2015-16 team tryout packet
2015-16 team tryout packet
2015-16 ALL-STAR CHEER TEAM INFORMATION PACKET TECC 360 Lotus Circle, Austin TX 512-288-6133 TheEliteCC@Yahoo.com ** PARENTS WHO HAVE NOT YET ATTENDED A TRY-OUT INFO MEETING ** You will need to contact the Main Office by phone or email to set up a one-on-one meeting with TECC’s owners to review the team info, fill out paperwork & sign the Team Member Contract. This meeting will take approximately 45 minutes. ** PARENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY ATTENDED AN INFO MEETING** Any & all parents who have already attended one of the group meetings held at TECC on or before Monday, May 4th need to contact the Main Office by phone or email to schedule a quick, 10 to 15 minute long meeting with TECC’s owners to review and sign the Team Member Contract. The contract must be signed in person & is required to attend any Team/Level Specific Practices. ** ALL NEW & RETURNING TEAM MEMBER FAMILIES ** All members must bring in a Credit or Debit Card to the Main Office to put on file and fill-out & sign the new Auto-Charge form. If you already filled one out last season, you will need to fill out the new one for this season. Any cards failing to run on the 5th of each month will be subject to a $20 late fee. All team accounts must be kept on a Credit/Debit Card this season. Any members wishing to stay on a Cash or Check account must pay their first two months of membership up front and maintain their account a month ahead for the duration of the 2015-16 season. A strict $20 late fee will be assessed on Cash/Check accounts after the 5th of the month. ** NEW THIS SEASON ** - NEW UNIFORMS THIS SEASON !! BETTER & MORE AFFORDABLE UNIFORMS THAN PREVIOUS SEASONS !! - TECC will be attending the VARSITY BRAND circuit of competitions, the best & most prestigous in the nation. - Attend up to 4 work-outs per week throughout the “try-out” process !! - Level 5 athletes have up to 5 work-outs available. - Friends with varying levels of skills and experience are able to attend the same Qualification Sessions !! - Makes it easier to recruit friends who do not have the same skill level as the member inviting them. - Recruitment Incentives are through the roof this season!! $50 to $75 per paying recruit !! - One recruit = $50 per month account credit - Two recruits = $100 per month account credit - Three recruits = $175 per month account credit (That’s your entire gym tuition paid for each month!!) - Each additional recruit after three contributes $25 a month towards your competition fees!! - April 2016 is free for members returning for the 2016-17 season !! - Must have joined the program by September, 2015 to be eligible. - Monthly Athlete Progress Reports & Coach’s Meetings - On the first Saturday of every month, parents will be able to sign up for a 1-on-1 meeting with their team’s coach to discuss their athlete’s progress, ask questions and discuss upcoming events for their team. - Monthly Staff & Parent Cheer-ucation Brunch - The staff will host a brunch at a local eatery the second Sunday of each month as a way to connect with our member families. We’ll spend the time discussing general cheerleading topics, field questions and help educate those in attendance about the cheer industry and the sport as a whole. - Sign up to be a Team Mom!! - We will be looking for 2 to 3 volunteer team moms to help coordinate and support each of our teams at competitions and lend the staff a helping hand. These volunteers will be asked to help organize team building & bonding activities for the kids, organize & meet with athletes upon their arrival at events, and assist with hair & make-up backstage at competitions. - Starting in May, ALL TEAM ACCOUNTS must be kept on an Auto-Drafted Credit or Debit Card. - Charges will be run on the 5th of each month unless otherwise arranged with the Main Office. *restrictions apply - In order to pay your account with Cash or Check you must pay one month ahead the entire season. i.e. December’s fees must be paid in November. - No Service or Convenience Fees will be added to these card transactions. - STRICT LATE FEES OF $20 WILL BE CHARGED FOR CARDS THAT FAIL TO RUN OR ACCOUNTS THAT ARE NOT PAID BY THE 5TH!! Weekly Team Qualification & Practice Schedule WEEKLY SCHEDULE Monday 6-8 pm: Qualification Session #1 for All TECC Team Athletes Tuesday 6-8 pm: 8-9 pm: Qualification Session #2 for All TECC Team Athletes Level 5 Specific Practice * Must qualify at Session #1 or #2 to attend Wednesday 6-7:30 pm: Level 2 Specific Practice * Must qualify at Session #1 or #2 to attend 7:30-9 pm: Level 3-5 Specific Practice * Must qualify at Session #1 or #2 to attend Thursday 6-8 pm: - Prep Level Specific Practice - Qualification Session #3 ** Limitations apply - see Details section - Open Practice for All TECC Team Athletes Sunday 7-9:30 pm: - Level 5 Specific Practice QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE DETAILS - Team Athletes are to attend Qualification Session #1 AND/OR Session #2 on a weekly basis to qualify for the appropriate Level Specific Practice held on Wednesday or Thursday. These sessions will be used to assess and record the skill mastery and progress of each athlete in attendance. Once mastery of a given skill is demonstrated it will be recorded that an athlete is “Qualified” at that skill. This record of skills acheived will be viewable daily on the “Replay TV” stationed outside the lobby viewing window. - In order to attend a given “Level Specific Practice” each week, an athlete must qualify in ALL skill areas required for that level including Running Tumbling, Standing Tumbling, Stunts, Tosses & Jumps. The Varsity Brand Scoring System and Skill List will be use to determine what skills are necessary to qualify for each team/level. - Skill Qualifications “reset” each week and do not carry over from week to week. Athletes must requalify for the appropriate Level Specific Practice each week. ex. An athlete executing a back tuck pass in Session #1 or #2 to qualify for Wednesday’s Level 3-5 Specific Practice one week must execute a back tuck pass again the following week to attend the next Level 3-5 Specific Practice. If that athlete only executes a back-handspring pass the following week, said athlete would then be qualified to attend the Level 2 Practice that week. - Athletes qualifying for a given Level Specific Practice must attend at least one level specific practice at that level before being eligible to qualify for & attend a higher level practice regardless of future qualifications. ex. If an athlete qualifies for a Level 2 Specific Practice, they must attend at least one Level 2 practice before being able to qualify for a Level 3-5 Specific Practice. - Throughout this process, athletes will have a good idea of their eventual final team placement by which level workouts they are qualifying for consistently. Final Team Rosters will be set in July. This gives each athlete until July to work towards their desired team level. Tuition, Fees & Payment Schedules MONTHLY TUITION - $175 per Month for Elite Teams - $50 Sibling Discount - Members returning for the 2016-17 Season pay nothing in April, 2016!! - Must have joined TECC’s Team Program by September, 2015 to be eligible. - $140 per Month for a Prep Team (Refer to Prep Team Info Packet for details) - $100 per Month for a Show Team (Refer to Show Team Info Packet for details) COMPETITION ENTRY FEES - Approx. $750 to $900 for Fully Competitive Elite Teams (6 to 8 Competitions) - Approx. $500 for Prep & Show Teams (3 to 5 Competitions) WORK-OUT & PRACTICE WEAR - $100 for Elite & Prep Teams - $50 for Show Teams UNIFORM, MAKE-UP, BOW & SHOES - $480 for Elite Team Uniform, Bow, Shoes & Make-Up - Includes everything from Head-to-Toe!! - This is a “High End” estimate, we hope the final price will actually be a bit lower. - That’s over $100 CHEAPER than last season!! - $375 for Prep & Show Team Uniform, Bow, Shoes & Make-Up PAYMENT SCHEDULE *This fee schedule is based off of an estimated competition schedule of 6 events which may be adjusted by the start of the season. The competition schedule will be finalized by August. GYM TUITION COMP & TEAM FEES UNIFORM FEE DEADLINES MONTHLY TOTAL APRIL $150 $150 MAY $175 $175 JUNE $175 $120 $295 JULY $175 $120 AUGUST $175 $120 $160 $455 $295 SEPTEMBER $175 $120 $160 $455 $160 $455 OCTOBER $175 $120 NOVEMBER $175 $120 $295 DECEMBER $175 $120 $295 JANUARY $175 $120 $295 FEBRUARY $175 MARCH APRIL $175 $175 FREE FOR RETURNERS $175 FREE FOR RETURNERS FREE FOR RETURNERS FREE FOR RETURNERS PRELIMINARY COMPETITION SCHEDULE The following is a preliminary list of competitions we will be choosing from for the 2015-16 season. Teams will NOT be attending ALL of these events, these are just our primary choices. TECC reserves the right to select competitions not listed here by the start of the competitive season. 11/15/15 NCA in Houston 12/5/15 NCA in San Antonio 12/13/15 ACP in San Antonio 1/17 - 1/18/16 ACA NATIONALS in Ft. Worth 2/6 - 2/7/16 ACP NATIONALS in San Antonio 2/20 - 2/21/16 NCA NATIONALS in Dallas 2/28/16 MG NATIONALS in San Marcos 3/19 - 3/20/16 AC NATIONALS in San Antonio *IT IS VERY EARLY AT THIS POINT TO SET A FINAL COMPETITION SCHEDULE. ALL OF THESE DATES, COMPANIES & LOCATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BEFORE THE START OF THE SEASON IN AUGUST. ** TECC’s Level 5 International Open Coed Worlds Team will be attending a few events not listed above based on where Worlds Bids will be offered. For these dates and locations, stay tuned for the IOC-5 info packet coming out later this summer. - MIDDLE or HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADER? No Problem!! We want your athlete to be able to both compete with TECC and still cheer proudly for their school. TECC understands that more often than not, it is not possible to miss school cheerleading events & activities, so we make sure to work around any potential scheduling conflicts. We will never expect you to miss a required school cheer event for TECC...so sign up for both with confidence!! - MISS TRY-OUTS? NO PROBLEM!! TECC welcomes “Walk-On” athletes throughout the season, roster space permitting. - WANNA CHEER & TRAIN FOR FREE!?! Sign up as a team alternate and TECC will waive your tuition!! Alternates will be able to train with the team but will only compete in the event of an injury or absence of a paying team member. Work-out wear will not be provided for alternates unless they choose to purchase it.