february 18, 2016 - St. Scholastica Academy
february 18, 2016 - St. Scholastica Academy
FEBRUARY 18, 2016 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Parents, I hope everyone enjoyed the Mardi Gras holidays! On Friday before the break, the SSA community celebrated Feast Day with Mass, Eighth Grade Inductions and a special luncheon. It was a fantastic day and many people worked very hard to make it special for the girls. Thank you to Stephanie Ruli, Jeanelle Scheurich and their team for transforming the dining room for our luncheon and for serving the entire SSA community. We also thank April Giroir and her staff for cooking the delicious meal. This is a very CALENDAR special tradition at SSA; we appreciate all the hard work of so The tentative 2015-2016 School Calendar is many people to make the event enjoyable and successful. listed on the SSA website. www.SSAcad.org Please note that dates sometimes change, so Over the Mardi Gras break, Mr. Rafi Flores, led a group of it is best to use the calendar listed below. 25 girls on a mission trip to Hidden Lake Teen Life Camp in Georgia. The girls were fantastic in every way! It was a week of Important February Dates: all things SSA- prayer, work, study and community. Assisting Mr. 22- SSA Family Time 24- Ochsner Blood Drive* (9:00 am–2:00 pm) Flores were Penny Flores, Mary Ellen Jordan and Christine Baglow who were integral to the success of the week! 26- Sweetheart Dance (7:00–10:00 pm) Important March Dates: 1- Dove Experience (3:30-5:00 pm) Tryout Meeting for Cheer & Dance teams (5:00 pm) 5- SPS Cheerleader Tryouts (8:00 am) SSA Royalette Tryouts (1:30 pm) 10- EXAMS (11:30 am dismissal) 11- EXAMS (11:30 am dismissal) 12- Falaya Fling on SSA’s campus 14- SSA Family Time 15- Juniors take ACT New SPS Cheer Parent Mtg (5:00 pm) SPS Cheer Uniform Fitting (6:00 pm) 19- SPS Golden Blues Tryouts (8:00 am) SSA Cheerleader Tryouts (1:00 pm) 21- SIPS (late arrival) 24- Holy Thursday Prayer Service 25 - April 3- Easter Holidays Important April Dates: 4- Classes Resume 6- Mother/Daughter event 11- Recognition Assembly: Honor Roll and Student Athletes 14- Field Day 15- Grandparents’ Day (9:00 am) Jr/Sr Prom (7:00 – 10:00 pm) 16- Alumnae Luncheon 18- SIPS (late arrival) 21-24- Seussical Spring Musical 29- Seniors Last Day * Parents are invited on campus during school hours to attend these events. Senior Beverly Brown is representing SSA on the state and national level! All in one week, she was named a National Merit Finalist, was chosen one of four Distinguished Finalists in the 2016 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards in Louisiana and is one of 250 finalists for a Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Award. There were 87,000 applicants for this award and our Beverly is a finalist! Go Beverly, we are proud of you. And on the proud note, super job basketball team! The girls played a courageous game last night in the first round of the LHSAA playoffs. This is the first time in 10 years SSA has made it to the BiDistrict round of the LHSAA State Playoffs. The girls ended their season ranked 28th in the State. Congratulations to the girls and their coaches Lacey Sharp and Elicia Ocmond. Good luck to the soccer team as they play their semi-final match tonight, travelling to Shreveport to play Byrd High School. Let’s bring our A game and have the opportunity to defend the Division I title next week. Play hard girls; you can do it! Congratulations to our SSA Cheerleaders for placing 7th in the UDA National competition. Coach Mary Simoneaux Egan ‘09 did a marvelous job with the girls and they were outstanding. As we enter the Lenten season, may you experience the peacefulness of prayer and reflection that accompany this time in our church. God’s blessings as we pray, work and study in community. Elizabeth Cerise LaForge, Ph.D. President MISSION STATEMENT St. Scholastica Academy is a Catholic, all-girls, college-preparatory high school located in Covington, Louisiana. Founded in 1903, SSA perpetuates the Benedictine tradition of balancing prayer, work, study, and community in developing adolescent girls into Christian women grounded in the Gospel values of the Catholic faith. 122 S. Massachusetts Street, Covington, LA 70433 Phone (985) 892-2540 www.SSAcad.org SSA NEWS & REMINDERS • A highlight of Mother-Daughter on Wednesday, April 6th will be senior video tributes to their mother. Seniors must prepare their 30-second video tributes by filming with their SSA iPads. The Help Desk staff will provide assistance as needed. The deadline for submitting videos is Thursday, March 17th at 3:15 pm. • Congratulations to senior Preslee Jones for being selected to become a member of the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS). This recognition is given to top students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and community commitment. • Thank you to Rafael Flores, his wife, Penny, Dr. Cissy LaForge, Christine Baglow and Mary Ellen Jordan for chaperoning 25 SSA students during their Mardi Gras Mission trip to Life Teen Hidden Lake in Dahlonega, GA. The girls worked very hard during the trip, but were also able to enjoy team-building exercises and playing in the snow! • Congratulations to senior Beverly Brown who was named a National Merit Finalist. She now moves on in the competition towards becoming a National Merit Scholar. Please keep Beverly in your prayers for this competition, as well as for the continued competition for the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Award. Beverly is one of 250 Regional Finalists. She was also named one of four Distinguished Finalists for the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards in Louisiana. Her volunteer hours also qualified her for the President’s Volunteer Service Award, recognizing Americans of all ages who volunteer significant amounts of time to serving their communities and their country. Preslee Jones Beverly Brown SSA PARENT CLUB Listed below are various opportunities for parent club involvement and event needs. • DOVE CHOCOLATES: On Tuesday, March 1st, SSA will be hosting all of our new students and their parents at a “New Dove Experience.” We would appreciate donations of the blue Dove chocolates for this event. Please bring your donation to the SSA Advancement Office (grey house) before Friday, Feb. 26th. • MOTHER’S DAY OF REFLECTION: The SSA Parent Club will host a Mother’s Day of Reflection on Wednesday, March 9th from 9:00 am - Noon in the Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel on SSA’s campus. Mass will begin at 9:00 am followed by a presentation by Melanie Arnold. Lunch will be held at Mac’s on Boston at 12:30 pm. Cost is $20 per person, which includes lunch. Please contact Wendy Sullivan at winniecrna@bellsouth.net or 504610-8443. Tentative 2016-2017 School Calendar August 10- Book Day Orientations Senior Night 11- Classes Begin - Full Day 25- Ring Mass 26- Ring Day September 5- Labor Day - No School October 13- EXAMS (11:30 am dismissal) 14- EXAMS (11:30 am dismissal) 19- No school for 8th & 12th graders 9th, 10th & 11th graders off at 11:30 am November 3- 1:00 pm Dismissal for Students Open House for Prospective Students 4- No Classes 19 - 27 Thanksgiving Holidays December 16- EXAMS (11:30 am dismissal) 19- EXAMS (11:30 am dismissal) 20- MATH EXAM (9:30 am dismissal) Dec. 21 – Jan. 3 Christmas Holidays January 4- Classes Resume 16- Martin Luther King Day - No School 122 S. Massachusetts Street, Covington, LA 70433 February 10- 8th Grade Induction Feb. 25-March 5 Mardi Gras Holidays March 16- EXAMS (11:30 am dismissal) 17- EXAMS (11:30 am dismissal) April 14-23 Easter Holidays May 13- Graduation 22- EXAMS (11:30 am dismissal) 23- EXAMS (11:30 am dismissal) 24- EXAMS (9:30 am dismissal) Phone (985) 892-2540 www.SSAcad.org Upcoming Bowling Matches Feb. 22 at Tangi Lanes*, 3:30 pm Feb. 24 at Tangi Lanes*, 3:30 pm Feb. 29 at Tangi Lanes*, 3:30 pm SPORTS *denotes District Games Upcoming Tennis Matches Feb. 24 at Pelican Athletic Club, 3:30 pm March 9 at Pelican Athletic Club, 3:30 pm Upcoming Softball Games to view the entire schedule, click here Feb. 23 at Fisher High School, 4:00 pm Feb. 25 vs St. Michael’s, 4:00 pm Feb. 26-27 Northshore/Southshore Challenge • Anyone interested in trying out for a sport during the spring season must turn in a completed physical form to Mrs. Stephanie in the front office before try outs. No student athlete may practice unless a completed physical has been turned in to Mrs. Stephanie. • The SSA Basketball team defeated Lakeshore (45-17) on Thursday, February 4th and defeated Pearl River (58-34) on Thursday, February 11th. Seniors Lizzie Lagarde, Teresa Vall and Samantha Zelden were recognized during the Lakeshore game. SSA Scorers ve Lakeshore: SSA Scorers vs Pearl River: Katherine Chaisson: 2 Points Lizzie Lagarde: 4 Points Lizzie Lagarde: 12 Points Cameron Lala: 6 Points Hailey Rowbatham: 2 Points Victoria Penn: 6 Points Claire Schmitt: 11 Points Raleigh Quinlin: 2 Points Teresa Vall: 6 Points Claire Schmitt: 14 Points Sam Zelden: 12 Points Teresa Vall: 10 Points Sam Zelden: 12 Points SSA Record: 12-11 District Record: 4-5SSA Record: 13-11 District Record: 5-5 • Congratulations to the SSA Cheerleading team for placing 7th in the JV-Non Tumbling division on Sunday, February 7th at the UCA National Competition in Orlando. • Congratulations to the girls 4 x 800 meter relay team (Annie Jung, Henley Crosby, Molly McHale, & Katie Collura) for qualifying for the Indoor State Championships on Saturday, February 13th at LSU. • The SSA Soccer team will compete in the semifinal match on Friday, February 19th at Byrd High School in Shreveport. Game time is 5:00 pm. There will be a $5.00 admission fee for everyone. • 8th grade Track practice will begin on Monday, February 22nd. Practice will be at the SSA Athletic Complex on Hwy 190 from 3:30 - 5:00 pm. SSA seniors Lizzie Lagarde, Sam Zelden and Teresa Vall were recognized during Senior Night for the Basketball team. SSA Cheerleaders at the ESPN Wide World of Sports in Orlando, FL 122 S. Massachusetts Street, Covington, LA 70433 Phone (985) 892-2540 www.SSAcad.org SSA’s Falaya Fling is going electronic this year! In an effort to “go green” all bids will be done through your smartphone or the available iPad’s that will be manned by SSA honor students that evening. Throughout the evening, Fling participants will receive periodic updates on auction items and will be able to immediately increase their bid, as desired. Payment will be as simple as the click of a button, once your credit card has been registered. Please visit www.SSAcad.org to purchase tickets to this year’s Falaya Fling! Bidding before and at the event will be online this year! Registering online will facilitate the bidding and purchasing process for that night. Please do this as early as possible. Bidding will be facilitated through smartphones. We have an exciting raffle this year! Buy a chance to win one 20162017 BASE TUITION at SSA! Raffle tickets may be purchased on the school website, or by clicking the box. We encourage you to patronize the following sponsors and restaurants and let them know you appreciate their involvement in the Fling. Thank you to the following sponsors who have agreed to participate in the 2016 Falaya Fling: GOLD Surgical Specialist of LA BLUE SILVER EmbroidMe of Mandeville Mercedes-Benz of New Orleans WHITE BLACK Air Conditioning & Heating Specialist, Inc. Daigle Fisse & Kessenich, PLC Elegant Shutters, LLC – Will McCaleb CLECO Power LLC Dustin R. Dupepe State Farm Agency Holly and Smith Architects APAC Mary and Dr. Kevin Darr First Bank and Trust Pelican Athletic Club Pelican Energy Consultants Richard and Beth Lambert Reverend Msgr. Frank J. Giroir Raymond James St. Anselm Church Resource Bank Mike and Gail Sitarz June and Harry Warner Thank you to the following restaurants that have agreed to participate in the 2016 Falaya Fling: Acme Oyster House Aiavolasiti’s Bakery Beck-N-Call Café & Catering Champagne Beverage Company, Inc. Coffee Rani Copeland’s of New Orleans Cupcake Concept DiCristina’s Italian and Seafood Restaurant Dr. Gumbo’s New Orleans Cuisine, Inc. Gallagher’s Grill Honey Baked Ham Northshore Impastato Cellars Isabella’s Pizzeria Keith Young’s Steakhouse Monster Po-Boys New Orleans Food and Spirits Nonna Randazzo’s Italian Bakery & Cafe’ Pat’s Seafood & Cajun Deli PJ’s Coffee of New Orleans Rusty Pelican Seafood & Sippin Station The Dakota Restaurant The English Tea Room & Eatery The Louisiana Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Ltd • SSA FALAYA FLING: Volunteers are needed to help with solicitations, set up, clean up and other tasks associated with SSA’s annual Falaya Fling fundraiser. This is a fun event to attend, but getting involved in the preparations is also a fun way to meet people in the SSA community. We encourage everyone to be a part of this event in any way that you can. Please contact Fling co-chair Lindsay Edwards at EdwardsLindsay@bellsouth.net for more information. • STUDENTS: If you would like to volunteer to help with this year’s Falaya Fling, and earn service hours, please contact Lindsay Coutrado VanAs ‘95 at Lvanas@ssacad.org or by signing up in the grey house. 122 S. Massachusetts Street, Covington, LA 70433 Phone (985) 892-2540 www.SSAcad.org SSA PHOTOS SSA students went on a mission trip over the Mardi Gras break. The Golden Blues marched in the Krewe of Endymion. Students enjoyed the Feast Day lunch. Allison Weimer, Rafael Flores, Madeline Lacroix, and Molly Brown work during their mission trip. Senior Anna Rawls pins 8th grader Erica Desforges with Annie Schwartz. Thank you to all of the parents that volunteered to help with Feast Day! Faculty members Doreen Picone (15), Kristen Schonberg Blackburn ‘92 (5), Kristi Becerra (15), Aimee Boudreaux MacIver ‘96 (10), Lynne Fritscher Link ‘07 (5), Pete Bertucci (15), Chris Pool(15), Stephanie Cassesi (10) and Nancy Caston (15) received pins for various years of service to SSA. 122 S. Massachusetts Street, Covington, LA 70433 Phone (985) 892-2540 www.SSAcad.org Did you know that SSA collects Box Tops and Community Coffee labels in the front office? Please help support our school through both of these programs. Pray the Rosary - This year we are hoping to continue the practice begun last year of people saying a decade or special prayer of the rosary for SSA on a given day. If you would like to be a part of this prayerful practice, please contact Melanie Arnold at 504-421-5848 for more information. IN THE SPIRIT OF ST. SCHOLASTICA POPE FRANCIS TWEET February 15, 2016 School Prayer - Loving God, accept our humble offerings of prayer and work this day. St. Scholastica, teach us love. Our Lady of Wisdom, teach us truth. Amen. “In the heart of every person is a desire to live in freedom, in a place where change is possible in fellowship and solidarity.” Chaplet of the Divine Mercy - Every Friday at 3:00 pm in the Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel. SSA DINING ROOM MENU There will be a soup, salad and baked potato bar offered every day. Please make sure to bring your School ID when you purchase lunch in the Dining Room. The staff will scan your barcode, which makes the lunch line process go much faster. Please click here to view the February menu SSA Grotto Pavers Click here, or contact Yvette Cardinale in the Advancement Office for more information. 985-892-2540 x 130 or Ycardinale@ssacad.org Communion Service - Every Friday at 7:30 am in the Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel. Adoration - Every First Friday from 8:00 am – 3:00 pm in the Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel. Sign up for your hour by calling Tammy Campo at 886-3011. Mary and Muffins - Every Tuesday at 7:30 am in the Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel, students pray the rosary and enjoy a muffin before school. When alumnae or alum parents step back on campus, the first thing they notice are the changes at SSA. The feelings and memories from when they or their daughters were in school remain the same, and the changes then become part of their pride for SSA. One of the major changes at the Academy was the beautification of the Grotto area. Built in 1910, the Grotto has been recognized as a symbol of spirituality, legacy and tradition. In recent years, the Grotto has become a gathering place for seniors to take pictures with their friends on Ring Day, as well as a focus for other student memories. You can be a part of this Grotto beautification project by purchasing a paver to: • Commemorate a cherished loved one • Honor your daughter for a special event or job well done • Honor a favorite teacher, coach or mentor • Honor a classmate or friend • Honor a graduate or alumna • Celebrate a birthday or other memorable occasion Please make sure to follow us on Twitter! @SSADoves 122 S. Massachusetts Street, Covington, LA 70433 Don’t forget to “Like” our SSA Facebook Page! St. Scholastica Academy Covington, Louisiana Phone (985) 892-2540 Please make sure to follow us on Instagram! @CovDove1903 www.SSAcad.org COUNSELORS’ CORNER The SSA counseling department provides a comprehensive program reaching all students throughout the school year focusing on academic, career/college, and personal/social needs. FEBRUARY • Senior TOPS Final Reviews • Interim Grades Sessions • 8th Grade Lifeskills • 9th Grade Study Skills • 10th Grade Anxiety/ Test Taking • Bullying Prevention Toni Pettavino Carol Pool Katherine Taylor COUNSELING DEPARTMENT NEWS Did you know the Counseling Department has an Edline page that correlates with the presentations given to the girls? Please visit: https://www.edline.net/pages/St_Scholastica_Academy/16983919427857 FROM CAROLINE CAPPS: COLLEGE ADVISOR SSA COLL CAMPUS VISITS TOPS Throughout the year colleges and universities will visit our campus to speak with interested students. Visits June are hosted in the front room of the library during our lunch period. Please stop by and find out what they have to offer. Date: College/University February 25: Our Lady of Holy Cross March 3: Spring Hill College SSA COLLEGE TOUR TOUR 2016 2016 SSA COLLEGE Stay tuned for changes being made currently in the legislature on TOPS. June 27th -June July27th 1st - July 1st Rising SSA sophomor There are only a few spots left for this summer’s college tour! Please turn in your registration are invited to attend th as soon as possible to guarantee your spot. five days! This experie colleges and universit SSA COLLEGE TOUR 2016 June 27th - Rising JulySSA 1st sophomores, juniors and seniors (class of 2017, 2018 and 2019) Activities: are invited to attend the SSA College Tour, whichEntertainment will visit eight universities in Rising SSA sophomores, juniors and seniors (class of 2017, 2018 and 2019) • Six Overvariety Georgia five days! This experience will provide students with anFlags interesting of are invited to attendcolleges the SSA College Tour, which eight in •interest. Local Attractions and universities in terms of will size,visit locale anduniversities • College TourofT-Shirt five days! This experience will provide students with an interesting variety Cost of Tour: Designed by students attending the tour. colleges and universities in terms of size, locale and interest. $700/person ($350 du *This to ($350 non-refundable deposit• Birmingham Southern College: Very small college Cost of Tour: due with 2018 registration) Rising SSA sophomores, juniors and seniors (class of 2017, and 2019)• Clemson University: Large university with a variety Rising SSA sophomores, juniors and seniors (class of 2017, 2018 and 2019)• EmoryCost Entertainment Activities: of Tour includes: University: Medium-size university that spec valued at over $2,500! $700/person are invited to attend theFlags SSA College Tour, which*This willtour visitis eight universities in• Furman: Very small that Bus specializes in Li • Six Over Georgia • Travel via university Dixieland ($350 non-refundable deposit • Georgia Tech: Medium-size university that special five days! This experience will provide students with an interesting variety of • Local Attractions • Four nights in a hotel Point University: Very small university that spe duesize, withlocale registration) colleges and universities in terms and interest. University culture. Entertainment Activities: Cost •ofHighTour includes: • College TourofT-Shirt • Breakfast every morning *This tour is valued at over $2,500! • SCAD Atlanta: Small university that specializes in t (Extra money will be needed food, Designed by students attending the tour. • The University of Georgia: Largeforuniversity with a v Cost of Tour: • Six Flags Over Georgia • Travel via Dixieland Bus shopping and entertainment.) $700/person • Local Attractions • Four nightsand in Music a hotel College To • Birmingham Southern College: Very small college that specializes in Liberal Arts, Medicine ($350University: non-refundable depositwith a variety of specialties • Clemson Large university Studentevery Name: morning • College Tour• Emory T-Shirt Breakfast due withMedium-size registration)university that specializes in Liberal• University: Arts and Medicine. The CDC is located on campus. Entertainment Activities: Designed by students attending thetour tour. *This is *This tour is valued valued at at over over $2,500! $2,500! Cost of Tour includes: Mailing Address: (Extra money will be needed for food, • Furman: Very small university that specializes in Liberal Arts State, Zip: • Six Flags Over Georgia• Georgia Tech: Medium-size university that specializes • Travelinvia Dixielandshopping BusCity,and entertainment.) Engineering Student Cell Phone Number: • Local Attractions Four nights in a • High Point University: Very small university that • specializes in Liberal Artshotel • Birmingham Southern College: Very small college that specializes in Liberal Arts, Medicine and MusicEmail: Student • SCAD Atlanta: Small university that specializes in the Arts: Fashion, Media Arts, Studio Art • College Tour T-Shirt • Breakfast every morning Date of Birth: • Clemson University: Large•university with a variety of specialties The University of Georgia: Large university with a variety specialities (Extra money be (Extra moneyofwill will be needed needed for for food, food, Designed Designed by by students students attending attending the the tour. tour. Year o Major/Field of on Interest: • Emory University: Medium-size university that specializes in Liberal Arts and Medicine. The CDC is located campus. shopping and entertainment.) shopping and entertainment.) Extra Curricular Activities: • Furman: Very small university that specializes in LiberalCollege Arts TourandRegistration Form: •• Birmingham Music Birmingham Southern Southern College: College: Very Very small small college college that that specializes specializes in in Liberal Liberal Arts, Arts, Medicine Medicine and Music Parent’s Name: • Georgia Tech: Medium-size university that specializes in Engineering Student Name: •• Clemson aa variety of Clemson University: University: Large Large university university with with variety of specialties specialties Parent’s Cell Phone Number: Mailing Address:that • High PointMedium-size University: university Very small specializes in LiberalThe Arts •• Emory University: that specializes in Arts CDC Emory University: Medium-size university that university specializes in Liberal Liberal Arts and and Medicine. Medicine. The CDC is is located located on on campus. campus. Parent’s Email: City,that State, Zip:Arts • SCAD Atlanta: Smallthat university specializes •• Furman: Very university specializes in Furman: Very small small university that specializes in Liberal Liberal Arts in the Arts: Fashion, Media Arts, Studio Art Student Cell Phone •• Georgia Tech: Medium-size university that specializes in Student Signature: Georgia Tech: Medium-size university Large that specializes in Engineering Engineering • The University of Georgia: university withNumber: a variety of specialities Student Email: in •• High that High Point Point University: University: Very Very small small university university that specializes specializes in Liberal Liberal Arts Arts Parent Signature: DateLA ofin YearArt of Graduation: T-Shirtwww.SSAcad.org Size: SCAD Atlanta: that the Arts: Media Studio SCAD Atlanta: Small Small university university that specializes specializes inBirth: the Arts: Fashion, Fashion, Media Arts, Arts,Phone Studio Art 122•• S. Massachusetts Street, Covington, 70433 (985) 892-2540 Form and $350 Depos •• The with of Major/Field of Interest: The University University of of Georgia: Georgia: Large Large university university with aa variety variety of specialities specialities Extra Curricular Activities: Student Name: College Tour Registration Form: Give the Gift of LIFE! THE OCHSNER BLOOD BANK SSA BLOOD DRIVE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th Donate Blood & You Could Win 9 AM - 2 PM $10 for each donation will go towards a Scholarship to be awarded to a student Please contact Mrs. Kristen Blackburn thethe Advancement Office, or at blood donor from your schoolin at end of the year. Kblackburn@ssacad.org to sign-up to donate, or to get a consent form. Students will receive 2 Service Hours for donating! ARE YOU ELIGIBLE TO DONATE? 17 years and older must weigh at least 110lbs. to donate. 16 years old must weigh at least 120lbs. and have written parental consent. Eat a healthy meal before donating. Drink LOTS of water before & after your donation. Bring Photo ID. Consent Form Date: Wednesday, February 24th Time: 9am-2pm Location: Bloodmobile will be parked in front of the Advancement Office/Gray House, next to the gym. 122 S. Massachusetts Street, Covington, LA 70433 Phone (985) 892-2540 www.SSAcad.org RED CROSS LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION CLASS 2016 SPRING CLASSES REGISTERING NOW Red Cross certified Instructor Janice Evans will be offering two Lifeguard certification and recertification classes this season at Tchefuncta Country Club on the following dates: Class #1 Friday March 11, 5-9pm Saturday March 12, 9-3pm Sunday March 13, 12-5pm Friday March 18, 5-9pm Saturday March 19, 9-3pm Sunday March 20, 12 - 5pm Class #2 Friday April 22, 5-9pm Saturday April 23, 9-3pm Sunday April 24, 12-5pm Friday April 29, 5-9pm Saturday April 30, 9-3pm Sunday May 1, 12-5pm Students are eligible at age 15. This 2-year Certification includes CPR, and students must attend all six classes for certification. Birth certificate or driver’s license copies should accompany application. Cost: Full certification: $350.00 (including CPR) Lifeguard recertification: $200.00 (includes CPR) CPR certification only: $85, CPR recertification only: $65 Please fill out the below form and return with payment to confirm your spot. Checks are to be made payable to: Janice Evans. Mail to: Janice Evans - Lifeguard Certification, 60215 Oaklawn Ave, LaCombe, LA 70445 Questions? Contact Janice Evans at 985-966-2184 or coachevans1950@yahoo.com OR Shannon Prator at 985502-0921 or cpratorswim@aol.com. Name: Parent Name Cell Phone LG certification Class #1 (March) DOB Phone Email LG Re-certification OR Class #2 (Apr) CPR only Age
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