June - Via de Cristo
June - Via de Cristo
Connecting National and Local Secretariats Summer Edition Volume 20 Number 2 June 2002 Official Publication of the National Lutheran Secretariat, VdC Go in peace, serve the Lord. Thanks be to God. T Braniff Hall on the University of Dallas Campus in Irving, Texas July is coming Are you going to be there? T here have been many happenings since I last wrote to you of my meeting in Florida. I’d say the most important is the health problems of our Web Master Oran Gough. Oran has suffered several health problems, which included a heart by-pass. Even now he is in the ICU at University Hospital in Columbus. I would request your prayers for Oran and his wife Donna. He is determined to be with us in Dallas and if his will has anything to do with the recovery we will see him there. Our web site has taken a back seat this year in a number of ways but not because Oran wasnít willing. He did accomplish much even so. As it is now we are in prayer for him and are asking the Lord to return him to the work. Thanks to Bob and Ed. We are still moving forward. The NLS board has been hard at work keeping the activities moving forward. Ron Millard has been very successful in working with new start up areas. We are hoping to see some of his results at this meeting. Debbie is working with the Host committee on the July meeting. As you may know this will be Debbieís last year in her position and we will more than miss her. But God will provide an exciting addition for the next year and I am looking forward to a new present from Him. Who and What I wonder? Our meeting in Dallas is beginning to come together and promises to be a won- derful gathering. We are looking forward to a five-piece presentation of the VdC and have some wonderful talented people putting things together. We are also looking forward to being able to provide the long sought publications. They are at the printers now and we hope to have the first of what I refer to as the NLS Library ready for this meeting. Our revision of the lay talk outlines is on track and may be near completion. Both of these projects we long in the making but are coming to fruition. God is good in so many ways. If you havenít made your reservation for the meeting please do so. Time is getting short and the host committee will need the information on who is coming and when as soon as you can get it to them. We are meeting on a wonderful campus and will be in the midst of many friends. Texas is big on Hospitality and we will certainly receive a Texas size portion of that Hospitality. Please include us in your plans for the summer. We look forward to the friends, family and worship of our Lord. We are seeking a Secretariat to host the 2004 meeting and if your Secretariat is willing please let me know. Until we meet in Dallas I will bid you Ultreya and Gods Blessings. DeColores Doug Burrows hat’s the theme for the NLS Annual Meeting to be held July 25 ñ 28 at the University of Dallas in Irving, Texas. Time is running out for the big ‘round up!’ This is your last chance to be a part of the biggest (we hope) and best (pure Texas brag) NLS Convention ever. The North Texas, South Texas, and Arkansas-Oklahoma ‘Wranglers’ are looking forward to showing true Texas hospitality to our ‘tenderfoot’ brothers and sisters. Sign up today so you won’t miss the information, fellowship, worship and surprises — all with a Texas ‘flavor’ (including the real Texas Bar-B-Que). So ‘round ‘em up — head ‘em out!’ Fill out this application now and remember to say “Howdy!” Inside Reaching Out to San Diego page 3 Reaching out to seminary page 4 NLS Executive Board Minutes page 5 Secretariat Statistics page 6 Registration Forms Center Section Ultreya!/Weekends/Prison pages 17-19 2 June 2002 Subscribing to Conexiones NLS Executive Committee President Doug Burrows 5358 Ruth Amy Avenue Westerville, OH 43081-8765 614-933-8930 (H) 614-891-9991 (O) 800-726-9991 (O) 614-891-3558 (FAX) dwbagcy@aol.com Spiritual Director Rev. Larry Llewellyn 3210 Meadow Lark Lane Kennesaw, GA 30152-2578 770-975-9215 (H) larryanddot@mindspring.com Vice President of Administration Debbie Speights 1336 12th Street NE Hickory, NC 28601 828-327-6108 (H) 828-328-8101 (O) 828-328-8103 (FAX) debs@abts.net Vice President of Outreach Ron Millard 1607 Greenfield Drive Washington, IL 61571-2230 309-444-4225 (H) 309-497-3500 (O) ron@ssi.net Secretary Lucille (Lucy) W. Hightower 404 Church Street Mt. Pleasant, NC 29464 843-884-4276 (H) 843-849-7955 (FAX) bhigh922@aol.com Treasurer Diane Purcell 8303 Ingleside Avenue South Cottage Grove, MN 55016-3236 651-459-7249 (H) 651-768-0624 (FAX) _______________________________ NLS Distribution Center Dick Emery PO Box 07355 Ft. Myers, FL 33919 941-590-8958 (H) ricisa@aol.com NLS Newsletter Editor Rev. Carroll Lang 19903 225th Street Fort Dodge, IA 50501-8473 515-576-6810 (H) 515-955-3579 (O) 800-214-1155 (NLS Fax-24 hrs) cdlng@aol.com Palanca Coordinator Mark Carnes 307 Hubbell Street Berthoud, CO 80513 970-532-7337 (H) 303-924-7192 (O) mcarnes@wi-comwireless.com Web Page Coordinator Oran Gough 825 Fortunegate Drive Westerville, OH 43081-3521 614-899-1210 (H) 614-895-2600 (O) OGOUGH@aol.com Host Committee Chair 2002 NLS Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX Tim Johnson, co-chair 9223 Crestlake Drive Dallas, TX 75238 214-349-1198 (H) 214-769-0158 (Cell) 214-340-8178 (FAX) tjohn4160@aol.com carolyn@aol.com cjohnson@rsi-ketchum.com Greg Borchert, co-chair 5719 Plumtree Drive Dallas, TX 75252-4926 972-248-6226 (H) greg@glborchert.com Note to subscribers: the number in front of your name on the last page of Conexiones is the last issue included in your subscription. The numbers before the period are the volume number and the numbers following are the issue numbers. This issue is 20.2. If no numbers appear near your name, you are receiving a complimentary subscription to Conexiones as a secretariat member, ELCA bishop, or a leader in another movement or denomination. Keep your copy of Conexiones intact. Please copy this form and use the copy to subscribe. I wish to subscribe to Conexiones in order to keep abreast of what’s happening in the Via de Cristo world of Cursillo®. Enclosed is my check, number ___________, dated _________________ in the amount of $6.00 for a one-year subscription (four seasonal issues) Make checks payable to: National Lutheran Secretariat. Name ______________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________________________________ Home Phone: ________________________________________________ Work Phone: ________________________________________________ FAX Phone: _________________________________________________ E-Mail: _______________________ @ ___________________________ Mail to: Conexiones Subscriptions Rev. Carroll Lang 1052 North 23rd Place Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Connecting National and Local Secretariats Volume 20 Number 2 June 2002 Official Publication of the National Lutheran Secretariat, VdC CONEXIONES is the official publication of the National Lutheran Secretariat, a national association of the Via de Cristo (Way of Christ) movement, representing over 67,000 who have participated in 34 movements across the U.S. Via de Cristo is a Lutheran expression of Cursillo®, a renewal movement developed within the Roman Catholic Church in the late 1940s. The Lutheran movement had its beginning in Florida and Iowa in 1972. The purpose of this publication is to inform all members of each NLS affiliated secretariat, ELCA bishops and the Directors of the Division for Ministry and the Division for Ministry in Daily Life about the activities of the National Lutheran Secretariat and its affiliated secretariats. Subscriptions to the above are free. If you know one of the above is not receiving CONEXIONES, call 800-214-1155(H). Subscriptions for the general public are $6.00 per year, and are available by sending your name, complete mailing address, and phone numbers to CONEXIONES Editor, Carroll Lang, 19903 225th Street, Fort Dodge, IA 50501; 800-214-1155; or by e-mail: cdlng@aol.com (please note there’s no “a”). Material for CONEXIONES If you have information for CONEXIONES, items, requests and/or information, address corrections, changes or additions - even inspirational bits - send them to the CONEXIONES Editor at the above address. DEADLINES: January 1 for February (Late Winter) edition; April 1 for May (Spring) edition; August 15 for September (Annual Meeting) edition and December 1 for December (Winter) edition. June 2002 From the Vice President of Administration 3 From the Vice President of Outreach Putting Pen to Paper NLS Annual Meeting - Texas Style! G reetings all! As of this writing our hosts for the 2002 An nual Meeting of the National Lutheran Secretariat are pre paring a “Texas-style” welcome for us. Secretariats from North and South Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma make up this year’s Host Committee. “Go in Peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks Be to God. Allelujah” is the theme for the Annual Meeting which will be held on the campus of the University of Dallas in Irving, Texas beginning at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 25 and ending following morning worship on Sunday, July 28. A detailed schedule of events is set out in this issue following the registration form. Our keynote address “Purpose of the Via de Cristo” to be delivered by Pastor Richard Dow will direct our thoughts toward what Via de Cristo is about including: What Should Happen on the Weekend; The Role of Laity and Clergy in the Via de Cristo; Intentional Witnessing In the Fourth Day; Fitting the Pieces Together; and Where Do We Go from Here? I solicit your prayers for all those involved in the planning and preparation, including the Host Committee, the Speakers, Committee Chairs and the Executive Committee. If you haven’t sent in your registration, don’t delay. This is an event you won’t want to miss. See you in Texas! In Christ’s Service, Debbie Speights Reaching Out Farther and Farther I reported last issue about the new secretariat in San Diego; Faith, Hope and Love Via de Cristo. Above is a photo of Pastor Mendez, Pastor Machado, myself and Jorge Enrique. Jorge is the lay director, the spiritual director is Pastor Machado, the treasurer is Maria Garcia and secretary Nelly Navarro. Their first weekends will be in September, not August as reported last issue. Continue to pray for this new ministry. In other outreach news, here is a list of places I have been in dialog with: Chicago/Aurora, IL, Fredricksburg, TX, Seattle, WA, Kansas City, MO, Pensacola, FL, Venice, FL, Birmingham, AL, and Las Vegas, NV. Around the world, pray for the new movement in Latvia as they prepare for their first weekends in August. Plans are continuing for first weekends in Venezuela. With the situation in Israel, plans there are probably “on hold.” I’ll keep you informed of any progress in those areas. Meanwhile, when we meet in Dallas let’s chat. Let me know of any other areas that you feel might benefit from this wonderful tool God has given us. In His Mighty Grip, Ron Millard, vice president of outreach. Get Them While They Last Ordering NLS Supplies Online N any changes have been made to the NLS web site at www.viadecristo.org. In addition to the Conexiones News letters member Secretariats can now order NLS Supplies through the web site. To use this convenient method for ordering supplies: 1) Contact Richard Emery to obtain an ID#. Richard can be reached at (941)590-8958 or RICISA@aol.com. 2) Get on the web and go to www.viadecristo.org. Click on the “Resources for Secretariats” button. 3) Click on “Order NLS Supplies Online”. 4) Click on “You can now order online!!!! Click here to place your order.” 5) Simply fill out the online form and Click “Submit Order”. 6) Your order will be automatically sent to NLS Supplies. Please contact me if you have problems or suggestions. —Bob Northrup, NLS Web Site Content editor bobnorthrup@mindspring.com LS mugs: only 20 left, Special price of only $4.00 each. Please note that all items that were displayed at the annual meeting are available from t he distribution center. The video tapes of the sessions presented at the meeting are available as are the videos of the 1999 and 2999 annual meeting. The video from 1999 The Flow of The Dynamics of the Weekend is an excellent team training tool. I have used it many times. Also please note that ID#’s are available for each Secretariat so that they may place orders on the web site. Special Announcement: The Distribution Center will have copies of videos from the last 3 Annual meetings for sale at the meeting in Dallas. Blessings, Richard Emery M 4 June 2002 Rejoice in the Lord, Again I say Rejoice T his has been a long year in our house. My wife, Dot, has had a staff infection for over 400 days, and we did not know how serious that was. She has had six surgeries on her right leg. She had a knee replacement in December of 2000 followed by a blood clot removal and then a knee cap that was out of place and broken off, then removal of the knee joint, and finally replacement of the joint—so now Rev. Larry Llewellyn we are back to where we were in December. As we have been on this journey, we have been questioning what to do and when. What we have learned is that God is faithful. The prayers of his people have been wonderful and always coming. Prayer does work. When we had our doubts about what to do, we were uplifted and supported by the VdC community, by our church, by our friends, and by people that we don’t even know. I have been preaching in a church that is without a pastor and that congregation started praying for us. It has been unreal. We had to change doctors because the first doctor did not believe the lab results. I think his ego got in the way. A doctor recommended another doctor who called and said that she did not replace knees, but she had taken the liberty to make us an appointment with another doctor who did do knees—a specialist in doing knee and hip replacements that were infected. God at work in those mysterious ways. The new doctor is a jewel and he knows his stuff. We have been working with him for the last six months. Dot is finally free of any infection, praise God, and on the way to recovery. Two weeks after her surgery to replace the knee, she was in the kitchen putting up a cast iron skillet, and dropped it on her right foot. You guessed it—she broke her foot. A friend said she would send a card, but she couldn’t find one for a KLUTZ! I can’t begin to tell you of the pain and suffering Dot has been through, and yet we both realize that we were blessed, because it was not life-threatening. Even if she had to give herself antibiotics every day for eight weeks through a port, we knew she was going to get well eventually. What has been the purpose of this test? I don’t know. Maybe we will find out, and maybe not. God asks for us to be faithful, to give our troubles to him, and to accept what- Via de Cristo receives an invitation to: L ast June, I represented St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, Princeton, Illinois, as a delegate to the Northern Illinois Synod ELCA Annual Assembly at Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois. If you have ever attended this two-day event, you will recall that throughout the conference Bible studies are scheduled. Dr. Duane Larson, president of Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa, conducted the study. One evening, I approached Dr. Larson and questioned him about a point he had stressed that afternoon regarding the Holy Spirit. A very amiable man, he gladly conversed with me, and when he had satisfied my curiosity, in parting he said, “De Colores.” I was stunned and shot back, “Have you done a Via de Cristo?” He smiled and said, “No, I attended a Cursillo when I was a pastor in California.” He recognized the colorful little rooster lapel pin I always wear. Last July while Loretta and I attended the National Lutheran Secretariat Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, the discussion focused on how to educate people about Via de Cristo. Doug Burrows, NLS President, remarked that no one had ever approached any of the seminaries about hosting a weekend at a seminary, or at least explaining the program to seminarians so that when they finish seminary they will be familiar with the three-day spiritual renewal event. It clicked several days later when we were home that I had the right contact. I e-mailed Doug Burrows, explaining my connection to a seminary and he responded saying, “Dick, this is a great idea. It is the type of contact we are talking of. You can reach environments I can’t. Go for it!” I called Dr. Larson who said with much enthusiasm, “I’m all for it.” We met in early September with Rev. Ginger Anderson-Larson, Spiritual Formation and Field Education Director. Loretta, Grace (our less than one-year-old granddaughter), and I drove to Timmerman’s in East Dubuque, Illinois and the next morning were greeted by Rev. Ginger in her office. A very gracious and understanding host, she volunteered that she had done a Walk to Emmaus and was familiar with the program and what it can mean. Within 15 minutes, she had the room for the Via de Cristo booked, housing for our team, and the dining hall reserved for us. The Holy Spirit was working for the Via de Cristo. However, on November 7, 2001, I received an e-mail from Pastor Ginger apologetically saying that during a meeting of the Community Life Committee, it was decided that having Via de Cristo on the campus would not be the kind of environment conducive for students to experience the weekend. We knew it would be difficult conducting such a program on their turf, where if they got bored or tired of our presentations, they could walk out and not return. In reality, we understood the committee’s viewpoint. Pastor Ginger suggested a forum, which was arranged for April 4, 2002, at Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa. Loretta and I serve as Evangelism Chairpersons for both the Living Water and Heart of Illinois Secretariats, so we invited members of each organization to be present with us. Randy Mullin, a founder of Living Waters and a four-term president of the National Lutheran Secretariat, spoke on the VdC NLS history and functions. Rev. Phil Gronbach, one of the first Living Water Spiritual Directors, explained the role of the Spiritual Director. Rev. Dick Hanson, one of HOI’s current Spiritual Directors, discussed the importance of lay support for the ministry and how valuable cursillistas can be to a church. Ron Millard, founder of the HOI, explained how a secretariat is started. Loretta talked about re-membering and energizing today’s church. I introduced the history of Cursillo and what functions Evangelism Chairpersons have on behalf of the secretariats. We received questions from enthusiastic seminarians. Several were preparing to leave for their internships, and I can visualize VdC being talked about in Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Texas, as well as Iowa and Illinois. All of us agreed that the forum was a success and a great way to “expand our territory”, as is suggested in the Prayer of Jabez. We are grateful to Rev. Ginger Anderson-Larson and Dr. Duane Larson (no relation) for their invitation and cooperation. Dick and Loretta Volker, Evangelism Chairpersons Editor’sNote: The above article appeared in the Heart of Illinois newsletter, “On Eagle’s Wings...” in May 2002. Reprinted with permission. ever happens. We always want to be in the know, especially if it involves us. Dot and I have found that when she was up, I might be down, and vice-versa.We were rarely up or down at the same time. God seemd to be with us when we needed him in our lives to relieve our fears and doubts. We would receive cards and letters or phone calls at just the right time. God is so wonderful, and his people are so caring and giving, that I can’t begin to express the joys we have had; the love and care, and the times of friendship and acceptance. I would not wish for you the bad times, but I hope that you have a chance to experience the love of God in difficult times and to know you are truly loved. In his peace, Larry Llewellyn, NLS Spiritual Director June 2002 5 NLS Executive Board Conference Call Minutes Sunday, May 19, 2002, 9pm EDT The meeting was opened with a prayer by Doug Burrows, president. Others present were Debbie Speights, Carroll Lang, Lucy Hightower, Ron Millard, and Larry Llewellyn. Diane Purcell was absent due to scheduling conflict. The minutes were accepted as published. (Debbie/Ron). (Note: a correction* to minutes made later.) Financial: Per prior request made by Diane, there was a discussion concerning the continuation of the NLS 800 telephone service to Carroll’s home. Based on usage analysis, Diane had recommended that we terminate this service. The board agreed to do this but decided that this change should be advertised on the website, in the newsletter and at the annual meeting. Effective date to terminate service is August 1, 2002. Outreach: Ron reported the following: San Diego: Newly formed secretariat; they may not be able to attend the NLS July meeting. Chicago Area: Possible start-up. Texas: two inquiries: Tyler and Fredricksburg Seattle: No recent contact, but will be checking with them again soon. Missouri: Starting dialog with Kansas City area. Florida: Venice/Pensacola area-seems promising; waiting to hear. Alabama: Has had an inquiry form some people who moved there from Charlotte, NC. Las Vegas: No real progress yet. Latvia: First weekend to be held in August. Venezuela: still pending. California: Bakersfield-will probably operate initially as a “satellite” of Southern California/Central Valley. Ron will contact Montana to see if he can be of any assistance to Yellowstone. Doug suggested Dennis Hogan as a possible resource of help in Florida. Administration: Debbie has received limited information from the host committee. The registration letters have been mailed out. Doug will be in contact with both Greg and Tim. A discussion of the schedule followed. The schedule that was published needs revision. Peter Setzer was incorrectly listed; Caldwell is the presenter. Doug will send directives by e-mail to all who are presenting at the annual meeting. The presenters for Role of Laity and Pastor will be Bill Sistar and Dave Sagisser. *Lucy was asked to correct the February 10th minutes accordingly. In regard to the committees meeting in July, Doug reported the following: Lay Talk Revision: They hope to wrap up their work in July. Constitution/Bylaw Revision: Committee will be meeting; some planning is needed. Long Range Planning: Ron will chair this committee and Doug plans to sit in. Volunteers will be needed to serve on this committee. Finance: Diane will chair. Pastor’s Dialog: They plan to discuss the Grace Talks and to take a good look at creating write-downs. Larry hopes that this discussion will encourage Spiritual Directors to use the write-downs to clarify the points that need to be covered in the Grace Talks. Power Point Presentation: Because of uncertainty in this area, we may not be able to have this committee meet. We will remove the Video/Power Point committee meeting from the schedule. Publications: Leona Fox is working on the archives. Doug has found a possible publisher that lives in his area. The publisher’s wife is willing to serve as our proofreader. Lucy Hightower Doug hopes to have the following documents in final form and ready for distribution to all secretariats at the annual meeting: Leadership Materials 101 & 102 (Both are already in the publisher’s hands.) Music — PDF file needed Essentials Manual Ultreya Doug has ordered 50 copies of each document. This will provide one for each board member and one for each secretariat. Website: Oran has been critically ill but seems to be improving. He hopes to be well enough to make it to the annual meeting. There was a general discussion about keeping the contents up-to-date. Newsletter: Carroll will mail out next edition in early June—prior to the annual meeting. The deadline is May 24th for articles. Lucy is to send the Secretariat Information Spreadsheet by the end of May so that the information will be as timely as possible. Other Business: There was a general discussion of bidding for future NLS meetings. Doug will be making some contacts. Nominations: Doug will be in contact with Mike Swecker about nominations. Diane (treasurer) and Larry (Spiritual Director) are eligible for re-election and are willing to serve. Debbie is not eligible for re-election. Larry reported that he had responded to an e-mail from Texas regarding the worship services, but he hasn’t heard back from them. He has been having computer problems and is not certain that all of his e-mail is being delivered. Ron will send an article to Carroll for the Conexiones. Carroll will use the picture he got with a prior e-mail. There was a discussion of whether we need to keep the PO Box in Minnesota. We did not have enough information to make a decision. Decision deferred until later. Debbie asked if Dick Emery will be in attendance in July. Doug responded in the affirmative. Mike Swecker will not be able to attend the meeting this year; consequently, Ron will handle the organization of the small group discussions. The subjects will be introduced during the morning business sessions and the nametags are to be numbered as in the past. The topics will be “Reflections and sharing on the purpose of Via de Cristo” and “The role of the sponsor in the Fourth Day.” Ron reported that Living Water Via de Cristo had been attracting a number of Mennonites. It now appears that that they have started their own movement and calling it “Way of Christ.” There was a general discussion of possibly recognizing in some way those persons who had done extraordinary service within our movementóespecially those who were heavily involved in the early organization of Via de Cristo. Tabled until later. Lucy asked that the host committee be reminded that she will need to have the names of delegates as they register. She also listed those secretariats that have not yet responded to the annual survey and asked for help from Board Members. There are nine: Lutheran Cursillo of Arizona, Colorado, Indian River (FL), Sonbeam (FL), Iowa, Vineyard (MD, VA), Western North Carolina, Nebraska, and Rainbow (VA). The next meeting will be a conference call on June 23 at 9:00 EDT. Greg and Tim will be invited to join the first part of the meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was closed with a prayer by Pastor Larry. Respectfully submitted, Lucy Hightower NLS Secretary 6 June 2002 Update on Surveys Secretariat Dues Survey information for 2001 is almost complete. We still need data from six secretari-ats. On the spreadsheet below these secretariats are listed in bold print and have an asterisk by their names. If the data is not received before the National Meeting, the number of lay delegates will be based on the numbers submitted through year 2000. Each secretariat is entitled to one clergy delegate; the number of lay delegates is based on the guidelines contained in the Bylaws of the NLS Constitution. The last (right hand) column contains the number of lay delegates to which each secretariat is entitled. If you have any questions regarding the data, please contact Lucy Hightower, NLS Secretary by e-mail (Bhigh922@aol.com), telephone (843-884-4276), or regular mail (404 Church St., Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464). Reminder: Please help us keep your secretariat rosters up-todate by submitting changes when they occur—especially after elections. Some secretariats have not submitted changes for several years. Changes should be sent to Lucy. She will then make sure that they are sent to those who need to have them. ll Secretariats should have received a letter in March regarding NLS dues and the rate structure. The letter was sent to the last treasurer of record. Please check with your treasurer to see if the letter has arrived. If you received the letter and the treasurer for your Secretariat has changed, please pass the letter on and let Diane Purcell, treasurer for NLS, know of the change. It is important to maintain the NLS data files for more effective communications. A Corporate Registrations A reminder to Secretariats - There’s no time like the present to confirm the status of your corporate registration in your state of incorporation. Many states require a yearly filing of your corporate registration. Report of Secretariats 2001 STATE A-OK AZ AZ CA CA CO FL FL FL FL FL FL FL GA IA IL Il/IA IN LA MD/VA MI MI MN MT NC NC NE NY OH SC SD TN TX TX UT VA WI ConNAME stitution Date A-OK Lutheran Secretariat (Arkansas/Oklahoma) Yes May-99 Lutheran Cursillo Movement of Arizona Yes May-87 Southern Arizona Lutheran Via de Cristo Yes Jul-99 Via de Cristo of So. Cal. And Central Valley Yes Jun-99 Faith, Hope and Love Via de Cristo Yes Mar-02 Colorado Via de Cristo* Yes Oct-97 Gold Coast Via de Cristo, Inc. Yes May-87 Heart of Florida Via de Cristo Yes Jul-99 Indian River Via de Cristo* Yes Jun-87 Lighthouse Via de Cristo, Inc. Yes Aug-90 Sonbeam Via de Cristo* Yes Aug-87 Sonshine North Via de Cristo Yes Aug-93 Sonshine Via de Cristo of South Florida Yes May-87 Atlanta Lutheran Via de Cristo Yes 2-81/5-89 Iowa Lutheran Secretariat Yes Mar-87 Heart of Illinois Via de Cristo Yes May-97 Living Water Via de Cristo Yes Apr-91 Indiana Lutheran Via de Cristo Yes May-87 Lousiana Via de Cristo Yes Jul-00 Vineyard Via de Cristo, Inc.* Yes 98/01 Good News! Via de Cristo Yes Dec-89 Lutheran Via de Cristo of Central Michigan Yes 1-89/5-90 Via de Cristo of Minnesota Yes May-89 Yellowstone Via de Cristo In Process Eastern North Carolina Via de Cristo Yes Mar-89 Western North Carolina Via de Cristo Yes Mar-89 Nebraska Lutheran Via de Cristo* Yes Jul-87 Damascus Road Via de Cristo Yes Aug-99 Via de Cristo of Ohio, Inc. Yes Jun-89 South Carolina Lutheran Via de Cristo, Inc. Yes Mar-91 Lutheran Secretariat of South Dakota Yes Jun-87 Tennessee Lutheran Via de Cristo Yes Dec-98 North Texas Lutheran Secretariat Yes Mar-92 Texas Lutheran Via de Cristo Yes Jun-89 Via de Cristo of Utah Yes Jul-96 Rainbow Via de Cristo Christian Commnity* Yes Jun-88 Wisconsin (Sonrise) Via de Cristo Yes Jun-90 * No survey submitted as of May 30, 2002 Lay Lay Total Thru 2000 110 2516 279 451 0 341 4790 860 1846 1255 2255 2112 6475 3075 6469 133 901 1766 0 264 1708 3367 11357 63 1858 3401 703 19 1600 783 720 129 1087 1218 328 1715 814 in 2001 51 212 58 86 0 Lay 2001 161 2728 337 537 0 341 4915 897 1846 1367 2255 2187 6571 3129 6509 186 983 1955 20 264 1785 3473 11966 92 1946 3520 703 52 1676 858 740 178 1168 1314 463 1715 887 125 37 112 75 96 54 40 53 82 189 20 77 106 609 29 88 119 33 76 75 20 49 81 96 135 73 Clergy Clergy Thru 2000 16 79 9 5 0 18 79 16 25 28 0 25 278 125 178 3 47 108 0 6 33 85 450 8 59 128 8 2 127 43 46 9 30 114 11 57 78 Total Comb.WkEnds Elig in Clergy Total HeldLay Del 2001 2001 All 2001 2002 0 16 177 2 1 5 84 2812 7 3 2 11 348 2 1 0 5 542 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 18 359 1 0 79 4994 4 5 1 17 914 2 1 25 1871 2 0 28 1395 4 2 0 2255 3 1 26 2213 4 3 2 280 6851 4 7 2 127 3256 2 4 0 178 6687 2 7 1 4 190 4 1 3 50 1033 4 2 0 108 2063 8 3 2 2 22 2 1 6 270 2 4 37 1822 4 2 3 88 3561 4 4 20 470 12436 20 13 0 8 100 2 0 1 60 2006 3 3 3 131 3651 6 4 8 711 1 1 3 55 1 1 5 132 1808 6 2 0 43 901 5 2 1 47 787 2 1 2 11 189 2 1 3 33 1201 4 2 2 116 1430 5 2 1 12 475 5 2 57 1772 2 3 81 968 4 1 June 2002 7 Return Address Place Stamp Here NLS Distribution Center Richard Emery PO Box 07355 Ft. Myers, FL 33919 NOTE: These photo-ready pages are printed on white paper so that you can make copies of the material as needed. Use the copies to order or register. .50 5.00 5.00 3.75 6.25 20.00 Pilgrims Guide Group Reunion Card (package of 100) Spiritual Director Manual ('99) Candidate Brochure (package of 25) Clergy Brochure (package of 25) Lay Talks (eleven in set) Fourth Day Manual Way to the Cross According to St. Luke Way to the Cross Art Posters(set of 14) Essentials of the Via de Christo Transcripts of all audio tapes 1991-95 Via de Cristo Decals (package of 25) Via de Cristo Bumper Stickers (package of 25) Total amount of order: Add 10% for postage and handling ($3.00 minimum): 1.00 1.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 43.75 43.75 Subtotal for above merchandise: Price Description State Country Note: Prices are subject to change based on our costs Qty City Mailing Address Telephone Date needed by Total Zip Code Home Qty City Price Subtotal for above merchandise: State Country Telephone Date needed by Total amount of order: Add 10% for postge and handling ($3.00 minimum) Description Mailing Address Work Contact Name Secretariat or movement name Richard Emery, PO Box 07355, Ft. Myers, FL 33919 941-590-8958 (H); E-Mail: ricisa@aol.com Make checks payable to: NLS/Via de Cristo National Lutheran Secretariat Distribution Center Tape Order Form Total Zip Code Home June 2002 Work Contact Name Secretariat or movement name Richard Emery, PO Box 07355, Ft. Myers, FL 33919 941-590-8958 (H);\ E-Mail: ricisa@aol.com Make checks payable to: NLS/Via de Cristo National Lutheran Secretariat Distribution Center Order Form 8 June 2002 9 Return Address Place Stamp Here NLS 2002 Registration Linda Borchert 5719 Plumtree Drive Dallas, TX 75252 Preliminary Travel Information (This will help us send the right information to you) Are you: ■ flying? ■ driving? Housing Information Special Housing Needs: ______________________________________________________________ _ Special Dietary Needs: _______________________________________________________________ _ National June 2002 Lutheran Secretariat Annual Meeting 10 Thursday, July 25 through Sunday, July 28, 2002 University of Dallas, Irving, Texas 24 Hr Campus Security Phone: 972-721-5305 Hosted by the North Texas, A-OK and Texas Via de Cristo Secretariats Go in peace, serve the Lord. Thanks be to God. Alleluia! Official Registration (One form required for each person attending - make copies of this form.) Name: ___________________________________________ Nametag 1st Name: _________________ Address: _________________________________________ Apt.# _______ City: ___________________________________ State: __________ ❏ Male ❏ Female Zip: ______________________ Home Phone: (_____ ) _______________________ Work Phone: (_____ ) ______________________ Fax Phone: (_____ ) _________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________ Secretariat:_________________________________ Position: _________________________________ I am a member of: Church: __________________________________________________ Please enter my registration as: For Lay Delegate formula, see NLS Bylaw #4 ❏ Lay Delegate ❏ Visitor Denomination: ❏ Clergy Delegate ❏ Visiting Clergy _______________ ❏ NLS Board ❏ Speaker Have you attended a National Lutheran Secretariat Annual Meeting before? ❏ Yes ❏ No If yes, what years? ______________________________________________________________________ Please list your choices for Committee assignments with a 1 for first choice or a 2 for second in the appropriate boxes. ■ ■ ■ Constitution & Bylaws(audit only) Lay Talk Revision(audit only) Publications ■ ■ ■ Long Range Planning ■ Spiritual Directors Dialogue Finance ■ AV/PowerPoint Presentation I choose NOT to serve on or attend a committee Note: committees & seminars may run concurrently; attendees not required to serve on committees. Have you attended a National Lutheran Secretariat Annual Meeting before? ❏ Yes ❏ No If yes, what years? _______________________________________________________________________ What committees have you served on? _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Register by 6/1/2002 and receive a $25.00 discount (Host Committee cannot gurantee housing after July 1) (Refund requests in writing before July 15; $25 of fee is non-refundable) ■ Delegate/Visitor: .... ($150 before June 1) $175.00 Registration includes meals and double occupancy lodging. Th ur Fri Sat Sun ■ Single day registration (meals only): ....... $25.00 Which day(s): ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Additional night: ■ $40 Double— ■ $50.00 Single ■ Upgrade to single room (limited avail) ..... $10.00 per night Total Registration: $ ____________ I will room with: _______________________________ ■ Spouse ■ Assign me a roommate PLEASE RETURN WITH PAYMENT TO: Linda Borchert • 5719 Plumtree Drive • Dallas, TX 75252 • (972) 248-6226(H); (972)-818-2777(FAX) linda@glborchert.com Make checks payable to: NTNL Secretariat Rev. 12/1/01 Registration Fees 2002 National Lutheran SecretariatJune Annual Meeting11 Thursday, July 25 through Sunday, July 28, 2002 University of Dallas, Irving, Texas 24 Hr Campus Security Phone: 972-721-5305 Hosted by the North Texas, A-OK and Texas Via de Cristo Secretariats Go in peace, serve the Lord. Thanks be to God. Alleluia! 2002 Annual Meeting, Forum and Seminar Tentative Schedule 1:00 pm 2:15 pm 4:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:45 pm 8:00 pm 8:45 pm Eucharistic Commissioning Worship Service Gorman A Welcome, Seating of Delegates, business, reports Gorman A Keynote address - "Purpose of VdC for 30 Years" - R. Dow Gorman A Dinner Haggar Hall Small Group Sharing Locations TBA Vespers Chapel of the Incarnation Fellowship Catherine Hall Lounge Friday 7:30 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 11:15 pm 12:00 am 1:00 pm 2:15 pm 3:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:45 pm 8:00 pm 9:00 pm Breakfast Haggar Hall Eucharistic Worship Chapel of the Incarnation Forum - "What Should Happen on the Weekend"-Jim Caldwell Gorman A Bus Mtg/Nominations/Bev Appleby Tribute Gorman A Lunch Haggar Hall Seminar, "Laity & Clergy in VdC" - Bill Sistar/David Saggisar Gorman A Seminar, "Intentional Witnessing in the Fourth Day" Gorman A Pastors’ Dialogue/Committee Work Locations TBA Dinner Haggar Hall Small Group Sharing Locations TBA Vespers (Memorial for Bev Appleby) Chapel of the Incarnation Fellowship Catherine Hall Lounge Saturday 7:30 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 11:15 am 12:30 pm 1:30 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:15 pm Breakfast Haggar Hall Eucharistic Worship Chapel of the Incarnation Seminar, "VdC: Fitting the Pieces Together" - P. Schmidlin Gorman A Seminar, "Where do we go from here?" - Panel Gorman A Lunch Haggar Hall Bus Mtg/Election/Budget/Committee Reports/Host bids Gorman A Banquet Haggar Hall Celebration Worship/Install Officers Chapel of the Incarnation Fellowship Catherine Hall Lounge Sunday 7:30 am Breakfast 8:30 am Eucharistic Worship 10:00 am NLS Executive Board Meeting Haggar Hall Lynch Auditorium Deadlines: Registration - July 1, 2002 (Early Registration Discount - before June 1, 2002) Rev. 12/1/01 Thursday June 2002 Lutheran Secretariat Annual Meeting National 12 Thursday, July 25 through Sunday, July 28, 2002 University of Dallas, Irving, Texas 24 Hr Campus Security Phone: 972-721-5305 Hosted by the North Texas, A-OK and Texas Via de Cristo Secretariats Tentative Committee Agendas As Recommended by the Executive Board Committee / Agenda Items Chairperson #1 Spiritual Directors Dialog Rev. Larry Llewellyn(NLS Spiritual Director) #2 Finance Diane Purcell(NLS Treasurer) #3 Lay Talk Outline Revision (Audit Only) Karen Schneider(Ohio VdC) A. Review the content of all NLS lay talk books. B. Reviise content where needed or replace with new material. C. Assign writing and proofing duties. D. Review editing for publication #4 Publications Unassigned (Unassigned) #5 Long Range P lanning Ron Millard(Heart of Illinois VdC) #6 Constitution and Bylaws (Audit Only) Fred Schneider(Ohio VdC) Rev. 12/1/01 Florida Faithful Cursillista Passes to New Life Editor’s Note: George Steadman was an active participant in the early meetings of the NLS. His wife, Claudia, sent the following information. After he suffered a stroke in February 2001, he just never fully recovered. He was in HealthSouth Rehab facility for three months, then went on Hospice in January 2002, and died peacefully at home. During his illness, we spoke many times of the wonderful memories we have Via de Cristo and NLS meetings. The obit below appeared in the Miami Herald. Love, Claudia Steadman Steadman, George E. 74, Homestead, celebrated new life on May 11, 2002. George was a retired Flight Engineer from National/Pan American Airlines with 30 years of service. He was a Veteran of WWII, serving in the US Navy and US Air Force. George loved to do the Lord’s work and was active member at St. Andrew’s Lutheran. He was involved in many organiza- tions in the community serving on the Board of Homestead Community Concerts, CCSA, Gideons Int’l, and Optimist Club of Suniland. He was dynamically involved in Sonshine Via de Cristo and Kairos Prison Ministries for over 25 years, and over the last five years volunteered at ZSF at Miami Metrozoo. George is survived by his wife, Claudia, son, Craig (Mary Jane), San Angelo, TX; daughters, Karolyn (Joseph) Gardner, Bristol, VA; Elizabeth (Frank) Tenney, Greenville, SC; Deborah Goodwin, Pine Island, FL; seven grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and his special extended family, Greg & Michelle Sodeman and children; and caregivers, Tonia Skinner and Sandra Perez.Celebration of Life service, St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, 1955 N. Krome Avenue, Homestead, Florida, May 17, 2002, 4:30 PM. A Memorial Fund has been set up in his name c/o of Claudia Steadman to be divided per George’s wishes; or in his memory a donation may be made to a charity of your choice. 13 Tape Catalog Cross Order Form Secretariat or movement name Contact Name Work Mailing Address City Date needed by: Cast Cross (thick) 4.50 3.00 State Country Gold Cast Cross (thick) 3.00 Price ea Stamped Cross (thin) 4.50 Description Gold Stamped Cross (thin) 3.00 .75 Prison Cross (1" high, cast) 22" double-link chain 1.25 .75 Gold 22" double-link chain 1.25 30" single-link chain Gold 30" single-link chain 4.50 Cherry or Maple Wood Cross (with chain) Subtotal for above merchandise: Less than $300 - add 10% $300 to $674 - add 5% $675 and over - add 2% Total amount of order: Home Zip Code Total Custom chain lengths are available upon request; please call for ordering information. Make checks payable to: Symbols, Inc. (in Memo: VdC) Shipping and Handling: Qty Telephone Symbols, Inc., Karen Bennefeld 213 South 4th Avenue Avenal, CA 93204 (559) 386-0501; e-mail: karon@gocalnet.com NLS Cross Distribution Center 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Please order these tapes on the Tape Order Form 1991 Audio Tapes - New Braunfels, Texas #1 - Role & Duties of the Local Secretariat #2 - Pastor’s Role in Via de Cristo #3 - Dynamics of the Via de Cristo Weekend #4 - The Role of the Rector #5 - The Fourth Day 1992 Audio Tapes - Stone Mountain, Georgia #6 - Back to the Basics #7 - The Pastor’s Role in Via de Cristo #8 - Keynote Address (Rev. Nate Lundgren) #9 - 20th Anniversary Celebration 1993 Audio Tapes - Carmel, Indiana #10 - Unleashing the Power of the Laity #11 - How to Get Pastors Involved in VdC #12 - Keynote Address (Rev. Nate Lundgren) #13 - Team Formation and Training 1994 Audio Tapes - Leesburg, Florida #14 - The Pastor’s Role in the Fourth Day #15 - Reunion Groups #16 - Ultreya #17 - Keynote Address (Rev. Nate Lundgren) 1995 Audio Tapes - Rock Island, Illinois #18 - Keynote address (Rev. Peter Setzer) “The Reunion Card” #19 - Forum 1, “Piety” #20 - Forum 2, “Study” #21 - Forum 3, “Action” VHS Video Tapes #1 - NLS Video (VHS) “Christ Is Counting On You” #2 - 95 Keynote address (Rev. Peter Setzer) “The Reunion Card” #3 - 95 Forum 1, “Piety” #4 - 95 Forum 2, “Study” #5 - 95 Forum 3, “Action” #6 - 96 Dallas: Keynote Address - Rev. Peter Setzer #7 - 96 Dallas: “The Cross” - Beverly Appleby #8 - 96 Dallas: “Sponsoring” - Fred Schneider, Dan Bobst, Pat Dever #9 - 96 Dallas: “Music” - Yohann Anderson #10 - 97 Hickory: Keynote Address - Rev. Richard Dow #11 - 97 Hickory: “Successful Secretariat” - Ray Homrich #12 - 97 Hickory: “Sunday Call to Go Forth”-O. Gough, R. Walter #13 - 99 Saginaw: Keynote Address (Rev. Nate Lundgren) #14 - 99 Saginaw: “Progression of the Weekend” (Ed Kutay) #15 - 99 Saginaw: After Dinner Address (Dr. Randy Mullin) June 2002 14 June 2002 Return Address Place Stamp Here NLS Cross Distribution Center Symbols, Inc., Karen Bennefeld 213 South 4th Avenue Avenal, CA 93204 June 2002 15 National Lutheran Secretariat Annual Meeting Conexiones E-Mail Subscription Request Form E-Mail Subscription Please send Conexiones to me by E-Mail Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: ________ Zip: __________________ Home Phone: (_____ ) _________________ Work Phone: (_____ ) ________________ Fax Phone: (_____ ) ___________________ E-Mail Address: ______________________ @ _________________________________ Simply fold on dotted lines (on back), add a return address and stamp, and mail. 7/30/2000 16 June 2002 Return Address Place Stamp Here Conexiones Editor E-Mail Subscription Requests Rev. Carroll Lang 19903 225th Street Fort Dodge, IA 50501-8473 June 2002 17 Editor’s Note: the following is the latest information this editor has of the Ultreyas around the country. The Ultreya that meets at the same time and place and on the same day of the month, has a distinct advantage over the Ultreya that moves from place to place and has a new time and date for each meeting. The ultreyas that some movements announce in their newsletters usually occur before the next edition of Conexiones can come out, and therefore cannot be listed in timely fashion. My goal is to list every Via de Cristo Ultreya, and include other movements, too. If your Ultreya group is not listed here, please, let me know. ARIZONA Arizona Lutheran Cursillo Held monthly at various locations and times. Southern Arizona Lutheran Via de Cristo Held bi-monthly on second Saturdays at various locations and times. Contact Tom Medora at 800/840-7501. August 10, 2002 TBA October 12, 2002 TBA Lutheran Cursillo Movement of Arizona TBA. June 15, 2002, 7pm at St. John Lutheran. July ?, 2002, 7pm TBA September 21, 2002, 7pm at Zion Lutheran November 19, 2002, 5pm Weekend Reunion, 6pm Potluck Dinner, 7pm Ultreya at Salem Lutheran. ARKANSAS-OKLAHOMA Grand Ultreyas held semi-annually at various times and places. IOWA Floyd Valley Ultreya, Sheldon United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 506 8th Street, Sheldon, Iowa, 3rd Tuesdays, registration 7:15pm, begin at 7:30pm. Humboldt: 3rd Sunday (except July & August), 7pm, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. Lake Area Ultreya, Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp, 7:30pm, 3rd Mondays (except June & July) Mason City/Clear Lake Ultreya, alternating between Zion Lutheran, Clear Lake and Trinity Lutheran and Our Savior’s Lutheran, Mason City, 4:00pm each 3rd Sundays. Nevada Ultreya, Memorial Lutheran, Nevada, 2nd Thursdays, 7:30pm. Northwood Ultreya, First Lutheran Church Fireside Room, 4:00pm, 3rd Sundays (except May, July & December). Rockwell-Lytton Ultreya: 3rd Sundays 4pm, rotating through Rockwell City United Methodist, Presbyterian, and St. Paul Lutheran Churches. Sioux City Ultreya, First Lutheran Church, 3939 Cheyenne Boulevard, 2nd Thursdays (except July and August), 7:00pm. Storm Lake, 2nd Sundays, 5pm at St. Mark Lutheran Church, Storm Lake. Contact Jolene Manzey, 312 West 6th Street, Storm Lake, IA 50588. August 4, 2001, 11am Grand Ultreya, Storm Lake CALIFORNIA Lutheran Cursillo of Southern California: Locations vary, check website at www.lcsocal.org Via de Cristo of Southern California and the Central Valley: None announ ced for this issue. COLORADO Colorado Via de Cristo None reported FLORIDA Gold Coast None at this time. Heart of Florida Monthly at various times and places. Indian River Monthly at various times and places. Lighthouse First Fridays. 6:30pm pot luck supper. First United Methodist Church in Hollister Hall at 310 Douglas Street, New Smyrna Beach. Sonbeam Monthly at various times and places July 20, 2002, Ultreya & Annual Meeting at Pasadena Presbyterian. Sonshine North Via de Cristo Monthly at various times and places Sonshine of South Florida Monthly at various times and places. November 10, 2001 Celebration, 7:30pm at Rader Memorial United Methodist Church, 205 NE 87th Street, El Portal (Miami). GEORGIA Atlanta Lutheran VdC Movement: Third Saturdays of March, May, July, September and November. Potluck Dinner at 6:00pm, Service at 7:00pm. Call Julie Koempel at 770943-0565 for locations. ILLINOIS/IOWA Living Water Ultreya, Hosts: Augie and Kim Calsyn. Call (319) 3914519 for more information. August 3, 2002 Ultreya at First Evangelical Lutheran Church, Geneseo. ILLINOIS Heart of Illinois May 18, 2002, 5pm Weekend Reunion, 6pm Potluck Dinner, 7pm Ultreya at Salem Lutheran. INDIANA May 19, 2002, King of Glory, Carmel, IN. Held in odd months on Sundays at 3:30pm. Place to be announced. MARYLAND Vineyard — Monthly at various places and times MICHIGAN Central Michigan Ultreya Monthly at various times and places. March 29, 2002, (Fri) at 6:30pm at St. Paul Lutheran, 22275 4-Mile Road, Reed City TriCities - 2nd Fridays Upper Peninsula - 3rd Saturdays PortHuron/St.Clair - 2nd Fridays Good News! Via de Cristo Ultreyas June 9, 2002, 4-7pm at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Dearborn, MI. July 21, 2002, 3-6pm at Grace Lutheran Church in Howell, MI (potluck). Call Jack or Betty Packer for more info at (313) 561-8270. MINNESOTA MOVEMENT The Luther Seminary VdC Community: Quarterly Ultreyas scheduled on the succeeding months for Cursillistas, open worship for all. Contact Sandra Marotz, 612-646-4995, or Pastor Lou Flessner, 612-641-3422, or write Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 2841 Como Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108. The Carver County Community: Serves Excelsior, Chanhassen, Chaska, Waconia and surrounding areas. Contact Tom Heath, 113 Bade Lane, Chaska, MN 55318, 612448-4638. The Arrowhead Ultreya Community: Serves the Northern Minnesota area. Contact Norma E. Swanbum, 1807 East 3rd Street, Apt.8, Duluth, MN 55812, 218-724-4786. Singles Ultreyas Each month the Singles Cursillo Community of Minnesota hosts an ultreya that is open to all Christians unmarried or married. They are also open to people who have not yet attended a Cursillo weekend. They gather on the second Saturday of the month at 5:30pm for Eucharist, potluck dinner, witness talk, fellowship and renewal. Bring food to share, cross, song book, nametags, musical instruments. Questions can be answered by the contact person at each location. Southern Ultreya - none at this time Other Ultreyas March 9, 2002, Beautiful Savior Lutheran, Plymouth. Contact Kris Jones, 763-535-4499. April 13, 2002, Hosanna! Lutheran, Lakeville. Contact Judy Anderson, 952-435-3344 Post-Weekend Ultreyas (same sites as weekends) Ultreya dates not listed NORTH CAROLINA Piedmont - 2nd Saturdays 6:30pm Contact Roger Setzer at (336) 227-8390, or e-mail at rdsetzer@nindspring.com. Wilmington - 4th Fridays, 7pm, held at various churches in Wilmington, NC area. Beach Group - Monthly Ultraya held the 4th Fridays of each month. Faith, fun, food, festivity, all cursillistas welcome. Contact Melinda Hales at (910) 791-8765. Triangle - 5:30pm, 2nd Saturdays at various churches in the Triangle area. Potluck dinner, music, faith sharing, worship and communion at each ultreya. Call Dean Nelson at (919) 791-1955 for details. Western North Carolina - Monthly OHIO Cincinnati - Monthly First Saturdays, 7:30pm - Trinity Lutheran Church, Mt. Healthy, contact Kevin Hoch, 513-931-8797. Columbus - Monthly - Lutheran-Episcopal 4th Fridays, 7:30pm, Contact Dick Logan at 9659420 or Donna Gough at 899-1210. Dayton Lutheran Ultreya - Monthly Third Tuesday, 7:30pm. For details, call Bob & Mary Ann Sauer at 513/294-3940, or Email: MASAUER@aol.com. Kent - Call for dates and time Contact Pastor Doug Fidler (330) 673-5445. Continued on next page 18 June 2002 Prison Ministry Continued from previous page. Marysville Area - Monthly Third Sunday at First English Lutheran, 687 London Avenue, Marysville. Call Judy Hurl 513/ 642-4621 or Jeanne Haynes, 513/642-4701. Newark/Heath - Monthly 4th Sunday, 7:00pm. St. John’s Lutheran Church, Linnville Road, Newark. Contact Don and Pam PAynter, 614-323-0207. Parma Heights - Monthly Second Sundays, 4-8pm, contact Fred Schuller (440)845-5621. Stow - Quarterly Contact Gracis Luoma (330) 686-8807. Western Lake County Periodic joint Lutheran-Episcopal Ultreya. Hook up through George Cyphers, 216-951-2906. Western Reserve - Monthly Second SaturdayEpworth United Methodist Church, call Martha Mallen (216) 257-0254. Urbana Area - Monthly First Friday 6:30pm at Church of the Epiphany, corner Scioto and Kenton, Urbana. Joint ultreya with Episcopal, Roman Catholic, Methodist and now Lutheran! Contact Dick or Marv Swan, 513/484-3189. PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh: Announced in newsletter SOUTH CAROLINA Up State Ultreya - place and time TBA Midlands Ultreya - place and time TBA Low Country Ultreya - place and time TBA TEXAS North Texas Lutheran Cursillo Ultreya are held at various times and places. UTAH None reported at this time. VIRGINIA Rainbow Via de Cristo, Contact Bill Carey: 703/ 620-6377. 2nd Fridays, Rainbow Ultreya at Holy Cross Lutheran, Herndon, VA. Contact Bill Sproat at 703/754-2323. 3rd Fridays, Western Maryland Ultreya, rotates different churches, contact Craig Wasilius at 301/797-3853 1st Mondays (except holidays), Southern Maryland Ultreya, rotates different churches, contact Annie Cave at 301/297-8561 WISCONSIN None announced for this issue “Remember those who are in prison as though you were in prison with them” (Heb. 13:3). August 2002 - Iowa: Iowa Brothers in Blue Prison Ministry,, Newton Correctional Facility Newton, TBA, 2002. Send palanca to: Brothers in Blue Palanca, c/oNCF, Newton, IA 50208. August 2002 - Florida: Gold Coast Area Kairos, Martin Correctional (MCI #16): August 2002 Send palanca to: Gold Coast Area Kairos, PO Box 30343, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420-0343. September 2002 - Iowa: Iowa Brothers in Blue Prison Ministry,, Mount Pleasant Correctional Facility, September 19-22, 2002. Send palanca to: Brothers in Blue Palanca, c/oMPCF, Highway 218 South, Mount Pleasant, IA 52641. September 2002 - Florida: Gold Coast Area Kairos, Martin Correctional MCI #16): September 2002 Send palanca to: Gold Coast Area Kairos, PO Box 30343, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420-0343. October 2002 - Iowa: Iowa Brothers in Blue Prison Ministry,, Fort Dodge Correctional Facility Rockwell City, October 17-20, 2002. Send palanca to: Brothers in Blue Palanca, c/oCoDR, PO Box 834, Fort Dodge, IA 50501. October 2002 - Michigan: Marquette Branch Prison Michigan Keryx #18, October 17-20, 2002. Send palanca to: Keryx, PO Box 1042, Marquette, MI 49855. October 2002 - Michigan: Chippewa Correctional Facility Michigan Keryx #17, October 24-27 2002. Send palanca to: Chippewa Area Keryx Agape Chairman, PO Box 404, Conway, MI 49722 October 2002 - Michigan: Kinross Correctional Facility Michigan Keryx #38, October 24-27, 2002. Send palanca to: Chippewa Area Keryx Agape Chairman, PO Box 404, Conway, MI 49722. October 2002 - Florida: Gold Coast Area Kairos, Indian River Torch (IRCI #16): October, 2002 Send palanca to: Gold Coast Area Kairos, PO Box 30343, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420-0343. October 2002 - Florida: Gold Coast Area Kairos, [Glades Correctional (GCI #36): October, 2002 Send palanca to: Gold Coast Area Kairos, PO Box 30343, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420-0343. November 2002 - Michigan: Carson City OTF Michigan Keryx #12, November 8-11, 2002. Send palanca to: Mrs. Debbie Grazier, 1180 South Durand Road, Lennon, MI 48449. November 2002 - Michigan: Ionia Taining Facility Keryx #11, November 8-11, 2002. Send palanca to: Ron Peterson, 2377 Prado Visto, Howell, MI 48843 November 2002 - Iowa: Iowa Brothers in Blue Prison Ministry, Newton Correctional Facility Newton, November 14-17, 2002. Send palanca to: Brothers in Blue Palanca, c/oNCF, Newton, IA 50208. November 2002 - Florida: Gold Coast Area Kairos, Okeechobee Correctional (OCI #17): November, 2002 Send palanca to: Gold Coast Area Kairos, PO Box 30343, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420-0343. November 2002 - Florida: Gold Coast Area Kairos, Eckerd Youth Development Center Torch #3: November, 2002 Send palanca to: Gold Coast Area Kairos, PO Box 30343, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 334200343. December 2002 - Iowa: Iowa Brothers in Blue Prison Ministry,, North Central Correctional Facility Rockwell City, December 5-8, 2002. Send palanca to: Brothers in Blue Palanca, c/oNCCF, PO Box 313, Rockwell City, IA 50579 December 2002 - Florida: Gold Coast Area Kairos, South Bay Correctional Facility #10: Month/Dates, 2002 Send palanca to: Gold Coast Area Kairos, PO Box 30343, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420-0343. June 2002 ! a c n a l a P June 2002 - Texas: Texas Lutheran Via de Cristo, Cathedral Oaks, Weimar, Coed #45: June 20-23, 2002. Send palanca to: Cary Warner, 205 Erskine, San Antonio, TX 78201. June 2002 - Minnesota: Minnesota Via de Cristo-Metro, Redeemer Lutheran, Fridley, Men’s #395: June 20-23; Women’s #396: June 27-30, 2002. Send palanca to: Carol Olsen, 440 57th Place NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432-5568. June 2002 - Ohio: Via de Cristo of Ohio (Northern), St. Leonard’s Youth Retreat Center, Avon, Men’s #48: June 27-30, 2002. Send palanca to: Jeff Albrektson, 2793 Galewood Street, Kettering, OH 45420. July 2002 - Michigan: Good News! Via de Cristo, Men’s and Women’s #3: Wed-Sat, July 10-13, 2002. Send palanca to: Kathy Jurrus, 10-1/2 Vineyard Drive, Rossford, OH 43460. July 2002 - California: Lutheran Cursillo of Southern California, St. Joseph’s Retreat Center, Men’s #80: July 11-14; Women’s #81: July 18-21, 2002. Send palanca to: Dave Miller, LCSC Palanca, PO Box 5203, Cerritos, CA 90703-5203. July 2002 - Colorado: Colorado Via de Cristo, Co-ed #11: July 18-21, 2002. Send palanca to: Sally Carnes, 2453 Mapleton Circle, Longmont, CO 80503. August 2002 - Minnesota: Minnesota Via de Cristo-Metro, Chisago Lake Lutheran, Center City, Men’s #397: August 8-11; Women’s #398: August 15-18, 2002. Send palanca to: Carol Olsen, 440 57th Place NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432-5568. August 2002 - Texas: North Texas Lutheran Via de Cristo #56 (Coed), Bishop Mason Retreat and Conference Center, Grapevine, Texas, August 15-18, 2002. Send palanca to: Lilly Gholston, 401 Campbell Lane, Denton, TX 76209-4580. August 2002 - Ohio: Via de Cristo of Ohio (Northern), St. Leonard’s Youth Retreat Center, Avon, Women’s #46: August 15-18 2002. Send palanca to: Jeff Albrektson, 2793 Galewood Street, Kettering, OH 45420. August 2002 - North Carolina: Eastern North Carolina Lutheran Via de Cristo, Camp Rockfish, Mixed #43: August 15-18, 2002. Send palanca to: Clarence Hales, 442 Semmes Drive, Wilmington, NC 284127148. September 2002 - Indiana: Indiana Lutheran Via de Cristo, Lutheran Hills, Men’s: September 12-15; Women’s: September 19-22, 2002. Send palanca to: Perry Powers, 621 North Main Street, Monticello, IN 47960. September 2002 - Florida: Sonshine North Via de Cristo, Women’s #85: September 2023, 2002. Send palanca to: Marsha Woleshin, 1931 Highland Drive, Fernandia, FL 32034. 19 For future weekends All pending weekends for the next six months from publication will be printed in each Conexiones September 2002 - Minnesota: Minnesota Via de Cristo-South, First English, Cannon Falls, Men’s #399: September 12-15, Women’s #400: September 19-22, 2002. Send palanca to: Carol Olsen, 440 57th Place NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432-5568. September/October 2002 - Maryland: Vineyard Via de Cristo, Women’s #10: September 19-22; Men’s #10: October 3-6, 2002. Mail palanca to: Frances Ecton, PO Box 452, Funkstown, MD 21734-0452. October 2002 - California: Via de Cristo of Southern California & The Central Valley, Bethel in the Hills Coed Weekend #16: October 3-6, 2002. Send palanca to: Roxanne Fackler, 809 Elsey Street, Bakersfield, CA 93309. October 2002 - California: Lutheran Cursillo of Southern California, St. Joseph’s Retreat Center, Men’s #82: October 3-6; Women’s #83: October 10-13, 2002. Send palanca to: Dave Miller, LCSC Palanca, PO Box 5203, Cerritos, CA 90703-5203. October 2002 - Virginia: Rainbow Via de Cristo Walk of Faith, Men’s #42: October 3-6; Women’s #44: October 17-20, 2002. Mail palanca to: Cis Smail, PO Box 2724, La Plata, MD 20646. October 2002 - Illinois: Heart of Illinois Via de Cristo, East Bay Camp, Bloomington, Men’s #9: October 3-6; Women’s #10: October 10-13, 2002. Send palanca to: Norma Millard, 1415 Flossmor, Washington, IL 61571. October 2002 - North Carolina: Western North Carolina Lutheran Via de Cristo, Loy White, Men’s #51: October 3-6; Women’s #51: October 10-13, 2002. Send palanca to: Deborah Young, 3450 Patterson Road, China Grove, NC 28023. October 2002 - Minnesota: Minnesota Via de Cristo-North, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Duluth, Men’s #401: October 10-13; Women’s #402: October 17-20, 2002. Send palanca to: Carol Olsen, 440 57th Place NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432-5568. October 2002 - Minnesota: Minnesota Via de Cristo-Metro, Augustana, 704 11th Avenue South, Mpls, Men’s #403 October 10-13; Women’s #404: October 17-20, 2002. Send palanca to: Carol Olsen, 440 57th Place NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432-5568. October 2002 - Indiana: Indiana Lutheran Via de Cristo, Epworth Forest, Men’s: October 10-13; Women’s: October 17-20, 2002. Send palanca to: Perry Powers, 621 North Main Street, Monticello, IN 47960. October 2002 - Texas: Texas Lutheran Via de Cristo, Lutherhill Camp, LaGrange, Men’s #46: October 10-13; Women’s #46: October 17-20, 2002. Send palanca to: Mark Clayton, 181 Notchleaf, Cibolo, TX 78108. October 2002 - Michigan: Good News! Via de Cristo, St. Michael Lutheran Church, Ottawa Lake, MI, Men’s #31: October 10-13; Women’s #31: )ct0ber 17-20, 2002. Send palanca to: Kathy Jurrus, 10-1/2 Vineyard Drive, Rossford, OH 43460. October 2002 - Tennesee: Tennessee Lutheran Via de Cristo, Coed: October 17-20, 2002. Send palanca to: Julie Glibbery, 7724 Sevilla Road, Powell, WY 37849. October 2002 - Georgia: Atlanta Via de Cristo, Coed #16: October 17-20, 2002. Send palanca to: Mike and Anna Taylor, 8676 Ashley Way, Douglasville, GA 30134. October 2002 - Arizona: Lutheran Cursillo Movement of Arizona, Men’s #91: October 17-20; Women’s #92: October 31 - November 3, 2002. Send palanca to: LaWave Speck, 902 West Roma Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85013-2824. October 2002 - Arizona: Southern Arizona Lutheran Via de Cristo, St. Pius X Church, Tucson, Men’s #13: October 17-20; Women’s #14: October 31-November 3, 2002. Send palanca to: Jim P. Dunfee, 7355 Eastview Drive, Tucson, AZ 85710. October/November 2002 - Ohio: Via de Cristo of Ohio (Central), Holy Cross Catholic Cursillo Center, Columbus, Men’s #49: October 3-6; Women’s #47: November 710, 2002. Send palanca to: Jeff Albrektson, 2793 Galewood Street, Kettering, OH 45420. October/November 2002 - North Carolina: Western North Carolina Lutheran Via de Cristo, Dogwood, Mixed #19: October 31November 3, 2002. Send palanca to: Deborah Young, 3450 Patterson Road, China Grove, NC 28023. October/November 2002 - Arkansas-Oklahoma: A-OK Via de Cristo, St. Scholastica Retreat Center, Ft. Smith, AR - Coed Weekend #6: October 31-November 3, 2002. Send palanca to: Becky Del Rio, 18115 Fawn Tree Drive, Little Rock, AR 72209. November 2002 - Illinois/Iowa: Living Water Via de Cristo, Camp Abe Lincoln, Buffalo, IA,, Men’s: October 31-November 3, Women’s: November 7-10, 2002. Send palanca to: Hal and Charlotte Gustafson, 17 Hickory Hills, Geneseo, IL 61254. November 2002 - Florida: Sonbeam Via de Cristo, Rotary Camp Florida, Men’s: November 13-16; Women’s: November 20-23, 2002. Send palanca to: Dave McConnell, PO Box 8874, Madiera Beach, FL 337388874. November 2002 - Colorado: Colorado Via de Cristo, Men’s #12: November 7-10; Women’s #12: November 14-17, 2002. Send palanca to: Sally Carnes, 2453 Mapleton Circle, Longmont, CO 80503. November 2002 - Maryland: Vineyard Via de Cristo, Coed #3: November 14-17, 2002. Mail palanca to: Frances Ecton, PO Box 452, Funkstown, MD 21734-0452. November 2002 - Texas: North Texas Lutheran Via de Cristo #57 (Coed), Bishop Mason Retreat and Conference Center, Grapevine, Texas, November 14-17, 2002. Send palanca to: Lilly Gholston, 401 Campbell Lane, Denton, TX 76209-4580. November 2002 - North Carolina: Eastern North Carolina Lutheran Via de Cristo, Camp Dixie, Mixed #44: November 14-17, 2002. Send palanca to: Clarence Hales, 442 Semmes Drive, Wilmington, NC 284127148. Vivisted our Web Site Lately? NLS Distribution Center Richard Emery, Director Phone: 941-590-8958 E-MAIL: ricisa@aol.com Annual Meeting Items Available Dick Emery announces that all the material that was available at the 2001 Annual Meeting and video tapes from the meeting are available from the Distribution Center, as well as the shirts and the material that is on the order form. Oran Gough (Ohio), NLS Website Mgr. Help Wanted Improving Communication - Flow of Info A t the 1996 NLS Annual Meeting, it was suggested that more articles and information be shared both from local secre tariat newsletters in Conexiones, and also articles from Conexiones reprinted in local secretariat newsletters. It has always been the policy to grant permission to any secretariat wishing to reproduce an article from Conexiones in its newsletter, in fact, it is encouraged. The NLS Executive Board only asks that you print the article as is and list the author and source (Conexiones, or credit at end or beginning of article). I am willing to save you re-typing by sending the articles to you at your request via e-mail. If you, as editor of your newsletter are not online, find out who, in your movement, is online, or ask a computer friend for help. This communication can be done two ways, too, and you editors could provide the articles via e-mail to the editor of Conexiones, Carroll Lang, at cdlng@aol.com and he would be very grateful. - Carroll Lang, Editor High Returns Cost R PAID 1-800-214-1155 (toll free) OR 1-515-955-1877 (toll) Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Permit No. 4 NLS Information 800 Number NON PROFIT ORG U.S.Postage eturned Conexiones newsletters cost up to $1.01 each. Please notify us of any changes in address on a post card or in a letter. Include complete information, including complete address with Zip+4, Secretariat and position, if applicable, and both home and work phone numbers. If you no longer want the newsletter, please let us know. CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Any original article appearing in Conexiones (that is not re-printed from another newsletter) may be reproduced in any local member secretariat’s newsletter without calling or writing for permission, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety without revision and credit is given at the end or beginning of the article. Permission to reproduce an article that is reprinted from a member secretariat’s newsletter must be obtained from the editor of that movement. — NLS Executive Board Rev. Carroll Lang 19903 225th Street Fort Dodge, IA 50501-8473 DATED MATERIAL, PLEASE EXPEDITE Permission to Reprint W e are in need of a volunteer website artist with skills in this new medium to join the officers and webmaster, Oran Gough, in developing our service to become an even more effective tool for our movement. If you have the skills and would like to become part of our web team, e-mail Oran Gough at OGOUGH@aol.com and let him know just how you feel you can contribute. We are open to creative change and we want to extensively extend the resources available through the site.
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