Apr 16-17
Apr 16-17
Parish Office Staff Parish Life Clergy Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John P. Hopkins St. Vincent DePaul Society Mike DeShaies: 302-365-5136 Deacons Tommy Watts Austin Lobo Religious Education Madeline Romano madeline@margaretofscotland.org Pastoral Associate Sr. Catherine Charles, SND srcatherine@margaretofscotland.org Parish Support Staff Tina Maichle tina@margaretofscotland.org Knights of Columbus Rob Szczerba: 302-836-5806 Pro-Life Teri Dzik: 302-834-5590 Parent Bereavement Group Irene Felker: 302-834-8259 Jean Brady: 302-738-5126 Prayer Line Karen Kolek: 302-834-0225 ext. 108 Daughters of St. Francis de Sales Susan Brubaker: 302-834-1671 Pastoral Counseling Sandy Cooper: 302-738-4539 Bible Study and Faith Sharing Deacon Tommy Watts: 302-834-5408 Lois Nowell lois@margaretofscotland.org Boy Scouts Steve Williams: 302-270-1383 General Information parishoffice@margaretofscotland.org Friends of St. Margaret (50 +) Sr. Catherine Charles: 302-834-0225 ex. 105 Cub Scouts Joe Musike 302-545-8149 St. Margaret of Scotland Football Team Michael Klepacki: 302-229-2285 Parish Ministries Golf Committee Mike DeShaies: 302-365-5136 Mike Ryan: 302-283-1474 Special Ministers of Holy Communion Kathy Linsner: 302-832-1488 Church Cleaning Group Barbara Coates: 302-838-7738 Lectors Lynn Woerner: 302-836-5206 Gardening Janet and Ed Tyczkowski: 302-832-1057 Altar Servers David or Lisa Carey: 738-9530 Suzanne Kirk: 302-369-6443 Nursery / Babysitting Megan Januszka: 302-454-0112 Cantors & Choir Tom Mucchetti: 610-220-2690 Mary Kate Newell: 302-521-7788 Margaret’s Song (guitar & choir) John and Patty Jacob: 302-388-0767 Ministry of Hospitality (Ushers) Tim Higgins: 302-836-1099 RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Michael Felker: 302-834-8259 Doughnuts / Refreshments after Mass Cindy Sparco: 302-836-0385 Welcoming Committee Trish Gerhart: 302-379-3869 Prayer Shawl Sara Moss Starkey: 302-836-4008 Barbara Coates: 302-838-7738 Social Justice Committee Bill Mitchell: 302-836-6006 Meg Kane-Smith: 302-836-3511 Women at the Well Janet McGehean: 302-392-2236 Vocations Francis Woerner: 302-836-5206 Page 1 - 306 Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:30 pm Sunday: 8:30 am & 10:30 am Weekday: Mon., Wed., & Fr i. 8:30 am Holy Day: 8:30 am & 7:00 pm Reconciliation: Sat. 4:30 pm Rosary: Thur s. 7:00 pm Devotions Rosary Recitation of the Rosary is held every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the church. First Friday Adoration Fourth Sunday of Easter April 16 & 17, 2016 Living the Paschal Mystery In so many ways we already act out of the love that Jesus commands in this gospel. We need only to do the everyday things we are already doing with new meaning: we share in Jesus mission when we love others as he loves us. If, however, an examination of our lives suggests that perhaps we are not so self-giving and loving as Jesus, then this gospel is an invitation to love more completely. What is at stake is a share in Jesus’ everlasting Life and glory. This Life and glory is so worth loving for! -Living Liturgy Adoration is held from 9am - 10am on the first Friday of every month. All are welcome to join us in worshiping our Lord. Mass Intentions April 18 April 20 April 22 April 23 April 24 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 5:30 pm 8:30 am 10:30 am Beau Biden Jack Feeney Miriam Powell Barbara Coates (Living) Dolores Daniels Deceased loved ones & All Souls in Purgatory Sacraments Baptism Baptisms can be scheduled on most Sundays at noon or during any of our Masses. If this is your first child you are required to attend a class before the Baptism can be scheduled. The next baptism class is scheduled for May 23, 2016 at 7:00pm. Call the office to schedule. Reconciliation Saturday at 4:30pm or by appointment. Adult Confirmation 2016 St. Margaret of Scotland Church May 15, 2016 at 1:00pm Any person 18 years of age and older who hasn’t been confirmed and would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, Bishop Malooly will confer the sacrament for all adults throughout the Diocese at St. Margaret’s at 1:00pm on May 15, 2016. If you are interested, please contact the parish office at 302834-0225 or parishoffice@margaretofscotland.org as soon as possible in order to prepare. Confirmation for those who are Spanish speaking will be held at Holy Cross Church, Dover on July 10, 2016 at 1:00pm. Matrimony Consult the parish priest at least one year before your wedding date. Baptisms Congratulations to the following children and their families who were baptized this past week at St. Margaret of Scotland Church. Bryce Pasquale Kapes Noah Charles Whitehead God Bless you as you begin your faith journey Page 2 - 306 Parish News St. Vincent de Paul Food Closet Thank you for your generous donations to satisfy the needs of the food closet. The items that are currently needed are laundry detergent, jello, mustard and ketchup. Thank you for your generosity in helping to feed and care for the community. From the Religious Ed Office: RE Classes close for Sunday classes this weekend. We wish our RE families well as they head off for the summer, but we also look forward to seeing you at Mass on Sundays! If you have not yet returned your registration forms for the 2016 – 17 year, please get them in asap. Registration will be open to the entire parish on May 1. Congratulations to the First Eucharist Class of 2016, who spent time in retreat last weekend. Please keep our 88 candidates in your prayers over the next 3 weeks as they all celebrate receiving Jesus for the first time in the gift of the Eucharist. First Eucharist Masses will be celebrated on April 24 & May 1, at 12:30 pm. Vacation Bible School Aug. 1st — Aug. 5th This year’s VBS is scheduled for the week of August 1, 2016. We run from 8:30 am until 12 Noon. VBS Registration and other necessary forms will be available online beginning May 1. VBS fee this year is $35 per child. Watch the parish bulletin and parish website announcements from Religious Ed Office. We are looking for helpers to help prepare, decorate, run the week, do crafts, snacks, lead groups, break down, and for and general organization. This is a great opportunity for high school students who might need some service hours. Please contact Madeline Romano for more info madeline@margaretofscotland.org or call 302 834-0225, ext 103. Birthright of Delaware will hold its Annual Rose Sale at our parish. Please support Birthright’s pregnancy services by purchasing roses after Masses on Mother’s Day weekend, May 9th & 10th. Roses cost $2/one, $5/three, $18/twelve and $35/twenty five. Your help will truly make a difference! Thank you. The RCIA Team will be hosting a 3 part series on the Year of Mercy and the Impact on Your Life. The sessions will take place on Wednesday nights: 4/13, 4/20, and 5/4 from 7pm- 8:30pm at the parish office in the large meeting room. The 3 topics are: Meaning, Application and Prayer: Understanding God's Mercy: Forgiveness. Please feel free to attend all or one of the sessions. If you have any questions please call Laura Julien at 302-832-9726. Hopefully the discussions at these sessions will increase your spiritual reflection on getting the most out of this Year of Mercy as declared by Pope Francis. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The St. David Council #12842, invites men 18 and older to join us in supporting the parish and the community through acts of service. Please call Grand Knight Rob Szczerba for additional information at 302-836-5806 or e-mail rob129home@gmail.com. Knights of Columbus “April” Family of the Month Mike and Maryann Murray Congratulations! Mike has been our Knights, Faithful Financial Secretary for the last 6 years. Mike would be happy with another Faithful Knight taking over for him. Thank you for your dedication to the committee. Tony Francia Memorial Golf Tournament St. Margaret’s annual Tony Francia Memorial Golf Tournament will be held May 19, 2016 at Cavaliers Country Club in Newark. The cost is $125 per golfer and the proceeds will be donated to our campaign to build a social hall. Golf committee members will be available in the gathering space in a few weeks to register this year’s participants. Come on out for a fun day on the links with your fellow parishioners and help support the campaign for our social hall! For more information, contact Mike Deshaies at mdeshaies41@comcast.net or Mike Ryan at mjrdds@gmail.com. If you enjoy Rock Climbing, Exploring caves, Camping, Bike Riding and so much more, consider joining Boy Scout Troop 283. You can enjoy all of these fun activities and learn skills that will last a lifetime. For more information about joining, contact Rob Szczerba, Membership Chair, at 302-836-5806 or email at Rob129home@gmail.com PARISH DRIVE FOR THE POOR & NEEDY The SPRING 2016 PARISH DRIVE FOR THE POOR & NEEDY, sponsored by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, will be held Sat. & Sun., APRIL 30 & MAY 1, 2016. Items accepted include, in GOOD CONDITION ONLY, gently used clothing, furniture, house wares, small appliances, toys, blankets, sheets etc., which will be donated to Catholic Charities Catholic Thrift Shop. In addition, nonperishable food and personal care items will be accepted for our Emergency Food Closet. Donations will be accepted Sat. from 5P – 7P, and Sun., from 8A – 12P. Volunteers will be there to help load the items onto the truck, and tax receipts will be available. For more information, please call 834-0225. GRAND SLAM CRAFT BEER TASTING Sponsored by the DELAWARE GROWLER Beers from 16 MILE and MISPILLION RIVER APRIL 29TH 7-10PM * $30 Donation * St. Margaret of Scotland Food, Souvenir Glass, Auction, Music Raffle Beer available by the glass or six pack All proceeds to parish social hall * must be 21 or older Contact Cathy @ 540-5681 for more information Social Justice Reflections “Integral human development is closely linked to the obligations which flow from man’s relationship with the natural environment. The environment must be seen as God’s gift to all people, and the use we make of it entails a shared responsibility for all humanity, especially the poor and future generations.” Pope Benedict XVI, “Message for World Day of Prayer for Peace,” 2010 Page 3 - 306 Community News ST. MARY’S EEP CHILDREN’S SPRING RESALE SATURDAY, APRIL 23RD 8:00AM-2:00PM 7200 LANCASTER PIKE HOCKESSIN, DE 19707 Designer Bag Bingo: Sunday, April 24th Our Lady of Fatima-in the Msgr. Dwyer Hall Doors Open at 1pm. Game cost is $20/in advance and $25/at the door. You may pay online or call the rectory office at 302-3283431. Also, hit our link http://olfnewcastle.com/wp-content/ uploads/DesignerBagRev.pdf on our website at www.olfnewcastle.com for more information. GREAT FAMILY FUN! St. Helena’s Carnival 602 Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington DE Monday, April 25th through Saturday, April 30th Dinners in the school hall start at 5pm. Midway opens at 6 pm. Admission: $5/night, $15/week, ages 13 to 59. Mega-Passes, good for unlimited r ides & fr ee car nival admission all week are $40 per person! Family Nights—Tuesday and Wednesday—Ride all night for $20 per person! Live entertainment every night under the Big Top. Rides! Games! Prizes! Food! Baked Goods! Basket Raffles and much more! Rachel’s Vineyard Catholic Retreat for post-abortion healing will be held at Jesus House, Wilmington, DE on May 27-29, 2016. The retreat weekend is a beautiful opportunity for any person who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion. For more info contact Nan at 302-528-8313 or visit rachelsvineyard.org. Ulster Project Delaware is currently recruiting boys and girls, aged 14 to 16, to act as hosts for teens from Banbridge, Northern Ireland, from June 28 through July 26, 2016. This is a tremendous experience for teens looking to expand their range of experiences, develop a better world view, fulfill service hours for school, have a month of fun, and make lifelong friends. The cost is minimal and the experience priceless. More information and applications are available at ulsterprojectdelaware.org. For questions, don’t hesitate to call Therese Moore: 302.275.7598 Mother & (Adult) Daughter Retreat May 6-8 (Mothers Day Weekend) Marianist Family Retreat Center Cape May Point, NJ 08212 Knowing that your relationship is special, and the need to nurture it throughout the years, this is a wonderful opportunity to walk upon common ground while celebrating your differences. Eucharist, small group sharing, prayer experiences, socials and fun are included—beach walks too! Cost: $130 per person. Sign up online at www.caemaymarianists.org or call 609-884-3829 for more information. Christ the Teacher School Our Regional Catholic School For additional information visit www.christtheteacher.org 302-838-8850 Retreat for Girls Malvern Retreat House is holding a retreat for girls in 3rd through 8th grade on Sunday, May 15 from 1pm to 4pm. The retreat theme of "Just As You Are" will celebrate the dignity and beauty of being created as a daughter of a loving and merciful God. The retreat will be directed by Jeannine Peters, who has a background in adoption advocacy, education and faith formation. The cost is $20 per student and includes snacks. Please visit malvernretreat.com or call 610-644 -0400 for more information. Women’s Sunday Tea Malvern Retreat House will hold its next Women's Tea on Sunday, May 1 fr om 2pm-4pm. During the event, speaker Sarah Christmyer will discuss the topic: Women Strengthened by Hope: Learning from Rahab’s Courageous Faith. Christmyer is the co-developer of The Great Adventure Catholic Bible Study Program, published by Ascension Press, and an adjunct faculty member at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia. The cost of the afternoon tea is $25, including tea and refreshments. To register, please visit malvernretreat.com/register or call 610-644-0400 for more information. TRI-STATE’S OPEN HOUSE FOR BIRD LOVERS! Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research FREE annual Open House 170 Possum Hollow Road in Newark, Delaware, Sunday, May 1st from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. Self-guided tours of Tri -State’s Frink Center for Wildlife and Wildlife Response Annex will be available throughout the day. Peek at baby birds in our clinic nursery. Trained owls, hawks, and other birds of prey will be on hand for an up close and personal look. Activities for kids include a Bird Word Search, creative coloring of bird species, and face painting. Exhibitors and vendors from local organizations will be on hand; food and Tri-State merchandise will be available for purchase. Donations of paper towels and single-ply white toilet paper (used to make nests for baby birds) are gratefully accepted. For more information, visit www.tristatebird.org or call 302-737-9543 x108. In Concert –STRAWBS, the English 70s progressive rockers, at St. Ann’s Social Hall - 2013 Gilpin Avenue in Wilmington on Saturday, May 14th. Doors open at 6:30pm. Tickets $30 for adults in advance, $33 day of show. Ages 13 - 17 $5.00 all times, 12 and under free. To purchase tickets (cash only please), visit St. Ann’s Rectory at 2013 Gilpin Avenue in Wilmington or reserve on www.splatterconcerts.com. Food and drink available for purchase. St. Peter Cathedral School 5K Run/Walk Celebrating 185 Years of Catholic Education in the City of Wilmington When: Sunday, May 22, 2016 Where: Riverfront Wilmington Time: 8:00 am Check– In 9:00am race start Register or donate at www.Race2Run.com Worldwide Marriage Encounter Delaware / Maryland / Eastern Shore St. Paul tells us to be careful in the way we live. Do we listen and follow God’s voice so we can discern His will in our own lives and marriage relationship? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is scheduled for November 4-6 in Rehoboth Beach, DE. For more information, visit our website at www.wwme-delmar.org or to register for the weekend, please call Tony & Linda Massino @ 302-220-9833. Page 4 - 306 Diocese News Celebrate Life Mass Mass with Bishop Malooly. You are invited to the Annual Diocesan “Celebrate Life Mass,” a celebration for persons with special needs and their families/friends/caregivers. This event will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Bear, DE on Sunday, May 1, 2016. The day includes a gathering at 12:30 pm, Mass at 1:00 pm, and a light lunch following Mass. We ask that if you are able to attend, please bring 2 or more cans of food for the parish food closet. To register, please email Debbie Ciafre at dciafre@comcast.net or call her at (302) 275-8717. Please respond no later than April 10th. Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy Information about the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy is available at a special Vatican website – www.im.va. Diocese of Wilmington events that are tied into the Jubilee of Mercy will be announced on the diocesan website – www.cdow.org/mercy. The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy will conclude on the Solemnity of Christ the King on November 20, 2016. Solidarity Mass: April 24, 2016 All are invited to a Mass and Reception on Sunday, April 24 at 4:00 pm at St. Catherine of Siena Church, Wilmington, in recognition of the Solidarity Partnership between the Dioceses of San Marcos and Wilmington. The Solidarity Partnership was established in 2003, and this Mass will celebrate our 16th year of partnership by honoring St. Mark and Hermano Pedro de San José (Peter of St. Joseph of Betancourt). For more information please contact Joan McConnell at 302-333-7261 or mcconnell.joanm@gmail.com FOR THE SAKE OF GOD’S CHILDREN April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The best way to protect our children and our church is for adults to learn red flag behaviors and to report concerns to supervisors. This creates a culture of protection. View safe environment training even if you are not required. (www.cdow.org scroll to For the Sake of God’s Children link; scroll to video) Questions call: Coordinator for Safe Environments 302-295-0668. 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal “Blessed are the Merciful for They Shall Obtain Mercy” In celebration of the Holy Father’s acclamation of the Holy Year of Mercy, we are called to “rediscover and make fruitful the mercy of God with which all of us are called to give consolation to every man and woman of our time.” The 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal, with its theme, Blessed are the Merciful for They Shall Obtain Mercy, reminds us that we are given the opportunity to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ through our actions, touching people’s lives and offering hope. Thank you to everyone who made a pledge to the diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal. If you have not yet participated, please consider doing so today. Your gift makes a real difference in the lives of thousands of individuals and families who reside within our 12-county diocese. Pledge envelopes are available in the pews [OR the appropriate designated location] and can be placed in the offertory basket. Thank you for your generosity and support. To learn more about the Annual Catholic Appeal, visit www.cdow.org; click “Giving” then “Annual Catholic Appeal”. Are you Being Called to God? Jesus says “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” By virtue of our baptism, each of us is called to follow the Great Shepherd, but He calls each in a specific way. How does the Lord want you to follow Him? Might He be calling you to serve as a priest, a deacon, a religious brother or a religious sister? If you think that might be the case, please contact Father Norman Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113, vocations@cdow.org). Be sure to visit our website: www.cdow.org/ Marriage Moments After the last child leaves home, Mom and Dad may wake up and wonder who they are looking at. Somewhere over the years, they've gotten so involved in their children's lives that they forgot about each other. Prepare for an empty nest by paying attention to your honey today. Plan a date for this week. Parenting Pointers On Earth Day take stock of what your family already recycles (paper, plastic, cans...) Can you add one more thing to recycle? Better yet, can you refrain from buying something that needs recycling? We call it "precycling." Third Sunday of Easter: April 17th This Sunday we hear Jesus speak about himself as the Good Shepherd. His sheep hear his voice and follow him. Bring It Home by spending some time in quiet this week. Listen for God’s voice. Talk about how you can recognize God's voice in your life. What do you do or what choices do you make because you are a follower of Jesus? Good News Listen to Catholic Forum every Sunday morning at 10:05 a.m. on WDEL 101.7 FM, 1150 AM and www.wdel.com. Next Sunday, April 24th, learn about Saint Francis Hospital’s LIFE Program when Amy Milligan and Maria Miller will be the guests. For photos, information regarding upcoming guests, podcasts and more, “Like” Catholic Forum on Facebook at www.facebook.com/catholicforum. Listen to past episodes of Catholic Forum online at catholicforumradio.libsyn.com or search “Catholic Forum Radio” on iTunes podcasts. READINGS FOR April 17th—April 24th April 17– Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 13:14, 43-52/ Rv 7:9, 14b-17/ Jn 10:27-30 April 18– Acts 11:1-18/ Jn 10:1-10 April 19- Acts 11:19-26/ Jn 10:22-30 April 20– Acts 12:24—13:5a April 21- Acts 13:13-25/ Jn 13:16-20 April 22- Acts 13:26-33/ Jn 14:1-6 April 23- Acts 13:44-52/ Jn 14:7-14 April 24- Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 14:21-27/ Rv 21:1-5a/ Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35 Page 5 - 306