change. - L`Anse Creuse Public Schools


change. - L`Anse Creuse Public Schools
VOL. 18
NO. 1
09 13
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Welcome back to a new school year!
L’Anse Creuse Public
Schools officially kicked-off
the start of the 2013-2014
school year with our Annual
“Opening Day” professional
development program for
staff on August 28. Speakers
including, former Board
President and current
Board Trustee Ken Hoover,
Superintendent Jackie
Johnston, and special guest,
Master Teacher Dr. Adolph
Brown, were present to
welcome back staff.
Dr. Brown, an internationally
recognized authority on
educational excellence,
emphasized during his
presentation, that any student can
be a successful learner.
He explained that, as educators,
we cannot assume the character
of our students by the way
they present themselves on the
outside. To illustrate this concept,
Dr. Brown disguised himself in
disheveled street clothes and
mingled with attendees before the
presentation. Once revealing his
true identity on stage, he inquired
whether his attire affected our
opinion of him.
Dr. Brown also discussed what
he believes are two types of
individuals; “basement people,”
who are negative and look for
opportunities to be offended,
and “balcony people,” who rise to
the challenge, are encouraging
and positive. He insisted that
educators must be “balcony
people.” Building on this principle,
Principal is the Face of
EMU Campaign
Nina Davis, principal of L’Anse Creuse Middle
School – East, was selected to be a face of Eastern
Michigan University’s (EMU) TRUEMU campaign.
The campaign will feature light-post banners around
the EMU campus and billboards across the
state. A total of 12 EMU alumni were selected
for billboards; each choose an individual power
statement and photo showcasing their success
and career post graduation. Davis’ phrase is
“I am an agent for change.” She was selected
because of her passion to change community
he explained that all school
staff have the responsibility
of, as he states, “walking
a tightrope between two
skyscrapers while pushing a
wheelbarrow; meaning it is
our job to place all students
into the wheelbarrow and
help them across. Eventually
with our help, students can
get out of the wheelbarrow
and walk the tightrope
To accomplish this, staff
must work as a team, and
create meaningful, productive
relationships with all students.
Dr. Brown concluded his
presentation by stating, “we
should not judge the character of
our students by how they enter
our class, but rather judge them
by how they leave our class at the
end of the year.”
Staff left the opening day,
rejuvenated with his inspiring
message and eager to incorporate
these principles into their work
with students.
through education and was recognized as being the
first African American principal in L’Anse Creuse
Public Schools.
“I am absolutely honored and proud to represent
Eastern Michigan University!” said Davis.
“I received a great education (Undergraduate and
Graduate) from EMU and could not have asked for
better professors!”
Nina Davis ’09
Principal, L’Anse Creuse District
This is my favorite time of year. And
while perhaps you heard a groan when
you woke your child on their first day back to school,
I know most kids are eager to be back. Why wouldn’t
they be? At school they see their friends, participate
in extracurricular activities, learn from exceptional
teachers and are guided and nurtured by a staff
that truly cares about them. And what makes public
education so unique is the opportunity for a fresh
start each September.
Our students are being prepared for an exciting
future, a future bright with opportunities for those
who master high level knowledge and skills. To help
meet these expectations students are supported with
tremendous resources including new technologies
and highly qualified teachers utilizing evidenced
based instructional strategies. The research notes
(and our hearts tell us) that much of our student’s
success rests on the relationships we build;
relationships between our staff and our students,
relationships between our staff and our parents,
and relationships between our schools and our
community. We are so fortunate to have wonderful
families and wonderful communities as partners.
By showing an interest in your child’s school work,
ensuring good school attendance, monitoring
completion of homework, and modeling healthy
habits at home, you have a significant influence on
your child’s success.
While you will find our buildings and staff warm
and welcoming we remain focused on the work we do
to help all students master the high level skills our
students need to be successful in the future of their
dreams. But for some of us, the definition of skills for
success may mean something different than when
we were in high school. Tony Wagner, in his book
the Global Achievement Gap, talks about the skills
our students will need in today’s global economy,
they are 1) critical thinking and problem solving, 2)
collaboration, 3) agility and adaptability, 4) initiative
and entrepreneurialism, 5) effective oral and
written communication, 6) assessing and analyzing
information and 7) curiosity and imagination. To
master these seven skills we need to place greater
focus on depth versus breadth in the curriculum.
With the continued implementation of the Common
Core State Standards this year, we are ready.
I am looking forward to an exceptional year, strong
partnerships with parents and the community, great
kids giving their very best, comprehensive academic
and extracurricular programs and many, many
opportunities for student success. Have a great year.
Jacqueline Johnston, Superintendent
Administrative Changes
for 2013-2014
Please join us in welcoming the following
administrators in their new roles:
John DaVia, Interim Assistant
Superintendent for Human Resources,
former Principal at L’Anse Creuse
Middle School – North
Nina Davis, Principal for
L’Anse Creuse Middle School – East,
former Associate Principal for
L’Anse Creuse High School
Rochelle Gauthier, Chief Financial
Officer, former Controller for
L’Anse Creuse Public Schools
John Haas, Associate Director
for Frederick V. Pankow Center,
former counselor at Frederick V.
Pankow Center
Bob Lenhardt, Director for Finance,
former Auditor for L’Anse Creuse
Public Schools
Karen Nelson, Principal for Green
Elementary School, former Principal
for Tenniswood Elementary School
Paula Sorgeloos, Accounting
Supervisor, former Accountant for
L’Anse Creuse Public Schools
Kim Vigneron, Principal for
Tenniswood Elementary School,
former elementary ELA Coach
Alysia Williams, Associate Principal
for L’Anse Creuse High School, former
biology teacher a L’Anse Creuse
High School
Enrollment Fair
On August 6, the district held their third annual
school enrollment fair for new residents at the Harry
L. Wheeler Community Center and Administrative
Offices. The enrollment fair is designed to encourage
new L’Anse Creuse residents to enroll before the
first day of school in order to facilitate the proper
assignment to classes. Parents and students
who attended had the opportunity to familiarize
themselves with the services and resources offered
through the school district, pick up registration
packets and enroll their child(ren) onsite. Each new
student received a free book and a backpack filled
with school supplies. Preschool information and
details regarding School Age Child Care (SACC)
were also available.
“It was great; so many kids walked out with
the resources needed to start the school year,”
said Timm Couto, Coordinator of Student and
Information Services. “A lot of hard work went into
the event, and it was evident!”
A special thank you to the following organizations
who donated their time and supplies to make this
event possible: Sodexo for donating water and
snacks, Kensington Church, St. Hubert Parish,
Kerr Albert, Printing by Johnson and Northside
Church all contributed supplies to fill backpacks,
Kohl’s Cares in Chesterfield provided five event
volunteers and $500, and the L’Anse Creuse
Educational Foundation donated $1000 to
purchase books.
Second Annual Special Needs Bus Training
L’Anse Creuse Public Schools and the Macomb
Intermediate School District co-hosted the second
annual “Keeping Students Safe, Super Thursday
Special Needs Training” on July 18 attended by
districts from around Michigan and neighboring
states. This all day safety event trained school
employees in proper and safe techniques for
serving students and offered an opportunity for
practice drills for first responders. Presentations
and activities included crash testing products,
accident investigations, a mock courtroom
trial and a mock school bus crash. In addition,
small group sessions focused on special needs
transportation and bus evacuation, medical
jargon, wheelchair securement, car seat and
safety vest securement, seizure treatment, and
conducting proper investigations. Thank you to the many organizations involved in this safety training
event including University of Michigan, Michigan State University, St. Clair County Regional Educational
Service Agency, Clinton and Macomb Township Fire Departments, Medstar Ambulance, Clinton Township
Police Department, Survival Flight, Life Net, Q’Straint, Sure-Lok and the L’Anse Creuse transportation
staff for a tremendous event focused on keeping our children safe as they travel to and from school.
Bond Update
L’Anse Creuse Public Schools continues to “Deliver the
Promise” of the 2005 Bond by continuing renovations over
the summer to provide a venue that engages all students
in meaningful, rigorous learning communities. The district
believes that positive learning outcomes happen in quality
learning environments.
L’Anse Creuse Middle School – North completed a two-year
building renovation project. This summer, new band and choir
rooms were built to provide a quality facility for the performing
arts program. A new workroom and support personnel
offices were constructed. To complete the addition of a new
gymnasium, locker rooms were remodeled.
Students at L’Anse Creuse Middle School – East will return
to new carpeting in the halls and computer labs. Science labs
were retiled and the stage was resurfaced.
As the district embraces new, rigorous instructional
practices, L’Anse Creuse High School construction focused
on creating a facility that enhances teaching models and
creates an environment that maximizes student engagement
and academic
success. A new
computer lab
was designed to
the new, online foreign
The 2nd floor
received new
LCHS Second Floor
tile, carpet,
lockers, cabinetry, windows, paint, lights and HVAC units. The
media center and surrounding offices received new carpet. This
completes a two-year renovation of this building.
At the Frederick V. Pankow Center, you will see new ceramic
tile, carpet and cabinetry. A new paint booth, funded through
a Career and Technical Education grant, was installed in the
auto body shop.
New roofs were installed at the Frederick V. Pankow Center,
Donald J. Yacks and Tenniswood Elementary schools.
Ever vigilant of building safety, this summer marked the
final installation phase of overhead fire suppression sprinklers
in all facilities.
Student Accident Insurance
Effective July 1, 2013, L’Anse Creuse Public Schools does not
provide accident insurance for students. As a service to our
students and their families, L’Anse Creuse Public Schools has a
student plan that a family can purchased each school year at a
nominal cost. Families with uninsured students or who have primary
insurance with high deductibles and co-pays, may wish to review
plan information. Families with students who are participating
in interscholastic sports may also wish to review plan offerings.
Information regarding plan offerings is available on the district’s
web site, at >Parents>Community Help tab.
Middle School - North New Band Room
In 2005, the L’Anse Creuse community voted
to approve a $210 million bond for renovations,
remodeling, new construction, technology and
more. It is only through the combined efforts
and support of our community, parents, and
staff that L’Anse Creuse has been able to
maintain its success and provide a wonderful
place for children to learn.
Thank you for your continued support in
providing the resources to make L’Anse Creuse
Public Schools an exemplary school district!
Middle School - East Carpet
For every child’s protection, medications (over-the-counter or
prescribed) are to be kept in the office. All medication must
remain in the original prescribed container and labeled with
student’s name and dosage instructions. A district medication form
must be completed by the parent giving
specific instructions and permission for the
medication to be given. Medication must be
delivered by the parent to the office. Any
unused medication must be picked up by a
parent. No medications may be transported
on the bus.
Lunch Price Changes
The Federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act mandates that School
Food Authorities annually increase their paid meal prices under certain
circumstances. The legislation requires schools to charge a Weighted
Average Price of $2.59 or more in the 2013-2014 school year. In order to
comply with this law we are required to increase our prices. After careful
calculations and a comparison to neighboring districts, the changes noted
below will be implemented for the 2013-2014 school year.
Current Price
Revised Price Elementary $2.30 $2.35 Middle School $2.60 $2.70 High School $2.70 $2.75 Tier Pricing*
Annual Reports
Available Online
Annual reports for the district and each
school are available at then
click on Annual Report under “About Us.” If
you do not have computer access, contact
Aaren at (586) 783-6300 ext. 1214 to
request a copy to be mailed to you.
*Tier pricing allows for meals at the high schools that are more specialized
in nature, including made to order wraps and stir-fry. These specialized
meals are offered to the free and reduced students at no extra charge.
Our priority is to keep students fueled on healthy foods to ensure they are
ready to learn, while attempting to maintain affordable prices for
your family.
Check in:
Graham Elementary School
Gather up your friends,
maps and almanacs, it’s
ROAD RALLY time again!
6:00 pm
$12 per person
fun, food and
Limited space, so enroll early!
To pre-register, call (586) 783-6330 or register online at
Stay connected!
Follow L’Anse Creuse
Public Schools on...
ual rt
a repo
“L’Anse Creuse . . . a community
where all people work together
so that everyone succeeds.”
Facility Use
L’Anse Creuse Public Schools has
moved to an online system for
requesting use of school facilities
using SchoolDude CommunityUse.
CommunityUse provides universal
application to all users, whether
district staff, community organizations
or individuals. There are two steps to
your first use application:
1. Registration
2. Application
First-time users must complete
registration, by establishing a user ID
and password. Visit
and navigate to Community then
Facility Use.
Registration is processed by a
program administrator, who will email
you when your registration has been
complete (usually, within 24 hours).
After you have received confirmation
that your registration is complete,
you will enter your use application
through the CommunityUse program
It is important that you review all
provisions of Rules Governing Use
of School Facilities, which are also
explained on the CommunityUse site
(noted above).
Requests for spring/summer use of
athletic fields should not be submitted
prior to January 1, 2014. Requests
submitted prior to this date will be
declined, as district athletic calendars
for spring and summer activities will
not be finalized before this date.
Field Day at Chesterfield Elementary School
The community education program is now
registering for fall classes. Your children
can learn to swim at one of our high
schools, participate in a dance, tennis,
golf or karate class too! For adults, we
have aqua fitness and fitness classes,
computer training, trips and tours and
much more. Most classes begin the week
of September 16. For a complete listing
of all classes and program, check out
the brochure at, click on
departments and then select community
education. Hope to see you in one of our
classes soon! The community education
office number is (586) 783-6330.
Community Ed Fall 2013.indd 1
7/30/13 11:09 AM
School Age Child
Care (SACC)
Working parents, are you looking
for childcare before or after school for
your elementary age child? We offer
fee based before and after school care
at all ten elementary buildings. The
program provides arts and crafts,
games, outdoor or recreation time,
homework help, snack, and special
events and activities. Childcare
is also available on half days.
Preregistration is required.
All sites are licensed by the state of
Michigan. All staff are highly trained,
CPR and first aid certified and many
have their degree or certification
in child care or child development.
Registration information is available
online at Click on
departments and then select School
Age Child Care for the registration
packet. All completed paperwork
must be returned before your child
can attend SACC. Registration will
also take place at your child’s school
during packet pickup or open house.
If you need more information please
call the SACC main office at
(586) 493-5660.
Public Notice:
Pest Management
L’Anse Creuse Public Schools would
like to inform you that an Integrated
Pest Management (IPM) approach for
controlling insects, rodents and weeds
will be used at all buildings within the
district. Pest inspections will be performed
on a monthly basis, and a notice will be
posted at the main doors 72 hours prior
to inspection. Through maintenance and
cleaning, we will reduce or eliminate
available food and water sources and
hiding places for the pests. We will also
routinely monitor the school area to
detect pest problems and prevent the
pests from becoming established. Some
IPM techniques we will employ include
monitoring, increasing sanitation, sealing
entry points, physically removing pests
and modifying storage practices.
From time to time, it may be necessary
to use chemicals to control a pest
problem. Chemicals will only be used
when necessary and will not be routinely
L’Anse Creuse Community
Action Coalition
Our mission is to “Sustain a Safe and Healthy Community”
Call to Conversation!
Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013 • 7 PM – 9 PM
Harry L. Wheeler Community Center and Administration Offices
24076 F.V. Pankow Boulevard, Clinton Township
Impact of “TODAY’S” Marijuana on Youth
How is the Marijuana of “TODAY” different from the
Marijuana of the past?
2013-2014 Community
Please join us...
Action Coalition Meeting • Parents
• Youth
• Teachers
September 13, 2013
October 18, 2013
November 8, 2013
December 13, 2013
January 17, 2014
March 14, 2014
April 25, 2014
May 9, 2014
applied. When chemicals must be
used, the school will use the least toxic
products possible. Access to treated areas
will be secured against unauthorized
access for the period specified on the
pesticide label. Notices will be posted at
application areas and will remain there
until the posted re-entry time is met.
You may request prior notification of
specific applications made at the school.
To receive notification, you must be placed
on the notification registry. The registrants
will be notified at least 72 hours before
a pesticide is applied. If the chemical
application must be made to control an
emergency pest program, notice will be
provided as soon as possible after the
application. Exemptions to this notification
include cleaners, disinfectants, baits, gels
and any EPA-exempt pesticides.
If you would like to be placed on this
registry, please complete and return
the form to: Randy Baker, supervisor for
custodial services, 24400 F. V. Pankow
Boulevard, Clinton Township, MI 480361305 prior to Oct. 4, 2013. If there are
any further questions, call Baker at
(586) 783-6550, ext. 1102.
A new pesticide prior notification request must be filed annually.
Pesticide prior notification request
2013 - 2014
Parent/Guardian’s Name:
Student’s (Child’s) Name:
Daytime Phone:
School and/or Day Care Center:
Please check one:
pI wish to be notified prior to a scheduled pesticide treatment inside of the school/day care center.
p I wish to be notified prior to a scheduled pesticide treatment on the outside grounds of the school/day care center.
p Both of the above.
Prevention Coalitions
Medical Personnel
Social Workers
Business & Community members
Faith Community
Law Enforcement
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) Notice,
Consent and Opt-Out Information
The Protection of Pupil Rights
Amendment (PPRA) requires L’Anse
Creuse Public Schools to notify you
and obtain consent or allow you to
opt your child out of participating
in certain school activities. These
activities include a student
survey, analysis, or evaluation
that concerns one or more of the
following seven areas (“protected
information surveys”):
1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent;
2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or
student’s family;
3. Sex behavior or attitudes;
4. Illegal, anti-social, self-
incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
for the school year. When a
specific activity is scheduled,
you will:
5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships;
• Receive notice and an opportunity to opt a student out, and
6. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with
lawyers, doctors, or ministers;
• Inspect, upon request, before administration or use
7. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.
L’Anse Creuse Public Schools
has not been informed of dates
or timelines for surveys, health
screenings or other PPRA activities
Parents/eligible students who
believe their rights have been
violated may file a complaint with:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-4605
Student and Family Rights Concerning School Records
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parent(s)/guardian(s) and students over 18 years
of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. They are:
1. The right to inspect and copy the student’s education records within 45 school days of the day the district receives a request for access (more at
2. The right to request the amendment of the
student’s education records that the parent(s)/ guardian(s) or eligible student believes are
inaccurate, misleading or an invasion of privacy (more at
3. The right to permit disclosure of personally
identifiable information contained in the student’s
education records, except to the extent that the
FERPA or Michigan law authorizes disclosure without consent.
4. The right to be informed that, pursuant to
federal law and state mandate, records of suspension or expulsion action against the
student are considered to be a part of the
“student record” and the district is required
to transfer those records pertaining to
suspension or expulsion to any public or private
school in which the student has enrolled within
30 days of the date of the request from the other school.
5. The right to be informed that disclosure is permitted without consent to school officials
with legitimate educational or administrative interests. A school official is a person employed by the district as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit
personnel); a person serving on the Board;
a person or company with whom the district has
contracted to perform a special task (such as an
attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or
therapist); or the parent(s)/guardian(s) or
student serving on an official committee, such
as disciplinary or grievance committee, or
assisting another school official in performing
his/her tasks. A school official has a legitimate
educational interest if the official needs to
review an education record in order to fulfill his
or her professional responsibility. The right
to know that, upon request, the district discloses
education records, including records of
suspension or expulsion action against the student,
without consent to officials of another school
district in which a student has enrolled or intends
to enroll as well as to person(s) specifically required or allowed by state or federal law.
6. The right to know that disclosure is also
permitted without consent to: any person
for research, statistical reporting,
or planning, if no student or parent(s)/
guardian(s) can be identified; any person
named in a court order; and appropriate
persons if the knowledge of such
information is necessary to protect the
health or safety of the student or
other persons.
Directory Information
7. The right to prohibit the release of
directory information concerning the
parent(s)/guardian(s)’ child. Throughout
the school year, the district may release
directory information regarding students,
limited to:
Name, picture, videotape, grade level,
academic awards, degrees and honors,
information in relation to school sponsored
activities, organizations and athletics, and
major field of study.
8. The right to prohibit the release of
directory information concerning the
parent(s)/ guardian(s)’ child to Armed
Forces recruiting personnel. Student
information to be released to the Armed
Forces is to include: name, address, and
telephone number.
Any parent(s)/guardian(s) or eligible student may
prohibit the release of any or all of the above
information by delivering a written objection to the
building principal within 30 days of the date of this
notice. No directory information will be released within
this time period, unless the parent(s)/guardian(s) or
eligible student are specifically informed otherwise.
9. The right to file a complaint with the
U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the district to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
Washington, D.C. 20202-4605
For the complete Board policy, log on to:
and Complaint Procedure
for Students
The district will not discriminate against any
student based on gender, race, color, national
origin, religion, height, weight, marital status,
age, or disability. The board reaffirms its
long-standing policy of compliance with
all applicable federal and state laws and
regulations prohibiting discrimination.
Inquiries or complaints by students and/or their
parent(s)/guardian(s) related to discrimination
based on disability should be promptly directed
to: The Director for Special Education, L’Anse
Creuse Public Schools, 24076 F. V. Pankow Blvd.,
Clinton Township, MI 48036, (586) 783-6500.
Inquiries or complaints made by students
(grades Pre-K through 12) and/or their
parent(s)/guardian(s) related to discrimination
based on gender, race, color, national origin,
religion, height, weight, age, or marital status
should be directed to: Assistant Superintendent
for Personnel, Harry L. Wheeler Community
Center and Administrative offices, 24076 F.V.
Pankow Blvd., Clinton Twp., MI 48036.
(586) 783-6300. In the event a complaint
is against the Superintendent of Schools, the
complaint should be promptly directed to: VicePresident of the Board of Education, L’Anse
Creuse Public Schools, 24076 F. V. Pankow
Blvd., Clinton Township, MI 48036,
(586) 783-6300.
All other inquiries related to discrimination
should be directed to: Superintendent of
L’Anse Creuse Public Schools, Harry L. Wheeler
Community Center and Administrative offices,
24076 F.V. Pankow Blvd., Clinton Twp., MI
48036. (586) 783-6300.
Badge System for
Visitors, Volunteers,
Guest Teachers and Staff
For security purposes, the district is continuing
its practice of requiring all visitors, volunteers,
guest teachers and staff to wear an
identification badge while in any school
building. All persons entering a school building
are requested to immediately report to the
main office to obtain a visitor identification
Media Release
Throughout the school year, L’Anse Creuse Public
Schools uses photography as well as other
audio/visual equipment to record various school
and classroom activities, which may appear in
district publications and/or newspapers and
Internet or air on community access cable. If
you DO NOT want to have your child recorded,
please fill out the media release denial form,
which can be printed from,
under Parents, or request a copy from your
school. Return this form no later than Sept. 27,
2013, to the Office of School and Community
Relations, Harry L. Wheeler Community Center
and Administrative offices, 24076 F.V. Pankow
Blvd., Clinton Twp., MI 48036.
If you are planning a reunion, contact Aaren
Amersdorfer, Office of School and Community
Relations, at (586) 783-6300, ext. 1214
or e-mail at Reunion
information can be found at
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 31
Mt. Clemens, MI
Residential Customer
L’Anse Creuse Public Schools
Harry L. Wheeler Community Center
and Administrative Offices
24076 F. V. Pankow Blvd.
Clinton Township, MI 48036
Community Calendar
Hosted by
9/27 10/11 11/15 10/17-18
10/21 10/23
11/5 11/8-9
11/9 11/14
11/15 11/18 11/22-23
11/27-12/1 12/2
12/6 12/9
12/16 12/16
12/21-1/5 LCHS Homecoming Football turf LCHS vs. Utica HS
7 pm
LCHS-N Homecoming Football turf LCHS-N vs. Pt. Huron N 7 pm
7 pm
Board of Education Mtg. Wheeler Cntr. BOE Meeting 7 pm
Talent Show
7 pm
“Little Women”
7 pm
“Our Town”
7 pm
LC Foundation LCHS-N Mom2Mom Sale 9 am -1pm
Band Concert
Board of Education Mtg. Wheeler Cntr. BOE Meeting 7 pm
7 pm
South River
Choir Concert
7 pm
Choir Concert
7 pm
Band Concert
7 pm
Choir Concert
7 pm
Band Concert
7 pm
Choir Concert
7 pm
Combined Concert
7 pm
Choir Concert
7 pm
Choir Concert
7 pm
Band Concert
7 pm
7 pm
Board of Education Mtg. Wheeler Cntr. BOE Meeting 7 pm
Choir Concert
3:30 pm
Choir Concert
7 pm
Combined Concert
7 pm
Choir Concert
7 pm
*JAPAC is the John Armstrong Performing Arts Center, 24600 F. V. Pankow Blvd., Clinton Twp.
November 9
L’Anse Creuse High School - North
23700 Twenty One Mile Road,
Macomb, MI try)
ird en
a.m. (8:30
table rental
Call: 586-783-6300 ext. 1214 or download a contract at
$2 8:30 - 9 A.M.
$1 after 9 A.M.
Donald R. Hubler
Vice President
Charles W. Eslinger
Pamela L. Hornberger
Mary L. Hilton
Kenneth N. Hoover
Sharon L. Ross
Jacqueline Johnston
Edward Okuniewski
Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum
Rochelle Gauthier
Chief Financial Officer
John DaVia
Interm Superintendent for Human
Kelly Allen
Director for Public and
Community Relations
Erik Edoff
Executive Director for Secondary Education
Lisa Montpas
Executive Director for Elementary Education
Nancy Supanich
Director for Special Education
Sponsored by the...
Linda J. McLatcher
It is the policy of L’Anse Creuse Public Schools not
to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion,
national origin or ancestry, gender, age, disability,
height, weight or marital status in its programs,
services, activities, or employment. Inquiries related
to nondiscrimination policies should be directed to:
Civil Rights Coordinator, Assistant Superintendent
for Human Resources, L’Anse Creuse Public
Schools, Harry L. Wheeler Community Center and
Administrative Offices, 24076 F. V. Pankow Blvd.,
Clinton Township, MI 48036, and (586) 783-6300.
Nondiscrimination inquiries related to disability should
be directed to: Section 504 Coordinator, Director for
Special Education, (586) 783-6300.
...brings district
happenings to
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We are on WOW and selected
Comcast channels. See our
Web site for specific times at, navigate to
Departments and select
is published periodically for citizens by the
Office of School and Community Relations
and the L’Anse Creuse Board of Education
in cooperation with L’Anse Creuse parent
organizations and employees.
The Associated Press Stylebook is used as a
reference for grammar, punctuation and style.
The Achieving Excellence is produced by the
Office of School and Community Relations:
Kelly Allen
Director for Public and
Community Relations
(586) 783-6300, Ext. 1206
Aaren Amersdorfer
Assistant to Director for Public and
Community Relations
(586) 783-6300, Ext. 1214
Lori Spencer
Graphic Designer
(586) 783-6300, Ext. 1207
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