-oramcrce Directors elect R. I- B l e d s o e Marfa Postoffiee First
-oramcrce Directors elect R. I- B l e d s o e Marfa Postoffiee First
mi i V M A R F A . PRESIDIO COUNTY, T E X A S . F R I D A Y . J A N U A R Y 1«.). 1!) 1> rUomlW of »i -oramcrce Directors elect R. I- B l I e d s o e jiiv^i.? v^icttr . . . FORECAST: Char, sliyhtly warmer Tlmmluy and Fiida i. (As of Thurs., Jan. 18, 3 p. in.) : Temperatures, Thurs., Jan. 11 President and Board 1A.M... 31 9 A. M.. . 34 A. 7 A. 1 3 P rocJfinnf'o R o l l » v u t u v i l i O i_Pllll triai i a V O L U M E 19, N U M B E R 45 n iTtiiiioR-t-i b First Event of 1945 Select Rev. Wurglcrj Presbyterian Clergyman j Fund-Raising Effort New Vice-President of Group i I* N itvssi T*. tl i 1 V 1 Civic Service Unit For Highland Area Dances Arranged for Presenting of Charter Directing the Marfa Ministers' A.;All People of Community fociation for 1945 will be tho Rev. Set For February Evening; for Community Work a A. M...:: t 11 A. M. . . •12 During Remainder of January Nelson Wurgler, Methodist Church O. G. Lewis Elected President pastor, who was chosen by the group f, M... P. M . . . . . i of lareer. yearly ..UUM.J ]>.ll ll\.l|HUIUI| HI ChiCagO-uOiii Liuus Internaof Marfa clergyman Thursday of iasc M. . p. M. . . no ' ' ^ was "emphnsized Tuesday the annual, nation-wide "March nf wool.-. lional, created in 1917 after Maximum temperature, Janthe recently elected Dimes" fund-raising campaign of tbc clubs had been in existence three I-rr.in.-T w >hen the Chamber of Thc Reverend Mr. Wurgler sucuary 17: 00. Minimum temperaNational Foundation for Infantile ceeds thc Rev. Henry Zaranton, W I K , directors PI ."ears, is represented in the ture: 37. Paralysis was mapped at a Sunday was president two years. Tiie Rev. rcc -met to- organize ' Kainfall, 24 hours ending Highland section with thirtymeeting at thc (juicers' Club, Fort W. II. Martin, Archdeacon, St. Paul'.i year'si work. noon, Jan. 18: .09. Rainfall so '.iiroo JIarfa residents making D. A. Russell, and events wenan, i Bledsoe, vice-president in 1914 Episcopal Church, was secretary !a:l far this year: .10. nounced Monday. up tne charter membership, as of , . ii L. Hord was at thc helm of year and the Rev. Robert F. Bristol, Sun rises nt 7:52. Sun acts at Mrs. Oren M. Bunton, chaiiman, pastor of thc First Christian Church, ' jtatton. as was Mr. Hord in Tuesday evening, when an orPresidio County Chapter, National will ba secretary this year. The Rev , , e'e^frd president by the ganization dinner meeting was (Information supplied by Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Alvin O. Rue, pastor of the PresbyKrfef directors. C I- Arthur, at held in the Gold Room of the rourtcsy of Weather Office, said that chapter officers, county com- terian Church, was elected vice-presitiire president of thc orgnniznMarfa Army Air Field). Crews Hotel. mittee members, officers representing dent of thc ministers. i , was elected vice-president. The j Since thc disbanding of thc 20-30 Marfn's two military posts, and P. M. The Religious Census which will be I L, e b *> P " S P E A K E R H E R E — MarClub, at the time young mcn of that I- thosen by thc mcmbcrr. in recent Thomas, manager of the Marfa undertaken soon will bc directed by j fans heard A . E. Lewis of ago began leaving for military service, theaters, attended. Col. A. J. Kcr- the Reverend Mr. Biistol. -ii balloting: Eau Claire, Wis.. Monday only Rotary International has bcen win Malone, Commanding Officer, [p„vr< Jlitchell, Scott Peevcy, J. H. It was decided that thc Buccnlnurc-j nigh.t at the Methodist represented as a Marfa servico club. Marfn Army Air Field, and Major %\£vwcyw »•» Ann ¢ ¢ ^ : 0 9 7 A S "';••>' S. M. Swearingen. K. K. ate Service speakers f o r t h e n e x t W j Chiii'ch Vvhon be ^nokfe un! Dozen Men Lenders George Tracy, Commanding OtTiV.-i-,I .vvuia uuLiiii be ii) aipi'mbcticui o r d e r j r I Arthur, W. B. Johnj Tho ontirrowth of a January 12 Fort D. A. Russell, arc cooperating. of the religious denominations h e r " . Harper Rawlings, Robert W. Maria unit of The Gideons. New First Class Office meeting of twelve mcn, who voted Dance at Hotel Saturday beginning in 1915 with tha Reverend i He is the immediate past Gains in Three of Quarters rste. ote unanimously to organize a Lionsclub, Mr. Bristol speaking to thc 1915 l:i;,-h j A President's Birthday Ball bar-, president ol the national Lral irer Ex Officio Members thc new service club has as its presiTho business of the Maria post- been announced for Saturday night, school graduates and their friend. ;, j organization. G. E. Simp*MTlc mayor. District Judge, county dent O. G. Lewis, lumber company office increased last year as did that Thc Reverend Mr. Zaranton, of thc • January 20, at Kl Paisano Hotel, with son, Houston, president in ^ • ^ , superintendent of schools and manager, and us secretary, Dr. L. C. of many other business institutions Jack Edwards in churge of ticket Catholic churches here. wa:. given a Texas, also spoke. fidcnt ^KV« p y Hinckley, high school principal. Other located in the capital of thc tri-county sales. Capt. Clarence H. Godshall, vote of thanks for thu manner in officers, directors and members are: ^Btficio members of the directorate. Highland area. Personnel Services Officer at Marfa ,which he has served as leader cf the First vice-president, Emmett DeWMtr. Herd spoke briefly, telling of The percentage of increase over Army Air Field, is in chnrge of a sim-j ministers* group during thc last two Volin; second vice-president, Dr. .T. ^ • c organization's activity in 1944 and 1943 business was between eight and ilar social event at the Field's Offi-[years. P. Searls; third vice-presidimt, E . W. H j . . attention to the need of moro nine. cers Club, Saturday, January 27. j Th« Ministers' Association will DeVolin; treasurer, Joe Rollins Sent y to carry on its work properly, Ben S. Avant, acting postmaster, Capt. James English, OiTicers Club meet the first Monday of thc month in Nephew of Mr. and Mr*. . Tamer, Jaek Griffin; Tail lias suggested and approved that said yesterday that thc 1944 total OlTicer at Fort D. A. Russell, has an- 1945. it was di-eided at last week's ssiTssMn;; of present members be was §56,827.93, a3 contrasted to nounced Tuesday night, January 30, meeting. -- i I T . , T T ! i j i>„„4 j Twister, J. S. Livingston; directors: tirtalien soon to tell thepi of the $52,537.06. During the year the post- as the date for thc dance at Fort D. Roy Baker, O. A. Knight, Fox ParkAN EIGHTH AIR FORCE LIB- cr, Jack Knight, Jr. I ef larger, monthly or quarterly office was advanced in rating, becom- A. Russell for club members and their ERATOR STATION: England—CapHorace Apperson, E . K. Beanland, lyments to enable the Chamber of ing a first class postoffiee as a result friends. tain Henry W. Brooks, of Shafter, Charles. Bowman, A. L. Block, Don A. ^JssEerce to function as it should. Ad- of the increased business done thc Theater patrons' contributions will Texas, Liberator squadron <-ngineer- Carter, Billy Crews, thc Rev. Herbert ^Konal members of -the organization year before. There was a business bc directed by P. M. Thomas, manager, ing olficer, has received the Bronze D. Dollahite, Happy I. Franklin, Ray* i j i t t to be sught. Tho carrying on gain recorded for each quarter of nnd will bc received by Miss Clarice Star Medal for meritorious achieve- mond Hitchcock, L t Nathan M. Holt, t tie present program of work and 1944 with the exception of thc last Raetzsch and Girl Scout Troop No. 2. Fort D . A . Russell Man ment. • Henry Leithcad, Robert A. Humat which will be presented in three months. Tho "March of Dimes" in the school Beaten Early On January 7 jcatbs to corns requires that a larger Tho postoffiee business, by quarters, will be directed by these teachers— Captain Brooks' parents are Henry phris, Val Richmon, R. V. Spcers, L. Charged with aggravated assault. W. Brooks, former Presidio county M. Sagor, Fred O. Senter, Jr., Witt lint ic established, it was said. Miss Mamie Broiles (High School), during the two years was: Stack, Harold Webb, Phil WorthingSalome Perez is in the Presidio coun- commissioner, and Mrs. Brooks. siiry in Precarious Shape 1944 — March, $14,201.G9; June — Mrs. Beulah Bryant (Elementary lit ras pointed out that post-war $13,706.68; September — $12,809.25: School), Jesse Blackwell (Blackwcll ty jail and will bo given a trial Mon- The decoration was presented to ton, A. W. Waldrep, E . T. Williams. Jji, as well as the immediate ones, December—$16,110.31. Year's total: Junior High School). Special gifts djiy, February 5, before Judge Ru- Captain Brooks by Brig. Gen. Leon W. Chicago Representative Here dolph Mellard, county judge. 3 bring to thc front a host of prob-$56,827.93. (Continued on Page Four) Johnson; Liberator combat.wing comA special guest at the Tuesday in which a Chamber of ComPerez and another youth, Mariana mander and holder of thc Congress- night meeting was Orlando Hickey, 1943 — March, $12,135.55; Juno — lercc's services arc essential. Thc Jincr, were arrested early on January ional Medal of Honor for leadership special representative of Lions Inter$12,806.51; September — Sll.126.13; jeratinj; of thc Marfa organization 7 after severe head injuries were suf- on the famed low-altitude attack by national, who was here several days to December—-§10,470.87. Year's total: Jeently has teen without its "going fered by Pvt. James Joseph McCar- Liberators on the Ploesti, Rumania, citl in organization work. Almost $52,537.06. Jto the red" but its* income and outthy, who is stationed at Fort D. A.J oilfields. The citation read: 4,500 club units are affiliated with the i lave been such that its financial Russell. He is a hospital patient. | organization which was said to have, "Captain Brooks is recognized as Edition might be considered pre- Thirteen Go To El Tho arrest of thc two was by Mai-i as of June 30, 1944, more clubs in , , , . . , ono of thc ablest mechanics in his secA. F . Gardner Veteran of :ioM. city marshal, and Mchie .. , . . . , ,. Paso For Military Duty Many Years of Railroad Work tin knight, , 7 ' * , . ' ,. . I tion, and has set an example for his North America than any other civic Mitchell, deputy sheriff, according to , ... .. I'. D. Motlay, secretary, who also „ ™ . • . ' «- . men in devotion to duty and attention service organization. D. A. Skeen, The nation's military forces were T. C. Taylor, sheriff. Mr. Taylor said | j.. *rw two livestock raisers' associaSalt Lake City, Utah, resident, is tho "Railroadin' " for twenty-seven increased in November and December •vas re-elected socrctaiy-manthat Jiner was not held but that the j 1944-1945, president. years, as well as World War I serby thirteen Presidio county Selective fer. He has been employed by thc statement hc made was substanti'd' Captain Brooks is responsible for vice in Presidio county, Sibcra and Tiie Lions Club of Alpine, sponsor•ar.iiaticn about a year and a half. Service System registrants who wcic Manila, ia the interesting background enough basis on which to hold Perez. 'the rcpnir and maintenance of his ing organization for the unit here, sent to El Paso for induction. Liberators. Thc strain of combat on jShcriiy before leaving for Sar. AnThe sheriff said that it appenred of A. F. Gnrdner who assumed duties war. represented at thc Tuesday meetfmmmF* business trip this week, Only two of tho number were ac- January 11 as railway agent herc. that McCarthy was struck by a blunt thc foar-cnginc bombers is increased ing by Joe Toombs, a member there. by the damage caused by German cepted for Navy servicc. ^ • r . Hord expressed appreciation to Mr. Gardner knew Presidio county instrument but that tho instrument The Brewster county club will pre^Bsrfa people for their courtesies and Additional men wero sent to El from 1917-1918 days when he was with which he seems to have been fighter planes and ground guns. It is sent the first program for the Marfa up to the Captain and his section to ^••riance during thc two years hc Paso this week for induction but the stationed in the Indio area with the struck has not been found. A doctor's check tho aircraft for "war weari- club, Friday noon, January 2G, at the p president of the Chamber of names of those accepted for service 7th Service Company of the Signal report is that McCarthy suffered lacerness." and repair thc damage done by Crews Hotel. A luncheon meeting JTOrte. He aid that hc had found will not be available until later this Corps. From here he was sent to Si- itions of thc scalp and near onc eye, the enemy. For the records set by his will be held each Fridav noon. aier of Commerce members, and week. and that he may suffer permanent, beria for duty but wns there only a L i t . 7 i , ! «nit in this respect, Captain Brooks Charier Presenting Next Month P*<*, quito generous in thcir will- The November-December regisshort time before being reassigned to partial disability as a result Ot Ills; was awarded the Bronze Star Medal Friday night, February 16, vhas P r ' d f , - n?.,l,t T?„l,..,,„ ii. ... trants who were taken into thc mili™*» to aid in any way possible in injuries. duty in Manila. He was in the service been set, tentatively, a3 thc night Member of the 392nd Bombardment iittrer undertaking was called to tary service were: Group, Captain Brooks attended Mar- when the Marfa club's charter will be Roberto Hernandez, Cruz Bacza, Ri- eighteen months. jfif attention for the development of Bill-Adams Promoted; For thc last two decades Mr. nnd ia schools and Texas A. & M. College. presented at a dinner meeting when pa and the prosperous . area of cardo Lujan Fino, Alvarado A. Hernandez (Navy), Eduardo Contreras Mrs. Gardner have been living in In Charge Meat SupRly ^Enlisting in April, 1942, after servicc members will have as their guests ™!nti?the focal point. with the Texas Company, as a sales- their wives and club members from Franco, Efrcn A. Rodriguez, Abel Rosenberg whore ho was Southern Pacific and Santa Fo agent. Their The unusuaj assignment of being man, he was commissioned a second other towns. The Rev. Herbert D. Vclasco Ornelas, Pete D. Deanda, Mary Frances, is a Univer- in charge of a meat market on a Lieutenant'at New. Haven, Conn., in Dollahitc, a former Lions Club presarfans' Son Completes Sipriano Gomez Borunda, Cruz Mc- daughter, ident, will be Charter Night chairGuirc, Raymundo Rayes (Navy), sity of Texas student, previously hav- Navy ship can be pointed to by Bill April, 1943. He was promoted to man, it was announced this week. ore Naval Training Eligio Sanchcs Gonzales, Hector Gon- ing bcen enrolled in Mao* Baldwin Adams, 2nd Class Petty Officer, as his Captain last October. Mr. Hickey told at the dinner TuesCollege in Virginia. Mrs. Gardner is experience in World War IL The 392nd, onc of thc older units additional step in his training zales. a Past Matron of thc Order of the Adams was promoted to his pres- of Second Bombardment Division, day night of various club functions »radiogunner in the Navy was and of tho relationship between local Eastern Star chapter at Rosenborg. ent rank, January 1. During the completed its 200th mission on Arm«ed Saturday at Lake City, Going on Eastern Trip units and Lions International, which Christmas holidays Mrs. Adams and istice Dny. Mr. Gardner .said yesterday that •>W Bill A. Black, son of Mrs. Leaving this week-end for a trip has headquarters in Chicago. He exthcir son, Willie D., Jr., visited him ho and his family had known this £ Black and Mr. Black, an officer of several weeks will be Walter Polplained the duties of thc \arious officountry for n long time and were glad in San Francisco, just before hc was I w Construction Battalion, U. S, sky who will transact business nnd cers and gave a number of suggessent to sea again. Ho has been in the of tho opportunity to make a change Marfan Attends •visit relatives in Dallas, St. Louis and tions for the carrying on by the club Navy about a year and thc present that would result in their locating in Pj*k> who is a Seaman 1st Clas3, Omaha, Nebraska. The Polskys' Meeting of Educators of rucccssful, worth while operations. trip is his third one on thc water. Passed thc requirements for train- daughter is in school in tha latter this section. His uncle wa; John An August, 1944, publication of tho Whileliving here Adams wns a Gardner, Sierra Blanca ranchman, Enthusiastic comment is being f "an Aviation Cadet in the Navy city. His mother is a St. Louis resiInternational Association of Lions «»>ajr undertake that type of work dent. Mr. Polsky will accompany Mr. who was known by a number of yvople members of tho Mnrfa Volunteer Fire made this week by J. E. Gregg, superDepartment. of tho tri-county Highland area. intendent of schools, in regard to thc Clubs, more familiarly known as Lions P " u available. His schooling nnd Mrs. L. M. Sagor to Dallas. annual Mid-winter Conference of Tex- International, states that there wero " * *s a radio m m « « . tr. I...*-..i as School Executives and Tcaohcr 180,000 members at thnt time and that r«« additional training ho will rcTrainer?, in Austin Thursday, Friday 69,089 aciviticn were undertaken by 1¾ through daily flying. tho clubs in tho preceding twelve and Saturday. £ "iked second in his class in the months. "Thc Lion," a monthly pubThc general chairman of the con-UV completed lication, is mailed to the members ference was Dr. L. A. Woods, Statc **" at tho Florida station. The first annual convention of Lions Superintendent of Public Instruction. Clubr. was in Dallas in 1917. A highlight of thc meeting of educaK Lieutenant Visits tors wns thc address by Dr. Willis A. Franklins Parents of Sutton of Atlanta, Ga. Hc spoke on [ana Area This Week "Thc Battle for America," emphasis- Son Born in San Antonio »ffaL visitor yesterday was Lt. rTy ing the importance of tho homc, thc Anmincc-ihenta were received herc ' * ' y . who-hns church nnd the school—in the ordei recently by friends telling of tho s named—in thc worth while develop- birth in San Antonio on January 4, Lui!L ° ™ « i ; - O M a . , but ment of tho child. ilaim. 6 " r « d to thc Naval of a son to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Frank"Thc Extent and Status of Texas' lin, Marfa residents. Thc child weighW . ? University Natural Resources, With Thcir Edu. ing eight pounds, three and three ™ »tudcnt at the time ho wns caticnal Implications" was the r.ub fourth u-ucw, hu. bcen given tlm jeet chosen by Dr. Homer Price namo of Edmund Gregg. PiedVin .. Raincy, former University of Texas Mrs. Franklin is a daughter of Mr. k o f"*'-» n ' ?"an ^ Angelo. ! •"1... president, vhr epehc Friday mom ana Whit ^< (Miami Ucram Photoj; ing. Dr. Rninry told of tho wealth of with Mr. Franklin, aro in San AnkCdT y «ccn tho Texas in resources of various types tonio with Mrs. Franklin and ton. Mr. and alro outlined a number of ways Franklin la ah employs of tho post'«av, « . " «>f the territory in which the state is lagging in devel office department at Marfa Army Air NSWSUUHOH for Inf»V a n U h « d their p a r t ," hops to return here opntMt of these reionrces.. Field. p! c , s Need of L a r US m e r 1 .11 . 32 a- 47 v f , U l 5 , U ijS: G.21. (rr a W(lc U o f t l 1 0 f o l l o W mt Marfa Postoffiee ; 1 t h c r e v i o u s c a r a r c Bronze Star Medal For Captain Brooks t c r ; i' < L i o n Youth Charged in Assault On Soldier New Agent Soldier In County Years Ago T t o o n 2 d e t n j r£r "5 < s h A r 1 b e 8 8 w W c h h o 1M *n'J, - ' nCd U S Nnv atN t r a n s f e e n y w a s 0 5 H d a n & S O f t h c S o c i n , S c T e r r a l u r o 8 t *ar. 1 , 8 BStfCSSS P y s I s in aiding thc boys and girls to walk again. • " ft* r THE BIG REND SENTINEL, MARFA, TEXAS TAGE TWO FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, J Returns from Colorado Hollens Residents of Presidio for Duration Returning Thursday nfter ten days "•ado by Mr. Mitchell to , directors meeting J* * National Livestock Lst trip to Denver, was Hayes Mitchell. route he was a 'ation. iZ?^ Residence in Presidio has been Combat firing with .30 caliber rifles Tho trip to the Colorado city was Vega and Amnrillo itness lisitc, land competitive tent pitching made up established by .Mrs. Theodore T. HolI the principal training received by Icn and children, Teddy nnd Skipper, | Company D, Texas State Guard, ;.t who have been liviiig in California Presidio, Sunday, Juiiuul'y 7. iccently. FILM SINGIXG PLEASES— ! wen, r.vei>n m.-.»e.. Mrs. Hollen is a daughter of Mr. Silhouette targets were used in the Three origimml ron»s. r.m! one oMjit during the filming of "Strange Aftime cowbov favorite, "Red River fair," Tuesday only at the Palace, to combat tiring, with the figures being and Mrs. W. \V. Weathcrford. Mrs. Hollcn'a husband, Lieutenant Valley,'' are to tn? heart! in the the gastronomic distress of Ed Dear- the shoulder ami head of a man. Eieht thnihr'g action unv of the ftim-; ing. who hns played more policemen men started 100 yards from the tar- (ig) Hollen, is in command of an title, Republic's re-relcasc which is in pictures than any actor in Hilly- gets, advancing by rushes over rough LST, name by which a "Landing Craft terrain and firing until 1100 yards Support" type of vessel is commonly presenting Gene Autry, singing cow- wood. from the target. Then the lastfiveof known. He is in the South Pacific, boy star today nnd Satttrtlay at the The scene was a follow-up of a sequence ir. which Dcaring gave Evelyn the liiteen cartridges issued were Thc craft on which he is stationed Palaee. known as n "Bazooka Boat" and was The noted radio ringer nnd western ;i ticket for speeding. She had told him fired in rapid succession. First Sergeant Stevens made high the subject of an article in a national flar will be heard in thc title song, that Allyn Joslyn was iu .t certain and in "Where a Waterwlieel Keeps juke bos joint nnd Dcaring, nnxious score, with fourteen hits out of fif- magazine not long ago. Good salary, interesting work, pleasant sur Lieutenant Hollen has seen his Turning On," which was composed by to catch up with Joslyn, had said teen shots. One squad of thirteen men roundings, are some of the many attractive Sam H. Stept, and Oliver Drnk\ recklessly, "If he is, 1*11 cat that made only thirteen hits out of a pos younger child, Skipper, only one evenfeatures of the positions now open for sin&lp sible 120. Private Frazcr's scute of ing since he was born. author of thu lyric. or married women between the ages of 17 ticket!" " Lieutenant Hollen formerly wns an nnd 35 years. Smiley IJurnt'.tc will render his Evelyn and Dcaring make an en- six hits was FCCOIUI best. Corporal own comedy song, "Hand Me Down trance into thc juke joint but Joslyn Uaeza and Private Cnrrnsco wore Immigration Department officer at My Trusty Forty-Five." hns disappeared. Thinking that Eve- winners of the tent-pitching contest, Presidio. APPLY— Comitoscr Stcpt also originated a lyn is out of her mind, Dcaring takes placing theirs properly in four antl one-half minutes. her to police headquarters where s > h e construction crew song which is a 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The men's next field day will be Residents Thanked for feature given by a great chorus of,finallywinds up in a strait-jacket. Sunday, February -J, beginning at 0 At laft, Evelyn pei.*.ufl>le= the police male voices. Help at Christmas Time to search more thoroughly nnd they o'clock in thc morning. Chief Operator The generous Christmas spirit of F.-IVC Joslyn in the nick of time. COP COMES THROUGH— Marfans was the subject of a resoluDid you ever gct a traffic ticket "Well?" says Miss Kcyes to Dealing, THREE APPEARANCES IN EL from a motor cop and want to make banding him the traffic ticket. Where- PASO HY FAMOUS MAGICIAN tion adopted this week by the USO SSntlfllVirAaf Awn T l - l 1 r% :upon Dcaring grudgingly caU ilicBInckstonc. the world's most famous Council, which met Monday evening. him eat it? ~ — v u . v » l l MVU cicpiiuj.it: KA). it ickct. In fact, he ate six tickets be- magician, will make a two night and Council members expressed their —MARFA— fore they got the scene to the satis- cue matinee appearance in El Paso on gratitude for the many types of asLIFE'S Little TROUBLES . » U t A C C O . . Ut lf ., 'l .., U . ! C»*..-*t. Pvr.-.„ January 29 ami ."0 in tiie Liberty sistance given during ilie Tuiuiide ,' ,. .-..C- l, l! u. ,H. 11L So many people will get such a lot Hall under the management of Mrs. fcenson to help make Christmas more of satisfaction out of this scene," ex- Ilnllet Johnson. merry for men in thc service who arc plained Green, "that we must get it His acts arc amazing journeys into stationed at the two military posts perfect." the land of adventure and fantasy. here. Gifts of candy, edibles, ChristHis Necromancers (conjurers) num- mas decorations and orchestra music / . V GARSOX-PIDGEOX STYLE— ber thirty, and assist with the show for. dancing were received from pcoplo "Mrs. Parkington," the Mctro- of thrills, surprises and laughs. A of this section who wanted to have a Goldwin-Maycr picture which will be tevent.v-foot baggage car is required part in making the USO Club Christshown Wednesday and Thnrsdau at to carry tho stage property and ef- mar, parties successful and pleasing to No need to Ik in bed—toss— the Palace, is in thc fine tradition of fects used in the Blnckstono acts. Gor- the Army men. v.-crry and fret because CONall thc previous Greer Carson-Walter geously dressed girls against a backSTIPATION or GAS PRESPidgeon productions this company has ground of silks and satins add beauty SURE won't let you Bleep. Be sensible—cct up—take a dash of given us: "r.lo««m in thc Dust." to tbe acts, and each girl has a dis- War Veteran Coming: ADLER-I-KA "Miss Miniver" and "Madame Curie." tinct duty in the presentation of Ihe Eighteen months of military service to relieve the prepare ef large These two, and an outstanding sup- whole. A group of men also assists in in tho Asiatic-Pacific Theatre of Operintestines cn nerves and organs of lbs digestive tract. Adlcrika assists porting cast, bring the best-selling the successions of fanciful surprises ations was ended recently by Pfc. Anold food wastes and gas through Louis Bromficld novel to cinematic inspiring illusions, excitement and tonio Curtis, an Infantry soldier. He J comfortable bowel movement to life with zest and great uanr. As fun. thift hcwels return to normal size is expected to arrive here soon from and the ifactjmforts of pressure the dynamic Mrs. Parkingon, Miss Blackstone has a company of thirty Camp Swift to visit his wife and his s.top.'Before you know it. you arc Garson makes a complete change from and his huge carloads of magic paraasleep. Morningfind*you feeling parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Curthe studios and conservative women phernalia, including the much-talked clean — refreshed and ready for a tis. Hood Jay's work or fun. she played in these previous successes. of "Sylvia," his newest and most beauCaution, use only as directed. Pidgeon, in this film, portrays a tiful creation: "Thc Girl from Mars"; reckless, ambitious and flamboyant"Thc Phantom Soldier" and dozens of PORTER DRUG C O . . . MARFA man, a far cry from his Mr. Miniver other startling items designed to send SWEARINGEN & BLEDSOE or Pierre Curie. Together, they prove you home shaking, your head and won—if further proof were needed—that dering if, after all, it was wise to drink LAWYERS tht-y arc at once the greatest, most so much. STORES versatile film starring team in many Mail orders are now being received — * — years. nd filled in the order received. TickThe story takes us from 187-. when ets will go on sale in the Lounge of Susie Graham (Miss Garson), daugh- Hotel Cortez on January 15th.—adv. OFFICE PHONE 11 ter of a boarding-house keeper in Leaping Rock, Nev., marries Major Ranch Records. Sentinel.—adv. Augutlu? Parkington (Pidgeon). M A R F A , T E X A S They open a home in New York and Stove Oil & Furnace Oil, Ph. 07. adv. there begins the saga of thc ParkingNo. 17 (Jumbo Size of No. 19) $2.00 State Guard Men Learn Tent-Pitebing o f n Young Women! ; . il&lor'iSoK I Vt'fr : " n " OBAN,At ? r m e of wlip: ; don't !>• i ( -CAN'T SLEEP- CALENDARS REFILLS 3 I L for GET 1.1.. ft-? * I- - "...1.1 .. -,. U^.'nJ. w .. .. „ , , [vers, of the way they affect Susie's ]life and hopes—and her children's, i The story takes us into tbe late j I (ISO's, with Mrs. Parkington still the j family's dominant character. An outistanding supporting cast, headed by TO SERVE YOU BETTER I Edward Arnold, Agnes Moorehead and j Cecil Kellaway, and including Gladys —High Grade I Cooper, Tom Drake, Frances Rafferty LIQUOR ;r.nd Peter Lawford, among others, is Of All Types . . seen in support of the stars. BIG BEND PACKAGE Vou will not want to miss "Mrs. j Parkington." a picture which is bound STORES • to enthrall you every minute of the —Next to Segura Store— ' time. —West On Highway 90— I «5- i •; SEARLS HOSPITAL —Doctor on duty at hospital day and night. —Office Hours— 10 A . M. to 12 Noon 2 P. M. to G P. M. I I or Night Sunday reserved—hy appointment for out-of-town patients; and for emergency cases. Telephone 363 MARFA, TEXAS LI LEGAL NOTICE THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF PRESIDIO ) To those indebted to or holding claims r.gainit the estate of James A. Poole, decea-ed: The undersigned having been duly appointed executor of the estate of James A. Poole, deceased, late of Presidio County, Texas, by the judge nf tbe county court of said county on thc 13th day of January, 1014, hereby notifies all persons indebted to raid estate to come forward and make settlement, and those having claims against said estate to present them to me within the time prescribed by law nt my residrnce in Presidio Presidio J County, Texas, where I receive my mail, this 13th day of January, 104-1. CLAY POOLE Executor of thc estate of James A. Foolc, deceased —15-4tc. Quo Select at the Handy Place . . . Kali Biock SOUTH of the Signal Light in Marfa I • J ••H i: —WHISKEYS —RUMS —WINES —3RANDYS —GINS —LIQUORS High!land Package Store Jesse O'Briant, Manager... Think NOW of the Home You'll Build 1945 are YOURS here TODAY (Refill only ?1) No. 85 (Tear-Off Type Page) $2.00 (Refill Only $1.10) No. 64 (Smaller Tear-Off Type) $1.75 (Refill Only . $1.00 —Several Other T y p e s in Stock— —at safe* PEEVEY LUMBER CO. "Marfa People Own It' THE BIG BEND SENTINEL "Your Office Supplies Store in Presidio County" Crr.ic i'.vic • •>, situation . lUtc , «,-VdUJC . . • . - - r::ra diplon hirers that bi fcchy typew fcis'sj iniein k v R h cnouch Ecve rnkconcc h-z grown ot (art of the pic It would bt I othtr ware I to sweep ' Slates. Su tn; i Bile bit alx here, though leu; ran, an ties u d crea | la Tunisia, fc >tostalcma • reasons an 1 army, a (laa troops are Bit first timi »p3 and com i months of ?erience our i thc second Laetly htm- r trench would lad to be set that meant, •adulated in p Eove castwi me. fior-nans i 1 big force in I So wc mov ties and, wit feitiB*. But w fefjgh stuff Persians cut it to? for thi; r doin™ ivnnrU ft; with what 1*3 more here 1= army as to U,Oie Cl m~-J supplied I Cur losses ir IfpallLi", by a. psii; men. •aerican shij irespapcr froi pice the ecct Jilf 1! men •Tan. lite losses, fwt, but thej S-clvcs times I H'oundc j Most nl our i 1»e been ser pi)' arrived [more of tiie FM, it would J^tte Amorii 1* sort o( v •"Bried men 1 PHONE 101 I bieges |tft on the sc • tollj,j WJU, IjTnpathizen •WihaTetaki I ' M most on •Huts, snel |«J*«ee m I wen. Tha l«Wd ihe i |«ek to the 1 I^Procedu r" «nd ttiey Pt»e investii policy ] Os from "itional h wtions. Frc 1>» In lo • We mo\ J : T tn . -lias S e n C' Phase is ( ^ i n g ' • two led , a-Iry offlc r?«a befo ^Ung fas »o txlst 1 JANUARY ID, 13« THE DIG BEND SENTINEL, MARFA, TEXAS PAGE TiIP.EE Air Field. After leaving hero Praise Given MAAF Massachusetts Resident Lieutenant and Bride Army be secured flying instruction and reNew Air Field Executive Goinpr to South Carolina ceived his wings as a pilot in DecemGraduate for Flying Lt. Col. William C. Hubbard, vet- Here la t week for a r.hort visit ber at Douglas Army Air Field in Lack of Experience at first Slowed Up Allies Arizona. eran of service in Francs with thc in- ith friend? were I.t. and Mrs. DudHo uud Mrs. Lowry were married, fantry in World War I and with the ley C. Lowry, who were on thcir way I'M Fighter Command in Guadal- to Columbiii, S. C , where Lieutenant December 30, in Alcdo, III. Lieutenant Lowry's home is in Illinois. Quick thinking on thc part of nn canal in World War II, has Lecn ap- Lowry will fly B-25 planes. officer who received his commission nt pointed Executive Officer at Mnrfa Lieutenant Lowry was stationed Tho Sentinel—"Yonr Office SapMnrfa Army Air Field, in tho first, Army All Field. Amor Iran Alecrian Tmnm neiu for some time, serving in theplies Store in Presidio Connty" has clnsr, is credited by a Detroit, Mich., A resident of Boston, Massachu- Cadet Detachment office at Mnrfa "Parker 51."—adv. News writer with having turned a setts, the Colonel returned from 'Green and Officers Unseasoned Liberator Bomber raid from threat- Europe in 1019 to complete work nt ened failure into sudden success. Harvard University. Insurance and By Ernie Pylc I.t. Arthur F. Bowering wan pilot- contracting occupied the inlervul of K ,(): Ihi* ititpntch ii-oj mitten andfirstpu*)*WK»h*it Pylr ing tho third ship in his wing on n time until rc-cntranco into active seithe Acm in tin fli-rht to cripple an offensive on the vice January 5, lfl-12. Colonel HubAnzio beachhead. When thc lead ship bard attended thc Command and Geni N ALGERIA.—Mon who bring our convoys from AmoricD. and the second ship could not drop eral Staff School ot Ft. Leavenworth, "lof'wliom have just recently arrived, tell mc the people al their bombs on the target. Lieutenant Kansas, and was in thc South Pacific don't !iavr» ;t correct impression of things over here. Bowering took over, moved his ship for over a ycar. pimple at homo think been stopped, but there is ctiC into tho lead and made thc "bomb Colonel and Mrs. Hubbard have run." Thc maneuver was so well don? three children, tho oldest is in the 'Afiiean campaign is a sabotage. and will be over quickly; The loyal French see this and that it was commended by Gen. Sir Army Nurso Corps; the younger was that our losses wonder what manner of people we Harold Alexander, Allied commander recently discharged from the Wohave boon prac- arc. Thoy are used to force, and ex- in the theater. men's Army Service Pilot organizatically nil; that pect us to use It against the comLieutenant Bowering was mirsing tion, when it was disbanded; and thc the French hero mon enemy, which Includes the love us to death, French Nazis. Our enemies see it in action over Austria in Muy butyoungest, a son, is at home with 51«. and that all Ger- laugh, nnd call us soft. later was listed as a prisoner of war Hubbard in Boston. man influence has Both sides aro puzzled by a coun- in Germany. hcen donned out. try at war which still lets enemies Tho officer's mother was a guest Stovo Oil & Furnace Oil, Ph. 97. adv, If you want to buy or sell a If you think run loose to work against it. that, it's because here of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thompson • • • we newspaperat the time of Lieutenant Bowuring'a USED CAR you'll do There are an astonishing nummen here have graduation. Mrs. Bowering is an ember of Axis sympathizers among failed at .getting i;rr.ie i'jic th* French ir. North Africa. ployee of aircraft control motor plant better by trading" ihe fiiiei |.uiJii5 Not a majority, of course, hut in the Detroit arca. She hns two other :• ,. sjtujlinn o :r tn you. more than you would imagine. sons in the service; one is a Private .w; campaign at first waa r o Tills In iibcii is a great puzzle in New Jersey, and the other a Flight a, ii ""a uipiomatic as military, thc to me. I can't fathom the Oti'iccr in tho Amy Air Forces in | . that be didn't permit our thought processes of a French,'rbv typewriter fingers to delve into man who prefers German vic- England. Vinleinaticnally. which were tory and perpetual domination Lieutenant Bowering was twenty•fish enough without that. I berather tban a temporary occu- two years old thc day he was gradunkconccptions at home must • pation resulting in eventual ated. grown out of some missing Freucb freedom. At another time, on thc east coast art of the picture. Eut there nn; such people, and It would be very bad for anthey are hindering us, and wc over of Italy. Lieutenant Bowering and (thtr wave of extreme optimism hero think you folks at home should his bombardier, Lt. Leo J. Brenner, a know three things: ta sweep over tho United Kansan, blasted a hangar and p l a n c 3 Stales. So maybe I can explain That the going will be tough and concentration even though their bombt little bit about why things over probably long before we hava sight was "frozen over," as a result of •ere, though all right Cor the Medical and Surgical cleaned up Africa nnd aro ready high flying. An improvised bombing lea; run, are not all strawberto move to bigger fronts. That tha procedure, thought up in spare time, Hospital — YOU MUST B E P L E A S E D — ries and cream right now. French are fundamentally behind In Tunisia, for instance, we seem us, but that a strange, illogical was successful. be stalemated for the moment, stratum is against us. And that oui reasons are two. Our army la a fundamental policy still is one oi army, and most of our Tuni- soft-gloving snakes in our midst. aa troops are in actual battle for • first timc against seasoned Nurses are Tops. ps and commanders. Il will take The American nurses over liera months of fighting to gain the there are lots of them—havt rienee our enemies start with,—and out just as you would expect: thc second place, nobody knew turned wonderfully. nctly how much resistance the Army doctors, and patients, too, Pencil would put up here, so we ad to be sct for full resistance. are unanimous in their praise for Hat meant, when thc French them. Doctors tell mc that in that rush of casualties they were jcitalatcd in three days, we had first 9 move eastward at once, or leave calmer than the men. 1» Rcrnians unhampered to build One hospital unit had a nurse they were afraid of. She had seemed neurotic and hysterical on the way 1 big force in Tunisia. So wc moved several hundred down. The head doctor detailed anciles and, with tho British, began other nurse just to watch her all Ijhtis*. But we simply didn't have through the hectic first hours of amgh stuff on hand to knock the tending the wounded. But he needn't jtnr.an'; cut instantly. Nobody is to have. He admits now she war, the for this. I think our army calmest of tbe lot. r doing wonderfully—both in fightThe hcail of one hospital, a t; with what we have and in gctLATEST COMMUNIQUE FROM THE colonel who was a soldier In the i 3 mose here—but wc arc fighting last war, worked in tbe Impro2 army as tough in spirit as ours, j vised hospitals set up at Arzow ELECTRIC APPLIANCE FRONTS o . . ':?Jv •acre experienced, and more j \o tenil the freshly wounded. supplied. Electric appliances are still at war. There've He says not a soul In the outfit cracked up or got flustered. been a few alarm clocks released and a very Our losses in men so fat are not "You'ru so busy you don't think palling, by nny means, but we are about its being horrible," he says. limited quantity of electric irons, but that's pis; men. The other dav an"You aren't yourself. Actually you the extent of activity in the appliance field. periean ship brought the' first seem to become somebody else. And kwspaper from home I had seen rfter it's over, you're thrilled by it. It's expected that a few more irons will be pee the occupation, and it said Gosh, 1 hope I'm not stuck in a released in the near future but plants and facp-'r 12 men wo:c lo;t in taking bare hospital. I want to get on to the front." tories are still making guns, planes and tanks Lieutenant Dowering, in First Class, War Prisoner 0 n n LaVanture 1 H os ? s T n MARFA TEXAS HAPPY TELEPHONE FRANKLIN'S Sinclair Service Station 37 - Tke looses, in fact, were not tat, but they were a good many Tbe Carolina nurses of the evacufives times 12. ation hospital about which I've been I Wounded to England. writing have taken it liko soldiers. [Mosul our convalescent wounded For the first 10 days llicy had to live fve bcen sent to England. Some like animals, even using open f*ly arrived Americans feel that, ditches for toilets, but they never |»ore of the wounded were sunt complained. FM.tt would put new grim vigor At this tent hospital one nurse is Pus American people. Wc aren't always on duty in each tcntful of 20 ot fLf*} people from whommen. She had medic?! orderlies ta poaed men have to he concealed. help hcr. In bad weather the nurses wear army overalls. I Ibe bi est z i to us who But Lieut. Col. Rollin Bauchspies, tut on the scene is onr policy of the hospital commandant, wants •Ur ^ " agents and them to put on dres-ss once in a •JBWthliers in North Africa, while, for he says the effect on tha •"•tare taken into custody only men is astounding. mmi most ont • and - ont Axis The touch of femininity, tha 122¾ nth as the German knowledge that a woman is around, | ! ^ " missions and a few gives a wounded man courage and IteJ!*;.?"* ' we have confidence and a feeling of security. 125?? ? *hority of arrest And the more feminine she looks, |«ek to the French. the better. . |*w Procedure is that we investiOnly about 100 of th? hospital's 7M -« wo. uiey arrest. As It winds patients are wounded men. Tha • *e tnyestieatc-period. others are just sick with ordinary "« Po Icy Is still appeasement. things, such asflu,appendicitis. «*ms from what might be called it,*,.'.,., mt • > who!" tentful -¾ ¾. ^8erwd*gV of "Prench of mumps, and a few cases ol d f^f". henchmen today think malaria and dysentery. -« hi lots of different direcAt the far end of the hospital, behind an evil-looking barricade ol -™ « jn,,.n EfP^ra « 3 many French barbed wire, is what Colonel Bauch"t Sasi. • °. miles. Now spies calls "Casanova park." Back £«e u over. We aro here in there nre 150 soldiers with venereal disease. , .,, , }* J?ftta most of the "What's the barbed wire fort" I asked. "They wouldn't try to gel & / ° » » wc came. We are out anyhow." , , ,„ 0 ebl BOC "It's just to moke them feel like toi,i ? le«<» to con*xist. Actual sniping, has heels," the colonel said. e6 , p n wi,n A Z e x u d o n e e an 0 for Uncle Sam... not electric appliances. In view of that report, folks, the most helpful household hint for wartime housewives is to take care of what you have. Proper care will make your electric servants WEAR better, .WORK harder and LAST longer. REDDY KILOWATT Your Electric Servant. PT F A N That goes for all your appliances... toaster, roaster, iron, percolator, vacuum cleaner, as well as your larger electric servants... refrigerator, range and washer. Do yonr cleaning with a soft brash or cloth. Never use water on electrical parts. Give them REGULAR attention. h l v e d s o , t , y s a t flrat , n flTT _ y o u r manufacturer's instructions. Regular oiling of movable parts makes electric appliances wear better. u a r e M V0 omccs b e w Army Hospital Cuts Red Tape ITANT1TF R F N T T Y 11 n i l U 1Jli U l i 11 1 1J 1 M Treat electric servants like your heirj j ^ ^ ^ they'll precious, too. o o m c n n a Avoid giving them hard knocks or falls. Gentle treatment is also important' for your appliance cords. Don't kink, knot or yank them. When disconnecting appliance, grasp plug, not wire, and remove carefully. »8» Hi-tut The other day we were look I'nL ->* handled I , ¾ "«> P»«ents and hasn't ing at those round-bellied iron mt<..ii half-hurkJ In the grout"' 'r each tent. . "What do you burn In them?' I •aSSL'S? -cons have we'l n T ^ operations. asked Lieutenant Colonel BauchWent l i M - i ! whether spies. hoapita, «o enter . "Wood," he said. •"JWal or not. They take any. "Where do you get the "wood? - Prcnrw ~ . civilian, I asked. "enchmnn, anybody. "Steal It," hc said. ""J than C3 10 8ur , h a n 1 2 5 n p 0 a b o u t c n U U c d ,b e s , 0 , d , a r CENTRAL POWER AHD LIGHT COMPANY Hour NELSON EDDY in "THE ELECTRIC HOUR" every Sunday afternoon, 3.30 CWT, CBS Network TIIE BIG BEND SENTINEL, MARFA, TEXAS PACE FOU! Lt. William T. Knight's World To Know More of Unit Citation Recipient Mathematics in Trade T I I E r . n ; n.>..M> S i : v t I M : ; . -r\ • THE NEW KKA The work of the Twelfth Air I'ur.'o AUSTIN, Jan. 17.—Application of {lUtnhlhhed JAWG) 15-25 Mitchell Bombardment Group, mat Hematics to thc work of thc world —Consolidated April «J, 1 9 2 « Oppoijrr.t in Fori .f which Lt. William T. Knight is u will probably increase aftcr thc war, Here Tuesdny Night patt, h:*s given members of the Mar- Dr. J. G. Umstattd, University of Publifhcd every Friday at Marfa, Presidio County, Texas fan's unit the right to wear thc Dis- Texas professor of secondary cducaut-IT: ntai of 1.0::« in Di.trict . . . . . I. I . ' . . . — , T)..t lU. « n « n t > - . t a , , n . l.Ull, UUllLIWi J j U , , ..... — EdYtur-PuL^^ W. J A C O B S ; : - i ! i..• :.e:ball t lay i.i encouraging tinguished Unit badge. I.e'.un on mathematics and science after the The citation, given for accomplishMarfa rchool students t:> hone thr.t Suhaeription Rate* war should bc regulated by peacetime In Texas per year J2.00 tl.eir court team may increase it'J ment in destroying the Vencvcnto, rtring of vi?toric< and, ultimately, be Italy, marshalling yards, reads in this rather than by wartime pursuits, hc (G months . . . $1-26) declares. wny:— Entered as Second class matter at thejilmmrion of ihe di,Uict. Tho war has shown the need for Distinguishing themselves through Pn.tnffi^., in M n r f n T p x a s under By a 2-point margin, 21 to tne ^ f t c f C ^ Jrf"«t«l Alpine. Friday extraordinary heroism and unswerv- arithmetic, Dr. Umstattd says, but he theActofCongressofMarch.J.ls/JI ^ . i j|„ resolution, thc combat crews dc- firmly believes that only those stu' in thc game until the last pciod whet, 'stroyed eighteen of thc attacking dents of superior ability, with tech Any erroneous reflection upon l u l p n e s n n d b o m b e d the marrhnllinsr nical occupations in view, should bo ,.1.....1 standini ^*r r**rn 11 n 11 n TI of any person, firm or corporation forged ahead only to lose by the t»vo yards with devastating effect. i lie required to study algebra, geometry, which may occur in the columns of points. Franco and Chcnudi scored 8 gallantry and combat proficiency ex- calcus, and other higher mathcrmati The Sentinel will bo gladly cor- nointa each. The Marfa B tc-r.1 won hibited by thc personnel of this group cal studies. "Tests will determine those stuin striking this decisive blow have rerectcd upon being brought to thc>j , i p , -jy (o II. Aguilar va h i p dents of high ability," the professor flected the highest credit on their orpoint man with 14 to bis credit. attention of the management. asserts," and only those who will need In Sanderson, Monday night, th- ganization and tha military Servicc of higher mathematics in future wo.-k the United States." older buys won by a 22 to 12 count and Lieutenant Knight's wife lives in should bo required to study the rubth>- younger buy*. 12 to 10. Fianco and Jincr were high scorers, respec- Brownwood and Id's mother is Mrs. I). jeet through high school." tively, in the two game!'. Tiie next G. Knight. Marfa resident. nifdit Marathon player.-, fcl! t>> "?c New Cluster for Marfan Marfans with the A team wiiuiirr: hy AT-11 Aircraft Added His fourth Onk Leaf Cluster has :. score of 40 ta 25, and the i! by a been earned by T/Sgt. Joseph DeD At Army Air Field Here (Continued From Page Onc) count of "1 to 21. Anda, son of Mrs. Gertrude DeAnda. Th.e rider b'eys' team has won ei"..'it Colonel A. J. Kcrwin Mnlnne, Com- fjiirmint PcAnrta i« n radio operator may be made to ;iny member of the i f lt>» l l l i i e Jin'.iii;.-- liii.t MJ.iM'll .tiul IflO manding Officer of Marfa Army Air and gunner am! his most recent adcounty committee. other team, f o u r o f fixe. S.-.nder- Field, h;-." announced that with the Money to Two Funds :e:i, .Marathon. F o r t Davis a m ! Al-addition of A.T-11 type airplanes, thc dition to hh Air Medal came for "meritorious achievement during One-half of thc money received i' pine arc trailing tiie Murf:ii.> in dislir field now has four kinds of air- bombing attacks against Nazi war inretained in the county chapter':- treas- trict play in the order named. Fort craft for training purposes. dustries and military targets in supury and Ihe other half zoos to the na- Davis teams will ho herc Tuesday Tho Cessna AT-17's and UC-78V port of Allied ground forces." tion.'.! organization for research, hos- night. January 2.'!. to engage the . M a r have bcen at Marfa Army Air Field pital-, nurses and treatment of in- fans in .-ever.-.! contests. rir.ee the opening date in 1942. Dinfantile paralysis cases. Mrs. Bunton ing thc summer of '.1943 a number of Ohioan in AAF Office reminded that the 1911 epidemic of Assignment to the Post Engineer the disease was the second worst in Group Stops Here On finale engine North American AThistory, and that only treatment and Way From San AntonioG "Texans" were acquired. This was Office under lr,t Lt, Richard Frazcll followed by a croup of North Ameri- has been made for 2nd Lt. Arthur A. not preventive or cure has bcen disLuncheon guests, Thursday, of can B-25 "Mitchells." Just recently Endres, who was transferred from covered. Jlrs. Bunton said this week that thc Mrs. L. C. Brite and Mrs. Hester the Bccchcraft AT-ll's have been Gardner Field, California. A graduate of John Carroll University in following Presidio county people make Brite Dunkle were five residents of added. The twin-engine aircraft were Cleveland, Ohio, in 1929, Lieutenant up ths-county chapter officer person- Mexico who were on thcir way to nel and the 1915 county fund raising Juarez nnd their honv; cities of Chi- transferred from Victorville, Calif., Endres worked for the Ohio State Dehuahua and Mexico City, aftcr a visit whore they have been used to train partment of Highways. He planned campaign organization: in San Antonio. bombardiers. It is planned to have as and designed super-highways befrre Prcstdio County Chapter: Chairman, Mrs. Oren M. Bunton; Those of thc group were Mr. avdmany flying instructors as possible his entrance into the army in Sept. vice-chairman, H. A. Coffield; secre- Mrs. Antonio Bermudez and Mr. and "check out" in thcic; various types in 1942. tary,'Mrs. E. B.'O'Qumn; treasurer, Mrs. Gustavo Serrano and son, Ern- order to increase their knowledge an-.! esto Serrano. Sir. Bermudez, former proficiency in fying. Sirs. Albert Logan. Presidio County 1945 Campaign Or- Juarez mayor, is treasurer of the Mrs. A. L. Turner State of Chihuahua, and Jlr. Serrano ganization : Advantages of Navy County Campaign Director: Mrs. is Secretary of National Economy in Hayes Mitchell; Assistant County Mexico. Service Described Today REGISTERED Campaign Director: H. A. Coffield; The men had bcen in San Antonio A recruiting party headed by Chief NURSE Director of Women's Division—Mrs. on business in connection with highHester Brite Dunkle: Committee way planning which will bc of benefit Machinist's Mate Grady Sheridan, a Members—Mrs. W. E. Bunton, Mrs.both to their nation and to the United veteran with 34 years' servicc in thc Available for private duty United State* Navy behind him, will Gay Howard, Mrs. W. E. Love; States.. in JIarfa and Alpine visit Marfa today to discuss current Assistant Campaign Director nt Navy enlistment procedures with inPresidio—Mrs. Leon Fisher; Fort D. Marfan in Marianas terested men and women of thc comA. Russell Campaign Director—Major I'hone 1S5, Marfa Safe arrival overseas was thc won! munity. George Tracy; Marfa Army Air Field At the present time the Navy is in Campaign Director—Col. A. J. Kcr- received from her husband, Staff Sgt. win Maltnc (Committee Member— Jeff M. Graham, by Mrs. Graham last j need of 17-year-old lads, radio tcchCapt, Clarence H. Godshall); Chair- week. Sergeant Graham, who has !»»••«»>»:••, airerewmen, men qualified for man, Motion Picture Theater Drive— been in service slightly more than a| tinf:s in the Scabees, Waves. Navy P. M. Thomas; Assirtant Chairman, year and a half, left for oversens duty I Yard Workers, and Civilian Typists Motion Picture Theaters Drive—Mis* M i u r t l y before Christmas and is newjand Stenographers, Clarice Raetzsch; Publicity Director— located, somewhere in tho Marianas.! Tho headquarters of this Recruiting Mrs. Graham is living with Ira- par-1 Party will bc in the Postoffiee. Mrs. T. C. Davis. er.ts, Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Knight. • BANKERS; | Marfan Getting Well Navy Officer Visitor LIFE C O M P A N Y Retail Business Gains j Confined to her home many months, ...... — *l.. if... ir m T» .. ... ,... . . . . n n , >/. . . . . . - . .<.. ^ . ...... AUSTIN, Jan. 17.—A IC per cent Mr.-. David Dutchover was able lo be nett and other relatives were her gain in retail sales for November, .'outside, Sunday. She suffered a grandson, Lt. (jg) Walter Condon 1914, was reported over November j broken leg in an accident. Using and Jlr;. Condon, who wort; on their 1943 by independent retailers in Tex- crutches at this time, she has hopes way from Phoenix, Arizona, to Jack- as, the University of Texas Bureau of of regaining the use of her leg. sonville, Fla., where Lieutenant Con- Business Research reports. Sale? for don is stationed. The Navy officer is thc first 11 month of 1944 wers 9 known by a number of people in the pcr cent higher in 1944 than in thc Preaching in Valentine Highland country, and at one t i m t fame period in 1943. A r-eries of six religious services was a school student in Fort D a v i « . will be started in Valentine, Sunday His parents live in Phoenix. night, by the Rev. Robert F. Bristol, Mrs. Crews Returns pastor o f t'ne First Christian Church. B ; : r k in Marfa after an absence of Thc service each evening will bc at Father of Marfan 111 four months is Mrs. W. E. Crews who thc Community Church. Called to McKinney the first of the has b.en visiting their daughter in week by the serious illness of her T u l s a , Okla. While away Mrs. Crews There's a Photo Mailer to do the job. father, Mrs. Herbert Dollahitc end ;.r.d i n - daughter and grandchildren Three sizes. At the Sentinel, daughter, Molly, left Tuesday for went to S t . Joseph, Mo,, where ths course.—adv. Mouahans, where they joined the Rev. Crews' son ia stationed at an Army Mr. Dollahite who had gone there Air Force training post. Stovo Oil & Furnace Oil. Ph. 97. adv. Monday. All went io McKinney. Tha condition of Mrs. Dollahite's fathor was quite serious following an operation.'; or. Monday. w h c n M a r f n p I n > w w e r c n ! l l a i K t h L war ••• v ,:.' t ,a LOANS S2#» Highland Guest Preacher Sunday First Baptist C h i n e } ; member.; wiil bear the Rev. J . A. Kidd, district missionary. Sunday racrnir.':. A n n o u u : - t h a t the Reverend Mr. Kidd w r . n Y . i.c i ; ' ; . : t - n c i t wa< rn:, ".o Wc-b.e.-.d-" by ;: j.-.- tor, tiie Rev. Herbert f). D r d l o h i t " . Thc Revo:end Mr. Dr.lial-.ite :tatcd at that timo tha: there war, no change in the condition of Mr.-. Dollaiiito'M father, Mr. Snapp, rcriou.-.ly ill at McKinney. ;o Distillate & Fuel Oil. Phone 97. adv. Optometrist El H?T/ m fe] T:- 'ts kl Telephone 8 — MARFA — MARFA . . . . . . . . RTTSRELL CHURCH. Marfn EL PASO A « - w - - O «-HL — Telephone 181 Portraits . . . Commercial PhotogranW * H *** Kodak Finishing HOURS & 9:S0 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. (Sat.: 9:30 to 8) . Gl KEITK STUDIO Pipe and Fittings PAINT TOOLS HARDWARE V u M ^ R ^ i ttStRANY • • • k Phone 57 D i n e . . . D r i n k . . . Dance at The C&sfrl^ f ! » f FINE COLD BEER FOODS COURTEOUS . S E R V l f E —OPEN EVERY SUNDAYGood Music i mm | Dancing Every Night (Excellent Dunce Floor) "Cleanliness Is Our Motto" —Ben Franco^ Owner Hard To. Get BUT we h a v e a few NOW EntertE SMALL GARBAGE CANS (metal) $1.80 20-Galion MILK CAN 10-Galion MILK CAN _ $8.50 §6.65 (Make it a habit in 1945 to "try the Western Auto" first. You'll find that we often have the very article you need) W E S T E R N AUTO I ASSOCIATE STORE BUILDING SUPPLIES Aermotor Windmills Colorado Wolf-Proof Fence I SB "™ Building tei Pttiaano Hotel Building Daily Service To and From— Headquarters for Dr. Monroe Slack BIG BEND MOTOR FREIGHT K u l r President's Bali First Event of 1945 Fund-Raisins: Effor mi' FRIDAY, JAN'UAIlY ,, "Adding another War Dond to your collection, ch. Judge?" "Yes, Josh, I've alwaya looked upon buying Bonds as> one of the best ways older folks like me here at home can help our fighting mcn overseas. For the past couple of years I've put every extra cent I had into them . . . not only during the War Bond drives...but on a regular basis. Of coiusc, when there's a drive on I alwaya Uy lo buy an extra one or two." "We've done tho name in our family, too. Judge. We figure the more we b«y better we equip our men... the W ™? they'll finish Uieu big job and come marca ing home again." .. „ . ' _« f 'That'Bthesphit.Josh.Ai«llet'8be8u«oj one more thing. Let's be sure that thj*g»* 1 ? n backtothesameldndofpkc*theyW they are away and can't express ^ F ^ Z t let's not make any decisions on thinsP^, are going to concern them in years to con Hostess ir tuning of I rctortainc Club, the oi netting of t over thc scs i.ddio Bcrthi tit* previous Jean Sbanno each membci Year's resoli A rrotes! ducted by Jc ty the grou: MEcluded wi article, "Bel AWie Berth The girls <&inp room lie made a the candles i freshments ( w»d shape olives A nainder of i flaying gam 1DAV, J A N U A R Y 10, 19-15 FE ? "4 Tv. a' ii //ff'.rW t • I I'AGE FIVE THE BIG BEND SENTINEL, MARFA, TEXAS . Parties . ifcik 1N FORMS Zo;:icl>l Friilnr . . Women's Interests . . . Circle Members Monday Night Guests hRT, Williams Home InB. Music Art Clubs Dinner Tuesday P E R S O N A L S Centennial Program Night in Brite Home L. S. Piatt was a visitor in Sand- Presented by Baptist For Members of Council erson Wednesday. Church Group Monday William Allison went to San Ink . . by Pint, by Quart Buy Skrip or Quink in quantity and save. At the Sentinel, of course.—adv Complimentary to members or the Angelo and Dallas Friday of last In obicrvan:e of a century of work Women's Council o f the First Chris- week. >y Southern Baptists, members of the tian Church, Mrr. L. C. Brite enterMr. and Mrs. F. C. Mellard left Marfa Baptist Missionary Union pretained w i t h a dinner party in her Sunday for several weeks visit in Hot sented a centennial program at their home Tuesday ni;.:ht, the occuMon be- Springs, N. M. Monday afternoon session held in thc ing the January session o f the organi- Visitors in Slarfa during the week- church. zation. end wero Mrs. Joe Turner and chilAnnouncing an tbe theme for the Tho .spacious r o o m s were softly dren of El Paso, who were guests of year, "Facing Tomorrow With Cod," lighted with candles burining iu silver Mr. and Mrs. Bob Turner. ind the topic for thc month, "Working and crystal candelabra, and the beauMr. and Mrs. Owen Hayncs and Together for a Century," Mrs. Orr **** tifully appointed tables were adorned son, Bobbie, of Artcsia, N. M. spent Kerr, leader, opened thc program. \vi\h . centerpieces of carnations tho week-end here, guests of her sis Tho Bible study, taken from the third flanked by cahdlcs in crystal cande- tec, Mrs. Lynn Forbes, and family. chapter of First Corinthians, and labra. Thu turkey dinner was served Mrs. O. A. Knight and daughter, given by Mrs. S. M. Swearingci, was ** < ; * «vA «Ar-»Bf---*.Jir«»«. hiitf-t fy!c, and assisting Mrs. Brite .ill*.. .JUll U J U n a i H , tell/ >» vuiifcaua^ ,ui followed by discussion of the v.*c ••Little brownie" Shelled with the serving were Mrs. Hester two weeks visit with Mr?. Knight'samong Southern Baptists before 1845, Pecans are pleasing many Brite Dunkle ar.d M r r . Cay Howard. rr: - - rt^r-..^1,..1 • In. i.1111 sister. Mrs. H. Guyon of Deming, N. their organization during that year, ?*»-;»-» of our customers'. For At tli.> i-nnrlnvian e f the dinner 3!lV. {CllOWlUg UillM.1" ".nd a century of progress. Women HI. saiads, other kitchen use, George Crosson w a s honored b y t h e taking part in these discussions wcrs ¥ 7 •* ties ilouuay night: Mr?.. A. M. MeCnbc nnd Mrs. for eating just any time, hostess, who presented her with a Mrs. Harper Rawlings, president; Claude Lee went to El Paso Tuesday Mrs. Jack Kelly, Mrs. H. F. Darr, the "Little Brownie" in birthday cake, white confection with Mrs. Charles Taylor and Mrs. 0. G. Mrs. Walter Garnett, vice-president; and were accompanied here Wednesthe glassine bag is "just pink candle decoration. The cake v/as day by Mr .and Mrs. T. C. Mitchell Lewis. In conclusion centennial Mr;. Jack Williams, recording secrer right." Gct them at Porter served with ice crcain and coffee. plans were told by Sirs. J. II. Bradwho hnd been spending the past two tary; Mrs. L. L. Warner, treasurer; Drug Co., The Rexall Following thc dinner thc meeting weeks there while Mrs. Mitchell has ford, president of thc Marfa women's Mrs.'Charles Stuckey, reporter. Store. was called to order by the president, been convalescing following nn eye op- organization. Concluding thc evening's session Mrs. H. H. Kilpatrick, after which eration. Mrs. Williams served refreshments of Hostesses for the day were Mrs. Mrs. S. L. Plumbley, devotional leadtandwiches, cake and coffee to the Bill Bunton and Mrs. W. T. Davis, er, took charge. She chose for her UP T O H E A L T H — These following: who after the program, served reLambuth Circle subject, "Faith," taken from Isaiah are two of the patients nt Mrs. Harold Webb, Mrs. Hascom freshments of pic and coffee. •10, giving a brief history of the Group Monday Guests Webb, Mrs. John Harper, Mrs. V. A. Crippled Children's Clinic Attending tWe- meeting were: prophet Isaiah; also of the prophet Bridgeport, Conn. They are Hurtclli, Mrs. Robert Humphris, Mrs. Mrs. Jpck -Kelly, Mrs. Bill Bunton, Habakkuk, discussing thc conditions Of Mrs. William Harper practicing muscle re-educaHoward Kerr, Mrs. H. L. Lcithead, Mr?. O. G. Lewis, Mrsr. Charles Tay^ of their day with-, reference Ui our tion exercises.to overcome A diiwttssion of the revised guide lor, Mis. J. A. Bradford, Mrs-. Ben Mrs. Jack Williams, Mrs. Bruce L. pccsiunt tinic, and stressing the need of the after-effects of infantile for thc Women's Society of Christian R. Pruett, Mrs. H. F. Darr, Mrs. J. Brown. Mrs. narper Rawlings, Mrs. such faith by Christians today tho paralysis. "March of Dimes" Service-was thc main item of inter- M. Hurley, Mrs. Orr Kaer, Mrs. C. T. L L Warner, Mrs. Walter Garnett, work! over. Sim concluded tbe servie; funds have made it possible est -brought, before the Lambuth' Cir- Mitchell, Mrs. McKie Mitchell, Mrs. Mrs. Herbert Harder. Mrs. Lynn with a prayer. for the patients at the cle session Monday afternoon when E. T. MacDonald, Mrs. S. M. SwearForbes, Mrs. John Bryan, Mrs. Bridgeport institution to reThe study program, with Mrs. O. A. the group of women were guests in Charles Stuckey, Mrs. Joe Buntcn, ingcn, Mrs. W. T. Davis. ceive physical therapy treatBarton aa leader, was then entered i n - tht; home of Mrs. William Harper. Etmbers; Mrs. J. H. Cass, a guest ments. to. She gave thc lesson, taken from The program, as arranged for thc new Norma Nelson the book, "Southeast o f East," re- year's work, was also read to the Stovo Oil & Furnace Oil. Ph. 97. adv. viewing r. chapter oi» the description Entertain Girls' Girl Scouts Plan and geographical location o f the Is- . A refreshment plate consisting of a Club Thursday Night Program to Aid in lands in the«South Pacific,' including yuh.d with sandwiches, cookies, olives Hostess in her home Thursday March of Dimes Drive Malaya, Sumatra, Java, and thc coral ami tea, was served by Mrs. Harper Your atollf. better-.known as the whole to tho following: evening of last week, Norma Nelson area in the tropica. She discussed the A weiner roast in the backyard of. entertained members of the Acme 5Irs. Lon Chambers, Mrs. R. N. Club, the occasion being their first the home of Mrs. Ernest Williams, physical nature,"habits, customs and Settle, Mrs. Hettie Teas, Mrs. J. W. meeting of thc new year. Presiding sponsor for tho intermediate group of religious beliefs of the natives of Peevey, Mrs. Charles Bishop, Mrs. Dover thc session was the president, Girl Scouts, provided entertainment theso islands, with the problems en- A. Flynt. Mrs. G. A. Monkhouse, Mrs. Is Here ».dd:o Bertha Holmes, and minutes of for the girls Saturday morning when countered and to be encountered i n W. FT. Tbornburg, Mrs. W. 11. Mitch S e l e c t from a pleusing selection of— the previous meeting wcrc read by thcy met for thc purpose of making the christianization of these people. ell, Mrs. J. M. Rosson, Mrs. J. H. A business period followed and the Casa, Mrs. H. B. Holmes, Sr., Mrs. Jean Shannon. In answer to roll call, plans "for their January project—a SILK each member told of one of her New puppet show, to be given during tho Missionary benediction concluded thc Dora Hurley, Mrs. Nelson Wurglcr, GABARDINE assembly program at 1 p. m. Friday, session. Year's resolutions.. Mrs. Joe Bunton, members; Mrs. J, LINEN January 2G, in the school auditorium. Present Tuesday night were: F. Bennett of Pecos, and Mrs. A. A Professor Quiz Program, eonJEKSUY Mrs. H. H. Kilpatrick, Mrs. G. A. Gardner, guests. ducted by Jo Ann Tyler, was enjoyed Proceeds from thc program will be contributed to the March of Dimes Howard, Mr3. O. A. Bunton, Mr;. ty the group, and the program was Maude Shannon, Mrs. T. C. Crosson, 0. L . Shipman, Mrs. S. L. Plumbley concluded with the reading of nn drive. rs. N. J. Allien, Mrs. R. E. Baygent, M'i. Mcrritt Finley. Mrs. J. C. NelA fire, built in the yard oven by tne ariicie, "Behavior in General," by girls, one of the first things of this Mrs. Monroe Slack, Mrs. Hester Brite son, Mrs. George F. Crosson, Rev. and Addie Bertha Holmes. The girls -were then invited into the type taught to the group, wns fol- Dunkle, Mrs. W. B. Johnson, Mrs. Mrs. Robert F. Bristol, and th' dining rcom to witness the hostess as lowed by thc roasting of the wciners, Gay Howard, Mrs. M. J. Hughes, Mm. hostess, Mrs. Brite. ihe made a wish before blowing out and tho remainder of thc menu conthe candles on her birthday cake. Re- sisted of beans, cabbage slaw and freshments of Russian tea, cake, dia- buns. Providing further diversion mond shaped openfaced sandwiches, wcro games of volley ball, jump the ad olives were served, and the re- rope, and similar outdoor sports. mainder of the evening was spent in The girls met again on Wednesday evening in the Scout Shack for their Paying games. first play practice and also discussed purchase of uniforms. Bridge Club Members thoAttending tho weiner roast SaturGuests of Mrs. Mitchell day were: Sandra Harder, Mary Jack EdComplimentary to members of thc wards, Mary Louise Bradford, Shirlev Friday Bridge Club, Mrs. Clay MitchSmith, Helen Ann Cazell, Pat Kelly, ell entertained in her home last FriIsobel Ivy, Donna Richman, Eloise &y afternoon. Three tables were arCooper, Dorothy Sue Collins, Sadie mi for the players and at thc Nan MeSpadden, members; Mrs. H. "inclusion of n number of games C. Harder and Mrs. Williams, asrriics wcro awarded. High score for sistant leader and leader of the group. M» dub group -was presented to. Mrs. 'nmk Jones and Mrs. Jack Edwards Wooden desk trays. Sentinel—adv. weired the guest prize. Iced drinks and coffee were server! Mitchell to the following: Joel Wright, M. D. «»• K. I. Bledsoe; Mrs. II. A. Cof™W.Mrs. J. W. Christopher, Mrs. B. P R I V A T E HOSPITAL "• Davij, Mrs. Gay.noward, Mrs. With installation of the recently jetted officers as thc major portion .»the proKrnm, member-, of the Suunnah Wesley of the Methodist rturch were guests Monday night in 1 home of Mrs. E. T. Williams. Thc remainder of the program consisted of opening song, "Evening Prayer," the group, and a vocal- solo, by Mrs. Lynn Forbes, with Mrs. WilIi»Bs playing thc piano accompaniBent. In charge of the installation seri i - w n thc circle sponsor, Mrs. Joe Bunton, prcsmein. ui ........ .-c tittr of Christian Service, and the mm 6«: .41 8"' j H k r I I I c «««2,- : SPRING...1945...FROCK 0 © R S 1 You're my kind.«.. Have a Coca-Cola n "Rink .Tnn#w 1f« * •»» -mm- *^ y . ««• Kerr Mitchell,'Mrs. Joe Mitchell, "*nl*rr; Mrs. c. L. Arthur and Mrs. «k Edwards, cucsta. J Youll Like A Desk Calendar Therie s one for you at tho Sentinel the first year, only refill is r-for Surgical, Obstetrical and Medical Patients ALPINE, TEXAS **4)-adT. ... or allies enjoy a friendly pause Distillate- Furnace O i l —Telephone 97 NOW ! H. MARSHALL . . . . Texas Company Consignee There's a friendly phrase that speaks thc allied language. It's Have a Coke. Friendliness enters thi picture when ice-cold Coca-Coir, sppezrj. Over frosty bottles of ice-cold Coke, minds meet and hearts arc closer together. It's a •iappy custom that's rprcndlng 'round the globe. Coca-Cola stands for the pause that refreshes,—has become an everyday high-sign of friendliness among people cf good will. ( J> p Hl T o d a y D o n ' t Delay l O T U t O UNDII AUTMOIITV Ot THC COCA-COIA COUFANY SY C O C A - C O L A BOTTLING C O M P A N Y OF M A R F A It'* natural for popular I to acquire/ friendly abbrcvla* Hons. That'* --ay you hear Csca-Cola called Cekei .JMl.«lir».|Ctl: Farm Census Work Begun !o Determine U. S. Polenlialities H. M. Fennell Doinjr Enumerating I'.i Portion Of Three-County Territory 'I'lii' agneidtural i-'-".'.!IYC> i i l i d • t a c t i o n <•:' t h i * s e c t i o n o f |>ro West Ti'xa w i l l Iii' r n i e u t l l y t a b u l a t e d i n thi- I'.u Census rat v.i.'.. which got ruder T h i . im-Jmli'.. ('••untie tin- w a y la*! iiinrl.'—i iu tin' Sixteenth Civigrossioi:- I'Mint. :i! II. M. Fennell will dn rnmucrat- tlie ing in Presidio county. ••I-Iiuin-.'-r.ii'ir. n i l ! •.•.1. I.;;;;.- :;-f:>rillation ' " i firm stlV is u. tic! linn ::.-:i:n:i .•nd a (ii-zc ! - -.- i : l;:t:c!i a m ! ..till- thing; Carm (ij't-i .1- s:,i.l (•:1111. V . I S w i : .••'•art. 1 •<-t Cen-us S;ipt v v i s o r , IVc InV W!:II i s v i i i i n g c.'Ui'ty . - r a t s 1.1 lie D ' i . t i ' c ; . c n : • i : ! ' v it h «• >:ir.' y a-.-cn A.A.A. ivpn-scntativcs anil recently appointed enumerators. ' [ ' ' " l i n i n g ha.:* been given mure than thirty enumerators already at work in the S i x t h District. Two enumerators are needed for Rrrwster County, and nne each fur Midland. Jeff Pa us, and Tern 11 Comities. The t e : i . i s under act Swioehavt of l . i ! ; i e v e r y live Cotigrev..-. and years, Mr. >n I ' i n ' j i a i ' t o " " v c i - v n n e c o n t a c t e d in c i i l - -riP'-aled f o r a s ^ s t a r v e *!'.-'. ."••''. ' - 4 E~=5 • n'ttrtniirii. 1 a c e n r a t e i l l format i n n t h a i and it m a y le agricultural Mr. and .Mrs. Walter I'olsky returned Friday from Palhn wbeiv they spent a wee!;. Mrs. C*. W. ("rui-on spent several days la't wtek in El i'a.«o, returning Friday. Sam Johnson left Sunday for several days trip to DalLu and other points in that vicinity. Mrs. F. A. Mitchell. 31M. .1. M . Rosson and Miv. J . II. Marshall, Jr. were Alpine \isilor.i W^dncsiluy. Mr«. II. H. Holmes, Sr.. nnd Mrs. Charles Itishop were visitors in A l pine Wednesday afternoon. Mis. J . F. Dennett of I'rcos was a gue«t the first of thc week in thc Jack Edwards home. Mr«. William Allison sp^nr H"> Ti-!<;t week-end in Sonora, where she was a guest of hcr parents, Mr. and M r j . M. G. Shurlcy. Mr. and Mrs. II. I.. Stuckey left Ir.st Friday on several days trip through the central und youth part of the state. A guest of Mrs. II. F . Gcarhart during the week-end was Miss Edna Morton, who was here to attend thc party Saturday night complimentary to . M A R F A O X R O U T E — C h a r t o f s i x routes o f a feeder airline Major Benjamin F . Gcarhart. .. * .... :,. ....... . . . .rwl 4-U/> r * / » » » i t n i i « i f IF A i f ^orVlCb. After several weeks visit with hcr >\JiH*i!t i l l i l*.\»t."* « i « *« \_*W*4*«»»M«**»J hu.'band. Ensign L . I,. Warner, stat!u; A i r T r a n s p o r t D i v i s i o n o f G l o b e A i r c r a f t C o r p o r a t i o n o f tioned at Miami Reach, Fla., M r ? . Fort Worth, Texas. Th»"'c r o u t e s w o u l d o p e r a t e i n a c l o v e r Warner, accompanied by their chill e a f p a t t e r n out o f F o r t W o r t h , connectinjr w i t h t w o o t h e r s dren, who bail btrn staying with her o p c r a ' t i n g o u t <:l" S a n A n t o n i o , a n d o n e o u t o f H o u s t o n . T h e r o u t e |i|.-:n o f t b e C i . i ' i m i ' n i t V I S r e c l . - e n r i i V e . T h e o i l i e r i t . i i l y s l i ; ; ! s l parents in Houston, returned to .M.'.r- c r i i c c , F-Tt W o r t h , shows that w o u l d c o v e r the r o u t e i n r e v e r s e o " - I'.I the latl-f pait of k-.-t wcv!:. i total U r b a n Y DAY - Till- 1 Marfa AAF Man Knows Coldness of Greenland A i COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE —Telephone CG2—. LIGON INSURANCE AGENCY 1 j.,, Bowt ¢: Itowdcn land. K- * jesbunr, E j. P.. P»n Carte A. Amlcrs Jlkh"*' If jl. Zimpe'» oVrson V. „11, Ccrtr ruober, Jj v v r £ , n PeSrain. J 5:30 A. M. Until ? SERVING: Breakfast—Delicious Dinner, MEXICAN FOODS FRIED CHICKEN —and many other delicious foods STOP IN AND SEE US ! STEVE'S QUICK LUNCH B e e r Sandwiches atv, Farr Cdcnan, i Or. MiswDy.P-H ff. Elbsrg yandcrbur' j. Dnnstar Brewn, An KT, Ro*--l< Autkcny, 1 Oib-rt. Mi Cstf.J. G. K. Matthei jfarr, Per , « ir*» Winter's Here Be Ready PLUMBING Phone 164 Done Right for— Ei r TT> VT * sifT* rx-wr WATER-WHITE TREATED DISTILLATE . . . Fuel Products On Which You Can Depend . . . HEN RY Toltcc Petroleum Co. THE PLUMBER —Keep Your Tank Filled ALWAYS— —Phone 30 r AUSTIN". Jan. !7.—Many a school | A / S I.atimcr was in the for/ei S t o v e Oil & Furnace Oil, Ph. 07. adv •la.-hcr ha- d t t - i r i i - i i of having te-t! waste.-, of Greenland for over .n y: • l a i n g r a . i r d in a twinkling of an j with the First Arctic Search and Reseye, ami today such a thing is almost i cue Squadron. :• t e a b ' i e , s-.i y s D . i l . T . Manuel, di-j The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, in :i tie oi" ri'sear.h at the University ' an aitirle nbout the squadron, said. I'N.is for the Texas Commission 'Men of the squadron were h a n d picked by so rigorou-- a ihi'S'licatie:: ( eordination in Education, It- the i-cc ,-,f an clcttrio scoring ma- t h a t l e s s t h a n t e n p e r c e n t o f t h e s e nnd stai'.ila:d eemparalile test o r o g i n a l l y a s s i g n e d w e r e a r c e p t r d . " hii.e.I:. : 1 - - . 1 1 1 , i .oiii) pupois v«ui . l, :.. ... i .. .-. . . a d c i ! j cr ho;::-. Dr. Manuel s n y s , j t h e i r c o m m a n d i n g office /111 11IV11 IMU" 1111. A ; • I • • • ..• 1'. ' . JI.v . i , , . •vheiv.".s if the machine we re not u^ed. Ilotmar';, and two enli.-ted men who io t.ior-. thai '." io J0 p:i]i •rs covld be had becTi with Admiial P.> rd on his graded in a i!:r,. itietic expeditions." TeiephoneThe scoring machine is usei".:! not 325-J . . . or . '14 only because it saves the teacher hivirs Distillate & Fuel Oil. Phone <>7. adv. of drudgery, but also because from the 'est- important information to use i •:i adapting education to individual differences can IK' obtained. Dr. Mant'ol pointed out. Such subjects as arithmetic, English, reading comprehension, vocabulary, .ii.d vocational interests may ho -cored on the machine. With the machine, the University (•tHce serves Texas high schools and colleges. Dr. Manuel said. BUILDING —Repairing —Plastering —Painting: R. E. BROWN - 1 lariT- *' Hsnt, Am dii-turbcd. 1 J 10= «• ; fdl-L- " e Use the handy Withholding Receipt (•intiilr.tplicatc) to tell employees of San Antonio would ')•• tbe beginning 111 11 wages and withholding amount. ami end of Route 5, which, would have Carbon inserted! At the Sentiuri. adv jlo|is at San Marcos, Austin, Iliv.wnwood, San Angelo, IVco.i, Alpine. Maria, Drydcn. Del Rio and U\utile. The plane would make the trip in tl hours and r>0 minutes. Oklahoman, A A F Officer Gets Promotion JESS BY '»'•«' ami more Marfan, „ /•cogn,-„-'g the value of ?h "merciiandise" off.-.,| t,„ T IIou,e „r ,,^3^ r.oiiuh'.lioil I m i n u t e s . , SSS' «3 D AY V..,, . 1., ,. ; . .'..it ., , . I I I , . T. T l l t i l l c h l O S l ' l l t i r . l t ' l'o V 'ill' l ' j i ciiu-.i a n d viiit w o u l d a m o u n t to 5 h o u r s a n d iiss citir of ".•"•.'11.."'HI .-nn) would make connecT ! i i > i -. c ; - - i ' r i . i ! ! y d e A r a b l e i n v i e w o f tions, with major nil Itf-s .serving oir.ht t h e nest-war planning. !-:t!ier cities in the state, j C.\S would eo.ee I.UPP unite mili-.•.ivpn-'es o f ta::- [ i n the total elapsed time of.".'!*; hours. • M i l l i ! he e.M i ! i invi'Uigation. | Twelve daily flights would be Jiiade, ation. regulation .-1. _ . . i i v c .survey '..ill c o v . r two on each mute, with one operating Tl rue agriculture. It is cloihwi-e. the other counter-clockevery pha-e o f limited only b y those f a r m s o f t h r . e wise. Only three out-of-state stops acn-s cr less , o r h y tho-e w h i c h p r o - are included in the plan. These arc duced lc>.; than S^oO worth of pro- at Ardmotv nnd Hugo, Oklahoma and ducts in 1014. ' Lake Charles, T,a. Announcement of promotion from "Ranchmen and farmer, nr-ed have Tort Worth is the terminal for 2nd I.t. to 1st I.t. has been made for no tear of the information being used • href routes. San Antonio for two and Joseph S. Dottier, Jr., Marfa Army by any other agency of thc Govern- Houston for one. Air Field Weather Officer, by Colment," Sir. Swinehart asserted. "The Route X (light would start and fininformation given is transferred to ish in Fort Worth and would .mrv<» onel A . J . Kerwin Malone, commandnunch cards at the Census Bureau in Gainesville, Ardmore. Wichita Falls, ing officer. The 22-year old meteorologist has Washington, and thereafter identifi- Vernnr, Childro-i, Plninv icw. l.ubbeen stationed here since September, cation is possible only by number." licok, Sweetwater, Stamford and KM.'!. Hc has attended thc MeteorThc enumerators already at work ology Training Detachment nt thu report that quite a large, per cent of University of California in I.os Allthe farmers wanted to know if tho udes and the A A F School of Applied Census had anything to do with in-. i Tactics at Orlando, Florida, • '(ime taw They are all assured that Although a dreaded t h o u ^ h l lo', A native Oklahoman, Lieutenant it does not. laiu'bers. no matter how severe the.Bottler was a research engineer for I I(~! >»<•"» P. f1 A , winter may become in tho Dig Bend the Carter Oil Company of Tulsa TolIMtVmC t apCr d r a d e r jcountry. A / S William M. I.ntim?r ofi lowing his degree in chemical "iigiI»OOIl tt) T l l ' c d I n s t r u c t o r A v m > ' I'ieb'. will not bo • m-cring at Rice Institute, Houston. K*S ?( j ,1 T ; w e ; :!,! M s,-,--.o s,-,--.o ns w i t h a roteutialitie-. t ^'.-JANUARY For Best Results — Try Sentinel WantAds" PERSONALS for l i o . s i h h - io f(-.•111-1' a t r u e g u i d e t o t h e natinn'> mm THE DIG BEND SEXTLNEL, MAKFA. X£J*AS I'.* W . SIX A. u. •••»• Orr, Eilwit at F. W. jfrj. Fram T. Sctwn; ftrortiile Kleber, CI fchsnitab EtHe Job" colph E. I: Hcnson. 0 pn.«, Anst S He Cri"ith. nd H. Gr Utrtin J. Cro.1T. Be Pro$«er, C Wbalcn, A P. Wincms Tow, Fred ter, C. A. ford, S. L Jintfs R. Eran Niels C. McDom J. L MeF fe. Ixwis 3 Hansomc ; love!!. Th m, Franli Frank A. force Bi TOirwlcy. I C Wittc. Trse. Csr] Iff, Ralph ^ L Lani focrt, B. I Mi. Looi «y,Wn.l h C. Wit H. Smelsei Itimer, Jo' B. P. Lejra BtiAholdei »J B. Na? Bwddinj;, Poor, J. J *OM A. )! B«nrif, W. WiDiam K Iwgliton. kT»n, *Vi 1- Meachai Jsa J. Bi |!~ Kinp, Royalties i 5oro-»itz, Comi 0-A.Woo Cotapany i fartnershi **o*lc asso. -S.Givei I. Pot florence f«r«. Mi - L Gat Smith, R. %d, Geo Holds, J. f J J S ; «y»ltyC •odation, fete. R. V i n c e n t Borlcske Calf. C, **y Com *erahj Walla Walla, Washin ton K Tha Sign of Insurance Service ii I ' . . Mnke it a -point NOW to be Hure that your assets are fully protected hy insurance... Member Extension Committee, Rotarv Iniernational 1944-1945 has a message that you will enjoy in -Hie fullest measure . . . HEAR HIM Friday Night, January 26— at 8 P. M. HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM . . . Marfa —No Admission Charge HUMPHRIS •Insurance Agency— —Telephone 162 — p> v..'. *• *-s ssctf^r c t ^ ' t s s a U chm««<» \ . . Ue beW««i*« -' « u « victo<Y. S.SoW* 1 r Pro, bandrnm, Jnfll. R. - L B„ ^Mcndt i°f-an, R «niH, . Sao p G 1*7 deed f Zander, !!? «»•> «» »f tl C0tIJliy \ > Sponsored in Marfa hy the Alarfa club of And th linden, 1945 THE BIG BEND SENTINEL, MARFA, TEXAS wifo or wi\es, r.t-.u ntikTiov.it wife i r Blk. WJG-.I, GtY.SF Ry Co., except v.-ivc--, and the hu.'.Vand or husband;, that (ci'.r-n 2NL7 acres out of anil a pago 1"!»; Vol. ?•'!, page 2J'J Vol page ^8; Vol. Mi, par'- 7IC Vol , j McMullcn, James C. C. EusLus- nnd the unknown husband or hus- par', of : r;i.I -;,,...,.. ; -„_ ),(,,,.(,. J.agii •)0-:; Vol. 75. page ;iSi> v«.i. M ' . I B > J . . ri T.'T -liCttir; .^Mitfe band!-, of each and nil of C.e abev.i V r o n ' - n n l , Ally" Houghton, f e r e eoiu-ev-d by H:!..-h E . Ridout to page (il«: Vol. 7.'!. p.?i<e 1lt' ;;• I r h y s i c a l b e l l v i y c d l , ,., . iKiPict! defendants who may be marRud.d;.): \V. r.Mlard. by deed duly r e - p:.go 17-; Vol. Ml. page f!:!l , . . . . *" L B 15. Bcronds, A. II. Bor- ried, und the legal heneficiat-ies, suc- corded in ti„. d<vd revord:; ot Presi- page ^75; Vol. 7;'., pug.- E1S Vol. I l l , <-pl. Raymond Q. \';.b-.-.-.:iei;;, 2'). rook, "Forty and After" May Vcl. 7:: Tl M AllbrteM, Thenar II. cessors, and legal representatives <,f dio <"<., T.v.-e, son of Xv. and .Mr--. A. V-.l.-mmcht of w h i c h reference is •pago 17(i; Vol. 75, page ^yl Vol. :.i lie Ilttppy I'vriuil of J.ivin", each of said defendants wlio me de- Hit- made for ; 11 .iii, Box 711, Marfa Texas, recently has pago :iii; Vol. 5'J. pnge tiM; Vol. signated r.* "Trustee." and thc unAUSTIN, Jan. 17.—In order to en- been authorized to -.vear tbe Di.-iin2.VJ; Vol. 75, page -155; Vol. 7".. 1'iainiiff:; aliege mid set u;i title in ia-.i known stockholders, successors, as- f page 'J14; Vol. 75, page 2*>'; Vol. 7;:. joy the best possible health at an age guish<d Ul'it Bi'dge. He vv.f. vradusignees, trustee', receivers, partners, ly •ii simple, in tin n:-elves, n-spectivi'- page 7G; Vol. 7!!. pnge 2G5; Vol. 7.1, beyond forty. Dr. George W. (.'ox, ated from Marfa high rchuol .-ml been ml u i tbe Tcsjiective properties ^ i n ^ o n . William J. Vincent. members and beneficiaries, of each and i ri'.s;uvtivi- int.-i-ests, alleged tn In- page 7fi; Vol. 7", jiage 115; Vol. 75, State Health Officer, advises that per- in the service since November 27, nil of said defendants who rons of thi:: age be regularly examined 1942. He came oversea- in K».'>ni::ry. Ilnlt. Mrs. Michael Holt. J. und. pr-.gH 1*5(»: Vol. 75, page l.Vj; Vol. are designated as corporations, part- ev.iird by ...hid .-vsj.eciive plaintitT.-* as page 201; Vol. 7::, page 208; Vol. 75, by their family physicians to discover 1044. i:gai::-t snid defendants under t h e The award was made by BtigndieiV B. Mndern. Aylma J . Ter- nerships, associations, or trust estates, three, five. tc:. ami twenty-five years page .159; Vol. 50, page 702; Vol. 7:t. in time those ailments which are lihely in each iiiFtnncc where a defendant «Mineral Charles F. Born, Chief r;f pngo 140; Vol. 7", page 180; Vol. 75, to contribute, to ill health. Tcertradc Thomas. Mrs. Jno. statute? of limitation, alleging that is designated as a corporation, such The principal f«,cs uf health con- Staff of the 15th Air Force, to the page 274; Vol. 73, page 190; Vol. 75, tur,J*o. A.CoUIcott, Mr*. CM. defendant is n corporation or a de- plaintiffs and they whose title they pngo .124: Vol. 73, page 217: Vol. 75. fronting the middle years are heart 4i!5lh boiiibaidiiient gioup for its oulViMtrr I- Emmcll. William funct eon-oration, n partnei>hip or l.ii'drespectively,have had and hold page 277; Vol. 75. page 135; Vol. 75. di.sc.ist', canci-:*, kidney disiase, high > tanding peiformaiiee on a mission JJf'Amii IK,-d, Lov.b Dubin. W. J. a defunct partnership, nn association cur.tiMiovi. peaceuble and adverse pago 252; Vol. 75, page 25; Vol. 73. blood pressure, hardened arteries, ap- against the Floridsdorf oilreifineryat ^ate.J.6. D^Fond, Gerhard Doror a defunct association, a trust estate posscssier; ol «cid lands, so respec- pago 185; Vol. 73, page 133; Vol. 73, oplexy, diabetes, and arthritis. Ar- Vienna, Austin on July 8, 104!. The Am Farrell C. Crossley, James N. or n defunct trust estate; that thc tively owned by said plaintiffs, and in page 144; Vol. 75, ptgc 537; Vol. thritis is conspicuous among these <li- Floridsdorf refinery was feeding a ALBU, C. F. Desman. James W. places of residence of each of said de- the interest nt, respectively owned by 73, page 11C; Vol. 75, page 304; Vol. M-asi.-K because it is seldom fatal but is considerable amount of oil and gas tn jTj , . B. Garter, M. H. Confendants are unknown to plaintiff and them, •.indcr tbe conditions and in the 75, page 300; Vol. 73. page 139; Vol. probably the most common cause of the Nazi Wvlirmucht and Luftwaffe. Dv P. H. Cohn, ^ 2 ™ Corwin, P. to his attorney, and the Jian.es and manner am! for the length of time re- 73, page 191; Vol. 73, page 77; Vol. suffering and disablement. The 4C5th bombers battled thcir way Elberg. J- S. Foster, Mrs. Julia places of m-idence of the heirs, suc- quired and provided by said Statutes 73, page 75; Vol. 73. page 170; Vol. through a savage enemy flak barrage Periodic physical check-up:; arc adhnderlnrk. A. D. McDonald, Marie cessors, executors, administrators, as- of Limitation. Plaintiffs seek to can- 73, page 182; Vol. 73, page 201; Vol. vised, as are the avoidance of over- to launch a devastating attack upon r Dnnstan, Mike Kline, Mr*. Mary T. signee, trustees, receivers, benefici- icl nnd remove clond from their tit!e< 73. page 281; Vol. 73, page 108: Vol. weight during the middle ycars of the target. Their bomis scored direct Brown, Annie Cotes, Gcorjre F. Scnaries, bgal lepicsentatives, devisees, to said respective lands by reason 73. page 181; Vol. 73, pago 225; Vol. life and the observance of the natural hits on many units of the refinery. ROKIICC Fromhcrtz, Edith M. legatees, reversioners, and remainder- thereof, o f tbe following Oil and g;n 75, pago 553; Vol. 75, page 271; Vol. restrictions imposed by iiicrea^inij; Attkony, Miss Martha Minor. Hilnn men o each and all of said defendants Irase- r.r.ri the followiivr royalty 73, page 145; Vol. 59, page 753; Vol. age. Persons v ith damaged hearts | ViSltOT a r ftter. Minnie G. Smith. Catherine wbit may bc deceased, as well as thc licr.l-, cxei-ijted by thr then owners or 73. page 171; Vol. 75, page 30; Vol. should learn their limitations and i (it*. J. G- Robinson, F. n . JInn>, II. punifTted owners nf said lands so 75, page 385; Vol. 73, page 280; Vol. never exceed them. In general, they A guest in thc home of Mrs. John wives nnd husbands of said defenv. Matthews, T. II. Majrner, Wm. R. dant" who may bo married nr who coven-) by and dr?cribrd in said oil 75, pago 330; Vol. 59, page C30; Vol.should avoid excessive fatigue, hard Hamic and Mr. and Mrs. .lack MeckMoorr, Percy Mallctt, G. A . Mcjerick. roc X T »*r* T T -»' nmy have been married, are unknown am! g.is leases and royalty deeds, set 73. page 144; Vol. 75, page 200; Vol. a g e d .^-crt:.-.:), r x p v . s u . „ ir—« AlfVtuJ Mjvntlli \ . TT fort>. a i i d listed in tbe two schedules 75. page 229; Vol. 75, page 274; Vol. i e t o c u m land Boyd Wilson of El Paso. Mr. tc. iik.intifT and tn bis atto.iiev heic;n. wtt weather; thcy rhould eat moderA. u. "^ * herrinafte- set out. as well : i ^ all as- 7:1, papo 250; Vol. 73, pngo 34; Vol. defendants. GREETING: ately, use tobacco sparingly, if at all, Wilson was wounded while serving in Orr, Edwin 0. Suppiger. J. K. Sto-.vsigr,n-cnt!. :tiu! cojivr-yance.. tbcii-of by 7.". page 84; Vol. 73, page 88: Vol. ..rid stop all activity lwfore breath- tho armed forces in Burma and rejrt. F. W. Sunanday, Geo. C. Smith, All nf said defendant? are either the grantees mrnid therein and by 73, page 110: Vol. 73, page 105; Vol. cently was discharged from the serlessness occurs. j/rj. Frances Scars, Geo. W. Sell, E. non-residents of the State of Texas or the gr.-.ntcs narr:es in cach and ail 73. page 138; Vol. 73, page 151; Vol. Medical care in middle age has two vice He was here Friday. F. Scfiocriy, Geo. W. Smith, 0. A. the places of residence of each and all of raid assignment- :;:;<! conveyance'-, 73. page 152: Vol. 73, page 100: Vol. aitns. The fu.->; prompt diagnosis or Distillate & Fuel Oil. Phone 97. adv. of said defendants are unknown to the tn-vvi: The following oil and g a s73. pagv 178; Vol. 73, page 191; Vol. ftrcrcide, D. F. Kimbrough, L. P. attention to illr.e-s which may mean Kleber, Claude A. Kiliman, Oscar plaintiff nnd to the plaintiff's attor- Iras.--, f m m the heivinafter named 73. page 194; Vol. 73, page 201; Vol. the difference between continued good ney herein. fcSsnrmbcr, Carl A. Johnson, Miss lessors to hereinafter named lessee.--, 73, page 223; Vol. 73, page 224; Vol. health and prolonged invalidism. The & mt3k< Me Johnson, Misr. Bciii Hill, RuTon an- I'uiiiiiiitiidi'd to appear and ujion the respective dates shown, re- 73, pago 401; Vol. 75, page 84; Vol. second aim is as important as the colph E. Herbert, F. P. Kulen, S. S. answer plaintiffs' petition at or be- corded ii; the respwtivc Volumes and 75, page 249; Vol. 75, page 30fl: Vol. first, and that is prompt attention to HMOT. Geo. R. Hrivnak, Wm. Hig-fore ten o'clock A. M. of thc first pagcF of ibe deed records of Presidio 75, pnge 332; Vol. 75, page 333; Vol. any known illness in order that it pn.«, Austin Harman, Jus. C. Hall. Monday after the expiration of County, Te.-Hts, to-wit: Oil and Gas 75, page 358; Vol. 75. page 57S; Vcl. may not progress and to allow an opJis. S. Henderson. John W. G rig-by, FORTY TWO (42) days from the lease from H. E. Ridout et al to O. A. 75, page 423; Vol. 78, page 30; Vol. portunity for a complete cure. Critrith, Leonard Gautiers. Con- date of issuance of this citation, the Wood. Dated March Gth. 1019. re- 78. pape 149; Vol. 78, page 403; Vol. Despite limitations and complicarad H. Goodwin, R- A. Gibbons, same lioing Monday, January TWEN- eon!«..i in Vol. fiR, j>age 513, et scq, 50, pago SCO; Vol. 59, pnge 561; Vob tions, the pocr.nd half of life can be'—J'JT'" Is Vartin J. Bolstad, John H. Ballmnn. TY NINTH, A. D. 1015, at or before Presidio Co. Deed Records, and trans- 59. pago 58G; Vol. 50, pnge 580; Vol. come, thc better half if close attention Cro. H. Bock. Leslie E . Smith, C. W. ten o'clock A. M., before the Honor- ferred by, f;aid.O. A. Wood to Iuvador 59, page 592; Vol. 59, page 617; Vol. is paid to general health, and periodic Pros«er, O.as. Lw Bullock, W. W. able District Court of Presidio Co., Oil & Rttfininj; Cnmpany of Texas, by 59, pagefiCO;VoL 59, page C94; Vol.examinations disclose any incipient flalen, Arthur Weitzman. William Texas, at the Court house thereof in assignment ilatitd April 5th, 13111, re- 82. page 7; Vol. 80, page 382; Vol. illnesses in time for enrlv treatment. P. Winoman. J. II. Voje. Henry J . Marfa, Texas; said plaintiffs' i>cti- corded ui Vol. f>K, page Sin, et scq i»t- 75, page 423. . "You deserve Tow, Fred W. Voclker. W. R. Utter- tion was filed December NINTH, A. raiil Dv -d records. all tKe c o m f o r t Royalty deed.; from Enil I. Ilnroed:, C. A. Tnbbs, A . Lawrence Ted- D. 1044: the file number of raid suit Oil & t'ia^ lease executed by H. E. wit::, receiver of Crown Royalties fcrd, S. L Theobold, J. A. Lewis.being Nn. 37PS; the names of tho paryou c a n get/ Jinrs R. Lowrie, Ozellc Nicholls. ties in snid suit arc: HUGH E. RID- Ridout tn Henry ('. Bracey. dr.*."d Company ct al to Sigmund Rothschild • You nuy not.find il to ptcaunt lo tiavrl th.tc JJVI—but if you'll make A letter received this week by Mrs. Evan Kieknloff, Michael McCabc. II. OUT. ROBERT RIDOUT, and EM-April f-rd. 1020, recorded in Vol. 61. recorded in Vol. 104, pnge 467. your reservations in advance at a C. McDonald, Freeman McWhortcr, MA LOU HOWARD, joined heroin page 152. et. neq of said deed records, Also Oi' & Gas lease executed by Manuel Polanco from Lt. Col. RuHiltonllmtI,you'llfinda meaiurecf and by Hear'/ O. Bracey assigned to Hugh E . Ridout to Gulf Production dolph K. Bmnsvold of the 03rd InKtnuinc comfort that vou'H appreciJ. L McFarlnnd, James H. McIIot- by her husband, George Howard, Jr.. various of tbe defendants li^-einbc- ! Company, Dated March 19th. 1928. fantry, praised her husband, Pfc. ateFO«H1 it raiioncJ, help if tea re— fr.Lwi* N. Rice. R. J. Russell, F. E.as plaintiffs, and each and all of thc Kit IJUlor hiwritslitv it »1:11 freely foie named in this petition. Manuel Polanco, for having conducted 'and. Recorded in Vol. 70. page KuKomp. Joseph Redmond. Wiley D. above named defendants, as defenuvattiM:-. Oil & Gas lease executed by 11» E. j Records- of Presidio Co.. himself courageously whi'e in combat lowell. Thomas E. Reed, Albert. Ra- dants. Ridout to Henry C. Bracey. dated Texas; also oil & Gas lease executed with Co. "K" from June until Noni, Frank C. Reynolds, P. J. Price. Tho nature of snid suit being <utb- April 2nd, 1020. record in Vol. 01, Frank A. Potman, A . W. Pudlas. by II. E. Ridout Guardian of the Es- vember. The letter was concluded iGMrpe Brewer, J. S. Foster, Johnjstantinlly ns follows, to-wit: page 154 el seq of said records and by tate of Robert Arthur Ridout and with the statement that Private Pol|7ilm«lcy. Mi's E. M. Young, Phillip; Suit in regular statutory form of Henry C. Bracey assigned to various Emma Lou Ridout. minors, to Gulf anco was in good health and doing a If. Wittc. Wm. H. Wallace, L. C. trespass to try title for the recovery of the l.erein named defendants. 'Production Company, dated July 11 th. commendable job. In Trta»: Abikrif. t! J****, t o p ^ W , iKrse. Csrl P. Wallinp. John R. Wal- nf title and possession of the followThe soldier, w.:osc wife and son are LuhKict, !\a.!iv-ir*. Thr following royalty deeds fromjjn,2P. and recorded in Vol. ~C: page ler, Ralph E. Wood. Wm. E . Landon, ing described lands nnd prrniisrr. tho hereinafter named grantors to thc 'coO of said deed rcord*; also oil and Mnria residents, has boon in seivi.c 1« ,N*«i** Mfw*: A.r.u^iMrqu*. IA.L Lang, Fred Lehman, .T. A. La- situated in Presidio County. Texas, grantee*-, shown, and recorded iu the l se executed bv K. K. Ridout to for four years, and last year and a Th* Tr«.it ir.t-M- in Lo» A r . ^ e l n . I font, B. H. Loomis, Sallie E. Lowcn- against each and all of the above rspective books and pages of tho deed r\ \r Production Company dated Aug- half of which he has spent overseas. In NW HnsI Koo*sv*!i. llnth. Loni« M. Liebrum, J . J. Lind- named defendants, and the heirs and recordr of Presidio Co., Tcxas as t j t;, 1928, Recorded in Vol. 79. At present he is somewhere in New Ia Old Mexico; PaLitio Hi*ton m Chihuanu*. Guinea. «T, Wn. M. Kerlin. H. P. Kinjr, Phil- unknown heirs, legal representatives hereinafti r phnwn, to-wit: 'paiio. 47 of said deed records. H» C. Witte. Charles Myers. Harrv- ami unknown legal representatives, Royalty Deed from H. E. Ridout to Plaintiffs allege said leases and 111.Smeber. J. A. Juckcr, Emil Wein- beneficiaries and unknown benefici- If. J. McMullcn, dated December 28th. for thc cancellation of each and all of royalty deeds, assignments and conthe abovo mentioned instruments ami |l(imer. John M. Johnson, Andy Solf, aries, successors and unknown suc- 102G nnd T c c n r d e d in Vol. 70 page 600 veyances, nre void and should be canfor thc removal of the cloud from JB.P. Legare, Martin Kowalska, John cessors of each and nil of the above et seq. of said Presidio County Deed celled and cloud caused thereby on plaintiffs' title to said lauds, respecJ Bnrkholder, Jack Petrjanos, Mrs. An- named defendants, and of their heirs, Records. p n v n r i n r » the lnnds therein t;;. ..1,.,,1,! 1,„ ^..n.nt.n.l tively by reason of each and all of ihe legal representatives, descried to which said instrument l l l i C N O A |»»t..»,»«»» o (Effective Jan. 1, 1«J45> MB.Na-r>. Ralph Atkinson. Wm. .T. successors, —- Bwdding, Henry Truelsen, Lizzie J . beneficiaries, executors, administra- and its said record reference is here by reason that all of said leases have instruments above mentioned and n'i (Mountain War Time) P»r, J . B. Nash. Albert Allcnber.'. tors, trustees, receivers, assignees, de- made for all purposes. expired, no wells were commenced or of the conveyances and assignments TO and F R O M Odessa based thereon and thereunder; That p«« A. Moran. Mary Moran, D. B. visees, legatees, reversioners and Also the following loyalty deeds drilled, no oil or gas ever produced, W , W. W. Dnrhnm. H. P. Blount. remaindermen, of each and nil executed by thc said If. J. McMullcn, nnd further because effect of said roy- said action is brought as well to try Lv. Marfa: 5 A. M.; 10:40 A. M.; said defendants who may- to the various defendants named in alty deeds was to create n perpetuity title for damages. I William Kellar, Jonas S. Krall, D. J. of 11:30 A. M. ••¢, Issued this the 9th day of Decem- Ar. Marfa: 2:35 A. M.; 7:35 P. M. jHoaghton. Henry W. Potectc, M. C.be deceased, and thc husbands thc hereinafter listed instruments, to in violation of the Constitution and wives, respectively, of each some portion of said lands involved in Laws of Tcxas. and further because ber, 1944. (By way of Alpine, Ft. Davis, BallKBm, William E . McCullen, Minnie and iiivcn under my hand and seal of morhea, Fort Stockton, McCamey) |l.Meacham, Daniel P. Mathers, Wil- and all of said defendants wlio this snit, said royalty deeds being re- said royalty deeds nnd assignments ar .fc. J. BnHding. Percv O'Brien, .T.imay be man-icd, by the said plain- corded respectively in the deed records time thcy wore executed and ot all snid Court, at office in Marfa, Texas, TO and F R O M Pecos It. King. TJcnry L. J o h n s o n , Crown tiffs above named as to all of said of Pr.-iidio Co., Tcxas, in the respec- times thereafter were treated, dealt, this the 9th day of December, 1944. abovo named defendants, as to al' of CLARA SHEILDS with and recognized by all parties Lv. Marfa: 5 A. M.; 10:40 A. M.; |Royalties Co., n corporation, Earl I. tive books and pages of said deed recClerk District Court 11:30 A. M.; 7 P. M. ifoTitz. receiver of Crown Koval- the hereinafter described lands, both ords hereinafter listed ami shown thereto and interested therein as roy- ( B E A L ) surface and mii.cra!: of all of said to-wit: . Presidio County, Tcxas. Ar. Marfa: 2:35 A. M.; 1 P. M.; alty deed only as to royalty accruing lni ' 'P " Rothschild, lands, thc said plaintiff, Hugh E. Rid—42-4tc. 7:35 P. M. or to accrue by reason of production Vol. 78, Page 4G; Vol. 78, page 107; of oil or gas under leases then existing "A. Wood. Invader Oil and Refining out owning an undivided one-half inTO and F R O M Presidio wrapanv of Texas, A Corporation, a terest in said land, thc said plaintiff. Vol. 7.5, page 02; Vol 78, page 307; or thereafter executed there being no rr 'P. an Association, n Joint Robert Ridout owning an undivided Vol. 7C, pago 83; Vol. 75, page 333; oil or gas leases in existence on said Lv. Marfa: 6:20 A. M.; 6:15 P. M. «oeiation, or a Trust Estate; one fourth interest in snid land, and Vol. 75, pago 193; Vol. 75, page 329; land at time of execution of snid roy(Special Saturday and Sunday SerJanuary 7—Holy Communion, vice also: 1:20 P. M.) -S• Givenns, Henry C. Bracey, Mer- the said plaintiff, Emma Lou How- Vol. 78, pane 223; Vol. 59, page 652; alty deeds or at any time thereafter 11 a. m. Ar. Marfa: 12:15 A. M.; 10:05 P» I. Potter. Elma Gill, Harr>' Gill, ard owning an undivided one fourth Vol 7G, page 536: Vol. 73, page 94; that they were and are void because A. M. Vol. 73, page 78; That certain royalty they nre too vague and ambiguous to I Florence E. Potter, P. D. Hall, F . A. interest in said land. January 14 — Morning Prayer, (Special Saturday and Sunday I "nw. Mary L. Haven, A. P. Fuller, Deed from said McMullcn to Leonora pass or vest any title in said minerals 11 a. m. Service also: 5:55 P. M.) \Lui ' ' G. Lee The lands involved in this suit be- Branam Porter referred to in Vol. 80, in said lands, and further that said January 21 — Morning Prayer, page 17; Vol. 73, page 69; Vol. 59, royalty deed3 were r.nd arc void as to TO and F R O M Fort Davis 2*nR- ' - »• Boyd, R. K. ing described as follows, to-wit: 11 a. m. All of Surveys Nos. Six (0), Seven page C22; Vol. 76, page 370; Vol. 75, any lands therein described which \7JA V° ^ >"". H. "W. ReyJanuary 28—Septuagcsima SunLv. Marfa: 5 A. M.; 10:40 A. M.; Ul n ' » MeMullen Oil and (7). Eight (8), and Eighteen (IB) pago 464; Vol. 7G, page 291; Vol. 75, were State Public School Lands and . . Direct Service: 11:30 P. M. . . day. \2T ^ r e i y , A Corporation, As- in Blk. WJG.-4, GC & SF RY. Co. and Pago C44; Vol. 75, page 403; Vol. 75, in which minerals were reserved by 7 P. M. (By Way of Alpine) Mornintr Prayer—11 a. m. pago ZOO; Vol. 73, page 212; Vol. 75, the State of Texas, because in such and Ar. Marfa: z:3b A. M.; l P. ti.; (This is the Third Sunday beAlt of Surveys Nos. Three Hundred page 405; Vol. 73, page 222; Vol. 73, case and in such event, only tho 7:35 P. M. (By Way of Alpine) fore the beginning of Lent. Thirty one (331), nnd Three Hun- pago 171; Vol. 73, page 218; Vol. 75, owner of thc surface of such lands l w * ° " Santa Fc Rail0 0 1 1 1 0 pago 314; Vol. 73, page 224; Vol. 75, Thc Bishop will be here March Umv ' wrnoration, part- dred thirty two (332), Certificate has a right to lease said public school 26 through thc Good FriLit• n w trust estate;408, A. B. & M. originnl grantee, and page 289; Vol. 73, page 207; Vol. 75, lands for oil and gas and such lands day services). "Production Co., corporation; All nf Surveys Nos Nintcv Eight pago 84; Vol. 75, page 330; Vol. 73, having been subsequently conveyed to *evill, Charles L. Nevill, I,. (98), Ninety Nine (99), Two Hun- pngo 195; Vol. 73, pago 189; Vol. 73, and now owned by snid plaintiffs, all W. H. Martin, Archdeacon dred (200), Two Hundred nnd Two pago 140; Vol. 75, pago 288; Vol. 75, such royalty deeds are now void as to CREWS H O T E L B L D G . PHONE 340 pngo 405; Vol. 75, page 300; Vol. 73, (202) , Two Hundred and Three these plnintiffs. L a w nL a n d r m z l T page 207; Vol. 59, page 775; Vol. 73, (203) , in Blk. Eight (8), GH&SA. Plaintiffs pray for judgment |p 1 p • * i Jonn B. Burgess, Ry Co.; and That Certnin 400.1 ncres page 111; Vol. 73. page 313; Vol. 75, ngninst all of said defendants for pago 355; Vol. 73, page 79; Vol. 75, titto nnd possession of all said lands, Itlair ^ *' °y > - of land out of Survey No. Five (5), pago 300; Vol. 75, page 253; Vol. 75, both surface and mineral titles, nnd Block W.TG-4, GC&SFRY Co., being Om * ' ' ° ' J° P" tho same land conveyed to Hugh E. iago 017; Vol. 75, page 2S7; Vol. 69, ' Ridout by William G. Ridout nnd pago 753; Vol. 75, page 272; Vol. 59, IMH-'IJ i' n n ' . W. L. Morwifo hy eS3*6A»!oa 5;cptcnil>cr 24th, pago 779; Vol. 73, pnge 185; Vol. 59, |rfjM«. ° Jcffers, beini? the 1917, and recorded in Vol. 50. Page pngo C51; Vol. 75, page 042; Vol. 73, M C M U , , E N 1 0 PNID 412, of thc Deed Records of Presidio pago 170; Vol. 73, page 278; Vol. 73, T . . . Let us get your car page 1G5; Vol. 73, page 84; Vol. 73, Co., Tcxas. 1527 « ^ " =' «Pready for WINTER pngo 177; Vol, 78, page 147; Vol. 75, IKGAL NOTICE THESATB O F \s ..: SlPcriedJC Check of T E X A . N I It): ;*<"«•*> Youth, Cook. War .Service f : V i V T K K : r u I 7 C H M i 5 L 0 M T A > \^ r Veteran ; - : ro TRAVEL Marfa Soldier Praised For Courageous Action n n t K a s D o c mm-- Pa u U5 s Bus C < , m p a n y S n Schedules mm fl.rtl'&a* ,I1<, nw!h Saint Paul's Church a J Gaee G L B c y d B m S Sn W a r f Ca]cTn B n Baygent Coaches r " "' P a n y a Bus a 5rp- L J ° ' - - N o v , , , s 3 m N , n n t 0 , ICV^STW 0 R u a r M e n , G N N 9 3 1 N a s c u SC N I 0 5 N O R Nonnn D M MARFA LODGE No. 596 A. F. and A. M. & CLT V- ffffr 5 t c J S ' All of Survey No. TWO HUNDRED pngo 30; Vol. 69. page 662; Vol. 73, "wds of Presidio AND FOUR (204), Blk. EIGHT (8), page 277; Vol. 78, pago 206; Vol. 76, MEETS SECOND THURSDAY **ttlt!t ^ " ' « -r.own hdra, OH&SARY Co., esccpt that certain «l*n«« . " ' "dminiatrate", 175 acrce out of said Survey No. 204 pago 317; VoL YB, page 847; Vol. 73, Mem ben In the Armed neri , ^ "' elvers, benefl- conveyed by Hugh E. RMont et al to pago 119; VoL 73, pago 120; Vol. 73, Tiees especially ravited. ^'lewEL « tfrc3, " Mrs. Lucy Wilson, a widow, by their page 188; VoL 73, page 88; Vol. 76, fciinder^T^' ^ » » > e » . «nd re-deed dnly reenrdM in the deed recordipage 84; Vol. 78, page 46; Vol. 76, . . J. W. CARRIGKR, W. M. ^^}. ! »«a «11 of the of Preeidto Co., Texas, to which wf- pngo 67«; Vol. 76/page 91; Vol. M>, ROBERT HUMPHRIS, S. C. pago 631; Vol. 69, page 682; Vol. 78 Mr, and all of their crcneo in hem made, **° »«7 be leased, and tho All of Survey No. Nineteen (19), page 90; Vol. 7C, page 811; Vol. 73, , * « t i J T ? * (½^, n V o 1 ' 7 5 {T 1 u , Your Car Is Safe In Our Hands.... — C A R WASHING —LUBRICATION Texa* Company Predicts eXeCTtOT w , p T e s m C T 0 —POLISHING n 8 w Depot , t a d c HIGHLAND SERVICE STATION H E N R Y MOLINA d • ) V. ,( . -». • -<>i!$jt. ,»>.«*,-. v v ' ****** THE BIG BEKU SENTINEL. MAKFA, TEXAS FRIDAY, JANUARv ,„ I*A\>E tfli.it I Younff People to Lead --WA NT Marfans Goins; to Sever im* al irlanv Evening Church Service A-: annouiiccd this w e e k by the Marriage Tics Asked Meeting in Mexico pa-tor, the Rev. Robert I', 'iristel. the U. S. Highway «7 Towns erri<"i theme for the Sumlay mornDuring Cout Term Sending Citizens nnd Hriofs ing .civice nt the Fir.it Christian AJl^JTT FOi: S A L E 1'1'J'VMM J:m i" gi«od condition. Sot' Wal.iT Wooley. Mnrfa.—I."-tt|>. NEW Banking Hours f FOR SALE—IS loot Sehuitr. House Trailer. Sec M r s . «'•. W. Man::--iv at Big <\un:s Marfa. beioiv Saturdav morning.—l.i-ltp. MONDAY to F R I D A Y , inclusive: 9 a. m. to 2:?0 P- m. S A T U R D A Y : 5» a. m. to 12, Noon Wot Texan.* who are interestc.i in Church will hc "Tlie Leaven of Chrisrealisation of n d . ' M i e to s-.e ntian Education." At this time the conDamages Sought of j model . i highway between Ojinmra and gregation will lake ji.ii» in the nali::i!ro:id bv -I. <'. Peters: Chihcahua City : u e to be in the e:ipt- t i o n n ! oh-oivnniY of "Higher ChrisSevern! Try Got Your is u . ' . i Suits au, ; i u . tocase • -.Title .10 a c - * till city of the Mexico .-late, Monday, tian Education Day." A special offerX E T i-'EXCE ami STABLES cum]: i-c he chief part of the ! i'of a conference with Governor Fog- ing will be received in .support of the —anil eoart docket that will concern Judge li.i Min-.monte:. who frequently has ;ii.'giam of higher education at Texas Ren-.-.- SUE!-:!' am! C A T T L E Cl'BES . jj' O. M i t.•:•.!.e. ilNtriet judge, when Christian University, Fort Worth. e.\pie.-:fd interest in the highway. from In charge of the evening worship c.e c i i u v e n e s tlie January term n c \ l J. l>. .Motley, Chnmiii-r of Commerce R \WLIXGS STORAGE & '-'O.M. week. Thc grand jurors will report rorweo will be thc young people of thc >-eirotary, saiil yesterday th.tt Me.rfu —1-tf. to Judge Metcalfe at 10 o'clock. Mor:i- 'will bo represented by hi:n.-elf. R. I. church, with Cpl. William J . King, ;ain War Time. Monday nv»rnir.tr. i Rled*"". rv'->ideiil of the C'mmber of organist, playing a brief organ reciAW i.ian or ,,..,,..,-.-1-1 .\"e»e (.•;:•".•.' o n ihe .-.-.nrt <!e.-!.e:. ;» >-:it'ommeivc * this vear. .loo l'h> tne.li. and tal a.- a prelude to tlie program. Un• . i. ' der the sponsorship of Mr.?. S. L . w i e ' ; a- :: O-tenlay afternoon, are: iti. W. Fuller. e.u - • . • ^ : : I •• > ' t . a Ifv.i'i Suit for dicvee: n i t y t " via'-e " • ••: V - W r i . j The trip by the Marf;i!:« and by Plumblcy the young people will preWatkh> IV:-!.- •nt'iatv.ue now and. Burton Kawherw v s . XU-Wi (Alpine's roprcsontatm^—i'.'u-::ii Biir- rent an interesting study --n t'ne Old 1 : t » :,gcss. •• w a n t a n e x . v l l ;v v.riteTJ— ,t. K . Eamlcigci : llenni':i:i Corses Chamber of Commerce Mvsvtary. Testament prophets. The public is most cardial!;.- invited -,-.>=t war M C : i'"v Tj'-SO \V. low:-.!!" " v s . Crur. Tama re::: Vera Conine Pr. ('. Ii. Casey, Worth r re.-.icr—will Ellis liuiTman; Edward be by train from Ojinaga, Saturday. to attend these services. Huffman Watkins Ce-mp e--sw.—to-'-'tp. • I\ Bomar vs. Eula Mae Bomar; The Marfa and Alpine mcn will be Mcmpi'.is. T c : ; : ! Myrtle Rawls Klilcr vs. .James A. F i - joined here by men from Abilene. San On the desk, in thc drawer. There's ller: Angelo, Fort Stockton and Pecos, Mr. a file for the job.—At Sentinel.—adv. WITHHOLDING RECEIPT -19-14 • Thurman Tarkinsrton vs. Ethel T. Motley said yerterday. It is expected Di-tillatc & Fuel Oil. Phone !»7. a-.lv. (The W-2 Rev. Form) jTarkington; Samuel Patsy vs. Agnes that other towns which will have 101.:r Sale at H g I Marie Patsy: Maria Gonzales vs. Xar- lOM-iitativcs at thc meeting ire Dallas. IX quadruplicate, with carbon m-' isco Gonzales; Mary McConnell Me- Fort Worth, Ballinger and Wichita serted. it's better i n several ways. | j , . . , .«. Doak Capps Melear. Jr.; Falls. Emnlcyce-i must be given thtni byip jine Kelly v s . Leo II. Kelly: IV!!:-. Mr. Motley said that a number of Jar.. .Tl. Oris.. Dun. go to worker, j Johnson Hurley v s . .1. M. HuHey: Attorney towns on U. S. Highway (!7, of which triplicate to Collector, quadruplicate | f iee< Morris Young vs. Harold retained for employer's file*. Only; L y Younc: Isaac Glover vs. Mary thc Mexico highway would, in reality, bc a continuation : : i e i-;:.x-ted to have three ccr.ts each! Go n o w at , uisc Glover: Raymond Clarke vs. briefs at the meeting which tell of their — Room 7 — the Scr.tivl.—!4-"te. J Dorothy Asn'carn Ciarkc: C-.-ihi Atcr•. :t-w.< of thc propced a'.t. :y tr.;..;:':^ jta Placcntiilia v<. Jose Placentillia: Marfa National lieh territory nf t!:e .-<-;-ntry the -Thomas Laughccd vs. Pilar A. I . a u g Bank Building south. Xot all will hr.ve pcr-oiini te;:. , , heed. i csrntativcs bat ma: ." will toll, : ;• OLD a l a r m c l o . i .- i f Phone 148 ',"..! Partition suit: Cor.suelo Anaza vs. i'.t'.cr, of their willingness to coops.:arc valuable for their rau<. ' ' Amador Estrada; to adopt minor chilI... t r.vc; ncv.. . '.dren: Paul Johnson and Flurcticuate in securing thc Mexico read. c ! 'the —BIOUNTAIN WAR TIME— Tiie Marfa Hationa. "BanL M E M B E R F E D E R A L DEPOSIT I N S U R A N C E CORPORATION MEMIIKR F E D E R A L RESERVE S Y S T E M . :.,1,1....; U N I T E D S T A T E S DEPOSITORY 1 1 ! c r —Fruits Fred 0. Senter, Jr. v au —Vegetables —Meats rat c r o SEGURA Lo -Delivery Service 1 R A X C H Leans Wantcd-4 per cent interest, nrc-pavment privileges., anv atnotiiTt. anv'time. to try titleE asM. Rulout vs. II. J . McMulltn: trcs- j»' o tr t > - t i l l ? : L ' M ' V' n n e " t r R V , *" K 5 J. C. Fuller. Sec. Treas. !" - — = *•« " *«»<" * * MARFA X A T L . F A R M LOAX j - SwaJTnrd vs. Arnell Earp. ASSOCIATION" ! ^ Suit for damages (H actions): J . LOST—black onvx earrintr centered i Clarence refers vs. T. . X. 0. Raiiwith pearls. Reward. Phone 2 7 1 . l -: try. title: La Mota Marfn. 4."»-!tn. (Ranch vs. W. G. Moody; to adopt .'. _— —'child: Maria R. Rios to adopt FranLOST—child's gold-rimmed glas>es: I c i s c a Rios. lost about three weeks aco. Phone j .",2"-W. Mrs. Robert Humphris, SiicaiTer's Leads—for mechanical Marfa.—14-2tc i pencils. Scnlincl.—adv. r r o a d C o t GRASS FOP. C A T T L E T H R E E and onc-half sections for. Iea;,e; mostly v.over wire fenced: j -.•.•:11 put well or. it if leased; about, one mile southeast of Valentine. • Write P. C. Rush. Carrollton. Mo. j —11-ltp ! f,'r'l-/.f n . m r t - - resident tvnrV • •- r. USE *!*>? CoW Piepaxitions.as .directed v RICE 2 lb. hag BISQUICK is universally understood j I GIVE T H E M OFTEN GIFTS FOR A L L OCCASIONS Bend Polly's Posey Shop T 111 e C o . 00c _ -10 oz. bag U A GRAPE JELLY Oflc C & E ZU 1(5 oz. glass PEANUT BUTTER A £c 2 lb. glass *fr J APPLE JELLY O C c 2 lb. glass VW V Edwards Drip or Reg. lb. Libby's 18 oz. can COFFEE ib. Folgcrs Drip or Reg. Airway The Little Flower Shop On the Corner —Food You'll Like Served the Way You Like It —Open 0 A . M . to 1 A . M. —East of Signal Light On U. S. Hy. 90 Owner—Nila Angler .Manager—Bill Richardson 33 Aristocrat of thrifty coffees, lb. JL I SOUP Campbells Tomato Mountain Pass a for L W PINTO BEANS 1 0 23 Q0 20 oz. can I JL Grapefruit Juice Town House CAFE l\i IU 01 COFFEE In Chili Sauce —PHONE 17— BEST 1 Oc rV\T7<T7tT7>n TOMATO \J\JL XU1U JUICE Across From Courthouse J. H. Fortner, Mgr. I willi xail and pepjier to taste; mix wiili fur!:. .Melt shortening in moderately hut trying pan; drop riif mixture into hut shortening by 1 able-spoonfuls: fry until golden linnvn laming once. S»TVI» with heated ::yniit. .Make.-t 11.' small <>.- (i large liikes. rZIES MUSH wi'.ir 1 cup c o r n m c a ! I tsp. s i l t Bring water to lxiil in lop of doub'c boiler over diivet h".!t. Add salt. Add eo;-n meal gr.nluidl;.". btirring constantly. Conk f i iniuuiex stirring constantly. i iaceo\ er imiiiii); w . i t . r i , v.V.'r. CT.Vik :>0 to tO ii-inutrii. Pour in tbimpcned mold or bread pan. Irf-t stand several hours. Uninold anil slice- in * ^-inel-.-thick slices. Fry in hot shortening until K"!»Ien brown. Serve with syrup. ScrveH (i to 8. . t i m i HINTS FOR EAST MIAKFASTS Cereals may be measured out the night before, ready to cook upon thc addition of water. When cooked in milk they have added nutritional value as well as a different flavor. Using brown sugar instead of whito on cereals gives them a new flavor. Molasses for sweetening is very good, and if eggs ar.? scarce, it helps make up for the iron we would normally -et from them. A crispness and added flavor is given to ready-to-serve cereals if healed i:> n moderate! oven (375* F.) a few •iiimili-x before serving. 4 cups : Arizona Clip tons Ib. lb. ONIONS lb. Sweet Spanish . . Arizona Snowball Ib. 12 nr.. bag 7 15c 5c* 23 18c c c California washed, packed in cello worth SERVICE IE*; I. C. tl. fogg while offered... —tinnirirpppTMri —AUDITS —TAX RETURNS P. O . Box 156 —Telephone 178-J— THESE ARE WONDERFUL WONDERFUL ^ ^ B H H H J T r F s E E M S THAT OUR RECIPES. IF I COULD ONLY FIND SOME REALLY C-OOO MEAT; 7HI3 ONE WOULD BE DELICIOUS. mmM^ lti • i•• •• ii • « X, c i 65 l 33 18 8 O Highway Sliced or Halves c 29 oz. can SUGAR PECANS t ." for & U PEACHES i • i t • s i • i • • s • • • i i • • • • • • • • • s i on. All purpose 11 oz. bars Pure Cane . \ 14 oz. bottle I I _ SWAN SOAP •i iii i ii• i ii ^ c 10 lb. bag f Extra Large, Paper Shells.... 1 lb. cello bag MINCEMEAT In Bulk lb. PURE LARD SHREDDED WHEAT lb. In Bulk Xabisco _ TOMATO SAUCE Ciurdensidc—Point free 1 flc V 12 oz. box ic 7'.™ oz. can SYRUP Oflc Sleepy Hollow Cane and Maple 1G oz. bottle fcU PRICES EFFECTIVE PANCAKE FLOUR 1 flc H through Suzanna Friday, January 19, ?>VJ lb. bag I V • t SALMON a a a 'fy^ 17< Thursday, January 25 Kaylers Chum For Fine Things oz. box Italian Spring variety CAULIFLOWER •t t t t • l f Libby's Brand _ i s -t i i • CATSUP 3 e<!3» Pepper _ 3 c u p s c o o k s d rice Shorteninn S.i It Itoat e:;R'< <<!i,dilly: aild riee: wason lfi oz. bottle I U SPINACH Helpful, Homemaker's Column in tlusj ad. met CAXIS SYRUP Blue Label Karo aw/ert! Do you have trouble getting your '~^~~)f~ ' family up? Then try* enticing thoso I sleopv-hcads with a breakfast ihat • / has sparkle and 2 i p . How? Read the S3 4fi oz. JL\f 1C CARROTS LUX FLAKES SQUASH Wsk$ up Eye-opener recipes o lb. bag Imperial ._ Get the «:iin(?i-»;diV.-!/c Withholding Receipt (W-'> /.v.-.) at the Sentinel: for telling workers their 1044 wages and Income Tax withheld. Carboninserted, easy to use, a copy for employer.—adv. B i g PINTO BEANS Howdy FLOWERS \v X. B. C. Premiums ... 2 lb. box Pre-mix Flour Tlo*-. ( gent Coaches—M-£;e. 1 36' Ale 41 nic CRACKERS Water Maid wanted for PI,.,n.- In 1945 expect more for less at Sqfeway Listed below arc just a few samples of Safcway's low evcry-day shelf prices. Try buying all your food needs for a month at Safeway. Thc savings will bc a pleasant surprise U. S. No. 1 The sincerity of REAL E S T A T E FOR S A L E Two Houses . . . . Many Lots Eight Good Ranches (Well-EquippedI DR. A. J . UOFFMAX PHON'E ICO —15-tf •" f f\ if ' A ^ ' l o WAXTED—Electric sewing machine. J Distillate & Fuel Oil. Phone 97. adv. in good condition. Any model con- J. sidered. Phor-- 158-M. Marfa. i A r FIRST —13-ltc.! PEP.MAXEXT AND .. RINSO LAMB STEW MILK ROUND STEAK Granulated Soap 01c IC oz. can tm I OQc 24 or., box 4>U 0R C Grade A—Point Free Cherub, Vitamin D added, M ' i oz. cans, .1 for Xu Points—Utility Grade—Tender Veal lb. - - Wfr RUMP ROAST Point Prec—Utility Grade Veal b - l - LOIN CHOPS "'" Ofl Point Prec— Utilitv Grade Veal - - lbSTAN'S GETTING ALMOST SEE, JOAN f RESAJ'.Ot-ESS Or GRADE OR CUT, SAFEWAV NAsry BOUT rr. i MUST A eexERRiBiy CUARAHTEES IT. SATISFAC* " OR YOUR MONEY BACK I Point Prec—Utility Grade Veal 1''- " SHOULDER ROAST - L % W f