September 2014
September 2014
Caring and Commitment in Action Assistance League of Tulsa ® Tulsa MISSION : Assistance League of Tulsa is dedicated to clothing disadvantaged students and meeting essential needs of the most vulnerable in our community. September 2014 Volume 40, Issue 2 Operation School Bell® Kicks Off 2014-2015 with help from Volt the Fox By Loretta Raschen Summer has been spent getting ready for August 21, opening day of Operation School Bell®! Our members prepared for the arrival of children by unpacking and hanging clothes, stocking shoes, and sorting books. Mother and daughter teams from the “National Charity League® of Tulsa provided us with almost 400 hours of additional volunteer support. This was a gigantic help in being ready. tion to the clothes, coat, gloves, shoes, socks, underwear, hygiene kit and books (2) each child will receive, students from Tulsa Public Schools will be given two complete uniforms. We are thrilled to be able to expand our services in such a meaningful way. During the next few weeks, Operation School Bell® will also deliver almost 38,000 uniform shirts directly to qualifying schools in Tulsa. All enrolled In 2014-2015, over 2200 area elemen- students in 44 elementary schools will tary students from 14 school districts receive two shirts. Each student at 8 have been invited to participate in Op- middle/ junior high schools will receive eration School Bell® on-site. In addione uniform shirt. Counselors from Tulsa high schools will be requesting essential items for their students. These might include bus tokens, clothing, shoes and hygiene products. The Tulsa Shock WNBA basketball team with Tulsa Regional Chamber’s office of education and workforce scheduled a guest appearance by Volt the Fox for our opening day of School Bell. Children from Choteau Elementary (and ALTulsa members) were captivated by antics and autographs from this talented team mascot. Assistance League® of Tulsa thanks the Shock for sharing Volt with us. Assistance League® of Tulsa 2013-2014 Officers President: Kathleen Moss President-elect: Mary Sue Whitney Vice Presidents: Philanthropic Programs: Ora Harrison Resource Development: Sharon Coffman Membership: Sussie Hyden Operations/Crisis Response: Marianne Pickering Public Relations: Donna Spielman Education: Pat Erickson Elective Officers: Recording Secretary: Deanna Mendenhall Finance: Pat Holder Treasurer: Ginny Thomas Elective Committee Chairs: Orientation: Nancy Sacra ↑ Volt the Fox, mascot for the NWBA Tulsa Shock, visited opening day of Operation School Bell®. Brian Paschal, senior vice president of education and workforce for Tulsa Regional Chamber, helped children select new shoes. ↓ Bargains Resale Shop: Martha Nichols Operation School Bell®: Loretta Raschen Strategic Planning: Deni Phillips Appointive Officers and Chairs: Parliamentarian and Bylaws: Mickie Davidson Business Administration Computer/Office: Patty Evatt Recorder of Service Hours: Marlys Dow Assistant Treasurers: Patty Evatt/Carole Hale/ Eddie Slack Membership Placement: Mickie Davidson Yearbook: Mickie Davidson Public Relations Assistance League® of Tulsa Advisory Council Newsletter Editor: Marinee Ricks/Marianne Pickering Phyllis Dotson, Chairman History and Archives: Deloris Taylor Community Volunteer Information Technology: Glenna Morrison Philanthropic Programs Betty Bradstreet Assistance Fund: Marilyn Brill/Carmen Kinsey Heather Duncan Community Action Project Ashley Farthing Farthing Events Senior Programs: Ginny Greek Julie Gustafson Care & Protection of Children: Nancy Ferguson/Debbie Jones Community Volunteer Resource Development Letter Donation Campaign: Lynn Fuente/Lynn Peacher Grant Writing Committee: Marilyn Nance Social/Relationships Care and Concern: Joyce Coday/Linda Vorba Libby Johnson Community Volunteer Nancy McDonald Community Volunteer Michael Mills University of Tulsa Hospitality: Jean Copley/Dayon Smith Luncheon: Ovanda Ladner/Deloris Taylor Page 2 Brian Paschal Tulsa Regional Chamber Robyn Owens The Owens Law Firm, PC Steve Turnbo Schnake, Turnbo, Frank/PC Mollie Williford Williford Companies Tom Wingerter Lee C. Moore Company Paula Wood Tulsa Public Schools We Are off to a Flying Start Volume 40, Issue 2 By Kathleen Moss, President largest philanthropic program, Operation School Bell®. Bargains Resale Shop is busier than ever. Thank you to all those who contribute to our organization by donating gently used clothing and household goods. It is greatly appreciated. Martha Nichols, Judy Roberts and their committee are amazing. Thank you so much! Donna Spielman and her PR committee have been very busy looking at new signage for our building. This endeavor is a result of information from our focus groups in the spring. You will be hearing more about this at our October chapter meeting. Also in the works is a Men’s Benefit Bash hosted by Chuck Gawey and George Dotson at Albert G’s Bar & Q to benefit Operation School Bell®. It will be an extraordinary evenKathleen Moss, Betsy Moore of Fleet Feet and Keith Taylor of Channel 8 on Good Morning ing of Tulsa’s best barbeOklahoma promoting the Fleet Feet Fundraiser which will be held Friday, September 5, 2014 que with a twist. Invitations will be sent in the next few weeks so stay tuned for Summer has flown by so quickly and it is amazing how more information very soon. Many thanks to the commuch all of you have accomplished and had fun doing it. mittee members, Chuck Gawey, Marcus Welch, Ashley ® The first day of Operation School Bell was Thursday, AuFarthing, Sharon Coffman, Bard Moss and George and st gust 21 and what a day it was. Volt, the mascot of Tulsa Phyllis Dotson. Shock, was in attendance to encourage the students to Thank you. Mickie Davidson, for completing the monuhave a wonderful school year and Channel 2 was on hand mental task of preparing the yearbook for printing. It to document the excitement. Thank you, Kuma Browne should be available shortly. from Partners in Education of the Tulsa Regional Chamber Eight members will be attending Assistance League® and Cordell Dement from Tulsa Shock for arranging Volt’s National Conference in Orlando, Florida. Those attendvisit. Brian Paschal, Tulsa Regional Chamber and ing are Martha Nichols, Deloris Taylor, Ginny Greek, Advisory Council member, helped students select shoes Nevin Loerke, Pat Holder, Mary Sue Whitney, Kathleen and had fun praising their choices. The children were so Moss, Deni Phillips and her husband Kent Wellington. excited and full of smiles. Loretta Raschen and her commitWe are excited about the workshops and meetings and tee members have done an excellent job of preparing, look forward to sharing it all with you. Thank you for stocking and purchasing so everything is ready for students making it possible for us to be a part of this important to have a happy experience at Operation School Bell®. and informational conference. We arrive back in Tulsa Our letter donation campaign is off to a wonderful start just in time for our chapter meeting and luncheon on thanks to the hard work of Lynn Fuente, Lynn Peacher, September 8th. Looking forward to an exciting and fulSharon Coffman, Phyllis Dotson, Patty Evatt, Nancy Kirby filling year. See you on September 8th.. and the entire Giftworks team. The letters were sent out on th August 14 and we are already receiving an incredible response from our members and the community. Thank you to our wonderful members and donors for supporting our Page 3 Assistance League® of Tulsa Membership Operation School Bell® Letter Campaign By the Lynns (Fuente and Peacher) By Sussie Hyden Total membership for the Assistance League of Tulsa is 236. A membership committee meeting is scheduled at the Assistance League® building on Thursday September 11, 2014 at 1:00 for all committee members and anyone else who would like to join us. Please send all corrections or additions to the membership lists to Sussie Hyden at Senior Programs By Ginny Greek Nancy Kirby, Lynn Fuente and Janet Main preparing the letters for the Operation School Bell® letter campaign. The senior programs committee met with Life Senior Services and Mental Health Oklahoma to obtain their wish lists. The Operation School Bell® Letter Campaign is off to an exciting start as we open donations from our past donors. Letters to potential donors will be mailed in early September. It’s not too late to add someone to the list that would want to contribute and be a part of our mission. The commuA meeting of senior programs has been scheduled for Monday, September 22, 2014 nity is rallying around the precious children we serve, and we know you at the Assistance League® of Tulsa building will, too. When we help dress students, the joy and renewed sense of confidence can be seen in their smiling faces. Ring the bell and light up at 1:00. a child’s life with your financial support. Thank you for all that you do. See you there. Finance Committee By Pat Holder Finance had their first meeting of this new year. Ginny Thomas, treasurer, reviewed the end of the year financials. The financial statement was approved and sent to the board. She will present this information to the membership for their approval at the September chapter meeting. Marilyn Nance, grants chair, reported on which grants have been received, which ones have been applied for and which grants she will be submitting in the future. The next finance meeting will be on Sept.30th at 1:00 at the building. Board and committee chairs who have a request for additional assistance please let me know so I can put you on our agenda. Annual Children’s Book Drive Saturday October 25, 2014 Mark Your Calendar Page 4 A wonderful selection of framed works were featured at Bargains Resale Shop’s recent Art Sale. Assistance League® of Tulsa thanks the following people so very much for their generous contributions in July and August, 2014. (prior to our current Operation School Bell® letter campaign) James and Suzette Birch Nancy Bloomfield Patricia Bryant Larry and Cheryl Chambers Cartwright Family Trust Bruce and Beverly Dieterien George and Phyllis Dotson Grace Eagleton J. Matt Ferguson Robert and Mary Frizzel Vernon and Maralee Jones Barry and Carmen Kinsey Denise Brice Kurtz Richard and Nevin Loerke Lucas Controls Company, Inc. Jeffrey Newhouse Patricia Otto Clara Perkins Carolyn Plucknett Dolores Ritter Tom and Pat Sherrill Tom and Sue Stees Martha Swezey Peggy Jane Taylor Whitaker Architects, P.C. Metisa Essley Wilhelmsen Philip and Emily Wood Woolslayer Companies, Inc. Bargains Resale Shop What is the saying about, "another day, another dollar"....we have been doing that and more! Bargains has been bustling with wonderful donations and impressive sales this month. We thank St. Francis Hospital Gift Shop for their generously donated items. We also received a variety of estate sale donations and a constant stream of individual donations from our community. This past month our "Back Room Guys" assisted with donation pick ups. We are so grateful for their hard work. Thanks to all who have spread the word about our tremendous "bargains" as new customers are showing up daily. We celebrate success because so many volunteers have priced more items than we have ever seen before and rung them on our cash register. It is exciting to know that all of our efforts will provide funding to purchase new clothes for the children of Operation School Bell® and help fund our other programs. Not only have our members stepped up, but Scout Troop 1 at First Presbyterian Church has been in construction mode and we are the benefactors! The organization requires an approved service project to complete the Eagle Scout program. Anne Waller Neal's Volume 40, Issue 2 Education By Pat Erickson Circle Fund supports our Chapter in a variety of ways. The national Assistance League® organization pays for workshops and educational opportunities and sponsors public relations events on a large scale. $25 will earn you an exceptionally attractive pin this year. Please participate as this is the only fundraising program that helps our National organization help us. By Martha Nichols and Judy Roberts son, Mark Waller, mentored her grandsons, Miles and Garrett Waller, Thane Gehring, Grant Carter and Pierce Pettit in building new shelves for our workroom and a desk top that is spectacular ! We appreciate their hours of labor and beautiful craftsmanship. As our business at Bargains continues to expand, we can always use more help. Many times one of you will pop in for an hour or two. We do appreciate it. For those members who haven't been able to volunteer yet during our tenure, we welcome you any time you can give in the future. To all of you who have already given so, so many hours, we thank you profusely. Page 5 Assistance League® of Tulsa Try on a smile at Operation School Bell® One Size Fits All Page 6 Volume 40, Issue 2 Page 7 Caring and Commitment in Action Tulsa President: Kathleen Moss Newsletter Editors: Marinee Ricks and Marianne Pickering W E ARE ON THE WEB! W W W . A LT U L S A . O R G Assistance League® of Tulsa Vision: Assistance League® of Tulsa aspires to meet the needs of the most impoverished in our community. Mission: Assistance League ®of Tulsa is dedicated to clothing disadvantaged students and meeting essential needs of the most vulnerable in our community. Core Values: Commitment-showing compassion for all Accountability-being fiscally responsible to our donors and our community Kathleen Moss, Rochelle Williams, President of Eastern Oklahoma Medical Group Management Association’s Tulsa Chapter, and Loretta Raschen ↑ Rochelle brought a generous donation and a basket of books, markers and games to Operation School Bell®. Thank you so much! Leadership-demonstrating professionalism that is visionary and ethical Respect-appreciating and considering others Self esteem-enhancing success in the people we serve