Hastings Alumni Bulletin Vol. VII, No.2 (1966)
Hastings Alumni Bulletin Vol. VII, No.2 (1966)
UC Hastings Scholarship Repository UC Hastings Magazine UC Hastings Archives and History 1966 Hastings Alumni Bulletin Vol. VII, No.2 (1966) Hastings College of the Law Alumni Association Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.uchastings.edu/alumni_mag Recommended Citation Hastings College of the Law Alumni Association, "Hastings Alumni Bulletin Vol. VII, No.2 (1966)" (1966). UC Hastings Magazine. Book 28. http://repository.uchastings.edu/alumni_mag/28 This is brought to you for free and open access by the UC Hastings Archives and History at UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in UC Hastings Magazine by an authorized administrator of UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact marcusc@uchastings.edu. VOL. VII, NO. 2. SEPTEMBER 1966 HOW THE NEW HASTINGS WILL LOOK In the right front of the photograph is the present building on McAllister Street. Behind it, in the left rear, is the proposed new addition at Hyde Street and Golden Gate Avenue, the present location of the Iris Hotel. (The square building in the right rear is the KGO-TV Building.) The University has already acquired the site of the new addition, and authorized work plans which include the model pictured above. Construction should begin in July, 1967 and should be completed in July, 1969. The total expenditure of two and one-half million dollars will double the present space of the College. Part of the funds will be made available from the bonds proposed by Proposition No. 2. on the November ballot. HASTINGS ALUMNI BULLETIN published by HASTINGS COLLEGE OF THE LAW ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 198 McAllister Street San Francisco 2, California OFFICERS HON. JOHN W. PRESTON, JR., . President ROBERT T. ADAMS... . . .. Vice-President HAROLD S. DOBBS... . .. Vice-President MARTIN E. FIELD.Vice-President BEN K. LERERV. ..... Vice-President KNEELAND H. LOBNER . Vice-President HENRY C. KRIVETSKY Vice-President and Secretary RAYMOND L. HANSON ...... Treasurer BOARD OF GOVERNORS HON. STANLEY ARNOLD ROBERT S. CROSSLAND MYRON E. ETIENNE, JR. EUGENE L. FREELAND ELIZABETH L. McGILVRAY CARL B. METOYER HOWARD J. PRIVETT CHARLES A. RUMMEL HON. ALAN B. SHORT GERALD W. STUTSMAN BULLETIN STAFF HENRY C. KRIVETSKY, Editor DOUGLAS T. Y. LEE JEROME MARKS ALBERT F. PAGNI STUDENT RESEARCH AT YOUR SERVICE A campaign has been started to market a new service-the Hastings Research Pool. This pool provides temporary student research assistance to local law firms at a $3.00 hourly rate. The pool is explained in a letter recently sent to many San Francisco firms and available upon request. The first research pool jobs have been filled with the firms of Velasquez & McCready by Miss Joanne Condas, and with O'Gara & O'Gara by Brian Ogden. Letters were also sent to the presidents of all local bar associations explaining the new placement program and exploring the possibility of promoting it through a student guest speaker at one of the fall luncheon meetings. Mr. E. Warren McGuire has confirmed a student appearance at the October meeting of the Marin County Bar Association, and similar plans are pending with Mr. David Wendel of the Alameda County Bar Association. HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL CAN HELP YOU! Volume 12 started a new look by devoting each issue to a legal problem of particular interest to California lawyers. Now you can refer to one issue of the Journal and find the latest analysis of the current problems within the field of your interest. Volume 17 contained over 800 pages of text. Topics to be covered by Volume 18: Evidence, Trusts & Wills, Tenant & Landlord, Admiralty. Orders may be placed with The Hastings Lw Journal, 198 McAllister Street, San Francisco, California 94102. ACTION ON JOBS, PARTIES, PLACEMENT On May 6, 1966, at the Tahoe Alumni Center the Board of Governors of the Association held a meeting and, in addition to other business, took the following action: * Appointed a committee to sponsor cocktail parties in Los Angeles and San Francisco in January of each year for new alumni admittees to the bar (Jerome Marks, '64 was appointed chairman). * Recommended changes in the Constitution whereby the graduating president of the Associated Students would become an ex-officio member of the Board of Governors. (See page 5.) * Appropriated $900.00 to establish a pilot job placement solicitation program for the summer of 1966. (See other stories on this page.) * Reviewed an application for a $5000.00 grant for scholarships made to the James Irvine Foundation. 40 FIRM INTERVIEWS FOR FALL CAROLE KORNBLUM Carole Kornblum, 23, a second year student at Hastings, was selected to organize the new Student Placement Program. Throughout the summer, she has been contacting the larger law firms throughout the state, both by phone and by letter, to introduce the new Program and to encourage more law firms to interview Hastings students. The Program has been in operation since June 20 and as a result, fall interviews for summer clerkships and permanent placement have already been scheduled with more than 25 firms. Mrs. Kornblum is the daughter of Herbert Ritts and Mrs. Evan Thomas of Los Angeles. She attended UCLA, where she participated in the Education Abroad Program as a junior student at the Universite de Bordeaux in France. She received her B.A. in Political Science with Honors in 1964, and she completed two years at Hastings. This fall, Mrs. Kornblum will transfer to the University of Indiana Law School extension in Indianapolis where her husband, Guy 0. Kornblum, '66, will be practicing. Hastings' new Student Placement Program has been in operation since June 20 and has shown most encouraging results. The program has been run during the summer by a Hastings second year student, Mrs. Carole Kornblum, under the direction of Assistant Dean Marvin J. Anderson, and has sought to elicit greater participation in the various placement services offered by Hastings. Early in the summer a placement letter, bulletin and return post card were mailed to some 300 law firms, judges and government offices throughout the state of California. The mailing was followed up by personal phone calls to the hiring partners of 75 law firms in the Bay Area. To date, more than forty firms and agencies have bury, Madison & Sutro; Schofield, Hanson, arranged for fall interviews with second Bridgett, Marcus & Jenkins; Thelen, Marand third year Hastings students. Inter- rin Johnson & Bridges; Walkup, Downing, views will be conducted for the positions Wallach & Sterns. of summer clerkship, and part-time fall From Oakland: Donahue, Richards & law clerk, as well as for permanent hiring. Gallagher; Stark & Champlin. The following firms will participate in the From Hollister: Wycoff, Parker, Boyle program: & Pope. From San Francisco:Allan, Miller, GroeFrom Santa Barbara:Archbald, Zelezny zinger, Keesling & Martin; Bacigalupi, El- & Spray; Price, Postel & Parma. kus, Salinger & Rosenberg; Bancroft, AvFrom Los Angeles: Buchalter, Nemer, ery & McAlister; Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison; Chickering & Gregory; Cooley, Fields& Savitch; Burris & Lagerlof; ChrisCrowley, Gaither, Godward, Castro & Hud- tie, Parker & Hale (Pasadena) ; Gendel, dleson; Dinkelspiel & Dinkelspiel; Philip Raskoff, Shapiro & Quittner; Jordan, S. Erlich, Jr.; Elke, Farella, Braun & Mar- Dodge, Kemble & Loveridge (Santa Ana); tel; Graham, James & Rolph; Heller, Ehr- Kindel & Anderson (Santa Ana) ; Loeb & man, White & McAuliffe; Jacobs & Mush- Loeb; Shell & Dalamer; Walker, Wright, rush; Lillick, Geary, Wheat, Adams & Tyler & Ward. Judges: Honorable Richard M. Sims, Jr., Charles; Long & Levit; Morrison, FoerFirst District Court of Appeal. ster, Holloway, Clinton & Clark; O'Gara & O'Gara; Orrick, Dahlquist, Herrington Federal: Federal Bureau of Investiga& Sutcliffe; Peart, Baraty & Hassard; Pills- tion; Navy Office of Counsel General. '66 HASTINGS' FACULTY POSES FOR A RARE PICTURE Standing (left to right): David L. Moore, George Neff Stevens, Norman T. Lattin, Stephen R. Curtis, Richard V. Carpenter, Ralph A. Newman, Edgar J. Braun, Jack H. Werchick. Seated (clockwise, beginning in the lower left corner): J. Warren Madden, William Wirt Blume, Robert R. B. Powell, Rollin M. Perkins, George E. Osborne, Richard B. Amandes, Arthur M. Sammis, Brook Cox, Roscoe T. Steffen, Lewis M. Simes, Frederick J. Moreau, Marvin J. Anderson. Missing: Rudolph Nottelmann, William L. Prosser, Clarence M. Updegraff, Paul E. Basye, Paul E. Anderson, Keith R. Ferguson, James R. Frolik, Thomas H. Rothwell. A Woman in Hastings' Life SAMMIS CASEBOOK PUBLISHED A case book, California Community Property, written by Dean Sammis and Professor Harold E. Verroll, was published in May of this year. . . The Ameri- can Law Institute named four Hastings' Professors to life membership: Everett Fraser, Judge Warren Madden, Rollin M. Perkins, and Richard R. Powell.. . NEW HASTINGS RETURNS TO OLD HASTINGS Harry H. Hastings, the great-grandson of S. Clinton Hastings, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of California and the founder of the College, was elected to the Board of Directors of the College. The new director lives in Hillsborough and operates a thoroughbred breeding farm near Pescadero in San Mateo County. He is a director of the Santa Marguarita Land & Cattle Company and the Reis Estate Company. AMANDES GOES, MUNSTER COMES Richard Amandes, '53, associate dean at Hastings has been named Dean of Texas Tech's new law school. Coming to Hastings this fall to assist Dean Sammis and Assistant Dean Anderson is the new assistant dean, Joe H. Munster, Jr., formerly professor of law at Western Reserve University. A new name was added to the Hastings' faculty as of July 1, 1966. The event will be unique in two important respects: Not only does the new law professor fail to come within the provisions of the "Over 65 Club" (and by a long shot) but establishes an entirely new category. Renee Rubin will be the first lady appointed to that august body. A new Yorker by birth, Renee spent her early years in Southern California. Following graduation from high school in Pasadena, she entered the University of California at Berkeley and received (at age 19) her Bachelor of Arts degree, with a major in Criminalistics. The subject fascinated her to such an extent that she continued on into graduate school, becoming the first woman to receive a Master of Criminology degree from U.C. Ren6e does not believe in permitting grass to grow under her five feet ten and one-half inches: Following receipt of her M. CRIM. degree on a fine June Saturday, 2d Lt. Rene Rubin reported the next day for active duty at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas (having been sworn in as an Air Force officer the previous February), and eventually was sent to Europe. When the Air Force initiated an ROTC program for women, Renee was one of ten female Air Force officers assigned to this duty. She was stationed at the Pennsylvania State University where she instructed far more men than women-to everybody's delight! At the completion of her ROTC tour, she returned to Lackland Air Force Base to help organize a new Air Force Officers Training School. She served there as Chief of both the Effective Communication and WAF Officer Development Branches. Resigning as a regular Air Force officer in order to enter law school, Miss Rubin spent the next three years at Hastings in diligent pursuit of THE LAW. Since admission to the California Bar in 1964, she has been the Extraordinary Writ Clerk, District Court of Appeal, First Appellate District. As in all her previous endeavors, Renee has distinguished herself in this important assignment. As of July 1st, she assumed her new duties as Assistant Professor of Law at Hastings, teaching a Second Year course in Legal Research and Writing. Condensed from an article by Marjorie Childs in the "Brief Case" NEVADA NOTES by Albert F. Pagni, '64 B. BADT, '09, Nevada Supreme MILTON 1200 WATCH 257 GRADUATE Hastings College of the Law held its third "unofficial" graduation exercises on Friday, June 10, 1966 in the Grand Ballroom of the San Francisco Hilton Hotel. The impressive ceremonies in which 257 graduates were hooded and received a warm handshake from the Dean of the College, Arthur M. Sammis, in the presence of some 1200 friends, family and guests was a most impressive occasion. The commencement address was given by Dr. Allen F. Smith, the former Dean of the University School of Law and now the Vice President of the University of Michigan. The Valedictorian's address was given by Robert W. Crabtree, who ranked number one in a class of 257 graduates. Mr. Crabtree is from Modesto, California. The graduation banquet following the exercises was also held at the Grand Central Ballroom of the Hilton Hotel. Profes- sor Richard Powell, a distinguished member of the Sixty-five Club, was the Master of Ceremonies. The Honorable John Preston, Judge of the Superior Court in Los Angeles and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Alumni Association, welcomed the new graduates into the growing alumni family. Dean Sammis granted the PH.T. (Putting Hubby Through) to the wives of the Class of '66. The attendance of the Class of '66 at the formal University of California graduation exercises at Berkeley the next Saturday morning was particularly gratifying to Dean Sammis and Assistant Dean Anderson. They noted that the Hastings contingent was much more impressive in size and in enthusiasm than the country cousins from Strawberry Canyon. This did not escape the notice of several of the University officials. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS OF THE HASTINGS COLLEGE OF THE LAW ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The following proposal revisions will be submitted to the annual membership meeting, 12:00 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21, 1966 at the Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, Calif.: FIRST, RESOLVED: Article IX of the By-Laws shall be amended by adding the following words: "Eight (8) members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board of Governors of the Association." SECOND, RESOLVED: Article IV (1) of the Constitution of the Hastings College of the Law Alumni Association shall be amended by striking the present words and substituting the following: "Government and management of the Association shall be confined to twentythree of its members, who shall be known as the Board of Governors. Twenty of the Board of Governors shall be elected for a term of two years by the membership as set forth in Section (3) below. The terms of half of the elected Board of Governors shall expire in odd numbered years; and the terms of the remaining half shall expire in even numbered years. "The following shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Governors for a term of one year, with one vote: the member of the last graduating class of the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, who was president of the Associated Students of Hastings or a member of that class appointed by him; the last president of the Association and the second last president of the Association. "The officers of the Association shall be a president, six (6) vice-presidents, a secretary and a treasurer. These officers shall be elected by the Board of Governors from among their members and shall hold office for the term of one (1) year from the date of their election or until their successors shall have been elected and qualified." Court Justice for 19 years and one of the state's great legal scholars, died on April 2, 1966. Respected as one of the most learned jurists of the west, Judge Badt in 1963 was given a citation as Hastings Alumnus of the year... SAMUEL B. FRANCOVICH, '49, in a recent criminal case in Washoe County, raised the somewhat unique defense that his clients were wrongly charged for burglary of a Reno store where they were caught, since it was obvious that they had actually intended to enter the jewelry store next door ... RICHARD H. BRYAN'S, '63, fear of securing paying clients was resolved when the Clark County Commissioners named him as the state's first Public Defender, a post created to represent persons unable to pay for legal counsel. Bryan was formerly a defender of the peace with the Clark County District Attorney's office ... Joining ROBERT PETRONI, '62, in the District Attorney's office of Clark County, is classmate JAMES SANTINI, '62, after a lengthy vacation in sunny Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Also touring the Northwest at the expense of others is GEORGE ALLISON, '63, now living at Fort Lewis, Washington ... The show must go on ordered Judge JOHN GABRIELLI, '49, when he issued an injunction prohibiting the musicians in Reno and Lake Tahoe from going on strike over the Memorial Day week-end. But the Nevada Supreme Court directed that the show was over when the Ormsby County District Attorney, THEODORE STOKES, '57, with the able assistance of Viet Nam War Correspondent, ROBERT LIST, '62, sought to have the Grand Jury impaneled to investigate the State Highway Department. Reading from a new script, Washoe County District Attorney, WILLIAM J. RAGGIO, '51, appealed to the Supreme Court and was awarded an Oscar for his outstanding performance in Grand Juries in State Mental Hospitals... A well marinated little mouse in a bottle of Squirt did not die in vain, argued WILLIAM HAMMERSMITH, '48, to the jury and Washoe County District Judge JoHN BARRETT, '49, shortly before a favorable verdict was returned for his client. However, the jury told VIRGIL BUCCHIANIERI'S, '63, client that he could not claim "treasure trove" when he found a grasshopper in a can of beans in a recent case before Ormsby County District Judge FRANK GREGORY, '29, in spite of the fact that the packer's attorney, ALBERT F. PAGNI, '64, was making no claims of ownership. . . Political observers have noted that Hastings Law Alumni are seeking political positions in the forthcoming election - among those - Continued on page five - CONTRIBUTORS TO SNODGRASS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND if you have not yet contributed you may do so by addressing check to the Snodgrass Memorial Scholarship Fund, 198 McAllister Street, San Francisco, California. Robert Adams, Richard B. Amandes, Paul E. Anderson, ArRaymond J. Arata, Herbert D. Armstrong, Stanley C. nold, Samuel Axtell, Clement W. Ausman, James George 0. Bachman, Edward S. Bades, Milton B. Badt,Gus BarL. Bahrs, James R. Bancroft, R. K. Banows, Benaty, Charles V. & Thomas J. Barfield, Eugene D.Bondnett, A. Brooks Berlin, Louis L. Bernheim, Rolf A. R. elie, Bornemeier & Kurtiff, John S. Bradway, Bray, Leila V. Bray, Valentine Brooks, Jos. McNeil Brower, Louis Bularky, A. M. Burlet, William Chow, Frank W. Clark, Jr., Class of 1931, Class of 1963, Thomas Coabley, Keating Coffey, Edward E. Colby, James B. Corisor, Judson Crane, C. L. Cummins, Robert Davis, L. H. DeLap, Henry Dietz, Edward M. Digardi, Harold S. Dobbs, Dorsey K. Dwelle, Daniel J. Dykstra, James S. Eddy, Florence H. Ehrman, Sidney M. Ehrman, Chas. Elkus, Jr., Robert R. Elledge, Byron K. Elliott, John W. Ervin, Myron E. Etienne, Joseph P. Fallon, John J. Ferdon, Martin E. Field, Charles W. Fisher, James Fortino, Everett Fraser, Eugene Freeland, Samuel Friedman, M. D. Fuller, Joseph Gallan, Dorothy A. Geary, George W. Goble, Bert I. Graves, Raymond J. Gualco, Nathan Guthertz, Martin W. Haley, Raymond L. Hanson, Artemus W. Harr, Jr., Robert W. Harrison, Lewis N. Hawkins, Emmet B. Hayes, Archie Hefner, Winifred R. Hepperle, Ingemar Hoberg, W. R. Holcomb, Daniel W. Hone, Jack M. Howard, J. Albert Hutchison, Alvin P. Jackson, Edward N. Jackson, Jay Jackson, Max K. Jamison, John J. Kas, Donald G. Kendall, S. Kido, Floyd H. King, W. Knapp, John Knowles, John T. Knox, Robert B. Kutz, Kneeland H. Labner, John Langer, Keith Lyde & Raymond Leonard, Ben K. Lerer, Mildred W. Levin, Jerome R. Lewis, Lawrence Livingston, Kneeland H. Lobner, E. Frandsen Loomis, Charles A. Loring, Louis Lurie, Elmer L. Machado, Lee A. MacNicol, J. W. Madden, Doris Maier, Harry Margolis, Max H. Margolis, Eva Markus Foundation, Roy C. Markus, Charles Mayer, James H. McAlister, Dorothea M. McVay, E. L. Means, A. John Merlo, William C. Meux, James Michael, James A. Miller, Norman Miller, Edwin S. Moore, Wilson C. Moore, Jr., George W. Murphy, James Nasser, Guy B. Nayler, Ben E. Nordman, Rudolph Nottelmann, Judge W. A. O'Brien, John F. O'Hara, Andrew D. Orrick, A. Donham Owen, Clarence E. Patty, Rollin Perkins, Phi Delta Phi, Miles N. Pike, Georgson Price, Grayson Price, William L. Prosser, Stanley Pugh, J. N. Radil, Crossland, Richardson, John H. Riordan, Alec E. Roberts, Claude N. Rosenberg, Walter Rountree, Barry J. Rubin, Thomas C. Ryan, Jerome Sack, Tessing Salov, Arthur M. Sammis, William C. Sanford, Jerome Sapiro, George Saxne, Andrew R. Schotthy, Jr., George N. Shield, Daniel R. Shoemaker, Mr & Mrs. Lewis M. Simes, Edgar Sinton, Edith Slack, John H. Smissaert, Rear Admiral & Mrs. W. 0. Spears, Jerry L. Stanley, Jesse H. Steinhart, George N. Stevens, John Stone, Gerald W. Stutsman, Harry B. Swanson, Frank & Russell P. Taft, Henry Taketa, Benjamin M. Tashiro, Heber Teerlink, Charles E. Townsend, Jr., Stephen S. Townsend, James B. Tulley, Wayne Veatch, Fred C. Vogel, Richard Walden, William R. Wallace, Thomas Wailner, Robert L. Ward, Irwin Warsaw, Stanford A. Waugh, Laurence Wayte, Sidney L. Weinstock, Olga Wellman, Richard J. Werthimer, John A. White, Gordon Wild, Philip C. Wilkins, Edgar Wilson, Herbert S. Woodward, Young, Ralvenavirtz & Chontean, Judge Edgar T. Zook. Alumni News: BARBER UP; KIMURA RUNS ROBERT K. BARBER, '48 was elevated from the Oakland -Piedmont Municipal Court to the Alameda County Superior Court ... In Hawaii SHUNICHI KIMURA, '61 was up for re-election for the position of County Chairman of (Mayor) Big Island of Hawaii; and EUGENE K. H. LUM, a Bank of Hawaii attorney, is the Republican candidate for the State House of Representatives from the 12th District & Berger, which includes CHARLES P. MOLINARI, '36 has moved its offices to 595 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco . .. SIDNEY M. EHRMAN, '98, has do- nated a Tottel's Edition of Bracton, "De Legibus Anglise" (1569) to the College library ... ROBERT E. CARLSON, '58, has formed a new firm, Agnew, Miller and Carlson, Suite 709, Western Federal Building, 606 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, California, 90014... BEN K. LERER, '33, has been elected President of the San Francisco Branch of the American Cancer Society. . . ALAN W. FORD, '51, is now Secretary for Political Affairs in the American Embassy in Rome, Italy . . . William Kiriakis, '60 is a member of a new partnership, Kiriakis and Sullivan, 445 Sutter St., San Francisco . The following members of the Class of 1966 have been elected to the ORDER OF THE COIF. Robert Crabtree, Gary Anderson, George Nock, Griffith Humphrey, Emmett Harrington, John Lewis, Guy Kornblum, Thomas Campbell, Gerald Riggs, Bruce Munro, Timothy McFarland, Alan Vogl, Michael Dowling, John Bessey, Richard Dumki, William Horton, Gilbert Kruger, Clark Deichler, Thomas Boyle, Michael Kelly, Joseph Saunders, Leland Spencer, Lindell Marsh, Jeffrey Smith, Leland Jarnagin, John Wahl. Continued from page four - noted are MARIO RECANZONE, '50, who is seeking the Regent's post at the University of Nevada; Judges JOHN BARRETT, '49, JOHN GABRIELLI, '49 and FRANK GREGORY, '29, have also filed... RICHARD W. HORTON, '50, filed an action in Washoe County District Court for breach of contract involving pollination services. "Sex is only half of it,"' claims MELVIN BRUNETTI, '64, setting up the defense that the plaintiff's bees were not pollinating according to the rules. '61 (Joan Thomas) has returned to the United States after serving in the Min:t1Z Carl B. Metoyer, '52, Association governor, enjoyed a breakfast at the Tahoe Alumni Center in May where he attended a meeting of the Board of Governors. istry of Justice in Zomba, Malawi with the Peace Corps. . . . The Law Firm of Molinari, Casalnuovo NEVADA NOTES - BACK FROM AFRICA Joan de R. O'Byrne, The Hon. John W. Preston, Jr. 1161 Heatherside Road Pasadena, California Dear Judge Preston: I would like to thank you and the members of the Board of Governors of the Hastings College of the Law Alumni Association for making the spring tea possible for the Hasting? wives. Approximately 125 wives of Hastings' students attended the tea plus wives of the faculty and the board of governors. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dobbs were very gracious in offering their home once again of which we are most appreciative. It was a pleasure visiting the Dobbs home and leing a part of this group for the third consecutive year. We are hopeful that an affair such as this can be continued in the future. The Hastings Wives' Club had a very profitable year, making approximately $1,700 from our bazaar, the fall barbecue, the spring dance, and the coffee, doughnut, and sandwich sales held at the school each Saturday. With an amount of $600 in the student emergency loan fund, we can afford to give more scholarships than ever before, one-$500 scholarship and four$200 scholarships, for the 1966-6 7 school year and donating another$200 to the new placement program. An excellent staff of new officers ate enthusiastically looking forward to another successful year for the wives' club. From all of the Hastings' wives, I want to express our sincere appreciation to all of you in making our spring tea a most enjoyable social eVent. Sincerely your, Phyllis Regardie, President Hastings Wives' Club 1965 -'66 ATTORNEYS WANTED For information contact: Assistant Dean Marvin J. Anderson, Dir. of Law Placement, 198 McAllister St., San Francisco. HONORS TO PROFESbOR OSBORNE George E. Osborne, professor of law at Hastings, whose probing logic has stirred many a lethargic student into a better understanding of the priciples of mortgages and suretyship, was awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree by the Regents of the University of California in June. Professor Osborne previously earned two degrees in law at Harvard University where he was editor-in-chief of the Harvard Law Review. In 1940-43, he was chairman of several national industry committees to set national minimum wage rates. He also served on the Presidential Railway Emergency Boards in LOS ANGELES FIRM looking for an associate with good scholastic background. Prefer someone with some trial experience. #224. OPENING IN HOLLISTER office of good firm with main office in Watsonville, for recent graduate about to take bar exam or recent bar admittee. #225. FIRM has more work than it can handle, is looking for someone to take overflow in exchange for office space, telephone, secretary plus overage on cost of these (space figures about $300 mo.) plus own practice. Office located 1/2 blk. from San Mateo Co. seat. Must be member of Calif. Bar, experience helpful but not necessary. Also have associate in SF and might be possible to move there at a later date if desired. #226. OFFICE primarily engaged in representing casualty insurance companies in defense of personal injury litigation is looking for young man with potential for developing a successful trial attorney. Would consider exceptional recent grad. Santo Barbara. #227. S.F. FIRM of six attorneys looking for a man with one or two years experience. Primarily a trial practice, personal injury defense. Want person who can handle trial work well. Salary open, commensurate with experience and qualifications. #228. LONG BEACH FIRM needs young attorney to train and work actively in all areas of practice of firm with general practice, 1 partner specializes in plaintiff personal injury & limited criminal defense, other 2 partners handle wide scope of matters incid business, probate, domestic relations. Recent admittee or grad who is taking Aug. bar exam, if interested should send resume incld expected starting salary and date available for interview. #229. POSITION to commence on or about October 1, 1966. Will be assistant staff counsel and Legislative Rep., involves performing lobbying work for ACLU in Sacramento during 6 months out of every 2 yrs, participating in legal pgm during balance of time. Starting salary: $8,000-$10,000. Some law practice experience desirable. #232. ATTORNEY for S.F. firm with trial practice. Experience not necessary. This might be good for someone trying to get some experience background. 244. 1949. Before joining the famous Sixty-five Club at Hastings inthe spring of 1959, GEORGE E. OSBORNE he was a member of the Standford law faculty for 35 years where he was William Nelson Cromwell Professor from 1952 SIGN UP FOR HASTINGS ALUMNI LUNCHEON The Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, Magnolia Room "B", will be the scene of the annual Hastings Alumni Luncheon held in conjunction with the convention of the State Bar of California. The time is Wednesday, September 21, 1966, at 12:00 Noon. Tickets are $3.75 a piece. Guests are welcome. You can secure tickets by mailing the coupon below. Howard J. Privett, Esq. McCutchen, Black, Verleger & Shea 615 South Flower Street Los Angeles, California 90017 tickets at $3.75 each for the Hastings Alumni Please send me Luncheon to be held at the Disneyland Hotel, Wednesday, Sept. 21,1966. Enclosed in my check for $ NAME ADDRESS ANNUAL ALUMNI LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1966 AT DISNEYLAND BULK RATE U. S. POSTAGE PAID San Francisco, Calif. Permit No. 2655 HASTINGS ALUMNI BULLETIN 198 McALLISTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO 2, CALIFORNIA Return Requested