2011 Mississippi Collegiate DECA State Newsletter
2011 Mississippi Collegiate DECA State Newsletter
MISSISSIPPI COLLEGIATE DECA STATE NEWSLETTER s n o z i r o DECA H Volume 44, Issue I Spring 2011 2010-2011 State Action Team (Left to Right) front row: President Dakota Dale Secretary Veronica Barnes back row: Reporter Lanelle Young Parliamentarian Victoria Williams Chairperson Apryl Stafford . Dakota Dale, State President Greetings, Mississippi Collegiate DECA. Welcome to the 2011 Mississippi Collegiate DECA State Career Development Conference! It has been an honor, saying the least, to serve as your State Association President this past year. I am confident that each one of us will continue to attain personal and educational goals by “Expanding Your Network”. Collegiate DECA is a wonderful student organization, and I am positive each and every one of us are proud to be members. From your State President, good luck in your competitive events and I hope to see each and every one of you at the 50th Annual International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Florida! VOLUME 44, ISSUE 1 PAGE 2 2010-2011 STATE ACTION TEAM President Dakota Dale dktadale08@yahoo.com 601-408-2782 Pearl River CC Delana Harris dfoster@prcc.edu 601-403-1118 Reporter Lanelle Young younglanelle@nadata.net State Collegiate DECA Advisor & Conference Coordinator Tim Gilmore Northeast MS Community College 101 Cunningham Blvd. Box 1545 Booneville, MS 38829 662-720-7233 Fax: 662-720-7307 tdgilmore@nemcc.edu State Officer Coordinator Kristi Nielsen Oxford, MS 662-424-2778 flagday80@yahoo.com Northeast MS CC HM 662-816-5491 Tim Gilmore Michelle Schifano tdgilmore@nemcc.edu 662-720-7233 Gulfport, MS Parliamentarian Victoria Williams mandmschifano@yahoo.com secondemai@yahoo.com State Department of Education – 228-328-7050 Cell, 228-463-8907 Home State Coordinator Linda Craft and Janice Mabry Linda.craft@mgccc.edu 228-897-3770 Janice.mabry@mgccc.edu 228-897-3773 Chairperson Apryl Stafford ravendove@hughes.net 662-554-2277 (cell, day) 662-720-9681 (home, night) Northeast MS CC HM Tim Gilmore tdgilmore@nemcc.edu 662-720-7233 Welcome to the 2011 Career Development Conference (CDC). We celebrate annual conference with good participation in challenging economic times. Advisors, administrators, and you the students have worked extremely hard again this year to be able to participate in the many opportunities available through the best student organization in the nation “MS DECA”. In life I am often reminded of a Chinese proverb “The journey is the reward”. I would like to be one of the first to say thank you for allowing DECA to be an instrumental part of your life’s journey. 228-860-0361 Cell williams.victoria@yahoo.com MS Gulf CC Jeff Davis State Advisor’s Message State DECA Advisor State Collegiate DECA Advisor Charlotte Bryant Office of Student Organizations P.O. Box 771 Jackson, MS 39205-0771 601-576-5010 Fax: 601-354-7788 cbryant@mde.k12.ms.us I am here to serve you as both a supporter and an ambassador for Mississippi DECA. I ask your continued support as we “Expand Our Network” with MS DECA. Roger Babson said “It is wise to keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final”. Let us remember his words and the Chinese proverb as we leave here this week, because this is a journey and the results here are not your final destination. No matter what goal you are trying to achieve you have to visualize your success. Be determined and go after your dream. I look forward to seeing you at ICDC in Orlando, Florida. Enjoy the Conference! Charlotte Bryant, Mississippi DECA & Collegiate DECA State Advisor PAGE 3 DECA HORIZONS Lanelle Young, State Reporter Hello, Mississippi Collegiate DECA! It has been an honor to serve as your State Reporter this past year. Collegiate DECA is a wonderful and fun organization, and I am positive that each and every one of us are proud to be members. As your State Reporter, thank you for all your input to help to keep the web site and your newsletter up to date. Good luck in all your competitive events and I hope to see you at the International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Victoria Williams, State Parliamentarian I am honored beyond words to have served Networks here in Natchez, while bringing as your State Parliamentarian. your best to your competitive events. Where did the time go? This year has I hope all of you are planning to attend the passed, bringing with it another exciting International Career Development State Career Development Conference. Conference in Orlando, FL in April. I know you are all eager to Expand Your Until then, Good luck! Apryl Stafford , Chairperson Here’s to another State Career Development represent you as a member of your State Action Team. This past year has been Conference! We have made it here again. During my time as a State Officer, you, the another phenomenal learning experience, members, have helped me Make my Mark, and I couldn’t have enjoyed it more. allowed me the experiences to Live, Learn, and Lead and this past year you have all Good luck here in Natchez, Mississippi! I look Expanded my Network. forward to seeing you represent us in Orlando, Florida this April. I cannot express the joy it has been to Collegiate DECA Attributes and Values: Competition, Innovation, Integrity, Teamwork. VOLUME 44, ISSUE 1 PAGE 4 Tim Gilmore, State Advisor/Conference Coordinator Collegiate DECA has many opportunities for your involvement and growth as an individual and as a chapter. The only way you can gain from these opportunities is by participating in them. This is your organization and we are attempting to assist in providing you with various leadership, community service, networking, and professional development activities in Mississippi Collegiate DECA. We are always open to suggestions on how we can assist you in making Mississippi Collegiate DECA even more worthwhile as part of your educational efforts. Please let me know how we can improve our association at tdgilmore@nemcc.edu . Please support your State Action Team as they represent your interests and lead our State Association into the future. We are growing and expanding each year. You will find a lot of useful information on our web-site at www.msdeltaepsilonchi.org . Remember, Good Luck at our conference and, I hope to see you all in Orlando, Florida in April. Kristi Nielsen and Michelle Schifano, State Officer Coordinators What an adventure, Mississippi! Welcome to a new semester of opportunities to “Expand Your Network” with Collegiate DECA! We are sure your local chapter has many activities planned to help you sharpen your skills and enhance your network of connections. As the Mississippi Collegiate DECA State Officer Coordinators. We can assure you that this team of officers has worked hard to make sure every member has the opportunity to experience as much Collegiate DECA as you are able. For some members, becoming a state officer is the best way to experience Collegiate DECA. It is sometimes stressful and a lot of work. The benefits of being a state officer are too numerous to count and far too rewarding to measure. We are former officers ourselves. We can assure you of both work and stress. However, I can also assure you of stomach-aching laughter, strange nick-names, even stranger looks and life-long friendships, connections, and memories. . . Oh, the memories! Any former officer would be more than willing to speak with you about the responsibilities, requirements, and obligations of becoming a state officer for Mississippi Collegiate DECA. Most contact information can be found on our state website, as well as our Facebook page and/or most publications of Mississippi Collegiate DECA. While in attendance at our State Career Development Conference, We challenge each of Mississippi’s members to, first, meet as many “new” people as you can. Second, visit the officer candidate rally and get to know those willing to step up and take on the responsibility of leading your state association. Third, do your best in all your events/activities. Last, but not least, have fun! We hope to see you in April, at International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Florida. PAGE 5 DECA HORIZONS 2010-2011 Mississippi Collegiate DECA State Career Development Conference Winners Honorary Life Member Sally Porter, Hinds CC Jackson Teacher of the Year Sally Porter, Hinds CC Jackson 100% Membership Hinds CC Rankin Hinds CC Newsletter Recognition Hinds CC Rankin Hinds CC Rankin ‐ 1st Northeast MS CC HM Hinds CC Raymond Itawamba CC Pearl River CC Northeast MS CC HM State Charity‐ Contributions Northeast MS CC BMM Mississippi Gulf Coast Jefferson Davis Campus New Chapter Award University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Park Campus Chapter of the Year Southwest CC Copiah Lincoln CC Natchez Hinds CC Rankin 1 Hinds CC Jackson Northeast MS CC HM 2 Pearl River CC Pearl River CC 3 East MS CC HRM Northwest MS CC 4 Itawamba Copiah Lincoln CC 5 Northeast MS CC HM T-shirt & Pin Design Pearl River CC Banner Design Pearl River CC Hinds CC Rankin Northwest MS CC Hinds CC Raymond Northeast MS CC BMM VOLUME 44, ISSUE I PAGE 6 2010 Mississippi Collegiate DECA State Career Development Conference Winners Continued: Business Simulation Events Fashion Merchandising and Marketing Restaurant and Foodservice Management Patricia Rincon Hinds CC Rankin 1 Cheryl Moore East MS CC 1 Kolby Godfrey Southwest MS CC 2 Aaron Jenkins East MS CC 2 Jasmine Pope Northeast MS CC BMMT 3 Amber Beane Itawamba CC 3 Sarah Sanders Itawamba CC 4 Donna Gray Hinds CC Jackson 4 LaDetra Floyd Hinds CC Raymond 5 Roxanne Adams Hinds CC Rankin 5 Mitzi Sartin Northeast MS CC HM 6 Financial Services George Singley MS Gulf Coast JD 1 Hospitality Alicia Holifield Southwest MS CC 2 Haley Freeman Hinds CC Jackson 1 Courtney Shorter Hinds CC Raymond 3 Vijay Khurana Southwest MS CC 2 Sandra Oakman East MS CC 4 Buddie Rowel Itawamba CC 3 Michelle Allison Northeast MS CC BMMT 5 Samantha Oliver Co‐Lin CC Natchez 4 Regina Sloan East MS CC 5 Retail Management Donna Morelock Northeast MS CC HM 6 Solenia Cain Co‐Lin CC Natchez 1 Michael Holifield Southwest MS CC 2 Travel and Tourism Ashley Strange Pearl River CC 3 Kay Bryant Hinds CC Jackson 1 Rhonda Isbell Northeast MS CC BMMT 4 Apryl Stafford Northeast MS CC HM 2 Elisha Dozier Hinds CC Rankin 5 Brennan Purvis MS Gulf Coast JD 3 Taylor Stuart Northwest MS CC 6 Christina Beasley Northeast MS CC HM 4 Christopher Hawkins Hinds CC Jackson 5 Patricia Reese Co‐Lin CC Natchez 6 Mississippi Collegiate DECA Formally known as Delta Epsilon Chi PAGE 7 DECA HORIZONS 2 0 1 0 S tat e C D C P r e pa r e d B u s i n e s s P r e s e n tat i o n Advertising Campaign Sundee Lewis Pearl River CC 1 Sales Representative Ashley Strange Pearl River CC 1 Megan Walton Co‐Lin CC Natchez 1 Jessica Thompson Pearl River CC 1 Jackye White Northeast MS CC BMMT 2 John Clarkson Hinds CC Rankin 2 Vijay Khurana Southwest MS CC 3 Magen Harthcock Hinds CC Rankin 2 Levandia Fitzgerald Co‐Lin CC Natchez 4 Ashley Durr Hinds CC Rankin 2 Kolby Godfrey Southwest MS CC 5 Albert Edmonds Meridian CC 3 Donald Patrick Hinds CC Rankin 6 Christina Murray Meridian CC 3 Financial Statement Analysis Entrepreneurship Michelle Allison Northeast MS CC BMMT 1 Brittyn Miller Pearl River CC 1 Nina Thorn Northeast MS CC BMMT 1 Leigh Reed Hinds CC Rankin 2 Patricia Rincon Hinds CC Rankin 2 Web Site Design Elisha Dozier Hinds CC Rankin 2 Samantha Towers Hinds CC Rankin 1 Kathette Simmons Meridian CC 3 Haylee Pope Hinds CC Rankin 1 Casey Steele Co‐Lin CC Natchez 4 Solenia Cain Co‐Lin CC Natchez 2 Abby Brown Co‐Lin CC Natchez 4 Michael Bunales Pearl River CC 3 Frankie Stidham Northeast MS CC HM 5 Bruce Bunales Pearl River CC 3 Mitzi Sartin Northeast MS CC HM 5 Leona Shelton Meridian CC 6 Design Presentation Dorothy Thompson Hinds CC Raymond 1 Saadi Thurman Hinds CC Rankin 1 LeDedria Pendleton Hinds CC Raymond 2 VOLUME 44, ISSUE 1 PAGE 8 2 0 1 0 S tat e C D C C a s e S t u dy E v e n t W i n n e r s : Business to Business Marketing Human Resource Management Stephanie Brauchle USM Gulf Park 1 Marie Washington Hinds CC Rankin 1 Harmony Raffeo USM Gulf Park 1 Nina Thorn Northeast MS CC BMMT 2 Christy Myers Northeast MS CC BMMT 2 Micheal Hughey Southwest MS CC 3 Jackye White Northeast MS CC BMMT 2 Sharon Arnold Northeast MS CC BMMT 4 Amy Stephenson Northeast MS CC HM 3 Abby Brown Co‐Lin CC Natchez 5 Ashley Rogers Northeast MS CC HM 3 Shane Harrison Northeast MS CC HM 6 Tammie Randolph Itawamba CC 4 Debbie Taylor Itawamba CC 4 International Marketing John Clarkson Hinds CC Rankin 1 Business Ethics Ernesto Mora Hinds CC Rankin 1 Becky Hatfield Northeast MS CC BMMT 1 Michael Bunales Pearl River CC 2 Wes Rakestraw Northeast MS CC BMMT 1 Joshua Sanderson Pearl River CC 2 Leigh Reed Hinds CC Rankin 2 Samantha Taylor MS Gulf Coast JD 3 Haylee Pope Hinds CC Rankin 2 Victoria Williams MS Gulf Coast JD 3 Tammy Smithey Itawamba CC 3 Deborah Ball Itawamba CC 3 Marketing Management Rachel McKean Pearl River CC 4 Latoya Jackson Hinds CC Raymond 1 Sarah Ladner Pearl River CC 4 Andrew Lewis East MS CC 2 Dorothy Thompson Hinds CC Raymond 5 Tina Robinson Northeast MS CC BMMT 3 Jessica Watts Hinds CC Raymond 5 Sundee Lewis Pearl River CC 4 Sarah Marshall Northeast MS CC HM 6 Apryl Askew Northwest MS CC 5 Clarissa Milam Northeast MS CC HM 6 Lyric Wilkins Northwest MS CC 6 Business Law Sales Management Meeting Kathette Simmons Meridian CC 1 Dominique Nicks Hinds CC Raymond 1 LeAnn Adams Meridian CC 1 Darnelle Sanford Pearl River CC 2 Sarah Conner Hinds CC Rankin 2 Donald Patrick Hinds CC Rankin 3 Samantha Towers Hinds CC Rankin 2 Amber Patterson Northeast MS CC HM 4 Katie Davenport Pearl River CC 3 Hannah Bascomb Northeast MS CC BMMT 5 Dakota Dale Pearl River CC 3 Ray Milsaps Northeast MS CC BMMT 6 PAGE 9 DECA HORIZONS 2 0 1 1 S tat e C D C C a s e S t u dy E v e n t Winners Continued: 2010 Outstanding Local Chapter Member Sports and Entertainment Marketing Winner: Adam McDonald Hinds CC Jackson 1 Jessica Thompson Pearl River CC James Brokaw Hinds CC Jackson 1 Finalists: Adam Rippie Meridian CC 2 Christy Myers Northeast MS CC BMMT Chris Burks Meridian CC 2 Stephanie Brauchle University of Southern MS Gulf Park Walter Sparks Hinds CC Rankin 3 Roxanne Adams Hinds CC Rankin Ashley Durr Hinds CC Rankin 3 Aaron Simmons Northeast MS CC HM Timothy Kennedy Northeast MS CC BMMT 4 Brandon Ricketts Northeast MS CC BMMT 4 Jessica Thompson Pearl River CC 5 Chris Palmisano Pearl River CC 5 Jonathan McClendon Hinds CC Raymond 6 Quinton Fields Hinds CC Raymond 6 Mississippi Culinary Arts Academy 1st 3rd 5th Northwest MS CC MS Gulf Coast CC Jefferson Davis Northeast MS CC HM Nakevia Joyner Scott Plauche Jimmy Miles Amanda Sayles Hilton Lizano Robert Settles Judy MacKanally Veronica Barnes 4th 2nd East MS CC 6th Northeast MS CC HM David Wilkerson Copiah Lincoln CC Zack Grier Eric Stewart Darrel Harris Ginger Carter Patricia Reese Aaron Simmons Yvette Green PAGE 10 VOLUME 44, ISSUE 1 SUPPORT $$$$ SAVE MONEY $$$$ BY PURCHASING YOUR DECA IMAGES MERCHANDISE HERE, AT STATE CONFERENCE, YOU DON’T HAVE TO PAY SHIPPING AND HANDLING COST. Alumni Division Purpose Statements • To assist international, state and local Conferences: Event Assistant, Judge, Chaperone, associations in the growth and development Conference Staff of DECA. Chapter: Competition Preparation, Guest Speaker • • Alumni Division Opportunities for Service To provide a means by which DECA students Assist is promoting the Mississippi DECA Foundation can maintain association with DECA. Serve as an Alumni Division Officer (Meetings are in To encourage support of DECA programs of August and January) student activity on the local, state, and/or international levels. • To provide College Scholarships and International Competitive Event Travel Scholarships. PAGE 11 DECA HORIZONS Northeast Mississippi Community College HM Chapter Well, Mississippi, NEMCC HM Chapter has had an insanely busy year! Before the fall semester even started in July, we recruited members during Orientation Sessions and in August, we got the ball rolling with a trip to the Mississippi / Louisiana Restaurant show to witness the innovations and products available in the Hospitality Industry. With new classes in September, we elected new Chapter Officers to lead us through the year. October was by far our busiest month: We attended the Fall Leadership Conference in Raymond, had our annual DECA Week Pot Luck Luncheon for Faculty, Staff and Administration on campus, and our Battle of the Bands Fundraiser! Also in October, we participated with the NEMCC Student Government Association in their campus‐ wide ‘pink glove’ music video on youtube to help raise awareness for breast cancer. Rounding out this spook‐tacular month, we again teamed with the SGA to cater their Halloween dance! got to find out exactly where our DECA students have been spending their time, culminating in our Officer Installation Ceremony. November was also the month where we launched our Coat Drive for needy children in our area and our chapter advisor was able to represent our chapter at the Collegiate Leadership Academy in New York. In December, we recruited prizes and sold tickets for a chance to win the prizes. In addition, we adopted three Angels from local Angel Trees for the Christmas season. We ultimately took a breather with our Fall Semester Christmas Social at a local restaurant. The time off didn’t dull our edge though, and in the new year we hosted the District III High School DECA Conference, and the Regional TSA Conferences! In February, we again teamed with our SGA to cater their Valentine’s Dance, as well as sold Valentine’s Cakes as a fundraiser. We also helped students activities with a Super Bowl November wasn’t a time for breath as we Party. prepared for our Friend and Family Night dinner, NEMCC HM has plans to stay busy, preparing where the loved ones of chapter members finally ourselves for ICDC in April! President: Vice President: Donna Morelock Reporter: Joyce Lee Parliamentarian: Tonya Bell Secretary: Will Stubbs Advisor: Tim Gilmore Historian: Arrate Madrid Lanelle Young The new officers had several goals and objectives that they wanted to accomplish this year: • Recruiting new Collegiate DECA members • Participating in community activities and supporting local and national charities • Fundraising and preparing for state and international Collegiate DECA conferences • Creating lasting relationships between Collegiate DECA and local business leaders VOLUME 44, ISSUE 1 PAGE 12 Fall 2010 - Hinds Community Rankin Campus Collegiate DECA Participates in American Heart Association Heart Walk Pearl River Community College Collegiate DECA Members Expand their Network! The Pearl River Collegiate DECA Chapter got their year started by attending their annual Fall Leadership Conference. The day conference was held on October 5 at the C.M. Brewer Conference Center in Raymond, Mississippi. This conference is designed to introduce new DECA members to the competitive events and opportunities available through membership with the organization. At the conference, students received valuable information on how to enhance their professional skills and how to “stand out” in a competitive job market. With this being the first official conference of the school year, students from Pearl River also had the chance to meet with other Collegiate DECA members from across the state attending other community and senior colleges. “This is a great way for students from our local chapter to learn what other groups are doing in terms of fundraising, charitable work, and how they are preparing for their competitive events” stated Dakota Dale‐PRCC DECA member and State Collegiate DECA President. 10‐10‐10! This was the date the Rankin Campus Collegiate DECA Chapter of Hinds Community College participated in the American Heart Association Heart Walk in downtown Jackson. Hinds Community College was one of many major sponsors of the heart walk providing many “teams” to fundraise and walk. Teams met at the State Capitol Sunday, October 10th and walked through downtown Jackson. The Rankin Campus Marketing and Fashion Marketing had teams participate in this year’s heart walk. The “Marketing Gurus” raised a total of $365.00 and the “Fashionistas” raised a total of $146.00 for a grand total of $511.00 Pictured left to right back row: Ginny Taylor, Fashion Instructor; Jane Foreman, Marketing Instructor and DECA Advisor; Lindsey Ponder, Fashion student, Mrs. Pratt Leflore and husband Pratt Leflore who is a marketing student. Also pictured Ginny Taylor and Pratt Leflore’s children. The Collegiate DECA State Officers also gave students an inside look on what it takes to be successful when competing within the organization. Students then received the opportunity to test these skills by participating in a mock role‐play event while at the conference. Three students from Pearl River competed in the simulated event and were recognized as 1st place winners in their competitive sections. The winning students from Pearl River were Donni Winn of Picayune, Zach Kirschenheuter of Poplarville, and Jacob Golden of Poplarville. These students as well as the entire Pearl River Chapter hope to medal in the top 3 places at the State Collegiate DECA Conference in February and travel to the International Conference that will be held in sunny Orlando, Florida this April. DECA HORIZONS PAGE 13 Fall 2010 ‐ Hinds Community Rankin Campus Collegiate DECA Participates in County Wide Back‐To‐School Bash The Rankin Campus Collegiate DECA Chapter of Hinds Community College in conjunction with NewDay Mississippi and Bancorp South Bank participated in the annual “Back‐To‐School Bash” which helps struggling families in Rankin County by providing their school age children with school supplies and two outfits of clothing for the new school year. This year 150 families with a total of 435 children were assisted. Families eligible for the assistance received two sets of clothing, school supplies, and a back pack for each child enrolled in school grades K‐ 12. The Rankin Campus Collegiate DECA students worked 5 days during July to assist NewDay in organizing and merchandising the clothing and school supplies. They also assisted in the handout of items to the families. “My students gave up a week of their summer to help these kids and NewDay Mississippi. I am so proud of their hard work and commitment to help these kids. To see the faces of the kids receiving new school supplies and clothes is so heartwarming” stated Jane Foreman, Collegiate DECA Advisor. Pictured 2nd from the left to right front row: Haylee Pictured left to right: Courtney Shorter, Cason Pope, student; and students Pratt Leflore and Sadie Foreman, DECA Advisor; Earline Ashley, Johnson. Also pictured are Bancorp South employees Executive Director NewDay MS; Gooch, and University of Mississippi Extension Services. Earline Ashley, Haylee Pope and Walker Sparks merchandising blue jeans Directions to Collegiate DECA Websites Type address www.mscollegiatedeca.com YOU’RE THERE!!!! We hope you enjoy the pictures and information that can be found on our website!! VOLUME 44, ISSUE I PAGE 14 Basic Newsletter Guidelines • • Articles need to typed. Articles must be read and approved by Chapter Advisor. Articles may be submitted via mail or email along with name, address, and phone number of a contact person for each article submitted. Photos are welcomed. Please identify people in pictures. Chapter of the Year “Scrapbook” Guidelines (Traditional Bound or Digital) • Table of Contents Required • Conference Attendance 20 • 2010 State 2010 International 2010 Fall Conference • 2010 Collegiate Leadership Academy • Leadership/Professional Development 20 Professional Conference Newsletter/ Web Design Award Judging Seminars/Workshops Guidelines Officer Elections/Program of Work 15 Meets submission guidelines Misc. Projects 10 Neatness, article title, grammatically • Public Relations/Membership Development 20 correct Documented Activities 10 Pictures; including names of all persons Chapter Roster Submitted by Due Dates 10 Length Evaluation of articles Promotion of DECA Week 15 Chapter involvement activities Submit Articles to State Newsletter & 10 Community service activities Website 5 Leadership development activities • Community/College Service Activities 25 15 Membership development activities Documented Activities Professional development activities 10 Support of the State Designated Charity 100 Points • Fundraiser and Other Chapter Activities 20 Documented Activities Send photo(s) and articles to: Recruit Full State Sponsorship ($250.00) Collegiate DECA State Reporter Passport Program Chapter c/o Tim Gilmore Passport Program Student Northeast MS Community College • Scrapbook Design 25 Hotel and Restaurant Management Cover and Scrapbook Creativity NEMCC Box 1545 Neatness Booneville, MS 38829 or Captions, Section Titles, Pictures Labeled Fax: 662‐720‐7307 Organization Email: tdgilmore@nemcc.edu Overall Impression Total 130 (max) DECA HORIZONS PAGE 15 2010 International Career Development Conference Winners ICDC First Place Winner, Apryl Stafford with NEMCC President Dr. Johnny Allen and Advisor Mr. Tim Gilmore 1st Place Dakota Dale & Katie Davenport Apryl Stafford Pearl River CC Travel & Tourism Marketing Management Business Law Team Northeast MS CC Hospitality Management Haylee Pope 2nd Place Web Site Design Hinds CC Rankin Vicki Williams National Management Institute MS Gulf Coast CC Jefferson Davis Finalists LeAnn Adams & Kathette Simons Top 10 Stephanie Brauchle & Harmony Raffeo Business Law Team Meridian CC Business-to-Business Marketing Team University of Southern MS –Gulf Park Saadia Thurman Design Presentation Hinds CC Rankin PAGE 16 VOLUME 44, ISSUE I Fall 2010 - Hinds Community College Rankin Campus Collegiate DECA – Raises Over $1,200 in Christmas Project The Rankin Campus Collegiate DECA Chapter of Hinds Community College in conjunction with T & D Furniture in Pearl, MS held a non‐perishable food and toy drive this past November and December. This is the second year to partner with T & D Furniture and Collegiate DECA Alumni and store managers, Nylander and Shawn Cochran. Current student/employee Katherine Schneider helped to coordinate the drive again this year. The drive was publicized on T & D Furniture’s television ads throughout the month of November. Patrons of T & D Furniture brought in items for a chance to win a $500 gift certificate from the store and DECA students collected additional items from family, friends and other students/faculty of Hinds. This year’s fundraiser topped last year’s total of $1,000. This year over $600 in non‐perishable food items and $600 in toys were collected. The nonperishable and frozen turkeys were delivered to The Stewpot in Jackson to help feed homeless and families who have fallen on hard times. According to the Mississippi Food Network, whose mission is “to eliminate poverty‐related hunger” in the area, there was a 30% increase in persons needing assistance in 2010. Many working families, not homeless or lazy, referred to as the “working poor,” sought help from the Mississippi Food Network or Stewpot and had to be turned away due a lack of food donations. Additionally, over $600 in toys were collected for Toys for Tots and taken to the Marine Headquarters in Jackson. Many children woke up with toys because of the generosity of T & D Furniture and the Rankin campus students. “If my two‐year‐old son did not have any gifts to open, I know I would feel really bad on Christmas morning,” said Business Marketing major, Walker Sparks, age 20, of Brandon, and member of DECA, “Toys for Tots brightens up a child’s Christmas.” Great job on community service Hinds Rankin Collegiate DECA chapter! Pictured left to right: Katherine Schneider (student and T & D Furniture employee); Toys for Tots Coordinator 1stSgt Gordon M. "Seth" Miller; and students Courtney Shorter and Walker Sparks. Pictured left to right: Courtney Shorter, Walker Sparks and Shawn Cochran (T & D Furniture) delivering nonper‐ ishable food and frozen turkeys to Stewpot in Jackson 2010 ICDC Passport Executive Award Northeast Mississippi Community College 2010 ICDC Mississippi Advisor of the Year Sally Porter Hinds CC Jackson Hospitality and Tourism Management/Culinary Arts PAGE 17 DECA HORIZONS Students Show Support The month of October has been set aside by the American Cancer Society as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to the American Cancer Society, Breast Cancer affects 1 out of every 6 women over their life time. With the disease affecting so many lives; Collegiate DECA decided to show their support for this worthy cause. approximately 400,000 units annually. The plant in Canton currently produces the Nissan Quest, Titan, Armada, and Altima vehicles. Through coursework in the areas of human resource management and entrepreneurship; students learn how vital it is for American companies today to become more efficient in meeting market demands. These classroom lessons were reinforced as Nissan representatives discussed topics such as JIT (just in time) manufacturing, OSHA standards, and employee training programs and incentives. In terms of human resource The organization chose to design a t‐shirt that would show their support in the fight against this disease. The t‐shirt design was created by the students and was sold for $10 each. A portion of the profits from each shirt were donated to the American Cancer Society for continual research in hopes of finding an ultimate cure management, the plant provides jobs to 3,500 for the disease. employees who represent 80 of Mississippi’s 82 This is the fourth year that Collegiate DECA has chosen counties. to support this cause and participate in raising funds. The students also received a tour of the Mississippi State The group sold approximately 400 shirts and has set the Capital and were recognized from the Senate floor by goal for next year at 500 shirts. Friday, October 24 was Senator Tom King. The group also received the set aside as a “causal Friday” at the college to wear the opportunity to meet Representative Mark Formby and shirts and display support. The organization would like Representative Herbert Frierson while touring. Students to say thank you for all of the support the college and and instructors who attended the trip were: Katie community has shown in making this event such a Davenport‐Wiggins, Sarah Ladner‐Waveland, Brittany success. Scarbrough‐Hattiesburg, Josh Shaw‐Gulfport, Ollie Dock‐ Students Learn from Industry’s Best Students and Collegiate DECA members studying within the Business Marketing and Management program received the opportunity to learn first hand how a real manufacturing facility operates. On January 26, these students traveled to Canton, MS and toured the Nissan manufacturing plant. The Nissan plant stretches over 1400 acres, has 27 miles of conveyor lines, and produces Lucedale, Zach Kirschenheuter‐Poplarville, Summer McLain‐Bay St. Louis, Daryl Schrock‐Picayune, Austin Herrin‐Purvis, Epiphany Magee‐Pascagoula, Justin Duncan‐Poplarville, Melissa Blanchard‐Bay St. Louis, Vincent Campus‐Necaise, Rachelle Dillard‐Picayune, Russell Herndon‐Poplarville, Brad Ladner, Carol Williams, and Delana Harris VOULUME 44, ISSUE I PAGE 18 PAGE 19 Hinds CC Raymond Collegiate DECA Hosts 2011 High School District I DECA Competition DECA HORIZONS Twenty members of the Hinds CC Raymond Collegiate DECA chapter assisted Advisors Dana Bailey and Clayton Marble in hosting the “Get Electrified” District I High School DECA Competition held in January on the Raymond Campus. In addition to help facilitate the conference, students assisted high school advisors in running the 25 competitive events by giving the written tests and assisting in role play preparations. Six additional students also served as judges in Travel and Tourism, Apparel and Accessories, Public Speaking, Retail Management, and Marketing Communications Team Event, and Principles of Marketing. Serving as judges were Wayne Miller, LaToya Jackson, Melody Donald, Quinton Fields, Dorothy Thompson, and Ursula Covington. After competing in their competitive events, high school DECA members were treated to tours of the Raymond Campus which included a tour of the Business and Marketing Management Technology Department. Part of the MMT/FMT tours featured numerous student exhibits that included Fashion Dress Codes, Spring 2011 Fashion Trends, Original Fashion Designs, and Entrepreneurship at Work. Raymond Collegiate DECA members assisting throughout the high school DECA conference were: (Front Row) Clayton Marble, Associate Advisor; and Dana Bailey, Chapter Advisor. (Row 2) Quinton Fields, Taclinthia Smith, Melody Donald, Krystal Watts, and Ursula Covington. Congratulations to Hinds CC Raymond Collegiate DECA member, LaToya Jackson, for winning 1st Place in the 2011 International Online Sales Challenge Event sponsored by M & M Productions! LaToya won 1st Place as well as winning a $500.00 cash prize. LaToya will be recognized on stage in Orlando at the 2011 International Career Development Conference. LaToya is a second year Collegiate DECA member majoring in Fashion Marketing Technology on the Raymond Campus. Last year in Collegiate DECA, LaToya won 1st Place in Marketing Management at State Competition in Tupelo. LaToya’s advisors are Dana Bailey and Clayton Marble. Congratulations LaToya Jackson! 2010 ICDC Chapter Leadership Award and State Leadership Award Copiah Lincoln CC Natchez Northwest MS CC Solenia Cain, Megan Walton Nakevia Joyner, Apryl Askew Hinds CC Rankin Pearl River CC Roxanne Adams, Samantha Towers Jessica Thompson, Brittyn Miller Northeast MS CC HM Southwest MS CC Apryl Stafford, Aaron Simmons Michael Holifield, Kolby Godfrey University of Southern MS Gulf Park Stephanie Brauchle, Harmony Raffeo State Leadership Award Apryl Stafford Northeast MS CC HM Jessica Thompson Pearl River CC NAME The official name of this association shall be the Mississippi Association of Collegiate DECA. PURPOSE Mission Statement: Collegiate DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. DECA’s Comprehensive Learning Program: Integrates into Classroom Instruction An integral component of classroom instruction, DECA activities provide authentic, experiential learning methods to prepare members for college and careers. Applies Technology DECA members put their knowledge into action through rigorous project-based activities that require creative solutions with practical outcomes. Connects to Business Partnerships with business at local and broader levels provide DECA members realistic insight into industry and promote meaningful, relevant learning. Promotes Competition As in the global economy, a spark of competition drives DECA members to excel and improve their performance. DECA prepares the next generation to be: Academically Prepared DECA members are ambitious, high-achieving leaders equipped to conquer the challenges of their aspirations. Community Oriented Recognizing the benefit of service and responsibility to the community, DECA members continually impact and improve their local and broader communities. Professionally Responsible DECA members are poised professionals with ethics, integrity and high standards. Experienced Leaders DECA members are empowers through experience to provide effective leadership through goal setting, consensus building and project implementation.
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