Jan-Feb-March 2009 - 1st Marine Division Association
Jan-Feb-March 2009 - 1st Marine Division Association
Vol. LVIII w No. 1 January–February-March 2009 The Official Publication of the 1st Marine Division Association, Incorporated A Marine and a brother – one and the same n A tribute to LtCol Joe Cody n Sunday, 8 February 2009, my older brother, LtCol Joseph F. Cody, Jr., USMC (Ret.) passed away. He just turned 77 in January. He was on the tee at the local golf course in Salisbury NC with his wife, Carol, at the time. Joe suddenly collapsed with a massive heart attack. Quick and easy. At least he was doing something he really loved at the time. We should all be so lucky. Joe enlisted in the Corps in 1947. After boot camp, he went seagoing aboard USS Boxer and USS Mt. McKinley. He participated with the fleet in atom bomb tests at the Bikini Atoll. Next he fought in Korea. As a SSgt senior DI at MCRD San Diego, he was selected for OCS and commissioned a 2nd Lt in 1956. From TBS he was assigned to the “old” 2/4 in Hawaii and served with some pretty colorful characters in their younger days: Sam Adams, Fred Tolleson, Russ Lloyd, Alex Lee, and Oscar Peatross, to name a few. As a captain, he went back to sea and commanded the detachment in USS Intrepid. Later assignments included S-3 (Operations Officer), 5th Marines, Vietnam 1967-68 (this covered the Battle of Hue City), speech writer at HQMC for Gen Chapman (who was then CMC), and XO and CO of 2/8 when the battalion was at GITMO. Joe retired in 1976. His awards are many, and include the Bronze Star with Combat “V,” the Purple Heart, and Legion of Merit. Joe and I were particularly close. We had a unique relationship. I’m also a FMDA Helps Out Former 2/7 Marine By Jerry Reed ecently, the Oceanside office received a call for help from a young former First Division Marine (2/7) in Tempe, Arizona who lost his job and was in need of rent assistance to keep from being evicted from his apartment. This young Marine has been doing all the right things by working and going to school for personal improvement and to better position himself for jobs in the private sector, and is 3 credit hours short of a bachelor’s degree. Your Executive Support for a Director dropped healthy Marine who what he was doing and sent out a call is not injured falls to your Officers outside the By-Laws asking for an of Operation Military Officer to find a Embrace. However,... Chapter or a Unit to give consideration to providing temporary financial assistance to this good Marine. (Col. Hayes verified his DD-214). Your Treasurer stepped forward and engaged his military support charity, Operation Military Embrace, Inc., and “OME” immediately paid the balance of the rent and penalties due for this young Marine. This former 2/7 Marine has promised to reimburse Operation Military Embrace when he is financially capable of repaying this temporary loan. Support for a healthy Marine who is not injured falls outside the By-Laws of Operation Military Embrace. However, FMDA Marines never abandon their younger brethren. Thus, support of this young Marine has been handled as a temporary military support loan by this 501c3 that is actively engaged daily in supporting America’s most seriously injured military personnel and their families. R O LtCol Joseph F. Cody, Jr. After retiring he accomplished another of his dreams. He wrote three historical novels about Marines... retired Marine. We served together a few times on active duty. He was a senior DI at San Diego when I went through Boot Camp in 1955 (in different battalions, of course). When Joe was S-3, 5th Marines at An Hoa I was skipper of A/1/5. During that period, we ended up in a firefight together (how many brothers share something like that?). Later, in the mid-1970s, we served together in the 8th Marines. I was regiPlease turn to CODY on page 6 O Guadalcanal O E. New Guinea O New Britain O Peleliu O Okinawa O North China O O Korea O Vietnam O Kuwait O Somalia O Afghanistan O Iraq O President’s Message The 1st Marine Division Association Officers President SSgt Frank E Lindstrom “Sandie” 479 W Eagle Lake Dr Maple Grove MN 55369-5528 (763) 951-3422 Vice President Sgt Mike J. Carone “Carol” 493 Sunset Dr., Village of Lakewood, IL 60014 (815) 477-8063 Deputy Vice President, East HM3 Steve “Doc” P. Lakernick “Donna“ 162 Knittle Rd., Kutztown, PA 19530 (610) 683-9322 Deputy Vice President, Central GySgt Weldon L. Richey Jr. “Betty” 8102 Meadowshire St., Houston, TX 77037 (281) 447-5588; Cell (281) 615-5460 Deputy Vice President, West Deputy VP West: Cpl Jerry Johs “Cheryl” 26965 W. Mohawk Lane, Buckeye, AZ 85396 (928) 252-6096; Cell (503) 784-7697 Secretary (OPEN) Treasurer SSgt Jerry P. Reed “Debra” 21307 Cypress Rose Hill, Tomball TX 77375 (281) 357-1584 Legal Officer David M. Franklin “Martha” PO Box 3253 Palm Desert, CA 92261-3253 760-568-1585 Chaplain Monsignor Walter C. Murphy 7200 Douglaston Pkwy. Douglaston NY 11362 (718) 229-2301 Sgt-at-Arms Sgt Arthur J Burn “Gwen” 107 Ervin Ave Linwood PA 19061-4315 610-494-5818 w w Frank E. Lindstrom attended the First Marine Division Anniversary at Camp Pendleton. It was a great success. I thank Major General Waldhauser, his staff, and all the First Marine Division members who worked very hard to make it a great time. I offer my thanks also to the many members of FMDA who did a great job. The winners of the 50/50 raffle were Darrel F. Snideman ($258.75), Albert F. Hodgin ($258.75,) Robert L. Berkley ($258.75), and Diane Richter ($258.75). The biggest winner was the FMDA, which realized $2,070.00 as a result of the participants’ generosity. Congratulations to all—and I extend a big “thank you” to everyone who participated. The first quarter 2009 OBN (Jan/Feb/Mar) is being sent to ALL MEMBERS. It is a 32-page, black & white issue. The number of pages was reduced and we had to do away with the color to cut the cost of printing and mailing so ALL members will receive this issue. The “Bios” of the candidates for our 2009 election for National Officers are included in this issue, as is a Mail-in ballot, on p. 31, the inside of the back cover. Please vote for the candidates of your choice. Again, we are asking for $15.00 from Life Members to offset the additional cost for postage. I We still need donations—especially to the General Fund. But, we are happy to receive donations to the Scholarship Fund. PLEASE DONATE. All donations will be noted in the 2nd quarter, Apr/May/June issue of the OBN. Remember, this is the only issue in which the bios and the mail-in ballot will appear. Please remember to vote and submit your ballot accordingly. We still need donations—especially to the General Fund. But, we are happy to receive donations to the Scholarship Fund. PLEASE DONATE. All donations will be noted in the 2nd quarter, Apr/May/June issue of the OBN. Here is a reminder to all Directors of the FMDA. We must have 35 Directors to have a quorum at the April Directors Meeting. The same goes for the August Reunion. Without a quorum, we cannot conduct any business. If you agree to serve as a Director or on a committee, you must attend the meetings. I realize that there are some absences that cannot be helped. At the April Directors Meeting, my intention is to hold a meeting with or without a quorum. We have learned that the Waterhouse Museum has closed. Their prints will be Continued on page 6 w Association Staff • Col Leonard C. Hayes USMC (Ret) Executive Director • SgtMaj Juan Duff USMC (Ret) – Office Manager • June Cormier – Membership Coordinator 410 Pier View Way Oceanside, CA 92054 760-967-8561 FAX: 760-967-8567 Editor, The Old Breed News Arthur G. Sharp 152 Sky View Dr. Rocky Hill, CT 06067 860-563-6149 sharp_arthur_g@sbcglobal.net Publisher Finisterre Publishing Incorporated 3 Black Skimmer Ct Beaufort, SC 29907 Finisterre@ISLC.net 2 January– January– February – March 2009 Deadlines OBN Material: 2009 The new quarterly publication schedule dictates that we change deadline dates by which we must receive material. Here are the schedules for the next five issues: ISSUE PERIOD DEADLINE 1st Quarter Jan/Feb/March 16 Feb 09 2nd Quarter Apr/May/June 15 May 09 3rd Quarter July/Aug/Sept 16 Aug 09 4th Quarter Oct/Nov/Dec 20 Nov 09 We do not have any specific themes for these issues, so contributions regarding all phases of 1st Marine Division activities are welcome. We are looking for stories and photos of any events, past or present, of interest to First Marine Division Association members. Please submit your material to OBN Editor, 152 Sky View Drive, Rocky Hill, CT 06067, or email it to sharp_arthur_g@sbcglobal.net. (If you email your material, please make sure you insert underlines—not hyphens—between sharp arthur and arthur g. Otherwise, the mail does not go through—at least not to the editor.) The Old Breed News Departments President’s Message......................................................2 Special Fund Contributions..........................................3 Blue Diamond Team ....................................................4 Feedback/Letters to the Editor..................................17 Welcome Aboard..........................................................18 Chaplain’s Corner........................................................20 2009 Reunions ..............................................................21 Angling for August in Anaheim August is only eight months away, but already members of the FMDA are setting their sights on Anaheim. That is where our 2009 Reunion will be held—and it is never too early to start planning to attend. We have some preliminary information, all of which is subject to change. Place: Anaheim Marriott 700 W Convention Way Anaheim, CA 92802 Phone: 714-750-8000 Official site: www.marriott.com/laxah Quests & Queries........................................................22 General Fund Contributions ......................................23 Scholarship Fund Contributions................................24 Short Rounds ..............................................................25 Chapter Scuttlebutt......................................................26 Membership Application ............................................50 News & Notes A Marine and a brother– one and the same ..............1 FMDA Helps Out Former 2/7 Marine........................1 Angling for August in Anaheim ..................................3 2009 Election of Officers..............................................8 Minutes of the Executive Committee Conference Calls: 12 December, 2008 & 17 February, 2009 ........16 M-1 Raffle Story ..........................................................21 Note from the Executive Director: The 2009 Anniversary was a great success thanks to the support of the active duty Marines and a few steady supporters in the Southern California Chapter. One man who deserves special kudos is John Hopkins. John is the backbone of anniversary planning on the association side. He works closely with the Division Staff on events and logistics support and, until now, has not received the thanks he so richly deserves. John, we could not have done it without you!! Bravo Zulu Marine!! Special Fund Contributions Presidents Special Plea CAPT WILLIAM R. OTTO USMC (Ret) 9th 25.00 1st 2nd 50.00 20.00 Life Appeal LCPL ROBERT P. BOLFING SGT WALTER H. STEEN The Old Breed News We are working hard on gathering information and details of the tours that will be available at the 2009 Anaheim Reunion. So far we have a baseball game planned for Wednesday afternoon between the Anaheim Angels and the Detroit Tigers. We are also working on possible tours to Knottʼs Berry Farm and the Queen Mary. Disneyland is reachable via a shuttle ride from the hotel. You can purchase tickets at its website: www.disneyland.disney.go.com. We are also working on getting a guest speaker for the Ladies Luncheon that takes place Saturday. The meal will be roasted chicken with penne pasta. The Memorial service will be held on Friday in front of the hotel. The banquet meal choices will be New York Steak, Balsamic Chicken, or Chilean Sea Bass. Within walking distance of the hotel are a new shopping area, movies, restaurants, and bars, also known as the Garden Walk. Now is the time to start planning to attend this reunion. Watch future issues of the Old Breed News for details and hotel information. If you would like to be on the latest newsletter list, please notify the office in Oceanside with your email address. You will receive all upcoming newsletters and a survey that will help us plan your reunion. If you are interested in a smaller group tour of about 8 people, please contact the office in Oceanside at 760-967-8561 and talk to Len Hayes. Denny Weisgerber & Jerry Johs Chairmen (2009 Reunion) January– January– February – March 2009 3 4 5 The Old Breed News The Old Breed News (USPS 599-860) ISSN: 0745-287X is published four times a year during the months of March, June, September, and December by the 1st Marine Division Association, Inc., 410 Pier View Way, Oceanside, CA 92054; Phone: 760-967-8561; FAX: 760-967-8567. Email oldbreed@sbcglobal.net; Web Site: www. 1stMarineDivisionAssociation.org. Periodical postage paid at Oceanside, California and at additional mailing offices. This publication may be quoted without permission if the 1st Marine Division Association is credited. The Association requests a copy of any such use. CODY from page 1 mental S-3, then XO and CO of 1/8, which overlapped part of the time he had 2/8 in GITMO. The Corps truly is a band of brothers. Joe loved the Corps—our history, culture, and traditions. After retiring he accomplished another of his dreams. He wrote three historical novels about Marines: The Courage Tree (Korean War), Imitate the Tiger (World War I era), and So Becomes a Man (the Banana Wars). He was working on a fourth, the sequel to the later book. Joe is a great brother and one hell of a Marine. I will miss him a lot. So will all who knew him. SEMPER FI! R.L. (Bill) Cody, LtCol, USMC (Retired), 5 Ashbrook Road, Stafford VA 22554 Cell: 540-220-4006 6 1st MARINE DIVISION ASSOCIATION CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM Date ________________ Please Print Name: ____________________________________________________________ PRESIDENT from page 2 New Mailing Address: ________________________________________________ on sale for another 30 days. Association members should use the FMDA website, www.1stmarinedivisionassociation.org, and click on the link to the Waterhouse Museum to order prints. I am looking forward to the Directors Meeting. DIRECTORS, PLEASE ATTEND. Also make plans to attend the Anaheim Reunion in August. I hope to see you there. Semper Fi Frank City: ________________________________ State: ____ Zip+4: ______________ January– January– February – March 2009 New Phone: ________________ Clip or copy this form from your issue of The Old Breed News and mail completed form to: 1st Marine Division Association, 410 Pier View Way, Oceanside, CA 92054 Phone (760) 967-8561 FAX (760) 967-8567 Email: oldbreed@sbcglobal.net Deadline for Mar/April/May Issue of Old Breed News: 15 May 2009 The Old Breed News 7 The Old Breed News January– January– February – March 2009 2009 Election of Association Officers Ballot Included on last page of this Issue of ‘Old Breed News’ 1st MARINE DIVISION ASSOCIATION, INC. BY-LAWS Article V: Officers B. Election: (Amended 7 July 2001) 8. No candidate shall campaign for any office in the Association, and no member or Chapter shall directly, or indirectly, electioneer or conduct any campaign for the election of any candidate to an office in the Association. Violations of this provision by a nominee shall disqualify such nominee from holding the office for which nominated. Violation of this provision by a Chapter shall be cause for revocation of such Chapter's Charter. All alleged violations shall be investigated and resolved pursuant to the standing Dispute Resolutions Procedure. Article XIII: Local and Unit Chapters D. Operations: (Amended 6 July 2002) 2. No Local or Unit Chapter shall, either directly or indirectly, endorse the candidacy of any person for any office in the Association. CANDIDATES FOR FIRST MARINE DIVISION ASSOCIATION OFFICES: 2009 For President For DVP Central For Secretary þ þ þ þ þ Michael J. Carone Jerry Johs Max Beerup Lee Rux þ þ For DVP East For Treasurer þ þ þ þ Jimmy L. Clendennen Elmer J. Hawkins Steven “Doc” Lakernick For Chaplain þ Msgr. Walter C. Murphy For DVP West For Vice President þ Arthur John (A.J.) Burn þ William D. “Denny” Weisgerber Edward Brundage Dave Johnson Jerry Reed Marlin Gill For Sgt.-at-Arms þ þ Robert W. Johnson Richard “Moon-Man” Mooney For Legal Officer þ þ James T. Allison David M. Franklin In this issue there is a picture and brief biography of each candidate who is standing for an elected Office of the Association in the 2009 election. Voting will be done on a mail-in ballot which is included inside the back cover of this issue (p. 31). You are urged to carefully review each candidate’s qualifications and vote for the person of your choice to provide leadership to the Association for the next two years. Those elected will take office at midnight 29 August 2009. The “Voting by Mail” process was approved by the members in 2001 to allow all members in good standing to have an opportunity to share in the selection of our leadership. This process also allows the Nominating Committee to review carefully the qualifications of candidates in a timely manner. Without this review, prior to 2001, we did elect several officers who were not in good standing and who had to be removed. Please exercise your right to vote. PRESIDENT Michael J. Carone 8 Name: Michael J. Carone Address: 493 Sunset Drive, Village of Lakewood, IL 60014-5332 Active Duty Service: April 1950-April 1954, Sergeant, MOS 0335 Units/Duty: • A-1-6 2nd Marine Div. , Camp Lejeune Aug 1950-Dec 1950 January– January– February – March 2009 • A-1-5 1st Marine Division, Korea, Jan 1951-Jan 1952 • G-3-6 2nd Marine Div., Camp Lejeune, Mar 1952-Mar 1953 • F-2-6 2nd Marine Div. , Camp Lejeune, Mar 1953-Jan 1954 • TAD 6th Fleet: 2 Med. Cruises: 1952 & 1953 Association Involvement: • 1988-Present: Member 1st Marine Division Association • 1989-Present: Member A-1-5 Assoc., 1st Marine Division Assoc. • 1998-2001: Assist Vice President, A-1-5 Assoc., 1st Marine Division Assoc. The Old Breed News • 2001-Present: President, A-1-5 Assoc., 1st Marine Division Association • 2002-Present: Member Chicago Chapter, 1st Marine Division Association • 2002-2005: Unit Director, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Division Assoc. • 2005-2007: Deputy Vice President Central, 1st Marine Division Assoc. • 2007-Present: Vice President, 1st Marine Division Association Education: • Illinois Institute of Technology BSCE 1960 Work Experience: • Civil & Structural Engineer, Chicago, IL 1960-1996 • Owner, E/A Systems Inc. 1980-1985 • Partner and Board of Director member, Alfred Benesch & Co 1985-1996 • Retired 1996 Major Goals, if Elected: • Promote and encourage camaraderie, spirit & traditions of the 1st Marine Division Association. • Provide total fiscal responsibility for the Association. • Increase the distribution of the OBN to six per year when financial conditions permit. • Listen to the membership and recognize and act upon good advice. • Review the purpose and status of all committees and encourage open communication between committee members, executive committee, directors and the membership. • Work hard to strengthen our association and guarantee success for years to come. Qualifications: • The greatest strengths I would bring to the 1st Marine Division Association are my experience, strength of character, traditional and patriotic moral values and commitment to the Association • I bring 20 years of experience in the 1st Marine Division Association and have been an active member holding positions as Director, Deputy Vice President Central and Vice President. I have also been a member of the A-1-5 Affiliate unit for 19 years, and President of A-1-5 for eight years. On the local level, I am a member of the Chicago Chapter of the 1st Marine Division Association. I am a charter member of the McHenry County Marine Corp League, where I served as Commandant. I am a veteran of the Korean War. I was a squad leader, before being promoted to Corporal. • My 36 years of work experience were as a civil and structural engineer, owning my own business in addition to working for Alfred Benesch & Co as a partner and member of the Board of Directors. • The 1st Marine Division Association was built on honor, sacrifice, and service. I have strong traditional, patriotic, and moral convictions, and will remain true to them, even in times of adversity. I am responsible, dependable, and committed to the goals and objectives of the 1st Marine Division Association. I The Old Breed News will surround myself with “strong marines, holding strong opinions” and practice team leadership. Phone: (815) 477-8063, Fax: (815) 477-8063, E-mail: mcaronei11@sbcglobal.net Jerry Johs Name: Jerry Johs USMC (Ret): Address: 26965 W Mohawk Lane, Buckeye, AZ 85396 Active Duty Service: 12 February 1968 to 1 January 1970, including service in Vietnam 28 February 1969 to 28 June 1969 with Lima 3-1 Association Involvement: • Joined the Association in March 2000 as a Life Member. I am currently a Deputy VP of the West and Vice Chairman of the Fund Raising Committee. • I was Chapter Representative since 2001 of the OR/Col River Chapter, and also President of the same Chapter since 2005; I have attended all director meetings, general meetings, and reunions except for New York. • I have served on the Awards Committee and was a Director at Large from 20052007. • I served on the 2003 Ballot Counting Committee, Reunion Destination Committee, and 1st Marine Unit Director 20032005. Chapter Involvement: • I was President, Vice President, and Chapter Rep. of the OR/Col River Chapter. • My wife Cheryl and I were actively involved with chairing Events, editing and publishing the Chapter Newsletter until our move in October 2008. Other Military Organizations: • Past President of the Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Oregon/Washington. Duties included overseeing the monthly meeting, helped out with the Semper Fi Golf Tournament committee, and Charity Committee. • Life Member- Veterans of Foreign Wars, Military Order of the Purple Heart, and Disabled American Veterans. • Also a member of the Marine Corps League, Marine Corps Association, Marine Corps Heritage Foundation, Marines Memorial Club. Education: Graduated from John Marshall High School, Portland, OR1968. Work Experience: • Retired from the United States Marine Corps in 1970. • Value Village 1970-1972 • Worked for Western Electric 1972-1974 • Graphic Arts 1974-1986 in which I retired again in 1986. • I married Cheryl in January 2004 Major Goals if Elected: • To raise funds to secure the finances of the Association and to raise substantial financial reserves for the continuation of the January– January– February – March 2009 9 Association. • Also to try and recruit new younger members to help keep this organization running for many years to come. Qualifications I have held many offices within not only my Chapter, but also Nationally. I feel I have what it takes to make this Association run smoothly and efficiently. I would also like to make sure that when the younger Marines are ready and able to join the Association that they have an Association to join. Phone: (503) 784-7697 E-mail: Geronamoo122@yahoo.com VICE PRESIDENT 10 Name: Arthur John (AJ) Burn Address: 107 Ervin Ave, Linwood, PA 19061-4315 Active Duty Service: • USMC- Sgt Oct 1966- Oct 1970 • 1st Marine Division- Cpl Nov 1967- Jun Arthur John (AJ) 1969 Burn • H&S Co (Comm) Mar 2007 Association Involvement: • Member since 1969 • Life Member since 1995 • Elected Sgt-at-arms 2005, reelected 2007 • Fund Raising Committee • 2003-2005 Director 7th Marines Education: • A.A. Business Management, Goldey Beacom Business College, Wilmington, DE • B.A. Political Science, Widener University, Chester, P A Work Experience: • Currently employed at a landscape supply company doing sales and AP/AR inside while working as an equipment operator/truck driver outside. Since 1984 I have mostly worked in the Horticultural field with various nurseries and landscape companies including 5 years as a self-employed landscape contractor. Major Goal, if Elected: • To work with the members and officers to transition the Association into the 21st century while always remembering the heroic men and valiant deeds that made the 1st Marine Division the finest fighting outfit in the world. • Together we can take the FMDA to the next level by attracting new members and educating them on our history and current charitable programs. Qualifications: • My association involvement, my education and my participation in other nonprofit veterans’ organizations. Specifically the Pennsylvania Veterans Museum which opened in 2005 in Media, PA. There I was one of the Founders and a Board Member since 2004 and currently hold the position of Vice Chairman. • I served 20 years as Paymaster at the Delaware County Detachment Marine Corps League. January– January– February – March 2009 • As a second generation FMDA member I am committed to moving the Association back on the path to growth and prosperity. Phone: (610) 494-5818, Fax: (610) 494-4125, E-mail: ajbum49@aol.com Name: William D. “Denny” Weisgerber Address: 195 Casper Street, Milpitas, CA Active Duty Service: USMC 1949-1953, Staff Sergeant Association Involvement: • Life Member FMDA William D. “Denny” • Unit Director 7th Marines Weisgerber • FRC Member • Co-Chair Anaheim Reunion (App’t 12 December 2008) • Chair Site Selection Committee (App’t 01 December 2008) • Parliamentarian • MC Denver Reunion • MC Nashville Reunion” Education: BA University of San Francisco Work Experience: • I worked for State Farm Insurance companies for the last 32 years of my employment. I served the company 16 years as an Agent on an independent contractor basis, being fully responsible for the hiring and firing of my staff, paying all of my expenses without company subsidies, including payroll of staff, advertising, and all office expenses including rent. In addition I spent 16 years in management as an Agency Manager, responsible for hiring, training and developing new agents. Again, responsible for all expenses of running the business, without company subsidies. • Prior to State Farm I owned and operated Weisgerber Orthopedic Company in Hayward, California, making and fitting Orthotic and Prosthetic appliances, working directly with patients and Orthopedic Surgeons who prescribed the needed appliance. • Prior to Weisgerber Orthopedic Company, I was employed by the US Navy at Navy Prosthetics Research Laboratory, Oak Knoll Naval Hospital, Oakland California. Here I did research for the lab, training new technicians, and making and fitting Prosthetic and Orthotic Appliances. During this time I passed the national American Orthopedic and Prosthetic Association exams to become certified as a Certified Prosthetist and Orthotist, licenses I still hold today. I am a Charter member of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists. • Prior to this I was a student at Boise State University, Boise, Idaho and San Jose State University, San Jose, California. • Prior to this I was in the United States Marine Corps, retiring on a physical disability from Korea. I attained the rank of Staff Sergeant. I served with Item Company, 3rd Bn. 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division, and Korea, where I was wounded and was awarded the Navy Cross; ultimately retired from USMC. • Graduate of University San Francisco with a BA in Business Administration • Past President San Jose Chapter of the American Society of CLU and CFC • Charter member ofthe American Academy of Prosthetics and Orthotics • District Governor for Rotary International 1999/2000 The Old Breed News • 43 year member of the Rotary Club of Milpitas, California, President 1968-69 and 1988-89 • Milpitas City Councilman 1961-1972 • Mayor of the City of Milpitas 1962-1964, 1964-1966, and 1971-1972 • Current President of Milpitas Police Activities League • Current Chairman of Milpitas Senior Advisory Commission • Current Member California Council on Aging • Current Member California Senior Legislator Assembly Person • Past Chair of Santa Clara County [‘lanning Policy Committee (Retired) • Past Chairman Santa Clara County Local Agency Formation Commission (Retired) • Charter member of Metropolitan Transportation Commission (Retired) • Santa Clara County Building Authority (Retired) • Current Jr. Past Commandant San Jose Detachment #1122 Marine Corps League • Current Region 5 Coordinator for Department of California Marine Corps League • Member Silicon Valley Chapter FMDA • Unit Director 7th Marines FMDA • Financial Review Committee FMDA • Chairman Site Selection Committee FMDA • Co-Chair Anaheim Reunion FMDA • Parliamentarian FMDA Board • Marine Corps League liaison for Toys for Tots, South Bay Area • Liaison to Poly-Trauma Center Palo Alto Veterans Hospital Major Goal, if Elected: • I would continue to work diligently toward more positive membership, and getting the fiscal situation of FMDA back into a very positive status. I believe that I have the leadership experience and savvy to help lead this Association into the future. My goal would be to have every leader of the Association working toward our mission of keeping the Association afloat and doing well. • I believe that with good leadership and hard work that this will happen. It would be my hope and goal that every individual would work and pull together for the betterment of all concerned. Keeping the lines of communication open, keeping the membership informed on what we plan to do • Getting everyone to buy into “a piece of the ownership” of the Association, by getting involved. • To keep the Reunions and meetings meaningful by producing good agendas, and an orderly fashion of doing business. • If I am elected, these would be my goals, knowing full well that not all can be accomplished at the start, but to make a good start and lay some ground work for our future leadership. Phone: (408) 262-1776, E-mail: wdw2710@sbcglobal.net Membership Report Status Life Active 7,400 Archived 665 Annual Assoc. Life Assoc. Annual Total 3,290 12 183 10,890 3,798 8 24 4,495 The Old Breed News DEPUTY VICE PRESIDENT EAST Name: Jimmy L. Clendennen Address: 40 East Hanover St., Newtown, PA 18940 Active Duty Service: 1969-1970 L/Cpl Units: • Echo Co, 2nd Bn, 7th Marines Jimmy L. • Marine Barracks, Keflavik, Iceland Clendennen Association Involvement: • 7th Marines Unit Director Chapter Involvement: • Chapter secretary of Echo 2/7 VN Vets and Liberty Bell Chapters Work Experience: • Security officer for defense contractor Major Goal, if Elected: • Promote recruitment of new members and creation of new chapters every day, 24/7. Qualifications: • I have recruited dozens of new members and helped form several new chapters. Phone: (215) 860-0595, E-mail: JimmyClendennen @hotmai1.com Name: Elmer J. Hawkins Address: 450 Basin St., Dayton Beach, FL 32114 Active Duty Service: Enlisted in the USMC on April 15, 1942. I completed boot camp and radio school at the San Diego Recruit Elmer J. Hawkins Depot and Marine Base before reporting to Camp Elliott and the second replacement battalion. Departed the dock at San Diego in late Sept. and touched land again on Guadalcanal in Oct., other combat action was at Cape Glouster and Peleliu. I returned to the States in late 1944 and was assigned to the Signal Supply Depot, San Francisco where I was discharged in 1946. My highest rank was Sergeant and all of my overseas time was in 1st Signal Co., Div Headquarters Bat., 1st Marine Division. Association Involvement: • I joined the Association and attended one reunion in the 1950’s but dropped out. • I became a life member in 2000 and a Central Florida Chapter member in 2003 • For the past three years I have served as Sergeant of Arms as well as Chapter representative. I have attended every reunion and Director’s meeting since assuming the position. • I have also attended the 1st Marine Division’s last three Commemorations of its founding at Camp Pendleton. I was named to the Historical Committee in 2006. Education: • Electronics Engineer from DeVry Tech, Chicago, IL Work Experience: January– January– February – March 2009 11 • Worked as an electronic technician with both Motorola Inc. and Admiral Corp. for approximately four years after school. • In 1952 I started working for the Department of Defense as an electronic equipment quality control representative and due to my Marine Corps work in the Machine shop while in San Francisco and drafting experience. I was qualified to inspect all types of mechanical items as well. • During my career I worked myself up into several levels of supervisory positions. A few of the contractor plants where I served as chief of inspection include Borg Warner, Bell & Howell, Northrop Corp., Stewart Warner Electronics, Raytheon Corp., Simpson Electric, etc.. My duties required that I interact with the top executives of these contractors. Later I became chief of a quality control section of 28-35 inspectors covering all types of military equipment. After this I was promoted to Branch Chief, where I supervised up to 140 personnel including a secretary and several clerks. • I retired in June 1985 with a grade of GS-13. • I spent many hours as a volunteer instructor for the AMA, the YMCA, the American Red Cross and the National Safety Council in my spare time. Major Goals, if Elected: • I hope that I would be able to visit most of our chapters and help them with membership recruiting. This also goes for the Association. • I would strive to improve the financial status of our association by working with other association officers and committees. By serving I would show other WWII Marines that they still have a lot to offer and that the association still needs their help. Qualifications: • I am very active in the VFW, American Legion, Marine Corp League, our 1st Marine Division Association, our local chapter and the Military Order of Cooties. My VFW post has a total membership in excess of 1300, I was commander in 2004. • Prior to that I served as Jr. Vice and Sr. Vice. I was on the committee for 5 years and ran the Bingo for 6 vears. • Currently I serve as Honor Guard Capt. For the post. In the MOC I have been CCDB or treasurer for the past 4 years. I am MOC district 8 of Florida Jr. Vice Commander. • My job in the Marine Corps League is JAG Phone: (386) 226-2325, (386) 679-3814 (Cell), E-mail: ehawkins23@aol.com 12 Name: Steven ‘Doc’ Lakernick Address: 162 Knittle Rd, Kutztown, PA 19530 Active Duty Service: 1966-1969 HM3 1st Recon B/C 1-1 1 Man Association Involvement: • Joined 1969 Steven ‘Doc’ Lakernick • Sgt-at-arms 1993-1999 • Deputy Vice President East 2007-2009 Education: • BS University of Wisconsin January– January– February – March 2009 Work Experience: • Retired from state of Pennsylvania 2004 • Worked as Disabled Veteran Employment Representative Major Goal, if Elected: • Keep the Association financially sound and increase membership Qualifications: • Currently Deputy Vice President East Phone: (215) 850- 8313, Email: docu3mcl@msn.com DEPUTY VICE PRESIDENT CENTRAL Name: Max Beerup Address: 8836 N. Locust, Kansas City, MO 64155 Association Involvement: • Joined January 2006, and now in my second year as President of the Kansas City Chapter. Max Beerup Work Experience: • Retired from the Federal Railway Administration. • Graduated Missouri Highway Patrol Academy, also spent 12 years as a Reserve Sergeant with the Clay County Sheriff s Department • Am now with the US Foreign Trade Zone Security/Police Department. Major Goal, if Elected: • Get as many new members as possible. Qualifications: • Basic experience of President, Kansas City Chapter. Phone: (816) 436- 7104, E-mail: usmcmaxinkc@aol.com Name: Lee Rux Address: 15111 Sun Spur St., San Antonio, TX 78232-4624 Active Duty Service: • 9 Dec 1948- 3 Oct: 1991, USMCR • Jul 1950-Dec 1951: B-I-7 Korea 1950 active duty Lee Rux • May 1954-May 1956: USNR as Naval Aviation Cadet • Medically disqualified from flight training due to 20-25 in one eye. Marine Corps Reserve the remainder of the time. Association Involvement: • Life Member 23 January 1969 • Chairman of Association Bylaws Committee August 2007 to president • President Alamo Chapter August 2005 president Education: • Associate of Arts San Antonio College • Exchange Manager Professional Development Course, College of Business, Texas A&M University Work Experience: • Retired after 30 years with the Army and Air Force Exchange The Old Breed News Service (AAFES) similar to the Marine Corps Exchange. Last assignment General Manger Luke and Williams AFB’ s Phoenix, AZ. • I supervised the operation of al retail, food, services, motion picture theater, concession, and vending activities at my assigned Bases’. • Performed personnel management functions to include evaluation of employee performance, counseling and discipline, and labor relations. • Responsible for the proper accounting for all funds generated by assigned Exchange. • Performed liaison between my Exchanges and local Military Commands. Major Goal, if Elected: • To improve the financial position of the Association and increase the Association membership. Qualifications: • As the general manager I supervised 350 employees and sales of 41.2 million dollars a year. I was involved the day to day operation Exchange at my bases’. • Cash control, merchandise procurement, budgets control, personnel managing, and service to my customers and lastly Command liaison were but a few of my duties that qualify me for the position of Deputy Vice President. Phone: (210) 499-0707, (210) 213-3453 (Cell), E-mail: rux@satx.rr.com DEPUTY VICE PRESIDENT WEST Name: Edward Brundage Address: 4019 Via Serra, Oceanside, CA 92057 Active Duty Service: Retired Master Sergeant, 20 plus years Association Involvement: Director at Edward Brundage Large 2006-2007, Membership Committee 2007 Education: • Bachelor’s Degree, Education/Curriculum Development Work Experience: • I retired from Active Duty in 1991 after 20 plus years of service. During my career, I had multiple combat tours in Vietnam and Saudi Arabia/Kuwait. In 1969, I was a Drill Instructor at MCRD San Diego. In 1974, I served a tour as a Recruiter in Kansas. I additionally served multiple tours of duty with two of the three Regiments in the 1st Marine Division as an Infantry Unit Leader and Operations Chief. • In 1986, I was given the honor of being selected to design and implement an Infantry Combat Leadership Course by then Commandant Al Gray. In six months I had analyzed, designed, developed and implemented the first ever formal Infantry Platoon Sergeant Course for the Marine Corps. • Since retirement I have worked with the United States Postal Service as a Customer Services Supervisor. I left that position to enter Law Enforcement with the Orange County Marshal’s Department in Orange County, California. During 2000, the The Old Breed News Marshals’ Department was merged with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. I initially worked in the Training Division in support of the Academy structure/curriculum and currently work in the Research and Development Division. During this time I have worked collaboratively with many other executives to develop initiatives that will support the department and Law Enforcement, in general. Major Goal, if Elected: • I will be actively involved in supporting the great work that our western region chapters are involved in. I would support all chapter president’s and encourage an open forum of ideas from each that would move the Association into the future. • Additionally, I would encourage all members of our chapters to identify, encourage and recruit new members into the First Marine Division Association. Our continued presence and future will depend on it. Qualifications: • 20 plus years, mostly as a Marine Staff NCO. • Active support of the First Marine Division Association. • Executive Leadership for 30 plus years. • A desire to serve all members of the Western Region as their representative. • A well rounded background in taking initiatives from concept to reality. • A true belief in the Core Values of the United States Marine Corps. Phone: (714) 448-1299, Fax: (714) 935-6938, E-mail: EBrundage@ocsd.org Name: David G. Johnson Address: 363 Singing Brook Circle, Santa Rosa, CA 95409 Active Duty Service: 1947-1952, Cpl., G/3/7 Association Involvement: David G. Johnson • Joined Association 1987 • Northern California Chapter Board member • National Scholarship Committee member 1991/1993 Work Experience: • Employee Benefits Manager-35 years • City of Santa Rosa Planning Commissioin-5 years • City of Santa Rosa Community Advisory Board- Current Major Goal, if Elected: • Return the association to a strong financial condition • Encourage younger members to take an active part Qualifications: • Being retired, I have the time available to devote to the Association Phone: 707-538-4779, E-mail: mariegiorgi@aol.com Help! New Members Needed Make copies of the 1stMarDiv Association Application on page 30 and pass them out wherever a potential member might be found. January– January– February – March 2009 13 TREASURER Jerry P. Reed CHAPLAIN Name: Jerry P. Reed Address: 21307 Cypress Rose Hill Active Duty Service: Apr 1966- Jan 1970, Staff Sergeant, 1st MAW, Vietnam Association Involvement: • 28 Jun 2000 Director-Houston Chapter • Aug 2007 Elected Treasurer, FMDA (CI9) • Treasurer FMDASF, Inc. -{C3) Work Experience: • 30 years experience in thefield of both domestic and international financial management with Chevron Chemical Co. • One year as FMDA/FMDASF Treasurer • 8 years in non-profits as both a fundraiser and an executive (2000-2008) Major Goal, if Elected: • Continue the work to turn around the FMDA, financially, and to grow the FMDA into a world-class association. Phone: (281) 357-1584, (281) 615-6275 (Cell), Fax: (281) 357-1584 (Call before sending a fax), E-mail: debandjerry@peoplepc.com SECRETARY Name: Marlin D. Gill Address: 424 Yale Drive, San Mateo, CA 94402 Service: 1954-58, SGT, 3-1-1 stMarDiv Association Involvement: • Joined Association 2003 Marlin D. Gill • Northern California Chapter Board member Work Experience: • 35 years Corporate Credit manager with Rosendin Electronic, Zerox Corporation, Advance Group and Judson Steel Corp. • Dealing in National and ‘International Market Place • Retired, obtained real estate license and joined with my wife in the Real Estate business 12 years ago. Major Goal, if Elected: • To have an efficient and member friendly office to serve the Association. • Assist in building membership throughout the various era’s of the 1st Marine Division’s history-WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. Qualifications: • Career in financial, accounting, administration and experience in small and worldwide corporations. Phone: (650) 344-0960 E-mail: marlin@patgill.com 14 Name: Walter C. Murphy Address: Immaculate Conception Center, 7200 Douglaston Pky, Douglaston, NY 11362 Active Duty Service: • Korea 1952 I-3-7 • 1951-1953 Active Duty- 2nd Lt., 1st Lt. Walter C. Murphy • Reserves, 1953-1957, Capt. Association Involvement: • FMDA/NY Chapter: 1963- To Date, Chaplain • FMDA 1963-To Date: Chaplain 2003, 2007- To Date Education • Graduate, Postgraduate, Post Ordination Work Experience: • Ordained to Roman Catholic Priesthood 1958 • Seminary Ministry • Parish Ministry Major Goal, if Elected: • Minister to FMDA members and families. • Participation in FMDA activities. Qualifications: • Fifty years of Parish and Seminary Ministry. Phone: (718) 229-2301, Fax: (718) 428-3070 SGT. AT ARMS Name: Robert W. Johnson Address: 7745 County Lane 168, Carthage, MO 64836 Active Duty Service: July 1951 - July 1954, Corporal Units/Duty: Robert W. Johnson • 1st Marine Division (A-I-5) Korea 1/1951 - 1/1952 • 2nd Marine Division Camp Lejeune 6 months • Marine Barracks Great Lakes, Illinois Education: • Graduate Carthage Senior High School, Carthage, MO 64836 Work Experience: • Machinist, tool maker • Maintenance Machinist for the Department of Water and Power, Los Angeles, CA • Real Estate Business Major Goals, if Elected: • To participate in the companionship with fellow Marines, which was a most enjoyable time of my life. A Ballot is provided on the last page of this issue of the Old Breed News January– January– February – March 2009 The Old Breed News Qualifications: • Two years as M.P. at Great Lakes Naval Prison • Life Member 1st Marine Division Association • Started my own company, which is a successful real estate rental business called Carthage Holding LLC. Phone: (417) 359-7271, Fax: (417) 358-3347, E-mail: calwyatt@hotmail.com Name: Richard “Moon-Man” Mooney Address: 25 Park Place Village, Floral Park, NY 11001 Active Duty Service: 1967 Vietnam, CPL. Squad Leader; 2nd BN 7th Marines; Echo Co., 81’s Association Involvement: Richard “MoonMan” Mooney • Joined 1990 • Past President New York Chapter • Present Chaplain Echo 2/7 Chapter • Bod Fish Life Member • Houston Chapter Member Education: • BA John Jay College of Criminal Justice • M.S. Ed. Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus Work Experience: • Former Federal Probation and Parole Officer. Retired New York State Parole Officer, who for 25 years applied strict, structured supervision to predicate violent felony offenders who were released from NYS Penitentiaries to the community. Line of Duty, permanently disabled. • Volunteer firefighter • A knights Templar and a Shriner Major Goal, if Elected: • As your Sergeant at Arms I would be a Law Enforcement member of the Executive Committee who under the direction of the presiding officer, will be empowered to preserve the dignity and decorum, during our national 1st Marine Division Association meetings. Qualifications: • The experiences of being the Commander of VFW Post 6910, past Commander of American Legion Post 334, and DAV and VVA Life Memberships Phone: (516) 352-9203, Fax: (516) 305-5694 (advise prior to transmitting), E-mail: RMooney2@optonline.net LEGAL OFFICER Name: James T. Allison Address: 100 North Main Bldg., Suite 2309, Memphis, TN 38103 Active Duty Service: • U.S. Marine Corps Reserve from 10 Feb 1948 to 9 Feb 1950; NTL; Honorable James T. Allison Discharge • Asiatic Pacific: 27 Jan 1951 – 8 Mar 1952 • Participated in operations against enemy forces in south and central Korea from 17 Feb 1951 to 18 Feb 1952 The Old Breed News Other Military Organizations: • Headquarters • Eighth Marine Corps Reserve • Recruitment District Education: • Jim Allison was educated in the public schools of Little Rock, Arkansas. • He received a B.A. in English from the University of Arkansas in 1957 and a J.D. degree from Vanderbilt University in 1963. Work Experience: • After graduating from high school in 1950, he joined the Marine Corps and Served in the infantry in Korea from 1951 to 1952. • He began his law practice in Memphis with Clifton, Mack and Kirkpatrick where he had a great mentor in Clarence Clifton. In 1972, he joined Ratner, Sugarmon and Lucas, one of the few biracial law firms in the South. Following that, he worked for four years with two Vanderbilt classmates, Bob T. Williams and Bob Benham. He has been a sole practitioner for the past 25 years. • A love for music and books often clashed with practicing law and for six years Allison had a jazz program on a local radio station. • Upon retirement, he plans to read, listen, cook, drink, and maybe catch a fish. Qualifications: • He believes lawyers should never abuse the power the legal system gives them. Clients should be treated with respect and honesty, and not charged exorbitant fees. If lawyers take care of the business in their office, it will take care of them. When asked by Vanderbilt Law School to list his past legal accomplishments for a thirty-fifth reunion booklet, Allison wrote back, “Still afloat in the Sea of Jurisprudence.” Phone: (901) 528-0020, Fax: (901) 526-7114 Name: David M. Franklin Address: 74-075 EI Paseo, Ste. A-6, Palm Desert, CA 92260 Active Duty Service: USMC 1958-1968; USMCR 1968-1986; MSgt. Retired Units/Duty: 7th Engr. Bn. RVN 1965-1966; MABS-37; MABS-17; MACS-9; MACS-l; Engr. Schools, CLNC; 4th Tank Bn.; Devil David M. Franklin Pups PIt CDR, Jun 1974- Sept 1974; MCRD San Diego; 1958,1963, 1965 Judges/Lawyers Unit CA12 1971-1986 Association Involvement: • Legal Officer, FMDA (2004-Current) • By-Laws Committee (2004-Current) • Life Member, Col. Mitchell Paige, MOH Desert Cities Charter Member. Chapter • Representative (2004- Current) January– January– February – March 2009 15 Other Military Organizations: • 2nd/3rd Mar. Div. Assn. Life Member • Marine Corps League • VFW Life Member • VV A - Life Member • American Legion • 7th Engr. Bn. Assn. - RVN/ MC Engr. Assn. Education: • Thomas Jefferson School of Law, Juris Doctorate 1975 • California Judicial College, UC Berkeley 1988-Graduate Work Experience: • Appeals Judge/ Arbitrator, Administrative Law, Desert Bar Assn. (l996-Current)/ Attorney, Private Practice (Current) • Commissioner/ Temporary Judge, Full and part-time, Superior Court - Indio 1986-1996 • Board of Directors, Pegasus Riding Academy for the Handicapped 1979-2001 • • Martindate-Hubbell, highest rating for attorneys “A V” Major Goals, if Elected: • If there is a problem, pick up the phone and resolve it. • Keep an open door policy on a confidential basis. • Head off trouble. Phone: (760) 568-1585, Fax: (760) 568-4798, E-mail: DFrankinLaw@gmail.com Minutes of the Executive Committee Conference Call of 12 December 2008 0700 Conference Call where its current cost would allow the printing and mailing of smaller sized copies to all members (Annual and Life). Present: Frank Lindstrom Jerry Johs Jerry Reed AJ Burn John Meehan Mike Carone Doc Lakernick Dave Franklin Jerry Reed Joe Ryan Expected Benefits: This proposal, if implemented, would reestablish communications with 4,885 members. We could expect the following benefits: • Len Hayes called the Roll and announced a Quorum • This action would satisfy the implied contract that the FMDA made with Life members that they would receive the OBN as long as they lived, at no additional cost. • Denny Weisgerber was assigned as the Moderator • It would expand our donor base. • John Stevens provided the below presentation: • It would allow wider promotion of the very successful Blue Diamond Team fund raising program. John Stevens OBN Proposal The OBN is a sleek, colorful publication. It cost about $9,000 to publish and deliver 6,300 copies of the last issue, or about $1.42/each. Of that, $.46 was for postage. It is recommended that the 2009 OBN be downsized to the point • It would expand our recruiter base. This has been discussed with the Chairman of the Finance Committee, Don Reid. He enthusiastically agrees with the proposal. Because this is a matter for the Board of Directors, it is suggested Continued on page 19 Minutes of the Executive Committee Conference Call of 17 February 2009 16 1200 Conference Call Present: Frank Lindstrom Mike Carone Jerry Johs Doc Lakernick Jerry Reed Dave Franklin John Stevens, Chairman of the Nominating Committee (without vote) Len Hayes called the roll and announced a quorum Len Hayes was assigned as the Moderator John Stevens attended as the Chairman of the Nominating Committee The Moderator introduced the purpose of the Conference call and moderated discussion on two agenda items: Agenda Item # 1 Cost of 1st Qtr 2009 OBN Len Hayes reported that the Publisher Jerry Wadley can produce the 1st Qtr. OBN under the guidance contained in Agenda Item 2 for approximately—and not to exceed—$10,000. There was no further discussion on this item. Agenda Item # 2 1st Qtr OBN Content/Distribution After substantial discussion on the advisability of including the ballot accompanied by the Candidate information in the 1st Qtr OBN: January– January– February – March 2009 It was Moved and Seconded: 1st Quarter 2009 OBN will be: • 32 pages • All Black and White • 11,000 distribution to include ALL Life Members • President will include a plea for Life Members to donate $15 Postage Offset Cost in his 1st Qtr President’s message. • Include info on Candidates for National Office • Include “Post Office Proof” Ballot following the format contained in the April-May-June 2007 OBN. The use of heavier gauge paper will cost between $400 and $500. Defer Final Decision on remaining 2009 OBNs to Spring Directors Meeting Motion Carried “Under Protest” from John Stevens 6 Aye 0 Nay Frank Lindstrom: Yes Mike Carone: Yes Jerry Johs: Yes Doc Lakernick: Yes Jerry Reed: Yes Dave Franklin: Yes Meeting adjourned at 1253 Len Hayes, Colonel, USMC (Ret) The Old Breed News Feedback/Letters to the Editor To honor Sgt Donald May F-2-1 on Guadalcanal The FMDA will be honoring fallen “Tanker” SSgt Donald May Jr. on 5 September 2009 by dedicating the California Honor Run to his family. The California Honor Run is a large scale Motorcycle and Hot Rod touring event with an appearance from Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band. All funds raised from this effort will go to build a Fisher House near Camp Pendleton. We really need help spreading the word on this effort and would appreciate it if you could help. Go to www.1stmarinedivisionassociation.org or www.firstgiving.org/gratefulpatriot for more information. And, pass this link on to anyone you think would like to help and leave a note in the comments for SSgt May, Jr.’s family to see. We will never forget. Mike Kerr, Executive Director Gratitude In Motion California Honor Run www.1stmarinedivisionassociation.org (949) 633-0459 The photo below was taken in December 1942 at Guadalcanal. The Marines in it were working a cleanup detail at the ocean’s edge, and this photo was snapped as they were returning to camp. They held the film until they eventually made it to Australia and had an opportunity to have it developed. Joseph P. Mussi 56 Dean Avenue Franklin, MA Freedom Bridge Thanks for the “Freedom Bridge” story (July/Aug/Sept 2008). My friend, SSgt George Stark, commanded a squadron of amphib trucks, aka ‘Ducks,’ whose job it was to patrol the Imjin River from sunset to sunrise to keep the Chinese from blowing up the bridge. They never got near it, thanks to George, the Korean Marines aboard, and the U.S. Marines who piloted the ducks. He used to pick me up at Munsan Ni and I would go on patrol with him. The route was below the bridge and north of it, rounding a curve which took them behind Chinese lines. It was not unusual to be sailing below a firefight between the Marines in one side and the Chinese on the other. I met George when he was in charge of the motor pool at the Marine Barracks, Mare Island, Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, CA. I must admit that I sometimes took a bottle of hooch with me to keep us warm. (SSgt) Ralph Echave 2205 N. Seville, Apt 1108 Tucson, AZ 95715, (520) 721-5853 raetxabe5@gmail.com Recon Works Thank You, Master Chief Max Baker, for whom I was looking in the last issue, has been located. He is well and enjoying his retirement. I am looking forward to continued communication with him, and I plan to visit him one day soon. Again, I thank you very much. Frank Gillette, HMCS, USN, Ret. frankgillette@verizon.net The Old Breed News F-2-1 Marines on Guadalcanal (Front, L-R) George Schuster, Joseph Mussi, Hank Abbott (Rear, L-R) Freddy Bayre, ?, Coin, Joe Carr Association Directory Available The Association has made arrangements for a publishing house to publish a low cost directory of our members. It contains an alphabetical listing of members, together with the units served in and mailing address. The directory includes members who were paid up at the time the material was submitted for publishing. You can order it directly from the publisher. All profits go the FMDA General Fund. The cost is $20, plus shipping and handling. To order: Call toll free to 1-888-280-7715 or go on line to WWW.authorhouse.com/bookstore and enter “First Marine Division Association Directory” in search criteria. January– January– February – March 2009 17 Welcome Aboard! New Members of the 1st Marine Division Association NAME UNIT ADDRESS PHONE RECRUITER NEW MEMBERS CPL RICHARD E. ASHFORD H-2-1 HC 3 BOX 973, TUCSON, AZ 85739 520-440-6152 DR STEVEN R. CABALLERO WPNS TRN BN KO 7716 RIVER GROVE CIR, SACRAMENTO, CA 95831 916-207-0031 SHARON CASE ASSOCIATE 1741 DEAN DR, BULLHEAD CITY, AZ 86442 758-9682 CPL STEWART JAMES. CHAPMAN HQ-3-11-1MAR DIV KO 279 PLEASANT ST, SEEKONK, MA 02771 508-336-9711 SGT DENNIS PAUL. CONFORTI 13 MEU 21515 SOLEDAD CYN RD, SANTA CLARITA , CA 91350 -225-7615 Max Felser LTCOL GARY JOE. CUMMINS 2-11 HQ-11TH MAR VN 8266 S. SHAWNEE ST, AURORA, CO 80016 303-690-1534 Elmer J. Hawkins 403 N. MAPEL ST, SPRINGFIELD, TN 37172 B,L0, 615-384-6224 GySgt Henry Vozka (Ret) CPL ALBERT A. DALE USMC (Ret) DAVID J. DAMICO 3D AAVN BN C CO CW 1915 SILVER DROP LN, HEMET, CA 92545 909-636-1028 MAJ MARK A. DAVIS USMC (Ret) 3RD BN 3RD MAR OIF 615 WIDEFIELD DR, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80911 719-391-3180 PFC JOHN DONOVAN A CO-1-5 245 ELWOOD STREET, VALLEY STREAM, NY 11581 516-791-2938 MAJ THOMAS E. ELDERS 3-1 1 MAR DIV OIF 905 HAWTHORNE AVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92011 949-878-2661 Div CP Whitehouse SGT CLARENCE B. ENNEKING 4.0 MTR 7TH REGT KO 400 HIGHLANDS DR, ALBANY, NY 56307 320-845-4092 John & Mary Ann Hogquist SGT ROBERT S. ERWIN 1 ENG BN 1MAR DIV 115 SAND RD, CANAAN, CT 18 860-824-7988 1STLT EDGAR R. FERGUSON 1ST ENGBN-1ST MAR DIV 78467 STERLING LANE, PALM DESERT, CA 92211 760-360-5336 CWO4 SCOTT C. GILMAN TRK CO DIV HQ OIF 327 ANGELES ST, OCEANSIDE, CA 92058 760-763-3649 Jimmie Martin CPL THOMAS H. GLANCY 11TH MAR REGT WWII CH 7655 WATSON RD. APT #260, ST LOUIS, MO 63119 314-962-3329 MARTIN S. GOLDRICK F-2-1 S-5 3-1 VN 333 RIDGEWAY DR, SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 269-983-3092 LCPL ARMAND A. GONZALES 1ST TKS 1559 MANCHESTER DR, SALINAS, CA 93906 831-442-9143 SSGT JEROME E. GRIEGO 1ST FSSG 3D AABN 21515 SOEFDAD CANYON RD #105, SANTA CLARITA, CA 91351 760-590-9804 CPL JASON L. HANER H&S CO 3RD AABN SOM OIF 3114 S. SABRINA, MESA, AZ 85212 480-984-6380 Kenneth Becker *COL R. A. HENDERSON USMC (Ret) 81MM MTRS 2-7 1MARDIV KO 2209 GRANGE CIRCLE, URBANA, IL 61801-9974 217-367-9974 Michael J. Carone HM2 PHILIP D. HOWARD HQ-3-5 SHR PTY VN CW 779 RIDGE ROAD, RISING SUN, MD 21911 410-658-4590 Cpl Robert L. Snyder 1ST SGT JAMES R. LASKEY 7TH MAR VN 60 BIRCH ROAD, CUMBERLAND, RI 02864 401-333-8237 MARY VAL LINDER ASSOCIATE 4570 GHOSTFLOWER PASS, FT MOHAVE, AZ 86426 763-5852 MSGT TERRY LOLL 1st Tank BN 872 PUERTA CT, BULLHEAD CITY, AZ 96429 754-7825 Bob Krause MAJ CHARLES L. LOWDER 1ST FORCE RECON CO 100 E. SAN MARCOS BLVD #340, SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 630-2225155 Tom Richards CPL MIKE LUECK HQ 3873 POCAHONTAS LN, BITC, AZ 86442 928-542-1601 Bob Krause SGT JOHN T. MCANIFF III 7COMM BN 1MARDIV VN CW 652 VIRGINIA AVE, WINCHESTER, VA 22601 540-667-7954 CPL MICHAEL D (DAN). MILLER HQ-1-11 HQCO-7MAR VN 25415 OLD CARRIAGE LANE , SPRING, TX 77373-8005 281-353-1391 LCPL SCOTT A. MITCHELL 3/1 PO BOX 784, MILFORD, ME 04489 207-827-8558 DTCS JERRY J. MURRAY USN (Ret) 1 DENTALCO 1MAR DIV VN 16 POMPANO LANE, CARTERSVILLE, GA 30121 404-486-3222 HM2 BARRY D.. NEWSOME USN OIF 4604 MULBERRY CREEK DRIVE, EVANS, GA 30809 706-650-7647 1STLT MATTHEW O’BRIEN 2-4-1MAR DIV G2 OIF 23592 WINDSONG #2H, ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 949-215-5951 *SGT WILLIAM M. PARKS B/D CI 1ENG BN KO 7514 DAVIS MILL RD, HARRISON, TN 37341 423-344-6632 Col Len Hayes Max Felser Robert Forcum Dennis Wilmoth MSGT SAMUEL R. PLEMMONS C-1AMTRAC BN KO VN 3132 MORNINGSIDE, OCEANSIDE, CA 92056 760-724-5476 CPL GENE RIVERS 1-5 1-7 VN 7440 CHAPARRAL DR, LATROBE, CA 95682 530-677-8904 MAJGEN M. M. ROBESON USMC CDR USMC SPC OPS CMD CAMP LEJEUNE, NC 242 W. SIRIUS, ANAHEIM, CA 92802 714-615-2599 CPL GERALD D. SCHILZ K-3-1 M-3-1 3700 S. WESTPORT AVE #2023, SIOUX FALLS, SD 57106 605-351-8387 Joe Daily DANIEL J. SCHMALTZ E-7 RETIRED 5th Marines VN 14622 BECMAR CIRCLE, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 714-906-5025 Peepsight Pendas SGT JACK W. SHUMAN JR K-3RD BN 5TH MAR VN 2034 TRUDIE DR, RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CA 90275 310-833-2078 K-3-5 Assoc. SSGT VINCENT N. SMITH BTRY E—2-11 OIF 41 ENDWELL LAND, WILLINGBORO, NJ 08046 609-216-3763 GARADO ROSAS 18 Art Jackson SGT WILLIAM HARWOOD. SMITH HQCO HQBN 1ST MAR DIV CMR 409 BOX 101, APO, AE 09053-0101 RONALD FREDERICK. ST JOHN 3-5 KO 5301 BERKELEY AVE, WESTMINSTER, CA 92683 714-893-6973 SSGT DON CARLOS. STAGGS H-3-5 KO 1157 FM 1844, GILMER, TX 75645-7267 903-291-0444 PFC THOMAS G. TRUITT 11TH MAR 1MAR DIV PSC BOX 431907, CAMP PENDLETON, CA 92055-1907 *SSGT ALFONS J. VISNEFSKY WWII Guadalcanal PO BOX 457, SHOREHAM, NY 11786 Peepsight Pendas John Kane Benjamin F. Slater II John T. Truitt 631-821-2261 * = Life Member; WWII = World War II; CH = North China; KO = Korea; VN = Vietnam; CMC = Cuban Missile Crisis; SWA = Sowthwest Asia (Desert Shield/Storm); SOM = Somalia; CW = Cold War; PK = Peacekeeping; WOT = War on Terrorism; OIF = Operation Iraqi Freedom; January– January– February – March 2009 The Old Breed News NAME CPL JOHN J. VORHIES UNIT C-1-11 CW ADDRESS PHONE 5815NAGEL ST, LA MESA, CA 91942 RECRUITER 619-697-6153 CPL LESTER E. WHITMAN 3RD BN 26TH MAR VN P.O. BOX 735, JONESTOWN, PA 17038-0735 717-865-5934 PAUL E. WILSON 1-3 MAR DIV WWII CH KO VN 124 SLADE DR, LONGWOOD, FL 32750-3934 407-332-7850 Mike Galyean CAPT KENNETH J. WOODS C-1-7 1ST MP BN VN 8300 S. MAYFIELD AVE, BURBANK, IL 60459 708-499-9576 RENEWAL TO LIFE *SGT FOGEL R. CAVIN JR A-1-7 7TH MAR KO 3808 ALTEZ ST NE, ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87111-3305 *BERKLEY W. CLEMENTS 102NCB WWII PO BOX 551, CAL NEV ARI, NV 89039-0551 *CPL ROBERT E. KENNEDY D-2-5 KO 1122 SUTTER ST, SANTA MARIA, CA 93454-2656 G-2-1 VN 2209 CUSHENDUN LANE, GARNER, NC 27529 REINSTATED MEMBERS MAJ PHILIP D. LESLIE USMC (Ret) Minutes of the Executive Committee Conference Call of 12 December 2008 (continued from page 16) that the matter could be handled by the Executive Committee. This Committee has the authority to act for the Board between regular Board meetings. The Moderator allowed a 20-minute discussion. Agenda Item # 1 OBN Size/Distribution Agenda Item # 2 Anaheim Reunion It was Moved and Seconded: • Appoint Jerry Johs to replace Al Ehlow as Reunion Chairman. • Appoint Denny Weisgerber as Reunion Vice Chairman. It was Moved and Seconded: • Jerry Reed, Jerry Johs and Len Hayes will negotiate with Anaheim Marriott to reduce guaranteed Room Nights to 950. 1st Quarter 2009 OBN will be: There will be no charge for Memorial Service • 32 pages • Len Hayes and Jerry Reed will assist as defined in Reunion SOP. • All Black and White Motion Carried: Frank Lindstrom: Yes Jerry Johs: Yes Jerry Reed: Yes Jerry Reed: Yes Joe Ryan: Yes • 11,000 distribution to include ALL Life Members • Include plea for Life Members to donate $ 15 Postage Cost • Include info on Candidates for National Office • Include “Post Office Proof” Ballot Defer Final Decision on remaining 2009 OBNs to Spring Directors Meeting Meeting adjourned at 0918 Len Hayes, Colonel, USMC (Ret) Motion Carried 9 Aye, 1 Nay Frank Lindstrom: Yes Jerry Johs: Yes Jerry Reed: Yes AJ Burn: Yes John Meehan: Yes Mike Carone: Yes Doc Lakernick: Yes AJ Burn: Yes John Meehan: Reluctant Yes Monsignor Murphy: Yes FMDA receives donation from Sam’s Club Mike Carone: Yes Doc Lakernick: No Dave Franklin: Yes Jerry Reed: Yes Joe Ryan: Yes There was lengthy discussion of the Anaheim Reunion and the Conference Call “Timed Out” at 0800. The Executive Committee reconvened at 0900. Paul Hayes (L) presents Len Hayes (R) with check from Sam’s Club The Executive Committee was convened in closed session. Present: Frank Lindstrom Jerry Johs Jerry Reed Jerry Reed Joe Ryan Mike Carone Doc Lakernick AJ Burn John Meehan Monsignor Murphy Len Hayes called Roll and announced a Quorum The Old Breed News Paul Hayes, of SAMS CLUB in Vista, California, presented us with a check for $1,000 from SAMS CLUB. Paul and his staff have been loyal supporters of the 1st Marine Division Association. In addition to this generous donation, they have supported the Association in many ways not directly related to cash. January– January– February – March 2009 Chaplain’s Corner Monsignor Walter C. Murphy n Times Square, New York City, millions of tourists pass by the statue of Chaplain The troops were fond of Chaplain Lonegan and said he was built Father Francis P. Duffy, hero Chaplain of like “the ass-end of a Mack truck.’ You never forget the the famous “Fighting Sixty-Ninth” in World Chaplains who walked the MLR giving moral support to the troops. War I. I wonder how many people ever pause for a moment of respect to the memo- gious services in a chapel and have an office. As a Roman Catholic priest I’m more ry of Chaplain Duffy and the Fighting Sixty- In the field Chaplains minister “sub dio,” familiar with the way my Church supervises Ninth. freely translated, “under the sky.” priests who become military chaplains. In Father Duffy was the best known Some proponents of complete separation 1917 a Military Ordinariate was established American chaplain in World War I. In 1937 of Church and State have objected to the to overseer priest chaplains and the religious a statue of him was dedicated in the center of Chaplaincy Corps as an unwarranted inter- needs of Catholic military personnel. Times Square. The famous Hollywood actor action of Church and State. But, when you As Chaplain Father Duffy of the Fighting Pat O’Brien played the role of Father Duffy think about it, a military service without Sixty-Ninth was a famous chaplain in World in the motion picture, The Fighting Sixty- chaplains would have the practical effects of War I, so during the Vietnam War a famous Ninth. depriving people of the opportunity to wor- chaplain was Chaplain Vincent Capodanno, Military Chaplains are a mixed breed in ship according to the dictates of their con- USN Chaplains Corps. Chaplain Capodanno their styles of ministry. But let’s go back to science and forcing people into the danger of was killed on September 4, 1967 while basics and define what a Chaplain is. A death without the support of religious prac- under hostile enemy fire and ministering to Chaplain is a member of the clergy appoint- tices they believe to be necessary. Access to wounded Marines of Mike Company, 5th ed to exercise a sacred ministry and often religious services is both a right of military Marine Regiment. There is a monument much more for a particular institution or personnel and a contribution to their general honoring Chaplain Capodanno in Fort group of people. welfare. Continued on page 27 A Military Chaplain is a member of the clergy attached to the Armed Forces; they provide a service for military personnel. In the United States military services Chaplains are under the dual authority of the military and the religious organization to which they belong. Each religious organization is allotted a number of billets in proportion to their numerica1 strength in the nation as a whole. remarkably exciting narrative of one Marine’s Each Chaplain Candidate must have the Korean War experiences, combining “total recall” approval of their religious organization to fill accounts of fierce battles with intensely personal insights one of its billets. The Chaplain is commisrevealed through his letters home. Fully annotated with sioned with officer rank and is under the photographs, maps, appendices and index. 428 pages of command of their military superior. text with an additional 28 pages of information. Special regulations outline the rights and WE CLAIM THE TITLE (2nd edition) vividly responsibilities of a Chaplain. These can remembers the “forgotten war.” vary to some degree in different branches of “ WE CLAIM THE TITLE ... stands as an important the military, but all branches respect the doccontribution to the literature of the Korean War.” trinal position of each Chaplain. Chaplains regularly conduct worship services accord~ Naval War College Review ing to the rites of their religious affiliation. “ WE CLAIM THE TITLE ... is a good synopsis of war. Though religious ministry is their prioriThese were men who were proud to claim ty, Chaplains perform duties such as personthe title of Marine even in the most horrid and al counseling, family counseling, religious discouraging combat situations.” TO ORDER, send mailing address, check or instruction, preparing personnel for marmoney order for $28 ($24.95 includes tax ~ R.R. Keene, Leatherneck Magazine riage, moral guidance lectures, and matters and $3.05 shipping & handling) to: relating to the general welfare of military “ WE CLAIM THE TITLE ... is an honored addition Tracy Publishing personnel and advising commanders on matto the library of your Commandant.” 2160 Bayo Claro Circle ters of morale. Morgan Hill, CA 95037 ~ C.C. Krulak, General, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret) www.koreanwarmarines.com At permanent bases Chaplains have reliFormer Commandant of the Marine Corps I A 20 January– January– February – March 2009 The Old Breed News 2009 REUNIONS To post your Reunion Dates, send your information to Reunion Editor, Old Breed News, 152 Sky View Drive, Rocky Hill, CT, or email to sharp_arthur_g@sbcglobal.net. APRIL I-3-7 (All wars & peacetime), 29-30 Apr/1-2 May, Myrtle Beach, SC, Compass Cove Oceanfront Resort, (800) 228-9894. POC: Denny Deibert, 6007 Catherine St., Harrisburg, PA 17112, (717) 652-1695. MAY A-1-7, WW2 & China, 6-8 May, Kalamazoo, MI. POC: Lou Clabeaux, (727) 3999276, jrclabeaux@webtv.net 1st Heavy Artillery Rocket Battery (Honest John), 29 Palms, Okinawa, 50-year reunion, 14-19 May, San Diego, CA, Town & Country Resort. POC: Mike Meade, 8723 Westbrook Dr, Boise, ID 83704, (208) 377-3807, marinemike1@juno.com E-2-7 (Any time), 17-21 May, Las Vegas, NV, Plaza Hotel. POC: Don Greenlaw, (760) 945-0146, DGreenlaw@cox.net or Chuck Tidwell, (843) 650-7082, Chubar84@aol.com. (See website at www.e27marines-1stmardiv.org) H/3/5 (Korea), 21-26 May, Washington, DC Metro Area (Includes National Museum of the Marine Corps). POC: Roger H. Barnard, 10183 Red Spruce Rd., Fairfax, VA 22032-3620, 703.978.4467, rbarnard@cox.net JUNE MOS 1500 (Repro)-4600 (Photo/Repro), All Years, 23-27 June 2009, Branson, MO. POC: Dave Zeferjohn, (785) 783-3936, Cell (808) 782-6131, dazef03@cox.net AUGUST D-2-7 (Korea 1950-53), 12-15 Aug. Salt Lake City, UT, Downtown Radisson Hotel. POC: Gale R. Jensen, 4373 South 2875 West, Roy, UT 84067, (435) 8494544 or (801) 645- 3779, grjmarine@hotmail.com USMC Vietnam Tankers Association, 19-23 Aug., Charleston, SC, Sheraton North Charleston Hotel, 1-888-747-1900. POC: John Wear, (215) 794-9052, usmcvta@comcast.net. (Anyone who served with any of the Marine tank battalions or Ontos units in Vietnam in any capacity is welcome!!!) Subic Bay Marines, 27-30 Aug., Colorado Springs, CO, Best Western Academy Hotel, (800-766-8524). POC: www.Subicbaymarines.com SEPTEMBER 1st Bn., 7th Marines (Korea), 22-27 Sept., Buffalo, NY. POC: Jim Hannon, 67 Norman Ave., Buffalo, NY 14210, (716) 822-2733, b17jim@aol.com Korean War Recon Marines (24th Annual), 23-26 Sept., Pigeon Forge, TN. POC: Ed Tacchi, (516) 488-3137, edtac@aol.com M/4/11 (65/66), Sept/Oct, San Diego, CA. POC: J. O. Black, (619) 422-2190, otisblack@cox.net OCTOBER G-3-1 Korea Association (open to any who served with George Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st MarDiv, 15 September 1950–15 March 1955), 2-5 Oct., Rapid City, SD, Ramkota Best Western Hotel, (605) 343-8550. POC: Bob Harbula, VP, G-3-1 KOREA Association (412) 462-8537, bobbyjuly@yahoo.com M-1 RAFFLE STORY Concerned about the condition of the FMDA General Fund, The Board of Directors of the Golden Gate Chapter considered what the Chapter could do to help. After much discussion, it was decided to donate an M-1 Rifle, owned by the Chapter, to the FMDA for a raffle. Upon hearing about the proposed donation, the Redwood Empire Chapter donated a SNCO Sword as an additional raffle prize. Then the Marines’ Memorial Club decided to give a certificate worth two nights lodging at the Marines’ Memorial Club, plus a credit for $50 for food and/or beverages at the Club. BELOW: Rifle for raffle being presented to Chapter Representative John Stevens by Henry Tassinari, President of the Golden Gate Chapter Tickets are $5.00 each and one can be found below. If you need more, please make copies. Fill in the stub and mail, with $5.00/each, to: First Marine Division Association, Inc. 410 Pier View Way Oceanside CA 92054 ABOVE: Sword for raffle being presented by Steve Bosshard to Wally Stewart, President of the Redwood Empire Chapter 21 The Old Breed News January– January– February – March 2009 Quests & Queries L-3-7 Vietnam veterans I am a veteran of the Lima Co, 3rd Bn, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division, Vietnam, April 1968 to December 1968. I am trying to find Marines who served with me in this unit. I need to confirm that I was in combat and events that took place. If you can help me find surviving members of Lima Co, I would be most grateful. Please contact Raymond A Bagor, 148 Kaimi St., Kailua HI 96734, (808) 261-3823, michael.condello@va.gov Captain Frank Farrell I’m writing a book, and Frank Farrell, Capt. (USMC) is one of my subjects. He was in the Peleliu landing, led patrols and was awarded the Silver Star. I’m seeking any information about this gentleman from men who knew him during that battle. Many thanks for your assistance. Paul Roberts, 13000 Broadmore Road Silver Spring, MD 20904, (301) 384-4026 paul_roberts100@hotmail.com I-3-5 at Guadalcanal F. M. Ashcraft has been helpful in researching my Dad’s unit at Guadalcanal. We are trying to contact any members of I-3-5, 1st Marine Div. At the time, my father was Lt. Jason B Baker. He then went to Okinawa as Captain. He is 90 years old now and still remembers many details of the Guadalcanal campaign, but has trouble with the Okinawa battle. My father was called to duty just after graduating from Dartmouth, and the day after Pearl Harbor. He was born and raised in Massachusetts, but he lived in Portland, Maine when he was called to officers school. I have scoured the web and cannot find anything on company I. They were there from August through December. If anyone is still out there who remembers my Dad, please contact me. The men he fought with are forever in his thoughts, especially these days. He is becoming a bit forgetful of every day things, but he becomes bright when we talk about this amazing battle and he would love to hear from brothers he fought with. Thank you. Bonnie B. Kydd & Jason B. Baker, (575) 536-9929, bonnie@lakeroberts.com Incidentally, I went back to PI in 2007 after 64 years; my buttons still popped during ceremonies. Arnold E. Rill, Cpl, WWII, Okinawa, 195 Arbor Street, Lunenburg, MA 01462 (978) 582-6326, cadillacarnie@netzero.net “Old Breed” and Photos I am looking for any of the “Old Breed” and pictures of my unit. I was with 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, Regimental Weapons Company, WWII. If anyone knows where I can obtain photos, please let me know. George B Mason, 3522 Betty Ann Ct. Lake Park, FL 33403, (561) 622-4765, xmeout2day@yahoo.com Use of mustard gas in 1950s? Any Marines who remember an Atomic Warfare Training Program in the 1950s in which Mustard Gas was put on the arms of Marines and then ointments were used to deter negative response to the gas, please contact me. I am attempting to file a claim on behalf of a Marine member of my DAV chapter. SSgt Thomas “Stormy” Matteo (706) 889-1812, stormy649@aol.com Photo of B.A.R. Man in Guadalcanal Diary 22 On my way to the Pacific, I picked up a magazine showing guys on the port bow coming into San Francisco. One was my brother Walter, who was killed later by a 4F SOB in Oakland. My brother’s picture is in Guadalcanal Diary—-bar man. I have tried various magazine covers to no avail. Does anyone in archives have this picture? I would like to show this cover to my family before my final roll call. I also lost a brother in Europe. January– January– February – March 2009 The Old Breed News General Fund Contributions No. of GF Contributions, Year-to-Date = 138 Total Contibutions, Year-to-Date = $4,585.93 • SGT PHILLIP E. ACKERT 9th • CAPT JOHN S. ADAMSON 9th • CPL DONALD E. AHLGREN 7th In Memory of SgtMaj Thomas E. Duke • LTCOL WILLIAM A. ALLANSON USMC (Ret) 40th In Memory of former Marine Capt. John P. Tucker who died 29 Jan. 09. • SGT ED L. ALTMANN 9th • SGT ALFRED R. APODACA 4th • MSGT JOSEPH F. ASSENMACHER 2nd • SKYLAR AUD 8th • SKYLAR AUD 9th • PHM2/C JOHN W. BAILEY Jr 2nd • PHM2/C JOHN W. BAILEY Jr 3rd • SSGT JOHN N. BASTIAN 11th • PFC LOUIS D. BAVO Jr 15th • CAPT EARL C. BLOUNT Jr USMC (Ret) 10th • SGT ROBERT R. BOARDMAN 45th • HA1 ROBERT F. BOBST 6th • SSGT JON BOLTON 5th • STEVEN N. BOSSHARD 16th • BRIAN P. BROPHY 3rd • ROY BROWN 1st • WILLIAM (BILL) F. BROWN 15th • HM3 JAMES C. BUCHANAN 1st • ROSEANNE BURNETTE 1st In Memory of Tom Burnette • CPL RICHARD F. CESARONI 8th • CPL RON K. CHRISTY 6th • CPL R.E. DICK COLLIS 1st • COLORADO RIVER CHAPTER 12th • GYSGT KENNETH O. CORNWELL USMC(RET.) 31st • GYSGT KENNETH O. CORNWELL USMC(RET.) 32nd • GYSGT KENNETH O. CORNWELL USMC(RET.) 33rd • LCPL CHARLES F. CURTIS 2nd • SGT PAUL J. DAILEY 2nd • CPL ALBERT P. DALIMONTE 14th • SGT WILLIAM J. DICKERSON 19th • HM1 GEORGE J. DOUGLAS 90th In Memory of Cpl Charles Abrell E-2-1 KO June 10, 1951 at Punch Bowl MOH • SGT ARTHUR F. DREVES 6th • CPL WILLIE P. DUFOUR 57th • 1STLT EANOS T. EVANS USMC 10th • CWO ARTHUR C. FARRINGTON 20th • MSGT DAVID M. FRANKLIN 20th • CPL JOE G. GAMBINO • LELAND W. GEILER 6th • LELAND W. GEILER 7th • CPL HOOVER GINN 5th • CPL ARTHUR G. GOFF Jr 6th • LTCOL EDWARD A. GRIMM USMC (Ret) 12th In Memory Kitty Hackett • MSGT JAMES R. GUMMOW 5th • SGT RAMIRO R. GUTIERREZ 9th InMemory of Olegario Vidaurri, KIA 7/18/52 Korea • GEORGE M. HATZIDAKIS 13th • SSGT DAVE E. HAWKINS 108th • SGT ELMER J. HAWKINS 5th • CPL WILLIAM A. HAY 1st • SGT DANIEL HERRERA Jr 2nd The Old Breed News 20.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 15.00 45.00 15.00 3.84 3.84 20.00 20.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 6.00 20.00 100.00 50.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 100.00 35.00 15.00 5.00 200.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 100.00 10.00 20.00 50.00 14.00 100.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 74.00 50.00 35.00 25.00 30.00 25.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 • 1STSGT HARVEY J. HIPPLE • 1STSGT HARVEY J. HIPPLE • 1STSGT HARVEY J. HIPPLE • CPL ANDREW J. HOWARD • SGT KENNETH R. JOHNSON • CPL ANDREW C. JONES • SGT GORDON J. JORGENSEN • CPL ROBERT W. JUDGE • MGYSGT JAMES L. KEELY (Ret) • MGYSGT JAMES L. KEELY (Ret) • MGYSGT JAMES L. KEELY (Ret) • MGYSGT JAMES L. KEELY (Ret) • SSGT WILLIAM J. KERR USMC (Ret) In Memory of PFC Albert Schwab • SGT ARTHUR P.C.. KING • SGT JAMES F. KIRBY • CPL ROBERT H. KLEISLEY • SSGT GENE L. KRIVANEK USMC (Ret) • NORMAN W. LARSON In Memory of Danny Sullivan • PFC JAMES R. LEE • FRED A. LILLIAN • SSGT FRANK E. LINDSTROM • SGT JOHN E. MANSFIELD • SGT JOHN E. MANSFIELD • PFC RAY F. MCGUIRE • PFC RAY F. MCGUIRE • COL OTTO E. MELSA USMC(RET.) USA (Ret) In Honor and Memory of Charles Marks- WWII (Cape Gloucester, Peleliu, Pavuvu, Okinawa) • COL OTTO E. MELSA USMC(RET.) USA (Ret) In Honor and Memory of Dan Allen- WWII (Guadalcanal, Capegloucester) • COL OTTO E. MELSA USMC(RET.) USA (Ret) In Honor and Memory of Harold Koffman- WWII (Guadalcanal, Peleliu) • COL OTTO E. MELSA USMC(RET.) USA (Ret) In Honor and Memory of Johnny Kassouf- WWII (Peleliu, Okinawa) • COL OTTO E. MELSA USMC(RET.) USA (Ret) In Honor and Memory of Fred Tucker- Vietnam War (Chairman, FMDA Reunion 2008) • COL OTTO E. MELSA USMC(RET.) USA (Ret) In Honor and Memory of Ed Evans- Vietnam War • COL OTTO E. MELSA USMC(RET.) USA (Ret) In Honor and Memory of Jack Holland- WWII (Guadalcanal, Capegloucester, Pavuvu, Peleliu) • COL OTTO E. MELSA USMC(RET.) USA (Ret) In Honor and Memory of Ken Valentine- WWII (Peleliu, Okinawa, China) • COL OTTO E. MELSA USMC(RET.) USA (Ret) In Honor and Memory of Gen. Austin Shofner- WWII (China, Phillipines, Peleliu, Okinawa, China) • COL OTTO E. MELSA USMC(RET.) USA (Ret) In Honor and Memory of Mary Cosgrove- Coldwar (a very fine lady) • SGTMAJ GEORGE FRED. MEYER USMC(RET.) USMC (Ret) In Memory of LtGen Victor Krulak USMC (Ret) • SGTMAJ GEORGE FRED. MEYER USMC(RET.) USMC (Ret) In Memory & Honor of Marines/Navy L-3-5 Tet. Offensive 1968 • SGT MICHAEL G. MORENO • SGT MICHAEL G. MORENO • CWO4 CHARLES P. NEWSOME Jr 55th 56th 57th 1st 5th 1st 5th 6th 15th 16th 17th 18th 10th 30.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 50.00 10.00 35.00 31.00 50.00 49.00 8.50 15.00 2nd 4th 1st 4th 12th 11.75 20.00 50.00 25.00 10.00 6th 4th 30th 30th 53rd 5th 6th 3rd 25.00 20.00 50.00 22.00 21.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 4th 10.00 5th 10.00 6th 10.00 7th 10.00 8th 10.00 9th 10.00 10th 10.00 11th 10.00 12th 10.00 127th 50.00 128th 50.00 36th 37th 1st 40.00 40.00 9.00 Continued on page 25 January– January– February – March 2009 23 Scholarship Fund Number of Contibutors Year to Date = 108 Total Contributions Year to Date = $5,515.61 24 • 3RD BN 1ST MAR DIV ASSOC • ROBERT & REBECCA AYERS In Memory of Colonel Thomas Burnette • PHM2/C JOHN W. BAILEY Jr • PHM2/C JOHN W. BAILEY Jr • ELIZABETH BANKI I n Memory of Col T Burnette • SSGT JOHN N. BASTIAN • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Robert D. Hysell B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Gen McIlhenny B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Col Bill Hawkins B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Pat Destafano B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of LaBraba B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Al Podracky B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Flip Afflitto B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Don Pierce B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Ted Boga B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Paul Julien B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Bill Lawrence B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Leo Toine B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Tom Tomilson B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Al Bonney B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Bill Hood B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Ted Szwed B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Bernie Fetchko B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Bob Hilsky B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Rod Keenan B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Ray Carpenter B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Ray Major B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Larry Fisher B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Mike Ronahan B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Sid Levinson B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Bob Arnold B-1-5 WWII January– January– February – March 2009 1st 1st 2,007.61 50.00 2nd 3rd 1st 10.00 10.00 10.00 5th 167th 50.00 10.00 168th 10.00 169th 10.00 170th 10.00 171st 10.00 172nd 10.00 173rd 10.00 174th 10.00 175th 10.00 176th 10.00 177th 10.00 178th 10.00 179th 10.00 180th 10.00 181st 10.00 182nd 10.00 183rd 10.00 184th 10.00 185th 10.00 186th 10.00 187th 10.00 188th 10.00 189th 10.00 190th 10.00 191st 10.00 192nd 10.00 • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Col Mitch Paige 7th Marines WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Jim Barnes 2nd MARDIV 7-7-42 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Barnie McNulty B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Bruce Dunthorn B-1-5 WWII • PFC MICHAEL BERNARDO In Memory of Eli Corbi B-1-5 WWII • MAJ ALLAN C. BEVILACQUA USMC (Ret) In Memory of Dorothy Alston, beloved wife of Sgt John M. Alston Easy 2/5 Korea • GYSGT LEO F. BLAIR Jr • SGT ROBERT R. BOARDMAN • SSGT WILLIAM J. BORGIO In Memory of Leonard Witcher III • ROY BROWN • WILLIAM (BILL) F. BROWN • ROSEANNE BURNETTE In Memory of Col T Burnette • CPL R.E. DICK COLLIS • COLORADO RIVER CHAPTER • MGYSGT LAMBERT CONSIJIO Jr USMC (Ret) In Memory of my beloved wife, Miyoko Mary • MGYSGT LAMBERT CONSIJIO Jr USMC (Ret) In Memory of my beloved wife, Miyoko Mary • MGYSGT LAMBERT CONSIJIO Jr USMC (Ret) In Memory of my beloved wife, Miyoko Mary • PFC ANTHONY T. DEMURO • TERRY EATON In remembrance of Thomas D. Burnetter, From Jeff & Terry Eaton • SGT WILLIAM F. FARRELL In Memory of my fellow Marine who died with C-1-7 1st MarDiv Korea • MSGT DAVID M. FRANKLIN • G-2-5 WWII REUNION FUND In Memory of Murlyn Pudas G-2-5, A faithful Marine of great Faith • CPL CRAIG M. GARRETSON PHD • MONTOBBIO BENSON GIFT FUND In Memory of Colonel Thomas Burnette • CPL ERNEST M. GOWER JR. • GEORGE M. HATZIDAKIS • SGT REGIS W. HELCH • DR PATRICIA HOLKUP In Memory of Albert J. Worrick who died June 10, 2008 • CPL ANDREW J. HOWARD • SGT GORDON J. JORGENSEN • SSGT WILLIAM J. KERR USMC (Ret) In Memory of PFC Albert Schwab • JENNIFER L. KNAPP In Memory of Col T Burnette • PFC JAMES R. LEE • SSGT FRANK E. LINDSTROM • COL JOHN ROBERT. LUKEMAN USMC (Ret) • CPL ROBIN S. MARSH • LCPL EDDIE MARX III In Honor of Kelli Jo Kelly • LCPL EDDIE MARX III In Honor of Kodie Joe Morgan 193rd 10.00 194th 10.00 195th 10.00 196th 10.00 197th 10.00 76th 40.00 25th 32nd 4th 20.00 20.00 100.00 1st 12th 1st 20.00 10.00 150.00 1st 6th 152nd 5.00 200.00 20.00 153rd 20.00 154th 20.00 40th 1st 100.00 100.00 47th 25.00 10th 60th 100.00 50.00 12th 1st 20.00 100.00 2nd 1st 22nd 1st 10.00 25.00 10.00 25.00 1st 2nd 10th 30.00 10.00 15.00 1st 25.00 2nd 20th 2nd 2nd 511th 25.00 50.00 10.00 30.00 50.00 510th 50.00 The Old Breed News General Fund (Continued from Page 23) 1st Marine Division Association • LCPL EDDIE MARX III 509th In Honor of Kristi Lynn Canzano • SSGT EDWARD J. MAY 3rd • PFC LOUIS P. MCCARGO 11th In Memory of William McCroskey • PFC RAY F. MCGUIRE 5th • SGTMAJ GEORGE FRED. MEYER USMC(RET.) USMC (Ret) 138th In Memory of LtGen Victor Krulak USMC Retired • SGTMAJ GEORGE FRED. MEYER USMC(RET.) USMC (Ret) 139th In Memory & Honor of Marines/Navy L-3-5 Tet Offensive 1968 • CPL ALBERT (BILL) W. MIKEL 2nd In Memory of Joe Parker 11-20-08 • CPL ALBERT (BILL) W. MIKEL 3rd In Memory of Lionel Morin 9-26-08 • ROBERTA A. ORVIS 6th In Memory of Amanda Lynn Bales • CAPT WILLIAM R. OTTO USMC (Ret) 154th • MARGARET J. PFAFF 1st In Memory of Margaret V Suddarth • MRS CLAUDETTE M.. POCIUS 18th In Memory of my husband George Pocius • SGT JOSEPH POLEO Jr 263rd • SGT JOSEPH POLEO Jr 262nd • SSGT DENNIS H. POOLE 3rd • PETER & JOANNE PRUSAK 1st In Memory of Col Thomas D. Burnette • MRS RUTH PUDAS 1st In Memory of Murlyn Pudas G-2-5 1st Mar Div • SGT JAMES L. ROBINSON 2nd • LTCOL KENNETH P. RUMBURG USMC (Ret) 40th In Memory of all deceased members of E/2/11 Korea 1950-51 • LTCOL KENNETH P. RUMBURG USMC (Ret) 41st In Memory of all deceased members of E/2/11 Korea 1950-51 • A L. SCARBOROUGH 19th • GYSGT HENRY R. SCHRAMM USMC (Ret) 194th In Memory of Lt Jered Krohn KIA Korea • CPL DENNIS E. SEMRAU 19th • CPL SEYMOUR SERELL 26th • CLIVETTE SIMMONS 1st In Memory of Tom Burnette • CAPT JOHN E. SIMPSON 47th • CPL MARTIN J. SMITH 10th • MRS HELEN J. SOKOLOWSKI 2nd In Memory of my husband PFC Walter Sokolowski • JOHN P. TCHAKIDES 1st • CPL CHARLES KENNETH. VALENTINE 2nd In Memory of Charles Burchett • CPL CHARLES KENNETH. VALENTINE 3rn In Memory of Earl Richardson • LTCOL THOMAS M. VETTER Sr USMCR (Ret) 47th In Memory of Lt. Col. Bill McReynolds, USMC, Class of 1941, US Naval Academy, WWII, Korea • LTCOL THOMAS M. VETTER Sr USMCR (Ret) 48th In Memory of Lt Col Bill McReynolds • LTCOL THOMAS M. VETTER Sr USMCR (Ret) 49th In Memory of LtGen Victor “Brute” Krulak WWII Korea Vietnam • BARBARA S. WAUGH 9th In Honor of CWO4 Clinton C. (Bud) Waugh • PVT PAUL W. WOJAHN 2nd • SGT MATTHEW W. ZELASCO 7th • SSGT SIDNEY H. ZIMMAN 1st In Honor of Marine Air Support The Old Breed News 50.00 10.00 50.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 50.00 30.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 45.00 50.00 50.00 20.00 10.00 5.00 100.00 35.00 10.00 25.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 • MGYSGT LOUIS E. NORDYKE USMC (Ret) • MGYSGT LOUIS E. NORDYKE USMC (Ret) • CPL EUGENE L. NORHEIM USMC • LTCOL RAYMOND J. O’LEARY USMC (Ret) In Honor of Staff Sergeant Ambrosio Guillen USMC MOH F-2-7 Korea • SSGT ARTHUR P. ODOM • RICHARD W. OLDENBURG • LTCOL JAMES M. OROURKE Jr USMC (Ret) • CAPT WILLIAM R. OTTO USMC (Ret) • SGT CHARLES W. PARKER • GYSGT H M. PAULHAMUS USMC (Ret) • SGT DONALD L. PENFOLD • TSGT EUGENE J. PETERSON • TSGT EUGENE J. PETERSON • PFC VINCENT J. PETROVSKI In Memory of John Loomis and Victor L. Betcher, Bodfish Forever • SSGT DENNIS H. POOLE • SGT ALBERT W. RASMUSSEN • REDWOOD EMPIRE CHAPTER • SGT JAMES L. ROBINSON • CPL WILLIAM K. RODERICK Jr • A L. SCARBOROUGH • GYSGT HENRY R. SCHRAMM USMC (Ret) In Memory of Lt Jered Krohn KIA Korea • MAJ JEFFREY P. SCOFIELD • CPL DENNIS E. SEMRAU • SSGT RICHARD C. SESSUMS • CPL RUFUS D. SHERRARD • CAPT JOHN E. SIMPSON • CPL MARTIN J. SMITH • SGT ANTHONY J. SMOLICH • SSGT CLARENCE L. STEPHAN USMC (Ret) In Memory of Frank Frezza, a loyal Marine • SSGT CLARENCE L. STEPHAN USMC (Ret) In Memory of Pete Hawk Julian, a loyal Marine • JACQUELINE TAMUCCI • 1STSGT WILLIE A. TARVER USMC (Ret) • SSGT HENRY L. TASSINARI • SGT ROBERT E. THARP • COL ROBERT O. TILLEY USMC (Ret) • SGT JOHN T. TRUITT • GYSGT ALLEN W. WALKER • CAPT JOSEPH D. WALKER • BARBARA S. WAUGH In Honor of CWO4 Clinton C. (Bud) Waugh • SSGT WILLIAM D. WEISGERBER • SSGT GARY C. WILKINS • PVT PAUL W. WOJAHN • SGT MATTHEW W. ZELASCO • SSGT SIDNEY H. ZIMMAN In Honor of Marine Air Support 19th 20th 12th 7th 50.00 35.00 50.00 50.00 3rd 4th 6th 8th 8th 7th 2nd 7th 8th 9th 25.00 55.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 25.00 20.00 25.00 150.00 4th 2nd 9th 4th 21st 36th 75.00 35.00 250.00 50.00 30.00 50.00 20.00 24th 12th 5th 6th 35th 14th 10th 5th 10.00 10.00 100.00 20.00 35.00 10.00 25.00 10.00 6th 10.00 6th 5th 17th 7th 3rd 5th 1st 9th 4th 100.00 20.00 100.00 50.00 10.00 30.00 10.00 35.00 10.00 2nd 25th 5th 9th 1st 50.00 97.00 20.00 10.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 10.00 23.00 10.00 25.00 Short Rounds , We erroneously named Burton F. Anderson as Tracy Burton Anderson on page 24 of the Oct/Nov/Dec 2008 issue of Old Breed News.. January– January– February – March 2009 25 Chapter Scuttlebutt News from the Chapters of the 1st Marine Division Association DESERT CITIES Jim Sullivan, jsullivan@dc.rr.com The Desert Cities Mitchell Paige MOH Chapter held its second 7th Marines Warrior Appreciation Steak Barbecue at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, 29 Palms, CA. Several hundred members and guests were there to honor the 7th Marines. Colonel Randy Newman, Commanding Officer, and Sgt. Major Michael Kufchak, along with a group of Marines enjoyed the barbecue. The Coachella Valley Latino Peace Officers Association supported the event and handled all of the cooking with their 25’ barbecue trailer. Police Chiefs from Indio, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Cathedral City and Palm Springs were there to serve the steaks to the Marines and guests. KESQ-TV from Palm Desert was there to cover the afternoon event. A raffle enabled the Marines to win prizes ranging from rounds of golf at several country clubs, watches, Ka-Bar Knives and other items. Proceeds from this barbecue will be donated to the families of the 7th Marines Regiment. MINNESOTA Ron Wodtke, Chapter Representative Thanks to generous contributions by our members, the Minnesota Chapter of the 1stMARDIV is honored to have joined the 1stMARDIV Blue Diamond Team. Election of officers for the Minnesota Chapter of the 1stMARDIV took place in the fall of 2008. Citing his responsibilities as the national 1stMARDIV President and following eight consecutive years as Chapter President, Frank Lindstrom did not seek reelection. The nominating committee, headed by Lloyd Jarson, presented a slate to the chapter, who then elected LtCol Ron Wodtke for a two year term as Chapter President, with Robert Beck serving as Vice 26 Minnesota Chapter members at flag-folding event (L-R) Lyle Carpenter, MSgt. Win F. Gordon (Chapter Secretary), Robert Beck, Ron Wodtke, Frank Lindstrom January– January– February – March 2009 President and Dean Bakken as Executive Secretary. Many members of our chapter are actively involved as volunteers in the community on behalf of our veterans. To name a few: Bob Pellow (Chapter Treasurer, a bugle player also known as “Sweet Lips”) is a volunteer member of the Ft. Snelling National Cemetery Honor Guard, faithfully playing Taps at military burial and memorial services. Braving temperatures ranging from 20 below zero to 95 humid degrees, his team diligently provides their services. Robert Beck is a full-time volunteer helping residents and guests navigate the miles of hallways and the maze of forms and offices at the sprawling Minneapolis Veterans Administration Hospital. Guy Rowe, recently recognized for his ardent support of veterans by legislators at the state level, reviews legislative initiatives designed to promote the rights of veterans in Minnesota. Guy is a frequent guest speaker at area events sharing his experiences on Iwo Jima and his tours in Vietnam. A recent chapter meeting featured a flag-folding ceremony. As the flag was folded, Chaplain Lyle Carpenter explained the significance of each of the twelve folds and how the uppermost facing stars of the final fold of a properly folded flag represent those who served in order to preserve the rights, privileges and freedoms we enjoy today. WISCONSIN Derold “Mick” Olson The Wisconsin Chapter continues its involvement in collecting and distributing paperback books to several Veterans Medical Centers located in Wisconsin. This past year, under the direction of our book drive chairman, Pauline Sadowski, we collected approximately 985 paperbacks and videos and delivered them to the Milwaukee and Union Grove, Wisconsin, Medical Centers. Our elections and installation of Chapter Officers were held late year with the following results: • President: Derold “Mick” Olson • Vice President: Richard Kamnetz • Treasurer: Jim Pelkey • Secretary: Dennis Dolgner • Sgt at Arms: Ralph Ast • Chaplain: Earl Davison The following appointments were announced: Ron Henriksen as Chapter Representative and Gerald Walsh as Legal Officer. Richard Hock, Ron and Phyllis Henriksen joined Joyce and me at the 61st Annual Reunion in Nashville this past year. Our congratulations to the Tennessee Chapter for hosting a super Reunion. The total affair was well planned and executed extremely well. The trips to the Jack Daniels Distillery and the Grand Ole Opry were outstanding, along with the accommodations at the Opryland Resort and Convention Center. Our sincere thanks and salute to The Old Breed News Reunion Co-Chairs Fred Tucker, Ed Evans and all those who assisted in making this Reunion memorable. Thanks also to the Bodfish Chapter for the Hospitality Room! Sgt Ryan Zenoni, USMC, Jim Zenoni, Mick Olson and Rob Beilke at the 233rd Birthday Ball on 8 November 2008 CHAPLAIN from page 20 Wadsworth, Staten Island, New York. In fact, a book was written about him entitled, The Grunt Padre, by Rev. Daniel Mode, in 2000. Allow me now to comment on a few Navy Chaplains while I was on active duty (1951-1953) during the Korean War. Let’s go back to Parris Island (April - June 1951) when I was a member of Platoon 6, B Co., First Battalion (O.C.). During our intense months of training, unfailingly on Sunday we had Church Call at different times for different faiths. At the Catholic Masses I attended while a Boot Officer Candidate, the Chaplain, I don’t recall his name, would give us a holy card to send home to our family to assure them that we were faithful to our religious obligations. From July-December I attended the 8th Special Basic Course, Camp Upshur, Quantico, Virginia. Often on a SaturdaySunday we could take off on base liberty. When on-base we attended Mass, and it was often celebrated by Chaplain Vincent Lonegan. Chaplain Lonegan was always available to us during our training in Quantico. After the 8th SBC, then it was Camp Pendleton for about three weeks that included Cold Weather Training at Pickel Meadows, and then the 18th Replacement Flight Draft to Korea. We landed at an airstrip adjacent to the First Marine Division C.P. in very early February 1952. While The Old Breed News The Wisconsin Chapter is extremely proud to announce its membership on the Blue Diamond Team. We are delighted to be included with the outstanding individuals and chapters already on the team and urge others to join. The Wisconsin Chapter was well represented at the 233rd Birthday Ball at the Olympia Resort, in Oconomowoc, WI. At the Ball we welcomed back Fox Company, 24th Marines who had recently returned from Iraq after their second tour. There were approximately 600 in attendance. Richard Kamnetz is making final preparations for our annual spring dinner. The event will be held on Saturday, 16 May 2009 at the North Hills Country Club. Our thanks to Richard and to George Miley Chapter and North Hills member for their efforts. I invite all FMDA members who are not affiliated with a Chapter and live in the State of Wisconsin to consider joining the Wisconsin Chapter. We are the only FMDA chapter in the State. We do plan on holding our meetings throughout the State in the future. For additional information, please contact me at mickolson@wi.rr.com or by telephone. there for only a few hours, I met Chaplain Lonegan, who was now Division Chaplain. I remember going to Confession. After Chaplain Lonegan gave me Absolution he whipped out a bottle of scotch from under his cot and said, “Murph, have a drink.” I guess I needed it. From Division it was up to the 7th Regiment, then to the 3rd Battalion with Orders to Item Company on line—all in 36 hours and I was on the MLR. During the time on-line Chaplain Lonegan would often walk the MLR giving us words of peace and reassurance and a blessing. The troops were fond of Chaplain Lonegan and said he was built like “the assend of a Mack truck.’ You never forget the Chaplains who walked the MLR giving moral support to the troops. After the First Marine Division moved from the mountains on the East Central Front to the Western Front and the Truce Corridor in March 1952 via Camp Tripoli, the 7th Marines went into Reserve. Remember, “two up, one back, take the high ground and feed the troops hot chow.” I recall it was Easter Sunday 1952 when Chaplain Gribbon celebrated a Field Mass. The altar was a board propped to waist height with two Pabst Blue Ribbon beer cans for vases with some wild flowers. The Grunts said prayers of Thanksgiving and Petition. After Rotation in later 1952, I was assigned to Marine Corps Schools, Quantico and billeted in the Cinder City BOQ and assigned to an SBC in Camp Goettege. While attending Mass at the Mainside Chapel I got to know Chaplain Fred Winkler. In 1953, when I was finishing my active duty, I said good-bye to Chaplain Winkler. He asked, “Murph, did you ever think of becoming a priest?” Back in civilian life I went to work with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. (now KPMG Peat Marwick) as a Junior Accountant. During later 1953 I began to think about the priesthood. I thought maybe I ought to give the Major Seminary a shot. Eventually I resigned my job and entered the Major Seminary. As I approached Ordination in 1958, I was able to contact Chaplain Winkler, who had retired from the USN. I invited him to my First Solemn Mass, and he came. Chaplains influence us in more ways than we realize, both in the military and out. As a young priest I was assigned to The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C. for post-ordination studies. Chaplain Vincent Lonegan was then assigned to the Bureau of Naval Personnel, Washington, D.C. We renewed our acquaintance begun in the USMC. He was surprised at the change in my life! Military Chaplains are a great breed. God bless them all. January– January– February – March 2009 27 28 January– January– February – March 2009 The Old Breed News 29 The Old Breed News January– January– February – March 2009 Membership Application Were You In The 1st Marine Division or Attached or in Support? JOIN THE 1st MARINE DIVISION ASSOCIATION! World War II O North China O Korea O Vietnam O Kuwait O Somalia O Iraq O Cold War ...the 1st Marine Division was there OLD BREED? NEW BREED? THERE'S NOT A DAMN BIT OF DIFFERENCE SO LONG AS IT'S THE MARINE BREED...LtGen Lewis B. Puller r $30 Annual Membership r $1000 Life Membership r New Member r Renewal Contributions (Tax Deductable) r $30 Associate Annual Membership r $20 Active Duty Marine Annual Membership r $150 Senior Life Membership (over 75 yrs old) r General Fund r Scholarship Fund ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Rank/Grade) (First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) __________________________________________________________ (Number and Street or Route and Box) ________________________________________ (Phone Number) ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ (City) (State) (Zip) (Email Address) I served with: (list two units, max.) __________________________________________________________________________ (Company - Battalion - Regiment or Squadron - Group) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Social Security Number) (Service Number) (Date of Birth) Service Information (check all that apply) World War II North China Korea Vietnam Plank Owner 1941-42 r Guadalcanal r Cape Gloucester r Peleliu r Okinawa r 1945 r 1946 r 1947 r 1948 r 1949 r 1950 - Pusan Perimeter r 1950 - Inchon/Seoul r 1950 - Chosin Reservoir r 1951 r 1952 r 1953 r 1971 r 1965 r 1966 r 1967 r 1968 r 1969 r 1970 r Cuba r Quantico r Parris Island r New River r Cold War (years) _______________ r 1954-55 r Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 r Kuwait 1990-91 r Iraq 2003 r Iraq 2004-2006 r Other (years)________ r Master Card r Visa Number ________________________________Exp. Date ________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________________ Recomended by 30 ______________________________________________ Please mail your check, money order, or credit card information for your dues and contributions to: 1st Marine Division Association, 410 Pier View Way, Oceanside, CA 92054 January– January– February – March 2009 The Old Breed News Voter Certification I hereby certify that I am a dues paid member of the 1st Marine Division Association and am qualified to vote in the 2009 election of Association Officers and for the Deputy Vice President in the ________________________Region. (Eastern, Central, Western) *PLEASE NOTE: You may only vote for the Deputy Vice President in your Region of residence. Your mailing label shows your Region of residence. If you vote for more than one Deputy Vice President, your vote for all Vice Presidents will be disqualified. ________________________________________________________________ (Signature) ________________________ (Date) OFFICIAL BALLOT President r r Secretary r Michael J. Carone Marlin Gill Jerry Johs Treasurer r Vice President r r Arthur John (A.J.) Burn William D. “Denny” Weisgerber Legal Officer r r *Deputy Vice President, East r r r James T. Allison David M. Franklin Jimmy L. Clendennen Elmer J. Hawkins Chaplain r Steven “Doc” Lakernick *Deputy Vice President, Central r r Jerry Reed Msgr. Walter C. Murphy Sgt at Arms r Robert W. Johnson r Richard “Moon-Man” Mooney Max Beerup Lee Rux *Deputy Vice President, West r r Edward Brundage *REMEMBER: Vote for only one Deputy Vice President. Dave Johnson INSTRUCTIONS 1. Sign and date the Voter Certification above. Vote for only one Deputy VP-the one for the region on your OBN Label. l 2. Vote your ballot. l 3. Detach the ballot from the OBN. Fold it over. Mark an X over the OBN Label addressed to you. Do not obscure the label. We use the label to sort the unopened ballots by region when they arrive at HQ. Marking over it with an X will hopefully stop the USPS from l sending it back to you but still allow us to read the region. l 4. On the reverse side write in your return address and attach a 42¢ stamp if mailed before May 1 or a 44¢ stamp if mailed after May 1. l 5. Tape the folded ballot with a single piece of scotch tape. l 6. Mail your ballot. To be counted it must be postmarked on or before August 8, 2009. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Member’s return address 1st Marine Division Association 410 Pier View Way Oceanside, CA 92054 Fold here OFFICIAL BALLOT PERIODICAL — TIME SENSITIVE MATERIAL 1st Marine Division Association 410 Pier View Way Oceanside, CA 92054 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Stamp
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