Creating educational opportunities in rural Nicaragua
Creating educational opportunities in rural Nicaragua
Creating educational opportunities in rural Nicaragua We are very pleased to present our second Newsletter! Like the kids in our area, Aprender has grown a lot in the last six years. What started with Saturday gatherings under Mango trees to lend out magazines has evolved into the region’s only library with many educational programs and more than 1,500 books. What began with getting kids into school has led to watching many of them graduate. Aprender and the kids of Salinas have come a long way. None of this would be happening without your support. With this newsletter we hope to share the latest information about Aprender’s ongoing educational programs, new projects, visitors, students’ educational progress, donations, and the most recent developments with the Library: La Biblioteca Los Tres Ernestos. If you know of friends who might be interested in learning more about Aprender and the Indigenous Community of Salinas de Nahualapa here in Nicaragua, please forward this Newsletter along and /or refer them to our website: Thanks! NEWSLETTER 2010 Student Progress: During 2010 Aprender sponsored 55 students. Two from kindergarten, thirty four from elementary school, seventeen from high school, and one student in a G.E.D program. We are also happy to announce that this year we had our first student graduating from High School: a student Aprender sponsored for 6 years in a row. This is the case of Marvin Moraga who will start University next year in the city of Leon. Marvin’s dream is to become a doctor. His Educational Sponsor, Pierre Kory - a doctor from NYC - is helping Marvin’s dream become true. We are proud of his progress and we will continue to support his efforts as he begins University. We also have four students graduating from Elementary School who are eager to continue their education with their parents’ approval and Aprender’s help. For 2011 we will also be sponsoring five new students starting First Grade, this will make a total of 60 students sponsored. The Library Aprender’s library, La Biblioteca Los Tres Ernestos continues to be open to the public from Mondays through Friday from 8 AM to 4:30 PM. The Library is free for everyone and offers a nice space for reading, studying and researching. With books and art supplies, educational games, and tutoring programs, curious minds are always welcome. Library attendance averaged 30 visitors (mostly kids) per day, throughout 2010. Book Count at the Library Once again, we are amazed with how much people are eager to help. We opened the Library in 2007 with 150 books. By Dec 2009 we were happy to announce that library’s book collection had reached the 1,000 Book milestone! And now, as of December 2010 we are pleased to say that we have reached the 1,500 mark! New shelves are being built as we finish writing this Newsletter, as we know that more books are on the way. If you are willing to donate books or magazines please email us asking about our Wish List... A subscription to National Geographic in Spanish is first on our list!! NEWSLETTER 2010 New Staff As our Librarian from 2009 Aracelly Acevedo Cruz got a full-time position to work in the local school as a teacher, La Biblioteca Los Tres Ernestos welcomed a new librarian: Math Professor Mayra Martinez. Mayra has been a great help in the Library, not only for her incredible patience and good attitude, but also for her expertise in Math, which has been a tough subject for many students of Las Salinas over the years. During 2010 we had the possibility of offering free Math Tutoring Classes for all levels – Thanks to Mayra - which had a big effect on the students’ grades! Mayra coaches nearly twenty students on a daily basis for math. Tutoring Classes Tutoring classes continue to be a success at the Library, and the new program Learning how to Read, Write and Count at the Library, offered many kids the possibility to learn the basics even though they have different learning abilities. This program is offered to and attended by kids regardless of whether or not they are attending school. A new position at the Library is the Project Coordinator. Leticia del Carmen Moraga has been working with Aprender as a volunteer from its beginnings. In 2010 we were able to offer her a half time paid position. “Leti” has been a great help and her work goes beyond coordinating projects, she also has a deep knowledge of our community and serves as a bridge between the parents and the school, helping to solve any issue that may appear, ranging from missing chickens to unfair grading... Educational Games A nice addition to the books and magazines are the numerous educational games the Library is able to offer to the curious kids of Salinas. This year we received a number of donated games. The favorites were the Legos, Puzzles, Card Games, Board Games, Painting books. The library functions as well as an Art and Community Center, the kids are welcome to stop by any time to play and to use all of the art supplies we have to offer. NEWSLETTER 2010 PHOTOGRAPHY PORTRAITS Patricia Torales is a professional photographer and yoga Teacher from Argentina who lives in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. She visited as 2009 was ending and stayed with us for a while. Patricia spent a lot of time interacting and getting to know Las Salinas, specially the neighborhood Corazon de Jesus. Her project was getting to know the day to day life of the Nicaraguans. She was part of big celebrations like the School Graduation, New Year’s Day, and a Birthday Party for a 15 year old (“La Quinceañera” which is a big special celebration for girls throughout Latin America). Her project is still on-going and her Nicaraguan Families Portraits are soon to be shown. THEATER WORKSHOP The kids from Las Salinas love Theater. Aprender had teachers from different parts of the world visiting and sharing their skills with our community. This year we were fortunate to welcome an Actress and a Director Team from Germany. Anneke Kina Schuwabe a German actress who has acted on stages in Munich , Hamburg , Hannover and Dresden. Marten Persiel has been directing documentaries and commercials in Germany and Spain for theh last ten years. They came all the way from Germany during the month of February. Kina taught a 2 week Theater workshop to a group of 28 excited kids. This workshop involved singing and dancing as well as acting. Kina and Martin wrote a short fun play that the kids got to perform on their last day of the workshop. This was celebrated at the beach,where Marten filmed a video. In Kina’s words “Theater has always been a place for me where I had space for dreams, stories and expressing myself. Theater is a mystical world where everybody is free to be what he loves to be”- To know more about Kina and Marten visit their webs, and SWIMMING CLASSES Brianna Bambic from Boise, Idaho is a dynamic 22 year old traveler with a Biology degree from University of Denver. She visited in January and was part of many projects; she assisted the Theater Workshop, Yoga Classes, and also taught some informal dance classes as well. Brianna realized that teaching the kids how to swim was an important task. Even though we live near the ocean, the kids here do not go to the beach often and many of them do not know how to swim. The ones who get to visit the ocean more often are those whose parents are fisherman. But since foreigners started visiting Las Salinas and the nearby Guasacate beach, surf is becoming more popular among kids and teenagers… and many of them are eager to spend more time in the water… Salinas has local Volcanic Hot Springs, which are located about half a kilometer from the Library. These Hot Springs have a main hot water source, as well as a “swimming pool” and some washing areas for doing laundry. Brianna brought us the idea of Swimming Classes, so after asking permission from the parents, a group of young students started taking swimming classes at the hot-springs. For the workshop’s finale, she and all the students had a trip to the beach - Beach Day - where everybody got to swim in the ocean and even surf!. Volunteer surfers Kari Lynn Nelson, Stephane Languillaume, Jamie Grant , Emily Law, Mary Champion and Cesar (from San Juan del Sur), as well as many of the students’ mothers all pitched in to make this day possible by taking care of the new happy swimmers. NEWSLETTER 2010 BUILDING COMMUNITY GARDENS Robert LaVelle has been a friend and supporter of Aprender from its beginning. He is a Professor of Spanish at the Carolina Friends School High School in North Carolina. In May he came down with a group of nine students, two grad students, and another professor. The high school students included Leah Bishop, Joseph MacPhail, Alexander Ray, Eric Whitter, Mie Hirschfield, Larkin Cofeey, Fareeda Zikry, Ella Ferguson, Isabella Bertram. Marlon Cohn and Sam Huff were the graduate students. Frances Brindle is the school’s Biology teacher. Together they brought with them a donation of educational board games as well as books – all of which were greatly welcomed at the Library. Lots of kids got together to learn how to play the new games with the help of our visitors. Hoping to work on a project that could have lasting benefits, The group decided on the project of building Community Gardens. Fenced-in gardens are necessary in order to grow vegetables here, due to the fact that chickens, pigs, cows, sheep, etc, all roam wild and will happily eat anything they find. The Friends School group decided to build eight fenced in gardens For the neighborhood Corazon de Jesus, located next to the salt flats of Las Salinas. This was an ambitious project, completed within two weeks, and benefitting more than thirty people in the neighborhood. The Friends School group funded the project which required hundreds of feet of fence and dozens and dozens of posts, nails, etc… Working side by side with the families in the neighborhood, they made it happen. Building these gardens gave these families the possibility of growing their vegetables (protected from the animals) next to their houses. In celebration of the completed project the neighbors invited everyone over for a big dinner, which evolved into an improvised dance party and a great time for everyone. ARTS & CRAFTS, MUSIC, ENGLISH & SOCCER! Almost 30 kids were part of this exciting full month workshop-visit, when a group from Odessa, Florida visited us during the month of July: Maja Ortiz, Ethan Parker, Juan Alcala, Danny Alcala, Natalie Budde, Dylan Bezudihut, Joseph Dhani shared their time with the kids with the idea of getting to know our community in depth while being as creative as possible. The group started teaching English and incorporating their artistic activities so that it was more of hands-on-learning. They starting by teaching a whole lesson of words and terms in English while they did art projects, music and games... Their mornings would mostly consist of some sort of art project and English lessons and then they will spend their afternoons playing soccer with the kids at a nearby field. Needless to say, everybody had a great time! ART CLASSES Dawn Moraga has been a friend of the Library for many years. Once again, it was a pleasure to welcome her and her friends, who ran a mix of Art and English Classes. As the kids develop their artistic abilities, Dawn teaches them basic English. It’s a fun way to learn and the kids really enjoy the Classes. Dawn brought lots of art supplies for the library and the kids NEWSLETTER 2010 ENGLISH CLASSES This year we added to the On-going English Classes at the Library, English Classes at the Local Elementary School for 5th and 6th grade. As part of the Sponsor a Student program, the English Classes continued with a new Nicaraguan Teacher. Mark Gall from Milwaukee, Wisconsin is helping sponsoring Isayana Carolina Rojas, a young Nicaraguan student from our neighborhood, who is going to University to become an English Professor. As an exchange for the help received, Isayana gives back to the community by teaching English Classes to the kids. GUITAR CLASSES The Guitar Project started with Jason Reif from New Jersey, who made the initial donation to buy the guitars with money he raised through his Bar Mitzvah Project. James Womack is in charge of organizing the guitar program. He teaches the occasional class and organizes guest teachers, who are always welcome. In the month of July we received the visit of Maja Kristine Ortiz and Juan Alcala from Odessa Florida, who led the guitar classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. As Maja shares..” It was amazing, the children would flood in after school. Even for those who didn’t want to learn, they were there just to spend time with us. Kevin was so talented, and extremely focused during the guitar lessons. He was just like a sponge soaking it up, and learning the theory and notes and chords with such determination.” The classes and practice times are on-going. Currently, local guitarist and guitar teacher Tom Gordon is teaching classes. SURF CLASSES As the year ends, a dream comes true… Surfing Classes for the town’s kids. The group Youth with a Mission visited in November and took a small group of kids to the Ocean to learn how to surf. One adult, one surfboard, one kid was the mission. Kirsten Ekstrom, Brandon Ekstrom, Will Barrow from Pismo Beach California, were the coordinators of this group of young students: Kat Bramley, Whitney Mc Kinney, Sven Nyffenegger, Marthe Oyn, Mark Mc Crea, Anthony Robinson and Kellen Webb. They also spent time getting to know the neighbors and the community by visiting different families, talking with them and playing soccer and baseball with the younger ones. RIFFLE SCHOOL WEAR visited Las Salinas! This is the third year that David Reiff’s company Riffle School Wear from New Jersey has donated school uniforms for sixty students of Las Salinas de Nahualapa !!! But this time we got to know each other in person! The whole Reif family (David, Jason,Kayla and Iris) visited our town in November bringing with them the uniforms for the 2011 school year that starts next February. We were very pleased to finally meet this family who has helped our community out so much, and they got to see first-hand whom their generous donation is benefiting. Thanks again!! Espen Haugen donated hundreds of dollars of building materials to the Library so that we can build some wall dividers and five new desks. Not only did Espen raise the money for this donation, he also bought all the materials and delivered them to the library. Indeed, this is not the first time he’s helped out with the library. Nor is the Library the sole beneficiary of his considerable efforts. Espen founded and runs an organization called PRE (Proyectos Remedios Educativos - ) that works directly and efficiently with many schools in our region. NEWSLETTER 2010 YOGA Yoga Classes at the Library are held by Gabriela Prado. Hatha Yoga Classes and Laughter Yoga Sessions are taught at the Library. This year we were very pleased to receive a couple of Guest Teachers. Patricia Torales from Argentina was one of our guest yoga teachers this year. Patricia shared with our young yoga students something very new and fun: Flying Yoga. FlyingYoga blends the spiritual wisdom of yoga, the loving kindness of Thai massage, and the dynamic power of Acrobatics. These three ancient lineages form this practice that cultivates trust, connection and playfulness. Kari Lynn Nelson from Canada, also visited our town and was a Guest teacher for the Yoga Classes. Kari Lynn was also part of our community, interacting with the kids and families as well as helping out with different projects. In her own words...”Teaching yoga brings me so much joy. Just to see people finally become totally open and aware of themselves and the energy that connects us is awe-inspiring.” If you are a Yoga Teacher, know some Spanish and you are willing to share your experience with our young students, email us! If you have used yoga mats that you would like to donate, we are looking for more mats as we have new students every year. In 2011 we will start Yoga for Moms !! JEWELRY & SHIRT PAINTING WORKSHOP In April a group visited coming from Buxten, North Carolina. Jenny Munden, Rhianna Miller, Alana Harrison , Brett Barley, Casey Barley, Jackson Pullen, Daniel Pullen, Kate Pullen and Lee Munden brought lots of jewelry-making supplies and ran a Workshop teaching forty kids how to make earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Ana Ruth Moraga - a Nicaraguan neighbor and artist who also makes jewelry to earn her living- was part of this workshop. Beyond teaching herself, she also helped to translate for the group. The visitors also brought shirts and paints and the students painted local landscapes on shirts. These classes were organized to be held at the local school since they brought so many supplies. We talked to the director of the school and they dedicated a whole day for the Arts & Crafts workshops, and to get to know our new visitors. More than 80 students took part in these workshops! CLOSET FOR THE LIBRARY The Library Los Tres Ernestos is a humble one-room building with bookshelves and desks, but until recently there was no storage place. This changed last May, when the Carolina Friends High School Group from North Carolina put their effort into the task of building a storage closet. James Womack played the role of contractor and project manager… overseeing the construction. Chief among the workers were Eric Whitter, Marlon Cohn, Ella Bertram, and Sam Huff. Local kids Timoteo Moraga, Milton Moraga , and Alex Duarte all lent a hand in the project. It is a big closet with more than enough room to store files and toys and educational Games, and (now) guitars. This closet goes a long way to help keeping the Libray organized and clutter free. Good Bye 2010, thank you all... Help Keep Aprender RUNNING… As 2011 is arriving .. We would like to ask you for a financial contribution to help keep Aprender running. We volunteer our time to make it happen: Your donations go a long, long way and have a tangible, positive effect. All money donations are US tax deductible. ALL donations go directly toward improving educational opportunities for the kids of Salinas de Nagualapa . This Holiday Season please consider making a donation that will provide educational opportunites throughout the entire year. Gabriela Prado and James Womack Directors – Aprender, Nicaragua You can make your donation by visiting our website: Big Thanks to all our friends, and friends of friends who are helping Aprender to continue to make a difference in the education of the kids from Las Salinas de Nahualapa, Nicaragua! Your donations are extremely important and every penny counts. Cash donations are used mainly to be able to pay the salary of the Librarian and the Project Coordinator, as well as for buying school supplies for the students. Books, Magazines, Games and Art Supplies are a great way to contribute as well. Thanks ! During 2010 we had the great help of: Pierre and Amy Kory, Audrey Kirschenbaum, Jessica Reisman, Marc Gall, Rhonda Davis, Joel & Marie Pitt, Gabe and Judith Levitt, David Reif , Jason Reif, Choon Hiang Chung, Adam Haslett, Daniel and Kate Pullen, Robert Lavalle, Steven Chambers, Marlene A. Nelson, Eric Cassis, Odile Kory, Bruce Campbell, Isabel Fabara, Mathew Elsner, Alex Sherwin, Lisa Davis, Greg Zaidel, Elizabeth Cowit, John Womack and Jean Ross, Paul Rosell, Jenny Munden, Rhianna Miller, Alana Harrison , Brett Barley, Casey Barley, Jackson Pullen, Daniel Pullen, Kate Pullen and Lee Munden, Erin Reese, FSD Tola, Joel and Beth Donovan, Whimey Moret, Espen Haugen and PRE, Eric Nicholson, Jim Newmna,Ernesto Cardenal, Nicasio Urbina, Carolina Friends School, Dawn Moraga, Danielle Bluey, Michelle Crackerian, Maja Ortiz, Lisa Starry, Ethan Parker, Juan Alcala, Danny Alcala, Natalie Budde, Dylan Bezudihut, Joseph Dhani, Leah Bishop, Joseph MacPhail, Alexander Ray, Eric Whitter, Mie Hirschfield, Larkin Cofeey, Fareeda Zikry, Ella Ferguson, Isabella Bertram, Marlon Cohn, Sam Huff, Prof. Frances Brindle, Tom Gordon, Dan Davis, Brooke Lehman, Iris and Kayla Reif , Adam Hazlett, Scott Hagg , Patricia Torales, Tessa Gunther , Leslie Kory, SEE YOU IN 2011… Stay tuned … Visit our website.. Email us... Come to visit !
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