July 5, 2015 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
July 5, 2015 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH—LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS WWW.STJOSEPH-LIBERTYVILLE.ORG JULY 5, 2015 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Our Vision Through our Baptism and Eucharist, we are called to love as Christ loves and serve as Christ serves. Our Mission In Jesus Christ, we through Over 100 youth embarked on an “icy expedition” to Mount Everest # $!% ! &'! () to serve Him, and encouraging one another. Thank you to all who " building community others in need ing the energy and interests ! resources wisely so that we may live ! " 1 7 $= > ' ? %5 : @! A 7 ) %:' ! % )9 ' % => %7! <GLL%%% ! :)! <GLN%% !%P%5 @! ! Q % R > / 499 %5 !! Q%: ) > %9):! ! : % (?) 499 %:! ! %4Q S ! U > % !: : ;<LW!$%7 ! ! = % 4$ %8 A %:P $ = ( % S;LLL %@ % :9 ) &S: %X'% 8 R :) %: ! %:Q R S = %$ =! ! = = % :! %5 ) !%%: ! ) A %8 % PY ZS : !!! years’ time. : @ & % A %:! > &' %: %!: @! % )A:'!: @ Q %$! ! %! () % (: @" Fr. John Trout UPCOMING EVENTS July 9 ((# * +/3%% July 11-12 4 !5 '46( August 12 ! August 22 7 )!4 September 11 &8 September 13 7 '7 $) October 11-12 9 976 October 17 Men’s Ministry Fr. Ken Tribute Dinner 7: %/!% 2 EARLY CARPENTER DEADLINES In July there will be secutive Carpenters. Monday, July 20 is the normal deadline for the July 26 bulletin. It will also be the early deadline for the August 2 and the August 9 bulletins.!sions and articles done early, so parish programs ! % / )! and deaths will not be updated during this period, !! ;<! % PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK 66 Clyde Canovi Irene Canovi Jeannette Kaiser Jordan Erdal Frank Klein > U Chris Brant Bill Curtis 6@$ $!P 4[ X$Q \)) X9% Diane LaCrosse Megan Behnke \ $ 7)U) Monday <G+L jG+L and Tuesday <G+L and jG+L Wednesday <G+L jG+L Thursday <G+L jG+L Friday <G+L jG+L and +GLL Saturday jG+L July 6 \ 9X%/! 76%9)Q Helen Byrne July 7 & > Edward J. Oginski 7X @Q) 6& July 8 6Q 6 *9 July 9 4 : 9!X 6!z July 10 4 47 Edward Francis Kolibas 4 7) *@7Q July 11 X79 6QQ UNITING CHICAGO & ROME Celebration of the Pallium for Archbishop Cupich and the Archdiocese of Chicago !4! 6 7%' $ 6!!> X _^_L;N *%@ 7 ! !4 !7 ! ! !tion in papal authority. The pallium is a white woolen strip, worn around the neck !Q ! ! $6% !4 4% 4 7 # { P R !' summer in Chicago. MINISTRY OF CARE HOME VISITS Coming to the Sick in their Homes @ ! can no longer attend Mass? Do they miss receiving the Eucharist? 5 "%X7 4 ! (4 %: ) ) 7 4 8Afj3W/+<_/_LW+q 9) fj3W/+<_/3W<LqXQ fj3W/+^+/W<j^q% Sunday Masses NGLL %% WG;N ^GLL ;LG3N %% f;LG3N 4 \ 4 q;_G+L NGLL %% Baptisms at ;G3N%% Saturday Masses jG+L %% f / ( 7qWeekday Masses <G+L jG+L a.m. or as scheduled. Holy Day MassesG <G+L jG+L %% P WGLL %% Reconciliation ;;GLL%% ;_GLLP by appointment Saturday, July 11 NGLL >% Sunday, July 12 WG;N >%$Q) ^GLL >%9 ;LG3N >%9 ;LG3N\4 >% ;_G+L >%( NGLL%% >%$Q) G Richard Stanfel, Sr. Helen Filipowski Connie Mock & Daryl Mirza Stephanie Ginter & Kevin Walsh Worship Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities!5 =( 9 ( @ A ! Door at east =6 =!6 ! ! church!) 7 + Logan Joseph Beres \ f q*4 $ Clara Jane McMurrough 9f7q*$ 77 Calvin Christopher Greiner \ f$ q*P& CHILDREN ENTERING GRADES 2-5 IN THE FALL ARE INVITED TO SING! %X'4 '4 ) !" Y Z ! %5 > 7 !7 %>or !"# $% '$' Cupich to St. Joe’sfWq! 5 7 ) ) %: ) ) "> #) >4 '4@<|%j3W/j;</<;NN% AID FOR WOMEN SAVE THE DATE! Looking Ahead}8!+jG+L %% " 6 9 7 eryone to The Choice-Driven Life presented by Linda Couri. WORD OF LIFE Y ! %: ! courage real solidarity among all peo !%Z}76 7X% $4 Y$'#G$ Justice,” The Colorado Catholic HerX ;j_L;+ 5 P 9)4 +;// all-volunteer f3<L<5% 8& =& > q to educate and encourage women and men with /) % G = ) ! /A tives such as parenting and adoption. Each client is treated with respect and dig A % ! %> !! % ! %: ! riage. !) % %(! & A j3W/_3^/_WLL ) % /) !%@ !! ? ated. 6/! %#www. ) %. POST-ABORTIVE HEALING PROGRAM 6 /! % : you or someone you know is in pain ! = 67 A % 4 +;_/++W/;^<_ |%% 3 HELP FILL SCHOOL BACKPACKS! 5 A ;;L !)) "W46(5 '^ !)) > %5! ) X;;/;_% !''" 46[89 46[89!) ;/ _/ +/ ! !but not Trapper Keepers 9 = /! !) 7 ! 8AS !Y46($))%Z )" CALLING ALL BAKERS! _L;N/;<%X4j ! $)) X_N/_<! need your help with baked goods. $) ! A X4 j & $)) % For the past three summers, the children have been ! ! !)) children in the Lake County area. Last summer, they do ;^LA!))44% Their goal this year is to 44_LLA!))! !));LLL" :!!) ! X_N +GLL%%% : ? @> j3W/j<+/ ^W;377 j3W/^;j/j;+W% ) " /X4j& GREEN TIP OF THE WEEK 5P8#8778P[8P(R776466:~ A %! %:'8\! / %: ! / ! ' ' ! / %>/ GG %/!% . VISITING MISSIONARY AT ALL MASSES JULY 25-26 EMPLOYMENT MINISTRY ON JULY 15 [ ) networking and interviewing, and now !" A Q tion is to negotiate )% = ment Ministry when Dan Barber and X 6!= ( 6 how to Negotiate Your Best Job Offer. Take this opportunity to check us out and to network with people who ! " "8 WGLL/^GLL %%> 4 f;;_P% 7) 9! :9 <LL3jq 64% ! %%Xment Ministry assists the unemployed / Aing work. !A !/) also invited to attend. Meetings are ; +5 ! working. :? X X | comcast.net Employers are invited to post open positions with us by sending G X 7 |%% 7 4 4 "7%@=4! 97 ! )! ) 9 % 4 9 %! )%7 !! www.laymission-comboni.org. N OPERATION SUPPORT OUR TROOPS AMERICA 8 8 /! ! ! ' % ) %X44 so many donors and volunteers, we have been able to impact change on both the local and national %!www.osotamerica.org to learn more about our programs, or to submit a deployed military ')%> P $j3W/+<W/L_j;% WE THANK ALL WHO HAVE SERVED AND OFFER PRAYERS FOR ALL WHO CURRENTLY SERVE OUR COUNTRY Please keep the following military in your prayers. We salute them, one and all! If you wish to have someone on this list, please e-mail info@stjoseph-libertyville.org or call 847-362-2073. Also, please let us know if one of the listed is no longer on active duty. Lt. Col. Brian Stehle, U.S. Army, *7)\ ) SPC Thomas DeReu, IN-NG Major Richard F. Kehoe, U.S. Army, \\ Lance Corporal Phillip Short, U.S. Marine Corps, / / X 7 Captain Kevin P. Boyle, X &$ 1 Lt. Troy Howell, U.S. Army, 6@ 1 Lt. Conor P. Dooley, U.S. Army, PFC Raymond Trelka, U.S. Army, 7)*7) Airman Eamon P. Shannon, U.S. Air Force, 6*X & *$ Major Erik Archer, U.S. Army, ( Captain Jessica Larson, P.A., U.S. Army, 4 Lt. Thomas McGee, U.S. Navy, / /X 6 Q Lt. Col. Dan Sennott, U.S. Army, / / *X 75 LT Michael A. Pirih, U.S. Navy, *7 Captain Brandon Mokris, U.S. Marine Corps, 7* Kedric Chamberlin Private Steven Omiatek, U.S. Army, 7 4 Lt. Colonel Scott Davis, U.S. Army!9*7& PFC Brendan Reilly, U.S. Army, )*4 6 Army Specialist Cassandra Weiss, U.S. Army, Linda Finch Corporal Timothy Gunter, U.S. Marine Corps \*4/ Lance Corporal James Taylor, U.S. Marine Corps, great-grandson M Y $6 Lance Corporal Jacklyn Thomas, U.S. Marine Corps, great $6 CPT Dominique Ramos, R%% $ 6 LCDR Mark Tschanz, U.S. Navy X *6 Q LCDR Steven Tschanz, U.S. Navy X *6 Q Rev. Matt Foley, 82nd DSTB Troops CPT John F. Meyers, U.S. Army @*9Q7 LCDR Keith Schroeder, U.S. Navy, @*5! Q CPT James A. Nardelli, U.S. Army, X*4P CPT Andrew Jarosz, U.S. Marine Corps, X *4 XQ Lance Corporal Kevin G. Cronin, U.S. Marine Corps, \ *44 CPT Carrie Cieslak, U.S. Army, X 9 CPT Thomas Cieslak, U.S. Army, X 9 CPT Sean M. Conlon, U.S. Army, *7)4 1 Lt. Adam I. Coates, U.S. Army, 7*94 PFC Sebastian A. Coates, U.S. Army 7*94 CPT Gerard Sapienza, U.S. Army, *& Q HM3 Ryan L’Heureux, U.S. Navy, 9 *69'(= SGT Jonathan M. Bray, U.S. Marine Corps, $ LT. COL. Gregory W. Schultz, U.S. Air Force, @ 5!Q Lance Corporal Andrew Szuba, U.S. Marine Corps, grandson Q!% C C F ! ARK OUR ALENDAR FOR HICAGO UN !G % X' 5 4 ! Mark & JoAnne MessX @)X!! _N% inger and Carla Albergo & Nicholas Kozlowicz : #6 4': %7) 5 " 4 %8 % < Welcome Weekend July 25-26 “He who receives you receives me, And he who receives me receives him who sent me” (Matthew 10: 40) Have you recently had the opportunity to say “Welcome to St. Joe’s!” and extend a warm handshake? If not, you will have your chance on July 25-26 when we will recognize 50+ new families who have joined St. Joseph Catholic !"#$%#& ! '!( )If anyone is interested in helping, please contact Gerry Salzman at gesint49@gmail.com or call 847-612-4099. 3rd Annual St. Joseph’s Mass in the PARK Celebrant & Homilist: The Most Reverend Archbishop Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago August 22 at Sunrise Rotary Park (across from the Church) Will replace the regularly scheduled 5:00 Saturday Mass Followed by Faith---Food---Friends---and Fun Rain or Shine! Mass at 5:00 p.m. "# $ %&&' * Picnic 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. ' +++ ,"//1 346 # ,7,1 ,8 Please RSVP by August 15& 9;< information and be able to RSVP using the link on our home page: 97% 9 Thank you! Thanks to the following for their support: *%= % #% '4' W MOTHERS WITH YOUNG CHILDREN Summer Playgroup )) "5' 7[4"8 =! XW+GLL3G+L%%8>%)@ G % X' 7) 6) 6 % % 7'6% ) % ) ! %If you or someone you know would like to join MYC, please contact us at stjoesmyc@ gmail.com. Membership is free and you can be as involved as you like. We’d love to have you! Senior Corner Come play with us!! 0RWKHUVZLWK<RXQJ&KLOGUHQ6XPPHU3OD\JURXS June 3 - August 18 (alternating Wednesday mornings and Tuesday afternoons) *Feel free to bring friends *Pack your sunscreen as shade is limited at many parks * Please bring snacks and drinks for your family * If it is raining, play group is cancelled * Some parks do not have restrooms- see below * See back for park directions and water park information Tuesday, July 7 Wednesday, July 15 Tuesday, July 21 3-4:30 pm 9:30-11 am 3-4:30 pm Old School Forest Preserve Hawthorn Melody Park Ind. Grove Beach Yes Yes Yes 9:$6[#:99P:86 48RP4:98P86@#P X;+/$$ X__/7 9:$6[#:99P:86 4P68P86@#P X;W/>: X_L!#$ X_+@ ) X_W$ > 7 R ! P= % ST. ROSE QUILTING CIRCLE TO MEET JULY 6 " ;*+7 f 7 X_Lq > 4 6@;;GLL%%_GLL%%8 = ! 7 X<% %69 P)! U%! = ?%!) ! % ! !f q % !* !! % 44j;W/j_;/3j;;+|!% ? % Social Media Handles for PROJECT JOSEPH St. Joe YM @ projectjoelib Facebook: Project Joseph St. Joseph Youth Ministry Instagram: projectjoelib STEUBENVILLE YOUTH CONFERENCE Registration extended until Monday, June 29 - 4 spots left- Parent meeting: June 30, 6:30 p.m. at souled Out space. Who: You and 3,000 teens from across the country When: July 10-12, 2015 What: Youth Conference centered on prayer, worship, and the Eucharist Who: Current 8th through 12th graders Where: Campus of Missouri State University cost: $300 Website: http://www.stjoseph-libertyville.org/youth/youth-ministry/steubenville-conference-2015 j 10 Best Reasons for Becoming a Catechist Adapted from Catechist’s Journey, 10. You will grow in your own faith, learn the teachings of the Church and deepen your relationship with Jesus. One of the best ways to learn something is to teach it. 9. Children and teens in our society, more than ever, need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. As a catechist, you have the opportunity to send a powerful message about how true happiness is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 8. Children and teens need to encounter good role models of faith. ! " 7. You have a lot to share! #$ ! % & ! ' & pass on. You don’t need an advanced degree to talk about the love of God found in Jesus Christ. 6. You will be provided with excellent resources that provide you with great support. & & ! (( )* +-$ '/ ' 2! 5. You will meet new people and will become part of a vibrant faith community within our faith community. & / / % ! 3$4 4. You will be energized. - !! 4 ! 3. You will be saving lives! -! 5!" (*! % ( !% " ( 2. You will be putting your own faith into action. 6 !( 7 8*4 6! 5 ! 1. It’s the right thing to do! " 93 / !!: ; * )* < <! 9=8 >?DEF>DH" / 6! Think about them. Pray about them. Then make the decision to accept Christ’s call! To answer the call, please contact Cheryl Haluczak at 847-990-1263 or email chaluczak@stjoseph-libertyville.org. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & FAMILY FAITH WEAVING ;% _ &^GLL % /=%9%_% X;^/_3S)4 Y[Z ! %+%5 4 ( 4 & =% 4j3W/^^L/;_<+Q)|!%% 9 COME! Explore Catholicism In the song ‘O Christ the Great Foundation’ we sing: “Baptized in one confession, One church in all the earth, We bear our Lord’s impression, The sign of second birth: One holy people gathered In love beyond our own, By grace we were invited, By grace we make you known.” At this time we are seeking candidates who feel invited to become Catholic. The process the Church uses for this wonderful journey is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Are you: " #$"%& " ' *%+ -/*0 1%234567858946/*;<00 " 1 0 = -0 + > if you are interested in this part of the process please contact Father Matt. Classes will begin in September with receipt of the sacraments at the Easter Vigil. !> AB Totus Tuus 2015 for Grades 9-12 Who: Students entering grades 9-12 for 2015/2016 school year When: July 19-23 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on the parish campus *!*;;;<=% * is to inspire in young people a true longing for holiness, a deep desire for conversion, and a personal renewal within the context of a stronger prayer life. D EF !ish summer catechetical program is a week-long daytime “parish mission” for Catholic youth entering the 2nd through A!! B! !moting the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, apologetics, ' ' ' #! !K engage the youth of parishes with skits, songs, games and inspiring, inter L M' '! N O ) ' ! ! ! strates that one can be a faithful, prayerful practicing Catholic and still have ) >PA!! >QP>R T*QQ>*UQV K*!*;;;<=% LIVING IN LOVE RETREAT Marriage Tip of the Week: ) in a marriage? Certainly husband and wife should not depend on ! F worth, BUT interdependence is betF 4 spouse to do around your home? ; ! www.foryourmarriage.org. Sponsored by the St. Joseph Marriage Enrichment Ministry Ladies, there is no downside to becoming a more loving and love!% [ !) your man because a happy husband is a supportive husband—and you become a kinder, more loving person. ! ! ! A" = 9 96 % Besides, the action-oriented, ) YZ ! % There is no public personal sharing. = 9 9 6 % X 8! ;L * 11. !G%/ libertyville.org @*& $ ! WN|%% 10 Men’s Ministry Upcoming Events: X Y"OK&OK'!ZU'[*QQ'\ X ]\ ^ '%Z['_ *B %YO X K ;OK''>Z ALL MEN OF THE PARISH ARE INVITED More details to follow… ! Y !V RP" %X&8 >!;;_L;N !%X4 ! %X %X& 8 %>!;;_L;NWhite Deer Run Golf Club # (% " 9 G G >G 5@6 &4!# ( _N5&)# (:9fj3Wq<jL/<;LL 6 $9 ;;GLL/;;G3N & ;_GLL $@ 5@6 <GLL 6 Q <G3N $$! /> Your provision sustains the SJCS athletic program in various facets. It has made possible the establishment of our soccer program and provided it with new state-of-the-art uniforms and equipment. In addition to this your donation and participation supports this and many other fun and engaging athletic programs for the students of St. Joseph Catholic School. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golf Registration and Sponsorship Form Please Respond By September 6, 2015 : /;_N P >/NLL Gf q f[ ! _ q ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Business Recognition Opportunities! /_NLGP$ : %X / P$ : If you would like to support the Parish but choose not to golf, please join us at White Deer Run for dinner, silent & live auction, prizes and much more. _____ @ 8 /3L%LL Name(s) ___________________________________________ )!G St. Joseph Athletic Committee ) GRoman Phoenix 1213 Dorchester Dr. Mundelein, IL 60060. Tax Exempt # E9991-5154-08 *+" 4/1/19 > 6 = =|% j3W/j^3/jLj^ 11 INTRODUCING FLAT FRANCIS: Let’s Show Pope Francis how the Parishioners of St. Joseph Live our Catholic Faith ~7 ) > ! it’s time to meet Flat > " 5 > ) A#R !! 4 R%% 5 ? Francis who we are as a Catholic com " % X couraged to take a photo with Flat Francis and post it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #FlatFrancis. 5 %X >!) f!)% !q ter |!"[! > % How can you get started? 5 you travel this summer, be certain to ! >> " 5 6 Garden at Marytown, or traveling to see a shrine in another state, or attending Mass on your vacation, we want to see your photos. The photos have to contain Flat Francis and capture your experience of the Catholic Church, here in Libertyville or as you travel. It’s as easy as 1,2,3. ;% >> G G% % 2. Bring Flat Francis with you as you live your Catholic identity. 5 > 4 % X/9! % +%" @ ' hashtag #FlatFrancis and to share %X' >!)% f!)%! |!q% SUMMER SCRIPTURE SERIES 4 THEMES IN 4 EVENINGS WITH FR. KARTJE August 12 Fertility August 13 Covenant August 17 Sin August 18 Redemption and Salvation All sessions meet in the Koenig Center from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Join Fr. Kartje for our Summer Scripture Series. Fr. Kartje will explore 4 themes in 4 evenings that are absolutely critical for understanding both the Old and New Testament. Tracing each theme across the entire Bible can greatly enrich our appreciation and understanding of Jesus' words and his ministry. One simply cannot fully grasp the message of Jesus without a firm grasp of these central, biblical themes. Please bring a Bible to each session. Please register for as many sessions as you can attend at http://www.stjoseph-libertyville.org/adults/adult-faith-formation?4 Stewardship of Treasure Weekly Offering for June 14, 2015 Current Year Last Year Week Year to Date Week Year to Date 5) 8 ;^^W< ;_33++N _;LN+ ;+jN3NL Electronic Giving +__;L W_jN^W +L^L; NWj<jL Total Collection $52,186 $1,972,932 $51,954 $1,964,131 $4 3L<LL _L+LLLL $(57,068) Difference $11,586 %X ) through our automatic contribution program. Thank you to those who regularly and ) X4%9 at %/!%. THOUGHTS ON GIVING Y9) : heard the one who was speaking say to : 'Z fQ) _G_/+q & ) )(%( us the resources we need to do His work. However, do we listen to God when (~@ give our talent to do the work He asks ~ 6! & ' ??% 12 Stay Connected with your St. Joseph Family! We have options for everyone! Website: www.stjoseph-libertyville.org Facebook: facebook.com/stjosephlibertyville Twitter: @sjlibertyville Email Newsletter: sign up here http://goo.gl/dJWO2E Sign up to receive occasional emails from St. Joe’s. We currently send an email out twice a month. OneParish App: Download the app onto your smartphone and sign your family up in the parish directory. Includes faith formation opportunities and links to our parish calendar. St. Joseph Catholic Church 121 E. MAPLE AVENUE, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS 60048 PHONE 847-362-2073 FAX 847-362-6821 8AG 7 />jG+L%%/3G+L%% /jGLL%%/;_GLL%% E-mail |/!% Website %/!%org 6%X Pastor Associate Pastor 6%7$Q)Associate Pastor 6%X ( Pastor Emeritus 6%P9 George Kashmar, Dennis Mudd, David Tiemeier, ! 4 7 f|!!% qafter approval by your Pastoral Staff liaison% !!P 7 ! issue date. New Parishioners 5"A )^GLL3GLL%% / %/ libertyville.org. Announcements at end of Mass @ 6!P 7 |/!%%& G !_/+ % Deacons Pastoral Staff Accessibility :! ?cial accommodations at a parish event, A% Ministry of Care Sacrament of the Sick 7%74/@X ) ! jG+L%%7 _ month, or by arrangement. Contact the par A Q ! %7 4! to bring Communion. j3W/^^L/;_;+|/!% 7% ( /8A7 j3W/+<_/_LW+ |/!% Mr. Dan Harris, Facilities Manager Guide to Funeral Planning j3W/W__/N+3N|/!% A $ 7 planning guide. 7%&7 @8 j3W/^^L/;_3; |/!% Stay Connected 7%\77 @ 5!G%/!%% >!)G!)%X9! G|! j3W/^^L/;_WW) |/!% 7% =/ %X Matrimony j3W/+<_/LW+L =|/!% 4 " A %< ? % 7%6 # @7 j3W/^^L/;_W< |/!% Infant Baptism Parish Pastoral Council E-mail 4 |/!%%[ ? are welcome. =?' Fr. John Trout Dan Coughlin Eileen Glynn-Tucker Michael Knight Mike Mulligan \ 8'4 f4q &Q X 5 =>'?' Fr. John Trout X& $!\) $ Bulletin Submissions 6 \ f4q = /$ !SWG+L_ 7 % Baptism for School Age Children ! !%4+<_/NW^W mation and registration. Sacrament of Penance 4!;;GLL%% or by arrangement. 8A(* 8A 7 4 ;_;%7 jG+L%%/3G+L%%7 > jGLL%%/P % %8%7%4 ) ! % ) ))) !3G+L%%f7 %/>%q!;_GLLP f) q )!3G+Lf7/>q! P Aj3W/+<_/_LW+!3G+Lf7/>qP ) !)!)%[ ) ! !=! NOT in the slot to the left of the door. ;+ ;3 ;N Breaking Open the Word A JOURNEY TO DISCIPLESHIP JESUS COMPANIONS US THROUGH SCRIPTURE ;% &'5%4 % % _% : 6 %: ) % +% &% ! &! &$% Next Sunday’s Gospel — QV 9G (& Mark 6 GGlory to You, O Lord Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. He ) !) )} ) !% were, however, to wear sandals but not a second tunic. He Y5 %5 ) %Z % Twelve drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them. &9%Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. & ! we choose to live in that love. In the Old Testament, that understanding comes through in the stories that draw our attention 4 &!(:%: P X) &' %$! !)' %: ) !&(!! ! X9 % P= '& %: '! ! ! %5)! given the mission to go out into the world and share this love story with others. His message to them, as it is to us, is that Q%( ! ! %( )&: ( ( %X'A ) 5%: ( &! ! !(%( ( !%9X' ) ( & ( % > X ( 444 j3^/jN<% ;% 5 :!&' (~ _% 54 ~5 :!) :4~ +% ( : ) X ) ( ~5)~ ~ Community? The world? 7 G G 5 G G >G G G Monday, July 6 - Sunday, July 12 & _jG;L/__S^;G;/3;3/;N!S7^G;j/_< %7& & +_G_+/++S;WG;!_/+</W!j!;NS7^G+_/+j & 3;GNN/NWS3_GN/W;W/_3S++G_/+;L/;;;j/;^S7;LG;/W & 33G;j/_;_+!/_^S3NG;/NS;LNG;</_;S7;LGW/;N % z6 4 & 3<G;/W_j/+LS+WG+/3;j/;^_W/_j+^/3LS7;LG;</_+ & 3^G_^/+_SNLG;N/_<S;LNG;/3</WS7;LG_3/++ %$ WG;_/;NSjNG^/;3S;G+/;LS7)<GW/;+ ;<