PTI Newsletter Jan – Feb 2016


PTI Newsletter Jan – Feb 2016
 Playhouse Theatre Newsletter Number: 1 January/ February 2016 Presidents Patter Welcome to the start of 2016, and Happy New Year to all. This year we are starting off with a “BANG” -­‐ JOSEPH AND HIS AMAZING TECHNICOLOUR DREAMCOAT, Directed by John Fossett and something a lot of our members have constantly requested. Next will be SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER and we welcome John Goudge as Director assisted by Kathy Lowe for this show, and will finish with FOUR FLAT WHITES IN ITALY by Roger Hall and this will be a part of his 40th Anniversary Celebrations, and is to be Directed by Regan Crummer. In recognition of the past year, I am pleased to announce the success of all shows presented as indicated in the acknowledgement of Nominees in the varying categories at the NAPTAS and ACTT Awards, my sincere congratulations, and thanks for your splendid effort to you all. Pleasing to see that not only did we increase our patronage to shows, but the performances and performers are acknowledged with pride. Every show produced had excellent support, and complimentary comments indicating enjoyment and acknowledgement of a desire to return to our theatre for future shows, which is one thing we have sadly lacked for a while. Each show, as stated, was excellent and enjoyed by all, and I do not wish to exclude anyone’s efforts, by reporting that for the Gala Night of CALENDAR GIRLS, which was a fundraiser performance for the Cancer Society, I was extremely proud to present the Society with a cheque for $1,200 which was the profit from that night, and a “bucket full” of cash from the donation box in the foyer for the duration of the show, totalling $547.96. Sarah Frayne, on behalf of the Community Fundraising Coordinator accepted these items on 24th December, and we have received a Thank You letter and receipt in recognition. President-­‐ Nathalie Robins. Cats of Ponsonby Playhouse Theatre April 2015 Playhouse Theatre Newsletter Number: 1 January/ February 2016 Playhouse Survey: very much to all the individuals Thank you who took the time to complete the various surveys we created to help identify our strengths and most importantly where we are falling down so we can fix it !!!! Our members are extremely important to us, yes that means you too. Communication: Communication was pinpointed as one of the areas that needed work. So if you or others you know are not getting our Newsletter, member emails or any content from us please email us their details so we can add them to our data base!!!! Also if only one person in the family is receiving it give us yours so you get it too! Wardrobe Whispers: The Playhouse wardrobe h ire re-­‐opens on Wednesday 8th February from 2-­‐4 pm and Fridays from 5-­‐7 pm. If you h ave any enquiries or would like to arrange alternative meeting time p lease phone Wardrobe Manager Nathalie on (09) 813 3327 or email Playhouse Theatre Next Gen: We are extremely excited to be launching a brand new Next Gen Facebook page named “Playhouse Theatre Next Gen” so if you are 14-­‐24 years old search the group and click “Join”!! Properties and set Dressing Hire: We have an extensive range of props that can be hired for any occasion. There are also member and group discounts!!! For enquiries or to arrange an appointment please email Properties Manager James Grant on The aim of this page is for the n ext generation of Playhouse to share ideas and work together as a team to eventually host and create minor productions and family fun theatre nights for our membership. It has been a great space so far for young adults to share their ideas, come join us!! Joseph and the amazing Technicolor Dream coat This will be staging at Playhouse from April 16th till the 30th!!!! We held very successful children’s auditions but still have room for a few more children and several more male and female adult cast. If you are keen to get involved onstage or backstage email PTI secretary on Saturday Night Fever: Playhouse is excited to announce John Goudge as the Director, we are very lucky to have such a h igh calibre leader. Auditions are being held on May 7th 2016 (Season 6th-­‐ 20th August). so watch out on our Facebook page and membership emails letting you know of the details. If you are k een to be involved in Saturday Night Fever on or off stage email the Committee on: If you have not already joined our Facebook group then you are missing out!! Come along and join us at “Playhouse Theatre Incorporated” The Facebook page is full of details about all our shows and club nights and also competitions for free tickets. Four Flat Whites in Italy Playhouse Management Committee is proud to announce that Regan Crummer will be the Director of this fine show. We are proud to announce our play for 2016, Four Flat Whites in Italy. Written By Roger Hall. Watch out for audition notices in 2016 for this great play. Performance dates are 2 7th October to 5th November
Membership contributions: If anyone has feedback, ideas or any general ideas we would greatly appreciate to h ear from you!!!! Please email Committee representitive on Our 5 year planning meeting: The Committee, our Patron Dorothy Chisholm and a few other hand-­‐picked members gathered to develop a 5 year plan for our theatre company. This included creating a mission statement, our clubs values and what we want to achieve over a 5 year period and how we will do this. It is extremely exciting that Playhouse is participating and also that we are one of the pioneering theatres in Auckland. It is important to look at where we are now and decide where we want to be in the future. However this initial meeting was only the very beginning in our clubs p lan so stay tuned for more exciting information. ACTT Nomination success for Playhouse Theatre: Playhouse Theatre Incorporated was delighted to receive numerous ACTT nominations, which were awarded for our 2015 seasons of Nana’s Naughty Knickers, Happy Days and Calendar Girls: Best Director - Pauline Vella, Happy Days
Best Female in a Leading Role - Helen
Davies, Calendar Girls
Best Female in a Leading Role - Juleigh Parker, Calendar Girls
Best Male in a Leading Role - Lane Twigden, Happy Days
Best Male in a Leading Role - Tim Northover, Happy Days
Best Ensemble - Calendar Girls
Best Ensemble - Happy Days
Best Female in a Supporting Role - Francene McIlroy, Calendar Girls
Best Male in a Supporting Role - Paulo Va'a, Happy Days
Best Female in a Minor Role - Alina Kireeva, Calendar Girls
Best Female in a Minor Role - Angela March, Happy Days
Best Female in a Minor Role - Barbara Hart, Calendar Girls
Best Female in a Minor Role - Kristal Snow, Happy
Best Female in a Minor Role - Linda Earl, Calendar Girls
Best Female in a Minor Role - Lygia Verhoven, Happy Days
Best Female in a Minor Role - Wanja Caree, Nana's Naughty Knickers
Best Male in a Minor Role - Joshua Williams, Happy Days
Best Male in a Minor Role - Tal Brink, Happy Days
Best Stage Management - Neil Grant, Happy Days
Best Stage Management - Neil Grant, Calendar Girls
Best Set Design - Bob Jessopp, Calendar Girls
Best Set Design - Bob Jessopp, Nana's Naughty Knickers
Best Sound Design - Daniel Elliott, Calendar Girls
Best Lighting Design - Mark Wintle, Happy Days
Best Lighting Design - Mark Wintle, Nana's Naughty Knickers
Best Costume Design - June Macdonald, Calendar Girls
Best Costume Design - June Macdonald, Nana's Naughty Knickers
Best Costume Design - Judy Hall, Val Ellis & Nathalie Robins, Happy Days
On behalf of the wider club the Playhouse Committee extends their warmest congratulations to all the nominees and everyone involved in these fabulous productions. These were exceptional shows and we should all be very proud!!!!!! If you wish to attend you can purchase tickets on Cancer Society Fundraising from Calendar Girls: After t he huge success of Calendar Playhouse is proud to announce that we raised $1,800 for the cancer society. This was achieved by donating the profits from our designated fundraising night and from g enerous donations placed in the fundraising bucket. Playhouse Awards Winners: The 2015 winners of the annual Playhouse awards were announced at our yearly Christmas show. A massive congratulations to the recipients and to everyone else involved in making 2015 such a success. Dorothy Chisholm Youth Award: Winner: Liam Wilkinson Karen Mason Backstage Award: Winner: James Grant The Most (Bad) Points Award: Winner: Lighting team The Best Blooper Award: Winner: Neil Grant The wardrobe ladies desperately need more volunteers to help them out, email or phone our President Nathalie on: Committee Corner: Our hard working executive team that run Playhouse are working hard to make Playhouse the premier theatre company. Nathalie Robins (President) John Michie (Vice-­‐President) Dorothy Chisholm (Patron) Pauline Vella (Treasurer) Vanessa Macdonald (Secretary) Committee Members: Lara Williams James Grant Kim Wilkinson Lili M Cgregor Don’t forget our Playhouse AGM held end of March!! Date TBC. (09) 813 3327 or Membership perks and Discounts: The Committee is currently reviewing our membership benefits and discounts system to ensure that you get the most out of your membership! Members and volunteers are the heart and soul of community societies like Playhouse so we are investigating ways to spoil our members. Watch this space! Copyright © 2015 Playhouse
Theatre Inc., All rights
Our Mailing Address is: PO Box 20-­‐230 Glen Eden Auckland 0641 PRESIDEN