30th - Saint Mary`s Catholic Church


30th - Saint Mary`s Catholic Church
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
1000 North Jefferson Avenue, Goldsboro NC 27530-3141
Rev. Alex Gonzalez, Pastor
Deacon Webster James
November 30, 2014—First Sunday of Advent
Saturday Vigil
5:00PM English
7:00PM Spanish
Sábado ~ 5:00 PM En Inglés
Sábado ~ 7:00 PM En Español
10:00 AM English
1:00 PM Spanish
Domingo ~ 10:00 AM En Inglés
Domingo ~ 1:00 PM En Español
9:00 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
lunes, martes, miércoles, viernes
7:00 PM jueves en Español
No 9 AM Mass on Thursday
No hay Misa los jueves a las 9 AM
Holy Days 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM No Vigil Masses
Adoración al Santisimo 9:00 AM y 7:00 PM
First Friday Adoration begins after morning Mass
and ends with Benediction at 5:30 PM.
Todos los viernes primero de mes de 10:00 AM a 5:30 PM
New members may register by calling the parish
office (weekdays from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM).
Mission Statement
Saint Mary is a diverse Catholic community working
together to live the Gospel, grow in faith through the
Eucharist, and share our gifts in service to others.
Landings is designed to help people return to
Mass and the Sacraments.
Call the office for information.
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Mass Intentions and Readings
for November 29 to December 7, 2014
Office (Oficina): 919 734-5033
FAX: 919 580-0730
Web: www.saintmarygoldsboro.org
Rev. Alex Gonzalez, Pastor…..ext. 27
Deacon Webster A. James...….ext. 29
Director of Faith Formation
Mrs. Carole Sears……………...ext. 34
Liturgy Coordinator
Mrs. Debbie Gambella,
Parish Secretary…………....…ext. 10
Mrs. Kathy Hennessy,
Parish Secretary…….....…......ext. 26
Mrs. Tracey Davis,
Parish Bookkeeper…..…...…..ext. 28
Mrs. Elvira Ponce,
Hispanic Ministry………...…..ext. 22
Mrs. Vicki Ellis,
Choir Director, 10:00 AM
Mr. Philip Eubanks, Organist
Mr. Mike Nault, Organist & Choir
Director, 5:00 PM
Mr. Van Tran, Sacristan
Office: 919 735-1931
FAX: 919 735-1917
Mrs. Lynn Magoon,
Principal…………………........ext. 33
Mrs. Anne Marie Gambella,
Admn. Assistant………….......ext. 11
Mr. Harold Jones,
Supervisor………………….….ext. 31
Mr. Larry Jones,
Assistant………...………….....ext. 31
Chair Kevin Bacon
Vice-Chair John Marguglio
Secretary Sharon Thomas
Finance Council Chair John Heeden
Steve Balli, Sheila Covar, Anne Hurrey, Joseph Jones, Paula Long, Phyllis
Radford, Donna Stevenson, Gene
Goldsboro, N. C.
Revelation 22:1-7; Psalm 95:1-7ab; Luke 21:24-36
Ladislaw Peter, Jr., dec. by K of C Council 5487
Pro Populo
Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; Psalm 80:2-3,15-1, 18-196;
1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:33-37
10:00AM Geraldine Prys, dec. by St. Mary Parish
Spanish Mass
Mon.12/1 Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalm 122:1-9; Matthew 8:5-11
Matthew Denney, dec. by St. Mary Parish
Tue.12/2 Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Luke 10:21-24
Catherine Gambella, dec. by Deacon & Mrs. W. James
Parish Advent Penance Service
Wed.12/3 Isaiah 25:6-10a; Psalm 23:1-6; Matthew 15:29-37
For a Special Intention by Kuczynski Family
Thu.12/4 Isaiah 26:1-6; Psalm 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a; Matthew 7:21,
No Morning Mass Today
Isaiah 29:17-24; Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14; Matthew 9:27-31
Denise Griffith, dec. by Francis Lawrence
Isaiah 30:19-21, 23-26; Psalm 147:1-6; Matthew 9:35—10:1, 5a,
Sue Smyk, dec. by Erma & Joseph Smyk
Pro Populo
Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11; Psalm 85:9-14; 2 Peter 3:8-14; Mark 1:1-8
John Phillip Crabill, dec. by St. Mary Parish
Spanish Mass
Sacramental Life
Penance and Reconciliation
Saturday ~ 4-4:40PM and by appointment.
Baptisms are during Mass the third weekend of each month. Preparation is required
before scheduling the time and date.
Altar Flowers
for the week of November 30th are in
Loving Memory of
Joseph Bannon
by his wife Mary and daughters.
The Sanctuary Lamps
Contact the Deacon six months in advance of
the ceremony.
Church Lamp: If you would like to
reserve the Lamp in the Church in
memory of or honor of a person or
event please, call the Parish Office.
Sacrament of the Sick
If you wish to receive the sacrament of the
sick during a prolonged illness or before
surgery, please call the office.
If you wish to receive communion from a
Eucharistic Minister due to illness, age, or
handicap, please call the office. These visits are made after the Mass has been celebrated.
Chapel Lamp: will be lit in Honor of
Donna Kendall Hill by her mother.
First Sunday of Advent
Children’s Christmas Choir…
What will you give Jesus for His
birthday this year? How about giving
Him you?! You can help in a big way
by singing at the Children’s Mass on
Christmas Eve. Practice will be held
on Dec.11, & 18 in the church from
5:30 to 6:30pm. If you would like to
be part of the Children’s Christmas
Choir please call the Church Office
with questions or see Vickie Ellis,
10:00am Choir Director after Sunday
Mass. Thank You.
Advent Holy Hours and Rosary…
On the Mondays of Advent you will
have an opportunity to spend time
praying and adoring Our Lord.
Monday, December 1st we will have
a Rosary for Vocations and the Consecrated Life at 5:30pm in the Chapel.
From 6:00pm to 7:00pm we will have
a Holy Hour for Reconciliation.
Then on Monday, December 15th
and December 22nd the Rosary will
be at 6:30pm and the Holy Hour
from 7:00pm to 8:00pm.
Parish Advent Penance Service Tuesday, December 2nd at
6:30pm in the Church. This is an excellent opportunity to attend the sacrament of Reconciliation before the
great event of the Birth of Christ. We
will have Priests from the Diocese
here to assist Father Alex with hearing confessions.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Friday, December 5th after
the 10:00am Mass until Benediction
at 5:30pm, in the Chapel. Take a little
quiet time before the holiday
rush...spend some quality time with
Jesus...He is there waiting for you.
Relax and enjoy being with someone
who loves you unconditionally.
Ladies Guild Christmas Party
Monday, December 1st at 6:30pm the
Ladies Guild will have their annual
Christmas Part in the Cafeteria.
All women of the Parish are invited
to attend. Please bring finger food to
share and if you want to participate
in the gift exchange bring a $10 gift
item with you.
November 30, 2014
Parish Calendar
Sunday, November 30– First Sunday of Advent
* No RCIA Today
* No Faith Formation Classes Today
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
after 1:00pm mass
Monday, December 1
* Advent Rosary for Vocations
* Advent Holy Hour for Reconciliation Chapel
* Ladies Guild Meeting
6:00 to 7:00pm
Tuesday, December 2
* Parish Penance Service
* K of C Business Meeting
* Legion of Mary
5th grade classroom
Wednesday, December 3
* Eucharistic Minister Training
* Great Bible Timeline
Thursday, December 4
* “Oramus” Prayer Study
* Children’s Christmas Choir
* 10:00am Choir Practice
FF Conf. Room
5:30 to 6:30pm
Friday, December 5-First Friday
* School Liturgy
* Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
* Benediction
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
Saturday, December 6
* 5:00pm Choir Practice
Sunday, December 7-Second Sunday of Advent
* SVDP Breakfast
* Youth Board Meeting
* AAMEN Meeting
* Middle School & High School FF
* K to 4th grade Faith Formation
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
FF Conf. Room
Parish House
9:00am to noon
after 10:00am Mass
11:15am to 12:45pm
11:30am to 12:30pm
after 1:00pm Mass
SVDP Breakfast…
Sunday, December 7 from 9:00am to
noon join other parishioners for a delicious breakfast of pancakes, eggs, grits,
sausage, biscuits, juice, coffee & tea
prepared by the members of the St.
Vincent de Paul Society. Donations
are welcome and help in our outreach
to those in need in Wayne County.
A thought on having big ambitions:
“Give up your small ambitions; come
with me to save the world.”
~St. Francis Xavier
Offertory Report
November 16 $ 5,755.18
$ 7,750.00
Over (Under) ($ 1,994.82)
Human Development: $969.11
Second Collection December 7:
Saint Mary School Support
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Treasures From Our Tradition
In our thoughts and prayers:
Pray for the intentions of those in
nursing facilities, the homebound, the
chronically ill, and those who are critically ill.
Please remember in a special way the
following parishioners who have requested your prayers:
Robert Ames, Leonor Balderas, Jesse
Brickhouse, Fran Charbonneau,
James Cobb, Judy Cordeiro, Lee &
Sarah Davis, Marjorie Dixon, Elaine
Evans, Agnes Harris, Joan Jones,
Laura Jones, Bertha Kish, Erma
Lawrence, Denise Lewis, Dorothy
Verna Mullinax, Billie & Jim Myers,
Wilbur & Mary Perry, Benjamin
Raposa, Simon Scott, and Natalie
If you would like your name included
in the Prayers for the Sick in the Bulletin please contact our coordinators
for “Prayers for the Sick”, Barbara at
919-751-0024 or Gloria at 919-7343810.
Please also remember in your prayers all of our parishioners who are in
the military especially those who are
Each of the seven sacraments, like
other aspects of the Church's pastoral
plan, is an attempt to be faithful to the
image of Christ we discover in the
Gospels. Anointing of the sick is rooted in Jesus' saving deeds of healing
and even rescue from death. What is
your favorite encounter of Jesus with
a sick person? Often, it seems that
Jesus would go at once to the person
in a crowd who was in the most pain,
in the deepest need. A man born
blind, Peter's mother-in-law, a woman afflicted by years of uncontrollable
hemorrhages, a little Roman girl beloved by her soldier father, a crippled
man lowered from the rafters, and
even a man who lost his ear to a
swinging sword in the garden of agony. This list reads like an admissions
chart in an emergency room, and perhaps that is the point. The whole human experience from childhood to
old age, from sudden catastrophic
illness to chronic debilitating conditions, is represented by those for
whom Jesus has such great compassion. This we can name a treasure of
tradition with a capital "T." We are a
people of compassion for our sick,
who reach out in tenderness to listen,
to keep vigil, to strengthen, to touch
with reverence, and to anoint with
precious oil.
--Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S.
Paluch Co.
Upcoming Events…
Help for our Pets…
Curves of Goldsboro (a company
that is very generous to St. Mary)
will be doing a drive to collect items
for pets that will be donated to Diamonds in the Ruff . If you can help by
donating items like; collars, leashes,
pet toys, kennels, pee pads, Purina
dog or puppy food just drop them in
the basket in the vestibule of the
Respect Life Baby Bottle Drive
November 29th to Dec. 24th.
Get your Baby Bottle after Masses on the weekend of November
29th/ 30th.
TYM Breakfast With Santa, December 13th from 9:00am to
noon in the Auditorium. Cost is
$5.00 per child with a $15 maximum per family. For children in
grades PK to 4th grade. Come
join the fun. Watch for flyers in
the children’s folders for Saint
Mary students and our Faith
Formation students. Remember
the form must be sent back by
December 5th but you will pay at
the door. No prepaying for the
Breakfast with Santa, please!
Goldsboro, N. C.
Diocese of Raleigh
Fifth Annual Love My Life Youth
On Saturday, January 17 at 10:30 the
Fifth Annual Love My Life Youth
Rally will be held at Halifax Mall in
downtown Raleigh. The Rally is an
opportunity for Catholic teens to come
together in celebration, to connect
with others from across the Diocese,
and to learn more about living and
promoting the pro-life culture. Contact your school or youth
leaders for more information on this
awesome, spirit filled event. The Diocesan Respect Life mass will immediately follow at noon. All of these
events will be held in a heated tent!
- See more at: http://
All Faithful Invited to Diocesan Respect Life Mass
Saturday, January 17 at NOON at
Halifax Mall in downtown Raleigh
The annual Diocesan Respect Life
Mass which is always held the day of
the North Carolina Rally and March
for Life has a new location and
time! On Saturday, January 17th, all
the faithful are invited to join us at
Halifax Mall in downtown Raleigh at
Noon for Mass with Bishop Burbidge. This new tradition will allow
us to join over 1000 Diocese of Raleigh Youth in a heated tent for
Mass. It will be a wonderful event.
More details will be coming soon
about location and parking. Following
the Mass, the faithful are encouraged
to join the NC Rally and March for
Life, also in Halifax Mall, to offer witness to the sanctity of human life and
for the protection of the unborn. Mark
your calendars today!
- See more at: http://
First Sunday of Advent
Respect Life
Saint Mary School Corner
Keeping Spirit and Faith in Education
Week of December 1st at SMS
Monday, December 1st is the
beginning of Winter Uniforms
being required.
Tuesday, December 2nd Scrip
orders are due in the Parish Office
by 8:15am.
Thursday, December 4th 1st
grade has the Bake Sale.
Friday, December 5th school liturgy at 9:00am. It is First Friday!
Saturday, December 6th basketball SMS vs. St. Paul. GO Spirits
Dove Tree
Remember to get a tag off the Dove
Tree if you are going to participate
this year.
Each dove on the tree represents a
child identified by case workers for
Wayne Co. Health Department. Our
gifts may be the only gifts these children receive. Doves include the
child’s sex, size (if available) and age.
Please select one or more doves, purchase a new gift, wrap the gifts and
use the original dove as the gift tag.
Doves are available this weekend
and the gifts must be returned to
Saint Mary School by December
10th, with the original tag attached
to the gift. Thank you.
Feast December 6th
The Pro-Life Discussion
By Brother Ryan Gebhart, OFM Cap.
The Pro-Life agenda has been a topic
of discussion for quite some time now;
our Holy Father Pope Francis commented on it recently, which stirred
even more debate. Some have misconstrued his comments as a shifting of
the doctrine away from the Pro-Life
position toward the Pro-Choice stance.
However, such comments miss the
entire point of his statement. He called
for a shift from discussion, to action.
Unfortunately, the main actions promoted in our society are political ones.
We’ve been divided once again and
both sides view the other as ignorant
or worse. But the question I would like
to raise is how are we, as pro-lifers,
supposed to act?
The death of every person is truly a
tragedy and we have reached a point
in our society where we can kill each
other through indifference. I would
like to ask everyone to consider how
many of our sisters and brothers are
killed by indifference.
There are so many people around us
that we choose to ignore, toward
whom we are indifferent. It is our way
of either avoiding the problem at hand
or worse, simply not caring that a person exists. When walking down the
street do we notice the people around
us and acknowledge their human dignity? Do we give our sisters and brothers a chance to enter our lives? Do we
give them the chance to be loved in
their human dignity or do we pretend
not to notice them and keep them out
of our hearts?
Imagine a world where we saw our
sisters and brothers as they actually
are; the incredible gift of every human
person, the beauty inherent in each,
the uniqueness that makes them who
they are, but most importantly, the
November 30, 2014
dear child of God that each person is.
How would we act? Would we remain indifferent towards them?
Would we be willing to stand up and
defend them? Could we at least
acknowledge them?
If we proclaim ourselves as pro-life let
us love our sisters and brothers, not
only the ones we are close to, but also
those we keep distant and those we
ignore. Let us be pro-all-of life. Let us
not pass by indifferently. What the
world truly needs now is love shown
to all its inhabitants. God desires His
love shown to all our sisters and
brothers. Love is a wonderful gift that
by its very nature must be shared. By
narrowing our pro-life view to only
abortion and unnatural death, how
many people are we ignoring and not
loving? The Earth is full of people
who are ignored and thus deprived of
their proper dignity. Let us enter that
mystery of love and truly respect all of
human life at all stages.
25th Annual National Night of
Prayer for Life
Uniting the Feast of the Immaculate Conception with the
Feast of St. Juan Diego
It was on the Feast of the Immaculate
Conception (then celebrated on December 9th) that Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas and
the unborn, first appeared to St. Juan
Diego. The National Night of Prayer
for Life bridges these two feasts to
honor Our Blessed Mother and prays
through Her intercession for the establishment of a Culture of Life, protection for the Church from persecution
and asks Our Lord to revive our land.
All are invited to participate!
Here at St. Mary we will hold a Rosary For Life before the 6PM Mass
on Monday, December 8th. The
Rosary should begin at approximately 5:30pm and we ask all to join us
for this special prayer.
There will be no adoration that
evening but you can pray privately in
your homes during the night.
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Goldsboro, N. C.
9:00AM TO 12:PM
Visit with Santa
Decora ng Cone Christmas Tree
Making Snowman Ornament
Making Reindeer Food
Cookie Decora ng
Story Time with Mrs. Clause
R.S.V.P. For Breakfast with Santa
To R.S.V.P return this form to the school or Parish Office by December 5th so we can
prepare for this event. PLEASE NO MONEY WITH R.S.V.P. PAY AT THE DOOR ONLY
Number of Children A ending:________________________________
First Sunday of Advent
November 30, 2014
Advent What is it All About?
The word “advent,” from the Latin adventus (Greek parousia), means “coming” or “arrival”. The Advent season is focused
on the “coming” of Jesus as Messiah (Christ or King). Christian worship, Bible readings, and prayers not only prepare us
spiritually for Christmas (his first coming), but also for his eventual second coming. This is why the Bible readings during
Advent include both Old Testament passages related to the expected Messiah, and New Testament passages concerning Jesus’ second coming as judge of all. Also, passages about John the Baptist, the precursor who prepared the way for the Messiah, are read. All of these themes are present in Catholic worship during Advent, which The Catechism succinctly describes:
When the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present
This ancient expectancy of the Messiah, for by sharing in the long preparation
For the Savior’s first coming, the faithful renew their ardent desire for his second
Coming. By celebrating the precursor’s birth and martyrdom, the Church unites
Herself to his desire: “He must increase, but I must decrease” (524).
Since Advent looks forward to Christ’s birth and Incarnation, it is an appropriate way to begin the Church Year. However,
Advent in not part of the Christmas season itself, but a preparation for it. Thus, Catholics do not sing Christmas hymns, or
use Christmas readings, in Mass until December 25th, the first day of the Christmas season.
Advent Colors
The liturgical color for Advent is violet (except for the third week of Advent, often called Gaudete Sunday, in which rose
may be used), and the season is somewhat penitential, similar to Lent, although not so explicit and emphatic. The character
of worship during Advent is more solemn, quiet, and less festive than during other times of the year. In Catholic Church, for
example, the Gloria in Excelsis is not used. The use of violet reflects the general themes of Advent: penitence (generally expressed more in terms of expectant hope) and royalty. Some prominent feasts fall within the Season of Advent, including the
Feast of the Immaculate Conception and the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Advent Wreath
The Advent Wreath, a venerable European tradition, can be a way to involve even very little children in learning about
Christian preparation - not only for celebrating Our Lord's birth, but to make our hearts truly ready to receive Him. The
wreath's symbolism of the advent (coming) of Light into the world is clear. The gradual lighting of the four candles, one on
each Sunday of the Advent season, combined with the liturgical colors of the candles (purple is the penitential color used during Advent and Lent; rose is a liturgical color used only on Gaudete Sunday in Advent and Laetare Sunday in Lent) help to
symbolize not only our expectation and hope in Our Savior's first coming into the world, but also in his Second Coming as
Judge at the end of the world.
The wreath itself is also symbolic. The circle of evergreen in which the candles are placed represents everlasting life. The
seedpods, nuts and cones used to decorate the wreath are symbolic of resurrection, and fruits represent the nourishing fruitfulness of the Christian life.
Gathering materials for the wreath-perhaps on an outing in the park or woods, or even in the backyard- and assembling it at
home is an interesting family project in which even the youngest children can participate.
On the first Sunday of Advent, you may sprinkle the wreath with holy water and bless it before the first purple candle is lit.
The appropriate Advent collect can be said as the candle[s] are lit each day of the week, followed by the blessing before
meals, if you use the wreath at mealtime. The second Sunday two purple candles are lit; the third Sunday, two purple and
one rose; and all candles are lit on the fourth Sunday.
Children who are old enough can take turns lighting the candles. (The littlest ones can blow them out at the end of the meal.)
If you use the wreath at mealtime, it is helpful to place it on a tray or platter so it can be moved, and to protect the table from
candle wax.
On Christmas Day, all the greens and decorations are replaced with fresh ones, and four new white candles, symbolizing
Christ, replace the colored ones and are burned throughout the Christmas season. The Advent season is a good time to pray
the Angelus at family meals.
Iglesia Católica Romana Santa María
Misión de la Parroquia Presentación de 3 Años
La parroquia de Santa María
es una comunidad católica y
diversa que trabaja unida
para vivir el evangelio, crecer en fe por la Eucaristía y
compartir nuestros talentos en servicio a
Padre John Alexander Gonzalez
919 734-5033 ext. 27
Bautismos—Elvira Ponce 919-252-0768
Bautismo: Asistir a la preparación, padres y padrinos y
fijar la fecha con el sacerdote.
Confesión: Sábados de 4:00pm a
Para enfermos en el hospital o en casa
con la parroquia.
∗ Solicitarla 2 meses antes.
∗ Estar bautizado (a).
∗ Donación
XV Años
Si cumples y/o deseas celebrar tus XV
años en los primeros 6 meses del año te
invitamos a inscribirte para la preparación:
∗ Estar bautizada
∗ Haber hecho la primera Comunión
∗ Inscribirse con 4 meses de anticipación
∗ Asistir a la preparación
∗ Donación
Abogado Certificado en Migración
El ministerio social católico tiene un
abogado autorizado y reconocido para
casos de migración si usted necesita algún servicio comuníquese con:
Jim Palmer 252-355-5111
(habla español)
2717 Memorial Blvd., Greenville
Unción de los Enfermos: Si usted
quiere recibir el sacramento por enfermedad u operación favor de comunicár- ¡VELEN!
"¡Velen!" Esta palabra ocurre dos veces
en el Evangelio de hoy, situada en punComunión para enfermos: Si tiene altos estratégicos: al principio, y en el cengún familiar en el
tro. Aunque técnicamente sea una pahospital o en casa que desee recibir la
rábola, el texto es bastante breve (cuatro
versículos). La doble repetición de
comuníquese con la parroquia.
"velen" no deja lugar a duda de lo que
trata este relato.
Matrimonios: Iniciar la preparación
A menudo pensamos en Adviento como
con seis meses de anticipación.
un tiempo de espera, pero en realidad es
un tiempo de vigilancia, una forma muy
Platicas Pre-Bautismales
activa de esperar la llegada del Día del
Señor. Ese es el Día, más que el día de
∗ Asistir a las pláticas, padres y paNavidad, anticipado fielmente por la
comunidad cristiana, ya que usa todos
∗ Traer copia del acta de nacimiento
sus talentos y dones para este fin, como
del niño (a).
nos lo recuerda Pablo en la carta a los
∗ Traer copia del acta de matrimonio corintios. Cuando usamos estos dones
de los padrinos.
en fiel espera y anticipación, nos hace∗ Llenar una solicitud por niño.
mos como los sirvientes de la parábola,
∗ Estar registrados o registrarse en la entregados a sus tareas, no esperando
como vagos, sino encargados de la labor
del maestro hasta su regreso. Que nuesConfirmaciones
tro Adviento sea un tiempo en que reencaminamos o rededicamos nuestra vida
∗ Estar bautizado.
∗ Haber hecho la primera comunión. y nuestra comunidad a esta labor, la
fidelidad activa y diligente que el Señor
∗ Ser mayor de 15 años.
espera encontrar.
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
Goldsboro, N. C.
Durante tres años he estado compartiendo muchas costumbres y tradiciones
Hispanas, Latinas y Latinoamericanas.
Este nuevo año litúrgico deseo expandir
el horizonte de Tradiciones de nuestra
fe, más allá de lo nuestro, para ver las
raíces y prácticas de nuestra tradición
católica-cristiana. Los cristianos católicos, ortodoxos y de otras denominaciones, consideramos que el mensaje
de Dios no puede limitarse a un solo
libro, pues la revelación divina nos llega
mediante la Tradición y la Sagrada Escritura. Debemos saber que por
Tradición no estamos hablando de costumbres y prácticas religiosas, tales como las posadas, el rosario u otras devociones. Más bien, la Tradición (con
mayúscula) se ocupa de la Doctrina oral
del Evangelio que ha sido transmitida
de una generación a otra, a partir de los
Apóstoles. Parte de esa Tradición fue
escrita en la Sagrada Escritura (Biblia)
pero no toda. Como nos lo dice Juan el
Evangelista "Hay además otras muchas
cosas que hizo Jesús. Si se escribieran
una por una, pienso que ni todo el mundo bastaría para contener los libros que
se escribieran" (Juan 21:25).
--Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM,
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
Palabras de sabiduría de la Madre
Al abortar, la madre mata aún su propia
criatura para resolver sus problemas.
Por el aborto, al padre se le dice que no
tiene que asumir para nada la responsibilidad por la criatura que ha engendrado.
Es probable que el padre ponga a otras
mujeres en el mismo problema. De esta
manera, un aborto puede conducer a
más abortos. Un país que acepta el aborto no le enseña a su pueblo a amar sino
a usar la violencia para obtener lo que
quiere. Es por esto que el aborto es el
mayor destructor del amor y la paz.
La primera persona en el mundo que
dió la bienvenida a Jesus, que lo
reconoció en el vientre de su madre fue
una criatura: San Juan Bautista. Que
maravilloso que Dios eligió a otro niño
en el vientre para anunciar la venida de
su Hijo, el Redentor.
Primer Domingo de Adviento
Lecturas De La Semana
Apocalipsis 14:1-3; 4b-5; Salmos 24 (23):1bc-4ab, 5-6; Lucas 21:1-4
Apocalipsis 14:14-19; Salmos 96 (95):10-13; Lucas 21:5-11
Miércoles: Apocalipsis 15:1-4; Salmos 98 (97):1-3ab, 7-9; Lucas 21:12-19
Apocalipsis 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Salmos 100 (99):1b-5; Lucas
Apocalipsis 20:1-4, 11—21:2; Salmos 84 (83):3-6a, 8a; Lucas 21:2933
Apocalipsis 22:1-7; Salmos 95 (94):1-7ab; Lucas 21:34-36
Domingo: Isaías 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; Salmos 80 (79):2-3, 15-16, 18-19;
1 Corintios 1:3-9; Marco 13:33-37
Primer Domingo de Adviento
Isaías 63:16-17, 19; 64:2-7/Salmo
79:2ac y 3b, 15-16, 18-19/1 Corintios
1:3-9/Marcos 13:33-37
Reflexionemos sobe la Palabra de
En estos momentos estoy viviendo en
un convento parroquial que ha servido
de domicilio por más de un centenar de
años a las hermanas que una vez enseñaron en la escuela primaria de la parroquia. Como cualquier casa antigua
hay chirridos, repiqueteos y chasquidos,
que se oyen o repercuten en la noche
pero parecen desaparecer por el día. Y
como todos las que vivimos aquí somos
adultos decimos que esos ruidos se deben sólo a que es una casa antigua yéndose a su lecho a dormir –eso lo decimos
hasta que uno de nosotros se encuentra
solo en la casa por la noche. Cuando los
otros regresan nos apuramos a contarles
que la Madre Carolina había estado levantada y caminando de nuevo. La
30 de noviembre de 2014
noche hace que nuestra imaginación se
vuelva loca y nos haga actuar y pensar
como los niños. La noche se las arregla
para alardear de ruidos aterradores y
para darnos ansiedad con misterios inexplicables. Y cuando no sólo nuestro cuerpo sino también nuestra propia vida se
encuentran en la oscuridad, cuando no
sabemos cuál es la mejor manera de disciplinar a nuestros hijos, ni hacia dónde
dirigirnos el resto de nuestra vida, ni siquiera cómo manejar una relación,
bueno, esa oscuridad se nos hace demasiado y puede parecernos inaguantable.
Nunca estamos completamente seguros
de los misterios inexplicables que nuestro Dios puede hacer surgir de la oscuridad. Por eso es posible que nosotros,
cada uno de su propia y loca manera,
tratamos de hacer amistad con los ruidos de la oscuridad. Decimos que son los
ruidos de una casa antigua, o la temperatura que está bajando o el horno que
se ha activado, o decimos que es la Madre Carolina. De una manera u otra encontramos la manera de convivir con la
oscuridad, pues, ¿quién sabe lo que
Dios, nuestro divino alfarero de la lectura de Isaías, pudiera hacer aun con el
barro húmedo de nuestra vida?
~Padre Joseph J. Juknialis