November 2011 - Southeastern Library System of Oklahoma


November 2011 - Southeastern Library System of Oklahoma
Simply Sweet Tea Room
Arlene’s Antiques
Ashton Ward's Massage Therapy
Barbara Meadows Tax Svc. 655-3229 Tote a Poke
Trucks ‘n Stuff
Bev’s Home Cookin’
Turnipseed Heating & Air
Bob Ryburn Construction
United Country/Donna Billy 647-6817
Community State Bank 655-7257
V & N Sanitation 658-8058
Country Style Health Care
W. D. Ford Construction
Davy’s Tractor
White’s Tax Service
DeMoss Daycare 655-3136
Wildcat Salon & Boutique 655-7222
Dewitt Enterprises 655-6779
Wister Food Market
Dollar General
Wister Pawn & Gun
Duck Martin Construction
Wister Road & Tire
Dugout Restaurant
Young’s Cleaning Service
Field’s Veterinary Clinic
 Angel Tree info
Young’s Home Improvement 655-7090  More Wister history
Fisherman’s Corner
Young’s Muffler 655-7602
Frieda’s Home Daycare
 Holiday happenings
 Old photographs
G & S Tractor Service
 RecipesGingerbread House Florist
local businesses FIRST!! And a whole lot more!
Gloryann’s Piano/Guitar Lessons
Hammons Heating & Air
J & J Storage
Jay Gas
Kidz Corner Daycare 655-3200
Larry Paulen, Knife Maker
Lazy “C” Sound
LeFlore County Livestock Auction
Let ‘R Buck Leather Co.
Mark Grantham Drilling Services
Martin Dunn 655-7745
Mesa’s Pet Resort
Mitchell Veterinary Clinic
Mt. Gateway Standard Poodles
PSO 888-216-3525
Poor Boy Livestock Auction
Rainbow Home Health
River Valley Taxidermy
Ruby’s Café 655-6924
Rudy’s Barbershop
SE Animal Health & Hardware 655-7917
Serenity Water Gardens
Sew & So 655-3229
Shawn Goad Garage
Short Stop
Simple Simon’s
Wister Community NewsFREE!
Sponsored by Friends of Wister Public Library
November 2011
Volume 4, Issue 7
Do you ever
stop to think
about the importance of November 11?
That’s the day set aside as a Federal holiday and a day
on which we honor our veterans. There are many, many
local veterans in our area that we should take the time to
stop and thank for their service to our country every day
but especially on November 11. Veterans Day, formerly
known as Armistice Day, was originally set as a U.S. legal
holiday to honor the end of World War I, which officially
took place on November 11, 1918. In legislation that was
passed in 1938, November 11 Was dedicated to the
cause of world peace and to be hereafter celebrated
and known as 'Armistice Day’. As such, this new legal holiday honored World War I veterans. In 1954, after having been through both World War II and the Korean
War, the 83rd U.S. Congress, at the urging of the veterans service organizations, amended the Act of 1938 by
striking out the word Armistice and inserting the word Veterans. With the approval of this legislation on June 1,
1954, Nov. 11 became a day to honor American veterans of all wars. In 1968, the Uniforms Holiday Bill ensured
three-day weekends for federal employees by celebrating four national holidays on Mondays: Washington's
It’s time for the annual Wister Angel Tree.
The 2011 Wister Angel Tree applications
will be sent home with elementary and
middle school aged children through
Wister School in early November. The
deadline for returning applications to the
school is November 11. The Wister Angel
Tree Advisory Board will have the Angel
Tree decorated with our little angels by the first of
Thanksgiving week for those who enjoy shopping early.
The Wister Angel Tree, located at Wister Public Library, can be accessed during regular hours of library
operation. Children and their parents/guardians must
live within the Wister Public Library service area and
children must attend Wister Schools to qualify for Angel
Tree. Contact Leslie at 655-7654 for further information or details.
Birthday, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and
Columbus Day.
Under this bill,
Veterans Day was moved to the last Monday of October. Many states did not agree with this decision and
continued to celebrate the holiday on its original date.
The first Veterans Day under the new law was observed with much confusion on Oct. 25, 1971. Finally on
September 20, 1975, President Gerald R. Ford signed
a law which returned the annual observance of Veterans Day to its original date of Nov. 11, beginning in
1978. Since then, the Veterans Day holiday has been
observed on Nov. 11. The difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day is great. Memorial Day
honors service members who died in service to their
country or as a result of injuries incurred during battle.
Deceased veterans are also remembered on Veterans
Day but the day is especially set aside to thank and
honor living veterans who served honorably in the military - in wartime or peacetime. On November 11,
make it a point to thank a veteran. They make our
peaceful lives possible. "History of Veteran's Day." Web. 27 Oct 2011. <
Ministerial Alliance
Thanksgiving Service
The 2011 Thanksgiving Ministerial Alliance Service will be
held Sunday, November 20 at 6:00 pm at the Wister
School Cafetorium. Pastor Larry Strausse of the Wister
Church of the Nazarene will deliver the message which
will be followed by a love offering taken up for the Ministerial Alliance. This offering is the
main source of funding for the MA
and is depended upon by the pastors to help our friends and neighbors who may be in need throughout
the year. The next time you have
something extra to give, think about
the Ministerial Alliance. The healing
work of the Wister Ministerial Alliance is helping our neighbors so plan now to attend and
to give generously.
Hi ya’ll. If you are like me,
feeling the crunch of all the higher prices of
EVERYTHING, it is good to have some Old
Faithful recipes to fall back on that help to
stretch the budget. There are certain staples
that you can use to help fill the tummy's as
well as use in other recipes, such as a good
ole pot of Pinto beans. If you make the pot
with just beans, you can serve your first meal
of beans with fried taters and corn bread.
You can use the leftover beans to make refried beans for burritos. My recipe for refried beans will be at the bottom of this article. And don’t forget to add some of those
beans to your casseroles or other dishes,
even salads!
Other good stretchers of recipes
and meals consist of rice, potatoes or pasta.
Also, think of making a large pot roast, and
using the leftovers in a stew or open faced
roast beef sandwiches. You can also cut the
cooked beef into bite size pieces make a
sauce with cream of mushroom soup and sour
cream and serve over cooked egg noodles
for a jiffy beef stroganoff. I found a couple
of websites to share with those of you who
access the Internet. One is about how to eat
on $7.00 a day. (I think I want to try to
beat that, but I know it has to be hard for
those of you who have kids!) Here is the
website: . The other is an actual cookbook by the Dept. of
Agriculture: Some
good ideas on how to stretch the food budget can be found here.
I also discovered a good recipe for half an apple pie for it turns
out to be one big giant apple turnover. So simply put, just half your favorite apple pie recipe, cook the apples in a saucepan on top of the stove with
your sugar and spices, add some flour cut
with butter to the mixture, then place the
apple mixture on half of one sheet of pie
dough rolled out round. Spread it out on the
half side to about and inch and half from
edge. Take some beaten egg white and
wet the edges, fold over the other half on
top of the apples, pinch and seal the edges,
crimp, cut about 3 slits in the top. Bake on a
cookie sheet at 375 degrees for 25 – 30
minutes. Or check out the recipe here:
To make my refried beans: Take
some lard (this is more authentic) or some
vegetable shortening (healthier)… Figure
about ½ cup or more, start to melt it in a
skillet, then add 2 cups or more cooked and
drained pintos. Using a potato masher, start
mashing the beans as they heat in the melted lard, mixing the lard into the beans.
Continue to heat over medium high heat till
all the lard is mixed into the beans and
you have a creamy mixture (If there
seems to be too much grease, add more
beans). Add salt to taste, (I add about a
½ teas. of ground Cumin as well). You
can serve them as is, or, you can continue
to cook them till the edges start to get
crispy. Sometimes, I add chopped onions
to the lard before the beans, and will
also sprinkle shredded cheese on top.
Ohhhh so good. Then I will either serve
the beans as a side with Spanish rice, and
my enchiladas, or make a burrito with
For the burritos, you can add just
about anything, including cooked ground
beef seasoned with taco spices, chopped
onions, rice, olives, tomatoes, cheese or
make tostados by frying corn tortillas till
crispy, spreading the refried beans on
each fried tortilla, sprinkling with cooked
seasoned ground beef, a little salsa on
top of that, then piling shredded lettuce,
chopped tomatoes, chopped onions,
chopped olives and shredded cheese on
top of it all! Then add more salsa.. (omit
any of these if you don’t like them) Very
tasty. Chopped avocados are good as
well, but, that’s if you want to splurge a
little on your budget!
. Enjoy! by Sherry Miller
My husband recently had a stroke and
I was thankful that I had the information on hand that told me what to
do when it happened. It occurred to me
that this is something everyone needs
to know and I am urging everyone to
HEARTORG/ and click on the warning
signs link on the right side of the page.
Your doctor also should have printed
information that you can stick to the
refrigerator that will help in an emergency. At the bottom of the section
titled “If these signs are present call 91-1”, click on the links for more detailed info on stroke, heart attack, or
cardiac arrest. I am not a medical person and I won’t presume to give medical advice. But, please, be informed
and perhaps save a loved one’s life by
knowing when to call for help.
Submitted by Barbara Christie
Wister Memories is an online Open Group on Facebook. It was created by Leslie Langley and Jim Billings as a way for people
from Wister and the surrounding areas to connect and post historic information and old photographs and share in the history of
our area. Started on September 20, the group has grown to 226 members (at date of publication) and is a busy place with
maps, old newspaper articles, photographs and recollections of folks from around the US who have Wister ties posted daily.
Understanding that not everyone has Internet access, we will publish some of what has been posted to Wister Memories in the
WCN each month. Credit will be given to the person who posted the original information. Internet access is free at Wister Library. Call Leslie at 655-7654 for information on how to join Wister Memories online or for more information.
The annual Friends of the
Library book sale is ongoing at Wister Library. All
proceeds are going to the
Library Relocation Fund.
Check out the book bargains today!
Fence building at Kennady Cemetery. Year unknown. Left to right: Bob
Little, Bill Bryan. The others unknown. Photo courtesy of Howard Wilson
July 1938. A great day for Wister. Name of newspaper
unknown. Article courtesy Oklahoma Traveler.
Vangie and Truman Adams circa 1920. Photo courtesy Darlene
Downtown theater circa 1950. Photo courtesy Yvonne Dassler
By Jim Billings
My father, James
Oliver Billings, left
the Wister area to
go west as did
many young men in
the 1920's.
He obtained a job
at the Kellogg’s Linseed Oil Mill in Long
Beach, California.
On a visit home in
1937 he met my
mother, Ruth Nadine Hardy at church in Kennady. After a
very, very short courtship they married and returned to Long
Beach, California where I was born in 1938. He and my
mother both worked hard and saved their money and at the
end of WW II they decided to return to Wister in 1944.
My father intended to take some time before looking for
work, but, on his first trip to town stopped at
the “Rock Station” and ended up buying it! On the east side
of the station was a shed that housed bulk oil, kerosene (coal
oil) and a ramp for changing oil and lubricating cars. On
the west side was a one room wooden house. Behind it, a
well and two outhouses (His and Hers ). My memory tells me
it was a very old building at that time and I believe it may
have been one of the oldest gas stations in Wister. The two
(regular and ethyl) gas pumps were the kind that you used a
handle on the side to pump the desired amount into glass
tanks on the top and then drained it into the gas tank of the
car. For those of you who don't remember, the station was
located across Highland from the Methodist Church and
the Dairy Hut. We moved into the house and lived there for
a couple of years. I started the first grade the following
As you came in the store, on the left was a gas stove and a
few chairs. On the right was a glass
case where the candy and other things were kept. The cash
register and counter were beside the case
and there were shelves on both sides of the store, There was
also a counter for bread and other items. I remember that
the flour sacks were either white or had colored designs on
them. At the back of the store was a meat case for meat,
milk and butter. In front of the cash register was a soft drink
case that you would slide the bottles to the side and put a
nickel in to release them. A deposit of two cents was required if you took the bottles from the store. Kids made a
little spending money by gathering bottles and returning
them for the deposit.
At Christmas time we had burlap bags of bulk chocolate
crème drops with vanilla, cherry and orange centers. There
were also apples oranges and nuts in bulk. I guess you could
call the Rock Station an early convenience store. Dad also
made sure he always had the freshest Bubble Gum in town.
As typical of that time, most customers had a “ticket” or “bill”
for credit. They would pay their bills
I Love Dirt…….
And planting
Spring bulbs in
the Fall!
Guess what?! It’s time to plant bulbs! Daffodils are perfect for bulb beginners, strong and reliable. Also, animals won’t dig them up or eat the flowers.
Daffodils grow to face the sun and they multiply
every year. The classic marieke is a favorite.
Wildlife may eat them, but tulips are lovely messengers of spring. If you are lucky, they may
come back for a few years.
I have never planted allium, but they look beautiful. I
have a fondness for grape hyacinth as they are small but
wonderful. They, too, spread and multiply every year.
Here’s what you do now in advance of next spring:
1. Plant bulbs 6 to 8 inches deep.
2. Drop in, pointy-side up.
3. Water
4. Enjoy in spring
So, go get a bag of favorites and get
planting. You will be glad come spring!
(In fact get several bags—there’s no such thing as too
many blossoms in the spring!) ~Sally Loftin
whenever they got some money. Dad would always say,
“Most people are honest and will pay them
when they can., so he didn't worry until they got several
months behind. Dad also liked to trade cars and would usually
have a couple of used cars to trade or sell and would carry
the papers on them.
When “Little” Dr. Jones left Wister we bought his house and
finally moved out of the little one room
house at the station. He got acquainted with Dr. Jones because
he bought his gas at the Rock Station. I can remember Dad
putting gas in his car and Dr. Jones giving him a shot of penicillin each winter
so Dad wouldn't get a cold.
After we moved out of the little house we would buy recapped tires from someone from Texas. They would come by
in a large truck every couple of months. They were good tires
and Dad couldn't keep them in stock, so when the truck came
around again he had them unload the truck in the house. We
had car tires, truck tires and even tractor tires and sold them
all. So he kept buying them by the truck load.
I can't remember what year he sold that old station and we
never had a picture of it, so if anyone has a picture of it I
would sure like to have a copy.
Where we
hope to be
The Friends of Wister Library Relocation Fund grew in October but we are still
quite a way from where we hope to be in the Spring. We are dependent on donations to help us make our goal. We still have a long way to go and you can
support the cause by buying books at the ongoing book sale in the library, purchasing snacks in the library or donating directly to the Friends of Wister Library
Relocation Fund at our own Community State Bank. Every penny helps!
The stacks of books on this page represent the amount we hope to raise. Each
book represents $100 towards the move and that will be a great change for
Wister Library. It will become a more comfortable place for you to visit and use.
We hope that you will help us make the change! Call us if you have questions at
Friends of Wister Library is a non-profit organization so you contributions are tax deductible.
Classes are free and open to the public. Space is limited and pre-registration is
required. Call 655-7654 to register. Schedules are available @ the library.
VERY BASIC COMPUTER CLASS - Nov. 9th @ 10:00 am
 Designed for new computer users who have little or no
previous computer experience. This is the class where you’ll learn
how to turn a computer on and off, learn to use a mouse,
learn basic computer terms and a little about the Internet.
No previous computer knowledge necessary
INTERNET @ THE LIBRARY - Nov. 16th @ 2:00 pm
 This is the class for you if you have little or no experience
using the Internet. Learn how to navigate the web, how to use
our catalog and how to access our online services.
You must be able to use a mouse for this class
EMAIL ABC’S - Nov. 23 @ 10:00 am
 Learn how to set up a free email account and how to use
your email account to send and receive email.
You must have taken INTERNET @ THE LIBRARY session
or be able to use the basic functions of navigating the Internet.
FACEBOOK 101 - Nov. 30th @ 2:00 pm
 Learn how to set up a Facebook account and how to use
the basic features of this social networking site.
You must be able to use the basic functions of the Internet and
have an email account already set up.
Where we
are now
Wister Community News
Sponsored by Friends of Wister Public Library
The Wister Community News is published
on the first of every month by Friends of
Wister Library, 101 Caston Avenue,
Wister, OK 74966
Editorial Committee
Leslie Langley
Roberta Lynch
Kimberly Stewart
Sheila Reid
Barb Massey
Randy Mills
Jim Billings
Contact us:
918-655-7654 ~ 918-655-3267 FAX
Article submission:
Leslie Langley 918-655-7654
The Disabled American Veteran’s Chapter and Unit for
LeFlore County is trying to
reach the 4712 Disabled
Veterans in LeFlore County to inform
them that the organization is active
and invite them to join. Meetings are
held the 2nd Tuesday of each month
at 6pm. There’s a potluck supper
with a $3 cover charge. The business
meeting is from 7-8pm. Family Game
Night is the 3rd Friday of each
month and the 4th Friday is Country
Band and Dancing Night from 7pm to
10pm. A $5 cover charge includes
pot luck dinner. Call Charlie Horsley
@ 918-721-4219 for details.
The Southeastern Public Library System, to which Wister Library belongs,
is pleased to announce the addition of
eBooks to our vast collection. eBooks
are available now and can be downloaded to your e-reader with ease. click on
Wow! Can you believe how quickly the new building is going up? It appears to be growing overnight! It was quite interesting when the vault was
set and once that was done, the trusses and framing went up quickly. This
is an exciting time for Wister so watch this space as we follow the CSB progress!
BAPTIST CHURCH is open to everyone the first Saturday of each month at 8 am.
 MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST All men of Wister are
invited to the monthly Men’s Prayer Breakfast on
the last Saturday of each month at the Wister United Methodist Church in the Fellowship Hall at 6 am
 MEN OF WISDOM meet the third Saturday of each
month at 8:00 am in the fellowship hall of Wister
Assembly of God to enjoy breakfast, prayer, and a
look at God's Word. Pastor Roger Mattox invites
all men to attend.
Thanksgiving is a big holiday in this area. It is usually includes a vacation from school, a day off from work, a feast
of more food than we should eat in several days, or maybe
a hunting trip. People may make a trip for a day to have
dinner with family or friends. Some trips include a whole
weekend. Many times it is the start of the madness we call
Christmas shopping. Black Friday comes right after Thanksgiving Day and is one of the biggest shopping days of the
year. In our rush to have a big meal, get ready for Christmas or just indulge ourselves, we forget what Thanksgiving
is about.
Most of us have heard the story of the Pilgrims who made
the trip to this New World we now call the United States of
America. They endured many hardships and rejoiced to
bring in the harvest in the fall and give thanks for the boun- Bethel Baptist
ty which they hoped would help them through the winter.
During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln de- Nazarene Church
clared a day of Thanksgiving. Some Presidents and Con- United Methodist
gress have gotten into the act of changing the date of
Thanksgiving but even after all the many years since the Believer’s Fellowship
Pilgrims, we still celebrate Thanksgiving. The question is why Church of God 7th Day
do we celebrate this day?
The name of the holiday really tells us the purpose of this First Assembly of God
day. It is a day to offer Thanks for all the blessing we have
in our lives. Yes times are difficult. Unemployment is high. Ellis Chapel
Salaries never stretch quite as far as we would like. We Wister First Baptist
feel that many things are wrong within our world. However
we also have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. This Green Country Cowboy Church 649-3469
country is still the best place to live. We have more material goods than the majority of people in the world. We are
able to go to the church of our choice. Many people also
chose not to attend a church or even believe in God. They
are not put in prison for this choice, whichever they chose.
We have freedoms which are non-existent in many parts of
our world.
Do you want to read WISTER COMMUNITY NEWS
The Bible tells us in 1Thessalonians 5:18 to give thanks in each month but can’t pick up a copy in town or don’t
all circumstances. Not FOR all circumstances but IN all cir- want to read it online? Receiving a copy in the mail
cumstances. Do we give thanks in all the circumstances in our may be the answer for you. The annual fee is $10.00
lives? We set aside one day a year to be Thankful. Maybe and the subscription year runs January through Decemwould should plan to be Thankful all year long.~ Roberta ber. If this appeals to you, send your name, mailing
address and $10 to: Friends of Wister Library, 101
Caston Avenue, Wister OK 74966.
Wister Community News is
brought to you by
Friends of Wister Public
101 Caston Avenue, Wister, OK
Wister Library’s November Coupon Exchange will
take place Tuesday, November 8 at 6:30 pm at
the library. Bring your clipped, unwanted, current
coupons and sit with friends while you exchange
them for coupons of value to you. The exchange
lasts for an hour and there are lots and lots of free
coupons donated to the library throughout the
month that you can take home.
$ave money
Will meet Tuesday, November 15 at 10:30 am at Wister
Library to discuss upcoming fundraising events. Join us as we
make plans for the future of Wister Library!
We’re on Facebook!
Search for Wister
Community News and
Wister Public Library
I have been “offline” for 2 months so
let’s see if I can get caught up. November is a busy month. Thanksgiving which
is followed the next day by Black Friday
(when a lot of people start their Christmas shopping) are the 2 big events of
the month. How about making something
knitted for Christmas? Can’t knit? Then,
try to learn this ancient skill.
They have free videos that will take you from basic stitches
to advanced techniques plus a good assortment of free
patterns (free is always good!). Do-It-Yourself can be fun,
useful, or decorative so take a look at http:// .”Instructables is a web-based documentation platform where passionate people share what
they do and how they do it, and learn from and collaborate with others”.
We all like to save money and http:// is worthy of a long look. Frugal
doesn’t necessarily mean cheap but using smart and easy
things to save money.
Need to call a company and always get a machine, then
try . This will tell you direct phone
numbers and/or what sequence of buttons to push to get to
a real person. As of this writing there were over 3700 companies listed and growing. There’s a place for feedback
and review on each number listed.
Black Friday is a marathon event makes me tired just to think
about it but for those that are interested how about Black Friday
websites that will email ads to you? Incidentally, Black Friday
http:// . Try comparison shopping at http:// (check out weekly specials) or http:// or . For the
folks who use phone apps, PriceGrabber has a mobile app AND
a bar-code scanning app.
For those who would rather sleep in on Black Friday, get up
early on Cyber Monday (to catch more things in stock) and check
out online sales. Here’s one to start you out: http:// . Don’t forget to check for coupons and discounts at or http:// Last, but not least, don’t forget to look
for shipping promotions at Not
only will they tell you who has free shipping, you can even track
your packages from there! At least, you won‘t have to fight other
shoppers and you can shop in
your pajamas with a nice cup of
hot chocolate.
If anyone has a website they
would like to share, email it to
Thanksgiving! Enjoy, stay safe
and Happy Surfing! Submitted
by Barbara Christie
Kid’s Stuff @
the Library
So you think you’ve got game? Looking for a place to
hang out and have fun with your friends or family?
Wister Library and thousands of libraries across the
country will join the American Library Association (ALA) in
celebrating the popularity and educational, recreational,
and social value of video and board games for National
Gaming Day @ your library on Saturday, November 12,
2011. Join us for Wii Play, card and board games, plus
you’re welcome to bring your games from home to play.
For more information please call Sheila at 655-7654.
Our weekly programming schedule is Afterschool Library Club Thursdays at 3:30 pm and join us Saturday’s
for Movies For All Ages at 10 am, Get Your Game On at
12 pm, and Teen Time at 2 pm.
Hwy 271 Wister, OK
8 am -5 pm Monday-Friday
8 am -2 pm Saturday
Have something you’d like to
swap or trade or list? This is the
place to do it! Must be 30 words
or less.
 Sew & So ~ Alterations of all
kinds including replacing blue
jean zippers. 655-3229.
 YARD WORK ~ John’s Lawn
Service. Mowing, Weeding,
light hauling. 918-413-5474
free estimates
help around the house? Call
Lisa Apodaca @ 918-4136917.
LEFLORE COUNTY – a wooded lot of 5 acres m/l preferably with tall pines and outside
of city limits for a home site.
Utilities on it would be ideal
but close would probably
work. If the price is right, we
are offering to share cost of a
survey. Call Barbara or Criss
Christie at 918-839-4019.
 This is a great place to advertise your upcoming yard sales!
This is the spot for local announcements
and upcoming events. Call 655-7654 or
am to Noon at Bethel Baptist Church
annex, west of the church on Highway
Monday, Nov. 7 @ 6:30 pm. At City
Hall Council Room. Public invited and
encouraged to attend.
dropping your loose change in the donation buckets at area stores. Your donations help your friends and neighbors!
Monthly meetings the first Tuesday
evening @ 7 pm at Fisherman’s Corner
restaurant. Call Sherry @ the bank for
for library information.
Wister Library and the Southeastern
Public Library System provides you
with free online services (databases).
We have educational information as
well as genealogy, automotive repair, small engine repair and home
repair. You can use our online encyclopedia, find information in newspapers across the country, get Oklahoma legal forms, and get free live
homework help. It’s easy to access
choose Online Services. You’ll need
your library card to access databases from your home. We are
available at 655-7654 to help you
by phone during regular library
Free wireless Internet
@ Wister Library!
Every Friday
morning @ 10
@ Wister
Please join us!
Silver Sisters
Dear Leslie,
Hey, ya’ll,
Is the frost on your pumpkin already? Providing of
course you were able to grow any this year.
We were out late last night covering tomato and pepper plants that were just beginning to produce again after
the good rain we were blessed with. However, the deer
hunters are happy and out of the house for a week or so.
Our little mamma loved to go to the woods this time of
year and “camp.” She and Cee had a camping trailer
with all the modern equipment for a comfortable minihome, but she would have a big fire going and sit outside
with Sister #5 and #4. They cooked amazing meals and
visited with sons and grandsons who came in to make
sure that all was well. This year will be different. Sister
#4 is staying in the hospital with her husband who is very
ill. Sister #5 is still recovering from her injuries from last
month’s car wreck, and she stays on the “heart line” to
keep up with the rest of us.
With great sadness, we have cancelled our Family Reunion for now. We always have it the weekend when
school is out for fall break. It’s mamas and Sister #7’s
birthday. Mama would have been 100 this year. We had
many fun things planned, but too many occurrences happened that caused us to postpone a 30-year tradition. Besides Sister #4 and her husband’s illness, Sister #9 is
staying home to care for her mother-in-law who is hospitalized with a stroke and a broken leg. Our brother #8,
from Joplin cannot come; Sister #6 just started her chemo
treatments again and maybe not up to par. Sister #10, and
I can't believe another month has gone by so fast. I was beginning to
really enjoy the mild weather we have been having, but alas, all good
things must come to an end, even pleasant weather. Now is the time to get
ready for the cold weather of winter, brrr! I really do enjoy all the wonderful suggestions in current DVD's and book titles you have been sending
me, and my library card has seen better days, soon I will have to come in
and get a replacement, it's kind of hard to read the numbers. And when
that’s the case –well-worn library cards - Leslie or Sheila canmake a replacement for you quite easily.
Leslie, I chose for my first selection this month, the new movie
CATS & DOGS: the revenge of KITTY GALORE, (Warner
Bros.Pictures), starring Chris O'Donnell and Jack McBrayer,
along with the voice talents of Christiana Applegate, Michael
Duncan, Neil Patrick Harris, Bette Midler and Nick Nolte to name just a
few. This fantastically fun adventure has all the knee slapping, chucklesnorting, and popcorn munching action and suspense that only director
Brad Peyton can deliver. The story, Leslie, is the battle between cats and
dogs where one crazed feline has taken things a paw too far. Former elite
agent Kitty Galore has gone rogue and plans to unleash a diabolical device designed to not only bring her canine enemies to heel, but also to take
down former kitty comrades and make the world her scratching post.
Faced with this threat, cats and dogs around the world must join together
to solve this mastermind of feline genius. This is one of those feel good
movies, after a long day in the salt mines and I give it my 3 buckets of
popcorn award.
For my second selection, I chose the new DVD, TAKERS, (Screen Gems),
starring Matt Dillon, Hayden Christensen, and Chris Brown and a great
supporting cast. This high-stakes action thriller is a spectacular series of
brilliantly planned bank robberies where a notorious team of professional
criminals attempts one last heist, a once-in-a-lifetime job with a $25 million
dollar payoff. All that stands in their way is a cop bent on doing whatever
it takes to solve the case and bring the TAKERS down. This movie is an
adrenaline-rushed thrill ride packed with twists and turns. Leslie I give it my
four buckets of popcorn award.
I couldn't end my evening with just any of those titles you've suggested,
oh no, I chose the one I thought would be the best of all. I viewed the new
Angelina Jolie movie, SALT, (Columbia Pictures), and it was
your best selection, by far. This movie has Angelina, playing
the part of a trusted CIA agent named Evelyn Salt, who has to
go rogue to save her life and the President of the United
States. This is one of those movies packed with thrills and cliff
hangers at every turn for, you see, Evelyn is a Russian spy planted years
ago by a Russian master spy named Orlov (very bad guy), who defects to
the west and convinces Evelyn's superiors that she is a double agent sent to
the US to assassinate the Russian President. Wow! Like I said, there are
cliff hangers' and unexpected turns all through this movie, and as the intense manhunt heats up, Salt uses all her skills as a covert operative to
elude capture and uncovers a secret so powerful it could change the course
of world history. I give it my biggest award of all - five buckets of hot buttered popcorn award.
Tonight for my bedtime reading, I've chosen Orson Scott Card’s new
book, THE LOST GATE. Just reading the reviews gave me a chill, and
raised the hairs on the back of my neck. Looks like another good read!
Until next time….see ya’ at the movies!
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#12 have to work and Sister #11 is like a moth burning her
end at both candles!
Nevertheless, as we look outside at this beautiful fall
morning, we know God is good and we will go on…
We want to recognize Silver Sister #7 this month. She
started life out in an unusual way. She was delivered at
home by C-section. Mama was very sick and had to be
taken to the Woodson hospital after baby was born. There
were no isolates or nursing space available so our grandma (Daddy’s mom) and the two older sisters #2 and #4
kept the tiny four-pound doll alive against almost impossible odds at the time. Grandma got a wooden box and lined
it with cotton batting; she then placed four mason jars of
warm water in the corners of the box. She wrapped the
baby snuggly in blankets, placed her in the middle of the
box, and covered the box with a quilt. This was her warming chamber. Since mama was not able to feed her, we fed
her goats’ milk, extracted, strained, and into her bottle still
warm from the goat. This continued 24/7 for weeks along
with lots of prayers. She thrived and grew up beautiful,
smart, and very talented. She can cook Julia Child to Ma
Kettle and a little Emeril to boot! She sews magnificently
and has a deep-rooted love for her family and our traditions. She is a world traveler; she has lived in Japan, Philippines, Wake Island, Hawaii, and California. She likes
Oklahoma the best. She is widowed after being married for
40+ years, raised three children of her own, three grandchildren, and is now raising a great-grandchild. She is a
kind, Christian soul-loved by all who know her. HAPPY
BIRTHDAY Silver Sister #7! We may or may not get to
party on time but, we will get
together and there will be
Speaking of food,
Niece “L” & “S” & “J” hosted a Sister Dinner this month
at Sister #6’s house. They
served us roasted Cornish
hens, baked potatoes, wild
rice, green beans, mac &
cheese, Crowder peas, Shepherd’s pie, fried cabbage, butter peas, fried chicken and
pumpkin roll. Our take-home
gifts were autumn themed tea
towels, potholder and wooden
spoon bouquets. We were
“Boycotting” store bought
produce due to the outbreak of
listeria and salmonella…so no
salads were served. Boo
Hoo !!! (Note to P.E.T.A., a
small flock of chicken was
consumed with no regrets) We
had 12 in person and one
guest on the phone.
Until next time,
Silver Sisters