Heart Valves Reconstruction
Heart Valves Reconstruction
DC21050-26 : Papillary Muscle Scissors 4 articulations 26 cm DC30000-00 : Carpentier Mitral Valve retractor DC45000-25 : Papillary Muscle Clamp Resano Jaws 25 cm DC45001-25 : Papillary Muscle Clamp Resano Jaws 25 cm DC45000-29 : Papillary Muscle Clamp Resano Jaws 29 cm DC13010-23 : Resano Forceps 23 cm Magic Forceps DC13010-32 : Resano Forceps 32 cm DC13110-28 : Carpentier Vascular Dissecting Atrauma 28 cm DC51011-27TI : De Bakey Needle Holder 27 cm Titane Heart Valves Reconstruction DC13200-24 : De Bakey Atrauma Tissue Forceps 24 cm DC13200-30 : De Bakey Atrauma Tissue Forceps 30 cm DC51000-23 : Carpentier Needle Holder 23 cm DC51150-23 : De Bakey Needle Holder 23 cm DC51170-24 : Mayo Hegar Needle Holder 24 cm DC33000-14 : Carpentier Wire Retractor 14 mm DC33000-17 : Carpentier Wire Retractor 17 mm DC33000-20 : Carpentier Wire Retractor 20 mm B35100 : Fino Metzenbaum Scissors Curved 23 cm DC33100-00 : Vascular Hooks 90° DC33110-01 : Carpentier Vascular Hook 125° extended DC33120-00 : Vascular Hooks 45° DC71500-00 : Aortic Purge Needle Paris Corporate office 13. Avenue de la République - 75011 Paris - France Customer service Z.I. la Vendue - B.P. 2152 - 52906 Chaumont Cedex 9 - France Téléphone : +33 (0) 3 25 02 10 35 - Fax : +33 (0) 3 25 02 10 20 - Email : export@delacroix-chevalier.com www.delacroix-chevalier.com Pr. Alain Carpentier Instruments Kit DC30000-00 DC21050-26 Carpentier Mitral Valve Retractor Papillary Muscle Scissors 4 Articulations Exclusive Open the sternum and exposes the heart. Retract the left, right atrium. Releases two or three scrub nurse's hands ! Austenetic stainless steel, anatomic sternum blades, Malleable atrium blades (hooks) on their distal part, Low profile and elegant design, Most simple atrium blades attachments (rungs), Easy motion rack, Sighting graduations. Used for the papillary muscle plastics : specially designed for the procedure. Multiple articulation 85° angled blades, Great blades opening with reasonable rings opening. DC13010-23 Carpentier Resano Dissecting Forceps DC45000-25 Papillary Muscle Clamp Resano Jaws DC13010-32 The Magic Forceps. Do everything during the procedure from sensible to strong grasping. Used in all cardiac and vascular surgery. Strong grasping atraumatic jaws design, Conformable handle grasp, Available in 4 lengths : 18 cm, 23 cm, 27 cm, 32 cm, Measured spring pressure. DC45001-25 Designed to expose, bring into vision, mobilise the papillary muscle. Special length, angles, jaws shape, Very flexible shanks, Strong and atraumatic grasping. DC45000-29 Exclusive DC45001-25 DC13110-28 DC51011-27 Carpentier Resano 3 Articulations Dissecting Forceps De Bakey Titanium Needle Holder 4 Articulations Exclusive Exclusive Optimised grasping surface, parallel grasping capability. For mini-thoracotomy approach. Helps work with the same gesture, the same protocol through smaller incisions. Stronger grasping, Less atraumatic grasping as the jaws pressure is equally applied on the tissues. For mini-thoracotomy approach ; Helps work with the same gesture, the same protocol through smaller incisions. Helps keep the precision in the long procedures. Titanium body with TC inserts, From 24 and 27 cm length, Stronger grasping, More precise grasping, De Bakey made for sutures ranking 4/0 to 6/0. DC13200-24 De Bakey Atrauma Tissue Forceps DC51000-23 Carpentier, De Bakey, Mayo Hegar Needle Holders DC13200-30 De Bakey dissection. Regular De Bakey jaws for the most delicate vascular tissues. Confortable handle grasp, Available in 4 different lengths : 16 cm, 20 cm, 24 cm, 30 cm. DC51150-23 The sharp-edges free line. Stainless steel body, Regular jaws features and dimensions, High quality machined TC plates, Sharp edges free box lock, De Bakey made for sutures ranking 4/0 to 6/0, Mayo Hegar made for sutures ranking 1/0 to 3/0, Carpentier made for sutures ranking 3/0 to 5/0. DC33000-14 DC51170-24 B35100 Carpentier Wire Retractor Exclusive DC33000-17 DC33000-20 Additional atrium retraction and miscellaneous retraction during valvuloplastics, checking the leaflets condition and geometry, palpating. Fenestrated blades, Atraumatic wire blades, Hollow handles, Comfortable and light to manipulate. 14 mm 17 mm 20 mm DC33100-00 Carpentier Vascular Hooks DC33110-01 DC33120-00 45° to lift the chordae tendinae, 90° test the chordae tendinae tension from 5 mm to 15 mm, 125° asses the tension after repair. Delicate and smooth surface, Precisely laser graduated, Anti slide handle surface, Sabot shape for 90°. 125° 90° 45° Carpentier Fino Metzembaum TC Scissors Performing the complete dissection with the same high quality scissors. Robust manufacturing, Durable and regular sharpness, Precise finish, Long lasting gold plating. DC71500-00 Exclusive Jaws Pattern Aortic Purge Needle Purge the aorta during cannulation process. Stainless steel, Sharp fenestrate distal end, Cannulated. De Bakey Mayo Hegar
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