2016 AAA Resource Directory
2016 AAA Resource Directory
2015 Resource Directory Covering: Caddo County Comanche County Cotton County Grady County Jefferson County McClain County Stephens County Tillman County Association of South Central Oklahoma Governments Area Aging Agency 802 West Main St. PO Box 1647 Duncan, OK 73534-1647 800.658.1466 580.252.0595 Senior Information Hotline: 1.800.211.2116 www.ascog.org Table of Contents FOREWORD............................................................................................................................................... 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 6 WHAT IS ASCOG? .................................................................................................................................... 7 ASCOG AREA AGENCY ON AGING STAFF....................................................................................... 8 ASCOG SUPPORTIVE SERVICES ......................................................................................................... 9 ASCOG MANAGED CARE SERVICES ............................................................................................... 10 ASCOG LONG-TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM .............................................................. 11 ASCOG AREA AGENCY ON AGING ADVISORY COUNCIL ........................................................ 12 AREA AGENCY ON AGING SILVER HAIRED LEGISLATURE ................................................... 13 ABOUT THE SILVER HAIRED LEGISLATURE .............................................................................. 14 ASCOG AREA TRIBAL OFFICES ....................................................................................................... 15 ASCOG AREA LEGISLATORS ............................................................................................................ 16 OKLAHOMA SENATE ....................................................................................................................... 16 UNITED STATES SENATE ................................................................................................................ 16 OKLAHOMA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ........................................................................... 17 UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ................................................................... 18 OKLAHOMA AGING SERVICES ........................................................................................................ 19 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) ........................................................................................................... 19 AREA AGENCIES ON AGING (AAA) INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE ............................... 23 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ............................................................................................................... 26 COUNTY CLERKS .................................................................................................................................. 29 CITIES AND TOWNS ............................................................................................................................. 30 CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE ............................................................................................................. 36 ABUSE ....................................................................................................................................................... 37 ADULT DAY CARE SERVICES ............................................................................................................ 38 ADVOCACY SERVICES ........................................................................................................................ 39 AMBULANCE SERVICES ..................................................................................................................... 42 ASSISTED LIVING \ RETIREMENT HOMES \ NURSING HOMES .............................................. 44 CENTENARIAN CLUB OF OKLAHOMA........................................................................................... 47 CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS ...................................................................................................... 48 COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM AGENCIES ............................................................................. 49 COUNSELING SERVICES ..................................................................................................................... 50 DENTAL CARE........................................................................................................................................ 51 DISABILITY SERVICES ........................................................................................................................ 54 2 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS ................................................................................................................ 55 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/SEXUAL ABUSE/SEXUAL ASSAULT .................................................... 56 EDUCATION ............................................................................................................................................ 57 ASCOG AREA UNIVERSITIES ....................................................................................................... 57 ASCOG AREA TECHNOLOGY CENTERS .................................................................................... 58 ELDERCARE ........................................................................................................................................... 59 EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE ................................................................................................................ 60 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES ...................................................................................... 61 EYE CARE ................................................................................................................................................ 62 FOOD PANTRIES .................................................................................................................................... 63 FUNERAL SERVICES ............................................................................................................................ 65 GRANDPARENTS RAISING GRANDCHILDREN ............................................................................ 68 HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS ............................................................................................................... 70 HEARING AID ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS ....................................................................................... 72 HOME HEALTH/DAILY LIFE ASSISTANCE PROVIDERS ........................................................... 73 HOMELESS SHELTERS ........................................................................................................................ 76 HOUSING.................................................................................................................................................. 77 LEGAL SERVICES.................................................................................................................................. 80 LIBRARIES............................................................................................................................................... 81 MEDICARE AND MEDICAID ............................................................................................................... 82 MEDICAL SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................... 83 MENTAL HEALTH AGENCIES ........................................................................................................... 85 THE NATIONAL CAREGIVER PROGRAM ...................................................................................... 86 NEWSPAPERS ......................................................................................................................................... 87 NUTRITION SITES ................................................................................................................................. 89 OKLAHOMA PARENTS AS TEACHERS (OPAT)............................................................................. 92 OSU-OKLAHOMA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICES ...................................................... 93 RADIO STATIONS .................................................................................................................................. 94 RECREATION ......................................................................................................................................... 95 RESPITE ................................................................................................................................................... 98 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTERS................................................................................................................ 99 SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SNAP)............................................ 103 SOONERSTART SERVICES ............................................................................................................... 104 TAX INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................... 105 TELEVISION STATIONS .................................................................................................................... 106 3 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES ........................................................................................................ 107 VETERAN’S SERVICES ...................................................................................................................... 110 VOTER REGISTRATION .................................................................................................................... 112 WOMEN, INFANTS AND CHILDREN (WIC) .................................................................................. 113 4 FOREWORD This resource directory has been compiled and published by the Association of South Central Oklahoma Governments (ASCOG) Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for older people, their families and caregivers who live in the ASCOG eight county region: Caddo Comanche Cotton Grady Jefferson McClain Stephens Tillman The publication of this directory is authorized by the Older Americas Act of 1965 and funded by the Special Unit on Aging (SUOA). 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The compiling of this resource directory has been a collaborative effort. The ASCOG Area Agency on Aging would like to thank all businesses, social organizations, senior citizen organizations, and anyone who has been gracious enough to return a call, suggest an association, or participate in any way with the completion of this project. Thank you for your dedication to our senior citizens. The goal of this project is to make sure that our senior citizens are aware of the resources available to them. 6 WHAT IS ASCOG? The Association of South Central Oklahoma Governments was incorporated on July 24, 1969. The purpose of ASCOG is to assist local governments in serving the needs of their citizens. ASCOG is one of eleven regional council of local governments in Oklahoma, and funding is provided by local dues, state appropriated funds and state, federal and private grants. ASCOG serves an eight-county area: Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Grady, Jefferson, McClain, Stephens and Tillman. ASCOG became a Trust Authority on December 31, 1991. Board meetings are held quarterly with the Executive Committee meeting in the off months. ASCOG operates under a Board of Trustees that consists of a county commissioner, a mayoral representative, a conservation district director, a citizen-at-large representative from each of the eight counties, four minority representatives, two Native American tribal representatives and the Mayor of Lawton. The Trustees oversee the programs administered by ASCOG, and they work together to address governmental issues that go beyond their political boundaries. 7 ASCOG AREA AGENCY ON AGING STAFF 802 West Main Street PO Box 1647 Duncan, OK 73534-1647 Toll Free: 1.800.658.1466 Local: 580.252.0595 Fax: 580.252.6170 www.ascog.org Executive Director Ronnie Ward 580.736.7970 ward_ro@ascog.org Director Ken Jones 580.736.7972 jone_ke@ascog.org Deputy Director Marsha Bess 580.736.7976 bess_ma@ascog.org Ombudsman Supervisor Ruben Sotelo 580.736.7975 sote_ru@ascog.org Medicare Assistance Specialist Dacia Nix 1.800.763.2828 580.736.7036 nix_dacia@ascog.org Ombudsman Supervisor Darin Terry 580.736.7974 terr_da@ascog.org Accountant Nancy Bluml 580.736.7966 blum_na@ascog.org Planner 580.736.7978 I&A Specialist Bethany Sullivan 580.736.7036 sull_be@ascog.org 8 ASCOG SUPPORTIVE SERVICES ASCOG Supportive Services Division consists of two divisions: ASCOG Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and ASCOG Managed Care Services. ASCOG Area Agency on Aging serves the eight counties in the ASCOG region by funding more than 35 senior nutrition centers, which provide meals and activities for area senior citizens. ASCOG AAA also provides regional planning, information and assistance to senior citizens, referrals to services, the ombudsman program and access to the legislative process (i.e., the Silver Haired Legislature). ASCOG AAA is governed by the ASCOG board of trustees and is represented by the AAA Advisory Council, which is made up of members from each of the eight counties and minority representation. ASCOG Managed Care Services assesses the needs, builds an individual care plan and provides advocacy, monitoring, and evaluations to make sure senior citizens can live independently in their homes. For more information the ASCOG AAA or Managed Care Services please call 800.658.1466 or 580.252.0595. 9 ASCOG MANAGED CARE SERVICES The purpose of ASCOG Managed Care Services is to help elderly, frail, and disabled individuals maintain their independence and remain in their homes. Case management services are available to individuals approved for the ADvantage Program. Case managers are responsible for assessing the needs of individuals approved for the program. They also develop a comprehensive plan, arrange for services, monitor all services that are going into the home, advocate on behalf of clients, make monthly contacts by telephone and conduct home visits every three months or as needed depending on the case. Case managers provide a wealth of knowledge about available services in the community and how individuals can access those services. The goal of the ADvantage Program is to provide individuals with services they can receive at home as opposed to going to a nursing home. To be eligible for the ADvantage Program, individuals must meet the following requirements: Must be 65 years of age or older and frail. Must be 21 years of age or older with a physical disability. Must meet financial guidelines. Must require the level of services provided in a nursing home. Must require services that are below the cost of nursing home care. ASCOG case managed services also provides free assistance with completing an “advance directive” to physicians. For information on Managed Care Services please contact: Peggy Rush, Managed Care Services Program Coordinator 802 West Main Street PO Box 1647 Duncan, OK 73534-1647 Phone: 800.658.1466 or 580.736.7984 Email: rush_pe@ascog.org or bess_ma@ascog.org 10 ASCOG LONG-TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM The purpose of the ASCOG Ombudsman program is to advocate for the rights of residents in nursing homes, assisted living and residential care facilities. The ASOG Ombudsman program trains and supervises volunteers who visit facilities weekly. The program offers two day training for anyone interested in becoming a volunteer. Upon completion of the training course, the volunteer may select a long-term care facility to begin their ombudsman duties. Volunteers are only required to give two to four hours a week of their time to the program. They improve and enrich the lives of residents by being available to listen and act on their concerns. Ombudsmen work can also improve the care and quality of life for residents who live there. Ombudsman supervisors train volunteers, facility staff and family council. They give presentations and provide information to those seeking nursing home placement. Contacts: Ruben Sotelo, Ombudsman Supervisor Phone: 800.658.1466 or 580.736.7975 Email: sote_ru@ascog.org (Grady, McClain, Caddo and Comanche counties) Darin Terry, Ombudsman Supervisor Phone: 800.658.1466 or 580.736.7974 Email: terr_da@ascog.org (Stephens, Tillman, Cotton, and Jefferson counties) 11 ASCOG AREA AGENCY ON AGING ADVISORY COUNCIL Caddo County Marlene Walker Commissioner Appointee Vacant Mayoral Appointee John Kusel* OSHL Representative Comanche County Thelmer Hutcheson Commissioner Appointee Charlie Maguire Mayoral Appointee Karolyn Anders Lawton Mayor Appointee OSHL Representative Cotton County Lauren Ellis Commissioner Appointee Louise Hamilton Mayoral Appointee Jalmer “Bo” Fallon* OSHL Representative Loretta Jackson Mayoral Appointee Merlene Rust* OSHL Representative Grady County Rev. Charles Watson Commissioner Appointee OSHL Representative Jefferson County Dorothy Moore Commissioner Appointee Rubye Benson* Mayoral Appointee McClain County Lewie Jeffries Commissioner Appointee Rowena Scott-Johnson* Mayoral Appointee Stephens County Haljean Gillispie* Commissioner Appointee OSHL Representative Tillman County Watha Shanks* Commissioner Appointee Sandy Stewart Mayoral Appointee J.M. Cope Mayor Appointee Aging Services Network Provider Katie Ebner *Denotes Executive Committee Member 12 Ray Merchant OSHL Representative AREA AGENCY ON AGING SILVER HAIRED LEGISLATURE SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Jalmer “Bo” Fallon Dist. 9-1 Caddo, Comanche, Cotton & Tillman 7511 NW Wycliff Lane Lawton, OK 73505 Cell: 580.536.7880 jalmer.fallon@sbcglobal.net Merlene Rust, Dist 9-1 Grady and McClain P O Box 620 Rush Springs, OK 73082 Cell: 405.820.6649 merlenerust@yahoo.com Haljean Gillispie Dist. 9-2 Grady, Jefferson, McClain & Stephens 2912 Walnut Duncan, OK 73533 H: 580.475.0354 Cell: 580.656.3805 haljean@sbcglobal.net Ray Merchant, Dist. 9-1 Alternate Grady and McClain P O Box 322 Ninnekah, OK 73067 Cell: 405.224.1391 raymerchant@wichitaonline.net Vacant – Dist 9-2 Grady, Jefferson, McClain & Stephens Rev. Charles Watson - Alternate Nat’l Silver Congress Member Dist. 9-2 Grady, Jefferson, McClain & Stephens 1525 W Mississippi Ave. Chickasha, OK 73018 Cell: 405.222.8195 okieparson@att.net Rowena Scott-Johnson Alumni Member 22157 220th Street Purcell, OK 73080 H: 405.527.0853 Cell: 405.818.9659 rojohn2@gmail.com Karolyn Anders - Dist. 9-3 127 NE Cimmaron Lawton, OK 73507 580.351.8039 bkanders@fidnet.com John Kusel, Dist. 9-4 Caddo and Tillman P O Box 370 Fort Cobb, OK 73038 H: 580.759.6038 kusellim@sbcglobal.net 13 ABOUT THE SILVER HAIRED LEGISLATURE The Silver Haired Legislature has been involved in the passing of many laws that benefit senior citizens and the entire state such as: Living wills (advance directives) Public Transportation Revolving Fund Omnibus Reconciliation Bill Long-Term Care Omnibus Bill Required Training for Nursing Home Aides Spousal Impoverishment Act Funding Legal Aid for Persons over 60 Years of Age Homestead Exemption Increase Adult Day Care Amendment The Silver Haired Legislature is a body of elected officials whose primary focus is to speak on behalf of the elderly. Legislators take the concerns of elderly people and work to make those concerns make to our elected officials at the state Capital. The Oklahoma Silver Haired Legislature is supported by the Oklahoma Silver Haired legislature Alumni Association, the Oklahoma Area Agencies on Aging, and the OKDHS Aging Services Division If you would like additional information about the program please call 405-522-6239 or fax: 405522-6739. 14 ASCOG AREA TRIBAL OFFICES APACHE Bobby Komardley, Chairman P O Box 3330 Anadarko, OK 73005-3330 O: 405.247.9493 Fax: 405.247.2686 WICHITA Teri Parton, President P O Box 729 Anadarko, OK 73005-0729 O: 405.247.2425 Fax: 405.247.2430 CADDO Tamara Francis-Fourkiller, Chairman P O Box 487 Binger, OK 73009-0487 O: 405.656.2344 Fax: 405.656.2892 KCA INTERTRIBAL LAND USE COMMITTEE P O Box 885 Lawton, OK 73502 O: 580.248.6300 Fax: 580.355.3196 kcailuc@sbcglobal.net COMANCHE Chairman - Vacant P O Box 908 Lawton, OK 73502-0908 O: 580.492.4988 Fax: 580.492.3796 DELAWARE NATION Kerry Holton, President P O Box 825 Anadarko, OK 73005-0825 O: 405.247.2448 Fax: 405.247.9393 FORT SILL APACHE Jeff Haozous, Chairman 43187 US Highway 281 Apache, OK 73006 O: 580.588.2298 Fax: 580.588.3133 KIOWA Amber Toppah, Chairman P O Box 369 Carnegie, OK 73015-0369 O: 580.654.2300 Fax: 580.654.8714 15 ASCOG AREA LEGISLATORS OKLAHOMA SENATE State Capitol Building 2300 North Lincoln Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73105-4806 O: 405.524.0126 Fax: 405.521.5507 www.oksenate.gov Senator Ron Justice – District 23 2300 North Lincoln Ave. Rm 526 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.521.5537 justice@oksenate.gov Senator Darcy Jech – District 26 2300 North Lincoln Ave. Rm 528A Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.521.5545 jech@oksenate.gov Senator Don Barrington – District 31 2300 North Lincoln Ave. Rm 232 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.521.5563 barrington@oksenate.gov Senator Randy Bass – District 32 2300 North Lincoln Ave. Rm 519 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.521.5567 bass@oksenate.gov Senator Corey Brooks – District 43 2300 North Lincoln Ave. Rm 529B Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.521.5522 brooks@oksenate.gov UNITED STATES SENATE (Aides) Senator James Inhofe 205 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D C 20510-3603 O: 202.224.4721 Fax: 202.228.0380 jim_inhofe@inhofe.senate.gov 1900 NW Expressway, Suite 1210 Oklahoma City, OK 73118-1805 O: 405.608.4381 Fax: 405.608.4120 Senator James Lankford B40C Dirksen Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D C 20510-3603 O: 202.224.5754 Fax: 202.224.6008 (e-mail via web site) james.lankford@lankford.senate.gov 1015 N Broadway Suite 310 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 O: 405.509.1182 16 OKLAHOMA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES State Capitol Building Oklahoma City, OK 73104 www.okhouse.gov 800.522.8502 405.521.2711 Fax: 405.557.7351 Rep. Bobby Cleveland – District 20 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd, Rm 240 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.557.7308 bob.cleveland@okhouse.gov Rep. Lisa Billy – District 42 PO Box 1412 Purcell, OK 73080-1412 O: 405.557.7365 lisajbilly@okhouse.gov Rep. Leslie Osborn – District 47 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd, Rm 303B Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.557.7333 leslie.osborn@okhouse.gov Rep. Dennis Johnson – District 50 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd, Rm 407 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.557.7327 dennis.johnson@okhouse.gov Rep. Scott Biggs – District 51 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd, Rm 242 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.557.7405 scott.biggs@okhouse.gov Rep. David Perryman – District 56 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd, Rm 540 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.557.7401 david.perryman@okhouse.gov Rep. Harold Wright – District 57 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd, Rm 332 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.557.7325 harold.wright@okhouse.gov Rep. Dan Fisher – District 60 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd, Rm 202 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.557.7311 dan.fisher@okhouse.gov Rep. John Montgomery– District 62 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd, Rm 329B Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.557.7374 john.montgomery@okhouse.gov Rep. Jeff Coody– District 63 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd, Rm 338 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.557.7307 jeff.coody@okhouse.gov Rep. Ann Coody – District 64 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd, Rm 439 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.557.7398 ann.coody@okhouse.gov Rep. Scooter Park – District 65 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd, Rm 338 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 O: 405.557.7305 scooter.park@okhouse.gov 17 UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Chief of Staff) Rep. Frank Lucas-3rd District 2405 Rayburn Office Building Washington, D C 20515-0001 O: 202.225.5565 Fax: 202.225.8698 replucas@mail.house.gov www.house.gov/lucas Rep. Tom Cole-4th District 2467 Rayburn House Ofc Building 201 Washington, D C 20515-0001 O: 202.225.6165 Fax: 202.225.3512 www.house.gov/cole 10952 NW Expressway St Suite B Yukon, OK 73099-8214 O: 405.373.1958 Fax: 405.373.2046 (Aides) 10952 NW Expressway St Suite B Yukon, OK 73099-8214 O: 405.373.1958 Fax: 405.373.2046 (Chief of Staff) (Field Representative) 2424 Springer Dr Suite 201 Norman, OK 73069 O: 405.329.6500 Fax: 405.321.7369 711 Southwest D Ave Suite 201 Lawton, OK 73501-4311 O: 580.357.2131 Fax: 580.357.7477 18 OKLAHOMA AGING SERVICES Oklahoma State Agency on Aging State Department of Human Services PO Box 25352, Oklahoma City, OK 73125 Aging Services Division: 405.521.2327 Special Unit on Aging: 405.521.2281 Statewide Senior Information Line 800.521.2116 Statewide number linking senior citizens to the nearest Area Agency on Aging Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program/ASCOG 802 Main Street/PO Box 1647 Duncan, OK 73534-1647 Ruben Sotelo, Ombudsman Supervisor Phone: 800.658.1466 or 580.736.7975 Email: sote_ru@ascog.org (Grady, McClain, Caddo and Comanche counties) Darin Terry, Ombudsman Supervisor Phone: 800.658.1466 or 580.736.7974 Email: terr_da@ascog.org (Stephens, Tillman, Cotton, and Jefferson counties) Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) Oklahoma has 11 Area Agencies on Aging. They provide information and referrals to senior citizens along with newsletters, brochures and resource directories. AAA also provides area planning and funds for the senior nutrition sites. It is the goal of the AAA to make sure every Oklahoma senior is well informed, well taken care of and not merely surviving but thriving in their later years. Area 1 Grand Gateway Economic Development 333 South Oak/PO Drawer B Big Cabin, OK 74332-0502 800.482.4594 918.783.5793 Kay Carter, Director Website: www.ggeda.com Counties Served: Craig, Delaware, Mayes, Nowata, Ottawa, Rogers, Washington 19 Area 2 EODD AAA 1012 North State Street/ PO Box 1367 Muskogee, OK 74402-1367 918.682.7891 Sharon Elder, Director Website: www.eoddok.org Counties Served: Adair, Cherokee, McIntosh, Muskogee, Okmulgee, Sequoyah, Wagoner Area 3 KEDDO AAA 1002 Hwy 2 North/PO Box 638 Wilburton, OK 74578 800.722.8180 918.465.2367 Kim Rose, Director Website: www.keddo.org Counties Served: Choctaw, Haskell, Latimer, LeFlore, McCurtain, Pittsburg, Pushmataha Area 4 SODA AAA 422 Cessna/PO Box 709 Durant, OK 74701 580.920.1388 Mark Ellis, Director Website: www.soda-ok.org Counties Served: Atoka, Bryan, Carter, Coal, Garvin, Johnston, Love, Marshall, Murray, Pontotoc Area 5 COEDD AAA 400 North Bell/PO Box 3398 Shawnee, OK 74801-3398 800.375.8255 405.273.6410 John Shea, Director Website: www.coedd.net Counties Served: Hughes, Lincoln, Okfuskee, Pawnee, Payne, Seminole, Pottawatomie 20 Area 6 INCOG AAA 2 West 2nd Street, Suite 800 Tulsa, OK 74103 918.584.7526 Clark Miller, Director Website: www.incog.org Counties Served: Creek, Osage, Tulsa Area 7 Long-Term Care Authority of Enid 202 West Broadway, Suite A Enid, OK 73703 580-234-7475 Valerie Snethen, Director Counties Served: Alfalfa, Blaine, Garfield, Grant, Kay, Kingfisher, Major, Noble Area 8 Areawide Aging Agency, Inc. 4101 N. Perimeter Center Drive, Suite 310 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 405.943.4344 Don Hudman, Director Website: www.areawideaging.org Counties Served: Canadian, Cleveland, Logan, Oklahoma Area 9 ASCOG AAA 802 West Main Street/PO Box 1647 Duncan, OK 73534-1647 800.658.1466 580.252.0595 Ken Jones, Director Website: www.ascog.org Counties Served: Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Grady, Jefferson, McClain, Stephens, Tillman 21 Area 10 SWODA AAA 420 Sooner Drive/PO Bo 569 Burns Flat, OK 73624-0569 800.627.4882 580.562.4882 Anita Martinez, Director Website: www.swoda.org Counties Served: Beckham, Custer, Greer, Harmon, Kiowa, Jackson, Roger Mills, Washita Area 11 OEDDA AAA 330 Douglas Avenue/PO Box 668 Beaver, OK 73932-0668 800.658.2844 580.625.4531 Dusty Elam, Director Website: www.oeda.org Counties Served: Beaver, Cimarron, Dewey, Ellis, Harper, Texas, Woods, Woodward 22 AREA AGENCIES ON AGING (AAA) INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE Area 1 Grand Gateway Economic Development 333 South Oak/PO Drawer B Big Cabin, OK 74332-0502 800.482.4594 918.783.5793 Cindy Aldridge info&assist@grandgateway.org Counties Served: Craig, Delaware, Mayes, Nowata, Ottawa, Rogers, Washington Area 2 EODD AAA 1012 North 38th Street/ PO Box 1367 Muskogee, OK 74402-1367 918.682.7891 918.682.5444 Karen Sedberry inakarberry@eoddok.org Counties Served: Adair, Cherokee, McIntosh, Muskogee, Okmulgee, Sequoyah, Wagoner Area 3 KEDDO AAA 1002 Hwy 2 North/PO Box 638 Wilburton, OK 74578 800.722.8180 918.465.2367 Samantha Humpherys shumpherys@keddo.org Counties Served: Choctaw, Haskell, Latimer, LeFlore, McCurtain, Pittsburg, Pushmataha Area 4 SODA AAA 2704 North 1st Street Durant, OK 74701 580.920.1388 Debbie Odom debbiodom@soda-ok.org Counties Served: Atoka, Bryan, Carter, Coal, Garvin, Johnston, Love, Marshall, Murray, Pontotoc 23 Area 5 COEDD AAA 400 North Bell/PO Box 3398 Shawnee, OK 74801-3398 800.375.8255 405.273.6410 ext. 128 Kristi Tischer kristitischer@sbcglobal.net Counties Served: Hughes, Lincoln, Okfuskee, Pawnee, Payne, Seminole, Pottawatomie Area 6 INCOG AAA 2 West 2nd Street, Suite 800 Tulsa, OK 74103 918.579.9486 918.579.9477 918.579.9577 Kim McCurry kmccurry@incog.org Counties Served: Creek, Osage, Tulsa Area 7 Long-Term Care Authority of Enid 202 West Broadway, Suite A Enid, OK 73703 580.234.7475 580.237.2236 Marnita Rupp mrupp@ltcaenid.org Counties Served: Alfalfa, Blaine, Garfield, Grant, Kay, Kingfisher, Major, Noble Area 8 Areawide Aging Agency, Inc. 4101 N. Perimeter Center Drive, Suite 310 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 405.942.8500 Karen Elliott kelliot@areawideaging.org Counties Served: Canadian, Cleveland, Logan, Oklahoma 24 Area 9 ASCOG AAA 802 West Main Street/PO Box 1647 Duncan, OK 73534-1647 800.658.1466 580.252.0595 Bethany Sullivan sull_be@ascog.org Counties Served: Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Grady, Jefferson, McClain, Stephens, Tillman Area 10 SWODA AAA 420 Sooner Drive/PO Bo 569 Burns Flat, OK 73624-0569 800.627.4882 580.562.4882 Ada Vandeford ada@swoda.org Counties Served: Beckham, Custer, Greer, Harmon, Kiowa, Jackson, Roger Mills, Washita Area 11 OEDDA AAA 330 Douglas Avenue/PO Box 668 Beaver, OK 73932-0668 800.658.2844 580.625.4531 Aracely Moreno oedainfo@oeda.org Counties Served: Beaver, Cimarron, Dewey, Ellis, Harper, Texas, Woods, Woodward 25 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CADDO COUNTY Caddo County Courthouse P O Box 1427 Anadarko, OK 73005-1427 CT: 405.247.3105 Fax: 405.247.3611 caddocom@classicnet.net COTTON COUNTY Cotton County Courthouse 301 North Broadway Street Walters, OK 73572-1271 CT: 580.875.3026 Fax: 580.875.3756 cottonco1@earthlink.net District 1 Benny Bowling RR1 Box 195A Binger, OK 73009-9607 CB: 405.457.6373 District 1 Edward Eschiti 301 North Broadway Walters, OK 73572-1271 CB: 580.875.3852 District 2 Randy McLemore * RR 1 Gracemont, OK 73042 CB: 405.247.5321 District 2 Chris Lipscomb * RR 1 Box 78 Temple, OK 73568-9730 CB: 580.342.6704 District 3 Brent Kinder P.O. Box 450 Carnegie, OK 73015-0450 CB: 580.654.2294 District 3 Greg Powell RR 1 Box 10K Devol, OK 73531-9705 CB: 580.281.3611 COMANCHE COUNTY Comanche County Courthouse 315 SW 5th Street Room 303 Lawton, OK 73501-4326 CT: 580.353.3717 Fax: 580.357.9478 terresa.cunningham@comanchecounty.us GRADY COUNTY Grady County Courthouse 326 West Choctaw Avenue Chickasha, OK 73018-2614 CT: 405.224.5211 gradycountycommissioners@yahoo.com District 1 Wendle Herdy 720 S Sarah Road Tuttle, OK 73089-8648 CB: 405.381.3272 District 1 Gail Turner * 13323 State Hwy 17 Elgin, OK 73538-4511 CB: 580.353.8337 26 District 2 Mike Lennier * 1328 County Road 1350 Chickasha, OK 73018-8020 CB: 405.224.2184 District 2 Johnny Owens 315 SW 5th Lawton, OK 73501 CB: 580.585.5332 District 3 Don Hawthorne PO Box 45 Cache, OK 73527-0045 CB: 580.357.2028 District 3 Jack Porter RR 1, Box 141 Rush Springs, OK 73082-9741 CB: 580.476.3577 JEFFERSON COUNTY Jefferson County Courthouse 20 North Main, Room # 101 Waurika, OK 73573-2235 CT: 580.228.2241 Fax: 580.228.3418 commish@texhoma.net STEPHENS COUNTY Stephens County Courthouse 101 South 11th Street Duncan, OK 73533-4798 CT: 580.255.4193 Fax: 580.255.1771 stcommco@texhoma.net District 1 Billy Kidd * RR 1 Box 39B Waurika, OK 73573 CB: 580.228.2303 District 1 Darrell Sparks RR 3 Box 351 Marlow, OK 73055-9596 CB: 580.658.2416 District 2 Ty Phillips HC 65 Box 50 Ringling, OK 73456-0050 CB: 580.662.2479 District 2 Lonnie Estes RR1, Box 207-12 Duncan, OK 73533 CB: 580.255.6636 District 3 Ricky Martin HC 69 Box 170 Terral, OK 73569-9723 CB: 580.757.2638 District 3 Dee Bowen * P.O. Box 124 Comanche, OK 73529-0124 CB: 580.439.2206 27 MCCLAIN COUNTY McClain County Courthouse P O Box 629 Purcell, OK 73080-0629 CT: 405.527.3117 Fax: 405.527.5242 mcclainpurchase@hotmail.com TILLMAN COUNTY Tillman County Courthouse P O Box 992 Frederick, OK 73542-0992 CT: 580.335.2156 Fax: 580.335.3795 commoff@pldi.net District 1 Benny McGowen * 12739 Indian Meridian Avenue Wayne, OK 73095-3211 CB: 405.449.3355 District 1 Jimmie Smith * 21532 County Road E W 172 Tipton, OK 73570-9475 CB: 580.667.4145 District 2 Wilson Lyles 469 W Chestnut Road Goldsby, OK 73093 CB: 405.527.2040 District 2 Joe Don Dickey 1300 S 15th Street Frederick, OK 73542-7611 CB: 580.335.3110 District 3 Charles Foster P.O. Box 475 Blanchard, OK 73010-0475 CB: 405.485.3388 District 3 Kent Smith 23847 County Road EW 184 Loveland, OK 73553-9614 CB: 580.479.5236 * Denotes Chairman 28 COUNTY CLERKS CADDO COUNTY JEFFERSON COUNTY Patrice Dolch Caddo County Courthouse P O Box 68 Anadarko, OK 73005 CT: 405.247.6609 Fax: 405.247.6510 caddopa@yahoo.com Gloria England Jefferson County Courthouse 220 North Main Street Room # 103 Waurika, OK 73573 CT: 580.228.2029 Fax: 580.228.3418 jeffersonclerk@sbcglobal.net COMANCHE COUNTY MC CLAIN COUNTY Carrie Tubbs Comanche County Courthouse 315 SW 5th Room 304 Lawton, OK 73501 CT: 580.355.5214 Fax: 580.357.9478 carrietubbs@sbcglobalnet Pam Beller McClain County Courthouse P O Box 629 Purcell, OK 73080 CT: 405.527.3360 Fax: 405.527.9055 mcclainclerk@gmail.com COTTON COUNTY STEPHENS COUNTY Nikke Vardell Cotton County Courthouse 301 North Broadway Street Walters, OK 73572 CT: 580.875.3026 Fax: 580.875.3756 countyclerk17@sbcglobal.net Cindy Kaiser Stephens County Courthouse 101 South 11th Duncan, OK 73534 CT: 580.255.0977 Fax: 580.255.1771 sccdunok@cableone.net GRADY COUNTY TILLMAN COUNTY Sharon Shoemake Grady County Courthouse P O Box 1009 Chickasha, OK 73018 CT: 405.224.7388 Fax: 405.222.4506 shoe62854@aol.com Cacy Caldwell Tillman County Courthouse P O Box 992 Frederick, OK 73542 CT: 580.335.3421 Fax: 580.335.3795 coclerkoff@pldi.net 29 CITIES AND TOWNS CADDO COUNTY – Population 29,600 Anadarko, City of Population: 6,762 P O Box 647 73005-0647 PH: 405.247.2481 Apache, Town of Population: 1,444 P O Box 390 73006-0390 PH: 580.588.3505 Binger, Town of Population: 672 P O Box 481 73009-0481 PH: 405.656.2426 Bridgeport, Town of Population: 116 P O Box 368, Hinton, OK 73047-0368 PH: 405.542.7376 Carnegie, Town of Population: 795 P O Box 1075 73015-1075 PH: 580.654.1004 Cement, Town of Population: 501 P O Box 337 73017-0337 PH: 405.489.3222 Cyril, Town of Population: 1,059 P O Box 448 73029-0448 PH: 580.464.2411 Eakly,Town of Population: 338 P O Box 305 73033-0305 PH: 405.797.3252 Fort Cobb, Town of Population: 634 P O Box 328 73038-0328 PH: 405.643.2682 Gracemont, Town of Population: 318 P O Box 40 73042-0040 PH: 405.966.2201 Hinton, Town of Population: 3,196 P O Box 159 73047-0159 PH: 405.542.3253 Hydro, Town of Population: 969 P O Box 248 73048-0248 PH: 405.663.2531 Lookeba, Town of Population: 166 P O Box 73 73053-0073 PH: 405.457.6361 30 COMANCHE COUNTY – Population: 124,098 Cache, City of Population: 2,796 P O Box 466 73527-0466 PH: 580.429.3354 Chattanooga, Town of Population: 461 P O Box 165 73528-0165 PH: 580.597.3390 Elgin, City of Population: 2,156 P O Box 310 73538-0310 PH: 580.492.5777 Faxon, Town of Population: 136 P O Box 47 73540-0047 PH: 580.597.2449 Fletcher, Town of Population: 1,177 P O Box 448 73541-0448 PH: 580.549.6550 Geronimo, City of Population: 1,268 100 W Main Street 73543-9303 PH: 580.353.5511 Indiahoma, Town of Population: 344 P O Box 38 73552-0038 PH: 580.246.3572 Lawton, City of Population: 96,867 103 SW 4th Street 73501-4081 PH: 580.581.3301 Medicine Park,Town of Population: 382 P O Box 231 73557-0231 PH: 580.529.2825 Sterling,Town of Population: 793 P O Box 277 73567-0277 PH: 580.365.4445 COTTON COUNTY – Population: 6,193 Devol, Town of Population: 151 P O Box 147 73531-0147 PH: 580.299.3393 Randlett, Town of Population: 438 P O Box 173 73562-0183 PH: 580.281.3370 Temple, Town of Population: 1,102 P O Box 40 73568-0040 PH: 580.342.6776 Walters, City of Population: 2,551 P O Box 485 73572-0485 PH: 580.875.3337 31 GRADY COUNTY- Population: 16,036 Alex, Town of Population: 550 P O Box 27 73002-0027 PH: 405.785.2393 Amber, Town of Population: 419 P O Box 3 73004-0003 PH: 405.222.2175 Bridge Creek, Town of Population: 340 1089 Mesa Road, Tuttle 73059-9755 PH: 405.381.2317 Bradley,Town of Population: 182 P O Box 146 73011-0146 PH: 405.462.7581 Chickasha, City of Population: 16,036 117 North 4th 73018-2496 PH: 405.222.6020 Minco, City of Population: 1,632 P O Box 512 73059-0512 PH: 405.352.4274 Ninnekah,Town of Population: 1,002 P O Box 211 73067-0211 PH: 405.222.0882 Norge, Town of Population: 145 P O Box 2454, Chickasha 73023-2454 Pocasset, Town of Population: 156 PO Box 164 73079-0164 PH: 405.459.6737 Rush Springs, Town of Population: 1,231 P O Box 708 73082-0708 PH: 580.476.3277 Tuttle, City of Population: 6,019 P O Box 10 73089-0010 PH: 405.381.2335 Verden, Town of Population: 530 P O Box 206 73092-0206 PH: 405.453.7235 JEFFERSON COUNTY – Population: 6,472 Addington, Town of Population: 114 P O Box 146 73520-0701 Cornish, Town of Population: 161 P O Box 333 73456-9701 32 PH: 580.662.2428 Hastings, Town of Population: 114 P O Box 67 73548-0067 PH: 580.963.3221 Ringling, Town of Population: 1,037 P O Box 565 73456-0565 PH: 580.662.2264 Ryan, Town of Population: 816 614 Washington 73565-9563 PH: 580.757.2277 Sugden, Town of Population: 43 214 McCabe Street, Waurika 73573-5198 PH: 580.313.0882 Terral, Town of Population: 382 P O Box 399 73569-0399 PH: 580.437.2337 Waurika, City of Population: 2,064 122 South Main St 73573-3054 PH: 580.228.2713 MCCLAIN COUNTY – Population: 34,506 Blanchard, City of Population: 7,670 P O Box 480 73010-0460 PH: 405.485.9392 Byars, Town of Population: 255 P O Box 251 74831-0251 PH: 405.783.4255 Cole, Town of Population: 555 26887 Main Street 73010-4611 PH: 405.485.3532 Dibble, Town of Population: 878 P O Box 57 73031-0057 PH: 405.344.6659 Goldsby, Town of Population: 1,801 100 East Center Rd 73093-9112 PH: 405.288.6675 Newcastle, City of Population: 7,685 P O Box 179 73065-0179 PH: 405.387.4427 Purcell, City of Population: 5,884 230 W Main 73080-4222 PH: 405.527.6561 Rosedale, Town of Population: 68 37710 Broadway Ave 74831-9721 PH: 405.449.3316 33 Washington, Town of Population: 618 P O Box 127 73093-0127 PH: 405.288.2578 Wayne, Town of Population: 688 P O Box 160 73095-0119 PH: 405.449.3451 73055-8979 PH: 580.658.2709 STEPHENS COUNTY – Population: 45,048 Bray, Town of Population: 1,209 3703 Highway 29 Central High, Town of Population: 1,199 RR3, Box 201A, Marlow 73055-9316 PH: 580.658.6581 Comanche, City of Population: 1,663 500 Rodeo Drive 73529-1499 PH: 580.439.8832 Duncan, City of Population: 23,431 P O Box 969 73534-0969 PH: 580.252.0250 Empire City, Town of Population: 955 RR 3 Box 223 Comanche 73529-9578 . PH: 580.252.9059 Loco, Town of Population: 122 P O Box 27 73442-0026 PH: 580.537.2283 Marlow, City of Population: 4,662 P O Box 113 73055-0113 PH: 580.658.5401 Velma, Town of Population: 620 P O Box 447 73091-0447 PH: 580.444.3393 TILLMAN COUNTY – Population: 7,992 Davidson, Town of Population: 315 P O Box 308 73530-0308 PH: 580.568.2600 Frederick, City of Population: 3,940 P O Box 399 73542-0399 PH: 580.335.7551 Grandfield, City of Population: 1,038 Drawer L 73546-0368 PH: 580.479.5215 34 Hollister, Town of Population: 50 P O Box 222 73551-0222 PH: 580.335.3531 Loveland, Town of Population: 13 P O Box 86 73553-0086 PH: 580.479.3390 Manitou, Town of Population: 181 P O Box 40 73555-0040 Tipton, Town of Population: 847 205 E Baseline 73570 35 PH: 580.667.5211 CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE CADDO COUNTY Anadarko Apache Carnegie P O Box 366 P O Box 390 P O Box 615 73005-0366 73006-0390 73015-0615 405.247.6651 580.588.3006 580.654.2121 P O Box 1376 73502-1376 580.355.3541 P O Box 58 P O Box 352 73568-0058 73572-0352 580.342.5115 580.875.3335 P O Box 1717 P O Box 451 73023-1717 73059-0451 405.224.0787 405.352.4382 73573-0366 580.228.3533 73065-1006 72080-0923 405.387.3232 405.527.3093 73534-0699 73055-2439 580.255.3644 580.658.2212 73542-5431 580.335-2126 COMANCHE COUNTY Lawton/Ft Sill COTTON COUNTY Temple Walters GRADY COUNTY Chickasha Minco JEFFERSON COUNTY Waurika P O Box 366 MC CLAIN COUNTY Newcastle Purcell P O Box 1006 P O Box 923 STEPHENS COUNTY Duncan Marlow P O Box 699 223 W Main TILLMAN COUNTY Frederick 105 South Main 36 ABUSE ADULT ABUSE HOTLINE 1.800.522.3511 ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES www.okdhs.org/programsandservices/aps/ Caddo County – 405.247.4000 Comanche County – 580.250.3600 Cotton County – 580.875.4000 Grady County – 405.574.7400 Jefferson County – 580.228.3581 McClain County – 405.527.6511 Stephens County – 580.251.8300 Tillman County – 580.335.5537 ASCOG OMBUDSMAN 802 W. Main Street/PO Box 1647 Duncan, OK 73534-1647 1.800.658.1466 580.736.7974 or 580.736.7975 CHILD ABUSE HOTLINE 24 Hour Statewide Hotline 1.800.522.3511 ELDER ABUSE HOTLINE 1.800.522.3511 37 ADULT DAY CARE SERVICES COMANCHE COUNTY Nora O'Neal Adult Day Care Center 631 SW E Avenue Lawton, OK 73501 580.351.0207 www.noraoneal.net Goodwill Adult Day Services 923 Hilltop Drive Lawton, OK 73505 580.248.9313 www.goodwillsont.org 38 ADVOCACY SERVICES Alcoholics Anonymous 405.524.1100 www.aaoklahoma.org American Heart Association 5700 North Portland, Suite 203 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 405.942.2444 / 800.242.8721 www.heart.org Alzheimer’s Association 6425 NW Cache Road, Suite 102 Lawton, OK 73505 800.493.1411 / 580.699.2877 www.alz.org American Lung Association 730 West Wilshire Blvd, Suite 105 Oklahoma City, OK 73116 800.588.4872 405.748.4674 www.lung.org Alzheimer’s Foundation of America 866.232.8484 American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) 8144 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas, TX 75231-4394 800.424.3410 www.aarp.org Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 800.232.4636 www.cdc.gov Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (Oklahoma City Office) 405.290.7770 www.fbi.gov American Cancer Society of Comanche County 1320 NW Homestead Dr., Suite D Lawton, OK 580.353.8145 www.cancer.org Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) (Oklahoma City Office) 800.800.3855 www.atf.gov American Council of the Blind 2200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 650 Arlington, VA 22201 202.467.5081 / 800.424.8666 www.acb.org Foster Grandparent Program Delta Community Action 921 Maple Duncan, OK 73533-4117 580.255.3222 American Diabetes Association 3000 United Founders Blvd, Ste. 108 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 405.840.3899 www.diabetes.org Missing and Exploited Children National Hotline 800.843.5678 www.missingkids.com National Fraud and Information Center 800.876.7060 www.fraud.org Arthritis Foundation of Oklahoma 710 West Wilshire Creek, Suite 101 Oklahoma City, OK 73116 405.936.3366 / 800.627.5486 www.arthritis.org/oklahoma 39 National Parkinson Disease Foundation 200 SE 1st Street, Suite 800 Miami, FL 33131 800.473.4636 www.parkinson.org Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI – Oklahoma City Office) 800.522.8017 www.ok.gov/osbi Oklahoma State Council on Aging P.O. Box 25352 Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0352 405.522.3069 National Runaway Switchboard 800.786.2929 www.1800runaway.org Oklahoma Alliance on Aging 3200 NW 48th St., Room 2222 Oklahoma City, OK 73112-5911 405.943.1895 www.okallianceonaging.org Oklahoma Suicide Hotline 800.522.9054 www.suicide.org Poison Control Center 800.222.1222 www.aapcc.org Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control 800.522.8031 www.ok.gov/obndd Senior Health Insurance Counseling 2401 NW 23, Ste. 28 Oklahoma City, OK 73107-2481 800.763.2828 Oklahoma Corporation Commission 800.522.8154 www.occeweb.com Teen Dating Abuse Helpline 866.331.9474 www.loveisrespect.org Oklahoma Dental Association 317 NE 13th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73104 405.848.8873 / 800.876.8890 www.okda.org Toxic Chemical & Oil Spills & Terrorists Threats 800.424.8802 Oklahoma Environmental Quality, Spills & Complaint Hotline 800.522.0206 www.deq.state.ok.us U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) (Oklahoma City Office) 405.475.7500 www.dea.gov Oklahoma Highway Patrol (Lawton Office) 580.353.0783 www.dps.state.ok.us/ohp U.S. Marshal Service (Oklahoma City Office) 405.231.4206 www.usmarshals.gov Oklahoma Insurance Department 800.522.0071 www.ok.gov/oid U.S. Secret Service (Oklahoma City Office) 405.272.0630 www.secretservice.gov 40 Women's Resource Center P.O. Box 5089 Norman, OK 73070-5089 405.364.9424 www.wrcnorman.com 41 AMBULANCE SERVICES IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHO TO CALL ALL EMERGENCY SERVICES MAY BE REACHED BY DIALING “911” THE OPERATOR WILL SEND THE APPROPRIATE RESPONSE TEAM CADDO COUNTY Comanche County Memorial Hospital Ambulance Service 1301 SW 30th Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.585.5555 Anadarko Fire Department EMS 115 West Kentucky Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.3871 Apache Ambulance Service 580.588.3505 Geronimo Fire Department 100 West Main Street Geronimo, OK 73543 580.248.8827 Carnegie Tri-County Municipal Hospital 102 North Broadway Carnegie, OK 73015 405.654.1050 Kirk’s Ambulance Service 1616 SW F Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.355.6500 Cyril Ambulance Service 112 West Main Street Cyril, OK 73029 405.464.2206 GRADY COUNTY Chickasha Fire Department EMS 405.222.5030 COMANCHE COUNTY American Medical Response 616 N Hwy 81, Unit 21175 Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.4512 Rush Springs EMS Air Evacuation Life Team 25 2702 S 13th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.475.0565 www.lifeteam.net/ JEFFERSON Tuttle EMS 580.381.2335 Waurika EMS 580.228.2805 McCLAIN COUNTY Air Evacuation Life Team Base 1406 S 13th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.475.0291 / 580.475.0325 / 580.786.2549 www.lifeteam.net/service_area/bases Wadley’s EMS, Inc 402 West Washington Street Purcell, OK 73080 405.527.3999 42 Air Evacuation Life Team 25 2702 S 13th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.475.0565 www.lifeteam.net/ STEPHENS COUNTY American Medical Response 616 N Hwy 81, Unit 21175 Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.4512 www.amr.net/Locations/Operations/Oklaho ma/Stephens-County Air Evacuation Life Team Base 1406 S 13th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.475.0291 / 580.475.0325 / 580.786.2549 www.lifeteam.net/service_area/bases Velma Community Ambulance 580.444.2522 43 ASSISTED LIVING \ RETIREMENT HOMES \ NURSING HOMES Edith Kassanavoid Gordon Assisted Living Center 1001 SE 36th Str. Lawton, OK 73501 580.699.3736/3749 CADDO COUNTY Binger Nursing Home Highway 281 North Binger, OK 73009 405.656.2302 Lawton/Fort Sill Veterans Center 501 SE Flower Mound Road Lawton, OK 580.351.6511 www.ok.gov/odva/Oklahoma_Department_ of_Veterans_Affairs/Oklahoma_Veterans_C enters/Lawton_Veterans_Center/ Carnegie Nursing Home 225 N. Broadway Carnegie, OK 73015-0099 580.654.1439 Silvercrest Manor 300 W. Washington Ave. Anadarko, OK 73005-0009 405.247.3346 McMahon Tomlinson Nursing Center 2007 NW 52nd Street Lawton, OK 73505 580.357.3240 www.ccmhonline.com/mtnc/mcmahontomlinson-nursing-center COMANCHE COUNTY Benjamin O. Davis High Rise 620 South F Avenue Lawton, OK 73501 580.353.5242 Montevista Rehabilitation & Skilled Care 7604 Quanah Parker Trailway Lawton, OK 73505 580.215.4388 www.montevistarehab.com Brookridge Retirement Community 7802 NW Quanah Parker Trailway Lawton, OK 73505 580.536.9700 http://brookridgeliving.com Ten Oaks Retirement Village 3610 SE Huntington Circle Lawton, OK 73501-8445 580.353.1190 Cedar Crest Manor 1700 Ft. Sill Blvd. Lawton, OK 73507 580.355.1616 http://cedarcrestmanor.org The Chateau of Lawton Retirement Community 6301 SW Lee Blvd Lawton, OK 580.536.6800 www.thechateauoflawton.com Comanche County Memorial Hospital Nursing Transition Unit 3401 West Gore Blvd Lawton, OK 73502 580.355.8620 www.ccmhonline.com 44 The Brentwood Senior Living 6920 West Lee Blvd. Lawton, OK 73505-9104 580.536.4848 Shanoan Springs Residence 2500 S. 12th Street Chickasha, OK 73018-6700 405.224.1397 Willow Park Health Care Center 7019 NW Cache Road, Lawton, OK 73505-2707 580.536.1279 http://willowparkhealthcarecenter.com Tuttle Care Center 104 Southeast 4th Street Tuttle, OK 73089-8825 405.381.3363 JEFFERSON COUNTY COTTON COUNTY Westbrook Healthcare, Inc. 1100 North Ash Waurika, OK 73573-1202 580.228.2363 Temple Manor Nursing Home 100 West Green Avenue Temple, OK 73568 580.342.6228 MCCLAIN COUNTY GRADY COUNTY Purcell Care Center 801 North 6th Purcell, OK 73080 405.527.7798 Sterling House of Chickasha 801 Country Club Road Chickasha, OK 73018-7281 405.224.8300 www.brookdale.com/communities/sterlinghouse-of-chickasha Senior Village Nursing Home 1104 North Madison Blanchard, OK 73010-6504 405.485.3315 Chickasha Nursing Home 2700 South 9th Street Chickasha, OK 73018-6739 405.224.3593 Sunset Estates of Purcell, Inc. 915 North 7th Ave. Purcell, OK 73080-2215 405-527-2122 Grace Living Center 2300 West Iowa Ave. Chickasha, OK 73018-2740 405.224.6456 www.gracelivingcenters.com/chickasha Westbrook Gardens Senior Living Community 1215 Westbrook Blvd Purcell, OK 73080 405.527.1365 Glenhaven Retirement Village 3003 Iowa Avenue Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.1351 www.glenhavencorp.com 45 Gregston Nursing Home 711 S. Broadway Street Marlow, OK 73055-3133 580.658.2319 STEPHENS COUNTY Ashbrook Village Assisted Living 915 West Plato Road Duncan, OK 73533-3387 580.252.8300 Marlow Manor 702 S. 9th Street Marlow, OK 73055-3226 580.658.5468 Canoe Brook Assisted Living 415 Chisholm Trail Pkwy Duncan, OK 73533-2201 580.252.3337 Meridian Nursing Home, Inc. RR 2, Meridian Road Comanche, OK 73529-0126 580.439.2398 Chisholm Trail Assisted Living 625 Chisholm Trail Pkwy Duncan, OK 73533-2299 580.470.8700 www.chisholmtrailassistedliving.com West Wind Assisted Living 111 North 9th Street Marlow, OK 73055 580.658.1200 www.westwindassistedliving.com Country Club Care 1904 N. Highway 81 Duncan, OK 73533-1447 580.255.4600 Wilkins Nursing Center 1205 South 4th Duncan, OK 73533-7898 580.252.3955 www.wilkinsnursingcenter.com Duncan Community Residence 1510 West Main Street Duncan, OK 73534-1474 580.255.3926 http://duncancommunityresidence.com TILLMAN COUNTY Memorial Nursing Center 319 E. Josephine Ave. Frederick, OK 73542-2299 580.335.664 46 CENTENARIAN CLUB OF OKLAHOMA 3119 South Jamestown Tulsa, OK 74135 918-510-0150 24 hour cell phone eghelmuth@aol.com 47 CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS COMANCHE COUNTY STEPHENS COUNTY Lawton Food Bank 1405 SW 20th Street Lawton, OK 73501-6940 580.353.7994 AMBUCS (Duncan Chapter) PO Box 1354 Duncan, OK 73534-1354 580.255.5825 Salvation Army Corps Community Center 1306 "E" Avenue Lawton, OK 73501-4717 580.355.1802 www.salvationarmyaok.org Christians Concerned P.O. Box 811 Duncan, OK 73534-0811 580.252.9120 Christian Helping Hands 115 North 2nd Street Comanche, OK 73529-1409 580.439.5712 United Way of Southwest Oklahoma 1116 SW A Avenue Lawton, OK 73502 580.355.0218 www.uwswok.org Duncan Chisholm Trail Kiwanis Club PO Box 661 Duncan, OK 73534-0661 JEFFERSON COUNTY Dept. of Human Services Food Closet Jefferson County Helping Hands 400 E. Hwy. 70 Waurika, OK 73573 580.228.3581 Duncan Jaycees PO Box 1402 Duncan, OK 73534-1402 580.255.3733 Marlow Samaritans 817 Outlaw Avenue Marlow, OK 73055-3842 580.658.5771 First Baptist Church, Food Bank 1001 Taylor Street Ryan, OK 73565 580.757.2463 Ray of Hope Church Food Closet Hwy 81 & Refinery Road Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.7772 http://rohchurch.org Lions Club of Ryan First State Bank Ryan, OK 73565 580.757.2221 United Way of Stephens County 12 South 8th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.3648 www.unitedwayofsc.org 48 COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM AGENCIES DELTA COMMUNITY ACTION FOUNDATION Karen Nichols, Executive Director 308 SW 2nd Street Lindsay, OK 73052-5404 O: 405.756.1100 921 Maple Duncan, OK 73533-4117 O: 580.255.3222 225 West McClure Avenue Pauls Valley, OK 73075-3823 O: 405.238.3838 GREAT PLAINS IMPROVEMENT FOUNDATION, INC. Virginia Spencer, Executive Director 1904 Washington P O Box 926 Lawton, OK 73502-0926 O: 580.353.2364 RURAL ENTERPRISES COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM Brent Morey, Executive Director 105 South Main Street P O Box 989 Frederick, OK 73542-0989 O: 580.335.5588 WASHITA VALLEY COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM Sharlotte Key, Executive Director 205 West Chickasha Avenue, Suite 5 P O Box 747 Chickasha, OK 73023-0747 O: 405.224.5831 49 COUNSELING SERVICES COMANCHE AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES Marie Detty Youth and Family Services 317 C Avenue Lawton, OK 73502 580.250.1123 www.mariedetty.com Taliaferro Community Mental Health Center 602 SW 38th Street Lawton, OK 73505 580.248.5780 STEPHENS AND JEFFERSON COUNTY Gillispie Counseling Services 23 North 8th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.606.6577 SOUTHWEST OKLAHOMA Christian Family Counseling Services Duncan Office: 101 North 14th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.2458 or Lawton Office 5002 SW Lee Blvd Lawton, OK 73505 580.531.4512 www.cfccok.org Multi County Counseling 1719 SW 11th Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.581.1818 In Home Counseling provided in Comanche, Stephens and Jefferson Counties 50 DENTAL CARE Wuse H. Cara, DDS 1116 NW Arlington Lawton, OK 73501 580.355.2345 CADDO COUNTY Anadarko Denture Clinic 21141 CR 1310 Anadarko, OK 73005 800.248.9848 William Carter, Jr., DDS 1412 NW Sheridan Road Lawton, OK 73505 580.357.4943 COMANCHE COUNTY Phillip L. Aday, DDS 1116 NW Arlington Avenue Lawton, OK 73501 580.215.5004 David J. Drummond, DDS 4006 NW Cache Road Lawton, OK 73505 580.355.0344 Aspen Dental 1758 NW 82nd Street Lawton, OK 73507 580.713.4147 Gary D. Gardner, DDS 1301 West Gore Blvd., Suite 2 Lawton, OK 73501 580.353.5322 Lawrence T. Brewer, DDS 1516 West Gore Blvd Lawton, OK 73502 580.353.8888 David Harrell, DDS 4417 West Gore Wolf Creek Medical Center, Suite 10 Lawton, OK 73505 580.248.7333 Bridges Dentistry 1802 NW 52nd Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.248.6700 Michael Jackson, DDS 309 NW Sheridan Road Lawton, OK 73505 580.357.7878 George Bridges, DDS 4006 NW Cache Road Lawton, OK 73505 580.581.9500 David M. Lindley, DDS 1315 West Gore Blvd. Lawton, OK 73501 580.353.7037 Bonnie L. Burton, DDS 725 NW 67th Street Lawton, OK 73505 580.536.2662 Lutz Family Dentistry 60 NW Sheridan, Suite 7 Lawton, OK 73505 580.355.2000 Jason A. Buschman, DDS 916 SW 38th Street Lawton, OK 73505 580.355.6000 51 Jack L. McKinnis 2101 NW Ferris Avenue Lawton, OK 73501 580.357.1581 GRADY COUNTY 29th Street Dental Care 2900 West Grand Avenue Chickasha, OK 73018 405.222.0222 Robert Miracle, DDS 1810 NW Ferris Avenue Lawton, OK 73501 580.355.1314 Richard L. Johnson 621 West Grand Chickasha, OK 73018 405.222.0900 Andrea Montgomery, DDS Patrick Montgomery, DDS 725 NW 67th Street Duncan, OK 73505 580.536.3313 JEFFERSON COUNTY Dr. Richard E. Chiles, DDS 116 West Broadway Waurika, OK 73573 580.228.2360 Robert Muller, DDS 1301 NW 63rd Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.536.7172 STEPHENS COUNTY My Dentist 2111 NW Cache Road Lawton, OK 73505 580.215.0284 William Beeson, DDS 2815B West Elk Avenue Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.7502 Ocean Dental 5314 NW Cache Road Lawton, OK 73505 580.595.9492 Gerald D. Davis, DDS Gerrad D. Davis, DDS 1309 Jackie Road Duncan, OK 73573 580.255.3570 Sheppard Family Dental Care 4206 SW Lee Blvd. Lawton, OK 73501 580.215.1762 My Dentist 1310 North Hwy 81 Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.2056 Brett R. Warn, DDS 502 NW Sheridan Road, Suite 5 Lawton, OK 73505 580.248.4224 Hayden Dillard, DDS Jo Ann Dillard, DDS 1415 Main Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.2773 52 Michael R. Elliott, DDS 1615 West Spruce Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.5752 Rob Schick, DDS 1007 West Oak Avenue Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.6621 Steven W. Gregg, DDS 1022 West Main Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.5480 Schreiner & Schreiner 2035 West Elk Avenue Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.4880 Michael K. Nelson, DDS 2025 West Elk Avenue Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.4293 Scott Family Dentistry 1919 South Broadway Marlow, OK 73055 580.658.5464 Rodney Nelson, DDS 1501-F Brookwood Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.2111 Jay Lynn White, DDS 1502 West Main Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.9422 53 DISABILITY SERVICES Central Oklahoma Association for the Deaf 4501 North Classen, #109 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 405.842.0806 www.occf.org Office of Disability Concerns 2401 NW 23rd, Suite 90 Oklahoma City, OK 73107 800.522.8224 / 405.521.3756 www.ok.gov/odc Disabled American Veterans 2311 North Central Avenue, Suite 1000B Oklahoma City, OK 73105 405.521.0758 www.okdav.org Oklahoma Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped 300 NE 18th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3296 800.523.0288 / 405.521.3514 www.library.state.ok.us Duncan Group Homes/Think Ability First 1301 West Main Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.8000 www.duncangrouphomes.com Services to the Deaf and Hearing Impaired 2401 NW 23rd, Suite 51 Oklahoma City, OK 73107-2431 800.833.8973 / 405.522.7930 Email: SDHH@okdrs.gov Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation 3535 NW 58th Street, Ste. 500 Oklahoma City, OK 73112-4824 800.845.8476 / 405.951.3400 www.okdrs.gov Visual Services Department of Rehabilitation 3535 NW 58th Street, Ste. 500 Oklahoma City, OK 73112-4824 800.845.8476 / 405.951.3493 Email: klohr@okdrs.gov 54 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AARP Foundation Disaster Preparedness Tips for Seniors - Disaster Plan Video http://www.aarp.org/aarp-foundation/our-work/housing/info-2012/emergency-disasterpreparedness-plans-for-seniors.html#.VQtvBSH71SA.mailto Oklahoma Disaster Preparedness www.ok.gov/reddirtready/ Oklahoma Emergency Management (OEM) Provides tips on Creating an Emergency Plan; Winter Weather Safety; Wildfire Safety; Tornado Safety; Flood Safety; Lightning Safety; Earthquake Safety PO Box 53365 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73152 405.521.2481 www.ok.gov/oem/ OK-WARN for Hearing Impaired/Deaf OK-WARN is a new way for deaf and hard-of-hearing people to receive timely notification of weather hazards in the state of Oklahoma. The program was created to help ease the fears of deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals who may have difficultly receiving life saving warnings. OK-WARN is a customized database program that sends out critical weather information to alphanumeric pagers and e-mail addresses. For more information go to: www.ok.gov/OEM/Programs_&_Services/OK-WARN/ 55 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/SEXUAL ABUSE/SEXUAL ASSAULT Domestic Violence Hotline 800.522.7233 www.hotline.org Domestic Violence & Rape Hotline Jefferson & Stephens Counties 580.252.4357 Marie Detty New Directions Women’s Shelter 317 C Avenue Lawton, OK 73502 580.250.1123 www.mariedetty.com Women’s Haven PO Box 555 Duncan, OK 73534-0555 580.252.5324 (Stephens County) 580.228.2929 (Jefferson County Women’s Resource Center, Inc. PO Box 5089 Norman, OK 73070 405.364.9424 www.wrcnorman.com 56 EDUCATION ASCOG AREA UNIVERSITIES CAMERON UNIVERSITY Dr. John McArthur, President 2800 West Gore Boulevard Lawton, OK 73505-6377 O: 580.581.2230 www.cameron.edu UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & ARTS OF OKLAHOMA Dr. John Feaver, President 1727 W Alabama Chickasha, OK 73018-3871 O: 405.224.3140 http://usao.edu/ CAMERON UNIVERSITY – DUNCAN Susan Camp, Administrator 3100 W. Bois D’Arc Avenue Duncan, OK 73533-2709 O: 580.255.7566 www.cameron.edu/duncan/services 57 ASCOG AREA TECHNOLOGY CENTERS CADDO KIOWA Dennis Ruttman, Superintendent P O Box 190 Fort Cobb, OK 73038-0190 405.643.5511 www.caddokiowa.com CANADIAN VALLEY - CHICKASHA CAMPUS George Tiner, Deputy Superintendent 1401 Michigan Avenue Chickasha, OK 73018-2199 405.224.7220 http://cvtech.edu/ GREAT PLAINS Dr. Tom Thomas, Superintendent 4500 Southwest Lee Lawton, OK 73505-8399 580.355.6371 www.greatplains.edu Great Plains Tillman/Kiowa Counties Campus Gary Tyler, Director 2001 East Gladstone Avenue Frederick, OK 73542-4645 580.335.5525 www.greatplains.edu/tillman-kiowa-campus MID-AMERICA Dusty Ricks, Superintendent P O Box H Wayne, OK 73095-0210 405.449.3391 www.matech.edu RED RIVER Dennis Loafman, Superintendent P O Box 1807 Duncan, OK 73534-1807 580.255.2903 www.rrtc.edu 58 ELDERCARE 800.677.1116 59 EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE STATE OF OKLAHOMA Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) 866.411.1877 STEPHENS COUNTY Christian’s Concerned PO Box 811 Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.9120 Corey’s Hands of Hope 516 North 7th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.786.0038 Marlow Samaritans 214 West Main Street Marlow, OK 73055 580.658.5771 60 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES American Red Cross – Great Plains Chapter 6 Southeast Lee Blvd. Lawton, OK 73501 580.355.2480 Comanche, Cotton, Jefferson, Stephens and Tillman Counties www.redcross.org American Red Cross – Heart of Oklahoma Chapter 1205 Halley Avenue Norman, OK 73069 405.321.0591 McClain County www.redcross.org American Red Cross – Canadian Valley Chapter 401 South Grand Avenue El Reno, OK 73036 405.262.5760 Caddo County www.redcrossorg American Red Cross – Central Oklahoma Chapter 601 NE 6th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73104 405.228.9500 Grady County www.redcross.org 61 EYE CARE COMANCHE COUNTY Brett Wagner, OD 5606 SW Lee Blvd. Lawton, OK 73501 580.536.0000 Advanced Eye Site 3414 NW Cache Road, Suite E Lawton,OK 73505 580.353.2015 STEPHENS COUNTY Complete Eye Care 1224 North Sheridan Road Lawton, OK 73501 580.355.2020 or 409 SW C Avenue Lawton, OK 73501 580.251.5069 Jody W. Atchley, OD Jeffrey W. Edwards 2204 North Hwy 81 Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.9717 Brendhan Fritts, OD PC 14 South 8th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.1346 Primary Eye Care Associates 1415 West Gore Blvd. Lawton, OK 73502 580.355.3036 or 580.248.EYES Ronny M. LaQuey, OD FAAO 2120 West Elk Avenue, Suite 1 Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.0249 Family Vision Clinic 1302 SW C Avenue Lawton, OK 73501 580.355.1298 Miller Eye Care 1311 Jackie Road Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.2501 Dean Nolan, OD 3414 NW Cache Road, Suite E Lawton, OK 73505 580.353.2015 Donald C. Rice, OD 1320 West Main Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.0988 Ross Eye Care 311 SW 9th Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.353.5090 Timothy P. Walker OD 1601 Jones Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.7399 Richard S. Swales, OD 2518 West Gore Blvd Lawton, OK 73502 580.357.6911 Wesley J. Walker, OD 405 S. Broadway Marlow, OK 73055 580.658.6664 Bill Vaughn Lawton Noon Lion Sight Preservation 580.355.5520 62 FOOD PANTRIES CADDO COUNTY COTTON COUNTY Apache Ministerial Alliance First United Methodist Apache, OK 73006 580.588.2426 Cotton County Community Action Development Corporation Temple, OK 73568 580.342.6967 Bethel Assembly of God Fort Cobb, OK 73038 405.643.2007 First Baptist Church Walters, OK 73572 580.875.3341 COMANCHE COUNTY GRADY COUNTY Agape Faith Worship Center Lawton, OK 73501 580.355.0633 First Baptist Church Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.5196 Armed Services YMCA Lawton, OK 73501 580.355.5520 Salvation Army Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.5647 Bethlehem Bread of Life Food/Clothing Ministry Lawton, OK 73501 580.354.9266 Southern Oaks Church of Christ Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.1821 JEFFERSON COUNTY Faith Based Church of God Lawton, OK 73502 580.357.3203 Community Action Development Corp Ryan, OK 73565 580.757.2235 Heartland SHARE Lawton, OK 73501 580.357.7280 Oklahoma Department of Human Services Waurika, OK 73573 580.228.3581 House of Bread Ministries Food Pantry Lawton, OK 73507 580.248.8519 MCCLAIN COUNTY Fervent Fire Ministries Blanchard, OK 73010 405.485.3777 Salvation Army Corps Community Center 1306 "E" Avenue Lawton, OK 73501-4717 580.355.1802 63 Goldsby Baptist Church Goldsby, OK 73093 405.288.2514 Compassion Care Center Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.2650 McClain County Salvation Army Purcell, OK 73080 405.527.6537 Immanuel Baptist Church Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.0467 Memorial Assembly of God Purcell, OK 73080 405.527.2769 Oklahoma Department of Human Services Duncan, OK 73533 580.251.8300 STEPHENS COUNTY Ray of Hope Ministries Comanche, OK 73529 580.439.5112 Assumption Catholic Church Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.0590 Rescue Mission Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.4679 Chisholm Trail Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.7038 TILLMAN COUNTY Christian Helping Hands Comanche, OK 73529 580.439.5712 First Baptist Church Frederick, OK 73542 580.335.2166 64 FUNERAL SERVICES Smith-Hackney Funeral Chapel 301 West Oklahoma Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.3701 www.smithfuneralservices.com CADDO COUNTY Binger Gragg Funeral Home 321 W Main Street Binger, OK 73009 405.656.2313 Steverson Funeral Home 1115 S Mission Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.6750 www.steversonfuneralhome.com Becker-Rabon Funeral Home 405 N Main Street Cement, OK 73017 405.489.3500 www.beckerfuneral.com Turner Funeral Home 114 N Broadway Binger, OK 73009 405.656.2240 http://turnerfh.net Crews Funeral Home 122 E Floyd Street Apache, OK 73006 580.588.3366 www.crewsfh.com COMANCHE COUNTY Cyril Funeral Home 5th & Nebraska Cyril, OK 73029 405.464.2222 www.crewsfh.com Becker-Rabon Funeral Home 518 W Cole Fletcher, OK 73541 580.549.6036 www.beckerfuneral.com Fort Cobb Funeral Home 306 N 3rd Street Fort Cobb, OK 73038 405.643.2622 Becker-Rabon Funeral Home 1502 Ft. Sill Blvd Lawton, OK 73507 580.353.3030 www.beckerfuneral.com Hinton-Turner Funeral Home 123 W Park Street Hinton, OK 73047 405.542.3222 http://turnerfh.net Cache Funeral Home 407 W D Avenue Cache, OK 73527 580.429.0211 Ray & Martha’s Funeral Home 20 West Main Street Carnegie, OK 73015 405.654.1800 www.hackneyfuneralhome.com Comanche Nation Funeral Home 2701 SW J Street Lawton, OK 73505 580.351.0045 65 Jefferson Funeral Home 101 West Gore Blvd. Lawton, OK 73505 580.353.2223 Fletcher-Jefferson Funeral Home 120 E Texas Avenue Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.1923 Lawton Ritter Gray Funeral Home 632 SW C Avenue Lawton, OK 73501 580.353.2940 www.grayfuneral.com Huber Reynolds Funeral Home 301 N 3rd Street Minco, OK 73059 405.352.4355 Miller’s Mortuary 15 NW Dearborn Avenue Lawton, OK 73507 580.353.9945 McRay Funeral Home 110 S 8th Street Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.4141 http://mcrayfuneralhome.com Sunset Memorial Gardens 8700 NW Cache Road Lawton, OK 73505 580.536.1065 Sevier Funeral Home, Inc. 702 W Chickasha Avenue Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.4266 Whinery Huddleston Funeral Service 6210 NW Cache Road Lawton, OK 73505 580.536.0211 www.whineryhuddleston.com JEFFERSON COUNTY GRADY COUNTY Alexander Funeral Home 214 E Main Street Ringling, OK 73456 580.662.2476 http://alexanderfuneralhome.org Callaway-Smith-Cobb Chapel 326 W Blakely Rush Springs, OK 73082 580.476.3403 www.callawaysmithcobb.com Dudley Funeral Home 525 Washington Street Ryan, OK 73563 580.757.2401 www.dudleyfuneralhomes.com Christian Funeral Home 401 S 1st Street Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.7258 Dudley Funeral Home 414 West Elm Waurika, OK 73573 580.228.3535 www.dudleyfuneralhomes.com Ferguson Funeral Home 804 Utah Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.1344 www.ferguson-funeralhome.com Spivey-Reser Funeral Home 108 E Main Street Ringling, OK 73456 580.662.2255 66 Carter-Smart Funeral Home 1316 W Oak Avenue Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.2766 www.cartersmartfuneralhome.com MCCLAIN COUNTY Binyon Funeral Home 2500 N Council Road Blanchard, OK 73010 405.485.8600 Don Grantham Funeral Home 1502 N Hwy 81 Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.6666 www.granthamfuneralhomes.com Eisenhour Funeral Home 600 N Main Street Blanchard, OK 73010 405.485.3311 www.eisenhourfh.com Dudley Funeral Home 203 Church Avenue Comanche, OK 73529 580.439.8822 www.dudleyfuneralhomes.com Wadley’s Funeral Service, Inc. 303 W Washington Street Purcell, OK 73080 405.527.6687 www.wadleysfuneralservice.com TILLMAN COUNTY Wilson-Little Funeral Home 119 S Canadian Street Purcell, OK 73080 405.527.6543 www.wilsonlittle.com Gray Funeral Home 202 SW 2nd Street Grandfield, OK 73546 580.479.5258 www.grayfuneral.com Yoakum-Damet Funeral Home 310 W Main Street Purcell, OK 73080 405.527.6555 STEPHENS COUNTY Gray Gish Funeral Home 111 N 11th Street Frederick, OK 73542 580.335.2112 www.tiptonfuneralhome.com Bailes-Polk-Brooks Funeral Home 910 W Oak Avenue Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.5252 www.bailespolkfuneralhome.com Jackson Funeral Home First & Gladstone Frederick, OK 73542 580.335.7447 www.jacksonfuneral.net Callaway-Smith-Cobb Funeral Home 415 W Main Street Marlow, OK 73055 580.658.5455 www.callawaysmithcobb.com Tipton Funeral Home 220 East Main Tipton, OK 73570 580.667.5241 www.tiptonfuneralhome.com 67 GRANDPARENTS RAISING GRANDCHILDREN Millions of grandparents have taken on the responsibility of raising their grandchildren. There are many resources available to aid grandparents in this task as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), food stamps, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and support groups. Contact your local Department of Human Services for a list of available services. Support Groups: Center for Creative Living Caregivers Support Group When: 1st Wednesday of every month Time: 2:00 p.m. Where: Center for Creative Living 3501 Dr. Elsie Hamm Drive Lawton, OK 73501 Phone: 580.248.0471 Heartland Healthcare Caregivers Support Program 1608 NE Euclid Lawton, OK 73507 580.353.9800 / 800.353.2905 MaddieLuke PO Box 507 Comanche, OK 73527 855.9.MADDIE laura.goldring@maddieluke.com Websites: www.aarp.org www.brookdalefoundation.org www.gu.org www.raisingyourgrandchildren.com 68 Resources for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: County Health Departments Your county health department provides a variety of services to single parent families, two parent families, adults, grandparents, teenagers and children. Areas that your county health department may be able to provide assistance in areas of nutrition and dental education, outreach services and HIV/STD screenings. Other services provided include: Car seats Children First program Family planning Guidance Immunizations 69 HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS USPHS Lawton Indian Hospital 1515 NE Lawrie Tatum Road Lawton, OK 73507-3002 580.353.0350 CADDO COUNTY Caddo County Health Department 216 West Broadway Anadarko, OK 73005-3810 405.247.2507 COTTON COUNTY Carnegie Tri-County Municipal Hospital 102 North Broadway Carnegie, OK 73015 580.654.1050 www.carnegiehospital.org Cotton County Health Department 1501-A South 7th Street Walters, OK 73572-1024 580.875.6122 GRADY COUNTY COMANCHE COUNTY Grady County Health Department 2116 West Iowa Ave. Chickasha, OK 73018-2736 405.224.2022 Cancer Centers of Southwest Oklahoma Lawton – 580.536.2121 Comanche County Health Department 1010 SW Sheridan Road Lawton, OK 73501-1531 580.248.5890 Grady Memorial Hospital 2220 West Iowa Ave. Chickasha, OK 73018-2738 405.224.2300 www.gradymem.org Comanche County Memorial Hospital 3401 West Gore Blvd. Lawton, OK 73502-1209 580.355.8620 www.ccmhonline.com JEFFERSON COUNTY Jefferson County Health Department 107 East Anderson Waurika, OK 73573-3000 580.228.2313 Reynolds Army Hospital 4301 Wilson Street Fort Sill, OK 73503-6300 580.558.2800 www.rach.sill.amedd.army.mil Jefferson County Hospital Hwy. 70 & 81 Waurika, OK 73542-2220 580.228.2344 www.jeffersoncountyhospital.net Southwest Medical Center 5602 SW Lee Blvd. Lawton, OK 73506-1290 580.531.4700 www.southwesternmedcenter.com 70 2502 West Elk Avenue Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.9600 MCCLAIN COUNTY McClain County Health Department 919 North 9th Avenue, Suite 3 Purcell, OK 73080-2028 405.527.6541 Stephens County Health Department 1401 West Bois D'Arc Duncan, OK 73533-4825 580.252.0270 McClain County Health Department 107 South Main Blanchard, OK 73010 405.485.3319 Solutions Practice Management 2210 Duncan Regional Loop Road Duncan, OK 73533 580.251.8281 Purcell Municipal Hospital 1500 N. Green Avenue, Purcell, OK 73080-0511 405.527.6524 www.purcellhospital.com Solutions Practice Management Velma, OK 73533 580.444.2630 Urgent Med 2004 N. Hwy. 81 Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.1911 www.urgent-med.com STEPHENS COUNTY Cancer Centers of Southwest Oklahoma 2502 West Elk Avenue Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.9600 TILLMAN COUNTY Compassion Care Center 802 North 10th Street Duncan, OK 73533-4132 580.255.2650 Memorial Hospital & Physicians Group 319 East Josephine Avenue Frederick, OK 73542-2220 580.335.7565 http://frederickhospital.org Duncan Regional Hospital 1407 Whisenant Drive Duncan, OK 73534-2000 http://duncanregional.com 580.252.5300 Tillman County Health Department 1500 North Main Street, Frederick, OK 73542-1421 580.335.2163 Sanford Children’s Clinic 71 HEARING AID ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Audient National Program 866.956.5400 Lions Club Check your local listing for telephone number in your area Vocational Rehabilitation 1.800.487.4042 72 HOME HEALTH/DAILY LIFE ASSISTANCE PROVIDERS Entrusted Hearts 60 NW Sheridan Road, Suite 6 Lawton, OK 73505 580.355.2440 CADDO COUNTY Advanced Home Care Services Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.2280 / 888.352.3835 Faith Hospice 1836 NW 52nd Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.353.2711 www.faithhospice.com Family Faith Hospice, Inc. 804 Wynan Court Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.9526 HealthBack Home Health 804 Wynan Court, Suite B Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.6864 www.healthback.com Gentiva Health Services 2210 Gore Blvd., Ste. 3 Lawton, OK 73501-3652 580.248.9998 HealthBack Home Health of Lawton 1836 NW 52nd Street, Suite A Lawton, OK 73501 580.355.3332 www.healthback.com COMANCHE COUNTY AGAPE Home Health Agency 207 Southwest "C" Avenue Lawton, OK 73501-4648 580.351.2273 Quantum Health Care 4202 SW Lee Blvd. Building B Suite 204 Lawton, OK 73505-8300 580.248.8481 www.quantumhomehealthcare.com Angels Care Home Health 4645 West Gore Blvd., Suite C Lawton, OK 73505 580.248.0186 www.angelscarehealth.com Ross Healthcare 1919 W Gore Blvd Lawton, OK 73505 580.353.1206 www.rosshc.com Aspire Home Care 7205 West Gore Blvd. Lawton, OK 73505 855.527.7473 (toll free) www.aspirehomecare.com Southwestern Home Health 15 NE 20th Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.248.7060 www.swhomehealth.com Comanche County Memorial Home Health 2502 West Gore Lawton, OK 73505 580.585.5575 http://www.ccmhonline.com/home-health 73 Together We Can 1930 NW Ferris Avenue, Suite 6 Lawton, OK 73507 580.699.8104 Lifeline Hospice 1701 W. Iowa Chickasha, OK 73018 405.222.2051 www.lifelinehomehealthhospice.com COTTON COUNTY Ross Health Care 328 South 29th Street Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.7761 www.rosshc.com Aspire Home Care 103 N. Broadway Walters, OK 73572 855.527.7473 (toll free) www.aspirehomecare.com JEFFERSON COUNTY Personal Touch Home Health 230 East Missouri Street Walters, OK 73572-1434 580.875.3702 Angels Care Home Health 210 South Main Street Waurika, OK 73573-3056 580.228.3545 www.angelscarehealth.com Therapy Link 305 E. Missouri Walters, OK 73572 580.875.3095 Good Health Care Professionals, Inc 1006 6th Street, Ryan, OK 73565 580.757.2282 GRADY COUNTY Faith Hospice 420 South 22nd Street , Suite B Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.1763 www.faithhospice.com MCCLAIN COUNTY Florence Night and Day 2830 NW 32nd Street, Suite 302 Newcastle, OK 73065 405.213.0247 800.684.3570 www.flo247.com HealthBack Home Health 420 South 22nd Street Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.3366 www.healthback.com HealthBack Home Health 519 West Delaware Street Purcell, OK 73080 405.527.0027 www.healthback.com Lifeline Home Health Care 1701 W. Iowa Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.4891 www.lifelinehomehealthhospice.com 74 STEPHENS COUNTY ASCOG Managed Care 802 Main Street P.O. Box 1647 Duncan, OK 73534-1647 580.252.0595 www.ascog.org Faith Hospice 12 South 8th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.251.9853 www.faithhospice.com Aspire Home Care 121 South Broadway Marlow, OK 73055 855.527.7473 (toll free) www.aspirehomecare.com Health Watch 2124 N. Hwy. 81 Duncan, OK 73533 580.251.9536 www.healthwatchok.com Chisholm Trail Hospice 2000 West Elk Avenue Duncan, OK 73533-1642 580.251.8764 http://duncanregional.com/hospice Mays Housecall Home Health, Inc. 2124 N. Hwy. 81 Duncan, OK 73533 580.251.9536 www.mayshomecareinc.com Choice Home Health 1501 Brookwood Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.9909 Peters Agency 1935 West Elk Avenue Duncan, OK 73533 580.470.8678 Duncan Regional Hospital Home Health Care 2000 West Elk Avenue Duncan, OK 73533-1642 580.251.8752 www.duncanregional.com/hospice TILLMAN COUNTY 1317 North 12th Street Frederick, OK 73542 855.527.7473 (toll free) www.aspirehomecare.com 75 HOMELESS SHELTERS New Directions Women’s Shelter 317 C Avenue Lawton, OK 73502 580.250.1123 www.mariedetty.com COMANCHE COUNTY C. Carter Crane Emergency Homeless Shelter 1203 SW Texas Avenue Lawton, OK 73501 580.248.0936 www.gpif-caa.org Salvation Army Corps Community Center 1306 "E" Avenue Lawton, OK 73501-4717 580.355.1802 www.salvationarmyaok.org Family Promise 910 SW E Avenue Lawton, OK 73501 580.699.2821 580.353.7522 www.familypromiseoflawton.org GRADY COUNTY Resurrection House 910 W. Chickasha Avenue Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.5413 www.thereshouse.com Great Plains Improvement Foundation 2 South Lee Blvd, Suite 200 Lawton, OK 73501 580.353.2364 www.gpif-caa.org JEFFERSON COUNTY Women’s Haven PO Box 555 Duncan, OK 73534-0555 580.228.2929 (Jefferson County) House of Bread Ministries Homeless Outreach Lawton, OK 73507 580.248.8519 STEPHENS COUNTY Women’s Haven PO Box 555 Duncan, OK 73534-0555 580.252.5324 (Stephens County) 76 HOUSING Hydro Housing Authority 501 West 4th Street Hydro, OK 73048-8752 405.663.2326 CADDO COUNTY Anadarko Housing Authority 615 E. Texas Dr. Anadarko, OK 73005-5207 405.247.3110 Kiowa Indian Tribe Housing Authority 1701 E. Central Blvd. Anadarko, OK 73005-4503 580.247.2417 Apache Housing Authority 402 North Oak Apache, OK 73006-0337 580.588.3664 Knox House and Texas House 211 W. Texas and 406 W Knox Anadarko, OK 73005 405-247-7377 Cement Housing Authority 122 S. 1st Street Cement, OK 73017 405.489.3674 COMANCHE COUNTY Cyril Housing Authority 101 Chandler Dr. Cyril, OK 73029 580.464.2439 Cache Housing Authority PO Box 582 Cache, OK 73527 580.429.3405 Caddo Indian Housing Authority 20 Halfmoon Circle Gracemont, OK 73042 405.966.2203 Home at Last Lawton Housing for Homeless Veterans by Veterans 815 SW E Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.647.5077 Elms 319 West Oklahoma Avenue Anadarko, OK 73005 405-247-1020 Indiahoma Housing Authority 308 Big Bow Indiahoma, OK 73552 580.429.3405 Fort Cobb Housing Authority #21 Thames Circle Fort Cobb, OK 73038 405.643.2111 Lawton Housing Authority 609 Southwest "F" Ave. Lawton, OK 73501-4540 580.353.7392 Housing Authority of Apache Tribe 211 N. Country Club Road Anadarko, OK 73005-2234 405.247.7305 Sterling Housing Authority #3 East Hancock Street Sterling, OK 73567 580.365.4862 77 Terral Housing Authority 508 East Chickasaw Terral, OK 73569 580.437.2433 COTTON COUNTY Temple Housing Authority 100 North McClain Dr. Temple, OK 73568-0307 580.342.5013 Walters Housing Authority 500 East California Walters, OK 73572-1610 580.875.2310 Waurika Housing Authority 811 Phillips Ave. Waurika, OK 73573-0307 580.228.2976 MCCLAIN COUNTY GRADY COUNTY Tuttle Housing Authority 412 East Bond Street Tuttle, OK 73089 405.381.2721 Country Park Apartments 1601 S. Henderson Chickasha, OK 73018 405-222-0909 STEPHENS COUNTY Minco Housing Authority 400 SW 6th Street Minco, OK 73059 405-352-4996 Chickasaw Housing Authority 2414 Harris Dr. Duncan, OK 73533-3063 580.252.5669 Nowata Gardens 2501 S. Ninth St. Chickasha, OK 73018 405-224-9222 Comanche Housing Authority 9th & Wilson Comanche, OK 73529 580.439.5333 Somerset Apartments 400 W. Blakely St. Rush Springs, OK 73082 580-476-3850 Duncan Community Residence 1510 W. Main Street Duncan, OK 73533-4333 580.255.3926 JEFFERSON COUNTY Duncan Plaza 2021 N. Hwy. 81 Duncan, OK 73533-1461 580.252.4511 Ryan Housing Authority 14th & Grant Street Ryan, OK 73565-0147 580.757.2390 Indian Trails Apartments 100 Seminole Dr. Comanche, OK 73529-2400 580.439.6140 Ringling Housing Authority 200 West "D" Street Ringling, OK 73456 580.662.2227 78 Grandfield Housing Authority 130 East 1st Street Grandfield, OK 73546-9498 580.479.5256 TILLMAN COUNTY Frederick Housing Authority 200 West Grand Ave. Frederick, OK 73542-5230 580.335.7551 Tipton Housing Authority 224 Northwest 5th Street Tipton, OK 73570 580.667.5358 79 LEGAL SERVICES Legal Aid of Western Oklahoma, Inc. 323 SW C Avenue Lawton, OK 73501 580.248.4675 1.800.850.5950 www.legalaid.org Center for Creative Living 3501 Dr. Elsie Hamm Drive Lawton, OK 73505 580.248.0471 80 LIBRARIES CADDO COUNTY JEFFERSON COUNTY Carnegie Public Library 6 East Main Street Carnegie, OK 73015 405.654.1980 www.carnlibr@carnegienet.net Ringling Public Library 101 East Main Ringling, OK 73456 580.662.2925 Waurika Public Library 203 South Meridian Waurika, OK 73573 580.228.3274 COMANCHE COUNTY Lawton Public Library 110 SW 4th Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.581.3450 www.cityof.lawton.ok.us/library/ MCCLAIN COUNTY Blanchard Public Library 205 NE 10th Street Blanchard, OK 73010 405.485.2275 www.pioneerlibrarysystem.org COTTON COUNTY Walters City Library 202 North Broadway Walters, OK 73572 580.875.2006 Purcell Public Library 919 North 9th Street Purcell, OK 73080 405.527.5546 www.pioneerlibrarysystem.org GRADY COUNTY Chickasha Public Library 527 W Iowa Avenue Chickasha, OK 73018 405.222.6075 www.chickashapl.okpls.org STEPHENS COUNTY Duncan Public Library 2211 North Hwy 81 Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.0636 http://www2.youseemore.com/duncan/ Glover Spencer Memorial Library 100 South 6th Street Rush Springs, OK 73082 580.476.2108 Garland Smith Public Library 702 West Main Marlow, OK 73055 580.658.5354 81 MEDICARE AND MEDICAID Oklahoma Medicare Assistance Program 800.763.2828 Medicare 800.633.4227 www.medicare.gov Medicaid Oklahoma 877.252.6002 ASCOG Medicare Assistance Specialist 802 W. Main Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.736.7973 / 800.658.1466 82 MEDICAL SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT Adex Home Security 888.522.9696 Carter Healthcare 5366 NW Cache Road Lawton, OK 73505 580.353.0377 Alert Response, LLC 1400 Moccassin Trail, Suite 11 Lewisville, TX 75077 (972) 318-0161 Combined Home Medical Equipment 2504 SW Lee Blvd Lawton, OK 73501 580.250.1999 CVS Pharmacy Medical Alert System 866.268.1378 Elgin Discount Pharmacy Downtown Elgin Elgin, OK 73538 580.492.5007 EMERGENCY RESPONSE Freedom Med Alert 877.727.4492 Family Home Medical 1202 NW 21st Street Lawton, OK 73507 580.248.5151 Life Alert 800.580.2897 Life Watch USA 866.881.2801 Kingdom Medical Equipment 1824 NW 52nd Street Lawton, OK 73505 580.215.5000 Medical Guardian 866.340.7066 Monitronics Security 866.334.1122 Lawton Medi-Equip 924 NW 38th Street or 2710 West Gore Blvd Lawton, OK 73505 580.355.7665 US Alert Security 888.509.0420 Lincare, Inc 28 SW E Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.353.4181 COMANCHE COUNTY Advantage Mobility 1235 SW Sheridan Road Lawton, OK 73505 580.248.3200 JEFFERSON COUNTY Anderson Pharmacy 5366 NW Cache Road Lawton, OK 73505 580.595.9500 Med Tech Corporation 104 South Main Street Waurika, OK 73573 580.228.2100 83 STEPHENS COUNTY Newberry Express Pharmacy 801 South Broadway Marlow, OK 73055 580.658.5428 Advanced Medical Supply 2045 West Elk Avenue Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.4700 84 MENTAL HEALTH AGENCIES STATE OF OKLAHOMA STEPHENS COUNTY Department of Health and Human Services 800.273.8255 Deb Brantley, PhD, LPC 1608 West Jones Avenue Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.7460 COMANCHE COUNTY Reflections Mental Health 1602 SW 82nd Street Lawton, OK 580.536.6302 Duncan Community Residence 1510 West Main Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.3926 Silver Linings 3401 West Gore Lawton, OK 580.250.6651 Live Wires Behavioral Center 1509 Brookwood Avenue, Suite A Duncan, OK 73533 580.786.4538 www.livewiresbc.com Southwestern Behavior Health Center 1602 SW 82nd Street Lawton, OK 580.536.0077 Jim Taliaferro Community Mental Health Center - Duncan Satellite 324 S. Highway 81 Duncan, OK 73533 580.475.0519 (voice mail available after 5:00 p.m.) Taliferro Mental Health Center 602 SW 38th Street Lawton, OK 580.248.5780 85 THE NATIONAL CAREGIVER PROGRAM Caregivers are a growing population in the United States. A caregiver can be defined as “an individual who has the principal responsibility for caring for a child or a dependent adult, especially in the home.” The National Caregiver program works to ensure that caregivers are aware of resources and information that may assist them in their daily lives as they take on the enormous task of caring for a loved one. The ASCOG Area Agency on Aging in conjunction with the Oklahoma Areawide Services Information System (OASIS) provides information, support groups and respite for those who are taking care of someone age 60 or older. Respite vouchers are available for caregivers who live in one of the eight counties served by ASCOG: Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Grady, Jefferson, McClain, Stephens and Tillman counties. Caregivers may use the vouchers to have a neighbor, family member or a friend sit with their loved one while they take a break from their care giving duties. Respite vouchers can also be used at adult daycare centers. The purpose of the vouchers is to try to prevent caregivers from suffering from burnout, physical and/or emotional illness because of the lack of time they have for themselves. CAREGIVER RESPITE PROVIDERS: MaddieLuke PO Box 507 Comanche, OK 73527 855.9.MADDIE laura.goldring@maddieluke.com 86 NEWSPAPERS CADDO COUNTY COMANCHE COUNTY Anadarko Daily News P.O. Box 548 Anadarko, OK 73005-0548 405.247.3331 news@anadarko-news.com Comanche County Chronicle P.O. Box 415 Elgin, OK 73538-0415 580.492.6397 thechronicle@tds.net Apache News 120 East Evans Apache, OK 73006 580.588.3862 wrightapachenews@aol.com County Times P.O. Box 3 Cache, OK 73527-0003 580.357.8200 TCT@countimes.org Carnegie Herald P.O. Box 129 Carnegie, OK 73015-0129 580.654.1443 news@carnegieherald.com Lawton Constitution 102 SW 3rd Street Lawton, OK 73502 580.353.0620 Country Connection P.O. Box 206 Eakly, OK 73033-0206 405.797.3648 countryconnectionnews@yahoo.com COTTON COUNTY Walters Herald P.O. Box 247 Walters, OK 73572-0247 580.875.3326 www.waltersherald.com wherald@sbcglobal.net Cyril News P.O. Box 10 Cyril, OK 73029-0010 580.464.2410 cyrilnews@tds.net GRADY COUNTY Express Star P.O. Drawer E Chickasha, OK 73023-0835 405.224.2600 editor@chickashanews.com Hinton Record P.O. Box 959 Hinton, OK 73047-0959 405.542.6644 news@hintonrecord.com www.hintonrecord.com Rush Springs Gazette P.O. Box 597 Rush Springs, OK 73082-0597 580.476.2525 rsgazette@sbcglobal.net 87 Tuttle Times P.O. Box 180 Tuttle, OK 73089-0180 405.381.3173 editor@tuttletimes.com OKLAHOMA COUNTY The Oklahoman 9000 Broadway Extension Oklahoma City, OK 73114-3708 405.475.3311 www.oklahoman.com Washita Valley Community Magazine 920 South 4th Street Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.7467 wvshopper@att.net www.washitavalleyweekly.com STEPHENS COUNTY Chisholm Trail Shopper 1898 US 81 Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.2428 email@chisholmtrailshopper.com www.chisholmtrailshopper.com JEFFERSON COUNTY Ringling Eagle PO Box 626 Ringling, OK 73456-0626 580.662.2221 ringlingeagle@sbcglobal.net Comanche Times P.O. Box 580 Comanche, OK 73529-0580 580.439.6500 comanchetimes@pldi.net Waurika News Journal 114 S Main Waurika, OK 73573-2209 580.228.2545 waurikanewsjournal@gmail.com MCCLAIN COUNTY Duncan Banner 101 Elm Street Duncan, OK 73534 580.255.5354 news@duncanbanner.com Blanchard News P.O. Box 60 Blanchard, OK 73010-0060 405.485.2311 blanchardnews@pldi.net Marlow Review P.O. Box 153 Marlow, OK 73055-0153 580.658.6657 lifestyle@marlowreview.com Newcastle Pacer P.O. Box 429 Newcastle, OK 73065-0429 405.387.5277 www.newcastlepacer.com TILLMAN COUNTY Big Pasture News P.O. Box 508 Grandfield, OK 73546-0508 580.479.5757 Purcell Register P.O. Box 191 Purcell, OK 73080-0101 405.527.2126 www.purcellregister.com Frederick Leader 304 W. Grand, Frederick, OK 73542-9998 580.335.2188 88 NUTRITION SITES Fort Sill Apache Tribe Nutrition Project RR 2, Box 207 Apache, OK 73006-9690 580.588.2296 CADDO COUNTY Anadarko Nutrition Center 417 West Main Street Anadarko, OK 73005-2436 405.247.4857 Hinton Nutrition Center 500 West Main Street Hinton, OK 73047 405.542.6454 Apache Tribe of Oklahoma Nutrition 601 E. Colorado P.O. Box 1330 Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.6330 Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma P.O. Box 369 Carnegie, OK 73015-0369 580.654.2300 Caddo Tribe of Oklahoma Nutrition P.O. Box 487 Binger, OK 73009 405.656.9042 Wichita and Affiliated Tribes Nutrition P.O. Box 729 Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.9677 Carnegie Nutrition Center 3 East 3rd Street PO Box 1126 Carnegie, OK 73015 580.654.1507 COMANCHE COUNTY Cache Nutrition Center 416 West C Avenue Cache, OK 73527 580.429.3427 Cement Nutrition Center P.O. Box 351 323 N Main Street Cement, OK 73017-0351 405.489.3803 Comanche Nation Nutrition P.O. Box 1720, Lawton, OK 73501-1720 580.492.4987 Cyril Nutrition Center P.O. Box 143 201 West Ohio Cyril, OK 73029 580.464.2745 Elgin Nutrition Center 801 1st Street Elgin, OK 73538 580.492.4980 Delaware Nation Nutrition 31064 St. Hwy. 281 Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.2448 Geronimo Nutrition Center 101 Main Street Geronimo, OK 73543 580.353.3448 89 Lawton North Nutrition Center 1705 NW 20th Street Lawton, OK 73507 580.581.3481 Rush Springs Nutrition Center 214 Blakley P.O. Box 432 Rush Springs, OK 73082-0432 580.476-3168 Lawton Eastside Nutrition Center Patterson Community Center 4 NE Arlington Lawton, OK 73505 580.581.3485 Verden Nutrition Center 214 North Main Street PO Box 206 Verden, OK 73092 405.453.7720 Lawton South Nutrition Center 704 SW D Avenue Lawton, OK 73501 580.355.5660 JEFFERSON COUNTY Ringling Nutrition Center 200 West "D" Street P.O. Box 1007 Ringling, OK 73456-1007 580.662.2362 Pleasant Valley Nutrition Center 1123 Southwest Monroe Lawton, OK 73501-7331 580.581.3489 Ryan Nutrition Center 400 Taylor Route 1 Box 8 Ryan, OK 73565-9605 580.757.2412 COTTON COUNTY Randlett Nutrition Center 100 D Avenue Randlett, OK 73562 580.281.3220 MCCLAIN COUNTY Temple Nutrition Center 201 South Commercial Street P.O. Box 652 Temple, OK 73568-0652 580.342.6944 Blanchard Nutrition Center 101 South Main Street PO Box 1248 Blanchard, OK 73010 405.485.9260 Walters Nutrition Center 500 E. California Street P.O. Box 452 Walters, OK 73572-0452 580.875.2211 Byars Nutrition Center 282 East Ripley Byars, OK 74831-7003 405.783.4468 Purcell Nutrition Center 228 North Second Purcell, OK 73080-4208 405.527.9462 GRADY COUNTY Chickasha Nutrition Center 203 N 18th Street Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.4315 90 Washington Nutrition Center 219 North Turner P.O. Box 624 Washington, OK 73093-0624 405.288.6404 Delta Nutrition Program 707 King Place Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.1174 Wayne Nutrition Center 227 Shannon, P.O. Box 141 Wayne, OK 73095-0141 405.449.3079 Duncan Northside Nutrition Center 1110 North 7th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.1174 Marlow Nutrition Center 201 North Elm Street Marlow, OK 73055 580.658.5773 STEPHENS COUNTY Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Center 1909 West Plato Road Duncan, OK 73533-1224 580.470.2160 TILLMAN COUNTY Frederick Nutrition Center 102 East Grand Grand Hotel Frederick, OK 73542 580.335.7026 Comanche Nutrition Center 410 South 2nd Comanche, OK 73529-2419 580.439.5076 91 OKLAHOMA PARENTS AS TEACHERS (OPAT) Lawton Public Schools PO Box 1009 Lawton, OK 73502-1009 Phone: 580.585.6440 http://ok.gov/sde/oklahoma-parents-teachers The OPAT program begins at the prenatal stage and extends until a child is three years old. The program provides information on child development and research, language skills, intellectual growth, social maturity and motor skills. OPAT Benefits: Personal visits from parent educators Group meetings with other parents Screenings that assess your child’s health, hearing, vision and overall development Connections with community resources 92 OSU-OKLAHOMA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICES Community Nutrition Education Program Fresh Start Nutrition and You 315 HES Building Stillwater, OK 74078-6131 Phone: 405.744.6283 Fax: 405.744.3538 Caddo County Office 1202 East Central Blvd. Anadarko, OK 73005 Phone: 405-247-3376 Fax: 405-247-7638 Comanche County Office 315 SW 5th Street, Room #207 Lawton, OK 73501 Phone: 580-355-1045 Stephens County Office 2002 South 13th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.0510 The Fresh Start Nutrition and You program is a free service where nutrition education assistants will come to your home for an hour a week to teach you how to prepare healthier meals for you and your family. Tips offered by the Fresh Start Program include: Great ways to budget meals and stretch your food dollars. Feeding infants and children. Basic health and nutrition information. Meal planning tips to meet nutrition requirements. New ideas for making healthy and delicious low-cost meals. Information on food safety, storage and sanitation. 93 RADIO STATIONS KSYE - 91.5 FM 11 NW 44th, Suite D Lawton, OK 580.580.5793 CADDO COUNTY KACO - 98.5 FM 115 West Broadway Street Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.6682 KVRS - 90.3 FM 11 Winding Creek Road Lawton, OK 580.536.8886 COMANCHE COUNTY KBZQ - 99.5 FM 2331 SW Lee Blvd. Lawton, OK 73501 580.357.9950 KVRW - 107.3 FM 626 SW "D" Avenue Lawton, OK 73501-4501 580.581.3600 KCCU - 89.3 FM 2800 West Gore Blvd. Lawton, OK 73505-6320 580.581.2472 KZCD - 94.1 FM 626 SW "D" Avenue Lawton, OK 73501-4501 580.581.3600 KKRX - 1050 AM / KJMZ - 98.1 FM 1525 SE Flower Mound Road Lawton, OK 73501-4508 580.355.1050 GRADY COUNTY KWCO - 105.5 FM 627 Chickasha Avenue Chickasha, OK 73018-7238 405.224.1560 KJRF - 91.1 FM Sheridan & Lee Blvds. Lawton, OK 73505 580.595.9110 STEPHENS COUNTY KLAW - 101.3 FM 626 SW "D" Avenue Lawton, OK 73501-4501 580.581.3600 KFXI - 92.1 FM 1101 North Broadway Marlow, OK 73055-1123 580.658.9292 KMGZ - 95.3 FM 1421 NW Great Plains Blvd., Suite C Lawton, OK 73505-2843 580.536.9530 KKEN 97.1 FM/KPNS 1350 AM/ KDDQ-105.3 FM 1701 West Pine Avenue Duncan, OK 73533-2397 580.255.1350 94 RECREATION Delaware Tribal Museum 31064 Hwy 281 Anadarko, OK 73005 405-247-2448 STATE OF OKLAHOMA Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Information 800.652.6552 Lodge & Cabin Reservations – 800.654.8240 www.travelok.com Hinton Historical Museum & Parker House 801 South Broadway Street Hinton, OK 73047 405.542.3181 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southwest Region www.fws.gov/southwest Indian City USA Cultural Center Highway 8 Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.5661 For information on the National Wildlife Refuge System 800.344.WILD Kiowa Tribal Museum Highway 9 Carnegie, OK 73015 580.654.2300 CADDO COUNTY Anadarko Heritage Museum 301 East Main Street Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.3240 Southern Plains Indian Museum 715 East Central Boulevard Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.6221 Anadarko Philomathic Museum 311 East Main (inside the Rock Island Railroad Depot) Anadarko, OK 73005 museum@cityofanadarko.org COMANCHE COUNTY Center for Creative Living 3501 Dr. Elsie Hamm Drive Lawton, OK 73505 580.248.0471 Apache Historical Museum 101 West Evans Apache, OK 73006 580.588.3393 Comanche Nation Museum & Cultural Center 701 NW Ferris Lawton, OK 73507 580.353.0404 Caddo Tribal Heritage Museum 117 Memorial Lane Binger, OK 73009 405.656.2344 Fort Sill National Historic Landmark & Museum 435 Quanah Road Fort Sill, OK 73503 580.442.5123 95 Lewis Museum (by appointment) 3601 NW Arlington Lawton, OK 73505 580.355.0692 Muscle Car Ranch 3609 South 16th Street Chickasha, OK 73018 405.222.4910 Mattie Beal Home 1008 SW 5th Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.678.3156 JEFFERSON COUNTY Chisholm Trail Historical Museum East of intersection of Hwy 81 and Hwy 70 Waurika, OK 73573 Museum of the Great Plains 601 NW Ferris Lawton, OK 73501 580.581.3460 McCLAIN COUNTY McClain County Museum 203 West Washington Purcell, OK 73080 405.527.5894 Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge 32 Refuge Headquarters Indiahoma, OK 73552 580.429.3222 www.fws.gov/refuge/Wichita_Mountains/ STEPHENS COUNTY Chisholm Trail Heritage Center 1000 Chisholm Trail Parkway Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.6692 www.onthechisholmtrail.com COTTON COUNTY Cotton County Museum 416 East Iowa Walters, OK 73572 580.875.3335 Duncan Convention and Visitors Bureau PO Box 981 Duncan, OK 73533 800.782.7167 Calendar of Upcoming Events: www.duncancalendar.com www.duncanok.org GRADY COUNTY Grady County Historical Society Museum 400 Block of Chickasha Ave. (Dixie Bldg) Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.6480 Duncan Little Theatre PO Box 531 Duncan, OK 73534 580.252.8331 www.duncanlittletheatre.com Loretta Y. Jackson African American Historical Society Museum 305 East Ada Sipuel Avenue Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.5297 Marlow Area Museum 127 West Main Marlow, OK 73055 580.658.6565 Minco Historical Society Museum 304 NW Main Street Minco, OK 73059 405.352.4480 96 Rock Island 905 Historical Society Fuqua Park, Intersection of Hwy 81 and Beech Avenue Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.2182 www.rockisland905.com Stephens County Historical Museum Fuqua Park, Intersection of Hwy 81 and Beech Avenue Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.0717 W.T. Foreman Prairie House 814 West Oak Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.1780 The Simmons Center 800 Chisholm Trail Parkway Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.2900 Email: tourism@simmonscenter.com TILLMAN COUNTY Pioneer Townsite Museum 201 North 9th Street Frederick, OK 73542 580.335.2894 97 RESPITE Respite care is a temporary break from caregiving duties. Respite vouchers assist caregivers in allowing them to pay someone to temporarily provide assistance as a care provider in their absence. The Contracts and Coalition Unit of Aging Services provides vouchers to caregivers who are not eligible for other respite programs. Funds are made available through the Lifespan Respite grant. Contact Information: 2401 N.W. 23rd St., Ste. 40 Oklahoma City, OK 73107 405.521.4358 Additional Respite Providers MaddieLuke PO Box 507 Comanche, OK 73527 855.9.MADDIE laura.goldring@maddieluke.com 98 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTERS Hinton Senior Citizens 515 West Main Street Hinton, OK 73047 405.542.6454 CADDO COUNTY Alfalfa Community Center P.O. Box 148 Carnegie, OK 73015 580.637.2276 COMANCHE COUNTY Anadarko Nutrition Center 415 West Main Street Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.4857 Benjamin O. Davis Senior Center 620 South "F" Avenue Lawton, OK 73501 580.353.5242 Apache Senior Center 520 E. Evans Apache, OK 73006 580.588.2200 Cache Senior Community Center 416 West C Avenue Cache, OK 73527 580.429.3427 Binger Senior Citizens Center 208 W. Main Street Binger, OK 73009 405.656.9255 Center for Creative Living 3501 SW Dr. Elsie Hamm Dr. Lawton, OK 73505 580.248.0471 Carnegie Nutrition Center 3 East 3rd Street Carnegie, OK 73015 580.654.1507 Chattanooga Community Center/Great Plains 401 4th Street Chattanooga, OK 73528 580.597.3339 Cement Nutrition Center 323 North Main Cement, OK 73017 405.489.3803 Elgin Nutrition Center 801 1st Street Elgin, OK 73538 580.492.4980 Cyril Senior Nutrition Center PO Box 143 Cyril, OK 73029 580.464.2745 Geronimo Senior Citizens Center 101 West Main Street Geronimo, OK 73543 580.353.3448 Ft. Cobb Senior Center 312 Main Street Fort Cobb, OK 73038 405.643.2660 Indiahoma Senior Center 900 Post Oak Plaza Indiahoma, OK 73552 580.246.3572 99 Lawton Housing Authority 609 SW F Avenue Lawton, OK 73501 580.353.7392 GRADY COUNTY Alex Community/Senior Center P.O. Box 243 Alex, OK 73002 405.785.9103 Meers Community Center 26228 State Hwy 115 Lawton, OK 73507 580.492.5128 Amber Community/Senior Center P.O. Box 3/404 Holly Amber, OK 73004 405.224.4315 Mt. Scott Community Bldg. 12484 NW McClung Road Lawton, OK 73507 580.529.2619 Borden Park Community Center/Chickasha P.O. Box 2101/200 N. 18th Street Chickasha, OK 73018 405.222.9281 Patterson Community Center 4 NE Arlington Lawton, OK 73502 580.581.3485 Bradley Community Center 322 McKee Street Bradley, OK 73011 405.462.7595 Pleasant Valley Nutrition Center 1123 SW Monroe Lawton, OK 73501 580.581.3489 Chickasha Senior Citizens Center P.O. Box2101/201 North 18th Chickasha, OK 73018 405-224.4315 Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens 6739 N Wildhorse Road Medicine Park, OK 73557 580.529.3585 Minco Senior Citizens Center 221 NW Main Street Minco, OK 73059 405.352.5018 COTTON COUNTY Randlett Nutrition Center 100 D Avenue Randlett, OK 73562 580.281.3220 Ninnekah Senior Citizen Center 512 East Dell Street PO Box 16 Ninnekah, OK 73067 405.224.7434 Temple Senior Citizens Center 201 E Minnesota Temple, OK 73568 580.342.5017 Pocasset Senior Citizen Center 530 South Main Street Pocasset, OK 73079 405.459.8862 Walters Senior Citizens Center 111 E Broadway Walters, OK 73572 580.591.3009 100 Rush Springs Senior Citizens Center P.O. Box432/110 S 2nd Street Rush Springs, OK 73082 580.476.3168 Waurika Senior Citizens Center 108 S Main Waurika, OK 73573 580.228.2087 Tuttle Senior Citizens Center P.O. Box 134/5 JD Ryan Road Tuttle, OK 73089 405.381.2606 MCCLAIN COUNTY Blanchard Senior Citizens 101 S. Main Street PO Box 628 Blanchard, OK 73010 405.485.9260 Cottonwood Center 214 N. Main Street Verden, OK 73092 405.453.7720 Byars Nutrition Center 282 E. Ripley Byars, OK 74831 405.783.4468 JEFFERSON COUNTY Grady Senior Citizen Center HC 65, Box 214 Ringling, OK 73456 580.662.3132 Dibble Senior Citizens Center % Eddie Cantrell, Ctr. Pres.(405.222.4546) 2210 CR 1400/12219 Firemans Rd. Alex, OK 73002 405.344.6789 Hastings Senior Citizens Center P.O. Box 3 Hastings, OK 73548 580.963.2531 Newcastle Senior Citizens Center P.O. Box 86/504 West Hwy. 130 Newcastle, OK 73065 405.387.2100 Ringling Nutrition Center P.O. Box 1007/200 West D Street Ringling, OK 73456 580.662.2362 Purcell Senior Citizens Center 228 North 2nd Street Purcell, OK 73080 405.527.5070 Ryan Senior Center\Community Center 701 Washington Ryan, OK 73565 580.757.2615 Washington Senior Citizen Center 219 North Turner Washington, OK 73093 405.288.6404 Sugden Community Center 214 McCaee Street Waurika, OK 73573 580.313.0711 Wayne Senior Citizens Center 107 Shannon Street Wayne, OK 73095 405.449.3079 Terral Senior Citizens Center P.O. Box 353 Terrral, OK 73569 101 Marlow Senior Citizens Center 325 West Main Street Marlow, OK 73055 580.658.5628 STEPHENS COUNTY Bray Senior Citizens 1014 S. Brooks Marlow, OK 73055 580.658.2709 Velma Senior Citizens Center 1/2 Mile East on Old Hwy. 7 PO Box 584 Velma, OK 73491 580.444.3772 Central High Senior Citizens Center Rt. 1, Box 151 Marlow, OK 73055 Chickasaw Nation Senior Center 1909 West Plato Road Duncan, OK 73533 580.470.2160 TILLMAN COUNTY Frederick Senior Citizens Center 102 E Grand Frederick, OK 73542 580.335.7026 Douglass Community Senior Center 707 S King Place Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.9579 Grandfield Multipurpose Senior Center 123 West 1st Grandfield, OK 73546 580.479.3320 Duncan Senior Citizens Center 1110 N 7th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.6902 Tipton Area Senior Center 100 East Main Tipton, OK 73570 580.667.4158 102 SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SNAP) Food Distribution Program Oklahoma Department of Human Services Stephens County 1805 W. Plato Road P.O. Box 1367 Duncan, OK 73533 580.251.8300 800.734.7506 Oklahoma Department of Human Services Office for Civil Rights P.O. Box 25352 Oklahoma City, OK 73125 405.521.3529 800.214.3529 USDA, Director Office of Civil Rights Room 326-W, Whitten Building 1400 Independence, Ave., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 103 SOONERSTART SERVICES Phone: 800.426.2747 County Health Department http://ok.gov/sde/soonerstart The SoonerStart program is a free service where professionals can evaluate children from newborns through three years of age and provide care if needed. Services may include: Medical services Psychological services Occupational, physical and speech language therapy 104 TAX INFORMATION Internal Revenue Services www.irs.com AARP Free Tax Preparation http://www.aarp.org/applications/VMISLocator/taxAideLocations.action;jsessionid=5795CC86B 9FCA752ED73C9780BAD24D7 Center for Creative Living 3501 Dr. Elsie Hamm Drive Lawton, OK 73505 580.248.0471 Great Plains Improvement Foundation 2 South Lee Blvd, Suite 200 Lawton, OK 73501 580.353.2364 www.gpif-caa.org 105 TELEVISION STATIONS COMANCHE COUNTY KSWO-TV - Channel 7 1401 SE 60th Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.355.7000 www.kswo.com 106 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES For Oklahoma Road Conditions During Inclement Weather: www.dps.state.ok.us/cgi-bin/weathermap.cgi or call 405.425.2385 Robert E. Greiner 102 S. E. Wallock Lawton, OK 73502 580.355.2559 Email: greinerofficemgr@gmail.com CADDO COUNTY Apex Inc. 117 S. 1st St. Anadarko, OK 73005-3411 405.247.7377 Email: office@apexok.com Hertz Rental Car 3324 SW 11th Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.357.2964 Kiowa Nation Public Transportation P.O. Box 369 Carnegie, OK 73015-0369 580.654.2300 Jim Norton Toyota of Lawton 7110 NW Quannah Parker Trail Lawton, OK 73505 580.355.7223 Maple Lawn Manor Inc. 800 Arapaho Ave. Hydro, OK 73048-8515 405.663.2455 Email: rstringer@farmcorpadmin.com COMANCHE COUNTY LATS - Lawton Bus System 5th & "B" Street Lawton, OK 580.248.5252 AAA Cab Company 1031 SW G Avenue Lawton, OK 73533 580.248.1234 Lawton Fort Sill Regional Airport 3401 South 11Th Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.353.4869 Enterprise Rent-A-Car 6103 NW Cache Road Lawton, OK 73507 580.355.0330 Peoples Cab 112 SW Lee Boulevard Lawton, OK 73501 580.357.9999 Goodwill Industries of Southwest Oklahoma Inc. 923 Hilltop Drive Lawton, OK 73505 580.248.9313 Email: eskulski@goodwillsont.org Roadside Automobile Rentals 3604 SW Tennessee Avenue Lawton, OK 73507 580.351.1111 107 Searchlight Center Inc. 1301 W. Gore Blvd. Lawton, OK 73501 580.248.0645 Red River Transportation 160 Circle Drive Waurika, OK 73573-3210 580.228.3202 Yellow Cab 101 SW 1st Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.355.1440 MCCLAIN COUNTY Delta Public Transit 223 W. Washington Street Purcell, OK 73080-4227 405.527.3646 GRADY COUNTY Enterprise Rent-A-Car 2900 South Hwy 81 Chickasha, OK 73533 405.222.4400 STEPHENS COUNTY City Taxi 101 North 11th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.8294 Special Young Adults 826 Oregon Ave Chickasha, OK 73018 405.222.1023 Delta Nutrition Program/ Delta Community Action Foundation Inc. 707 S. King Place Duncan, OK 73533-7513 580.255.3967 Washita Valley Transit 420 W. Country Club Road Chickasha, OK 73018-7269 405.222.3438 Duncan Tax & Cab Service 311 South 1st Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.470.8615 Washita Valley Community Action Council 205 W. Chickasha Ave Chickasha, OK 73023-0747 405.224.5831 Enterprise Rent-A-Car 510 South Hwy 81 Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.9777 JEFFERSON COUNTY Red River Transportation Taylor & Main P.O. Box 126 Ryan, OK 73565-0126 580.757.2235 City of Marlow 119 2nd St. Marlow, OK 73055-2405 580.658.5401 Red River Transportation 105 West Main Street Ringling, OK 73456 580.662.2264 Power Shop Inc. 2103 W. Beech Ave. Duncan, OK 73533-2324 580.252.4516 108 Red River Transportation 1926 W. Bois D'Arc Ave. Duncan, OK 73533-2923 580.255.7883 TILLMAN COUNTY Red River Transportation 105 South Main Street P.O. Box 989 Frederick, OK 73542-0989 580.335.2691 Duncan Senior Citizens Center Van 1110 N 7th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.252.6902 109 VETERAN’S SERVICES Veterans Affairs – Department of Benefits Information and Assistance 800.827.1000 800.829.4833 (TDD) www.benefits.va.gov Veterans Affairs Insurance Center 800.669.8477 www.va.gov Veterans Benefits – Fort Sill Intake Site VA BDD Office Building 4700, Suite 317, Mow-Way Road Fort Sill, OK 73503 Veterans Community Based Outpatient Clinic Lawton/Fort Sill 4303 Pittman and Thomas Bldg 4303 Ft Sill, OK 73503 580.585.5600 Veterans Crisis Hotline 1.800.273.8255 (Press 1) Veteran Services Center - Lawton 1016 SW C Avenue, Suite B Lawton, OK 73501 580.585.5880 or 877.927.8387 Armed Services YMCA Military Welcome Center 3401 SW 11th Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.357.1111 American Legion Post 55 321 Hwy 81 South Duncan, OK 73533 580.470.8488 Disabled American Veterans 4704 NW Motif Manor Blvd., Suite 5 Lawton, OK 73505 580.248.8387 110 VFW Post 1192 2012 Hwy 81 North Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.9935 Veterans Convalescent Center 501 SE Flower Mound Road Lawton, OK 73501 580.351.6511 Fort Sill National Cemetery 2648 NE Jake Dunn Road Elgin, OK 73538 580.492.3200 or 580.492.3201 Home at Last Lawton Housing for Homeless Veterans by Veterans 815 SW E Street Lawton, OK 73501 580.647.5077 111 VOTER REGISTRATION CADDO COUNTY Caddo County Election Board Caddo County Court House 201 West Oklahoma Anadarko, OK 73005 405.247.5001 JEFFERSON COUNTY Jefferson County Election Board Jefferson County Court House 220 North Main, Room 203 Waurika, OK 73573 580.228.3150 COMANCHE COUNTY Comanche County Election Board Comanche County Court House 315 SW 5th Street, Room 206 Lawton, OK 73501 580.353.1880 McCLAIN COUNTY McClain County Election Board McClain County Court House 121 North 2nd Avenue, Suite 101 Purcell, OK 73080 405.527.3121 COTTON COUNTY Cotton County Election Board Cotton County Court House 301 North Broadway Street, Room 3 Walters, OK 73572 580.875.3403 STEPHENS COUNTY Stephens County Election Board Stephens County Court House 101 South 11th Street Duncan, OK 73533 580.255.8782 Registration forms are also available at the Tag Offices, Public Library, Post Office and Department of Human Services GRADY COUNTY Grady County Election Board 307 West Pennsylvania Chickasha, OK 73018 405.224.1430 TILLMAN COUNTY Tillman County Election Board Tillman County Court House 201 North Main Broadway Street, Room 5 Frederick, OK 73542 580.335.2287 112 WOMEN, INFANTS AND CHILDREN (WIC) Phone: 888-OKLAWIC (888.655.2942) County Health Department www.fns.usda.gov/wic/women-infants-and-children-wic The WIC program is for any child, from birth to five years of age, women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have recently given birth. Parent(s) as caretaker, guardian or proxy may apply for WIC services for a child. Two-parent families, single-parent families, grandparents and foster parents may also apply for WIC assistance. The WIC program provides: Free information on nutrition, healthy eating and breastfeeding. Nutritious foods to add to your diet. 113