Event Displays Pricing
Event Displays Pricing
duo. PRICE LIST Retail Pricing Effective January 1st, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS # ULTRA-PORTABLE # ACCESSORIES SUPREME 004 LITERATURE.RACKS 052 SET 006 LIGHTS 054 AXIS 008 CASES & BAGS 056 ONE 010 CASE PODIUM KITS 058 SPRINT 012 PART & SUPPLIES 060 LITE.BANNER 014 XPRESSIONS 016 # GRAPHICS MAGNA 064 # PORTABLE SPIDER 066 HELLO.SET 020 BLUE 068 HELLO.QUICK.KIT 022 CASE PODIUM WRAPS 070 HELLO.XPRESS 024 POP COUNTER 071 EASY 026 BANNER.WALL 071 VIRAGE 028 OUTDOOR X-BAN 071 MAGNA 032 BEACON 071 SPIDER 034 VIRAGE 072 BLUE 036 EASY 073 POP.COUNTER 038 XPRESSIONS 074 WALL.FRAME 040 BANNER 076 BANNER.WALL 042 FLAG 077 TOTEM.AIR 077 # INDOOR & OUTDOOR OUTDOOR.X-BAN 044 BEACON 046 FLAG 048 TOTEM.AIR 050 PROOF & GRAPHIC SPECS 077 03 - 03 GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SALE THE FOLLOWING GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE THE EXCLUSIVE BASIS OF ALL OFFERS, SALES AND DELIVERIES OF DUO DISPLAY. PRICING PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. SHIPPING AND DELIVERY ALL SHIPMENTS DEPART FROM OUR MONTREAL OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, UNLESS WE NOTIFY YOU OTHERWISE. WARRANTY DUO DISPLAY OFFERS A LIFETIME WARRANTY AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEFECTS FOR THE LIFE OF OUR DISPLAY SOLUTIONS, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, E.G., ONE PRODUCTS DO NOT HAVE SUCH A WARRANTY. IF A PRODUCT FAILS DUE TO A MANUFACTURING DEFECT, PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY WITH YOUR CLAIM. UPON ASSESSMENT OF THE DEFECT, WE WILL EITHER SEND YOU REPLACEMENT PARTS, REPAIR THE PRODUCT IN OUR WAREHOUSE, OR REPLACE IT, IN EACH CASE AT OUR SOLE DISCRETION. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER DAMAGE CAUSED BY ACCIDENT, IMPROPER CARE, NEGLIGENCE OR NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR. DAMAGED PRODUCTS NOT COVERED UNDER THIS WARRANTY CAN BE RETURNED AND REPAIRED FOR A MINOR FEE TO COVER PARTS, LABOR AND SHIPPING. ACCESSORIES SUCH AS LIGHTS, SHELVES, SHIPPING CONTAINERS, AND BAGS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS WARRANTY. RETURNS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A DUO-ISSUED RETURN AUTHORIZATION IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED VALID. INBOUND AND OUTBOUND SHIPPING CHARGES ON RETURNS TO DUO ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEALER. IF DAMAGE OCCURS DURING SHIPPING, THE DEALER MUST CONTACT DUO WITHIN THREE DAYS UPON RECEIPT TO REPORT THE DAMAGE. RETURNS / CANCELLATION DUO DISPLAY WILL ACCEPT RETURNS OF NON-DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS, OTHER THAN CUSTOM-PRODUCED MATERIALS, IF SUCH PRODUCTS ARE IN THEIR ORIGINAL PACKAGING, HAVE BEEN UNUSED, AND ARE RETURNED IN THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION, ALL SUBJECT TO A 15% RE-STOCKING FEE. PAYMENT WE REQUIRE THAT ALL FIRST ORDERS BE PREPAID EITHER BY CHECK OR CREDIT CARD PRIOR TO SHIPMENT. AFTERWARD, CUSTOMERS MAY APPLY FOR TERMS. ACCOUNTS NOT PAID WITHIN TERMS ARE SUBJECT TO A 1.5% MONTHLY FINANCE CHARGE. THANK YOU FOR BEING A CERTIFIED DUO DEALER WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! STRUCTURE ACCESSORIES BAG SUPREME.1 SU** CLIPPING HANGER CH-** TRANSPORT BAG SUP*-TRB-** PLASTIC STRIP SUP-PS-** TELESCOPIC POLE SUP1-TP 3-PIECE POLE SUP*-3PC INTERNAL ROLLER SUP-IR-** ULTRA-PORTABLE 004 - 005 supreme. FUNCTIONAL ADJUSTABLE REFINED ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE Kits Structure 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 48 49 - 99 100+ SU33TC 33.25'' x 84.5'' Supreme.1 (single-sided) with telescopic pole + polyester transport bag $315.00 $299.00 $284.00 $268.00 Quote SU39TC 39.25'' x 84.5'' Supreme.1 (single-sided) with telescopic pole + polyester transport bag $350.00 $333.00 $315.00 $298.00 Quote SU47TC 47'' x 84.5'' Supreme.1 (single-sided) with telescopic pole + polyester transport bag $399.00 $379.00 $359.00 $339.00 Quote SU60TC 59" x 84.5'' Supreme.1 (single-sided) with two 3-piece poles + polyester transport bag $460.00 $437.00 $414.00 $391.00 Quote SU233C 33.25'' x 84.5'' Supreme.2 (double-sided) with 3-piece pole + polyester transport bag $395.00 $375.00 $356.00 $336.00 Quote SU239C 39.25'' x 84.5'' Supreme.2 (double-sided) with 3-piece pole+ polyester transport bag $439.00 $417.00 $395.00 $373.00 Quote CH-** Clipping hanger $33.00 $31.00 $30.00 $28.00 Quote SUP1-TP Telescopic pole for Supreme.1 $37.00 $35.00 $33.00 $31.00 Quote SUP*-3PC 3-piece pole for Supreme $37.00 $35.00 $33.00 $31.00 Quote SUP-IR-** Internal roller for Supreme.1 or Supreme.2 $46.00 $44.00 $41.00 $39.00 Quote SUP-PS-** Plastic strip for Supreme banner stands (specify length: 33’’, 39’’, 47’’ , 59’’) $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 Quote Polyester transport bag for Supreme.1 and Supreme.2 $58.00 $55.00 $53.00 $51.00 Quote Accessories Bags SUP*-TRB-** * Refers to 1 - Supreme.1 or 2 - Supreme.2 ** Refers to 33’’, 39’’, 47’’, 60’’ STRUCTURE SET SET****-K-H ACCESSORIES CLIPPING HANGER SUSP800-CLIP-H EASY-CHANGE (ECI) EASY-CHANGE SPARE PARTS POLE SET-MT-MAT POLE HEAD CON004 BAGS TRANSPORT BAG SET****-T-HC-NS ULTRA-PORTABLE 006 - 007 set. EFFICIENT ADJUSTABLE STYLISH ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE Kits Kit includes retractable banner stand & hanger + telescopic pole + Easy Change and polyester transport bag 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 48 49 - 99 100+ SET600-K-H Set - 600 mm (23.25’’) $220.00 $209.00 $198.00 $187.00 Quote SET800-K-H Set - 800 mm (31.5’’) $280.00 $266.00 $252.00 $238.00 Quote SET1000-K-H Set - 1000 mm (39.25’’) $340.00 $323.00 $306.00 $289.00 Quote SET1200-K-H Set - 1200 mm (47.25’’) $370.00 $352.00 $333.00 $315.00 Quote SUSP800-CLIP-H Clipping top hanger $33.00 $31.00 $30.00 $28.00 Quote EASY-CHANGE Easy Change (price per meter) $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 Quote SET-MT-MAT Telescopic pole for Set $80.00 $76.00 $72.00 $68.00 Quote CON004 Pole head for Set $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 Quote Polyester transport bag for Set $50.00 $48.00 $45.00 $43.00 Quote Accessories Bags SET****-T-HC-NS **** Refers to 600, 800, 1000, 1200 STRUCTURE ACCESSORIES BAG AXIS AX*** CLIPPING HANGER CH-** TRANSPORT BAG AXI-TRB-** TELESCOPIC POLE AXI-TP 3-PIECE POLE AXI-3PC EASY-CHANGE (ECI) EASY-CHANGE ULTRA-PORTABLE 008 - 009 axis. ECONOMICAL LIGHTWEIGHT RELIABLE ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE Kits Structure 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 48 49 - 99 100+ AX2479T1 23.25" x 79" Axis (single-sided) w/ telescopic pole + polyester transport bag $156.00 $148.00 $140.00 $133.00 Quote AX3379T1 33.25" x 79" Axis (single-sided) w/ telescopic pole + polyester transport bag $170.00 $162.00 $153.00 $145.00 Quote AX3979T1 39.25" x 79" Axis (single-sided) w/ telescopic pole + polyester transport bag $195.00 $185.00 $176.00 $166.00 Quote AX4779T1 47" x 79" Axis (single-sided) w/ two 3-piece poles + polyester transport bag $221.00 $210.00 $199.00 $188.00 Quote CH-** Clipping hanger $33.00 $31.00 $30.00 $28.00 Quote AXI-TP Telescopic pole for Axis $37.00 $35.00 $33.00 $31.00 Quote AXI-3PC 3-piece pole for Axis $37.00 $35.00 $33.00 $31.00 Quote EASY-CHANGE Easy Change (price per meter) $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 Quote Polyester transport bag for Axis $35.00 $33.00 $32.00 $31.00 Quote Accessories Bag AXI-TRB-** ** Refers to 23’’, 33’’, 39’’, 47’’ STRUCTURES ACCESSORIES ONE R1 ONE-R1 CLIPPING HANGER SUSP800-CLIP ONE R2 ONE-R2 EASY-CHANGE (ECI) EASY-CHANGE ULTRA-PORTABLE 010 - 011 one. RELIABLE LOW COST PORTABLE ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $* PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE Kits Structure 1-6 12 - 18 24 - 48 54 - 96 102+ ONE-R1 31.5" x 79" One R1 (single-sided) with 3-piece pole + polyester transport bag $90.00 $81.00 $77.00 $68.00 Quote ONE-R2 31.5" x 79" One R2 (double-sided) with 3-piece pole + polyester transport bag $159.00 $143.00 $135.00 $119.00 Quote SUSP800-CLIP Clipping top hanger - 800 mm (31,5’’) $24.00 $23.00 $22.00 $20.00 Quote EASY-CHANGE Easy Change (price per meter) $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 Quote Accessories * Sold in quantities of 6 STRUCTURE SPRINT SPS003 STRUCTURES BOUTIQUE POLE SPS004 ACCESSORIES CLIPPING HANGER & KICKER ACH**1 BAG FLOWER BASE MER-PIEDFL ADHESIVE HANGER & KICKER ACH**3 TRANSPORT BAG S-T-HCXL-NS POLE HEAD CON004 S-FIX S-FIX ULTRA-PORTABLE 012 - 013 sprint. RELIABLE VERSATILE DURABLE ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE Kits Structure 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 48 49 - 99 100+ SPR-600-ADH-K Sprint - 600 mm (23.25") kit includes adhesive hanger and kicker + polyester transport bag $295.00 $280.00 $266.00 $251.00 Quote SPR-600-CLI-K Sprint - 600 mm (23.25") kit includes clipping hanger and kicker + polyester transport bag $305.00 $290.00 $275.00 $259.00 Quote SPR-800-ADH-K Sprint - 800 mm (31.5") kit includes adhesive hanger and kicker + polyester transport bag $295.00 $280.00 $266.00 $251.00 Quote SPR-800-CLI-K Sprint - 800 mm (31.5") kit includes clipping hanger and kicker + polyester transport bag $305.00 $290.00 $275.00 $259.00 Quote SPR-1000-ADH-K Sprint - 1000 mm (39.25") kit includes adhesive hanger and kicker + polyester transport bag $295.00 $280.00 $266.00 $251.00 Quote SPR-1000-CLI-K Sprint - 1000 mm (39.25") kit includes clipping hanger and kicker + polyester transport bag $305.00 $290.00 $275.00 $259.00 Quote SPR-1200-ADH-K Sprint - 1200 mm (47.25") kit includes adhesive hanger and kicker + polyester transport bag $295.00 $280.00 $266.00 $251.00 Quote SPR-1200-CLI-K Sprint - 1200 mm (47.25’’) kit includes clipping hanger and kicker + polyester transport bag $305.00 $290.00 $275.00 $259.00 Quote SPS003 Sprint - Maximum length 2500 mm (98’’) + polyester transport bag - without hanger & kicker $260.00 $247.00 $234.00 $221.00 Quote SPR-BOU-K Sprint.boutique pole and base (shipped in a cardboard box) $195.00 $185.00 $176.00 $166.00 Quote SPS004 Sprint.boutique telescopic pole (shipped in a cardboard box) - without hanger & kicker $110.00 $105.00 $99.00 $94.00 Quote MER-PIEDFL Flower base for Sprint.boutique $85.00 $81.00 $77.00 $72.00 Quote ACH603 Sprint adhesive hanger and kicker kit 600 mm (23.25’’) with alignment bracket $35.00 $33.00 $32.00 $30.00 Quote ACH803 Sprint adhesive hanger and kicker kit 800 mm (31.5’’) with alignment bracket $35.00 $33.00 $32.00 $30.00 Quote ACH103 Sprint adhesive hanger and kicker kit 1000 mm (39.25’’) with alignment bracket $35.00 $33.00 $32.00 $30.00 Quote ACH123 Sprint adhesive hanger and kicker kit 1200 mm (47.25’’) with alignment bracket $35.00 $33.00 $32.00 $30.00 Quote ACH601 Sprint clipping hanger and kicker kit 600 mm (23.25’’) with alignment bracket $45.00 $43.00 $41.00 $38.00 Quote ACH801 Sprint clipping hanger and kicker kit 800 mm (31.5’’) with alignment bracket $45.00 $43.00 $41.00 $38.00 Quote ACH101 Sprint clipping hanger and kicker kit 1000 mm (39.25’’) with alignment bracket $45.00 $43.00 $41.00 $38.00 Quote ACH121 Sprint clipping hanger and kicker kit 1200 mm (47.25’’) with alignment bracket $45.00 $43.00 $41.00 $38.00 Quote CON004 Pole head for Sprint $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 Quote CON011 Top hanger adapter for Sprint $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 Quote CON009 Bottom hanger adaper for Sprint $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 Quote S-FIX Attachment piece for Sprint feet $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 Quote Polyester transport bag for Sprint $50.00 $48.00 $45.00 $43.00 Quote Structures Accessories Bag S-T-HCXL-NS STRUCTURE LITE BANNER STS*** ACCESSORIES CLIPPING HANGER CH-** BAG TRANSPORT BAG LIT-TRB-** HYBRID TELESCOPIC POLE LIT-HP FOOT MF3700 ULTRA-PORTABLE 014 - 015 lite.banner LIGHTWEIGHT ECONOMICAL IMPRESSIVE ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION Kits PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 48 49 - 99 100+ STS600 23.25'' x 84.5'' Lite.Banner* (single-sided) with hybrid pole + polyester transport bag $126.00 $120.00 $113.00 $107.00 Quote STS850 33.25'' x 84.5'' Lite.Banner* (single-sided) with hybrid pole + polyester transport bag $138.00 $131.00 $124.00 $117.00 Quote STS1000 39.25'' x 84.5'' Lite.Banner* (single-sided) with hybrid pole + polyester transport bag $150.00 $143.00 $135.00 $128.00 Quote STS1200 47'' x 84.5'' Lite.Banner* (single-sided) with hybrid pole + polyester transport bag $168.00 $160.00 $151.00 $143.00 Quote CH-** Clipping hanger or kicker $33.00 $31.00 $30.00 $28.00 Quote LIT-HP Hybrid telescopic pole for Lite.Banner $37.00 $35.00 $33.00 $31.00 Quote MF3700 Foot for Lite.Banner $51.00 $48.00 $46.00 $43.00 Quote Polyester transport bag for Lite.Banner $35.00 $33.00 $32.00 $31.00 Quote Accessories Bag LIT-TRB-** * Lite.banners ship with clipping hangers and kickers. ** Refers to 33’’, 39’’, 47’’ STRUCTURES STRUCTURES 2x1 EXP-B21S-US CROSS EXP-K-BCROS-US 2x2 EXP-B22S-US 3x1 EXP-B31S-US PYRAMID SMALL EXP-BPYS-US 3x2 EXP-B32S-US PYRAMID LARGE EXP-BPYM-US 3x3 EXP-B33S-US PYRAMID XL EXP-BPYXL-US 3x4 EXP-B34S-US ARGYLE EXP-ARG-US ULTRA-PORTABLE 016 - 017 xpressions. CREATIVE LIGHTWEIGHT SOLUTION ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION Structures PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1 3 6 12 24 48 EXP-B21S-US Xpressions 2x1 frame with rubber collars + nylon bag $320.00 $304.00 $294.00 $288.00 $282.00 $272.00 EXP-B22S-US Xpressions 2x2 frame with rubber collars + nylon bag $440.00 $418.00 $405.00 $396.00 $387.00 $374.00 EXP-B31S-US Xpressions 3x1 frame with rubber collars + nylon bag $350.00 $333.00 $322.00 $315.00 $308.00 $298.00 EXP-B32S-US Xpressions 3x2 frame with rubber collars + nylon bag $660.00 $627.00 $607.00 $594.00 $581.00 $561.00 EXP-B33S-US Xpressions 3x3 frame with rubber collars + nylon bag $990.00 $941.00 $911.00 $891.00 $871.00 $842.00 EXP-B34S-US Xpressions 3x4 frame with rubber collars + nylon bag $1,320.00 $1,254.00 $1,214.00 $1,188.00 $1,162.00 $1,122.00 EXP-BCROSS-US Xpressions cross frame with rubber collars + nylon bag $550.00 $523.00 $506.00 $495.00 $484.00 $468.00 EXP-BPYS-US Xpressions pyramid.S frame with rubber collars + nylon bag $350.00 $333.00 $322.00 $315.00 $308.00 $298.00 EXP-BPYM-US Xpressions pyramid.M frame with rubber collars + nylon bag $660.00 $627.00 $607.00 $594.00 $581.00 $561.00 EXP-BPYXL-US Xpressions pyramid.XL frame with rubber collars + nylon bag $1,100.00 $1,045.00 $1,012.00 $990.00 $968.00 $935.00 EXP-ARG-US Xpressions argyle frame with rubber collars + nylon bag $880.00 $836.00 $810.00 $792.00 $774.00 $748.00 SHELVES RECTANGULAR SHELF (US) HXP-US-SHELF ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES BAGS SQUARE SHELF (US) ACT009 PUSH THRU MEP002-01 SHELF CONNECTOR EXP-ET-SM4 MAGNETIC CONNECTOR EXP-NOEUDMAGB NYLON BAG EXP-T-SACN TRAPEZOIDAL SHELF (US) ACT010 1x1 LIGHT BOX (US) XPL003 PAIR OF STABILIZING FEET EXP-PIEDSTAB CLIP LIGHT SUPPORT EX-SUP-LIGHTB TRANSPORT BAG EXP-T-** ADJUSTABLE FOOT EXP-PIEDAJUST LIGHT ADAPTER OZ-L-AS 3x1 LIGHT BOX (US) XPL006 ALUMINUM SCISSOR EXP-PAIRE767B HUB SCREW INSERT EXP-INSERTB BUTTON EXP-PICOTB RUBBER COLLAR EXP-PICOT-JOINT MECHANICAL CONNECTOR EXP-YLOCK-B ULTRA-PORTABLE 018 - 019 xpressions. STRETCHY FABRIC SOLUTION ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION Accessories PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1 3 6 12 24 48 HXP-US-SHELF 1 plastic rectangular shelf (includes set of 4 shelf connectors) $75.00 $71.00 $69.00 $68.00 $66.00 $64.00 ACT009 1 plastic square shelf (includes set of 4 shelf connectors) $60.00 $57.00 $55.00 $54.00 $53.00 $51.00 ACT010 1 plastic trapezoidal shelf (includes set of 4 shelf connectors) $75.00 $71.00 $69.00 $68.00 $66.00 $64.00 MEP002-01 Push Thru for Xpressions $90.00 $86.00 $83.00 $81.00 $79.00 $77.00 XPL003 Light box for Xpressions (1x1) $455.00 $432.00 $419.00 $410.00 $400.00 $387.00 XPL006 Light box for Xpressions (3x1) $1,300.00 $1,235.00 $1,196.00 $1,170.00 $1,144.00 $1,105.00 EXP-ET-SM4 Set of 4 connectors for plastic shelves $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 EXP-PIEDSTAB Pair of stabilizing feet for Xpressions and Easy $130.00 $124.00 $120.00 $117.00 $114.00 $111.00 EXP-PAIRE767B Aluminum scissor for Xpressions and Easy structure $30.00 $29.00 $28.00 $27.00 $26.00 $25.00 EXP-PICOTB Button for Xpressions and Easy hub (quantity of 10) $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 EXP-PIEDAJUST Adjustable foot for levelling Xpressions frame $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 EXP-NOEUDMAGB Hub + magnetic frame connector for Xpressions $20.00 $19.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $17.00 EXP-SUP-LIGHTB Clip light support for Xpressions frame (attaches to hub) $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 OZ-L-AS Light adapter for Xpressions, Easy, Blue (attaches to scissor) $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 EXP-INSERTB Hub screw insert $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 EXP-PICOT-JOINT Rubber collar for Xpressions and Easy $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 EXP-YLOCK-B Mechanical connector for Xpressions $30.00 $29.00 $28.00 $27.00 $26.00 $26.00 EXP-T-SACN Nylon bag for Xpressions and Easy $12.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $10.00 EXP-T-PM Small polyester transport bag $90.00 $86.00 $83.00 $81.00 $79.00 $77.00 EXP-T-GM Large polyester transport bag $90.00 $86.00 $83.00 $81.00 $79.00 $77.00 Bags = STRUCTURES SET SET800-K-H ACCESSORIES CLIPPING HANGER CH-** CASE TO COUNTER DH2-KT-COMP EASY-CHANGE JUNCTION PROFILE DH2-JONCTION-850 COROPLAST WRAP DH2-JUPE-850 COUNTERTOP DH2-PLATEAU PORTABLE 020 - 021 hello.set ALL-IN-ONE MOBILE CONVERTIBLE ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1 3 6 12 24 48 Hello.Set case to counter on wheels + 2x Set.800 without bag + Coroplast wrap + aluminum slider bar $1,250.00 $1,188.00 $1,150.00 $1,125.00 $1,100.00 $1,063.00 SET800-K-H Set - 800 mm kit + hanger + telescopic pole + easy change + polyester transport bag $280.00 DH2-KT-COMP Hello.Set case to counter on wheels + Coroplast wrap + aluminum slider bar $690.00 EASY-CHANGE Easy Change (price per meter) $4.00 DH2-JONCTION-850 Aluminum slider bar for Hello.Set $30.00 DH2-JUPE-850 Coroplast wrap for Hello.Set case + Traveller case $130.00 DH2-PLATEAU Countertop for Hello.Set case $95.00 Kit DH2-KT-SET Accessories STRUCTURES ACCESSORIES AXIS AX2479T1 CLASSIC CASE TOP SDC-TOP XPRESSIONS CROSS EXP-BCROSS-US CLASSIC CASE PVC WRAP SDC-PVC-WRAP 8-POCKET MESH LITERATURE RACK BS8P CLASSIC CASE SDC PORTABLE 022 - 023 hello.quick.kit MULTI-FUNCTIONAL COMMUNICATE INFORM ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION Kit PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1 3 6 12 24 48 Hello Quick Kit, case to counter on wheels + 2x 24’’ Axis with bag + Xpressions.cross + Mesh Pocket literature rack $1,344.00 $1,277.00 $1,236.00 $1,210.00 $1,183.00 $1,142.00 AX2479T1 23.25" x 79" Axis (single-sided) w/ telescopic pole + polyester transport bag $156.00 EXP-BCROSS-US Xpressions cross frame with nylon bag $550.00 BS8P Mesh Pocket literature rack - 8-pocket, black + polyester transport bag $95.00 SDC Classic case $335.00 SDC-TOP Classic case plastic top $14.00 SDC-PVC-WRAP Classic case PVC wrap $37.00 HEL-QUICK-K Accessories = STRUCTURES ACCESSORIES XPRESSIONS 3x1 EXP-B31S-US SHELF CONNECTOR EXP-ET-SM4 CASE TO COUNTER HXP-KT-COMP COROPLAST WRAP DH2-JUPE-850 RECTANGULAR SHELF HXP-US-SHELF JUNCTION DH2-JONCTION-850 COUNTERTOP DH2-PLATEAU PAIR OF STABILIZING FEET EXP-PIEDSTAB-B PORTABLE 024 - 025 hello.xpress ALL-IN-ONE COMPACT ORIGINAL ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION Kit PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1 3 6 12 24 48 Hello.Xpress case to counter on wheels + 2 Xpressions 3x1 + 2 plastic shelves + wrap + slider bar $1,640.00 $1,558.00 $1,509.00 $1,476.00 $1,443.00 $1,394.00 HXP-KT-COMP Hello.Xpress case to counter on wheels, Coroplast wrap, aluminum slider bar $790.00 HXP-US-SHELF 1 plastic rectangular shelf (includes set of 4 shelf connectors) $75.00 EXP-ET-SM4 Set of 4 connectors for plastic shelves $4.00 EXP-B31S-US 1 tower 3x1 (no bag) with 8 shelf connectors $350.00 HXP-JUPE-850 Coroplast wrap for Hello.Xpress case $150.00 DH2-JONCTION-850 Aluminum slider bar for Hello.Xpress case $30.00 HXP-PLATEAU Countertop for Hello.Xpress case $95.00 EXP-PIEDSTAB-B Pair of stabilizing feet $130.00 HEL-XPR-K Accessories STRUCTURES 2x2 EASY-B22S-US 3x1 EASY-B31S-US LIGHT ADAPTER OZ-L-AS 3x2 EASY-B32S-US ACCESSORIES ADJUSTABLE FOOT EXP-PIEDAJUST ACCESSORIES HUB SCREW INSERT EXP-INSERTB RUBBER COLLAR EXP-PICOT-JOINT CLIP LIGHT SUPPORT EXP-SUP-LIGHTB NYLON BAG EXP-T-SACN TRANSPORT BAG EXP-T-** TRAVELER CASE EXP-T-CONTG CASES & BAGS FRAME CONNECTOR EASY-NOEUDB 3x3 EASY-B33S-US ALUMINUM SCISSOR EXP-PAIRE767B 3x4 EASY-B44S-US BUTTON EXP-PICOTB PORTABLE 026 - 027 easy. INSTANT SET-UP STRETCHY FABRIC LIGHTWEIGHT ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ 1 3 6 12 24 48 EASY-B22S-US Easy 2x2 black straight frame with nylon bag $440.00 $418.00 $405.00 $396.00 $387.00 $374.00 EASY-B31S-US Easy 3x1 black straight frame with nylon bag $350.00 $333.00 $322.00 $315.00 $308.00 $298.00 EASY-B32S-US Easy 3x2 black straight frame with nylon bag $660.00 $627.00 $607.00 $594.00 $581.00 $561.00 EASY-B33S-US Easy 3x3 black straight frame with nylon bag $990.00 $941.00 $911.00 $891.00 $871.00 $842.00 EASY-B34S-US Easy 3x4 black straight frame with nylon bag $1,320.00 $1,254.00 $1,214.00 $1,188.00 $1,162.00 $1,122.00 EXP-PIEDAJUST Adjustable foot for levelling Xpressions frame $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 OZ-L-AS Light adapter for Xpressions, Easy, Blue, Virage (attaches to scissor) $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 EASY-NOEUDB Frame connector for Easy $15.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $13.00 $13.00 EXP-PAIRE767B Aluminum scissor for Xpressions and Easy structure $30.00 $29.00 $28.00 $27.00 $26.00 $25.00 EXP-PICOTB Button for Easy and Xpressions hub $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 EXP-INSERTB Hub screw insert $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 EXP-PICOT-JOINT Rubber collar for Xpressions and Easy $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 EXP-SUP-LIGHTB Clip light support for Xpressions and Easy frame (attaches to hub) $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 EXP-T-SACN Nylon bag for Xpressions and Easy $12.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $10.00 EXP-T-PM Small polyester transport bag $90.00 $86.00 $83.00 $81.00 $79.00 $77.00 EXP-T-GM Large polyester transport bag $90.00 $86.00 $83.00 $81.00 $79.00 $77.00 EXP-T-CONTG Traveler case contains up to Xpressions 3x3 or Easy 3x3 $390.00 $371.00 $359.00 $351.00 $343.00 $332.00 Structures Accessories Cases & Bags STRUCTURES ACCESSORIES CASES & BAGS VIRAGE 2x2 VIR-22-S straight ALUMINUM SCISSOR ALT001 VIRAGE 3x1 VIR-31-S straight MAGNETIC CONNECTOR COL010 CLASSIC CASE SDC VIRAGE 3x2 VIR-32-S straight VIRAGE 3x3 VIR-33-S straight MECHANICAL CONNECTOR COL009 TALL EXPO CASE TE ADJUSTABLE FOOT ACP002 TRANSPORT BAG EXP-T-** FSB15 VIRAGE 3x4 VIR-34-S straight PAIR OF STABILIZING FEET ACP001 LIGHT ADAPTER OZ-L-AS PORTABLE 028 - 029 virage.straight STYLISH WRINKLE-FREE PORTABLE ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ Structure Straight 1 3 6 12 24 48 VIR-22-S Virage 2x2 straight black frame $455.00 $432.00 $419.00 $410.00 $400.00 $387.00 VIR-31-S Virage 3x1 straight black frame $419.00 $398.00 $385.00 $377.00 $369.00 $356.00 VIR-32-S Virage 3x2 straight black frame $504.00 $479.00 $464.00 $454.00 $444.00 $428.00 VIR-33-S Virage 3x3 straight black frame $579.00 $550.00 $533.00 $521.00 $510.00 $492.00 VIR-34-S Virage 3x4 straight black frame $653.00 $620.00 $601.00 $588.00 $575.00 $555.00 ALT001 Aluminum scissor for straight Virage frame $15.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $13.00 $13.00 COL010 Magnetic connector $20.00 $19.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $17.00 COL009 Mechanical connector $20.00 $19.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $17.00 ACP002 Adjustable foot $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 ACP001 Pair of stabilizing feet $75.00 $71.00 $69.00 $68.00 $66.00 $64.00 OZ-L-AS Light adapter for Xpressions, Easy, Blue, Virage (attaches to scissors) $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 SDC Classic case $335.00 $318.00 $308.00 $302.00 $295.00 $285.00 TE Tall Expo case (suitable for Virage frames 3x3, 3x4) $387.00 $368.00 $356.00 $348.00 $341.00 $329.00 EXP-T-PM Small polyester transport bag $90.00 $86.00 $83.00 $81.00 $79.00 $77.00 EXP-T-GM Large polyester transport bag $90.00 $86.00 $83.00 $81.00 $79.00 $77.00 FSB15 Large polyester black transport bag (suitable for Virage frames 3x3, 3x4) $48.00 $46.00 $44.00 $43.00 $42.00 $41.00 Accessories Cases & Bags STRUCTURES ACCESSORIES CASES & BAGS VIRAGE 2x2 VIR-22-C curved ALUMINUM SCISSOR ALT002 VIRAGE 3x1 VIR-31-C curved MAGNETIC CONNECTOR COL010 CLASSIC CASE SDC VIRAGE 3x2 VIR-32-C curved VIRAGE 3x3 VIR-33-C curved MECHANICAL CONNECTOR COL009 TALL EXPO CASE TE ADJUSTABLE FOOT ACP002 TRANSPORT BAG EXP-T-** FSB15 VIRAGE 3x4 VIR-34-C curved LIGHT ADAPTER OZ-L-AS PORTABLE 030 - 031 virage.curved STYLISH WRINKLE-FREE PORTABLE ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ Structure Curved 1 3 6 12 24 48 VIR-22-C Virage 2x2 curved black frame $536.00 $509.00 $493.00 $482.00 $472.00 $456.00 VIR-31-C Virage 3x1 curved black frame $459.00 $436.00 $422.00 $413.00 $404.00 $390.00 VIR-32-C Virage 3x2 curved black frame $599.00 $569.00 $551.00 $539.00 $527.00 $509.00 VIR-33-C Virage 3x3 curved black frame $693.00 $658.00 $638.00 $624.00 $610.00 $589.00 VIR-34-C Virage 3x4 curved black frame $788.00 $749.00 $725.00 $709.00 $693.00 $670.00 ALT002 Aluminum scissor for curved Virage frame $15.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $13.00 $13.00 COL010 Magnetic connector $20.00 $19.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $17.00 COL009 Mechanical connector $20.00 $19.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $17.00 ACP002 Adjustable foot $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 OZ-L-AS Light adapter for Xpressions, Easy, Blue, Virage (attaches to scissors) $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 SDC Classic case $335.00 $318.00 $308.00 $302.00 $295.00 $285.00 TE Tall Expo case (suitable for Virage frames 3x3, 3x4) $387.00 $368.00 $356.00 $348.00 $341.00 $329.00 EXP-T-PM Small polyester transport bag $90.00 $86.00 $83.00 $81.00 $79.00 $77.00 EXP-T-GM Large polyester transport bag $90.00 $86.00 $83.00 $81.00 $79.00 $77.00 FSB15 Large polyester black transport bag (suitable for Virage frames 3x3, 3x4) $48.00 $46.00 $44.00 $43.00 $42.00 $41.00 Accessories Cases & Bags MAGNA 2x2 MP22-S straight STRUCTURES MAGNA 2x2 MP22-C curved MAGNA 3x1 MP31-S straight MAGNA 3x1 MP31-C curved MAGNA 3x3 MP33-S straight MAGNA 3x2 MP32-S straight MAGNA 3x3 MP33-C curved MAGNA 3x4 MP34-S straight STIFFENERS /ACCESSORIES CASES MAGNA 3x4 MP34-C curved TOP STIFFENER MPTSF MAGNA OVAL CASE MOC MAGNA 3x2 MP32-C curved BOTTOM STIFFENER MPBSF SUPER CASE SC STIFFENER SET FOR END PANEL MPTSE LIGHTS CHANNEL BAR MPST 200 W HALOGEN LIGHT200-US-BLACK MAGNETIC TAPE 2SMT5B LED LIGHT-LED-PF-US PORTABLE 032 - 033 magna. HIGH-PERFORMING MAGNETIC RELIABLE ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE Kits All Magna kits include anodized frame, channel bars with bag, halogen light(s), stiffeners, magnet and case 1 3 6 12 24 48 MAG-22-C-K / MAG-22-S-K Magna kit 2x2 tabletop curved or straight (incl. 1 light) $720.00 $684.00 $662.00 $648.00 $634.00 $612.00 MAG-31-C-K / MAG-31-S-K Magna kit 3x1 curved or straight (incl. 1 light) $673.00 $639.00 $619.00 $606.00 $592.00 $572.00 MAG-32-C-K / MAG-32-S-K Magna kit 3x2 curved or straight (incl. 2 lights) $958.00 $910.00 $881.00 $862.00 $843.00 $814.00 MAG-33-C-K / MAG-33-S-K Magna kit 3x3 curved or straight (incl. 2 lights) $1,047.00 $995.00 $963.00 $942.00 $921.00 $890.00 MAG-34-C-K / MAG-34-S-K Magna kit 3x4 curved or straight (incl. 2 lights) $1,151.00 $1,093.00 $1,059.00 $1,036.00 $1, 013.00 $978.00 MP22-C / MP22-S Magna 2x2 curved or straight anodized frame + 10 channel bars $236.00 $224.00 $217.00 $212.00 $208.00 $201.00 MP31-C / MP31-S Magna 3x1 curved or straight anodized frame + 12 channel bars $215.00 $204.00 $198.00 $194.00 $189.00 $183.00 MP32-C / MP32-S Magna 3x2 curved or straight anodized frame + 15 channel bars $390.00 $371.00 $359.00 $351.00 $343.00 $332.00 MP33-C / MP33-S Magna 3x3 curved or straight anodized frame + 18 channel bars $442.00 $420.00 $407.00 $398.00 $389.00 $376.00 MP34-C / MP34-S Magna 3x4 curved or straight anodized frame + 21 channel bars $520.00 $494.00 $478.00 $468.00 $458.00 $442.00 MPTSF Top stiffener for center curved panel with tape for Magna $14.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $12.00 $12.00 MPBSF Bottom stiffener for center curved panel with tape for Magna $12.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $10.00 MPTSF-S Top stiffener for center straight panel with tape for Magna $14.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $12.00 $12.00 MPBSF-S Bottom stiffener for center straight panel with tape for Magna $12.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $10.00 MPTSE Stiffener set (top corners only) for end panels with tape for Magna $7.00 $7.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 MPST Standard channel bar for Magna $10.00 $10.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 2SMT5B 0.5" magnetic tape, "B" polarity, hi-tack adhesive, 100' roll $44.00 $42.00 $40.00 $40.00 $39.00 $37.00 LIGHT200-US-BLACK 200w halogen light (ETL approved) $84.00 $84.00 $80.00 $80.00 $76.00 $76.00 LIGHT-LED-PF-US LED Light fixture w/ ‘‘X’’ adapter $134.00 $134.00 $127.00 $127.00 $121.00 $121.00 MOC Magna Oval case (molded case, includes light compartiment) $295.00 $280.00 $271.00 $266.00 $260.00 $251.00 SC Super case $284.00 $270.00 $261.00 $256.00 $250.00 $241.00 Structures Stiffeners Accessories Cases STRUCTURES SPIDER 2x2 5F22-S straight SPIDER 2x2 5C22-C curved SPIDER 3x1 5F31-S straight SPIDER 3x2 5F32-S straight SPIDER 3x1 5C31-C curved SPIDER 3x3 5F33-S straight SPIDER 3x3 5C33-C curved SPIDER 3x4 5F34-S straight STIFFENERS CASES STANDARD CHANEL BAR 5S22 SUPER CASE SC SPIDER 3x2 5C32-C curved SPIDER 3x4 5C34-C curved TOP STIFFENER (CURVED FRAME) 5LPTH CLASSIC CASE SDC BOTTOM STIFFENER (CURVED FRAME) 5LPTH TALL EXPO CASE TE STIFFENER SET 5LPEH LIGHTS TOP STIFFENER (STRAIGHT FRAME) 5LPTMS 200 W HALOGEN 2S14 BOTTOM STIFFENER (STRAIGHT FRAME) 5LPBSM LED LIGHT-LED-PF-US PORTABLE 034 - 035 spider. RELIABLE HEAVY-DUTY SELF-LOCKING ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE Kits All Spider kits include anodized frame, channel bars with bag, halogen light(s), stiffeners, magnet and case 1 3 6 12 24 48 SPI-22-C-K / SPI-22-S-K Spider kit 2x2 curved or straight (incl. 1 light) $829.00 $788.00 $763.00 $746.00 $730.00 $705.00 SPI-31-C-K / SPI-31-S-K Spider kit 3x1 curved or straight (incl. 1 light) $835.00 $793.00 $768.00 $752.00 $735.00 $710.00 SPI-32-C-K / SPI-32-S-K Spider kit 3x2 curved or straight (incl. 1 light) $1,149.00 $1,092.00 $1,057.00 $1,034.00 $1,011.00 $977.00 SPI-33-C-K / SPI-33-S-K Spider kit 3x3 curved or straight (incl. 2 lights) $1,377.00 $1,308.00 $1,267.00 $1,239.00 $1,212.00 $1,170.00 SPI-34-C-K / SPI-34-S-K Spider kit 3x4 curved or straight (incl. 2 lights) $1,657.00 $1,574.00 $1,524.00 $1,491.00 $1,458.00 $1,408.00 5C22-C / 5F22-S Spider 2x2 curved or straight anodized frame $224.00 $213.00 $206.00 $202.00 $197.00 $190.00 5C31-C / 5F31-S Spider 3x1 curved or straight anodized frame $167.00 $159.00 $154.00 $150.00 $147.00 $142.00 5C32-C / 5C32-S Spider 3x2 curved or straight anodized frame $334.00 $317.00 $307.00 $301.00 $294.00 $284.00 5C33-C / 5F33-S Spider 3x3 curved or straight anodized frame $500.00 $475.00 $460.00 $450.00 $440.00 $425.00 5C34-C / 5F34-S Spider 3x4 curved or straight anodized frame $667.00 $634.00 $614.00 $600.00 $587.00 $567.00 5LPTH Top stiffener for center panel with tape for Spider $14.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $12.00 $12.00 5LPBSB Bottom stiffener for curve center panel with tape for Spider $12.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $10.00 5LPEH Stiffener set (top corners only) for end panel with tape for Spider $7.00 $7.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 5LPTMS Top stiffener for straight center panel with tape for Spider $16.00 $15.00 $15.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 5LPBSBM Bottom stiffener for straight center panel with tape for Spider $19.00 $18.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $16.00 5S22 Standard channel bar for Spider $13.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $11.00 $11.00 5SS40 Spider tabletop channel bar (for 40’’ h tabletops) $20.00 $19.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $17.00 5SSB Channel bar bag for Spider $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 5SSBT Channel bar bag for 40" channel bars for Spider $22.00 $21.00 $20.00 $20.00 $19.00 $19.00 2SMELS Stabilizing feet for line systems $92.00 $87.00 $85.00 $83.00 $81.00 $78.00 2SMT5B 0.5" magnet tape, "B" polarity, hi-tack adhesive, 100' roll $44.00 $42.00 $40.00 $40.00 $39.00 $37.00 2SPP-912 Protective liner panel $19.00 $18.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $16.00 2S14 200w halogen light (ETL approved) for Spider $84.00 $84.00 $80.00 $80.00 $76.00 $76.00 LIGHT-LED-PF-US LED Light fixture w/ ‘‘X’’ adapter $134.00 $134.00 $127.00 $127.00 $121.00 $121.00 SC Super case $284.00 $270.00 $261.00 $256.00 $250.00 $241.00 SDC Classic case $335.00 $318.00 $308.00 $302.00 $295.00 $285.00 TE Tall Expo case (includes light / utility compartment) $387.00 $368.00 $356.00 $348.00 $341.00 $329.00 Structures Stiffeners Accessories Cases BLUE 3x1 OB-S-R31-DU-S straight STRUCTURES BLUE 3x2 OB-S-R32-DU-S straight BLUE 3x3 OB-S-R33-DU-S straight BLUE 3x1 OB-S-R31-CU-S curved BLUE 3x4 OB-S-R34-DU-S straight BLUE 3x2 OB-S-R32-CU-S curved BLUE 3x3 OB-S-R33-CU-S curved STIFFENERS BLUE 3x4 OB-S-R34-CU-S curved STIFFENERS OB-P-S** LIGHTS ACCESSORIES BLUE CASE OZ-T-HGE MAGNETIC TAPE BMN-PAN 3-IN-1 CHANNEL BAR OB-B-E100U 200 W HALOGEN LIGHT200-US-BLACK PAIR OF STABILIZING FEET OB-A-PPIEDD LED LIGHT-LED-PF-US COROPLAST BASE OZ-BASE-CORO PORTABLE 036 - 037 blue. CLASSIC SELF-LOCKING PERFORMANCE ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE Kits All Blue kits includes anodized frame, channel bars, halogen light(s), stiffeners, magnet and case 1 3 6 12 24 48 BLU-31-C-K / BLU-31-S-K Blue kit 3x1 curved or straight (incl. 1 light) $1,251.00 $1,188.00 $1,151.00 $1,126.00 $1,101.00 $1,063.00 BLU-32-C-K / BLU-32-S-K Blue kit 3x2 curved or straight (incl. 2 lights) $1,435.00 $1,363.00 $1,320.00 $1,292.00 $1,263.00 $1,220.00 BLU-33-C-K / BLU-33-S-K Blue kit 3x3 curved or straight (incl. 2 lights) $1,585.00 $1,506.00 $1,458.00 $1,427.00 $1,395.00 $1,347.00 BLU-34-C-K / BLU-34-S-K Blue kit 3x4 curved or straight (incl. 2 lights) $1,775.00 $1,686.00 $1,633.00 $1,598.00 $1,562.00 $1,509.00 OB-S-R31-CU-S / OB-S-R31-DU-S Blue 3x1 curved or straight anodized frame $360.00 $342.00 $331.00 $324.00 $317.00 $306.00 OB-S-R32-CU-S / OB-S-R32-DU-S Blue 3x2 curved or straight anodized frame $420.00 $399.00 $386.00 $378.00 $370.00 $357.00 OB-S-R33-CU-S / OB-S-R33-DU-S Blue 3x3 curved or straight anodized frame $530.00 $504.00 $488.00 $477.00 $466.00 $451.00 OB-S-R34-CU-S / OB-S-R34-DU-S Blue 3x4 curved or straight anodized frame $680.00 $646.00 $626.00 $612.00 $598.00 $578.00 OB-P-S34CU Stiffener kit for curved Blue (front panels) including end panels $120.00 $114.00 $110.00 $108.00 $106.00 $102.00 OB-P-S34DU Stiffener kit for straight Blue (front panels) including end panels $120.00 $114.00 $110.00 $108.00 $106.00 $102.00 OB-P-S1LCS Stiffener kit for convex Blue (back panels) $120.00 $114.00 $110.00 $108.00 $106.00 $102.00 BMN-PAN Roll of magnetic tape (30 m) $65.00 $62.00 $60.00 $59.00 $57.00 $55.00 OB-B-E100U 3-in-1 channel bar (for floor-standing models) for Blue $40.00 $38.00 $37.00 $36.00 $35.00 $34.00 OB-A-PPIEDD Pair of stabilizing feet $170.00 $162.00 $156.00 $153.00 $150.00 $145.00 OZ-BASE-CORO Coroplast base for dye-sub graphic for Blue case $10.00 $10.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 LIGHT200-US-BLACK 200w halogen light (ETL approved) $84.00 $84.00 $80.00 $80.00 $76.00 $76.00 LIGHT-LED-PF-US LED Light fixture w/ ‘‘X’’ adapter $134.00 $127.00 $127.00 $127.00 $121.00 $121.00 Blue case $420.00 $399.00 $386.00 $378.00 $370.00 $357.00 Structures Stiffeners Accessories Case OZ-T-HGE STRUCTURES ACCESSORIES CASE POP COUNTER 2x1 POP-CTR-21K CHANNEL BAR 5S22M CLASSIC CASE SDC POP COUNTER 2x2 POP-CTR-22K STIFFENERS 5LP** POP COUNTER 2x1 5C21M POP COUNTER 2x2 5C22M PORTABLE 038 - 039 pop.counter SIMPLE RELIABLE EFFICIENT ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ Kits POP Counter kits include Spider anodized frame, channel bars with bag, laminated wood countertop, stiffeners, magnets & case 1 3 6 12 24 48 POP-CTR-21-K POP Counter 2x1 kit: 40’’h x 36’’w x 16’’d $741.00 $704.00 $682.00 $667.00 $652.00 $630.00 POP-CTR-22-K POP Counter 2x2 kit: 40’’h x 60’’w x 16’’d $917.00 $871.00 $844.00 $825.00 $807.00 $779.00 5C21M POP Counter 2x1 curved anodized frame $112.00 $106.00 $103.00 $101.00 $99.00 $95.00 5C22M POP Counter 2x2 curved anodized frame $224.00 $213.00 $206.00 $202.00 $197.00 $190.00 5LPTH-PC Top stiffener for center panel with tape for POP Counter $14.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $12.00 $12.00 5LPBSB-PC Bottom stiffener for curve center panel with tape for POP Counter $12.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $10.00 5LPEH-PC Stiffener set (top corners only) for end panel with tape POP Counter $7.00 $7.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 5S22M Standard channel bar for Pop Counter $11.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $9.00 5SSB Channel bar bag $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 2SMT5B 0.5" magnet tape, "B" polarity, hi-tack adhesive, 100' roll $44.00 $42.00 $40.00 $40.00 $39.00 $37.00 2S13CTS Internal shelf for POP Counter $62.00 $59.00 $57.00 $56.00 $55.00 $53.00 2S13CT1 Laminated top for POP Counter 36" $97.00 $92.00 $89.00 $87.00 $85.00 $82.00 2S13CT2 Hinged laminated top for POP Counter 60" $164.00 $156.00 $151.00 $148.00 $144.00 $139.00 2SPP-912 Protective liner panel $19.00 $18.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $16.00 Classic case $335.00 $318.00 $308.00 $302.00 $295.00 $285.00 Structures Stiffeners Accessories Case SDC STRUCTURES PROFILE BAR MER-SF-1000 CORNER BRACKET MER-SF-EQU60 WALL BRACKET MER-SF-PLFIX JUNCTION LINK LI-300-01 PORTABLE 040 - 041 wall.frame EASY SET-UP VERSATILE SEG ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION Structure PRICE $ 1 MER-SF-1000 Single-sided Mercure profile bar (price per lin. ft.) $6.00 MER-K-SF-EQU60 Corner bracket $9.00 MER-SF-PLFIX Wall bracket $8.00 LI-300-01 Junction link $22.00 PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE STRUCTURE BANNER.WALL BNWALL PORTABLE 042 - 043 banner.wall VERSATILE TELESCOPIC LIGHTWEIGHT ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE Structure Pièces Détachées 1 3 6 12 24 48 BNWALL Banner.Wall (max. 90’’ high x 120’’ wide) + polyester transport bag $295.00 $280.00 $271.00 $266.00 $260.00 $251.00 STRUCTURE OUTDOOR X-BAN OXBAN INDOOR & OUTDOOR 044 - 045 outdoor.x-ban INSTANT SET-UP OUTDOOR VISIBILITY ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE Structure Pièces Détachées 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 48 49 - 99 100+ OXBAN 24’’ x 72’’ Outdoor X-ban with water or sand filled plastic base + polyester transport bag $183.00 $174.00 $165.00 $156.00 Quote STRUCTURE BEACON BEACON14 INDOOR & OUTDOOR 046 - 047 beacon. BE SEEN FROM AFAR ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE Structure Pièces Détachées 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 48 49 - 99 100+ BEACON14 Beacon - max. 17ft. high with water or sand filled plastic base + polyester transport bag $395.00 $375.00 $356.00 $336.00 Quote STRUCTURES ACCESSORIES BAG PLUME FLAG-** SEA FLAG-** INDOOR ABOVE GROUND BASE RBIGB TRANSPORT BAG RBCB OUTDOOR GROUND SPIKE INDOOR & OUTDOOR 048 - 049 flag. COMMUNICATION INDOOR & OUTDOOR ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION Structures PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 48 49 - 99 100 + FLAG-S Flag 2 meter frame, ground spike + polyester transport bag $151.00 $143.00 $136.00 $129.00 Quote FLAG-L Flag 3 meter frame, ground spike + polyester transport bag $173.00 $164.00 $156.00 $148.00 Quote FLAG-XL Flag 4 meter frame, ground spike + polyester transport bag $195.00 $185.00 $176.00 $167.00 Quote Above ground base for Flag.Plume and Flag.Sea $62.00 $59.00 $56.00 $53.00 Quote Polyester transport bag for Flag includes compartments $59.00 $56.00 $53.00 $50.00 Quotev Accessories RBIGB Bag RBCB STRUCTURES ACCESSOIRES TOTEM 2M TOS002-02 110 V PUMP LLM002 TOTEM 3M TOS003-02 WOOD BASE ACP004-01 TRANSPORT BAG TRB010 INDOOR & OUTDOOR 050 - 051 totem.air COMMUNICATION INDOOR & OUTDOOR ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ PRIX PRIX PRIX PRIX Structures Structure 1-3 4-12 13-48 49-99 100+ TOS002-02 Totem.Air 2 meter with wood base + polyester transport bag $492.00 $467.00 $443.00 $418.00 Quote TOS003-02 Totem.Air 3 meter with wood base + polyester transport bag $619.00 $588.00 $557.00 $526.00 Quote LLM002 110 V Pump $50.00 $48.00 $45.00 $43.00 Quote ACP004-01 Wood base $40.00 $38.00 $36.00 $34.00 Quote TRB010 Polyester transport bag for Totem $50.00 $48.00 $45.00 $43.00 Quote TOA002-01 Outdoor kit includes 4 straps, 4 tent stakes $100.00 $95.00 $90.00 $85.00 Quote Accessories STRUCTURES LOTUS CRYSTAL LOH4 Z-UP CRYSTAL ZUPC DOUBLE-WIDE Z-UP CRYSTAL ZUPC- 2 4-POCKET MESH BS4P 8-POCKET MESH BS8P ACCESSORIES 052 - 053 literature.racks ORGANIZE DISPLAY INFORM ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION Stuctures PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 48 49 - 99 100 + LOLH4 Lotus Crystal - 4-pocket, polycarbonate, silver/clear + polyester transport bag $235.00 $223.00 $212.00 $200.00 Quote ZUPC Z-UP Crystal - 6-pocket, silver/clear, hard silver case $199.00 $189.00 $179.00 $169.00 Quote ZUPC-2 Double-wide Z-UP Crystal - 6-pocket, silver/clear, hard silver case $290.00 $276.00 $261.00 $247.00 Quote BS4P Mesh literature rack - 4-pocket, black + polyester transport bag $80.00 $76.00 $72.00 $68.00 Quote BS8P Mesh literature rack - 8-pocket, black + polyester transport bag $95.00 $90.00 $86.00 $81.00 Quote LIGHTS 200 W HALOGEN LIGHT200-US-BLACK LIGHTS LED LIGHT-LED-PF-US ACCESSORIES CASE & BAGS POWER BAR 2SPB 200 W HALOGEN 2S14 50 W HALOGEN 2S16 BANNER STAND HALOGEN 2S18B-B BANNER STAND 5W LED 2S18B-LED EXTENSION CORD 2SEX15 2-LIGHT HARD CASE IS15C SKANDA ADAPTER 2SADJC LARGE 2-LIGHT TRANSPORT BAG LIGHT150-T-S LIGHT ADAPTER OZ-L-AS SMALL 1-LIGHT TRANSPORT BAG LIGHT75-T-S LIGHT SUPPORT EX-SUP-LIGHTB ACCESSORIES 054 - 055 lights. LATEST TECHNOLOGY LIGHTING SOLUTIONS ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION Lights PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 48 49 - 99 100 + LIGHT200-US-BLACK 200w halogen light (ETL approved) $84.00 $80.00 $76.00 $71.00 Quote 2S14 200w halogen light (ETL approved) for Spider $84.00 $80.00 $76.00 $71.00 Quote 2S16 50w halogen light, Las Vegas compliant, fixed arms $70.00 $67.00 $63.00 $60.00 Quote 2S18B-B Halogen spotlight, for banner stands, low voltage $75.00 $71.00 $68.00 $64.00 Quote LIGHT-LED-PF-US LED Light fixture w/ "X" adapter $134.00 $127.00 $121.00 $114.00 Quote 2S18B-LED 5w LED light for banner stands with clip $105.00 $100.00 $95.00 $89.00 Quote 2SPB 6-outlet power bar $20.00 $19.00 $18.00 $17.00 Quote 2SEX15 Extension cord $35.00 $33.00 $32.00 $30.00 Quote 2SADJC Adjustable pole/profile clamp, Skanda adapter 3-sides $24.00 $23.00 $22.00 $20.00 Quote OZ-L-AS Light adapter for Xpressions, Easy, Blue, Virage (attaches to scissors) $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Quote EXP-SUP-LIGHTB Clip light support for Xpressions and Easy frame (attaches to hub) $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 Quote 1S15C 2-light case for 200w halogen or LED lights $32.00 $30.00 $29.00 $27.00 Quote LIGHT150-T-NS Polyester transport bag for two 200w halogen or LED lights $32.00 $30.00 $29.00 $27.00 Quote LIGHT75-T-NS Polyester transport bag for one 50w halogen light $30.00 $29.00 $27.00 $26.00 Quote Accessories Cases & Bags = CASES CASE TO COUNTER DH2-KT-COMP POP-UP UTILITY CASE PUC BAGS BANNER STAND TRANSPORT BAG ***-TRB-** = CASE TO COUNTER HXP-KT-COMP LARGE MOLDED CASE MCW-L SMALL TRANSPORT BAG EXP-T-PM HIT CONTAINER HIT-T-CONTG SUPER CASE SC TRAVELER CASE EXP-T-CONTG BLUE CASE OZ-T-HGE TALL EXPO CASE TE CLASSIC CASE SDC ROUND TABLETOP CASE RC1242 LARGE TRANSPORT BAG EXP-T-GM CRATE MAGNA OVAL CASE MPOC WOOD CRATE WOODCRATE-* ACCESSORIES 056 - 057 cases & bags+ ULTRA-PORTABLE PORTABLE TRANSPORTABLE ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION Molded cases PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1 3 6 12 24 Int. Dimensions Ext. Dimensions DH2-KT-COMP Hello.Set case to counter on wheels + Coroplast wrap + aluminum slider bar $690.00 $656.00 $635.00 $621.00 $607.00 37.5" x 10.5" - 15" x 8.5" 38.5" x 12" - 16.5" x 9.5" HXP-KT-COMP Hello.Xpress case to counter on wheels + Coroplast wrap + aluminum slider bar $790.00 $751.00 $727.00 $711.00 $695.00 36" x 17" x 11" 37" x 18.75" x 11" HIT-T-CONTG Hit container suitable for various frames, large $390.00 $371.00 $359.00 $351.00 $343.00 11.5''Ø x 44.5'' 12''Ø x 48'' EXP-T-CONTG Traveler case suitable for up to Xpressions 3x3 or Easy 3x3, small $390.00 $371.00 $359.00 $351.00 $343.00 11.5''Ø x 36.5'' 12''Ø x 39'' OZ-T-HGE Blue case $420.00 $399.00 $386.00 $378.00 $370.00 16'' x 19'' x 35'' 18'' x 21'' x 35'' TE Tall Expo case (includes light / utility compartment) $387.00 $368.00 $356.00 $348.00 $341.00 32" - 38" x 21.5" x 15.5" 41" x 24" x 18" MOC Magna Oval case (blow molded, includes light compartment) $295.00 $280.00 $271.00 $266.00 $260.00 32" x 25" x 15" 38" x 26" x 16" PUC POP-UP Utility case $239.00 $227.00 $220.00 $215.00 $210.00 36" x 15" x 14" 38" x 16" x 16" MCW-L Flat molded case with wheels, large $442.00 $420.00 $407.00 $398.00 $389.00 48" x 28" x 7"-10"d 49.5" x 30.5" x 9" - 12"d SC Super case $284.00 $270.00 $261.00 $256.00 $250.00 33" x 16" x 12.5" 38" x 16.5" x 13.5" SDC Classic case $335.00 $318.00 $308.00 $302.00 $295.00 37.5" x 13.5" x 15.5" 39" x 16.5" x 19" RC1242 Round tabletop case with wheels - 12" x 42" $312.00 $296.00 $287.00 $281.00 $275.00 41" x 11.5" x 11.5" 48" x 13" x 13" SUP*-TRB-** Padded polyester bag w/ shoulder strap for Supreme banner stands $58.00 $55.00 $53.00 $52.00 $51.00 N/A N/A AXI-TRB-** Padded polyester bag w/shoulder strap for Axis banner stands $35.00 $33.00 $32.00 $32.00 $31.00 N/A N/A LIT-TRB-** Padded polyester bag w/ shoulder strap for Lite.Banner banner stands $35.00 $33.00 $32.00 $32.00 $31.00 N/A N/A EXP-T-PM Small polyester transport bag $90.00 $86.00 $83.00 $81.00 $79.00 9.5'' x 11.75'' x 34.25'' 9.5' x 11.75'' x 34.25'' EXP-T-GM Large polyester transport bag $90.00 $86.00 $83.00 $81.00 $79.00 7.5'' x 7.5 x 34.25'' 7.5'' x 7.5 x 34.25'' WOODCRATE-S Wood crate with wheels, small $750.00 $713.00 $690.00 $675.00 $660.00 24" X 95.5" x 13.25" 27.5" x 99.5" x 17.25" WOODCRATE-M Wood crate with wheels, medium $850.00 $808.00 $782.00 $765.00 $748.00 24" X 95.5" x 26.5" 27.5" x 99.5" x 30.5" WOODCRATE-L Wood crate with wheels, large $950.00 $903.00 $874.00 $855.00 $836.00 24" X 95.5" x 39.75" 27.5" x 99.5" x 43.75" Protective liner $19.00 $18.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 N/A N/A Bags Crates Accessories 2SPP-912 ***Refers to 1 - Supreme.1 or 2 - Supreme.2 ** Refers to 23’’, 33’’, 39’’, 47’’, 59’’ PODIUM KIT COMPONENTS CLASSIC CASE TOP SDC-TOP PVC WRAP ***-PVC-WRAP PODIUM KIT CONVERSION PODIUM KIT TRAVELER CASE TRAV-CONV-K HELLO.SET PODIUM DH2-KT-COMP DOUBLE CLASSIC CASE TOP SDC2-TOP HELLO.SET & TRAVELLER COUNTER COROPLAST WRAP DH2-JUPE-850 BLUE CASE OZ-T-COMPE HELLO.XPRESS PODIUM HXP-KT-COMP TALL EXPO TOP TE-TOP HELLO.XPRESS COUNTER COROPLAST WRAP HXP-JUP850 HIT CASE HIT-CONV-K MAGNA OVAL CASE TOP MOC-TOP MAGNA DELUXE HARDWOOD TOP MOC-DELX-TOP ALUMINIUM SLIDER BAR DH2-JONCTION-850 TRAVELER CASE TOP DH-PLAT-HET/WEN ACCESSORIES 058 - 059 case podium kits. EASY TO ASSEMBLE VERSATILE CONVENIENT ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION Podium kit components PRICE $ PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1 3 6 12 24 48 SDC-TOP Classic case top $14.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $12.00 $12.00 SDC2-TOP Double Classic case top $140.00 $133.00 $129.00 $126.00 $123.00 $119.00 TE-TOP Tall Expo case top $80.00 $76.00 $74.00 $72.00 $70.00 $68.00 MOC-TOP Magna Oval case plastic top $14.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $12.00 $12.00 MOC-DELX-TOP Deluxe hardwood podium top for Magna Oval case $126.00 $120.00 $116.00 $113.00 $111.00 $107.00 ***-PVC-WRAP PVC wrap for Classic, Tall Expo and Magna Oval cases $37.00 $35.00 $34.00 $33.00 $33.00 $31.00 DH2-JUPE-850 Coroplast wrap for Hello.Set case + Traveller case $130.00 $124.00 $120.00 $117.00 $114.00 $111.00 HXP-JUP850 Coroplast wrap for Hello.Xpress case $150.00 $143.00 $138.00 $135.00 $132.00 $128.00 DH2-JONCTION-850 Aluminum slider bar for Hello.Xpress, Hello.Set or Traveller case counter wraps $30.00 $29.00 $28.00 $27.00 $26.00 $26.00 DH-PLAT-HET/WEN Beech or wenge wood countertop for Traveller case $140.00 $133.00 $129.00 $126.00 $123.00 $119.00 TRAV-CONV-K Traveller case conversion kit $300.00 $285.00 $276.00 $270.00 $264.00 $255.00 OZ-T-COMPE Blue case conversion kit $180.00 $171.00 $166.00 $162.00 $158.00 $153.00 HIT-CONV-K Hit container conversion kit $300.00 $285.00 $276.00 $270.00 $264.00 $255.00 DH2-KT-COMP Hello.Set podium kit (case + conversion kit) $690.00 $656.00 $635.00 $621.00 $607.00 $587.00 HXP-KT-COMP Hello.Xpress podium kit (case + conversion kit) $790.00 $751.00 $727.00 $711.00 $695.00 $672.00 Podium kit conversion kits only Podium kits (case + conversion kits) *** Refers to SDC - Classic case, TE - Tall Expo, MOC - Magna Oval case ACCESSORIES 060 - 061 Part&Supplies. ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ 2SMT5B 0.5’’ magnet tape, "B" polarity, hi-tack adhesive, 100' roll $44.00 2SMT5A 0.5’’ magnet tape, "A" polarity, hi-tack adhesive, 100' roll $44.00 2SMTFB 0.5’’ magnet tape, hi-tack adhesive, per foot installed $2.00 2SMT5B10 0.5’’ magnet tape, hi-tack adhesive, box of 10 - 100' rolls $230.00 V25 0.25’’ Velcro kiss cut, 50 yards on a 25 yard roll, specify hook/loop $94.00 V50 0.5’’ x 75’’ Velcro, specify black/white and hook/loop $53.00 V75 0.75’’ x 75’’ Velcro, specify black/white and hook/loop $70.00 V100 1’’ x 75’’ Velcro, specify black/white and hook/loop $79.00 V200 2’’ x 75’’ Velcro, specify black/white and hook/loop $130.00 VCROLL 0.75’’ coins (dots), 1000 coin roll, specify black/white and hook/loop $108.00 1 PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE GR APH ICS PRINTING 062 - 063 End panels Rear panels magna. ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ 2-QUAD PANELS VELCRO-RECEPTIVE FABRIC PANELS (CURVED) MAG-2Q-FAB-CUR Magna (2-quad) fabric center panel, curve - Premier / Regal 26 7/16’’ 59 1/4’’ $95.00 MAG-2Q-FAB-CUR-E Magna (2-quad) fabric end panel, curve - Premier / Regal 26 7/16’’ 59 1/4’’ $95.00 MAG-2Q-FAB-CUR-R Magna (2-quad) fabric rear panel, curve - Premier / Regal 32’’ 59 1/4’’ $123.00 GRAPHICS PANELS (CURVED) MAG-2Q-GRA-CUR Magna (2-quad) graphic center panel, curve 26 7/16’’ 59 1/4’’ $297.00 MAG-2Q-GRA-CUR-V Magna (2-quad) graphic center panel, curve - Value 26 7/16’’ 59 1/4’’ $233.00 MAG-2Q-GRA-CUR-E Magna (2-quad) graphic end panel, curve 26 7/16’’ 59 1/4’’ $297.00 MAG-2Q-GRA-CUR-E-V Magna (2-quad) graphic end panel, curve - Value 26 7/16’’ 59 1/4’’ $233.00 MAG-2Q-GRA-CUR-R Magna (2-quad) graphic rear panel, curve 32’’ 59 1/4’’ $327.00 VELCRO-RECEPTIVE FABRIC PANELS (STRAIGHT) MAG-2Q-FAB-STR Magna (2-quad) fabric center panel, straight - Premier / Regal 28 7/8’’ 59 1/4’’ $95.00 MAG-2Q-FAB-STR-E Magna (2-quad) fabric end panel, straight - Premier / Regal 14’’ 59 1/4’’ $95.00 MAG-2Q-FAB-STR-R Magna (2-quad) fabric rear panel, straight - Premier / Regal 28 7/8’’ 59 1/4’’ $123.00 GRAPHICS PANELS (STRAIGHT) MAG-2Q-GRA-STR Magna (2-quad) graphic center panel, straight 28 7/8’’ 59 1/4 $297.00 MAG-2Q-GRA-STR-E Magna (2-quad) graphic end panel, straight 14’’ 59 1/4’’ $297.00 MAG-2Q-GRA-STR-R Magna (2-quad) graphic rear panel, straight 28 7/8’’ 59 1/4’’ $327.00 POP-UP PANELS Front panels GRAPHICS 064 - 065 Front panels End panels Rear panels magna. ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ 3-QUAD PANELS VELCRO-RECEPTIVE FABRIC PANELS (CURVED) MAG-3Q-FAB-CUR Magna (3-quad) fabric center panel, curve - Premier / Regal 26 7/16’’ 88’’ $125.00 MAG-3Q-FAB-CUR-E Magna (3-quad) fabric end panel, curve - Premier / Regal 26 7/16’’ 88’’ $125.00 MAG-3Q-FAB-CUR-R Magna (3-quad) fabric rear panel, curve - Premier / Regal 32’’ 88’’ $164.00 GRAPHICS PANELS (CURVED) MAG-3Q-GRA-CUR Magna (3-quad) graphic center panel, curve 26 7/16’’ 88’’ $395.00 MAG-3Q-GRA-CUR-V Magna (3-quad) graphic center panel, curve - Value 26 7/16’’ 88’’ $310.00 MAG-3Q-GRA-CUR-E Magna (3-quad) graphic end panel, curve 26 7/16’’ 88’’ $395.00 MAG-3Q-GRA-CUR-E-V Magna (3-quad) graphic end panel, curve - Value 26 7/16’’ 88’’ $310.00 MAG-3Q-GRA-CUR-R Magna (3-quad) graphic rear panel, curve 32’’ 88’’ $435.00 VELCRO-RECEPTIVE FABRIC PANELS (STRAIGHT) MAG-3Q-FAB-STR Magna (3-quad) fabric center panel, straight - Premier / Regal 28 7/8’’ 88’’ $125.00 MAG-3Q-FAB-STR-E Magna (3-quad) fabric end panel, straight - Premier / Regal 14’’ 88’’ $125.00 MAG-3Q-FAB-STR-R Magna (3-quad) fabric rear panel, straight - Premier / Regal 28 7/8’’ 88’’ $164.00 GRAPHICS PANELS (STRAIGHT) MAG-3Q-GRA-STR Magna (3-quad) graphic center panel, straight 28 7/8’’ 88’’ $395.00 MAG-3Q-GRA-STR-E Magna (3-quad) graphic end panel, straight 14’’ 88’’ $395.00 MAG-3Q-GRA-STR-R Magna (3-quad) graphic rear panel, straight 28 7/8’’ 88’’ $435.00 End panels Rear panels spider. ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ 2-QUAD PANELS VELCRO-RECEPTIVE FABRIC PANELS (CURVED) SPI-2Q-FAB-CUR Spider (2-quad) fabric center panel, curve - Premier / Regal 26 3/4’’ 59 1/4’’ $95.00 SPI-2Q-FAB-CUR-E Spider (2-quad) fabric end panel, curve - Premier / Regal 22’’ 59 1/4’’ $92.00 SPI-2Q-FAB-CUR-R Spider (2-quad) fabric rear panel, curve - Premier / Regal 31 3/8’’ 59 1/4’’ $123.00 GRAPHICS PANELS (CURVED) SPI-2Q-GRA-CUR Spider (2-quad) graphic center panel, curve 26 3/4’’ 59 1/4’’ $297.00 SPI-2Q-GRA-CUR-V Spider (2-quad) graphic center panel, curve - Value 26 3/4’’ 59 1/4’’ $233.00 SPI-2Q-GRA-CUR-E Spider (2-quad) graphic end panel, curve 22’’ 59 1/4’’ $297.00 SPI-2Q-GRA-CUR-E-V Spider (2-quad) graphic end panel, curve - Value 22’’ 59 1/4’’ $233.00 SPI-2Q-GRA-CUR-R Spider (2-quad) graphic rear panel, curve 31 3/8’’ 59 1/4’’ $327.00 VELCRO-RECEPTIVE FABRIC PANELS (STRAIGHT) SPI-2Q-FAB-STR Spider (2-quad) fabric center panel, straight - Premier / Regal 28 7/8’’ 59 1/4’’ $95.00 SPI-2Q-FAB-STR-E Spider (2-quad) fabric end panel, straight - Premier / Regal 14’’ 59 1/4’’ $92.00 SPI-2Q-FAB-STR-R Spider (2-quad) fabric rear panel, straight - Premier / Regal 28 7/8’’ 59 1/4’’ $123.00 GRAPHICS PANELS (STRAIGHT) SPI-2Q-GRA-STR Spider (2-quad) graphic center panel, straight 28 7/8’’ 59 1/4’’ $297.00 SPI-2Q-GRA-STR-E Spider (2-quad) graphic end panel, straight 14’’ 59 1/4’’ $297.00 SPI-2Q-GRA-STR-R Spider (2-quad) graphic rear panel, straight 28 7/8’’ 59 1/4’’ $327.00 POP-UP PANELS Front panels GRAPHICS 066 - 067 Front panels End panels Rear panels spider. ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ 3-QUAD PANELS VELCRO-RECEPTIVE FABRIC PANELS (CURVED) SPI-3Q-FAB-CUR Spider (3-quad) fabric center panel, curve - Premier / Regal 26 3/4’’ 88’’ $125.00 SPI-3Q-FAB-CUR-E Spider (3-quad) fabric end panel, curve - Premier / Regal 22’’ 88’’ $120.00 SPI-3Q-FAB-CUR-R Spider (3-quad) fabric rear panel, curve - Premier / Regal 31 3/8’’ 88’’ $164.00 GRAPHICS PANELS (CURVED) SPI-3Q-GRA-CUR Spider (3-quad) graphic center panel, curve 26 3/4’’ 88’’ $395.00 SPI-3Q-GRA-CUR-V Spider (3-quad) graphic center panel, curve - Value 26 3/4’’ 88’’ $310.00 SPI-3Q-GRA-CUR-E Spider (3-quad) graphic end panel, curve 22’’ 88’’ $395.00 SPI-3Q-GRA-CUR-E-V Spider (3-quad) graphic end panel, curve - Value 22’’ 88’’ $310.00 SPI-3Q-GRA-CUR-R Spider (3-quad) graphic rear panel, curve 31 3/8’’ 88’’ $435.00 VELCRO-RECEPTIVE FABRIC PANELS (STRAIGHT) SPI-3Q-FAB-STR Spider (3-quad) fabric center panel, straight - Premier / Regal 28 7/8’’ 88’’ $125.00 SPI-3Q-FAB-STR-E Spider (3-quad) fabric end panel, straight - Premier / Regal 14’’ 88’’ $120.00 SPI-3Q-FAB-STR-R Spider (3-quad) fabric rear panel, straight - Premier / Regal 28 7/8’’ 88’’ $164.00 GRAPHICS PANELS (STRAIGHT) SPI-3Q-GRA-STR Spider (3-quad) graphic center panel, straight 28 7/8’’ 88’’ $395.00 SPI-3Q-GRA-STR-E Spider (3-quad) graphic end panel, straight 14’’ 88’’ $395.00 SPI-3Q-GRA-STR-R Spider (3-quad) graphic rear panel, straight 28 7/8’’ 88’’ $435.00 End panels Rear panels blue. ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ 2-QUAD PANELS VELCRO-RECEPTIVE FABRIC PANELS (CURVED) BLU-2Q-FAB-CUR Blue (2-quad) fabric center panel, curve - Premier / Regal 28 1/4’’ 60 13/16’’ $95.00 BLU-2Q-FAB-CUR-E Blue (2-quad) fabric end panel, curve - Premier / Regal 17 3/4’’ 60 13/16’’ $95.00 BLU-2Q-FAB-CUR-R Blue (2-quad) fabric rear panel, curve - Premier / Regal 31 3/4’’ 60 13/16’’ $123.00 GRAPHICS PANELS (CURVED) BLU-2Q-GRA-CUR Blue (2-quad) graphic center panel, curve 28 1/4’’ 60 13/16’’ $297.00 BLU-2Q-GRA-CUR-V Blue (2-quad) graphic center panel, curve - Value 28 1/4’’ 60 13/16’’ $233.00 BLU-2Q-GRA-CUR-E Blue (2-quad) graphic end panel, curve 17 3/4’’ 60 13/16’’ $297.00 BLU-2Q-GRA-CUR-E-V Blue (2-quad) graphic end panel, curve - Value 17 3/4’’ 60 13/16’’ $233.00 BLU-2Q-GRA-CUR-R Blue (2-quad) graphic rear panel, curve 31 3/4’’ 60 13/16’’ $327.00 VELCRO-RECEPTIVE FABRIC PANELS (STRAIGHT) BLU-2Q-FAB-STR Blue (2-quad) fabric center panel, straight - Premier / Regal 29 7/16’’ 60 13/16’’ $95.00 BLU-2Q-FAB-STR-E Blue (2-quad) fabric end panel, straight - Premier / Regal 14’’ 60 13/16’’ $95.00 BLU-2Q-FAB-STR-R Blue (2-quad) fabric rear panel, straight - Premier / Regal 29 7/16’’ 60 13/16’’ $123.00 GRAPHICS PANELS (STRAIGHT) BLU-2Q-GRA-STR Blue (2-quad) graphic center panel, straight 29 7/16’’ 60 13/16’’ $297.00 BLU-2Q-GRA-STR-E Blue (2-quad) graphic end panel, straight 14’’ 60 13/16’’ $297.00 BLU-2Q-GRA-STR-R Blue (2-quad) graphic rear panel, straight 29 7/16’’ 60 13/16’’ $327.00 POP-UP PANELS Front panels GRAPHICS 068 - 069 Front panels End panels Rear panels blue. ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ 3-QUAD PANELS VELCRO-RECEPTIVE FABRIC PANELS (CURVED) BLU-3Q-FAB-CUR Blue (3-quad) fabric center panel, curve - Premier / Regal 28 1/4’’ 90 7/16’’ $125.00 BLU-3Q-FAB-CUR-E Blue (3-quad) fabric end panel, curve - Premier / Regal 17 3/4’’ 90 7/16’’ $125.00 BLU-3Q-FAB-CUR-R Blue (3-quad) fabric rear panel, curve - Premier / Regal 31 3/4’’ 90 7/16’’ $164.00 GRAPHICS PANELS (CURVED) BLU-3Q-GRA-CUR Blue (3-quad) graphic center panel, curve 28 1/4’’ 90 7/16’’ $395.00 BLU-3Q-GRA-CUR-V Blue (3-quad) graphic center panel, curve - Value 28 1/4’’ 90 7/16’’ $310.00 BLU-3Q-GRA-CUR-E Blue (3-quad) graphic end panel, curve 17 3/4’’ 90 7/16’’ $395.00 BLU-3Q-GRA-CUR-E-V Blue (3-quad) graphic end panel, curve - Value 17 3/4’’ 90 7/16’’ $310.00 BLU-3Q-GRA-CUR-R Blue (3-quad) graphic rear panel, curve 31 3/4’’ 90 7/16’’ $435.00 VELCRO-RECEPTIVE FABRIC PANELS (STRAIGHT) BLU-3Q-FAB-STR Blue (3-quad) fabric center panel, straight - Premier / Regal 29 7/16’’ 90 7/16’’ $125.00 BLU-3Q-FAB-STR-E Blue (3-quad) fabric end panel, straight - Premier / Regal 14’’ 90 7/16’’ $125.00 BLU-3Q-FAB-STR-R Blue (3-quad) fabric rear panel, straight - Premier / Regal 29 7/16’’ 90 7/16’’ $164.00 GRAPHICS PANELS (STRAIGHT) BLU-3Q-GRA-STR Blue (3-quad) graphic center panel, straight 29 7/16’’ 90 7/16’’ $395.00 BLU-3Q-GRA-STR-E Blue (3-quad) graphic end panel, straight 14’’ 90 7/16’’ $395.00 BLU-3Q-GRA-STR-R Blue (3-quad) graphic rear panel, straight 29 7/16’’ 90 7/16’’ $435.00 case podium wraps ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ SDC-FAB Single Classic case Velcro-receptive panel 62’’ 29 7/16’’ $127.00 SDC-GRA Single Classic case graphic panel 62’’ 29 7/16’’ $270.00 SDC-GRA-V Single Classic case graphic panel - Value 62’’ 29 7/16’’ $214.00 SDC-TEX Single Classic case dye-sublimated fabric panel 62’’ 29 7/16’’ $172.00 SDC2-FAB Double Classic case Velcro-receptive panel 92 1/2’’ 29 7/16’’ $165.00 SDC2-GRA Double Classic case graphic panel 92 1/2’’ 29 7/16’’ $435.00 SDC2-GRA-V Double Classic case graphic panel - Value 92 1/2’’ 29 7/16’’ $344.00 SDC2-TEX Double Classic case dye-sublimated fabric panel 92 1/2’’ 29 7/16’’ $256.00 TE-FAB Tall Expo case Velcro-receptive fabric panel (2 pieces) 66’’ 29 1/4’’ + 6 1/4’’ $154.00 TE-GRA Tall Expo case graphic panel (2 pieces) 66’’ 29 1/4’’ + 6 1/4’’ $422.00 TE-GRA-V Tall Expo case graphic panel - Value (2 pieces) 66’’ 29 1/4’’ + 6 1/4’’ $334.00 TE-TEX Tall Expo case dye-sublimated fabric panel (2 pieces) 66’’ 29 1/4’’ + 6 1/4’’ $213.00 MOC-FAB Magna Oval case Velcro-receptive fabric panel 69 5/16’’ 31 1/2’’ $109.00 MOC-GRA Magna Oval case graphic panel 69 5/16’’ 31 1/2’’ $256.00 MOC-GRA-V Magna Oval case graphic panel - Value 69 5/16’’ 31 1/2’’ $203.00 MOC-TEX Magna Oval case dye-sublimated fabric panel 69 5/16’’ 31 1/2’’ $205.00 BLUE-FAB Blue case fabric panel (2 pieces) 33 1/8’’ + 33 1/8’’ 39’’ $167.00 BLUE-GRA Blue case graphic panel (2 pieces) 33 1/8’’ + 33 1/8’’ 39’’ $456.00 BLUE-GRA-V Blue case graphic panel - Value (2 pieces) 33 1/8’’ + 33 1/8’’ 39’’ $361.00 BLUE-TEX Blue case dye-sublimated fabric panel 65 3/8’’ 38 15/16’’ $245.00 Hello.Set case dye-sublimated fabric panel 92 21/23’’ 35 13/30’’’ $266.00 Hello.Xpress case dye-sublimated fabric panel 99 57/94’’ 35 13/30’’ $286.00 Traveller case dye-sublimated fabric panel 35 13/30’’ 68 35/39’’ $228.00 Hit container dye-sublimated fabric panel 35 13/30’’ 68 35/39’’ $283.00 Double Classic case Tall Expo case Magna Oval case Blue case Hello.set case HSET-TEX Hello.xpress case HXP-TEX Traveller case TRAV-TEX Hit container HIT-TEX PODIUM KIT PANELS Classic case GRAPHICS 070 - 071 pop.counter ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ CTR-2Q-FAB-CUR 40" high POP Counter fabric center and end panel, curve - Premier / Regal 22’’ 40’’ $70.00 CTR-2Q-GRA-CUR 40" high POP Counter graphic center and end panel, curve 22’’ 40’’ $198.00 CTR-2Q-GRA-CUR-V 40" high POP Counter graphic center and end panel, curve - Value 22’’ 40’’ $155.00 ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ BNW-TEX-CUSTOM Price per sq/ft. 12’’ 12’’ $15.00 BNW-TEX-9090 Dye-sublimated fabric Easy Stretch 90" x 90" 90’’ 90’’ $900.00 ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ OXB-VIN-2472 13 oz Vinyl for 24’’ wide Outdoor X-ban 24’’ 72’’ $96.00 ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ BEA-VIN-45156 13 oz Vinyl for Beacon 45’’ 156’’ $342.00 BEA-TEX-45156 Dye-sublimated fabric for Beacon, maximum 45’’ 45’’ 156’’ $536.00 banner.wall outdoor.x-ban beacon ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ VIR-TEX-2X2-S 2x2 Virage straight tabletop easy stretch graphic panel, no end caps 60 1/2’’ 60 1/2’’ $338.00 VIR-TEX-2X2-SE 2x2 Virage straight tabletop easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 82 3/4’’ 60 1/2’’ $473.00 VIR-TEX-3X1-S 3x1 Virage straight floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, no end caps 31 1/2’’ 89 1/2’’ $270.00 VIR-TEX-3X1-SE 3x1 Virage straight floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 53 3/4’’ 89 1/2’’ $459.00 VIR-TEX-3X2-S 3x2 Virage straight floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, no end caps 60 1/2’’ 89 1/2’’ $500.00 VIR-TEX-3X2-SE 3x2 Virage straight floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 82 3/4’’ 89 1/2’’ $702.00 VIR-TEX-3X3-S 3x3 Virage straight floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, no end caps 89 1/2’’ 89 1/2’’ $743.00 VIR-TEX-3X3-SE 3x3 Virage straight floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 111 3/4’’ 89 1/2’’ $945.00 VIR-TEX-3X4-S 3x4 Virage straight floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, no end caps 118 3/8’’ 89 1/2’’ $986.00 VIR-TEX-3X4-SE 3x4 Virage straight floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 140 5/8’’ 89 1/2’’ $1,188.00 ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ VIR-TEX-2X2-C 2x2 Virage curved tabletop easy stretch graphic panel, no end caps 55 1/8’’ 60 1/2’’ $338.00 VIR-TEX-2X2-CE 2x2 Virage curved tabletop easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 79 1/8’’ 60 1/2’’ $473.00 VIR-TEX-3X1-C 3x1 Virage curved floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, no end caps 27 9/16’’ 88 3/4’’ $270.00 VIR-TEX-3X1-CE 3x1 Virage curved floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 39 9/16’’ 88 3/4’’ $459.00 VIR-TEX-3X2-C 3x2 Virage curved floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, no end caps 55 1/8’’ 88 3/4’’ $500.00 VIR-TEX-3X2-CE 3x2 Virage curved floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 79 1/8’’ 88 3/4’’ $702.00 VIR-TEX-3X3-C 3x3 Virage curved floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, no end caps 81 3/8’’ 88 3/4’’ $743.00 VIR-TEX-3X3-CE 3x3 Virage curved floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 105 3/8’’ 88 3/4’’ $945.00 VIR-TEX-3X4-C 3x4 Virage curved floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, no end caps 107 3/4’’ 88 3/4’’ $986.00 VIR-TEX-3X4-CE 3x4 Virage curved floor standing easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 131 3/4’’ 88 3/4’’ $1,188.00 virage.curved FABRIC BACKWALL virage.straight GRAPHICS 072 - 073 easy. ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ EASY-TEX-2X2 2x2 Easy easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 82.68’’ 58.30’’ $629.00 EASY-TEX-3X1 3x1 Easy easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 53.35’’ 87.40’’ $424.00 EASY-TEX-3X2 3x2 Easy easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 82.68’’ 87.40’’ $ 935.00 EASY-TEX-3X3 3x3 Easy easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 111.81’’ 87.40’’ $1,265.00 EASY-TEX-3X4 3x4 Easy easy stretch graphic panel, w/ flat end caps 137.80’’ 87.40’’ $1,596.00 GRAPHICS 1x1 XPR-TEX-1X1 2x1 XPR-TEX-2X1 3x4 XPR-TEX-3X4 PUSH THRU 1Q XPR-TEX-PT1 3x1 XPR-TEX-3X1 4x1 XPR-TEX-4X1 SMALL XPR-TEX-S PUSH THRU 2Q XPR-TEX-PT2 PUSH THRU 3Q XPR-TEX-PT3 2x2 XPR-TEX-2X2 3x2 XPR-TEX-3X2 XL XPR-TEX-XL SLIM 1Q XPR-TEX-SLIM1 SLIM 2Q XPR-TEX-SLIM2 4x2 XPR-TEX-4X2 3x3 XPR-TEX-3X3 DIAMOND XPR-TEX-DIAM SLIM 3Q XPR-TEX-SLIM3 HEXAGON XPR-TEX-HEX GRAPHICS 074 - 075 xpressions. ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ XPR-TEX-1X1 1x1 Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel 30’’ 30’’ $130.00 XPR-TEX-2X1 2x1 Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel 30’’ 59’’ $260.00 XPR-TEX-3X1 3x1 Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel 30’’ 88’’ $390.00 XPR-TEX-4X1 4x1 Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel 30’’ 117’’ $520.00 XPR-TEX-2X2 2x2 Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel 59’’ 59’’ $520.00 XPR-TEX-3X2 3x2 Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel 59’’ 88’’ $780.00 XPR-TEX-4X2 4x2 Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel 59’’ 117’’ $1,040.00 XPR-TEX-3X3 3x3 Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel 88’’ 88’’ $1,170.00 XPR-TEX-3X4 3x4 Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel 88’’ 117’’ $1,560.00 XPR-TEX-S S Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel 78’’ 39’’ $462.00 XPR-TEX-XL XL Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel 117’’ 39’’ $693.00 XPR-TEX-DIA Diamond Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel 39’’ 39’’ $231.00 XPR-TEX-PT1 1 Quad Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel for Push Thru ** ** $90.00 XPR-TEX-PT2 2 Quad Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel for Push Thru ** ** $170.00 XPR-TEX-PT3 3 Quad Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel for Push Thru ** ** $260.00 XPR-TEX-SLIM1 1 Quad Xpressions Slim dye-sublimated graphic panel (connector panel) 30’’ 15’’ $90.00 XPR-TEX-SLIM2 2 Quad Xpressions Slim dye-sublimated graphic panel (connector panel) 59’’ 15’’ $170.00 XPR-TEX-SLIM3 3 Quad Xpressions Slim dye-sublimated graphic panel (connector panel) 88’’ 15’’ $260.00 XPR-TEX-HEX Hexagon Xpressions dye-sublimated graphic panel ** ** $650.00 ** Reference graphic templates for dimensions ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ ***- VIN-2485 13 oz Vinyl for maximum 24’’ wide banner stands 24’’ 85’’ $96.00 ***- VIN-3385 13 oz Vinyl for maximum 33’’ wide banner stands 33’’ 85’’ $137.00 ***- VIN-3985 13 oz Vinyl for maximum 39’’ wide banner stands 39’’ 85’’ $162.00 ***- VIN-4785 13 oz Vinyl for maximum 47’ wide banner stands 47’’ 85’’ $195.00 ***- VIN-5985 13 oz Vinyl for maximum 59’’ wide banner stands 59’’ 85’’ $244.00 ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ ***- TPR-2485 TerraPro for maximum 24’’ wide banner stands 24’’ 85’’ $218.00 ***- TPR-3385 TerraPro for maximum 33’’ wide banner stands 33’’ 85’’ $254.00 ***- TPR-3985 TerraPro for maximum 39’’ wide banner stands 39’’ 85’’ $300.00 banner.terrapro banner.dye-Sublimation ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE $ ***- TEX-2485 Dye-sublimated fabric for maximum 24’’ wide banner stands 24’’ 85’’ $151.00 ***- TEX-3385 Dye-sublimated fabric for maximum 33’’ wide banner stands 33’’ 85’’ $215.00 ***- TEX-3985 Dye-sublimated fabric for maximum 39’ wide banner stands 39’’ 85’’ $254.00 ***- TEX-4785 Dye-sublimated fabric for maximum 47’’ wide banner stands 47’’ 85’’ $305.00 ***- TEX-5985 Dye-sublimated fabric for maximum 59’’ wide banner stands 59’’ 85’’ $383.00 *** refers to LIT - Lite.Banner, SPR - Sprint, ONE.R1 - One.R1, ONE.R2 - One.R2, SET - Set, AXI - Axis, SUP1 - Supreme.1, SUP2 - Supreme.2 BANNER STAND PRINTS banner.vinyl GRAPHICS 076 - 077 flag. ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ PLU-TEX-S-SS Plume S single-sided dye-sublimated fabric print $195.00 PLU-TEX-S-DS Plume S double-sided dye-sublimated fabric print $410.00 PLU-TEX-L-SS Plume L single-sided dye-sublimated fabric print $278.00 PLU-TEX-L-DS Plume L double-sided dye-sublimated fabric print $500.00 PLU-TEX-XL-SS Plume XL single-sided dye-sublimated fabric print $388.00 PLU-TEX-XL-DS Plume XL double-sided dye-sublimated fabric print $698.00 SEA-TEX-S-SS Sea S single-sided dye-sublimated fabric print $244.00 SEA-TEX-L-SS Sea L single-sided dye-sublimated fabric print $348.00 SEA-TEX-XL-SS Sea XL single-sided dye-sublimated fabric print $485.00 totem.air ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION DIAMETER HEIGHT PRICE $ TOT-TEX-2M Totem.air 2 meter dye-sublimated fabric print 20’’ 78’’ $453.00 TOT-TEX-3M Totem.air 3 meter dye-sublimated fabric print 20’’ 120’’ $680.00 proof. ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE $ GIJP Printed proof of graphic panel $75.00 GIJP-DS Dye-sublimated printed proof of graphic panel $90.00 GRAPHIC SPECIFICATIONS Send artwork via CD-ROM, DVD, FTP or Wetransfer - https://stand.wetransfer.com Please contact salescanada@duodisplay.com or 1-888-POP-IT-UP GRAPHIC ARTWORK REQUIREMENTS Use CMYK color profile. TIFF files without layers are preferred, but high-resolution .pdf, .ai or .psd files are also accepted. Supply all fonts or convert text to outlines if supplying .ai or .psd files. Artwork should be a minimum of 100 dpi at 100% print size. Add ½” of bleed to all sides when supplying artwork, 2’’ - 3’’ for Fabric If color matching is critical, please provide us with specific PMS colors or a spot color. Additonal color matching charges may apply. Color matching cannot be guaranteed duo. FRANCE / EMEA 344, RUE JARDIN COLAR LANSARGUES 34130 FRANCE -------------------------------------------------------duo. CANADA 3700 RUE ST. PATRICK, SUITE 300 MONTREAL, QC H4E 1A2 CANADA TOLL FREE 888.POP.IT.UP 888.767.4887 T : 514.939.1454 F : 514.939.2454 EMAIL : salescanada@duodisplay.com -------------------------------------------------------duo. USA 329 W. 18TH STREET SUITE 714 CHICAGO, IL 60616 USA TOLL FREE : 877.593.7500 T : 312.421.7755 F : 312.421.7766 FAX2EMAIL : 312.854.8618 EMAIL : sales@duodisplay.com www.duodisplay.com T : +33 (0) F : +33 (0) EMAIL : contact@duodisplay.com
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