April 1944 - 57th Bomb Wing


April 1944 - 57th Bomb Wing
12th Air Force, 57th Bombardment Wing
321st Bombardment Group
History: April 1944
For my dad,
Colonel John “Jack” Fitzgerald, U.S. Army (deceased)
“Lil Butch”
John T. Fitzgerald, SMSgt, U.S. Air Force (retired)
12th Air Force, 57th Bombardment Wing
321st Bombardment Group
History: April 1944
The following is a compilation of the 321st Bomb Group’s Headquarters and individual
Squadron War Diaries. They have been transcribed word for word, from the Squadron
Histories provided by the Air Force Historical Research Agency (AFHRA), Maxwell Air
Force Base Alabama. At the end of each Squadron’s daily entry, the individuals cited in
the entry are identified by full name, rank and duty, in alphabetical order. The day’s
entry begins with the Tactical Operations Statement, from the United States Army Air
Forces (USAAF) Chronology, for the Mediterranean Theater of Operations (MTO). The
history also includes mission reports, mission crew rosters, Missing Air Crew Reports
(MACR), personal mission logs, journals, and diaries made available by various sources.
Anyone who has documentation pertaining to the 321st Bomb Group or its members, and
would like to have it included in this history, is welcome to participate. Copies of:
photos (official or personal); orders (promotion, decoration, travel, etc.); Mission
Reports; Missing Air Crew Reports; personal diaries, logs, journals, etc; other
documentation; or information that will help identify hi-lited individuals will be greatly
appreciated, as one of my goals is to correctly identify every man and plane assigned to
the 321st Bomb Group.
My only interest in this project is to honor those who served by perpetuating their story,
and making it available for future generations, particularly the families and friends of
our Great Heroes. If you are interested in helping, or if I may be of assistance in finding
information about your 321st BG Hero, please contact me at: Lil-Butch@nc.rr.com
Special Thanks to Very Special Folks
Agostino Alberti: Professor - historian (Soncino, Italy)
Michele Becchi: aviation history - archaeologist (Reggio Emilia, Italy)
Jack Brellenthin, great nephew of: Harold Ray Brellenthin, 2Lt, pilot, 446th BS
Cecile Burandt, daughter of: Charles Lawson “Chuck” Burandt, Capt, pilot, 446th BS
Sally Brown, daughter of: Barnard H. Seegmiller, Sgt, armament, 445th BS
Dave Charville, grandson of: Leighton Daniel “Danny” Charville, 1Lt, pilot, 445th BS
Barbara Connolly, daughter of: Edward Charles “Salvo” Ennis, T/Sgt, radar-radiogunner, 447th BS
1Lt Robert S. Crouse: pilot, 379BS
Ralph “Monguse” Gimenez: Software Architect, IL2-FB Skinner
Bob Haney, son of: Vincent M. Haney, M/Sgt, flight engineer, 341st BG
Ed Haney, cousin of: Gale Monroe Dickson, Capt, pilot, 446th BS
Special Thanks to Very Special Folks (continued)
Jim Hawkins, son of: Frank B. “Pancho” Hawkins, 2Lt, pilot, 381st BS
John Hughes, son of: John Jerome “Jack” Hughes, 1Lt, bombardier, 446th BS
Patti Johnson: genealogist, proofer, and family friend of: James Raymond Orechia,
T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 446th BS
Don Kaiser, son of: Quentin C. Kaiser, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 489th BS
John Lanza, nephew of: William A. Lanza, Sgt, gunner, 446th BS
Stephanie Lile, daughter of: Keith B. Lile, S/Sgt, gunner, 445th BS
1 Lt Joseph A. Malec: bombardier, 448th BS and friend of: Vernon Curtis Dossey, Capt,
pilot, 448th BS
Vince Mango, son of: Vincent A. “Vince” Mango, S/Sgt, aerial gunner, 447th BS
John J. McCarthy: Sgt, engineer-gunner, bombardier, 447th BS
Lorraine McRae, daughter of: James Arrington McRae, 1Lt, bombardier, 446th BS
T/Sgt Rocco F. “Rocky” Milano & daughter Peggy Chatham: Crew Chief of Peg O' My
Heart, Lil Butch, and Haulin' Ass, 446th BS
Bob Ritger, nephew of: Frederic Charles Ritger, 1Lt, pilot, 446th BS
Irving J. Schaffer: T/Sgt, radio-gunner, photographer, 448th BS
1st Lt Frederick H. Smith: pilot, 447th BS
Marsha Gurnee Suszan, daughter of: Clarence E. “Shine” Gurnee, S/Sgt, gunner,
Dominique Taddei: author, U.S.S. Corsica (Corsica)
S/Sgt George B. Underwood: gunner, 381st BS
David Waldrip, nephew of: Robert Laseter Waldrip, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 447th BS
Vinny J. White, son of: Joseph P. White, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 381st BS
S/Sgt, Harry (NMI) Yoa: engineer-gunner, 445th BS
Crew lists
Aircraft information - serial #, name, etc
Cannon Loader (on B-25G)
Sometimes used
Bomb/Nav Bombardier-Navigator
BN Bombardier-Navigator
EG Engineer-gunner
RG Radio-gunner
TG Turret gunner
AG Aerial gunner
PH Photographer
AP Aerial photographer
CC Crew Chief
Acronyms & Abbreviations
A/C: Aircraft
A/D: Aerodrome
AE: Aerial Engineer
A/F: Air Field, also Anti-Flak
AA or AAA: Anti-Aircraft (Artillery)
abs: absent
AGL: Above Ground Level
ALO: Allied Liaison Officer
ALW: Alive and Well
AMGOT: Allied Military Government for
Occupied Territories
A.R.C.: American Red Cross
ASC: Air Support Command
ASN: Army Serial Number (personnel)
Assg: Assigned
ASV: Anti-Surface Vessel (radar)
ATA: Actual Time of Arrival
ATC: Air Transportation Command
ATS: Air Transport Service - also Army
Telegraph Service
Azon: Azimuth only (guided bomb)
BC: Bomber Command
BIC: Bruised in Crash
Bmb: Bombardier
Bn: Battalion
B.R.L.: Ballistic Research Laboratory
BSM: Bomb System Maintenance
CA: Heavy Cruiser
CAVU: Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited
C.B.I.: China-Burma-India Theater
C/D: Coastal Defense
CE: Circular Error
CEP: Circular Error Probable
Chaff (US term): Radar countermeasure:
tiny strips of aluminum, metalized glass
fiber, or plastic. See Window
CL: Cannon Loader
CO: Commanding Officer
CG: Commanding General
CP: Command Post
M/G: Machine Gun
MIA: Missing In Action
M/T: Motor Transport (Truck)
MTB: Motor Torpedo Boat
M/V: Military Vessel, Maritime Vessel
M/Y: Marshalling Yards
MC: Maintenance Crew
NARA: National Archives and Records
NASAF: Northwest African Strategic Air
NATC - Northwest African Training
NATOUSA: North Atlantic Theater of
Operations USA
Nav: Navigator
N.B.S.: National Bureau of Standards
NC: Nurse Corps.
NCO: Non-Commissioned Officer
Nickels: propaganda Leaflets
(NMI): No Middle Initial
NOK: Next Of Kin
NRO: National Reconnaissance Office
OAF: Occupation Air Forces
OD: Officer of the day, also Olive Drab
OLC: Oak Leaf Cluster
OTU: Operational Training Unit
PAX: Passengers
PDI: Pilot Direction Indicator
POE: Point of Embarkation
POW: Prisoner of War (also PW)
PRO-Kit: Individual Chemical
Prophylactic packet
PW: Prisoner of War (also POW)
PWB: Psychological Warfare Branch
PX: Post Exchange
QBB: Base of cloud
QDM: Course to steer
QM: Quarter Master
R/B: Road Bridge
RC: Red Cross
CQ: Charge of Quarters
C/S: Call Sign
CWS: Chemical Warfare Service
D/H: Direct Hit
DD: Destroyer
DED: Declared Dead - no body or remains
Demo: Demolition
DL: Dead List
DNB: Died Non-Battle / Died Not-Battle
DOW: Died Of Wounds.
DOWRIA: Died of Wounds Received in
DS: Detached Service
E/A: Enemy Aircraft
E/F: Enemy Fighter
EM or E/M: Enlisted Men
ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
ETIR: Estimated Time In Route
EUS: Evacuated to the United States
E/V: Enemy Vessel
F Boat: Flying Boat
F/L: Formation Leader - also Flight Leader
FO or F/O: Flying Officer
FOD: Finding Of Death
Frag: Fragmentation
F.S.: Flight Section
GLO: Ground Liaison Officer (UK)
GO: General Order
GP: General Purpose/Gun Position
GTC: General Time Convention (railroad)
HE: High Explosive
IAS: Indicated Air Speed
I & E: Information & Education
I.F.F.: Identification, Friend or Foe
(i. o.): Initials Only (initial is the name)
IP: Initial Point
KNB: Killed Not Battle
KIA: Killed In Action
L/A: Landing Area
LC: Landing Craft
L/G: Landing Ground
Lox: Liquid Oxygen
L/S: Landing Strip
R/J: Road Junction
R/Y: Railroad Yards
Repl: Replacement
RMC: Returned to Military Control
RON: Remain OverNight
RR/B: Railroad Bridge
RR/J: Railroad Junction
RR: Railroad
RTD: Returned To Duty
R/V: Rendezvous
S-1: Administration
S-2: Intelligence
S-3: Operations
S-4: Supply
SAP: Semi-Armor Piercing
SD: Special Duty
S/E: Single Engine (plane)
S.E.: Special Equipment (Shoran)
S/F: Siebel Ferry
sk: sick
S/M: Submarine
SO: Special Order
SOI: Standard Operating Instructions?
S/P: Sea Plane
Sq: Squadron
Sqdn: Squadron
SWA: Seriously Wounded in Action
T/A: Target Area
T/C: Troop Concentration
T/E: Twin Engine (plane)
TAC: Theater Allied Command
TBF: Tactical Bomber Force
TD: Temporary Duty
TDY: Temporary Duty
TLC: Tactical Landing Craft
TO: Take-Off (time), also Technical
Order, and Transportation Officer
T/O: Table of Organization
TOT: Time Over Target/Time On Target
Trfd: Transferred
TWX: Teletypewriter Message
u/i: Unidentified, also unit of issue
UNRRA: United Nations Relief and
Rehabilitation Administration
L/V: Large Vehicle
LST: Landing Ship Tank
Ltr: Letter
LWA: Lightly Wounded in Action
MACR: Missing Air Crew Report
MATS: Military Air Transport Service
Very Pistol or Verey Pistol: Flare gun
VOCO: Verbal Order of the Commanding
WC: Water closet
W.O.: Warrant Officer
WIA: Wounded In Action
Window (British term): Radar
countermeasure: tiny strips of aluminum,
metalized glass fiber, or plastic. See Chaff
WP: White Phosphorus (bombs)
WT, W/T: Watch Tower
XC: Cross Country
ZI: Zone of Interior (U.S.A.)
Saturday, 1 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s attack Leghorn harbor, bridges at Orvieto, and railway
track S of Poggibonsi; B-26s hit Arno River railroad bridges at Signa, Riva-Trigoso, and
Valdarno, while A-20s hit ammunition dumps; P-40s hit targets in the vicinity of Gaeta,
Formia tunnel, several fuel dumps, bridges, and guns in the battle areas; P-47s bomb
Poggibonsi bridge and strafe a train; and fighters patrol the Anzio battle area without
incident. During Apr, XII Bomber Command moves from Trocchia, Italy to Corsica; 4th
Troop Carrier Squadron, 62nd Troop Carrier Group, and 16th, 17th, 18th and 35th Troop
Carrier Squadrons, 64th Troop Carrier Group begin operating from bases in India until
Jun 44 with C-47s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: (No non-mission information)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 285/mission 284) Group Mission # 247:
23 A/C bombed the South Orvieto RR Bridge and reported both approaches and bridge
hit. However, photos showed that only the approaches were hit. The bridge is still in
tact. The flak was intense and accurate—14 A/C holed.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 247 Date: 1 Apr 44
No A/C: 24 (1 returned early)
Squadrons: 445-6
Target: S. Orvieto Bridge A-561485
Time OFF: 1310
T.O.T.: 1520
Time Down: 1605
Axis of Attack: 220°
Height: 10/10,500 ft.
Planes Lost: None
Planes Holed: 14
Bombs Dropped: 77x1000
Escort: P-47’s
Claims: None
Route: Base to N-1814, M-9033, M-9568, H-1229, H-0853, G-6291, B-2820, B-0571,
A-7469, to target to B-0513, G-6291 and home.
Weather: Enroute: Clouds: 7/10 cumulus, tops at 11,000 ft. to Avezzano, from there
on to target 3/10 overcast. Visibility hazy, 10 miles.
Target: Clouds: 2/10 cumulus, tops at 8,000 ft. Visibility hazy, 10 miles.
Return: Clouds 3/10 overcast to Avezzano becoming 7/10 from there on to
base. Visibility hazy, 10 miles.
Flak: Heavy, moderate to intense – accurate. Guns seen at E side of river NE of bridge
and Baschi. Meager light from Avezzano.
Enemy Air: About 5 min. after leaving target 8/10 ME-109’s came in at 2nd flight were
chased by escort, two making only one pass at wing ship. One silver colored plane seen
going down flaming just N of Viterbo A/D.
Results: Bombs seemed fairly well concentrated in target area with both approaches to
bridge reported hit with possibility of bridge itself being hit. Some strings in field
between R.R. and river SW of bridge with some short and NE of bridge.
Saturday, 1 April 1944 (continued)
Observation: Three trains headed N between Orte and target about 30 cars each. 15/20
cars at loco. shed at Cittaducale (B-1422). 80/100 cars on R.R. between Narni and Orte –
Flight Leaders: Maj. Hunter, Lt. Banks
Number of Sorties: 24
Photos Taken:
Major, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: It was a great surprise to find that although the squadron has a
goodly supply of jokesters not a single April Fool’s joke was pulled. The old Italian
woman who walks eight miles to and from Agroppoli with a huge basket of laundry on
her head came to the officer’s area this morning for a new basket of work. There are a
number of Italians who perform this amazing feat. A railroad bridge south east of
Orvieto was knocked out on today’s mission. We had fresh beef for supper. Sgt
McNevin ate two portions.
McNevin, John L., Jr., Sgt, intelligence
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 285/mission 284) Group Mission # 247:
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
P Charville, Leighton Daniel “Danny”,
CP Wagner, Gerald W., 2Lt
N None
B Simpkins, Everett L., 2Lt
E Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), Sgt
R Maddox, Richard L., T/Sgt
G Zimmer, Henry G., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., 1Lt
Gunder, William H., 2Lt
Fisher, Sigmund M., 2Lt
Wren, Frank J., 1Lt
Donegon, John B., S/Sgt
Shiloh, Andrew (NMI), S/Sgt
Forbes, Robert W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
P Russell, Lawrence Lee “Scrap Iron”, 2Lt Shyshka, Lubomir P. “Cross Country”,
McLain, Damon I., 2Lt
Smith, Raymond (NMI), 2Lt
N Napple, Francis L., F/O
Maughan, George W., 1Lt
B O’Toole, Francis X., 1Lt
Smith, William A., Jr., Sgt
E Swingholm, Raymond J., Sgt
Stephens, Robert T., S/Sgt
R Pate, Harris B., Jr., S/Sgt
Whelan, Edward J., Sgt
G Bellendir, John C., Sgt,
F None
Saturday, 1 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Crider, Claude M., Jr., 1Lt
Schiff, Frederick (NMI), 2Lt
Werner, Samuel (NMI), 2Lt
Hickey, William R., S/Sgt
Wilson, John P. “Phil”, T/Sgt
Imbastaro, Alexander J., S/Sgt
Abrams, Samuel (NMI), Pvt
A/C No. 41-29985
P Smith, Alfred B., 2Lt
CP Cormier, Emery O., 2Lt
N None
B Underwood, James H., Jr., Capt
E Soltysiak, Stanley J. “Salty”, Pvt
R Heinbaugh, James C., S/Sgt
G Cleary, L. E., Sgt
F Cotter, Jack M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-53373
Hinsley, Maxwell D., 1Lt
Fischer, Franklin R., 2Lt
Yepez, Oscar W., 1Lt
Malloy, Edward J., Sgt
Wells, Robert J., Sgt
Kramer, Henry P., Sgt
446th BS War Diary: Sgt Allen Turner finishes his fiftieth combat mission.
Turner, Allen B., S/Sgt, bombardier/gunner
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 285/mission 284) Group Mission # 247:
Squadron Mission 207
TARGET: S. Orvieto Bridge, Italy.
DATE: 1 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 6
Major Hunter led the formation. Bombs fairly well concentrated in target area with both
approaches to bridge hit, and possibility of bridge itself being hit. Flak was heavy,
moderate to intense, accurate. Fourteen planes hit. Shortly after leaving target 8/10 ME109s came in but were chased by escort. Lt Vivas was a spare and returned early. Lt.
Hurley made landing on one engine, due to a flak hit.
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
P Hurley, John R., 2Lt
CP Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt
N None
B McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt
E Smith, Cephus M., Jr. S/Sgt
R Bove, Anthony P., S/Sgt
G Mittman, Milton M., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 41-30387 “Kay Girl”
Matzinger, Keith Robinson, 2Lt
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 2Lt
Turner, Allen B., S/Sgt
Britton, William W., Jr., Sgt
Mygrant, Robert F., S/Sgt
Boatright, Benjamin (NMI), Jr., Sgt
Saturday, 1 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32439
Hunter, William Clark, Maj
Wallace, Robert D., 2Lt
Dickerson, Claude M., 1Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward, 1Lt
Brawn, Jean H., S/Sgt
Todd, Alfred J., T/Sgt
Napoliello, Felix (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Kerr, John C., 1Lt
Smith, Randall L., 2Lt
Mayo, Jack D., 2Lt
Smetana, Frank C., Jr., Sgt
Sweedler, Max (NMI), Sgt
Zeman, Harold W., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
P Vivas, Frank Paul, 2Lt
CP Sacker, John R. “Sad Sack”, 2Lt
N None
B Wilcox, Harry Bradway, Jr., 2Lt
E Jacob, Elmer A., Jr., PFC
R Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
G Brown, Ronald M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32403 “Alley Oop”
Hodges, Richard E., 2Lt
Goff, Leroy Robert, Jr., 2Lt
Rice, Sumner W., 1Lt
Jupin, John, Jr., S/Sgt
Crozer, Robert L., S/Sgt
Nemet, Michael (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-64509 “Enid II (previously
“Arkansas Traveler II”; later “No
Jordan, Henry L., 2Lt
Vancil, Alfred E., 2Lt
Johnson, Henry W., 2Lt
Kane, Ronald J., Sgt
Bufkin, Francis P., Jr., S/Sgt
Burrow, Isom F., Cpl
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier (mission 12)
“Scheduled for a mission today.
Pre-briefed 1130
T.O. 1310
Pilot: Hurley
CoPilot: Chudars
Ship # 963(Mo. Waltz) (41-12963) Alt 10,000’
Bombs: 3-1000 # Demos
Target: R.R. Bridge – 8 mi. SE Orvieto (42° 38’ N - 12° 15’ E). Over target @ 1520,
had just dropped our bombs when accurate & intense flak came up. Really had our alt.
Piece of flak came thru nose, got a slight scratch under right eye. When we reached the
bombline left engine went out, had to feather it, came back to field on 1 engine. Landed
ok, found flak shot up engine, 18 holes in all. Believe we hit the target.
Rec’d a letter from Alice. “Doc” said orders on our Purple Heart was in our 201
files. Wrote to Jim Bradley. Set clocks ahead 1hr. tonite.
Flying time: 03:40 hrs.”
Bradley, James L. "Jungle Jim", Jr., Capt, pilot
Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt, pilot
Hurley, John R., 2Lt, pilot
Warren, Joseph E., Capt, medical officer
Saturday, 1 April 1944 (continued)
447th BS War Diary: S/Sgt. F.X. Burke returned from hospital which he entered March
26th. Morning Report: Officers---70; EM----259.
Burke, Francis X., S/Sgt, supply
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 285/mission 284) Group Mission # 247: 5 of
our ships, led by Lt. Banks, took part in a raid on Orvieto North Bridge. Lt. Button
turned back 2 minutes from IP due to an engine failure. Capt. Cloward’s ship went down
on its tail before take-off and didn’t take the air. All the planes were shot up by flak,
some requiring extensive patching. Bombs seemed fairly well in target area, with both
approaches reported hit. 8/10 E/A sighted and made one or two passes but were chased
away by escort.
A/C No. 41-30126 “Bull of Sahara Flak Magnate”
P Ryherd, Fred E., 1Lt
CP Bastin, Melville R., 2Lt
N None
B Wingrove, Allen E., 2Lt
E Ford, Leonard W., Sgt
R Pierce, William H., PFC
G Richards, Charles M., Pvt
F None
A/C No. 42-32449
P Murray, Richard E., 2Lt
CP Christian, Calvin B., 2Lt
N None
B McCaleb, Harold G., 2Lt
E Cangillieri, Liobnick (NMI), Sgt
R Carlson, Carl M., S/Sgt
G Fowler, Harold E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13181 “The Sophisticated
P Banks, Herbert J., 1Lt
CP Manley, Ward E., 2Lt
N Thomas, Robert E., 2Lt
B Windler, John H., 2Lt
E Koecher, Robert W., Sgt
R Hubert, Leo G., T/Sgt
G Bushnell, Jordan L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
Seavey, George D., 1Lt
Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt
McDermott, James W., 2Lt
Schwartz, Arthur (NMI), S/Sgt
Harman, Robert W., T/Sgt
Grant, James H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32505
Button, Ervine J., 2Lt
Denman, John L., 2Lt
Adcock, Leonard E., 2Lt
Baldridge, Grant W., Sgt
Reynolds, Frank J., S/Sgt
Harriman, Elmon P., S/Sgt
Saturday, 1 April 1944 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 285/mission 284) Group Mission # 247:
Mission 202 (247). At 13:10 24 planes off to bomb S. Orvieto bridge A561485 and
dropped 77 x 1000 bombs at 15:20 from 1000 feet. One returned early and 23 returned at
16:05 escort of P-47’s, 14 planes holed. About 5 minutes after leaving target 8-10 ME109’s came in at second flight but were chased by escort, two making only one pass at
wing ships. One silver colored plane seen going down in flames just N of Viterbo.
Bombs seen fairly well concentrated in target area with both approaches to bridge hit and
possibility of bridge being hit. Some strings in field between RR and river SW of bridge
with some short NE of bridge. Three trains headed N between Orte and target, 15-20 cars
at locomotive shed at Cittaducale. 80-100 cars on RR between Narni and Orte. Flak,
heavy, moderate to intense and accurate. Weather: 2/10th cover and hazy at target.
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
Armstrong, Donald R., 2Lt
Howard, Charles E., 2Lt
Bond, Edward N., 2Lt
Sullivan, James G., Pvt
Jacobson, Fred (NMI), S/Sgt
Groome, Daingerfield M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64514
James William “Kukie”, 2Lt
CP Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, 2Lt
N None
B Evans, Ivor P., 1Lt
E Ernst, David L., Sgt
R Schaffner, Clarence Donovan, S/Sgt
G Slafkes, Milton M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12995 “Charlie’s Aunt”
P Greene, William A., 1Lt
CP Cottle, Robert J., 2Lt
N None
B McDonough, Thomas E., Jr., 2Lt
E Luton, Howard W., Sgt
R Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
G Neuman, Robert A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13186
Annear, Warren Raymond, 1Lt
Dossey, Vernon Curtis, 2Lt
McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt
Jackson, Jewel D., PFC
Clark, Gwyn E., S/Sgt
Holt, Charles M., Sgt
France, Charles E., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64655
VanRaam, Rudolph (NMI), 1Lt
McCabe, Norman M., 2Lt
Feeley, Walter C., Jr., 1Lt
McCue, William M., Jr., 1Lt
Chosta, Louis (NMI), Sgt
Dilts, Robert E., S/Sgt
Sharpsteen, Robert E., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32427 (returned early)
Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 2Lt
Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
Quartuccio, Anthony P., 2Lt
Johnson, Joe Morris, S/Sgt
Doss, Charles W., Jr., S/Sgt
Coleman, Seaton L., S/Sgt
Saturday, 1 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13195
Hicks, John T., 1Lt
Moyer, Emerson C., 2Lt
Kukorowski, Albert A., 2Lt
Johnson, Roy C., S/Sgt
Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
VanCura, Edward W., S/Sgt
Dean, Wilmer J., S/Sgt
Sunday, 2 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers attack railroad bridges at Arezzo, Fano, Ficulle,
Magra, N of Orvieto, and S of Poggibonsi, scoring some direct hits, hits on approaches,
and several near misses; fighter-bombers hit trucks and the railroad station at Fara in
Sabina and E and N of Anzio, attack the Formia tunnel, fly armed reconnaissance over
the Atina and Arce areas, bomb a factory and buildings N of Cassino, the town of
Pignataro Interamna and numerous bridges, dumps, gun positions and targets of
opportunity in or around the battle areas. 99th Fighter Squadron, XII Air Support
Command, attached to 324th Fighter Group, moves from Capodichino to Cercola, Italy
with P-40s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: (No non-mission information)
HQ 321st BG Communications Log:
Capt. Fenner to Hoffman. “Target weather CAVU”.
Cameron to 57th Wing. “All aircraft have returned”.
Asbury to Fenner. “Flash mission report”.
Asbury to Fenner. “Wanted info as regards Stand-down and Training”.
From Phantom. “TOO 021610B. Time referred to in yesterdays signal GCH 10
for practice firing is “B” time.
A/C loaned to 340th for Combat:
448th, 41-13186 and 41-12995 “Charlie’s Aunt.
447th, 42-64559 and 42-64512 Scotch & Soda”.
446th, 42-64549, 42-32446 “Mascot”, 42-64547 “Princess Paola” and 42-32403
“Alley Oop”.
445 , 42-32333 “Lorelei” and 41-13169.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 286/mission 285) Group Mission # 248:
24 A/C made 3 runs on the RR Bridge at Ficulle in an attempt to find it. Their bombs did
not hit the bridge and scored hit on the last approach. Five ships were holed by the
moderate accurate flak.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 248 Date: 2 Apr 44
No. A/C: 24
Squadrons: 445-6
Target: RR Bridge near Ficulle at A-387704
Time OFF: 0840
T.O.T.: 1055
Time Down: 1210
Axis of Attack: 280°
Height: 11/11,900 ft.
Planes Lost: None
Planes Holed: 5
Bombs Dropped: 96x1000 .1 & .025
Escort: P-47’s
Claims: None
Route: N-1814, M-9533, M-9768, H-1229, H-0853, G-6090, B-2510, B-1539, A-7065,
A-3970 (target) A-2980, A-4586, B-1539 and home.
Sunday, 2 April 1944 (continued)
Weather: Enroute, Target, Return—CAVU with slight haze.
Flak: Target Area: Heavy, Moderate, Accurate.
Elsewhere: Heavy, moderate, inaccurate on right turn off target.
Enemy Air: 3 E/A unidentified in dog-fight at 1110 NE of Avezzano.
Results: Three runs were made before bombs were dropped. Target is reported to be
camouflaged and exceedingly difficult to pick up. Also due to terrain and
tunnels RR lines of little use as landmark. Most hits reported on W approach
and over to SW with others on east approach and possible hit on bridge itself.
Some bombs dropped short to east. Tracks believed cut to W of bridge.
Observation: Two trains of 30 cars at Orvieto. Tracks between Orte and Orvieto filled
with rolling stock. Five tracks with 40 cars each reported both at A-8958
(near Spoleto) and also just E of Rieti—believed to be same observation.
40 car train near Marsciano—stationary.
Flight Commander: Major Sampson.
Flight Leaders: Capt. Olson and Lt. Stewart.
Number of Sorties: 24
Photos Taken:
Major, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This railway viaduct at Ficulle was damaged by the 321st Bomb Group of the
57th Bomb Wing on the 2nd of April 1944. A hit on the left end span cut all the tracks.
The third span from the left end was almost completely severed. 24 aircraft dropped 91
1000lb bombs.
Sunday, 2 April 1944 (continued)
Sunday, 2 April 1944 (continued)
Sunday, 2 April 1944 (continued)
Sunday, 2 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: This was Palm Sunday. The enlisted men played the officers a
game of softball: Score – officers 11, Enlisted men 0. Later in the evening the enlisted
men in the engineering section played the other enlisted men. The engineers lost 18-0.
The umpire was Christopher Beccarelli. A short corporal with a long nose and a
Brooklyn accent. His wise cracks and antics during the game amused the spectators at
least as much as the games themselves. Mosquito bars were issued today. Captain
Smith, the medical officer, says the mosquitoes are due any hour.
Beccarelli, Christopher (NMI) “Doc”, Cpl, engineering
Smith, William C. “Doc”, Capt, surgeon
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 286/mission 285) Group Mission # 248:
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
Hinsley, Maxwell D., 1Lt
Swanson, Harry A., 2Lt
Werner, Samuel (NMI), 2Lt
Smith, William A., Jr., Sgt
Stephens, Robert T., S/Sgt
Whelan, Edward J., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Russell, Lawrence Lee “Scrap Iron”, 2Lt
Schiff, Frederick (NMI), 2Lt
Smith, Raymond (NMI), 2Lt
Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, 1Lt
Callister, Jack Roland, Cpl
Marcoulier, William A., S/Sgt
Hunt, Jerry E., S/Sgt
Sunday, 2 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64529
P McLain, Damon I., 1Lt
CP Fischer, Franklyn R., 2Lt
N None
B Miller, Robert J., Jr., S/Sgt
E DeRose, Louis A., Sgt
R Shiloh, Andrew (NMI), S/Sgt
G Harris, Charles W., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-53373
Thomas, John J., 1Lt
Hammar, Robert L., 2Lt
Brule, Gordon J., 2Lt
Ceccucci, Harold A., Sgt
Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt, 446th BS
Napoliello, Felix (NMI), S/Sgt, 446th BS
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Tarmichael, Arthur J., 1Lt
Hadsell, Donald M., 2Lt
O’Toole, Francis X., 1Lt
York, Rufus (NMI), Sgt
Kintly, James E., S/Sgt
Eiff, William C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
Coale, Julian R. “Cozy”, Jr., 1Lt
Dickerson, Samuel M., 2Lt
Yepez, Oscar W., 1Lt
Belt, Hunter C., S/Sgt
Plunk, Charlie B., S/Sgt
Zimmer, Henry G., Sgt
Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
446th BS War Diary: Usual duties in the squadron. Lt. Bsharah gets to that big “50”.
Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 286/mission 285) Group Mission # 248:
Squadron Mission 208
TARGET: RR Bridge, Ficulle, Italy.
DATE: 2 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 6
Capt. Olsen, 447th Sqdn. led the formation. Three runs made before bombs were
dropped. Report target as being well camouflaged. Most hits reported on W approach
and over to SW, with others on E approach and possible hit on bridge itself. Flak was
heavy, moderate and accurate. Five planes holed.
Olsen, Robert C., Capt, pilot, 447th BS
A/C No. 41-30293
LeClair, Edward R., 1Lt
Lewis, Vernon (NMI), 2Lt
Wotkowicz, Frank J., 2Lt
Bober, John (NMI), Jr., Sgt
Green, Salem M., S/Sgt
Casper, Henry G., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Kerr, John C., 1Lt
Church, Edwin Adem, 2Lt
Chapman, John E., 2Lt
Mayo, Jack D., 2Lt
Schreiner, Lester B. “Les”, Sgt
Cohen, George (NMI), T/Sgt
Larson, Ralph L., Sgt
Sunday, 2 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
P Vivas, Frank Paul, 2Lt
CP Sacker, John R. “Sad Sack”, 2Lt
N None
B Wilcox, Harry Bradway, 2Lt
E Jacob, Elmer A., Jr., PFC
R Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
G Brown, Ronald M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32403 “Alley Oop”
P Hawkes, Leon R., 2Lt
CP Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt
N None
B Mexal, Gus J., 2Lt
E Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
R Harrison, Hoyt V., S/Sgt
G Lanza, William A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13200
Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 2Lt
Mickel, Alan T., 2Lt
Reynolds, Laverne E., 2Lt
Jupin, John (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Maddox, Everett R., S/Sgt
Nemet, Michael (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 41-13123
Herbert, John James, Jr., 2Lt
Hollingsworth, George K., Jr., 2Lt
Johnson, Henry W., 2Lt
Clay, Donald W., Sgt
Green, Salem M., S/Sgt
Casper, Henry G., S/Sgt
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Gaudo-Capodichino-Gaudo: Ferry – 2 landings
Flying Time: 1:00 (31st mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Practice bomb mission with Cooper, Hurley & Robertson. 8 Bombs dropped (2 duds),
CE of 250. Hawkes, Lewis & Burandt on a mission, R.R. Bridge North of Orvieto. Think
they hit it. Felt tired after flying all a.m., so sacked during the afternoon. After supper
read “Chicken Every Sunday” – a very funny and interesting book. Understand we are
to “stand down” for a week of training beginning tomorrow. Total combat flying hours
to date – 36:10. Meeting of all officers in mess hall, talk by Col. Schwane on the coming
training program. Also announced new promotions. George Walsh got his First. Wrote
to Ma, and Alice.
Flying time: 03:10 hrs.”
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt, pilot
Cooper, Paul T., Capt, pilot
Hawkes, Leon R., 2Lt, pilot
Lewis, Vernon (NMI), 1Lt, pilot
Robertson, Charles W., Capt, bombardier
Schwane, Henry H., Lt Col, pilot, Commander
Walsh, George F., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Today’s training consisted of practice bombing. T/Sgt. Prince
gave a lecture and demonstration on the use of the K-17 and K-20 camera to nine of our
radio operators, which was held at the Group Photo Lab.
Prince, John T. T/Sgt, photographer, 445th BS
Sunday, 2 April 1944 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 286/mission 285) Group Mission # 248: 6 of
our ships, led by Capt. Olson took part in a raid on RR bridge near Ficulle. Three runs
were made before bombs were dropped. The target was well camouflaged and
exceedingly difficult to pick-up. Most reports of bombs on W approach and over to SW
with others on E approach and possible hit on bridge. Some bombs short and to E and
tracks believed to be cut W of bridge.
A/C No. 42-64559
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
Alger, LeRoy (NMI), 1Lt
P Cloward, Glannin A., Capt
Heitman, William F., 2Lt
CP Manz, Wayne A., 2Lt
N None
James, Robert M., 2Lt
B Webb, James A., 2Lt
Ford, Leonard W., Sgt
E Scarberry, Harold W., Sgt
Williamson, Myles O., T/Sgt
R Vineski, Robert R. “The Reverend”,
Rose, Clifford A., Sgt
G Burke, William H., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64695
A/C No. 41-30557
Stocking, Eugene E., 1Lt
P Dalley, Fenton M., 2Lt
Metzger, Joseph Earl, 2Lt
CP Kelley, James E., 2Lt
N None
McCormick, Donald Patrick, 1Lt
B Wingrove, Allen E., 2Lt
Tollefson, Walter F. K., Cpl
E Ellis, Francis R., Cpl
Bilski, Walter J., S/Sgt
R Phelps, Jack L., S/Sgt
Mitchell, Rennie (NMI), S/Sgt
G Smith, Daniel R., Sgt
Statham, Alvin F., Cpl
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
A/C No. 42-64553
Tompkins, Howard D., 1Lt
P Olson, Robert C. “Ollie”, Capt
Nettles, Forrest Truett, 2Lt
CP Sampson, Raymond D. “Sammy”, Maj,
N Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt
Lundmark, Norman J., 2Lt
B Becker, Edward B., Capt
Collins, Clint R., Sgt
E Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt
Reynolds, Frank J., S/Sgt
R Chatters, Aubrey W., S/Sgt
Blalock, Joe T., Sgt
G Richards, Charles M., Pvt
F None
A/C No. 42-32505 (spare)
P Beebe, Harwood (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
CP Martin, William H., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Fisher, Gerald E., 2Lt
E Curry, Hughie L., Sgt
R Korzeniowski, Edward S., S/Sgt
G Sinclair, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
F None
Sunday, 2 April 1944 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 286/mission 285) Group Mission # 248:
Mission 203 (248). At 08:40 24 planes off to bomb RR bridge near Ficulle and dropped
26 x 1000 at 10:56 from 11,000 feet. All returned at 12:10. Escort P-47’s, 5 planes
holed. Three runs were made on the target before bombs were dropped, target is reported
to be well camouflaged and exceedingly difficult to pick up. Also due to terrain and
tunnels RR line is little use as a land mark. Most hits reported on W approach and over
to SW with other at E approach and possible hit on the bridge. Some bombs dropped
short of the target. Tracks believed cut to W of bridge. Tracks between Orte and Orvieto
filled with rolling stock. Five trains with 40 cars each reported near Spoleto and also just
E of Rieti. Weather: CAVU, slight haze. F/L: Lt. Stewart.
A/C No. 41-30125
Hales, Ermine L., 1Lt
Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Carr, Randal C., Cpl
Hinton, Zane R., PFC
Dunbar, Louis C. “Louey”, Pvt
Crow, Roscoe J., Pvt
Dean, Wilmer J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-87455
P VanRaam, Rudolph (NMI), 1Lt
CP Elliott, Floyd A., 2Lt
N Olszewski, Henry (NMI), 2Lt
B McCue, William M., Jr., 1Lt
E Chosta, Louis (NMI), Sgt
R Burr, Harry C., S/Sgt
G Sharpsteen, Robert E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
P Doyle, Edward J., 1Lt
CP Riener, William F., 2Lt
N None
B Malec, Joseph A., 2Lt
E Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
R Neview, Frederick J., Sgt
G Wolf, Elmer A., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32427
Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 2Lt
Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
Quartuccio, Anthony P., 2Lt
Johnson, Joe Morris, S/Sgt
Doss, Charles W., Jr., S/Sgt
Coleman, Seaton L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13186
Lyons, John B., 2Lt
Matthews, Thomas W., 2Lt
Robert, Maurice L., S/Sgt
Rippel, Nat (NMI), Sgt
Thompson, Arthur R., Jr., S/Sgt
Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
France, Charles E., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30548
Stewart, Hugh W., 1Lt
Lewis, Quentin M., 1Lt
Duncan, George F., 2Lt
Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, 1Lt
Daniels, John (NMI), S/Sgt
Gilpatrick, Jack H., T/Sgt
Graham, Herbert J., S/Sgt
Monday, 3 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers attack railway bridges at Orvieto, cutting
approaches to a bridge to the N of town; other medium bomber attacks on bridges abort
because of weather but light bombers successfully bomb an ammunition dump; A-36s
attack the railway at Attigliano and bomb an underpass in the area, while P-40s hit Sesti
Bagni railroad station, a supply dump SE of Frosinone, the town of Itri, a bivouac area
NW of Velletri and several trucks; and P-47s successfully bomb Pignataro Interamna and
nearby road junction.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission-----training.
445th BS War Diary: The squadron was put on training today for an indefinite period of
time. The new commanding officer Col. Smith has expressed his dissatisfaction with the
bombing by the group and is taking steps to try to improve the situation. New gas masks
were distributed today along with mosquito head nets. Some of the boys think the
mosquitoes will come first. Another ball game was played today between the engineers
and the other enlisted men. This time the engineers won 8-4.
Smith, Richard H., Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Yesterday (Sunday) was the most beautiful spring day we have had so
far. This morning, clear and dewless, I was awakened by the singing of birds. Spring so
far has not appeared as a distinct season but, due to the mildness of winter, with its much
greenness has just shuffled onto us a state of renaissance that cannot be mistaken. The
farmers with their great oxen are plowing the fields and the days are getting longer with
each new sun. We are “standing down” for a week’s intensive training before moving to
Corsica. Yesterday evening we took a Call. 50 machine gun we had set up on a ground
mount to the beach and had a great time firing it at a wrecked LCD boat left by the
assault forces. Must load practice bombs now.”
446th BS War Diary: No mission today. Usual duties.
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Local: Training
Flying Time: 2:30 (32nd mission in MTO)
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Local: Training
Flying Time: 2:40 (33rd mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
Monday, 3 April 1944 (continued)
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Start our week of training stand down today. On Bomb trainer from 1000-1100. Had a
practice bombing mission, T.O. at 1300, got up over target, telescope motor on sight
went out, had to return to field. Nice, warm day, got a haircut, then slept in the sun for a
few hours. After supper read a book “Hostages”, very good & interesting. Scheduled
for an early mission tomorrow.
Flying time: 01:10 hrs.”
447th BS War Diary: A mission was scheduled, but was cancelled due to weather
condition. Plane # 583 (42-64583), with Capt. Fraser as pilot, Lt. Speer as co-pilot and
crew returned from an eight day trip to Cairo. Today’s training consisted of practice
bombing and local transition. A meeting was held at the Group Photo Lab where 10 of
our Radio operators received instructions on the K-17 and K-20 cameras.
Fraser, Harry A. “Fearless”, Jr., Capt, pilot
Speer, Marvin L., 1Lt, pilot
448th BS War Diary: No Entry.
Tuesday, 4 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bomber missions are aborted due to weather but light
bombers manage to bomb an ammunition dump and fighter-bombers bomb Terracina and
Formia, attack a bridge and several vehicles during armed reconnaissance of the RomeOrte area, bomb Itri and Fondi, hit numerous gun positions, a railway station, a bivouac
area, and a vehicle concentration, and attack targets of opportunity between Atina and
HQ 321st BG War Diary: (No non-mission information)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 287/mission 286) Group Mission # 249:
Perugia A/D was the target today, but due to cloud cover the railroad tracks S. of Orte
were bombed by 10 A/C dropping 66x500 pounders. Results were unobserved.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 249 Date: 4 Apr 44
No A/C: 25
Squadrons: 445-6
Target: Perugia A/D
Time OFF: 0925
T.O.T.: 1155
Time Down: 1245
Axis of Attack: 225°
Height: 11/11500 ft.
Planes Lost: None
Planes Holed: None
Bombs Dropped: 10 A/C DROPPED: 66x500 pounders
Escort: 12 Spits close----12 P-47s high.
Route: N-6740, N-2769, H-0853, G-6292, B2115, B-2155, X-2186, R-9813 circled 360°
then S. over Orte and return via G-6292
Weather: Enroute and Return: 3/10 low clouds, 8/10 altocumulus bases, at 9000 tops
11,000 ft. Vis---unlimited.
Target: At primary—10/10 overcast tops at 11,000
Flak: None
Enemy Air: None Claims: None
Results: Due to cloud cover couldn’t see primary and not positive of identification of
secondary target. Two reports of bombing railroad S. of Orte at 42° 22’ N, 12°
27’ E and of hitting oil dump near railroad with resulting large fire. This fire
also reported just E. of Orte M/Yds.
Observation: None
Flight Commander: Major Bell. (Bell, Albert R., Maj, pilot, Commander)
Flight Leaders: Lt. Sowder (Tony K., 1Lt, pilot), Major Register (Percy D., Maj, pilot),
(Capt. Wilson (Victor H., Capt, pilot))
Number of Sorties: 25
Photos Taken
Major, Air Corps,
Gp. S-2 Officer.
Tuesday, 4 April 1944 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 288/mission 287) Group Mission # 250:
3 A/C went on the 1st nickeling mission for this Group—dropped the newspaper “Frontpost” in the Velletri area.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 250
Date: 4 Apr 44
No. A/C: 3
Squadrons: 445-1
Target: Nickeling Mission – Velletri – “Frontpost”
Time OFF: 1530
T.O.T.: 1638
Time Down: 1730
Axis of Attack:
Height: 12,000 ft
Planes Lost: None
Planes Holed: None
Bombs Dropped: 3 x 8
Escort: 3 Spits
Route: Base to Capri to G-9835 to G-9870 – via sea to F-2431 to F-5242 to F-5212 and
Weather: CAVU with high overcast, slight haze.
Flak: None
Enemy Air: None Claims: None
Results: Dropped successfully
Observation: None
Flight Commander: Colonel Smith
Flight Leaders:
Number of Sorties: 3
Major, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Lt. Harry Craig left the Squadron today after having been with the
unit since it was activated in August 1942. The officers club was the scene of
considerable festivity tonight. One of the officers returned with a few cases of
Champagne and “Doc” Smith supplied the musical stimulation with his accordion. At
0200 in the morning the harmonizing had degenerated into discords that the officers
living nearby discovered were not conducive to sleep. The officers club has now been
dressed up considerably. What with the large fireplace, the bar, two dining booths, and
the display of feminine pulchritude on the walls one would hardly suspect that a few
weeks ago that there was nothing here but an Italian field. Another ball game today.
Craig, Harry W., 2Lt, armament
Smith, William C. "Doc", Capt, surgeon
Tuesday, 4 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 287/mission 286) Group Mission # 249:
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Charville, Leighton, D. “Danny”, 2Lt
Wagner, Gerald W., 2Lt
Werrlein, Harry F., 2Lt
Kitts, Gordon L., Sgt
Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, S/Sgt
Kramer, Henry P., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
Rigler, Edward J., 2Lt
Lyons, Lawrence L., 2Lt
Simpkins, Everett L., 2Lt
Weaver, Gerald R., Pvt
Maddox, Richard L., T/Sgt
Hunt, Jerry E., S/Sgt
Abrams, Samuel (NMI), Pvt
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
Wilson, Victor H., Capt
Register, Percy D., Maj
Casaburi, Robert Roland, 2Lt
Schutte, Warren G., 1Lt
Dillon, James A., S/Sgt
Dipietrantonio, Joseph N., T/Sgt
Herrman, Byard G., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger” (Spare)
Tarmichael, Arthur J., 1Lt
Hammar, Robert L., 2Lt
Brule, Gordon J., 2Lt
Hickey, William R., Sgt
Wilson, John P. “Phil”, T/Sgt
Imbastaro, Alexander J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64575
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., 1Lt
Gunder, William H., 2Lt
Fisher, Sigmund M., 2Lt
Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
Donegon, John B., S/Sgt
Forbes, Robert W., S/Sgt
Heinbaugh, James C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64529
McLain, Damon I., 1Lt
Schweda, George J., 2Lt
O’Toole, Francis X., 1Lt
Thibodeau, Leo J., Sgt
Plott, John M., S/Sgt
McGinley, Joseph B., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
Smith, Alfred B., 2Lt
Cormier, Emery O., 2Lt
Miller, Robert J., Jr., S/Sgt
Soltysiak, Stanley J. “Salty”, Pvt
O’Leary, John D., T/Sgt
Eiff, William C., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 4 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 288/mission 287) Group Mission # 250:
A/C No. 41-29985
Smith, Richard H., Col, 321st BG
CP Russell, Lawrence Lee “Scrap Iron”, 2Lt
N Smith, Raymond (NMI), 2Lt
B Wren, Frank J., 1Lt
E Belt, Hunter C., S/Sgt
R Lysowski, Raymond A., S/Sgt
G Irwin, Ralph D., S/Sgt
F None
446th BS War Diary: Big mail call today and a mission.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 287/mission 286) Group Mission # 249:
Squadron Mission 209
TARGET: Perugia A/D, Italy.
DATE: 4 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 500 lb.
446th Planes: 7
Lt. Sowder, 448th Sqdn. led the formation. Due to cloud cover, primary target could not
be seen. Identification of secondary target not positive. Two reports of bombing RR
south of Orte, hitting oil dump near RR. No flak, no fighters. Lt. Jordan was a spare and
filled in to complete the mission.
Sowder, Tony R., Jr., 1Lt, pilot, 448th BS
A/C No. 41-30293
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Gale Monroe, 1Lt
Mayfield, Estel Allen, 2Lt
CP Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt
N None
McCabe, Peter T., 1Lt
B Reynolds, Laverne E., 2Lt
Bellamy, Herbert E., S/Sgt
E Zelnick, John J., Sgt
Cohen, George, T/Sgt
R Orechia, James Raymond “Raymond”,
Samsel, John C., S/Sgt
G Thornton, Edward P., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64511 “The Madam 2 of A/C No. 42-64509 “Enid II (previously
“Arkansas Traveler II”; later “No
St. Joe”
Walker, Dale F., 1Lt
P Cooper, Paul T., Capt
Hipson, Robert Graham, 2Lt
CP Holt, Robert L, 2Lt
N Dunn, Thomas B., 2Lt
Rice, Sumner W., 2Lt
B Mottley, John F., 2Lt
Hanley, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
E Shellhamer, Lawrence (NMI), Cpl
Youngblood, Woodrow W., S/Sgt
R Miles, Walter J., Jr., S/Sgt
Velarde, Servando J., Jr., S/Sgt
G Foley, Joseph M., Sgt
F None
Tuesday, 4 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64549
Jordan, Henry L., 2Lt
Gibbons, George H., 2Lt
Mexal, Gus J., 2Lt
Kane, Ronald J., Sgt
Bufkin, Francis P., Jr., S/Sgt
Burrow, Isom F., Cpl
A/C No. 41-30387 “Kay Girl”
P Matzinger, Keith Robinson, 1Lt
CP Ritger, Frederic Charles, 2Lt
N None
B Pestalozzi, Rudolph H., 1Lt
E Britton, William W., Jr., Sgt
R Crozer, Robert L., S/Sgt
G Boatright, Benjamin (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13123
Othick, Rolland R., 2Lt
Sampson, Allan T., 1Lt
Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 2Lt
McArdle, John R., PFC
Harrison, Hoyt V., S/Sgt
Murch, George M., Jr., Pvt
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 288/mission 287) Group Mission # 250:
Squadron Mission 210
TARGET: Nickeling Mission, Velletri (Front post)
DATE: 4 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: None (Pamphlets)
446th Planes: 1
Col. Smith was the flight commander. Pamphlets successfully dropped. No flak no
Smith, Richard H., Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
A/C No. 41-29995 “Pistol Packin’
P Kerr, John C., 1Lt
CP Smith, Randell L., 2Lt
N Franklin, Arthur E., 2Lt
B Mayo, Jack D., 2Lt
E Smetana, Frank C., Jr., Sgt
R Sweedler, Max (NMI), S/Sgt
G Zeman, Harold W., Sgt
F None
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (mission 19, Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25D-10: 41-30293
Target: Perugia A/D, Italy.
Flying Time: 3:50 (34th mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
Tuesday, 4 April 1944 (continued)
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Up early for a practice bomb mission. T.O. 0730. Had an intervalometer malfunction,
had only 3 releases, # 1-3 bombs: # 2-6 bombs. Fins came off of 2 bombs – wobblers.
Issued new type light-weight gas mask today. Had to fly another practice mission,
surprisingly everything went off ok, ended up with a CE of 214. Started to read “Strong
Poison”, guess will finish it tomorrow. Scheduled for a mission tomorrow.
Flying time: 01:50 hrs & 02:40 hrs.”
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 1Lt, pilot: Letter Home: “I did receive your
letter with my R.O.T.C. time in it…All I wanted it for was that in a few months it should
help out in my pay a little. As for promotions, it won’t help any. I told you I got my
promotion to 1st Lt. On February 16. It’s probably a long way to get a captain rating yet.
There isn’t much news. I’m still flying the B-25. I’ll be kinda glad to get a
vacation from it for a while whenever I do get it. I’m hoping it isn’t too long before they
give me the change to go home. I have been waiting for it for some time now, but there is
no indications of it yet.
I have visited Naples, Salerno, and Pompeii again since I last told you about
Cobbett, McDonough, Nick, and Dickson are all o.k.”
Cobbett, Stanley W., Sgt, engineer-gunner, 486th BS, 340th BG
Dickson, Gale Monroe, 1Lt, pilot
McDonough, John F., S/Sgt, gunner, 486th BS, 340th BG
Nicklaus, George Edward "Nick", 1Lt, bombardier
447th BS War Diary:
Lt Tomkins and crew in shop #583 (42-64583) carried out a
nickeling mission on Velletri. The mission was reported successful. Six ships and crews
made a practice low level bombing flight which was led by Major Sampson. Each of the
three elements made four practice runs with the D-8 sight. Capt. Henry W. Stephenson is
ordered to DS with 57th Wing. The following enlisted men have been reduced to the
grade of private without prejudice: S/Sgt. William R. Milam, S/Sgt. Verlin L. Wadlow,
S/Sgt. James B. Shields, S/Sgt. Max A. Wilson, Sgt. Gerard G. O’Neil, and Sgt. Julius
Sabo. The following enlisted men have been promoted to the rank of corporal; PFC
William H. Pierce and Pvt. Charles M. Richards.
Milam, William R., Pvt, engineering
O’Neil, Gerard G., Pvt, armament
Pierce, William H., Cpl, radio-gunner
Richards, Charles M., Cpl, radio-gunner
Sabo, Julius (NMI), Pvt, gunner
Sampson, Raymond D. “Sammy”, Maj, pilot, Commander
Shields, James B., Pvt, radio-gunner
Stephenson, Henry W., Capt, pilot
Wadlow, Verlin L., Pvt, communication
Wilson, Max A., Pvt, communications
Tuesday, 4 April 1944 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 287/mission 286) Group Mission # 249: 6 of
our ships, led by Lt. Banks, took part in a raid on Perugia A/D. Due to cloud cover
bombs were not dropped and returned to base without incident.
A/C No. 41-30126 “Bull of Sahara A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
Flak Magnate”
Seavey, George D., 1lt
P Speer, Marvin L., 2Lt
Metzger, Joseph Earl, 2Lt
CP Nall, John G., 2Lt
N None
Huffman, William C., 2Lt
B Rosenbledt, James M., 2Lt
Schwartz, Arthur (NMI), S/Sgt
E Escher, Carl S., S/Sgt
Harman, Robert W., T/Sgt
R Carlson, Carl M., S/Sgt
Grant, James H., S/Sgt
G Corkill, John (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32505
A/C No. 42-64694
Cloward, Glannin A., Capt
P Beebe, Howard (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
Manz, Wayne A., 2Lt
CP Martin, William H., Jr., 2Lt
N None
Webb, James A., 2Lt
B Fisher, Gerald E., 2Lt
Scarberry, Harold W., S/Sgt
E Curry, Hughie L., Sgt
Vineski, Robert R. “The Reverend”,
R Korzeniowski, Edward S., S/Sgt
Burke, William H., Jr., Sgt
G Sinclair, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
Lamoureau, Archille D., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
A/C No. 42-64559
J., 2Lt
Schnoebelen, Orval L., 2Lt
CP Bastin, Melville R., 2Lt
N Rye, Wayne T., Jr., 2Lt
Adcock, Leonard E., 2Lt
B Nelson, George B., 2Lt
Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt
E Morrissey, Raphael E., Cpl
Reynolds, Frank J., Sgt
R Pierce, William H., PFC
Harriman, Elmon P., Sgt
G Rose, Clifford A., Sgt
F None
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 288/mission 287) Group Mission # 250: Lt
Tomkins and crew in ship #583 (42-64583) carried out a nickeling mission on Velletri.
A/C No. 42-64583
P Tompkins, Howard D., 1Lt
CP Nettles, Forrest Truett, 2lt
N None
B Lundmark, Norman J., 2Lt
E Collins, Clint R., Sgt
R LaFountain, Ned F., S/Sgt
G Blalock, Joe T., Sgt
F None
Tuesday, 4 April 1944 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 287/mission 286) Group Mission # 249:
Mission 204 (249). At 09:24 25 planes off to bomb Perugia A/D and dropped 66 x 500
bombs by 10 planes at 11:55 from 11,000 feet. All returned at 12:45. Escort, Spits and P47’s. No planes holed. Due to cloud cover primary target was not observed and no
positive identification of secondary target. Two reports of bombing RR S of Orte and of
hitting oil dump near RR with resulting fire. Weather: 10/10th cover. F/L: Bell and
A/C No. 41-30548
P Sowder, Tony R., Jr., 2Lt
CP Bell, Albert R., Maj
N Hough, William S., 1Lt
B Evans, Ivor P., 1Lt
E Mauder, Charles J., S/Sgt
R Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
G Wolf, Elmer A., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30125
P Greene, William A., 1Lt
CP Brown, Wyndham E., III, 1Lt
N None
B Kukorowski, Albert A., 2Lt
E Luton, Howard W., Sgt
R Dean, Wilmer J., S/Sgt
G Rosencranz, Harvey R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32427
P Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 2Lt
CP McCabe, Norman M., 2Lt
N None
B Quartuccio, Anthony P., 2Lt
E Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), S/Sgt
R Lellis, Michael C., Pvt
G Groome, Daingerfield M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13050
Hicks, John T., 1Lt
Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Kreutz, Alfred W., 1Lt
Johnson, Roy C., S/Sgt
Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
VanCura, Edward W., S/Sgt
Buckles, Kenneth L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64521
Moss, Raymond W., 1Lt
Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
Hickey, William O., 2Lt
Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, 1Lt
Johnson, Joe Morris, S/Sgt
Wilkinson, Robert M., S/Sgt
Coleman, Seaton L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13186
Annear, Warren Raymond, 1Lt
Verkruysse, Emile D., 2Lt
Zinkand, Willard T., 2Lt
Jackson, Jewel D., PFC
Clark, Gwyn E., S/Sgt
Holt, Charles M., Sgt
France, Charles E., Jr., Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 288/mission 287) Group Mission # 250:
(448th BS did not participate)
Wednesday, 5 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, weather precludes all light and medium bomber action; P-40s hit
the Colleferro railway station, several fuel dumps, and gun positions in the US Fifth
Army battle areas; A-36s bomb Formia, and railway stations NW of Rome and in the
Frosinone area.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission.
445th BS War Diary: No missions were flown again today, squadron was still on
training. Lt Vallery buzzed the area about 1300 O’clock; there were no serious
repercussions, except Sgt. McNevin was awakened. (McNevin was on duty the night
before!) Just as the S-2 department was about to get the news the energizer went out.
This has happened on numerous occasions before. The enlisted men had a good time this
evening with the help of some Italian Cognac.
McNevin, John L., Sgt, intelligence
Vallery, Dean B., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. The mission for today was cancelled. Lts. Othick
and Vivas get their silver bar.
Othick, Rolland R., 1Lt, pilot
Vivas, Frank Paul, 1Lt, pilot
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Local: Training
Flying Time: 3:00 (35th mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Up and ate breakfast this a.m. Went to Group to pick up a Reg. Letter from the UCFC.
Briefed for mission @ 1040, then a 2 hr. standby. Out to ships at 1315, was all set to go
when mission cancelled. Slight rain. Moe Ferraro dropped into the tent, had a lot of fun.
Sacked awhile. Lousy supper. Meeting of all 1st Pilots & Bmbdr’s in the mess hall @
2000. Bombsight expert was due to give us a lecture but he never showed up – meeting
cancelled. Back to tent, read awhile, then to bed. Scheduled for a mission tomorrow
Ferraro, Joseph L. "Moe", Sgt, gunner
447th BS War Diary: A mission was scheduled but cancelled due to weather condition.
Today’s training consisted of practice bombing. 1st Lt. John J. Thomas has been assigned
to this squadron from the 445th squadron. The following officers and enlisted men have
been assigned to the squadron per orders from 57th Wing: 2nd Lt. William E. Kibler, (p),
2nd Lt. Ralph T. Grimse (cp), 2nd Lt. Marvin L. Spruill (b), Sgt. Roy C. Dawson (EG)
S/Sgt, Paul L. Free (RG), and Sgt. Vincent A. Mango (AG).
Wednesday, 5 April 1944
Dawson, Roy C., Sgt, engineer-gunner
Grimse, Ralph T., 2Lt, pilot
Mango, Vincent A. “Vince”, Sgt, aerial gunner
Thomas, John J., 1Lt, pilot
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Free, Paul L., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 2Lt, pilot
Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt, bombardier
Thursday, 6 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s hit Perugia Airfield while B-26s bomb a bridge and its
approaches NW of Orvieto; weather prevents other medium bomber operations; fighterbombers attack the railroad stations at Capronica and Maccarese, guns SE of Littoria, a
road bridge E of Pescasseroli, railroad bridges in the Arezzo area, other rail facilities in C
Italy, and small transport vessels in the Aegean Sea. 10th Troop Carrier Squadron, 60th
Troop Carrier Group, moves from Pomigliano to Brindisi, Italy with C-47s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: (No non-mission information)
HQ 321st BG Communications Log:
1055 Col. Duncan to Hoffman. “O.K. to bomb wrecked ships South of Sele River. It is
not O.K. to bomb abandoned A/D--supplies are kept there.”
1150 Capt. Lacey to Hoffman. “Asked about local weather. Stated that weather in
target area was not good enough yet”.
1200 Fenner to Cameron. “Orte for the 1st Alternate on First Target. Aiming point
R.R. Junction.
1300 Duncan to Cameron. “4/10 to 6/10 at from 4 to 6,000 feet. Primary questionable,
Alternate open. We are to call Fighters 10 minutes prior to rendezvous time,
rendezvous at 8,000 feet.”
1700 Cameron to Fenner. “Mission A/C are back”.
Duncan to Larson. “36 A/C. 340th will not be on same target. We may send 2
flights of 18 or 1 flight of 24 and 1 of 12--as we choose. Rendezvous is H minus
02:00 (1300). Fighters cannot stop on other side because they leave A/C over
there without Ground Personnel. P-47’s probable escort for tomorrow”.
16 P-47’s, rendezvous at Capodichino”.
Change in A/C line up for 445th.
1st Element 42-32434 “Mississippi Gambler II” (Neumann, Robert H., Capt)
2nd plane in 1st Element 42-64659
2nd Element 42-64575 (Wilson, Victor H., Capt)
Lead A/C in 4th Element 41-13179 “Booger”) (Shyshka, Lubomir P., 2Lt)
Nickeling Mission: Wing plane, 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and Joy”) (Walker,
Robert S., 1Lt).
Thursday, 6 April 1944 (continued)
2250 57th Wing to Asbury. “RR Bridge at A619333. Probably the same load and time.
Tail fuze is .025. 24 A/C. Same Alternate. 225° Axis with left break.
Rendezvous is H minus 0200 (11:00). Escort (16 P-47’s?)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order ---/mission ---) Group Mission #
Abortive: The mission to Perugia was abortive due to weather at the bombline.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: Abortive Date: 6 Apr 44 No A/C: 35
Squadrons: 445-9
Target: Perugia
Time OFF: 1404
Time Down: 1640
Axis of Attack:
Planes Lost:
Planes Holed:
Bombs Dropped:
Route: Found route from Naples up past bombline to vicinity of H-0560 – 6 to 8/10
towering cumulus at 13,000 ft. peaks to 17,000 and building up on route, made a
360° with Roccaraso as turning point – then returned to base.
Flight Leaders: Capts. Neumann, Cooper and Lt. Wiginton
Number of Sorties: None
Photos Taken: None
Major, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer.
1st A/C off at 1404.
Last A/C off at 1426.
42-64527 (“Sycamore 1½ Judy”) returned at 1459 (R. sick).
42-64553 returned at 1456. Guns out.
42-64509 (“Enid II” - previously “Arkansas Traveler II”, later “No Peekin’”) returned
at 1455. Magneto out.
41-30126 (“Bull of Sahara” - “Flak Magnate”) did not take off. (Pilot sick)
42-32434 (“Mississippi Gambler II”) returned at 1556. (Bombardier trouble) Sharpe.
Thursday, 6 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: Mission was sent out today to bomb Perugia airdrome, but
returned without bombing because of cloud cover. The enlisted men and officers played
another ball game with a tie score of 8-8. Pvt Phaup had a busy day today clearing
Italians out of the squadron area. He was designated as sort of a military police for this
purpose. Undoubtedly most of the Italians coming to the camp have no bad intentions for
they are looking for food, laundry, or some kind of work. The camp is an economic
boom to the poor natives living in the vicinity. Many of the men in the squadron tried to
pick up a few words of Italian, so that they can exchange a few ideas with the local
Phaup, Ferrell, G., Pvt, transportation
446th BS War Diary: No Mission. A mail call gives morale a boost.
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Scheduled for a mission today, to be briefed @ 1015, weather poor, doubtful if we’ll get
off. Standby 2 hrs. Briefed @ 1255, Target Perugia A/D & Orte M/Y. T.O. 1404, got up
over the Volturno set out on course then turned back on acct. of the weather. No mission.
Wrote to Ma. Went to show tonite – saw “Dangerous Blondes” – funny show. Heard
Jerry Ashmore went down today, also “Moe” Ferraro got hit in the leg on the same
Flying time: 05:05”
Ashmore, Gerald U., 2Lt, pilot, 310th BG
Ferraro, Joseph L. "Moe", Sgt, gunner
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 1Lt, pilot: Letter Home: “Well, folks, as far
as my missions go and what I do after I finish my mission, which I have passed that
number already, I can’t tell you, but when I get home you will know it because I’ll sure
let you know. Don’t believe what people over there tell you about when we can come
home because, believe me, they don’t know one little thing about it. What you hear is a
bunch of bologna.”
487th BS, 340th BG: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 3959: (Ship assigned
to 446th in Mar 44, then transferred to the 487th BS, 340th BG)
A/C No. 41-13180 (MACR-3959 - shot down by AAA)
Ashmore, Gerald U., 2Lt - KIA
Finney, Hamilton E., 2Lt - MIA, bailed out, evaded and RTD
Simpson, George J., 2Lt - MIA, bailed out, evaded and RTD
Ikner, Julius W. Sgt - KIA
Burton, Bernard A., Cpl - MIA, bailed out, evaded and RTD
Klein, Jesse S., Sgt - KIA
Thursday, 6 April 1944 (continued)
Eyewitness Account: Bailey, Malcolm A., Lt Col, Deputy Group Commander, 340th BG
APO 650, U S Army,
10 April 1944
SUBJECT: Statement of Circumstances Surrounding Disappearance of Missing Air
: Commanding Officer, 340th Bombardment Group (M), APO 650, US Army.
On 6 April 1944 I was leading the second flight over Perugia Airdrome.
Immediately after turning off target, I noticed the No. 3 ship in the first flight dropping
out of formation with his right engine smoking badly. He was under perfect control
although losing altitude slowly. When I saw he was going to pass out of my range of
sight I called the Bombardier who immediately picked him up and watched him. The
Bombardier saw one parachute. The distressed ship then passed from his view and there
was a short period when no one in my ship was able to see it. Finally the tail gunner
spotted it and immediately saw three more parachutes open. He then saw the plane crash
in the vicinity as noted on inclosed photograph.
Lt. Col., Air Corps,
Deputy Group Commander.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyewitness Account: Burton, Bernard A., Cpl, radio-gunner, 487th BS, 340th BG
Source: Cpl Bernard A. Burton, 17045117
Date of Interrogation - 21 June 1944
Substantiating Facts:
Source saw only two parachutes leave aircraft before plane crashed and exploded.
The two, LT. SIMPSON and LT. FINNEY, were seen by Source in process of Evading.
Source states he is convinced the other members of the crew were killed, but there is no
evidence of tangible nature.
Thursday, 6 April 1944 (continued)
Eyewitness Account: Simpson, George J., 2Lt, bombardier, 487th BS, 340th BG
Source: 2nd Lt. GEORGE J. SIMPSON, 0-681821
Date of Interrogation - 30 June 1944
Substantiating Facts:
Source was told by a South African that the Jerries had found two bodies in the
wreckage of Source’s aircraft. The body of the Pilot was found (also according to So.
African) near the ship. Source was informed that the Pilot had jumped but his chute had
failed to open.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyewitness Account: Finney, Hamilton E., 2Lt, pilot, 487th BS, 340th BG
Prepared by MIS-X Section CPM Branch
10 Jul 44
KNOWN INFORMATION: After the completion of the bomb run near Perugia, Italy,
the ship was hit by flak in the right engine, which could not be feathered, the nose, the
left engine, bomb bay and several times in the tail. Both the turret gunner, Sgt. Ikner and
the tail gunner, Sgt. Klein, were seriously injured by the enemy shells. I was the first
man to bail out of the ship at 4,000 feet. I saw two chutes besides my own in the air and
believe that the pilot, Lt. Ashmore, the turret gunner, Sgt. Ikner and tail gunner, Sgt
Klein, were unable to leave the ship. I saw Lt. Simpson since my return to duty and
varied sources report that Sgt Burton has returned to duty and actually been seen.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------447th BS War Diary: Six of our ships participated in a raid on RR bridge N of Orte.
Due to weather condition our ships failed to reach the target, therefore the crews
participating in this raid were not credited with a mission. Two officers and eight
enlisted men have left for rest camp at Capri. Today’s training consisted of practice
bombing and slow time on plane 557 (41-30557).
448th BS War Diary: No Entry.
Friday, 7 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers attack bridges, tracks and a viaduct at
Attigliano, Ficulle, Certaldo, Pontassieve and Incisa in Valdarno, and hit Prato
marshalling yard; light bombers hit an ammunition dump; Ausonia, Pignataro Interamna,
San Apollinare and Terracina are bombed by P-40s along with a dump and several gun
positions SE of Rome; P-47s also hit bridges and trucks in this same area and attack the
Empoli marshalling yard while A-36s hit gun emplacements, train and tracks in the
Orvieto area and vicinity and approaches to the Montalto di Castro bridge.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: The enlisted men got together and played some ball tonight—
the first of the season. Sore muscles and charley-horses are expected to be the order for
the day tomorrow.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 289/mission 288) Group Mission # 251:
The bridge at Attigliano N. of Orte, had a hard time withstanding the impact of our
bombs, but withstand them it did. With the entire bridge surrounded by bursts it seemed
impossible that the bridge should be missed but the reconnaissance shots showed that
only the approaches were hit.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No.: 251
Date: 7 Apr 44
N0 A/C: 24
Squadrons: 445-6
Target: R.R. bridge north of Orte at A-619333
Time OFF: 1200
T.O.T.: 1358
Time Down: 1510
Axis of Attack: 235°
Height: 10500/11500 ft.
Planes Lost: None
Planes Holed: None
Bombs Dropped: 191 x 500 lb.
Escort: 12 Spits.
Route: Base to N-1814, M-9733, M-9470, A-1025, A-0583, G-6291, B-2413, B-1041,
A-8553 (I.P.), target, A-7519, B-2413, and return.
Weather: Enroute and Return: 3/10 cumulus at 8,000 ft. Visibility 10 miles.
Target: CAVU
Flak: Target: None. Light, meager, - G-3699
Enemy Air: None
Claims: None
Results: Good concentration of hits reported on both ends and center of bridge, with a
few over. Reports of direct hits on center and SE end with two reports of
bridge being destroyed.
Observation: 25 cars at Stimigliano M/Yds. 25 cars stationary near Narni at A-7534.
40 car train just S of bridge at A-7415 with fuel cars just south of there. 4
trains of 10 cars each on siding just east of Castiglione. 20/30 cars on
sidings at A-8247. 20/30 M/T at A-910429 and 40 M/T going north near
Friday, 7 April 1944 (continued)
Flight Leaders: Capt. Neumann and Lt. Morris.
Number of Sorties: 24
Photos Taken
Major, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 290/mission 289) Group Mission # 252:
2nd nickeling mission of 2 and 3 planes each were dispatched to the front line to drop
propaganda leaflets.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 252 Date: 7 Apr 44
No A/C: 2
Squadrons: 445-0
Target: Nickeling over Ceprano and Frosinono –dropping at G-3570
Time OFF: 1342
T.O.T.: 1507
Time Down: 1555
Axis of Attack:
Height: 14000
Planes Lost: None
Planes Holed: None
Bombs Dropped: 16 bombs; 16 packages prop. leaflets.
Escort: 6 P-40’s
Route: Castel de Sangro – Ovindoli – Tagliacozzo – G-3570 (drop) to home via Castel
di Sangro.
Weather: At Target: CAVU. Enroute and aback: Visibility 10 miles; 4/10 cumulus at
6500 ft.
Flight Leaders: Lt. Davies
Number of Sorties: 2
Captain, Air Corps,
Ass’t Intelligence Officer.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 291/mission 290) Group Mission # 253:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 253 Date: 7 Apr 44
No A/C: 3
Squadrons: 445-1
Target: Nickeling over Chieti and Manopello – dropping in are C-1245
Time OFF: 1330
T.O.T.: 1455
Time Down: 1555
Axis of Attack:
Height: 14,000
Planes Lost: None
Planes Holed: None
Bombs Dropped: 16 bombs; 16 packages prop. leaflets.
Escort: 6 P-40’s
Route: Base to Capodichino to Penna Point, to C-4040 to C-1245 (drop) back via Penna
Friday, 7 April 1944 (continued)
Weather: At Target: CAVU. Enroute and aback: Visibility 10 miles; 4/10 cumulus at
6500 ft.
Flak: 3 bursts of heavy from Guilianoova – 4 miles to rear of formation.
Observations: From 13,000 ft. – 5 E boats, 2½ miles offshore, moving north very
slowly at 1455.
Flight Leaders: Lt. Sowder
Number of Sorties: 3
Captain, Air Corps,
Ass’t Intelligence Officer.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The group had a very successful mission today, placing a heavy
concentration of bombs on the railroad bridge south of Attigliano. The officers played an
exciting game of volleyball. The volleyball court is a source of a lot of fun. Games are
frequently being played. Since Col. Smith assumed command of the group there has
been some activity around the squadron which the men feel might be an anticipation of
an inspection by the Col. For example more orders than usual are being given to pick up
cigarette butts, and police the area. More slit trenches have been dug, and some of them
have been dug deeper. Today some of the men constructed a urinal consisting of a tin
can on the end of a pipe driven into the ground. However it seems a little too high tone
for some of the men and prefer the old fashioned method of using the ground.
Smith, Richard H., Col, 321st BG Commander
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 289/mission 288) Group Mission # 251:
A/C No. 42-64575
Russell, Lawrence Lee “Scrap Iron”, 2Lt
Schiff, Frederick (NMI), 2Lt
Fisher, Sigmund M., 2Lt
Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, 1Lt
Dillon, James A., S/Sgt
DiPietrantonio, Joseph N., T/Sgt
Herrman, Byard G., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
P Hinsley, Maxwell D., 1Lt
CP Dickerson, Samuel M., 1Lt
N None
B Yepez, Oscar W., 1Lt
E Cross, Vassil W., Jr., S/Sgt
R Wells, Robert J., Sgt
G Irvin, Ralph D., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64529
Waterman, LeRoy R., 1Lt
Wagner, Gerald W., 2Lt
Miller, Robert J., Jr., S/Sgt
York, Rufus (NMI), Sgt
Kintly, James E., S/Sgt
Eiff, William C., S/Sgt
Swanberg, C., Capt, 93rd Infantry
Division (observer)
A/C No. 42-32458
Rigler, Edward J., 2Lt
Lyons, Lawrence L., 2Lt
Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
Malmberg, Russell H., S/Sgt
Wells, Joy E., S/Sgt
Doswell, Richard (NMI), Sgt
Cotter, Jack M., Sgt
Friday, 7 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64659
Coale, Julian R. “Cozy”, Jr., 2Lt
Rygh, Malvin S. “Mal”, 2Lt
Werner, Samuel (NMI), 2Lt
Smith, William A., Jr., Sgt
Stephens, Robert T., S/Sgt
Whelan, Edward J., Sgt
Martin, M. T., Maj, ground forces
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
Neumann, Robert H., Capt
Wilson, Victor H., Capt
Casaburi, Robert Roland, 2Lt
Kauric, William J., 1Lt
Donegon, John B., S/Sgt
Maddox, Richard L., T/Sgt
Forbes, Robert W., S/Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 290/mission 289) Group Mission # 252:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 291/mission 290) Group Mission # 253:
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
P Walker, Robert S., 1Lt
CP Hammar, Robert L., 2Lt
N None
B Simpkins, Everett L., 2Lt
E Soltysiak, Stanley J. “Salty”, Pvt
R Hall, Warren Francis, S/Sgt
G Kramer, Henry P., Sgt
F None
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Loaded seven ships with 1000 pounders tonight. Coffee and donuts in
the shop afterward. George gets them from the Red Cross. Today has been one of the
most beautiful I have enjoyed, anywhere. All day long Lowell’s “June” has been running
through my mind. This evening to top it off, BBC played Bing Crosby’s recording of
“San Antonio Rose” which was so popular three years ago now, when I returned home
from my mission. Tonight we have a beautiful full moon that I am sure I won’t soon
forget. There is something distinctive about spring in Italy that makes it different from
anywhere I have been. The fields have been, for the great part, green all winter and the
weather, though at times uncomfortable, has seldom reached freezing temperatures.
From this state of semi-winter has suddenly dawned a condition of renaissance that
cannot be mistaken, even though the trees have not yet put forth their shoots and the
mountains, if we could see them for the haze that has covered the valley for several days,
are yet splotched with white patches of snow. This morning as I returned from chow I
stopped to watch the Italian farmer, who has a lot of several acres contiguous to our
Friday, 7 April 1944 (continued)
“line area,” plant squash seeds. The seeds were pre-sprouted and he very painstakingly
placed them in a hollow he had dug with his hands and covered them by pulverizing the
damp clods. In three days, he said, they will be up.”
446th BS War Diary: Another mission is flown today. 1st Sergeant Mabe returned from
the hospital.
Mabe, John Ivan, T/Sgt, personnel, 1st Sgt
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 289/mission 288) Group Mission # 251:
Squadron Mission 211
TARGET: RR Bridge N of Orte, Italy.
DATE: 7 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 500 lb.
446th Planes: 7
Capt. Neuman, 445th Sqdn. led the formation. Good concentration of hits reported,
scoring on both ends and center of bridge. No flak, no fighters.
Neuman, Robert H., Capt, pilot, 445th BS
A/C No. 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Hurley, John R., 1Lt
Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt
McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt
Jupin, John (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Bove, Anthony P., S/Sgt
Mittman, Milton M., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64549
P Hawkes, Leon R., 2Lt
CP Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt
N None
B Mexal, Gus J., 2Lt
E Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
R Harrison, Hoyt V., S/Sgt
G Lanza, William A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13123
Herbert, John James, Jr., 1Lt
Hollingsworth, George K., Jr., 2Lt
Johnson, Henry W., 2Lt
Clay, Donald W., Sgt
Green, Salem M., S/Sgt
Casper, Henry G., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32403 “Alley Oop”
Hodges, Richard E., 2Lt
Vancil, Alfred E., 2Lt
Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 2Lt
McArdle, John R., PFC
Crozer, Robert L., S/Sgt
Wlodyka, Andrew J., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30293
LeClair, Edward R., 1Lt
Lewis, Vernon (NMI), 2Lt
Wotkowicz, Frank J., 2Lt
Bober, John (NMI), Jr., Sgt
Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
Napoliello, Felix (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-29995 “Pistol Packin’
Morris, Meade L., Jr., 1Lt
Church, Edwin Adem, 2Lt
Kinney, John H., 2Lt
Reynolds, Laverne E., 2Lt
Schreiner, Lester B. “Les”, Sgt
Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.), T/Sgt
Larson, Ralph L., Sgt
Friday, 7 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
Vivas, Frank Paul, 1Lt
Sacker, John R. “Sad Sack”, 2Lt
Wilcox, Harry Bradway, Jr., 2Lt
Jacob, Elmer A., Jr., PFC
Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
Nemet, Michael (NMI), Sgt
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 290/mission 289) Group Mission # 252:
Squadron Mission 212
TARGET: Nickeling Mission, Ceprano & Frasencco, Italy
DATE: 7 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: None (16 Pkgs. Leaflets)
446th Planes: 1
Lt. Davies led the formation. Leaflets successfully dropped.
Davies, Robert G., 1Lt, pilot, 447th BS
A/C No. 41-29760
Walsh, George F., 1Lt
Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt
Phillips, Lowell G., 1Lt
Robertson, Charles W., 1Lt
Bellamy, Herbert E., S/Sgt
Orechia, James Raymond “Raymond”,
Thornton, Edward P., Sgt
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 291/mission 290) Group Mission # 253:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (mission 20, Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25D: 41-29760
Target: Nickeling Mission, Ceprano & Frasencco, Italy
Flying Time: 2:30 (36th mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier (mission 13)
“Scheduled for a mission this a.m. briefing 0820 later changed to 1050.
Pre-briefed 1050
T.O. 1204
Pilot: Hurley
CoPilot: Chudars
Ship # 394
Alt 11,500 ft Bombs: 8-500 # Demos
Target: R.R. South of Attigliano (42° 29’ N - 12° 20’ E). Over target 1400, no flak or
fighters, appeared target well hit, a good pattern of bombs. Believe target destroyed.
Friday, 7 April 1944 (continued)
Rec’d letter from Mr. Nye. Went to show with Burandt tonite, saw Leslie Howard
in “Intermezzo”. Good show. All officers are to wear Class “A” uniforms tomorrow
a.m., think the Colonel is to give out a few decorations.
Flying time: 03:40”
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt, pilot
Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt, pilot
Hurley, John R., 2Lt, pilot
Smith, Richard H., Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
447th BS War Diary: Today’s training consisted of practice bombing and local
transition. 58 gunners attended a meeting under the direction of M/Sgt. Perry regarding
care and checking of guns. The following officers and enlisted men have been assigned
to this squadron per special orders of 57th Wing dated April 6th: 2nd Lt. Edward Krafka
(p), 2nd Lt. John R. Gillis (cp), Sgt. Everett H. Clyne (ag), S/Sgt. Joseph D. Alpino (rg),
Sgt. John Jaskowski (g), and T/Sgt. John P. Gaydos (ag). The following officers and
enlisted men have been assigned to our squadron per orders of 57th Wing dated April 7th:
2nd Lt. Anthony L. Muzinch (p), 2nd Lt. Henry J. Magne (cp), 2nd Lt. Hyman Niedelman
(b), S/Sgt. Robert P. Quintenz (eg), S/Sgt. Eugene C. Cowart (rg), and Sgt. Dale G.
Miller (g). Sgt. Harry Wanner has been reassigned to this squadron from the 22nd
Replacement Center. Pfc Lewis E. Weiher was discharged from the hospital and returned
to the squadron.
Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Clyne, Everett H., Sgt, armament-gunner
Cowart, Eugene C., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Gaydos, John P., T/Sgt, armament-gunner
Gillis, John R., 2Lt, pilot
Jaskowski, John (NMI) “Jack”, Sgt, gunner Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
Magne, Henry J. “Joe”, 2Lt, pilot
Miller, Dale G., Sgt, gunner
Muzinch, Anthony L., 2Lt, pilot
Niedelman, Hyman (NMI), 2Lt, bombardier Perry, Woodrow H., M/Sgt, armament
Quintenz, Robert P., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner Wanner, Harry (NMI), Sgt, armament
Weiher, Lewis E., PFC, transportation
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 289/mission 288) Group Mission # 251: Six
of our ships participated in a raid on RR bridge north of Orte, with Lt. Wiginton leading
the flight. Good concentration of hits reported on both ends and center of bridge.
Reports of direct hit on center and SE end with 2 reports that bridge was destroyed. The
same crews that participated in this mission were scheduled on The 6th of April. Due to
weather condition no bombs were dropped at the time.
A/C No. 41-30126 “Bull of Sahara A/C No. 42-64695
Flak Magnate”
Dalley, Fenton M., 2Lt
P Ryherd, Fred E., 1Lt
Kelley, James E., 2Lt
CP Bastin, Melville R., 2Lt
N None
Wingrove, Allen E., 2Lt
B Rosenbledt, James M., 2Lt
Ellis, Francis R., Cpl
E Morrissey, Raphael E., Cpl
Phelps, Jack L., S/Sgt
R Pierce, William H., Cpl
Smith, Daniel R., Sgt
G Corkill, John (NMI), Sgt
F None
Friday, 7 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, 1Lt
Swanson, Robert Harold “Swanee”, 2Lt
Thomas, Robert E., 2Lt
Windler, John H., 1Lt
Gillies, Robert H., Cpl
Mathews, William E., S/Sgt
Rogowski, Edmund W., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
P Stocking, Eugene E., 1Lt
CP Metzger, Joseph Earl, 2Lt
N None
B Martin, Wayne R., 2Lt
E Tollefson, Walter F. K., Cpl
R Bilski, Walter J., S/Sgt
G Mitchell, Rennie (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64694
Haynes, Eldon R., 2Lt
Schnoebelen, Orval L., 2Lt
James, Robert M., 2Lt
Engels, Robert W., Sgt
Boyd, Robert J., T/Sgt
Tarra, Frederick J., Sgt
Statham, Alvin F., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
Murray, Richard E., 2Lt
Christian, Calvin B., 2Lt
McCaleb, Harold G., 2Lt
Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt
Toole, John F., S/Sgt
Fowler, Harold E., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64559 (spare)
Cloward, Glannin A., Capt
Manz, Wayne A., 2Lt
Webb, James A., 2Lt
Scarberry, Harold W., Sgt
Vineski, Robert R. “The Reverend”,
Burke, William H., Jr., Sgt
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 290/mission 289) Group Mission # 252: Lt.
Davies and crew in ship #583 carried out a successful nickeling mission on Ceprano and
A/C No. 42-64583
P Davies, Robert G., 1Lt
CP Nettles, Forrest Truett, 2Lt
N Lindell, Harold N., 2Lt
B Anderson, Sherman E., 2Lt
E Curry, Hughie L., Sgt
R Orloff, Sidney (NMI), S/Sgt
G Roberts, Herman (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
Friday, 7 April 1944 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 291/mission 290) Group Mission # 253:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS: War Diary of: Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt, gunner: “16th
mission, flew with Wigs, bombed Attigliano bridge, good bombing, no opposition.”
Wiginton, J. Maurice "Wigs", 2Lt, pilot
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 289/mission 288) Group Mission # 251:
Mission 205 (251). At 12:00 24 planes off to bomb RR bridge N of Orte and dropped
191 x 500 bombs at 13:58 from 10,500 feet. All returned at 15:10, escort 12 Spits, no
planes holed. Good concentration of hits reported on both end and center of bridge with
few over. Reports of direct hits on center and SE end with two reports of destruction of
bridge. Many cars observed on RR in the area. Weather: CAVU.
A/C No. 42-64655
VanRaam, Rudolph (NMI), 1Lt
Howard, Charles E., 2Lt
Hickey, William O., 2Lt
McCue, William M., Jr., 1Lt
Johnson, Roy C., S/Sgt
Burr, Harry C., S/Sgt
Sharpsteen, Robert E., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30125
P Hales, Ermine L., 1Lt
CP Olson, Orin E., 2Lt
N None
B Kukorowski, Albert A., 2Lt
E Hinton, Zane R., PFC
R Wilkinson, Robert M., S/Sgt
G Crow, Roscoe J., PFC
F Buckles, Kenneth L., Sgt
A/C No. 42-87455
A/C No. 41-30548
Coffee, Robert D., 1Lt
Verkruysse, Emile D., 21Lt
Olszewski, Henry (NMI), 2Lt
Petit, Rene P., 1Lt
Gager, Joseph R., Sgt
Acey, Marvin E., S/Sgt
Bennett, Ross F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Greene, William A., 1Lt
Matthews, Thomas W., 2Lt
Robert, Maurice L., S/Sgt
Luton, Howard W., Sgt
Holtzendorf, Henry (NMI), S/Sgt
VanCura, Edward W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13050 (returned earlysickness)
P Kuykendall, James William “Kukie”, 2Lt Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 2Lt
Blackwell, Robert G., 2Lt
CP Cottle, Robert J., 2Lt
N None
Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
B Farris, Stephen C., 2Lt
Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), S/Sgt
E Ernst, David L., Sgt
Griffin, William C., S/Sgt
R Schaffner, Clarence Donovan, S/Sgt
Neuman, Robert A., Sgt
G Holt, Charles M., Sgt
F France, Charles E., Jr., Sgt
Friday, 7 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck” (spare)
Armstrong, Donald R., 1Lt
Barber, Marshall Hall “Red”, 2Lt
Bond, Edward N., 2Lt
Sullivan, James G., Pvt
Bixler, Frederick F., S/Sgt
Wilkerson, John J., Cpl
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 290/mission 289) Group Mission # 252:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 291/mission 290) Group Mission # 253:
Mission 206 (253). At 13:30 3 planes off on nickeling mission over Chieti and
Manopello and dropped 24 bombs and 24 packages. All returned at 15:55. Escort 6 P40’s. Three bursts of heavy flak from Guilianoova, 5 E boats moving N very slowly at
14:55. F/L: Sowder.
A/C No. 41-30327
P Sowder, Tony R., Jr., 2Lt
CP Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
N Duncan, George F., 2Lt
B Evans, Ivor P., 1Lt
E Jackson, Jewel D., PFC
R Gilpatrick, Jack H., T/Sgt
G Graham, Herbert J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-29765
Cooper, James W., 1Lt
Connor, John C., Jr., 2Lt
Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, 1Lt
Lavis, Jimmie L., S/Sgt
Parham, James E., T/Sgt
Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
Saturday, 8 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers attack a bridge NW of Orte while A-20s
successfully attack supply stores; fighter-bombers hit several bridges, motor transport,
and supply dumps in C Italy, and bomb railroad tracks at Sesti Bagni and Maccarese.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: (No non-mission information)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 292/mission 291) Group Mission # 254:
The mission of 24 A/C to the Orvieto RR bridge at the M/Y was abortive due to weather.
The formation went as far as Rieti then had to come back.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 254 Date: 8 Apr 44
No A/C: 26
Squadrons: 445-7
Target: RR Bridge at Orvieto M/Y, Italy.
Time OFF: 1050
T.O.T.: Turned back 1231
Time Down: 1335.
Axis of Attack:
Height: 10/10,500 ft.
Planes Lost:
Planes Holed:
Bombs Dropped: None
Escort: 16 P-47’s
Route: Base to N-1814, M9633, M-9570, H-1228, H-0583, G-6292, B-2424, to Rieti
and return.
Weather: Enroute: Weather: Light rain in Rieti area. Clouds: Complete overcast
lowering to 8,000 ft. at Rieti. Visibility: 8 miles. Note: Clouds forced
formation back to base.
Flak: Light, meager, inaccurate north of Avezzano (Massa d’Albe – G-5090)
Enemy Air: None
Claims: None
Results: None
Observation: About 40 freight cars in Avezzano M/Y. Road open just south of Rocca
Pia – G-9970 heading southwest with several branches or turn offs stopping in
snow. 50 truck convoy heading east from Antrodoco toward Aquila (convoy
stopped when formation flew over) – sighted at 1130 hours. At 1300 personnel
moving on foot left side of road for distance of a mile southeast of Carsoli
heading southeast.
Flight Leaders: Capts. Cooper and Bounds.
Number of Sorties: 26
Photos Taken:
Capt., Air Corps,
Ass’t Intelligence Officer
Saturday, 8 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: The mission took off to bomb the railroad bridge south of Orvieto
but returned early because of the cloud cover. We had a strong wind this afternoon
which blew down the small tent over the officer’s latrine. At the time it was occupied by
an unsuspecting officer. Incidentally both the officers and enlisted mens latrine have a
fine view of the highway and conversely the people on the main highway also had a fine
view especially when there were no tents erected. It was a fine warm day, there was a
mail call in the afternoon.
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 292/mission 291) Group Mission # 254:
A/C No. 42-64529
Charville, Leighton Daniel “Danny”,
CP Swanson, Harry A., 2Lt
O None
B Brule, Gordon J., 2Lt
E Swingholm, Raymond J., Sgt
R Pate, Harris B., Jr., S/Sgt
G Bellendir, John C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64659
P McLain, Damon I., 1Lt
CP Place, Winston R., 2Lt
N None
B O’Toole, Francis X., 1Lt
E DeRose, Louis A., Sgt
R O’Leary, John D., T/Sgt
G Harris, Charles W., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
P Smith, Alfred B., 2Lt
CP Cormier, Emery O., 2Lt
N None
Werrlein, Harry F., 2Lt
Ceccucci, Harold A., Sgt
Plott, John M., S/Sgt
Semsker, Frank S., Sgt
Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Shyshka, Lubomir P. “Cross Country”,
Hadsell, David M., 2Lt
Napple, Francis L., 2Lt
Underwood, James H., Jr., Capt
Callister, Jack Roland, Cpl
Heinbaugh, James C., S/Sgt
McClary, Louis E., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64575
Rigler, Edward J., 2Lt
Schiff, Frederick (NMI), 2Lt
Smith, Raymond (NMI), 2Lt
Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, 1Lt
Filipiak, Theodore (NMI), S/Sgt
Plunk, Charlie B., S/Sgt
Zimmer, Henry G., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32458
Waterman, LeRoy R., 1Lt
Moore, Henry D., 2Lt
Swanberg, C., Capt, 93rd Infantry
Division (observer)
Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Sgt
Belt, Hunter C., S/Sgt
Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt
Cotter, Jack M., Sgt
Saturday, 8 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
P Wilson, Victor H., Capt
CP Fischer, Franklyn R., 2Lt
N Fisher, Sigmund M., 2Lt
B Schutte, Warren G., 1Lt
E Cross, Vassil W., Jr., S/Sgt
R Irving, Ralph D., S/Sgt
G Stone, Donald R., S/Sgt
F None
446th BS War Diary: Usual ground duties with a mission flown in the morning.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 292/mission 291) Group Mission # 254:
Squadron Mission 213
TARGET: RR Bridge at Orvieto M/Y, Italy.
DATE: 8 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 500 lb.
446th Planes: 6
Capt. Cooper led the formation. A complete overcast prevented bombs being dropped.
Flak was light, meager, inaccurate. No fighters.
A/C No. 42-32403 “Alley Oop”
Dickson, Gale Monroe, 1Lt
Briles, Connolly O., 2Lt
Forsberg, Robert A., 2Lt
Bellamy, Herbert E., S/Sgt
Brown, Dennis H., S/Sgt
Mittman, Milton M., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64509 “Enid II (previously
“Arkansas Traveler II”; later “No
P Jordan, Henry L., 2Lt
CP Hawkins, Robert B., 2Lt
N None
B Rice, Sumner W., 1Lt
E Nigrelli, Ernest J., Sgt
R Bufkin, Francis P., Jr., S/Sgt
G Burrow, Isom F., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Matzinger, Keith Robinson, 1Lt
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 2Lt
Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 1Lt
Britton, William W., Jr., Sgt
Mygrant, Robert F., S/Sgt
Lanza, William A., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13200
Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 1Lt
Goff, Leroy Robert, Jr., 2Lt
Williams, Warren R., 2Lt
Jupin, John (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Maddox, Everett R., S/Sgt
Nemet, Michael (NMI), Sgt
Saturday, 8 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30293
Kerr, John C., 1Lt
Smith, Randell L., 2Lt
Mayo, Jack D., 2Lt
Smetana, Frank C., Jr., Sgt
Sweedler, Max (NMI), S/Sgt
Zeman, Harold W., Sgt
Cooper, J. D., Maj, VI Corps (observer)
A/C No. 42-64511 “The Madam 2 of
St. Joe”
Cooper, Paul T., Capt
Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
Kinney, John H., 2Lt
Mottley, John F., 2Lt
Shellhamer, Lawrence (NMI), Cpl
Miles, Walter J., Jr., S/Sgt
Foley, Joseph M., Sgt
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Local: Gaudo-Foggia-Gaudo - 2 landings
Flying Time: 1:50 (37th mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Got all dressed for the General, then review delayed until 1320. Had bomb trainer
from 1100-1200. All officers fell in by the Colonel’s tent at 1320, then marched with the
enlisted men to Group Hdqt’s area. Entire group assembled. Rec’d a Purple Heart
decoration from Gen’l Knapp, also Chudars, Hurley, & Reynolds. Wrote to Ma, Mr.
Nye, and Alice. Went to show with Burandt, saw “2 Senoritas from Chicago”. Lousy
show. Have a practice bomb mission tomorrow a.m. early. Purple Heart # 125144.”
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt, pilot
Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt, pilot
Hurley, John R., 2Lt, pilot
Reynolds, Laverne E., 2Lt, bombardier
Schwane, Henry H., Lt Col, pilot, Commander
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
447th BS War Diary: Five new pilots, two bombardiers, four engineers, five radio
gunners and four armorer gunners received dinghy drill under the direction of Lt. Piasta.
T/Sgt. Arthur R. Kammerlohr returned from the hospital. A formation of all officers and
enlisted men was held at group. Brigadier General R.D. Knapp addressed the 321st Bomb
Group and made several presentations. Major R.D. Sampson was presented the D.F.C.
Bounds, Thomas C., Capt, pilot
Kammerlohr, Arthur R., T/Sgt, personnel
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, 57th BW Commander
Piasta, John R., 2Lt, communications
Sampson, Raymond D. “Sammy”, Maj, pilot, Commander
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 292/mission 291) Group Mission # 254: 7 of
our ships participated in a raid on RR bridge at Orvieto M/Y, with Capt. Thomas Bounds
leading the flight. No bombs were dropped due to a complete coverage of target.
Saturday, 8 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
P Seavey, George D., 1Lt,
CP Manz, Wayne A., 2Lt
N None
B McDermott, James W., 2Lt
E Schwartz, Arthur (NMI), S/Sgt
R Harman, Robert W., T/Sgt
G Grant, James H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
Bounds, Thomas C., Capt
Murray, Richard E., 2Lt
Thomas, Robert E., 2Lt
Windler, John H., 1Lt
Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt
Chatters, Aubrey W., S/Sgt
Orzynski, Henry E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64553
P Tompkins, Howard D., 1Lt
CP Nettles, Forrest Truett, 2Lt
N None
B Lundmark, Norman J., 2Lt
E Collins, Clint R., Sgt
R LaFountain, Ned F., S/Sgt
G Blalock, Joe T., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64583
P Speer, Marvin L., 2Lt
CP Nall, John G., 2Lt
N None
B Wingrove, Allen E., 2Lt
E Escher, Carl S., S/Sgt
R Carlson, Carl M., S/Sgt
G Corkill, John (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64694
Button, Ervine J., 2Lt
Kelley, James E., 2Lt
Adcock, Leonard E., 2Lt
Baldridge, Grant W., Sgt
Reynolds, Frank J., S/Sgt
Harriman, Elmon P., S/Sgt
Statham, Alvin F., Cpl
A/C No. 41-30126 “Bull of Sahara Flak Magnate”
Thomas, John J., 1Lt
Grimse, Ralph T., 2Lt
Rosenbledt, James M., 2Lt
Sheppard, Luther Edgar “L.E.”, Jr., Sgt
Free, Paul L., S/Sgt
Rose, Clifford A., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
Beebe, Harwood (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
Martin, William H., Jr., 2Lt
Fisher, Gerald E., 2Lt
Curry, Hughie L., Sgt
Korzeniowski, Edward S., S/Sgt
Sinclair, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
Saturday, 8 April 1944 (continued)
447th BS War Diary Special Accounts: At a Group dress-formation, our veteran,
youthful, Commanding Officer Major Raymond D. Sampson, was one of several officers
in the Group to receive the Distinguished Flying Cross. Major Sampson, then Captain,
became “C.O.” of the “Fighting Four-Forty-Seventh” at Columbia Army Air Base
September 8, 1942, guiding it through the Tunisian and Sicilian Campaigns and on into
Italy up to the present date. An able and intrepid flyer, a real flying, fighting “C.O.”, he
has been an inspiration to his men, rolling up 56 combat missions and still going strong
“in addition to his other duties.”
The citation says the rest: “RAYMOND D. SAMPSON, 0399563, Mayor, White
Cloud, Michigan. For extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as
pilot of a B-25 type aircraft. On 20 March 1943, Major Sampson led a formation of six
B-25’s in a low level attack on a heavily escorted convoy in the Sicilian Straits.
Displaying extraordinary courage and skillful leadership in the face of intense antiaircraft
fire from the convoy, attacks from enemy fighter planes, and adverse weather conditions
which made coordination of high and low level bombing extremely difficult, Major
Sampson directed successful evasive action, and attacking at mast level enabled his
bombardiers to score direct hits on two merchant vessels and one destroyer. A second
destroyer also was damaged by a near miss. During a running battle with enemy aircraft
on the return course, Major Sampson skillfully maneuvered his flight into position to
protect two damaged aircraft and escorted them safely to friendly territory. His
proficiency and selfless devotion to duty reflect great credit upon himself and the
Military Service of the United States.”
Sampson, Raymond D. “Sammy”, Maj, pilot, Commander
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 292/mission 291) Group Mission # 254:
Mission 207 (254). At 10:50 26 planes off to bomb RR bridge at Orvieto M/Y but turned
back at 12:31 and all down at 13:35. Overcast prevented reaching target. At 13:00
personnel were seen on foot SE of Carsoli. Weather: 10/10th cover.
A/C No. 41-30125
Hales, Ermine L., 1Lt
Moyer, Emerson C., 2Lt
Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
Hinton, Zane R., PFC
Holtzendorf, Henry (NMI), S/Sgt
Crow, Roscoe J., Pvt
Dean, Wilmer J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Cooper, James W., 1Lt
Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, 2Lt
Carr, Randal C., Cpl
Davis, Jimmie L., S/Sgt
Parham, James E., T/Sgt
Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
Saturday, 8 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30548
P Armstrong, Donald R., 1Lt
CP Barber, Marshall Hall “Red”, 2Lt
N Olszewski, Henry (NMI), 2Lt
B Bond, Edward N., 2Lt
E Sullivan, James G., Pvt
R Campbell, James R., S/Sgt
G VanCura, Edward W., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64655
P Moss, Raymond W., 1Lt
CP Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
N Feeley, Walter C., Jr., 1Lt
B Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, 1Lt
E Johnson, Joe Morris, S/Sgt
R Doss, Charles W., Jr., S/Sgt
G Coleman, Seaton L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-87455 (returned early turret out)
P Lyons, John B., 2Lt
CP Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Apple, John A., 2Lt
E Roberts, Charles J., Sgt
R Acey, Marvin E., S/Sgt
G Rosencranz, Harvey R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30327
Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 2Lt
Blackwell, Robert G., 2Lt
Zinkand, Willard T., 2Lt
Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), S/Sgt
Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
Neuman, Robert A., Sgt
France, Charles E., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64521
Doyle, Edward J., 1Lt
Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Hickey, William O., 2Lt
Malec, Joseph A., 2Lt
Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
Neview, Frederick J., S/Sgt
Jeffrey, Louis J., Sgt
Sunday, 9 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, P-40 and A-36 fighter-bombers bomb the railroad line between
Rome and Bracciano, hitting tracks, a station, and a warehouse; attack Littoria and
Terracina, repair shops NW of Valmontone and several gun positions; and bomb
scattered motor transport during armed reconnaissance of the Avezzano-SoraPontecorvo-Ceprano areas. 379th Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 310th Bombardment
Group (Medium), moves from Ghisonaccia, Corsica to Fano, Italy with B-25s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission---weather.
445th BS War Diary: Many of the boys remembered Easter Sunday last year, when Lt.
Rudolph’s ship was so badly shot up near Tunis going through some of the worst flak the
group has ever seen. In contrast today there was no mission and a large number of the
men went to church services somewhere in the vicinity of the camp. The men are now
taking atabrine daily and the mosquito bars are being erected. There was a baseball game
today between the officers and the engineers, Beccarelli the inimitable umpire from
Brooklyn amused the spectators with his constant flow of wisecracks including his
comments about the various plays in the game. The baseball diamond has a backstop, the
field has been rolled. There was a silo in center field which no one has reached yet.
Beccarelli, Christopher (NMI) "Doc”, Cpl, engineering
Rudolph, Raymond L. “Rudy”, 1Lt, pilot
446th BS War Diary: No mission today.
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Local: Training
Flying Time: 1:55 (38th mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Up early this a.m., practice bomb mission @ 0730. Dropped all bombs ok, CE-205.
Sacked all afternoon after a lousy dinner. Rec’d letters from Ma, John McInerney & a
Valentine’s Day Card from Louise. Wrote to Ma & John Mac. Went to show a double
feature – “Flesh & Fantasy” and “5 Graves to Cairo”. Fair, I had seen them before.
Rained last nite. Pete Henzi & Evelyn Fitzie got married today @ Barksdale.
Flying time 02:15 hrs.”
Sunday, 9 April 1944 continued
447th BS War Diary: A mission was scheduled but cancelled due to weather condition.
Today’s training consisted of low level formation flying and bombing practice. Under
the direction of Lt. J.L. Beal, who was recently appointed recreation officer in addition to
his other duties, is doing an excellent job providing recreation for all officers and enlisted
men in this squadron. Volley-ball courts, a basketball court and a baseball diamond has
been erected. Morning report: officers---83; E/M---279
Beal, Joe L., 2Lt, executive officer
448th BS War Diary: No Entry.
Monday, 10 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, A-20s hit an ammunition dump at Gallicano nel Lazio; B-25s
bomb the Orvieto marshalling yard and 2 bridges; B-26s hit Poggibonsi and Cecina
railroad bridges and tracks, and viaducts at Bucine and W of Arezzo; fighter-bombers
operating over wide areas of C Italy and in the battle zones hit railroad bridges, railroad
cars, motor transport, barracks, and troop concentrations with good effect. 522nd, 523rd
and 524th Fighter-Bomber Squadrons, 27th Fighter-Bomber Group, move from
Pomigliano to Castel Volturno, Italy with A-36s and P-40s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: (No non-mission information)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 293/mission 292) Group Mission # 255:
Back to the RR Bridge at Orvieto, the photos showed that over 24 A/C smothered the
target area destroying the bridge and doing extensive damage to the tracks.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 255 Date: 10 Apr 44
No A/C: 27
Squadrons: 445-7
Target: Orvieto R.R. Bridge.
Time OFF: 0955
T.O.T.: 1155
Time Down: 1305
Axis of Attack: 254°
Height: 10/11500 ft.
Planes Lost: None
Planes Holed: None
Bombs Dropped: 105 x 1000
Escort: 12 Spits
Enemy Air: None
Claims: None
Route: N-6840, N-2570, H-0853, G-6292, B-2414, B-0540, A-7368 (I.P.), Target, A4345, A-5230, B-2414 – to base.
Weather: Enroute and Return: Clouds: 8/10 stratocumulus, tops at 8,000 ft. breaking
at Avezzano to 4/10. Visibility: Unlimited.
Target: CAVU
Flak: At target: None. Light, meager, inaccurate reported from Avezzano, south bridge
at Orte, and Southwest of Rieti.
Results: Bombs appear to have fallen slightly over to N.W. and between road and
railroad to S.E. Strings reported on S. choke point of M/Yds and some hits on
bridge itself. Small fire observed near bridge between it and M/Y.
Observation: 30/40 car train stationary at Stimigliano. 20/30 cars stationary 10 miles S.
of Orte and two trains 20 cars each further S on same line. 25/30 cars
stationary at Civita Castellana and 20 cars at Torrita Tiberina (A-8605).
One report of Approx. 26 E/A on Viterbo main (10 T/E – 16 S/E)
dispersed around field. Another report of only 5 A/C on this field.
Monday, 10 April 1944 (continued)
Flight Leaders: Capts. Cooper and Banks
Number of Sorties: 27
Photos Taken:
Observers: Major Cooper VI Corps, Capt. Leigh-Morgan 1st British Div. Major Jelf, 5th
Major, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer.
Monday, 10 April 1944 (continued)
Monday, 10 April 1944 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 294/mission 293) Group Mission # 256:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 255 Date: 10 Apr 44
No A/C: 6
Squadrons: 445-2
Target: Avezzano, Frosinone, Ceprano (Nickeling Mission)
Time OFF: 1425
T.O.T.: 1545
Time Down: 1645
Axis of Attack:
Height: 12/15,000 ft.
Planes Lost: None
Planes Holed: None
Bombs Dropped: Over Avezzano: 23 mixed bombs (GB-17, GB-14, GE-224, 223 &
GN-24 & Das Funfte Jahn.)
Over Frosinone: 16 mixed bombs (GB-17, GB-14 & Frontpost)
Over Ceprano: 8 bombs (GE-224, 223 & GN-24)
Escort: 4 Spits
Enemy Air: None
Claims: None
Route: Base to N-1814, M-9733, N-2570, H-0853, G-3765 (Target), G-5268, G-3985
(Target), B-6206, (Target), H-0853, N-2570, N-6840 to base.
Weather: 9/10 overcast
Monday, 10 April 1944 (continued)
Flak: Heavy, meager, inaccurate from Anversa and from Opi, light flak from Avezzano,
tracers seen around M/Yds.
Results: Successful.
Flight Leaders: Lt. Hurley.
Number of Sorties: 6
1ST Lt., Air Corps,
Ass’t Group S-2.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: In addition to the baseball diamond and volleyball court we now
have a basketball court. The officers of the 445th defeated the officers of the 446th in a
game of basketball. We had C-rations tonight.
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 293/mission 292) Group Mission # 255: The
mission today was a great success in precision bombing. The Orvieto railroad bridge was
knocked out with a fine concentration of bombs.
A/C No. 42-64575
P Charville, Leighton D. “Danny”, 2Lt
CP Hammar, Robert L., 2lt
N None
B Werrlein, Harry F., 2Lt
E Weaver, Dale W., Pvt
R Stone, Donald R., S/Sgt
G Reddy, John E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
P Wilson, Victor H., Capt
CP Vallery, Dean B., 2Lt
N Sharp, Kenneth R., 1Lt
B Schutte, Warren G., 1Lt
E Dillon, James A., S/Sgt
R DiPietrantonio, Joseph N., T/Sgt
G Herrmann, Byard G., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
Hinsley, Maxwell D., 1Lt
Dickerson, Samuel M., 1Lt
Yepez, Oscar W., 1Lt
Belt, Hunter C., S/Sgt
Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, S/Sgt
Irving, Ralph D., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64659
Rigler, Edward J., 2Lt
Wolfe, Robert A., 2Lt
Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), Sgt
Heinbaugh, James C., S/Sgt
Garza, Manuel (NMI), Cpl
Cotter, Jack M., Sgt
Monday, 10 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
P Shyshka, Lubomir P. “Cross Country”,
CP Gunder, William H., 2Lt
N Smith, Raymond (NMI), 2Lt
B Kauric, William J., 2Lt
E Ceccucci, Harold A., Sgt
R Kintly, James E., S/Sgt
G Zimmer, Henry G., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-29985
P Smith, Alfred B., 2Lt
CP Hardman, Albert F. “Al”, Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Miller, Robert J., S/Sgt
E Malloy, Edward J., Sgt
R Wells, Robert J., Sgt
G Kramer, Henry P., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64529
Waterman, LeRoy R., 1Lt
Groose, William R. “Bud”, 2Lt
Swanberg, C., Capt (HQ, 3rd Inf Div)
O’Toole, Francis X., 1Lt
Donegon, John B., S/Sgt
Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt
Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 294/mission 293) Group Mission # 256:
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Lawrence Lee “Scrap Iron”, 2Lt
CP Cormier, Emery O., 2Lt
N None
B Brule, Gordon J., 2Lt
E York, Rufus (NMI), Sgt
R Plott, John M., S/Sgt
G Doswell, Richard (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-53373
Coale, Julian R. “Cozy”, Jr., 2Lt
Fischer, Franklyn R., 2Lt
Simpkins, Everett L., 2Lt
Morisi, David D., Pvt
Plunk, Charlie B., S/Sgt
Weaver, Dale W., Cpl
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Yesterday was Easter Sunday. Our Group united with the 340th to hold
a sunrise service at the ancient Temple of Venus in the ruins near Paestum. The service
was appropriate and the setting a romantic one, but the full purpose was not, I felt,
achieved because of the attempt to crowd everyone inside with the result that all had to
attend and there were many who could not see the service. The Red Cross served coffee
and donuts afterward.
After returning to camp I accepted an invitation from Joe and Inman to
accompany them to Pompeii where Joe was going to attend mass at the Shrine of the
Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary. We were obliged to hitchhike and were none too
successful. Much walking along the dusty road still piled high with cinders from
Monday, 10 April 1944 (continued)
Vesuvius made the first part of our trip rather unpleasant. Upon arriving at Pompeii
about noon we went to the home of some people with whom Joe and Inman had stayed
overnight on a previous visit. We found their place marked “Out of Bounds” by the
British MPs, but the people allowed us to leave our Musette bag and some food until we
returned from church. We were disappointed to learn that the last mass for the day was
over so we spent a couple of hours visiting the adjacent orphanage. I was impressed by
the immaculate cleanliness of the dormitory where the children slept, each in his
individual bed at the head of which was a silver plate bearing the name of the occupant.
The orphanage is operated by nuns and I presume the very strictest of convent rules are
imposed upon the girls (there are no boys). From the appearance, ample finances are
provided and one cannot help believing the children are well cared for, but I could not
repel the suspicion that such regimentation cramped the development of a child’s
individuality and also that they had problems of discipline that were not apparent to
visitors. Some of the handiwork of the girls was wonderful, particularly needlework and
Beresh, Joseph (NMI) "Joe", S/Sgt, armorer
Inman, Gilbert E. "Gil", Sgt, armament
We returned to our friends’ home for our traps, and in spite of the law, they
insisted upon our coming in. We borrowed forks and plates from them and ate some
salmon and bread we had carried with us. (The principal reason for homes being off
limits is because Italian families have frequently made restaurants of the homes and
patronized the black market for food, which they prepare for GIs at outlandish prices.
Drunkenness of some soldiers has had its effect also.) A cheerful characteristic of the
Italian people is their tireless sense of humor and also their friendliness. These people
could not do enough for us. Repeatedly, after we had eaten they brought us food of their
own which was very delicious. While we were in a back room with the girls, Tony, 20
and Ana, 13, playing the piano, the MPs called to see if there were Americans in the
home. The mother was obliged to hide our coats, etc., and we laid low for a while. When
it came time to leave they entreated us to come again and stay overnight, saying the ban
on their home would soon be lifted. Before leaving Pompeii, we stopped an Irish officer
from Canada, who was dressed in a kilt, and had a picture taken with him. We were
more fortunate in getting rides home and arrived at about 07:00.”
446th BS War Diary: Lt. Kerr reaches 50 on the mission.
Kerr, John C., 1Lt, pilot
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 293/mission 292) Group Mission # 255:
Squadron Mission 214
TARGET: Orvieto RR Bridge, Italy.
DATE: 10 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 6
Capt. Cooper led the formation. Bombs reported to have fallen slightly over to NW and
between road and RR to SE. Strings reported on E choke point of M/Y and some hits on
bridge itself. No flak no fighters.
Monday, 10 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32403 “Alley Oop”
P Dickson, Gale Monroe, 1Lt
CP Briles, Connolly O., 2Lt
N None
B Forsberg, Robert A., 2Lt (&Navigator)
E Bellamy, Herbert E., S/Sgt
R Cohen, George T., T/Sgt
G Mittman, Milton M., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 42-64509 “Enid II (previously
“Arkansas Traveler II”; later “No
P Jordan, Henry L., 2Lt
CP Hawkins, Robert B., 2Lt
N None
B Rice, Sumner W., 1Lt
E Nigrelli, Ernest J., Sgt
R Bufkin, Francis P., Jr., S/Sgt
G Burrow, Isom F., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Matzinger, Keith Robinson, 1Lt
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 2Lt
Pestalozzi, Rudolph H., 1Lt
Britton, William W., Jr., Sgt
Mygrant, Robert F., S/Sgt
Lanza, William A., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13200
Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 1Lt
Goff, Leroy Robert, Jr., 2Lt
Williams, Warren R., 2Lt
Jupin, John (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Maddox, Everett R., S/Sgt
Nemet, Michael (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 41-30293
Kerr, John C., 1Lt
Smith, Randell L., 2Lt
Mayo, Jack D., 2Lt
Smetana, Frank C., Jr., Sgt
Sweedler, Max (NMI), S/Sgt
Zeman, Harold W., Sgt
Cooper, J. D., Maj, VI Corps (observer)
A/C No. 42-64511 “The Madam 2 of
St. Joe”
Cooper, Paul T., Capt
Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
Kinney, John H., 2Lt
Mottley, John F., 2Lt
Shellhamer, Lawrence (NMI), Cpl
Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
Foley, Gerald M., Sgt
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 294/mission 293) Group Mission # 256:
Squadron Mission 215
TARGET: Nickeling Mission Avezzano, Frosione, Ceprano Italy. DATE: 10 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: Pamphlets (Propaganda)
446th Planes: 2
Lt. Hurley led the formation. Pamphlets successfully dropped.
A/C No. 41-30387 “Kay Girl”
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
Hurley, John R., 1Lt
P Hodges, Richard E., 2Lt
Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt
CP Ivankovig, Paul J., 2Lt
Springer, Luther B., Jr., Capt
N None
McCabe, Peter T., 1Lt
B Turner, Allen B., S/Sgt
Smith, Cephus M., Jr., S/Sgt
E Kane, Ronald J., Sgt
Bove, Anthony P., S/Sgt
R Crozer, Robert L., S/Sgt
Velarde, Servando J., Jr., S/Sgt
G Thornton, Edward P., Sgt
F None
Monday, 10 April 1944 (continued)
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Got bomb trainer, 1400-1500. Cleaned up tent this a.m., wrote to Alice. Mail situation
is still poor. Hurley & Chudars scheduled for a leaflet mission. Played cribbage with
Burandt tonite. Read “No Surrender” – good book. Poker game going on in the tent.
Scheduled for a mission tomorrow a.m., briefing @ 0710. No mail today.”
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt, pilot
Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt, pilot
Hurley, John R., 2Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Today’s training consisted of practice formation, low level
formation and local transition.
Banks, Herbert J., 2Lt, pilot
Seavey, George D., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 293/mission 292) Group Mission # 255: 7 of
our ships participated in a raid on Orvieto RR bridge, with Lt. Banks leading the flight.
Bombs appeared to have fallen over to NW and between road and RR to SE. Strings
reported on S choke point and some hits on bridge itself. Small fire seen between bridges
on M/Y.
A/C No. 42-64553
Alger, LeRoy (NMI), 1Lt
Heitman, William F., 2Lt
Nelson, George B., 2Lt
Ford, Leonard W., Sgt
Williamson, Myles O., T/Sgt
Bean, Robert W., Sgt
Jelf, W. F., Maj, ground forces
A/C No. 41-30126 “Bull of Sahara Flak Magnate”
P Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt
CP Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt
E Partee, Watson L., Sgt
R Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt
G Mango, Vincent A. “Vince”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
Stocking, Eugene E., 1Lt
Metzger, Joseph Earl, 2Lt
Anderson, Sherman E., 2Lt
Tollefson, Walter F. K., Cpl
Bilski, Walter J., S/Sgt
Mitchell, Rennie (NMI), Sgt
Morgan, A. H., Capt, ground forces
A/C No. 42-64583
Dalley, Fenton M., 2Lt
Kelley, James E., 2Lt
Wingrove, Allen E., 2Lt
Ellis, Francis R., Cpl
Phelps, Jack L., S/Sgt
Smith, Daniel R., Sgt
Monday, 10 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
P Speer, Marvin L., 2Lt
CP Nall, John G., 2Lt
N None
B Deane, George J., 1Lt
E Escher, Carl S., S/Sgt
R Carlson, Carl M., S/Sgt
G Corkill, John (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
P Banks, Herbert J., 1Lt
CP Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 2Lt
N Rye, William T., Jr., 2Lt
B Jones, Claude F., 2Lt
E Koecher, Robert W., Sgt
R Hubert, Leo G., T/Sgt
G Bushnell, Jordan L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64694
Haynes, Eldon R., 2Lt
Manz, Wayne A., 2Lt
James, Robert M., 2Lt
Engels, Robert W., Sgt
Boyd, Robert J., T/Sgt
Tarra, Frederick J., Sgt
Statham, Alvin F., Cpl
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 294/mission 293) Group Mission # 256: Lt.
Seavey and crew in ship 175 carried out a successful nickeling mission on Avezzano,
Caprano, and Frosinono.
A/C No. 41-13175 “The Saint Myrtle
P Seavey, George D., 1Lt
CP Swanson, Robert Harold “Swanee”, 2Lt
N Thomas, Robert E., 2Lt
B McDermott, James W., 2Lt
E Schwartz, Arthur (NMI), S/Sgt
R Harman, Robert W., T/Sgt
G Grant, James H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32449
Button, Ervine J., 2Lt
Denman, John L., 2Lt
Adcock, Leonard E., 2Lt
Tudor, Mathew S., T/Sgt
Gaydos, John P.,
Holmes, Ora E., Jr., Pvt
447th BS: War Diary of: Mango, Vincent A. "Vince", Sgt, aerial gunner (Mission 1)
“Target: Orvieto RR Bridge
Flak: HMI Combat: 3:10
Bombs: 1,000 lb
Escorts: Spits
Plane # 126 (41-30126 “Bull of Sahara - Flak Magnate” )
Crew: P-Lt. Dean, CP-Lt Krafka, B-Lt Spruill, E-Sgt Partee, R-SSG Alpino, G-Sgt
Bombs appeared to have fallen over to NW and between road and RR to SE. Strings
reported on S choke point and some hits on bridge itself. Small fire seen between bridge
and M/Yds.”
Monday, 10 April 1944 (continued)
Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt, bombardier
Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt, pilot
Partee, Watson L., Sgt, engineer-gunner
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 293/mission 292) Group Mission # 255:
Mission 208 (255). At 09:55 27 planes off to bomb Orvieto RR bridge and dropped 105
x 1000 at 11:55 from 11,500 feet. All returned at 13:05. Escort 12 planes holed. Bombs
appeared to have fallen slightly over and to NW between road and RR to SE. Strings
reported on S choke point of M/Y and some hits on bridge. Small fire observed near
bridge. 30-40 car train stationary at Stimigliano. 20-30 cars stationary 10 miles S of
Orte. No flak at target. Weather: Visibility unlimited.
A/C No. 42-87455
Lyons, John B., 2Lt
Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., 2Lt
Apple, John A., 2Lt
Rippel, Nat (NMI), Sgt
Thompson, Arthur R., Jr., S/Sgt
VanCura, Edward W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64521
J., 1Lt
CP Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
N Hickey, William O., 2Lt
B Malec, Joseph A., 2Lt
E Kershaw, Raymond T., Sgt
R Dilts, Robert E., S/Sgt
G Jeffrey, Louis J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
P Cooper, James W., 1Lt
CP Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, 2Lt
N None
B Carr, Randal C., Cpl
E Davis, Jimmie L., S/Sgt
R Parham, James E., T/Sgt
G Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30327
Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 2Lt
Blackwell, Robert G., 2Lt
Zinkand, Willard T., 2Lt
Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), S/Sgt
Acey, Marvin E., S/Sgt
Neuman, Robert A., Sgt
France, Charles E., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30125
Hales, Ermine L., 1Lt
Moyer, Emerson C., 2Lt
Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
Hinton, Zane R., PFC
Campbell, James R., S/Sgt
Crow, Roscoe J., Pvt
Dean, Wilmer J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30548
Armstrong, Donald R., 1Lt
Barber, Marshall Hall “Red”, 2Lt
Olszewski, Henry (NMI), 2Lt
Bond, Edward N., 2Lt
Sullivan, James G., Pvt
Jacobson, Fred (NMI), S/Sgt
Wilkerson, John J., Cpl
Monday, 10 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64655
P Moss, Raymond W., 1Lt
CP Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
N Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, 1Lt
B Feeley, Walter C., Jr., 1Lt
E Doss, Charles W., Jr., S/Sgt
R Johnson, Joe Morris, S/Sgt
G Coleman, Seaton L., S/Sgt
F None
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 294/mission 293) Group Mission # 256:
(448th BS did not participate)
Tuesday, 11 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s hit the Montalto di Castro railroad bridge, while B-26s hit
marshalling yards at Ancona and Siena; fighter-bombers concentrate on attacks against
railroad targets NE of Rome and buildings inland from the E coast; tracks are hit hard in
the Arezzo-Pontassieve area as are stations at Maccarese and Cesano; an overpass,
bridges, railroad cars and dumps throughout C Italy are attacked, as is the town of Gaeta.
488th Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 340th Bombardment Group (Medium), moves
from Gaudo Airfield, Italy to Alesan, Corsica with B-25s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission--weather
445th BS War Diary: Two missions were scheduled today; both were cancelled
although the local weather in the afternoon looked beautiful. Rumor goes around the
camp that we may go to Corsica, sometimes rumors are right, sometimes they are wrong.
446th BS War Diary: Too much weather to permit a mission today.
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (Pilot)
Co-Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Local: Training – 6 landings
Flying Time: 2:45 (39th mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Briefed at 0710, then on immediate standby, on acct. of weather. Was out to ships all
ready to go when mission cancelled. Over to Tech Supply, got a chute fitted for myself.
Sacked all afternoon. Moe Ferraro is moving to Naples tomorrow and I haven’t seen him
yet. Rec’d 2 letters from Alice & 1 from Mary Mooney. Went to show with Charlie, saw
‘5 Graves to Cairo’ (3rd time). Wrote to Alice. Got our bi-monthly coke today.
Scheduled for a mission tomorrow.”
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt, pilot
Ferraro, Joseph L. "Moe", Sgt, gunner
446th BS: War Diary of: Walker, Dale F., 1Lt, pilot: Letter Home: “Our mail service
has been rather poor lately. I got two packages from Enid today so I had a can of
chicken soup tonight. It sure was good.
We’re all o.k. here and I’m still flying. Don’t know when I’ll stop, but hope I can
see all of you soon.
I’m still here in Italy. Gee, what a place.”
Tuesday, 11 April 1944 continued
447th BS War Diary: A mission was scheduled, but cancelled due to weather condition.
Today’s training consisted of low level formation with six ships participating, local
transition and practice with bomb trainers.
448th BS War Diary: No Entry.
Wednesday, 12 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers bomb rail lines approaching the Monte Molino
bridge and at a nearby junction to the Viterbo line, railroad and road bridges S of Orvieto
and at Certaldo, tracks approaching a bridge at Impeda, and railroad bridges over the Var
River and at Albenga; light bombers pound the Zagarolo supply dump; fighter-bombers
and fighters (some operating with British aircraft) hit communications (mainly railroad
bridges), vehicles, supply dumps at various places, including Arezzo, the island of Elba,
Orvieto, NE of Grosseto, NW of Bracciano, Civita Castellana, Montalto di Castro,
between Piombino and Viterbo, in the Castiglioncello area, NW of Montepescali and S of
57th BW Operations and Intelligence Summary: No. 13, 13 April 1944:
321st Bomb Group: 12 April 1944: RR/Bridges at A-585407 & A-586389: 27
B-25’s in two waves dropped 103x1000 at 1050 hours on RR Bridges N. of Attigliano
from 10,000 to 11,000 feet. Visual observations report good concentration on N.
pinpoint especially on N. end of bridge where there was a large explosion. On south
bridge bombs appeared more scattered with possible hit on N. end and on rail junction.
Photos show main line blocked at bridge and Viterbo by-pass line blocked at junction.
Flak: heavy, moderate to intense, very accurate as to altitude at target with guns seen
between river and railroad about ½ mile north of rail junction. Heavy, meager to
moderate, accurate as to altitude from N.E. of Viterbo (A-5170), from N.W. of target, and
from near Legnano on turn off target. 9 ships holed. OBSERVATIONS: Approximately
40 cars stationary at both Stimigliano and Narni yards. Train of about 20/30 cars near A8704 moving south going toward Avezzano from Raiano (G-8489) many vehicles – some
large. ROUTE: Base to N-1814, N-6055, M-9470, N-2255, H-0853, G-6292, B-3406,
A-8509, A-5500, A-4818 (I.P.), target, B-B8515, B-3406, G-6292, H-0853, N-2252, N6052 to base. Escort, 12 Spitfires.
321st Bomb Group: 12 April 1944: S. Orvieto RR/Bridge at A-561485: 21 B25’s dropped 79x1000 at 1100 hours from 10,500 to 11,500 feet. Photos show excellent
concentration of bombs in target area and bridge probably hit. 9 ships holed by flak.
Flak locations: heavy, moderate to intense, and accurate from battery pinpointed N.E. of
bridge at target and from W. of river south of target. Also heavy, moderate, accurate
from approximately A-5245 on bomb run and 6 guns reported immediately south of
Baschi in hills just east of river. No enemy air. OBSERVATIONS: Approximately 35
cars each at Rieti and Viterbo M/Y. Two trains of 30 cars each at Orte M/Y. Also S. of
Orte between M/Y and large bend in river 30 cars. All these stationary. Engine alone on
line S. of Orte. Two trains of 40 and 20/30 cars each stationary at Stimigliano. ROUTE:
Base to N-1814, M9733, N-2570, H-1228, H-0583, G-6292, B-3406, B-0515, A-5023
(I.P.), target, B-0515 to base. Escort 12 Spitfires.
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
HQ 321st BG War Diary: (No non-mission information)
HQ 321st BG Communications Log:
0940 Larson to Wing. “Informed them that the Mission a/c were off”.
0950 Larson to Wing. “Informed them that 2nd Mission was on course”.
Wing to Larson. “A/C 42-32458 has repeatedly buzzed hospital. Demand
Disciplinary action to be taken”.
(pilot: Neumann, Robert H., Capt, pilot, Operations Officer, 445th BS)
Bantam to Larson. “Naples Fighter Controller Area to Norway from Controller
Naples Fighter Control Area, time of origin of message: 121040: Seaborne
smoke will be laid between map reference Y-4311 & Y-4312 at approximately
1400 hours this afternoon”
Olson to Larson. “Ask Asbury about Lt. Davidson on DS”.
Aircraft # 41-30126 (“Bull of Sahara” - later “Flak Magnate”) (447th) set up for
Maj. Silver for 1415 take off”.
1410 Tipton to Cameron. “Orders for the 13th: 24 A/C, same load as today. Target
Rail bridge at A-399757”.
448th Crew to pick up Col. Remington. “Hales (P). Barbour (CP), Luton (E).
1900 Wing to Larson. “321 call sign is “Bathclub”. Fighter call sign is “Beefy” and
“Rally”. Rendezvous at Marcianise with 16 Spits”.
Set up A/C for Col. Remington for 1500 take off on 13 April 1944. Destination
57th Wing. “Georgia Rear” (Marcianise) to be called if the Col. Is not around.
Flight Cancelled.”.
2000 Lt. Sampson, Allan T., 1Lt, pilot (446th) reported in.
A/C cleared for Corsica. Take off to be at 0900. Route: Cape Canino to Capri to
Sardinia to Corsica. Altitude of flight from 3,000 to 4,000 feet.
“Gin Fizz” is to be called when aircraft is airborne.
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 295/mission 294) Group Mission # 257:
27 A/C rained destruction on two bridges in the vicinity of Attigliano—both target areas
appeared well severed again. The bombing of the Group has improved considerably in
the past few weeks. Recce photos also showed that a tunnel S. of the targets was blocked
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 257 Date: 12 Apr 44
No A/C: 27
Squadrons: 445-2
Target: Bridges near Attigliano at A-585407 & A-586389
Time OFF: 0915
T.O.T.: 1050
Time Down: 1210
Axis of Attack: 29 degrees Height: 10/11000
Planes Lost: None
Planes Holed: 9
Bombs Dropped: 103 x 1000
Escort: 12 Spits
Enemy Air: None
Claims: None
Route: N-1814, N-6055, M-9470, N-2255, H-0853, G-6292, B-3406, A-8509, A-5500,
A-4818 (I.P.), Target, B-0515, B-3406, G-6292, H-0853, N-2252, N-6052, Base.
Weather: Enroute and Return: 3/10 Cumulus at 6000’ – vis 15 mi. Target CAVU.
Flak: Heavy moderate to intense very accurate as to altitude at target with guns seen
between river and railroad about ½ mi. N of rail junction. Heavy meager to
moderate accurate as to altitude from NE of Viterbo A-5170, from NW of target
and from near Legnano on turn off target.
Results: Good concentration reported on N pinpoint especially on N end of bridge where
there was a large explosion. On S bridge bombs appeared more scattered with
possible hit on N end and on rail junction. One salvo due to bombardier being
hit by flak just before reaching target. Other bombs short between river and
railroad S W of bridge and some near large bridge crossing river on branch line
to west.
Observation: 40 cars approx. seen stationary at both Stimigliano and Narni yds. At
1036 train of about 20/30 cars near A-8704 moving S going toward
Avezzano from Raiano, (G-8489) many vehicles – some large.
Flight Leaders: Col Smith and Lt Col Remington.
Number of Sorties: 27
Photos Taken:
Major, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer.
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 296/mission 295) Group Mission # 258:
21 A/C bombed the bridge NE of Orvieto and reported that the target seemed well
covered. From the pictures their conclusion seemed to be correct, but once again
reconnaissance showed that these central Italian bridges lead charmed lives and somehow
astonishingly evade certain destruction.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 258 Date: 12 Apr 44
No A/C: 21
Squadrons: 445-9
Target: Bridge nine miles SE of Orvieto.
Time OFF: 0935
T.O.T.: 1100
Time Down: 1245
Axis of Attack: 20°
Height: 10500/11500
Planes Lost: None
Planes Holed: Nine (9)
Bombs Dropped: 79 x 1000
Escort: 12 Spits
Enemy Air: None
Claims: None
Route: N-1814, M-9733, N2570, H-1228, H-0583, G-6292, B-3406, B-0515, A-5023 –
I.P., Target, B-0515 to Base.
Weather: Enroute and Return: 3/10 cumulus at 6000’ – vis 15 mi. Target CAVU.
Flak: Heavy Moderate to intense and accurate from battery pinpointed NE of bridge at
target, and from W of river S of target. Also heavy moderate accurate from
approximately A-5245 on bomb run and 6 guns reported immediately S. of Baschi in hills
just east of river.
Results: Several reports of bridge being hit with bombs across either end and center with
others just short and over to NW and SE.
Observation: Approx. 35 cars each at Rieti and Viterbo M/Yds. Two trains of 30 cars
each in Orte M/Yds. Also S of Orte between M/Yds and large bend in river 30 cars. All
these stationary. Engine alone on line S of Orte. Two trains of 40 and 20/30 cars each
stationary at Stimigliano.
Flight Leaders: Capt Freeland and Capt Wilson
Number of Sorties: 21
Photos Taken:
Major, Air Corps,
Intelligence Officer.
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: There were two missions today. The bridge over the Tiber river
was hit on the second mission. Col. Smith had directed that an investigation be made
concerning the absence of Capt. House from the base for a month on a trip to Cairo.
Capt. Neumann, operations officer flew his airplane quite low over the 32nd Hospital, he
was apparently trying to get a look at a very beautiful nurse with whom he is acquainted.
The boys had a mail call today, some of them were cheered up. Another softball game.
An alert tonight (The Germans probably went toward Naples!). In any event they never
showed up over our base.
House, Robert M., Capt, pilot
Neumann, Robert H., Capt, pilot, Operations Officer
Smith, Richard H., Col, pilot, 321 BG Commander
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 295/mission 294) Group Mission # 257:
A/C No. 42-53373
Waterman, LeRoy R., 1Lt
Wagner, Gerald W., 2Lt
Monk, William (NMI), 1Lt
Belt, Hunter C., S/Sgt
Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
Weaver, Dale W., Cpl
Swanberg, C., Capt, 93rd Infantry Div.
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Hinsley, Maxwell D., 1Lt
Cormier, Emery O., 2Lt
Yepez, Oscar W., 1Lt
Gross, Vassil W., S/Sgt
Heinbaugh, James C., T/Sgt
Irvin, Ralph D., S/Sgt
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 296/mission 295) Group Mission # 258:
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
Charville, Leighton Daniel “Danny”,
Groose, William R. “Bud”, 2Lt
Simpkins, Everett L., 2Lt
Hickey, William R., Sgt
Kintly, James E., S/Sgt
Reddy, John E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Shyshka, Lubomir P. “Cross Country”,
Schweda, George J., 2Lt
Fisher, Sigmund M., 2Lt
Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, 1Lt
Jones, Robert C., Sgt
Plunk, Charlie B., S/Sgt
Zimmer, Henry G., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64575
Rigler, Edward J., 2Lt
Gunder, William H., 2Lt
Napple, Francis L., F/O
Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
Malmberg, Russell H., S/Sgt
Wells, Joy E., S/Sgt
Doswell, Richard (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-64529
Russell, Lawrence Lee “Scrap Iron”, 2Lt
Hadsell, Donald M., 2Lt
Miller, Robert J., S/Sgt
Thibodeau, Leo J., Sgt
Plott, John M., S/Sgt
McGinley, Joseph B., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30354
Dickerson, Samuel M., 1Lt
Wolfe, Robert A., 2Lt
Underwood, James H., Jr., Capt
Malloy, Edward J., Sgt
Wells, Robert J., Sgt
Kramer, Henry P., Sgt
Abrams, Samuel (NMI), Pvt
A/C No. 41-29985
Smith, Alfred B., 2Lt
Fischer, Franklyn R., 2Lt
Werrlein, Harry F., 2Lt
DeRose, Louis A., Sgt
O’Leary, John D., T/Sgt
Harris, Charles W., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
Crider, Claude M., Jr., 1Lt
Swanson, Harry A., 2Lt
Brule, Gordon J., 2Lt
Swingholm, Raymond J., Sgt
Pate, Harris B., Jr., S/Sgt
Bellendir, John C., Sgt
Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64659
Coale, Julian R. “Cozy”, 2Lt
Santone, Michael A., 2Lt
Werner, Samuel (NMI), 2Lt
Soltysiak, Stanley J. “Salty”, Pvt
Maddox, Richard L., T/Sgt
McClary, Louis E., Sgt
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
P Schiff, Frederick (NMI), 2Lt
CP Lyons, Leonard L., 2Lt
O’Toole, Francis X., 1Lt
Ceccucci, Harold A., Sgt
Stone, Donald R., S/Sgt
Semsker, Frank S., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
Wilson, Victor H., Capt
Cameron, William D. “Bill”, Jr., Capt,
HQ 321st BS
Casaburi, Robert Roland, 2Lt
Schutte, Warren G., 1Lt
Dillon, James A., S/Sgt
DiPietrantonio, Joseph N., T/Sgt
Herrman, Byard G., S/Sgt
446th BS War Diary: Another combat mission.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 295/mission 294) Group Mission # 257:
Squadron Mission 216
TARGET: Bridges near Attigliano, Italy.
DATE: 12 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. Demo.
446th Planes: 12
Capt. Bounds, 447 Sqdn. led the formation. Good concentration reported on N pinpoint.
Large explosion on N end of bridge. Bombs more scattered on S bridge with possible hit
on N end and on rail junction. Lt. Wilcox was hit by flak and salvoed bombs before
reaching target. Flak was heavy, moderate to intense and very accurate. Nine planes
Bounds, Thomas C., Capt, pilot, 447th BS
A/C No. 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Walsh, George F., 1Lt
Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt
Farber, Joseph L., 2Lt
Zelnick, John J., Sgt
Mygrant, Robert F., S/Sgt
Thornton, Edward P., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32429 “Flamingo”
P Hunter, William Clark, Maj
CP Smith, Richard H., Col, 321st BG
N Franklin, Arthur E., 2Lt
B Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 1Lt
E Brawn, Jean H., S/Sgt
R Todd, Alfred J., T/Sgt
G Napoliello, Felix (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
Hurley, John R., 1Lt
White, Frank B., 2Lt
McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt
Smith, Cephus M., S/Sgt
Bove, Anthony P., S/Sgt
Mittman, Milton M., Cpl
A/C No. 42-32403 “Alley Oop”
Hawkes, Leon R., 2Lt
Mayfield, Estel Allen, 2Lt
Mexal, Gus J., 2Lt
Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
Harrison, Hoyt V., S/Sgt
Lanza, William A., Sgt
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Hodges, Richard E., 2Lt
Briles, Connolly O., 2Lt
Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 2Lt
Nigrelli, Ernest J., Sgt
Crozer, Robert L., S/Sgt
Nemet, Michael (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 41-13123
Herbert, John James, Jr., 1Lt
Hollingsworth, George K., Jr., 2Lt
Johnson, Henry W., 2Lt
Clay, Donald W., Sgt
Green, Salem M., S/Sgt
Casper, Henry G., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-29995 “Pistol Packin’
P Morris, Meade L., Jr., 1Lt
CP Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt
N None
B Reynolds, Laverne E., 2Lt
E Schreiner, Lester B. “Les”, Sgt
R Sweedler, Max (NMI), S/Sgt
G Larson, Ralph L., Sgt
F Reichmann, F. J., Lt Col, VI Corps
A/C No. 41-30293
P LeClair, Edward R., 1Lt
CP Mickel, Alan T., 2Lt
N None
B Wotkowicz, Frank J., 2Lt
E Bober, John (NMI), Jr., Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Zeman, Harold W., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64511 “The Madam 2 of
St. Joe”
Cooper, Paul T., Capt
Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
Chapman, John E., 2Lt
Mottley, John F., 2Lt
Shellhamer, Lawrence (NMI), Cpl
Miles, Walter J., Jr., S/Sgt
Foley, Joseph M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64509 “Enid II (previously
“Arkansas Traveler II”; later “No
Hipson, Robert Graham, 2Lt
Walker, Dale F., 1Lt
Turner, Allen B., S/Sgt
Hanley, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Orechia, James Raymond “Raymond”,
Velarde, Servando J., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
Vivas, Frank Paul, 1Lt
Goff, Leroy Robert, Jr., 2Lt
Wilcox, Harry Bradway, Jr., 2Lt
Jacob, Elmer A., Jr., PFC
Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
Brown, Ronald M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13200
Jordan, Henry L., 2Lt
Gibbons, George H., 2Lt
Rice, Sumner W., 1Lt
Kane, Ronald J., Sgt
Bufkin, Francis P., Jr., S/Sgt
Burrow, Isom F., Cpl
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 296/mission 295) Group Mission # 258:
(446th BS did not participate)
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (mission 21, Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Target: Bridges near Attigliano, Italy
Flying Time: 3:35 (40th mission in MTO)
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Local: Training
Flying Time: 0:45 (41st mission in MTO)
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Local: Training
Flying Time: 0:45 (42nd mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier (mission 14)
“Pre-briefed 0810
T.O. 0904
Pilot: Hurley
CoPilot: White
Ship # 963 (Mo. Waltz) (41-12963) Alt 10,500’
Bombs: 3-1000 # Demos
Target: R.R. Bridge 8 mi. North of Attigliano (42° 34’ N - 12° 17’ E). Over target 1052,
flak - heavy, intense & accurate, had 4 minutes of flak, from the I.P. until past the target.
No fighters seen. P-47 escort.
Combat hours to date – 43:30 hrs. Rec’d 2 letters from DF, Louise 1 and Ma 1.
Scheduled for a mission tomorrow a.m. Started to go to show tonite but had seen the
movie. Wrote 2 letters to DF, Ma and Louise.
Flying time: 03:40 hrs.”
Hurley, John R., 1Lt, pilot
White, Frank B., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Today’s training consisted of local gunnery mission and practice
on bomb trainers. Pvt. Robert E Kracher has been promoted to rank of Pfc.
Kracher, Robert E., PFC, engineering
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 295/mission 294) Group Mission # 257: 13
of our ships participated in a raid on bridges near Attigliano, with Capt. Bounds leading
the flight. Good concentration reported on N pin-point on N end of bridge where there
was a large explosion. On S bridge, bombs appeared more scattered with possible hits on
N end and on RR junction. Other bombs short between river and RR bridge and near
large bridge crossing river.
A/C No. 42-32449
A/C No. 42-64559
Murray, Richard E., 2Lt
P Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt
Christian, Calvin B., 2Lt
CP Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt
N None
McCaleb, Harold G., 2Lt
B Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt
Fisher, Theodore M., S/Sgt
E Partee, Watson L., Sgt
Toole, John F., S/Sgt
R Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt
Fowler, Harold E., Sgt
G Mango, Vincent A. “Vince”, Sgt
F None
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64695
Banks, Herbert J., 1Lt
Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 2Lt
Matthewson, Merton K., Jr., 2Lt
Jones, Claude F., 1Lt
Koecher, Robert W., Sgt
Hubert, Leo G., T/Sgt
Bushnell, Jordan L., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64583
Alger, LeRoy (NMI), 1Lt
Heitman, William F., 2Lt
Nelson, George B., 2Lt
Ford, Leonard W., Sgt
Williamson, Myles O., T/Sgt
Bean, Robert W., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
Davies, Robert G., 1Lt
Gillis, John R., 2Lt
Lindell, Harold N., 2Lt
Martin, Wayne R., 2Lt
Quintenz, Robert P., Sgt
Orloff, Sidney (NMI), S/Sgt
Roberts, Herman (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
Speer, Marvin L., 2Lt
Nall, John G., 2Lt
Deane, George J., 1Lt
Escher, Carl S., S/Sgt
Carlson, Carl M., S/Sgt
Corkill, John (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, 1Lt
Swanson, Robert Harold “Swanee”, 2Lt
Anderson, Sherman E., 2Lt
Gillies, Robert H., Cpl
Mathews, William E., S/Sgt
Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt
A/C No. 42-64553
Tompkins, Howard D., 1Lt
Nettles, Forrest Truett, 2Lt
Lundmark, Norman J., 2Lt
Collins, Clint R., Sgt
LaFountain, Ned F., S/Sgt
Blalock, Joe T., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32505
Button, Ervine J., 2Lt
Denman, John L., 2Lt
Adcock, Leonard E., 2Lt
Baldridge, Grant W., Sgt
Gaydos, John P., T/Sgt
Harriman, Elmon P., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30557
Stocking, Eugene E., 1Lt
Metzger, Joseph Earl, 2Lt
Huffman, William C., 2Lt
Tollefson, Walker F. K., Cpl
Bilski, Walter J., S/Sgt
Mitchell, Rennie (NMI), S/Sgt
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
P Bounds, Thomas C., Capt
CP Remington, Peter H., Lt Col, HQ 321st
N Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt
B Windler, John H., 1Lt
E Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt
Chatters, Aubrey W., S/Sgt
Orzynski, Henry E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13175 “The Saint Myrtle
P Thomas, John J., 1Lt
CP Grimse, Ralph T., 2Lt
N None
B Rosenbledt, James M., 2Lt
E Sheppard, Luther Edgar “L.E.”, Jr., Sgt
R Free, Paul L., S/Sgt
G Rose, Clifford A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64694
Cloward, Glannin A., Capt
Manz, Wayne A., 2Lt
Webb, James A., 2Lt
Vineski, Robert R. “The Reverend”,
Scarberry, Harold W., Sgt
Statham, Alvin F., Cpl
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 296/mission 295) Group Mission # 258:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS: War Diary of: Mango, Vincent A. “Vince” "Vince", Sgt, aerial gunner
(Mission 2)
“Target: Attigliano RR Bridge
Flak: HMA Combat: 3:00
Bombs: 1,000 lb
Escorts: Spits
Plane # 449 (42-32449)
Crew: P-Lt. Dean, CP-Lt Krafka, BLt Spruill, E-Sgt Partee, R-SSG Alpino, G-Sgt Mango
Good concentration reported on N pinpoint of N end of bridge where there was a large
explosion. On S bridge, bombs appeared more scattered w/possible hits on N end and on
RR jct. Other bombs short between river on branch line. Lt. Windler and Lt Deane,
LWA. 1 plane returned to base w/ wheels down and bomb bay doors open.”
Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt, pilot
Deane, George J., 1Lt, bombardier
Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
Partee, Watson L., Sgt, engineer-gunner
Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt, bombardier
Windler, John H., 1Lt, bombardier
447th BS: War Diary of: Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt, gunner:
“17thmission, flew with Wigs, bombed N.E. of Orvieto bridge, damn good bombing,
plenty of flak, turret hit.”
Wiginton, J. Maurice "Wigs", 2Lt, pilot
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 295/mission 294) Group Mission # 257:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 296/mission 295) Group Mission # 258:
Mission 209 (258). At 09:35 21 planes off to bomb bridge 9 miles S of Orvieto and
dropped 79 x 1000 bombs at 11:00 from 11,500 feet. Escort 12 Spits, 9 planes holed.
Several reports of bridge being hit with bombs across either end and center with others
just short and over to NW and SE. Approximately 35 cars at Rieti and Viterbo. Two
trains at Orte. Heavy, moderate and accurate flak from batter pin-pointed NE bridge at
target and from W of river S of target, also heavy, moderate accurate flak on bomb run
and 6 guns reported immediately S of Basia in hills just E of river. Weather: CAVU.
F/L: Freeland.
A/C No. 42-64655
P Freeland, Levi B., Jr., Capt
CP Hicks, John T., 1Lt
N Hough, William S., 1Lt
B McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt
E Hospod, Benjamin (NMI), Sgt
R Gilpatrick, Jack H., T/Sgt
G Wolf, Elmer A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
P Greene, William A., 1Lt
CP Brown, Wyndham E., III, 1Lt
N None
B Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
E Kershaw, Raymond T., Sgt
R Holtzendorf, Henry (NMI), T/Sgt
G Groome, Daingerfield M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64519
P Cooper, James W., 1Lt
CP Stevens, Ray B., 2Lt
N None
B Quartuccio, Anthony P., 2Lt
E Weyeneth, Carl H., Sgt
R Kielich, Henry J., S/Sgt
G Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-87455
Kuykendall, James William “Kukie”, 2Lt
Warren, William F., 2Lt
Schlenk, Henry O., 2Lt
Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
Schaffner, Clarence Donovan, S/Sgt
Slafkes, Milton M., Sgt
Ernst, David L., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30548
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., Capt
McCabe, Norman M., 2Lt
Hickey, William O., 2Lt
Kreutz, Alfred W., 1Lt
Chosta, Louis (NMI), Sgt
Burr, Harry C., S/Sgt
Sharpsteen, Robert E., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13186
Lyons, John B., 2Lt
Ovard, Glen S., 2Lt
Burday, Harry (NMI), 2Lt
Rippel, Nat (NMI), Sgt
Thompson, Arthur R., Jr., S/Sgt
Rosencranz, Harvey R., Sgt
Dean, Wilmer J., S/Sgt
Wednesday, 12 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
P Armstrong, Donald R., 1Lt
CP Barber, Marshall Hall “Red”, 2Lt
N Duncan, George F., 2Lt
B Bond, Edward N., 2Lt
E Sommer, Robert F., Sgt
R Jacobson, Fred (NMI), S/Sgt
G Wilkerson, John J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 41-13050
P Hales, Ermine L., 1Lt
CP Amo, Leo W., 2Lt
N None
B Kukorowski, Albert A., 2Lt
E Hinton, Zane R., PFC
R Hassenbein, Sam (NMI), S/Sgt
G Crow, Roscoe J., Pvt
F Daniels, John (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32427
P Verkruysse, Emile D., 2Lt
CP Cottle, Robert J., 2Lt
N None
B Young, Robert B., 2Lt
E Clark, Raymond S., Sgt
R Lellis, Michael C., Pvt
G Hutchinson, James (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30327
Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 2Lt
Matthews, Thomas W., 2Lt
Apple, John A., 2Lt
Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), S/Sgt
Campbell, James R., S/Sgt
Hersh, Bertram (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 41-64521
Doyle, Edward J., 1Lt
Howard, Charles E., 2Lt
Olszewski, Henry (NMI), 2Lt
Malec, Joseph A., 2Lt
Gager, Joseph R., Sgt
Neview, Frederick J., Sgt
Jeffrey, Louis J., Cpl
Thursday, 13 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s attack Terni and a bridge at Marsciano while B-26s bomb
Ancona marshalling yard and a nearby railroad bridge; fighter-bombers again strike
mainly at communications, the town of Itri, Cesano station, a factory at Fontana Liri, a
railroad overpass at Fara in Sabina, Anguillara, and bridges, trucks and other targets at
points throughout C Italy.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: (No non-mission information)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 297/mission 296) Group Mission # 259:
SNAFU would label today’s mission against the Marciano RR Bridge. Just as the bomb
run started the 340th Group came in on collision course with the result that only 14 of 26
A/C dropped, the remainder diving to avoid other Group. No bombs in target area.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 259 Date: 13 Apr 44
No A/C completing mission: 26
Squadrons: 445-6
Target: Marciano R.R. bridge at A-655800.
Time OFF: 0910
T.O.T.: 1105
Time Down:
(Final Report not available)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 298/mission 297) Group Mission # 260:
3 A/C on nickeling mission. No encounters.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 260 Date: 13 Apr 44
No A/C completing mission: 3
Squadrons: 445-0
Target: Nickeling mission – Chieti & Manopello.
Time OFF: 1430
T.O.T.: 1530
Time Down: 1640
(Final Report not available)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: There was a mission today; they went after another railroad
bridge. Col Cook’s D.F.C. for a sea sweep on March 31, 1943 came through. Some of
our bombardiers went over and operated the bomb trainer. There was roast beef for
supper tonight.
Cook, Bradley C., Col, pilot
Thursday, 13 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 297/mission 296) Group Mission # 259:
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
H., Capt
CP Register, Percy D., Maj, Commander
N Casaburi, Robert Roland, 2Lt
B Kauric, William J., 1Lt
E Donegon, John B., S/Sgt
R Maddox, Richard L., T/Sgt
G Irvin, Ralph D., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
P McLain, Damon I., 1Lt
CP Groh, Sheldon R., 2Lt
N None
B Werner, Samuel (NMI), 2Lt
E Kitts, Gordon L., Sgt
R Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, S/Sgt
G Jannetta, Floridi D. “Floyd”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32458
Waterman, LeRoy R., 1Lt
Boucher, Arthur Paul, F/O
Werrlein, Harry F., 2Lt
York, Rufus (NMI), Sgt
Parlette, Charles H., S/Sgt
Reddy, John E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-53373
Schiff, Frederick (NMI), 2Lt
Fischer, Franklyn R., 2Lt
O’Toole, Francis X., 1Lt
Smith, William A., Jr., Sgt
Stephens, Robert T., S/Sgt
Whelan, Edward J., Sgt
A/C No. 42-29985
Dickerson, Samuel M., Capt
Richardson, John S., 2Lt
Miller, Robert J., Jr., S/Sgt
Tarr, Charles F., Jr., S/Sgt
Wells, Robert J., Sgt
Isbell, Everett N., Cpl
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Shyshka, Lubomir P. “Cross Country”,
Cormier, Emery O., 2Lt
Smith, Raymond (NMI), 2Lt
Monk, William (NMI), 1Lt
Yoa, Harry (NMI), S/Sgt
Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
Hunt, Jerry E., S/Sgt
Abrams, Samuel (NMI), Pvt
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 298/mission 297) Group Mission # 260:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: Lt. Col. Schwane leaves for Cairo for a few days trip. Sgt.
Fontenot flies his fiftieth.
Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.), T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Schwane, Henry H., Lt Col, pilot, Commander
Thursday, 13 April 1944 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 297/mission 296) Group Mission # 259:
Squadron Mission 217
TARGET: Marciano RR Bridge, Italy.
DATE: 13 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 7
Capt. Neuman, 445 Sqdn. led the formation. Just as bomb run started, 340th Group
came in on collision course. Fourteen planes in 321st formation dropped bombs, the
remainder diving to avoid other group. Most bombs fell N of river, W of railroad bridge
and E of road bridge. One report of target being hit. Only one plane in this Sqdn.
dropped bombs. No flak no fighters.
Neumann, Robert H., Capt, pilot, 445th BS
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
Hurley, John R., 1Lt
White, Frank B., 2Lt
McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt
Smith, Cephus M., Jr., S/Sgt
Bove, Anthony P., S/Sgt
Mittman, Milton M., Cpl
A/C No. 41-30387 “Kay Girl”
Matzinger, Keith Robinson, 1Lt
Hughes, Robert H., 1Lt
Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 1Lt
Britton, William W., Jr., Sgt
Crozer, Robert L., S/Sgt
Nemet, Michael (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-32403 “Alley Oop”
Hawkes, Leon R., 2Lt
Mayfield, Estel Allen, 2Lt
Mexal, Gus J., 2Lt
Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
Harrison, Hoyt V., S/Sgt
Lanza, William A., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Hodges, Richard E., 2Lt
Briles, Connolly O., 2Lt
Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 2Lt
Bellamy, Herbert E., S/Sgt
Cohen, George (NMI), T/Sgt
Napoliello, Felix (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-29995 “Pistol Packin’
Morris, Meade L., Jr., 1Lt
Rimmer, Charles B., Capt
Franklin, Arthur E., 2Lt
Reynolds, Laverne E., 2Lt
Schreiner, Lester B. “Les”, Sgt
Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.), T/Sgt
Larson, Ralph L., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64509 “No Peekin’”
(previously “Enid II”, “Arkansas
Traveler II”)
Hipson, Robert Graham, 2Lt
Hively, Harold Henry, 2Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 1Lt
Kane, Ronald J., Sgt
Bufkin, Francis P., Jr., S/Sgt
Burrow, Isom F., Cpl
Thursday, 13 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
Vivas, Frank Paul, 1Lt
Sacker, John R. “Sad Sack”, 2Lt
Wilcox, Harry Bradway, Jr., 2Lt
Jacob, Elmer A., Jr., PFC
Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
Brown, Ronald M., Sgt
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 298/mission 297) Group Mission # 260:
Squadron Mission 218
TARGET: Nickeling Mission. Manopello and Chieti, Italy.
DATE: 13 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: Pamphlets (Propaganda)
446th Planes: 1
Lt. Kerr led the formation. Pamphlets successfully dropped. No flak.
A/C No. 41-13123
Kerr, John C., 1Lt
Smith, Randell L., 2Lt
Dunn, Thomas B., 2Lt
Turner, Allen B., S/Sgt
Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
Howe, Frank M., Jr., T/Sgt
South, William R., S/Sgt
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (Pilot)
Co-Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Local: Training – 5 landings
Flying Time: 2:00 (43rd mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier (mission 15)
“Pre-briefed 0810
T.O. 0910
Pilot: Hurley
CoPilot: White
Ship # 963 (Mo. Waltz) (41-12963 ) Alt 10,800’
Bombs: 3-1000 # bombs
Target: R.R. Bridge @ Marsciano (43° 55’ N - 12° 20’ E). Over target 1101, no flak or
fighters seen. 340th cut out our 2nd flight, as a result they didn’t drop any bombs. Don’t
know how our bombs fell.
Sacked all afternoon. Went to show tonite saw “Miracle of Morgan’s Creek”,
Swell show. Scheduled for a mission tomorrow morning, early mission. Rec’d a letter
from Alice today.
Flying time 03:45.”
Hurley, John R., 1Lt, pilot
White, Frank B., 1Lt, pilot
Thursday, 13 April 1944 (continued)
447th BS War Diary: The following enlisted men have been promoted to the grade of
T/Sgt, per S.O. #66, 321st Group Hq.: S/Sgt. Aubrey W. Chatters, S/Sgt. William E.
Mathews, and S/Sgt. Carl M. Carlson. Pfc James W. Austin has been placed on DS with
Hq. Cpl. Donald E. Bailey and Pfc Lewis E. Weiher have been reclassified from cook to
truck driver. Sgt. Gerard G. O’Neil has been admitted to the hospital. The following
enlisted men have been promoted to the grade of S/Sgt. per S.O. 66, 321st Group Hq.:
Sgt. Jordon L. Bushnell, Sgt. Leonard W. Ford, Sgt. Liobnick Cangillieri, Sgt. Clint R.
Collins, Sgt. Leland H. Smith and Cpl. Robert H. Gillies. Today’s flight training
consisted of a navigation formation and practice bombing.
Austin, James W., Jr., PFC, gunner
Bailey, Donald E., Cpl, transportation
Banks, Herbert J., 2Lt, pilot
Beebe, Harwood, Jr., Lt, pilot
Bushnell, Jordon L., S/Sgt, gunner
Cangillieri, Liobnick (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner
Carlson, Carl M., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Chatters, Aubrey W., T/Sgt, gunner
Collins, Clint R., S/Sgt, gunner
Ford, Leonard W., S/Sgt, gunner
Gillies, Robert H., S/Sgt,
Mathews, William E., T/Sgt, gunner
O’Neil, Gerard G., Sgt, armament
Smith, Leland H., S/Sgt, gunner
Weiher, Lewis E., PFC, transportation
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 297/mission 296) Group Mission # 259: 6 of
our ships participated in a raid on Marciano RR bridge, with Lt. Banks leading the flight.
Just as the bomb run started the 340th Group came in on collision course resulting only 14
planes dropping their bombs; the others diving to avoid the 340th. Most of the bombs fell
to N of river of target and E of road bridge. The road running N of town reported cut.
A/C No. 42-64553
Dalley, Fenton M., 2Lt
Kelley, James E., 2Lt
Wingrove, Allen E., 2Lt
Ellis, Francis R., Cpl
Phelps, Jack L., S/Sgt
Smith, Daniel R., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64583
P Thomas, John J., 1Lt
CP Grimse, Ralph T., 2Lt
N None
B Rosenbledt, James M., 2Lt
E Sheppard, Luther Edgar “L.E.”, Jr., Sgt
R Free, Paul L., S/Sgt
G Rose, Clifford A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
Banks, Herbert J., 1Lt
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, 2Lt
Lindell, Harold N., 2Lt
Anderson, Sherman E., 2Lt
Koecher, Robert W., Sgt
Hubert, Leo G., T/Sgt
Bushnell, Jordan L., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32449
Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt
Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt
Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt
Partee, Watson L., Sgt
Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt
Mango, Vincent A. “Vince”, Sgt
Thursday, 13 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64559
Haynes, Eldon R., 2Lt
Magne, Henry J. “Joe”, 2Lt
James, Robert M., 2Lt
Engels, Robert W., Sgt
Cowart, Eugene C., S/Sgt
Tarra, Frederick J., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
Seavey, George D., 1Lt
Swanson, Robert Harold “Swanee”, 2Lt
McDermott, James W., 2Lt
Schwartz, Arthur (NMI), S/Sgt
Harman, Robert W., T/Sgt
Orzynski, Henry E., S/Sgt
Pemberton, Francis R., Lt Col, HQ 321st
BG (observer)
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 298/mission 297) Group Mission # 260: Lt.
Beebe and crew carried out a successful nickeling mission on Chieti and Manopello.
A/C No. 41-30126 “Bull of Sahara Flak Magnate”
P Beebe, Harwood (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
CP Martin, William H., 2Lt
N None
B Fisher, Gerald E., 2Lt
E Curry, Hughie L., Sgt
R Korzeniowski, Edward S., S/Sgt
G Sinclair, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
F None
447th BS: War Diary of: Mango, Vincent A. “Vince” "Vince", Sgt, aerial gunner
(Mission 3)
“Target: Marciano RR bridge
Flak: HMI Combat: 3:20
Bombs: 1,000 lb
Escorts: Spits
Plane # 449 (42-32449))
Crew: P-Lt. Dean, CP-Lt Krafka, BLt Spruill, E-Sgt Partee, R-SSG Alpino, G-Sgt Mango
Just as bomb run started, 340th BG came in on collision course w/result that only 14
planes dropped. The others diving to avoid 340th. Most bombs fell to N of river, W of
target and E of road bridge. Road running N from town reported out.”
Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt, pilot
Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
Partee, Watson L., Sgt, engineer-gunner
Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt, bombardier
Thursday, 13 April 1944 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 297/mission 296) Group Mission # 259:
Mission 210 (259). At 09:10 26 planes off to bomb Marciano RR bridge and 14 dropped
55 x 1000 bombs at 11:05 from 10,000 feet. Twelve Spits escort, no planes holed. Just
as bomb run started 340th Group came in on collision course with result 14 planes
dropped bombs, the remainder diving to avoid the other Group. Most bombs fell to N of
river W of RR bridge and E of road bridge. Road running N from town reported out and
one report of target being hit. Truck convoy of 35 M/T’s heading NE between Terni and
Spoleto. No flak. Weather: 7/10th high Cirrus.
A/C No. 41-30327
P Riener, William F., 2Lt
CP Olson, Orin E., 2Lt
N None
B Farris, Stephen C., 2Lt
E Blasingame, Emory J., Sgt
R Burr, Harry C., S/Sgt
G Sharpsteen, Robert E., Sgt
F Dean, Wilmer J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13050
P Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 2Lt
CP Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Apple, John A., 2Lt
E Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), S/Sgt
R McEntee, Peter M., S/Sgt
G Neuman, Robert A., Sgt
F Daniels, John (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64519
P Cooper, James W., 1Lt
CP Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Carr, Randal C., Cpl
E Davis, Jimmie L., S/Sgt
R Parham, James E., T/Sgt
G Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
Armstrong, Donald R., 1Lt
Barber, Marshall Hall “Red”, 2Lt
Hickey, William O., 2Lt
Bond, Edward N., 2Lt
Sullivan, James G., Pvt
Jacobson, Fred (NMI), S/Sgt
Wilkerson, John J., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64521
Doyle, Edward J., 1Lt
Cottle, Robert J., 2Lt
Duncan, George F., 2Lt
Malec, Joseph A., 2Lt
Luton, Howard W., Sgt
Neview, Frederick J., Sgt
Jeffrey, Louis J., Cpl
A/C No. 42-87455
Verkruysse, Emile D., 2Lt
Amo, Leo W., 2Lt
Zinkand, Willard T., 2Lt
Johnson, Roy C., S/Sgt
Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
Groome, Daingerfield M., Sgt
Thursday, 13 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64655
P Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., Capt
CP Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., 2Lt
N Hough, William S., 1Lt
B Kreutz, Alfred W., 1Lt
E Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
R Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
G Graham, Herbert J., S/Sgt
F None
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 298/mission 297) Group Mission # 260:
Mission 211 (260). At 14:30 3 planes of to bomb Chieti and Manopello with nickels.
They dropped at 15:30 and all planes back at 16:40. Four Spits escort, no flak. Weather
8/10th cover towering Cumulus.
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
P Moss, Raymond W., 1Lt
CP McCabe, Norman M., 2Lt
N None
B Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, 1Lt
E Johnson, Joe Morris, S/Sgt
R Doss, Charles W., Jr., S/Sgt
G Coleman, Seaton L., S/Sgt
F None
Friday, 14 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s attack Viterbo Airfield and Leghorn marshalling yard, B26s strike at Poggibonsi, Certaldo, Cecina and Magra, attacking mostly rail facilities and
hit Arezzo bridge and viaduct and Bucine viaducts; fighter-bombers also concentrate on
rail lines and bridges and hit many supply dumps, gun positions and factories, generally
located NE of Rome. HQ 340th Bombardment Group (Medium) moves from Paestum,
Italy to Corsica.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: News of the move to our next base in Corsica was aired in a
definite manner today. Various sections began their stenciling and crating.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 299/mission 298) Group Mission # 261:
We got 38 A/C up to bomb the Viterbo A/D, to put it out of commission, and for the most
part succeeded. Put strings of 500 pounders through the landing strip and excellent
coverage in the hangar area.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 261 Date: 14 Apr 44
No A/C completing mission: 38
Squadrons: 445-10
Target: Viterbo A/D.
Time OFF: 0835
T.O.T.: 1044
Time Down: 1207
(Final Report not available)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: We had macaroni for supper. There was another baseball game
this afternoon.
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 299/mission 298) Group Mission # 261: The
Viterbo airdrome was attacked today, there was excellent coverage. Lt. Waterman’s ship
didn’t check out and he couldn’t take off. The spare which filled in for him was shot
down over the target by flak.
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Rigler, Edward J., 2Lt
Santone, Michael A., 2Lt
Napple, Francis L., F/O
Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
Malmberg, Russell H., S/Sgt
Wells, Joy E., S/Sgt
Doswell, Richard (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
Shyshka, Lubomir P. “Cross Country”,
Hammar, Robert L., 2Lt
Fisher, Sigmund M., 2Lt
Underwood, James H., Jr., Capt
Soltysiak, Stanley J. “Salty”, Pvt
Plunk, Charlie B., S/Sgt
Weaver, Dale W., Cpl
Friday, 14 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
P Crider, Claude M., Jr., 1Lt
CP Wagner, Gerald W., 2Lt
N None
B Werrlein, Harry F., 2Lt
E York, Rufus (NMI), Sgt
R Kintly, James E., S/Sgt
G Reddy, John E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-53373
P Schiff, Frederick (NMI), 2Lt
CP Groh, Sheldon R., 2Lt
N None
B Yepez, Oscar W., 1Lt
E Marinucci, Andrew J., Sgt
R Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
G McGinley, Joseph B., Sgt
F Cheosky, Alexander A., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
P Gunder, William H., 2Lt
CP Place, Winston R., 2Lt
N None
B Klein, Robert J., 2Lt
E Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), Sgt
R Rossi, Sam J., S/Sgt
G Tarr, Charles F., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-29985
Smith, Alfred B., 2Lt
Swanson, Harry A., 2Lt
Simpkins, Everett L., 2Lt
Leith, Douglas L., Sgt
Scott, Aurelias M., S/Sgt
Jones, Harvey J., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
McLain, Damon I., 1Lt
VenJohn, George G., 2Lt
Boucher, Arthur Paul, F/O
DeRose, Louis A., Sgt
O’Leary, John D., T/Sgt
Harris, Charles W., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Hinsley, Maxwell D., 1Lt
Schweda, George J., 2Lt
Werner, Samuel (NMI), 2Lt
Smith, Warren A., Jr., Sgt
Stephens, Robert T., S/Sgt
Whelan, Edward J., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64575
Wilson, Victor H., Capt
Hardman, Albert F. “Al”, Jr., 2Lt
Sharp, Kenneth R., 1Lt
Schutte, Warren G., 1Lt
Dillon, James A., S/Sgt
DiPietrantonio, Joseph N., T/Sgt
Herrman, Byard G., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
Neumann, Robert H., Capt
Rygh, Malvin S. “Mal”, 2Lt
Smith, Raymond (NMI), 2Lt
Kauric, William J., 1Lt
Cross, Vassil W., Jr., S/Sgt
Maddox, Richard L., T/Sgt
Irvin, Ralph D., S/Sgt
Friday, 14 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Loaded twelve planes last night with 500 pound bombs. Mission leaving
now, 09:00 hours. Yesterday we took a Call. 50 to the beach again and had a pretty
good time firing at several half-sunken landing boats. For a time we had something of a
miniature invasion exercise of our own on the same grounds as the real one, but ours was
more of a defensive nature. We were firing at one barge while several P-39s were
strafing another and a third, less than 50 yards from us was being bombed by some of
our B-25s flying at 500 feet altitude. In rear of us a short distance, Ordnance was adding
to the show by disposing of a great number of smoke and signal flares in a brilliant and
multi-colored fire. So we played on the same ground so hellish to the boys of the 36th
Division who landed here eight months ago. One has little to say about what his lot shall
be in war, and I suppose I should be satisfied with playing soldier, but I am not.”
446th BS War Diary: Lt. Dwyer makes 1st Lieut. Today.
Dwyer, Owen V., 1Lt, armament
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 299/mission 298) Group Mission # 261:
Squadron Mission 219
TARGET: Viterbo A/D, Italy.
DATE: 14 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 500 lb.
446th Planes: 12
Capt. Cooper led the formation. Fairly good coverage of bombs indicated. Strings
through center of field and landing strip. Hits on or near three hangers reported, also hits
in barracks area SE of A/D. Flak was heavy, moderate to intense and accurate. Nineteen
planes were hit. No fighters. Lt. Herbert mad an emergency landing, due to hydraulic
system being shot out.
A/C No. 41-13123
P Herbert, John James, Jr., 1Lt
CP Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt
N None
B Johnson, Henry W., 2Lt
E Clay, Donald W., Sgt
R Green, Salem M., S/Sgt
G Casper, Henry G., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
P Walsh, George F., 1Lt
CP Hollingsworth, George K., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Sitts, Lonnie C., 2Lt
E Zelnick, John J., Sgt
R Cohen, George (NMI), T/Sgt
G Thornton, Edward P., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32403 “Alley Oop”
Hurley, John R., 2Lt
Ivankovig, Paul J., 2 Lt
McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt
Smith, Cephus M., Jr., S/Sgt
Bove, Anthony P., S/Sgt
Mittman, Milton M., Cpl
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Hodges, Richard E., 2Lt
Briles, Connolly O., 2Lt
Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 2Lt
Jupin, John (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Harrison, Hoyt V., S/Sgt
Napoliello, Felix (NMI), S/Sgt
Crawford, T. J., 1Lt (observer)
Friday, 14 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64549
Hawkes, Leon R., 2Lt
Mayfield, Estel Allen, 2Lt
Mexal, Gus J., 2Lt
Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
Youngblood, Woodrow W., S/Sgt
Lanza, William A., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64509 “No Peekin’”
(previously “Enid II”, “Arkansas
Traveler II”)
Hipson, Robert Graham, 2Lt
Hively, Harold Henry, 2Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 1Lt
Smetana, Frank C., Jr., Sgt
Sweedler, Max (NMI), S/Sgt
Zeman, Harold W., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13200
Jordan, Henry L., 2Lt
Smith, Randell L., 2Lt
Rice, Sumner W., 1Lt
Kane, Ronald J., S/Sgt
Bufkin, Francis P., Jr., S/Sgt
Burrow, Isom F., Cpl
A/C No. 41-29995 “Pistol Packin’
Morris, Meade L., Jr., 1Lt
Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt
Dunn, Thomas B., 2Lt
Reynolds, Laverne E., 2Lt
Schreiner, Lester B. “Les”, 2Lt
Fontenot, V. L. (i.o.), T/Sgt
Larson, Ralph L., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30293
LeClair, Edward R., 1Lt
Mickel, Alan T., 2Lt
Wotkowicz, Frank J., 2Lt
Bober, John (NMI), Jr., Sgt
Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
Velarde, Servando J., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64511 “The Madam 2 of
St. Joe”
Cooper, Paul T., Capt
Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
Kinney, John H., 2Lt
Mottley, John F., 2Lt
Shellhamer, Lawrence (NMI), Cpl
Miles, Walter J., Jr., S/Sgt
Foley, Joseph M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
Vivas, Frank Paul, 1Lt
Goff, Leroy Robert, Jr., 2Lt
Wilcox, Harry Bradway, Jr., 2Lt
Jacob, Elmer A., Jr., PFC
Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
Brown, Ronald M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30387 “Kay Girl”
Matzinger, Keith Robinson, 1Lt
Lee, Roy N., 2Lt
Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 1Lt
Britton, William W., Jr., Sgt
Howe, Frank M., Jr., S/Sgt
Nemet, Michael (NMI), Sgt
Friday, 14 April 1944 (continued)
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (mission 22, Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Herbert
A/C B-25C-1: 41-13123
Target: Viterbo A/D, Italy
Flying Time: 3:40 (44th mission in MTO)
Herbert, John James, Jr., 1Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier (mission 16)
“Pre-briefed 0745
T.O. 0845
Pilot: Hurley
CoPilot: Ivankovig
Ship # 403(Alley-Oop)
Alt 10,000 ft
Bombs: 8-500 # bombs.
Target: Viterbo Air drome (42° 25’ N - 12° 04’ E). Over target 1047, heavy, intense &
accurate flak. No fighters seen. Got plexiglass in left eye & cut on right wrist. Good
bomb pattern. 2nd flight lost 1 ship.
Had a shower, then sacked all afternoon. Had eye washed out. Felt sore. Went
to show tonite, saw same show as last nite. Combat flying time to date 5):55 hrs. Got a
practice bombing mission tomorrow.
Flying Time 03:40 hrs.”
Hurley, John R., 2Lt, pilot
Ivankovig, Paul J., 2Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Two officers and eight enlisted men have left for rest camp at
Capri. Flight training consisted of a navigation formation and low level formation.
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 299/mission 298) Group Mission # 261: 8
of our ships participated in a raid on Viterbo A/D, with Lt. Stocking leading the flight.
Strings of bombs through field and land strip. Good coverage indicated and hits on or
near 3 hangars. Also hits in barracks area. Lt. Dalley and crew were shot down near
target by heavy flak. The following crew in 559 was shot down over the target: 2nd Lt.
Fenton M. Dalley (p), 2nd Lt James E. Kelley (cp), 2nd Lt Allen E. Wingrove (b), Cpl.
Francis R. Ellis (eg), S/Sgt. Jack L Phelps (rg), and Sgt. Daniel R. Smith (tg).
A/C No. 42-64559 (MACR-4188 missing in action)
P Dalley, Fenton M., 2Lt
CP Kelley, James E., 2Lt
N None
B Wingrove, Allen E., 2Lt
E Ellis, Francis R., Cpl
R Phelps, Jack L., S/Sgt
Smith, Daniel R., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64583
Cloward, Glannin A., Capt
Manz, Wayne A., 2Lt
Webb, James A., 2Lt
Scarberry, Harold W., Sgt
Vineski, Robert R. “The Reverend”,
Burke, William H., Jr., Sgt
Friday, 14 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
P Murray, Richard E., 2Lt
CP Christian, Calvin B., 2Lt
N None
B Huffman, William C., 2Lt
E Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt
R Toole, John F., S/Sgt
G Fowler, Harold E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32449
P Button, Ervine J., 2Lt
CP Denman, John L., 2Lt
N None
B Adcock, Leonard E., 2Lt
E Baldridge, Grant W., Sgt
R Reynolds, Frank J., S/Sgt
G Harriman, Elmon P., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64553
P Tompkins, Howard D., 1Lt
CP Nettles, Forrest Truett, 2Lt
N None
B Lundmark, Norman J., 2Lt
E Collins, Clint R., Sgt
R LaFountain, Ned F., S/Sgt
G Blalock, Joe T., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64695
Stocking, Eugene E., 1Lt
Bastin, Melville R., 2Lt
Thomas, Robert E., 2Lt
Martin, Wayne R., 2Lt
Tollefson, Walter F. K., Cpl
Bilski, Walter J., Sgt
Mitchell, Rennie (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-64694
Schnoebelen, Orval L., 2Lt
Swanson, Robert Harold “Swanee”, 2Lt
Niedelman, Hyman (NMI), 2Lt,
Clyne, Everett H., Sgt
Gaydos, John P., T/Sgt
Jaskowski, John (NMI) “Jack”, Sgt
Statham, Alvin F., Cpl
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
Banks, Herbert J., 1Lt
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, 2Lt
Rye, Wayne T., Jr., 2Lt
James, Robert M., 2Lt
Koecher, Robert W., Sgt
Hubert, Leo G., T/Sgt
Bushnell, Jordan L., S/Sgt
447th BS War Diary Special Accounts: Today we lost one ship, our 11th combat loss, in
the attack on Viterbo Main Airdrome. Ship # “559” was flying left wing in the 4th
element, 3rd flight over Viterbo-Main A/S, 1047 hours at 11,000 feet, when hit by heavy
flak just at, or after, bomb release. It was soon to spiral or spin, possibly out of control,
leveled off momentarily between 3000 and 1000 feet altitude, possibly inverted then
dived toward the ground. One observer reported seeing it crash and explode about 2
miles North of the target near Viterbo-Montefiascone highway
Friday, 14 April 1944 (continued)
447th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 4188:
A/C No. 42-64559 (MACR-4188 - missing in action)
Dalley, Fenton M., 2Lt - KIA
Kelley, James E., 2Lt - KIA
Wingrove, Allen E., 2Lt - KIA
Ellis, Francis R., Cpl - KIA
Phelps, Jack L., S/Sgt - KIA
Smith, Daniel R., Sgt - KIA
Eyewitness Account: Britton, William W., Jr., Sgt, engineer-gunner, 446th BS
Office of the Operations Officer
A.P.O. 650
16 April 1944
360.33 Dalley, F. M. and Crew
SUBJECT: Missing Air Crew Report.
: Headquarters, Army Air Forces, Washington D. C. (Thru Channels)
1. I was tail gunner on the lead ship of the 4th element, 1st flight. A few seconds
after passing over the target what I later learned was plane 559 (42-64559) dropped its
right wing and went into a dive.
2. No fire was visible. I followed it down until it hit a road and exploded. I
did not observe any parachutes.
(Attachment to MAC Rpt, on
Lt. Dalley and crew, dated
16 April 1944)
Sergeant, 35683446,
Tail gunner.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyewitness Account: Lundmark, Norman J., 2Lt, bombardier, 447th BS
Office of the Operations Officer
A.P.O. 650
16 April 1944
Friday, 14 April 1944 (continued)
360.33 Dalley, F. M. and Crew
SUBJECT: Missing Air Crew Report.
: Headquarters, Army Air Forces, Washington D. C. (Thru Channels)
1. Our formation was in 3 boxes of 12. Our plane was in the No. 2 flight, 1st
element, and the No. 2 plane. We made a gradual turn to the right. Looking back, I saw
the third flight turning inside of us. Flak was breaking in and about the rear elements.
Suddenly one plane in the last element began to nose down. It went into a vertical dive.
2. The plane was going at a tremendous speed when it continued to nose past
vertical and leveled off. Flying inverted at an altitude of between 3,000 and 5,000 feet.
The plane disappeared from my vision flying level and in an inverted position, heading in
a direction approximately NE of the target.
(Attachment to MAC Rpt, on
Lt. Dalley and crew, dated
16 April 1944)
2ND Lt., Air Corps,
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
Friday, 14 April 1944 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 299/mission 298) Group Mission # 261:
Mission 212 (261). At 08:35 38 planes off to bomb Viterbo A/D and dropped 275 x 500
bombs at 10:44 from 10,500 feet. All returned except one at 12:07. Escort 12 Spits and
19 planes holed. Strings of bombs through center of field and landing strip, fairly good
coverage indicated, hits on or near three hangars also in barracks area short of hangars.
Flak: Heavy, moderate to intense mainly from between A/D and town of Viterbo. One
plane shot down by flak. Weather: CAVU, slight haze. F/L: Freeland.
A/C No. 42-64655
Freeland, Levi B., Jr., Capt
Elliott, Floyd A., 2Lt
Hough, William S., 1Lt
McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt
Clark, Raymond S., S/Sgt
Gilpatrick, Jack H., T/Sgt
Wolf, Elmer A., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64519
Hales, Ermine L., 1Lt
Cottle, Robert J., 2Lt
Kukorowski, Albert A., 2Lt
Hinton, Zane R., PFC
McEntee, Peter M., S/Sgt
Crow, Roscoe J., Pvt
A/C No. 42-32427
Kuykendall, James William “Kukie”, 2Lt
Olson, Orin E., 2Lt
Carr, Randal C., Cpl
Ernst, David L., Sgt
Schaffner, Clarence Donovan, S/Sgt
Slafkes, Milton M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30548
Doyle, Edward J., 1Lt
Howard, Charles E., 2Lt
Duncan, George F., 2Lt
Malec, Joseph A., 2Lt
Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), Sgt
Neview, Frederick J., Sgt
Jeffrey, Louis J., Cpl
A/C No. 41-13186
Lyons, John B., 2Lt
Matthews, Thomas W., 2Lt
Evans, Ivor P., 1Lt
Ripple, William E., Sgt
Thompson, Arthur R., Jr., S/Sgt
Rosencranz, Harvey R., Sgt
Sommer, Robert F., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
Armstrong, Donald R., 1Lt
Barber, Marshall Hall “Red”, 2Lt
Bond, Edward N., 2Lt
Sullivan, James G., Pvt
Jacobson, Fred (NMI), S/Sgt
Wilkerson, John J., Cpl
A/C No. 42-87455
Verkruysse, Emile D., 2Lt
Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, 2Lt
Shaw, Charles W., 2Lt
Carter, Eugene F., Sgt
Lellis, Michael C., Pvt
Bishop, William (NMI) “Bill”, Sgt
Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13195
Dossey, Vernon Curtis, 2Lt
Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Blume, Wilber T., 2Lt
Davis, Jimmie L., S/Sgt
Parham, James E., T/Sgt
Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
Saturday, 15 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers strike a marshalling yard at Leghorn and a
tunnel and railroad bridges in C Italy; P-47s attack rail lines, bridges and ammunition
dumps NE of Rome with good results; other P-47s, P-40s and A-36s hit numerous
targets, including rail lines, motor transport shop, vehicles, tanks and gun positions, in C
Italy and in the US Fifth Army battle areas. XII Air Support Command is redesignated
XII Tactical Air Command. Moves in Italy: HQ 332nd Fighter Group and 301st Fighter
Squadron from Montecorvino to Capodichino with P-39s; 486th Bombardment Squadron
(Medium), 340th Bombardment Group (Medium), from Gaudo Airfield to Alesan,
Corsica with B-25s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission---weather
445th BS War Diary: The men heard the “Berlin Bitch” broadcast that our group would
move to Corsica and said there would be a warm reception. The mission today was
cancelled after the crews had stood by at planes during the morning. Another ball game
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Lt. Braswell goes on detached service to A.F.S.C.
Braswell, Thomas J., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Practice bombing mission this a.m. with Hurley. T.O. 0845. Weather poor, dropped 5
bombs, CE-187. Sacked all afternoon. Rec’d 3 letters from Ma, one from Louise. Went
to show tonite with Burandt and Lewis, saw “Coney Island”. A good show. Wrote to
Ma. Got a practice bomb mission tomorrow a.m. Wrote to Ma. Flying time: 02:30 hrs.”
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt, pilot
Hurley, John R., 2Lt, pilot
Lewis, Vernon (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: A mission was scheduled, but cancelled due to weather condition.
One XC flight to Foggia by Capt. Stephenson, Major R. D. Sampson, Capt. R. C. Olson,
Capt. K. L. McFadden, Capt. E. B. Becker, Lt. S. P. Olsen and four enlisted men have left
on DS- USAFIME. Morning report: officers----83; EM----279
Becker, Edward B., Capt, bombardier
McFadden, Kenneth L., Capt, pilot
Olson, Robert C., Capt, pilot
Olsen, Svend P., Lt, navigator
Stephenson, Henry W., Capt, pilot
Sampson, Raymond D. “Sammy”, Maj, pilot, Commander
448th BS War Diary: No Entry.
Sunday, 16 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s bomb approaches to Ficulle and Todi railway bridges; A20s blast fuel supplies; P-40s, P-47s and A-36s hit the Capranica viaduct, town of
Zagarolo, railway at Spigno Monferrato, marshalling yard at Orte-Terni, tunnel at
Capranica and tracks, vehicles, railway cars, ammunition dump, bridge, and targets of
opportunity at various points in C Italy.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: (No non-mission information)
HQ 321st BG Communications Log:
0750 Fitzpatrick to Asbury. “Call signs: “Mustard White” (6 Spits), Mustard Black (6
Spits). Top Cover: “Dumplings” (4). Weather report later.
0815 Weather is O.K., go ahead as planned. Message--Duncan to Cameron.
0900 Duncan to Asbury. “Gen Knapp & Col. Olmsted will be here after lunch for a
conference. Keller notified”.
0925 Asbury to Duncan. “McAllison landed--deal is off”.
Weather Recce Report: “Whispy” haze, layer to 4,000 feet, visibility O.K. at
13,000 layer stratus enroute 3/10. At 15,000 stratus layer 3/10 over Target.
0944 Duncan to Larson. “Set-up one aircraft for special installation. The Pilot is to
take the plane to Foch Field and report to Lt. Haley of the 16th Recon Sqdn. An
SCR 587 Radio set will be installed there. The Pilot will have highest priority-orders are on the way from TAF, and Haley is to be informed of this fact. He is to
go over and return as soon as possible. The A/C will fly in last flight of first 24
planes. Radio Man is to go along.
“Informed them of Mission take-off”.
1120 Asbury to Duncan. “A/C has departed for Foch Field. Arrange fighters for
Nickeling mission. 1500 rendezvous, route, and number of escort”.
1220 Wing to Asbury. “Rendezvous at 8,000, C/S is “Rally Black”. Will Rend. at
Marcianise with 4 Spits (asked for 2 more)”.
Sunday, 16 April 1944 (continued)
1235 Fitzpatrick to Asbury. “We are to set up an aircraft to pick up “windows” at
Capodichino. If we experience trouble in obtaining them we are to call “Gordon”
then “Grapevine” then “Sparks” and ask for Maj. Freeland--he will straighten the
matter out. There is supposed to be a “man” at the Freight Office who will give
them the “windows”. Chaplain Johnson is to go with the flight to Capodichino.”
1340 Larson to 445th. “A/C 41-13179 “Booger” (445th) set-up to ferry “windows”.
Pilot to report here at 1415 for instruction”.
446th to Larson. “446th does not have Col. Olmsted’s Parachute”.
1345 Tokez to Asbury. “Mission for tomorrow: 24 A/C, 1000’s”
1455 Fitzpatrick to Asbury. “Mission is off, made rendezvous O.K.”
1500 Fitzpatrick to Asbury. “R.R. Bridge at A-619333, axis of 22°, rendezvous at
0945. Squadrons notified”.
1839 Tower to Asbury. “B-24 has departed”.
1945 Fitzpatrick to Asbury. “Fighter C/Sis “Steamer Red, Blue, Yellow”. Top cover is
“Banker Black”.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 300/mission 299) Group Mission # 262:
Due to difficulty in picking up the target only 7 A/C bombed their primary at the Ficulle
N. bridge. The remaining 19 dropped on the Orte RR bridge as the alternate and despite
a parallel axis photos show hits on the approach and probable hits on bridge itself.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 262 Date: 16 Apr 44
No A/C completing mission: 26
Squadrons: 445-7
Target: Ficulle N and S Railroad Bridges, Orte RR Bridge to Terni.
Time OFF: 0930
T.O.T.: 1120
Time Down:
(Final Report not available)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 301/mission 300) Group Mission # 263:
Three A/C completed a nickeling mission over Velletri.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 263 Date: 16 Apr 44
No A/C completing mission: 3
Squadrons: 445-1
Target: Nickeling over Velletri.
Time OFF: 1435
T.O.T.: 1550
Time Down: 1625
(Final Report not available)
Sunday, 16 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: There was a mission today, another bridge. Another ball game.
Luxury rations were distributed today. This was a big occasion because Coca-Colas were
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 300/mission 299) Group Mission # 262:
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
A/C No. 42-64575
Crider, Claude M., Jr., 1Lt
P Gunder, William H., 2Lt
Fischer, Franklyn R., 2Lt
CP Wagner, Gerald W., 2Lt
N None
Brule, Gordon J., 2Lt
B Simpkins, Everett L., 2Lt
Ceccucci, Harold A., Sgt
E York, Rufus (NMI), Sgt
Parlette, Oliver C., S/Sgt
R Kintly, James E., S/Sgt
Hunt, Jerry E., S/Sgt
G Reddy, John E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
A/C No. 42-53373
Gambler II”
Waterman, LeRoy R., 1Lt
P Wilson, Victor H., Capt
Cormier, Emery O., 2Lt
CP Groh, Sheldon R., 2Lt
N Paduana, Joseph A., Capt
O’Toole, Francis X., 1Lt
B Schutte, Warren G., 1Lt
Swingholm, Raymond J., Sgt
E Belt, Hunter C., S/Sgt
Pate, Harris B., Jr., S/Sgt
R Boyd, Ewell V., T/Sgt
Bellendir, John C., Sgt
G Lemke, Leslie J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
A/C No. 41-30354
Dickerson, Samuel M., 1Lt
P Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt
Richardson, John S., 2Lt
CP Boucher, Arthur Paul, F/O
N Sharp, Kenneth R., 1Lt
Werrlein, Harry F., 2Lt
B Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, 1Lt
Malloy, Edward J., Sgt
E Malmberg, Russell H., S/Sgt
Wells, Robert J., Sgt
R Wells, Joy E., S/Sgt
Kramer, Henry P., Sgt
G Doswell, Richard (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
P Hinsley, Maxwell D., 1Lt
CP Schweda, George J., 2Lt
N None
B Yepez, Oscar W., 1Lt
E Cross, Vassil W., Jr., S/Sgt
R O’Leary, John D., T/Sgt
G Schaviak, Willis M., Sgt
F None
Sunday, 16 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 301/mission 300) Group Mission # 263:
A/C No. 42-64575
Farrell, Robert A., 1Lt
Moore, Henry D., 2Lt
Fisher, Sigmund M., 2Lt
Monk, William (NMI), 1Lt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI),
Marcoulier, William A., S/Sgt
Tarra, Charles F., Jr., S/Sgt
446th BS War Diary: A mission is flown.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 300/mission 299) Group Mission # 262:
Squadron Mission 220
TARGET: Orte RR Bridge to Terni, Italy.
DATE: 16 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 7
Lt. Wiginton, 447th Sqdn. led the formation. Seven a/c of first flight bombed Ficulle RR
Bridge and report tracks cut 100 yds. S of bridge and may have cut track 100 yds. N of
bridge. Bridge itself not hit. Nineteen a/c bombed Orte RR Bridge to Terni and reported
no hits on target. Flak was heavy, moderate, inaccurate. No fighters.
Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, 2Lt, pilot, 447th BS
A/C No. 42-64549
Walsh, George F., 1Lt
Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt
Chapman, John E., 2Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 1Lt
Howe, Frank M., Jr., T/Sgt
Zelnick, John J., Sgt
Larson, Ralph L., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13200
Jordan, Harry L., 2Lt
Gibbons, George H., 2Lt
Rice, Sumner W., 1Lt
Kane, Ronald J., Sgt
Bufkin, Francis P., Jr., S/Sgt
Burrow, Isom F., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 2Lt
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt
Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 2Lt
Bellamy, Herbert E., S/Sgt
Cohen, George (NMI), T/Sgt
Napoliello, Felix (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-29995 “Pistol Packin’
Cooper, Paul T., Capt
Rimmer, Charles B., Capt
Franklin, Arthur E., 2Lt
Mottley, John F., 2Lt
Shellhamer, Lawrence (NMI), Cpl
Miles, Walter J., Jr., S/Sgt
Foley, Joseph M., Sgt
Sunday, 16 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32403 “Alley Oop”
Herbert, John James, Jr., 1Lt
Church, Edwin Adem, 2Lt
Johnson, Henry W., 2Lt
Clay, Donald W., Sgt
Green, Salem M., S/Sgt
Casper, Henry G., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30387 “Kay Girl”
P LeClair, Edward R., 1Lt
CP Mickel, Alan T., 2Lt
N None
B Wotkowicz, Frank J., 2Lt
E Bober, John (NMI), Jr., Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Zeman, Harold W., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64509 “No Peekin’”
(previously “Enid II”, “Arkansas
Traveler II”)
Othick, Rolland R., 1Lt
Sampson, Allan T., 1Lt
Sitts, Lonnie C., 2Lt
McArdle John R., PFC,
Huntoon, Stuart Layne, Pvt
Miller, Edward J., Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 301/mission 300) Group Mission # 263:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (mission 23, Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-20: 42-64549
Target: Orte RR Bridge to Terni, Italy
Flying Time: 2:30 (45th mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 1Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Practice bomb mission this a.m. T.O. @ 0830. Hurley let me get a little stick time in.
Sacked all afternoon. Went to show tonite, saw “Coney Island” again. Scheduled for a
practice bombing mission tomorrow a.m. Rec’d a letter and a Valentine’s Day Card
from Alice. Signed payroll today. Wrote Louise, Alice.
Flying time: 02:15 hrs.”
Hurley, John R., 2Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Today’s training consisted of low flight, practice formation,
navigation flight and a local instrument flight.
Wiginton, J. Maurice, 2Lt, pilot
Cloward, Glannin A., Capt, pilot
Sunday, 16 April 1944 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 300/mission 299) Group Mission # 262: 6 of
our ships participated in a raid on Ficulle RR Bridge, with Lt. Wiginton leading the flight.
Both the alternate and primary targets were hit cutting tracks but no hits on bridges. The
alternate target in this raid was the Orte RR bridge.
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
P Swanson, Robert Harold “Swanee”, 2Lt
CP Schnoebelen, Orval L., 2Lt
N None
B Niedelman, Hyman (NMI), 2Lt
E Fisher, Theodore M., S/Sgt
R Gaydos, John P., T/Sgt
G Jaskowski, John (NMI) “Jack”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32505
Speer, Marvin L., 2Lt
Nall, John G., 2Lt
Deane, George J., 1Lt
Dawson, Roy C., 1Lt
Carlson, Carl M., T/Sgt
Corkill, John (NMI), Sgt
Lamoureau, Archille D., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13175 “The Saint Myrtle
P Thomas, John J., 1Lt
CP Grimse, Ralph T., 2Lt
N None
B Rosenbledt, James M., 2Lt
E Sheppard, Luther Edgar “L.E.”, Jr., Sgt
R Free, Paul L., S/Sgt
G Rose, Clifford A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64694
P Haynes, Eldon R., 2Lt
CP Magne, Henry J. “Joe”, 2Lt
N None
B James, Robert M., 2Lt
E Engels, Robert W., S/Sgt
R Cowart, Eugene C., S/Sgt
G Tarra, Frederick J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
Alger, LeRoy (NMI), 1Lt
Heitman, William F., 2Lt
Anderson, Sherman E., 2Lt
Ford, Leonard W., S/Sgt
Williamson, Myles O., T/Sgt
Orzynski, Henry E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30126 “Bull of Sahara Flak Magnate” (early return)
Tompkins, Howard D., 1Lt
Nettles, Forrest Truett, 2Lt
Lundmark, Norman J., 2Lt
Collins, Clint R., Sgt
LaFountain, Ned F., S/Sgt
Blalock, Joe T., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13181 “The Sophisticated
Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, 1Lt
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, 2Lt
Thomas, Robert E., 2Lt
Jones, Claude F., 1Lt
Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt
Chatters, Aubrey W., T/Sgt
Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt
Sunday, 16 April 1944 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 301/mission 300) Group Mission # 263:
Capt. Cloward and crew carried out a successful nickeling mission on Velletri.
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
P Cloward, Glannin A., Capt
CP Manz, Wayne A., 2Lt
N None
B Webb, James A., 2Lt
E Scarberry, Harold W., Sgt
R Vineski, Robert R. “The Reverend”,
G Burke, William H., Jr., Sgt
F None
447th BS: War Diary of: Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt, gunner: “18th
mission, flew with Wigs, bombed Orte rail bridge, no opposition.”
Wiginton, J. Maurice "Wigs", 2Lt, pilot
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 300/mission 299) Group Mission # 262:
Mission 213 (262). At 09:30 26 planes off to bomb Ficculle N and S RR bridges,
alternate Orte RR bridge. 85 x 1000 bombs dropped on primary at 11:20 and others
dropped on alternate. Ficculle N RR bridge not hit but tracks cut 100 yards S of bridge
and 100 yards N of bridge. Lead ships of first flight did not identify target in time to
bomb due to haze and bombed alternate with second flight which also did not pick up
their primary target. 19 planes bombed Orte RR bridge, most bombs N of bridge cutting
tracks others short and E of target. No hits were scored on the bridge. Flak: Heavy,
intense and accurate from all targets. Weather: Hazy. F/L: Capt. Crowell.
A/C No. 42-87455
Verkruysse, Emile D., 2Lt
Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., 2Lt
Evans, Ivor P., 1Lt
Clark, Raymond S., Sgt
Hassenbein, Sam (NMI), S/Sgt
Bishop, William (NMI) “Bill”, Sgt
Crawford, R. W., 1Lt (observer)
A/C No. 41-13050
Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 2Lt
Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt
Carter, Eugene R., Sgt
Dean, Wilmer J., S/Sgt
Neuman, Robert A., Sgt
Sunday, 16 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64655
P Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., Capt
CP McCabe, Norman M., 2Lt
N Duncan, George F., 2Lt
B Kreutz, Alfred W., 1Lt
E Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
R Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
G Grant, Herbert J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
P Armstrong, Donald R., 1Lt
CP Barber, Marshall Hall “Red”, 2Lt
N Hickey, William O., 2Lt
B Bond, Edward N., 2Lt
E Sullivan, James G., Pvt
R Jacobson, Fred (NMI), S/Sgt
G Wilkerson, John J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 41-30125
Hales, Ermine L., 1Lt
Amo, Leo W., 2Lt
Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
Hinton, Zane R., PFC
McEntee, Peter M., S/Sgt
Crow, Roscoe J., Pvt
Sommer, Robert F., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64519
Dossey, Vernon Curtis, 2Lt
Elliott, Floyd A., 2Lt
Quartuccio, Anthony P., 2Lt
Hospod, Benjamin (NMI), Sgt
Dilts, Robert E., S/Sgt
White, Frank H., Sgt
Daniels, John (NMI), S/Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 301/mission 300) Group Mission # 263:
Mission 214 (263). At 14:35 3 planes off on nickeling mission over Velletri and dropped
“The Front Post” at 15:50. All returned at 16:25. Escort 6 Spits. 3 JU-88’s seen but did
not attack. Weather: CAVU.
A/C No. 41-30327
P Freeland, Levi B., Jr., Capt
CP Shear, Meyer (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Burday, Harry (NMI), 2Lt
E Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), S/Sgt
R Acey, Marvin E., S/Sgt
G Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
F None
Monday, 17 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): AAF, MTO: 121st Liaison
Squadron, AAF, MTO moves from Oran to Telergma, Algeria with L-4s and L-5s; first
mission is in Sep 44.
In Italy, B-25s attack bridges N of Orte and at Monte Molino, while A20s pound a fuel dump NE of Rome; P-40, P-47 and A-36 fighter-bombers hit motor
transport stores and gun positions N of Anzio, bomb Fara in Sabina station, hit tracks,
trains and guns in the Orte and Narni area and at other points N of Rome.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Lt. Colonel Remington, the Deputy Commander, flew Major
Moon as the advance man for the next move to Corsica.
Moon, Gerald T., Maj, communications
Remington, Peter H., Lt Col, pilot, Deputy Commander
HQ 321st BG Communications Log:
0750 Wing to Cameron. “Weather is O.K.”.
0845 Duncan to Robertson. “Leave Capt. Stokes at Fighter Field until we move. Then
we are to pick him up and bring him over with us”.
Tipton to Remington. “There is Nickeling material at Capodichino for us, we are
to pick it up”.
0910 Larson to Wing. “Informed them of the number of non-operational A/C that we
1020 Asbury to Tipton. “A/C set-up to go to TAF for two days is 41-30538 “Shad
Rack You Done Crapped Again” (447th)”.
1050 Larson to 448th. “Set-up 2 A/C for Nickeling mission”.
1050 Wing to Larson. “Escort for nickeling mission, rendezvous at 1500. Bomber call
sign is “Courthouse”.
“Informed Wing that we knew nothing about a special Nickeling mission”.
1220 Larson to Wing. “Flash mission report”.
1340 Wing to Cameron. “Rendezvous at Marcianise at 8,000 feet at 1500. Fighter C/S
“Mustard Red”. Overcast at 7,000 feet at Beach-head, rendezvous at 8,000 ft.
(above overcast).”
Monday, 17 April 1944 (continued)
Tipton to Larson. “No fighters available for the Nickeling Mission, he is trying to
contact our formation”.
We are to se-up an A/C for A/A firing practice between 1400 and 1530”.
Check on A/C to take Major Duck (Amphibious Eng) on flight to check on site
for naval bombardment practice at 1300. A/C 42-64695 from the 447th”.
1630 Wing to Cameron. “Target for tomorrow: Orvieto, at A-66593, Load is 1000’s
with .1 and .025, 24 A/C. Stand-by at 0900”.
2235 57th Wing to Bennard. “Fighter C/S is “Beefy”. Rendezvous at Marcianise with
12 Spits. Route: go up inland, central Italy and back by Sea. We are to fly at
maximum cruising speed because it will be maximum fighter range. We are to
plot shortest route possible”.
2255 Base Operations to ODO. “A/C 42-64575 (445th BS) arrived at LVMI at 1430”.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 302/mission 301) Group Mission # 264:
Congratulations came in from General Knapp on 1st class job of bombing on the Orte
bridge. The flight leader, Captain Crowell of the 448th was shot down over the target but
nevertheless the formation of 27 A/C covered the target area crossing both approaches to
the Attigliano bridge and crossing the center also.
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., Capt, pilot, 448th BS
Knapp, Robert Duane, Sr., Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 264 Date: 17 Apr 44
No A/C completing mission: 27
Squadrons: 445-7
Target: RR Bridge 2 miles S of Attigliano at A-619333.
Time OFF: 0835
T.O.T.: 1030
Time Down: 1145
(Final Report not available)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The departments are starting to pack today in preparation for the
move to Corsica. The “Berlin Bitch” was right. There was a mission today, another
bridge. It was hit. Also another ball game.
Monday, 17 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 302/mission 301) Group Mission # 264:
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
Wilson, Victor H., Capt
Register, Percy D., Maj, Commander
Casaburi, Robert Roland, 2Lt
Schutte, Warren G., 1Lt
Dillon, James A., S/Sgt
DiPietrantonio, Joseph N., T/Sgt
Herrman, Byard G., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32458
Gunder, William H., 2Lt
Wagner, Gerald W., 2Lt
Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Sgt
Soltysiak, Stanley J. “Salty”, Pvt
Plunk, Charlie B., S/Sgt
McClary, Louis E., Sgt
Abrams, Samuel (NMI), Pvt
A/C No. 41-30354
Tarmichael, Arthur J., 1Lt
Wolfe, Robert A., 2Lt
O’Toole, Francis X., 1Lt
Hickey, William R., Sgt
Shiloh, Andrew (NMI), S/Sgt
Imbastaro, Alexander J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
Hinsley, Maxwell D., 1Lt
Schweda, George J., 2Lt
Werrlein, Harry F., 2Lt
Kitts, Gordon L., Sgt
Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, S/Sgt
Weaver, Dale W., Cpl
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., 1Lt
Groose, William R. “Bud”, 2Lt
Napple, Francis L., F/O
Wren, Frank J., 1Lt
Hawkins, Vernon L., Sgt
Bixby, Jack H., T/Sgt
Zimmer, Henry G., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
McLain, Damon I., 1Lt
Santone, Michael A., 2Lt
Werner, Samuel (NMI), 2Lt
Morisi, David D., Pvt
Marcoulier, William A., S/Sgt
Eiff, William C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-29985
Smith, Alfred B., 2Lt
Rygh, Malvin S. “Mal”, 2Lt
Underwood, James H., Jr., Capt
Knight, Arnold K., Sgt
Rossi, Sam J., S/Sgt
Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt
Monday, 17 April 1944 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: Another mission today---successful. A mail call in the late
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 302/mission 301) Group Mission # 264:
Squadron Mission 221
TARGET: RR Bridge S of Attigliano, Italy.
DATE: 17 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 7
Capt. Crowell, 448 Sqdn. led the formation. In spite of very turbulent air and the flight
leader being shot down just before reaching the target, bombs observed hitting both NW
and SE approaches with several direct hits reported on bridge itself. Flak was heavy,
moderate to intense and accurate. Nine planes holed. No fighters.
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., Capt, pilot, 448th BS
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 2Lt
Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 2Lt
McArdle, John R., PFC
Harrison, Hoyt V., S/Sgt
Miller, Edward J., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
Vivas, Frank Paul, 1Lt
Wojcik, Walter (NMI), 2Lt
Wilcox, Harry Bradway, Jr., 2Lt
Jacob, Elmer A., Jr., PFC
Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
Brown, Ronald M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30387 “Kay Girl”
P Matzinger, Keith Robinson, 1Lt
CP Ivankovig, Paul J., 2Lt
N None
B Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 1Lt
E Britton, William W., Jr., Sgt
R Cohen, George (NMI), T/Sgt
G Foley, Joseph M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64549
Hawkes, Leon R., 2Lt
Vancil, Alfred E., 2Lt
Mexal, Gus J., 2Lt
Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
Green, Salem M., S/Sgt
Lanza, William A., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64509 “No Peekin’”
(previously “Enid II”, “Arkansas
Traveler II”)
Hipson, Robert Graham, 2Lt
Hively, Harold Henry, 2Lt
Williams, Warren R., 2Lt
Smetana, Frank C., Jr., Sgt
Sweedler, Max (NMI), S/Sgt
Zeman, Harold W., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32403 “Alley Oop”
Hodges, Richard E. 2Lt
Fontaine, Eugene A., Jr., 2Lt
Forsberg, Robert A., 2Lt
Nigrelli, Ernest J., Sgt
Maddox, Everett R., S/Sgt
Burrow, Isom F., Sgt
Monday, 17 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-29995 “Pistol Packin’
P Morris, Meade L., Jr., 1Lt
CP Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt
N Dunn, Thomas B., 2Lt
B Reynolds, Laverne E., 2Lt
E Schreiner, Lester B. “Les”, Sgt
R Howe, Frank M., Jr., T/Sgt
G Larson, Ralph L., Sgt
F None
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Practice bomb mission with Hurley, had PDI lag trouble. CE-445. 448th lost a ship on
the mission this a.m. Hung around tent all afternoon. Got our week’s rations tonite, ran
short again. Not scheduled for anything tomorrow, rumor has it some of us may go to
Corsica in the advanced detail. Wrote to Alice and D.F.
Flying time: 02:45 hrs.”
Hurley, John R., 2Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Today’s flight training consisted of a three ship formation led by
Lt. Speer, Lt. Swanson in plane #505 (42-32505) flew a mission for the heavy AA
batteries at Salerno, and Capt. Bounds flew a local gunner mission. T/Sgt. Albert V.
Hanley was admitted to the 32nd Field Hosp. for observation.
Bounds, Thomas C., Capt, pilot
Hanley, Albert V., T/Sgt, transportation
Seavey, George D., Lt, pilot
Speer, Marvin T., 1Lt, pilot
Swanson, Robert Harold “Swanee”, 2Lt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 302/mission 301) Group Mission # 264: 6 of
our ships participated in a raid on RR bridge S of Attigliano with Lt. Seavey as flight
leader. In spite of turbulent air and 448th Sq. flight leader being shot down just before
target, bombs were observed hitting both NW and SE approaches with several direct hits
on bridge itself. Some short and over S of river.
A/C No. 42-64695
Murray, Richard E., 2Lt
Christian, Calvin B., 2Lt
Huffman, William C., 2Lt
Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt
Toole, John F., S/Sgt
Fowler, Harold E., Sgt
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
Banks, Herbert J., 1Lt
Kibler, Warren E., 2Lt
Anderson, Sherman E., 2Lt
Hubert, Leo G., T/Sgt
Koecher, Robert W., Sgt
Bushnell, Jordan L., S/Sgt
Monday, 17 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
P Seavey, George D., 1Lt
CP Mims, Nathan (NMI), 2Lt
N Matthewson, Merton K., Jr., 2Lt
B McDermott, James W., 2Lt
E Schwartz, Arthur (NMI), S/Sgt
R Harman, Robert W., T/Sgt
G Orzynski, Henry E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
P Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt
CP Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt
E Partee, Watson L., Sgt
R Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt
G Mango, Vincent A. “Vince”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13175 “The Saint Myrtle
P Tompkins, Howard D., 1Lt
CP Nettles, Forrest Truett, 2Lt
N None
B Lundmark, Norman J., 2Lt
E Collins, Clint R., Sgt
R LaFountain, Ned F., S/Sgt
G Kierskey, J. E. Cpl
F None
A/C No. 42-32449
Schnoebelen, Orval L., 2Lt
Manley, Ward E., 2Lt
Niedelman, Hyman (NMI), 2Lt
Clyne, Everett H., Sgt
Gaydos, John P., T/Sgt
Jaskowski, John (NMI) “Jack”, Sgt
Lamoureau, Archille D., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64694
Button, Ervine J., 2Lt
Denman, John L., 2Lt
Adcock, Leonard E., 2Lt
Dawson, Roy C., Sgt
Cowart, Eugene C., S/Sgt
Noyes, Charles D., S/Sgt
447th BS: War Diary of: Mango, Vincent A. “Vince” "Vince", Sgt, aerial gunner
(Mission 4)
“Target: Attigliano RR bridge
Flak: HMA Combat: 3:15
Bombs: 1,000 lb
Escorts: Spits
Plane # 512 (42-64512 “Scotch & Soda)
Crew: P-Lt. Dean,
CP-Lt Krafka, B-Lt Spruill, E-Sgt Partee, R-SSG Alpino, G-Sgt Mango
In spite of turbulent air and flight leader being shot down, bombs were observed hitting
both NW and SE approaches w/several direct hits on bridge itself. Tail shot off of CPT
Crowell's ship (42-64655) over target and plane went down.”
Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., Capt, pilot, 448th BS
Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt, pilot
Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
Partee, Watson L., Sgt, engineer-gunner
Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt, bombardier
Monday, 17 April 1944 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 302/mission 301) Group Mission # 264:
Mission 215 (264). At 08:35 27 planes off to bomb RR bridge 2 miles S of Attigliano
and dropped 96 x 1000 bombs from 10,500 feet at 10:30. One plane was lost and the rest
returned at 11:45. Captain Crowell the leader of the flight was hit in the Navigator’s
compartment by flak and was soon going down under control over the target. The tail of
Captain Crowell’s ship was shot off (#655). Two to five chutes were reported to have
opened by the rest of the formation, the plane crashed just N of town. In spite of very
turbulent air and the flight leader being shot down just before the target bombs were
observed hitting both NE and SE approaches with several direct hits reported on the
bridge itself. Some bombs fell short and over. Flak: Heavy, intense and accurate,
starting at IP and going to target. Weather: Hazy. F/L: Capt. Crowell.
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., Capt, pilot, 448th BS
A/C No. 42-64655 (MACR-4193 - shot
P Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., Capt
CP Elliott, Floyd A., 2Lt
N Hough, William S., 2Lt
B Kreutz, Alfred W., 2Lt
E Johnson, Joe Morris, S/Sgt
R Doss, Charles W., Jr., S/Sgt
G Graham, Herbert J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30125
P Kuykendall, James William “Kukie”, 2Lt
CP Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Judy, Philip R., 2Lt
E Ernst, David L., Sgt
R Schaffner, Clarence Donovan, S/Sgt
G Slafkes, Milton M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64519
P Riener, William F., 2Lt
CP Ovard, Glen S., 2Lt
N None
B Evans, Ivor P., 1Lt
E Johnson, Roy C., S/Sgt
R Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
G Silva, John P., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-87455
Lyons, John B., 2Lt
Howard, Charles E., 2Lt
Burday, Harry (NMI), 2Lt
Thompson, Arthur R., Jr., S/Sgt
Rosencranz, Harvey R., Sgt
Edwards, Clarence C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64521
Doyle, Edward J., 1Lt
Olson, Orin E., 2Lt
Olszewski, Henry (NMI), 2Lt
Malec, Joseph A., 2Lt
Daniels, John (NMI), S/Sgt
Burr, Harry C., S/Sgt
Jeffrey, Louis J., Cpl
A/C No. 41-13050
Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 2Lt
Warren, William F., 2Lt
McDonough, Thomas E., Jr., 2Lt
Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), S/Sgt
Dean, Wilmer J., S/Sgt
Neuman, Robert A., Sgt
Sommer, Robert F.,
Monday, 17 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Greene, William A., 1Lt
Matthews, Thomas W., 2Lt
Hickey, William O., 2Lt
Greene, Louis P., 2Lt
Luton, Howard W., Sgt
Dilts, Robert E., S/Sgt
Sharpsteen, Robert E., Sgt
447th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 4193:
A/C No. 42-64655 (MACR-4193 - shot down)
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., Capt - KIA
Elliott, Floyd A., 2Lt - POW, liberated and RTD
Hough, William S., 2Lt - MIA, evaded enemy and RTD 10 Jun 44
Kreutz, Alfred W., 2Lt - KIA
Johnson, Joe Morris, S/Sgt - KIA
Doss, Charles W., Jr., S/Sgt - KIA
Graham, Herbert J., S/Sgt - KIA
Excerpt from Casualty Questionnaire: Hough, William S., 2Lt, navigator, 448th BS
I feel that this report would be incomplete without a description of how the actual
occurrence happened. We flew the course exactly as briefed and had reached the vicinity
of the target. Capt. Crowell had leveled the airplane off on the bomb run and Lt. Kreutz
was adjusting his sight on the target. The plane was hit by two direct A.A. on the tail
assembly, and lost the complete unit. Then the plane climbed out of control and fell off
on its back. Capt. Crowell succeeded in getting the ship off its back and out of a spin
with the use of ailerons and engines alone. At his command I bailed out through the front
hatch, and as I left he was still attempting to hold the aircraft under control in order to
give the rest of the crew a chance to jump. The bombardier, Lt. Kreutz had the presence
of mind to close the bombay doors before trying to climb up the narrow, slippery
crawlway that leads from the nose to the pilot’s cockpit. As I passed underneath the ship
I had a clear view of the damage; the entire rear from the bombay aft was riddled and the
entire tail assembly was gone. It is my belief that the gunners were either killed or too
badly injured to try to jump. After my chute opened, I watched one other chute open up
and then the ship crashed by the outskirts of a small Italian town. I landed in an orchard
about two miles from the crash, and it was around five minutes after I had landed that the
ship blew up. I succeeded in getting rid of my chute and making my way to a hiding
place in a drainage ditch some distance from where I had hit the ground. Somehow,
although I heard several patrols and actually saw four Fascist soldiers, I was not
Monday, 17 April 1944 (continued)
discovered. I was unable to contact the other member of my crew and I thought it best to
start out of the vicinity by the escape route upon which we had been briefed. The rest
was my personal troubles and did not include the rest of the crew.
W. S. Hough
1st Lt. A.C. (Res. Inactive)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyewitness Account: Denman, John L., 2Lt, pilot, 447th BS
A.P.O. # 650
18 April 1944
I was flying in the 3rd element, 2nd flight, and the 2nd plane
I didn’t see the plane get hit, but I saw it just after it was hit, when it pulled to the
right of the formation and went upwards to almost a stalling position, and as it seemed to
hang there, I could see that the left stabilizer was gone.
It was then started down, falling about 1000 feet level with the nose slightly
pointed downward. It then went to practically a flat spin, falling approximately 4000 feet
in this position. Then it seemed to partially come under control, and it was at this point
that I saw five (5) parachutes begin to open.
We then went into a steep bank to the left and therefore impossible for me to
follow either the ship or the parachutes.
JOHN L. DENMAN, 0-807511
2nd Lieut., Air Corps,
Co-pilot, 447th Bomb. Sq. (M)
(Attachment to MAC Report, Crowell,
Weymouth (NMI) (O) and crew, dated
18 April 1944.)
Monday, 17 April 1944 (continued)
Eyewitness Account: Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), S/Sgt, engineer-gunner, 448th BS
A.P.O. # 650
18 April 1944
The first I knew that airplane 42-64655 was hit, was when her rudder went past
our side, then I saw the ship go by us on her back She turned right side up and went into
a slow flat wide spiral down.
One man parachuted after the first spiral and about ten seconds later a second
parachute opened, and the ship crashed in the north end of the town NNE of the target,
bursting into flames immediately upon impact.
S/Sgt., Air Corps,
(Attachment to MAC Report, Crowell,
Weymouth (NMI) (O) and crew, dated
18 April 1944.)
Tuesday, 18 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, P-47 fighter-bombers cut several rail lines in the Florence and
Arezzo areas and strafe trains and motor transport; P-40s and P-47s hit Itri and a rail
bridge and fuel dumps as the campaign against communications continues.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: 27 A/C to move to Corsica this date with crews; ready to
operate on the morrow.
HQ 321st BG Communications Log:
0809 Capt. Gilkrease to Robertson. “Capt. Cameron to contact him in regards to Pilots
for ferrying job. He has 2 A/C and only one pilot”.
Move to Corsica.
445th 6 plus 1.
446th 6 plus 1.
447th 6 plus 1.
448th 6 plus 1.
Full combat crews and crew chief.
Baggage to include: Escape kits, K and C rations, mess gear.
3 A/C are to be left at Gaudo:
445th, Cameron.
446th, Smith (CP & E). 42-64587 “Red
Nosed Beckie”, racks in.
448 , Remington.
All A/C to have Bombay racks in.
Lt. Zinkand (448th) is to leave for Cairo (Bombsight School).
From 64th FG. “Asked if we were having mission”.
1140 Duncan to Asbury. “General Knapp says we are to move to the 310th field today-carry bombs and operate from there tomorrow. We are to wire the 310th that we
are coming”.
1410 Duncan to Cameron. “Weather better at Corsica than here. Warn crews to be
careful. If weather proves impossible, they are to leave first thing in the morning.
If any change occurs, notify Col. Tokaz by radio”.
Tuesday, 18 April 1944 (continued)
Headphone to Larson. “Between the hours of 1500 and 1600 on 19 April 1944,
40 M/M practice firing will take place (16 rounds). Coordinates: T-0414, T0212, T-0612, T-0513. Maximum altitude 3500 feet. At 0830 on 19 April 1944 2
rounds 90 M/M practice firing at Y-4517 at 10,000 feet”.
1430 A/C cleared for Sardinia.
2045 British Maj. From AA outfit called up in regards to a wounded Italian.
Flying Control at Montecorvino to ODO. “Asked if we were using green flares.
Checked tower, and received a negative reply”.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 303/mission 302) Group Mission # ---:
Mission abortive due to weather.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: --- Date: 18 Apr 44
No A/C completing mission: 27
Squadrons: 445-7
Target: Orvieto RR Bridge.
Time OFF: 0930
Time Down: 1035
(Final Report not available)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: After the mission seven crews and crew chiefs flew to Corsica to
operate temporarily with the 310th. Packing is still going on in preparation for the move.
Lt Paul who got some flak in his foot on a raid is going to go back to the states.
Neumann, Robert H., Capt, pilot
Paul, Vincent L., 2Lt, bombardier
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 303/mission 302) Group Mission # ---: Capt.
Neumann, our operations officer led the mission today. The target was not bombed
because of weather.
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
P Farrell, Robert A., 1Lt
CP Hadsell, Donald M., 2Lt
N None
B Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Sgt
E Knight, Arnold K., S/Sgt
R Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
G Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30354
Tarmichael, Arthur J., 1Lt
Lyons, Lawrence L., 2Lt
VenJohn, George G., 2Lt
Hickey, William R., Sgt
Scott, Aurelias M., S/Sgt
Imbastaro, Alexander J., S/Sgt
Schaviak, Willis M., Sgt
Tuesday, 18 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64659
Dickerson, Samuel M., 1Lt
Hammar, Robert L., 2Lt
Simpkins, Everett L., 2Lt
Malloy, Edward J., Sgt
Wells, Robert J., Sgt
Kramer, Henry P., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
P Schiff, Frederick (NMI), 2Lt
CP Swanson, Harry A., 2Lt
N None
B Yepez, Oscar W., 1Lt
E Yoa, Harry (NMI), Sgt
R Boyd, Ewell V., T/Sgt
G McGinley, Joseph B., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
P Neumann, Robert H., Capt
CP Cameron, William D. “Bill”, Jr., Capt,
HQ 321st BS
N Casaburi, Robert Roland, 2Lt
B Kauric, William J., 1Lt
E Tarr, Charles F., Jr., S/Sgt
R Bixby, Jack H., T/Sgt
G Cross, Vassil W., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Shyshka, Lubomir P. “Cross Country”,
Groose, William R. “Bud”, 2Lt
Fisher, Sigmund M., 2Lt
Maughan, George W., 1Lt
Callister, Jack Roland, Cpl
Plunk, Charlie B., S/Sgt
Zimmer, Henry G., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32458
Waterman, LeRoy R., 1Lt
Groh, Sheldon R., 2Lt
O’Toole, Francis X., 1Lt
Marinucci, Andrew J., Sgt
Rossi, Sam T., S/Sgt
McClary, Louis E., Sgt
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Not satisfied to leave Italy without once more seeing the famous
Neapolitan section, I drew a two day pass on the 16th and shortly after noon, I packed
my Musette bag and started out alone. I had intentions of visiting whatever part of the
Sorrentine Peninsula I conveniently could, the first day, and continuing on to Naples the
second. (I left the day before my pass began.) As I rode up the valley that lays before
Battipaglia I was impressed by the evidence of spring. Many varieties of fruit trees were
laden with blossoms, the trees were full in bud, and the fields were verdant with almost
every plant in the book. Peasants were following their plows and groups of women, their
hair tied in gay calico, were marching down the furrows with their sticks planting corn
and peas. Shortly after reaching Salerno I caught a ride with a very youthful boy of a
British Palestinian outfit. He was a refugee from Austria and spoke several languages
Tuesday, 18 April 1944 (continued)
including German. He informed me that a bridge on the road to Maori had been blown
out and so I decided to ride with him to Sorrento. On the way we stopped at Lucera to
visit a friend of his who was in a British convalescent hospital. While he visited his
friend I amused myself by watching a soccer game and talking to a group of very likable
Italian girls, of whom I took a picture. Lucera was very heavily hit by the dust and
cinders from Vesuvius. The people had cleaned their houses and doorways and the
cinders lay in a row on either side of the narrow streets, making them almost impassable
to anything but carts and pedestrians. My driver entered one of these and it was only
with much difficulty that we managed to get ourselves out. He had the same imperious
attitude all British have toward people of other nations they consider inferior and seemed
to care none at all for the safety of pedestrians in the narrow alley way. Several times I
thought we would run one down and in one instance he backed the truck quite
deliberately over a cart. Patience, a sense of humor, and friendliness are characteristics
of the Italians and through all this maltreatment many joked and laughed and no one
became indignant.
The drive to Sorrento, particularly after you pass Castellamare is a very beautiful
one. The road follows the coastline that is very rugged and broken. The road built on
the very face of a great cliff is classic in its construction. Sorrento is a place of
international fame as a tourist resort. Many of the wealthy American families including
the Astors and the Vanderbilts maintain villas on the high cliff overlooking the sea from
which can be seen Mt. Vesuvius, Isle of Capri and Naples. I shopped about town until the
shops closed and then began looking for a place to stay. A Jewish man and his
Protestant wife who were refugees from a concentration camp in Italy, whom I had met
at a store, spoke enough English and German to direct me to a home. After a visit to the
Town Mayor who questioned my pass, I went to the room I had engaged and found there
a very friendly family of daughters. I enjoyed visiting with them until about 10:30 at
which time I retired. The bed, which I had been pleased with at first, because of the
cleanly appearance of the home, turned out to be the home of a most ravenous mess of
bed bugs. They were the first I had ever experienced and I was glad to have morning
come so I could have an excuse to get up. During the night I arose and put on all my
clothes, but that did not help very much.
At about 05:30 I got up and went out for a walk in the beautiful spring morning.
The birds were singing and the world was wonderful. I crossed the square and walked
up an alley that skirted a canyon several hundred feet deep that led to the sea. Its walls
were clothed in hanging vines and trees even down to the deep recess that was the
beginning of a bridge. The bridge led across this gully to a very imposing white house
before which, overhanging the cliff, was a walled terrace and garden. This I must see, so
I swung the rusty gate and entered unchallenged by the yet sleeping occupants of the
premises. I walked through the corridor to the garden entrance and into an orange grove
ripe with fruit where the birds were just beginning to awaken. My intrusion brought from
them a melodious chorus of twittering. There being such an abundance, I felt no guilt in
picking a couple of oranges, which were the sweetest I have ever tasted. For a half an
hour I strolled at leisure, admiring the beauty and tranquility of the scene. As the sun
Tuesday, 18 April 1944 (continued)
began to rise, I left the mansion gate as quietly as I had entered with no apparent sign of
a single soul being aware of my visit or the inspiring solitude I had enjoyed.
I returned to my room to find breakfast waiting on a small table laid with fresh
white linen. The second daughter of the family, Gelsomina (equals Jasmine) served me
very obligingly. She was an attractive girl of seventeen. My meal consisted of two fried
eggs, french fries, bread and several oranges. For the room and meal I paid 300 lira
($3.00). After leaving the family, who were eager for me to return, I strolled about the
town and watched it awaken. I shan't forget the pleasant, quiet, quaintness of that very
Italian village.
On the beach several hundred feet below town is the foundation of a very
fashionable hotel that rises several stories above the level of the main street. At the
present it is operated as a rest camp for 5th Army Officers. I followed the winding road
down to the waterfront with the idea of perhaps getting a fishing boat to take me to the
Isle of Capri, but the boatmen all wanted ten dollars for the trip which was more than I
was willing to pay. About ten o'clock I decided to start on my way toward Naples.
Traffic being slow, I caught the tram car on which I encountered a very affable British
soldier who told me much about tank warfare. Instead of catching the electric train at
Castellamare, where ends the tramway, I decided to spend some time at the docks where
American wheat was being unloaded. Afterward, I walked on down to a park that
bordered on the shore of Naples Bay from where I had a perfect view of Mt. Vesuvius,
now silent and spent from its recent eruption. I observed that the shape of the summit
had been changed considerably by the flow of lava. My contacts on the beach were with
a bevy of gaudy prostitutes who beckoned me to their brothel, and a very knowledgethirsty high school lad who had a mathematical conundrum for me to solve. He
accompanied me to the station where, at about noon time, I caught the train for Naples. I
enjoyed the ride, particularly because of the beautiful spring scenery of blossoms and
greenery of all sorts.
Once in Naples I went directly to the Red Cross. There I spent an hour listening
to a semi-classical orchestra and a beautiful girl vocalist demonstrate her talents. That
evening I attended a movie entitled "The Sky is the Limit." Consequently it was late when
I got to the billeting office and found the beds were all taken. I was directed to a private
home where I and two other GIs obtained very good beds. It was the best furnished
Italian home I have seen. Turning through an album of records I came across “Lilli
Marlene.” I decided I must have it, and the next morning I persuaded the “signor” to
sell it to me for 200 lira.
I returned to the Red Cross where I spent most of the morning talking to Mrs.
Good. Shortly before noon I left for Pompeii, intending to take the tram again. However,
goaded by the fact that I had a new record to play, I became engaged in a frantic search
for a motor for our phonograph. At last, after several miles walking and visiting no less
than thirty shops, I came across a repairman who had an ancient horn type phonograph
he agreed to sell for five dollars. It was very bulky and I knew I could not take the whole
thing, all of which except the motor was useless to me. My problem was how to get the
repairman to dismantle it for me without charging extra for the trouble. I began talking
and was amazed to see him stupidly go to work taking off the junk and at the same time
Tuesday, 18 April 1944 (continued)
yield reluctantly to my insistence that he reduce the price each time a part was removed.
When we finished I had the motor and all his work for a dollar less than I had agreed to
pay for the whole business.
It was getting late and inasmuch as my pass expired that evening, I thought it best
for me to go directly to camp rather than spending time at Pompeii. Catching a ride was
slow but I did not mind that, as I always found something interesting along the way. In
Torre del Greco at the foot of Mt. Vesuvius, a barrel of vino had fallen from a cart and
burst on the curb of the main street. A great crowd was making much ado over it.
Children were dipping it up in their hands from the filthy stones and drinking it, which
left deep purple stains on their faces. Up an alley in the same town a young woman had
collected a large crowd of jabbering men, women and children and together they were
making a terrible commotion. At one point, she jumped out with a hat pin and jabbed the
other girl hard enough to kill her. She was mad with rage over something, but I could
never learn what it was about. Italians are great for participating in each other’s
quarrels. At Pompeii I caught a ride on a British lorry. There I met an English soldier
who was on leave at Salerno from the Fifth Army front at Anzio. He was of the famous
"Y" or Fifth Division and had been in every major action from Alexandria westward. He
told me much of the kind of crazy warfare going on up there. To talk with him was one of
the most worthwhile experiences of my trip. I stopped in Salerno only long enough to
catch another truck and arrived at the air base just in time to assist in loading bombs.
Two days later we were back at Salerno waiting for the boat to bring us to Corsica.
(Naples is shrouded in wisteria and blossoms.)”
446th BS War Diary: A mission is flown and we have beautiful weather.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 303/mission 302) Group Mission # ---:
Squadron Mission 222
TARGET: Orvieto RR Bridge, Italy.
DATE: 18 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 7
Capt. Neuman, 445 Sqdn. led the formation. Cloud formation prevented bombing.
Planes returned with bombs.
Neumann, Robert H., Capt, pilot, 445th BS
A/C No. 42-32403 “Alley Oop”
Hawkes, Leon R., 2Lt
Lee, Roy N., 2Lt
Mexal, Gus J., 2Lt
Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
Harrison, Hoyt V., S/Sgt
Lanza, William A., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Jordan, Henry L., 2Lt
Gibbons, George H., 2Lt
Rice, Sumner W., 1Lt
Kane, Ronald J., Sgt
Bufkin, Francis P., Jr., S/Sgt
Burrow, Isom F., Cpl
Crawford, R. W., 1Lt (observer)
Tuesday, 18 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64509 “No Peekin’”
(previously “Enid II”, “Arkansas
Traveler II”)
R., 1Lt
CP Taylor, Jason G., 2Lt
N Chapman, John E., 2Lt
B Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 2Lt
E McArdle, John R., PFC
R Howe, Frank M., Jr., T/Sgt
G Ricke, Richard O., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30293
P LeClair, Edward R., 1Lt
CP Mickel, Alan T., 2Lt
N Kinney, John H., 2Lt
B Wotkowicz, Frank J., 2Lt
E Bober, John (NMI), Jr., Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Heery, Philip M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
P Bsharah, Phillip (NMI), 1Lt
CP Sampson, Allan T., 1Lt
N None
B Kiernan, Noble J., 2Lt
E Jupin, John (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
R Maddox, Everett R., S/Sgt
G Nemet, Michael (NMI), Sgt
F Bowen, G. R., Capt. (observer)
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
Herbert, John James, Jr., 1Lt
Hollingsworth, George K., Jr., 2Lt
Johnson, Henry W., 2Lt
Clay, Donald W., Sgt
Green, Salem M., S/Sgt
Casper, Henry G., S/Sgt
Nemec, J. E., Cpl (observer)
A/C No. 41-30387 “Kay Girl”
Church, Edwin Adem, 2Lt
Goff, Leroy Robert, Jr., 2Lt
Sitts, Lonnie C., 2Lt
Bellamy, Herbert E., S/Sgt
Cohen, George (NMI), T/Sgt
Samsel, John C., S/Sgt
Durr, E., Capt. (observer)
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Gaudo-Gaily-Ghisonaccia – 2 landings
Flying Time: 3:10 (46th mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 1Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Rec’d a wallet from Alice this a.m. Took our stove down and turned it in, we are all
awaiting the word to move to Corsica. At dinnertime had a lot fun in the mess hall
kidding the Texans about Texas. So far not scheduled for a thing today. At 1345 had a
meeting in mess hall, told some of us we were leaving for Corsica at 1530. Rushed,
Tuesday, 18 April 1944 (continued)
packed & got my stuff ready. T.O. @ 1530, arrived at Corsica 1815, found we landed at
wrong field. T.O. 1835, landed right field @ 1910. Cooper went off runway, damaged
nose strut. Good food here, plates & all. Had to load our own bombs, finished 2215.
Rec’d letter from Jim Horvath.
Flying time: 03:35”
Cooper, Paul T., Capt, pilot
Horvath, James “Jim”, 37 BS, 17th BG (M - B-26)
447th BS War Diary: Today’s training consisted of local transition, 12 dry runs with the
Norden sight and XC formation, consisting of 7 ships to Corsica. 1st Lt. Fred E. Ryherd,
2nd Lt. Wayne T. Rye, Jr., 2nd Lt John R. Gillis, S/Sgt. Sidney Orloff, S/Sgt. Herman
Roberts and Sgt. Robert P. Quintenz are on DS with the 5th Army. Pvt. Cleo W. Simms
has been assigned to this organization per SO 67, Hq. 321st Bomb Gp. 24 officers and 32
EM departed for Corsica.
Gillis, John R., 2Lt, pilot
Orloff, Sidney (NMI), S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Quintenz, Robert P., Sgt, engineer-gunner
Roberts, Herman (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner
Rye, Wayne T., Jr., 2Lt, bombardier
Ryherd, Fred E., 1Lt, pilot
Simms, Cleo W., Pvt, gunner
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 303/mission 302) Group Mission # ---: 6 of
our ships participated in a raid on Orvieto RR bridge with Lt. Stocking as flight leader.
Cloud formation caused formation to return after reaching vicinity of Avezzano, without
dropping bombs.
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
Stocking, Eugene E., 1Lt
Metzger, Joseph Earl, 2Lt
Matthewson, Merton K., Jr., 2Lt
Martin, Wayne R., 2Lt
Tollefson, Walter F. K., Cpl
Bilski, Walter J., S/Sgt
Mitchell, Rennie (NMI), S/Sgt
Evans, J. G., Capt (observer)
A/C No. 42-64694
P Haynes, Eldon R., 2Lt
CP Magne, Henry J. “Joe”, 2Lt
N None
B James, Robert M., 2Lt
E Engels, Robert W., Sgt
R Pierce, William H., Cpl
G Tarra, Frederick J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 42-64512 “Scotch & Soda”
Swanson, Robert Harold “Swanee”, 2Lt
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, 2Lt
Fisher, Gerald E., 2Lt
Fisher, Theodore M., S/Sgt
Reynolds, Frank J., S/Sgt
Miller, Dale G., Sgt
Statham, Alvin F., Cpl
A/C No. 42-32505
Thomas, John J., 1Lt
Grimse, Ralph T., 2Lt
Rosenbledt, James M., 2Lt
Dawson, Roy C., Sgt
Free, Paul L., Sgt
Rose, Clifford A., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 18 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64553
P Cloward, Glannin A., Capt
CP Manz, Wayne A., 2Lt
N None
B McCaleb, Harold G., 2Lt
E Scarberry, Harold W., Sgt,
R Vineski, Robert R. “The Reverend”,
G Burke, William H., Jr., Sgt
F Skelley, F. H., Lt Col (observer)
447th BS War Diary Special Account: Today six of our advance echelon ships flew our
first mission from Corsica, operating from the 310th Group base in conjunction with
them. They hit Piombino Harbor Installations (Italy) with excellent results.
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 303/mission 302) Group Mission # ---:
Mission 216 (NO MISSION). At 09:30 27 planes off to bomb Orvieto RR bridge and
formation turned back at 10:45 due to complete overcast N of Naples. Formation turned
back in the vicinity of Avezzano.
A/C No. 41-30548
Doyle, Edward J., 1Lt
Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
Olszewski, Henry (NMI), 2Lt
Malec, Joseph A., 2Lt
Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
Neview, Frederick J., Sgt
Jeffrey, Louis J., Cpl
A/C No. 41-13050
P Hales, Ermine L., 1Lt
CP Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, 2Lt
N None
B Kukorowski, Albert A., 2Lt
E Hinton, Zane R., PFC
R Gilpatrick, Jack H., T/Sgt
G Crow, Roscoe J., Pvt
F None
A/C No. 42-87455
Dossey, Vernon Curtis, 2Lt
Connor, John C., Jr., 2Lt
Quartuccio, Anthony P., 2Lt
Gager, Joseph R., Sgt
Wilkinson, Robert M., S/Sgt
Bowman, Wilmer E., Sgt
Edwards, Clarence C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Greene, William A., 1Lt
Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Greene, Louis P., 2Lt
Luton, Howard W., Sgt
Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
Groome, Daingerfield M., Sgt
Tuesday, 18 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30327
P Verkruysse, Emile D., 2Lt
CP McCabe, Norman M., 2Lt
N None
B Bearden, James E., 2Lt
E Daniels, John (NMI), S/Sgt
R Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
G Holt, Charles M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
P Armstrong, Donald R., 1Lt
CP Barber, Marshall Hall “Red”, 2Lt
N Hickey, William O., 2Lt
B Bond, Edward N., 2Lt
E Sullivan, James G., Pvt
R Jacobson, Fred (NMI), S/Sgt
G Wilkerson, John J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 42-64519
Cooper, James W., 1Lt
Howard, Charles E., 2Lt
Woolley, P. T., 1Lt (observer)
Zinkand, Willard T., 2Lt
Jackson, Jewel D., PFC
Clark, Gwyn E., S/Sgt
Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
Sommer, Robert F., Sgt
Wednesday, 19 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): Bad weather severely
restricts operations.
In Italy, B-26s hit Cecina railroad bridge and Ancona marshalling yard
while B-25s hit a marshalling yard at Piombino; P-47s hit railroad tracks, a marshalling
yard, junction, and railway cars between Pontedera and Empoli and between Figline
Valdarno and San Giovanni Valdarno. 487th and 498th Bombardment Squadrons
(Medium), 340th Bombardment Group (Medium), move from Gaudo Airfield, Italy to
Alesan, Corsica with B-25s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: The planes are operating form Ghisonaccia Airdrome, the
main coastal base located halfway down the east coast of Corsica. The field is crowded;
two other complete Groups are operational here as well as several small units. The “A”
party of the ground echelon is not due for several days and the 310th Bomb Group is very
cooperative with maintenance and men, etc.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 304/mission 303) Group Mission # 265:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 265 Date: 18 Apr 44
No A/C completing mission: 25
Squadrons: 445-7
Target: Ficulle S RR Bridge – (bombed alternate Piombino Harbor).
Time OFF: 1210
T.O.T.: 1340
Time Down: 1440
(Final Report not available)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Preparations for the move are nearing completion but no orders
yet as to the exact time. The officers and men are eating together in one line. It is
necessary to sit on the ground as the mess halls have been torn down. The crews in
Corsica went on a mission bombing the harbor installations at Piombino. As usual there
is a great deal of talk in the tents and around the camp about the move and as usual there
is a great deal of grumbling.
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 304/mission 303) Group Mission # 265:
A/C No. 42-53373
Tarmichael, Arthur J., 1Lt
Lyons, Lawrence L., 2Lt
VenJohn, George G., 2Lt
Hickey, William R., Sgt
Scott, Aurelias M., S/Sgt
Imbastaro, Alexander J., S/Sgt
Abrams, Samuel (NMI), Pvt
A/C No. 41-29985
Dickerson, Samuel M., 1Lt
Hammar, Robert L., 2Lt
Simpkins, Everett L., 2Lt
Malloy, Edward J., Sgt
Wells, Robert J., Sgt
Kramer, Henry P., Sgt
Wednesday, 19 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32458
P Waterman, LeRoy R., 1Lt
CP Groh, Sheldon R., 2Lt
N None
B O’Toole, Francis X., 1Lt
E Marinucci, Andrew J., Sgt
R Rossi, Sam J., S/Sgt
G McClary, Louis E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
P Shyshka, Lubomir P. “Cross Country”,
CP Groose, William R. “Bud”, 2Lt
N Smith, Raymond (NMI), 2Lt
B Maughan, George W., 1Lt
E Callister, Jack Roland, Cpl
R Plunk, Charlie B., S/Sgt
G Zimmer, Henry G., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
P Farrell, Robert A., 1Lt
CP Hadsell, Donald M., 2Lt
N None
B Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Sgt
E Knight, Arnold K., S/Sgt
R Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
G Andrews, Lamar C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
Schiff, Frederick (NMI), 2Lt
Swanson, Harry A., 2Lt
Yepez, Oscar W., 1Lt
Yoa, Harry (NMI), Sgt
Shiloh, Andrew (NMI), S/Sgt
McGinley, Joseph B., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., 1Lt
Hardman, Albert F. “Al”, Jr., 2Lt
Fisher, Sigmund M., 2Lt
Wren, Frank J., 1Lt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), Sgt
Marcoulier, William A., S/Sgt
Tarr, Charles F., Jr., S/Sgt
446th BS War Diary: The move to the new base in Corsica begins. 170 men are
involved in preliminary preparation.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 304/mission 303) Group Mission # 265:
Squadron Mission 223
TARGET: Ficulle S. RR Bridge, Italy Piombino (Alt)
DATE: 19 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. Demo.
446th Planes: 5
Capt. Wiginton, 447 Sqdn. led the formation. Target area well hit especially N jetty,
deck side, RR yard and fuel storage tanks. Other hits observed on large factory building
and probable powerhouse area. Two boats on N side of N jetty reported hit. Flak was
heavy, moderate to intense and fairly accurate. Three planes holed. No fighters. Lt.
Ritger returned early, turret trouble. (Piombino, the alternate target bombed)
Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, 2Lt, pilot, 447th BS
Wednesday, 19 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Walsh, George F., 1Lt
Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt
Wotkowicz, Frank J., 2Lt
Smetana, Frank C., Jr., Sgt
Mygrant, Robert F., S/Sgt
Thornton, Edward P., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13123
Hodges, Richard E., 2Lt
Mickel, Alan T., 2Lt
Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 2Lt
Bellamy, Herbert E., S/Sgt
Crozer, Robert L., S/Sgt
Nemet, Michael (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-64509 “No Peekin’”
(previously “Enid II”, “Arkansas
Traveler II”)
R., 1Lt
CP Sampson, Allan T., 1Lt
N None
B Sitts, Lonnie C., 2Lt
E McArdle, John R., PFC
R Youngblood, Woodrow W., S/Sgt
G Heery, Philip M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-21995 “Pistol Packin’
Hurley, John R., 2Lt
Hollingsworth, George K., Jr., 2Lt
Kinney, John H., 2Lt
McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt
Shellhamer, Lawrence (NMI), Cpl
Miles, Walter J., Jr., S/Sgt
Foley, Joseph M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
(returned early – turret out)
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 2Lt
Vancil, Alfred E., 2Lt
Farber, Joseph L., 2Lt
Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
Harrison, Hoyt V., S/Sgt
Lanza, William A., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30293
Jordan, Henry L., 2Lt
Gibbons, George H., 2Lt
Rice, Sumner W., 1Lt
Kane, Ronald J., 1Lt
Bufkin, Francis P., Jr., S/Sgt
Burrow, Isom F., Cpl
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (mission 24, Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Target: Ficulle S. RR Bridge, Italy Piombino (Alt)
Flying Time: 2:40 (47th mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
Wednesday, 19 April 1944 (continued)
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier (mission 17)
“Not scheduled on a mission today. Wrote to Jim Horvath. Capt Cooper had to go
elsewhere so our crew filled in for him.
Pre-briefed 1030
T.O. 1210
Pilot: Hurley
CoPilot: Hollingsworth
Ship # 995 (Pistol Packin’ Mama)(41-21995) Alt 10,200’
Bombs: 4-1000 # Demos
Position: 2-2-1 Target: Docks & Wharves @ Piombino, Italy (42° 55½’ N - 10° 12’ E).
This target was a secondary, bad weather so couldn’t hit primary. Over target 1340,
heavy, moderate flak. Lead bmbdr. For 1st time, was slightly nervous, and reports say we
had a good pattern of bombs.
Wrote to Alice, also Billy. After supper took a trip into town, Ghisonaccia,
nothing in there, but a GI band was playing in the Service Club. Started to rain so I
came back to the tent. Not on a mission tomorrow.
Flying Time: 02:40 hrs.”
Cooper, Paul T., Capt, pilot
Hollingsworth, George K., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
Hurley, John R., 1Lt, pilot
Horvath, James “Jim”, 37th BS, 17th BG (M - B-26)
447th BS War Diary: 6 officers and 8 EM departed for Corsica. Today’s training
consisted of local transition and Lt. Wiginton in plane 181 (41-13181 “The Sophisticated
Lady”) went on an XC flight from Corsica to Italy. 2nd Lt. Sherman E. Anderson was
wounded in action. Major R. D. Sampson, Capt. R. C. Olson, Capt. K. L. McFadden,
Capt. E. B. Becker, 1st Lt S. P. Olsen and four enlisted men have returned from DS.
Anderson, Sherman E., 2Lt, bombardier
Becker, Edward B., Capt, bombardier
McFadden, Kenneth L., Capt, pilot
Olson, Robert C., Capt, pilot
Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt, navigator
Sampson, Raymond D. “Sammy”, Maj, pilot, Commander
Wiginton, J. Maurice "Wigs", 2Lt, pilot
447h BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 304/mission 303) Group Mission # 265: 6 of
our ships participated in a raid on Ficulle S RR bridge, but due to circumstances the
alternate target, Piombino Harbor Installations, was bombed. Target area hit with large
concentration of bombs, RR hit, large explosion and fire of fuel storage tanks and two
boats about 150/200 ft. were reported hit. The flight was led by Lt. Wiginton. This was
our first mission from Corsica, working in conjunction with the 310th Bomb Gp.
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
P Schnoebelen, Orval L., 2Lt
CP Martin, William H., 2Lt
N None
B Niedelman, Hyman (NMI), 2Lt
E Clyne, Everett H., Sgt
R Vineski, Robert R. “The Reverend”,
G Fowler, Harold E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64553
Tompkins, Howard D., 1Lt
Nettles, Forrest Truett, 2Lt
Lundmark, Norman J., 2Lt
Collins, Clint R., Sgt
LaFountain, Ned F., S/Sgt
Miller, Dale G., Sgt
Wednesday, 19 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64695
P Alger, LeRoy (NMI), 1Lt
CP Heitman, William F., 2Lt
N None
B Anderson, Sherman E., 2Lt
E Ford, Leonard W., S/Sgt
R Williamson, Myles O., T/Sgt
G Rose, Clifford A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
P Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, 1Lt
CP Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, 2Lt
N Thomas, Robert E., 2Lt
B Jones, Claude F., 2Lt
E Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt
R Bilski, Walter J., S/Sgt
G Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32505
Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt
Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt
Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt
Partee, Watson L., Sgt
Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt
Tarra, Frederick J., Sgt
Statham, Alvin F., Cpl
A/C No. 42-32449
Speer, Marvin L., 2Lt
Nall, John G., 2Lt
Webb, James A., 2Lt
Escher, Carl S., S/Sgt
Carlson, Carl M., T/Sgt
Corkill, John (NMI), Sgt
447th BS: War Diary of: Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt, gunner:
“19thmission, flew with Wigs, bombed Piombino harbor, buku flak, good bombing, sunk
two ships.”
Wiginton, J. Maurice "Wigs", 2Lt, pilot
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 304/mission 303) Group Mission # 265:
Mission 216 (265). At 12:10 25 planes off to bomb Ficculle S RR (bombed alternate at
Piombino Harbor) at 13:40 from 11,500 feet with 98 x 1000 bombs. All planes down at
14:40. Escort 12 Spits. 3 planes holed. Target area well hit with longest concentration
of hits observed starting short and NE of junction of N jetty and dock side and carrying
through into RR yards causing large explosions and fires in fuel storage tanks. Other hits
observed on large factory building and in power house area. Two boats on N side of N
jetty reported hit as well as scattered bombs just S and over boatyard near S jetty. Flak:
Heavy, intense and accurate from target area and from the Island of Elba. 5-8 small
M/V’s and 3 200’ ships in Piombino Harbor 7 “F” boats in Talmone Harbor and a large
M/V off the coast of San Vincenzo. Weather: CAVU. F/L: Captain. Freeland.
Wednesday, 19 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30548
Freeland, Levi B., Jr., Capt
Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
Duncan, George F., 2Lt
McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt
Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
Gilpatrick, Jack H., T/Sgt
Wolf, Elmer A., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30327
Verkruysse, Emile D., 2Lt
McCabe, Norman M., 2Lt
Bearden, James E., 2Lt
Daniels, John (NMI), S/Sgt
Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
Holt, Charles M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13195
Cooper, James W., 1Lt
Howard, Charles E., 2Lt
Evans, Ivor P., 1Lt
Jackson, Jewel D., PFC
Clark, Gwyn E., S/Sgt
Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
Edwards, Clarence C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Greene, William A., 1Lt
Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Greene, Louis P., 2Lt
Luton, Howard W., Sgt
Dilts, Robert E., S/Sgt
Groome, Daingerfield M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-87455
Dossey, Vernon Curtis, 2Lt
Connor, John C., Jr., 2Lt
Quartuccio, Anthony P., 2Lt
Gager, Joseph R., Sgt
Wilkinson, Robert M., S/Sgt
Bowman, William W., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
Armstrong, Donald R., 1Lt
Barbour Marshall H. “Red”, 2Lt
Hickey, William O., 2Lt
Bond, Edward N., 2Lt
Sullivan, James G., Pvt
Jacobson, Fred (NMI), S/Sgt
Wilkerson, John J., Cpl
A/C No. 41-13050
Hales, Ermine L., 1Lt
Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, 2Lt
Kukorowski, Albert A., 2Lt
Hinton, Zane R., PFC
Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
Crow, Roscoe J., Pvt
Thursday, 20 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium and light bombers score hits on a marshalling yard and 3
fuel dumps at Leghorn and near misses on Cecina and Certaldo bridges and Arezzo
viaduct; fighter-bombers hit railroad lines and fuel dump in the Florence area; bridges,
dump, rail lines and train cars near Civitavecchia and Zagarolo, at Sezze, near Ladispoli,
SW of Stimipliano and N of Monterotondo; and guns S of Albano Laziale; in the battle
area around Cassino fighter-bombers blast several gun positions and hit bridges, trucks,
troops and other targets, at several points, including Falconara, Recanati, San Benedetto
de Marsi, and the Fondi-Itri and Orte-Orvieto areas. HQ 57th Bombardment Wing moves
from Trocchia, Italy to Ghisonaccia, Corsica.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No missions.
445th BS War Diary: Today all the tents were taken down and the packing was
completed, ready to take off on a moments notice. Notice then came through that the
move had been postponed and it was uncertain when we would go. A few of the men put
up their tents, others slept on the ground, some in buildings at the group headquarters,
some in the officers club. The Italians in the vicinity were permitted to come into the
area for the purpose of cleaning out things that were not going to be moved. They were
like scavengers. In particular all pieces of lumber or wood appeared to be precious to
them, however scarcely nothing was undesired. In Corsica the mission was cancelled
because of bad weather. The crews are living in tents set up by the 341st Service Sqdn.
for a transit area.
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Lt. Col. Schwane returns from Cairo and resumes
command of the squadron. There is a baseball game after evening chow.
Schwane, Henry H., Lt Col, pilot, 446th BS Commander
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“At 0900 had to move again, arranged tents by squadrons so everyone would be
available. Shaved in cold water, rough. After dinner went into town with Chudars &
Burandt, walked around town. PX rations tonite. Wrote to Ma. Went to show in mess
area, saw “Gov’t Girl” – good show.
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt, pilot
Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: No mission today. Pvt. William R. Milam and S/Sgt. James H.
Grant were admitted to the 32nd Field Hospital. Everyone is making preparations for our
move to Corsica.
Grant, James H., S/Sgt, gunner
Milam, William R., Pvt, engineering
448th BS War Diary: No Entry.
Friday, 21 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, A-20s blast an ammunition dump while P-47s attack train, rail
lines, and motor transport behind enemy lines; other P-47s, along with P-40s and A-36s,
attack railway lines and trains between Rome and Terni, between Rome and Tivoli, and
between Orte and Attigliano; hit a motor transport concentration NE of Rome; and attack
several bivouac areas and gun positions in the battle areas.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission.
445th BS War Diary: Today there wasn’t much to do except to wait around for orders.
The ground echelon convoy took off for Salerno at about 1400. The L.S.T. was loaded
with squadron equipment and personnel at 2230. There was an alert for an hour about
that time. The loading operations went smoothly. The L.S.T. was a British ship. The
enlisted men were provided no food by the ship or ships mess but were compelled to eat
cold C-rations. They slept in the hold and on the deck.
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. More moving today.
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Rained most of the nite. Got up for breakfast, then went to bed until dinner. Mission
cancelled. Col. Schwane arrived this a.m. Went down and had a shower, and it was
swell. Played cribbage with Charlie. Wrote to D.F. After dinner went and had a hot
shower, really felt good. Went to show @ 376th F.S., saw “Man from Down Under” –
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt, pilot
Schwane, Henry H., Lt Col, pilot, Commander
446th BS: War Diary of: Ritger, Frederic Charles., 2Lt, pilot: letter home:
“Hi Folks,
Same old guy, new location. I guess I will really see the world before I get home.
Since I left the states I have been in Porto Rico, Trinidad, British Guiana, Brazil, Liberia,
Senegal Africa, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sicily, Italy and now Corsica. This is a lot
wilder country but the climate is much better than Italy. I hope that I can keep moving
North as the weather gets warmer. There is nothing like good old cool weather except
about 5:00 A.M. I had to leave my “fine” stove and most of my “luxuries” back in Italy
so I am more “miserable” here but I like the whole set up better.
I have received a number of letters during the past week but most of them were
Christmas Cards. I did get a nice letter from Pop (Ritger) dated March 27.
You asked about the deal in Life Mag. To tell you the truth I passed on the
information which I had gathered 2nd hand. Since then I have done the same thing that
you did. I dug up all likely looking copies of Life and I’ll be darned if I can find out what
I was driving at.
Friday, 21 April 1944 (continued)
Another thing that you mentioned was the paper situation. You wondered why I
didn’t use that paper which comes in rolls. The truth is I have some of the stuff but it is
far too valuable to use for letter writing.
Incidentally I have been flying as first pilot for a couple of weeks now and I am
happy again. I have my own ship now but I have lost my old crew. All but the radio man
have been moved to key positions. The star of the outfit has been the Bombardier – L. E.
Reynolds. He has been made Squadron lead Bombardier because of his exceptional
work. He has yet to miss a target no matter how small or no matter how heavily
defended. He has been wounded twice but it doesn’t bother him at all. He actually
thinks “flak” is pretty to watch. The guy always did fine work when he was with me and I
am really proud of him.
Reynolds, Laverne E., 2Lt, bombardier
Youngblood, Woodrow W., S/Sgt, radio-gunner, bombardier
My old co-pilot Jack (Sad) Sacker is being checked out as first pilot soon.
Sacker, John R. “Sad Sack”, 2Lt, pilot
The rest of the boys have been sprinkled among “green” crews to bolster them
By the way I don’t think I ever told you that I was “hit” in the calf of the leg with
a small chunk of flak. The cut bled a lot but the real wound was about the size of a
mosquito bite. It was such a crumby little slice that I didn’t even rate a Purple Heart,
darn the luck! That is one reason why I say don’t be too optimistic about the war. Those
“Jerries” are “damn” good shots. I am going to get pretty mad one of these days,
though, if they don’t stop cutting holes in my best trousers.
I have reached the end of my usual letter so I will blow out the fine upstanding
candle, beside me and hit the sack.
Love and Dirt from behind my ears
Your Son “Bum”
Please see if you can send Briggs or Edgeworth tobacco and a pipe or two.”
447th BS War Diary: No mission today. 1st Lt. Joe L. Beal and seven enlisted men
flew to our new base in Corsica. Major Myron Gale and Captain Robert W. Manly
returned from a trip to the Middle East.
Beal, Joe L., 1Lt, Executive
Gale, Myron (NMI), Maj, Executive
Manly, Robert W. "Horse", Capt, intelligence
448th BS War Diary: No Entry.
Saturday, 22 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s bomb a bridge and tracks S of Ficulle and a bridge N of
the town; other B-25s and B-26s attack San Stefano al Mare harbor, the N section of
Orvieto, Chiusi railroad bridge, viaducts S and W of Arezzo and Bucine, Certaldo
railroad bridge, bridge approaches at Incisa in Valdarno, a bridge near Siena and viaduct
at Poggibonsi; A-20s hit Valmontone ammunition dump and Sonnino; P-47s hit a
railroad, trains, and tunnels in the Florence area and W of Chiusi, marshalling yard at
Siena, a vessel S of Savona, railroad lines S of Orte and the town of Gaeta; and P-40s
attack gun positions N of the Anzio beachhead and bomb the Ferentino dump area and
towns of Fondi, Terracina and Formia.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: (No non-mission information)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 305/mission 304) Group Mission # 266:
17 of the 27 A/C dispatched this date dropped 63x1000 pound bombs on the alternate
target of San Stefano with largest concentration of bursts falling along shore of auxiliary
harbor, with some bombs on dock installations. 6 A/C missed the primary target which
was the S. Ficulle RR bridge. 4 planes dropped on the N. Orvieto bridge without
observing results.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 266 Date: 22 Apr 44
No A/C: 27
Squadrons: 445-7
Target: (A) Ficulle R.R. Bridge S. (A-387704).
(B) San Stefano Harbor Installations (alternate).
Time OFF: 0740
T.O.T.: (A) 0925
Time Down: (A) 1005
(B) 0945
(B) 1020
Axis of Attack: (A) 230°
Height: 10/11,500 ft.
(B) 160°
Planes Lost: None.
Planes Holed: None.
Bombs Dropped: (A) 24 x 1000 .1 & .025.
(B) 63 x 1000 .1 & .025
Escort: Spits--12 close, 12 high.
ROUTE: Base to Golo River to 5 mi. S. of Pianosa, to Montepescali to Sarteano (IP) to
target and 180° to target on 230° to Sarteano to V-9095 to Q-3005 to Base. A7469, to target to B-0513, G-6291 and home.
Group formation bombing alternate: Ficulle S. to A-1861 to Grosseto Isle
to San Stefano--break right and return.
Saturday, 22 April 1944 (continued)
WEATHER: Enroute and return—high stratus 7/10 overcast at 14000’, vis. 10 mi. at
sea; vis. Over target 4 mi.
FLAK: (A) Heavy moderate to intense, inaccurate. 4 guns spotted at approximately A345690. (B) Heavy, moderate and inaccurate.
ENEMY AIR: Report of 4/6 SE A/C heading W. at 0905 at 5,000 ft. – vicinity of
Grosseto. One report of escort taking off after 12 ME-109’s heading NE
near A-0392. One report of a B-25 flying at 3/4000’ over formation
headed inland near San Stefano.
Claims: None.
RESULTS: In coming in on primary target at 150°, lead formation was unable to pick
Up bridge (due to position of sun and very bad visibility) in time to bomb.
One flight of six made second run on axis of 230° and dropped bombs
which fell mostly to SW of bridge. Four planes dropped on what is believed
to be N. Orvieto bridge without observing results. 17 planes dropped on
alternate of San Stefano Harbor and Installations with largest concentration
of bombs falling along shore of auxiliary Harbor.
Reports of hits on warehouse and possible hit on barge, resulting in
explosion. Other bombs short into Harbor--some SE of NW Quay and over
auxiliary Harbor beyond town.
OBSERVATIONS: Possible ammunition dump at E-6681, several barges on Bruna
River going towards bridge at E-5880. About 8/10 groups of cars,
Stationary--10/15 cars in each group between Ficulle and Chiusi.
15 R.R. cars at E-6281. 20 cars at E-5483.
FLIGHT LEADERS: Capt. Cooper and Capt. WILSON.
Major, Air Corps,
Group S-2 Officer.
Saturday, 22 April 1944 (continued)
Saturday, 22 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: At about 1400 hours the L.S.T. took off for Corsica, it was
accompanied by a sister ship carrying other squadrons. A destroyer went on ahead. The
weather was fine during the day and it was a beautiful trip. Back at the Guado base some
officers and enlisted men took off for Cairo. The remaining combat crews flew to
Corsica, landed at the Solenzara airfield, pitched pyramidal tents near the planes and had
supper with the 845th Engineers.
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 305/mission 304) Group Mission # 266:
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
P Rigler, Edward J., 2Lt
CP Fischer, Franklyn R., 2Lt
N Smith, Raymond (NMI), 2Lt
B Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
E Malmberg, Russell H., S/Sgt
R Wells, Joy E., S/Sgt
G Doswell, Richard (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
Schiff, Frederick (NMI), 2Lt
Hardman, Albert F. “Al”, Jr., 2Lt
Yepez, Oscar W., 1Lt
Yoa, Harry (NMI), Sgt
Shiloh, Andrew (NMI), S/Sgt
McGinley, Joseph B., Sgt
Callister, Jack Roland, Cpl
A/C No. 42-32458
P Waterman, LeRoy R., 1Lt
CP Groh, Sheldon R., 2Lt
N None
B VenJohn, George G., 2Lt
E Marinucci, Andrew J., Sgt
R Rossi, Sam J., S/Sgt
G McClary, Louis E., Sgt
F Abrams, Samuel (NMI), Pvt
A/C No. 42-53373
Dickerson, Samuel M., 1Lt
Lyons, Lawrence L., 2Lt
Simpkins, Everett L., 2Lt
Malloy, Edward J., Sgt
Wells, Robert J., Sgt
Kramer, Henry P., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., 1Lt
Swanson, Harry A., 2Lt
Sharp, Kenneth R., 1Lt
Wren, Frank J., 1Lt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), Sgt
Marcoulier, William A., S/Sgt
Tarr, Charles F., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-29985
Smith, Alfred B., 1Lt
Groose, William R. “Bud”, 2Lt
Underwood, James H., Jr., Capt
Leith, Douglas L., Sgt
Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt
Saturday, 22 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
P Wilson, Victor H., Capt
CP Rygh, Malvin S. “Mal”, 2Lt
N Casaburi, Robert Roland, 2Lt
B Schutte, Warren G., 1Lt
E Dillon, James A., S/Sgt
R DiPietrantonio, Joseph N., T/Sgt
G Jones, Harvey J., Sgt
F None
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
04/22/44: 08:45 hours - Begin Corsica Trip
“We came from the airport near Paestum in trucks and arrived at the docks
yesterday afternoon. After a short wait, our boats appeared out to sea and we watched
them come in upon the sandy beach gradually opening their huge jaws and extending a
long steel tongue well up onto the shore. In that position they rest side by side this
morning as vehicles of all descriptions move conveniently on and off. They leave their
cargoes or take their places on the deck to which they are hoisted on a huge elevator for
the ocean voyage of some 20 hours. The morning is slightly cloudy and a fine spray of
rain falls intermittently, although the sky above the mountains that form a backdrop for
the yellow, pink and green buildings of Salerno is a beautiful azure. From where I sit I
can see the highway that skirts the bay. A little higher up the side of the mountain, its
arches bridging the canyons and its tunnels dodging the rocky faces of the escarpments,
is the railway.
Olive trees and green grass on neat terraces grace all but the most rugged
sections. Occasionally a villa with gray and pink walls punctuates the view. On the very
summit of two of the most prominent peaks stretch the arms of a huge cross and near it,
against the bare stone are the solitary quarters of the monks who erected the shrine.
Looking toward the sea one sees at anchor a British destroyer and several American
LSTs. The destroyer is to be our escort and the LSTs have cargo from the states, which
they are waiting to unload at the docks inside the breakwater where a Liberty ship and
several smaller ones are now disposing of their cargo. Also there for protection and
repairs are two British mine sweepers, several Italian sloops and a number of Infantry
Landing Craft.
To the North of us, off a promontory that juts into the sea near the town of Maori,
is a beautiful sail boat. Salerno is of little importance as a city and the harbor is small.
Last night Fitch, Rucker, Steele and I went in town and saw an English stage show.”
Fitch, Donald A., T/Sgt, armament
Rucker, Elbert A., Sgt, armament
Steele, Pierce F., Pvt, engineering
Saturday, 22 April 1944 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: Part of the air echelon leaves for Corsica and the other men make
the long jump from our bivouac area to the tobacco warehouse.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 305/mission 304) Group Mission # 266:
Squadron Mission 224
TARGET: Ficulle RR Bridge, Italy. San Stefano Harbor (Alt)
DATE: 22 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. Demo.
446th Planes: 6
Capt. Cooper led the formation. In coming in on primary target at 150º lead formation
was unable to pick up bridge in time to bomb. One flight of six made second run at 230º
and dropped bombs which dropped mostly to SW of bridge. Four planes dropped on
what is believed to be N Orvieto bridge without observation. Seventeen planes bombed
alternate. Reports of hits on warehouse and possible hit on barge. Flak at both targets
was heavy, moderate and inaccurate. No fighters.
A/C No. 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Walsh, George F., 1Lt
Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt
Wotkowicz, Frank J., 2Lt
Smetana, Frank C., Jr., Sgt
Mygrant, Robert F., S/Sgt
Thornton, Edward P., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13123
Hodges, Richard E., 2Lt
Mickel, Alan T., 2Lt
Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 2Lt
Bellamy, Herbert E., S/Sgt
Crozer, Robert L., S/Sgt
Nemet, Michael (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 41-29995 “Pistol Packin’
Jordan, Henry L., 2Lt
Gibbons, George H., 2Lt
Rice, Sumner W., 1Lt
Kane, Ronald J., Sgt
Bufkin, Francis P., Jr., S/Sgt
Burrow, Isom F., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 2Lt
Vancil, Alfred E., 2Lt
Farber, Joseph L., 2Lt
Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
Harrison, Hoyt V., S/Sgt
Lanza William A., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64511 “The Madam 2 of
St. Joe”
Cooper, Paul T., Capt
Goff, Leroy Robert, Jr., 2Lt
Kinney, John H., 2Lt
Mottley, John F., 2Lt
Shellhamer, Lawrence (NMI), Cpl
Miles, Walter J., Jr., S/Sgt
Mittman, Milton M., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64509 “No Peekin’”
(previously “Enid II”, “Arkansas
Traveler II”)
Othick, Rolland R., 1Lt
Sampson, Allan T., 1Lt
Sitts, Lonnie C., 2Lt
McArdle, John R., PFC
Youngblood, Woodrow W., S/Sgt
Heery, Philip M., Sgt
Saturday, 22 April 1944 (continued)
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (mission 25, Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Target: Ficulle RR Bridge, Italy. San Stefano Harbor (Alt)
Flying Time: 3:00 (48th mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Cleaned my 45. Walked down to Ghisonaccia, listened to the radio in the Service Club,
then had coffee and donuts. Combat flying hours to date 53:35 hrs. Played cribbage, at
1530 went down to line and loaded 1000# Demos in ship. Went down to town and met
Phillips, McGugen, and a few of the B-26 boys who landed here on acct. of weather. Saw
show last nite “Song of Bernadette”. Excellent. Scheduled for a mission tomorrow.”
447th BS War Diary: The move is on, USN and British trucks have arrived to move our
equipment and some of the personnel, to Salerno for embarkation to Corsica. Major
Raymond D. Sampson led an 8 plane formation from Italy to Corsica. Morning Report:
officers----80; Enlisted Men---277.
Sampson, Raymond D. “Sammy”, Maj, pilot, Commander
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 305/mission 304) Group Mission # 266: 7 of
our ships participated in raid on Ficulle RR bridge with Lt. Seavey leading the flight.
Due to bad visibility the alternate target, St. Stefano Harbor and Installations were hit
with large concentration of bombs falling along shore of auxiliary harbor. Hits on
warehouse and a possible hit on a barge resulting in an explosion were reported.
A/C No. 42-64553
Tompkins, Howard D., 1Lt
Nettles, Forrest Truett, 2Lt
Lundmark, Norman J., 2Lt
Collins, Clint R., Sgt
LaFountain, Ned F., S/Sgt
Miller, Dale G., Sgt
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
P Seavey, George D., 1Lt
CP Nall, John G., 2Lt
N Matthewson, Merton K., Jr., 2Lt
B McDermott, James W., 2Lt
E Engels, Robert W., Sgt
R Toole, John F., S/Sgt
G Burke, William H., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32449
Cloward, Glannin A., Capt
Manz, Wayne A., 2Lt
McCaleb, Harold G., 2Lt
Dawson, Roy C., Sgt
Chatters, Aubrey W., T/Sgt
Sinclair, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-64695
Alger, LeRoy (NMI), 1Lt
Heitman, William F., 2Lt
Anderson, Sherman E., 2Lt
Ford, Leonard W., S/Sgt
Williamson, Myles O., T/Sgt
Rose, Clifford A., Sgt
Saturday, 22 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32505
Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt
Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt
Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt
Partee, Watson L., Sgt
Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt
Tarra, Frederick J., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
P Schnoebelen, Orval L., 2Lt
CP Martin, William H., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Niedelman, Hyman (NMI), 2Lt
E Clyne, Everett H., Sgt
R Vineski, Robert R. “The Reverend”,
G Fowler, Harold E., Sgt
F Statham, Alvin F., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64694
Haynes, Eldon R., 2Lt
Magne, Henry J. “Joe”, 2Lt
James, Robert M., 2Lt
Morrissey, Raphael E., Cpl
Cowart, Eugene C., S/Sgt
Orzynski, Henry E., S/Sgt
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 305/mission 304) Group Mission # 266:
Mission 217 (266). At 07:40 27 aircraft off to bomb Ficulle RR bridges or San Stefano
Harbor. They dropped 24 x 1000 bombs at Ficulle RR bridge from 10,000 feet and 63 x
1000 bombs at San Stefano. Escort Spits. No planes holed. In coming in on primary
target lead formation was unable to pick up bridge due to position of sun and very bad
visibility. One flight of six made run on target and dropped bombs which fell mostly to
SW of bridge. 4 planes dropped on what is believed to be N Orvieto bridge without
observing results. 17 planes dropped on the alternate of San Stefano with a large
concentration of bombs falling along the shore of the auxiliary harbor. Reports of hits on
warehouse and possible hits on a barge resulting in explosion. Flak: Heavy, moderate
and inaccurate at both targets. Weather: Very hazy.
A/C No. 41-30548
P Doyle, Edward J., 1Lt
CP Warren, William F., 2Lt
N Hickey, William O., 2Lt
B Malec, Joseph A., 2Lt
E Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
R Neview, Frederick J., Sgt
G Jeffrey, Louis J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 42-87455
Dossey, Vernon Curtis, 2Lt
Connor, John C., Jr., 2Lt
Quartuccio, Anthony P., 2Lt
Gager, Joseph R., Sgt
Wilkinson, Robert M., S/Sgt
Bowman, Wilmer E., Sgt
Edwards, Clarence C., S/Sgt
Saturday, 22 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 31-30327
P Verkruysse, Emile D., 2Lt
CP McCabe, Norman M., 2Lt
N None
B Evans, Ivor P., 1Lt
E Kershaw, Raymond T., Sgt
R Daniels, John (NMI), S/Sgt
G Holt, Charles M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13050
P Hales, Ermine L., 1Lt
CP Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, 2Lt
N None
B Kukorowski, Albert A., 2Lt
E Hinton, Zane R., PFC
R Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
G Crow, Roscoe J., Pvt
F None
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
P Riener, William F., 2Lt
CP Cottle, Robert J., 2Lt
N None
B Farris, Stephen C., 2Lt
E Chosta, Louis (NMI), Sgt
R Burr, Harry C., S/Sgt
G Sharpsteen, Robert E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Greene, William A., 1Lt
Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Olszewski, Henry (NMI), 2Lt
Greene, Louis P., 2Lt
Luton, Howard W., Sgt
Dilts, Robert E., S/Sgt
Groome, Daingerfield M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13195
Lyons, John B., 2Lt
Brown, Wyndham E., III, 1Lt
Burday, Harry (NMI), 2Lt
Sullivan, James G., Pvt
Thompson, Arthur R., Jr., S/Sgt
Rosencranz, Harvey R., Sgt
Sunday, 23 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s hit bridges and approaches at Attigliano; B-26s attack
Incisa in Valdarno viaduct and bridge, Cecina marshalling yard and attack, but fail to hit,
Poggibonsi viaduct; P-47s, A-36s, and P-40s hit rail lines and bridges NE of Rome and
along the E coast in several areas including points around Orvieto, Orte, Tivoli and
Capronica. HQ 321st Bombardment Group (Medium) and 445th and 448th Bombardment
Squadrons (Medium) move from Gaudo Airfield, Italy to Solenzara, Corsica with B-25s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Two LST’s carrying the “A” party of the ground echelon
landed at Porto Vecchio, 30 miles S. of our proposed base at Solenzara. Members of the
party told of how one boat almost toppled over when a steering rod broke unexpectedly.
The ballast prevented a tragedy according to the ship’s Captain. Greatly overcrowded,
many of the enlisted men had to sleep on deck.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 306/mission 305) Group Mission # 267:
26 A/C dropped on the primary target of the N. Orte RR bridge. Photos showed a direct
hit, several near misses but most of the bombs over.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 267 Date: 23 Apr 44
No A/C completing mission: 26
Squadrons: 445-7
Target: RR Bridge at A-585407 (8 ¾ mi. NW of Orte).
Time OFF: 1115
T.O.T.: 1240
Time Down: 1340
(Final Report not available)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Ship landed at Porto-Vecchio, Corsica at about 1330 and
unloading operations were promptly commenced. An advance detail went on ahead to
find out where the camp site would be. Apparently the Generals and the Colonels had
not made up their minds because we were directed to move temporarily into a field near
the village of Solenzara and also near the coast. It was a beautiful green field with a fast
flowing brook nearby. The area adjacent to the beach had been well mined by the
Germans. The mines were still being removed. There was a A.A. outfit living in the
same field.
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 306/mission 305) Group Mission # 267:
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Rigler, Edward J., 2Lt
P Farrell, Robert A., 1Lt
Lyons, Lawrence L., 2Lt
CP Hammar, Robert L., 2Lt
Fisher, Sigmund M., 2Lt
N Smith, Raymond (NMI), 2Lt
Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
B Kauric, William J., 1Lt
Malmberg, Russell H., S/Sgt
E Marinucci, Andrew J., Sgt
Wells, Joy E., S/Sgt
R Rossi, Sam J., S/Sgt
Doswell, Richard (NMI), Sgt
G McClary, Louis E., Sgt
F None
Sunday, 23 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30354
Dickerson, Samuel M., 1Lt
Groh, Sheldon R., 2Lt
Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Sgt
Malloy, Edward J., Sgt
Well, Robert J., Sgt
Kramer, Henry P., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
P Schiff, Frederick (NMI), 2Lt
CP Hardman, Albert F. “Al”, Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Yepez, Oscar W., 1Lt
E Yoa, Harry (NMI), Sgt
R Shiloh, Andrew (NMI), S/Sgt
G McGinley, Joseph B., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
P Shyshka, Lubomir P. “Cross Country”,
CP Wagner, Gerald W., 2Lt
N Sharp, Kenneth R., 1Lt
B Maughan, George W., 1Lt
E Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), Sgt
R Marcoulier, William A., S/Sgt
G Tarr, Charles F., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64575
Tarmichael, Arthur J., 1Lt
Hadsell, Donald M., 2Lt
Werrlein, Harry F., 2Lt
Hickey, William R., Sgt
Plunk, Charlie B., S/Sgt
Imbastaro, Alexander J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-29985
Smith, Alfred B., 1Lt
Groose, William R. “Bud”, 2Lt
VenJohn, George G., 2Lt
Leith, Douglas L., Sgt
Parlette, Oliver C., S/Sgt
Jones, Harvey J., Sgt
Abrams, Samuel (NMI), Pvt
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
04/23/44: 14:50 hours - Arrive Corsica
“About two hours ago we put in at a long bay. Both LSTs are tied up at a newly
constructed wooden pier, obviously constructed to provide additional landing space for
the military traffic that is coming to the island. There are no signs of anything larger
than launches or fishing boats having landed here prior to the war.
We are waiting now for the ramp to be lowered so the equipment can be driven off
the ship onto the pier. I am sitting on the port rail enjoying the breeze and sunshine.
Surrounding the bay on all sides but our rear are brush covered mountains. The terrain
appears very rough and reminds me equally of North Africa and some of the mountains
of Utah.
Just ahead of us, where a sand bar almost cuts off the inlet that extends quite a
distance inland, is a grove of pine trees. Off to the right on the hillside is a dirty looking
French village. Across the bay, almost behind us is a farmhouse with two peach trees
Sunday, 23 April 1944 (continued)
blooming brilliantly in the door yard. There are five barrage balloons covering the
harbor and about that many more at rest on the ground. The place seems heavily
defended with anti-aircraft, and several batteries have been firing intermittently ever
since we arrived. Three formations of our own planes, one of 25s and two of 26s have
passed over. In general I like it.”
446th BS War Diary: Sgt. Roulier flies his big fiftieth.
Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt, gunner
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 306/mission 305) Group Mission # 267:
Squadron Mission 225
TARGET: RR Bridge N of Orvieto, Italy.
DATE: 23 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. Demo.
446th Planes: 7
Capt. Freeland, 448 Sqdn. led the formation. Target reported to have received several
direct hits. Hits observed on tracks S of bridge and Just N of tunnel entrance with some
strings in river and others scattered to E. Scant and inaccurate flak. No fighters. Lt.
Ritger was a spare and filled in to complete the mission.
Freeland, Levi B.., Jr., Capt, pilot, 448th BS
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
P Hurley, John R., 1Lt
CP Hollingsworth, George K., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt
E Smith, Cephus M., Jr., S/Sgt
R Bove, Anthony P., S/Sgt
G Mittman, Milton M., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
Vivas, Frank Paul, 1Lt
Sacker, John R. “Sad Sack”, 2Lt
Wilcox, Harry Bradway, Jr., 2Lt
Bober, John (NMI), Jr., Sgt
Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
Brown, Ronald M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13123
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 2Lt
Vancil, Alfred E., 2Lt
Farber, Joseph L., Sgt
Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
Harrison, Hoyt V., Sgt
Lanza, William A., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64511 “The Madam 2 of
St. Joe”
Morris, Meade L., Jr., 1Lt
Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt
Chapman, John E., 2Lt
Wotkowicz, Frank J., 2Lt
Shellhamer, Lawrence (NMI), Cpl
Miles, Walter J., Jr., S/Sgt
Foley, Gerald M., Sgt
Sunday, 23 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Matzinger, Keith Robinson, 1Lt
Mickel, Alan T., 2Lt
Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 1Lt
Britton, William W., Jr., Sgt
Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
Zeman, Harold W., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64549
P Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt
CP Goff, Leroy Robert, Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Mexal, Gus J., 2Lt
E Kane, Ronald J., T/Sgt
R Cohen, George (NMI), T/Sgt
G Ricke, Richard O., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64509 “No Peekin’”
(previously “Enid II”, “Arkansas
Traveler II”)
Othick, Rolland R., 1Lt
Sampson, Allan T., 1Lt
Sitts, Lonnie C., 2Lt
McArdle, John R., PFC
Bufkin, Francis P., Jr., S/Sgt
Burrow, Isom F., Cpl
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier (mission 18)
“Standby on today’s mission for 2 hrs.
Pre-briefed 1010
T.O. 1103
Pilot: Hurley
CoPilot: Hollingsworth
Ship # 963 (Mo. Waltz) (41-12963) Alt 11,300’
Bombs: 3-1000 # Demos
Target: R.R. Bridge 8 mi. N. of Orte (42° 29’ N - 12° 20’ E). Over target @ 1237,
scanty flak, poor visibility due to haze & scattered clouds. Did not see results, but it was
believed bridge was destroyed.
Had a late dinner, then down and load bombs, ships were moved to our new field,
too many on this field, danger of an air attack. Scheduled for a mission tomorrow, flying
with George Walsh.
Flying time: 02:45.”
Hollingsworth, George K., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
Hurley, John R., 1Lt, pilot
Walsh, George F., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Cpl. Warren L. Coffey, Jr. was admitted to the 32nd Field Hosp.
Still waiting at Salerno for embarkation to Corsica. The remaining personnel of the
447th, who are waiting for orders at the Gaudo A/D, have moved to the Headquarter
buildings (Tobacco warehouse). Lt. Thomas acted as navigator, for Col Smith, in plane
583 (42-64583) on an XO flight.
Coffey, Warren L., Jr., Cpl, cook
Smith, Richard H., Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
Thomas, John J., 1Lt, pilot
Wiginton, J. Maurice, 2Lt, pilot
Sunday, 23 April 1944 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 306/mission 305) Group Mission # 267: 6 of
our ships participated in a raid on RR bridge at A-585407 with Lt Wiginton as flight
leader. Target reported to have received several direct hits with greatest concentration of
bombs falling short. Other bombs observed hitting tracks south of bridge and just north
of tunnel entrance.
A/C No. 42-64694
P Haynes, Eldon R., 2Lt
CP Magne, Henry J. “Joe”, 2Lt
N None
B Webb, James A., 2Lt
E Morrissey, Raphael E., Cpl
R Cowart, Eugene C., S/Sgt
G Orzynski, Henry E., S/Sgt
F Daniels, John (NMI), S/Sgt, 448th BS
A/C No. 42-32449
Cloward, Glannin A., Capt
Manz, Wayne A., 2Lt
McCaleb, Harold G., 2Lt
Dawson, Roy C., Sgt
Chatters, Aubrey W., T/Sgt
Sinclair, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-64695
Speer, Marvin L., 2Lt
Nall, John G., 2Lt
James, Robert M., 2Lt
Escher, Carl S., T/Sgt
Carlson, Carl M., T/Sgt
Corkill, John (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-64553
Tompkins, Howard D., 1Lt
Nettles, Forrest Truett, 2Lt
Lundmark, Norman J., 2Lt
Collins, Clint R., Sgt
Toole, John F., S/Sgt
Miller, Dale G., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
Schnoebelen, Orval L., 2Lt
Martin, William H., Jr., 2Lt
Niedelman, Hyman (NMI), 2Lt
Clyne, Everett H., Sgt
Vineski, Robert R. “The Reverend”,
Fowler, Harold E., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13181 “The Sophisticated
Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, 1Lt
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, 2Lt
Matthewson, Merton K., Jr., 2Lt
Jones, Claude F., 1Lt
Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt
Bilski, Walter J., S/Sgt
Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt
447th BS: War Diary of: Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt, gunner: “20th
mission, flew with Wigs, bombed rail bridge north of Orte, nice bombing, four burst of
Wiginton, J. Maurice "Wigs", 2Lt, pilot
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
Sunday, 23 April 1944 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 306/mission 305) Group Mission # 267:
Mission 218 (267). At 11:15 26 planes off to bomb RR bridge 8 3/3 miles NW of Orte
and dropped 96 x 1000 bombs at 12:40 from 10,500 feet and all returned at 13:40. Escort
12 Spits. No planes holed. Target reported to have received several direct hits with
greatest concentration of bombs falling short, over and across tracks to right of bridge.
Other bombs observed hitting S of bridge and just N of tunnel entrance. Flak: Meager,
heavy and inaccurate. Weather: Hazy. F/L: Freeland.
A/C No. 41-30548
P Freeland, Levi B., Jr., Capt
CP Hoffman, Albert J., 1Lt
N Duncan, George F., 2Lt
B McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt
E Kepford, Francis R., S/Sgt
R Gilpatrick, Jack H., T/Sgt
G Wolf, Elmer A., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13186
P Lyons, John B., 2Lt
CP Brown, Wyndham E., III, 1Lt
N None
B Burday, Harry (NMI), 2Lt
E Sullivan, James G., Pvt
R Thompson, Arthur R., Jr., Sgt
G Rosencranz, Harvey R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30125
P Riener, William F., 2Lt
CP Cottle, Robert J., 2Lt
N None
B Bearden, James E., 2Lt
E Chosta, Louis (NMI), Sgt
R Burr, Harry C., S/Sgt
G Sharpsteen, Robert E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64521
Cooper, James W., 1Lt
Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
Malec, Joseph A., 2Lt
Jackson, Jewel D., PFC
Clark, Gwyn E., S/Sgt
Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Greene, William A., 1Lt
Howard, Charles E., 2Lt
Olszewski, Henry (NMI), 2Lt
Greene, Louis P., 2Lt
Luton, Howard W., Sgt
Dilts, Robert E., S/Sgt
Groome, Daingerfield M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-87455
Dossey, Vernon Curtis, 2Lt
Connor, John C., Jr., 2Lt
Farris, Stephen C., 2Lt
Gager, Joseph R., Sgt
Wilkinson, Robert M., S/Sgt
Bowman, Wilmer E., Sgt
Edwards, Clarence C., S/Sgt
Monday, 24 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers attack railroad bridges N and S of Orvieto, at
Arezzo, at Grosseto and N and S of Incisa in Valdarno; A-20s hit a dump at Valmontone;
P-40s, P-47s and A-36s hit shipping off Leghorn, Avezzano station, Orvieto and Terni
marshalling yards, Canino landing ground, railroad tracks at numerous points S of
Orvieto and rail lines, truck parks and targets of opportunity N of Rome.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: (No non-mission information)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 307/mission 306) Group Mission # 268:
A very successful mission wiped out the bridge S. of the Orvieto M/Y’s. All 26 A/C
returned safely—no flak.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 268 Date: 24 Apr 44
No A/C: 26
Squadrons: 445-5
Target: Bridge S of Orvieto M/Yds.
Time OFF: 1445
T.O.T.: 1615
Time Down: 1725
Axis of Attack: 33°
Height: 8,500/9,500.
Planes Lost: None.
Planes Holed: None.
Bombs Dropped: 2078 x 500 .1 & .025 fusing. 7 x 500 salvoed.
Escort: Spits--12.
ROUTE: Golo River to S of Pianosa Isle to H-5350 to A-3050 (IP) to Target, left turn to
A-4599 to E-5350 and return.
FLAK: None.
Claims: None.
RESULTS: Target observed well hit with bombs on tracks just E of M/yd, across R.R.
Bridge and overpass. Some short and others hit N end of Road Bridge to
NE of Target.
OBSERVATIONS: 10/12 T/E planes reported on Viterbo A/D. 50/60 M/T at 1624
hours going S between Citta di Pieve and Ficulle. M/T activity on
coastal road N and E, stationary at E-7036. 12 M/T appeared to be
dragging guns at A-3545, going S. Many cars (in units of 15 to 30)
on R. R. from A-3880 to V-4093. Supply or ammunition dump N
of road at approximately A-0247. 2 M/V’s E of Elba, stationary-reported as naval vessels.
Monday, 24 April 1944 (continued)
Major, Air Corps,
Group S-2 Officer.
Monday, 24 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: No order was received all day as to whether we would stay at the
field where we were or would move to some other area. Some of the men went fishing in
the nearby brook. Some went swimming and found the water flowing from the Corsican
mountains ice cold. Capt. Neumann led the mission today and with outstanding bombing
two bridges were knocked out.
Neumann, Robert H., Capt, pilot
Monday, 24 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 307/mission 306) Group Mission # 268:
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
H., Capt
CP Cameron, William D. “Bill”, Jr., Capt,
HQ 321st BS
N Casaburi, Robert Roland, 2Lt
B Kauric, William J., 1Lt
E Dillon, James A., S/Sgt
R Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
G Jones, Harvey J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-53373
P Tarmichael, Arthur J., 1Lt
CP Fischer, Franklyn R., 2Lt
N None
B Werrlein, Henry F., 2Lt
E Hickey, William R., Sgt
R Plunk, Charlie B., S/Sgt
G Imbastaro, Alexander J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
Smith, Alfred B., 1Lt
Wagner, Gerald W., 2Lt
Simpkins, Everett L., 2Lt
Knight, Arnold K., S/Sgt
Parlette, Oliver C., S/Sgt
Zimmer, Henry G., Sgt
Abrams, Samuel (NMI), Pvt
A/C No. 42-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., 1Lt
Rygh, Malvin S. “Mal” 2Lt
Fisher, Sigmund M., 2Lt
Wren, Frank J., 1Lt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), S/Sgt
Marcoulier, William A., S/Sgt
Tarr, Charles F., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30354
Waterman, LeRoy R., 1Lt
Samson, Harry A., 2Lt
VenJohn, George G., 2Lt
Malmberg, Russell H., S/Sgt
Wells, Joy E., S/Sgt
Doswell, Richard (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-64575 (did not take off landing gear problem) (only pilot & ship
Dickerson, Samuel M., 1Lt
446th BS War Diary: Still waiting to move to Corsica by boat.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 307/mission 306) Group Mission # 268:
Squadron Mission 226
TARGET: Bridge S of Orvieto M/Y, Italy.
DATE: 24 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 500 lb.
446th Planes: 7
Capt. Neuman, 445th Sqdn. led the formation. Target observed well hit, with bombs on
tracks just E of M/Y, across RR Bridge and overpass. No flak or fighters.
Neumann, Robert H., Capt, pilot, 445th BS
Monday, 24 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Walsh, George F., 1Lt
Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt
McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt
Smetana, Frank C., Jr., Sgt
Mygrant, Robert F., S/Sgt
Thornton, Edward P., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64509 “No Peekin’”
(previously “Enid II”, “Arkansas
Traveler II”)
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt
Briles, Connolly O., 2Lt
Mexal, Gus J., 2Lt
McArdle, John R., PFC
Youngblood, Woodrow W., S/Sgt
Heery, Philip M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64549
Matzinger, Keith Robinson, 1Lt
Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt
Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 1Lt
Britton, William W., Jr., Sgt
Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
Zeman, Harold W., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64511 “The Madam 2 of
St. Joe”
Cooper, Paul T., Capt
Goff, Leroy Robert, Jr., 2Lt
Kinney, John H., 2Lt
Mottley, John F., 2Lt
Shellhamer, Lawrence (NMI), Cpl
Miles, Walter J., Jr., S/Sgt
Foley, Joseph M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13123
Hodges, Richard E., 2Lt
Gibbons, George H., 2Lt
Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 2Lt
Bellamy, Herbert E., S/Sgt
Crozer, Robert L., S/Sgt
Lanza, William A., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
Vivas, Frank Paul, 1Lt
Sacker, John R. “Sad Sack”, 2Lt
Wilcox, Harry Bradway, 2Lt
Bober, John (NMI), Jr., Sgt
Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
Brown, Ronald M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
Hurley, John R., 2Lt
Hollingsworth, George K., Jr., 2Lt
Sitts, Lonnie C., 2Lt
Kane, Ronald J., Sgt
Cohen, George (NMI), T/Sgt
Ricke, Edward O., S/Sgt
Monday, 24 April 1944 (continued)
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (mission 26, Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Target: Ficulle RR Bridge, Italy. San Stefano Harbor (Alt)
Flying Time: 2:45 (49th mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier (mission 19)
“Time not posted for the mission as yet, probably be in the afternoon. Around tent all
a.m. playing cards, etc.
Pre-briefed 1315
T.O. 1435
Pilot: George Walsh
CoPilot: Fitzgerald
Ship # 394 (Peg O’ My Heart)(42-32394) Alt 10,800’ Bombs: 8-500 # Bombs - Demos
Target: R.R. Bridge in M/Y @ Orvieto (42° 43’ N - 12° 07’ E). Took-off from our new
field, dusty as heck. Over target @ 1612, no flak or fighters. Believe target destroyed.
Went to show with Burandt and Chudars saw “Mr. Big”, with Donald O’Connor
– swell & funny.
Flying time: 02:45 hrs.”
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt, pilot
Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt, pilot
Fitzgerald, John (NMI) "Jack", 2Lt, pilot
Walsh, George F., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: No orders have been received as yet in regard to our departure to
Seavey, George D., 2Lt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 307/mission 306) Group Mission # 268: 7 of
our ships participated in a raid on Bridge South of Orvieto M/Y with Lt. Seavey leading
flight. Target observed well hit with bombs on tracks just E of M/Y, across RR bridge
and overpass. Some short and others hit N end of road bridge. This was our first mission
from our home field here in Corsica.
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
Seavey, George D., 1Lt
Mims, Nathan (NMI), 2Lt
Matthewson, Merton K., Jr., 2Lt
McDermott, James W., 2Lt
Engels, Robert W., Sgt
Toole, John F., S/Sgt
Burke, William H., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64694
Haynes, Eldon R., 2Lt
Magne, Henry J. “Joe”, 2Lt
Webb, James A., 2Lt
Morrissey, Raphael E., Cpl
Cowart, Eugene C., S/Sgt
Orzynski, Henry E., S/Sgt
Monday, 24 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64695
P Speer, Marvin L., 2Lt
CP Nall, John G., 2Lt
N None
B James, Robert M., 2Lt
E Escher, Carl S., S/Sgt
R Carlson, Carl M., T/Sgt
G Corkill, John (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
P Schnoebelen, Orval L., 2Lt
CP Martin, William H., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Niedelman, Hyman (NMI), 2Lt
E Clyne, Everett H., Sgt
R Chatters, Aubrey W., S/Sgt
Fowler, Harold E., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32505
P Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt
CP Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt
E Partee, Watson L., Sgt
R Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt
G Tarra, Frederick J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64553
Tompkins, Howard D., 1Lt
Nettles, Forrest Truett, 2Lt
Lundmark, Norman J., 2Lt
Collins, Clint R., Sgt
Bilski, Walter J., S/Sgt
Miller, Dale G., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32449
Cloward, Glannin A., Capt
Manz, Wayne A., 2Lt
McCaleb, Harold G., 2Lt
Dawson, Roy C., Sgt
Vineski, Robert R. “The Reverend”,
Sinclair, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
447th BS War Diary Special Account: Gave our virgin field at Solenzara, Corsica, its
“baptism of fire” by participating in a highly successful attack on Orvieto South Railway
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 307/mission 306) Group Mission # 268:
Mission 219 (268). At 14:45 26 planes off to bomb bridge S of Orvieto and dropped 201
x 500 bombs at 16:15 from 8,500 feet. All returned at 17:25. Escort 12 Spits, no planes
holed. Target observed well hit with bombs just E of M/Y across RR bridge and
overpass. Some short and others hit N end of road bridge to NE of target. 50-60 M/T’s
going S between Cietta and Di Pieve and Ficulle. M/T activity on coastal road. Weather:
Monday, 24 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
Armstrong, Donald R., 1Lt
Barber, Marshall Hall “Red”, 2Lt
Olszewski, Henry (NMI), 2Lt
Evans, Ivor P., 1Lt
Sullivan, James G., Pvt
Jacobson, Fred (NMI), S/Sgt
Wilkerson, John J., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64521
Hales, Ermine L., 1Lt
McCabe, Norman M., 2Lt
Hickey, William O., 2Lt
Quartuccio, Anthony P., 2Lt
Hinton, Zane R., PFC
Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
Crow, Roscoe J., Pvt
A/C No. 41-30125
Riener, William F., 2Lt
Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
Bearden, James E., 2Lt
Chosta, Louis (NMI), Sgt
Burr, Harry C., S/Sgt
Sharpsteen, Robert E., Sgt
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Greene, William A., 1Lt
Brown, Wyndham E., III, 1Lt
Greene, Louis P., 2Lt
Luton, Howard W., Sgt
Dilts, Robert E., S/Sgt
Groome, Daingerfield M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13195
Cooper, James W., 1Lt
Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Apple, John A., 2Lt
Jackson, Jewel D., PFC
Clark, Gwyn E., S/Sgt
Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13186
Lyons, John B., 2Lt
Warren, William F., 2Lt
Burday, Harry (NMI), 2Lt
Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), S/Sgt
Thompson, Arthur R., Jr., S/Sgt
Bowman, Wilmer E., Sgt
Daniels, John (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30327
Verkruysse, Emile D., 2Lt
Howard, Charles E., 2Lt
Farris, Stephen C., 2Lt
Kershaw, Raymond T., Sgt
Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
Holt, Charles M., Sgt
Edwards, Clarence C., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 25 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, attacks against lines of communications N of Rome continue; A20s hit storage areas while medium bombers attack Pesaro marshalling yard, dumps at
Manoppello and bridges and approaches at Incisa in Valdarno, Arezzo, Asciano, Magra,
Ficulle and Orvieto; viaducts at Incisa and Calafuria are attacked with poor results; P-40s
and P-47s hit roads, gun positions, railroads, ammunition dump and trucks N of Rome,
near Ficulle, Orte and Orvieto; and P-47s also damage destroyers off Elba Island. HQ
47th Bombardment Group (Light) and 84th, 85th, 86th and 97th Bombardment Squadrons
(Light) move from Capodichino to Vesuvius Airfield, Italy with A-20s. 417th Night
Fighter Squadron, Twelfth Air Force (attached to RAF No. 337 Wing), moves from La
Senia, Algeria to Borgo, Corsica with Beaufighters; the ground echelon has been at
Borgo since Feb 44.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: (No non-mission information)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 308/mission 307) Group Mission # 269:
26 planes again attacked the S. Orvieto RR bridge and reported direct hits on center of
the bridge across tracks to the NW and possible hits on the SE approach.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 269 Date: 25 Apr 44
No A/C: 26
Squadrons: 445-7
Target: Bridge 9 mi S. of Orvieto.
Time OFF: 1430
T.O.T.: 1609
Time Down: 1710
Axis of Attack: 70°
Height: 9000/9500
Planes Lost: None.
Planes Holed: None.
Bombs Dropped: 184 x 500 .1 & .025. 25 A/C dropped
Escort: 12 Spits.
ROUTE: Base to Golo River to S of Pianosa Isle to E-5043 to A-3039 (I.P.) to target
(break right 3 minutes to A-7860) to Todi to W-4306 to H-6043 to base.
A-4599 to E-5350 and return.
WEATHER: ENROUTE & RETURN: Overcast at Italian Coast at 15,000 lowering to
9500 ft. on return with rain going in and out.
5/10 scattered cumulus CAVU.
FLAK: Heavy, scant to moderate, accurate from known positions.
Claims: None.
RESULTS: Direct hits observed on center of bridge across tracks to NW and possible
hits on SE approach with many bombs over to NW of target.
Tuesday, 25 April 1944 (continued)
OBSERVATIONS: Much rolling stock N. of Ficulle and S. of Chiusi with one train of
18 cars observed going N. toward Chiusi and another of 40 tank
cars stationary. P. boat proceeding S. at 1640 hours. Off Formiche
di Grosseto. Three boats (2 MV - 1 patrol) seen on way in at
Talamone--were not there upon return. One report of 6 completed--4 uncompleted storage tanks just SW of Attigliano.
Three reports of 18/25 large A/C on Viterbo Main--thought to be
FLIGHT LEADERS: Capt. Cooper and Lt. Wiginton.
Major, Air Corps,
Group S-2 Officer.
Tuesday, 25 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: Today we received orders to a new area, back of Group
Headquarters. It was a rocky terrain. The S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4 and Dispensary tents were
put up and their equipment moved when an order was received to hold up further moving
because we would not stay in this area. A few of the officers tents and the mess hall was
moved over before this order was received. More men went fishing today. So far no one
has seen any fish brought back to the camp.
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 308/mission 307) Group Mission # 269:
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Schiff, Frederick (NMI), 1Lt
Lyons, Lawrence L., 2Lt
Yepez, Oscar W., 1Lt
Yoa, Harry (NMI), Sgt
Shiloh, Andrew (NMI), S/Sgt
McGinley, Joseph B., T/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
P Shyshka, Lubomir P. “Cross Country”,
CP Groose, William R. “Bud”, 2Lt
N Sharp, Kenneth R., 1Lt
B Maughan, George W., 1Lt
E Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), Sgt
R Marcoulier, William A., S/Sgt
G Jones, Harvey J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13202” Idaho Lassie”
Farrell, Robert A., 1Lt
Hadsell, Donald M., 2Lt
Smith, Raymond (NMI), 2Lt
Underwood, James H., Jr., Capt
Marinucci, Andrew J., Sgt
Rossi, Sam J., S/Sgt
McClary, Louis E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64529
Dickerson, Samuel M., 1Lt
Hardman, Albert F. “Al”, Jr., 2Lt
Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Sgt
Callister, Jack Roland, Cpl
Scott, Aurelias M., S/Sgt
Kramer, Henry P., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13169
Tarmichael, Arthur J., 1Lt
Hammar, Robert L., 2Lt
Werrlein, Harry F., Sgt
Hickey, William R., Sgt
Plunk, Charlie B., S/Sgt
Imbastaro, Alexander J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64527 “Sycamore 1½
Wagner, Gerald W., 2Lt
Rygh, Malvin S. “Mal”, 2Lt
Simpkins, Everett L., 2Lt
Malloy, Edward J., Sgt
Wells, Robert J., Sgt
Zimmer, Henry G., Sgt
Abrams, Samuel (NMI), Pvt
Tuesday, 25 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64659
Waterman, LeRoy R., 1Lt
Fischer, Franklyn R., 2Lt
VenJohn, George G., 2Lt
Lockwood, Patrick B., M/Sgt
Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
Tarr, Charles F., Jr., S/Sgt
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
04/25/44: 08:30 hours - Temporary camp in Corsica
“This is the most beautiful spot I have seen since the last time I went camping in
the mountains at home. Our area is a wonderfully green valley skirted on three sides by
cork oak trees and a dense tangle of undergrowth, sloping gently eastward to the blue
sea. To the south just inside the fringe of timber, flows a sizable brook of clear mountain
water, fresh off the snow on the peaks to the west, which stretch their ruggedness several
thousand feet into the sky.
The place is much too paradisiacal for an army camp and so we are moving, after
two days of indecision, to a rocky slope up on the mountainside. After docking at about
12:00 hours on the 23rd, we unloaded and drove in convoy away from Porto-Vecchio.
The road was scenic, but with the usual German efficiency each bridge was blown up
leaving a nasty scar. Later in the night several wrecks occurred in which two Negro
drivers were badly injured. Fast driving, so common, was the cause. The most
remarkable thing about the trip over was the deep blue of the Mediterranean water and
the practicality of the LCIs.”
446th BS War Diary: Lots of first class mail arrives for the squadron. Capt. Holloway,
Lt. Dickerson, and the following enlisted men return from Capri rest camp: Walker,
Orechia, Dechert, Mitchell, Boatright, Holstein, Mecca and Doyle.
Boatright, Benjamin (NMI), Jr., Sgt, gunner
Dechert, John A., Sgt, engineering
Dickerson, Claude M., 1Lt, bombardier
Doyle, Charles F., Sgt, medic
Holloway, McGlon T., Capt, intelligence
Holstein, Clarence M., S/Sgt, engineering
Mecca, Joseph D., Sgt, engineering
Mitchell, John J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Orechia, James Raymond “Raymond”, T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Walker, Council T., M/Sgt, engineering
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 308/mission 307) Group Mission # 269:
Squadron Mission 227
TARGET: Bridge at Orvieto, Italy.
DATE: 25 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 500 lb.
446th Planes: 6
Capt. Cooper led the formation. Direct hits observed on center of bridge across tracks to
NW and possible hits on SE approach, with many bombs to NW of target. Flak was
heavy, scant to moderate and accurate. Four planes holed. No fighters.
Tuesday, 25 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Walsh, George F., 1Lt
Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt
McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt
Smetana, Frank C., Jr., Sgt
Mygrant, Robert F., S/Sgt
Thornton, Edward P., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64549
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 2Lt
Vancil, Alfred E., 2Lt
Farber, Joseph L., 2Lt
Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
Harrison, Hoyt V., S/Sgt
Lanza, William A., Sgt
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
P Jordan, Henry L., 2Lt
CP Gibbons, George H., 2Lt
N None
B Wilcox, Harry Bradway, Jr., 2Lt
E Kane, Ronal J., Sgt
R Bufkin, Francis P., Jr., S/Sgt
G Burrow, Isom F., Cpl
F Crawford, R. W., 1Lt (observer)
A/C No. 42-64509 “No Peekin’”
(previously “Enid II”, “Arkansas
Traveler II”)
Othick, Rolland R., 1Lt
Sampson, Allan T., 1Lt
Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 2Lt
McArdle, John R., PFC
Youngblood, Woodrow W., S/Sgt
Heery, Philip M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64511 “The Madam 2 of
St. Joe”
Cooper, Paul T., Capt
Goff, Leroy Robert, Jr., 2Lt
Kinney, John H., 2Lt
Mottley, John F., 2Lt
Shellhamer, Lawrence (NMI), Cpl
Miles, Walter J., Jr., S/Sgt
Foley, Joseph M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt
Briles, Connolly O., 2Lt
Mexal, Gus J., 2Lt
Bober, John (NMI), Jr., Sgt
Crozer, Robert L., S/Sgt
Ricke, Richard O., S/Sgt
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (mission 27, Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Target: Bridge at Orvieto, Italy.
Flying Time: 2:40 (50th mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier (mission 20)
“Scheduled for a mission today, flying with George Walsh. Went down and had a
shower. Felt good. Played C.L.B. cribbage, won 3-0. Photos of yesterday bombings
show excellent results, 2 bridges destroyed and a road.
Pre-briefed 1250
T.O. 1430
Pilot: Geo. Walsh
CoPilot: Fitzgerald
Ship # 394 (Peg O’ My Heart) (42-32394)
Alt 8,800’
Bombs: 8-500 # Demos
Position: 1-2-1
Tuesday, 25 April 1944 (continued)
Target: RR Bridge, 8½ mi. SE Orvieto (42° 38’ N - 12° 15’ E). Over target 1605, heavy,
moderate & accurate flak. No fighters. Element leader target was hit, also had some
bad bombs.
Think I am to fly a low altitude mission soon, probably have practice tomorrow.
After supper went down to Ghisonaccia, hung around the Officer’s Service Club,
Laughed all nite at Jack Hurley.
Flying time: 02:40 hrs.”
Fitzgerald, John (NMI) "Jack", 2Lt, pilot
Hurley, John R., 1Lt, pilot
Walsh, George F., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Still waiting on orders regarding our embarkation.
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 308/mission 307) Group Mission # 269: 6 of
our planes participated in a raid on bridge nine (9) miles S of Orvieto. Direct hits
observed on center of bridge across tracks to NW and possible hits on SE approach with
many bombs over to NW of target.
A/C No. 41-30557
Alger, LeRoy (NMI), 1Lt
Heitman, William F., 2Lt
Anderson, Sherman E., 2Lt
Ford, Leonard W., S/Sgt
Williamson, Myles O., T/Sgt
Rose, Clifford A., Sgt
A/C No. 42-53371 “Death Wind”
P Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, 1Lt
CP Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, 2Lt
N Thomas, Robert E., 2Lt
B Jones, Claude F., 1Lt
E Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt
R Bilski, Walter J., S/Sgt
G Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
P Speer, Marvin L., 2Lt
CP Nall, John G., 2Lt
N Matthewson, Merton K., Jr., 2Lt
B James, Robert M., 2Lt
E Escher, Carl S., S/Sgt
R Carlson, Carl M., T/Sgt
G Corkill, John (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64553
Haynes, Eldon R., 2Lt
Magne, Henry J. “Joe”, 2Lt
Webb, James A., 2Lt
Morrissey, Raphael E., Cpl
Cowart, Eugene C., S/Sgt
Orzynski, Henry E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13176 “Alley Cat”
Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt
Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt
Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt
Partee, Watson L., Sgt
Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt
Tarra, Frederick J., Sgt
Tuesday, 25 April 1944 (continued)
447th BS: War Diary of: Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt, gunner: “21st
mission, flew with Wigs, bombed rail bridge north of Orvieto, nice bombing, buku flak.”
Wiginton, J. Maurice "Wigs", 2Lt, pilot
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 308/mission 307) Group Mission # 269:
Mission 220 (269). At 14:30 26 planes off to bomb bridge 9 miles S of Orvieto and
dropped 184 x 500 bombs from 9000 feet at 16:09. All returned at 17:10. Escort 12
Spits. 4 planes holed. Direct hits observed on center of bridge across tracks to NW and
possible hits on SE approach with many bombs over to NW of target. Much rolling stock
N of Ficulle and S of Chiusi one “F” boat proceeding S off Formiche di Grosseto.
Weather: CAVU.
A/C No. 42-32427
Riener, William F., 2Lt
Warren, William F., 2Lt
Young, Robert B., 2Lt
Chosta, Louis (NMI), Sgt
Burr, Harry C., S/Sgt
Sharpsteen, Robert E., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30548
L., 1Lt
CP Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
N Duncan, George F., 2Lt
B Quartuccio, Anthony P., 2Lt
E Hinton, Zane R., PFC
R Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
G Crow, Roscoe J., Pvt
F None
A/C No. 42-87455
P Dossey, Vernon Curtis, 2Lt
CP Connor, John C., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Malec, Joseph A., 2Lt
E Gager, Joseph R., Sgt
R Wilkinson, Robert M., S/Sgt
G Bowman, Wilmer E., Sgt
F Edwards, Clarence C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64521
Cooper, James W., 1Lt
Cottle, Robert J., 2Lt
Blume, Wilber T., 2Lt
Jackson, Jewel D., PFC
Clark, Gwyn E., S/Sgt
Everhart, Clifford R., Sgt
Daniels, John (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13050
Lyons, John B., 2Lt
Barber, Marshall Hall “Red”, 2Lt
Burday, Harry (NMI), 2Lt
Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), S/Sgt
Thompson, Arthur R., Jr., S/Sgt
Wolf, Elmer A., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30327
Verkruysse, Emile D., 2Lt
Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
Apple, John A., 2Lt
Kershaw, Raymond T., Sgt
Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
Holt, Charles M., Sgt
Tuesday, 25 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Greene, William A., 1Lt
McCabe, Norman M., 2Lt
Hickey, William O., 2Lt
Evans, Ivor P., 1Lt
Luton, Howard W., Sgt
Dilts, Robert E., S/Sgt
Groome, Daingerfield M., Sgt
Wednesday, 26 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, bad weather greatly curtails activity; P-47s attack motor transport
and railroad tracks and hit a gas dump near Trasimeno Lake, a landing ground at Canino
and marshalling yards of Leghorn.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission---weather. Commenced operations at our first
permanent base in Corsica--6 miles N. of Solenzara on the E. coast.
445th BS War Diary: Bad weather prevented any mission today. No decision was made
as to where the squadron would finally encamp. It was tentatively decided to put the
squadron in a field used for gasoline storage, but difficulties were encountered in getting
the gasoline moved out. Then was thought a certain field would be the right place, but it
turned out to be a grain field.
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. In the first rain of a number of days the men left in
Italy started for the POE at Salerno in the afternoon, a distance of 26 miles. We boarded
the HMS Thruster.
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Raining this a.m., but I got up for breakfast anyway. Went downtown and got 4 shothaircut, now got 4 whiffle heads in the tent, Burandt, Hurley, Hollingsworth & my self.
Odd looking crew. Mission cancelled due to weather. Element leaders on yesterday’s
mission had a critique with Col. Smith expected to get chewed out but surprisingly he was
ok. Jack Hurley got us 2 cases of K rations, also a stove set-up. OK, as it is cold &
damp here. Had a snack of “K” Rations before going to bed. Raining hard tonite. Ackack guns had practice tonite, quite a show. Discussion on Post-war conditions until
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt, pilot Hollingsworth, George K., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
Hurley, John R., 1Lt, pilot
Smith, Richard H., Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
447th BS War Diary: No mission today. The move is on, all the remaining equipment
and personnel left the Gaudo A/D for Salerno. All equipment was loaded and the
personnel boarded a British LST for our new base in Corsica.
447th BS War Diary Special Account: The ground echelon, and remaining flying
personnel, left Gaudo A/D, in motor convoy, for Port of Salerno, and embarked on a
British LST headed for Corsica. On the 27th, the ship developed rudder and screw
trouble, “aggravated” no doubt by a slight collision with a sister ship, so was towed to
Naples. There we unloaded all our earthly belongings into a warehouse, found billets in
Naples and sat down to wait for the Navy to rescue us. There we “sat” at month’s end.
448th BS War Diary: No Entry.
Thursday, 27 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, weather again severely restricts operations; P-40s attack a supply
dump N of Rome, scoring 7 hits in the target area. 12th Photographic Reconnaissance
Squadron, 3rd Photographic Group (Reconnaissance), based at Pomigliano, Italy, sends a
detachment to operate from Nettuno, Italy with F-5s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission---weather. First mail call in Corsica.
445th BS War Diary: Today the area for the 445th squadron was finally selected and
preparations was commenced to dig in. Major Register has been active getting lumber
with which to build an officer club and mess. There was no mission today because of
rain. The new area is composed of five separate fields and it is proposed to put the
officers in one field, the officers club in the second field and the enlisted men and
administration tents in two other fields.
Register, Percy D., Maj, pilot, Commander
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. The good ship Thruster left Salerno for the island of
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier:
“Raining this a.m., didn’t get up for breakfast. Heated some bouillon, held me over until
dinner. Doubt if there’ll be any mission today. After dinner Burandt & I went into town
& listened to radio at the Red Cross, then went down to 1.M. Bakery & got some bread.
PX rations today. Mail call tonight but didn’t get any mail. Early a.m. mission
tomorrow but I am not scheduled. Show tonite “Princess O’Rourke” good show.”
Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: No mission today. Turbine trouble made it necessary for our boat
to be towed to Naples, arriving approximately at 2000 hours. All the personnel, with the
exception of the ones in charge of a vehicle, were instructed to take their bed rolls and to
ashore where trucks were waiting to take them to Staging Area No. 1 at Bagnolia, and are
to bivouac at this location until further orders are received. The officers are staying at the
Transit Hotel in Naples.
448th BS War Diary: No Entry.
Friday, 28 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers attack Piombino, railway bridges N of Orvieto,
Ficulle, and W of Arezzo, and hit viaducts at Incisa in Valdarno and Piteccio; A-20s
score hits on a fuel dump; P-40s and P-47s hit a fuel dump NW of Ferentino, warehouses
S of Avezzano, several railway lines and targets of opportunity N of Rome, the Orbetello
railroad yards, San Stefano al Mare harbor, rail lines at points between Rome and
Avezzano, several gun emplacements, Follonica and Chiusi marshalling yards, and cut
railroad lines at several points NW of Rome; fighter-bombers also hit Chiusi marshalling
yard, tracks around Castiglione della Valle, Cortona marshalling yard, Grosseto railroad
bridge, scattered motor transport and a barge near Follonica.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Two missions this date.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 309/mission 308) Group Mission # 270:
On the 1st mission, 14 A/C dropped on primary cutting track S. of Ficulle bridge, other
bombs over. The remaining 13 A/C dropped on the Pode Nuovo bridges—S. bridge there
was well hit but the N. bridge missed.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 270 Date: 28 Apr 44
No A/C completing mission: 27
Squadrons: 445-7
Target: N Ficulle RR Bridge (A-399757) & Pode Nuovo (E-855902).
Time OFF: 0740
T.O.T.: 0909
Time Down: 1010
(Final Report not available)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 310/mission 309) Group Mission # 271:
On the 2nd mission, 11 A/C bombed the N. Orvieto RR bridge with most bombs falling
short. 13 A/C dropped on Piombino causing a large explosion on the W. end of the steel
works pier. Other bombs hit M/Y and south quay. Lt Metzger of the 447th Bomb
Squadron was killed by flak on this raid.
Metzger, Joseph Earl, 2Lt, pilot, 447th BS
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 271 Date: 28 Apr 44
No A/C: 25
Squadrons: 445-7
Target: RR Bridge 6 mi NW of Orvieto, A-401655. Alt. Piombino Harbor Installations.
Time OFF: 1525
T.O.T.: Pr. 1655
Time Down: 1820
Alt. 1720
Axis of Attack: Pri. 118°
Height: 9/10,000
Alt. 330°
Planes Lost: None.
Planes Holed: Ten.
Bombs Dropped: Pri.12x1000 and 56x500 .1 & .025 fusing
Alt. 36x1000 and 32x 500
Friday, 28 April 1944 (continued)
Escort: 12 Spits.
ROUTE: Base to Golo River to S of Pianosa to Ombrone River to Abbadia S. Salvatore
(IP) to target, left turn to S. Venanzo, left turn to Chiusi to Pt. Ala. Spartivento
to Alternate to base.
WEATHER: Enroute and Return: Clear to Italian mainland. From coast inland 3/10
increasing to 5/10. Tops at 8500. Vis. Unlimited. Primary target---5/10s
tops at 8500. Alt.--CAVU
FLAK: Primary---Heavy, scant to moderate, fairly accurate.
Alternate-Heavy, scant to moderate inaccurate.
Co-Pilot Lt. Metzger, 447th Squadron killed by burst received at approx. A-2272
Claims: None.
When flight leader approached primary it was partly covered by cloud and
he proceeded to alternate. Eleven planes bombed primary with most
bombs falling just N and E of bridge with possible hits on both approaches
13 planes dropped on Piombino with good concentration across W. end of
steel works pier causing tremendous explosion. Other bombs fell north
into M/Yds. And across south quay with possible hits on two small boats
in boatyard.
OBSERVATIONS: Large explosion seen on RR just S. of Grosseto. 40/50 MT S.
from Chiusi to Citta di Pieve--headed S. 35/40 M/T. heading S. on
coast road just S. of Ombrone River. 20 possible “F” boats in
harbor Portoferraio--Elba. 10/12 “F” boats in harbor Portolongone
E coast of Elba.
FLIGHT LEADERS: Capt. Freeland and Capt. Neuman (Major Register)
Major, Air Corps,
Gp. S-2 Officer.
Friday, 28 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: The squadron went on a mission today, another bridge. The
combat crews who had been living in the transient area of the 341st Service Sqdn. moved
down to the new area. The men were lining up pegs for their tents with strings because
the command insisted that the tents be put up in a straight line, and at the same angle.
This squadron is feeding two other squadrons and the chow line is almost a couple of
hundred yards long.
Friday, 28 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 309/mission 308) Group Mission # 270:
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
LeRoy R., 1Lt
CP Groh, Sheldon R., 2Lt
N None
B VenJohn, George G., 2Lt
E Malmberg, Russell H., S/Sgt
R Wells, Joy E., S/Sgt
G Doswell, Richard (NMI), Sgt
F Abrams, Samuel (NMI), Pvt
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Schiff, Frederick (NMI), 2Lt
Lyons, Lawrence L., 2Lt
Yepez, Oscar W., 1Lt
Yoa, Harry (NMI), Sgt
Shiloh, Andrew (NMI), Sgt
McGinley, Joseph B., Sgt
A/C No. 42-53373
P Tarmichael, Arthur J., 1Lt
CP Hammar, Robert L., 2Lt
N None
B Werrlein, Harry F., 2Lt
E Hickey, William R., Sgt
R Rossi, Sam J., S/Sgt
G Imbastaro, Alexander J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32334 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
P Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., 1Lt
CP Rygh, Malvin S. “Mal”, 2Lt
N Fisher, Sigmund M., 2Lt
B Wren, Frank J., 1Lt
E Marinucci, Andrew J., Sgt
R McClary, Louis E., Sgt
G Plunk, Charlie B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-29985
Smith, Alfred B., 1Lt
Swanson, Harry A., 2Lt
Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Sgt
Leith, Douglas L., Sgt
Parlette, Oliver C., S/Sgt
Jones, Harvey J., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30550 “Hetties Pride and
Rigler, Edward J., 2Lt
Hardman, Albert F. “Al”, Jr., 2Lt
Smith, Raymond (NMI), 2Lt
Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
Malloy, Edward J., Sgt
Wells, Robert J., Sgt
Kramer, Henry P., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64529
Wagner, Gerald W., 2Lt
Fischer, Franklyn R., 2Lt
Simpkins, Everett L., 2Lt
Callister, Jack Roland, Cpl
Scott, Aurelias M., S/Sgt
Zimmer, Henry G., Sgt
Friday, 28 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 310/mission 309) Group Mission # 271:
A/C No. 41-13202 “Idaho Lassie”
Lubomir P. “Cross Country”,
CP Hardman, Albert F. “Al”, Jr., 2Lt
N Sharp, Kenneth R., 1Lt
B Maughan, George W., 1Lt
E Malloy, Edward J., Sgt
R Wells, Robert J., Sgt
G Kramer, Henry P., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30354
Dickerson, Samuel M., 1Lt
Hadsell, Donald M., 2Lt
Werrlein, Harry F., 2Lt
Hickey, William R., Sgt
Rossi, Sam J., S/Sgt
Imbastaro, Alexander J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Frederick (NMI), 2Lt
CP Lyons, Lawrence L., 2Lt
N None
B Yepez, Oscar W., 1Lt
E Yoa, Harry (NMI), Sgt
R Shiloh, Andrew (NMI), S/Sgt
G McGinley, Joseph B., Sgt
F Abrams, Samuel (NMI), Pvt
A/C No. 42-32458
P Waterman, LeRoy R., 1Lt
CP Groh, Sheldon R., 2Lt
N None
B VenJohn, George G., 2Lt
E Malmberg, Russell H., S/Sgt
R Wells, Joy E., S/Sgt
G Doswell, Richard (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
Smith Alfred B., 1Lt
Swanson, Harry A., 2Lt
Fitzgerald, Daniel J., S/Sgt
Leith, Douglas L., Sgt
Parlette, Oliver C., S/Sgt
Jones, Harvey J., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
Neumann, Robert H., Capt
Register, Percy D., Maj, Commander
Casaburi, Robert Roland, 2Lt
Kauric, William J., 1Lt
Marinucci, Andrew J., Sgt
Plunk, Charlie B., S/Sgt
McClary, Louis E., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64659
Wagner, Gerald W., 2Lt
Fischer, Franklyn R., 2Lt
Simpkins, Everett L., 2Lt
Callister, Jack Roland, Cpl
Scott, Aurelias M., S/Sgt
Zimmer, Henry G., Sgt
Friday, 28 April 1944 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: We arrive at Porto Vecchio and travel five miles to a staging area
for the night. The ship is unloaded and some of the baggage is sent on to our base.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 309/mission 308) Group Mission # 270:
Squadron Mission 228
TARGET: N Ficulle RR Bridge, & Pode Nuovo N&S, Italy.
DATE: 28 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 & 500 lb.
446th Planes: 7
Lt. Wiginton, 447 Sqdn. led the formation. The first box of six bombed S alternate.
Bombs observed on both N & S approaches with report of one pier being hit. The second
box of six, first flight bombed the primary. Bombs fell both N & S of bridge with
possible hits on approaches. First box of six, second flight bombed the N alternate. Most
bombs fell over to N and NW of target with one report of direct hit. Flak was heavy,
scant to moderate and accurate. One plane holed. No fighters.
Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, 2Lt, pilot, 447th BS
A/C No. 41-13123
P Hodges, Richard E., 2Lt
CP Briles, Connolly O., 2Lt
N None
B Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 2Lt
E Bellamy, Herbert E., S/Sgt
R Cohen, George (NMI), T/Sgt
G Nemet, Michael (NMI), Sgt
F Edwards, Clarence C., S/Sgt, 448th BS
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
P Vivas, Frank Paul, 1Lt
CP Sacker, John R. “Sad Sack”, 2Lt
N None
B Wilcox, Harry Bradway, Jr., 2Lt
E Jacob, Elmer A., Jr., PFC
R Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
G Brown, Ronald M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64587 “Red Nosed
P Othick, Rolland R., 1Lt
CP Hollingsworth, George K., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 1Lt
E McArdle, John R., PFC
R Youngblood, Woodrow W., S/Sgt
G Heery, Philip M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 2Lt
Vancil, Alfred E., 2Lt
Sitts, Lonnie C., 2Lt
Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
Harrison, Hoyt V., S/Sgt
Thornton, Edward P., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Hurley, John R., 1Lt
Mickel, Alan T., 2Lt
Franklin, Arthur E., 2Lt
Mayo, Jack D., 2Lt
Smith, Cephus M., Jr., S/Sgt
Bove, Anthony P., S/Sgt
Mittman, Milton M., Cpl
A/C No. 41-29995 “Pistol Packin’
Morris, Meade L., Jr., 1Lt
Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt
Chapman, John E., 2Lt
Reynolds, Laverne E., 2Lt
Bober, John (NMI), Jr., Sgt
Crozer, Robert L., S/Sgt
Ricke, Richard O., S/Sgt
Friday, 28 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30387 “Kay Girl”
Matzinger, Keith Robinson, 1Lt
Lewis, Vernon (NMI), 2Lt
Wotkowicz, Frank J., 2Lt
Britton, William W., Jr., Sgt
Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
Zeman, Harold W., Sgt
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 310/mission 309) Group Mission # 271:
Squadron Mission 229
TARGET: RR Bridge Orvieto & Piombino Harbor
DATE: 28 Apr 1944
Installations (Alt), Italy
Type of Bombs: 1000 & 500 Lb.
446th Planes: 6
Capt. Freeland, 448 Sqdn. led the formation. Primary target cloud covered, alternate
bombed, thirteen planes dropped a good concentration of bombs across W end of steel
works pier causing tremendous explosion. Other bombs fell N into M/Y and across S
quay with possible hits on two small boats. Eleven planes bombed primary, with most
bombs falling just N & E of bridge and possible hits on both approaches. Flak at both
targets was heavy, scant to moderate and inaccurate. Ten planes holed. No fighters.
Freeland, Levi B.., Jr., Capt, pilot, 448th BS
A/C No. 42-64509 “No Peekin’”
(previously “Enid II”, “Arkansas
Traveler II”)
P Walsh, George F., 1Lt
CP Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt
N None
B McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt
E Mygrant, Robert F., S/Sgt
R Smetana, Frank C., Jr., Sgt
G Lanza, William A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64511 “The Madam 2 of
St. Joe”
P Cooper, Paul T., Capt
CP Holt, Robert L., 2Lt
N None
B Mottley, John F., 2Lt
E Shellhamer, Lawrence (NMI), Cpl
R Miles, Walter J., Jr., S/Sgt
G Foley, Joseph M., Pvt
F None
A/C No. 42-32429 “Flamingo”
Hunter, William Clark, Maj
Wallace, Robert D., 2Lt
Dunn, Thomas B., 2Lt
Mayo, Jack D., 2Lt
Brawn, Jean H., S/Sgt
Todd, Alfred J., T/Sgt
Napoliello, Felix (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32403 “Alley Oop”
Herbert, John James, Jr., 1Lt
Church, Edwin Adem, 2Lt
Johnson, Henry W., 2Lt
Clay, Donald W., Sgt
Green, Salem M., S/Sgt
Casper, Henry G., S/Sgt
Friday, 28 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
P Burandt, Charles Lawson “Chuck”, 2Lt
CP Goff, Leroy Robert, Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Mexal, Gus J., 2Lt
E Jacob, Elmer A., Jr., PFC
R Bove, Anthony P., S/Sgt
G Mittman, Milton M., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 42-64549
Jordan, Henry L., 2Lt
Gibbons, George H., 2Lt
Nicklaus, George Edward “Nick”, 1Lt
Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
Bufkin, Francis P., Jr., S/Sgt
Burrow, Isom F., Cpl
Crawford, R. W., 1Lt (Org. unknown –
A/C No. 41-30293
LeClair, Edward R., 1Lt
Smith, Randell L., 2Lt
Wotkowicz, Frank J., 2Lt
Schreiner, Lester B. “Les”, Sgt
Maddox, Everett R., S/Sgt
Larson, Ralph L., Sgt
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (mission 28, Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-20: 42-64509 “No Peekin’” (previously “Enid II”,
“Arkansas Traveler II”)
Target: RR Bridge Orvieto & Piombino Harbor Installations (Alt), Italy
Flying Time: 2:50 (51st mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier (mission 21)
“Up & ate breakfast. Saved. 2 missions today, don’t know if I am on 1 of them as yet.
Scheduled for a mission this afternoon, trucks lve @ 1310.
Pre-briefed 1420
T.O. 1535
Pilot: G. Walsh
CoPilot: Fitzgerald
Ship # 509 (No Peekin’) (42-64509)
Alt 8,700’
Bombs: 4-1000 # Demos
Position: 1-4-1 Target: 1) R.R. Bridge 6 mi. NW Orvieto (42° 55½’ N - 10° 12’ E)
2) Piombino Docks & Wharves.
Over primary target @ 1653, no bombs dropped – couldn’t pick up target, hvy., scant,
accurate flak. At alternate, Piombino, @ 1720, dropped bombs ok, think we hit it, hvy.,
scanty, inaccurate flak.
Flying time: 02:50 hrs.”
Fitzgerald, John (NMI) "Jack", 2Lt, pilot
Walsh, George F., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Two missions are scheduled for today.
Friday, 28 April 1944 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 309/mission 308) Group Mission # 270: In
the first mission six of our ships participated in a raid on Ficula RR bridge N with Lt.
Wiginton as flight leader. Bombs fell N and S of target with possible hits on approaches.
A/C No. 42-64694
Haynes, Eldon R., 2Lt
Magne, Henry J. “Joe”, 2Lt
Webb, James A., 2Lt
Morrissey, Raphael E., Cpl
Cowart, Eugene C., S/Sgt
Burke, William H., Jr., Sgt
Statham, Alvin F., Cpl
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
Speer, Marvin L., 2Lt
Nall, John G., 2Lt
James, Robert M., 2Lt
Escher, Carl S., S/Sgt
Carlson, Carl M., T/Sgt
Corkill, John (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-32505
P Schnoebelen, Orval L., 2Lt
CP Martin, William H., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Niedelman, Hyman (NMI), 2Lt
E Clyne, Everett H., Sgt
R Vineski, Robert R. “The Reverend”,
G Fowler, Harold E., Sgt
F Crawford, R. W., 1Lt (observer)
A/C No. 42-32449
Cloward, Glannin A., Capt
Manz, Wayne A., 2Lt
McCaleb, Harold G., 2Lt
Engels, Robert W., Sgt
Chatters, Aubrey W., T/Sgt
Sinclair, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 41-30126 “Bull of Sahara Flak Magnate”
Tompkins, Howard D., 1Lt
Nettles, Forrest Truett, 2Lt
Lundmark, Norman J., 2Lt
Collins, Clint R., Sgt
Toole, John F., S/Sgt
Miller, Dale G., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64695
Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, 1Lt
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, 2Lt
Thomas, Robert E., 2Lt
Jones, Claude F., 1Lt
Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt
Bilski, Walter J., S/Sgt
Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 310/mission 309) Group Mission # 271: 7
ships participated in the second mission of the day with Lt. Seavey as flight leader. 11
ships bombed the primary target with most bombs falling N and E of RR bridge at
Orvieto, with possible hits on both approaches. 12 ships dropped bombs on Piombino
with good concentration across W and one pier causing large explosion. Other bombs
fell N into M/Y and across S quay. 2nd Lt. Joseph E. Metzger, co-pilot, was killed in
action while participating in a raid on Orvieto RR bridge. He died from flak wound in
the head, but his ship came back safely.
Friday, 28 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13175 “The Saint Myrtle
P Murray, Richard E., 2Lt
CP Swanson, Robert Harold “Swanee”, 2Lt
N None
B Huffman, William C., 2Lt
E Cangillieri, Liobnick (NMI), S/Sgt
R Korzeniowski, Edward S., S/Sgt
G Mango, Vincent A. “Vince”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64583
Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt
Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt
Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt
Partee, Watson L., Sgt
Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt
Tarra, Frederick J., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30557
P Stocking, Eugene E., 1Lt
CP Metzger, Joseph Earl, 2Lt
N None
B Deane, George J., 1Lt
E Tollefson, Walter F. K., S/Sgt
R Mathews, William E., Sgt
G Mitchell, Rennie (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13181 “The Sophisticated
Seavey, George D., 1Lt
Mims, Nathan (NMI), 2Lt
Matthewson, Merton K., Jr., 2Lt
McDermott, James W., 2Lt
Engels, Robert W., Sgt
Toole, John F., S/Sgt
Burke, William H., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30538 “Shad Rack You
Done Crapped Again”
Thomas, John J., 1Lt
Grimse Ralph T., 2Lt
Rosenbledt, James M., 2Lt
Sheppard, Luther Edgar “L.E.”, Jr., Sgt
Free, Paul L., S/Sgt
Jaskowski, John (NMI) “Jack”, Sgt
447th BS War Diary Special Account: 2nd Lt. Joseph E. Metzger, flying co-pilot in an
attack on Orvieto RR Bridge, received a serious head injury just below his helmet, from a
piece of flak over the target, and died before his plane could bring him to medical aid. It
was his 29th combat mission. His loss was felt keenly by his friends, who were many.
Metzger, Joseph Earl, 2Lt, pilot
447th BS: War Diary of: Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt, gunner: “22nd
mission, flew with Wigs, bombed north of Orvieto bridge, good bombing, light flak.”
Wiginton, J. Maurice "Wigs", 2Lt, pilot
Friday, 28 April 1944 (continued)
447th BS: War Diary of: Mango, Vincent A. “Vince” "Vince", Sgt, aerial gunner
(Mission 5)
“Target: Orvieto RR Bridge Flak: HMA Combat: 3:00
Bombs: 500 lb
Escorts: Spits
Plane # 175 (41-13175 “Saint-Myrtle II”) Crew: P-Lt Murray,
CP- Lt Swanson, B-Lt Huffman, SSG Cangillieri, R-SSG Korzeniowski, G-Sgt Mango
11 planes bombed primary w/most bombs falling N and S on both approaches. 12 planes
dropped on Piombino w/good concentrations across end of one Pier, causing a large
explosion. Other bombs fell N into M/Yds and across S of Quarry. Lt Metzger KIA.”
Cangillieri, Liobnick (NMI), S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Huffman, William C., 2Lt, bombardier
Korzeniowski, Edward S., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Metzger, Joseph Earl, 2Lt, pilot
Murray, Richard E., 2Lt, pilot
Swanson, Robert Harold “Swanee”, 2Lt, pilot
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 309/mission 308) Group Mission # 270:
Mission 221 (270). At 07:40 27 planes off to bomb N Ficulle RR bridge and Pode Nuovo
N and S bridges. 14 planes dropped 56 x 500 and 27 x 1000 bombs at Ficulle at 09:09
and 6 planes dropped 48 x 500 bombs at Pode Nuovo N and 7 planes dropped 20 x 1000
and 8 x 500 bombs at S alternate. All returned at 10:10. Due to malfunction of
bombsight lead ship overshot primary target with results that first box of 6 bombed the S
alternate, second box of six the primary. First box of six of the second flight bombed N
alternate and last box bombed primary. Two of the spares bombed the primary, one the S
alternate. Bombs fell both N and S of bridge at the primary target with possible hits on
approaches. At N alternate most bombs fell over to N and NW with one report of a direct
hit. On S alternate bombs observed on both N and S approaches. Weather: CAVU.
Flak: Meager, heavy accurate flak from Ficulle. F/L: Lt Armstrong.
A/C No. 41-30005 “The Duck”
Armstrong, Donald R., 1Lt
Barber, Marshall Hall “Red”, 2Lt
Hickey, William O., 2Lt
McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt
Sullivan, James G., Pvt
Jacobson, Fred (NMI), S/Sgt
Wilkerson, John J., PFC
A/C No. 41-30125
Riener, William F., 2Lt
Howard, Charles E., 2Lt
Bearden, James E., 2Lt
Chosta, Louis (NMI), Sgt
Burr, Harry C., S/Sgt
Sharpsteen, Robert E., Sgt
Friday, 28 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13195
P Verkruysse, Emile D., 2Lt
CP Brown, Wyndham E., III, 1Lt
N None
B Apple, John A., 2Lt
E Kershaw, Raymond T., Sgt
R Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
G Holt, Charles M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64519
P Kuykendall, James William “Kukie”, 2Lt
CP Matthews, Thomas W., 2Lt
N None
B Farris, Stephen C., 2Lt
E Ernst, David L., Sgt
R Schaffner, Clarence Donovan, S/Sgt
G Slafkes, Milton M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13186
P Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 2Lt
CP Olson, Orin E., 2Lt
N None
B Evans, Ivor P., 1Lt
E Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), S/Sgt
R Dean, Wilmer J., S/Sgt
G Neuman, Robert A., Sgt
F Daniels, John (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-30548
Hales, Ermine L., 1Lt
Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Olszewski, Henry (NMI), 2Lt
Quartuccio, Anthony P., 2Lt
Hinton, Zane R., PFC
Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
Crow, Roscoe J., Pvt
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
Dossey, Vernon Curtis, 2Lt
Warren, William F., 2Lt
Blume, Wilber T., 2Lt
Gager, Joseph R., Sgt
Wilkinson, Robert M., S/Sgt
Bowman, Wilmer E., Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 310/mission 309) Group Mission # 271:
(Mission Summary missing from war diary)
A/C No. 41-30548
Freeland, Levi B., Jr., Capt
Amo, Leo W., 2Lt
Duncan, George F., 2Lt
Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, 1Lt
Hospod, Benjamin (NMI), Sgt
Gilpatrick, Jack H., S/Sgt
Wolf, Elmer A., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32427
Lyons, John B., 2Lt
Ovard, Glen S., 2Lt
Burday, Harry (NMI), 2Lt
Perillo, Anthony L., S/Sgt
Campbell, James R., S/Sgt
Hutchinson, James (NMI), Sgt
France, Charles E., Jr., Sgt
Friday, 28 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64521
P Greene, William A., 1Lt
CP Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
N Feeley, Walter C., Jr., 1Lt
B Greene, Louis P., 2Lt
E Sommer, Robert F., Sgt
R Parham, James E., T/Sgt
G Mitchell, William C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-13050
P Cottle, Robert J., 2Lt
CP Connor, John C., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Carr, Randal C., Cpl
E Donaud, Earl J., Sgt
R Denny, Joseph C., S/Sgt
G Benton, Thomas H., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30327
McCabe, Norman M., 2Lt
Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., 2Lt
Robert, Maurice L., S/Sgt
Blasingame, Emory J., Sgt
Kielich, Henry J., S/Sgt
Hersh, Bertram (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-64519
Cooper, James W., 1Lt
Bard, John A., 2Lt
Braun, Joseph M., T/Sgt
Bell, Flavious J., Sgt
Hassenbein, Sam (NMI), S/Sgt
Bishop, William (NMI) “Bill”, Sgt
Saturday, 29 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s attack the Terni viaduct and Attigliano railway bridge,
while B-26s bomb bridges and bridge approaches at Pontassieve and Incisa in Valdarno;
A-20s attack a dump NE of Rome; P-40s and P-47s cut rail lines in many places NE of
Rome, hit guns N of Anzio and a dump SE of Rome, attack the town of Acquapendente,
hit approaches and tunnel S of Arezzo and bridge and trucks in the area, bomb Sinalunga
marshalling yard and bridge and approaches at Monte San Savino, and hit docks at San
Vincenzo and boats at Follonica. 446th Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 321st
Bombardment Group (Medium), moves from Gaudo Airfield, Italy to Solenzara, Corsica
with B-25s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Order issued this date that all personnel will provide for
themselves one each, slit-trench.
HQ 321st BG Communications Log:
0640 Asbury to Duncan. “What about the weather? Wing is waiting on Recce, it is not
too good. There will be only one show today”.
0712 Asbury to Controller. “Cleared Mission planes”.
Smith to Larson. “Get crash truck from 3rd S. G. Have ambulance on line all day.
Crash truck available near tower during all flying hours. Telephonic
communication between the tower and truck”. Contact Lt. Col. Siler (3rd S.G.)
0820 Abernathy to Blake. “Fighters are late. Try and contact Bombers and have them
circle until Fighters rendezvous with them”.
0821 Blake to Tower. “Try and contact our Formation. Tell them to circle until the
Fighters come up (they will be late)”.
Larson to Newhall (889). “Cleared Formation for Elmas”.
0922 Blacktop Controller to Asbury. “Bombers are on the way home”.
0925 Asbury to Abernathy. “Find out what is wrong with Fighters. We are to reservice A/C and stand-by”.
0945 Duncan to Asbury. “Refuel and notify me as soon as we can meet new
1100 Asbury to Abernathy. Rendezvous at 1530--checked everything”.
Saturday, 29 April 1944 (continued)
1145 Asbury to Controller. “Cleared 13 B-25’s to Sardinia, take off at 1230. Also 2 B25’s to Capodichino take off at 1300; route: Cape Canino to Capri to
Capodichino”. Call sign “Bobcat--Red and Blue”.
1155 Fitzpatrick to Asbury. “We have Radio Operator and Windows for special deal”.
Mission efficiency: 321st, 340th-32%, 310th-13%.
1205 Asbury to Flying Control. “Cleared 2 A/C for Naples”.
M/Sgt. Garrison to Larson. “Non-operational A/C in the 446th: B-25C 41-13123,
B-25J 43-27496 (“PRINCESS PAOLA II “- later “PRINCESS”), B-25J 4327503” (“Miss Arabella”).
1430 Fitzpatrick to Hoffman. “At 1800 hours each day we will call Wing, giving status
of aircraft (Transient) on our field. This will include number of aircraft, type,
organization assigned, and proposed length of stay.”
1530 Abernathy to Hoffman. “For 30 April 1944: 24 A/C. Load is 500’s with .1 and
.025 fusing”.
445th, 446th, and 448th notified.
Capt. Neumann requests Flight to Naples on 30 April 1944.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 311/mission 310) Group Mission # ---:
Mission abortive due to weather.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: --- Date: 29 Apr 44
No A/C completing mission: 27
Squadrons: 445-6
Target: RR Bridge at Marsciano.
Target Not Reached.
Time OFF: 1512
Time Down:
(Final Report not available)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: There were two missions scheduled for today but neither was
completed. The fighters failed to rendezvous with the first and cloud cover prevented the
second from reaching the target. Work was commenced today on the construction of the
officers club. Capt Kelly, the communications officer, is the architect. Incidentally he
went to architectural school. The general idea is to build a log cabin effect with a
screened in porch.
Kelly, John E., Capt, Communication Officer
Saturday, 29 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 311/mission 310) Group Mission # ---:
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
Samuel M., 1Lt
CP Cormier, Emery O., 2Lt
N None
B Underwood, James H., Jr., Capt
E Smith, William A., Jr., Sgt
R Stephens, Robert T., S/Sgt
G Whelan, Edward J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32458
Gunder, William H., 2Lt
Boucher, Arthur Paul, F/O
Conover, Donald C., 2Lt
Swingholm, Raymond J., Sgt
Pate, Harris B., Jr., S/Sgt
Bellendir, John C., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64659
P Wagner, Gerald W., 2Lt
CP Place, Winston R., 2Lt
N None
B Werrlein, Harry F., 2Lt
E York, Rufus (NMI), Sgt
R Kintly, James E., S/Sgt
G Eiff, William C., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Tarmichael, Arthur J., 1Lt
Wolfe, Robert A., 2Lt
Klein, Robert J., 2Lt
Jones, Robert C., Sgt
Boyd, Ewell V., T/Sgt
Hunt, Jerry E., S/Sgt
Schaviak, Willis M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
Neumann, Robert H., Capt
Register, Percy D., Maj, Commander
Casaburi, Robert Roland, 2Lt
Kauric, William J., 1Lt
Hawkins, Vernon L., S/Sgt
Bixby, Jack H., T/Sgt
Reddy, John E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
Rigler, Edward J., 2Lt
Santone, Michael A., 2Lt
Napple, Francis L., 2Lt
Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
Harris, Charles W., Jr., Sgt
O’Leary, John D., T/Sgt
DeRose, Louis A., Sgt
446th BS War Diary: The 30 mile trip from the staging area to the air base is made
during the morning. We set up camp that afternoon.
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 311/mission 310) Group Mission # ---:
Squadron Mission 230
TARGET: RR Bridge at Marsciano, Italy.
DATE: 29 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 Lb. Demo.
446th Planes: 7
Lt. Neuman, 445th Sqdn. led the formation. Formation returned without bombing, due to
heavy overcast. No flak no fighters.
Lt Neumann, Robert H., Capt, pilot, 445th BS
Saturday, 29 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 2Lt
Vancil, Alfred E., 2Lt
Sitts, Lonnie C., 2Lt
Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
Harrison, Hoyt V., S/Sgt
Lanza, William A., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Hodges, Richard E., 2Lt
Briles, Connolly O., 2Lt
Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 2Lt
Bellamy, Herbert E., S/Sgt
Cohen, George (NMI), T/Sgt
Nemet, Michael (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 41-29995 “Pistol Packin’
Morris, Meade L., Jr., 1Lt
Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt
Kinney, John H., 2Lt
Reynolds, Laverne E., 2Lt
Bober, John (NMI), Jr., Sgt
Crozer, Robert L., S/Sgt
Ricke, Richard O., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
Vivas, Frank Paul, 1Lt
Sacker, John R. “Sad Sack”, 2Lt
Wilcox, Harry Bradway, Jr., 2Lt
Jacob, Elmer A., Jr., PFC
Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
Brown, Ronald M., Sgt
A/C No. 41-30387 “Kay Girl”
Matzinger, Keith Robinson, 1Lt
Lewis, Vernon (NMI), 2Lt
McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt
Britton, William W., Jr., Sgt
Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
Zeman, Harold W., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Hurley, John R., 1Lt
Mickel, Alan T., 2Lt
Mayo, Jack D., 2Lt
Smith, Cephus M., Jr., S/Sgt
Bove, Anthony P., S/Sgt
Mittman, Milton M., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64587 “Red Nosed
Othick, Rolland R., 1Lt
Hollingsworth, George K., Jr., 2Lt
Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 1Lt
McArdle, John R., PFC
Youngblood, Woodrow W., S/Sgt
Heery, Philip M., Sgt
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier (mission 22)
“Up at 0430 a.m., got briefed @ 0630, target being Marsciano R.R. Bridge. Got up to
rendezvous, no Spits, circled for 01:15 hrs., gave up in disgust & came home. Ate chow
at 446th. T.O. again @ 1430, same target, got to coast of Italy, turned back acct. of
Saturday, 29 April 1944 (continued)
Plenty tired. Back to 310th area and ate supper, then moved to new 446th area.
PX rations tonite, letter from D.F. We received credit for the afternoon mission, never
got to target on acct. of weather. Same ship & crew as on mission # 23 (41-30387 “Kay
Girl”). (42° 55’ N - 12° 20’ E).
Flying time 0300 & 02:15 hrs.”
447th BS War Diary: Today’s local training consisted of local transition. Morning
report: officers---79; E/M----277.
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 311/mission 310) Group Mission # ---: 7 of
our ships participated in a raid on RR bridge at Marsciano, with Lt. Speer leading flight.
Formation returned due to heavy overcast from Italian coast which became worse as
formation flew inland.
A/C No. 41-30126 “Bull of Sahara Flak Magnate”
P Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt
CP Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt
E Partee, Watson L., Sgt
R Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt
G Mitchell, Rennie (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32449
P Schnoebelen, Orval L., 2Lt
CP Martin, William H., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Niedelman, Hyman (NMI), 2Lt
E Clyne, Everett H., Sgt
R Vineski, Robert R. “The Reverend”,
G Tarra, Frederick J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64553
P Swanson, Robert Harold “Swanee”, 2Lt
CP Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, 2Lt
N None
B Fisher, Gerald E., 2Lt
E Fisher, Theodore M., S/Sgt
R Reynolds, Frank J., S/Sgt
G Richards, Charles M., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 42-64695
Murray, George F., 2Lt
Christian, Calvin B., 2Lt
Huffman, William C., 2Lt
Cangillieri, Liobnick (NMI), S/Sgt
Toole, John F., S/Sgt
Fowler, Harold E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
Speer, Marvin L., 2Lt
Nall, John G., 2Lt
Lindell, Harold N., 2Lt
James, Robert M., 2Lt
Escher, Carl S., S/Sgt
Carlson, Carl M., T/Sgt
Corkill, John (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-64694
Thomas, John J., 1Lt
Grimse, Ralph T., 2Lt
Rosenbledt, James M., 2Lt
Sheppard, Luther Edgar “L.E.”, Jr., Sgt
Free, Paul L., S/Sgt
Jaskowski, John (NMI) “Jack”, Sgt
Saturday, 29 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-32505
Button, Ervine J., 2Lt
Denman, John L., 2Lt
Adcock, Leonard E., 2Lt
Baldridge, Grant W., Sgt
Williamson, Myles O., T/Sgt
Harriman, Elmon P., S/Sgt
448th BS War Diary: No Entry
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 311/mission 310) Group Mission # ---:
(Mission Summary missing from 448th BS war diary)
A/C No. 42-87455
VanRaam, Rudolph (NMI), 1Lt
Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
Hickey, William O., 2Lt
McCue, William M., Jr., 1Lt
Chosta, Louis (NMI), Sgt
Clark, Gwyn E., S/Sgt
Sharpsteen, Robert E., Sgt
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
P Lyons, John B., 2Lt
CP Barber, Marshall Hall “Red”, 2Lt
N None
B Burday, Harry (NMI), 2Lt
E Gager, Joseph R., Sgt
R Jacobson, Fred (NMI), S/Sgt
G Coleman, Smith B., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64519
P Kuykendall, James William “Kukie”, 2Lt
CP Blackwell, Robert G., 2Lt
N None
B Judy, Philip R., 2Lt
E Ernst, David L., Sgt
R Holtzendorf, Henry (NMI), S/Sgt
G Buckles, Kenneth L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30327
Riener, William F., 2Lt
Bard, John A., 2Lt
Schlenk, Henry O., 2Lt
Davis, Jimmie L., S/Sgt
Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
France, Charles E., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64521
Doyle, Edward J., 1Lt
Hicks, John T., 1Lt
Olszewski, Henry (NMI), 2Lt
Malec, Joseph A., 2Lt
Kershaw, Raymond T., Sgt
Neview, Frederick J., Sgt
Holt, Charles M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32427
Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 2Lt
Stevens, Ray B., 2Lt
Shaw, Charles W., 2Lt
Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), S/Sgt
Dean, Wilmer J., S/Sgt
Neuman, Robert A., Sgt
Saturday, 29 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-13195
P Verkruysse, Emile D., 2Lt
CP Moyer, Emerson C., 2Lt
N None
B McDonough, Thomas E., Jr., 2Lt
E Hinton, Zane R., PFC
R Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
G Bennett, Ross F., S/Sgt
F None
Sunday, 30 April 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s attack railroad bridges at Ficulle, N Orvieto and
Marsciano, while B-26s hit bridges at Cortona and Incisa in Valdarno and in the nearby
areas; P-40s hit rail lines and storage in many locations N of Rome, hit rail lines and a
radar station in the Orvieto area, cut railroads from Rome to Tivoli and to Civita
Castellana and hit targets of opportunity in the area; P-47s hit numerous railroad lines,
rail cars, and other targets N of Rome. Unit moves in Italy: HQ 86th Fighter-Bomber
Group and 525th, 526th, and 527th Fighter-Bomber Squadrons from Pomigliano to
Marcianise with P-40s; 85th Fighter Squadron, 79th Fighter Group, from Capodichino to
Pomigliano with P-47s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: (No non-mission information)
HQ 321st BG Communications Log:
0745 Col. Smith to Hoffman. “Wants complete investigation of shots fired in area last
Larson to Wing. “Mission is off”.
0806 Hoffman to 889th. “Informed them of mission take-off”.
0859 Larson to 3rd S.G. “3rd S.G. is arranging for a crash truck. They will call as soon
as arrangements have been completed.
1035 Asbury to Wing. “Mission A/C are landing”.
1105 Larson to Wing. “Flash Mission report”.
Wing to Larson. “Cannot use Demos on Range number one (1)”.
1345 Asbury to Fitzpatrick. “We are sending 3 A/C to Djedeida to pick up practice
Asbury to 310th B. G. “Approximately 150 bombs to each A/C--requisition to
accompany planes”.
1350 Fitzpatrick to Asbury. “No low-level bombing on bridge on # 1 Range tomorrow
afternoon. Use 100 lb. demos with no fuzes. We can use #3 Range all day on 2
May 1944”.
Sunday, 30 April 1944 (continued)
1400 Larson to Upton. “Cleared aircraft”.
Asbury is to call Lt. Dickey (Mascot #2).
1555 Fenner to Asbury. “Orders for 1 May 1944: 24 A/C. Load is 500’s with .1 and
.025 fuzing”.
Ordnance and Squadrons notified.
1645 Fenner to Asbury. “Target: R.R. Bridge at A-685715.
60° break left.”
1700 Fenner to Asbury. “New “J” for us: # 43-27481.” (For 448th BS)
1830 Hoffman to all Squadrons. “A/C and Crews for Djedeida and Telergma:
446th, A/C 42-32403 “Alley Oop” (Kerr, John C., 1Lt, pilot) to Djedeida.
447th, A/C 41-30558 (borrowed from 445th) (Tompkins, Howard D., 1Lt) to
445th, A/C 42-53373 (Walker, Robert S., 2Lt, pilot) to Telergma- pick up Ryherd.
448th, A/C 41-13186 (Freeland, Levi B., Jr., Capt, pilot) Telergma. Scopp,
Richard W., 2Lt (N).
2030 Hoffman to Squadrons. “Informed them of new briefing time”.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary: (Ops Order 312/mission 311) Group Mission # 272:
26 A/C dropped 100x1000 pounders in the vicinity of the Orvieto S. RR bridge. Several
bursts clustered around S. approach, others long and short.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321st BG: Mission No: 272 Date: 30 Apr 44
No A/C completing mission: 26
Squadrons: 445-6
Target: RR Bridge 9½ mi S of Orvieto.
Time OFF: 0757
T.O.T.: 0951
Time Down: 1026
(Final Report not available)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Capt. Gaffney, executive officer gave the enlisted men a lecture
on the necessity for improvement in discipline and attitude. S/Sgt. McNevin was made
1st Sgt and Sgt Hetland was made duty Sgt.
Gaffney, Charles H., Capt, Executive Officer
Hetland, Arthur M., Jr., Sgt, engineer-gunner/Duty Sgt
McNevin, John L., Jr., S/Sgt, intelligence/First Sgt
Neumann, Robert H., Capt, pilot
Sunday, 30 April 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 312/mission 311) Group Mission # 272: The
squadron participated in another attack on a railroad bridge. The mission was led by
Capt. Neumann, the squadron put in a fine concentration of bombs.
A/C No. 42-32333 “Lorelei”
Dickerson, Samuel M., 1Lt
Cormier, Emery O., 2Lt
Underwood, James H., Jr., Capt
Smith, William A., Jr., Sgt
Stephens, Robert T., S/Sgt
Whelan, Edward J., Sgt
A/C No. 41-13179 “Booger”
P Rigler, Edward J., 2Lt
CP Santone, Michael A., 2Lt
N Napple, Francis L., 2Lt
B Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
E DeRose, Louis A., Sgt
R O’Leary, John D., T/Sgt
G Harris, Charles W., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64667 “Wet Dreams”
Tarmichael, Arthur J., 1Lt
Wolfe, Robert A., 2Lt
Klein, Robert J., 2Lt
Jones, Robert C., Sgt
Hunt, Jerry E., S/Sgt
Boyd, Ewell V., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32458
Gunder, William H., 2Lt
Boucher, Arthur Paul, F/O
Conover, Donald C., 2Lt
Swingholm, Raymond J., Sgt
Pate, Harris B., Jr., S/Sgt
Bellendir, John C., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64659
Wagner, Gerald W., 2Lt
Place, Winston R., 2Lt
Werrlein, Harry F., 2Lt
York, Rufus (NMI), Sgt
Kintly, James E., S/Sgt
Eiff, William C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 42-32434 “Mississippi
Gambler II”
Neumann, Robert H., Capt
Register, Percy D., Maj, Commander
Casaburi, Robert Roland, 2Lt
Kauric, William J., 1Lt
Hawkins, Vernon L., S/Sgt
Bixby, Jack H., T/Sgt
Reddy, John E., S/Sgt
446th BS War Diary: A combat mission is carried out and camp continues to be
446th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 312/mission 311) Group Mission # 272:
Squadron Mission 231
TARGET: RR Bridge Orvieto, Italy.
DATE: 30 Apr 1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. Demo.
446th Planes: 6
Lt. Neumann, 445 Sqdn. led the formation. Hits reported on S half of bridge. Good
concentration of bombs across S approach. Flak was heavy, moderate and generally
inaccurate. Considerable light flak directly S of target. Three planes holed. No fighters.
Neumann, Robert H., Capt, pilot, 445th BS
Sunday, 30 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 41-30387 “Kay Girl”
P Matzinger, Keith Robinson, 2Lt
CP Lewis, Vernon, 2Lt
N None
B McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt
E Britton, William W., Jr., Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Zeman, Harold W., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12963 “Missouri Waltz”
P Ritger, Frederic Charles, 2Lt
CP Vancil, Alfred E., 2Lt
N None
B Sitts, Lonnie C., 2Lt
E Leonard, Malcolm B., Sgt
R Harrison, Hoyt V., S/Sgt
G Lanza, William A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-29995 “Pistol Packin’
P Morris, Meade L., Jr., 1Lt
CP Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt
N Kinney, John H., 2Lt
B Reynolds, Laverne E., 2Lt
E Bober, John (NMI), Jr., Sgt
R Crozer, Robert L., S/Sgt
G Ricke, Richard O., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32446 “Mascot”
Hodges, Richard E., 2Lt
Briles, Connolly O., 2Lt
Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 2Lt
Bellamy, Herbert E., S/Sgt
Cohen, George (NMI), T/Sgt
Nemet, Michael (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 42-64547 “Princess Paola”
Vivas, Frank Paul, 1Lt
Sacker, John R. “Sad Sack”, 2Lt
Wilcox, Harry Bradway, Jr., 2Lt
Jacob, Elmer A., Jr., PFC
Roulier, Edward T., S/Sgt
Brown, Ronald M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64587 “Red Nosed
Othick, Rolland R., 1Lt
Hollingsworth, George K., Jr., 2Lt
Pestalozzi, Rudolph H. “Rudy”, 1Lt
McArdle, John R., PFC
Youngblood, Woodrow W., S/Sgt
Heery, Philip N., Sgt
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 2Lt, pilot (Co-Pilot)
Pilot: Walsh
A/C B-25C-15: 42-32394 “Peg O’ My Heart”
Local: Training
Flying Time: 1:10 (52nd mission in MTO)
Walsh, George F., 2Lt, pilot
446th BS: War Diary of: McRae, James Arrington, 2Lt, bombardier (mission 23)
“Up at 05:30 & had chow.
Pre-briefed 0650
T.O. 0752
Pilot: Matzinger
CoPilot: Lewis
Ship # 387 (Kay Girl)(41-30387) Alt 7,200’ Bombs: 4-1000 # Demos Position: 1-5-1
Target: R.R. Bridge 9½ miles S.E. of Orvieto (42° 38’ N - 12° 15’ E). Over target @
0922, a long bomb run, got heavy & light flak, heavy, & accurate flak. Believed bridge
knocked out, also an ack-ack emplacement.
Sunday, 30 April 1944 (continued)
Shower & shaved. Had to dig a slit trench in the rear of the tent. To show with
Ben Boatright & Burandt, “Sweet Rosie O’Grady”. Heard that Hurley is getting the
DFC, & Chudars & I are getting the Air Medal for the Feb. 19th mission. Combat fling
time to date 72 hrs. 40 min. Read “Life in a Putty Knife Factory”, very funny.
Flying time 02:40 hrs.”
Boatright, Benjamin (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Chudars, James E. “Jim”, 2Lt, pilot
Hurley, John R., 2Lt, pilot
Lewis, Vernon (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
Matzinger, Keith Robinson, 2Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Capt. Kenneth L. McFadden, 1st Lt. Robert G. Davies and S/Sgt.
Henry E. Orzynski have departed for the U.S. per orders of April 29th. Today’s local
training consisted of practice bombing.
McFadden, Kenneth L., Capt, pilot
Davies, Robert G., 1Lt, pilot
Orzynski, Henry E., S/Sgt, gunner
Speer, Marvin L., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 312/mission 311) Group Mission # 272: 7 of
our ships participated in a raid on RR bridge south of Orvieto, with Lt. Speer as flight
leader. Hits reported on south half of bridge, good concentration of bombs across south
approach; some over, some short.
A/C No. 42-64694
P Tompkins, Howard D., 1Lt
CP Nettles, Forrest Truett, 2Lt
N None
B Lundmark, Norman J., 2Lt
E Collins, Clint R., Sgt
R Vineski, Robert R. “The Reverend”,
G Blalock, Joe T., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30126 “Bull of Sahara Flak Magnate”
P Schnoebelen, Orval L., 2Lt
CP Martin, William H., 2Lt
N None
B Niedelman, Hyman (NMI), 2Lt
E Clyne, Everett H., Sgt
R Korzeniowski, Edward S., S/Sgt
G Tarra, Frederick J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12930 “SNAFU”
Speer, Marvin L., 2Lt
Nall, John G., 2Lt
Lindell, Harold N., 2Lt
James, Robert M., 2Lt
Sheppard, Luther Edgar “L.E.”, Jr., Sgt
Free, Paul L., S/Sgt
Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt
A/C No. 42-32449
Swanson, Robert Harold “Swanee”, 2Lt
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, 2Lt
Fisher, Gerald E., 2Lt
Fisher, Theodore M., S/Sgt
Reynolds, Frank J., S/Sgt
Richards, Charles M., Cpl
Sunday, 30 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-64553
P Cloward, Glannin A., Capt
CP Manz, Wayne A., 2Lt
N None
B Webb, James A., 2Lt
E Morrissey, Raphael E., Cpl
R Pierce, William H., Cpl
G Burke, William H., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-32505
P Dean, Ivan E., 2Lt
CP Krafka, Edward (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Spruill, Marvin L., 2Lt
E Partee, Watson L., Sgt
R Alpino, Joseph D., S/Sgt
G Miller, Dale G., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64695
Alger, LeRoy (NMI), 1Lt
Heitman, William F., 2Lt
Martin, Wayne R., 2Lt
Ford, Leonard W., 2Lt
Williamson, Myles O., T/Sgt
Mitchell, Rennie (NMI), S/Sgt
447th BS: War Diary of: Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, Sgt, gunner: “23rd
mission, flew with Wigs, bombed Ficulle and Pode Nuovo bridges, good at latter, plenty
of flak.”
Wiginton, J. Maurice "Wigs", 2Lt, pilot
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Ops Order 312/mission 311) Group Mission # 272:
Mission 225 (272). At 07:57 26 planes off to bomb Orvieto S RR Bridge and dropped
100 x 1000 bombs at 09:21 from 8,000 feet. All returned at 10:26. 3 planes holed by
flak and 12 Spits escort. 2 strings across southern approach, 1 string across middle of
bridge. 50 RR cars at Chiusi and 40 more just S of Lake Bolsena. Weather: CAVU at
A/C No. 41-13195
Emile D., 2Lt
CP Moyer, Emerson C., 2Lt
N None
B McDonough, Thomas E., Jr., 2Lt
E Hinton, Zane R., PFC
R Robertshaw, David F., S/Sgt
G Bennett, Ross F., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 42-64519
Kuykendall, James William “Kukie”, 2Lt
Blackwell, Robert G., 2Lt
Judy, Philip R., 2Lt
Ernst, David L., Sgt
Holtzendorf, Henry (NMI), S/Sgt
Slafkes, Milton M., Sgt
Buckles, Kenneth L., S/Sgt
Sunday, 30 April 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 42-87455
P VanRaam, Rudolph (NMI), 1Lt
CP Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 2Lt
N Hickey, William O., 2Lt
B McCue, William M., Jr., 1Lt
E Chosta, Louis (NMI), Sgt
R Clark, Gwyn E., S/Sgt
G Sharpsteen, Robert E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-12926 “Hawkeye”
P Lyons, John B., 2Lt
CP Barber, Marshall Hall “Red”, 2Lt
N None
B Burday, Harry (NMI), 2Lt
E Gager, Joseph R., Sgt
R Jacobson, Fred (NMI), S/Sgt
G Coleman, Seaton L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 41-30327
P Riener, William F., 1Lt
CP Bard, John A., 2Lt
N None
B Schlenk, Henry O., 2Lt
E Davis, Jimmie L., S/Sgt
R Riss, Royal C., S/Sgt
G Groome, Daingerfield M., Sgt
F France, Charles E., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64521
Doyle, Edward J., 1Lt
Hicks, John T., 1Lt
Olszewski, Henry (NMI), 2Lt
Malec, Joseph A., 2Lt
Kershaw, Raymond T., Sgt
Neview, Frederick J., Sgt
Holt, Charles M., Sgt
A/C No. 42-32427
Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 2Lt
Stevens, Ray B., 2Lt
Shaw, Charles W., 2Lt
Hajny, Zdenek (NMI), S/Sgt
Dean, Wilmer J., S/Sgt
Neuman, Robert A., Sgt
April 1944
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Additional Narrative for April 1944
Enlisted Men------67 (as of April 30)
Despite a move to the island of Corsica during the latter part of the month the
object of our missions remained constant—namely, the disruption of the German
communication system in Italy both on the land and on the sea. The rise in number of
shuttling stations which the Germans used to circumvent railroad destruction was
evidence enough that, falling where they did, our bombs did a lot of damage. Captain
Crowell’s crew of the 448th Squadron was the only complete crew lost during the
month’s operations and four chutes were seen emerging from the stricken ship.
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., Capt, pilot
April brought to the Group a new type of operation (for us)—that of dropping
pamphlets approved by the Psychological Warfare Branch over Axis troops on the Italian
front. Called “nickeling” in the parlance of this theater, 1,000,000 copies of
“FRONTPOST” (news items in the German language) was the average “bomb load” on
each of the six missions flown during the month—usually three planes to a mission.
The “B” echelon, consisting of the 447th Squadron and some headquarters men, is
still in Italy sweating out their LST transportation. They are expected during the early
part of May.
April, 1944
This month our Air Liaison Officer, Captain J. Roscoe-Abbott who has studied
photographs ranging from Berlin to Tobruk, selected the one raid that, from photo
coverage and interpretation, has been outstanding during the month.
This month’s selection:
Attacked: 10 Apr 44
RESULTS: (First phase interpretation)
Two strings crossed the railroad at the target (R.R. bridge). It appears to be hit by
at least two direct hits. Other bombs from this string fell on west choke point of the
marshalling yard scoring hits on the tracks.
April 1944 (continued)
One small cluster fell on tracks and near the railroad overpass possibly scoring a
hit on the overpass.
Bombs that carried over the target hit the road network at many points.
Some bombs dropped short in open area and others fired buildings there.
All bombs were in the vicinity of target.
April 1944 (continued)
17 April 1944
Lt. Col. Bailey C. Cook, AAF, Pilot
321st Bomb Group
North African, Italian, Caribbean
1. General Facts Affecting Morale
a. Homesickness
b. Feeling that they are “not getting ahead”
c. Feeling that their superior officers are not 100% behind them. These factors are
co-related; one stimulates another into a general lowering of morale. The same can be
noted among our enemies.
(1) Hence, if pilots in one group find that those of another are being rotated
home, or receiving more promotions or awards, the morale drops
considerably. The effects can be discerned in poorer bombing results. Our
Group was assigned to operate from a field also being used by heavies. The
heavy pilots reached the 50 mission mark and immediately left for the States
while our pilots continued to fly, sometimes up to 65 missions. Morale in our
Group consequently dropped because the boys could not see any fairness in
such a system even though two different Air Forces were involved. Within
our range we had been bombing the same targets as the heavies; Sofia,
Athens, Sedes, Tirana, Salonika, for example.
(2) Due to the fact that our higher headquarters underwent many changes in
command, promotions were exceedingly difficult to obtain for our pilots and
crews. Each new set-up required a different set of “forms” properly filled out.
“Bouncing” of one form after another reached serious proportions. At one
time a formation leader’s 1st Lieutenancy “bounced” six times for a change of
form. The Squadron Orderly Room, situated in a torn tent under rain, snow,
wind and hail was hard-pressed to cope with the repeated demands to
resubmit, after long delays, several promotion forms, in quintuplicate,.
Eventually, I was forced to see this deserving officer, of superior calibre,
returned to the States still a 2nd Lt., with a Purple Heart, Air Medal (1 cluster
– 9 pending), and an unapproved recommendation for D.F.C. The latter was
not acted upon because the officer in charge of approving awards balked at
the phraseology. He had no combat—did not realize what the award meant to
the boys out in the Squadron doing the actual bombing. He had the authority
April 1944 (continued)
to turn down this award, and others, without the knowledge of the real merit
in the case. This seemingly defeats the purpose.
(3) Solution: The Group Commander actually knows deserving acts for which
awards should be given. The authority to decorate, therefore, should rest
entirely with him. Higher Headquarters could very easily maintain the
number of awards per Group at the same level, according to the Commanding
General’s policy, The Commanding Generals of different Air Forces could
maintain among their commands an equilibrium in number of awards given
that would be fair, just and logical. These American boys, our pilots, have
been raised on these principles.. They understand fairness, justice and equal
opportunity for all. They can “take it” in any case but their morale suffers
when they are denied these fundamental principles.
2. Facts affecting Ground Personnel Morale
a. These Officers should eventually, by degrees, be replaced by their appropriate
counterparts in the States. They live with the Squadron Flying Officers in tents through
all types of weather and general living conditions. Generally, two years or so should be
sufficient overseas service; it is felt, for these Adjutants, Mess and Transportation
Officers, and Intelligence Officers.
b. Notable exception is made of the Squadron Flight Surgeon, who, in my
Squadron, at least, flew on combat missions to obtain flying time. As flying personnel,
the Flight Surgeon should have the opportunity to advance to higher grade either overseas
or in the States after return. In this connection, many Medical Majors were sent to my
theater; consequently, the Captain Flight Surgeons in the Squadrons, in intimate contact
with the combat flying personnel, were completely prevented from making decision
affecting the personnel. The Majors with no combat experience, having just arrived from
the States, made final decisions which by virtue of their inexperience alone they were not
fully qualified to do.
(1) It was very often that way. The Officer from Air Force or wing would not
actually be acquainted with what was going on under field conditions. Yet,
they were in a position to decide issues vitally concerning the Squadron.
Sometimes morale was affected.
c. It is believed then (after personal observations of 3 ½ years overseas duty) that
ground officer personnel overseas should be replaced more or less automatically after
about two years duty. Many ground officers in the States profess desires to “get
overseas”. They are needed there to replace officers whose efficiency, drive and ability
have been dulled by too long an assignment away from the States.
April 1944 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for April 1944
HEADQUARTERS 321st Bomb Gp. (M)
APO 650
17 April 1944
SUBJECT: Historical Records
: Command General, 57th Wing, APO 650.
Attention: Historian.
1. Outline History of the 445th Squadron for the period April 1st to April 30th.
a. Present Designation: 445th Sq., 321st Group, 57th Wing, 12th Command.
b. Changes in organization.
(a) 2Lt. Harry (W.) Craig, Technical Supply Officer, Transferred
c. Strength, commissioned and enlisted.
(1) Month of April 1944.
(a) 359 At beginning.
(b) 30 Net increase.
(c) 389 At end
d. Stations.
(1) Guado Landing Ground, Italy.
(a) Date of departure: April 21
(2) Solenzara Air Field, Corsica.
(a) Date of arrival: April 23.
e. Movements.
(1) From Guado L/G, Italy, to Solenzara A/F, Corsica
(2) Traveled by Naval Convoy with a calm sea and no enemy action.
f. Operations: During the month the squadron participated in 26 mission and 152
sorties. Some of the more important missions were as follows: April 7th, the squadron
participated in an attack on a railroad south of Attigliano. The purpose was to cut the
main railroad line used y the enemy to supply its front. The bridge was destroyed by an
excellent concentration of bombs. On April 10th, the Orvieto railroad bridge was also
destroyed by an excellent concentration of bombs. On April 14th, the Viterbo airdrome
was attacked. This was one of the principal fighter bases of the Germans in Central Italy.
The squadron placed a pattern of bombs over the designated area destroying planes and
installations on the ground. On April 25th, and also on April 28th, the squadron
participated in raids which resulted in the destruction of bridges. All of these bridges
were small targets and called for the highest in precision bombing.
April 1944 (continued)
g. Command Officers in important missions.
(1) The Commanding Officer of the squadron flew on the mission of April 28th
when the railroad bridge at Pode Nuovo was hit.
h. Losses in action:
(a) Wounded.
Lt. Leighton D. Charville (“Danny”, pilot) was seriously wounded and S/Sgt.
John M. Plott (radio-gunner) and Sgt. Leo J. Thibodeau (engineer-gunner) were slightly
wounded by flak on April 12th when the group was sent to bomb a railroad bridge west of
Guardea, Italy
i. During the month of April the Distinguished Flying Cross was awarded for
extraordinary achievement on the part of two officers while flying missions for this
squadron. Lt. Col. Bailey C. Cook (pilot, Commander) was given the award for leading
an attack on an enemy convoy on April 5, 1943. Capt. Robert M. House (pilot), was
given the award for leading an element on January 27, 1944, in an attack upon vital
enemy supply lines in support of our ground forces near Anzio, Italy.
For the Commanding Officer:
Captain, Air Corps,
Squadron Historian.
April 1944 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for April 1944
1 May 1944
A. Original Unit
1. 446th Bomb Sqdn (M), 321st Bomb Gp (M) AAF
2. Organized August 1, 1942
3. Columbia Army Air Base, Columbia, S.C.
4. Activated at Barksdale Field, La. June 23, 1942
5. Personnel obtained by transfer from other units, training schools and replacement
B. Strength, Commissioned and Enlisted:
1. 1 April 1944
72 Officers,
2. Net Increase
16 Officers
3. Net Decrease
4. 30 April 1944
88 Officers,
271 Enlisted Men
37 Enlisted Men
308 Enlisted Men
C. Stations permanent or temporary of unit or parts thereof:
1. None
D. Commanding Officer in important engagements
1. Lt. Colonel Henry H. Schwane
E. Losses in action: None
F. Former or present members of the Squadron who have distinguished themselves in
1. The D.F.C. was awarded to:
2nd Lt Benjamin W. Anzalone (bombardier)
Lt. Colonel Henry H. Schwane (pilot)
1st Lt. John J. Herbert (pilot)
1st Lt. John R. Hurley (pilot)
2. Air Medals were awarded to the following:
2nd Lt. James E. Chudars (pilot)
Capt. Paul T. Cooper (pilot)
Sgt Donald W. Clay (engineer-gunner)
2nd Lt. Robert L. Holt (pilot)
1st Lt John C. Kerr (pilot)
1st Lt. Edward R. Le Clair (pilot)
1st Lt Gabriel P. Gawrada (bombardier)
S/Sgt Allen B. Turner (bombardier)
S/Sgt Albert H. Clickner (engineer-gunner)
S/Sgt Dominick R. DeBari (gunner)
S/Sgt Earl C. Fiebelkorn (gunner)
April 1944 (continued)
1st Lt. Peter T. McCabe (bombardier)
S/Sgt John A. Franc (gunner)
2nd Lt. James A. McRae (bombardier)
S/Sgt Salem M. Green (radio-gunner)
2 Lt. Jack D. Mayo (bombardier)
T/Sgt Frank M. Howe (gunner)
1st Lt. George E. Nicklaus (bombardier)
T/Sgt Edward M. Leary (radio-gunner)
1st Lt. Sumner W. Rice (bombardier)
Sgt Edward H. Lorentson (gunner)
1 Lt. Frank P. Vivas (pilot)
S/Sgt John J. Mitchell (radio-gunner)
1st Lt. Dale F. Walker (pilot)
S/Sgt Michael L.S. Mowry (engineer-gunner)
2nd Lt. Robert D. Wallace (pilot)
T/Sgt James R. Orechia (radio-gunner)
S/Sgt Daniel Brandoff (engineer-gunner) S/Sgt John G. Samsel (gunner)
S/Sgt Jean H. Brawn (engineer-gunner)
S/Sgt Thomas R. Schultheis (gunner)
G. Campaigns: Complete data in attached mission summaries.
447th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for April 1944
Missions Flown: 24
Bombs dropped (weight): 422,500 lbs
Planes lost: 2 planes (one crew)
Enemy Aircraft Damaged (in air): None
Sorties Flown: 148
Nickels dropped (packages) 48
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed: None
April 1944 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for April 1944
The month of April began with bright sunshine beaming down upon the squadron
and the smell of Spring in the air. Spring Fever struck a few but for the most part the
personnel enjoyed baseball, volley-ball and trips to neighboring towns in their spare time.
The health of the squadron was excellent and the squadron constructed hot-shower did
much toward keeping everyone clean.
In the Mess Hall and in the PX Captain Marrich’s crew continued to turn out
excellent meals from the bountiful provisions supplied by Quartermaster. Although the
cokes were few and far between the advent of Hershey’s, and other long forgotten candy
bars made the by-weekly candy ration a much sought after article. The Italian KP’s
continued their excellent work and the gleaming of the iron pots in the kitchen dazzled
the eye as well as gave proof to their cleanliness.
Marrich, Martin K., Capt, adjutant
Work settled into a well worn groove and everyone became well satisfied with
their home at Guado. Due to the facilities at hand hopes ran high that Guado would be
the squadron’s summer home but fate willed otherwise. Trips continued into the
surrounding countryside as well as to Naples and other historic locations. More Ground
Crew members departed for a weeks rest on the Isle of Capri.
On April 16, word was received that the squadron was to prepare to move and
immediately all sections began to pack and crate their equipment for an overseas voyage.
The destination was “Somewhere in Corsica”. On April 17, seven crews were ordered to
stand by in preparation for a move to the 310th Bomb Group (M), AAF on the Island of
Corsica. There these crews, under the leadership of Captain Freeland would operate until
joined by the rest of the squadron. On April 18 these crews departed for their new base.
The Ground Crew was to leave on April 20th, on that day orders were given, trucks
secured and packed and sent down to the docks at Salerno. The equipment was unloaded
and the trucks returned for the personnel but failure of the boats to arrive cancelled the
move for that day. Early in the morning of the 21st word was received from Group
Headquarters that no move would be made that day, shortly afterwards trucks were again
sent over with word that the boats would be in Salerno at 14:00 hours that day.
Immediately all personnel gathered their last belongings ate a hurried lunch, climbed
aboard trucks and departed for Salerno. Upon arrival it was discovered the boats would
not be in until 17:00 and at that time would land on the beach rather than on the quay.
This meant that all equipment and baggage that had previously been unloaded on the
docks would have to be transferred to the beach. At approximately 17:00 HMS
BRUISER and HMS THRUSTER slid smoothly on the beach at Salerno. The 448th and
Headquarters were to board the BRUISER and immediately work was begun in loading
the unladen equipment. Work progressed at a fast clip until about 22:00 when the
combination of pouring rain and an air raid alert caused all activity to cease. A few of the
squadron remained awake throughout the night and by 09:00 the next morning all of the
448th personnel and equipment were aboard. At 09:30 Major Knievel, the Commander of
the troops aboard departed on urgent business of securing transportation by air for 15
officers who did not have accommodations on the boat. When he returned the ramp had
April 1944 (continued)
already been lifted and he was forced to leave the jeep to go by other means and he had to
secure a small boat to come aboard. HMS BRUISER was a sight to behold, on her top
deck clustered men and vehicles and below baggage, equipment and more vehicles. At
10:00 the Captain gave word to drag the boat off the sand. This was attempted but met
with no success. At first two tugs were called in to assist in the operation and they too
met with failure. Finally the escort destroyer approached and after much difficulty
succeeded in getting a tow line aboard. Then with the combined efforts of the
BRUISER’S engines, the tugs and the destroyer the BRUISER slowly backed off the
sandy beach of Salerno. The time was approximately 16:00. The day passed quietly as
the two LST’s escorted by one destroyer steamed swiftly up the coast of Italy, passed the
Isle of Capri and then turned westward towards the Island of Corsica as darkness closed
in the men began secure places in trucks, under trucks in fact anywhere where there was
room to lie down and prepared themselves for the night. At 22:00 everyone was
awakened by the abrupt stopping of the engines but were relieved to discover that there
was only a slight difficulty with the steering gear and the ship was soon on its way.
Without further mishap the three vessels steamed into the Port of Vecchio, Corsica and
after little trouble lowered their ramps and proceeded to unload. A convoy of 448th’s
vehicles was formed and departed for Solenzara A/D. After a journey of 20 miles over a
beautiful winding coastal road all but one truck arrived safely at the new airfield. One 2
½ ton truck driven by Corporal Fisher overturned into a ditch when the steering gear
broke, no injuries were sustained.
Freeland, Levi B., Jr., Capt, pilot
Fisher, Amos W., Cpl, transportation
Knievel, Arthur W., Maj, executive
The ground personnel found themselves in a lush meadow a short distance from
the sea, Captain Marshall issued a needless warning about the abundance of mosquitoes
and their malaria carrying capacity. Tents were hurriedly erected by some while others
slept in the open. However equipment and personnel continued to arrive throughout the
night. Sunday the 23rd dawned with little thought of rest for the 448th but Headquarters
decided that a new area must be found consequently everyone sat and waited for further
instructions. Fortunately the weather remained excellent and no one suffered from
Marshall, Ulysses, S. "Doc", Capt, medical
On the morning of the 24th instructions were received to move all personnel and
their equipment to a new area about 3 miles north of the old and about a mile and one
half north of the A/D very close to the road. The new area was discovered to be a small
meadow with few trees surrounded by the dense desert like brush that covered most of
this part of Corsica. Work was immediately begun setting up camp, digging fox-holes
and providing messing facilities. Soon after these were set up the men began to look
around and observe their surroundings. Corsica was discovered to contain much dense
vegetation, few people, beautiful streams and high snow capped mountains. The
squadron was located very close to the sea but the presence of German booby traps and
mines prevented exploration of the coast.
April 1944 (continued)
On the Line Captain Wonnacott and Captain Hayes found themselves in another
dust-bowl. The field had been scraped from the brush and had that raw unfinished look
that had characterized so many fields occupied by the 448th. In a few days they and their
men succeeded in creating a presentable Line with the materials at hand.
Hayes, Elzie N., Jr., Capt, armament
Wonnacott, Robert C., Capt, engineering
The saw mill on the island was able to furnish very little lumber to the squadron
but by hook or crook the squadron secured enough to build an Officers Mess Hall and
began on an Enlisted Men’s Mess Hall. KP again became one of the necessary evils for
the Privates, PFC’s and Corporals. Contrary to expectations the food was much better
than “C” rations. Fresh meat was received at least three times a week. On the
entertainment front there was little to be had, movies three times a week were scheduled,
however for nature lovers, fishers and hunters Corsica promised much. A army shower
and laundry solved the problem of cleanliness to some extent.
On April 17th while leading a mission over a RR bridge two miles south of
Attigliano, Captain Crowell received a direct hit in the fuselage of his plane which tore
one rudder off, his plane fell for a short time out of control but was seen to be under
control near the ground, four chutes or more were seen to leave the plane and the plane
crashed just north of the town. Members of the crew were: Captain Crowell, Pilot, Lt.
Elliott, Co-Pilot, Lt. Hough, Navigator, Lt. Kreutz, Bombardier, S/Sgt. Doss, Engineer
Gunner, S/Sgt. Graham, Radio Gunner and S/Sgt Johnson, Gunner. The month closed in
a bustle of activity at the new base.
Crowell, Weymouth (NMI), Jr., Capt, pilot Doss, Charles W., Jr., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Elliott, Floyd A., 2Lt, pilot
Graham, Herbert J., S/Sgt gunner
Hough, William S., 2Lt, navigator
Johnson, Joe Morris, S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Kreutz, Alfred W., 2Lt, bombardier
April 1 – 7 – 44: The following Officers and Enlisted Men assigned and joined during
this period: Lts: Bard, Warren, Young, Blume, Furey, Farris, Blackwell, Shaw, Connor
and Schlenk; Sgts: Perillo, Doughty, Mitchell, Holtzendorf, Roberts, Bishop, Stafford;
Private. Kuelling, Piazza. Squadron strength April 1, Officers 69; Enlisted Men 279. Lt.
Marrich promoted to rank of Captain as of the 29th of March and Lt. Armstrong promoted
to 1st Lieutenant. Three Officers and three Enlisted Men to the Cassino front to observe
operations of the Ground Forces. Several more Officers and Enlisted Men of the Ground
Crew departed for a weeks rest on the Isle of Capri. Weather continued to improve and
baseball became the popular pastime. 5 missions were flown during the week with
targets consisting mostly of communication lines in Northern Italy. Squadron Morale
continued high and the anticipated move did not take place.
Armstrong, Donald R., 1Lt, pilot
Bard, John A., 2Lt, pilot
Bishop, William (NMI) “Bill”, Sgt, gunner Blackwell, Robert G., 2Lt, pilot
Blume, Wilbur T., 2Lt, bombardier
Connor, John C., Jr., 2Lt, pilot
Doughty, Paul V., Sgt, gunner
Farris, Stephen C., 2Lt, bombardier
Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, 2Lt, pilot
Holtzendorf, Henry (NMI), Sgt, gunner
Kuelling, Ernest G., Pvt, communications Marrich, Martin K., Capt, Adjutant
Mitchell, William C., Sgt, gunner
Perillo, Anthony L., Sgt, gunner
April 1944 (continued)
Piazza, Anthony E., Pvt, communications
Schlenk, Henry O., 2Lt, bombardier
Stafford, Robert B., Sgt, communications
Young, Robert B., 2Lt, bombardier
Roberts, John L., Sgt, gunner
Shaw, Charles W., 2Lt, bombardier
Warren, William F., 2Lt, pilot
April 8 – 14 – 44: The following Officers and Enlisted Men were assigned and joined
during this period: Lts: Ovard, Stevens, Judy; Sgts: Donaud, Denny, Dembroski. More
Ground Personnel continued to leave for the Isle of Capri Rest Camp. Weather continued
to be good and six missions were flow during the week. An intensive training program
occupied all combat personnel. Daylight saving time was inaugurated and the added hour
of daylight was welcomed by everyone. Food continued excellent which did much to
boost the moral of the men.
Dembrowski, Henry J., Sgt, gunner
Denny, Joseph C., Sgt, communication
Donaud, Earl J., Sgt, gunner
Judy, Philip R., 2Lt, bombardier
Ovard, Glen S., 2Lt, pilot
Stevens, Ray B., 2Lt, pilot
April 15 – 21 – 44: No officers or Enlisted Men assigned or joined during this period.
On April 18th, the long awaited move was announced. On the morning of the 19th 7
crews took off for the 310th Bomb Group (M), AAF A/D in Corsica to operate from there
until joined by the Ground Echelon. Preparations were begun for the move and all
sections packed their equipment and everyone stood ready to embark on their third
voyage to the Island of Corsica. On the evening and night of 21 April, troops and
equipment were loaded aboard HMS BRUISER and late the next afternoon the ship
weighed anchor and steamed out of Salerno Harbor. At 11:30 on the 22nd of April the
ship dropped anchor at Port Evecco, Corsica. Again the task of unloading and
transporting supplies to the new base was begun.
April 22 – 31 – 44: The following Officers and Enlisted Men were assigned and joined
during this period: Lts: Shear, Carrington, Bearden, Dalbey; Sgts: Bell, Edwards and
White. 1st Lt Frederick W. Lichtward promoted to Captain. Lt. Coffee; Sgts: Acey, and
Penhale DS to the U.S.A. The “Old Ordnance Section” were again transferred into the
squadron. After leaving the boat the squadron moved to a large meadow close to
Solenzara A/D. It remained there for two days and then due to the prevalence of
mosquitoes shifted its camp three miles further up the road and there established a
permanent base. The bivouac area was situated beside the main road on fairly high
ground and promised to be as free of mosquitoes as was possible in this area. Work was
immediately begun in setting up all necessary conveniences and by the end of the month
the squadron was well on the way towards having another excellent camp. Squadron
strength 83 Officers and 315 Enlisted Men.
Acey, Marvin E., Sgt, gunner
Bearden, James E., 2Lt, bombardier
Bell, Flavious J., Sgt, gunner
Carrington, Charles C., 2Lt, pilot
Coffee, Robert D., 2Lt, pilot
Dalbey, Roy R., 2Lt, pilot
Edwards, Clarence C., Sgt, gunner
Lichtward, Frederick W., Capt, intelligence
Penhale, Walter B., Sgt, gunner
Shear, Meyer (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
White, E. T., S/Sgt, photographer