Fall 2009 - College of Osteopathic Medicine


Fall 2009 - College of Osteopathic Medicine
Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Fall 2009
Volume 36, No. 3
in Sports Medicine
Volume 36, Issue 3
Copyright 2009, Michigan State University
College of Osteopathic Medicine. Published
three times per year by the Office of Public
Relations, A306 East Fee Hall, East Lansing, MI
To contact Public Relations:
(517) 353-0616
Pat Grauer, M.A.
Craig Reed
Annmarie Y. Cook
Annmarie Y. Cook
Patricia Horn
Steven Dupuis, D.O.
Dennis M. Paradis, M.P.H.
Beth Courey
Katie Donnelly
Nicole Genaw
Meghan Tappy
Suzanne Wilson
On September 17, we cut the ribbon, opening officially
our expansion site at the Detroit Medical Center. In early
2010, when our new building is completed, we will host
a similar celebration at the Macomb University Center.
After years of planning and hard work, we are delighted to
see our dream become a reality. Though we’re increasing
our class size by 50%, from 200 to 300, this isn’t simple
aggrandizement. It’s the extension of an institution of
proven quality to meet need, to increase access, to teach
cultural competence, to take our students to areas of high
educational resource, and basically, to do the right thing.
MSUCOM was born in southeast Michigan, and has maintained a strong presence
in the region for 40 years. We began as a private school in Pontiac in 1969, and we
have always educated our third- and fourth-year students in excellent community
hospitals affiliated with the college. Fourteen of these, and more than half of our
2,220 clinical faculty, are in southeast Michigan.
It is a pleasure to be associated with such fine institutions. MSU, with its emphasis
on “advancing knowledge, transforming lives,” exactly embodies our values of the
science of medicine, the art of caring, the power of touch. Detroit Medical Center, a
state-of-the-art medical powerhouse, provides a unique milieu in a culturally diverse
area. Macomb University Center is part of a college recognized nationally as one
of the most innovative in the nation. Our facilities at both new sites are fresh and
beautiful, and we celebrate all the opportunities they represent. To all who have
made this possible, thank you!
William D. Strampel, D.O., Dean
Field Research
Powell (right) explores the science
of shoe-surface interaction.
by Craig Reed
Injuries are a concern for athletes,
especially for those competing at the
collegiate and professional levels. John
Powell, Ph.D., A.T.C., explores one injury
known as a high ankle sprain.
“A high ankle sprain requires longer for
an athlete to recover than from a normal
ankle sprain, so it can significantly affect
by Craig Reed
Research to deepen our
understanding of the effects of
osteopathic manipulative medicine
(OMM) on patients has been an ongoing
interest at MSUCOM. One of the most
student-driven research endeavors has
been the stress fracture research project.
“The goal of this research is to better
understand the causes of stress fractures
through the use of OMM techniques to
detect structural differences in patients,”
said Adam Feinstein, D.O., who oversees
the study with Dr. Lynn Brumm. “Other
studies have looked at foot mechanics,
calcium consumption and many other
things, but so far no one has found
the reason why stress fractures occur
in one person and not another. Our
study examines somatic dysfunction
from the pelvic region on down in men
and women cross-country runners and
women basketball players. Our goal is to
understand what’s different structurally
between a normal athlete and one who
Peter Ajluni, D.O.
Melvin Larsen, President
Gary Lynd, D.O.
Lewin Wyatt Jr., D.O.
Claud Young, D.O.
Ex Officio:
Dorothy Carnegie, D.O.
Edward N. Hodges III, J.D.
Max T. McKinney, D.O.
Dennis Paradis, M.P.H.
Susan Sevensma, D.O.
Roger Spoelman
William D. Strampel, D.O.
MOMAB Support:
Colleen Kniffen
John Haapaniemi, DMC chief of staff; William D. Strampel, MSUCOM dean; Lou Anna Simon, MSU president;
Joel I. Ferguson, MSU Board of Trustees chairperson; Gary Willyerd, MSUCOM – DMC associate dean.
athletes’ ability to participate in their
sports,” said Powell. “To prevent these
types of injuries, we have to understand
the underlying mechanics.”
With little currently known about
these sprains, Powell and a team of
researchers from a variety of disciplines
are studying the problem.
“One thing we explore is the shoesurface interface,” explained Powell.
“We look at how different cleat designs
interact with different types of turf. We
also want to understand the forces on
a person as an athlete turns, stops and
moves on the turf. We analyze these
forces by setting up a tent on some of
the outdoor turfs and having an infrared
camera we have adapted for use outside
to observe the mechanics taking place in
a moving athlete. The logistics are more
challenging than in a laboratory setting.
Wind, rain and other weather conditions
can affect the delicate calibrations, but
we’ve solved most of the problems.”
Powell also works to simulate high
ankle sprains within the lab. “We take
cadaver legs and subject them to what
we believe to be the same stresses that
contribute to these injuries and study the
soft tissue injury patterns,” said Powell.
“One of the challenges we experienced
was in developing an accurate model.
Initially, every time we ran a test, we’d
end up with a fracture of the bone rather
than the expected soft tissue injuries. After
consulting some of the sports medicine
doctors, we created a more realistic
load distribution, and now our model is
working as expected.
“The complexity of this injury requires
a collaboration of different researchers to
understand it,” continued Powell. “My
focus is on injury patterns, but we are
working with engineers in the Orthopeadic
Biomechanics Laboratories at MSUCOM to
better understand some of the mechanics.
We utilize some large enclosed spaces at
the College of Veterinary Medicine which
allow us to perform other tests on athletes
under more normal playing conditions.”
As Powell and his fellow researchers
continue to deepen their understanding
of high ankle sprain injuries, they remain
focused on both athletic performance and
safety. “If we focus entirely on preventing
injury,” said Powell, “we’ll have athletes
dissatisfied with the equipment due to a
significant drop in their performance. So
in the end we want to consider both, so
we have the high performance the athletes
desire while minimizing the risk of injury.”
is susceptible to stress fractures.”
We’re hoping to submit our findings by
“Our challenge has been to produce
fall of this year, which will be a major
reliable data for research each year with
feat for the 146 medical students who
an ever-changing group of students
have been involved in the study since its
active in the study,” said fourth-year
student Carrie Janiski, who coordinates
the student training.
“Students go through an
extensive 15-hour training
program and are tested on
all the protocols we have
established before they can
perform the examination
on an athlete. It’s a lot of
commitment, but for firstand second-year students,
it’s a great opportunity to
take what they’ve learned
in their OMM classes and
apply it. Dr. Brumm, who is
still involved in the study,
has been amazed by the
dedication of the students.
As a group, we perform
Feinstein (left) and Janiski (right) train students to detect
approximately 350 exams
and correct somatic dysfunction in athletes as part of
on MSU athletes each year.
the stress fracture study.
Alumni Focus: Michael Shingles
by Craig Reed
As an orthopedic surgeon focused
on the health of athletes, ’96 alumnus
Michael Shingles, assistant professor,
Department of Radiology, loves what
he does. “This type of work is so very
well suited for the D.O. perspective,”
said Shingles. “What I love is how
individualized the care needs to be for
each type of sport and at what point a
patient is in his or her sport career. It’s all
very osteopathic.”
One of the challenges for Shingles
is not just how to speed patients back
to health, but how to get them back to
playing their sports as soon as possible.
“In the case of athletes, you have to
consider not only the injury when you’re
evaluating treatment options, but other
factors such as what part of the sport
season it is,” said Shingles. “If the injury
occurs during their off-season, asking
athletes to take it easy for several weeks
usually isn’t a problem. But if they are in
the middle of their playing season, you
have to understand that it’s important to
the patients to be back playing as soon
as possible. Oftentimes you’re helping a
patient play as best as they can while still
If Shingles has any motto for his
practice, it is to “know my patient.”
“A lot of the people I see are older
runners for whom running is an
important way to relax. They want to
keep going despite the fact they may
The New Sports
Medicine Facility
be developing
arthritis and
other problems.
When I talk with
these patients, I
explain clearly
what running is
doing to their
bodies and work
with them to
find ways to
prolong their
running careers
and minimize
the damage they
are inflicting on
themselves. It’s
important to
appreciate the
of sports in
Shingles works with both MSU and community athletes to
prevent injuries and extend their athletic careers.
people’s lives
and keep
them doing
physicians like Shingles see mostly college
them for as long as possible.”
and professional athletes. Not so.
One thing that keeps Shingles’ skills
“Roughly five percent of the surgeries
finely honed is working with MSU
I perform are on MSU athletes. The rest
are almost entirely from the community,
“At MSU you can build a great sports
including high school athletes. Working
practice and become really good at what
in this area has been a great opportunity.
you do. We get referred a lot of the
I get to teach medical students at MSU
difficult cases. We learn a ton from these
and be a part of many sports activities
experiences. The more experience we get
here. There are also a lot of research
with challenging cases, the better our
opportunities as well, which is exciting.
skills become, which benefits all of the
This is my dream job.”
patients who walk through our doors.”
One popular misconception is that
In 2008, MSU Sports Medicine
moved from its home in the Clinical
Center to the fourth floor of the
Eyde Building, which is just east of
campus on Hagadorn Road – making
it a convenient location for MSU
athletes and community patients.
The facility has more than twice the
space of the original location with
the potential for further expansion,
and is equipped with the latest
technology, including digital x-ray
Getting Physical with the
Special Olympics
Every year, participants in the Area 8 Special
Olympics need to have physicals to verify they
are healthy enough to take part in the activities.
In response to this need, MSUCOM has partnered
with the Special Olympics coordinators to have
second-year medical students, under faculty
supervision, perform the physical exams as part
of MSUCOM’s Clinical Skills course. Started by
the late Dean Allen W. Jacobs and Dr. Taylor
Scott in 1998, this arrangement continues to be
an important outreach opportunity as well as a
Dietzel has been clinical director for MSU Sports Medicine since 2005.
rewarding experience for our medical students.
Sports Medicine CME
The Future of Sports Medicineby
Drs. Gillian Bice,
by Craig Reed
Bill Falls and
John Fitzsimmons
of the
Athletic doctors at MSUare
team preparing to
work hard to hone their
skills, in
they are also involvedsoutheast
in sharing
they’ve learned through a continuing
medical education program offered
by MSUCOM. Last summer 106
participants improved their ability
to evaluate patients and initiate
appropriate treatment for commonly
encountered sports-related injuries
by strengthening clinical decisionmaking through an evidence-based
MSUCOM has been offering free physicals to
Special Olympics participants since 1998.
Dr. Larry Nassar (center) is one of a host of faculty involved in sports medicine CME.
2 Highlights
Sports medicine is changing to fit the needs and demands of the times.
No one knows this better than Dr. Douglas Dietzel, clinical director for MSU
Sports Medicine, a division of the Department of Radiology.
“Last year we moved into a newer, larger facility at the Eyde Building just
east of the MSU campus,” said Dietzel. “We’ve gone from having 4,000 square
feet to 10,000 square feet of space. We have room to expand further if we need
to, and we’re still close to campus. So we’re easily accessible to MSU athletes,
which was an important consideration.”
As part of improving care for their patients, the unit has added new facilities.
“We now have a radiology unit housed within our offices,” said Dietzel. “It’s
equipped to take digital x-rays, which helps speed up the inner workings of
diagnosing patients. Our goal is to offer one-stop convenience for our patients.
Everything that is needed to diagnose and treat them is available right here.
“Our facility treats a large variety of patients. Most of the injuries we treat
are not sports-related, but are often work-related. We see everyone from young
kids to a 97-year-old woman with a torn rotator cuff,” continued Dietzel. “Our
expertise with athletes allows us to offer others in the community some of
the best care available. As we look to the future, the needs of the community
are going to determine how we’re going to expand.”
student athletes
edicine and sports were two things with which first-year student Lauren Azevedo
grew up with. “My father was a cardiologist. When I was a child, and he was
called into the hospital, he would take me with him while he checked on a patient,” said
Lauren. “I got to see how involved my dad was in the lives of his patients and how he
made a difference. It took me a while to decide to go into medicine, but when I made up
my mind I knew it was the right choice for me.”
Growing up, Lauren developed another interest that she is still involved in today:
competitive horseback riding. “I started riding when I was 10 and never grew out of
it,” said Lauren. “I’ve been in a lot of dressage competitions which focus on horse-rider
synchronicity – how well you and the horse work together as a team. It’s really hard, but
looks beautiful when done well. I go back home whenever I can to teach five- and sixyear olds how to ride horses. I love giving kids a chance to enjoy something that I love.”
Kovan’s work in sports
medicine involves
treating his patients
and building a personal
connection with them.
Lauren’s love for horses and medicine
both started when she was a child.
A History of Treating Athletes
the fortune of working with Drs. David
Hough and Doug McKeag, two of the
founders of modern sports medicine,
While doctors have been working with
who showed me otherwise.”
athletes for many decades to maintain
“Our sports medicine clinic opened
their health and aid their recovery from
in 1981, making it one of the first in
injuries, the notion of having physicians
existence,” said Vicki Curley, R.N., clinical
specialize in such work is relatively
administrator for the Sports Medicine
recent. The movement was started in
Clinic at MSU. The clinic was started at
the late 1970s by a handful of doctors,
the Olin Health Center and later moved
eventually leading to the establishment
to the Clinical Center. “Originally we
of the American Medical Society for
had only primary care physicians but,
Sports Medicine in 1991, marking
over time, orthopedic surgeons have
sports medicine’s transition into the
joined our team and provided a valuable
expansion into the care we provide
“There was no real concept of sports
here.” This combination of family
medicine when I first started medical
medicine and orthopedics allows for
school,” said ’87 alumnus Jeffrey Kovan,
better overall care of athletes.
assistant professor, Department of
“We bounce ideas off each other and
Radiology. “There wasn’t perceived to
brainstorm together,” said ’01 alumnus
be a place for this in medicine. I had
Andrew Schorfhaar, an
orthopedic surgeon.
“There are definite
advantages to having
doctors with different
backgrounds and training
working together.”
While MSU athletes
benefit from such
collaborations, community
athletes also benefit.
“We cover local high
school games free of
charge, especially football
and other high contact
sports,” said Schorfhaar.
“We also cover the Lansing
Lugnuts baseball games.”
Curley (left) and Schorfhaar (right) are part of a diverse team
Community involvement
of physicians and staff specially trained to care for athletes.
by Craig Reed
44 Highlights
also takes the form of partnerships with
local businesses, such as a free clinic at
Playmakers, where runners and other
community athletes can receive free foot
care advice from one of the local sports
medicine physicians.
“We play an active role in educating
medical students and residents,” said
Curley. “Residents from around the
country come to MSU to learn from
us. We also work with high school
counselors to arrange opportunities for
their students to come in to shadow a
physician to see if this is something they
want to pursue as a career. It’s important
to us to be involved in the community in
many different ways.”
Community involvement is just one
aspect of sports medicine that leans
toward osteopathic practices.
“Part of my job is to take time to listen
to the athletes and their concerns,” said
Kovan. “It’s important to learn about
them, their families and what makes
them tick in order to provide them the
best care. Some of the most important
notes I take are about their personal lives
to help me remember facts about them
so when I see them again, I can ask them
a few questions to let them know I’ve
been listening to them.”
“One of the advantages of working
in this field,” noted Schorfhaar, “is that
when someone comes into your office,
they are motivated to play an active role
in their own recovery so they can get
back to what they love doing. Working
with each of your patients as a team:
that’s very osteopathic.”
child in a deaf household, Melissa Clark grew up in two different cultures: one
hearing, one deaf. “My parents are both deaf, but both of my siblings are hearing,”
said Melissa. “Both of my parents lost their hearing in childhood due to a high fever.
My mother started teaching me American Sign Language when I was 10 months old. I
consider it my first language and English as my second. I was translating for my parents
at a very young age. My childhood was pretty much like everyone else’s except that if I
wanted to call my parents on the phone, it was a lot longer process than for my peers
who didn’t need extra technology for their parents to communicate with them.”
Over the years, Melissa has been very active in a lot of sports including softball,
cross-country, basketball and volleyball, just to name a few. “I love playing sports, but
I have a definite passion for softball. My competitive side really comes out when I’m
playing, especially when I was playing as an undergraduate in fast-pitch softball.”
Melissa has been active in a variety of
sports – especially softball.
pending his undergraduate years at Alma College gave John Hawkins opportunities
to play sports while getting his education. “I played lacrosse on a club team, and I
played varsity basketball for two of the years I was there,” said John. “I had never seen
lacrosse before college. It looked intense so I joined the team. We didn’t win very often,
but we had a lot of fun, which was more important to us.”
When not playing sports, John could be found singing in Alma’s a capella group,
“Scots on the Rocks.” “We sang a lot of pop rock and barbershop music,” said John. “I
also play a little guitar on the side.
“Deciding to go to medical school was a gradual process for me,” continued John.
“I was hearing about medical school from my sister during her four years, but I think
what finally made me decide this was the career for me was when I was in South America
helping in a clinic and observing surgeries. Those hands-on experiences made me realize
this is what I want to do.”
As an undergraduate, John (right) played
on the lacrosse club team.
or Alyssa Rothwell, her sport of choice was serving as the coxswain for the men’s
rowing team at the University of Michigan. “A coxswain is the one in charge of the
boat, the ‘coach in the boat,’ as rowers would say,” said Alyssa. “There are different
dynamics when you are part of a men’s team versus a women’s team, but it was a good
experience for me. I still have a lot of friendships from the team.”
Before coming to MSUCOM, Alyssa spent time working in a retirement community.
“Part of my work involved studying the relationship between motor control and aging in
elderly patients,” said Alyssa. “I’ve also spent time working with pediatric psychiatrists,
which was interesting as well. We studied the quality of life for children who were nonadherent to their medications. My experiences in medicine so far have been pretty
positive, especially when I’m working directly with patients.”
Being a coxswain gave Alyssa (far left)
an appreciation for teamwork.
Student Life
MSUCOM’s largest graduating class was an even 200.
One of the most celebrated days for fourth-year MSUCOM students has
come to pass for the Class of 2009 – the day they earn their D.O. degrees and
soon after start their residencies and internships. This year’s Hooding and
Commencement was held on May 7 at the Wharton Center on the MSU campus.
Dr. William G. Anderson Sr. gave this year’s commencement address noting
both the significant challenges as well as opportunities for this year’s graduates.
Daniel Weber, president of the Class of 2009, offered his insights to his fellow
graduates, and their family and friends. A total of 200 students graduated this
year - the largest graduating class ever for MSUCOM.
Graduates Jordan Povich, Katherine Niesen, Maria Humayun,
Brooke Naffziger, Adriana Pinkowski
and Tiffany Weiss-Feldkamp
Drs. Raouf Tadros, Zachary Pearce,
Jeremy Pascotto and Daniel Weber, class president
Drs. Mark Kuzich, Aditya Dholakia, Matthew Brewster,
Asad Mehboob, Neil Dalal, Chad Kovala, Eric Lerche
and Nidhip Patel
Graduates Stacey McEwen, Heather Jones, Anna Koniuch,
Kimberlee Chesney and Meredith Austin
Dr. William Anderson was this
year’s keynote speaker.
“You have wisely chosen a calling in life to one of the best professions on the planet”
Newly commissioned officers and others committed to national service were recognized
at the Commissioning Breakfast ceremony. (Left to right: Drs. Monica Schmidt,
Nurin Dashoush, Daniel Pettit, Reshma Mohiuddin, Jered Haynor,
Michael Campian, San Saw, and Dean Strampel)
Graduate Aditya Dholakia and his 92-year-old
grandfather Gannath Dholakia, M.D.
Barrett Anderson, D.O., Wajahat Hussain, D.O.,
Brian Shukri, D.O., Matthew Schram, D.O.
6 Student Life
Students, faculty and staff
gathered together on June
26 at the Wharton Center
for MSUCOM’s 39th annual
Convocation and White Coat
Edward N. Hodges, III, J.D., this
year’s recipient of the Thomas V.
Angott Award, shaking hands with
incoming student Patrick Beer –
the grandson of Angott
Graduates Matthew Sleziak, Sheel Tolia,
Eveline Tse and Swathi Pullela
Ceremony. The ceremony marks the beginning
of a student’s medical education and career.
MSUCOM faculty ceremonially place the white
coat – symbolic of the medical profession – on
each entering first-year student. This year’s
incoming class size has increased from 200 to
300 – the largest class ever for the college. The
Class of 2013 is the first class to be split among
MSUCOM’s three locations: East Lansing,
the Macomb University Center and the Detroit
Medical Center.
Dean William Strampel, D.O.,
George Sawabini, D.O., presidentelect of the Michigan Osteopathic
Association, Steven Dupuis, D.O.,
president of the MSUCOM Alumni
Association, and Shaun Ramsey,
president of the MSUCOM Student
Government Association, each gave
welcoming addresses to the entering
During the ceremony, Edward
Hodges III, J.D., was recognized with this
year’s Thomas Angott award. The award
is given to a non-physician layperson who
has demonstrated strong leadership in the
advancement of osteopathic education within
Michigan and service within MSUCOM.
During the ceremony 21 new members of
the Osteopathic Medical Scholars Program,
entering MSU undergraduates who plan to enter
the field of medicine, were recognized as well.
Student Life
Honor Roll
As the Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine expands into southeast
Michigan, so too does our long line of supporters grow. Their generosity has supported the
osteopathic profession and helped us earn our ranking as the seventh best medical school in the
nation for primary care education. We would like to recognize and thank all of our donors for
supporting our efforts to provide quality health care to the people of Michigan and beyond.
$1 Million to $4,999,999
Philip E. and Patricia B. Greenman
Robert S. Shaw Society
$500,000 to $999,999
Dr. Stefan H. Kobiljak, Jr.
Ruth Magen
$250,000 to $499,999
Phyllis K. and Walter P. Dell
Drs. Mark and Toula Guilfoyle
Anastasia, Dorothea Guilfoyle
Dr. Carol Monson and Mr. Frank Warden
June L. Whipp
$100,000 to $249,999
Mrs. Kay J. Boggs
Neil J. Farkas, D.O.
Kristine Jacobs
Dr. David Kenyon MacIntosh and
Dr. Lorah Wright MacIntosh
Dr. David S. and Deborah A. Porter
Gail and Barbara Riegle
Dr. Robert L. and Shelley A. Snyder
Sally Swiss
Robert C. Ward, D.O. and Helen E. Ward
Jason and Danica Woolley
$50,000 to $99,999
Anthony G. Fabaz, D.O.
Vera M. Gerhardt
Dr. and Mrs. Walid H. Ghurabi
Debra R. and David A. Gift
Robert J. Gordon, D.O. and Lori S. Roberts-Gordon
Glen Hatcher, Jr., D.O.
Al and Ewa Juocys
David Lebenbom and Elaine Lebenbom
Ronald J. Markert, Ph.D.
Dr. Timothy and Catherine McKenna
Michael and Gloria Morison
Robert G. G. Piccinini, D.O., F.A.C.N.
Barbara and Harvey Sparks
William D. Strampel, D.O. and Mrs. Leona J. Strampel
Mary Jo K. Voelpel, D.O., F.A.C.O.I. and
Lawrence William Voelpel
Jo Ann von Steeg
Dr. Kay E. White
Gary L. Willyerd, D.O.
$25,000 to $49,999
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Andary
Nancy J. Angott
Dr. William and Angie Athens
Dr. Henry Beckmeyer
88 Highlights
Ethel D. Brody
Dorothy E. Carnegie Shillinglaw
Eugene and Michele Conte
Lisa DeStefano, D.O.
Dr. William M. and Jan L. Falls
Dr. Atis K. and Dr. Ilga Freimanis
John N. Harker, D.O.
Dr. and Mrs. Oliver W. Hayes III
Michael A. Henderson, D.O.
Dr. Jon J. Kabara
Drs. David and Laurie Kaufman
Catherine A. Kerschen, D.O.
Ms. Sandy Kilbourn and Dr. Gary DiStefano
Dr. Margaret Knapp
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Kustasz
Melba and Jon Lacey
Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Linnell
Dr. Robert Martin and Dr. Alexis Yovan
Dr. Stanley and Eileen Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Miller
Ken and Barry Moore
Dr. Eugene and Mrs. Elena Oliveri
Jane and Dean Peyton, D.O.
Dr. Gary and Mrs. Therese Pilchak
Theresa A. Ross
Dr. Michael and Nena Sikorsky
Dr. Martin R. Stytz
Dr. Stephen and Grozda Swetech
Jonathan Swetech, Maria Swetech
John and Trena Thornburg
Mr. Bruce A. and Dr. Nancy W. Weber
$10,000 to $24,999
John E. Tower, D.O. and Kelly A. Allen, Esq.
Dr. and Mrs. Andrea (Andy) Amalfitano
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Patricia Arsenault
Dr. Ellen K. Athens and Mr. Thomas D. Lasky
John E. Bodell D.O., Janet M. Bodell
Mr. and Mrs. Vence L. Bonham, Jr.
Jerusha H. Bonham
Dr. Ronald H. Bradley
Drs. Gerard Breitzer and Susan Frank
Dr. and Mrs. William Athens, Jr.
Kimberly S. Camp
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Carney
Drs. J. Michael Connor and Sandra M. Cifor
Dr. Hilary M. Clayton and Mr. Richard D. Curle
Penalope D. Cook, D.O. and Robert T. Cook
Jon Cooper
Douglas and Sandra Cron
Drs. Mark and Marion Cummimgs
William Cunningham, D.O., M.H.A.
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Deal
Randall L. DeArment, D.O. and Nancy A. DeArment
Barry and Jill Dehlin
Dr. and Mrs. John DeSantis
Julie K. Dixon, D.O.
Steven J. Dupuis, D.O.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Elsesser
Dr. Margaret Fankhauser and Willie F. Longshore
James H. Deering and Jodi S. Flanders
Dr. Brenda Fortunate and Mr. Edward White
Dr. Harold M. and Karen L. Friedman
Dr. Tressa Gardner
Kristin Gaumer, D.O.
Dr. Janet M. Gibson
John and Marjorie Goodridge
Lori Gorbis and Sherman Gorbis, D.O., F.A.A.O.
Dr. John L. Goudreau, D.O., Ph.D.
Gerald G. Osborn, D.O. and Sue E. Granger
Dr. and Mrs. William Grimsley
Mark and Amy Gugel
Dr. Celia B. Guro and Mr. Igor Guro
Terry and Linda Hagan
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Haywood
Steven and Merle Heidemann
Drs. Timothy and Christine Heilman
Robert A. Henry, D.O.
Brent and Tenley Himes
Edward N. Hodges, III, J.D.
Lon and Carolyn Hoover
Dr. Kari and Mr. Patrick Hortos
Judith A. Joslin-Page, D.O. and David J. Page
Dr. Thomas A. Kelly and Susan K. Codere
Dr. John M. and Jan K. Ketner
Dr. and Mrs. Gene E. Kielhorn
Mr. Hugh and Dr. Carolann Kinner
Dr. Adelaide Koestner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kotch
Janet K. Kulich
Roman Kulich
Drs. Paul and Annette LaCasse
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lim
Grant J. Linnell, D.O.
Jed Magen, D.O., M.S. and Carol Barrett, Ph.D.
Craig and Jennifer Magnatta
Barbara Ball-McClure and Chris McClure
Thomas and Lynn McCurdy
Dr. Walter and Jeanne Mill
Dr. Tom Mohr and Dr. Laura Mohr
David Neff, D.O.
Dr. Joseph and Linda Palazeti
Dr. James Patenge
Holly Patenge
David A. Simpson and Anne M. Pawlak
Dr. Evangelos A. Petropoulos
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Phillips
Paul and Mary Ponstein
Dr. Joseph and Deborah Pysh
John E. Ratliff, D.O.
James J. Rechtien, D.O., Ph.D. and Mary Ann Rechtien
Drs. Nadine and Kenneth Richter
Myral R. Robbins, D.O. and Gerald F. Robbins, D.O.
Mr. George and Dr. Kathy Rollinger
Dr. Barbara Ross-Lee and Mr. Edmond Beverly
Dr. Leonard C. Salvia and Mrs. Sandra M. Salvia
Don and Jo Ann Sefcik
Susan Sevensma, D.O.
Dr. Michael and Tracy Sheehy
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Shelden
Dr. Eugene R. and Joyce A. Sherrod
Mark E. Sikorski, D.O.
Dr. Michael D. Simms and Ms. Sandra Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Stanton
Joyce and Marvin Tanner
Terrie E. Taylor, D.O.
Thomas and Joy Thrun
Dr. Howard Teitelbaum and Jane Ann Waldron
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Walkiewicz
Dr. Peter and Mrs. Lynn Walsh
Ralph T. Walsh, Ph.D., D.O.
Dr. Charles W. Wang
Lynne C. Weaver
Dr. Michael D. Weiss
Carmella L. D’Addezio, D.O.
Sunita Yedavally, D.O.
Phyllis K. and Walter P. Dell
Philip E. and Patricia B. Greenman
Justin E. Grill, D.O. and Carrie A. Grill
Drs. Mark and Toula Guilfoyle
Kenyon S. Kendall, D.O.
Donald W. Kilbourn and Helen M. Kilbourn
Dr. David Kenyon MacIntosh and
Dr. Lorah Wright MacIntosh
Ruth Magen
Ronald J. Markert, Ph.D.
Sam H. Miller and Kay M. Miller
Dr. Milton E. Muelder
Dr. Gary and Mrs. Therese Pilchak
Deborah A. Porter
Dr. Michael and Nena Sikorsky
Sally Swiss
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Walkiewicz
Dr. Carol Monson and Mr. Frank Warden
Gary L. Willyerd, D.O.
Abbott Laboratories
Accident Fund Insurance Company of America
Advocates for the MI Osteopathic Assn.
American Osteopathic Association
AP Capital
Associated Foot Clinic of Lake Orion, PC
Association Benefits Company
Bennigan’s Tavern and Restaurant
Blue Care Network of Michigan
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Botsford Hospital
Bravo! Cucina Italiana
The Broitman Foundation, Inc.
Building #19, Inc.
Canfield Family Practice
Centis Health, P.C.
Classic Travel, Incorporated
ComDec, Inc.
Commercial Blueprint, Incorporated
Coral Gables of East Lansing
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation
David L Wolf, D.O., P.C.
Detroit Medical Center
Eagle Eye Golf
The Emerald at Maple Creek Golf
Fiesta Charra
Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Foster, Swift, Collins and Smith, P.C.
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Galderma Laboratories, LP
Garden City Hospital Osteopathic
Genesys Regional Medical Center
Guimond Educational Consulting LLC
Hall, Render, Killian, Heath and Lyman
Hawk Hollow, L.L.C.
Health Plus of Michigan
Henry Ford Health System
Henry Ford Macomb Hospital
Hershey’s Steak and Seafood
Hidden Lake Homeowners Association
Hillsdale Community Health Center
Hudson-Webber Foundation
Ingham County Medical Society Alliance
Ingham Regional Medical Center
Kheder Davis and Associates Inc.
Lincoln Park Presbyterian Church
Macomb County Osteopathic Society
The Marriott Hotel
Marshall Financial Services, Inc.
McKinney and Associates
McLaren Health Care Corporation
Mercy General Health Partners
Metro Health Hospital
MI Assn of Osteopathic Dir and Med Educ
Michigan Gastroenterology Institute
Michigan Osteopathic Association
Michigan Osteopathic College Foundation
Michigan Parkinson Foundation
Michigan Psychiatric Society
Mid Michigan Orthopedics, P.C.
Mid-Michigan Dermatology, PLLC
MidMichigan Health
Mitchell’s Fish Market
Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center
MSUCOM Class of 2007
Michigan State University Federal Credit Union
MSUCOM Student Osteo Medical Assn
MSUCOM Scribe Service
Northeast Ohio Endocrinology
Oakwood Healthcare System
Ohio Osteopathic Association
The Old Country Buffet
Ore Creek Jewelers
Osteopathic Foundation of West Michigan
Pizza House
Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital
Rachor Family Foundation Ltd
Saginaw County Osteopathic Auxiliary
Saginaw County Osteopathic Society
Silver Lake Family Practice, PLLC
Sinai Medical Staff Foundation
South Oakland Gastroenterology, P.C.
Sparrow Health System
St. John Health System
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital
T. A. Forsberg, Inc.
Templeton Advanced Research Program
TEVA Neuroscience, Inc.
Tri-County Urologists, P.C.
UCB, Inc.
Warner Chilcott, Inc.
William Beaumont Hospital
Wolverine World Wide, Inc.
DONORS of $10,000 or more
Jon Cooper
Phyllis K. and Walter P. Dell
Dr. and Mrs. Walid H. Ghurabi
Al and Ewa Juocys
Dr. Jon J. Kabara
Michael and Gloria Morison
Robert G. G. Piccinini, D.O., F.A.C.N.
Gail and Barbara Riegle
Dr. Robert L. and Shelley A. Snyder
Dr. Martin R. Stytz
Mary Jo K. Voelpel, D.O., F.A.C.O.I. and
Lawrence William Voelpel
Robert C. Ward, D.O. and Helen E. Ward
DONORS OF $5,000 TO $9,999
Ethel D. Brody
Eugene and Michele Conte
Lisa DeStefano, D.O.
Dr. John L. Goudreau, D.O., Ph.D.
Glen Hatcher, Jr., D.O.
Dr. Kari and Mr. Patrick Hortos
Dr. Robert Martin and Dr. Alexis Yovan
Dr. Timothy and Catherine McKenna
Dr. Stanley and Eileen Miller
Ken and Barry Moore
Thomas J. O’Neil, D.O. and Lisa M. O’Neil, D.O.
Dr. Eugene and Mrs. Elena Oliveri
Jane and Dean Peyton, D.O.
Drs. Nadine and Kenneth Richter
William D. Strampel, D.O. and Mrs. Leona J. Strampel
Dr. Stephen and Grozda Swetech
Jonathan Swetech, Maria Swetech
Thomas and Joy Thrun
Dr. Charles and Philippa Webb
DONORS OF $1,000 TO $4,999
Dr. and Mrs. Andrea (Andy) Amalfitano
William G. Anderson, D.O.
Mr. Thomas V. Angott
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Patricia Arsenault
Dr. Ellen K. Athens and Mr. Thomas D. Lasky
Dr. William and Angie Athens
John C. Baumann, D.O. and Sally T. Baumann
Raymond J. Biggs
Jerusha H. Bonham
Steven L. Brody, M.D. and Brenda J. Grossman, M.D.
Kimberly S. Camp
Dorothy E. Carnegie Shillinglaw
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Carney
Drs. J. Michael Connor and Sandra M. Cifor
Drs. Mark and Marion Cummimgs
Randall L. DeArment, D.O. and Nancy A. DeArment
Dr. and Mrs. John DeSantis
Anthony H. Dekker, D.O. and Patricia A. Roe, Psy. D.
Julie K. Dixon, D.O.
Robert W. Dorr, D.O. and Amy Vannatter-Dorr
Dr. Brenda Fortunate and Mr. Edward White
Dr. Harold M. and Karen L. Friedman
Dr. Tressa Gardner
Kristin Gaumer, D.O.
Sandra J. Gloss and Eric J. Gloss, D.O.
Mary G. Goldman, D.O. and Jerome M. Goldman
Lori Gorbis and Sherman Gorbis, D.O., F.A.A.O.
Robert J. Gordon, D.O. and Lori S. Roberts-Gordon
David A. Green, D.O. and Teena Green
John N. Harker, D.O.
A. R. Hayden
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Haywood
Michael J. Hecimovich, D.O.
Lynn S. Hedeman
Steven and Merle Heidemann
Michael A. Henderson, D.O.
Robert A. Henry, D.O.
Edward N. Hodges, III, J.D.
Jamaki Kambhampati and Ravindranath Kambhampati
Julius A. Kato, D.O. and Jill P. Kato
Terri L. Keegstra, D.O.
Dr. Thomas A. Kelly and Susan K. Codere
W. F. Kelly and Jill A. Kelly
Catherine A. Kerschen, D.O.
Dr. John M. and Jan K. Ketner
Dr. and Mrs. Gene E. Kielhorn
Mark E. Kiffer, D.O. and Carolyn A. Kiffer
Ms. Sandy Kilbourn and Dr. Gary DiStefano
Dr. Margaret Knapp
Francis A. Komara, D.O. and Pamela R. Komara
Mark J. Kopel, D.O. and Christine Kopel
Drs. Paul and Annette LaCasse
Gregory and Debra Landis
Won K. Lee, M.D. and Jann M. Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lim
Grant J. Linnell, D.O.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Linnell
Jed Magen, D.O., M.S. and Carol Barrett, Ph.D.
W. E. Maldonado, M.D.
Thomas and Lynn McCurdy
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Miller
George J. Murakawa, M.D., Ph.D. and Mimi Murakawa
Ralph F. Otten, D.O. and Ethel M. Otten
Dr. Joseph and Linda Palazeti
David A. Simpson and Anne M. Pawlak
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Phillips
Joseph M. Pirch and Cecile M. Pirch
John E. Ratliff, D.O.
Patricia L. Rehfield, D.O.
Myral R. Robbins, D.O. and Gerald F. Robbins, D.O.
Patricia J. Rodgers, D.O. and Foster B. Morris
Mr. George and Dr. Kathy Rollinger
Dr. Leonard C. Salvia and Mrs. Sandra M. Salvia
Joel R. Saper, M.D.
Frederick C. Schreiber, D.O. and Linda A. Schreiber
David S. Sciamanna, D.O. and Mary M. Sciamanna
Mary P. Scott and Fremont L. Scott III, D.O.
Honor Roll
Don and Jo Ann Sefcik
Susan Sevensma, D.O.
Dr. Michael and Tracy Sheehy
Michael B. Shingles, D.O. and Stacy Shingles
Mark E. Sikorski, D.O.
Elaine C. Smith, D.O. and David J. Smith
Regina K. Soice
James S. Stepanski, D.O. and Lourdes A. Stepanski
Richard J. Strabbing, D.O.
Danielle F. Susser and David Susser, D.O.
Dr. Peter and Mrs. Lynn Walsh
Dr. Carol Monson and Mr. Frank Warden
Mr. Bruce A. and Dr. Nancy W. Weber
Larry A. Wickless, D.O.
Gary L. Willyerd, D.O.
Sunita Yedavally, D.O.
Michael H. Zakem, D.O. and Sandra Zakem
Andrew Zazaian, D.O. and Mary R. Zazaian
Michael E. Zimmerman and Marlene A. Zimmerman
DONORS OF $500 TO $999
Gerald R. and Jean Aben
Nancy J. Angott
Ruth L. Anker, D.O.
Dr. and Mrs. Archie Attarian
Jill K. Blasy and Christopher D. Blasy, D.O.
Frederick W. Born, D.O. and Kathy A. Born
Justin L. Cherubim, D.O.
Susan L. Cherwin and Terrence J. Cherwin, D.O.
Penalope D. Cook, D.O. and Robert T. Cook
Lori A. Dillard, D.O. and Robert M. Dillard III
John B. Ditchman, D.O. and Sherilyn M. Ditchman
Steven J. Dupuis, D.O.
Bart Q. Eng, D.O. and Sachike Eng
Stuart Etengoff, D.O. and Bonnie Etengoff
Dr. Margaret Fankhauser and Willie F. Longshore
Clifton W. Fisher, D.O.
James H. Deering and Jodi S. Flanders
Peter Fragatos and Karin Fragatos
Robert J. Franchi
Howard H. Galarneau, Jr., D.O.
Amit Ghose, M.D. and Sangita Ghose
Grace Gibbs, D.O. and Todd Gibbs
Riccardo Giovannone, D.O. and Sue A. Giovannone
Patricia C. Grauer, M.A. and Charles D. Grauer
Steven Grejda, D.O. and Elaine F. Grejda
Joanne M. Grzeszak, D.O.
Mark and Amy Gugel
Robert D. Gunnink, D.O.
Dr. Celia B. Guro and Mr. Igor Guro
Mark E. Hatch, D.O. and Anne M. Hatch
Brent and Tenley Himes
Josephine D. Hunsinger
Khawaja N. Ikram, D.O.
John S. Jones, D.O. and Sharon A. Jones
Steven J. Karageanes, D.O. and Cynthia Karageanes
Drs. David and Laurie Kaufman
Herbert Kaufman, D.O. and Sandra Kaufman
Michelle C. Klanke, D.O. and Robert H. Klanke
Michaeline T. Koppy-Austin, D.O. and James P. Austin
Eric A. Kovan, D.O. and Carrie J. Malkin-Kovan
Frank F. Lanzilote, D.O.
Jay M. Lonsway, D.O. and Tammy L. Gleeson, D.O.
David W. Luginbill, D.O. and Linda K. Luginbill
Phoebe Mainster and Harris W. Mainster, D.O.
Floyd T. Meachum, D.O. and Bobette J. Meachum
Richard A. Miller, D.O. and Joann Miller
Allan H. Morton, D.O. and Mary Wilton
David Neff, D.O.
Mark E. Notman, Ph.D. and Fidelia J. Notman
Anthony F. Ognjan, D.O. and Carole E. Ognjan
Heather A. Parlmer and Matthew A. Parlmer, D.O.
Dr. James Patenge
Brian D. Purchase, D.O.
Brent J. Raap, D.O. and Judith L. McElhinny-Raap, D.O.
Robert K. Reuter, D.O.
Craig A. Reynolds, D.O. and Theresa L. Reynolds
Susan M. Rice, D.O. and Thomas Maza
Felix J. Rogers, D.O.
10 Highlights
Stanley S. Roland, D.O. and Lillian Roland
Herbert E. Ross, D.O.
Shawn K. Schmidt Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Shelden
Pierce M. Sherrill, D.O. and Carrie M. Sherrill
Dr. Michael D. Simms and Ms. Sandra Smith
Sidney K. Simonian, D.O. and Michael Rubin, D.O.
Carrie L. Speier-Schafer, D.O. and Steven J. Schafer
Edward H. Stoller
Robert J. Stomel, D.O. and Elaine Stomel
Lisa M. Stoyanovich and Christ S. Stoyanovich, D.O.
John K. Throckmorton, D.P.M. and Sandra Throckmorton
Dr. Fred C. and Janet E. Tinning
Keith B. Tom, D.O. and Laura Tom
Paul M. Urbanowski, D.O. and Kimberly A. Urbanowski
Carmen R. Ventocilla, M.D. and Todd G. Hickox, D.O.
Michael G. Waters, D.O. and Michele M. Waters
Arno W. Weiss, M.D. and Jillian K. Weiss
Terry L. Wolf, D.O. and Linda M. Wolf
Kong Wai Wong, D.O.
John S. Zazaian, D.O. and Suzan Zazaian
DONORS OF $250 TO $499
Nicholas A. Abid, Jr., D.O.
Monroe H. Adams, D.O. and Linda S. Adams
Marc Afman, D.O. and Darcy Afman
Kurt C. Anderson, D.O.
Michael J. Bacon, D.O.
Harris Baderak, D.O. and Janet M. Baderak
Michael E. Barnes, D.O. and Karen D. Barnes
Francis Troy Barnhart
Geoffrey E. Baum, D.O. and Laurie S. Baum
Dr. and Mrs. Bez
Randall A. Bickle
John E. Bodell D.O., Janet M. Bodell
David J. Boes, D.O. and Diane Boes
Patrick J. Botz, D.O. and Jodi A. Botz
Barbara J. Briner, D.O.
Michael G. Burry, D.O. and Tina M. Burry
William A. Bush, D.O. and Diane M. Bush, R.N.
Angela K. Butchbaker, D.O. and Allen M. Butchbaker
Arthur R. Butler, ESQ.
Michael Caccamo, D.O.
Howard T. Chang, M.D.,Ph.D. and
Patricia M. Kowalski, O.D.
Roxana L. Chapman, D.O. and Kathryn M. Winokur
Geraldine A. Cherubim
Gerson I. Cooper and Carol R. Cooper
Duane J. Corsi, D.O. and Jeanette S. Corsi
Cathy L. Criss-Stampar, D.O. and
Michael G. Stampar, D.O.
Michael B. De Young, D.O.
Gurmail Singh Dhaliwal, M.D. and Sue Dhaliwal
Christopher T. Doig, D.O. and Julie B. Doig
Anthony A. Emmer, D.O. and Julie Emmer
John A. Floreno, D.O. and Marilyn M. Floreno
Susan G. Freel
Dr. Janet M. Gibson
Eric D. Good, D.O.
John and Marjorie Goodridge
Robert K. Gramenz, D.O. and Carol J. Ramm-Gramenz
Philip E. and Patricia B. Greenman
Drs. Mark and Toula Guilfoyle
Anastasia, Dorothea Guilfoyle
Kenneth H. Haller, D.O.
Ross and Sue Hansen
Todd D. Hartgerink, D.O. and Rebecca L. Hartgerink
Karen B. Hausler and Gerald J. Hausler, D.O.
Daniel P. Hearld, D.O. and Teresa L. Wainscott
Monish Jain and Pooja Jain
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Karkkainen
Kenyon S. Kendall, D.O.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Kustasz
Bela T. Lanczy, D.O.
Gary B. Langnas, D.O. and Lisa H. Langnas
Medley A. Larkin, D.O.
Edward A. Loniewski, Sr., D.O. and Mary J. Loniewski
David L. Lustig, D.O. and Christine Lustig
James A. MacDonald, D.O.
Ronald F. Maio, D.O. and Jill Maio
Philip V. Marinelli, D.O.
Jayne H. Martin, D.O. and John R. Martin
Russell G. Mawby
Kay E. McMillan, D.O. and Richard W. Nicholas
Thomas N. Metcalf III, Ph.D. and Debra R. Metcalf
Brian F. Miller, D.O. and Lauri K. Miller
Jo Ann Mitchell, D.O. and George E. Artzberger, D.O.
Charles D. Mok and Natalie Mok
Sara J. Myers-Dora, D.O. and David L. Dora, D.O.
Michael J. Neumann, D.O. and Diane Neumann
Mohammed A. Ogaily, M.D.
Louise M. Olson-Edwards and Kennyon D. Edwards, D.O.
Perrin E. Parkhurst, Ph.D. and Anita R. Parkhurst
Michael D. Parmer, D.O. and Debora Parmer
Rolland and Mary Patenge
Thomas W. Pfennig, D.O. and Christine M. Pfennig
David B. Pinelli, D.O. and Michele T. Pinelli
Vance D. Powell, Jr., D.O. and Dawn Powell
Frederick A. Schaller, D.O. and Amy P. Schaller
Marcia J. Scott, Ph.D. and Robert T. Scott, D.O.
Rita M. Seck, D.O. and Frank J. Seck, D.O.
Charles E. Simpson, D.O. and LouAnn Simpson
Bruce A. St. Amour, Jr., D.O. and Annabel St. Amour
Christopher and Rebecca Surian
Nancy J. Taylor, D.O. and James A. Taylor, D.O.
Henry D. Thierry and
Judith K. Annen-Thierry, D.O., M.P.H.
Dr. Robert and Rhonda Tubben
Joe Urbanski and Suzanne Urbanski
Don J. Walbridge, D.O. and Stephanie W. Walbridge
Eric T. Walchak, D.O. and Margaret E. Walchak
John L. Wang and Lucille D. Fallon
Dr. Michael D. Weiss
Carole A. Williams Roseland, D.O. and James E. Roseland
David L. Wolf, D.O.
Ruth H. Yoon, D.O. and Peter S. Yoon
DONORS OF $100 TO $249
Okenwa C. Aguwa
Peter B. Ajluni, D.O. and Judith L. Ajluni
Laura S. Allen, D.O.
Walter J. Ambrose, D.O. and Mary A. Skiba, D.O.
Lars P. Andersen, Jr., D.O. and Kathy Andersen
William G. Anderson II, D.O. and Doris Anderson
Norma L. Anderson
Kathleen Anzicek, D.O. and Mark Leventer, M.D.
D. Gavrilis and E. J. Arnold
Barbara A. Atkinson, D.O.
Agatha K. Atko, D.O.
Eugene H. Axelrod, M.D. and Charlene Axelrod
George L. and JoAnn M. Ayotte
J. Leonard Azneer and Patricia Cottrille
Janet M. Bach, D.O. and Edward E. Chlystek
Scott W. Barton, D.O. and Arlene Barton
Michelle M. Bauer, D.O. and Anthony Sandusky
Myron C. Beal, D.O. and Esther N. Beal
Timothy L. Beechnau, D.O. and JoAnn M. Beechnau
Martin I. Belkin, D.O.
Kirk Bellis, D.O.
Richard A. Below, D.O.
Donna J. Benford, D.O. and Randy L. Benford
Todd C. Bennett, D.O. and Adrienne E. Bennett
Andrew H. Berry, D.O. and Jayne Berry
Kimberly J. Betts and Michael Betts
Kevin Beyer, D.O.
Bert M. Bez, D.O. and Carol R. Bez
Edna R. Bick, D.O.
Michele M. Blair-Lester, D.O. and Jeffrey T. Lester
Edward D. Boudreau, Jr., D.O. and Susan D. Boudreau
Joyce M. Braithwaite-Brickley
Robert B. Breckenfeld, D.O. and Kathleen Breckenfeld
Sander J. Breiner
Robert M. Brenner, D.O. and
Linda Hollingsworth-Brenner, D.O.
Barry D. Bronstein, D.O. and Carol A. Bronstein
Crista K. Broutin, D.O. and Steve E. Broutin
Edward J. Canfield, D.O. and Cheryl A. Canfield, D.O.
John G. Cannon
Terry L. Carrithers and Grant M. Carrithers
Michael C. Chabot, D.O. and Victoria H. Chabot, D.O.
Hon Chung Chan, D.O.
Anne L. Chandler
George J. Charney, D.O.
Bruce Chau, D.O.
Thomas J. Chiambretti, D.O. and Mary V. Chiambretti
Matthew E. Citron, D.O. and Marcy Citron
Gregory Q. Clague, D.O. and Nancy E. Clague
Edward Cohen, D.O.
Linda P. Coniglio, D.O.,Ph.D. and
Lynwood G. Clemens, Ph.D.
Brandy E. Cook, D.O. and Todd P. Cook
George C. Costea
Robert Cotter, Jr., D.O.
Tamera L. Cox
Joan L. Cranmer and Kevin D. Cranmer, D.O.
Carmen D. Crockett and John C. Crockett
Patrick M. Cunningham and Marietta P. Cunningham
Jay B. Danto, D.O. and Debbie Z. Danto
Frederick P. Darin
John C. Davis, D.O.
Glenn C. Davis and Naomi Breslau
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Deal
Jeffrey S. Deweerd, D.O. and Karen DeWeerd
Lorane M. Dick, D.O.
Daniel W. Didocha, D.O. and Diane R. Didocha
Richard W. Doud, Jr., D.O. and Kathleen E. Doud
William A. Dunker, D.O. and Mary F. Dunker
Robert G. Durand and Lorna D. Durand
Dr. William M. and Jan L. Falls
Mehboob M. Fatteh and Parveen M. Fatteh
Suzanne B. Fellows and Jonathan Fellows, D.O.
Howard K. Fertel, D.O. and Natalie Fertel
Lawrence I. Finkel, D.O. and Joni A. Finkel
Patrick M. Flaherty, D.O.
Andrew G. Folgmann and Pamela K. Folgmann
Michael J. Forness and Mary M. Forness
Willa C. Fornetti-Bell, D.O. and Jeremy Bell, D.O.
Elmer W. Fowler, Jr., D.O. and Marie J. Fowler
John J. Frederick, D.O. and Valerie K. Frederick
James P. Gannon and Margaret M. Gannon
Jennifer Nowak Gilmore, D.O. and Michael S. Gilmore
Craig S. Glines, D.O. and Lisa A. Blanzy Glines
Brian Gluck, D.O.
Robert M. Goodman, D.O. and Linda Goodman
William R. Grace, D.O. and Marsha K. Grace
Vincent J. Granowicz, D.O. and Nancy L. Granowicz
Charlene M. Greene, D.O. and Bruce A. Orttenburger
Donald L. Griffiths
Greg Grothous
Pawel P. Gruca, D.O.
Richard F. Grzybowski, D.O. and Cathy Voita
Wayne M. Gunckle, D.O.
Dr. Mark A. Halonen
Ruth Hanft
Lucian C. Harbar, Sr. and Denise Harbar
James H. Harding and Shirley A. Harding, D.O.
Marlene A. Harvey, D.O.
Lisa Heller
Reuben S. Henderson, D.O.
Gregory J. Henk, D.O. and Christine J. Henk
Deborah L. Hickey-Symmonds, D.O.
James R. Hillard
Lon and Carolyn Hoover
Marilyn K. Horning
Robin G. Husson and Charles M. Husson, D.O.
Marvin S. Im, D.O. and Angela Im
Loretta N. Jacobson and Lawrence E. Jacobson, D.O.
Richard F. Janego and Debra J. Janego
Donald R. Janower, D.O.
Beverly A. Jarema, D.O.
Gopal Jayaraman and Manimegalai Jayaraman
John A. Jerome, Ph.D. and Jaye L. Hamilton, Ph.D.
Bruce Johnson, D.O., F.A.C.O.I.
Michael J. Jule
Margaret A. Kaatz and Scott S. Kaatz, D.O.
Corinne L. Kage and Larry E. Kage, D.O.
Randy S. Kay, D.O. and Deborah A. Kay, D.O.
Charles E. Kelly and M. Jayne Kelly
Rita R. Khaneja, D.O.
Gregory J. Kilbourn and Deborah A. Kilbourn
Ronald J. Kniffen, Jr.
Colleen K. Kniffen
Donald J. Koepsell, D.O.
Daniel R. Kohler and Janine M. Kohler, D.O.
Jeffrey A. Kommit, D.O. and Jenny Kommit
David H. Kositchek
Robert G. Koski, D.O. and Carolyn Koski
Richard J. Kovan, M.D. and Aimee Kovan
Timothy J. Kowalski, D.O.
Carole C. Kremer, D.O.
Michael G. Krogulecki, D.O. and Lisa S. Krogulecki
Ned D. Krohn and Donna E. Krohn
Robert S. LaFleur, D.O. and Lucy I. LaFleur
Leslie G. Lafer, D.O.
Kenneth W. Lageroos, D.O. and Nancy Lageroos
Patrick Lamberti
Eugene W. Laveroni, Jr. and Gail E. Laveroni
Deborah J. LeVan, D.O. and Ross G. Parker
Mary E. Leach
Isabel Leader
Debora S. Lee, D.O. and Arne Bjerke
Dennis R. Lemanski, D.O.
Lawrence M. Lerman, D.O.
Barton M. Lev, D.O.
Paul W. Lixie and Tracy L. Wyckoff-Lixie, D.O.
Patricia Lloyd Barnas and John E. Barnas
Erica J. Lude, D.O.
David R. Mandy, D.O.
Nathan E. March, D.O. and Anessa Songer, D.O.
Tedd L. March, D.O. and Debra March
Ronald V. Marino, D.O. and Carol L. Marino
Michael Markey and Dena Markey
Lee B. Marshall, D.O.,P.C.
Walter J. Martin and Norean A. Martin
Connie Jo McCarroll, D.O.
Ronald L. Meisel, D.O. and Denise Meisel
Camelia A. Merati, D.O. and Parviz Merati
Andrew W. Messenger, D.O. and Vicki L. Messenger
Joyce E. Michael, D.O. and Michael J. Trumbull
Joseph J. Milauckas, Jr. and Donna Milauckas
John W. Miller
Michael Zaroukian and Barbara Mitchell
J. J. Mittner, D.O. and Cristina L. Torres, D.O.
Dr. Tom Mohr and Dr. Laura Mohr
Charles Mok, D.O.
Janet G. Moore and Eric Moore
John H. Morrison, Jr., D.O., F.A.A.S.M. and
Karen L. Morrison
Cathlyn S. Murphy and John J. Murphy, D.O.
Sam J. Nassar, D.O.
Geralyn E. Navarre
Trinh D. Nguyen, D.O.
Pamela K. Nyquist
Michael I. Opipari, D.O. and Susan E. Opipari
Richard A. Ozog, D.O. and Judith M. Edge, D.O.
Julie A. Packey and Dennis C. Packey, D.O.
Martin W. Palazeti
Elina V. Pales, D.O. and Dmitriy I. Pales, D.O.
Terri L. Palmer and John F. Palmer
Arthur P. Pancioli, D.O. and Ramona R. Pancioli
Michael D. Papenfuse, D.O. and Debrah A. Papenfuse
Dennis M. Paradis and Janet D. Olszewski
Richard A. Pascucci, D.O.
Maria J. Patterson, M.D. and Ronald J. Patterson, Ph.D.
Douglas G. Paulk, D.O. and Heidi Paulk
Mary R. Pell, D.O. and Thomas Pierson
Juan A. Perez, D.O.
Dr. Evangelos A. Petropoulos
Debra L. Peven, D.O.
Dr. E. James and Geri Potchen
Mariette F. Potvin
Kenneth J. Price, D.O. and Tracy J. Price
Ramin Rahimi, D.O.
Donald B. Ramsay, D.O. and Janet Ramsay
Darryl R. Reaume, D.O. and
Kim M. Muster-Reaume, D.O.
Dr. C. A. Reddy and Sasikala Reddy
Michelle J. Reinke-Young, D.O.
Michael J. Renner and Elizabeth A. Renner
Max H. Robins, D.O. and Judith S. Robins
Kevin C. Robinson, D.O. and Kelly R. Robinson
Alma J. Rombouts
Winifred H. Rome
Barnett and Ritta Rosenberg
Jacob J. Rowan, D.O. and Wendy J. Sylvester-Rowan
James E. Rozek and Brenda M. Rozek
Carol L. Sabourin and Patrick J. Sabourin, Ph.D.
Elizabeth A. Sagady, D.O.
Jagneswar Saha, D.O.,Ph.D. and Kamala Saha
Richard L. Sahlhoff
Jayaraj Salimath, D.O. and Sushanta Math
Melvin B. Saltzman, D.O. and Louise F. Saltzman
Dr. John and Gayle Sauchak
George T. Sawabini, D.O. and M J Sawabini
Douglas J. Saylor, M.D. and Diane S. Saylor
Richard H. Schiappacasse, M.D. and
Dee Ann L. Schiappacasse
Eleanor Schillinger and Ernest A. Schillinger
Patricia A. Schmidt, D.O.
Mark P. Schury and Susan L. Schury
Jo Nel Scovel, D.O.
Zafar A. Shamoon, D.O. and Nadia F. Yusaf, M.D.
Thomas D. and Paulette B. Sharkey
Harriet A. Shaw, D.O. and Michael B. Shaw, D.O.
Steven F. Shelden, D.O.
Michael Sherbin, D.O. and Ann Sherbin
Mark D. Sherrard, D.O. and Lisa J. Sherrard
Kenji Shibata, D.O. and Mary VanVooreh, D.P.M.
Janice K. Shimoda, D.O.
Peter K. Shireman and Janice M. Shireman
Dr. Michael and Nena Sikorsky
Patricia P. Simmons and Wendell G. Simmons
Atul Singh, D.O. and Kelly A. Chura-Singh, D.O.
Stephen C. Slajus, D.O. and Elizabeth Slajus
Robert D. Smith, D.O. and Ellen M. Shaw-Smith
Rick Joel Smith, M.D. and Chantelle Smith
Beverly A. Smith and Donald W. Smith, D.O.
Constance Snow
Barbara M. Snyder and Faris P. Atchoo, D.O.
John R. Socey, D.O.
Margaret Sorrel, D.O.
Louis J. Spagnuolo, D.O. and Lucille Spagnuolo
Laura J. Spangler-Rodin and Peter J. Rodin, D.O.
Joan S. Stern
John J. Swienckowski and Carol L. Swienckowski
Sofia M. Syed, D.O.
Gregory A. Szyperski, D.O.
Steven M. Taormina, D.O. and Lisa Taormina
Meghan R. Tappy
Hassan Tavakkoli, D.O. and Zora Tavakkoli
William J. Telford, D.O. and Becki J. Telford
Charles H. Tenner and Ellen Tenner
Richard P. Thiede
Mark B. Trubowitz, D.O.
David R. Tuller, D.O.
Gary Turnquist and Kathleen Turnquist
Chad K. Uptigrove, D.O. and Marla Uptigrove
William Van Zanen
Charles R. Vander Roest, D.O. and Ellen L. Vander Roest
Wilfred L. VanderRoest, D.O. and Caryl L. VanderRoest
Sanford J. Vieder, D.O. and Carol B. Vieder
Marilyn Viera, D.O., M.S.W. and Joseph J. Schuller, Ph.D.
Michael R. Wagner and Debra J. Wagner
Dr. Howard Teitelbaum and Jane Ann Waldron
Shelley L. Watkins and Thomas L. Watkins, D.O.
Donald O. Watson, D.O. and Paula K. Dekeyser, D.O.
Martin Wedgle, D.O. and Kathleen A. Wedgle
Mark B. Wein, D.O. and Tracy Wein
Amy M. Weise, D.O.
Katie and John Welser
Mary A. Werkman, D.O. and J Clarke Anderson
Nan T. Wernette, D.O.
Jordy B. Whalen, D.O. and Karen Caleca-Whalen
Gerald T. White and Vivian B. White
Kevin G. Wietecha, D.O. and Katherine C. Wietecha
Ben A. Williams
Robert A. Wise, M.D. and Beverly F. Wise
Thomas C. Woltanski, D.O.
Honor Roll 11
David J. Woltmann, D.O. and Susan M. Woltmann
Thomas R. Workman and Mary Jo Workman
Joseph H. Wyatt, D.O. and Maxine A. Wyatt
Subramanyam Yadam and Sundaradevi Yadam
Srikala Yedavally-Yellayi, D.O. and Subrahmanya S. Yellayi
Douglas J. Zakolski, D.O. and Sabrina Zakolski
Gary Zamanigian and Mariann Zamanigian
Daryl J. Zelenak, D.O.
Michael E. Zielinski, D.O. and Michelle A. Zielinski
Tariq H. Abdelkarim
Bertha Abramsohn
Julius L. Abramsohn and Charlene B. Abramsohn
Dwight B. Adams
Walter and Pauline Adams
Donald J. Adler, D.O.
Dennis S. Ahmad, D.O.
C. R. Alderdice, D.O. and Carol Alderdice
Anton J. Bahu, D.O.
Derek Bair
Joanne M. Baker, D.O. and Kenneth Baker
Kathy J. Barr
Kenneth C. Beachler
Lloyd Beaudry, D.O.
Mezaan Beljic and Steven Beljic
Alyn L. Benezette, D.O. and Susan K. Benezette
Rexford H. Billings and Shirley M. Billings
Shariff K. Bishai, D.O. and Natalie L. Bishai
John C. Bollman and Karen L. Bollman, D.O.
Amy G. Bolmer, D.O.
Hugh D. Bordinat and Shirley M. Bordinat, Ph.D.
Gary L. Branch, D.O. and Christina Branch
Michael Bratton and Anne M. Schneller
Stanley D. Braun
Adam Brode and Amy Brode
Beth Ann Brooks, M.D.
Judith M. Brown
Donald G. Brunder, Ph.D. and Mary J. Brunder
Roger L. Budzynski and Maxine Budzynski
Donald Bush
David W. Cain, D.O.
Glenn L. Cairns
Lucille I. Carlson
Michael P. Casanova and Lee Ann Casanova
Morton B. Cash, M.D. and Ruth Lee Cash
Carol S. Chen and Kelvin L. Chen, C.F.P.
Veneetha Cherian
Bradley J. Clegg, D.O. and Sandi Clegg
John P. Coleman, D.O. and Joanne A. Coleman
Steven Coleman, D.O.
John J. Collins
Carol and Paul Conn
Marye L. Connaughton
M. Beth Courey
William C. Crafton, D.O. and Mary A. Crafton
Donald J. Cullen and Patricia Cullen
Thomas Cussans and Madonna Cussans
Stephen N. Demeter and Margaret T. Demeter
Nevenka V. Dines
Dr. Kathryn M. Doig and Mr. Richard J. Benson
Nicole E. Dolan, D.O. and Kevin P. Dolan
Carol T. Doser and Craig M. Doser
Patricia L. Dranginis-Shulman, D.O.
Mary L. Dupont
Jean-Claude Dutes, Ph.D.
Paul R. Ehrmann, D.O.,P.C.
Gerald P. Esmer and Lydia M. Esmer
Irwin H. Estrine and Seema L. Estrine
Michael A. Faraone
Adam G. Feinstein, D.O.
Jeremy J. Fischer, D.O. and Carol M. Fischer, D.O.
George B. Fisher III, D.O.
Gary L. Fishman, D.O.
Patricia Fitzpatrick
Jewell A. Flajole and Michael J. Flajole
Jeffrey S. Fountain, D.O. and Kimberly R. Fountain, D.O.
Ann M. Francis
Timothy J. Francisco, D.O.
12 Highlights
Jodi A. Ganley-Mc Agy, D.O. and Donald G. Mc Agy
Lynne P. Garelick and Marvin S. Garelick
Mary K. Geib
Bernadette M. Gendernalik, D.O. and Lawrence A. Gass
Pamela M. Geppert, D.O.
Vera M. Gerhardt
Debra R. and David A. Gift
Michael J. Gilmore, D.O. and Virginia L. Gilmore
William and Melody Glick
Martin Graham and Selma Graham
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Grannell
Richard E. Griffin and Grace D. Griffin
Theresa M. Grover and Thomas F. Grover
Scott R. Gutowski, D.O. and Melissa S. Gutowski
Jeanne M. Haberer, D.O.
Richard Hallgren, Ph.D.
Scott R. Hannum, D.O.
Vickie L. Hansel
Jim and Mary Ann Harkema
Larry D. Hatt and Maxine M. Hatt
Dr. and Mrs. Oliver W. Hayes III
Rebecca L. Hoadley
Morton Hoffman and Aviva Hoffman
Kara J. Hoisington and Timothy Wulff
Carol D. Holm
Emily K. Hurst
Helen B. Irvine
Thomas W. Jenkins, Ph.D. and Helen Jenkins
Christopher J. Johnson, D.O. and Anita Johnson
John R. Johnson, D.O.
Walter C. Johnson, Jr. and Linda M. Johnson
James B. Johnson
Judith A. Joslin-Page, D.O. and David J. Page
Douglas H. Joyce, D.O.
Bessie Kay
Jane A. Kennedy, D.O.
Benedict Y. Kim, D.O.
Jane M. Klaes, D.O.
Dennis C. Knickerbocker
Ronald Koehler, D.O.,Ph.D. and Joyce A. Koehler
Debora S. Kornhauser
Sylvia M. Kosciolek, M.D.
Anita F. Lake
Matthew Thomas Latourette
Brooke L. Lemmen, D.O. and Kurt M. Lemmen
Karen D. Lemon
Paul R. Lessem and Marilyn Lessem
Andrew H. Lewis, D.O.
Chad A. Link, D.O.
Patricia M. LoRusso, D.O.
Honor W. Lofstrom
Catherine T. Loniewski-Girdler, D.O. and Gregory Girdler
Cynthia J. Lund, D.O.
Anne M. Majewski, D.O. and Kyle D. Dybing
Ali F. Maleki
Richard N. Mark, D.O.
Sarah H. Marks
Lucia A. Marshall and W Kirk Marshall
Wendy J. Martin
Mary E. McBride
Jason M. Mchugh, D.O.
Nancy A. Meachum Provan, D.O. and
Christopher N. Provan
Wayne C. Meech, D.O. and Carol Meech
Thomas R. Miller, D.O.
Mark J. Minaudo, D.O.
Courtney Moore
James G. Morgan, D.O.
Thomas Morgan, D.O.
Christine M. Morgan and Jeffrey W. Morgan, D.O.
Darin C. Morse, D.O.
Sally J. Murad-Kejbou, D.O. and Joey P. Kejbou
Jihad A. Mustapha, M.D.
Ukey G. Nance and Dianna Nance
Mark J. Niesen and Jennifer Niesen
Kristina V. Nikolakeas, D.O.
Jeffrey W. Nobis and Alice I. Nobis
Jessica A. Normile, D.O.
Thomas E. Olencki, D.O. and Rebecca S. Olencki
Virginia Olszewski
Leah I. Ording
Selma Orens
Philip C. Paget and Peggy S. Paget
Charles Parrott, D.O.
Briget A. Paulsen, D.O.
Sharon M. Pease and Thomas Pease
Carl M. Pesta, D.O. and Lori L. Pesta
Anthony D. Peters, D.O. and Andrea Peters
Linda M. Powell and Don H. Powell, D.O.
Todd A. Pryor, D.O. and Marie A. Pryor
Jack Rachman and Naomi Rachman
Dilli Ramesh
Donald R. Ransom, D.O. and Barbara A. Ransom
Keith A. Ratner and Andrea L. Ratner
Leisa E. Ratu and Pete Ratu
Craig D. Reed
Carl E. Rehm and Barbara R. Rehm
Daniel G. Reum, D.O. and Jennifer L. Miller, D.O.
Madhvi P. Richards and Ronald D. Richards, Jr.
Reginaldo R. Rodrigues, Jr. and Cynthia C. Rodrigues
Susan E. Roubal, D.O. and Dennis L. Roubal
Karen J. Rubin and William K. Rubin
Karen F. Ryczek
Steven G. Sable, D.O.
Adrienne K. Salm, Ph.D.
Rebecca L. Salvati
Jay H. Sandberg, D.O.
Lewis F. Sandel, M.D. and Sandra Koch
Alex R. Santiago, D.O. and Christina L. Santiago
David D. Sarkarati
Neil L. Schechter, D.O. and Carlota Schechter
Lloyd Schneiderman, D.O. and Maria M. Schneiderman
Madelyn K. Schoen and Donald G. Schoen
John W. Sealey, D.O.
Norman H. Sernick and Shirleyetta Sernick
Alice R. Shanaver, D.O. and Paul Shanaver
Kathleen B. Shapiro
Elizabeth B. Sherman
Marc D. Sibella, D.O. and Maria D. Sibella
John D. Siddall, D.O. and Lorann K. Siddall
Mrs. Louise Siegel
Shirley Siew, M.D.
Mrs. Dorothy M. Silk
Patricia A. Simpson, D.O.
Teresa Sisson
Wayne E. Smith, D.O.
Cheryl L. So and Kester K. So
Judy A. Sorovetz, D.O. and John S. Sorovetz
Chad V. Spawr III and Linda S. Spawr
Gordon and Jane Spink
Thomas J. Stout, D.O. and Judith A. Stout
Kenneth D. Stringer, D.O. and Nancy A. Stringer
Catherine S. Stuart
Clarisa M. Suarez-Miller and Rex A. Miller
Carolyn Suddeth
Liam R. Sullivan, D.O.
Donna S. Suszko-Clamors
Toni L. Thomas
Audrey T. Trainer Puscas, D.O. and Mark S. Puscas, M.D.
Lawrence J. Turek and Sharon A. Turek
Tyrone L. Tvedten, D.O. and Lisa R. Tvedten
James D. Van Popering, D.O. and Nancy J. Redenius
Denise E. VanEtten and Gary Clavette
Eldon Vance, D.O. and Sandi Vance
Marcia L. VanderBroek, D.O. and Kurt R. Young, D.O.
Alex and Toni Vanis
James J. Venier, D.O. and Jane E. Venier
Dennis P. Vollman, D.O. and Rosanne T. Vollman
Deborah B. Wagenaar, D.O. and Larry J. Wagenaar
Edward M. Welch and Rosemary G. Welch
Laurie A. Welton, D.O.
Kim A. Wilcox and Diane Del Buono
Roger and Laura Wilkinson
Keith A. Williams and Mary H. Williams
Malcolm E. Williamson, D.O. and Patricia Williamson
Michael R. Wiltrakis, D.O. and Andrea Wiltrakis
Lori J. Zimmerman, D.O. and Joel Eichenauer
Mark A. Zuzga, D.O.
N e t w o r k
Upcoming Events
October 14-18
ACOI Convention
Tucson, Arizona
Alumni reception on the 15th
November 1-5
Annual Convention
New Orleans, Louisiana
Alumni reception at the
House of Blues on the 2nd at
6:00 p.m.
January 21-24
MAOFP Convention
Bellaire, Michigan
Alumni reception on the 23rd
March 6-13
Seminar in the Sun
Montego Bay, Jamaica
Please keep us informed of recent
moves or changes in your practice.
It is important for college reports,
grant writing, etc., that we have
up-to-date information on
our alumni. Changes to your
information can be made on
the MSUCOM website under the
alumni section or by calling
(877) 853-3448.
MSUCOM Alumni Office
A310 E. Fee Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 432-4979 or
toll free (877) 853-3448
email: kim.camp@hc.msu.edu
Tony Ognjan (‘83), Sharon Rouse (’99), Rosemarie Tolson (’99), Jaime Halverson (’99),
James Ranta (’84), Lori Dillard (’99), Gene Kielhorn (’80), Chris Schnurer (’86), Sparty,
Ron Miller (’84), Earl Burhans (’84), William Kokx (’84), Gary Willyerd (’78),
Ken Stringer (’74), Mary Ann Skiba (’79), Mary Louder (’93)
Silverfest Tailgate
A roaring crowd of alumni, faculty, staff and friends, joined MSUCOM
for the tailgate before the MSU vs. Central Michigan football game on
September 12 as part of the college’s Silverfest weekend. MSU President
Lou Anna Simon visited with participants, as well as a contingent of
musicians playing Spartan music. And what tailgate is complete without
Sparty appearing shortly before the game for photo opportunities and to fire
everyone up before the matchup?
Perfect golfing
weather awaited this
year’s participants
of the Osteopathic
Open as they teed
off at Eagle Eye Golf
Course in Bath, MI. The
tournament is an annual
fundraiser to benefit
MSUCOM student loan
Classmates from ‘89 included Keith Bellovich, Geron Turke,
funds, educational
Joe Naughton, John Sauchak, Richard Shellenberger,
improvement and the
Mike Vredenburg
Association. This
putt and longest drive, while
year 136 participants
reconnecting with fellow alumni
competed for a variety of prizes,
and friends of the college.
including having the longest
Alumni Network 13
A Public Plan:
To Be or Not to Be?
By Dennis Paradis, M.P.H., former Executive Director
Class of ‘84: Back row: Bartley Yee, Arthur Weaver, Galen Ebert, Dan Reum, Jim Ranta, Mike Zielinski, Mark Povich, William Kokx, Front Row:
Janis Saunders, Al Capilli, Bill Falls, Ron Miller, Mark Guilfoyle, Toula Guilfoyle, Tom O’Neil, Lisa O’Neil, Margaret McKeough-Nemes, Jennifer Miller
Silverfest Reception
With alumni crowded together around old
yearbooks and exchanging stories, this year’s
Silverfest reception brought former classmates
together from coast to coast. Senior Associate Dean
Donald Sefcik and Alumni Association President
Steve Dupuis welcomed the more than 150 attendees
to the celebration. The reception was held at the East
Lansing Marriott in East Lansing, Michigan - the day
before the MSU vs. Central Michigan football game
and the MSUCOM pre-game tailgate.
As Congress wrestles with the
creation of a national health care
policy, the issue of a “public option”
has become one of the major sticking
points in the discussion. Liberals argue
that the most cost-efficient health care
delivery system would be a singlepayer, public plan similar to Canada
and Great Britain. Conservatives argue
that we should rely on competition in
a free market health insurance system.
In fact, reliance on either free
market health insurance or a
government-controlled public plan
is a scary proposition. For-profit
health insurance companies operate
with a medical loss ratio as low as 55
percent. This means that only 55 cents
of every premium dollar is used for
health care services. The remaining
45 cents is used for administration,
advertising, reserves and profit.
Moreover, health insurers routinely
establish idiosyncratic policies and
billing practices which dramatically
increase costs to health care providers.
Nonetheless, when the call goes out
for health care cost containment,
the cutbacks fall on the backs of
the providers, not the insurance
Government, on the other hand,
runs an extremely efficient health
insurance program. Medicare is
reputed to spend only four cents
of every dollar for administration.
However, government also has a 40year history of ignoring economic
reality. When government perceives
health care costs to be too high, they
simply pay providers less. Michigan’s
Medicaid program pays physicians
approximately 50 percent of what the
federal government has determined
to be the cost of physician care and
is currently discussing an 8 percent
reduction in physician payment for
the coming fiscal year. Medicare has
adopted the Sustainable Growth Rate,
which is based on what the federal
government wants to pay doctors and
is unrelated to the cost of providing
care. The result is a health care
delivery system in which primary care
service is grossly underfunded and is
scheduled to be cut by 30 percent in
October 2009.
Health insurance reform. The
challenge will be to create a health
care system that is protected from
the avarice of insurance companies
and the “fantasyland” assumptions of
government programs.
Class of ‘79: Gene Kielhorn, John Meulendyk, Janice Rock, Susan Rice,
Mary Ann Skiba, Carol Monson. Front Row: Jim Balger, Don Hillman
MSU + Sports = MSUCOM
I admit that
I am a major
Spartan sports
fan. During my
first weekend
on the MSU
campus I saw
Hugh “Duffy”
Daugherty’s last
game against
Notre Dame
at Spartan
Stadium. Duffy
jokingly told the press that he might
start the game out with an onside kick.
Imagine the shock in the stadium when
he did just that and went on to win the
14 Alumni Network
Fast forward 30 years, when I
returned to campus as an MSUCOM
faculty member. On my first day, I had
the good fortune to have Lynn Brumm,
D.O., as my mentor. Brumm was then
a professor emeritus and had been an
OMT consultant for the MSU athletic
department for more than 20 years.
I loved his stories about how he and
Drs. Phil Greenman and Lon Hoover
convinced the athletic department
that OMT was not only therapeutic,
but also injury preventive. During
the football and basketball seasons,
they depended on MSUCOM faculty
to provide OMT to their elite athletes.
Brumm and I would regularly go to
the training rooms to work on them.
We were greeted with appreciation
for what osteopathic manipulative
medicine was doing for their teams.
What I heard and saw from Brumm
was how OMT could prevent a number
of musculoskeletal issues. Based on his
observations, we mobilized an army of
MSUCOM students trained in a very
specific treatment protocol to do the
first longitudinal OMT stress fracture
study. So I can safely say that MSU +
Sports = MSUCOM!
Steven Dupuis, D.O., president,
MSUCOM Alumni Association
Board of Directors
MOA “Step it Up” 5K
Philip Incarnati, Michael Faas, Lucille Spagnuolo, and Dr. Floyd Stevens
Patenge Awards
Four outstanding persons received the college’s highest honor: the Walter F.
Patenge Medal of Public Service. Those who were honored on May 21 include
Michael D. Faas, M.A., president and chief executive officer of Metro Health
Hospital in Wyoming; Philip A. Incarnati, president and chief executive officer of
McLaren Health Care Corporation; Louis J. Spagnuolo, D.O., a surgeon at Botsford
Hospital (posthumously); and Floyd C. Stevens, Jr., D.O., a family practitioner and
osteopathic educator from Auburn.
The Walter F. Patenge Medal is awarded to individuals for osteopathic
medical practice exemplifying the best tradition of family medicine, osteopathic
hospital administration exemplifying the best tradition of humane, concerned
administration and public involvement, and for public policy leadership
exemplifying the best tradition of democratic concern for the public good and
public welfare.
As part of its commitment
toward promoting healthier
lifestyles among D.O.s, the
Michigan Osteopathic Association
(MOA) held its annual 5K run/
walk in conjunction with the
MOA convention in May. Winners
included MSUCOM ’89 alumnus
Ken Price (1st place, men’s run),
’90 alumnus Jeff The (3rd place,
men’s run), ’04 alumna Mia
Taormina (3rd place, women’s
run), and ’92 alumna Sheri Ewing
(5K walk winner).
MOA 15
Benefitting from Team Giving
by Craig Reed
Allen W. Jacobs had a strong
interest in sports and, during
his time as dean of MSUCOM,
he worked to give osteopathic
medicine a place in the care of
athletes. After his unexpected
death in 2001, donors pooled
their resources to create the Allen
W. Jacobs, D.O., Ph.D., Memorial
Scholarship to help those who
shared his interest in treating sports
“Receiving the scholarship meant
a lot to me. It was an honor to be
recognized by faculty for the hard
work I had put in during my four
years of medical school,” said ’05
alumnus Nathanael Brady, the
second recipient of the Jacobs
scholarship. “I was active in the
Student Osteopathic Association of
Sports Medicine (SOASM) when I
was going to MSUCOM. I’ve always
had an interest in pediatrics as
well, so I became involved in doing
sports physicals and later helping
adolescent athletes control their
asthma so they could continue
to play the sports they enjoy. I
eventually chose to focus on asthma
and allergies as a fellow, but I
continue to use my skills to help
kids stay active.”
For ’06 alumna Brooke Lemmen,
the scholarship has given her a
connection to someone with a
similar passion. “I never got to meet
Dean Jacobs. Ironically, he died the
day before I was interviewed by
the admissions committee,” said
Lemmen. “I wish I had a chance to
meet him. We had a lot in common.
I just started my sports medicine
fellowship this summer. I had been
dreaming of this opportunity since
I was an undergraduate. Being a
recipient of the Jacobs scholarship
was one step in the process of
fulfilling a dream I’ve had for
more than nine years – to make a
difference in athletes’ careers and to
help them play the best they can in
sports they love.”
American College of Osteopathic Internists (ACOI) Annual Convention – Tucson, Arizona. Alumni reception on
the 15th.
CME: “Craniosacral Techniques: Part 2” – 40 hours of Category 1A credit. East Fee Hall, MSU campus. Early bird
tuition is $1300; full tuition is $1500; repeat tuition is $1125. Chairperson is Barbara Briner, D.O. Contact Jan
Falls or Meghan Tappy at (517) 353-9714 or fallsj@msu.edu.
CME: “Integrated Neuromuscular and Myofascial Release” – 20 hours of Category 1A credit. East Fee Hall, MSU
campus. Early bird tuition is $550; full tuition is $750. Chairperson is Lisa DeStefano, D.O. Contact Jan Falls or
Meghan Tappy at (517) 353-9714 or fallsj@msu.edu.
Brooke Lemmen
CME: “Exercise Prescription as a Complement to Manual Medicine” – 32 hours of Category 1A credit. East Fee
Hall, MSU campus. Early bird tuition is $950; full tuition is $1150; repeat tuition is $862. Chairpersons are Lisa
DeStefano, D.O., and Mark Bookhout, P.T. Contact Jan Falls or Meghan Tappy at (517) 353-9714 or
Nathanael Brady
CME: “Direct Action Thrust: Mobilization with Impulse” – 32 hours of Category 1A credit. East Fee Hall, MSU
campus. Early bird tuition is $950; full tuition is $1150; repeat tuition is $862. Chairperson is Carl Steele, D.O.
Contact Jan Falls or Meghan Tappy at (517) 353-9714 or fallsj@msu.edu.
Martha Ribbens
CME: “A Cornucopia of Primary Care: Come Harvest New Ideas” – 6 hours of Category 1A credit. Macomb
University Center, Clinton Township, Michigan. Early bird tuition is $100; full tuition is $150. Chairperson is Kari
Hortos, D.O. Contact Jan Falls or Meghan Tappy at (517) 353-9714 or fallsj@msu.edu.
A Foundation of Quality
by Craig Reed
The underpinnings of the Statewide
Campus System (SCS) are the staff
who diligently work to keep each part
of it running as a well-oiled machine.
One such individual is Martha Ribbens,
this year’s recipient of MSUCOM’s
16 Development - Staff Matters
American Osteopathic Association and American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians 114th Annual
Convention - New Orleans, Louisiana. Alumni reception at the House of Blues on the 2nd at 6:00 p.m.
CME: “2009 Symposium for Primary Care Medicine” – 18 hours of Category 1A credit. Sheraton Detroit Novi
Hotel, Novi, MI. For more information, visit www.botsford.org/physicians.
staff matters
Staff Excellence Award.
“It was a shock to
be recognized in this
way,” said Ribbens.
“It’s a big honor. There
are so many people
who deserve this, so I
feel I’m receiving it on
behalf of all the staff.”
Ribbens started
working at SCS in
1996. “As part of SCS, I collect and
maintain data on the nearly 1,400
trainees and the 207 programs they
are in across the 30 hospitals in the
Statewide Campus System. I monitor
each person’s training from internship
to the end of their residency. Those
data are then reported to the
CME: “Cardiology Update 2009” – 8 hours of Category 1A credit. Marriott, East Lansing, MI. Chairperson is
David Strobl, D.O. Contact Jan Falls or Meghan Tappy at (517) 353-9714 or fallsj@msu.edu.
American Osteopathic Association
and become part of their permanent
training record,” said Ribbens.
Ribbens is also responsible for the
human resources activities for SCS,
serves on the SCS Governing Board
and SCS Membership Committee,
tracks each of the 207 programs
accreditation and size, and produces
the SCS Newsletter.
“My personal physician has always
been a D.O., even as a child,” said
Ribbens. “Working for MSUCOM just
seemed a natural fit and a way to
give back. We have such a wonderful
team at SCS and MSUCOM. It is very
rewarding and a privilege to work with
each and every one of them.”
CME: “Principles of Manual Medicine” – 36 hours of Category 1A credit. East Fee Hall, MSU campus. Early bird
tuition is $1200; full tuition is $1400. Chairperson is Sherman Gorbis, D.O. Contact Jan Falls or Meghan Tappy
at (517) 353-9714 or fallsj@msu.edu.
Michigan Association of Osteopathic Family Physicians Convention – Bellaire, MI – Alumni reception on the
4, 11, 18, 25
“Slavery to Freedom: An American Odyssey” – Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center, East Lansing. Every
Thursday in February, distinguished educators visit MSU to discuss African-American history and culture.
MOCF Ball: “Puttin’ on the Glitz” – Annual fundraiser for the Michigan Osteopathic College Foundation. Net
proceeds benefit educational programs and student scholarships at MSUCOM; Ritz-Carlton, Dearborn, MI.
Contact Colleen Kniffen at (517) 355-9616 or kniffen@msu.edu
For a complete listing of MSUCOM events
check out our Web calendar: www.com.msu.edu and click on “Calendar”
Calendar of Events 17
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A growing
interest to better
injuries has
spurred a variety
of research at
Treating athletes
both at MSU
and in the
community is
a strength of
Healthy Lifestyle and Preventive Care:
Future Directions
March 6-13, 2010
Grand Palladium Lady Hamilton Resort
featuring a 20-hour AOA Category IA CME Course
Contact MSUCOM: (517) 432-4979, Toll free (877) 853-3448, e-mail: kim.camp@hc.msu.edu
congratulates the
graduates from the
Class of 2009