2016 excursion planner
2016 excursion planner
w w w. e kk a. co m .a u 2016 excursion planner Welcome Each year thousands of students leave the confines of the classroom to enjoy a memorable and unique handson learning experience at Queensland’s largest classroom. The Royal Queensland Show (Ekka) remains the most anticipated occasion on the Queensland calendar. Ekka is the longest running and largest public event in Queensland and this year is no exception. This guide will help you kick start your Ekka planning. The RNA is committed to providing a first class educational program for schools. Ekka has a huge range of free, educational and interactive activities to nurture and cultivate learning. More activities and presentations will be added to our program in the coming months. Before you get to Ekka, log on to our website www.ekka.com.au to find out up-to the-minute information. We hope that you and your students have a fantastic day at the Ekka and experience all the hands activities we have on offer. Please contact the Education Coordinator or Ekka Sales Executive at education@ekka.com.au or phone 3253 3900 if you have any questions regarding your excursion. Using This Guide Tickets The icons listed throughout this guide are designed to help you understand the type of displays, exhibits and demonstrations available at Ekka. The Royal Queensland Show will be held from Friday 5 to Sunday 14 August 2016. We are again offering special rates for school groups. Hands on School group rates include: Your students have the opportunity to get hands on at these interactive displays or activities. Investigate Resources are available on our website to accompany this activity or display. Please see the Teacher Resource page for more information. The Ekka Learning Trail is the only resource material that can be collected at Ekka. Listen Students can listen in on live demonstrations. Look Students can view both static and live displays, competitions and demonstrations. • One (1) Free Adult/Teacher with every five (5) students purchased (Prep – Year 12). • Student rate is $15.00 per person for students aged 14 years or younger. • Students 15 years or older are $20.50. • If additional Adult/Teacher passes are required, they are at a discounted rate of $24.00 per person. School Groups must be pre-booked. To receive your tickets and information pack, payment is required prior to your excursion. The cut-off date for this year’s event is Friday 22 July. To arrange for your school to visit Ekka, please complete the Ekka 2016 School Group Booking Form (on the last page of this booklet) or you can book your tickets online at www.ekka.com.au Areas of Interest Agriculture Precinct Where:Agriculture Precinct When: 9am to 7pm Ages: All ages The Agriculture Precinct, fondly known as the AgHall, is transformed into a bright and colourful display of giant vegetables and exciting hands on displays. Beef Cattle Judging Where: Community Arena When: Friday 5 August Ages: All ages More than 1,000 head of beef cattle will descend on the Ekka to be paraded, judged, and displayed. Check out the Stud Beef Judging, Parade of Champions and Champion of Champions judging. Celebrating National Science Week When: 10.30am, 11.30am & 1pm on Friday 12 August only Where:Entertainment and Fashion Stage Ages: 6 years or older Join us to celebrate the start of National Science week with three exciting science shows, set to go off with a bang. Children’s Cooking Shows When: TBC Channel 7 Pavilion When: 9am to 7pm Where:Channel 7 Pavilion Ages: All Ages Channel 7 invites you to take a seat at the 7 news desk as well as a participate in other great activities. Education on Show Competition When: Daily Where:TBC Years: All ages The Education on Show Competition theme for 2016 is ‘Queensland Weather’. We have 20 interesting categories entered by students from across Queensland. Ekka Learning Trail When: Daily Where:Throughout the Ekka Precinct Ages: All ages Your students will be inspired as they follow the Ekka Learning Trail each step of the way. To request a set of Ekka Learning Trail pocket guides to be posted out to your class prior to your Ekka excursion, email education@ekka.com.au . All requests must be submitted by Friday, 22 July 2016 (please also include postal address and the number of guides required). Where:Agriculture Precinct Ages: 5 years to 12 years look on our website for up to date additions to the ekka school program - www.ekka.com.au Ekka Cow Paddock When: 9am – 5pm, Monday 8 to Sunday 14 August only Where:Beef Cattle Pavilion Ages: 10 years or older This is your chance to get up close to the beef cattle and speak to a cattle producer. This year we have beefed up our program with great speakers, interactive stands and activities. School Garden Competition When: 9am to 7pm, daily Where:The Old Museum Ages: All ages The Ekka School Garden Competition is on display every day of Ekka. Check out the creative entries from schools across Queensland. Beekeeping Presentations When: 10.30am, 11.30am, 1.30pm, 2.30pm Where:Agriculture Precinct Ages: All Ages Daily beekeeping demonstrations at the Queensland Beekeepers Association stand. Horse Breeds Expo When: 9am to 5pm Where:Horse Breeds Expo Ages: 9 years or older Horse around with 12 different breeds on show at the Horse Breeds Expo. From the colourful Appaloosa and Pinto, to the heavy Percheron and Clydesdale breeds, right down to the small miniature and Fjord horses. Talk to the breeders and learn more about your favourite horses or sit and watch the demonstrations put on by each breed. Legendairy Milking Barn When: 9.30am, 10.30am, 11.30am, 1.30pm, 2.30pm, 3.30pm, daily Where:Next to the RACQ Animal Nursery Ages: All ages The Legendairy Milking Barn is the place to go to watch live milking demonstrations, the art of separating cream and butter from the milk and even tips on making cream and butter. Some visitors also have the opportunity to bring out the farmer within and milk a cow for themselves. look on our website for up to date additions to the ekka school program - www.ekka.com.au Little Farmers Patch When: TBC Where:Agriculture Precinct Ages: 4 years to 10 years Get ready to get dirty and dig for root vegetables including potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips, and beetroot. Once collected, sort them ready to go to market. Poultry, Pigeons, Birds and Eggs When: 9am to 5pm Where:Poultry Pavilion Ages: All ages Our favourite feathered friends will on show spreading their wings during Ekka. A colourful mix of birds including canaries, quails and doves will be on display. Quilts Across Queensland When: 9am to 5pm, daily Where:The Old Museum Sheep Shearing When:10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, daily Where:Next to RACQ Animal Nursery Ages: All ages Come and see what old-style sheep shearing looks like with professionals displaying hands hearing along with new, easier shearing techniques using electric shears. Street Science Activities When: 9am to 5pm Where:Agriculture Precinct Ages: All ages Students will be looking at the science of Sugarcane with interactive stations such as microscopy and cross sections as well as leaf analysis. Other exciting activities will be announced soon. The Grain Chain Ages: 13 years or older When: 9am to 7pm Modern and traditional style quilts will be on display throughout the Ekka. Judging takes place prior to the show with awards and special prizes including Best of Show and Best Use of Colour. Ages: 8 years or older RACQ Animal Nursery When: 9am to 5pm, daily Where:RACQ Animal Nursery Ages: All ages An Ekka family favourite is the much loved RACQ Animal Nursery which is home to hundreds of cute and cuddly animals throughout the ten days of Show. Royal Queensland Food & Wine Show Cooking Stage Where:Agriculture Precinct Find out how your cereal gets from the farm to your plate with our hands on grain experience. Don’t forget to grind some grain into flour. Woolworths Fresh Food Showcase When: 9am to 7pm Where:Woolworths Fresh Food Pavilion Ages: All ages Woolworths has a number of activities to keep the kids entertained as well as a variety of tantalising samples available for tasting. Where:Woolworths Fresh Food Pavilion When: Daily Sessions Ages: 14 years or older The Royal Queensland Show Cooking Stage will be the perfect place for aspiring chefs, foodies and home cooks. The stage will be full of tips and tricks in the kitchen. Topics include know your cuts, My Ekka Hamper and even braking down a carcass. *All information printed in this document is current at time of printing and is subject to change. look on our website for up to date additions to the ekka school program - www.ekka.com.au SCHOOL DAY HIGHLIGHTS Friday 5 August 2016 – Highlights What? Where? When? Beef Cattle (large breeds) Community Arena From 9am What? Where? When? Race Around Ekka Film Competition Throughout the Ekka Precinct Filming commences from 9am Beef Cattle (large breeds) Oval No. 2 From 9.30am Monday 8 August 2016 – Highlights Horse Judging: Thoroughbred Day, Breed Judg- Community Arena ing & Police Horse, Troop Horse & Mounted Stewards Judging Farriers and Blacksmiths Hoecker – Oval No. 2 From 8am to 3.45pm From 9am Tuesday 9 August 2016 – Highlights What? Where? When? Race Around Ekka Film Competition Throughout the Ekka Precinct Filming commences from 9am Horse Judging: Riding Ponies, Harness, Hack, & Community Arena Side Saddle classes Sheep Dog Trials Community Arena Beef Small Breeds Beef Cattle Pavilion Dairy Cattle ‘Milking Competition’ Dairy Shed Milking Room Dairy Goat Judging From 8am to 4.30pm From 12.45pm to 1.30pm Oval No. 2 TBC What? Where? When? Horse Judging – Breed judging, Junior Rider Turnouts, Harness Turnout Community Arena From 8am to 4.45pm Sheep Dog Trials Oval No. 2 Community Arena 11.30am What? Where? When? Horse Judging: Breed Judging Community Arena Sheep Dog Trials Community Arena From 9.00am to 4.45pm Dairy Cattle Judging: All Breeds Oval No. 2 Celebrate National Science Week: Three live science shows. Entertainment and Fashion Precinct TBC Thursday 11 August 2016 – Highlights Dairy Paraders Competition From 12.45pm to 1.30pm Friday 12 August 2016 – Highlights *Please note that times and dates are subject to change without notice. From 12.45pm to 1.30pm From 8.30am until 10.30am 10.30am, 11.30am and 1pm Transport By Bus • Gate 5A on O’Connell Terrace is the designated gate for all bus (school, private and public) drop offs and pickups. By Taxi The official taxi rank will be established at: • Anderson Street, from Gregory Terrace via Costin Street. By Train • There is a loop service that leaves from Roma Street, Central & Brunswick Stations, and arrives at Exhibition Station. Trains leave these stations every 10 minutes from 8.20am, returning frequently until 10.00pm. • Platform 1 within the Showgrounds delivers you directly to the Show. • Platform 2 within the Showgrounds is where you will depart. • Ekka is only a 10 minute walk from the Fortitude Valley Train Station from the south. • Ekka is only a 10 minute walk from the Bowen Hills Train Station from the north. Public Parking Public parking will be available nearby. The parking locations will be made available on our website closer to Ekka. Parking will be at a premium during the Show and use of public transport is strongly recommended. Risk Assessment Information Introduction The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (RNA) welcomes school groups and other organised groups of children to the Brisbane Showgrounds and wishes your group an enjoyable, entertaining and educational day. The information provided in this document is aimed to assist you with planning your group’s upcoming visit to the Brisbane Showgrounds. The information is intended to provide guidance only and is not intended to be used in lieu of a comprehensive risk assessment. It is the responsibility of schools and other bodies organising group excursions to properly plan and supervise excursions to the Brisbane Showgrounds having regard to the needs of the particular group of children concerned. Teachers and supervisors are responsible for displaying and maintaining safe and appropriate behaviour for their group. RNA contact details: Address: Security (24 hrs): Phone: OHS: Emergency: Education Coordinator: RNA Operations Centre: 600 Gregory Terrace, Bowen Hills Qld 4006 0499 900 161 (07) 3253 3900 (07) 3253 3958 (07) 3253 9299 (24 hrs) (07) 3253 3927 (07) 3253 9200 Brisbane Showgrounds is a unique place: Take Care The Brisbane Showgrounds is very different from other venues school groups attend. Groups may encounter animals, vehicles, crowds, temporary structures, amusement rides and building activity in all kinds of environments and weather conditions. All of these activities have a degree of risk that should be considered when attending the Brisbane Showgrounds. Teachers must observe and follow all signage and any instructions given by RNA staff or staff of Event Licensees as groups make their way around the Brisbane Showgrounds. Event Licensees are those businesses which enter into contracts with the RNA for Brisbane Showgrounds events and to use venues at the Brisbane Showgrounds. Conditions of Entry: The conditions of entry to the Brisbane Showgrounds are provided on the back of each admission ticket and are displayed at each entrance to the Brisbane Showgrounds. Those conditions of entry apply to all groups and their teachers and supervisors. Before Your Visit: Before visiting the Showgrounds teachers/supervisors of groups should: Consider whether any members of the proposed group should, for any reason, not attend the Brisbane Showgrounds. Ensure they have the necessary authority, qualifications and experience to supervise and manage the group of children who will attend the Brisbane Showgrounds. Teachers and supervisors should satisfy themselves that the proposed staff to children ratio in the group is adequate to ensure that the attending children are properly supervised at all times. Familiarise themselves with the Brisbane Showgrounds site layout, its facilities and guidelines which can be found on the “Teacher Resource” area of the “Education” page of www.ekka.com.au. Assess that individual events and displays are safe and accessible for their proposed visit. Identify proposed participants with known medical conditions and ensure such participants will not be exposed to the risk of illness or injury and ensure appropriate medication/treatment is readily available. Alert the Brisbane Showgrounds well before the proposed excursion of any issues that could impact upon the welfare of children or teachers/supervisors while visiting the Brisbane Showgrounds. For example: large crowds, animal behaviour, etc. Check the weather forecast on the day of the excursion and ensure that children and supervisors wear appropriate clothing for the weather conditions. During Your Visit: Teachers/supervisors and children will be mixing with the general public. Teachers and supervisors should: On arrival, remind children of the safety and emergency guidelines and the rules and the behaviour standards which the school/organising group expects during the excursion. Keep children under direct supervision at all times and, in the case of school children, in accordance with the Department of Education and Training guidelines. Ensure that children know what steps they should take in the event that they become lost or separated from their group. Take head counts at regular intervals. Remind children regularly to: o Not run o Remain behind barriers and handrails o Not climb any structure or enter gardens o Take care while using stairs or ramps o Not touch any electrical equipment or items with moving parts o Remain seated when instructed o Follow instructions from teachers and supervisors o Remain on pedestrian pathways and utilise pedestrian crossings at all times. o Not leave an area or their school group unless accompanied by a teacher or supervisor o Be aware of “stranger danger” Ensure children are appropriately supervised whilst using public toilets and amenities. Not allow unattended bags to block doorways, aisles, fire exits or fire appliances. Report lost or unaccounted for children immediately to the Ekka and Police. Evacuate or move to a safe place if in danger, when directed or in response to an emergency alarm. Provide assistance for children with disabilities during an emergency evacuation. Be aware of and keep clear of traffic hazards. Not enter or permit children to enter back-of-house areas. Accessibility: Most buildings at the Brisbane Showgrounds, other than the Grandstands, are accessible by wheelchair. Particulars of buildings which cannot be accessed by wheelchair will be provided on request. Disabled dropoff zones are available adjacent to Gate 1 on Costin Street and Gate 5A in O’Connell Terrace. Power points are provided for your convenience for the charging of wheelchairs only. These power points are located near the RNA offices and on Short Street in the Woolworths Fresh Food Pavilion. Animals: Interacting with animals involves Teachers/supervisors and children may encounter animals at the Brisbane Showgrounds. Teachers and supervisors should closely supervise to ensure that children: Always wash their hands with soap and water after touching animals. Only pat animals on the head, neck, and back areas. Avoid the rear end. Do not kiss animals or hold them close to your face and mouth. Do not sit, lie, or play in animal bedding where they may be exposed to pathogens. Keeps a safe distance from any animal to avoid being injured. Avoid quick movements and remain calm and quiet around animals. Are informed that animal behaviour can, at times, be unpredictable. Are aware that livestock can kick forward, backward a nd sideways. Move slowly in a single file around livestock. Obtain permission from the owner of any animal prior to patting or attempting to pat their animal. When patting animals, touch the animals gently and don’t push and shove, particularly around the baby animals. The RNA provides hand washing facilities, as well as anti-bacteria sanitisers for use after handling animals. Walking Around the Showgrounds: The Brisbane Showgrounds includes streets, paths, gardens, traffic movement, maintenance activities and gradients typical of a public/ tourist park-like environment. When walking around the Brisbane Showgrounds, teachers and supervisors should ensure that children: Wear enclosed footwear suitable for walking. Wear school or group identification information. Wear clothing to protect arms and legs and suitable for changing weather conditions. Wear hats, shirts with sleeves and sunscreen whilst outdoors. Teachers/supervisors should have additional sunscreen available in the event that children do not have access to sunscreen. Bring water bottles. Have rest breaks in the shade. In addition, teachers and supervisors should: Carry an Ekka map. Carry a first aid kit. Provide adult supervision at the front and back of student groups to keep the group together. Be aware of the location of the Royal International Convention Centre, First Aid Points, Lost Children and Security Offices. Determine the location of a meeting point in case group members become separated from the main group. First Aid and Medical: The main first aid station is located under the John MacDonald Stand Opening hours are 8am-10pm. For medical emergencies you can phone the Ekka First Aid on: (07) 3253 9299. The nearest medical centre is Bowen Hills Medical Centre 8/7 O’Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills: (07) 3252 7775. The nearest hospital is Royal Brisbane Hospital - Cnr Butterfield St and Bowen Bridge Rd, Bowen Hills, (07) 3636 8111. Fire Safety: The Brisbane Showgrounds has an Emergency Response Plan. Fire Exits are clearly marked. Buildings used for accommodation are equipped with Engineer designed fire safety and management systems. Fire safety systems are tested to statutory requirements and inspected by QFRS prior to Royal Queensland Show occupancy. Fire extinguishers, hose reels and hydrants are strategically located throughout the Brisbane Showgrounds. Teachers/supervisors are expected to assist with any evacuation process including children with disabilities. All permanent RNA staff are trained in emergency evacuation procedures and annual fire drills are conducted. During the Ekka, fire wardens complete daily mandatory pavilion fire safety checklists. Food and Beverage: Please remind children to wash their hands before enjoying any food and beverages. Teachers/supervisors should identify and be aware of any students’ food-allergies and the appropriate first aid or medical responses in each case. Whilst we take great care in catering all dietary requirements and the elimination of allergens, we as well as our suppliers, utilise machinery and facilities that may handle various allergens. As a result, we are not able to guarantee the complete absence of allergens in our foods and beverages. Should you have a concern in relation to a specific dietary sensitivity, please feel free to discuss with the Education Coordinator. Drinking fountains are available throughout the Brisbane Showgrounds. The Brisbane Showgrounds complies with the relevant Queensland food health regulations. All food and beverage outlets at Ekka hold current Brisbane City Council food licences. Work, Health and Safety: The RNA has an OHS Policy, program and procedures which are available on our website. Security: The Brisbane Showgrounds has 24-hour security (phone 3253 9299). Please speak to security staff if you require assistance, or visit the on-site police station. Security personnel will be stationed throughout the showgrounds during Ekka. Smoking: The Royal Queensland Show has again partnered with Queensland Health to deliver a smoke free community event. Patrons wishing to smoke will be able to obtain a pass out and smoke in one of the conveniently located off-site smoking areas. Accommodation at the Showgrounds: For those schools whose students will be staying overnight or longer at the Ekka, it is particularly important that the supervision extends to: a) Ensuring that students do not venture into areas which are not permitted, e.g. areas licensed for the consumption of alcohol or areas where animals are housed; b) Ensuring that students are not allowed in the vicinity of any RNA attractions or facilities outside Ekka opening hours; c) Visits to the showers and toilets – these must be closely supervised; and d) Those times when students are in the area they will be sleeping, including when they are or should be sleeping. In the event that any of your students or supervisors identify something during their visit which might expose a student to a risk of injury, or in the event of an injury, it is imperative that you notify our Safety Co-ordinator on 0417 480 971 or (07) 3253 3958 immediately. *All information printed in this document is current at the time of publishing and is subject to change School GROUP Booking FORM Please complete this form and return to the Sales & Marketing Department by Friday 22nd July 2016 Contact: Sales Executive | Email education@ekka.com.au | Fax +61 7 3257 1428 | Phone +61 7 3253 3900 SCHOOL BOOKING DETAILS Attendance DateTime of Arrival Travel Type Ticket Type Quantity Cost Per Ticket Student Pass 14 years & younger $15.00 Student Pass 15 years + $20.50 Teacher/Adult FOC Free per 5 Students Additional Teacher/Adult $24.00 Sub Total TOTAL BOOKING CONTACT DETAILS Entity’s Legal Name Trading Name ABN | ACNEmail Contact Name Phone Address PAYMENT METHOD Payment Terms 7 Days from date of invoice. CHEQUE All cheques should be made payable to The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (RNA) DIRECT DEPOSIT Payable on reciept of RNA Tax Invoice CREDIT CARD VISA | MasterCard | AMEX (Please circle) I hereby authorise the RNA to charge the amount of $........................to my credit card details below: Cardholder Name Card Number Card Expiry Cardholder SignatureCCV Terms and Conditions • • No refund will be given for cancellations of any reason. All payment is required to be paid in full by 22th July 2016 to secure the booking. BOOKINGS CLOSE COB FRIDAY 22 JULY 2016
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