Brenda Song
Brenda Song
I 2 3 4 5 'lffi-ffiff:,?lEfl:" BUCHALTERNEMER A Professional Corporation LAWRENCEB. STEINBERG(StateBarNo. 101966) ' LSteinberg APR 25 203s CHERYL M. LOTT (StateBarNo. 232548) JohnA. ClwkeTfi.eclttive Ofllcer/Clerk 1000WilshireBoulevard, Suite1500 //( arLos Angeles,CA 90017-2457 ByMARy G(ncte,Depury (213) 891-0700 Telephone: (213)896-0400 Facsimile: 6 ,7 Attorneysfor PlaintiffBRENDASONG t 8 SUPERIORCOURTOF THE STATEOF CALIFORNIA 9 COTINTYOF LOS ANGELES l0 ll BRENDA SONG,anindividual, 12 l3 Plaintiff, VS. ) ) ) ) ) ) l4 VIBE MEDIA, INC., a California l5 Corporation;CITYVIBE.COM, a business ) entity unknown;ALI ASKARI, an ) ) individual;andDOES l-50, inclusive, l6 t7 l8 Defendants. CaseNo. 8C589695 I COMPLAINI FOR DAMAGES AND INJI]NCTTVE RELIEF FOR: (l) LrBEL PER SE (2) INTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS (3) COMMERCIALMISAPPROPRIATION OF PHOTOGRAPHAND LIKENESS $ 33441 lCal.Civ.Code I ) ) ) ) 19 Plaintiff BRENDA SONG, for her complaint herein, allegesas follows: 20 l. BrendaSong,a twenty-year-oldactressbestknown for her work on the successful 2l Disney Channeltelevisionseries,The SuiteLde of Zack & Cody, is one of the most popular 22 young female starsin televisiontoday. Ms. Song,who has a long and promisingcareeraheadof 23 her, scrupulouslymaintainsand cultivatesher image as a well-behaved,matureand law-abiding 24 adult escort role model for her many young fans. In this lawsuit, Ms. Song suesan unscrupulous 25 photographsfrom the Internet servicethat has illegally and shamelesslytakenone of Ms. Song's 26 possiblyillegal, enterprise' and usedit to advertisewhat is undoubtedlya thinly-disguised,and 27 28 U C H AL T E RN EME R Paot$noil^r L6 cOltoi.llor ANGSIES r903a07-?.DOC COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGESAND INJIINCTIVE RELIEF I 2 3 4 PARTIES 2' Plaintiff. Plaintiff BRENDA SONG ("Song") is, and at all relevanrtimes was, an individual who residesin Los AngelesCounty,California. 3. Defendants. 5 (a) Plaintiff is informed and believes,andbasedthereonalleges,that at all times 6 mentionedherein,defendantVIBE MEDIA, INC. ("Vibe") was and is a California corporation, 7 having its principal businessin Los Angeres,California,and is duly authorizedto conduct 8 businessin the Stateof California. 9 O) Plaintiff is informed and believes,andbasedthereonalleges,that at all times l0 mentionedherein,defendantCITYVIBE.COM("Cityvibe") conductsbusinessin the Stateof ll California. On informationand belief, Cityvibe, a businessof unknown legal characterand l2 citizenship,is affiliated and/orcontrolledby Vibe. t3 (c) Plaintiff is informed and believes,andbasedthereonalleges,that at all times t4 mentionedherein,defendantALI ASKARI ("Askari") is, and at all relevanttimes was, an l5 individual who residesin Los AngelesCounty, California. On information and belief, Askari is t6 the president,owner and principal shareholderof vibe and cityvibe. t7 (d) The true namesand capacities,whetherindividual, corporate,associateor l8 otherwise, of defendantsDOES 1 through 50, inclusive, are unknown to plaintiff, who therefore 19 suessaid defendantsby suchfictitious names. Plaintiff is informedand believesand based 20 thereonallegesthat eachof the defendantsdesignatedhereinas fictitiously nameddefendantsis, 2t in somemanner,responsiblefor the occurrencesallegedherein,and that plaintiff s damagesas 22 alleged were proximately causedby their conduct. When plaintiff ascertainsthe true names and 23 capacitiesof DOES 1 through 50, shewill amendher complaintaccordingly. 24 25 26 (e) Vibe, Cityvibe, Askari and DOES I through 10,inclusive, will sometimesbe referredto herein collectively as "Vibe Media Defendants." 4. Plaintiff is informed and believes,and basedthereonalleges,that all of the defendants, 27 both actually and fictitiously named,are and were in somemannerlegally liable for the conduct 28 at issuein this action. Plaintiffs are further informed andbelieve,and basedthereonallege,that BUC H A L T E RN E ME R A ProF ars roN^ r CorPo r^ tt oN LOS ANGEL !5 r903407_2.DOC COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND INJUNCTIVERELIEF n I eachdefendant,both actuallyand fictitiously named,was the principal,agent,employee,partner, 2 memberand/oralter ego of the other and,with respectto the circumstancesat issuein this action, 3 was at all times acting within the scopeof one or more of suchrelationshipsand with the implied 4 and./orexpressdirection,approvaland ratificationof eachof the other defendants. 5 6 GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 5. BrendaSongis an actressand singer,and is one of the starsof the well-known Disney 7 Channeltelevision series,The Suite Life of Zack & Cody. Ms. Song has appearedin many Disney 8 Channeloriginal seriesand movies.Shehasmadeguestappearances in other televisionseries, 9 and she won a Young Artist Award for her work in The Ultimate ChristmasPresent.She was l0 l1 voted one of Teen People's25 most popularstarsunder25 yearsof age. 6. On or aboutApril4, 2008,the Vibe Media Defendantscausedto be publishedin the t2 weekly newspaper,LA \Ueekly,a three-pagecommercial advertisementfor an adult escort service 13 (the "Tortious CommercialAdvertisement")which includedin it a photographof Ms. Song. On t4 informationand belief, LA Weeklyis a free weekly tabloid-sizednewspaper(a so-called l5 "alternativeweekly") distributedthroughoutthe greaterLos Angelesarea. The newspaper l6 advertisesitself as being the largesturbannewsweeklyin the westernUnited States,having an t7 auditedcirculationof 215,000copies. 18 7. The Tortious CommercialAdvertisement,a copy of which is attachedheretoas 19 Exhibit "A," featuresthreepagesof provocativephotographsof young women, eachphotograph 20 havingimposedon it a femalefirst name,a local telephonenumberand a titillating, salacious 21 phrase. One of the photographscontainedin the Tortious Commercial Advertisement is a 22 "headshot"of BrendaSong,with the name"Layla" imposedon Ms. Song'sphotograph. Also 23 printedon the photo is a local telephonenumberin the (310) areacode,and the phrase, 24 "Hawaiin [sic] beauty. Come get lei'd." 25 8. On April 23, 2008,plaintiff s attomeytelephonedthe numberprinted with Ms. Song's 26 photograph,and a female voice answeredthe telephone. When asked,the woman statedthat her 27 nameis "Layla" and that the photographprinted in the newspaperis her genuinephotograph. The 28 BUC H A L T E R N EME R A P rof raror^ r Co ltot^ lr od LoS ANCELAS COMPLAINT FORDAMAGES AND INJUNCTIVERELIEF 3. I woman then askedif plaintiff's attorneywantedto seeher "tonight," at which point plaintiff s 2 attomeyterminatedthe telephonecall. 3 9. The Tortious CommercialAdvertisementwas printed in the issueof LA Weektydated 4 April 4, 2008,was re-printedin the issueof LA WeeklydatedApril 11, 2008, and was possibly 5 also run on other datesand/orin otherpublications.When notified that it was running an 6 advertisementcontainingan unauthorizedpicture of Ms. Song,an attorneyfor I-A Weekly .' I respondedthat "it appearsfalserepresentations were madeto LA Weeklyby its advertiser,"and 8 statedthat "the photographwill not appearin future issues." 9 10. Publicationof the TortiousCommercialAdvertisementhasquickly attractedpublic l0 attention. The advertisementwas re-publishedon popularcelebritygossipand ll news website,and was featuredon the April 21, 2008broadcastof the televisionshow r2 TMZ on ?'7, a syndicatedtelevisionshowbroadcastthroughoutthe United Statesand t3 internationally.Pressinquireshavebeenreceivedfrom other news outlets,tabloidsand radio I4 shows,and additionalpresscoverageis likely. 15 11. Notwithstandingthe useof the false name"Layla," the imageusedin the Tortious 16 CommercialAdvertisementis easilyrecognizedas being a photographof Ms. Song. The t7 languagecontainedin the advertisement, along with the contextof the surroundingprovocative 18 photosof women and the adjacentuseof the words "escortpages"could causea reasonable 19 readerto believethat Ms. Songwas sellingherselffor "escort" servicesand that the services 20 includedintimate (and illegal) conduct. This implication is false. 2t 22 23 12. The Tortious CommercialAdvertisementwas created,publishedand re-published without Ms. Song's consent,authorizationor knowledge. 13. When plaintiff discoveredthe existenceof the Tortious CommercialAdvertisement, 24 sheimmediatelysent a "ceaseand desist"letter to the Vibe Media DefendantsandLA Weekly,a 25 true and correct copy of which is attachedhereto as Exhibit "8." LA Weeklyhas agreedto cease 26 but the Vibe Media Defendantshavenot responded. publicationof the commercialadvertisement, 27 28 BUC H A L T E R N EME R LOS ANGEL ES 19034 07 _2 .DOC COMPLAINT FORDAMAGES AND INJIINCTIVE RELIEF I FIRSTCAUSEOF ACTION 2 a J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll (Libel Per Se) 14' Plaintiff reallegesand incorporateshereinby this referencethe allegationscontained in paragraphsI through 13,above,as thoughset forth in full. l5' The TortiousCommercialAdvertisementis libelous on its face (or libelousper se) in that it: implies that plaintiff is committing the crime of prostitution; is injuriousto plaintiff in her occupationas an actresson a televisionshow and on a television network that marketsitself to young and teenagechildren;it chargesplaintiff with improperand immoral conduct;it charges plaintiff with dishonesty; it subjectsplaintiff ro contemptandridicule;and it imputes a lack of chastity ro plainriff. l6' As a resultof the false and unauthorizedpublication of the Tortiouscommercial t2 Advertisement,Ms' Song'sreputationas a family-oriented actresshasbeen seriouslydamaged t3 and thus endangersher careerand employment prospects. t4 17' As a direct and proximateresult of defendants'conduct, plaintiff hasbeendamagedin 15 an amount to be provenat the time of trial, which amountplaintiff believesis in excessof l6 $100,000. T7 l8' In performingthe above-described conduct,defendantsactedwith oppression,fraud, t8 malice and a consciousdisregardof plaintiff s rights. Accordingly, in additionto actualdamages, 19 plaintiff is entitled to punitive and exemplary damagesin an amount to be fixed by the trier of 20 fact sufficient to punish saiddefendantsand deter othersfrom similar conductin the 2l SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION 22 (lntentionallnfl iction of Emotional Distress) 23 24 25 future. 19. Plaintiff reallegesand incorporatesherein by this referencethe allegationscontained in paragraphsI through 18,above,as though set forth in full. 20' Defendants'conductof causingpublication of the false Tortious Commercial 26 Advertisement,which suchadvertisementstrongly implies that plaintiff is sellingher "escort" 27 services,is extremeand outrageousconduct. This is especiallytrue given that the image used in 28 the advertisementis a photographtakenof Ms. Song when shewas a 16-year-oldminor. BUC H AL T ERN E M E R A P r orarsroN^ r Coiro i^ iro r LO s ANGEL ES r903107_2.DOC COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF 5. I 21. Defendantsactedwith a recklessdisregardof the probability that plaintiff would 2 suffer emotionaldistressbecausethey knew that the implicationof the Tortious Commercial 3 Advertisementwas false,and causedthe photographto be publishedwithout plaintiff s consentor 4 knowledge. 5 22. Plaintrff hassuffered,and continuesto suffer,public humiliation, anxiety and severe 6 emotionaldistressbecauseof the publicationand re-publicationof the Tortious Commercial 7 Advertisement. 8 9 10 u 23. As a direct andproximateresultof defendants'conduct,plaintiff hasbeendamagedin an amountto be provenat the time of trial, which amountplaintiff believesis in excessof $100,000. 24. In performing the above-describedconduct,defendantsactedwith oppression,fraud, t2 malice and a consciousdisregardof plaintiff s rights. Accordingly, in addition to actualdamages, t3 plaintiff is entitled to punitive and exemplary damagesin an amount to be fixed by the trier of l4 fact sufficientto punishsaiddefendantsand deterothersfrom similar conduct in the future. 15 THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION r6 t7 18 l9 (Commercial Misappropriation Of PhotographAnd Likeness) 25. Plaintiff reallegesand incoqporatesherein by this referencethe allegationscontained in paragraphsI through 24, above, as though set forth in full. 26. Defendantsknowingly usedplaintiff's photographand likenessfor the commercial 20 purposeof soliciting the purchaseof serviceswithout plaintiff s consentor knowledge,in 2l violation of plaintiff s comrnonlaw rights of publicity and her statutoryrights under Section3344 22 of the California Civil Code. 23 27. As a direct and proximate result of defendants'conduct, plaintiff has been damagedin 24 an amount to be proven at the time of trial, which amountplaintiff believes is in excessof 25 $100,000. 26 27 28. Pursuantto Section33M of the California Civil Code,defendantsare liable to plaintiff in an amountequal to the greaterof sevenhundredfifty dollars ($750) or the actual 28 BUC H A L T E RN E ME R a ProrEsroN^LCortor^rtoN LOSArc€!6 r903{07_2.DOC COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND INJTINCTIVERELIEF I use,andarealsoliableto herfor any damages sufferedby herasa resultof theunauthorized ) profitsfrom theunauthorized usethat areattributableto theuse. areliablefor the of theCaliforniaCivil Code,defendants 29. Pursuant to Section3344 a J 4 with thisaction. feesandcostsincurredby plaintiffin connection attorney's fraud, actedwith oppression, conduct,defendants 30. In performingthe above-described 5 6 disregard of plaintifflsrights. Accordingly,in additionto actualdamages, maliceanda conscious 7 in anamountto befixedby thetrier of damages plaintiffis entitledto punitiveandexemplary 8 anddeterothersfrom similar conductin thefuture. fact sufficientto punishsaiddefendants 9 ttt 10 tll 11 ttl l2 ltl 13 ttt l4 ttl 15 tll 16 ttt t7 tll 18 III l9 ttt 20 tl l 2l ttt ')') ttl 23 tlt 24 tl l 25 llt 26 tl l 27 tll 28 ul BUC H AL T E R N E ME R A P toaEig pr^ L cotFr.Tlor LOS ANCEL6 r 903407-2.DOC COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF I 2 J- 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE,plaintiff BRENDA SONG praysfor judgment againstdefendantsas follows: 1. For an awardof compensatorydamagesin an amountto be provenat the time of trial, which amountplaintiff believesis in excessof $100,000; 2. For an award of punitive and exemplarydamagesin an amount to be fixed by the trier of fact sufficient to punish saiddefendantsand deterothersfrom similar conductin the future; 3. For preliminaryand permanentinjunctive relief, enjoining,preventingand prohibiting defendantsfrom making any unauthorizeduseof defendant'snarne,likenessor photographin connectionwith any advertisingor for any other purposeor use; 4. On the Third Causeof Action, for damagesin an amountequalto the greaterof seven T2 hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) or the actual damagessuffered by plaintiff as a result of the l3 unauthorizeduse of plaintiffls photographand likeness, and any profits from the unauthorizeduse t4 attributableto the usethat arenot takeninto accountin computingactualdamages; l5 5. On the Third Causeof Action, for an awardof attorney'sfeesand costs;and T6 6. For suchother and further relief as this Court may deemjust, equitableand proper. t7 DATED: April25,2008 18 19 20 Respectfullysubmitted, BUCHALTERNEMER A Professional Corporation 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BUC H A L T E RN E ME R A Protsssror^r Cortor^rror Lo s ANGEL 6 1903407_2.DOC COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF