Summer 2016 Newsletter - iParks - Illinois Parks Association Risk


Summer 2016 Newsletter - iParks - Illinois Parks Association Risk
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Illinois Parks Association Risk Services
“The Choice for Illinois Park & Recreation Districts”
IPARKS Board of Directors
Jay Morgan
Stay Ahead of the Game
South Barrington Park District
By Esther Joy Schwartz, Stellato & Schwartz, Ltd.
John Wassinger
Vice Chairman
Bensenville Park District
Peter Murphy
Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD)
Mark Badasch
Representing Roxana Community Park District
Larry DeGraaf
Representing Grandwood Park Park District
Ken Collin
Freeport Park District
Jason Anselment
Ex-Officio IPARKS Board Member
Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD)
Be Sure toUpdate Your Info
@ Us
Don’t Forget!
❏ _____________________
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❏ _____________________
In the world of athletics, the health risks associated with concussions are taking
center stage – from the youth to professional levels. A majority of concussion-related
headlines focus on the health risks of playing football given the inherent
physicality of the sport. However, concussions are a serious issue in all sports,
at all levels, at all ages, and for either gender.1 The lawsuits (many of the
class-action variety) arising from concussion-related health problems center
around the failures of the various leagues, or governing bodies, to educate their
athletes on the short- and long-term effects of concussions.2 The most notable of
these lawsuits was brought by retired National Football League players and it recently
settled for approximately $900 million.3
Stepping back, in 2010, the National Football
League (“NFL”), for the first time, began
to display an informational poster in all
NFL locker rooms that cautioned against
the long-term effects of concussions and
the importance of diagnosing them early
on.4 However, despite this poster, the
NFL is still heavily criticized for not doing enough
to advise its players of the health concerns associated with
repeated hits to the head.5
In 2011, Illinois passed a number of laws in regard to student and parental
notification and consent, and staff training requirements related to student
concussions.6 Again, in August 2015, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner expanded
these existing requirements by signing into law the Youth Sports Concussion
Safety Act (the “Act”), 410 ILCS 145, pursuant to Public Act 99-0245. This Act
applies to all youth sports activities sponsored or sanctioned by a youth sports
league as of January 1, 2016. The codification of Public Act 99-0245 also
amended the Park District Code, 70 ILCS 1205. The amended Code provides that all
park districts are also subject to the Act “if the park district is directly responsible
Cont’d on pg. 2
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this newsletter.
Professional counsel should be sought before any action is taken or decision is made based on this material.
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Cont’d from pg. 1
for organizing and
providing a sponsored
youth sports activity
as a youth sports
league by registering
the players and
selecting the coaches….”
The Act defines a
“youth sports league”
as any “incorporated or unincorporated,
for-profit or not-for-profit entity that
organizes and provides sponsored
youth activities, including, but not
limited to, any athletic association,
organization, or federation in this
State that is owned, operated,
sanctioned, or sponsored by a unit of
local government.”
The Act further defines “sponsored
youth sports activity” as “any athletic
activity, including practice or
competition, for players under the
direction of a coach, athletic director,
or band leader of a youth sports
league, including but not limited to,
baseball, basketball, cheerleading….”
The Amended Park District Code now
requires each park district to comply
with the Act if it is “directly responsible
for organizing and providing a
sponsored youth sports activity….”7
At the heart of the Act is an emphasis
on education as to the short-term and
long-term effects of concussions.
Ben Strauss, Concussion Lawsuit Seeks to Force
Rule in Soccer, The New York Times, August 27,
Rachel, Axon, NCAA Concussion Lawsuits
Consolidated, USAToday, January 2, 2014,
Gary Michoces and Rachel Axon, Judge
Approves Settlement - At least $900M - to NFL
Concussion Lawsuits, USAToday, April 22, 2015,
NFL To Warn Players of Concussion Risks in
Every Locker Room, NBC Sports, July 27, 2010,
The Act expands the education
requirements to include the athletes
themselves, their parents or guardians,
coaches, officials, and trainers. The
park districts are authorized and
empowered to distribute and otherwise
make available these educational
materials to its residents and its
general users of its facilities.8
The Act does not provide the specific
information that needs to be provided;
however, it suggests that the educational
materials produced by the Illinois
High School Association and/or the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention would be appropriate.9
The Act encourages that the materials
distributed address:
• The nature and risk of concussions
and head injuries, in general;
• The advisability of removing a
player from practice or competition
who exhibits concussion-related
symptoms; and
• Notification that symptoms include
loss of consciousness, headaches,
dizziness, confusion, and/or loss
of balance.
The Illinois School Code is also
instructive in this regard (although
not technically applicable to park
districts). The School Code, in reliance
on the Centers for Disease Control and
Lauren Ezell, Timeline: The NFL’s Concussion
Crisis,, October 8, 2013,
Jackie Wernz, School Districts Seeing Stars
Over New Concussion Legislation,, August 11, 2015,
70 ILCS 1205/8-24(b)
70 ILCS 1205/8-24(a)
410 ILCS 145/15
105 ILCS 5/22-80
105 ILCS 5/22-80(a)(3); (g)
Prevention, emphasizes the risk of
catastrophic injuries or death when
athletes are permitted to compete with an
undiagnosed, or improperly managed,
concussion.10 The School Code also
implements a “return-to-play” protocol
due to the dangers of permitting an
athlete to continue playing after a
concussion (or potential concussion).11
This protocol includes a requirement
that an athlete removed from practice or
competition after suffering a potential
concussion must provide a written
statement from a physician that it is
safe for that athlete to return to play.
The School Code expressly removes
coaches from this determination as well.
Moving forward, park districts are
well cautioned to provide all athletes,
parents, guardians, coaches, and officials
involved in an organized and/or sponsored
youth sports activity with educational
materials and even training sessions
that advise all involved as to the signs
and symptoms of concussions and
thoroughly explain both the short- and
long-term health risks arising from
concussions. Additionally, park
districts are advised to implement a
“return-to-play” protocol that requires
all athletes removed from a practice
and/or competition to obtain written
clearance from a physician before
they may resume practice and/or
Esther Joy Schwartz is a named partner at Stellato
Schwartz. She has practiced law since 1981, and
concentrates her practice in the areas of
insurance coverage, bad faith, and other
insurance-related services. Esther has handled
insurance-related disputes and bad faith litigation
throughout the country, and briefed and argued
over 250 appeals in state and federal courts of
appeal. She is directly responsible for many leading
decisions in tort immunity, civil rights, and premises
liability. Esther was named to the “Top 50 Female
Illinois Super Lawyers” by Illinois Super Lawyers ® in
2010. Since 2006, Esther has been selected each
year by Leading Lawyers ® Network as a “Leading
Lawyer” in insurance coverage and appeals.
Esther achieved an AV ® Preeminent rating from
Martindale-Hubbell. She is a frequent lecturer on
insurance coverage law.
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IPARKS Announces New Board Leadership
The Illinois Parks Association Risk Services (IPARKS) announces the
appointment of Mr. Jay Morgan as Chair and Mr. John J. Wassinger as
Vice Chair to the IPARKS Board of Directors. Mr. Morgan is the Executive
Director of South Barrington Park District. Mr. Wassinger is a member of
the Board of Commissioners for the Bensenville Park District, and owns a
real estate brokerage firm in Elmhurst, Illinois.
Jay Morgan,
Board of Directors
Both Mr. Morgan and Mr. Wassinger joined the IPARKS Board of Directors
in 2012. The Board is pleased Mr. Morgan and Mr. Wassinger contribute
their education, experience and leadership on behalf of park, recreation and
conservation districts, forest preserves, river conservancy districts, and
special recreation agencies in the state of Illinois.
John Wassinger,
Vice Chair, IPARKS
Board of Directors
IPARKS Remembers Mr. George Whitehead
Mr. George Whitehead, credited with making
significant contributions to the development of the
Illinois Parks Association Risk Services (IPARKS)
Program, passed away on March 8, 2016.
Mr. Whitehead was once asked, “When people hear
your name associated with IPARKS, what would you
like them to think of first?” Mr. Whitehead paused,
then thoughtfully responded, “I would like for
them to think of me as someone who had a vision
and cared enough to make a difference. I would
like for them to think of me as someone who
had the leadership and the tenacity to leave
a legacy of positive influences that continue to enhance
each person’s quality of life.”
Mr. Whitehead earned a Bachelor of Science
degree in Education, majoring in Community Park
and Recreation Services, and a Masters degree in
Education, specializing in Public Park and
Recreation Administration from Southern Illinois University
at Carbondale (SIUC). His internship with Carbondale Park
District evolved into his 22-year passion and profession as
Carbondale Park District’s Executive Director. Mr. Whitehead
was a Certified Park and Recreational Professional (CPRP)
and worked as a recreational instructor at SIUC for 10 years
until his retirement in December 2015. He was a member
of the National Recreation and Park Association, Illinois
Park and Recreation Association, and the Southern
Illinois Parks and Recreation Association.
As IPARKS marks its 25th anniversary, we are reminded
of the foundation Mr. Whitehead helped
establish and honor his legacy of vision,
tenacity and leadership.
Beyond Mr. Whitehead’s involvement in
academic and recreation communities, he
was widely recognized as Santa George.
For more than two decades, Mr. Whitehead
became Santa to children and the young at
heart at malls, elementary schools, childcare
programs, nonprofit organizations, holiday
celebrations, parades and nursing homes.
Claims Services 866.964.6257
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Drones and Public Sector Liability
By Brian Viscusi,
Senior Vice President,
Head of Client Group,
Munich Re America Specialty
By 2020, an estimated 30,000
commercial and civil drones could
be navigating the U.S. skies.
Called either unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aerial
systems (UASs), drones are classified
by navigational methods, the type
of drone operation and the drone’s
physical characteristics.
Although not new to the aviation market,
drones are becoming an emerging
exposure in the standard property and
casualty insurance market. Emerging
exposures such as drones provide
vital stimulus for the design of new
organizational ideas.
Drones are unmanned aircraft that are
operated remotely from the ground
through a data-transmission link. In 2012,
Congress passed the FAA Modernization
and Reform Act, requiring the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) to safely
integrate commercial drone use into the
domestic airspace by 2015. The FAA
has two categories of commercial drones:
public drones (operated and owned by
governmental agencies such as police,
fire and universities); and civil drones
owned and operated by businesses.
In the public sector, universities, law
enforcement, firefighting, disaster relief
and search-and-rescue efforts now use
or soon plan to use UASs.
Public sector drones operate under a
Certificate of Airworthiness (COA) from
the FAA (Civil use of Drones operate
under a similar authority called Special
Airworthiness Certificate). In the
absence of final guidance from the FAA,
authority to operate a drone requires
case by case requests and approval.
Requests to operate a drone can be
made on-line to the FAA stating the
specifics (operator qualifications, type
of equipment, when where and how it
will be used, etc).
To date, the FAA has
approved approximately
2,000 public and 500 civil
drone use requests, but
these numbers are
growing. In addition,
states and local governments
are passing legislation regulating
and in some cases strongly
restricting the use of drones, particularly
for law enforcement. The FAA issued
proposed rules in February, 2015, but is
not expected to issue final rules for
drone use until 2016 or 2017.
Protecting Public Safety Officials
is One Advantage
Drones offer a variety of uses in the
public sector, allowing law enforcement
and fire departments to survey areas where
people could be at great risk, such as in
wildfires or hostage situations. Small
drones cost less to purchase and operate
than helicopters, and the training required
to operate a drone is a fraction of the
cost of training a helicopter pilot.
Today, approximately 18,000 US police
agencies and 30,000 fire departments
could use drones for a variety of public
safety missions. These could include
wildfire and wildlife management, crop
surveys, border protection, surveillance
and search-and-rescue operations. Experts
predict agriculture and public safety
will account for 90 percent of future
drone use.
Privacy Rights a Driving Issue for
Drone Use
Public agencies must walk a fine line in
many instances – balancing where the
rights of individuals and government
agencies to use new technology intersect
with the public’s right to privacy.
In February 2015, the White House
issued a Presidential Memorandum that
outlines key requirements for drone use.
These include:
• Federal agencies must ensure their
practices are consistent with limitations
regarding the use, retention and
dissemination of information collected
by UASs.
• Information collected that contains
personally identifiable information
cannot be retained longer than 180
days from collection unless certain
circumstances apply.
• Policies must ensure the protection
of the First Amendment and not
discriminate against persons based on
ethnicity, race, gender, national origin,
religion, sexual orientation, or gender
• Agencies have one year to establish
provisions describing how to access
their publicly available policies
and procedures implementing the
Presidential Memorandum.
• Due to rapidly emerging technology,
agencies must examine their policies
before deploying new UAS technology
and at least every three years to
ensure “protections and policies”
keep up with technology.
If states or local governments share
drones, purchase drones with federal funds,
or share the information gathered by the
drones with others, the agencies must
follow this executive memorandum and
applicable laws and regulations. Of
course, it is in the best interest of the
public entity, school or other nonprofit
agency to have its own policy to govern the
appropriate use of drones on its behalf.
Civil Liberties’ Violations Will
Become Fer tile Ground for
According to civil liberties advocates, the
2015 Presidential memorandum regarding
drones does not go far enough. As far back
as 2011, the American Civil Liberties
Union issued a report, “Protecting Privacy
from Aerial Surveillance,” warning US
citizens that drones would “…allow for
pervasive surveillance, police fishing
expeditions, and abusive use of these
tools in a way that could eventually
eliminate the privacy Americans have
traditionally enjoyed in their movements
and activities.” UASs carry increasingly
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sophisticated camera equipment with
high-powered zoom lenses. This technology
can clearly photograph people on the ground
from 15,000 feet, posing significant civil
liberties issues that will only increase as
drone technology continues its rapid
While the President’s new public
reporting requirements strive for
transparency, the collection and
dissemination of public information
will provide significant challenges to
any state or local government and will
raise Fourth Amendment arguments
due to privacy concerns.
Issues such as harassment, trespass and
civil liberty breaches will be some of the
issues public agencies must face and
manage. Decisions about low-altitude
airspace rights – those of the land owner
versus those of the drone owner – are
among those facing public agencies.
Personal injury and privacy will be two
areas of developing law, leading to
litigation that public agencies will need
to grapple with. And it won’t be cheap.
While liability coverage for drone use
may insure against personal injury, what
about the drone that collects information
outside the scope of its official duties?
Will coverage apply or will public agencies
find themselves defending these
allegations under a reservation of rights
or a coverage declination?
The insurance industry responds to
societal changes with new products,
and the commercial aviation sector of the
industry is no exception. Even though
insurers have little credible loss data on
which to rely, they are rapidly offering
ways to provide coverage for this
emerging risk. Nor does the available
claims data focus on the emerging risks of
personal injury, civil rights and trespass
issues that will inevitably arise from
public sector drone use. New technology
creates new case law and increasingly
specific solutions to complex problems.
The new and enhanced
provides coverage
for the use of drones,
while operated
within regulations.
Examples of what types of claims will
arise and how civil liberties claims will
impact losses are largely hypothetical
at this point.
Private Use of Drones in Public
Within certain limits, model aircraft
hobbyists can use small drones without
special authorization. Increasingly,
however, cities face drone use in public
parks, and colleges face use from
hobbyists and others. College risk
managers voice concern regarding the
potential use of media-owned drones
after campus emergencies. At this time,
it is unclear if campus risk managers
can limit the use of media-owned
drones over campus locations.
For colleges with agricultural programs,
drone use is a promising arena for both
monitoring crops and training students
in drone technology. It is clear public
agencies, including colleges, must remain
aware of local and state regulations while
awaiting final FAA rules.
How Will Public Agencies Find
The first question regarding coverage is
this: Will the standard commercial general
liability (CGL) policy, properly
endorsed, provide coverage, or is an
aviation policy the best avenue to provide
indemnity and defense? Be sure your
policy covers the intended operations
for using drones. Some liability carriers
currently provide coverage at no additional
cost and some carriers are excluding
coverage. Insurance Services Office (ISO)
recently rolled out endorsements that
amend liability coverage under
ISO’s CGL policy and umbrella/excess
policies. These endorsements can be
used to either exclude some or all
coverage for drones or provide coverage
for some or all coverage for designated,
scheduled drones.
Drone liability coverage is also available
from commercial aviation insurers. Some
state agencies like the State of Arizona
are currently contacting their agencies to
determine which departments have drone
exposure and to ensure agencies have
appropriate coverage when the exposure
Public entities, schools and other
nonprofits should fully understand and
document the intended use of the UAS
and its exposure to loss, including pilot
certification and whether or not the
insured has received a COA from the
FAA. In addition, risk managers should
know physical attributes such as speed,
flying height and weight of each of
its drones. This information gives
underwriters a more complete understanding
of the exposures to be insured.
The next question involves data breaches.
When agencies gather photos or other
logistical data, data breaches can occur.
Cyber liability insurance can help public
agencies address the aftermath of a data
breach. Cyber insurers may also offer
helpful risk management techniques that
comply with federal data warehousing
requirements – for example, how
to safeguard records and ensure an
appropriate record destruction policy.
How Can a Public Agency Best
Protect Itself?
The battle between private property
rights and drone technology can place
public agencies in the crosshairs of
litigation. Working closely with an
experienced broker can be the best risk
management tool public agencies have
in their toolbox.
Reprinted with the permission of Public Risk Management Association (PRIMA). This article originally appeared in PRIMA’s publication, “Public Risk,”
in September 2015.
Loss Control Services 800.367.4818
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Member Profiles:
Carbondale Park District and Roxana Community Park District
In recognition of Illinois Parks
Association Risk Services’ (IPARKS)
25th Anniversary, the 2016 IPARKS
UPDATE Newsletters are featuring
founding Members who boldly
ventured to participate in a newly
formed local government risk-sharing
pool. And, in doing so, they established
a broad and firm foundation for
the thriving program IPARKS has
become today.
Carbondale Park District
Nestled within a beautiful, rural setting
in Southern Illinois, Carbondale is
located in Jackson County and borders
the northern edge of the Shawnee
National Forest. In a region comprised
of small towns, Carbondale distinguishes
itself as a thriving urban center.
Carbondale Park District Board of
Commissioners, pictured from left to
right: Rick Erickson, Vice President;
Commissioners Kathy Hollister, Zenetta
Coleman, and Carl Flowers; Harvey
Welch, President; and John Sanford,
IPARKS Representative
“We chose IPARKS because it
directly connects us with our statewide
organization, the Illinois Association of
Park Districts (IAPD), which provides
us with updates on legislation.
Additionally, this affiliation gives us
an equal voice in the ever-changing
world of state and national government,”
stated Ms. Kathy Renfro, Carbondale
Park District Executive Director.
When asked what she enjoys the most
about working with Carbondale Park
District, Ms. Renfro replied, “Our entire
community works together to provide
services to our citizenry. It is this
spirit of cooperation that makes my
role as the Park District Director so
satisfying. The people of our community
give generously of their time and talent.”
Roxana Community Park District
the unique needs of park and
recreation agencies at a comprehensive
and competitive level. I highly
recommend IPARKS to any qualifying
agency for many reasons. Not only do
we receive superior coverage, but we
also receive equally superior customer
service.” Ms. Ferry continued, “The
many resources available to IPARKS
Members truly enhance the success
of the operation. Loss Control audits,
Established in 1952, the Roxana
Community Park District is located in
southwestern Illinois in Madison
County and serves a population of
1,500 residents.
“We are proud of the fact that, for a
small community, we offer a wide
variety of programs and facilities for
our residents as well as for surrounding
areas. Through a growing tax base
and local grants, we can continue
to make improvements annually,”
commented Ms. Debbie Ferry, Roxana
Community Park District Director.
“Personally, I am most proud of the
fact that we give many local students
their first employment opportunities and
help guide them toward a successful
future. Student workers fill many shoes
in our industry and we have been so
fortunate to have returning employees
through their high school and college
careers. Some of our former summer
staff members are now teachers, engineers,
doctors, nurses, lawyers, police officers,
firefighters, executives, pastors and more.
When I see them in the community,
after years have passed, they often
say, ‘My job at the park was the best
job I have ever had,’ and that makes
me smile,” reflected Ms. Ferry.
“Roxana Park District became an
IPARKS Member because it covers
Roxana Com m unity Park District,
pictured from left to right: John Herndon,
President; Rick Rader, Board Member;
Eddie Wood, IPARKS Representative;
Darleen Yarborough, Board Member;
and Debbie Ferry, Director
training materials, grants and the
ability to speak to risk management
specialists when needed provide
Members with a sense of security and
a positive experience.”
IPARKS extends its appreciation to
Carbondale Park District and Roxana
Community Park District for their
participation and ongoing support of
IPARKS. For more information about
the park districts, we invite you to
visit their websites at
and If you
would like to learn more about
how IPARKS can benefit your park,
recreation or conservation district,
forest preserve, river conservancy
district or special recreation agency,
please call 800-748-0554 and ask to
speak with an IPARKS Representative.
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New Cybersecurity Seminar Added to Resource eLibrary
In an effort to continually provide its Members with quality
education and training resources, IPARKS recently added
a Seminars section to the Resource eLibrary. IPARKS
Members can listen to recordings of live seminars presented
by attorneys who specialize in municipal defense on topics
uniquely relevant to park districts.
articles, policies and procedures, job descriptions, checklists,
forms and guidelines. Documents are available for download
and designed for customization.
I find the IPARKS Resource
eLibrary very easy to navigate
and recently accessed it for
event participant waivers.
I recommend the site as a
valuable resource to IPARKS
IPARKS is pleased to introduce its newest seminar, Public
Entity Cybersecurity Risks and Response. Topics include
recent breach examples, the cost of responding to a breach,
how to implement an Incident Response Plan and Team,
and how to respond to a cyber breach incident.
To access the Seminars section of the Resource eLibrary,
simply log onto the Resource eLibrary through the IPARKS
website and click on Seminars, located on the left-hand side
of the screen.
Karen Stephens
Director of Parks & Recreation, Rosemont Park District
In addition to seminars, the Resource eLibrary makes available
to its Members online training courses, webinars, DVDs
and online video streaming titles. Members also have access
to thousands of documents including personnel manuals,
We invite all IPARKS Members to take advantage of this
valuable and convenient service and visit the Resource
eLibrary through the IPARKS website at
iGrant Funds Available for IPARKS Members
The iGrant initiative is designed to
help IPARKS Members reduce or
prevent liability claims and property
losses by permitting all IPARKS
Members to apply for up to $500 in
grant money to fund, or partially
fund, safety items that will aid them in
their loss control or risk management
The iGrant Program is only available
to IPARKS Members. All IPARKS
Members are encouraged to participate
and apply for a grant during the
application period of January 1 through
December 31, 2016. Applications that
are incomplete or are not submitted
within the required time frame may
be deemed ineligible. Each applicant
must be an IPARKS Member both at
the time of submission and issuance of
the grant funds. Approved funds will
IPARKS Service Center 800.748.0554
expenses incurred during the application
period. Examples of qualified expenses
include, but are not limited to:
• Playground surface materials;
• First-aid kits;
• Safety cones or other hazard warning
Beardstown Community Park District:
John Sanford (left), IPARKS Representative,
and Jason Brockschmidt, Director, Parks
& Recreation
be issued once IPARKS membership
is verified.
Only qualifying expenses will be
considered for iGrant funds. Qualified
expenses include safety items whose
purpose is the prevention or reduction
of liability claims or property losses.
The funds are available for purchases or
• Automated External Defibrillators;
• Fire extinguishers; and
• Life jackets.
The iGrant Program has a brief
application that may be found on the
IPARKS website at
or by contacting Wendy French at
888-748-7966, ext. 3136, or via
e-mail at
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IPARKS Service Center
315 S. Kalamazoo Mall
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
If our mailing records need to be updated or if you want to receive newsletters electronically,
please contact the IPARKS Service Center at (800) 748-0554, ext. 3136.
IAPD/IPRA Annual Soaring to New Heights Conference
More than 4,400 park, conservation and recreational
professionals gathered at the Hyatt Regency Chicago,
January 28-30, 2016, for the annual Illinois Association
of Park Districts (IAPD) Illinois Park and Recreation
Association (IPRA) Soaring to New Heights Conference.
networking opportunities and access to an exhibit hall
featuring more than 325 exhibitors. The keynote general
session on Saturday morning featured Lowell Catlett,
Ph.D., a futurist with positive and upbeat predictions.
Dr. Catlett works nationally and internationally with
corporations and organizations doing futuristic planning
with regard to the impacts of technology on careers,
lifestyles and the economy.
The Soaring to New Heights Conference is the only major
event in Illinois for recreation education, products and services.
IPARKS is proud of its affiliation with the IAPD, the oldest
statewide association for parks, recreation and conservation
Thank you to those who were able to attend the conference.
If you were not able to join us this year, we hope you can
make plans to attend January 19-21, 2017, at the Hilton
Chicago. We look forward to seeing everyone next year.
Conference attendees were offered 18 pre-conference
workshops and 150 educational sessions, a variety of
IPARKS Upcoming Events
IAPD Summer Golf Tour #2
June 6, 2016
IAPD Leadership Classic
July 14, 2016
Foxford Hills Golf Club, Cary Park District/
GolfVisions Management, Inc.
White Pines Golf Club, Bensenville Park District
IAPD Summer Golf Tour #3
August 15, 2016
For more information regarding the following Illinois
Association of Park District (IAPD) sponsored events, we
invite you to visit the IAPD website at
or contact the IAPD offices at 217-523-4554.
Prairie View Golf Club, Byron Forest Preserve District
Park District
Conservation Day
August 22, 2016
State Fairgrounds,