 102,370.53 1,137.00 1,137.00 $ 102,370.53 $ 102,370.53 0.00 102,370.53 $ 102,370.53 $ 0.00 0.00 $ 0.000.00 0.00 $ 1,264.00 0.00 0.000.00 $ 7,126.00 1,264.00 1,264.00 1,264.00 $1,264.00 7,126.00 1,264.00 $ 7,126.00 7,126.00 2,401.00 $7,126.00 7,126.00 $ 109,496.53 2,401.00 $2,401.00 2,401.00 2,401.00 109,496.53 2,401.00 $ 109,496.53 109,496.53 $ 600.00 109,496.53 109,496.53 $ 20,943.00 600.00 $ 600.00 20,943.00 600.00 600.00 $ 600.00 20,943.00 $ 4,131.59 $$ 20,943.00 20,943.00 20,943.00 $ 0.00 4,131.59 4,131.59 $4,131.59 0.00 4,131.59 4,131.59 0.00 $ 4,635.00 0.000.00 0.00 $ 14,606.50 4,635.00 4,635.00 $4,635.00 14,606.50 4,635.00 4,635.00 14,606.50 14,606.50 $ 9,366.59 14,606.50 14,606.50 $ 35,549.50 9,366.59 $9,366.59 9,366.59 35,549.50 9,366.59 9,366.59 $ 35,549.50 $ 35,549.50 35,549.50 $ 35,549.50 $ 11,767.59 $ 145,046.03 11,767.59 11,767.59 11,767.59 $ 156,813.62 145,046.03 11,767.59 11,767.59 145,046.03 145,046.03 $ 156,813.62 145,046.03 145,046.03 156,813.62 $ $ 156,813.62 156,813.62 156,813.62 NUMBER OF 2009 # of Svcs 2009 SERVICES 2009 10 $ 3,971.00 # of Svcs 20092009 2009 # of # Svcs of Svcs 11 $ 91,552.27 10 3,971.00 # of # Svcs of Svcs 10 10 $ 3,971.00 $ 91,552.27 3,971.00 10 11 10 $ 3,971.00 $ 3,971.00 11 11 $ 91,552.27 $ 91,552.27 0 0.00 11 11 $ 91,552.27 $ 91,552.27 0 $ 0.00 0 $ 0 0 $ $ 0.00 0.000.00 0 $ $ 0.00 0.00 2 632.00 0 $ 0.00 0.00 0 0 $ 15 $ 8,960.00 2 632.00 2 15 2 $ $ 632.00 632.00 632.00 8,960.00 2 $ 2 632.00 15 15 $ 8,960.00 $ 8,960.00 12 4,603.00 $ 8,960.00 15 15 $ 8,960.00 26 $ 100,512.27 12 4,603.00 12 12 $ 4,603.00 $ 4,603.00 12 26 $ 4,603.00 12 4,603.00 $ 100,512.27 26 26 $ 100,512.27 100,512.27 0 $ 0.00 26 26 $ 100,512.27 100,512.27 7 0 $ 14,173.50 0.00 0 0 $ 0.00 0 7 $ $ 0.000.00 0 $ 14,173.50 0.00 7 0 7 $ $ 14,173.50 0.00 7 14,173.50 7 $ 14,173.50 14,173.50 0 $ 0.00 0 $ 0 0 $ $ 0.00 0.000.00 0 0 $ 0.00 0 13 0 $ $ $ 3,900.00 0.000.00 0.00 15 $ 7,842.50 13 3,900.00 13 $ $ 3,900.00 15 13 3,900.00 13 13 $ 3,900.00 3,900.00 $ 7,842.50 15 15 $ 7,842.50 7,842.50 13 $ 3,900.00 7,842.50 15 15 $ 7,842.50 22 $ 22,016.00 13 3,900.00 13 13 $ 3,900.00 $ 3,900.00 22 13 13 $ 3,900.00 $ 22,016.00 3,900.00 22 22 $ 22,016.00 $ 22,016.00 $ 22,016.00 22 22 $ 22,016.00 25 $ 8,503.00 48 $ 122,528.27 25 8,503.00 25 25 $ 8,503.00 $ 131,031.27 48 122,528.27 25 8,503.00 25 73 $ 8,503.00 8,503.00 48 48 $ 122,528.27 $ 131,031.27 48 122,528.27 48 73 $ 122,528.27 122,528.27 73 $ $ 73 $ 131,031.27 131,031.27 73 73 $ 131,031.27 131,031.27 12 L M U DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (Continued) DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM - CONTINUED DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMSYSTEM - CONTINUED DISTRIBUTION - CONTINUED DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM - CONTINUED LINES - MILES 2008 2009 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM - CONTINUED LINES - LINES MILES 2009 400 2008 402 2009 Total- MILES Overhead System Miles of Line……………… 2008 400 402 System of Miles Line……………… LINES - MILES 2008 2009 400 402 Total Overhead System of Line……………… 1,118 1,120 Total SYSTEM Overhead of Miles Wire……………………… DISTRIBUTION - Miles CONTINUED 1,120 Overhead Miles of Miles Wire……………………… LINES - MILES 2008 2009 400 402 System of Total Overhead Miles of Line……………… Wire……………………… Total Underground System Miles of Line………… 1,118 26 1,118 29 1,120 Underground System of Miles Line………… 26 29 400 402 System of Line……………… 1,118 1,120 Total Overhead Miles of Miles Wire……………………… Total Underground System of Line………… 26 29 145 150 Miles of Miles Wire…………………… DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM - CONTINUED LINES - MILES 2008 2009 145 150 Miles of Miles Wire…………………… 1,118 1,120 Total Overhead Miles of Wire……………………… 26 29 Underground System of 145 150 Total Underground Miles of Line………… Wire…………………… 400 402 Overhead System of Line……………… Total Underground System of Line………… 26 29 145 150 MilesMiles of Miles Wire…………………… 1,120 Total Overhead Miles of Wire……………………… LINES 2008 2009 145 150 Underground Miles of Wire…………………… 1,118 POLES- MILES 26 29 Underground System Miles of Line………… 19,457 400 402 Overhead Miles of Line……………… POLES POLES Total Number ofSystem Poles……………………………… 20,516 145 19,457 150 20,516 Underground Miles of Wire……………………19,457 1,118 1,120 Overhead of Total Number ofMiles Poles……………………………… 20,516 POLES Total Number ofWire……………………… Poles……………………………… 26 29 Underground System Miles of Line………… 19,457 POLES Total SYSTEM Number of- CONTINUED Poles……………………………… 20,516 DISTRIBUTION 145 150 Underground Miles of Wire……………………19,457 Total Number of Poles……………………………… 20,516 TRANSFORMERS POLES TRANSFORMERS TRANSFORMERS 1,388 Transformers Within City…………………………… 1,388 LINES MILES 2008 2009 1,388 Total Number of Poles……………………………… 19,457 20,516 1,388 1,388 1,388 Within TRANSFORMERS Transformers Within City…………………………… 2,171 Transformers O utsideCity…………………………… City………… ………………… 2,178 400 402 2,171 Total Overhead System Miles of Line……………… POLES 2,178 2,178 2,171 Transformers O utsideCity…………………………… City………… ………………… TRANSFORMERS 1,388 1,388 Within O City………… ………………… 3,566 3,559 ………………… Total Transformers Transf ormers inutside Service… 1,118 3,566 1,120 3,559 Overhead Miles of Wire……………………… Total Number oformers Poles……………………………… 19,457 20,516 3,566 3,559 ………………… Total Transf inormers Service… 1,388 1,388 Within City…………………………… 2,178 2,171 Transformers O utside City………… ………………… ………………… Total Transf in Service… Total Underground System Miles of………………… Line………… 2,178 26 29 TRANSFORMERS 2,171 Transformers Oormers utside City………… ………………… 3,566 3,559 Total Transf in Service… 145 150 Total Underground Miles of Wire…………………… 1,388 1,388 Transformers Within City…………………………… 3,559 ………………… 3,566 Total Transf ormers in Service… DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 2,171 Transformers Outside City…………………………… 2,178 TRANSFORMERS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMSYSTEM DISTRIBUTION 2008 2009 3,566 3,559 Total Transf ormers in Service…………………… 1,388 Transformers Within City…………………………… 2008 2008 2009 2009 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Additions/Deleti ons1,388 Additions/Deletions POLES Transformers ………………… 2,178 Additions/Deleti ons2,171ons Additions/Deletions DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 2008 2009 Additions/Deleti Additions/Deletions 2.4 KV Outside City………… Overhead 0' 0' Total Number of Poles……………………………… 19,457 3,566 3,559 ………………… Total Transf ormers in Service… 2.4 KV Overhe 2008 2009 Additions/Deleti ons Additions/Deletions 2.4 KV Overhead 0' 20,516 0' Undergad round 0' 0' DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Undergad round Additions/Deleti ons Additions/Deletions 2.4 KV 2.4 KV Overhe 0' 0' Underground 0' 0' 4.16 2008 2009 4.16 2.4 Overhe ad 0' 0' Underg round Overhead 0' 0' 7.2 KV 4.16 KV Overhead (+)4500' TRANSFORMERS Additions/Deleti ons Additions/Deletions DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 7.2 KV Overhead 0' (+)4500' 2.4 Underg 0' 4.16 Overheround ad 7.2 KV Overhead 0' (+)4500' (+)6000' 1,388 Transformers Within 2.4 Overhe 0' 0' 2008 2009 4.16 7.2 KV 7.2 Overhead (+)4500' Undergad round (+)6000' KV City…………………………… Underground 0' 1,388 (+)6000' 12.4 (+)1000' 2,178 Transformers Outside ………………… 2.4 Underg 0' 0' Additions/Deleti ons Additions/Deletions 7.2 KV 12.4 Overhead (+)4500' (+)6000' 12.4 Overheround ad (+)1000' KV City………… Overhe ad 0' 2,171 (+)1000' (+)1500' 3,566 ………………… Total Transf 4.16 2.4 Overhe 0' 0' 7.2 KV Undergad round (+)6000' 12.4 (+)1000' (+)1500' 12.4ormers KV in Service… Underground 0' 3,559 (+)1500' 7.98 (+)750' 7.2 KV 7.98 KV Overhead (+)4500' 2.4 Underg 0' 0' 12.4 Overheround ad (+)1000' (+)1500' 7.98 (+)750' Overhead 0' (+)750' (+)2000' 7.2 KV 7.98 KV Undergad round (+)6000' 4.16 Overhe 0' 0' 12.4 (+)1500' 7.98 (+)750' (+)2000' Underground 0' (+)2000' 13.8 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 12.4 Overhe (+)1000' 7.2 Overhead (+)4500' 7.98 (+)750' (+)750' Undergad round (+)2000' Overhead 0' 13.8 KV 13.8 KV Underground 0' (+)1250' 2008 2009 (+)1250' 12.4 (+)1500' 7.2 KV 13.8 KV Underg (+)6000' 13.8 Underground 0' (+)1250' 7.98 (+)2000' Overheround ad (+)750' Underground 0' Additions/Deleti ons Additions/Deletions 7.98 KV (+)750' 12.4 Overhead (+)1000' 13.8 Underground 0' (+)1250' 2.4 KV Overheround ad 0' 7.98 (+)2000' 12.4 Underg (+)1500' 13.8 Underground 0' (+)1250' 2.4 KV Undergad round 0' 13.8 7.98 Overhe 0' (+)750' 4.16 KV Overheround ad 0' 13.8 Underground 0' (+)1250' 7.98 Underg (+)2000' 7.2 KV Overhead 0' (+)4500' 13.8 Overhead (+)750' 7.2 KV Underground (+)6000' 13.8 Underground 0' (+)1250' 12.4 KV Overhead 0' (+)1000' 13 L M U CHARGEABLE CALLS FOR 2009 CHARGEABLE CHARGEABLE CHARGEABLE CALLS CALLS CALLS FOR FOR FOR 2009 2009 2009 CHARGEABLE CALLS FOR 2009 JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY MARCH MARCH MARCH MARCH APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL MAY MAY MAY MAY JUNE JUNE JUNE JUNE JULY JULY JULY JULY AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER OCTOBER OCTOBER OCTOBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL FIRES FIRES FIRES FIRES 970.56 970.56 970.56 970.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 988.82 988.82 988.82 988.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,081.16 1,081.16 1,081.16 1,081.16 374.65 374.65 374.65 374.65 896.60 896.60 896.60 896.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 470.06 470.06 470.06 470.06 4,781.85 4,781.85 4,781.85 4,781.85 CUSTOMER CUSTOMER CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE 1,439.58 1,439.58 1,439.58 1,439.58 657.80 657.80 657.80 657.80 1,747.52 1,747.52 1,747.52 1,747.52 1,001.72 1,001.72 1,001.72 1,001.72 1,577.73 1,577.73 1,577.73 1,577.73 1,076.38 1,076.38 1,076.38 1,076.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 224.28 224.28 224.28 224.28 256.08 256.08 256.08 256.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,981.09 7,981.09 7,981.09 7,981.09 WRECKS WRECKS WRECKS WRECKS 8,217.03 8,217.03 8,217.03 8,217.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,865.66 4,865.66 4,865.66 4,865.66 466.74 466.74 466.74 466.74 3,448.76 3,448.76 3,448.76 3,448.76 139.88 139.88 139.88 139.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 112.42 112.42 112.42 112.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,709.15 2,709.15 2,709.15 2,709.15 19,959.64 19,959.64 19,959.64 19,959.64 CUSTOMER CUSTOMER CUSTOMER CUSTOMER PROBLEMS PROBLEMS PROBLEMS PROBLEMS 205.66 205.66 205.66 205.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 824.76 824.76 824.76 824.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,030.42 1,030.42 1,030.42 1,030.42 TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 10,832.83 10,832.83 10,832.83 10,832.83 657.80 657.80 657.80 657.80 7,602.00 7,602.00 7,602.00 7,602.00 1,468.46 1,468.46 1,468.46 1,468.46 5,026.49 5,026.49 5,026.49 5,026.49 1,216.26 1,216.26 1,216.26 1,216.26 1,081.16 1,081.16 1,081.16 1,081.16 711.35 711.35 711.35 711.35 1,152.68 1,152.68 1,152.68 1,152.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,179.21 3,179.21 3,179.21 3,179.21 33,753.00 33,753.00 33,753.00 33,753.00 14 L M U ANNUAL ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY REPORT FOR 2009 The Distribution Department began the year designing our plans for the Hoosier Heartland Corridor and finished the year implementing those plans. Our 69KV line feeding the West Substation is directly affected and will need to be relocated to accommodate the new highway. This relocation project will be ongoing for the next two years. The Planning Department was extremely busy this year with the Hoosier Heartland and the new Wal-Mart Supercenter construction underway. Our crews moved the 69KV line along Mall Road and have installed the main service to the new building. Starting late spring 2010, we will be installing the main feeders along Mall Road underground. This work on Mall Road is a major improvement for reliability to our system. bulbs to customers. This project has proven to be successful in customer satisfaction and customer acceptance to saving energy. We have installed new T-8 fluorescent fixtures in all Municipal buildings. The energy and CO2 savings for this project are well worth the time and resources used to accomplish this project. The fiber optic training for our line crews was accomplished and the splicing trailer was put in service late this year. The opportunities are numerous involving fiber and we hope to capitalize on them in the near future. System maintenance and new service installs have occupied most of the line crews’ time throughout the year. Over the last five years, our crews have been replacing pole lines on our system. Some of these circuits are in excess of 30 years old without any major upgrades. This maintenance improves our reliability to our customers and lowers our storm costs during the year. The Field Office has been working on streamlining our reporting and record keeping. This has decreased the amount of paperwork and reports generated to a manageable level. Continual improvements are being implemented to improve efficiencies in our daily work at the Field Office. We have implemented new programs for energy efficiency. Included in the project are Energy Audits for our Industrial and Commercial customers. A complete audit of the customer’s facility is conducted and documented and improvements are then suggested to the customers to reduce their demand and lower their CO2 emissions. LMU also began to supply energy-star compact fluorescent We always look forward to the next year and the possibilities that it will bring. Staying a viable utility is our main focus and we welcome the challenge. 15 L M U ANNUAL ELECTRIC GENERATION SUMMARY REPORT FOR 2009 Please find below a few of the most significant events and projects for the Generating Plant for the year 2009. All of the stoker feeders on each boiler were converted to an underthrow feeder, designed and supplied by Detroit Stoker, which allows the plant to utilize coal with a higher percentage of fines at a reduced cost of coal. The old feeders were removed and the new feeders installed by plant personnel, with consulting support from Detroit Stoker, during the scheduled spring outage. In addition to the new feeders, a new feeder control panel was installed on each boiler which should provide for better synchronized control of the individual feeders. Associated new blowers and air piping for this system was installed, and the necessary electrical work was performed. Also during the spring outage, the plant’s boiler control system (DCS) underwent a major software and hardware upgrade including fiber optic cabling throughout the plant and across the coal ramp to the combustion turbine. The upgrade included the latest software version (Ovation) in the family of DCS operating systems from Emerson Process Controls. This upgrade will help the plant operate more efficiently and reliably for several years. The system was also designed to allow for future controls expansion if necessary. Each of the boiler opacity monitors were upgraded with Lighthawk 560 model units, purchased from Teledyne/ Monitor Labs. Each of the existing units had become unreliable and very difficult to maintain as the availability of repair parts was very limited due to the age of the units. The Turbine-Generator #4 condenser was re-tubed during the fall outage. This re-tubing was necessary due to the high percentage of tubes that had failed and been plugged previously; the increasing rate of tube failures experienced; and substantiated with the report of eddy current testing performed on these tubes during the spring outage indicating a large percentage of tubes with <20% material left. In total, 2,840-20’ tubes were supplied and replaced. This should considerably improve the reliability, efficiency and performance of this turbine, as we will have a higher flow capacity of cooling water through this condenser. On December 17, 2009, the Generating Plant performed the bi-yearly boiler stack test on unit #6 as required by our operating permit issued by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. The permit limitation for this unit is 0.42 lbs./mmBtu. The average measured emissions over the course of the three required test runs was 0.021 lbs./ mmBtu or approximately 5% of our permit limit. For the year, the Generating Plant produced a net total of 120,949,922 KWH, while purchasing 307,702,720 KWH from Duke Energy to meet the total system demand for 2009 of 428,652,642 KWH. 16 L M U WATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2009 WATER WATER DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT BALANCE BALANCE SHEET SHEET WATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET WATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET December December 31, 31, 2009 2009 December 31, 2009 December 31, 2009 ASSETS ASSETS ASSETS CURRENT CURRENT CURRENT ASSETS: ASSETS: ASSETS: ASSETS Cash Cash Cash - Operating……………………………………….. - -Operating……………………………………….. Operating……………………………………….. CURRENT ASSETS: Accounts Accounts Receivable Receivable - Customers……………………. Customers……………………. Accounts Receivable - -Customers……………………. Cash - Operating……………………………………….. Accounts Accounts Receivable-Other……………………………. Receivable-Other……………………………. Receivable-Other……………………………. Accounts Receivable - Customers……………………. Prepaid Prepaid Expenses………………………………………. Expenses………………………………………. Prepaid Expenses………………………………………. Accounts Receivable-Other……………………………. Deferred Deferred Expenses Expenses Bonds…………………………….. Bonds…………………………….. Deferred Expenses Bonds…………………………….. Prepaid Expenses………………………………………. Deferred Expenses Bonds…………………………….. INVESTMENTS: INVESTMENTS: INVESTMENTS: Annexation Annexation Fund……………………………………….. Fund……………………………………….. Annexation Fund……………………………………….. INVESTMENTS: Depreciation Depreciation Fund………………………………………. Fund………………………………………. Depreciation Fund………………………………………. Annexation Fund……………………………………….. Sinking Sinking Sinking Fund……………………………………………. Fund……………………………………………. Fund……………………………………………. Depreciation Fund………………………………………. Bond Bond Bond Reserve…………………………………………… Reserve…………………………………………… Reserve…………………………………………… Sinking Fund……………………………………………. Bond Bond Construction……………………………………… Construction……………………………………… Construction……………………………………… Bond Reserve…………………………………………… Insurance Insurance Reserve………………………………………. Reserve………………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………………. Bond Construction……………………………………… Inventory…………………………………………………. Inventory…………………………………………………. Inventory…………………………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………………. Total Total Current Current Assets……………………………….. Assets……………………………….. Total Current Assets……………………………….. Inventory…………………………………………………. Total Current Assets……………………………….. FIXED FIXED FIXED ASSETS: ASSETS: ASSETS: Plant Plant ininService…………………………………………. in Service…………………………………………. Plant Service…………………………………………. FIXED ASSETS: Construction Construction Work Work ininProgress……………………….. inProgress……………………….. Progress……………………….. Construction Work Plant in Service…………………………………………. Less: Less: Reserve Reserve forfor for Depreciation…………………….. Depreciation…………………….. Less: Reserve Construction Work inDepreciation…………………….. Progress……………………….. TOTAL TOTAL ASSETS……………………………………. ASSETS……………………………………. TOTAL ASSETS……………………………………. Less: Reserve for Depreciation…………………….. TOTAL ASSETS……………………………………. $ $ $ 201,043.22 201,043.22 201,043.22 1,960.37 1,960.37 1,960.37 $ 201,043.22 1,960.37 $ $$ 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,560,067.79 2,560,067.79 $2,560,067.79 0.00 176,762.89 176,762.89 176,762.89 2,560,067.79 245,007.00 245,007.00 245,007.00 176,762.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 245,007.00 113,500.18 113,500.18 113,500.18 0.00 113,500.18 $ $20,914,611.39 $ 20,914,611.39 20,914,611.39 94,023.40 94,023.40 94,023.40 $ 20,914,611.39 8,974,420.14 8,974,420.14 8,974,420.14 94,023.40 8,974,420.14 $ $ $ 475,976.12 475,976.12 475,976.12 $ 475,976.12 203,003.59 203,003.59 203,003.59 203,003.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ $ $ 678,979.71 678,979.71 678,979.71 0.00 $ 678,979.71 $ $ $3,095,337.86 3,095,337.86 3,095,337.86 104,423.38 104,423.38 104,423.38 $ 3,095,337.86 $ $ $3,878,740.95 3,878,740.95 3,878,740.95 104,423.38 $ 3,878,740.95 $ $12,034,214.65 $ 12,034,214.65 12,034,214.65 $ $15,912,955.60 $ 12,034,214.65 15,912,955.60 15,912,955.60 $ 15,912,955.60 17 L M U WATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET (Continued) December 31, 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET - Continued WATERDecember DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET - Continued 31, 2009 December 31, 2009 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES: LIABILITIES Accounts CURRENTPayable……………………………………… LIABILITIES: Accrued AccountsExpenses…………………………………….. Payable……………………………………… Customer Deposits…………………………………….. Accrued Expenses…………………………………….. Current Portion Bonds…………………………………. Customer Deposits…………………………………….. Note Payable SRF……………………………………… Current Portion Bonds…………………………………. Accrued Interest………………………………………… Note Payable SRF……………………………………… Total Current Liabilities………………………………. Accrued Interest………………………………………… Total Current Liabilities………………………………. LONG TERM DEBT: Long Portion Bonds……………………………… LONGTerm TERM DEBT: Contributions in Aid…………………………………….. Long Term Portion Bonds……………………………… Contributions in Aid…………………………………….. CAPITAL: Earned Surplus…………………………………………. CAPITAL: Current Year Earnings…………………………………. Earned Surplus…………………………………………. TOTAL LIABILITIES………………………………… Current Year Earnings…………………………………. TOTAL LIABILITIES………………………………… $ $ $ $ 320,000.00 0.00 320,000.00 46,872.50 0.00 205,976.49 69,130.09 205,976.49 200.00 69,130.09 200.00 46,872.50 $ $ 366,872.50 642,179.08 366,872.50 642,179.08 $ 2,393,000.00 $ 6,067,066.55 2,393,000.00 $ 8,460,066.55 $ 8,460,066.55 6,067,066.55 $ 7,036,912.06 (226,202.09) $ 7,036,912.06 (226,202.09) $ 6,810,709.97 $ 15,912,955.60 $ 6,810,709.97 $ 15,912,955.60 18 L M U WATER DEPARTMENT INCOME STATEMENT January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INCOME STATEMENT January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 REVENUES: Metered Sales…………………………………… Private Fire Protection………………………….. Public Fire Protection………………………….. Penalties…………………………………………. Customer Service Sales & Permits…………… Interest Earned………………………………….. Other - Non-Operating Income………………… EXPENSES: Pumping…………………………………………. Treatment………………………………………… Distribution Expense…………………………… Administrative & General Expense…………… Depreciation Expense………………………….. Taxes, Pension, Group Insurance……………. Interest Expense………………………………… INCOME TRANSFERRED TO SURPLUS……….. $ $ 2,516,026.19 306,207.16 0.00 16,317.86 141,128.87 27,851.21 22,069.29 $ 3,029,600.58 217,547.53 1,034,078.55 592,400.35 364,603.61 499,567.36 463,592.27 84,013.00 $ 3,255,802.67 $ (226,202.09) 19 L M U WATER DEPARTMENT CASH FLOW ANALYSIS January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT CASH FLOW ANALYSIS JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 Cash in Bank 1/01/09 $ 198,801.30 $ $ 3,126,787.13 3,325,588.43 $ 2,658,995.15 $ 666,593.28 $ 190,617.16 Cash in Bank 12/31/09…………………………….. $ 475,976.12 Invested 12/31/09……………………………………. $ 475,976.12 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Net Revenue from Sales……………………….. $ Interest Income…………………………………. Other Income……………………………………. Contributions in Aid…………………………….. Funds from Bond Refinancing………………………….. Total Cash Available……………………….. USE OF FUNDS: Operating Expenses……………………………. Administrative Expenses………………………. Prepayments & Inventory………………………. $ Less: Increase in Payables & Accruals…….. 2,838,105.02 32,970.66 163,198.16 82,781.29 9,732.00 1,844,026.43 828,195.88 92.65 13,319.81 Cash from Operation……………………….. Capital Improvements…………………………… Transfers…………………………………………. $ 95,523.40 95,093.76 20 L M U WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT BALANCES WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT BALANCES JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT BALANCES WATER DEPRECIATION: JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… WATER DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT INVESTMENT BALANCES BALANCES WATER RECEIPTS: WATER DEPRECIATION: JANUARY 1, 2009 2009 TO TO DECEMBER DECEMBER 31, 2009 2009 JANUARY 1, 31, WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT BALANCES Transfers…………………………………………. $ 30,000.00 Balance, 1, DECEMBER 2009……………………… JANUARY 1,January 2009 TO 31, BALANCES 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Interest Earned………………………………….. $ 23,876.15 WATER WATER DEPRECIATION: DEPRECIATION: RECEIPTS: JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Total Balance & Receipts…………………. WATER DEPRECIATION: Balance, Balance, January January 1, 1, 2009……………………… 2009……………………… Transfers…………………………………………. $ 30,000.00 JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Disbursements………………………………….. $ WATER DEPRECIATION: Balance, 1, DECEMBER 2009……………………… RECEIPTS: RECEIPTS: Interest Earned………………………………….. $ 23,876.15 JANUARY 1,January 2009 TO 31, 2009 Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. WATER DEPRECIATION: Balance, January &1,Receipts…………………. 2009……………………… RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. Transfers…………………………………………. $$ 30,000.00 30,000.00 Total Balance WATER DEPRECIATION: Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. $ 30,000.00 Interest Interest Earned………………………………….. Earned………………………………….. $ 23,876.15 23,876.15 Disbursements………………………………….. WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT BALANCES WATER BOND RESERVE: Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. $ 30,000.00 Interest Earned………………………………….. 23,876.15 Total Total Balance Balance & & Receipts…………………. Receipts…………………. December 31, 2009…………………. JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 Balance, January 2009……………………… RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. 30,000.00 Interest 23,876.15 TotalEarned………………………………….. Balance 1, & Receipts…………………. Disbursements………………………………….. Disbursements………………………………….. $$ -WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT BALANCES RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. $ 30,000.00 Interest Earned………………………………….. 23,876.15 Total Balance & Receipts…………………. WATER DEPRECIATION: Disbursements………………………………….. Balance, Balance, December December 31, 31, 2009…………………. 2009…………………. BOND RESERVE: WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 Transfers…………………………………………. $ Interest Earned………………………………….. $ 23,876.15 Total Balance & Receipts…………………. Disbursements………………………………….. December 31, 2009…………………. Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Interest Earned………………………………….. $ 6,175.27 Total Balance & Receipts…………………. WATER DEPRECIATION: Disbursements………………………………….. $ Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. RECEIPTS: WATER BOND BOND RESERVE: RESERVE: JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Total Balance & Receipts…………………. WATER DEPRECIATION: Disbursements………………………………….. December 31, 2009…………………. Transfers…………………………………………. $ 30,000.00 BOND RESERVE: Balance, Balance, January January 1, 1, 2009……………………… 2009……………………… JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Disbursements………………………………….. $ 190,168.27 WATER DEPRECIATION: December 31, 2009…………………. RECEIPTS: BOND RESERVE: Interest Earned………………………………….. 23,876.15 Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… RECEIPTS: $ 6,175.27 JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. WATER DEPRECIATION: RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. 30,000.00 BOND RESERVE: Balance, January 2009……………………… Total Balance &1,Receipts…………………. Transfers…………………………………………. $$ -WATER DEPRECIATION: Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. $ 30,000.00 BOND RESERVE: Interest Earned………………………………….. 23,876.15 Disbursements………………………………….. Interest Earned………………………………….. 6,175.27 $ 6,175.27 190,168.27 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT BALANCES WATER BOND AND INTEREST: RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. 30,000.00 Interest Earned………………………………….. 23,876.15 January 1, 2009……………………… Total Balance & Receipts…………………. $ 6,175.27 Total Balance & Receipts…………………. Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. 30,000.00 Interest Earned………………………………….. 23,876.15 Total Balance & Receipts…………………. Disbursements………………………………….. $ 6,175.27 Disbursements………………………………….. $ 190,168.27 190,168.27 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT BALANCES RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. 30,000.00 Interest Earned………………………………….. 23,876.15 Total Balance &INTEREST: Receipts…………………. Disbursements………………………………….. $ 6,175.27 RESERVE: 190,168.27 Balance, Balance, December December 31, 31, 2009…………………. 2009…………………. DEPRECIATION: WATER BOND AND JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Transfers…………………………………………. $ 223,053.43 Interest Earned………………………………….. 23,876.15 Total Balance & Receipts…………………. Disbursements………………………………….. $ 6,175.27 190,168.27 December 31, 2009…………………. Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Interest Earned………………………………….. $ 580.39 Total Balance & Receipts…………………. Disbursements………………………………….. $ RESERVE: 190,168.27 Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. DEPRECIATION: WATER BOND AND INTEREST: WATER BOND AND INTEREST: RECEIPTS: JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Total Balance & Receipts…………………. Disbursements………………………………….. RESERVE: 190,168.27 December 31, 2009…………………. DEPRECIATION: WATER BOND AND INTEREST: Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… 30,000.00 Transfers…………………………………………. $ 223,053.43 JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Disbursements………………………………….. $ 405,716.25 RESERVE: December 31, 2009…………………. DEPRECIATION: WATER BOND AND INTEREST: $ 6,175.27 Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… RECEIPTS: RECEIPTS: 23,876.15 Interest Earned………………………………….. 580.39 JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31,BALANCES 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. RESERVE: DEPRECIATION: WATER BOND AND INTEREST: Balance, January 2009……………………… 30,000.00 RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. Transfers…………………………………………. 223,053.43 $$ 223,053.43 Total &1, Receipts…………………. JANUARY 1,Balance 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 RESERVE: DEPRECIATION: WATER BOND AND INTEREST: 6,175.27 Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… 30,000.00 RECEIPTS: 23,876.15 190,168.27 Transfers…………………………………………. 223,053.43 Interest Interest Earned………………………………….. Earned………………………………….. $ 580.39 580.39 Disbursements………………………………….. $ 405,716.25 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT BALANCES INSURANCE RESERVE: $ 6,175.27 Balance, January 2009……………………… 30,000.00 RECEIPTS: 23,876.15 Transfers…………………………………………. 223,053.43 TotalEarned………………………………….. Balance Receipts…………………. Interest 580.39 Total Balance &&1,Receipts…………………. December 31, 2009…………………. WATER JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 WATERDEPRECIATION: DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… $ 6,175.27 30,000.00 RECEIPTS: Interest Earned………………………………….. 23,876.15 Disbursements………………………………….. 190,168.27 Transfers…………………………………………. 223,053.43 Total Balance & Receipts…………………. 580.39 Disbursements………………………………….. $ 405,716.25 405,716.25 Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 RECEIPTS: $ 6,175.27 30,000.00 23,876.15 190,168.27 Transfers…………………………………………. 223,053.43 Total Balance &INTEREST: Receipts…………………. Interest Earned………………………………….. 580.39 WATER BOND AND Disbursements………………………………….. $ 405,716.25 Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. RESERVE: INSURANCE RESERVE: DEPRECIATION: RECEIPTS: JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Transfers…………………………………………. $$ 1,576.79 6,175.27 23,876.15 190,168.27 Total Balance & Receipts…………………. Interest Earned………………………………….. 580.39 Disbursements………………………………….. 405,716.25 Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… December 31, 2009…………………. Transfers…………………………………………. $ 30,000.00 WATER DEPRECIATION: JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Interest Earned………………………………….. 190,168.27 Total Balance & Receipts…………………. WATER BOND AND INTEREST: Disbursements………………………………….. 405,716.25 Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. RESERVE: INSURANCE RESERVE: INSURANCE RESERVE: RECEIPTS: $ DEPRECIATION: Interest Earned………………………………….. $ 23,876.15 January 1, 2009……………………… JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT Total Balance &1, Receipts…………………. 190,168.27 WATER BOND AND INTEREST: Disbursements………………………………….. 405,716.25 Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… December 31, 2009…………………. RESERVE: 223,053.43 INSURANCE RESERVE: Balance, January 2009……………………… Transfers…………………………………………. $ 1,576.79 DEPRECIATION: 30,000.00 Total Balance & Receipts…………………. RECEIPTS: WATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, BALANCES 2009 Disbursements………………………………….. $ WATER BOND AND INTEREST: Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… December 31, 2009…………………. RESERVE: INSURANCE RESERVE: 580.39 RECEIPTS: $ RECEIPTS: $ 6,175.27 Interest Earned………………………………….. DEPRECIATION: 23,876.15 Disbursements………………………………….. $ Transfers…………………………………………. 30,000.00 JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. WATER BOND AND INTEREST: Balance, January 2009……………………… RESERVE: 223,053.43 INSURANCE RESERVE: RECEIPTS: Transfers…………………………………………. 1,576.79 Transfers…………………………………………. $$ 1,576.79 Total Balance &1, Receipts…………………. DEPRECIATION: 30,000.00 Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. Interest Earned………………………………….. 23,876.15 WATER BOND AND INTEREST: Balance, January 2009……………………… RESERVE: 223,053.43 INSURANCE RESERVE: 580.39 RECEIPTS: 6,175.27 405,716.25 Transfers…………………………………………. 1,576.79 Interest Earned………………………………….. Interest Earned………………………………….. 190,168.27 DEPRECIATION: Disbursements………………………………….. $ 30,000.00 23,876.15 Total Balance &1, Receipts…………………. January 2009……………………… 223,053.43 580.39 RECEIPTS: $ 6,175.27 Transfers…………………………………………. 1,576.79 Interest Earned………………………………….. Total Balance Receipts…………………. Total Balance &&1,Receipts…………………. Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. 30,000.00 23,876.15 WATER BOND RESERVE: Disbursements………………………………….. 223,053.43 580.39 RECEIPTS: 6,175.27 405,716.25 Transfers…………………………………………. 1,576.79 Interest Earned………………………………….. 190,168.27 Total Balance & Receipts…………………. Disbursements………………………………….. Disbursements………………………………….. $ $ 30,000.00 23,876.15 Balance, January 1, 2009……………………… Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. 223,053.43 580.39 6,175.27 405,716.25 Transfers…………………………………………. 1,576.79 Interest Earned………………………………….. 190,168.27 Total Balance &INTEREST: Receipts…………………. INSURANCE RESERVE: Disbursements………………………………….. $ Balance, Balance, December December 31, 31, 2009…………………. 2009…………………. WATER BOND AND 30,000.00 23,876.15 RESERVE: RECEIPTS: 580.39 6,175.27 405,716.25 Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. Interest Earned………………………………….. 190,168.27 Total Balance & Receipts…………………. Disbursements………………………………….. $ January 1, 2009……………………… 23,876.15 Transfers…………………………………………. $ -WATER BOND RESERVE: 405,716.25 190,168.27 Total Balance &1, Receipts…………………. INSURANCE RESERVE: Disbursements………………………………….. Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. WATER BOND AND INTEREST: RECEIPTS: RESERVE: Interest Earned………………………………….. $$ 6,175.27 January 2009……………………… 405,716.25 190,168.27 INSURANCE RESERVE: Disbursements………………………………….. $ Balance, December 31, 2009…………………. WATER BOND AND INTEREST: January 2009……………………… Transfers…………………………………………. 1,576.79 223,053.43 RESERVE: Total Balance &1, Receipts…………………. RECEIPTS: $ 2,506,191.64 $ $ $$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$$ $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$ $ $$ $$ $ $$ $$ 2,506,191.64 53,876.15 2,560,067.79 2,506,191.64 2,506,191.64 2,506,191.64 53,876.15 2,560,067.79 2,506,191.64 2,560,067.79 2,506,191.64 53,876.15 53,876.15 2,506,191.64 53,876.15 2,560,067.79 2,560,067.79 $429,000.00 53,876.15 2,560,067.79 -53,876.15 2,560,067.79 2,560,067.79 53,876.15 2,506,191.64 2,560,067.79 $429,000.00 6,175.27 2,560,067.79 435,175.27 2,506,191.64 2,560,067.79 $429,000.00 $429,000.00 190,168.27 2,506,191.64 2,560,067.79 53,876.15 $429,000.00 6,175.27 245,007.00 2,506,191.64 $429,000.00 2,560,067.79 435,175.27 2,506,191.64 53,876.15 $429,000.00 6,175.27 6,175.27 190,168.27 2,506,191.64 53,876.15 $429,000.00 2,560,067.79 6,175.27 435,175.27 435,175.27 245,007.00 358,845.32 53,876.15 2,560,067.79 6,175.27 435,175.27 190,168.27 190,168.27 53,876.15 2,560,067.79 6,175.27 435,175.27 190,168.27 245,007.00 245,007.00 53,876.15 2,560,067.79 6,175.27 435,175.27 190,168.27 $429,000.00 245,007.00 2,506,191.64 358,845.32 223,633.82 2,560,067.79 435,175.27 190,168.27 245,007.00 582,479.14 2,560,067.79 190,168.27 $429,000.00 245,007.00 2,506,191.64 358,845.32 358,845.32 405,716.25 2,560,067.79 $429,000.00 245,007.00 2,506,191.64 6,175.27 358,845.32 53,876.15 223,633.82 176,762.89 $429,000.00 2,506,191.64 358,845.32 435,175.27 2,560,067.79 582,479.14 $429,000.00 2,506,191.64 6,175.27 358,845.32 53,876.15 190,168.27 223,633.82 223,633.82 405,716.25 $429,000.00 2,506,191.64 6,175.27 358,845.32 435,175.27 53,876.15 245,007.00 223,633.82 582,479.14 582,479.14 2,560,067.79 176,762.89 111,923.39 6,175.27 435,175.27 53,876.15 190,168.27 2,560,067.79 223,633.82 582,479.14 405,716.25 405,716.25 2,506,191.64 6,175.27 435,175.27 53,876.15 190,168.27 245,007.00 223,633.82 582,479.14 2,560,067.79 405,716.25 176,762.89 176,762.89 1,576.79 6,175.27 435,175.27 53,876.15 190,168.27 245,007.00 223,633.82 582,479.14 2,560,067.79 405,716.25 358,845.32 176,762.89 $429,000.00 111,923.39 2,506,191.64 113,500.18 435,175.27 190,168.27 245,007.00 582,479.14 2,560,067.79 405,716.25 176,762.89 53,876.15 2,506,191.64 190,168.27 245,007.00 2,560,067.79 405,716.25 358,845.32 176,762.89 $429,000.00 111,923.39 111,923.39 1,576.79 2,506,191.64 2,560,067.79 245,007.00 2,560,067.79 358,845.32 176,762.89 $429,000.00 223,633.82 111,923.39 6,175.27 113,500.18 2,506,191.64 53,876.15 -113,500.18 358,845.32 $429,000.00 111,923.39 582,479.14 1,576.79 1,576.79 435,175.27 2,506,191.64 2,560,067.79 2,560,067.79 53,876.15 358,845.32 $429,000.00 223,633.82 111,923.39 6,175.27 405,716.25 1,576.79 113,500.18 113,500.18 190,168.27 2,506,191.64 53,876.15 2,560,067.79 358,845.32 $429,000.00 223,633.82 111,923.39 582,479.14 6,175.27 1,576.79 435,175.27 176,762.89 245,007.00 2,506,191.64 113,500.18 53,876.15 2,560,067.79 223,633.82 582,479.14 6,175.27 405,716.25 1,576.79 435,175.27 113,500.18 190,168.27 -53,876.15 2,560,067.79 $429,000.00 223,633.82 582,479.14 6,175.27 405,716.25 1,576.79 435,175.27 176,762.89 190,168.27 245,007.00 113,500.18 113,500.18 53,876.15 2,560,067.79 223,633.82 582,479.14 6,175.27 405,716.25 435,175.27 176,762.89 113,500.18 190,168.27 245,007.00 111,923.39 358,845.32 53,876.15 2,560,067.79 $429,000.00 582,479.14 405,716.25 435,175.27 176,762.89 190,168.27 245,007.00 113,500.18 2,560,067.79 6,175.27 $429,000.00 405,716.25 176,762.89 190,168.27 245,007.00 111,923.39 113,500.18 358,845.32 1,576.79 2,560,067.79 $429,000.00 435,175.27 21 L M U WATER DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT WATER DEPARTMENT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT PROPERTY AND PLANT VALUATION: WATER DEPARTMENT 2008……………………………………………… $ 20,913,111.39 $ 21,008,634.79 2009……………………………………………… 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT CONSTRUCTION: PROPERTY AND PLANT VALUATION: 0.00 2008……………………………………………… $ 20,913,111.39 94,023.40 2009……………………………………………… $ 21,008,634.79 CONSTRUCTION: OUTSTANDING BOND OBLIGATION: 2008……………………………………………… $ 2009………..…………………………….…….. $ 2009……………………………………………… 3,018,000.00 0.00 3,018,000.00 94,023.40 CASH BALANCES: OUTSTANDING BOND OBLIGATION: Cash Operating Fund………………………………… $$ 2008……………………………………………… Depreciation………………………………………….. 2009………..…………………………….…….. $ Bond & Interest Redemption Fund………………... Bond Reserve Fund…………………………………. Insurance Reserve……………………………….…… CASH BALANCES: Cash Operating Fund………………………………… $ Depreciation………………………………………….. Bond & Interest Redemption Fund………………... Bond Reserve Fund…………………………………. Insurance Reserve……………………………….…… 2008 198,801.30 3,018,000.00 2,506,191.64 3,018,000.00 358,845.32 429,000.00 111,923.39 2008 198,801.30 2,506,191.64 358,845.32 429,000.00 111,923.39 $ .$ . 2009 475,976.12 2,560,067.79 176,762.89 245,007.00 113,500.18 2009 475,976.12 2,560,067.79 176,762.89 245,007.00 113,500.18 22 L M U WATER DEPARTMENT 2009 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM STATISTICS LOGANSPORT MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS - 2009 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM STATISTICS SERVICE CALLS: Services Replaced 5 Swimming Pools Filled New Services Installed 9 Verify Meter Readings for Accuracy 1,770 Miscellaneous Service Turn Ons & Offs 1,498 Services Repaired 119 1 Fire Hydrants Broken by Vehicles 2 Water Line Locates Requested 1,836 Fire Hydrants Repaired or Replaced 9 Fire Hydrants Flushed 1,398 Mains Broken by Contractors 0 Isolation Valves Repaired/Replaced 5 Mains Broken (unknown causes) 11 New Isolation Valves Installed 5 Line Stops Performed 2 Miscellaneous Service Calls Water Mains Extended 549 0 Remote Meter Conversions 122 Frozen Meters 61 Repeat Frozen Meters 2 Broken Meters 4 WATER SYSTEM TOTALS: Pits & Covers Replaced 86 Total Number of Water Meters 7,039 Inspections for Leaks 941 Total Number of Fire Hydrants 699 Valve & Curb Boxes Repaired/Replaced 15 Total Number of Fire Lines 139 Meter Tests, Calibrations, & Repairs 252 Miles of Main Operated & Maintained 119 23 L M U WATER DEPARTMENT 2009 STATISTICS REPORT LOGANSPORT MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS - 2009 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY STATISTICS OPERATIONS: A. WATER PLANT: WELLFIELD: 676.155 MG 1,397.080 MG Peak Monthly Flow - 80.859 MG (JUL) 136.90 MG (OCT) Minimum Monthly Flow - 37.713 MG (NOV) 86.650 MG (DEC) Average Monthly Flow - 56.35 MG 116.42 MG 13.9 10.8 Aluminum Chlorhydrate (gals.) 41,855 0 Chlorine (pounds) 33,550 7,101 Potassium Permanganate (lbs.) 22,586 0 Fluorosilicic Acid (pounds) 30,843 0 100% 100% Water Pumped to the Public - B. Equivalent Average Hours/Day Production - C. Chemicals Required for Treatment - D. Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Compliance Rating - LABORATORY/MONITORING PROGRAM (COMBINED WATER SUPPLIES): A. Conducted over 60,000 water quality analyses during the year. B. Contracted laboratory performed specialized analyses on bacteriological, inorganic, organic, disinfection byproducts (trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids), nitrates, total organic carbon, unregulated contaminant monitoring profiles, synthetic organic compounds, trace metals, radionuclides, and various other specialized contaminants. C. In-house laboratory analyses and monitoring for operational control and reporting purposes are conducted 24x7. 24 L M U WATER DEPARTMENT 2009 STATISTICS REPORT LOGANSPORT LOGANSPORT LOGANSPORT MUNICIPAL MUNICIPAL MUNICIPAL UTILIT UTILIT UTILIT TIES TIES TIES ANNUAL ANNUAL ANNUAL REPORT REPORT REPORT OF OF OF OPERATIONS OPERATIONS OPERATIONS --20 20 -009 009 20 009 WATER WATER WATER TREATMENT TREATMENT TREATMENT STATISTICS STATISTICS STATISTICS HS HS HS IN ININ 1,000 1,000 1,000 GALLONS) GALLONS) GALLONS) WATER WATER WATER TREATED TREATED TREATED AND AND AND PUMPED PUMPED PUMPED (BY (BY (BY MONT MONT MONT Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells ………….. ………….. January………….. January January 52,456 52,456 52,456 120,580 120,580 120,580 July July July ………….. ………….. ………….. 80,859 135,010 80,859 80,859 135,010 135,010 February February February………….. ………….. ………….. 49,528 49,528 49,528 108,140 108,140 108,140 August August August ………….. ………….. ………….. 79,175 79,175 79,175 120,030 120,030 120,030 March March March ………….. ………….. ………….. 50,188 50,188 50,188 107,510 107,510 107,510 ………….. ………….. September September September………….. 75,443 75,443 75,443 134,190 134,190 134,190 April April April ………….. ………….. ………….. 41,606 41,606 41,606 105,530 105,530 105,530 October October October ………….. ………….. ………….. 40,539 40,539 40,539 136,900 136,900 136,900 May May May ………….. ………….. ………….. 48,364 48,364 48,364 115,450 115,450 115,450 November November November ………….. ………….. ………….. 37,713 37,713 37,713 105,030 105,030 105,030 June June June ………….. ………….. ………….. 68,359 68,359 68,359 122,070 122,070 122,070 ………….. ………….. December December December ………….. 51,925 51,925 51,925 TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL BOTH BOTH BOTH SOURCES SOURCES SOURCES 86,650 86,650 86,650 676,155 676,155 676,1551,397,080 1,397,080 1,397,080 2,073,235 2,073,235 2,073,235 CHEMICALS CHEMICALS CHEMICALS USED USED USED DURING DURING DURING 2009 2009 2009 PLANT PLANT PLANT WELLS WELLS WELLS Liquid Liquid Liquid Coagulant Coagulant Coagulant - -gallons gallons - gallons 41,855 41,855 41,855 N/A N/A N/A Chlorine Chlorine Chlorine - -pounds pounds - pounds 33,550 33,550 33,550 7,101 7,101 7,101 Potassium Potassium Potassium Permanganate Permanganate Permanganate - -pounds pounds - pounds 22,586 22,586 22,586 N/A N/A N/A Fluoride Fluoride Fluoride - -pounds pounds - pounds 30,843 30,843 30,843 N/A N/A N/A 25 L M U WATER TREATMENT PLANT SUMMARY 2009 ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS The LMU Water Treatment Plant celebrated an outstanding year by achieving 100% compliance with all of the criteria set forth in the US EPA Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), meeting or exceeding all state and federal regulatory guidelines & limitations. The water quality leaving the treatment plant is the best in the entire history of the facility, which was built in 1954. Much of this is due to the exemplary work performed by the plant operators, as well as the use of enhanced treatment chemicals and a comprehensive preventive maintenance program. Plant operators work around the clock, seven days per week in tweaking and fine-tuning the treatment process in order to achieve this. Much effort went into working with the regulatory authorities regarding the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for the plant. This permitting system regulates the discharge from the treatment plant into the Eel River, downstream of the intake and dam. An extensive permit application process was completed, which included a financial package necessary to comply with future regulations, along with a 20-year operations and maintenance plan. Also, LMU was very active in planning for compliance with the upcoming changes to the SDWA, planning & scheduling for an aggressive cleaning of the #6 well & well screen, and further aquifer site exploration & development for 2010 and 2011. Additionally, plant personnel did a fine job in operating the LMU wellfield, which received much attention during 2009. The wellfield produced nearly 1.4 billion gallons of safe drinking water for the community. LMU has relied more and more on the wellfield in order to supply the community’s drinking water needs, and in fact, has been producing more water than the water treatment plant since 1998. As this reliance grows, so grows the need to further expand this great resource. During 2009, LMU performed an extensive hydro-geological evaluation, developed a hydraulic model, benchmarked the existing aquifer, completed Phase II of the Wellhead Protection Program, and doubled the production capacity of the #5 well. 26 L M U DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SUMMARY 2009 ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS The LMU Water Distribution Crew completed the rehab & overhaul of the #5 well. The well house was completely modified for this project, which included removing the floor & excavating 11-feet below ground in order to accept larger 12-inch discharge piping instead of the existing 8-inch piping, installing new isolation valves, a new blow-off line through a new fire hydrant, new metering, an upgraded motor control center, and new 10-inch pump connection piping. The crew then had the well house ready for the contractor to install the new well pump and motor. The installation went smoothly, since all of the major work had already been performed in-house. This upgrade doubled the production capacity of the existing well. Thorough flow testing was performed in order to verify the operation and production capacity. The well was then flushed extensively before bacteriological sampling in order to ensure that it was safe to put back online and pumping into the system. Three consecutive days were sampled prior to the connection to the distribution system. Additionally, our crew assisted in other important wellfield projects during the year. An aquifer analysis was performed in order to quantify the potential production capacities from the wellfield. Crews uncovered two existing monitoring wells in the vicinity of the #6 well, and then assisted the drilling contractor with the installation of two more monitoring wells. The #6 well was ran extensively for one week, while we watched the water levels in the monitoring wells. Samples were collected throughout this process in order to verify that the water quality remained consistent. Phase II of our Wellhead Protection Plan was completed as well. Overall, we were very pleased with the outcome of these studies. LMU ran the well for an extensive period in order to verify proper operation. This provided two very important details; 1) mechanically everything was working properly, and 2) the aquifer and well screen could handle the additional flow rates. 27 L M U WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2009 WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET December December 31, 31, 2009 2009 December 31, 2009 ASSETS: ASSETS: CURRENT ASSETS: CURRENT ASSETS: ASSETS: Cash-Operating……………………………………………… Cash-Operating……………………………………………… CURRENT ASSETS: Accounts Receivable - Customers……………………….. Accounts Receivable - Customers……………………….. Cash-Operating……………………………………………… Accounts Receivable Other……………………………… Accounts Receivable Other……………………………… Accounts Receivable -- Customers……………………….. Prepaid Expenses………………………………………….. Prepaid Expenses………………………………………….. Accounts Receivable - Other……………………………… Inventories…………………………………………………… Inventories…………………………………………………… Prepaid Expenses………………………………………….. Unamortized Bond Costs………………………………….. Unamortized Bond Costs………………………………….. Inventories…………………………………………………… Unamortized Bond Costs………………………………….. INVESTMENTS: INVESTMENTS: Construction Fund………………………………………….. Construction Fund………………………………………….. INVESTMENTS: Depreciation Fund………………………………………….. Depreciation Fund………………………………………….. Construction Fund………………………………………….. Sinking Fund Bonds………………………………………. Sinking Fund - Bonds………………………………………. Depreciation Fund………………………………………….. Fiscal Agent…………………………………………………. Fiscal Agent…………………………………………………. Sinking Fund - Bonds………………………………………. Bond Reserve……………………………………………….. Bond Reserve……………………………………………….. Fiscal Agent…………………………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………………….. Insurance Reserve………………………………………….. Bond Reserve……………………………………………….. Total Current Assets Total Current Assets Insurance Reserve………………………………………….. Total Current Assets FIXED ASSETS: FIXED ASSETS: Plant in Service……………………………………………… Plant in Service……………………………………………… FIXED ASSETS: Construction Work inin Progress……………………………. Construction Work Progress……………………………. Plant in Service……………………………………………… Less: Reserve for Depreciation…………………………. Less: Reserve for Depreciation…………………………. Construction Work in Progress……………………………. TOTAL ASSETS………………………………………… TOTAL ASSETS………………………………………… Less: Reserve for Depreciation…………………………. TOTAL ASSETS………………………………………… $$ $ 237,517.99 237,517.99 11,518.13 11,518.13 237,517.99 11,518.13 $$ 953,125.28 953,125.28 $ 953,125.28 249,036.12 249,036.12 0.00 0.00 249,036.12 6,006.46 6,006.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,006.46 0.00 $$ 0.00 0.00 2,024,026.88 2,024,026.88 $ 0.00 399,971.43 399,971.43 2,024,026.88 16,745.01 16,745.01 399,971.43 260,254.00 260,254.00 16,745.01 109,134.53 109,134.53 260,254.00 109,134.53 $ $34,423,650.13 34,423,650.13 0.00 0.00 $ 34,423,650.13 16,108,774.49 16,108,774.49 0.00 16,108,774.49 $ $ 2,810,131.85 2,810,131.85 $$ 4,018,299.71 4,018,299.71 $ 2,810,131.85 $ 4,018,299.71 $ $18,314,875.64 18,314,875.64 $$ $22,333,175.35 22,333,175.35 18,314,875.64 $ 22,333,175.35 28 WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET - Continued December 31, 2009 December 31, 2009 L M U WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET - Continued December 31, 2009 LIABILITIES: WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE LIABILITIES: CURRENT LIABILITIES: WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET - Continued December 31, 2009 LIABILITIES: CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable………………………………………….. WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET - Continued December 31, 2009 CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable………………………………………….. Current Portion Long Term Bonds………………………… WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET SHEET -- Continued Continued December 31, 2009 Accounts Payable………………………………………….. Current Portion Long Term Bonds………………………… Accrued Expenses…………………………………………. December 31, LIABILITIES: Current Portion Long Term Bonds………………………… Accrued Expenses…………………………………………. December 31, 2009 2009 CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accrued Expenses…………………………………………. LONG TERM DEBT: WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET - Continued Accounts Payable………………………………………….. LONG TERM DEBT: Long Term Portion Bonds…………………………………. WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET - Continued December 31, Bonds…………………………………. 2009 LIABILITIES: Current Portion Long Term Bonds………………………… LONG TERM DEBT: Long Term Portion WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET - Continued December 31, IN 2009 LIABILITIES: CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accrued Expenses…………………………………………. Long Term Portion Bonds…………………………………. CONTRIBUTIONS AID: December 31, IN 2009 LIABILITIES: CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable………………………………………….. CONTRIBUTIONS AID: Utility Operation……………………………………………. LIABILITIES: CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable………………………………………….. Current Portion Long Term LONG TERM DEBT: CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID: Bonds………………………… Utility Operation……………………………………………. State Funded……………………………………………….. CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable………………………………………….. Current Portion Long Term Bonds………………………… Accrued Expenses…………………………………………. Long Term Portion Bonds…………………………………. Utility Operation……………………………………………. State Funded……………………………………………….. Federal Funded…………………………………………….. Accounts Payable………………………………………….. LIABILITIES: Current Portion Long Term Accrued Expenses…………………………………………. State Funded……………………………………………….. Federal Funded…………………………………………….. Current Portion Long Term Bonds………………………… Bonds………………………… LIABILITIES: CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accrued Expenses…………………………………………. LONG TERM DEBT: CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID: Federal Funded…………………………………………….. CAPITAL: Accrued Expenses…………………………………………. LIABILITIES: CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable………………………………………….. LONG TERM DEBT: Long Term Portion Bonds…………………………………. Utility Operation……………………………………………. CAPITAL: Paid in Capital………………………………………………. CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable………………………………………….. Current Portion Long Term Bonds………………………… LONG TERM DEBT: Long Term Portion Bonds…………………………………. State Funded……………………………………………….. CAPITAL: Paid in Capital………………………………………………. Retained Earnings………………………………………….. LONG TERM DEBT: Accounts Payable………………………………………….. Current Portion Long Term Accrued Expenses…………………………………………. Long Term Portion Bonds…………………………………. CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID: Bonds………………………… Federal Funded…………………………………………….. Paid in Capital………………………………………………. Retained Earnings………………………………………….. Year Earnings……………………………………… Long Term Portion Bonds…………………………………. Current Portion Long Accrued Expenses…………………………………………. CONTRIBUTIONS INTerm AID: Bonds………………………… Utility Operation……………………………………………. TOTAL LIABILITIES…………………………………… Retained Earnings………………………………………….. Year Earnings……………………………………… Accrued Expenses…………………………………………. LONG TERM DEBT: CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID: AID: Utility Operation……………………………………………. State Funded……………………………………………….. TOTAL LIABILITIES…………………………………… CAPITAL: Current Year Earnings……………………………………… CONTRIBUTIONS IN LONG TERM DEBT: Long Term Portion Bonds…………………………………. Utility Operation……………………………………………. State Funded……………………………………………….. Federal Funded…………………………………………….. TOTAL LIABILITIES…………………………………… Paid in Capital………………………………………………. Utility Operation……………………………………………. LONG TERM DEBT: Long Term Portion Bonds…………………………………. State Funded……………………………………………….. Federal Funded…………………………………………….. Retained Earnings………………………………………….. State Funded……………………………………………….. Long Term Portion Bonds…………………………………. CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID: Federal Funded…………………………………………….. CAPITAL: Current Year Earnings……………………………………… Federal Funded…………………………………………….. CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID: Utility TOTAL LIABILITIES…………………………………… CAPITAL: Paid inOperation……………………………………………. Capital………………………………………………. CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID: Utility Operation……………………………………………. State CAPITAL: Paid inFunded……………………………………………….. Capital………………………………………………. Retained Earnings………………………………………….. CAPITAL: Utility Operation……………………………………………. State Funded……………………………………………….. Federal Funded…………………………………………….. Paid in Capital………………………………………………. Capital………………………………………………. Retained Earnings………………………………………….. Current Year Earnings……………………………………… Paid in State Funded……………………………………………….. Federal Funded…………………………………………….. TOTAL LIABILITIES…………………………………… Retained Earnings………………………………………….. Current Year Earnings……………………………………… Retained Earnings………………………………………….. Federal Funded…………………………………………….. TOTAL LIABILITIES…………………………………… CAPITAL: Current Year Current Year Earnings……………………………………… Earnings……………………………………… TOTAL LIABILITIES…………………………………… CAPITAL: Paid in Capital………………………………………………. TOTAL LIABILITIES…………………………………… CAPITAL: Paid in Capital………………………………………………. Retained Earnings………………………………………….. Paid in Capital………………………………………………. Retained Earnings………………………………………….. Current Year Earnings……………………………………… TOTAL LIABILITIES…………………………………… Retained Earnings………………………………………….. Current Year Earnings……………………………………… TOTAL LIABILITIES…………………………………… Current Year Earnings……………………………………… TOTAL LIABILITIES…………………………………… SHEET (Continued) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 661,000.00 66 151,000.00 8,631.14 66 151,000.00 8,631.14 158,631.14 2,285,000.00 661,000.00 2,285,000.00 158,631.14 2,285,000.00 4,100,805.20 661,000.00 4,100,805.20 1,538,451.90 66 151,000.00 8,631.14 2,285,000.00 4,100,805.20 1,538,451.90 8,376,285.97 66 1,000.00 15 8,631.14 1,538,451.90 8,376,285.97 661,000.00 158,631.14 8,631.14 8,376,285.97 15 2,285,000.00 4,100,805.20 856,000.00 661,000.00 2,285,000.00 1,538,451.90 856,000.00 3,779,017.61 66 151,000.00 8,631.14 2,285,000.00 8,376,285.97 856,000.00 3,779,017.61 424,007.60 2,285,000.00 66 151,000.00 8,631.14 4,100,805.20 3,779,017.61 424,007.60 158,631.14 4,100,805.20 1,538,451.90 424,007.60 2,285,000.00 4,100,805.20 1,538,451.90 8,376,285.97 856,000.00 4,100,805.20 2,285,000.00 1,538,451.90 8,376,285.97 3,779,017.61 1,538,451.90 2,285,000.00 8,376,285.97 424,007.60 8,376,285.97 4,100,805.20 856,000.00 4,100,805.20 1,538,451.90 856,000.00 3,779,017.61 4,100,805.20 1,538,451.90 8,376,285.97 856,000.00 3,779,017.61 424,007.60 856,000.00 1,538,451.90 8,376,285.97 3,779,017.61 424,007.60 3,779,017.61 8,376,285.97 424,007.60 424,007.60 856,000.00 856,000.00 3,779,017.61 856,000.00 3,779,017.61 424,007.60 3,779,017.61 424,007.60 424,007.60 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 153,975.93 153,975.93 153,975.93 819,631.14 819,631.14 819,631.14 153,975.93 2,285,000.00 2,285,000.00 819,631.14 2,285,000.00 153,975.93 153,975.93 153,975.93 819,631.14 2,285,000.00 14,015,543.07 153,975.93 819,631.14 14,015,543.07 819,631.14 14,015,543.07 819,631.14 153,975.93 2,285,000.00 153,975.93 2,285,000.00 153,975.93 819,631.14 2,285,000.00 14,015,543.07 5,059,025.21 2,285,000.00 819,631.14 22,333,175.35 5,059,025.21 819,631.14 22,333,175.35 5,059,025.21 2,285,000.00 14,015,543.07 22,333,175.35 2,285,000.00 14,015,543.07 2,285,000.00 14,015,543.07 5,059,025.21 14,015,543.07 22,333,175.35 $ $ $ $ $ $ 14,015,543.07 5,059,025.21 14,015,543.07 22,333,175.35 5,059,025.21 14,015,543.07 22,333,175.35 5,059,025.21 5,059,025.21 22,333,175.35 22,333,175.35 $ 5,059,025.21 $ 22,333,175.35 5,059,025.21 $ 22,333,175.35 5,059,025.21 $ 22,333,175.35 29 L M U WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT INCOME STATEMENT January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT INCOME STATEMENT January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 REVENUES: Sewage Earnings……………………………….. Penalties…………………………………………. Miscellaneous Non-Operating Revenues…….. Interest on Short-Term Notes…………………. Taps and Permits………………………………. EXPENSES: Sewer Line Expense……………………………. Sewage Pumping Expense……………………. Sewage Treatment Expense………………….. Administrative and General Expense…………. Depreciation…………………………………….. Payroll Taxes, Group Insurance, Pension…… Interest Expense………………………………… INCOME TRANSFERRED TO SURPLUS……….. $ $ 3,864,929.39 38,274.88 24,526.01 26,704.16 387,880.86 $ 4,342,315.30 579,102.37 496,330.11 1,208,015.03 413,273.76 681,196.67 453,291.76 87,098.00 $ 3,918,307.70 $ 424,007.60 30 L M U WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT CASH FLOW ANALYSIS January 1,DEPARTMENT 2009 to December 2009 WASTEWATER CASH FLOW31, ANALYSIS January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 $ 359,969.75 $ $ 4,451,088.64 4,811,058.39 $ 3,147,381.01 $ 1,663,677.38 $ 710,552.10 Cash in Bank 12/31/09………………………… $ 953,125.28 Invested 12/31/09……………………………….. $ 953,125.28 Cash in Bank 01/01/09 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Net Revenue from Sales……………………….. Interest from Investments………………………. Contributions in Aid…………………………….. Miscellaneous Revenues………………………. Note Rec. City/County…………………………. Bond Refinancing……………………………….. Total Cash Available………………………… USE OF FUNDS: Operating Expenses……………………………. Administrative Expenses………………………. Prepayments & Inventory………………………. Less: Increase in Payables & Accruals…… $ $ 3,905,388.55 30,425.86 81,027.36 412,406.87 0.00 21,840.00 2,283,447.51 866,565.52 (12,728.12) (10,096.10) Cash from Operation……………………….. Capital Improvements………………………….. Transfers…………………………………………. $ 153,137.95 557,414.15 31 L M U WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT STATISTICS REPORT January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT STATISTICS REPORT WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT STATISTICS JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 REPORT WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT STATISTICS JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 REPORT PROPERTY PLANT VALUATION: JANUARY 1,AND 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 REPORT WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT STATISTICS PROPERTY AND PLANT VALUATION: WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT STATISTICS JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 REPORT PROPERTY2008……………………………………………… AND PLANT VALUATION: WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT STATISTICS JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 REPORT PROPERTY2008……………………………………………… AND PLANT VALUATION: 2009……………………………………………… WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT STATISTICS JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 REPORT 2009……………………………………………… PROPERTY2008……………………………………………… AND PLANT VALUATION: WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT STATISTICS JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 REPORT PROPERTY2009……………………………………………… AND PLANT VALUATION: 2008……………………………………………… CONSTRUCTION: WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT STATISTICS JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 REPORT CONSTRUCTION: PROPERTY2008…………………………………………… AND PLANT VALUATION: 2008……………………………………………… 2009……………………………………………… … JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 CONSTRUCTION: … PROPERTY2008…………………………………………… AND PLANT VALUATION: 2008……………………………………………… 2009……………………………………………… 2009……………………………………………. … 2008…………………………………………… PROPERTY2009……………………………………………. AND PLANT VALUATION: 2008……………………………………………… 2009……………………………………………… CONSTRUCTION: 2009……………………………………………. 2008……………………………………………… 2009……………………………………………… CONSTRUCTION: … 2008…………………………………………… OUTSTANDING BOND OBLIGATION: OUTSTANDING BOND OBLIGATION: 2008……………………………………………… 2009……………………………………………… CONSTRUCTION: … 2008…………………………………………… 2009……………………………………………. OUTSTANDING BOND OBLIGATION: 2008…………………………………………… 2009……………………………………………… CONSTRUCTION: … 2009……………………………………………. 2009…………………………………………… 2008…………………………………………… 2009…………………………………………… CONSTRUCTION: … 2009……………………………………………. OUTSTANDING BOND OBLIGATION: 2009…………………………………………… CONSTRUCTION: … 2008…………………………………………… 2009……………………………………………. OUTSTANDING BOND OBLIGATION: … 2008…………………………………………… 2009……………………………………………. OUTSTANDING BOND OBLIGATION: 2009…………………………………………… 2009……………………………………………. OUTSTANDING BOND OBLIGATION: … 2008…………………………………………… 2009…………………………………………… : CASH BALANCES : CASH BALANCES OUTSTANDING BOND OBLIGATION: … 2008…………………………………………… 2009…………………………………………… : CASH BALANCES OUTSTANDING BOND OBLIGATION: … 2008…………………………………………… 2009…………………………………………… Cash Operating Fund………………………………. Cash Operating Fund………………………………. … 2008…………………………………………… 2009…………………………………………… : CASH BALANCES Insurance Reserve………………………………….. Cash Operating Fund………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………….. … 2009…………………………………………… : CASH BALANCES Depreciation & Replacement Fund……………….. Insurance Reserve………………………………….. Depreciation & Replacement Fund……………….. : CASH Cash Fund………………………………. Bond Operating &BALANCES Interest Redemption Fund………………… Depreciation & Fund…………………………………. Replacement Fund……………….. Bond & Interest Redemption Fund………………… : CASH BALANCES Cash Operating Fund………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………….. Reserve Bond & Interest Redemption Fund………………… Reserve : CASH BALANCES Cash Fund………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………….. Depreciation & Fund…………………………………. Replacement Fund……………….. FiscalOperating Agent…………………………………………. Reserve FiscalOperating Agent…………………………………………. : CASH BALANCES Cash Fund………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………….. Depreciation & Fund…………………………………. Replacement Fund……………….. Bond & Interest Redemption Fund………………… FiscalOperating Agent…………………………………………. Cash Fund………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………….. Depreciation & Fund…………………………………. Replacement Fund……………….. Bond & Interest Redemption Fund………………… Reserve Cash Fund………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………….. Depreciation & Fund…………………………………. Replacement Fund……………….. Bond & Interest Redemption Fund………………… Reserve FiscalOperating Agent…………………………………………. Insurance Reserve………………………………….. Depreciation & Fund…………………………………. Replacement Fund……………….. Bond Interest Redemption Fund………………… Reserve Fiscal& Agent…………………………………………. Depreciation & Fund…………………………………. Replacement Fund……………….. Bond Interest Redemption Fund………………… Reserve Fiscal& Agent…………………………………………. Bond InterestFund…………………………………. Redemption Fund………………… Reserve Fiscal& Agent…………………………………………. Bond Fund…………………………………. FiscalReserve Agent…………………………………………. Fiscal Agent…………………………………………. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 34,277,112.18 34,277,112.18 34,423,650.13 34,277,112.18 34,423,650.13 34,423,650.13 34,277,112.18 34,277,112.18 34,423,650.13 0.00 34,277,112.18 34,423,650.13 0.00 0.00 34,277,112.18 34,423,650.13 0.00 34,277,112.18 34,423,650.13 34,277,112.18 34,423,650.13 0.00 3,572,000.00 3,572,000.00 34,423,650.13 0.00 2,946,000.00 3,572,000.00 2,946,000.00 0.00 2,946,000.00 0.00 3,572,000.00 0.00 3,572,000.00 2,946,000.00 3,572,000.00 2,946,000.00 2008 0.00 2008 3,572,000.00 2,946,000.00 2008 3,572,000.00 2,946,000.00 359,969.75 359,969.75 3,572,000.00 2,946,000.00 2008 107,618.4 0 359,969.75 107,618.4 0 2,946,000.00 2008 1,412,410.3 7 107,618.4 0 1,412,410.3 7 2008 359,969.75 697,285.17 1,412,410.3 7 697,285.17 2008 359,969.75 107,618.4 0 770,412.0 697,285.17 770,412.0 2008 359,969.75 107,618.4 0 1,412,410.3 7 16,745.01 770,412.0 16,745.01 2008 359,969.75 107,618.4 0 1,412,410.3 7 697,285.17 16,745.01 359,969.75 107,618.4 0 1,412,410.3 7 697,285.17 770,412.0 359,969.75 107,618.4 0 1,412,410.3 7 697,285.17 770,412.0 16,745.01 107,618.4 0 1,412,410.3 7 697,285.17 770,412.0 16,745.01 1,412,410.3 7 697,285.17 770,412.0 0 16,745.01 697,285.17 770,412.0 0 16,745.01 770,412.0 0 16,745.01 16,745.01 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2009 2009 2009 953,125.28 953,125.28 2009 109,134.53 953,125.28 109,134.53 2009 2,024,026.88 109,134.53 2,024,026.88 2009 953,125.28 399,971.43 2,024,026.88 399,971.43 2009 953,125.28 109,134.53 260,254.00 399,971.43 260,254.00 2009 953,125.28 109,134.53 2,024,026.88 16,745.01 260,254.00 16,745.01 2009 953,125.28 109,134.53 2,024,026.88 399,971.43 16,745.01 953,125.28 109,134.53 2,024,026.88 399,971.43 260,254.00 953,125.28 109,134.53 2,024,026.88 399,971.43 260,254.00 16,745.01 109,134.53 2,024,026.88 399,971.43 260,254.00 16,745.01 2,024,026.88 399,971.43 260,254.00 16,745.01 399,971.43 260,254.00 16,745.01 260,254.00 16,745.01 16,745.01 32 L M U WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT CASH FLOW ANALYSIS January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 WASTEWATER WASTEWATER WASTEWATER WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT CASH CASH CASH FLOW CASH FLOW FLOW FLOW ANALYSIS ANALYSIS ANALYSIS ANALYSIS JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY 1,1,1, 2009 2009 2009 1,TO TO 2009 TO DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER TO DECEMBER 31, 31, 31, 2009 2009 2009 31, 2009 WASTEWATER WASTEWATER WASTEWATER WASTEWATER DEPRECIATION DEPRECIATION DEPRECIATION DEPRECIATION &&& REPLACEMENT: REPLACEMENT: REPLACEMENT: & REPLACEMENT: $$$ 1,412,410.37 $ 1,412,410.37 Balance, January 2009…………………… Balance, Balance, Balance, January January January 1,1,1, 2009…………………… 2009…………………… 1, 2009…………………… 1,412,410.37 1,412,410.37 $$$ 600,000.00 $ 600,000.00 600,000.00 600,000.00 Transfers………………………………………… Transfers………………………………………… Transfers………………………………………… Transfers………………………………………… Interest Interest Interest Interest Earned………………………………… Earned………………………………… Earned………………………………… Earned………………………………… 14,616.51 14,616.51 14,616.51 14,616.51 614,616.51 614,616.51 614,616.51 614,616.51 Total Total Total Balance Balance Total Balance Balance and and and Receipts…………….. Receipts…………….. Receipts…………….. and Receipts…………….. $$$ 2,027,026.88 2,027,026.88 2,027,026.88 $ 2,027,026.88 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 $$$ $3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Disbursements…………………………………… Disbursements…………………………………… Disbursements…………………………………… Disbursements…………………………………… WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT CASH FLOW ANALYSIS Balance, Balance, December December December December 31, 31, 31, 2009……………….. 2009……………….. 2009……………….. 31,2009 2009……………….. $$$ 2,024,026.88 2,024,026.88 2,024,026.88 $ 2,024,026.88 JANUARYBalance, 1,Balance, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, WASTEWATER WASTEWATER WASTEWATER WASTEWATER SINKING: SINKING: SINKING: SINKING: & REPLACEMENT: DEPRECIATION Balance, Balance, Balance, Balance, January January January January 1,1,1, 2009………………….. 2009………………….. 2009………………….. 1, 2009………………….. $$$ 1,412,410.37 697,285.17 $ 697,285.17 697,285.17 697,285.17 2009…………………… 453,179.08 $$$ 453,179.08 $ 453,179.08 453,179.08 Transfers……………………………………… Transfers……………………………………… Transfers……………………………………… Transfers……………………………………… 600,000.00 Transfers………………………………………… 1,260.43 1,260.43 1,260.43 1,260.43 454,439.51 454,439.51 454,439.51 454,439.51 Interest Interest Interest Interest Earned…………………………………… Earned…………………………………… Earned…………………………………… Earned…………………………………… 14,616.51 Earned………………………………… 614,616.51 Total Total Balance Total Balance Balance and and Receipts…………….. Receipts…………….. and Receipts…………….. 1,151,724.68 $$$ 1,151,724.68 1,151,724.68 $ 1,151,724.68 Total Balance and Receipts…………….. 2,027,026.88 WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT CASH FLOW WASTEWATER ANALYSIS DEPARTMENT CASH FLOW ANALYSIS$ 751,753.25 751,753.25 751,753.25 751,753.25 751,753.25 751,753.25 751,753.25 751,753.25 Disbursements…………………………………… Disbursements…………………………………… Disbursements…………………………………… Disbursements…………………………………… 3,000.00 3,000.00 JANUARYBalance, 1,Balance, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 Balance, December December December 31, 31, 2009……………….. 2009……………….. 31,2009 2009……………….. 399,971.43 $$$ 2,024,026.88 399,971.43 $ 399,971.43 399,971.43 Balance, December 31, 2009……………….. WASTEWATER DEPRECIATION & REPLACEMENT: WASTEWATER DEPRECIATION & REPLACEMENT: WASTEWATER WASTEWATER WASTEWATER BOND BOND BOND BOND RESERVE: RESERVE: RESERVE: RESERVE: SINKING: 2009…………………… Balance, January 1, 2009…………………… $$$ 1,412,410.37 Balance, Balance, Balance, January January January 1,1,1, 2009…………………… 2009…………………… 1, 2009…………………… 770,412.00 770,412.00 $ 770,412.00 770,412.00 Balance, January 2009………………….. 697,285.17 600,000.00 $ 600,000.00 Transfers………………………………………… Transfers………………………………………… 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Transfers………………………………………… Transfers………………………………………… Transfers………………………………………… $ 453,179.08 Transfers……………………………………… Earned………………………………… Interest Earned………………………………… 14,616.51 614,616.51 14,616.51 …… $… $$ … $11,116.66 11,116.66 11,116.66 11,116.66 11,116.66 11,116.66 11,116.66 11,116.66 Interest Interest Earned………………………………… Earned………………………………… Interest Earned………………………………… 1,260.43 454,439.51 Interest Earned…………………………………… Total Balance and Receipts…………….. Total Balance and Receipts…………….. $$$ 1,151,724.68 2,027,026.88 Total Balance Total Balance and Receipts…………….. and Receipts…………….. 781,528.66 $ 781,528.66 781,528.66 Total Balance and Receipts…………….. 781,528.66 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Disbursements…………………………………… 521,274.66 0.00 0.00 521,274.66 521,274.66 521,274.66 0.00 0.00 Disbursements……………………………….. Disbursements……………………………….. Disbursements……………………………….. Disbursements……………………………….. 751,753.25 751,753.25 Disbursements…………………………………… Balance, December 31, 2009……………….. Balance, December 31, 2009……………….. $$$ 2,024,026.88 Balance, Balance, December December 31, 2009………………. 2009………………. 31, 2009………………. 781,528.66 $ 781,528.66 781,528.66 Balance, December 31, 2009………………. 781,528.66 399,971.43 WASTEWATER SINKING: WASTEWATER SINKING: WASTEWATER WASTEWATER INVESTMENT INVESTMENT INVESTMENT WITH WITH FISCAL WITH FISCAL FISCAL AGENT: AGENT: AGENT: WASTEWATER INVESTMENT WITH FISCAL AGENT: BOND RESERVE: Balance, January 2009………………….. Balance, January 1, 2009………………….. $$$ 697,285.17 Balance, Balance, January January 1,1,1, 2009…………………… 1, 2009…………………… $ 16,745.01 16,745.01 16,745.01 Balance, January 2009…………………… 16,745.01 2009…………………… 770,412.00 $ 453,179.08 Transfers……………………………………… Transfers……………………………………… … … …$ … 453,179.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Transfers……………………………………… Transfers……………………………………… Transfers……………………………………… 0.00 Transfers………………………………………… 1,260.43 454,439.51 1,260.43 Interest Earned…………………………………… Interest 235.90 235.90 235.90 235.90 235.90 235.90 235.90 235.90 Interest Interest Earned…………………………………… Earned…………………………………… Interest Earned…………………………………… …$ Earned…………………………………… 11,116.66 11,116.66 Earned………………………………… Receipts…………….. Total Balance and Receipts…………….. $$$ 1,151,724.68 Total Total Total Balance Balance Total Balance Balance and and and Receipts……………. Receipts……………. Receipts……………. and Receipts……………. $ 16,980.91 16,980.91 16,980.91 16,980.91 781,528.66 751,753.25 751,753.25 Disbursements…………………………………… 235.90 235.90 235.90 235.90 235.90 235.90 235.90 Disbursements…………………………………… Disbursements…………………………………… Disbursements…………………………………… Disbursements…………………………………… 521,274.66 0.00235.90 Disbursements……………………………….. 2009……………….. Balance, December 31, 2009……………….. $$$ 399,971.43 Balance, Balance, Balance, Balance, December December December December 31, 31, 31, 2009………………. 2009………………. 2009………………. 31, 2009………………. $ 16,745.01 16,745.01 16,745.01 16,745.01 781,528.66 WASTEWATER BOND RESERVE: WASTEWATER BOND RESERVE: INSURANCE INSURANCE INSURANCE INSURANCE RESERVE: RESERVE: RESERVE: RESERVE: INVESTMENT WITH FISCAL AGENT: 2009…………………… Balance, January 1, 2009…………………… $$$ 107,618.40 770,412.00 Balance, Balance, Balance, Balance, January January January January 1,1,1, 2009………………… 2009………………… 2009………………… 1, 2009………………… $ 107,618.40 107,618.40 107,618.40 16,745.01 0.00 0.00 Transfers………………………………………… 0.00 0.00 0.00 Transfers………………………………………… Transfers………………………………………… Transfers………………………………………… Transfers………………………………………… … 0.00 Transfers……………………………………… $$$ … 11,116.66 …$ 11,116.66 Interest Earned………………………………… …… … $ 1,516.13 1,516.13 1,516.13 1,516.13 $1,516.13 $1,516.13 $1,516.13 $1,516.13 Interest Interest Interest Earned………………………………… Earned………………………………… Earned………………………………… Earned………………………………… 235.90 235.90 Interest Earned…………………………………… Receipts…………….. Total Balance and Receipts…………….. $$$ 109,134.53 781,528.66 Total Total Balance Total Balance Balance and and Receipts……………. Receipts……………. and Receipts……………. $ 109,134.53 109,134.53 109,134.53 Total Balance and Receipts……………. 16,980.91 521,274.66 0.00 Disbursements……………………………….. Disbursements……………………………….. …… … …521,274.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Disbursements………………………………… Disbursements………………………………… Disbursements………………………………… Disbursements………………………………… 235.90 235.90 Disbursements…………………………………… Balance, December 31, 2009………………. $$$ 109,134.53 781,528.66 Balance, Balance, Balance, December December December 31, 31, 2009...………. 2009...………. 2009...………. 31, 2009...………. $ 109,134.53 109,134.53 109,134.53 Balance, December 31, 2009………………. 16,745.01 WASTEWATER INVESTMENT WITH FISCAL WASTEWATER AGENT: INVESTMENT WITH FISCAL AGENT: INSURANCE RESERVE: Balance, January 1, 2009………………… 2009……………………Balance, January 1, 2009…………………… $ 16,745.01 107,618.40 … 0.00 … 0.00 Transfers……………………………………… Transfers……………………………………… Transfers………………………………………… $ 1,412,410.37 614,616.51 $ 2,027,026.88 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,024,026.88 $ 697,285.17 $ 454,439.51 1,151,724.68 751,753.25 399,971.43 $ 770,412.00 $ $ 11,116.66 781,528.66 0.00 781,528.66 $ 16,745.01 33 $ L M U WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 2009 ANNUAL STATISTICS REPORT LOGANSPORT MUNICIPAL UTILIT TIES ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS - 2009 20 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT STATI TISTIC SEWAGE TREATED AND PUMPED (BY MONTHS IN 1,000 GALLONS): January ………….. 327,980 July ………….. 253,890 February ………….. 314,720 August ………….. 253,580 March ………….. 323,330 September ………….. 235,500 April ………….. 293,400 October ………….. 219,480 May ………….. 295,430 November ………….. 193,500 June ………….. 264,000 December ………….. 251,410 TOTAL GALLONS TREATED CHEMICALS USED DURING 2009: = 3,226,220 PRIMARY BIOSOLIDS REMOVED: Liquid Chlorine …………… 130,000 pounds 2009…………………….. 13,021,300 gallons Sulfur Dioxide …………… 180,000 pounds 2008…………………….. 13,059,200 gallons 2007…………………….. 12,674,900 gallons TOTAL OF SEWAGE TREATED AS FOLLOWS (IN 1,0000 GALLONS): From City System………………………………. From Tyson's System………………………….. Total Treated Gallons (2009)…………….. Total Treated Gallons (2008)…………….. Total Treated Gallons (2007)…………….. 2,589,010,050 637,210 3,226,220 3,373,780 3,144,050 34 L M U WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 2009 INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT LOGANSPORT LOGANSPORT LOGANSPORT LOGANSPORT MUNICIPAL MUNICIM ANNUAL ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL ANNUAL REPORT OFREPORT REPOR OPERA OF OPE INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PRETREATM PRET PRE NPDES NPDES DISCHARGE NPDES DISCHARGE NPDESDISCHARGE DISCHARGE PERMIT PERMIT #IN0023604: PERMIT #IN0023604: PERMIT#IN0023604: #IN0023604: Month Month Month Month Program Program FeesFees Program ProgramFees User FeesUser Charge Charge Fees User User Fees Charge ChargeFees Fees January January January January $ $ 482.25 482.25 $$ February February February February $ $ 1,826.13 1,826.13 $$ 1,826.13 1,826.13 March March March March $ $ 2,651.84 2,651.84 $$ 2,651.84 2,651.84 AprilApril April April $ $ 2,319.81 2,319.81 $$ 2,319.81 2,319.81 May May May May $ $ 1,415.76 1,415.76 $$ 1,415.76 1,415.76 JuneJune June June $ $ 1,146.59 1,146.59 $$ 1,146.59 1,146.59 July July July July $ $ August August August August $ $ 1,798.83 1,798.83 $$ 1,798.83 1,798.83 September September September September $ $ 3,558.34 3,558.34 $$ 3,558.34 3,558.34 October October October October $ $ 2,468.68 2,468.68 $$ 2,468.68 2,468.68 November NovemberNovember November $ $ 2,254.20 2,254.20 $$ 2,254.20 2,254.20 December DecemberDecember December $ $ 1,744.19 1,744.19 $$ 1,744.19 1,744.19 Sub-Totals Sub-Totals Sub-Totals Sub-Totals $ $ 21,833.29 21,833.29 $$ 21,833.29 21,833.29 $40,593.45 $40,593.45 $40,593.45 $40,593.45 166.67 166.67 $$ 482.25 482.25 $40,593.45 $40,593.45 $40,593.45 $40,593.45 166.67 166.67 Total Total Pretreatment Pretreatment Total TotalPretreatment Pretreatment Program Program Income Program Program Income - Income $Income - 62,426.74 $ 62,426.74 - - $$ 62,426.74 62,426.74 35 L M U WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 2009 HAULED-IN WASTE SUMMARY LOGANSPORT MUNICIPAL ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERAT HAULED-IN WASTE SUMMARY NPDES DISCHARGE PERMIT #IN0023604: Month Gallons Received Revenue January 171,936 $ 7,546.18 February 572,394 $ 27,225.25 March 808,548 $ 38,575.02 April 769,113 $ 32,783.08 May 575,432 $ 17,042.10 June 659,163 $ 20,927.80 July 180,914 $ August 274,453 $ 17,149.18 September 766,938 $ 23,178.86 October 642,692 $ 19,384.05 November 690,626 $ 20,497.84 December 457,026 $ 13,758.17 TOTALS 6,569,235 $ 243,448.61 5,381.08 36 L M U WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 2009 ANNUAL POLLUTANT TREATMENT REMOVAL LOGANSPORT MUNICIPAL UTILITIE ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS - 200 POLLUTANT REMOVAL STATISTICS NPDES DISCHARGE PERMIT #IN0023604: ANNUAL POLLUTANT TREATMENT REMOVALS AND EFFICIENCIES Total Annual Volume of Contaminants Received & Treated plus Treatment Efficiencies Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD) 1,340,713 pounds Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 2,833,205 pounds 164,427 pounds 177 pounds 2,030 pounds Total Lead 152 pounds Total Zinc 3,099 pounds Total Primary & Secondary Solids 3,139,793 pounds Total Final Dewatered Biosolids 2,061,884 pounds Total Ammonia Total Chromium Total Copper CBOD Percent Removal Rate 92% TSS Percent Removal Rate 87% Ammonia Percent Removal Rate 97% U.S. EPA / IDEM COMPLIANCE RATING 100% 37 L M U WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 2009 RUNNING AVERAGE COMPLIANCE STATUS LOGANSPORT MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS - 2009 ANNUAL RUNNING AVERAGE COMPLIANCE STAT NPDES DISCHARGE PERMIT #IN0023604: Parameter Dissolved Oxygen Annual Average NPDES Limit* 9.2 6.0 mg/L min. Solids - Mass 1,123 4,506.3 lbs/day max. Solids - Conc. 14 30 mg/L max. Ammonia - Mass 13 600.8 lbs/day max. Ammonia - Conc. 0.2 4 mg/L max. CBOD5 - Mass 333 3,755.3 lbs/day max. CBOD5 - Conc. 4 25 mg/L max. 0.02 0.04 mg/L max. 8 125 CFU/100 ml max. Chromium 0.003 2.81 mg/L max. Copper 0.022 0.033 mg/L max. Lead 0.003 0.025 mg/L max. Zinc 0.042 0.208 mg/L max. Chlorine Residual E. Coli. *As regulated by the U.S. EPA & the Indiana Department of Environmental Management under the Clean Water Act 38 L M U WASTEWATER COLLECTIONS AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM 2009 ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS LOGANSPORT MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS - 2009 WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM STATISTICS MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS: Mains Lampsighted, Feet Mains Repaired, Feet Mains Rooted and Rodded, Linear Feet Confined Space Entries Grit & Debris Removed, Cubic Feet SERVICE CALLS: 6,200 0 Miscellaneous Service Calls 1,836 51 21,675 0 7,168 Manholes Raised 38 Manhole Covers and Castings Replaced 14 Manhole Covers Only Replaced 5 Catch Basins Cleaned and/or Repaired Sewer Mains Located 222 Catch Basin Grates Replaced 6 Traps Installed 2 New Manholes Installed 1 WASTEWATER SYSTEM TOTALS: New Sewer Mains Extended, Feet 0 Total Number of Customers New Sewer Force Mains Extended, Feet 0 Miles of Main Operated & Maintained New Sewer Services Installed 9 7,039 134 39 L M U WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT LOGANSPORT MUNICIPAL UTILITIE 2009 FINAL DEWATERED BIOSOLIDS DISPOSAL REGS WORKSHEET ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS - 20 FINAL BIOSOLIDS PRODUCTION STATIST NPDES DISCHARGE PERMIT #IN0023604: Final Dewatered Biosolids Disposal 503 Reg Worksheet Biosolids Disposal Method: 100% Landfilled 2009 MONTH JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOT AVG MAX MIN cu. yd. 26 24 26 24 18 20 18 19 17 20 19 21 21 26 17 DEWATERED BIOSOLIDS PRODUCTION DATA days %TS dry lbs. wet lbs. 25 20.24 207,444 1,024,920 24 22.87 207,714 908,237 25 25.36 259,920 1,024,920 25 23.63 223,559 946,080 21 25.75 153,478 596,030 21 24.88 164,769 662,256 23 21.51 140,416 652,795 21 21.58 135,769 629,143 20 20.29 108,777 536,112 24 20.91 158,260 756,864 22 20.55 135,446 659,102 24 20.93 166,332 794,707 275 269 2,061,884 9,191,167 23 22.38 171,824 765,931 25 25.75 259,920 1,024,920 20 20.24 108,777 536,112 DRY WET Total Final DWB Produced, Pounds: 2,061,884 9,191,167 Total Final DWB Produced, Tons: 1,030.94 4,595.58 Total Final DWB Produced, Metric Tons: 934.65 4,166.36 40 L M U WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 2009 COMBINED SEWER OVERLFOW STATISTICS LOGANSPORT MUNICIPAL UTILITIE ES ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS - 2009 09 COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW STATISTIC CS NPDES DISCHARGE PERMIT #IN0023604 Total CSO CSO CSO CSO CSO CSO CSO CSO CSO CSO CSO CSO CSO CSO CSO Total Month Precip In. #002 MG's #003 MG's #004 MG's #005 MG's #006 MG's #007 MG's #008 MG's #009 MG's #010 MG's #011 MG's #012 MG's #013 MG's #015 MG's #016 MG's #018 MG's # Events 0 Jan 0.12 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Feb 3.16 0.000 2.881 3.421 3.410 0.000 0.000 0.229 0.000 0.178 0.024 0.199 0.018 3.717 1.045 0.056 4 Mar 6.63 0.000 15.443 22.053 9.852 0.000 0.000 1.073 0.109 0.659 0.513 1.035 0.472 12.602 3.303 0.479 9 10 Apr 5.87 0.000 5.195 7.891 3.322 0.000 0.000 0.032 0.000 0.081 0.000 0.133 0.000 5.019 1.117 0.163 May 5.83 0.000 7.790 11.126 6.284 0.187 0.086 0.458 0.771 0.315 0.984 1.420 1.250 7.393 10.734 1.492 7 Jun 4.91 0.000 1.573 4.120 1.906 0.000 0.000 0.242 0.058 0.562 0.196 0.071 0.224 4.467 0.987 0.196 8 Jul 2.28 0.000 0.000 0.247 0.138 0.000 0.000 0.132 0.000 0.058 0.005 0.000 0.037 0.193 0.164 0.020 3 Aug 5.93 0.000 0.030 1.859 2.490 0.035 0.009 0.311 0.343 0.097 0.518 0.767 0.731 2.972 2.898 0.480 6 Sep 0.61 0.000 0.000 0.125 0.151 0.000 0.000 0.045 0.006 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.014 0.203 0.000 0.002 1 Oct 6.91 0.000 0.178 1.686 1.220 0.000 0.000 0.265 0.018 0.396 0.197 0.001 0.245 1.861 0.050 0.110 6 Nov Dec 2.47 3.07 0.000 0.000 0.096 0.229 0.077 0.311 0.137 0.326 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.023 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.052 0.000 0.048 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.015 0.097 0.229 0.029 0.007 0.012 0.050 4 5 Total 47.79 0.000 33.415 52.916 29.236 0.222 0.095 2.810 1.305 2.422 2.485 3.626 3.006 38.753 20.334 3.060 63 Avg 3.98 0.000 2.785 4.410 2.436 0.019 0.008 0.234 0.109 0.202 0.207 0.302 0.251 3.229 1.695 0.255 5 Max Min 6.91 0.12 0.000 0.000 15.443 0.000 22.053 0.000 9.852 0.000 0.187 0.000 0.086 0.000 1.073 0.000 0.771 0.000 0.659 0.000 0.984 0.000 1.420 0.000 1.250 0.000 12.602 0.000 10.734 0.000 1.492 0.000 10 0 Annual Totals For 2008: MG's Discharged: Precip. Inches: Discharge Days: MG: In Ratio: MG: Day Ratio: 193.685 47.79 63 4.053 3.074 (Normal = 38.48") 41 L M U WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SUMMARY 2009 ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS Energy use, resources, and conservation seemed to be one of the main focuses at the treatment plant during the year. With the Federal Government’s energy policies looming on the horizon, plant personnel took a proactive approach to this issue and began planning for the future. An extensive energy audit was conducted, and from that study, several areas of interest and potential savings were identified. One area studied was the ability to convert biosolids produced at the plant into a source of fuel. After extensive research & analyses, we determined that biosolids were indeed a viable fuel source. The picture below shows biosolids being produced during shift operations. LMU found that after further drying of the biosolids material, it contained nearly 75 to 85 percent of the BTU value found in virgin coal. The treatment plant typically produces more than one-thousand dry tons of the material each year at a moisture content of 80% on average. By reducing the moisture content considerably - down to 10% or less we determined that our biosolids would be a very good supplemental fuel. LMU initially looked for an efficient, economical means of drying the biosolids to a suitable level. During that process, what started out as a simple drying operation, has blossomed into a potential energy production plan that could supply enough energy to power plant operations, as well as feeding power onto the grid. There were other aspects of the energy audit that should be very beneficial towards reducing the cost of our energy needs, in addition to the reduction in the volume of our greenhouse gases, thus reducing our carbon footprint. LMU is developing a plan to implement these measures in the coming years. Aside from the above, plant personnel achieved 100% compliance during the year, while treating over 3-billion gallons of wastewater, including over 600-million gallons from Tyson’s, over 6.5-million gallons of hauled-in-waste, and over 4-million pounds of pollutants. 42 L M U COLLECTION SYSTEM SUMMARY 2009 ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS The bulk of the year was spent in the finalization of our collection system layout in regard to the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Operational Plan. This work included an extensive hydraulic model of the system, and after thorough calibration, the model was capable of simulating various rainfall events, along with the corresponding effects to our collection system. We now have a better understanding of how various precipitation events impact our system, what design changes must be implemented, and which added treatment components must be installed in order to substantially reduce the number of CSO events we experience within the community. Through this endeavor, we were able to complete our Long Term Control Plan (LTCP), and present this plan to the community for input. Several hearings, public meetings, and informational presentations were conducted to get this message out. We were very happy with the input, opinions, and feedback that we received during the process, as it helped us not only get the information out to the public, but enabled us to concentrate on some of the problem areas within the community. Several meetings occurred throughout this process with our engineers and the regulatory authorities, in order to tweak the LTCP where needed. Once the document was finalized, we were then able to submit the LTCP to IDEM for final review. Once IDEM has completed their initial review, they will coordinate with the US EPA for the federal-level review. Upon completion of the federal review, we should be able to meet with the regulatory authorities in order to discuss their final approval of the LTCP. We hope to have this meeting in early 2010. This meeting will tell us if the plan is approved and we can start implementing the program or if the plan still needs more work in order to appease the regulatory agencies. Crews were also busy conducting the normal operations, preventive maintenance, and emergency repairs of the system, in addition to the Wal-Mart project, an overhead creek crossing, and mainline televising & root control applications. 43 L M U WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT LOGANSPORT MUNICIPAL UTILITIES 2009 ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS STATISTICS ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS - 2009 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT STATS Logansport Utilities LogansportMunicipal Municipal Utilities PERCENT REMOVAL SUMMARY 8.797 98% Secondary Treatment Tertiary Treatment Overall Treatment 86 65 92 PRIMARY EFFLUENT 87 13 2 365 3,211 333 6288 63 121393 365 121,393 30 126 10 40 394 16 24 56 11 2069 2775 1319 114 261 53 8.0 13.6 4.3 52 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 Volume - MG Dissolved Oxygen mg/l Sludge Vol. Index - ml/gm Susp. Solids - mg/l Settleable Solids % in 30 minutes Ammonia - lbs Ammonia - mg/l Susp. Solids - lbs Susp. Solids - mg/l Phosphorus - mg/l 417 1724 46 5.437 8.000 4.800 1984 365 EFFLUENT 5122 11658 3498 4 21 2 14 102 5 365 365 365 2,835,961 2115 144 14 92 5 365 41 6 1123 15048 298 409715 365 409,715 6540 357 0.2 3.4 0.1 365 13 277 4223 4707 365 73 5 Phosphorus - lbs Phosphorus - mg/l Ammonia - lbs/day Weekly Average Ammonia - lbs Ammonia - mg/l Weekly Average 0.9 0.1 SLUDGE TO THICKENER Other Ammonia Ammonia - mg/l CBOD5 - lbs/day Weekly Average CBOD5 - lbs CBOD5 - mg/l Weekly Average CBOD5 - mg/l 4 50 1 6.5 34.5 0.3 9.8 23.5 3.7 723 2354 274 37573 52 52 Waste Act. Sludge Gal. x 1000 365 18.02 6.44 SECONDARY Primary Sludge Gal. x 1000 8.80 20.96 5.06 3211 365 3 RETURN SLUDGE 10.0 25.1 3.1 FINAL EFFLUENT Total Suspended Solids BOD Effluent Flow Weekly Average Effluent Flow Rate (MGD) 9.2 13.1 6.9 7770 34221 3190 2835961 365 97 AERATION MIXED LIQUOR 35.1 67.4 27.3 12817 365 70 267 1 18786 269 4,707 1.92 4.44 1.06 22.38 40.34 12.92 78 88 40 79 93 44 365 251 365 251 Dewatered Sludge Withdrawn - Cu Yds Volatile Solids in Digested Sludge - % Volatile Solids in Incoming Sludge - % Total Solids in Digested Sludge - % Total Solids in Incoming Sludge - % Supernatant BOD5 mg/l or NH3-N mg/l BIOSOLIDS OPERATIONS Supernatant Withdrawn hrs. or Gal. x 1000 Temperature - F Dissolved Oxygen mg/l pH E. Coli - colony/100 ml Residual Chlorine Final Gas Production Cubic Ft. x 1000 pH 365 1,300,897 Average 0.02 8 Maximum 0.04 525 8.1 Minimum 0.02 1 6.4 Totals No. of Data 220 215 365 Estimated Annual Totals (Average X 365) Average Maximum Minimum Totals No. of Data 112 499 50 Susp. Solids - lbs/day Weekly Average 365 3564 16195 1518 1300897 365 Susp. Solids - lbs 365 Flow Anaerobic Only CBOD5 - lbs 53 224 21 Susp. Solids - mg/l Weekly Average 0 129360 181125 220 225 8.3 5.8 Susp. Solids - mg/l 8.31 19.51 4.97 3033 365 CBOD5 - mg/l 805 1218 31 pH 588 1152 317 Phosphorus Susp. Solids - mg/l Annual Average Flow Capacity Used Ammonia CBOD5 - mg/l 63 Susp. Solids - mg/l 43 Susp. Solids - mg/l Primary Treatment CBOD5 - mg/l S.S. 9.000 RAW SEWAGE Influent Flow Rate MGD Sulfur Dioxide - Lbs Average Maximum 3.3 Minimum Totals 47.79 0 No. of Data 134 Estimated Annual Totals (Average X 365) BOD5 Plant Design Flow CHEMICALS USED Chlorine - Lbs Collection System Overflow ("x" If Occurred) Bypass At Plant Site ("x" If Occurred) Precipitation - Inches Annual Summation of Monthly Reports of Operation Annual Summation of Monthly 2009 Reports of Operation 2009 21 31 4 5430 254 44 L M U STORMWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2009 STORMWATER STORMWATERDEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTBALANCE BALANCESHEET SHEET STORMWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET STORMWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET December December31, 31,2009 2009 December 31, 2009 December 31, 2009 ASSETS: ASSETS: STORMWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET ASSETS: CURRENTASSETS: ASSETS: ASSETS: CURRENT CURRENT ASSETS: Cash-Operating………………………… ……. ……. ..…… ..…… December 31, 2009 Cash-Operating………………………… CURRENT ASSETS: Cash-Operating………………………… ……. ..…… $$ 61,877.08 61,877.08 Accounts AccountsReceivable Receivable- -Customers…… Customers…… ……… ……… Cash-Operating………………………… ……. ..…… ASSETS: Accounts 61,877.08 -- Customers…… ……… AccountsReceivable Receivable-Other…………… Receivable-Other…………… ……$ 382.18 382.18 …… …… $ 61,877.08 Accounts Receivable Customers…………… CURRENT ASSETS: Accounts 382.18 ……… Accounts Receivable-Other…………… Receivable-Other…………… … 382.18 …… Cash-Operating………………………… ..…………. INVESTMENTS: INVESTMENTS: 61,877.08 Accounts Receivable Customers…… ……… INVESTMENTS: Construction Construction Fund…………………………… Fund…………………………… ……$ 0.00 0.00 INVESTMENTS: Accounts Receivable-Other…………… … 382.18 …… Construction Fund…………………………… 0.00 … 683,456.76 683,456.76 Depreciation Depreciation Fund…………………………… Construction Fund……………………………… 0.00 683,456.76 Depreciation Fund…………………………… Sinking SinkingFund-Bonds…………………………… Fund-Bonds…………………………… 137,193.92 137,193.92 … 683,456.76 Depreciation Fund……………………………… INVESTMENTS: Sinking Fund-Bonds…………………………… 137,193.92 …… 431,122.73 431,122.73 Operating Operating Reserve…………………………… Reserve…………………………… Sinking Fund-Bonds…………………………… 137,193.92 Construction Fund…………………………… … 0.00 431,122.73 Operating Reserve…………………………… … … 147,420.00 147,420.00 Bond Bond Reserve………………………………… Reserve………………………………… 431,122.73 Operating Reserve…………………………… … 683,456.76 Depreciation Fund…………………………… … 147,420.00 Bond Reserve………………………………… Total Total Current CurrentAssets……………………………. Assets……………………………. … 147,420.00 Bond Reserve………………………………… Sinking Total Current TotalFund-Bonds…………………………… Current Assets……………………………. Assets……………………………. 137,193.92 431,122.73 Operating Reserve……………………………… FIXED FIXEDASSETS: ASSETS: … $$ 5,366,707.00 147,420.00 Bond Reserve………………………………… FIXED ASSETS: Plant Plantin in Service………………………………… Service………………………………… 5,366,707.00 FIXED ASSETS: Total Current Assets……………………………. Plant in Construction Construction Work Work ininProgress……………… Progress……………… ……$ 146,544.29 146,544.29 Plant in Service………………………………… Service………………………………… $ 5,366,707.00 5,366,707.00 Construction Work in … 146,544.29 Less: Less: Reserve Reserve Depreciation………… Depreciation………… … … 817,185.93 817,185.93 Construction Work for inforProgress……………… Progress……………… … 146,544.29 FIXED ASSETS: TOTAL TOTAL ASSETS………………………………… ASSETS………………………………… Less: Reserve for Depreciation………… … 817,185.93 Less: Reserve for Depreciation…………… 817,185.93 Plant in Service………………………………… $ 5,366,707.00 TOTAL ASSETS………………………………… TOTAL ASSETS………………………………… Construction Work in Progress………………… 146,544.29 Less: Reserve for Depreciation…………… 817,185.93 TOTAL ASSETS………………………………… $$ $ $ $$ $ $ $ 145,542.47 145,542.47 145,542.47 145,542.47 62,259.26 62,259.26 62,259.26 62,259.26 145,542.47 $ 62,259.26 $$ $ $$ $ $ 1,399,193.41 1,399,193.41 1,399,193.41 1,606,995.14 1,606,995.14 1,399,193.41 1,606,995.14 1,606,995.14 $ $ $$ $ $$ $ $ 1,399,193.41 1,606,995.14 4,696,065.36 4,696,065.36 6,303,060.50 6,303,060.50 4,696,065.36 4,696,065.36 6,303,060.50 6,303,060.50 $ $ 4,696,065.36 6,303,060.50 45 L M U STORMWATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET (Continued) December 31, 2009 STORMWATER STORMWATER STORMWATER DEPT. DEPT. DEPT. BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE SHEET-CONTINUED SHEET-CONTINUED SHEET-CONTINUED December December December 31,2009 31,2009 31,2009 STORMWATER DEPT. BALANCE SHEET-CONTINUED December 31,2009 LIABILITIES: LIABILITIES: LIABILITIES: CURRENT LIABILITIES: CURRENT CURRENT LIABILITIES: LIABILITIES: LIABILITIES: Accounts Accounts Payable…………………………………… Payable…………………………………… Accounts Payable…………………………………… CURRENT LIABILITIES: Current Current Portion Portion Long Long Term Term Bonds…………… Bonds…………… 130,000.00 Current Portion Long Term Bonds……………$$$ 130,000.00 130,000.00 Accounts Payable…………………………………… Accrued Accrued Accrued Expenses……………………………… Expenses……………………………… 9,948.25 9,948.25 9,948.25 CurrentExpenses……………………………… Portion Long Term Bonds…………… $ 130,000.00 Accrued Expenses……………………………… 9,948.25 LONG LONG LONG TERM TERM TERM DEBT: DEBT: DEBT: Long Term Portion-Bonds………………………….. Long Long Term Term Portion-Bonds………………………….. Portion-Bonds………………………….. LONG TERM DEBT: Long Term Portion-Bonds………………………….. CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID: CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRIBUTIONS ININ AID: AID: Utility Operation………………………………… 552,480.04 Utility Utility Operation………………………………… Operation………………………………… $$$ 552,480.04 552,480.04 CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID: State Funded…………………………………… 373,387.09 State State Funded…………………………………… Funded…………………………………… 373,387.09 Utility Operation………………………………… $ 373,387.09 552,480.04 Federal Funded………………………………… 0.00 Federal Federal Funded………………………………… Funded………………………………… 0.00 0.00 State Funded…………………………………… 373,387.09 Federal Funded………………………………… 0.00 CAPITAL: CAPITAL: CAPITAL: Paid Capital…………………………………… $$$ 0.00 0.00 0.00 Paid Paid ininin Capital…………………………………… Capital…………………………………… CAPITAL: 4,542,784.31 4,542,784.31 4,542,784.31 Retained Retained Retained Earnings……………………………… Earnings……………………………… Earnings……………………………… 0.00 Paid in Capital…………………………………… $ Current Current Current Year Year Year Earnings………………………… Earnings………………………… Earnings………………………… 548,232.64 548,232.64 548,232.64 4,542,784.31 Retained Earnings……………………………… TOTAL TOTAL LIABILITIES………………………………. LIABILITIES………………………………. TOTAL LIABILITIES………………………………. Current Year Earnings………………………… 548,232.64 TOTAL LIABILITIES………………………………. $$$ $ $$$ $ 6,228.17 6,228.17 6,228.17 6,228.17 139,948.25 139,948.25 139,948.25 139,948.25 $$$ $ 140,000.00 140,000.00 140,000.00 140,000.00 $$$ $ 925,867.13 925,867.13 925,867.13 925,867.13 $$$ 5,091,016.95 5,091,016.95 5,091,016.95 $$$$ 6,303,060.50 6,303,060.50 6,303,060.50 5,091,016.95 $ 6,303,060.50 46 L M U STORMWATER DEPARTMENT INCOME STATEMENT January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 STORMWATER DEPARTMENT INCOME STATEMENT January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 REVENUES: Earnings………………………………………… $ Penalties………………………………………… Miscellaneous Non-Operating Revenue……… Interest Income…………………………………… EXPENSES: Line Expense…………………………………… $ Administrative & General Expense…………… Depreciation……………………………………… Interest Expense………………………………… 821,704.18 14,795.95 2,037.11 9,875.84 $ 848,413.08 22,600.28 147,946.78 115,388.38 14,245.00 $ INCOME TRANSFERRED TO SURPLUS……………. 300,180.44 $ 548,232.64 PROPERTY AND PLANT VALUATION: 2008 2009 $ 5,361,430.43 $ 5,513,251.29 CONSTRUCTION: 2008 2009 $ $ 263,197.90 146,544.29 OUTSTANDING BOND OBLIGATION: 2008 2009 $ $ 395,000.00 270,000.00 CASH BALANCES: Cash Operating Fund…………………………… $ Operating Reserve……………………………… Depreciation & Replacement Fund…………… Bond Sinking Fund……………………………… Bond Reserve Fund……………………………… 2008 108,286.64 327,771.14 429,202.54 135,373.46 147,420.00 2009 $ 145,542.47 431,122.73 683,456.76 137,193.92 147,420.00 47 L M U STORMWATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT BALANCES STORMWATER STORMWATER DEPARTMENT INVESTMENT INVESTMENT BALANCES BALANCES January 1,DEPARTMENT 2009 to December 31, 2009 JANUARY JANUARY1,1,2009 2009TO TODECEMBER DECEMBER31, 31,2009 2009 STORMWATER STORMWATERDEPRECIATION DEPRECIATIONAND ANDREPLACEMENT: REPLACEMENT: Balance, Balance,January January1,1,2009…….………….. 2009…….………….. Transfers………………………………….. Transfers………………………………….. $$ Interest InterestEarned…………………………… Earned…………………………… Total TotalBalance Balanceand andReceipts…………. Receipts…………. Disbursements…………………………… Disbursements…………………………… Balance, Balance,December December31, 31,2009………….. 2009………….. STORMWATER STORMWATERBOND BONDSINKING: SINKING: Balance, Balance,January January1,1,2009………………. 2009………………. Transfers………………………………….. Transfers………………………………….. Interest InterestEarned…………………………… Earned…………………………… Total TotalBalance Balanceand andReceipts………….. Receipts………….. Disbursements…………………………… Disbursements…………………………… Balance, Balance,December December31, 31,2009………….. 2009………….. STORMWATER STORMWATERBOND BONDRESERVE: RESERVE: Balance, Balance,January January1,1,2009………………. 2009………………. Transfers………………………………….. Transfers………………………………….. Interest InterestEarned…………………………… Earned…………………………… Total TotalBalance Balanceand andReceipts…………. Receipts…………. Disbursements…………………………… Disbursements…………………………… Balance, Balance,December December31, 31,2009………….. 2009………….. STORMWATER STORMWATEROPERATING OPERATINGRESERVE: RESERVE: Balance, Balance,January January1,1,2009………………. 2009………………. Transfers………………………………….. Transfers………………………………….. Interest InterestEarned…………………………… Earned…………………………… Total TotalBalance Balanceand andReceipts………….. Receipts………….. Disbursements…………………………… Disbursements…………………………… Balance, Balance,December December31, 31,2009………….. 2009………….. $$ $$ $$ 250,000.00 250,000.00 4,254.22 4,254.22 0.00 0.00 143,924.04 143,924.04 319.42 319.42 142,495.00 142,495.00 0.00 0.00 2,116.90 2,116.90 2,116.90 2,116.90 100,000.00 100,000.00 3,351.59 3,351.59 0.00 0.00 $$ 429,202.54 429,202.54 $$ 254,254.22 254,254.22 683,456.76 683,456.76 0.00 0.00 683,456.76 683,456.76 $$ 135,373.46 135,373.46 $$ $$ 144,243.46 144,243.46 279,616.92 279,616.92 142,495.00 142,495.00 137,121.92 137,121.92 $$ 147,420.00 147,420.00 $$ $$ 2,116.90 2,116.90 149,536.90 149,536.90 2,116.90 2,116.90 147,420.00 147,420.00 $$ 327,771.14 327,771.14 $$ $$ $$ 103,351.59 103,351.59 431,122.73 431,122.73 0.00 0.00 431,122.73 431,122.73 48 L M U STORMWATER DEPARTMENT SYSTEM STATISTICSLOGANSPORT MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS - 2009 2009 ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS STORMWATER SYSTEM STATISTICS Stormwater Mains Televised 0 Catch Basins Rebuilt 5 Mains Cleaned & Rodded 2,870 feet Grit and Debris Removed 960 cubic feet Grate Covers & Castings Replaced 13 Catch Basins Cleaned 38 Stormwater Lines Repaired 88 feet New Storm Lines Installed 270 ft. of 24" New Manholes Installed 1 New Inlets Installed 3 Outfall Inspections, Testing, Maintenance, Cleaning Debris Removed from River Banks Illicit Discharge Investigations & Stream Monitoring 41 x 2 ea. 42 cu. yds. 16 samples @ 21 parameters ea. Public Hearings/Special Meetings/Educational Presentations 18 Rule 13 Stormwater Projects Monitored 1 Annual Precipitation (38.48 inches "Normal") Stormwater Lines Operated & Maintained 47.79 inches 18.57 miles 49 L M U STORMWATER SYSTEM SUMMARY 2009 ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS The LMU Stormwater Department had a very active year during 2009. Much of Department our efforts and wereyear put The LMU Stormwater hadresources a very active during Much & ofsubmittal our effortstoand resources wereTerm put into the2009. finalization IDEM of our Long into the finalization & submittal to IDEM of our Long Term Control Plan, the design finalization and grant application Control Plan, the design finalization and grant application process for the Northeast Area Stormwater Project, and process for the Northeast Area Stormwater Project, and the monitoring monitoring & & supervision supervision of of the the new new Super Super Wal-Mart Wal-Mart the job (a Rule 13 job 13 project). project). Finally, after years able to present its Finally, years ofofeffort, effort,LMU LMUwas was able to present its Long TermControl ControlPlan Plantoto IDEM IDEM for for review. Long Term review. This This comprehensive plan was put through rigorous review comprehensive plan was put through rigorous review and and scrutiny. There was obviously a chasm between a scrutiny. There was obviously a chasm between a beneficial plan we felt the community could afford and beneficial plan we the community could afford and what the Federal & felt State Regulators wanted. Numerous what thewere Federal & State Regulators wanted. Numerous studies performed, designs were tweaked, and we received much input fromwere the tweaked, community while studies were very performed, designs and we trying to meet this un-funded obligation. We hope to hear received very much input from the community while a response from the regulators at IDEM during the first trying to meet this un-funded obligation. We hope to hear quarter, 2010. LOGANSPORT MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ANNUAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS - 2009 STORMWATER SYSTEM SUMMARY The Northeast Area Stormwater Project was finalized during the The Area Stormwater was finalized during the year.Northeast The project was originally Project slated for three separate phases, year. The project was originally slated for three separate phases, with the first phase starting in early 2009. A grant opportunity with the first phase starting in early 2009. A grant opportunity presented itself through IOCRA, and even though we were told presented itself through IOCRA, and even though we were told that our our chances chances were were “slim,” "slim,"LMU LMUproceeded proceeded to to wade wade through through that the the application applicationprocess. process. Fortunately, Fortunately,at at the the end end of ofthe theyear, year,we we were informed that we were successful in obtaining this grant. The were informed that we were successful in obtaining this grant. grant monies will allow us to perform all three phases of the project The grant monies will allow us to perform all three phases of the at once. This will be a great benefit to those customers living in the project at once. be awe great benefit to those customers affected area, and This evenwill though put the advent of the project on “hold,” we feel the ultimate outcome was well worth it. living in the affected area, and even though we put the advent of the project on "hold," we feel the ultimate outcome was well worth it. a response from the regulators at IDEM during the first quarter, The new2010. Super Wal-Mart project began during 2009. This project qualified as a Rule 13 Stormwater Plan due to Thesize new &Super Wal-Mart project began 2009.of This the complexity of the system. Toduring the credit this company, as well as the general contractor on the project, project qualified as a Rule 13 Stormwater Plan due to the itsize has& been one of ofthethebest designed, maintained, complexity system. To the credit of and this monitored stormwater plans that we have ever seen. The company, as well as the general contractor on the site includes 1-mile of stormwater lines and two retention project, it has been one of the best designed, maintained, basins. and monitored stormwater plans that we have ever seen. The site includes 1-mile of stormwater lines and two retention basins. 50
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decembrie 2006. Am intrat `n UE.
~n Uniunea European\. Ura. Bravo.
Lapte [i miere. S\ fie primit.
R\m`n totu[i c`teva probleme
de rezolvat. Una dintre ele, de care
`ncerc s\ m\ ocup aici, este prob...