All-West 2016


All-West 2016
Chris Piecuch, Overton High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRESIDENT
Stephen Price, South Gibson County High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRESIDENT ELECT
Karen Henning, Liberty Technology Magnet High . . . IMMEDIATE PAST-PRESIDENT
Darrell Evans, West Middle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXECUTIVE TREASURER
Leigh Boyce, Trenton Rosenwald Middle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXECUTIVE SECRETARY
Barry Trobaugh, Munford High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALL-STATE
Brad Turner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALL-WEST CONVENTION CHAIR
Chelsea Negray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALL-WEST CONVENTION CO-CHAIR
Stephen Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALL-WEST CLINIC CHAIR
Dru Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CHAIR
David Chipman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TECHNOLOGY/EVENT DATA CHAIR
Susan Spain, Steffanie Sims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALL-WEST REGISTRATION CHAIR
Jason Eckford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BAND AUDITION CHAIR
Ollie Liddell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JAZZ CHAIR
Carol Chipman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JUNIOR HIGH BAND CHAIR
Michael Parsons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SENIOR HIGH BAND CHAIR
Ptotia Furlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ORCHESTRA CHAIR
Pam Wilensky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ORCHESTRA CO-CHAIR
Cameron Ross
Roderick White Jr.
Rick Neal
Steven Spangler
Michael Neal
Bryan Scott
Kayla Price
James Henning
Jason Ekford
Anna Williams
Benjamin Martin
Registration opens for Jazz. (L4)
Jazz recordings begin. (SMC)
Registration opens for Orchestra (L4)
9:00 – 12:00 PM
Rehearsal for Orchestra and Jazz.
12:00 – 2:00
Lunch Break
12:00 – 1:00
Registration for All Bands (L4)
1:00 – 4:00
Rehearsal for All Bands in Designated Areas
2:00 – 4:00
Rehearsal for Orchestra and Jazz
4:00 – 6:30
Dinner Break for All Groups
6:30 – 9:30
Rehearsal for All Groups in Designated Areas
8:00 – 9:15
WTSBOA Meeting, Nashville Room, Marriott
8:00 – 11:30 AM
Rehearsal for All Groups in Designated Areas
11:30 – 1:30 PM
Lunch Break
1:30 – 4:00
Rehearsal for All Groups in Designated Areas
Orchestra staging
Red Jazz Band on Stage Cannon Center. Blue Jazz Band and Orchestras seated in audience.
6:30 – 6:55
Red Jazz Band
7:05 – 7:30
Blue Jazz Band
7:40 – 8:05
Middle School String Orchestra
8:15 – 8:40
High School Honor String Orchestra
8:50 – 9:15
Senior High Symphony Orchestra
8:00 AM
Jr. Red Band
9:00 – 9:30
Jr. Blue Band
9-10 Red Band on stage. 9-10 Blue, 11-12 Red, and 11-12 Blue Bands in audience.
10:30 – 11:00
9-10 Red Band
11:00 – 11:30
9-10 Blue Band
11:30 – 12:00 PM
designed by:
Shari B. Cooke
Jr. Red Band on Stage. Jr. Blue Band seated in assigned seats in audience.
8:30 – 9:00
11-12 RED BAND
7:45 AM
Hall of Fame Induction
12:00 – 12:30
11-12 Red Band
12:30 – 1:00
11-12 Blue Band
Do Not Bring Cases into the Cannon Center. Cases Must Stay With Luggage.
To Our 2016 West Tennessee
School Band & Orchestra Members
“The Oldest High School Band In America”
All-West Members
Sam Mangin, Austin Wright, Justin Labilles
Andrew Devall, Andrew Monti, Yitao Li, Kyle Rains
Ian Shapiro, James McMillan, Connor Singleton, Matthew Hubbard
Nick Ireland, Will Thomas, Daniel Smith, Jonathan Franklin, Andrew Scherson
Noah Hubbard, Austin Lopez, Jonathan Forcherio, Seth Klumph, Max Thielemier, Antonio Gonzales
All-State Members
Noah Hubbard, Kyle Rains, Andrew Devall
The Christian Brothers Band has had an unbroken lineage since its founding by Brother Maurelian
who served as the first president and band director of Christian Brothers, Memphis.
The band’s second band director, Prof. Paul Schneider, performed in Ford’s Theatre
the night President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.
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DVD, CD and HD USB Order Form
‡ Go easy on the atomizer. Many people are highly allergic to
perfume and cologne.
NAME __________________________________________________________________ PHONE _______________________
‡ If you bring a child, make sure that etiquette is part of the
‡ Unwrap all candies and lozenges before the concert begins.
ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY/ST ________________________________________________________________________ ZIP ____________________
YOUR EMAIL: _____________________________________________ If paying by credit/debit include the following:
Last four digits of your card number ____________ Card Holder’s Last Name ________________________________
‡ Turn all cell phones, beepers and watch alarms off. Also,
please don’t “jangle the bangles”.
Pricing: Includes tax and shipping
_____DVD - $25.00 _____ CD - $20.00 _____ DVD&CD - $40.00 _____ 2 DVD’S - $45.00 _____ 2 CD’S - $35.00
‡ Remain silent during the overture - it is part of the performance.
‡ Lovebirds: Do not lean your heads together; you block the view
of the person behind you. Leaning forward also blocks the view.
_____HD USB - $25.00 _____ 2 HD USB’S - $45.00
Check your choice below:
Jazz Bands
_____DVD _____CD _____HD USB
9-10 Bands
_____DVD _____CD _____HD USB
‡ Do not talk, hum, sing along or
beat time with any body part.
All Orchestras
_____DVD _____CD _____HD USB
11-12 Bands
_____DVD _____CD _____HD USB
Junior High Bands
_____DVD _____CD _____HD USB
‡ Wait for a pause or intermission
before riffling through a purse,
backpack or other bags.
Ordering: Order at the concerts: Pay by cash, check or credit/debit card.
Make checks payable to: HAV Media
‡ Do not leave the show while it is
still in progress (except for
emergency, of course).
‡ Do unto others as you would
want them to do unto you.
Order by mail: Send payment and order form to:
HAV Media P.O. Box 280 Cave Springs, AR 72718
Phone: (479) 619-6082 Email:
Note: If you order by mail with a credit card, include all card numbers, expiration, security code
and billing zip code.
to our 2016 All-West Participants!
J R . H I G H & S R . H I G H A L L -W E S T
F r o nt r ow ( l to r ) : Ke l l y V i n h , C he l s e a D a r by, Je s s i c a L e e, Ave r y E f aw,
E l i z a b et h Mo n i x , H ay l ey Fo r d
B a c k r ow ( l to r ) : Mat t hew P l e a s, Ja d a L aws, M i k y l a S m i t h , Ja c ob A l t r o c k ,
C o l l i n A nd e r s o n , C a l eb C r a n f o r d , A n a P r i d g e n , H u n te r U nd e r wo o d ,
A n n a C l a i r e G a i ne s, Ja me s D a r by
The Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music
draws top students and faculty
from every corner of the globe, offering
programs to nurture talent, creating
countless opportunities to learn and
perform. Here, your music will be heard.
Degrees Offered: B.M. M.M. A.D. D.M.A. Ph.D.
Come let us hear you. Audition on one of these dates:
February 20, 2016
February 27, 2016
C a l eb C r a n f o r d
901.678.2541 | |
A Tennessee Board of Regents Institution
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action University
1100 Cherry Rd.
Memphis, TN 38117
Harding Academy of Memphis is a Christian, college preparatory, co-educational day
school serving ages 18 months through grade 12 in East Memphis and Cordova.
Music Within
Scholarship Audition
Performing Ensembles
Interested students should contact
the Department through the website,, or by phone
at (931) 372-3161.
Concert Band, Golden Eagle Marching
Band, Jazz Ensembles, Symphony Band,
Wind Ensemble
Degree Programs
Learn from a faculty of world-class
performers and teachers who truly care
about you, in a state-of-the-art music
facility. Our program is designed to
help you create a positive, diverse, and
successful life in music, whether it’s in the
classroom or on the stage.
2015-2016 Audition Dates*
Saturday, Jan. 23, 8:00 am (Honor Band)
Friday, Jan. 29, 3:00 pm (Honor Choir)
Monday, Feb. 15, All Day (Junior/Senior Day)
Saturday, March 5, All Day (Woodwind Day)
* Additional dates may be arranged.
Start your life
in music today!
Accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music
Bachelor of Music
in Music Education
(Instrumental/General Licensure,
Vocal/General Licensure,
Dual Licensure)
Bachelor of Music
in Performance
(Composition, Instrumental, Jazz,
Music Business, Piano, Vocal)
Master of Arts
in Curriculum
(Music Education Concentration)
Tennessee Tech University is a constituent university of the Tennessee Board of
Regents. TTU does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex
(gender), disability (ability), or age in its programs and activities. The following
person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non discrimination
policies: Director of Diversity & Legal Affairs, PO Box 5164, Cookeville, TN 38505,
Chorale, Concert Choir, Mastersingers
Bryan Symphony Orchestra, University
Other Opportunities
Tennessee Tech Tuba Ensemble,
Chamber Music Ensembles, Golden
Eagle Brass Pep Band, Jazz Combos
Accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)
Scholarships available for music majors and non-music majors.
Michael Worthy
Timothy Turner
Music to be performed will be selected from the following:
It's Oh, So Nice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sammy Nestico
Back Bone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thad Jones, arr. Mike Carubia
Robot Portrait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Billy Byers
Alto Saxophone
Auldin Givhan Overton High
Colby Barham Collierville High
Alto Saxophone Alternate
Tahj Mason Memphis Central High
Kaylin Fields Soulsville Charter
Tenor Saxophone
Carl Palmer, III Memphis Central High
Karloquious Edwards Memphis Central High
Tenor Saxophone Alternate
Nicholas Nguyen White Station High
Taylor Loverson Overton High
Baritone Saxophone
Zach Price Briarcrest Christian
Bryce Hunter Memphis Central High
Alex White Overton High
Julian Anderson Overton High
Christopher Allen Memphis Central High
Vincent Manard Memphis Central High
Trumpet Alternate
John Asa Thomason White Station High
Cianna Haney McKenzie High
Ruben Lazrin Memphis Central High
Hot It Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shelton Berg
The Second Time Around . . . . . Jimmy Van Heusen & Sammy Cahn,
arr. Billy Byers
Kimani Cameron Memphis Central High
Stevie Smith Memphis Central High
Jalen Jones Overton High
Josh Calvert Houston High
Trombone Alternate
Michael Thompson Bartlett High
Bass Trombone
Henry Harris Memphis Central High
Tyler Griffis St Benedict at Auburndale
Piano Alternate
Morrell Pruitte White Station High
Andrew Geary Chester County High
Jamaal Franklin Soulsville Charter
Guitar Alternate
Darron Dowel Soulsville Charter
Chris Franklin Soulsville Charter
Bass Alternate
Mike Collins Houston High
Solomon Smith White Station High
Drum Set
Trey Deaton Cordova High
Drum Set Alternate
Will Graves Soulsville Charter
Cleveland Yates Briarcrest Christian
Aux. Percussion
Winston Hayes Bartlett High
Michael Worthy is an Associate Professor of Music at The University of Mississippi, where he directs the
Mississippians Jazz Ensemble and teaches undergraduate and graduate instrumental music courses. Under his
direction, the Mississippians Jazz Ensemble was selected to perform at the 2012 Jazz Education Network National
Conference in Louisville, KY and have been selected to perform at the upcoming 2016 Notre Dame Collegiate
Jazz Festival in South Bend, IN. Dr. Worthy has adjudicated music festivals, directed honor groups and presented
at conferences across the country, including the Midwest Clinic and the National Association for Music
Education. Dr. Worthy has numerous research and pedagogic publications and was recently commissioned by
Oxford University Press to write on jazz education topics in the Grove Dictionary of American Music and the Oxford
Handbook of Music Education. He earned his B.M.E. and M.M. at Southwestern Oklahoma State University and his
Ph.D. in Music Education at The University of Texas at Austin.
Music to be performed will be selected from the following:
Blues Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sammy Nestico
Just Friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Klenner & Lewis, arr. McConnell
Alto Saxophone
Brian Lively Houston High
Wilce Fountain Memphis Central High
Tenor Saxophone
Bernell Jones White Station High
Thomas Adams Briarcrest Christian
Baritone Saxophone
Azayria Anderson Memphis Central High
Leon Little Arlington High
Marcus Modey Overton High
Asia Wilson Overton High
Anthony Townes Germantown High
Justin Williams Overton High
Robert Wake Chester County High
Leodan Rodriguez White Station High
Mark Hyman Houston High
Shemar Spencer Cordova High
Night Flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sammy Nestico
Sambandrea Swing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Don Menza
Bass Trombone
Victor Gardner White Station High
Oveanate Magsby Overton High
Nolan Cychowski Houston High
Kem Gray Overton High
Drum Set
Antonio Walker Overton High
Aux. Percussion
DeAnte Payne Overton High
Timothy R. Turner is Department Head and Director of Bands in the Department of Music at Xavier University of Louisiana. Dr. Turner
received both his B.M.Ed. and his M.A. degrees from Memphis State University and his D.M.A. with emphasis in Music Education at the Rudy
E. Scheidt School of Music at the renamed University of Memphis. His Bachelor’s degree is in Music Education, while his Master’s degree is
in Individual Studies concentrating on the performance aspects of orchestral, jazz, commercial music and studio recording. Although the
emphasis is in Music Education, Dr. Turner is a certified recording and music production specialist with his focus being composition and MIDI
technology. While completing his doctoral studies, he was a student of noted Composer/Educator James Riches, acclaimed Jazz
musician/Composer Eugene Allen Rush and Conductor and mentor Sidney Jean McKay. Dr. Turner is a jazz - orchestral conductor/clinician
for several school systems, honor bands, and orchestra programs in the mid-south and southern region of the country.
Dr. Turner is a 2013 and 2014 Grammy Nominee in Music Education and has performed with legendary names such as Lena Horne, Nancy
Wilson, Barbara Eden, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin and a host of others. He is an active member of the Music Educators National Conference
Association, the Louisiana Music Educators Association, the National Association of Recording Arts and Sciences, and the National Black Music
Caucus. Dr. Turner is also a member of the society of Pi Kappa Lambda and also the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Professional Music Fraternities.
Anne Witt
Music to be performed will be selected from the following:
Downtown Abbey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Lunn, arr. Larry Moore
Sahara Crossing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Meyer
Symphony No. 4 (First Movement) . . William Boyce, arr. Elliot Del Borgo
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Quinn Farr Hutchison
Catherine McLean St. George's Independent
Jean Shin Houston Middle
Emerie Landers School of Performing Arts
Zoe Wolfe Maxine Smith STEAM Academy
Brighton Fan Houston Middle
Ella Golden School of Performing Arts
Ayaka Kimura Houston Middle
Yuka Kimura Houston Middle
Sarah Shen White Station Middle
Sanjana Sundaraarajan White Station Middle
Kate Learned School of Performing Arts
Langston Suggs White Station Middle
Anes Kim Schilling Farms Middle
Joseph Park Houston Middle
Eric Kang Collierville Middle
Jenny McClain Riverdale
Gian Magnini Houston Middle
Russell Wolfe Snowden
Diran Tan White Station Middle
EmilyHu White Station Middle
Matthew Ku Arlington Middle
Erika Kim Kate Bond Middle
Sharon Lee Collierville Middle
Anming Gu White Station Middle
Jana Chao Schilling Farms Middle
Brandon Gong Schilling Farms Middle
Gail Alonzo Arlington Middle
Emily Sun Schilling Farms Middle
AaronXue Arlington Middle
Annie Underwood Inman Middle
Madison Powell Arlington Middle
Adriel Wandja Bellevue Middle
Violin Alternate
Priscilla Harris Snowden
Chelsea Darby Harding Academy
Eric Sun White Station Middle
Jillian Renee Avery School of Performing Arts
Mya Macklin Colonial Middle
Aliya Holeyfield Colonial Middle
Elaine Lee White Station Middle
Natalie Poorman Collierville Middle
Hopak . . . . . . . . Modest Moussorgsky (1839-1881), arr. Merle J. Isaac
Themes from the Moldau . . . . . Bedrich Smetana, arr. Robert S. Frost
Agincourt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doug Spata
Jonathan Zhang White Station Middle
Justin Choi Arlington Middle
Khalidah Robinson Colonial Middle
Laura Mike Schilling Farms Middle
Mark Dely Houston Middle
Sanjana Mahale Schilling Farms Middle
Athreya Vandayar White Station Middle
Takuma Walter White Station Middle
Robert Elliott Jr. Arlington Middle
Hannah Arthur School of Performing Arts
Sydney Chase White Station Middle
Adnan Shihaibar Schilling Farms Middle
Viola Alternate
Kayla Miller Cordova Middle
Sophia Best White Station Middle
Ayva Rose Collierville Middle
Edgar Lemus White Station Middle
Stephen Arthur School of Performing Arts
Matthew Long School of Performing Arts
Mikyhia Worsham Snowden
Justin Kouch White Station Middle
Georgia Bruno St. Mary's Episcopal
Daniel Boyer White Station Middle
Alan Lopez Colonial Middle
Megan Wisniewski Houston Middle
Autumn Bobo White Station Middle
Zhaohan Zhu White Station Middle
Devyn Butler Maxine Smith STEAM Academy
Kelsey London Colonial Middle
Cello Alternate
Annelise Noel Avery School of Performing Arts
Ian Kim Houston Middle
Kaitlyn Navarro Hutchison
James Cox Colonial Middle
String Bass
Alec Watkins Inman Middle
Kedrick Cottrell Cordova Middle
Garrett Kirk Arlington Middle
Anjali Gahlaut White Station Middle
Jada Lott John P Freeman
Elijah Asemota Snowden
String Bass Alternate
Marisa Boyd White Station Middle
Wallace Leopard Snowden
Dr. Anne C. Witt teaches Music Education and strings at the University of Alabama.
Her degrees were earned at the University of Alabama (Bachelor’s), and the University of Texas at Austin (M.M. and Ph.D.) She taught middle school and
high school strings/orchestra in Austin for 15 years and played cello in the Austin Symphony. She was also Director of the University of Texas String Project. She
taught music education at the University of Texas at Austin and at UT-Arlington. Dr. Witt has served as President of the Texas
Orchestra Directors Association, President of the Alabama ASTA chapter, and National President of ASTA.
Soon after returning to her home city of Tuscaloosa, she led a community initiative to begin string instruction to the Tuscaloosa City
Schools. Now celebrating its 10th anniversary, the Strings in Schools program has five full time teachers teaching over 250 students in
every secondary school.
Dr. Witt has presented educational sessions for orchestra and band directors in many states, at all ASTA national conventions and
at the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic. Her presentations include “student tested” teaching strategies on such topics as
classroom management, repertoire selection, communication, and motivation. She has been a guest conductor for many
All-Region orchestras in Texas, festival orchestras and All-State orchestras. Dr. Witt is author of A Rhythm a Week, used by school band
and orchestra classes and private students nationwide.
While in Texas, she was a frequent adjudicator at UIL Orchestra competitions. She has also judged Large Group Performance
festivals in Georgia. In 2014, she served as an adjudicator for the ASTA National Orchestra Festival. She continues to play cello
professionally in a quartet called “Four Strings Attached.”
She is thrilled to be conducting the All-West Junior String Orchestra!
Winifred Crock
Dan Allcott
Music to be performed will be selected from the following:
America Folk Reel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kurt Mosier
Ballad for a Summer's Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Woodard
Waltz from the Gadfly . . . . . . Dmitri Shostakovich, arr. Paul Lavender
Lauren Bean St. Agnes Academy
Vincent Wang Houston High
Andrew An Hutchison
Daniel Gonzalez Overton High
Lonnie Easley Houston High
Joshua Leow White Station High
Rachel Shin Collierville High
Audrey Fuhrmann School of Performing Arts
Olasuyi Ige Overton High
David Haider Collierville High
Alex Chung White Station High
Samuel Alkema Houston High
Collin Lindsay White Station High
Joshua Kouch White Station High
Vivian Lee Collierville High
Shridhar Athinarayanan White Station High
Hansol Choi Collierville High
KaitlinJang St. Mary's Episcopal
Charlie Folsom White Station High
Amy Xue White Station High
Arjun Raj White Station High
James Darby Harding Academy
Zoe Johnson Collierville High
Mia Pearce White Station High
Akeivia Hardy Overton High
Gloria Davis School of Performing Arts
Kyler Hamilton White Station High
Ivan Campos White Station High
Catherine Lock School of Performing Arts
Alex Liu Houston High
Jared Smith School of Performing Arts
Charley Barcroft Arlington High
Violin Alternate
Sukanya Barman White Station High
Claire Avery School of Performing Arts
Hannah Pham Arlington High
Amber Williams Overton High
Larry Lauderdale White Station High
Olivia Schmitz Arlington High
Joyce Wang Collierville High
Vibi Bakshi Arlington High
March from Serenade Op. 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dag Wiren
Danza Finale from Estancia . . Alberto Ginestera, arr. Robert Longfeld
Adam Kim Houston High
Monica Fleck Hutchison
Theo Patt White Station High
Mykaela Taylor Bolton High
Ethan Neil Collierville High
Olivia Asemota White Station High
Grant Robison Houston High
Reginald Doty White Station High
Bri'Sharia Solomon Overton High
Lailah Wilson Central High
Kyrrith Jones White Station High
Sona Vaghela White Station High
Viola Alternate
Katie Thomas White Station High
Dylan Willis White Station High
Sky Gardner Houston High
Annie Pham White Station High
Nathaniel Keryordeh White Station High
Mary Park Houston High
Casey Johnson Arlington High
Jamarah Wright Overton High
Yumin Lee Collierville High
Jonathan Wang Houston High
Stephanie Wang White Station High
Bailey Rose Houston High
Isaac Vongphit Collierville High
Ruby Rhee Houston High
Sean Burke Collierville High
Allison Malone Central High
Cello Alternate
Jessica Liddell Central High
Eric Flynn White Station High
Brian Peeples Ridgeway High
Zachary Perry Arlington High
String Bass
Diego Martinez Collierville High
ZaVon Glass Kingsbury High
Charles Parker Houston High
Madison Jackson White Station High
Antonio Gonzalez Christian Brothers High
Jordan Williams Collierville High
String Bass Alternate
Isaiah Lockett Ridgeway High
Garrett Calabria Houston High
Jaylen Edwards White Station High
Winifred Crock was the Director of Orchestras at Parkway Central High School for over twenty-five years, and has maintained a private violin studio
in suburban St. Louis, Missouri for far longer. During her tenure, Parkway Central High was selected as a GRAMMY Gold Signature school, and the
orchestra program garnered much acclaim. Mrs. Crock has been named the Missouri ASTA Private Studio Teacher of the Year, the Missouri ASTA
Secondary String Teacher of the Year, the St. Louis Symphony Educator of the Year, and the NFHS Outstanding Music Educator
of Missouri. Mrs. Crock is also the recipient of the University of Rochester’s Singer Prize for excellence in secondary teaching and
the 2014 ASTA Elizabeth Green National School Educator Award.
In demand as a clinician, lecturer and conductor, Mrs. Crock has lectured at numerous music conferences including Midwest,
NAFME, ASTA, and SAA conferences and has been the featured string clinician at festivals and conferences in over 20 states,
and abroad. In addition to music degrees from SIU Edwardsville and Kent State University, Mrs. Crock graduated from the Suzuki
Talent Education Institute in Matsumoto, Japan under the tutelage of Shinichi Suzuki and is a certified Kodály instructor through
the Kodály Center of America in Boston. Mrs. Crock, Mr. William Dick and Dr. Laurie Scott, are the co-authors of Learning
Together: Sequential Repertoire for Solo Strings or String Ensembles, Alfred Music. They were the recipients of the Suzuki
Association of the Americas 2011 Community Learning Award for their work in developing the Suzuki Method in schools. Mrs.
Crock is currently completing a beginning reading series called Pattern Play for Strings: A Sequential Introduction to Reading
Music, Forrester Press.
Mrs. Crock is dedicated to the betterment of music education for all children.
Music to be performed will be selected from the following:
Overture to Iphigenia in Aulis . . . . . . . . . . . . Christoph Willibald Gluck
Snapshot (2002) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Barry
Hannah Liang Houston High
Aaron Haider Collierville High
Journey Hogan Overton High
Tobi Akangbe St. Mary's Episcopal
Jennifer Lock Bolton High
Katherine Long School of Performing Arts
Hannah Piecuch White Station High
Maddie Lindemann Houston High
Joshua Bagoyado Bolton High
Noel Medford Overton High
Joshua Chen Collierville High
Jeffrey Dong Houston High
Rachel Whistler School of Performing Arts
Jerald Walker Overton High
Cara Waters White Station High
John McKissack White Station High
Kristina Rodrigues White Station High
Kashirim Nwobilor White Station High
Sam Horne Arlington High
Elizabeth Caradonna St. Mary's Episcopal
Natasha Maclin Overton High
Shannon Sharp Houston High
Malik Rudd Overton High
Keita Inaba Houston High
Toni Mack Arlington High
Jay Dharsandia White Station High
Fefe Osarogiagbon Houston High
Matt Pepito Dyersburg High
Ruslan Reyes Collierville High
Tina Li Collierville High
Pei Lin Houston High
Bianca McNeary Central High
Violin Alternate
Jiahao Liang Houston High
Valentina Lee Central High
Ava Jackson Arlington High
Jennifer Hopper Arlington High
“Polka” and “Dance of the Comedians” from The Bartered Bride . .
Bedřich Smetana
Alejandro Gallagher Bartlett High
Matthew Finley Overton High
Alexander Asemota White Station High
Kenneth Gillespie Overton High
Mason Brown Central High
Nicholas Dely Houston High
Nicole King Collierville High
Cameron Smaw Houston High
Natalie McCommon School of Performing Arts
Aaron Lawson White Station High
Bailey Price Houston High
Cameron Bertram Collierville High
Viola Alternate
Kolbi Broady Central High
Andrea Nelson Central High
Aiyanna Larue Cordova High
Taylar Allen Cordova High
Emilia Pearce St. Mary's Episcopal
Caleb Dean White Station High
Hannah Haggitt Overton High
Jasmine Rhee Houston High
Bennett Poorman Collierville High
Erwin Purnell Overton High
Brandon Graham Ridgeway High
Abigail Powell School of Performing Arts
Olivia Opp Kingsbury High
Jaylon Henderson Overton High
Kaleb Brown White Station High
Carter Hawkins Overton High
Cello Alternate
Bryanni Gray Overton High
Caitlyn Mills Houston High
Audrey O'Neill Arlington High
Madison Maw Houston High
String Bass
Elizabeth Mulhearn Central High
James Williams Collierville High
Angel Talley Collierville High
Kiley Wilson Collierville High
Kylia Morris Overton High
Jacob Palmer White Station High
String Bass Alternate
Kevin Randle White Station High
Adam Nabors Cordova High
Jake Milligan Arlington High
Daniel Meza Germantown High
Oboe Alternate
Cheyanne Parkans Waverly High
Carl Myers Overton High
Eric Smith Overton High
Sarah Patterson Arlington High
Chloe White Jackson Christian
Keren Lee Houston High
Flute Alternate
Harley Chapman St. Benedict
Emily Hancock St. Mary's Episcopal
Davion Prier White Station High
Clarinet Alternate
Jocelyn Brewer Liberty Tech High
David Ford Houston High
Leland Harris Houston High
John Cook Arlington High
Trumpet Alternate
John Asa Thomason White Station High
Stephanie Yopp Collierville High
Samuel Lee Collierville High
French Horn
Nick Culver Houston High
Joshua Robinson Briarcrest Christian
Joshua Haycook Collierville High
James Apple Collierville High
Nolan Robinson Arlington High
Matthew Christian Overton High
Hannah Furniss Collierville High
Caleesha Body Lausanne Collegiate
Tuba Alternate
Devin Simmons Bolton High
Kevin Huang Collierville High
Christopher Palmer Overton High
John O'Neill Lexington High
Jackson Coker Munford High
Maestro Allcott is Director of Orchestral Studies at Tennessee Tech University, where he conducts the University Orchestra and teaches cello. He is also
Music Director of the Bryan Symphony Orchestra, Oak Ridge Symphony, and Artistic Advisor for Eastport Strings in Maine.
Allcott’s enthusiasm for working with young people is complemented by his work as a professional conductor. In 2010 he
concluded a 10-year stint as Music Director and principal conductor of the Atlanta Ballet where led over 250 performances. He
has been a guest conductor with major orchestra including the Dallas and Indianapolis Symphonies, and regional orchestras
from Maine to California.
Having conducted orchestras since he was 17 he has gone on to success in both the professional and educational settings,
and gained recognition as a builder of youth orchestras and educational programs. He is the former Music Director of the Terre
Haute and Columbus youth orchestras in Indiana and was Associate Instructor of Instrumental Conducting at Indiana University,
where he frequently conducted the University’s 5 orchestras and the New Music Ensemble. He is past President of Tennessee’s
Chapter of the American String Teacher’s Association, and is a nationally sought after guest clinician – recently conducting
youth orchestras in Nebraska, Texas and Georgia.
Mr. Allcott was named the first Herbert von Karajan Fellow of the American Austrian Foundation at the Salzburg Festival and
has been a participant in the Nicolai Malko and Grzegorz Fitelberg competitions in Europe. He is an accomplished cellist with
degrees in performance from Drake and Indiana Universities and is a member of the Cumberland Piano Trio.
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June 12–17 for Grades 9–12
June 19–24 for Grades 9–12
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Kevin Cole
Terry Jolley
Music to be performed will be selected from the following:
The Water is Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Swearingen
Counterbalance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Todd Stalter
Dixieland Struttin' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eric Osterling
Grand Gallop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Johnnie Vinson
Spencer McKnight Collierville Middle
Dilyn Doherty Arlington Middle
Oboe Alternate
Casey Hanauer Collierville Middle
Claire Burns Lakewood Middle
Charles Jacob Bridges Maxine Smith STEAM Academy
Ryan Chouyouti Colonial Middle
Morgan Dorsey Houston Middle
Thien Vuong Appling Middle
Bassoon Alternate
Andrew Carter Houston Middle
Elizabeth Hadley Elmore Park Middle
Karis Ko Schilling Farms Middle
Cindy Liu Riverdale Middle
Isabel Kagoo Lausanne Collegiate
Lizzy DeSantis Briarcrest Middle
Abby Bang Schilling Farms Middle
Vy Tran Mt. Pisgah Middle
Anabella Tian Lausanne Collegiate
Ashley Kim Houston Middle
Flute Alternate
Katie Reich Arlington Middle
Maria Le Elmore Park Middle
Jessica Lee Harding Academy
Maggie Alexander St. Francis of Assisi
Anshita Mantri Briarcrest Middle
Anna Pleasant Elmore Park Middle
Janona Pirlepesova White Station Middle
Lilly Xu Crosswind Elementary
Brevin Robinson Colonial Middle
Anaum Showkat Lausanne Collegiate
Andrew Goodrum McKenzie Middle
Seth Metcalf Northeast Middle
Grace DePriest Crockett County Middle
Skyler Perkins Northeast Middle
Ellis Kim Houston Middle
Summer Muckle Colonial Middle
Kiara Bridges Northeast Middle
Sydney Carroll Arlington Middle
Dominic Sawin E. E. Jeter Middle
Skylar Michael Appling Middle
Manas Malla Houston Middle
Isabella Holcomb White Station Middle
Dinah Saunders Arlington Middle
Taylor Hurst Elmore Park Middle
Luke Hubbard Arlington Middle
Alanna Lee Mt. Pisgah Middle
Elizabeth Wiles Medina Middle
David Hunt Lausanne Collegiate
Jose Mondragon Treadwell Middle
Clarinet Alternate
Natal Kechena Colonial Middle
Victoria Donovan Houston Middle
Auburn Gillespie Mt. Pisgah Middle
Makayla Nathaniel Snowden Middle
Sydney Rehm Collierville Middle
Katlynn Moore Lauderdale Middle
Legend of Devil's Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Sweeney
Afterburn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randall Standridge
Fanfare and Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ryan Todd
Bass Clarinet
Amaya Brooks Mt. Pisgah Middle
Sarah Carlton Trenton Rosenwald Middle
Taylor Woody Mt. Pisgah Middle
Abigale Morris Hardin County Middle
Bass Clarinet Alternate
Autumn Locke Rutherford/Yorkville/Spring Hill
Anna Soto Arlington Middle
Alto Saxophone
Cody Elks Lake Road
Logan Gossett Arlington Middle
Abigail Littrell Lakewood Middle
Ruth Smith Houston Middle
Grant Hensley Milan Middle
Myles Robinson Snowden Middle
Alto Saxophone Alternate
Joshua-James Claybon White Station Middle
Megan Walker Trinity Christian Academy
Chris Jones Briarcrest Middle School
Tenor Saxophone
Luke Ferguson Houston Middle
Briley Eliff Hardin County Middle
Tenor Saxophone Alternate
Gregory Hughes Bon Lin Middle
Chance Johnson Lakewood Middle
Baritone Saxophone
Kasey Morris Mt. Pisgah Middle
Baritone Saxophone Alternate
Justin Young Barret's Chapel
Claire Cottrill McKenzie Middle
Hannah Little Brighton Middle
Luke Michaud Schilling Farms Middle
Martin Maxim Schilling Farms Middle
Jake Hunt Bon Lin Middle
Amberlynn Parker Houston Middle
Elizabeth Berry Arlington Middle
Luke Story Arlington Middle
Emma Walters Harrelson
Lacey Prater Huntingdon Middle
Izora Bond Lakewood Middle
Zean Williams Huntingdon Middle
Jayden Robins Houston Middle
James Moyers West Middle
Trumpet Alternate
Carson Wood Millington Middle
Kameron Word Colonial Middle
Christian Williams Schilling Farms Middle
Tyler Cook Appling Middle
Daniel Harvey White Station Middle
French Horn
Sally Bradshaw Martin Middle
Kaitlyn Waites Lake Road
Steven Groff Colonial Middle
Mark Addison School of Performing Arts
Kewe Chen Schilling Farms Middle
Connor Dang Presbyterian Day
Jacob Wong Briarcrest Middle
Ashlyn Hall Rutherford/Yorkville/Spring Hill
French Horn Alternate
Tess Enemark Houston Middle
Elizabeth Zwissler Arlington Middle
Leah Crews Lake Road
Benjamin Engstrom Snowden Middle
Kylan Hebron Houston Middle
Braxton Hart Schilling Farms Middle
Ryan Diaz St. Francis of Assisi
McNeil McCarley Colonial Middle
Julian Maxwell Arlington Middle
Charles Adams Snowden Middle
Ethan Heverly Arlington Middle
Allie Abbott Martin Middle
Drew Hinson Medina Middle
Trombone Alternate
Lucas Hayden Riverdale Middle
Alex Helvie Arlington Middle
Colby Lancaster Trenton Rosenwald Middle
Brandon Quach White Station Middle
Will Ridenhour Germantown Middle
Baritone Horn
Isaiah Robertson Schilling Farms Middle
Ronald Todd Colonial Middle
Jordan Hudson Colonial Middle
Nathan Salazar Schilling Farms Middle
Baritone Horn Alternate
Sean Douangaphaivong Arlington Middle
Emily Harville Hardin County Middle
Maurice Houston Colonial Middle
Travis Mitchell Bon Lin Middle
Dillon Roush Hardin County Middle
Darrius Hunt Arlington Middle
Reed Hughey Union City Middle
Henry Richarde Arlington Middle
Tuba Alternate
Nicholas Triplett Inman Middle
Riley Hubbert Arlington Middle
Andrew Huang White Station Middle
Chandler Kuhn Houston Middle
Abhishek Menothu White Station Middle
Brent Brightwell Arlington Middle
Tanecia Carter Douglass
Blake Lawler Bon Lin Middle
Bryce Trotter Bolivar Middle
James Madden Snowden Middle
Percussion Alternate
Jalyin Reeves Arlington Middle
Shelbie Pickens Adamsville Jr. Sr. High
Elijah Wilson Colonial Middle
A native of Philadelphia, MS, Kevin Cole received his Bachelor and Masters of Music Education degree from the University of
Mississippi. He taught for 35 years in Mississippi public schools before retiring in 2010. HIs last tenure was at Lafayette High School
in Oxford, MS with his wife Beverly.
Mr. Cole has served as President of the Northeast MS High School and Junior High Band Directors Association. He worked as
a staff member with the Mississippi Lions All-State Band. He has been a clinician and adjudicator throughout the mid-south. He
works with many band programs in north Mississippi as a consultant helping them prepare for upcoming events. Mr. Cole is an
extended staff member with the University of Mississippi Band working primarily with the UM Wind Ensemble.
Kevin Cole has received the George Henry Schultz Outstanding Band Director Award, Phi Beta Mu Outstanding Band Master
Award for the state of Mississippi, and has been inducted into the NEMBDA Band Director Hall of Fame. He is a member of Phi
Beta Mu and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia.
He and his wife Beverly reside in Oxford, MS where they enjoy traveling and being with their many grandchildren.
Music to be performed will be selected from the following:
Uproar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Oare
Apparitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brian Balmages
Factory Riffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Matthew Conaway
Moscow 1941 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brian Balmages
Caleb Parker Union City Middle
Rachel Laribee Arlington Middle
Lindsey Baker Lausanne Collegiate
Marlee Sanders Appling Middle
Colin Cantwell Houston Middle
Andrew Bailey Germantown Middle
Sarah Ding White Station Middle
Sophia Cheng Houston Middle
Amy Li Houston Middle
Jaime Kim Houston Middle
Tiffany Yoo St. Mary's Episcopal
Kimberly Kerr Lausanne Collegiate
Taichi Kuriyama Houston Middle
Joanne Kwak Briarcrest Middle
Vilanna Wang Lausanne Collegiate
Virginia Folse Houston Middle
Major Glenn Riverdale Middle
Abbye Friedman White Station Middle
Maya Chambers Houston Middle
Bridge Baxter Briarcrest Middle
Siby Suriyan White Station Middle
Allen Wu White Station Middle
Avani Garde Houston Middle
Kayleigh Bunn Arlington Middle
Laura Haynes Arlington Middle
Kevin Cao White Station Middle
Ashley Yan Houston Middle
Kayla Hardrick Mt. Pisgah Middle
Daniel Kim Lausanne Collegiate
Hannah Finley Bon Lin Middle
Isabella Chapman Appling Middle
Joyce Li Schilling Farms Middle
Sasha Self Briarcrest Middle
Rylee Renfrow Arlington Middle
Eric Batchelder Waverly Junior High
Dinah Patt White Station Middle
Moesha King Colonial Middle
Chloe Shelton Trenton Rosenwald Middle
Danse Bohemian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randall D. Standridge
St. Petersburg March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Johnnie Vinson
Greek Folk Song Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franco Cesarini
Bass Clarinet
Shelby DeVore Arlington Middle
Abby Ayers Houston Middle
Jason Clifford Houston Middle
Matias Magliocchini Appling Middle
Alto Saxophone
Roshan Parikh Houston Middle
Spencer Cox Briarcrest Middle
Alan Zheng Houston Middle
Karina Donovan Houston Middle
Daniel Capua Martin Middle
Sylvan Paul Houston Middle
Tenor Saxophone
Matthew Fugera Trenton Rosenwald Middle
Lakota Nguyen Munford Middle
Baritone Saxophone
Elliot Frankel Houston Middle
Amanda Nowicki Adamsville Jr. Sr. High
Robby Skelton Collierville Middle
Walker Higgins Briarcrest Middle
Terry Washington Germantown Middle
Allie Smith Houston Middle
Harrison Whitworth Arlington Middle
Preston Burns Briarcrest Middle
Rebekka Schmidt Kate Bond Middle
Christopher Loftis Riverdale Middle
Johnathan Austin Appling Middle
Agnes Kovesdy Lausanne Collegiate
Jesse Veltman Northeast Middle
Tizzy Smith Huntingdon Middle
Lauren Ziegler White Station Middle
Calvin Ault Collierville Middle
Elliot Barner Colonial Middle
Megan Aronson Mt. Pisgah Middle
Ashton Looney Arlington Middle
Christopher McKinnon Schilling Farms Middle
Caleb Fitzgerald Colonial Middle
Kevin Liu Houston Middle
Jackson Dyson White Station Middle
Baritone Horn
Zack Roy McKenzie Middle
Anthony Jenkins Arlington Middle
Jackson Boutwell Houston Middle
Alex Heathcock Lake Road
Sam Cai Houston Middle
Peter Calkins Lausanne Collegiate
Dennis Freeman Colonial Middle
Tylan Robinson Colonial Middle
Chris Gilchrist Appling Middle
Zachary Weaver Trenton Rosenwald
Trent Calcote White Station Middle
Kenneth Burnett Appling Middle
Ariyel Campbell White Station Middle
Natalie Bierbrodt Arlington Middle
Dalton Turner Selmer Middle
Carlos Yatar Appling Middle
Brandon Neil Collierville Middle
French Horn
Anna Hudson Collierville Middle
Jon Yopp Arlington Middle
David Orleans-Lindsay Arlington Middle
Jackson Danley Snowden Middle
Nicole Fan Houston Middle
Paige Shackelford Arlington Middle
Emma Miller Briarcrest Middle
Erin Bentley Brighton Middle
Terry Jolley serves as a guest conductor, clinician, and adjudicator throughout the Southeast, and is an active consultant for numerous bands. Terry
is the Conductor Emeritus of the Tennessee Valley Winds: an adult community band based in Murfreesboro, TN. His company, Jolley & Associates, Inc.,
provides educational support to many high school and college bands throughout the region and is a sponsor of a regional leadership camp, Positive
Performance Concepts. He is a published drill designer with Arranger's Publishing Company and has published arrangements
with Row-loff Productions. He has held several positions over an eighteen-year span with The Governor's School for the Arts
including Director and has served as the production coordinator and arranger for the Memphis Sound Drum & Bugle Corps.
Mr. Jolley has been awarded four citations of excellence by the National Band Association, was selected to Who's Who
Among American Teachers on four occasions, was the recipient of the National Collegiate Music Award in 1998, and was
inducted into the MTSU Band of Blue Club Hall of Fame in 2000.
Mr. Jolley was recruited as the Supervisor of the Extended School Program for Murfreesboro City Schools, which involved over
3,000 students from K-6. In addition to his time in Administration and Development, he spent over twenty years in the music
education profession at multiple levels of instruction. He also enjoyed serving as the Associate Director of bands at Middle
Tennessee State University. Mr. Jolley is currently serving as the Minister of Music & Worship at Northside Baptist Church in
Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
He has also enjoyed 17 years of marriage to Alison, who is a registered nurse at Middle Tennessee Medical Center. Terry & Alison
are blessed with a beautiful daughter, Ava, who is currently a fifth grade student at Redeemer Christian Academy in Murfreesboro.
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Sarah Labovitz
Craig Cornish
Music to be performed will be selected from the following:
Courtly Airs and Dances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nelson
Melodious Thunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beidenbender
Go Galop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fillmore, arr. by Contorno
Jada Laws Harding Academy
Samantha Hall Bartlett High
Oboe Alternate
Kelly Vinh Harding Academy
Samantha Clifford Houston High
Hailey Eskins Houston High
Samantha Fong Collierville High
Olivia Remak Germantown High
Kevin Ou Lausanne Collegiate
Tyler Briske Houston High
Yingjie Cheng Collierville High
Keerthana Raja Collierville High
Maria Cecilia Ornelas St. Agnes Academy
Lauren Price South Gibson County High
Flute Alternate
Tori Moore-McMiller Lausanne Collegiate
Gloria Davis School of Performing Arts
Sara Kendall Obion County Central High
Anthony Portis Ripley High
Gage Shelton Dyer County High
Avery Efaw Harding Academy
Vanessa Sydboten Arlington High
Mickele Bridges Overton High
LillianYang Collierville High
Matthew Pleas Harding Academy
Jacob Cronogue Fayette Academy
Promise Robinson Briarcrest Christian
Amelia Pi Houston High
Lilac Ding Briarcrest Christian
Mikyla Smith Harding Academy
Elizabeth Monix Bolton High
Joshua Darby Collierville High
Makayla Tierney Arlington High
Mellodee Hooker Collierville High
Abby Woeller Houston High
Chloe Christion Arlington High
Angela Yang Munford High
Shelby Dorris Collierville High
James Sowell Houston High
Kaia Dyson Memphis Central High
Chloe Cates Trenton Peabody High
Caitlin Worley Collierville High
Clarinet Alternate
Alexis Tester South Gibson County High
Brionna Cunningham Madison Academic Magnet High
Caitlin Watts Gibson County High
Jermiah Tate Houston High
Bionca Tolley Crockett County High
Christina Chapman First Assembly Christian
Bass Clarinet
Nathan Massey Arlington High
Sarah Moeschle Arlington High
Ashley Diehl Covington High
Savan Malla Houston High
Bass Clarinet Alternate
Jaylin Jackson Collierville High
Briana McDonald Madison Academic Magnet High
The Cave You Fear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Markowski
And the Antelope Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carnahan
Contra Bass Clarinet
Layne Thomas Houston High
Alto Saxophone
Vincent Robinson Overton High
Matt Moskovitz Houston High
Austin Lopez Christian Brothers High
John Nowicki Adamsville Jr. Sr. High
Alto Saxophone Alternate
Darcie Halliburton Gibson County High
David Lee Germantown High
Tenor Saxophone
Fife Osikoya Houston High
Mark Criswell Bartlett High
Tenor Saxophone Alternate
Parke Macnair Briarcrest Christian
Cooper Reed Houston High
Baritone Saxophone
Tarvia Jones Overton High
Baritone Saxophone Alternate
Jared Ford Bartlett High
Steven Belles Houston High
William Qin Houston High
Nicholas McKenzie Brighton High
Audrey Rollen Houston High
Alex Stoneburner Westview High
Brayden Campbell Huntingdon High
Brandon Brown White Station High
Anna Haun Munford High
Ismael Silvar Madison Academic Magnet High
Andrew Cox Briarcrest Christian
Robert Bryant Arlington High
Bryson Todd Briarcrest Christian
Joshua Park Collierville High
Trumpet Alternate
Nathan Clanton Overton High
Logan Agcanas Munford High
Justin Bond Henry County High
Keegan Fong Arlington High
Sam Mangin Christian Brothers High
French Horn
Miguel Auvert Houston High
Samara Salsbury Bartlett High
Alex Robinson Arlington High
Maryam Nemati Bartlett High
Joe Miller Arlington High
Sarah Laney Munford High
Nicholas Vannucci Arlington High
Grace Kennedy Union City High
French Horn Alternate
Makenna Whitmer Collierville High
Kayla Parker Houston High
Graeme McCord Collierville High
Elisha Johnson Germantown High
Jack Zhang Houston High
Hunter Ervin Arlington High
Noah Stewart Madison Academic Magnet High
Christian Lewis Jackson Central-Merry Academy
of Medical Technology
Ethan Wales Arlington High
Will Thomas Christian Brothers High
Benjamin Beard Union City High
Louis Micolta Germantown High
Matthew Matousek Arlington High
Trombone Alternate
Bo Cotten Houston High
Molly Warwick Milan High
Gabriel Chapman Bartlett High
Muthoni Gitau Bolton High
Nicolas Brockman Collierville High
Baritone Horn
JT Watford Union City High
Ashton Goodwin Camden Central High
Jordan Lin Germantown High
Will Butler Bartlett High
Baritone Horn Alternate
Christopher Bryson Humboldt High
Hunter Underwood Harding Academy
Cameron Pemberton South Gibson County High
CJ Moss Bolton High
Anjali Padiyar Collierville High
Timothy Wales Arlington High
Jordan Staples White Station High
Zachary Taylor Arlington High
Tuba Alternate
Roderick Tooles Overton High
Garrett Mooney South Gibson County High
Brie Jarrett Arlington High
Payton Bunting Liberty Technology Magnet High
Noah Newsom South Gibson County High
Sammy Bakeer McNairy Central High
Kate Bingham White Station High
Terrell Reed Overton High
Kiva Nguyen Munford High
Justin Labilles Christian Brothers High
Percussion Alternate
Will Carter Bartlett High
Jerry McGuire Dyersburg High
Noah Shin Houston High
Sarah Labovitz is currently the Associate Director of Bands/Director of Athletic Bands at Arkansas State University-Jonesboro.
She directs the Symphonic Band and the ASU athletic bands, teaches instrumental music education and conducting, and
supervises student teachers. Prior to her appointment at ASU, Dr. Labovitz served as the Assistant Director of Bands at
Washburn University.
Dr. Labovitz received her Bachelors of Music Education from Bowling Green State University. Her Masters of Music Education
from Indiana University and a Doctorate of Musical Arts for University of Kansas. Dr. Labovitz holds memberships in National
Association for Music Education, College Band Directors National Association, National Band Association, College Music
Society and Sigma Alpha Iota Music Sorority.
Dr. Labovitz is an active guest conductor and clinician, as well as a contributing author to the Teaching Music Through
Performance in Band series. Her public school experience includes serving as Director of Bands at Athens High School in
Athens, OH and Director of Instrumental Music at Admiral King High School in Lorain, OH.
Music to be performed will be selected from the following:
Overture for Winds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles Carter
Trail of Tears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Barnes
Sam Ortiz Bolton High
Lia Freeman Arlington High
Hannah Dickerson White Station High
Julian Rice Overton High
James Darby Harding Academy
Sierra Jackson Arlington High
Jolina Druetzler South Gibson County High
Lauren Kim Evangelical Christian
Milanca Wang Lausanne Collegiate
Isabella Reano Bolton High
Lydia Roeder Lausanne Collegiate
Sara Park Houston High
Artis Hardaway Millington Central High
Selena Xue Arlington High
Anna Fowler White Station High
Elise Piecuch Overton High
Nicolas Beine Briarcrest Christian
Xinjie Huang White Station High
Kendall Howard Germantown High
Carlton Perfect Munford High
Long Troung Germantown High
Kyle Lucas Collierville High
London Montaque Overton High
Walt Price Bartlett High
Nicole Li Collierville High
Deja Lawrence Overton High
Eva Winfrey White Station High
Thomas Bourden Collierville High
Claire Foret McNairy Central High
Tyler Bruno University School of Jackson
Autumn Edwards Overton High
Maria Salcedo Madison Academic Magnet High
Chelsea Willis South Side High
Matthew Hubbard Christian Brothers High
Katie Wolfe Briarcrest Christian
Justin McGarrity Hardin County High
Jonathan Feehan Bolton High
Brianna Hampton Westview High
Maya Younes Lausanne Collegiate
Korean Folk Songs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Barnes Chance
Bass Clarinet
Lora Kelly Arlington High
Lindsey Weber Bartlett High
Ben Buckley Collierville High
Tyler Cain Memphis Central High
Contra Bass Clarinet
Destiny Newbern North Side High
Alto Saxophone
Sabrina Kimble Overton High
Sam Lumsden Houston High
Emmanuel Carney Ripley High
Joey Beller Brighton High
Tenor Saxophone
Mason Schofield White Station High
Juan Esparza Bolton High
Baritone Saxophone
Kevin Prasse Houston High
Jeffrey Huddleston, II Overton High
Hayden Etters Arlington High
Hasan Tiwana Houston High
Allen Wilson South Gibson County High
Kian Ziai Arlington High
Claire Rollins Trenton Peabody High
Chelsea Davis Riverside High
Cole Guess Obion County Central High
Miguel Garza Arlington High
Sean Laughlin White Station High School
Paige Lindsey Bartlett High School
Obed Calix Germantown High School
Joseph Addison School of Performing Arts
Rickey Huggins Bolivar High
Spencer Smith Lausanne Collegiate
Haylee Edmondson Arlington High
Justin Baker Collierville High
Derrick Nguyen Arlington High
Kizer Brown South Gibson County High
Jonathan Kagoo Lausanne Collegiate
Nijel Smith Ripley High
Luke Weatherly Henry County High
Baritone Horn
Cooper Etters Arlington High
Kemima Caples Memphis Central High
Gabe Guierllmo Lausanne Collegiate
Mathew Bing Munford High
John Dinh Germantown High
Kyle Rains Christian Brothers High
Kaylie Doran Hardin County High
James Irons Houston High
Jack Franklin Houston High
Brady Robinson McNairy Central High
Josiah Orleans-Lindsay Arlington High
Torrance Buntyn North Side High
Sean Yang Houston High
Keaton Metcalf Liberty Technology Magnet High
Matthew Stuart Briarcrest Christian
Richard Li Collierville High
Zach Bishop Bartlett High
French Horn
Michael Lum Arlington High
Elizabeth Dang Germantown High
Sarah Pugh Collierville High
Noah Hubbard Christian Brothers High
Madison Butner Union City High
Alyssa Irons Hardin County High
Helen Zhong Arlington High
Rachel Coleman South Gibson County High
Craig S. Cornish is the Director of Athletic Bands and Director of the Band of Blue Marching Band at Middle Tennessee State University. His
responsibilities include serving as conductor of the M.T.S.U. Symphonic Band, coordinator of the athletic bands, and teaching undergraduate and
graduate courses in music education.
Prior to coming to Murfreesboro, Cornish held a similar position at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. He was honored for
his efforts at Nebraska as a four-time recipient of the Outstanding Contribution to Students Award. In 2007, Professor Cornish
was recognized with the MTSU Foundation Outstanding Teaching Award, an honor bestowed on less than one percent of
the MTSU Faculty. Recently, Professor Cornish was named “Professor of the Month” by the Lambda Sigma National Honor
Society, and “Favorite MTSU Professor” by the Daily News Journal Ruthies Awards.
Before joining the faculty at Nebraska, Cornish spent sixteen years in Kentucky directing high school bands. His high
school bands received many honors and awards, including a performance at the 1988 Mid-West International Band and
Orchestra Clinic.
Holding his undergraduate and graduate music education degrees from the University of Kentucky, Cornish is a member
and Immediate Past President of the Middle Tennessee State Band and Orchestra Association, the National Band
Association, the Music Educators National Conference, the Tennessee Music Educators Association, Phi Beta Mu, and is an
honorary member of Kappa Kappa Psi and Pi Kappa Lambda. He is active as a conductor, clinician and adjudicator
throughout the United States.
11-12 RED BAND
John Fannin
David Waybright
Music to be performed will be selected from the following:
Folk Dances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shostakovich/ Reynolds
They Hung Their Harps in the Willows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McBeth
Legend of Bafe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fannin
Sean Richert Houston High
Kaylea Wilson Munford High
Oboe Alternate
Brittany Li Munford High
Rachel Zaloudek Collierville High
Xavier Hicks Memphis Central High
Jeremiah Sain Houston High
Lindsay White First Assembly Christian
Cynthia Henning Liberty Technology Magnet High
Kaitlyn Hubbard Houston High
Ana Pridgen Harding Academy
Georgie Martin First Assembly Christian
Clare Little Trinity Christian Academy
Hannah Wales Arlington High
Morgan Spring South Side High
Janet Tran Houston High
Caitlin Jones Chester County High
Flute Alternate
Alex Collier Bolton High
Shelbie Blanton Cordova High
Natalie Thomas Adamsville High
Yitao Li Christian Brothers High
Marko Jankov Houston High
Daniel Smith Christian Brothers High
Maddie Welch Gibson County High
Kristofer Preza Houston High
Vicky Potter White Station High
Majesty Mason Arlington High
Nicole Bradberry Cordova High
Justin James White Station High
Brandon Edwards Henry County High
Samantha Gilbert Houston High
Lauren Rowell Arlington High
Brittany Thompson Brighton High
Hrishikesh Tupkar Houston High
Esther Green Milan High
Bailey Tang White Station High
Danielle Price South Gibson County High
Alyssa Merritt Arlington High
Cam Meanwell Houston High
Kaelyn Herring Ridgeway High
Amberlyn Bacchuss Memphis Central High
Anna Claire Gaines Harding Academy
Courtney Bennett Arlington High
Ibssa Abdo Arlington High
Reagan Palmer Houston High
Clarinet Alternate
Bailey Oiler Houston High
Austin Lindsey Henry County High
Sydney Casey First Assembly Christian
Dalton Jobe Fayette Academy
Kayla Williams White Station High
James McMillian Christian Brothers High
Allerseelen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strauss/Fennell
Blessed are They . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brahms/Buehiman
Bass Clarinet
Andrew Duty Houston High
Hayley Ford Harding Academy
Olivia Daniel White Station High
Cameron Noel Overton High
Bass Clarinet Alternate
Carolyn Boudoin Ripley High
Madison Brown Arlington High
Contra Bass Clarinet
Jevon Mack Ridgeway High
Alto Saxophone
Aleena George Houston High
Austin Widner Collierville High
Anna Gorman Dyer County High
Wade Price Bartlett High
Alto Saxophone Alternate
Daniel Flint Houston High
Emily Zhao Houston High
Tenor Saxophone
Seth Gibson South Gibson County High
Tanner Cook Bartlett High
Tenor Saxophone Alternate
Kayla Haward Cordova High
Jonathan Hicks Houston High
Baritone Saxophone
Chase Hampton Hardin County High
Baritone Saxophone Alternate
Connor Singleton Christian Brothers High
Bobby Nowicki Adamsville High
Daniel Payne Collierville High
Myles Anderson Bartlett High
Brandon Clausen Houston High
Chris Sands Houston High
Collin Anderson Harding Academy
Gabby Rapp Brighton High
Braxton Andersen Germantown High
Jenna Michaud Houston High
Jacob Edmondson Munford High
Austin Hunt Bartlett High
Graham Boone Houston High
Noah Linnell Arlington High
Trumpet Alternate
Malory Heidelberg South Gibson County High
Kaley Coleman Liberty Technology Magnet High
Cameron Lasane Craigmont High
Christian Chi Houston High
Jacob Rice Munford High
French Horn
Rachel French Collierville High
Justin Miller Memphis Central High
Sarah Schlager Union City High
Jonathan Wade First Assembly Christian
Crystal Carrodine Bolton High
Jonathan Franklin Christian Brothers High
Nick Ireland Christian Brothers High
Tessa Holloway Houston High
French Horn Alternate
Georgia Emmons McNairy Central High
Ryan Bernard Cordova High
Matthew Davis Houston High
Hunter Johnston Houston High
Lexi McGranahan Waverly Central High
Zack Langford Obion County Central High
Devin Davis Collierville High
Brent Davis Henry County High
Andrew Monti Christian Brothers High
Cassie Meredith Collierville High
Michael Cox Germantown High
Will Bratton Westview High
Jonathan Forcherio Christian Brothers High
Trombone Alternate
Austin Wright Christian Brothers High
Keeshaun Brown Craigmont High
Nick Miller Bartlett High
Alyssa Burrous South Gibson County High
Syed Mian Madison Academic Magnet High
Baritone Horn
Gabe Bromley Houston High
Emmanuel Gumban Bolton High
Evan Moore Overton High
Rutvik Pawar Houston High
Baritone Alternate
Kevin Nolan Lexington High
Ethan Newman Covington High
Chad Coontz Cordova High
Gary Beaty Millington Central High
Daniel Scott Evangelical Christian
Arpad Kovesdy Lausanne Collegiate
James Lindsay Houston High
J.T. Hicks Houston High
Tuba Alternate
Joe Allen Overton High
Houston Phillips Hardin County High
Kelvin Li Houston High
Carter Sutton Bolton High
Preston Dowling White Station High
Tariq Waddell Liberty Technology Magnet High
Jacob Hayes Evangelical Christian
Floyd Ivy Memphis Central High
Brandon Bedwell Briarcrest Christian
Mary Emmons McNairy Central High
Percussion Alternate
Olivia Wright South Gibson County High
Carl Joyner Hollow Rock High
Brandon Mount Liberty Technology Magnet High
John Fannin was appointed Assistant Director of Bands at Murray State University in 1995. His responsibilities at Murray State include Symphonic Band,
Concert Band, Pep Band, Marching Band, and instrumental music education classes. Under Mr. Fannin’s leadership, the Racer
Marching Band has grown from 85 to 300 members. The MSU Racer Marching Band was featured at the 2012 & 2006 Bands of
America Grand National Marching Band Championships.
Prior to his appointment at Murray State University, Mr. Fannin was band director at Onate High School (NM), Del Norte High
School (NM), White Sand Missile Range Middle School (NM), Thoreau High School (NM), and Ganado High School (AZ).
Mr. Fannin’s awards include the 2010 Murray State University Distinguished Professor, 2009 KMEA “University Teacher of the
Year”, 2006-2007 Outstanding Murray State University Music Teacher of the Year, and the Phi Beta Mu 2007 “Outstanding
Contributor to Band in KY.”
John also serves as creative resource (music and visual) for many high school and college bands. He has published concert
band works with Arrangers Publishing Company, Curnow Music Press, and Alfred Music Company.
Mr. Fannin is an active band clinician and guest conductor. He has been a guest conductor/clinician in New Mexico, Texas,
Missouri, Tennessee, Arkansas, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, New York, Florida, Georgia, and Kentucky.
Music to be performed will be selected from the following:
Carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Basler
Amazing Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ticheli
Hounds of Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alfred Reed
Meghan Earl Houston High
Rachel Sturch Overton High
Cydnee Young Houston High
Taylor Pannell Gibson County High
Tralaune Long Houston High
Noah Cathion Arlington High
Chelsea Cutler Bolton High
Claire Ervin Madison Academic Magnet High
Lucia An Houston High
Christine Chong Houston High
Sarah Oh Houston High
Christina Cho Collierville High
Haddie Kim Lausanne Collegiate
Sion Henry White Station High
Hannah Choi Collierville High
Lindsey Parker Bolton High
Peter Kim Houston High
Emily Campbell Trenton Peabody High
Rebecca Alberson Bartlett High
Keyonna James Cordova High
Jalen Cromwell Memphis Central High
Kelly Landrum Gibson County High
Riley O'Mearns Arlington High
Xin Ju Houston High
Jiuru Zhu Houston High
Kaitlynn Messler Arlington High
Megan Van Hoek Brighton High
Chris Sowell Houston High
Luis Del Mar Houston High
Nic Hawkins Henry County High
Audrey Adams Union City High
Alexandria Burks Arlington High
Cullen Burke Houston High
Diamond Frazier Memphis Central High
Bella Choukalas Houston High
William McLeod Houston High
Christian Pitts Cordova High
Alexis Hughes Union City High
Myeesha Jeter Memphis Central High
His Honor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fillmore/Fennell
Enigma Variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elgar/Slocum
Bass Clarinet
Toni Requa-Fielding Briarcrest Christian
Rowan Troyer Bolton High
Max Thielemier Christian Brothers High
Julianna Troncone Bolton High
Contra Bass Clarinet
Hannah Spicer Milan High
Alto Saxophone
Timothy Liang Houston High
Annias Haney McKenzie High
Henry Baldwin White Station High
Grace Kigaita Bolton High
Tenor Saxophone
Woodrow Wilson Hardin County High
Matthew Hawkins Milan High
Baritone Saxophone
Sam Ellis Houston High
Andrew Devall Christian Brothers High
Dakota Noble Henry County High
Joshua Lee Houston High
Caleb Cranford Harding Academy
Braden Jensen Houston High
Carl Nowell Trenton Peabody High
Joel Belles Houston High
Emma Lang Crockett County High
Emma Foret McNairy Central High
Tyree Taper Craigmont High
Ethan Wanzer Houston High
Param Deo Houston High
Dane Norvell Cordova High
Adam Williams Houston High
Denny Huynh Arlington High
John Sterrett Westview High
Julia Stewart Bolton High
Ben Chipman Bolton High
Andrew Crowell Evangelical Christian
Lennox Woodard Arlington High
R.J. Myers Houston High
Hanna Deyoung Munford High
Baritone Horn
Garrett Trainum First Assembly Christian
Logan Priestley McKenzie High
Melissa Ault Collierville High
Griffen Beard Houston High
Edson Gonazalez Overton High
Tristan Anthony Overton High
Kizer Harris Union City High
Alex Scott Memphis Central High
Andrew Armstrong Houston High
Josh Keenan McKenzie High
Brandon Davis Bartlett High
Timothy Walker Memphis Central High
Keenan Murphy Liberty Technology Magnet High
Ryan Brightwell Arlington High
Andrew Smith Lexington High
Abigail Shear Waverly Central High
Ian Shapiro Christian Brothers High
French Horn
Jeffrey Lin Germantown High
Farin Cloyd Union City High
Tyler Baker Arlington High
Zachary Cutler Bolton High
Jandrei Libao Houston High
Takara Askew Bolton High
Zanae Locke Cordova High
Kathryn Kerr Obion County Central High
Dr. David A. Waybright received his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees at Marshall University and the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in orchestral
conducting from the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. He taught initially at Wahama High School in Mason, West Virginia and since that time has
served as Director of Bands at Ferrum College, Plymouth State College, and Director of Bands and Orchestra at McNeese State University. Dr. Waybright is
currently Director of Bands at the University of Florida, where he holds the rank of professor and is the head of the conducting area.
He directs the wind symphony and supervises the band program and the graduate and undergraduate conducting curricula. Dr.
Waybright is in demand as a guest conductor and clinician with wind bands, orchestras, and choirs, and has appeared in that
capacity in most of the 50 states, throughout Europe, South America, Asia and Australia. He has held residencies at many of the
nation's leading music schools. In addition, he is active in the commissioning and performance of new music and has won the praise
of composers such as Dana Wilson, Michael Torke, Donald Grantham, John Corigliano and Leslie Bassett for his interpretation of their
works. There are many recordings available featuring the University of Florida Wind Symphony under his direction. He is founder and
principal conductor for the American Chamber Winds, a professional touring and recording ensemble. Dr. Waybright is an elected
member of the American Bandmasters Association where he has served on the Board of Directors for two terms and is a Past
President of the organization. (2013-14) He is a lifetime member of the World Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles. He is
also a member of the College Band Director's National Association, Music Educators National Convention and Florida Music
Educators Association. Ensembles under his direction have performed invited concerts at conferences sponsored by all of those
organizations. Dr. Waybright is also a member of Pi Kappa Lambda and an honorary member of Phi Mu Alpha, Tau Beta Sigma and
Kappa Kappa Psi. He is a National Arts Associate honorary of Sigma Alpha Iota.
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2:00 PM
Modern Music for the Modern Student
Nashville Room
Clinician: Dr. Armand Hall (University of Memphis) & Dr. Leah McGray (Rhodes College)
Programming experimental and non-traditional music is often a challenge for the school band
and orchestra conductor. Performing music that encourages composition through the use of
non-traditional notation, develops individual musicianship through improvisation, or creates
student engagement through the integration of technology fosters higher-order thinking in the
student musician. This session will sample repertoire from a variety of levels, highlighting
elements of graphic notation, aleatory music, found percussion, improvisation, electroacoustic
treatments, and minimalist techniques. Suggestions of score preparation and pedagogic
strategies will assist educators in maximizing their student's performance of "the music of now.”
3:15 PM
The Trombonist's Toolbox: Essential Skills for the Developing Trombonist
Nashville Room
Clinician: Dr. Joseph W. Frye (University of Tennessee at Martin)
This session will deal with identifying and understanding key fundamental skills that students and
directors should be establishing and developing in order to improve trombone performance in
individual and ensemble settings. The session will also provide suggestions regarding
implementation of the toolbox and provide observations about common deficiencies observed
in many first-year university students.
8:45 AM
Powerful Stuff: Techniques of Charismatic Conducting
Nashville Room
Clinician: Dr. Leah McGray (Rhodes College)
The effectiveness of a conductor is often dependent on their natural ability to create a
charismatic presence. Charismatic leaders connect and respond quickly with others, display
personal strength of will, and inspire people higher levels of thinking and performance, which
are also the characteristics of exceptional conductors and educators. While it has long been
believed that personal charisma is an inherited and fixed quantity, current research have
identified traits and behaviors that increase an individual’s perceived charisma and power. This
paper will provide a summary of these traits, and draw correlations between the strategies
designed for management training and the techniques used to create gestures of musical
meaning. Conductors for any level of experience or group will be able to apply these strategies
to increase the effectiveness of their presence on the podium by tapping in to one’s authentic
self, and utilize physical posture and non-verbal communication to create greater
responsiveness from your performing ensemble.
10:00 AM
Empathizing With Your Percussionists
We would like to congratulate the students who made All-West and continue the tradition of 30 Years of Excellence and
Opportunities made possible through Bellevue’s School of Performing Arts.
Nashville Room
Clinician: Ryan Wilkerson (Henry County High School)
The session will focus mostly on the beginning percussionists, but everything will be applicable to
middle school and high school. There are reasons other than "not counting," "not practicing," or
"lazy technique" that could be holding your percussionists back. We will explore these reasons
as they relate to snare drum rolls, correct stickings, sight-reading mallet music, subdividing, and
more. Wilkerson will cover SIMPLE things you can do on a daily basis that will make a big impact
with your students and how to rewrite percussion music to improve the quality of life for yourself
and your students.
Joseph Addison
Mark Addison
Hannah Arthur
Stephen Arthur
Claire Avery
Gloria Davis
Audrey Fuhrmann
Ella Golden
Emerie Landers
Kate Learned
Catherine Lock
Matthew Long
Katherine Long
Natalie McCommon
Abigail Powell
Jared Smith
Rachel Whistler
Madison Powell
Justin Choi
Luke Story
Jennifer Hopper
Jennifer Lock
Andrew Crowell
Kristina Rodrigues
Kashirim Nwobilor
Preston Burns
Andrew Cox
Contact us or visit us:
Arlington Middle
Arlington Middle
Arlington Middle
Arlington High
Bolton High
White Station High
White Station High
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Briarcrest High
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