december 2010 - Worldwide TV
december 2010 - Worldwide TV
VHF-UHF DIGEST The Official Publication of the Worldwide TV-FM DX Association DECEMBER 2010 The Magazine for TV and FM DXers FLEA MARKET FIND Andria Radio “Sharp Focus” Television/Radio The AUVIO HD TUNER IS IT ANY GOOD? Visit Us At Merry Christmas! THE WORLDWIDE TV-FM DX ASSOCIATION Serving the UHF-VHF Enthusiast THE VHF-UHF DIGEST IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WORLDWIDE TV-FM DX ASSOCIATION DEDICATED TO THE OBSERVATION AND STUDY OF THE PROPAGATION OF LONG DISTANCE TELEVISION AND FM BROADCASTING SIGNALS AT VHF AND UHF. WTFDA IS GOVERNED BY A BOARD OF DIRECTORS: DOUG SMITH, GREG CONIGLIO, BRUCE HALL, KEITH McGINNIS AND MIKE BUGAJ. Editor and publisher: Mike Bugaj Treasurer: Keith McGinnis Webmaster: Tim McVey Site Administrator: Chris Cervantez Editorial Staff: Jeff Kruszka, Keith McGinnis, Fred Nordquist, Nick Langan, Doug Smith, Peter Baskind, Bill Hale and John Zondlo, Our website:; Our forums: DECEMBER 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS Page Two Mailbox TV News…Doug Smith FM News…Bill Hale FCC Facilities Changes Photo News…Jeff Kruszka Northern FM DX…Keith McGinnis Southern FM DX…John Zondlo Coast to Coast TV DX…Nick Langan Membership List Renewal Form Finally! For those of you online with an email address, we now offer a quick, convenient and secure way to join or renew your membership in the WTFDA. Just logon to Paypal and send your dues to Use the email address above to either join the WTFDA or renew your membership in North America’s only TV and DX organization. Membership with Paper VUD: $24/year Membership with eVUD (.pdf): $10/year 2 3 4 9 13 16 19 25 26 27 31 Well, since it’s December, “dere ain’t much dxin goin’ on out dere, is dere?” Hardly. So check out this VUD then go back to doin’ what you were doin’ and have fun doin’ it. Merry Christmas from Evelyn and me! Over 110 WTFDA members renew their club membership with Paypal. Why not join them? FIND US FAST! WTFDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mike Bugaj, use the WTFDA Mailing address listed below Doug Smith, 1385 Old Clarksville Pike, Pleasant View, TN 37146-8098 Greg Coniglio, 11825 Genesee St., Alden, NY 14004 D.Bruce Hall, 5 Stirton Ave., Brantford, ON N3T1E2 Canada Keith McGinnis, 18 Newbridge St., Hingham, MA 02043 ******************************************************************************************************* THE MAILBOX and all general club correspondence: Mike Bugaj at WTFDA, PO Box 501, Somersville, CT 06072 TV NEWS Doug Smith, 1389 Old Clarksville Pike, Pleasant View, TN 37146-8098 FM NEWS Bill Hale, 6124 Roaring Springs Drive, N. Richland Hills, TX 76180 PHOTO NEWS Jeff Kruszka, 1909 Lost Lake Pl., Pearland, TX 77581 EASTERN AND WESTERN TV DX Nick Langan, 1040 Riverview Dr., Florence, NJ 08516 SOUTHERN FM John Zondlo, 4009 Driftwood Cir., Yukon, OK 73099 NORTHERN FM Keith McGinnis, 18 Newbridge St., Hingham, MA 02043 TV and FM STATISTICS Fred Nordquist, 147 Travis Hill Road, Moncks Corner, SC 6 METER/2 METER Peter Baskind, 3225 Forest Hill-Irene Rd, Germantown, TN 38138 WEBSITE Tim McVey Webmaster 2 P.O. Box 501, Somersville, CT USA 06072 MIKE BUGAJ MBUGAJ@SNET.NET MERRY CHRISTMAS! 5 bar meter in display for HD. HD can be defeated thru button on remote. Audio is very good, Using inexpensive amplified speakers w/ sub-woofer. Has volume and mute on remote. Display is the same size and color as the Sangean, but can't be dimmed. Has similar info read-out too. Step-tunes with knob on unit, also on remote (.02 steps, 95.7,95.9,96.1 etc.). Direct entry on remote. Has seek and HD seek. 8 presets for AM and FM each into FM1, FM2, AM1,AM2 just like the Sangean. It has the look of a Sangean, but that's were it ends. Runs cold--draws only 3 watts! Can be rack mounted. Now for AM. Supplied loop is worthless. Used my small Radio Shack tunable loop and got good results. Lots of HD flashing from NYC, Boston, Philly, etc. Even got a decode of 1060 KYW Philly-3 bars on the meter. My opinion is that it is not for dxing. But used in a metro area or 20-25 miles from transmitters, it will satisfy the average listener. --Jim Pizzi, 15 miles east of Rochester NY Yes, Merry Christmas to everyone from the WTFDA staff! Hard to believe it’s already December. It seems that July was just yesterday. But December it is, and you can tell because the VUDs get thinner and the email list and the forums slow down as people go into hibernation for the winter months. Just remember that winter Es is possible. I remember watching XHRIO 2 up here during Es last February, so it can happen when you’re not expecting it. MEMBERS AND MORE This month we have one new WTFDA member and he is Earl Bronkar in Chillicothe, Ohio. Welcome Earl! We’ve received renewals during the period of 10/17 to 11/14 from Russell Lay (NC), Bill Harms (MD), Ed MacDonald (MO), John Adams (OR), David Wurl (WI), Marvin Shults (IL), Dave Dennett (AR) and Matt Sittel (NE). Thank you all for staying with us another year. AVION HD TUNER OUR COVER PHOTO Radio Shack was clearing out this one and selling it cheap, so Jim Pizzi bought one and reported on it. It’s okay, but nothing out of the ordinary. Here is Jim’s review: OK-I can't resist trying a new product (in my price range). Went to my local "Shack"- it is available at your local store. It's Clearance Priced--aka DISCONTINUED. $59.97+ tax. Compared with Sony XDR-F1HD and Sangean HDT-1X using APS-13 antenna and supplied dipole. Sensitivity: Just average or less, Overloads a lot, even when not pointed at locals. Use of supplied dipole on FM would be sufficient for non-DX use, still it had some overload in spots with dipole. Selectivity: Seems OK, but could be because of lack of sensitivity (compared to Sony/ Sangean). Hard to tell because of overloading. It even overloaded using a dipole antenna. My closest locals (50kw and others) are about 7 miles west; others 10 to 20 miles wnw and nw. RDS: Has some difficulty on Syracuse stations that were solid on control sets--Still sensitivity related. HD: Locals locked very quickly, semi locals up to 4-5 seconds (sensitivity again). A This month’s cover photo is an old TV/radio combo I saw at the Jewitt City Flea Market over the summer. We went back in November and it was still there. So, if you want it, you know where to find it. READ ABOUT SPe! Bob Cooper gives us an idea of how to spend the winter months: Jim Kennedy, amateur K6MIO/KH6 and retired manager for Project GONG (world monitoring network of sub-surface solar measurements) from 2000>2010 has created seven conference papers dealing with the magic of sporadic E (Es) and F layer in the VHF region. As of yesterday (11/22)for the first time all papers are available to read, download and print from When there, look left to file list and click on KH6/K6MIO. There is no better tutorial on these subjects available anywhere. Bob Cooper in New Zealand That’s it for this month. Just a note there’s finally an updated membership list in this issue. Some will find it interesting! CU in Jan. 3 Douglas E. Smith TV News 1389 Old Clarksville Pike Pleasant View, TN 37146-8098 December 2010 Abbreviations: AF Applied For (a new station) Aux Auxiliary (backup) transmitter CC Callsign change CL City-of-license change DC Converted to DTV DCC Digital Companion Channel NS DCC Granted flash-cut to DTV DE License/permit deleted DR Requests flash-cut to DTV FC Programming (format) change FTP Failure to Prosecute GA Granted amendment (to table of channel allotments) LC License to Cover MX Mutually Exclusive NDA Non-directional antenna NS Permit granted for new station DG Granted conversion to DTV NW PA PC PG PR RA QC QG QR RE ROA SI New station on the air Proposed Amendment Power (and/or tower height) change on the air Power change granted Power change requested Returns to the air Channel (frequency) change on the air Channel change granted Channel change requested Reinstated (previously-dismissed app.) Request of Applicant Off the air (silent) STA XC XG XR Special Temporary Authority Transmitter site changed Transmitter site change granted Transmitter site change requested News: (full-power digital stations in bold face; LPTV and translators in regular type; full-power analog stations in bold italics; low-power analog stations in regular italics) * indicates this DTV facility replaces an analog facility on the same channel. CANADA: Alberta: Calgary 21 CBRT-DT Edmonton 42 CBXT-DT Victoria Victoria Victoria Manitoba: Winnipeg 39 CBHT-DT Ontario: Ottawa 25 CBOT-DT Windsor NS 23.5kw/ 276m NS 131.71kw/233m British Columbia: Fraser Valley 47 CHNU-DT Vancouver Halifax NS 21.4kw/ 335m 33 CKVU-DT NS 8.3kw/ 670m 21 CHNU-DT-1 NS 3.5kw/ 94m 23 CIVI-DT AF 1.5kw/100m 27, CKVU-DT-2, NS 2.75kw/ 29 CHNM-DT-1 100m, 48-25-31/ 123-20-08 NS 165kw/ 333m 26 CHWI-TV-60 QR from ch. 60, 6.2kw Québec: Anse-au-Valleau Baie-Saint-Paul Cabano Carleton-surMer Chandler Cloridorme Gaspe Les Escoumins Perce 12 13 23 5 CHAU-DT-9 CIMT-DT-4 CIMT-DT-8 CHAU-DT 26 11 7 35 13 CHAU-DT-4 CHAU-DT-8 CHAU-DT-6 CIMT-DT-7 CHAU-DT-5 Port-Daniel Québec 10 CHAU-DT-3 12 CBVT-DT Québec 17 CFCM-DT Riviere-au4 Renard Saint-Urbain 36 Sainte3 Marguerite-Marie Trois-Pistoles 13 27, CBWT-DT, NS 42kw/139, 51 CBWFT-DT 7.6kw/139m NS 157.54kw/266m CHAU-DT-7 AF 75w/54m AF 40w/4m AF 101w/126m AF 9.85kw/ 482m AF 184w/22m AF 110w/30m AF 130w/76m AF 312w/88m AF 10.375kw/ 390m AF 21w/152m NS 2.45kw/ 500m AF 210kw/ 117m AF 990w/228m CIMT-DT-5 AF 394w/28m CHAU-DT-1 AF 1.68kw/ 200m CIMT-DT-2 AF 50w/51m New Brunswick: Edmundston 4 Kedgwick St.-Quentin Tracadie CIMT-DT-1 AF 2.22kw/ 114m 27 CHAU-DT-11 AF 93w/67m 31 CHAU-DT-2 AF 226w/96m 9 CHAU-DT-10 AF 25w/49m Puerto Rico: Mayaguez Nova Scotia: 4 44 W21CX-D QR from ch. 21, 7kw. For some reason, appears in FCC records as W34CI. Rio Grande San Juan San Juan San Juan Santa Isabel 40 W25EE-D QR from ch. 25, 61w, 18-16-48/ 66-06-33 24 W10CZ-D QR from ch. 10, 1kw, 18-18-51/ 66-05-29 dismissed 28 WKAQ-TV PG>925kw/ 854m 36 NEW-lpdtv AF dismissed 38 W18DQ-D QR from ch. 18, 1809-00/ 66-59-00 Colorado: Akron 41 K41EV Cheyenne Wells 34, K60AM, 36, K62AH, 38, K64AJ, 40 K68AQ Durango 9 K09YK Loveland 20 K14LV-D Sweetwater Creek U.S. Virgin Islands: Tutu 33 W36DZ-D Delaware: Rehoboth Wilmington QR from ch. 36, 15kw 36 K36DB DR 190w DR from chs. 60/62/64/68, 236w, 38-47-45/ 102-32-54 DR 200w QR from ch. 14, 10kw, 40-16-06/ 104-59-21; CL from Fort Collins PR>87w 51 NEW-lpdtv 40 WWDD- AF dismissed CC from W40AZ District of Columbia: Washington 39 NEW-lpdtv Washington 50 WDCW USA: Alabama: Huntsville Mobile Alaska: Anchorage Juneau Nenana Nome Arizona: Bullhead City Globe Williams Yuma 34 WHVD-LP 41 WEIQ Florida: Gainesville PR>15kw, 34-44-12/ 86-31-59; CC from W67CO PG>464kw/ 180m Key Largo Key West Lealman 33 KDMD QG from 32 35 NEW-lpdtv AF 100w, 58-17-59/ 134-25-25, DCC 8 K08OV-D NW 300w, 64-34-55/ 149-04-36 16 K11TH DR from ch. 11, 250w dismissed 4, 7, K04GT-D, 12 K07YJ-D, K12OF-D 50 KFPB-LD 15 K53GM 36 NEW-lpdtv Ocala Panama City Panama City Panama City DG 2w/ 1w/ 1w PR>15kw QC from ch. 53 AF dismissed (DCC for KVFA-LP ch. 6) St. Petersburg Tampa Arkansas: Bentonville Pine Bluff Springdale 67 K67EO 45 KWBK-LP 20 KVAQ-LP California: Bakersfield Banning 29 KBFX-CD 10 KRPE-LP CX CX CX West Gate Georgia: Atlanta Atlanta Cleveland DC from ch. 27, 15kw QR from ch. 6 dismissed Chico 50 KBIT-LD DC 14.7kw, 39-12-20/ 121-49-10 El Centro 18 KHFS-LP DR from ch. 56, 15kw Fort Bragg 8 KBQR CC from KUNO Los Angeles 10 KVTU-LP DR from ch. 3, 170w, 33-50-59/ 117-39-11 dismissed; going for ch. 12 at 288w, 33-56-47/ 117-49-16 Los Angeles 41 KLCS PC>1000kw/ 902m Newport Beach 4 NEW-lpdtv AF dismissed North San Diego 4 NEW-lpdtv AF dismissed Porterville 15 KFVD-LP CC from K15CO West Los 4 NEW-lpdtv AF dismissed Angeles Marietta Newnan Idaho: Coolin 5 AF dismissed QC from 51, 1000kw/253m 17 W17DH-D PR>12kw, 29-44-22/ 82-23-09 11 WDFL-LD PG<10w, 25-32-24/ 80-28-07 31 WTVK-LP PR >1.5kw, 24-33-25/ 81-48-09 dismissed 16 W43CE DR from ch. 43, 15kw, 27-59-36/ 82-24-46 20 W42DJ-D QR from ch. 42, 15kw 7 WJHG-TV QC from ch. 8, 67kw/262m 31 NEW-lpdtv AF 40w, 30-10-49/ 85-42-05 dismissed, DCC for deleted W50BP 43 WPCY-LD CX (DCC for deleted WPCY-LP. 4 WTSP NS 300w, 28-57-14/ 0929ADR 82-25-32; DRT for ch. 10 (site is near Dunnellon & will have no coverage of St. Petersburg) 18 WSVT-CA DR 15kw, 27-49-10/ 82-15-39; CL from Bradenton 16 W16CC DC 3kw; DR to ch. 17 dismissed 22 WSKC-CD PR>15kw 45 W23DN DR from ch. 23, 15kw 28 WDWW-LP DR 15kw, 33-48-27/ 84-20-21; DG 49 WXID-LP CC from W49DE 17 WSB AF 10kw, 33-24-43/ 1028ABF 84-50-03; DRT for ch. 39 Atlanta Hagerman Salmon Twin Falls Twin Falls 40, 51 57 46 17 34 K40DJ, K51EF K57CC K46EC KYTL-LP KXTF Illinois: Champaign 39 W39BH DC 97w/ 95w CX DC 110w DR from ch. 53, 15kw PR>49.4kw DR 13kw dismissed. Chicago Indiana: South Bend Iowa: Dubuque Kansas: Topeka Wichita Kentucky: Paducah Going for ch. 16. 46, WMEU-LD, - CC from WCUU-LD, 48 CA CA 16 WEID-LP 7 KWWL 1012ACZ 13 WIBW-TV 28 K28JB 49 WDKA Louisiana: Baton Rouge Lake Charles 48 KBDT-LP 44 K63HF New Orleans 28 KNLD-LD Maine: Fort Kent 16 W16DA-D Skowhegan St. Francis 4 4 St. John Plantation 11 W11AY-D Michigan: Detroit WGCI-LP W04AY DR from ch. 18, 15kw, 41-40-42/ 86-03-40; CL from Elkhart; CC from W18CF NS 300w, 42-24-16/ 90-34-12; DRT for station on same channel in Waterloo PR>42kw DR 15kw, 37-48-01/ 97-31-29 adds TCN (The Country Network) on 49.3. CC from K48IT DR from ch. 63, 12kw dismissed CC from K28IL-D NS 3kw, 47-15-30/ 68-33-30 DC 300w DR dismissed; going for ch. 5/ 97w instead. DG Flint 18 WDWO-CA XR 42-29-01/ 83-18-44 28 WCMZ-TV CC from WFUM Minnesota: Fairmont 20 K17IU Minneapolis 29 WFTC Rochester 10 KTTC Mississippi: Grenada 33 WNBD-LD Holly Springs 41 WBUY-TV Tupelo 49 WEPH Missouri: St. Louis 24 KMOV St. Louis 26 KPLR St. Louis 31 KDNL Montana: Billings 25 K25BP Billings 27 K27IM Boyes Bozeman Bozeman Broadus Broadus 9 26 42 6 50 K09VL K26DE K42BZ K06AA K55FG Dodson Dodson 8, 10, 12 36 K08FS, K10FC, K12GP K36CW Frenchtown Helena 14 K14IU 9 KXLH-LD Loring 9 Loring 28 K65AH Malta Malta 7, 11, 13 15 Phillips Co. 20 K20BP Phillips Co. 26 K53CP Phillips Co. 46 K46BX Saco 9, K09BX, 12 K12FB 17 K06FI Saco Toole Whitewater Wynot DR from ch. 17, 680w dismissed AF 760kw/ 371m (aux) NW 43.1kw/ 381m NW 15kw, 33-22-23/ 90-32-25 (NBC) PG>1000kw/ 317m, 35-16-33/ 89-46-38 CC for NS FC; adds Living Well on 4.2 FC; adds ThisTV on 11.2. FC; adds The Cool TV on 30.2 and The Country Network on 30.3 PR>1.48kw, 45-48-27/ 108-20-25 K07IC, K11IH, K13GP K15AS K36DK, K38DZ, K40DG, K42DD K34DN 7, K07IB, 11, K11GX, 13 K13DU DR 93w, 48-23-38/ 108-09-21 DC 351w NW 300w, DCC for analog 25 DR 9w, 48-20-41/ 107-52-13 DR from ch. 65, 200w, 47-56-03/ 108-34-26 DR 9w, 48-20-41/ 107-52-13 DR 67w, 48-27-46/ 107-25-55 DR 213w, 47-56-03/ 108-34-26 DR from ch. 53, 200w, 47-56-03/ 108-34-26 DR 290w, 47-56-03/ 108-34-26 DR 9w, 48-27-46/ 107-25-55 DR from ch. 6, 67w, 48-27-46/ 107-25-55 DR 410w DR 98w, 48-45-38/ 107-45-05 DR 9w, 48-45-38/ 107-45-05 Nebraska: Omaha 53 K53CY CX Nevada: Las Vegas 19 KHDF-CA Stateline 31 K59GM Truckee/ Lake Tahoe 15 KNPB DR 8kw, 36-00-37/ 115-00-20 DR from ch. 59, 10.1kw, 38-57-35/ 119-56-24 NW 240w, 39-19-24/ 119-56-35; DRT for station on same channel in Reno New Mexico: Albuquerque Lordsburg 51 KYNM-LD 50 K61CN Socorro White Oaks 28 K28CE 22 K22FN-D New York: Port Jervis 42 W42CX Syracuse 38 WDSS-LP North Carolina: 6 36, 38, 40, 42 34 K09JG DR 810w, 45-48-27/ 108-20-25 DC 245w DC 4.51kw DR 15kw; DC 5kw DC 88w DC from ch. 55, 1.04kw DR 7w, 48-23-38/ 108-09-21 DC 15kw DR from ch. 61, 1kw dismissed CX DG 640w DR 2.7kw, 41-00-35/ 74-35-39 CC from W38CY Biscoe Fayetteville Holden Beach Raleigh Statesville DC 6.9kw CC from W45CO QR from ch. 39, 12kw, 34-03-06/ 78-04-57; CL from Ogden 26 W26DW-D PR<12kw, 35-21-55/ 77-23-38; CL fm Jacksonville; PG 8 W68BK DR from ch. 68, 300w 21 WHWD-LP CC from W21CI Ohio: Cincinnati 36 WDYC-LP Cleveland 7 Cleveland 32 WRAP-CA Springfield 17 WLWD-LP Kinston Springfield Toledo Oklahoma: Durant Enid Lamont 30 W30CR 45 WDRN-LP 33 W39DG-D WCDN-LD 24 WLWD-LD 18 WDTJ-LP 47 KXDA-LP 31 KXOK-LD 35 K35JY-D De Soto Gruver Houston McAllen Memphis Missouri City Seminole Wichita Falls PR<9kw, 39-06-59/ 84-30-07; CC from W36DG NW 300w, 41-23-02/ 81-41-44; DCC for analog ch. 53 XR 41-21-48/ 81-42-58 DR from ch. 20, 15kw, 39-43-28/ 84-15-18; CC from W20CL CC from W24DG-D PR>4kw, 41-39-12/ 83-32-53; CC from W22CO DR from ch. 64, 15kw, 34-21-33/ 96-33-35 dismissed PC>3.7kw NW 250w, 36-35-42/ 97-34-38 Utah: Huntsville Ogden 35 K35GG 41 KOUD-LP Park City 19 KPDR-LD Roosevelt 42 K42JT-D St. George Salt Lake City 9 KMYU 19 KPDR-LP Salt Lake City 39, KSUD-LD/ 45 LP 50 K63GY Summit Co. Utahn Oregon: Eugene Eugene Lakeview Salem 21 23 19 17 Sweet Home 34 K05MG Tillamook K21FS KEVU-LP K19BK K21GX 28 K40EG Pennsylvania: Altoona 22 WJAC 0626AAW Brookville Middleburg Philadelphia 45 W45BT 16 W18BC 38 WPHA-CA Pittsburgh 38 WQEX Pittsburgh 65 WPDN-LP South Carolina: Columbia 50 WKDC-LP DC 1.1kw DC 1kw DC 1.22kw QR from ch. 4, 8kw dismissed DR from ch. 5, 400w, 44-11-46/ 122-59-10 dismissed DR from ch. 40 Texas: Abilene Amarillo Bryan Corpus Christi 4 24 23 19 47 W36DN-D Manchester Pownal 30 W30CN-D 46 W46EG-D Odell Riverside Seattle Spokane Vancouver DR 15kw; CC from W50DX 18 WDYR-CD NW 15kw Vermont: Burlington Washington: Brewster Winthrop KVNL-LP CX K49JL-D QR from ch. 49 KMAY-LP DC 2.1kw NEW-lpdtv AF 15kw, 27-45-32/ 97-36-26 dismissed Winthrop/ Mazama Yakima 7 DR 120w DR 5kw; CC from K41JJ QG from ch. 56, 11kw, 40-48-29/ 111-53-22 NW 85w, 40-19-27/ 110-09-19 CC from KUSG DR from ch. 56, 11kw, 40-48-29/ 111-53-22; CL from Park City CC from ??, K45GX DR from ch. 63, 40w dismissed. Going for ch. 14 instead. 18 NEW-lpdtv AF 491w, 40-21-41/ 110-47-31, DCC for K09VZ Virginia: Chesapeake 25 WVAD-LP Honaker 55 WKPH-LP Virginia Beach 7 WTPC-TV NW 7.5kw, 40-34-03/ 78-26-42; DRT for ch. 34 Johnstown PR<6kw PR<6kw DC 3kw, four subchannels of infomercials FC; sold to Ion; CC to WINP CC from W65CG Tennessee: Dyersburg but reinstated QR from ch. 12 dismissed; going for flash-cut on ch. 22 instead 36 K36KL-D NS 420w, 36-14-44/ 101-22-56 (KACV) 49 KEHO-LD PR<5kw, 29-45-36/ 95-21-49; CL from Beaumont 15 NEW-lpdtv AF dismissed 32 K32EH DR 460w, 34-48-18/ 100-36-12 14 KUVM-LD QR from ch. 40 21 K21FV CX 24 K24HH-D NW 5kw, 33-53-23/ 98-33-30 29 KNAV-LP 49 K56BK 42 8, 10, 12 44 32 36 KODP-LP K08CY, K10DM, K12CV KFFV KDYS-LP KEVE-LP 8, 10, 12, 13 17, 19, 21 19, 20 K08AY, K10BD, K12BA, K13BA NEW-lpdtv NEW QR from ch. 36, 15kw, 44-46-14/ 73-36-49 dismissed PR<796w PR<538w CC from W25CS CX CC from WHRE-TV DR from ch. 56, 40w, 48-01-12/ 119-58-37 CC from K42IO DR 2w CC from KPST CC from K32GS DC 15kw, 45-31-14/ 122-44-37; CL from Longview DR 35w, 48-19-05/ 120-06-54 AF 50w, 48-32-20/ 120-18-44, DCC for K02FZ, K05EK, K04FT AF dismissed Yakima 20 KDHW-LD West Virginia: Clarksburg 46 W21CJ Wisconsin: Green Bay 49 WGBD-LP Janesville Milwaukee 65 WDMW34 WISN-TV Tomah 26 WXOW 1012ADB Wyoming: Chugwater 16 K16IO-D Laramie South Fork 61 K61DX 24 K24HW-D CC from K20JO- The FCC has cancelled a large number of analog LPTV permits. These were mostly part of proposed wireless-cable systems, with large numbers of channels at a single site. The list: PR<4.75kw DR 15kw; CC from W49CB CC from W65EE PC>1000kw/ 303m NS 660w, 44-01-32/ 90-48-58; DRT for ch. 48 La Crosse Fairbanks, AK: Batesville, AR: 14 20, 22, 28, 30, 35, 40, 53, 57, 59, 61, 65, 67, 69 El Dorado, AR: 27, 29, 36, 40, 46, 48, 50, 53, 57, 59, 63, 66, 69 Eureka, CA: 27, 41, 48, 50, 57, 59, 63 Panama C., FL 26, 30, 50 Colquitt, GA: 8, 22, 26, 30, 45, 47, 51, 69 Columbus, GA: 33 Champaign, IL: 48 Quincy, IL: 15, 17, 19, 20, 36, 45, 49, 51 Ottumwa, IA: 21, 31, 45, 49, 51, 53, 55, 58, 65, 67 Waterloo, IA: 40 Talbert, KY: 16, 20, 24, 26, 31, 51, 53, 54, 64, 66, 69 Alexandria, LA: 66 Bangor, ME: 39, 42, 50, 54, 58, 66 Cadillac, MI: 19 Houghton Lake MI: 18, 21, 24, 31, 36, 50, 52, 55, 57, 61, 63, 65, 67 Ludington, MI: 34, 48 Petoskey, MI: 18, 20, 23, 25, 31, 36, 39, 51, 53, 55, 57, 62, 64, 66, 68 Sault Ste. Marie, MI: 21, 32, 36, 39, 48, 50, 52, 56, 58 Traverse C, MI: 15, 23, 34, 48, 52, 56, 58, 62, 66, 68 Rochester, MN: 52 Grenada, MS: 12, 28, 36, 41, 46 Meridian, MS: 20, 26, 34, 36, 43, 46, 48, 52, 54, 59, 65, 69 Tupelo, MS: 49 Cape Girardeau, 33, 47, 55, 58, 65, 67, 69 MO: Joplin, MO: 4, 52, 55 Lawton, OK: 64 Tulsa, OK: 44 Acton, TN: 14, 20, 32, 34, 38, 43, 46, 56, 62, 66, 69 Clarksville, TN: 66 Jackson, TN: 22, 25, 38, 46, 49, 52, 54, 62, 64 Abilene, TX: 38 Plainview, TX: 31 Farmville, VA: 52 Keysville, VA: 39, 48 Whiting, WI: 6, 16, 24, 40, 43, 46, 60, 62 NW 900w, 41-46-09/ 104-48-59 CX NW 600w, 44-14-30/ 109-31-29 (KRMA-6) Thanks to Dennis Smith, John Zeis, Eric Bueneman, and Ed Phelps for information appearing elsewhere in this column. The two new Victoria, BC DTVs are coowned. CKVU-DT-2 is a new station (that is, there is no associated analog facility) and the call letters are assumed, they aren't in the database yet. Right now CKVU-TV has only one relayer, with the calls CKVU-TV-1. The CBC's DTV permits in Ottawa and Québec City will "permanentize" their existing transitional transmitters in those two cities. The WINP callsign change in Pittsburgh is not (yet) official. Dennis noted a crawl running on TBN analog station K21FP Bakersfield. The crawl says many viewers who used to watch TBN on this LPTV station are now using cable or satellite. It asks viewers still watching the LPTV to write TBN HQ in Santa Ana, or call. TBN has also recently given away a number of LPTV permits. Draw your own conclusions... Good DX MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM FROSTY AND THE STAFF AT WTFDA! 8 INDEX OF ABBREVIATIONS APP: application APP Mod: Change to an already submitted application Class FM: license class CP: construction permit (authority to broadcast with facilities noted) CP Mod: change to an already granted CP DA: directional antenna FC: $: STA: XL: frequency change (to or from) Stereo Special Temporary Authority Transmitter Location Note: antenna heights are HAAT except where noted C CANADA C C CALL LETTER CHANGES C AB Edmonton BC Campbell River MB Virden Old Call New Call 99.3 CHMC-FM CIUP-FM 88.7 NEW CHVI-FM 103.3 NEW CJVM-FM NF Wabush ON Quinte West ON Thunder Bay 94.7 NEW 99.3 NEW 90.5 NEW CFLW-FM CIQW-FM CKSI-FM C FORMAT and SLOGAN CHANGES C AB Edmonton AB High Prairie NF Happy Valley-Goose Bay 99.3 CIUP-FM 93.5 CKVH-FM 97.9 CFLN-FM > Classic Hits/Oldies: Up 99 point 3 Prairie FM Big Land FM [includes CFLC-FM 97.9 Churchill Falls and CFLW 94.7 Wabush] C TECHNICAL CHANGES C AB NF NF NS ON High Prairie 93.5 Happy Valley-Goose Bay 97.9 Wabush 94.7 Port Hawkesbury 101.5 Peterborough 90.5 CKVH-FM CFLN-FM CFLW-FM CIGO-FM CJMB-FM Now on the air: 25 kw/66 m, 55-24-47/116-32-31; Class B1; $ [replaces CKVH-1020] 1 kw-H/25 m, 53-18-37/60-17-34; Class A; $ [replaces CFLN-1230] 1 kw-H/-26 m, 52-57-01/66-54-58; Class A; $ [replaces CFLW-1340] 38.1 kw-H/171 m, 45-39-00/61-27-57; Class B; $ 50 w-V/13 m, 4417-48/78-20-11; Class LP; $ C TECHNICAL CHANGES C ON Brockville ON Renfrew 91.9 CBOB-FM 96.1 CHMY-FM CP granted for: 2 kw-V (drops H)/98 m (to DA), 44-38-25/75-37-07; FC from 106.5 7.1 kw/129 m, 45-29-34/76-42-10; Class B1 from A C TECHNICAL CHANGES BB BC Campbell River BC Golden MB Benito MB ON ON ON Virden London Quinte West Thunder Bay GRANTS FOR NEW STATIONS CP granted for: 88.7 NEW 26 w/x m, 50-00-59/125-15-05; Class A; Mono; will be Christian 106.3 (CKGR-FM) 890 w/-374 m, 51-16-25/116-59-21, Class A; $; will replace CKGR-1400 with about 42 hours of local programming along with a partial simulcast of CKXR-FM 91.5 Salmon Arm 99.1 CJSB-FM1 50 w/24 m, 51-54-52/101-32-51 [coordinates of community only]; will relay CJSB-FM 104.5 Swan River 103.3 CJVM-FM 3.44 kw/38 m, 49-51-26/60-17-34; Class A; $; will be Country/Rock 98.1 CKLO-FM 7 kw/107 m, DA, 42-59-09/81-14-47; Class B1; $ 99.3 CIQW-FM 50 w-V/35 m, 44-07-34/77-34-16; Class LP; Mono; will be Tourist Info 90.5 CKSI-FM 50 w/11 m, 48-25-21/89-16-08; Class LP; Mono; will be Tourist Info C TECHNICAL CHANGES C AB St. Paul NS Halifax ON Pembroke ON Perth C APPLICATIONS FROM EXISTING/PROPOSED FACILITIES C Applies for: 97.7 NEW 50 kw/80 m, XL to 54-02-10/111-15-30 [power increase/antenna height decrease from initial application] 105.1 CKHY-FM 100 kw/185 m, 44-38-47/63-39-37, Class B to C [power increase] 104.9 CIMY-FM 31.6 kw/91 m, 45-47-21/77-11-04 [power increase/Class B from A] 88.1 CHLK-FM 5.4 kw-V/92 m, DA, 44-54-34/76-15-51 [power increase] C TECHNICAL CHANGES C C PROPOSALS FOR NEW STATIONS C Applies for: ON St. Thomas QC Baie Des Moutons 94.1 NEW 98.5 NEW 4.37 kw/46 m, DA, 42-47-07/81-10-12; Class A; $; will be AC/Oldies 145 w-V/158 m, DA, 50-47-13/59-00-28, Class A, Mono; Community; will be // CFTH-FM-1 97.7 Harrington Harbour 9 C DISMISSALS C ON Kaministiquia ON Shuniah Township 104.5 103.5 CFQK CKED Application for a power increase Application for a power increase C UNITED STATES AND TERRITORIES C FULL POWER and LPFM STATIONS C CALL LETTER CHANGES C AZ CO CT FL FL FL FL FL ID ID IL IL IL IN IN IA KS KY LA MA MI MN MN MO MO MT NE NV NJ NY NY NY NY Show Low Lamar Pawcatuck Jasper Lake City Weirsdale White Springs Woodville Ashton McCall Oreana Rantoul Tuscola Brownsburg Franklin Denison Dodge City Wilmore Slidell Middleborough Center Grand Rapids Hibbing Nett Lake Doniphan Jackson Billings Kimball Sparks Freehold Belfast Newburgh Rosendale Silver Creek 93.5 90.7 89.5 91.7 90.1 104.5 88.7 97.9 91.3 88.3 88.9 95.3 93.5 101.9 95.9 89.1 90.7 107.1 91.3 88.5 105.7 88.7 89.9 88.3 89.9 88.5 88.3 92.1 89.3 91.7 103.1 98.9 89.3 Old Call KSNX NEW NEW NEW NEW WHZL-LP NEW WJZT NEW NEW WDCK WLFH WEBX NEW WFDM NEW NEW WGCX NEW NEW WOOD-FM NEW NEW NEW KRLJ NEW KGCQ KJZS WSFS WCOM WGNY-FM NEW WCGM New Call KZUZ KCSE WHNM WWJJ WPGT WORJ-LP WJLN WTSM KANP KGSY WDCR WJEK WSJK WKLU WFDM-FM KODN KQSH WLAI WGON WRRS WSRW-FM WHPJ KBFT KYEC KHEZ KBZR KVAM KWFP WFJS-FM WCGM WJGK WGNY-FM WCOM NC NC NC NC NC ND ND OR OR OR OR PA SC SC SD SD TN TX TX TX TX UT VA VA VA VA WA WA WI WY WY WY WY Goldsboro Hillsborough Moyock Smithfield Tarboro Lincoln Moffit - Lincoln Baker City Brookings Cannon Beach Government Camp Lock Haven Ridgeville Saluda Hartford Spearfish Chattanooga Dalhart Llano Sealy Shiner Elsinore Belle Haven Lynchburg Windsor Windsor Aberdeen Eatonville Baraboo Bairoil Esterbrook Evanston Shoshoni 102.3 102.5 92.1 102.3 89.1 89.1 90.9 91.9 91.5 94.9 94.3 92.1 100.9 88.7 91.3 91.9 89.7 89.3 91.7 90.7 91.1 97.7 98.3 93.7 105.3 107.7 90.3 104.9 89.5 94.9 89.5 89.7 88.7 WWMY WKXU WCDG WWMY NEW KGCD NEW NEW NEW KCBZ KZPT WSNU WPAL-FM NEW NEW NEW WDYN NEW NEW KBCP NEW KCYQ NEW NEW WKUS WJCD NEW KFNK NEW NEW KGCY NEW NEW WWPL WPLW WKSA WWPL WNIA KLBF KTWJ KESY KDOB KQCB-FM KZZR WSQV WAYA-FM WKMH-FM KSTJ KYSD WYBK KTDH KVHL KQLC KPXS KWUT WHRF WKHF WVMA WKUS KBSG KSGX WCNP KCYO KQCO KUWE KUDA TRANSLATORS and BOOSTER STATIONS C CALL LETTER CHANGES C AZ AR CA CA GA HI ID ID IN IN IN MN MN MN MN MN Lake Havasu City Stuttgart Byron Camarillo Winder Lahaina Burley Grangeville Bloomington Elkhart Muncie Braham Buffalo Lake Cottage Grove Hutchinson Mora 106.7 102.7 91.9 90.3 101.1 107.5 101.1 89.3 101.9 101.9 93.9 101.7 105.5 103.5 105.5 101.9 Old Call K240AZ K277BE K208EZ KMRO-3 W264AR KHEI-1 K212DR K204EP NEW NEW W231CC W273BX K287AU K279AZ K287AU W273BX New Call K294BV K274BX K220JV KMRO-FM3 W266BW KHEI-FM1 K266BJ K207EJ W270BH W270BL W230AR W270CA K288GE K278BP K288GE W270CA MO MO NM OR OR OR PA PA SD TN TN TX TX UT WA WY Maryville Mooresville Las Trampas Astoria Maupin The Dalles Meshoppen Palmerton Rapid City Chattanooga Lawrenceburg Dalhart Hereford Beaver Shelton Diamondville 95.9 94.3 100.9 94.9 104.3 103.9 88.9 105.9 91.7 106.9 99.5 88.1 92.7 97.7 104.3 89.9 K237EU K229BR K268BS KCBZ-FM1 K285DC K281AX W216CH W289BP K218DX W227AK W205CF K255BU K227BR KCYQ-FM2 K285FJ K207DW K240DY K232EG K265EN KQCB-FM1 K282BA K280FJ W205CL W290BY K219LD W295BI W258BS K201IF K224DY KWUT-FM2 K282BB K210EL C FORMAT AND SLOGAN CHANGES C C Full Power and LP Facilities C AL AL AK CA CA CO CO CO FL GA GA GA GA HI IL St. Florian Steele Bethel Westwood Yucca Valley Fort Collins Parachute Salida Woodville Canton Nashville Peachtree City Pembroke Pahala Lansing 102.7 91.1 91.9 88.5 88.1 88.3 101.1 88.1 97.9 105.7 90.5 96.7 99.1 91.7 106.3 WWFA WAYU KJNR KJCQ KRTM KGCO KDBN KMPZ WTSM WWVA-FM WGCN WWLG WBAW-FM KAHU WSRB Signs on with Top 40: Kiss FM 102 point 7 Signs on with Contemporary Christian: Way FM Signs on with Contemporary Christian Signs on with Religion: KWTW Winning The West // KWTW 88.5 Bishop Signs on with Religion // KWTH > Contemporary Christian: K-Love Signs on with Classic Rock: 95 Rock // KKNN 95.1 Delta Signs on with Classical // KCME 88.7 Manitou Springs > Sports: ESPN > Rhythmic CHR: Wild 105 point 7 and 96 point 7 > Contemporary Christian: K-Love > Rhythmic CHR // WWVA-FM 105.7: Wild 105 point 7 and 96 point 7 Returns to the air with Sports/Oldies Signs on with a Variety format: KAHU 91 point 7 Adds Talk to its Urban AC format; now 106 point 3, Real Radio 10 IL KS KS KY MI Robinson Brewster Minneapolis Wilmore McBain 101.7 WTYE 90.1 KZNK 92.7 KZUH 107.1 WLAI 107.9 WCDY MI MN MN MO MT NV NM NM NM NY NY NY NC NC NC ND ND ND OH OR OR PA SC TN TX TX TX TX TX UT UT UT VA WA TX WA WI WY Crystal Valley Hibbing International Falls Hayti Big Timber Battle Mountain Belen Roswell Ruidoso Montauk Remsen Smithtown Hillsborough Sharpsburg Smithfield Lincoln Lisbon Mandan Mason Hood River Jordan Valley Philadelphia Greer Lynchburg Conroe Hondo Laughlin AFB Post Terrell Hills Monroe Monticello Roosevelt Bristol Bellevue Goldsmith Eatonville Ashland Cody 88.3 88.7 88.3 98.7 89.3 91.9 91.1 91.7 91.3 104.7 93.5 94.3 102.5 103.1 102.3 89.1 106.1 91.3 97.7 90.1 90.9 106.1 103.3 91.9 106.9 89.9 106.9 107.3 106.7 88.5 89.3 89.3 106.5 92.5 94.7 104.9 96.7 89.1 WSMZ WHPJ KITF WGCQ KYPB KPMJ KQGC KGCN KYCT WELJ WOKR WIGX WPLW WLQC WWPL KLBF KQLX-FM KPHA WOXY KHRV KGCL WISX WOLT WGBQ KHPT KHDO KDRX KGCE KTKX KUXU KUOU KUOU WKJV KQMV KTXO KFNK WJJH KNWT > Adult Contemporary: remains Hometown Radio; no longer // WTAY-1570 Signs on with News/Classical: High Plains Public Radio > Top-40: 92 point 7, The Zoo > Christian Rock: Air 1 Signs on, playing Christmas music; a permanent format follows the holidays Signs on with Contemporary Christian: Smile FM Signs on with Religious Teaching: Lifetalk // KOPJ 89.3 Sebeka Signs on with Minnesota Public Radio News Network > Christian Rock: Air 1 Signs on with News/Classical: Yellowstone Public Radio Signs on with Contemporary Christian: Pilgrim Radio // KNIS-91.3 > Contemporary Christian: K-Love > Contemporary Christian: K-Love Returns with Christian: Your Christian Companion > Hot Adult Contemporary: Today's Best Music // WPLJ-95.5 New York > Christian Rock: Air 1 > 90s Adult Hits: 94X > Top 40: Pulse 102 Signs on with Standards: Timeless Favorites 103 point 1 > Top 40: Pulse 102 // WPLW > Contemporary Christian: K-Love Remains Country, but now goes by Thunder 106 point 1 Signs on with Religious Teaching: Real Presence Radio // KWTL-1370 > Regional Mexican: La Mega 97 point 7 Signs on with News/Talk from Oregon Public Broadcasting > Contemporary Christian: K-Love Remains Rhythmic Adult Contemporary but is now Mix 106 point 1 > Classic Hits: Carolina's Classic 103 point 3 WOLT Signs on with Religion: Glory FM > Alternative 80s and 90s Rock: 106 point 9, The Zone Signs on with Spanish: Radio Poderosa 89 point 9 Signs on with Regional Mexican > Contemporary Christian: K-Love > Classic Rock: X 106-7: World Class Rock Signs on with News/Talk/Jazz // KUER-90.1 Signs on with News/Talk/Jazz // KUER-90.1 Signs on with News/Talk/Jazz // KUER-90.1 Returns to the air with Southern Gospel > Top 40, remaining Movin= 92 point 5 Signs on with Rythmic Oldies: Jammin= 94 point 7 > 90s Adult Hits: Seattle=s Gen X Radio > Rock (Dial Global) remaining J96 Signs on with a Variety format C CHRISTMAS MUSIC STATIONS C [Some reported as early as November 1st] AL CA CO GA GA IN IN IN IA IA IA MB MA MI MI MN MN MN MN MO NE NJ NM Phenix City Fresno Widefield Athens Columbus Attica New Carlisle Seelyville Ames Clinton Cedar Rapids Winnipeg Taunton McBain Walker Anoka Duluth East Grand Forks Minneapolis Kansas City Omaha Wildwood Crest Corrales 100.1 102.7 106.3 104.7 103.7 95.7 102.3 95.9 104.1 96.1 104.5 94.3 93.3 107.9 100.5 107.9 101.7 104.3 102.9 102.1 104.5 93.1 95.1 NY NY NY NY NY ND OH OH OH SC SC SD TX UT UT WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WGSY-FM KHGE-FM KKLI-FM WFSH-FM WLTC-FM WSHP-FM WSMM-FM WWSY-FM KLTI-FM KMXG KDAT CHIQ-FM WSNE-FM WCDY-FM WTRV-FM KQQL KLDJ KZLT WLTE KCKC KSRZ WEZW KLQT Malta New York Phoenix Rome Rotterdam Bismarck Ashville Cincinnati Cleveland North Charleston Spartanville Sioux Falls Dallas Salt Lake City Spanish Fork Altoona Baraboo Cleveland Eau Claire Milwaukee Milwaukee Whiting 105.7 106.7 102.1 102.5 98.3 92.9 93.3 93.3 106.5 102.5 98.9 92.5 103.7 100.3 106.5 98.1 94.9 98.1 94.1 95.7 99.1 96.7 WBZZ WLTW WZUN-FM WUMX-FM WTRY KYYY WLZT-FM WAKW WMVX-FM WXLY-FM WSPA-FM KELO-FM KVIL KSFI-FM KOSY-FM WISM WOLX WLKN WIAL WRIT-FM WMYX-FM WLJY C Translator Facilities C MN East Grand Forks 107.9 K300BG Carries the programming of: KCNN-1590 Grand Forks, North Dakota with Oldies: Rock 107 point 9 AL Montgomery 104.9 W285AJ Cancelled license reinstated; renewal application filed AL Montgomery 107.1 W296AI Cancelled license reinstated; renewal application filed C OTHERNEWS C AZ Apache Junction 90.7 ------- Application for new station dismissed AR Vilonia 88.7 ------- Application for new station dismissed CA Firebaugh 90.5 KYCI Is silent CA Porterville 89.5 K208EI License Renewal denied 11 CA CA CO CT FL FL Templeton Tulare South Fork Manchester Key West Lake City 100.5 88.1 91.3 90.9 91.9 88.7 KXDZ K201FB K217CR ------------------- FL GA GU IN IA IA Micco Pavo Agana Howe Keokuk Patterson 105.5 91.3 90.1 89.7 88.1 105.9 WBFT-LP ------------WHWE ------KZWF IA Pacific Junction IA Pleasantville KS Belle Plaine LA Kentwood 107.7 KGGG 96.3 KZWU 92.7 KANR 94.1 WEMX MN MN MN MT NJ NM NY Bemidji Dodge Center Pine City Belgrade Cherry Hill Hurley Briarcliff Manor 105.3 88.1 91.9 90.9 89.5 105.5 107.1 K287AD ------------KGCM WKVP KSIL WXPK NY NY NY NY NC NC OR PA PA PA SD TN TX TX TX TX UT VT VT VA VA VA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WY Corning Lima Quogue Spring Valley Engelhard Washington Tiller Elysburg Frackville Gap Loomis Cookeville Benavides Del Rio East Bernard Stamford Castle Valley Montpelier Randolph Bowling Green Synergy Project Tappahannock Chehalis Everett Littlerock McCleary Montesano Onalaska Palouse Selah Opal 89.5 104.9 91.7 90.5 91.9 98.3 91.3 90.9 88.3 92.9 88.1 89.9 107.7 89.1 89.1 106.9 106.7 91.3 100.1 91.3 91.3 91.7 89.7 104.7 89.7 89.7 89.7 89.7 90.1 103.1 91.1 W208BC WNYL-LP ------Pirate ------WLGT ------------------WLRI KGRH ------------------NEW KJTZ K294BL ------WRAN-LP ------------------------K284AT ------------------------------KYKV KPMF Fined $10,000 for failure to maintain the station=s Public Inspection File License Renewal denied License cancelled; call deleted Application for new station dismissed Application for new station dismissed [competing application granted] Application for new station dismissed [2 applications; competing application granted] License cancelled; call deleted [per licensee=s request] Application for new station dismissed Application for new station dismissed License cancelled; call deleted Application for new station dismissed Is off the air due to what it called >an unacceptable level of interference near the transmitter= and also claims its being off is necessary to complete the modification of its facilities under a Construction Permit Construction Permit cancelled Is off the air due to alleged >equipment theft= Fined $25,000 for violations for: failure to maintain an operational EAS system; tower visibility and paint issues; and public inspection file issues Fined $8000 for failure to properly maintain the station=s Public Inspection File Is off the air due to tower collapse; they are seeking a new tower site Application for new station dismissed Application for new station dismissed Is silent Cancelled license reinstated; renewal application filed Is silent Fined $10,000 for failing to maintain and make available the quarterly issues/program lists in the station=s Public Inspection File Cancelled license reinstated; renewal application filed License cancelled; call deleted Application for new station dismissed Fined an individual $10,000 for operating an unlicensed transmitter Application for new station dismissed Is silent Application for new station dismissed Application for new station dismissed Application for new station dismissed Is silent Is silent Application for new station dismissed Application for new station dismissed Application for new station dismissed Application for new station reinstated Is silent Cancelled license reinstated; renewal application filed Application for new station dismissed Cancelled license reinstated; renewal application filed Application for new station dismissed Application for new station dismissed Application for new station dismissed Application for new station dismissed License cancelled; call deleted Application for new station dismissed Application for new station dismissed Application for new station dismissed Application for new station dismissed Application for new station dismissed Cancelled a $10,000 fine Is silent +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NEWS ITEM: The FCC reports that as of September 30, there are 6,512 commercial FMs, 3,251 noncommercial FMs, 864 low-power FMs and 6,161 FM translators licensed in the U.S. and its territories. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks to Shawn Axelrod, Dave Bright, Bruce Elving, Deane McIntyre, Radio World Online and Upper Midwest Broadcasting for news. If you hear any changes occur on your FM dial, share the news! 73 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 12 FCC FM FACILITIES December 2010 AF Aux CC CL DE FC FTP LC NS NW PA Applied For (a new station) Auxiliary (backup) transmitter Callsign change City-of-license change License/permit deleted Programming (format) change Failure to Prosecute License to Cover Permit granted for new station New station on the air Proposed Amendment PC PG PR RA RE ROA SI STA XC XG XR Power (and/or tower height) change on the air Power change granted Power change requested Returns to the air Reinstated (previously-dismissed app.) Request of Applicant Off the air (silent) Special Temporary Authority Transmitter site changed Transmitter site change granted Transmitter site change requested Changes: AB St. Paul 97.7 CHLW-FM AK Bethel 91.9 KJNR AK Kiana 91.9 NEW AK Noatak 91.9 NEW AK Sitka 89.3 KQQS AL Lineville 90.5 NEW AL Monroeville 88.9 WILF AL Steele 91.1 WAYU AR Batesville 88.1 KBAP AR Monticello 90.7 KUEC AR Pine Bluff AR Searcy 89.7 88.7 KUAP NEW AR Searcy 88.7 NEW AR Vilonia AR Walnut Ridge 88.7 88.9 NEW NEW AZ Aguila 107.3 NEW AZ Apache Junction 90.7 NEW AZ Apache Junction 90.7 NEW AZ Holbrook AZ Willcox 92.1 89.5 KZUA NEW CA Avalon 89.7 NEW CA Bakersfield CA Bella Vista CA Carmel Valley 92.1 88.5 91.3 KPSL-FM KKRN NEW CA Carpinteria 101.7 KSBL CA Coarsegold 94.5 KCGC CA Hemet 102.5 NEW CA Johannesburg 98.5 NEW CA Marshall 91.5 NEW CA Riverdale 98.3 KZLA CA Susanville 100.7 KGXX CA Susanville 90.1 NEW PR>50kw/80m, 54-0210/111-15-30 NW 3kw-V/23m, 60-4741/161-46-18 AF 10w-V/-42m, amendment from -28m AF 10w-V/-11m, amendment from +11m NW 500w-V/-152m, 57-0302/135-20-02 AF 500w/31m, 33-18-22/8544-42; amendment from 51m NW 65kw/118m, 31-1813/87-02-50 NW 150w-V/230m, 33-5730/86-13-01 PR>250w-H (from Vonly)/39m, 35-47-52/91-4016 PR 100w/42m, 33-36-00/9148-41 PC>50kw/82m AF 1.6kw/86m, 35-12-28/9146-20 (Educational Media Foundation) AF 1.6kw/86m, 35-12-28/9146-20; amendment from 1wH/40kw-V/91m at different site AF dismissed (CSN) NS 40kw-V/107m, 35-5831/91-20-09 (Community Broadcasting) AF 50kw/150m, amendment from 46kw AF dismissed (Black Entrepreneur Assn.) NS 2kw/18m, 33-27-27/11129-28 (East Valley Inst. of Technology Dist. #401) PR<78m, 34-55-13/110-07-53 AF 100w/15m, 32-16-01/10950-00 (St. Paul Cultural Broadcasting) AF dismissed (Primera Iglesia Evangelica de Apostoles y Profetas) PC 4.2kw/121m PR 600w/610m NS 100w/-347m, 36-2830/121-43-40 (Colina Alta Ministries) PC>890w/496m, 34-3010/119-50-56 PG 480w/352m, 37-2510/119-44-40 AF 4.7kw/108m, 33-3526/116-56-23 reinstated NS 340w/417m, 35-2838/117-41-58 (Mt. Wilson FM Broadcasters) PR<100w/-72m (add H, was V-only), 38-09-04/122-53-12 PR>25kw/89m, 36-3237/120-00-22; CL from Huron NW 6kw/-161m, 40-2636/120-38-35 FC; sold to IHR Educational Broadcasting CO Centennial 101.9 KKHI CO Centennial 101.9 KKHI CO Denver CO Howard 105.9 103.1 KALC NEW CO Salida 88.1 KMPZ CO Steamboat Springs 98.9 NEW FL Charlotte Harbor FL Jasper 92.9 107.5 WIKX WJHC FL Key West 91.9 NEW FL Key West 91.9 NEW FL Lake City 88.7 NEW FL Lake City 90.1 NEW FL Orange Park 91.7 WTRJ-FM FL Orange Park 91.7 WTRJ-FM FL Palm Coast FL White Springs 91.1 88.7 WHYZ NEW GA Atlanta 94.9 WUBL GA Atlanta 96.1 WKLS GA Clermont GA Clermont GA Roswell 105.1 105.1 107.5 WNGA WNGA WAMJ GU Agana 90.1 NEW HI Honolulu 90.1 KTUH HI Pahala 91.7 KAHU IA Davenport 88.5 KALA IA Des Moines 94.9 KGGO IA Des Moines 94.9 KGGO IA Estherville IA Keokuk ID Idaho Falls 95.9 88.1 100.5 KILR-FM NEW KUPI-FM ID Idaho Falls ID Menan 100.5 90.9 KUPI-FM NEW ID Menan ID Moscow 90.9 90.3 NEW NEW 13 AF 1.5kw/198m, 39-4437/104-59-18 (aux); NS NS 1.5kw/198m, 39-4437/104-59-18 (aux) NW 25kw/487m (aux) AF 6kw/-446m, 38-2558/105-48-08 (Kona Coast Radio) NW 200w/827m, 38-2648/106-00-36 NS 1.85kw/183m, 40-2743/106-50-58 (Ramsey Leasing) PG 3.1kw/246m (aux); NW NW 6kw/90m, 30-31-19/8257-07 AF dismissed (Call Communications Group) NS 1kw/50m, 24-33-18/8148-05 (Clean Air Broadcasting Corp.) AF dismissed (Call Communications Group; Florida Urban Radio Network Assn.) NS 700w/34m, 30-10-46/8242-49 (Grace Covenant Baptist Church) PR 6.7kw/194m, 30-1634/81-33-51 PR 8.6kw/171m, 30-1651/81-34-13; amendment from 6.7kw/194m at different site NW 4kw-V/47m (aux) NS 300w-V/44m, 30-1502/82-44-40 (Faith & Action Community Outreach) NW 37kw/319m, 33-4441/84-21-36 (aux) NW 37kw/319m, 33-4441/84-21-36 (aux) PG>7kw PR 7kw/187m PG>33kw/185m, 33-5501/84-12-06 AF dismissed (Marianas Educational Media Services) PR>5.5kw/508m, 21-2012/157-49-03 PR>-39m, 19-06-02/155-3409 NW 245w/36m, 41-32-26/9034-56 (aux) AF 15kw/151m, 41-49-51/9343-53 (aux) NS 15kw/151m, 41-49-51/9343-53 (aux) PC>25kw AF dismissed (WSUI) QG from 99.1, 193m, 43-2106/112-00-29; supercedes permit to go to 100.7 with same facilities QR from 99.1 via 100.7 AF 750w/241m, 43-4722/111-58-05; amendment from 650w/252m PG 750w/241m AF 270w/302m, 46-40- ID Moscow 90.3 NEW ID St. Maries 92.1 KXJO ID Ucon 104.5 KRID ID Ucon 104.5 KRID IL Hamilton 88.1 NEW IL Le Roy 104.1 WBWN IL Lincoln 88.9 WLNX IL Pinckneyville IN Howe IN Madison 104.3 89.7 100.9 NEW WHWE NEW IN Wanatah IN Warsaw 88.5 88.7 WTMK WQKV KS Brewster 90.1 KZNK KS Chanute 90.3 KJVL KS La Harpe 91.9 KFKB KS Nashville 88.1 NEW KS Nashville 88.1 NEW KS Sun City 88.5 NEW KS Wichita 90.7 KYWA KS Wichita 90.7 KYWA KY Paducah 91.7 WNFC LA Cameron 91.7 NEW LA Carencro LA Lafayette LA Lake Providence LA Slidell 103.7 90.9 89.1 91.3 KLWB-FM KIKL KLEC NEW LA Zachary MA Boston 93.7 103.3 KRDJ WODS MA Boston MA Fitchburg 103.3 90.1 WODS NEW MD California 89.7 NEW MD Leonardtown 91.7 NEW MD Morningside 95.5 MI Bear Creek Township MI Bear Lake 89.3 WPGCFM WTLI 100.7 WCUZ MI Custer 93.3 NEW MI Highland Park 88.1 WHPR-FM MI Huron Township MI Lansing MI Mattawan MI Onekama 89.5 89.7 92.5 93.3 WDTP WLNZ WZUU NEW MI Saginaw 98.1 WKCQ 54/116-58-13; NS (Radio Free Moscow) AF dismissed (Radio Free Moscow) NW 200w/7m, 47-20-08/11634-18 PG>33kw/182m, 43-3233/111-53-04 PR>33kw/182m, 43-3233/111-53-04 NS 50kw/130m, 40-30-41/9119-50 (Bloomington-Normal Broadcasting Corp.) PC>47kw/100m, 40-2526/88-52-27 PG 225w/21m, 40-09-23/8921-40, basically undoes permit to increase power & move to 89.5 AF RE 2.6kw/127m, 38-0657/89-16-48 (Pinckneyville Community Radio) CX ROA AF 6kw/47m, 38-48-20/8519-41 RE (Cornerstone Community Fellowship at Madison) FC; sold to WONU QG from 88.5, 4.5kw/90m, 41-04-26/85-53-46 NW 90kw/305m, 39-1431/101-21-38 FC; transferred from Great Plains Christian Radio to KANU PR<750w/66m; amendment to change CL from Girard AF 200w/258m, 37-23-10/9815-44 (Harvest Time Apostolic Ministries) AF 200w/258m, 37-23-10/9815-44; amendment from 1kw/57m at different site & on 88.5 NS 47kw/146m, 37-38-35/9849-13 (Joshua Springs Calvary Chapel) AF 3kw-H/48m, 37-41-08/9720-16 (aux) NS 3kw-H/48m, 37-41-08/9720-16 (aux) NW 15kw/90m, 37-03-41/8850-26 PR<100w/9m, 29-47-28/9319-06 PG>14.5kw PG 8.2kw/115m XR 32-45-38/91-10-47 NS 100w-H/23kw-V/85m, 3032-09/89-51-52 (Crisis Pregnancy Help Center of Slidell) req. CL from New Iberia AF 16kw/270m (aux) (use old main as aux) PC 8.7kw/351m PR>450w/169m, 42-3027/71-49-37 NS 7kw/98m, 38-20-57/7637-34 (Delmarva Educational Assn.) NS 50kw-V/80m, 38-1004/76-22-40 (Chesapeake Catholic Radio) NW 14kw/138m (aux) PR<17kw QR from 100.1, 25kw/132m, dismissed due to inability to change Custer allotment from 100.5 to 93.3. PA from 100.5, to allow WCUZ to move from 100.1 to 100.7. Dismissed; mutually exclusive with Onekama proposal. PG>12w H&V (add V), 42-2429/83-05-30 PG 700w/95m PR>1kw H&V (add H)/33m PR 4.7kw/111m GA, class A, mutually exclusive with Custer proposal. NW 50kw/104m, 43-2500/83-55-05 (aux) (use old main as aux) MI Saginaw 98.1 WKCQ MN Dodge Center 88.1 NEW MN Hibbing 88.7 WHPJ MN Stewartville 88.1 NEW MO Ash Grove MO Chillicothe 91.5 90.3 KQOH KCKE MO Steelville 107.3 KLPW-FM MS Oxford 105.1 NEW MT Arlee 90.3 KJFT MT Arlee MT Big Timber 90.3 89.3 KJFT KYPB MT Fairfield 102.7 KEAU MT Highwood 101.7 KZUS MT Kalispell MT Livingston 88.7 90.1 KLKM KYPM MT Vaughn 103.9 KUUS NC Boiling Spring Lakes NC Buxton 99.9 WKXB 91.9 NEW NC Engelhard 91.9 NEW NC Hillsborough 102.5 WPLW NC Ocracoke 90.1 WOVV NC Rennert NC Smithfield 105.7 102.3 WGQR WWPL ND Dickinson 90.9 KSLS ND Fort Pierre NE Bennington 90.3 93.3 KSLP KTWI NE Crawford 88.1 KCFD NE Gibbon 97.7 KMTY NE Hartington 88.3 NEW NE Lincoln 89.3 KZUM NH Bow 91.5 WCNU NH Claremont 106.1 WHDQ NJ Berlin NJ Cherry Hill 88.1 89.5 WNJS-FM WKVP NJ Cherry Hill 89.5 WKVP NJ Franklin 102.3 WSUS NJ Franklin NJ Franklin NJ Franklin 102.3 102.3 102.3 WSUS WSUS WSUS NJ New Brunswick NJ New Brunswick NJ New Brunswick NJ North Cape May 98.3 98.3 98.3 106.3 WMGQ WMGQ WMGQ WFNE NJ Point Pleasant 95.9 WRAT NM Alamo Community NM Truth or Consequences NM Truth or Consequences 107.5 91.1 NEW NEW 91.1 NEW NV Alamo 91.3 KQLN NV Amargosa Valley 105.9 NEW NV Amargosa Valley 97.9 NEW 14 PC>150m, 43-25-04/83-5506; revert to original facility & use old main as aux AF dismissed (We Have This Hope Christian Radio) NW 6kw/41m, 47-25-54/9256-33 NS 1.9kw/278m, 43-3415/92-25-37 (Rochester Community & Technical College) PR>75kw/105m PG 32kw/82m, 39-46-53/9318-10 PR 22kw/62m, 38-02-41/9130-05 AF 3.1kw/140m, 34-2821/89-31-23; amendment from 2.4kw/160m at different site 400w H&V on the air (adds H, was V-only) PG>400w NW 500w/126m, 45-4501/109-57-16 PR<62.2kw-V (remains 93.3kw-H) PR<62.3kw-V (remains 93.4kw-H) PC<3.3kw/785m NW 440w/265m, 45-3551/110-32-45 PR<2.2kw-V (remains 3.3kw-H) NW 1.1kw/236m, 34-1437/78-07-24 (aux) NS 50kw-H/49m, 35-1602/75-32-07 (R. Hatteras) AF dismissed (Spirit Broadcasting Group) PC 1.5kw/204m, 36-0613/78-57-57; CL from Louisburg NW 650w/19m, 35-06-43/7558-38 req. CL from Elizabethtown PC 2.6kw/153m, 35-3443/78-26-10; CL from Goldsboro PR<2kw/131m, 46-5515/102-43-49 PR<2kw/56m PR 6.1kw/202m, 41-1832/96-01-33 PR>1.5kw/201m, 42-4538/103-39-26 PR>100kw/125m, 40-3833/99-04-52; CL from Holdrege PR>100kw/125m, 42-2344/97-37-17 PR<28m, 40-46-39/96-39-10; amendment to include site change PG>190w/144m, 43-0705/71-32-57 NW 2kw/326m, 43-23-48/7218-01 (aux) PC>1w-H/80w-V/287m PG 1.9kw-V/61m, 39-5443/74-59-21 PR 1.9kw-V/61m, 39-5443/74-59-21 reinstated & granted AF 600w/214m, 41-08-37/7432-21 (aux) NS 600w/214m (aux) PR<218m PR<218m; amendment from 600w/214m AF 1.25kw/156m (aux) NS 1.25kw/156m (aux) PR<158m, 40-28-37/74-29-33 QG from 106.7, 6kw/91m, 38-59-45/74-50-19 PR 1.45kw/146m, 40-0957/74-01-56 PR>10kw-V (drop H)/-41m NS 70w-H/1.06kw-V/806m, 32-58-04/107-13-37 (KYCC) PR<80w-H/1.2kw-V/805mH/807m-V; amendment from 589m-H/591m-V NW 500w-V/-280m, 37-2301/115-10-41 PG<51kw-H/-19m, 36-3833/116-23-53 PA from 105.9, class C1, NV Battle Mountain 91.9 KPMJ NV Las Vegas 91.1 KVKL NV Logandale 106.1 KSNN NV Silverpeak 106.1 NEW NY Albany 90.3 NY Albany 90.3 NY Albany 90.3 NY Amherst 92.1 WAMCFM WAMCFM WAMCFM NEW NY Canaseraga 97.1 WZHD NY Esperance 89.9 WOPG NY Liberty 88.1 WGWR NY Port Chester 96.7 WCTZ NY Quogue 91.7 NEW OH Cincinnati 90.9 WGUC OH Findlay OH Hopedale 100.5 91.7 WKXA-FM NEW OH New Albany 101.7 WNKO OH Youngstown OK Ada OK Broken Arrow 88.5 91.9 90.5 WYSU KOUA KNYD OK Hugo 91.3 NEW OK Loyal 89.3 KIEL OK Miami 100.9 KGLC OK Seminole OK Seminole 89.1 89.1 KXTH KXTH OK Wilburton 91.1 NEW ON Brockville ON Pembroke ON Renfrew OR Chemult 91.9 104.9 96.1 89.5 CBOB-FM CIMY-FM CHMY-FM KSKX OR Hines OR Hines OR Hines OR Hood River 89.1 89.1 90.9 90.1 KQDL KQDL KQDL KHRV OR Siletz 91.7 NEW OR Toledo 91.7 NEW PA Elysburg 90.9 NEW PA Elysburg 90.9 NEW PA Farmington Township PA Kulpmont 106.1 WCOP 90.5 NEW PA Mount Cobb PA Philadelphia 90.3 90.1 WFTE WRTI PA Summerdale PA Tunkhannock 91.7 91.3 WJAZ WCIN PA Warminster PA Warminster 89.3 89.3 WRDV WRDV PA York 98.5 WYCR dismissed for failure to prosecute. NW 100w/684m, 40-3715/116-41-18 PC>41kw/325m, 35-3741/115-16-24 req. CL from St. George, Utah dismissed. Was contingent on Amargosa Valley move from 105.9 to 97.9. PA, class C, dismissed. Would interfere with 105.9 Amargosa Valley. AF 2.8kw-V/621m (aux) NS 2.8kw-V/621m (aux) PR>624m (aux) AF dismissed (Monument of Faith Fellowship Center; Helen M. Randall Memorial Baptist Church; Lockport SDA Church PG>3.9kw/95m, 42-24-06/7739-37 NW 1.4kw-V/306m, 42-4629/74-40-55 PR 350w/246m, 41-48-04/7447-05; amendment to add change in coordinates PR>3.1kw/143m, 40-5444/73-46-55; FC, sold to EMF AF dismissed (Community Bible Church) PR 18.5kw/209m, 39-0730/84-29-56 NW 20kw/115m (aux) PR<310w/76m, 40-17-25/8053-17 PG>22kw/107m, 40-0838/82-38-20 PC>115m PR 1.5kw/82m NW 2w-H/98kw-V/173m, 3547-51/95-54-02 (aux) NS 99kw/91m, 34-00-25/9527-59 (One Creek Valley Church) PR>75kw-V (but drop H) dismissed PR>6kw/84m, 36-53-24/9447-08 PC>2.6kw PG>2.62kw H&V (was Vonly)/115m AF dismissed (Eastern Oklahoma State College) QG from 106.5, 2kw/98m PR>31.6kw/91m PR>7.1kw/129m NW 100w/578m, 43-1820/121-42-58 PG<300w QG from 90.9, 300w/267m FC; sold to CSN PC 65w/227m, 45-39-45/12128-14 AF 880w/297m, 44-4524/124-02-50 (Firebare) AF dismissed (Community Presbyterian Church of Waldport) AF 290w/196m, 40-50-18/7638-47 reinstated (Four Rivers Community Broadcasting Corp.) AF dismissed (Four Rivers Community Broadcasting Corp.) PG 3.2kw/135m, 41-2631/79-26-40 NS 375w/212m, 40-47-31/7623-08 (Apostolic Faith Network) PR<12m, 41-23-09/75-24-10 NW 10.6kw-H/9.3kw-V/308m, 40-02-19/75-14-14 (aux) PC>1kw/214m PC 250w H&V (add H)/350m, 41-31-28/76-04-19 PC>85w-H/1.6kw-V PG>85w-H/1.6kw-V rescinded, returned to pending status NW 10.5kw/247m, 39-51- 26/76-56-54 (aux) NW 6kw/178m, 18-19-19/6517-59 RI Providence 88.1 WELH PC>4kw H&V (add H)/41m, 41-51-27/71-19-06 SC Branchville 88.9 NEW AF 3.6kw-H/18kw-V/90m, 3312-25/80-36-47 (Spirit Broadcasting Group) SC Orangeburg 102.9 WQKI-FM PG 3.7kw/125m; supercedes permit to go to 95.7 SC Parris Island 103.1 WGZO PR 11kw/115m, 32-13-36/8050-53 SC Saint George 88.9 NEW AF dismissed (Faith Cathedral Fellowship) SD Hartford 91.3 NEW NS 40kw-V/207m, 43-2922/97-26-33 (Catholic Chancery Office) SD Huron 88.7 KVCH PG>60kw H&V (add H)/161m, 44-11-39/98-19-05 SD Huron 88.7 KVCH PR>60kw H&V (was Vonly)/161m, 44-11-39/98-1905 SD Loomis 88.1 KGRH NW 800w/37m, 43-42-04/9803-45 TN Friendsville 99.1 WNMLPR<93m, 35-42-42/84-01-21; FM CL from Loudon TN Jefferson City 99.3 WNRX PR<1kw/86m, 36-06-03/8330-20 TN Livingston 89.1 NEW AF 1.2kw/198m, 36-2555/85-23-25 (Cookeville Christian Braodcasting) TN Lynchburg 91.9 WGBQ NW 900w/107m, 35-1632/86-21-37 TN Martin 90.3 WUTM PG 175w/86m, 36-20-23/8851-35 TN Memphis 104.5 WRVR AF 22kw/140m (aux) TN Memphis 104.5 WRVR NS 22kw/140m (aux) TN Nashville 89.1 WNAZ-FM FC; sold to Bott Broadcasting (WCRT-1160). Also affects translators: 93.9 Gallatin, 99.5 Clarksville (not on the air), TX Benavides 107.7 NEW AF dismissed (Charles E. Crawford) TX Borger 91.3 NEW NS 20kw/87m, 35-39-02/10135-10 (Educational Music Foundation) TX Brownsville 99.5 KKPS PR>453m, 26-08-56/97-49-18 TX East Bernard 89.1 NEW AF dismissed (Christ is Life Church) TX Hamilton 107.7 KHHG QR from 104.9, 600w/98m, 31-43-08/98-08-39 TX Harlingen 94.5 KFRQ PG>453m TX Holliday 90.9 KGVB PG<7.5kw/107m, 33-4418/98-54-28 TX Holliday 90.9 KGVB PR<7.5kw/107m, 33-4418/98-54-28 TX Houston 91.7 KTRU FC; sold to KUHF-88.7. Expected to become classical KUHC. TX Houston 93.7 KKRW AF 37kw/358m, 29-33-44/9530-35 (aux) TX Laughlin AFB 106.9 KDRX NW 6kw/100m, 29-2421/100-39-41 TX Laughlin AFB 106.9 KDRX PG 6kw/100m, 29-24-21/10039-41 TX Midland 89.1 NEW AF dismissed (Vision Celestial) TX San Antonio 92.9 KROM AF 2.5kw/106m (aux) TX Springtown 89.1 KSQX PG>50kw TX Sulphur Springs 91.9 NEW PR<950w/46m dismissed TX Sulphur Springs 91.9 NEW PR>950w/46m, 33-09-05/9536-13; amendment from 1kw/45m TX Trinity 89.7 KTYR PR<151m, 31-15-52/95-32-05 TX Weatherford 88.5 KMQX PG>100kw TX Weatherford 88.5 KMQX PR>100kw, amendment to add H TX Wellington 91.7 NEW NS 2kw/124m, 34-47-24/10010-24 (La Promesa Foundation) UT Beaver 90.7 KEZB PG<-155m, 38-17-13/112-3819 UT Beaver 90.7 KEZB PR<-155m, 38-17-13/112-3819 UT Kanab 105.1 KPLD QR from 101.1 UT Monroe 88.5 KUXU NW 600w/973m, 38-2308/112-19-57 UT Monticello 88.1 KUHU NW 280w-V/1048m, 37-5025/109-27-41 UT Ogden 88.1 KWCRPG>25w/1249m, 41-12FM 00/111-52-55 UT Park City 91.9 KPCW PR 6kw/-12m UT Price 91.9 KEYP PR<99w/-327m, 39-3633/110-48-50 UT Provo 94.9 KHTB NW 21.5kw/844m (aux) FACILITIES CONTINUES ON PAGE 25 PR Culebra 15 102.1 WNVE PH TO NEWS Jeff Kruszka, Editor 1909 Lost Lake Place Pearland, TX 77581 December 2010 Welcome to newcomer Fritze Prentice Jr., KC5KBV of little ‘ol Star City, AR (pop. 2211). Equipment: CM4228 8-bay for UHF, Winegard YA-1710 10-el. Yagi for VHF, CM7777 U/V preamp, all at 25 ft. AGL. Zenith DTT901 converter box fed to a WinTV Go card for screencaps. We start with a couple of recent analog photos…wait…huh? Analog is still on?? Yep! At least in Arkansas it is. From the files of Ripley’s Believe it or Not: KJEP-CA-23 Nashville, AR 117 mi Tr seen 9/13/10 KLRA-LP-58 Little Rock, AR 62 mi GW seen 9/13/10 And now back to DTV reality, a nice opening to the North. Fritze comments: “I arrived home after a local HS football game and while hearing some signs of tropo on the car radio and feeling a slight change in the air didn't think much of things until the converter box tuned to (and antenna pointed at) WXVT 15 wasn't decoding WXVT at all but at 10:30pm was decoding another channel 15 station--in Fayetteville AR. It was then "off to the races" after a quick check of RF 50 revealing a decode of KNWA Rogers AR.“ KMBC-29.2 Kansas City, MO 391 mi Tr seen 8/2/10 @0937 CT KMCI-41 Lawrence, KS 396 mi Tr seen 8/2/10 @0858 CT 16 KMIZ-17.3 Columbia, MO 347 mi Tr seen 9/17/10 @2332 CT KMYT-41.2 Tulsa, OK 279 mi Tr seen 9/24/10 @2318 CT KODE-12.1 Joplin, MO 263 mi Tr seen 9/24/10 @2303 CT KOLR-10 Springfield, MO 240 mi Tr seen 8/2/10 @0948 CT KOOD-16 Hays, KS 536 mi Tr seen 9/24/10 @2329 CT KPTS-8 Hutchinson, KS 447 mi Tr seen 9/24/10 @2302 CT 17 KQCW-20 Muskogee, OK 233 mi Tr seen 8/2/10 @0801 CT KSAS-26 Wichita, KS 401 mi Tr seen 9/24/10 @2259 CT KSMO-47 Kansas City, MO 393 mi Tr seen 8/2/10 @0857 CT KTKA-49 Topeka, KS 413 mi Tr seen 8/2/10 @0938 CT KTWU-11.2 Topeka, KS 413 mi Tr seen 8/2/10 @0936 CT KWCH-19.2 Hutchinson, KS 447 mi Tr seen 9/24/10 @2336 CT 73’s and Happy Holidays, JEFF P.S. I need your photos!! 18 Keith McGinnis 18 Newbridge St., Hingham, MA 02043 781-875-1944 For Dxers in the following states: CT IA ID IL IN MA ME MI MN MT ND NE NH NJ NY OH OR PA RI SD VT WA WI WY and all of Canada. Please submit by the 10th of each month. EDITOR’S NOTE PLEASE SUBMIT ALL REPORTS IN THE FORMAT SHOWN BELOW. Time(tab)Calls(tab)Freq(tab)City(tab)State(tab)details Formats can either be plain text, Word or Excel as long as format is adhered to. Any submissions in other formats may not be used at editor’s discretion. All Submissions must be in to me by the 10th of each month. Ralph Strobel – 106 E. Davidson St. – Muncie, IN 47303 Equipment: McIntosh MR-78 and Carver TX-11 Tuners with two CM $tereo Probe 9 Antennas and rotors at 38 and 32 feet above ground separated by 23 feet with the use of Bolin phase box and RDS. Numbers at end include mileage. @=new March 9 tr (2010 with MR-78) 0100@ WNOP 89.5 Versailles IN g, 700w 220 ft., phased o/WBSB 77 90.5 Crown Point IN g, testing w/construction sounds & calls 90.9 Madisonville KY 99.7 Hendersonville TN t mono, “99.7 WTN,” ex-Manchester TN 277 with tower move and city of license change Tampa Cape Coral Monterrey Tampa Lehigh Acres Daytona Bch. Cypress Quarters Parker Bradenton Tampa Reynosa Port O’Connor Austin Laredo Devine San Antonio Midland OK City FL FL NL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL TM TX TX TX TX TX TX OK “93-3-FLZ” 862 s, “B-103.9” 963 ? SS, “Super X” 1325 “Mix-100.7” 862 ads 963 r, “Star 94.5” 799 g, “Reach-FM 993 t 692 g, “The Joy-FM” 892 g 862 SS 1226 g, KHCB calls 1025 nx 978 “94-9 The Works” 1193 “92-5 The Patriot,” ex-KSJL 1083 L 1050 r, RDS: “X-106-7 FM” 1090 r 739 May 2 tr 2328@ WRTW May 15 tr 0100@ WKMD j, phased o/WBSW/WGUC 228 May 23 tr 0600@ WWTN June 2 Es 1735 1742 1745 1747 1753 1757 1759 1805 1807 1808 1824 1900 1905 1915 1920 1923 1924 1930 WFLZ WXKB Unid WMTX WZJZ WCFB WREH WFLF WJIS WBVM XHCAO KHPO KUT KQUR KRPT KXTN KHCX KXRO 93.3 103.9 103.7 100.7 107.1 94.5 90.5 94.5 88.1 90.5 89.1 91.9 90.5 94.9 92.5 107.5 106.7 107.7 19 1935 1937 1940 1947 1950 2000 2010 2020 2034 2037 2050@ 2055@ 2059 2100 2108@ 2111 2130 2135@ 2139 2149 KSMG KQTZ KCLL KHXS KTTU KWMW KKPS KHXS KMML KTQM KMGA KLQT KEDT KYVA KABQ KBAC XHGTS KXKS KIVY KKRW 105.3 105.9 100.1 102.7 104.3 105.1 99.5 102.7 96.9 99.9 99.5 95.1 90.3 103.7 104.7 98.1 107.3 93.7 92.7 93.7 Seguin Hobart San Angelo Merkel Brownfield Maljamar Brownsville Merkel Amarillo Clovis Albuquerque Corrales Corpus Christi Church Rock Bosque Farms Las Vegas Nuevo Laredo Shreveport Crockett Houston TX OK TX TX TX NM TX TX TX NM NM NM TX NM NM NM TM LA TX TX r, “Magic 105.3 1023 ads, “KQ-106” 831 ads, ex-KYZZ 1036 op, “102-The Bear” 974 t mono, “Double T 104.3” 1053 k 1140 L, SS, “Que Pasa,” phased o/WZPL ad 974 ads, “Kiss-FM” 962 k, ads 1059 r, ads, “Magic-99.5,” phased o/WZPL 1217 rm, “Lite-95.1 KLQT” 1214 c 1098 r 1300 classic k 1217 ads 1127 L, SS 1194 k, “Kiss Country 93-7” 706 ad 834 r 915 102.9 Columbus IN op, “Mojo-102.9,” ex-Hope IN with tower move W275AJ 102.9 Muncie IN off air 73 Glandorf OH g, testing, phased o/WJYW West Palm Bch Fort Myers Flagler Beach Cutler Bay Fort Myers Cape Coral Tampa Naples ? Fort Myers Cocoa Cypress Quarters Crystal River Lakeland Charlotte Harbor Stuart Port Charlotte Cocoa Beach Daytona Beach Tampa Clearwater Fort Myers Waycross Marco Ormond Orlando St. Petersburg Clewiston Fort Myers Naples Caldwell FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL gr, “Way-FM” 980 g, “Joy-FM” 959 g 776 g 1048 r, “Sunny-106” 959 ads, “B-103.9” 963 ad 862 ad 993 “Joy-FM” FL r 959 FL rm, “Lite Rock-99.3” 860 FL g 993 FL “KTK” 796 FL ads 861 FL k, “Kix-Country 92.9” 933 FL k, “Wave-92.7” 944 FL ads 931 FL ads 864 FL ad, “102 Jamz” 799 FL “My” 862 FL sr, RDS: “The Beat” 857 FL ex-WSFP 959 GA “Voice of the South” 642 FL m 1009 FL op, “95-7 The Hog” 788 FL ad, 837 FL k, “QYK,” phased o/WZPL FL L, SS, “La Ley” 963 FL gr, “Way-FM 959 FL op, “Classic Rock 94.5” 993 TX g 923 Laredo Doss TX TX June 6 tr 2100@ WXCH June 10 tr 0409@ WJTA 88.9 90 June 12 Es 1853 1855 1900@ 1901 1908 1911 1915 1918 1922 1944 1946 2000 2010 2015 2024 2033 2041 2043 2045 2047 2057 2100 2100 2108 2120@ 2126@ 2130 2133@ 2143 2146 2200@ WAYF WJYO WJLH WLFE WJPT WXKB WMTX WARO Unid WINK WLRQ WREH WKTK WSJT WIKX WAVW WCKT WJRR WJHM WRBQ WBTI WGCV WXVS WAVV WHOG WHTQ WQYK WAFC WAYJ WARO KALD 88.1 91.5 90.3 90.9 106.3 103.9 100.7 94.5 89.3 96.9 99.3 90.5 98.5 94.1 92.9 92.7 100.1 101.1 101.9 104.7 95.7 90.1 90.1 101.1 95.7 96.5 99.5 99.5 88.7 94.5 91.9 June 13 Es 1930 2000 KHOY KGLF 88.1 88.1 20 m gr 1193 1025 873 June 14 Es 1058 1100 1102 C--WINK WAVV 90.3 96.9 101.1 Havanna Fort Myers Marco CU RDS: Radio Progresso FL r 959 FL m 1009 96.9 92.9 88.5 94.1 Moncton Bangor Bangor Saint John NB ME ME NB k, “XL-96.9” r 904 g 904 k, “Country-94” 88.1 96.9 95.3 90.7 96.9 101.1 99.9 92.7 98.9 104.7 105.1 105.5 100.1 96.9 102.3 107.5 98.1 94.5 94.5 107.3 107.3 95.3 103.9 93.3 88.5 88.1 103.1 93.3 97.3 107.3 107.3 100.1 92.7 Abilene Brownwood Brady Las Cruces Amarillo Hatch El Paso Glenwood Springs Pueblo Roswell Denver Timnath Woodward Pueblo ? Lakewood CO Springs Merino Scott City Spearfish Albin Brady McCook Gering Victoria Abilene ? Port Lavaca San Antonio Caldwell Nolanville San Angelo Kingsville TX TX TX NM TX NM TX CO CO NM CO CO OK CO TX TX TX TX TX TX g 961 t, “news talk 96.9” 960 ad 1002 c 1293 ID 962 r, “101-Gold” 1317 mr, “Sunny-99.9” 1316 op, “Jack-FM’ 1164 s 1038 ads 1159 “Cool-105” 1040 op, “Jack-FM” 1040 k, “Spirit Country” 803 “Y-96.9” 1038 “Jack-FM 102-3” ID 1045 1040 k, “94-5 The Ranch” 970 ads 838 ads 990 o 992 1002 “103-9 The Hawk” 805 ads 962 g 1028 g 961 “Classic Hits 103.1” ads 1025 “KJ-97” 1050 923 “107-3 The Fox” 935 op 1036 “K-Bay” 1131 96.3 103.7 97.3 107.1 Morehead Campton Jackson Willmore KY KY KY KY rm, local nx, ads 174 op 195 k, phased o/WMEE 211 gk, “God’s Country” 165 June 17 Es 2008 2012 2023 2025 CJXL WEZQ WHCF CHSJ 1116 1042 June 18 Es 1720 1732 1737 1859 1900 1903 1905 1921 1928 1938 1942 1947@ 1949 1950 1955 2000 2007 2014@ 2017 2020 2021 2030 2042@ 2057@ 2100 2101 2110 2114 2117 2123@ 2127@ 2142 2156 KGNZ KXYL KNEL KRWG KMML KVLC KTSM KKCH KKMG KMOU KXKL KJAC KWFX KCCY Unid KQKS KKFM KRFD KSKL KSLT KKAW KNEL KQHK KOZY KAYK KGNZ Unid KITE KAJA KAPN KLFX KCLL KKBA CO CO CO KS SD WY TX NE NE TX TX June 21 tr 1700@ 1800@ 2121@ 2200@ WIVY WCBJ WJSN WGCX June 24 Es 1335 XHQOO 90.7 Cancun QU L, SS 1340 CH 6 87.75 Lubbock TX r (I would NEVER count these CH 6 TV stations in my FM log) 1319 1018 June 29 Es 0958 1000 1001 KJIC KVRT KZFT 90.5 90.7 90.5 Santa Fe Victoria Fannett TX TX TX July 2 Es (w/Carver TX-11) 21 g c g 919 1028 923 1191 1937 1939@ 2100@ 2115 2118 KSMX 107.5 KSEL 105.9 KELU 90.3 KLLL 96.3 K264AN 100.7 Clovis Portales Clovis Lubbock Lubbock NM NM NM TX TX r 1059 ads, ex-95.3 1072 gr, “K-Love” 1059 k 1018 t, 99w, 679 ft. 1018 Piedmont Glenwood Springs Amarillo CO Springs Montrose Denver Breckenridge Broomfield Craig Cheyenne Coalville Pueblo Security Scottsbluff Wellington Rock Springs Chugwater Abilene Riverton Mills North Platte Sundance Billings Jackson Wolf Point Watonga Amarillo Hereford Clovis Farmington OK CO TX CO CO CO CO CO CO WY UT CO CO NE CO WY WY TX WY WY NE WY MT WY MT OK TX TX NM NM gr, “The House FM” 740 ads 1164 Dr. Demento Show 962 ads 1040 ads 1208 r, ads 1040 ads 1098 ad, “92-5 The Wolf” 1041 ads 1167 ID 1021 op, “103.1 Jack-FM” 1367 r 1038 ID 1037 ads 960 op, “Max-FM” 1035 r 1249 g, “K-Love” 1025 g 961 r 1204 o, “Cool-105” 1090 k, “KX-104” 890 k, ads, ID 1018 r, ads 1228 k 1320 ads, PSA 1144 “The g station” 780 r 962 k, wx alert 1004 ads 1059 op 1257 90.9 88.1 90.5 91.9 96.9 94.5 91.5 Dallas Abilene Meriden Hammocks Tavenier Naples Amos TX TX CT FL FL FL QU g 815 g 961 ID 664 “Call-FM” 1035 “EZ-96.9 & 93.5” 1086 ads 993 FF, mono 682 88.1 McKinney TX PSA San Angelo Eastland Baird Sterling City TX TX TX TX k, “Lonestar 92.9” 1036 o 921 ads 950 ads 1038 88.5 93.3 Sioux Center Des Moines IA IA g op 98.9 Prospect KY s, “Radio Now” July 3 Es 1202@ 1235 1240 1247 1250 1319 1322@ 1339@ 1347 1400 1404 1419 1429 1447 1450@ 1455 1500@ 1501 1502 1513@ 1520@ 1535 1550 1600@ 1610 1625@ 1630 1638@ 1640 1920 KZTH KKCH KACV KXPK KKXK KALC KSMT KWOF KRAI KLEN KJQN KVUU KRDO KNEB KMAX KYCS KLWV KGNZ KCWC KZQL KXNP KYDT KRPM KHOL KVCK KIMY KXSS KPAN KSMX KDAG 88.5 92.7 89.9 92.9 94.1 105.9 102.1 92.5 93.7 106.3 103.1 99.9 105.5 94.1 94.3 95.1 90.9 88.1 88.1 105.5 103.5 103.1 107.5 89.1 92.7 93.9 96.9 106.3 107.5 96.9 July 4 Es 1547 1600 1800 1928 1937 1948 2000@ KCBI KGNZ WKPT WMKL WKEZ WARO CHLM-1 July 8 Es 1257 KNTU 810 July 27 Es 1050 1101@ 1115 1120 KDCD KQXE KORQ KNRX 92.9 91.1 95.1 96.5 July 30 tr 0127 0145 KDCR KIOA 592 441 August 20 tr 0433@ WNRW 22 134 (City of license change from WZKF Salem IN and transmitter moved to KY) September 6 tr (w/MR-78) 0400@ W279BR 103.7 Greenville OH g, WCDR 90.3 ID 40 October 9 tr 0000@ WSRC Waynetown IN 90 88.1 g, IN #315 November 3 tr 2200@ WPFX 107.7 Luckey OH k, “The Wolf” 130 (City of license change from New Baltimore OH and transmitter move verified on internet) COMMENTS: A very poor Es year for me, and I was checking constantly! Very unusual that there was no Es from July 5 to the 27th and none after that. Also, my McIntosh MR-78 went dead on June 29. I was fortunate to find a good repair store in Indianapolis and it’s working perfectly now. In the meantime, I used the late Bob Zent’s Carver TX-11. I’m sure Bob told me before his death at age 50, that he had modified his Carver. However, the selectivity is not as good as the MR-78. Bob gave me some of his $tereo equipment, as he knew his life would soon end because of cancer. It is digital of course, while my MR-78 is analog. The sensitivity of the Carver is equal to the McIntosh. Best states: TX – 339 – IN – 315 – OH – 290 – IL – 280 – MI – 203. Ed band total (88.1-91.9) now stands at 892. My best frequency is 88.1 with 81 logged. Everything is taped. Let’s hope next summer is better for Es. 73, Ralph Jeff Falconer - Clinton ON EN93fo Sangean HDT-1X, Sony XDR-F1HD, APS-13 at 22', 10db preamp New=Underlined New calls={XXXX} Time=ELT Distances=Miles Oct 03 Ms 1254 WGEX 97.3 Bainbridge GA Rock, RDS PS: WGEX 875 WHJB 107.1 {WMIM} 98.3 Greenburg Luna Pier PA MI "Classic Hits 107.1" 257 AC, "Monroe's best music mix - My 98-3", ex WTWR 166 93.7 Harrietta MI Wx, calls 207 98.3 98.3 Kiowa Boone KS IA ".Coyote Country." 992 Talk, RDS PI: 'KWPV' 632 North Muskegon Sault Sainte Marie Pickford Sault Sainte Marie MI ON MI ON "Muskegon's Classic Hits" 233 CBC Radio One, mono 246 C&W, "Big Country Hits", RDS 238 CBC Radio One, mono 246 Oct 04 Tr 1826 1904 Oct 08 Tr 2327 WKAD Oct 08 Ms 2344 2346 KQZQ KWQW Oct 09 Tr 0007 2339 2346 2355 WLCS 98.3 CBSM 89.5 WMKD 105.5 CBON18 88.1 Oct 10 Tr 0008 WSUE 101.3 0015 0018 WTHN CHAS 102.3 100.5 0028 0037 WSFP CJQM 88.5 104.3 0046 0100 WYSS CKNRt 99.5 94.1 Sault Sainte Marie MI Loud AC/DC tune, "Rock 101", taking requests 239 Sault Sainte Marie MI Good REL:AC, "102.3 The Promise FM" 238 Sault Sainte Marie ON Over CBBL with AC, promo for "Easy Rock Easy Money Contest" 248 Rust Township MI Weak REL:AC, "Smile FM", 480w 147 Sault Sainte Marie ON C&W, "Q-104", RDS PS: song/artist ON Q104, RDS PI: 'WVI' 248 Sault Sainte Marie MI AC, "Today's Hits Yes FM" 238 Elliot Lake ON Stn with C&W //CFRM-100.7, "The Island". Who else could it be? 162 23 Oct 11 Ms 0006 0010 KUAR WPAS 89.1 89.1 Little Rock Pascagoula AR CLA, RDS PS: KUAR, RDS PI: KUAR 844 MS RDS PI: WPAS, prev by Es 977 98.3 Winnipeg MB ".Drive on CBC Radio 2, Winnipeg." 868 93.3 Kansas City MO RDS PI: KMXV, RDS PTY: Top 40 770 89.7 90.1 Milwaukee Chicago WI IL 88.9 88.9 Jefferson City Bude MO Jazz, RDS PI: KJLU 661 MS RDS PI: WMPN 983 Woodward OK RDS PI: KWFX 1072 IA ?? Oct 13 Ms 1933 CBW Oct 16 Ms 0747 KMXV Oct 17 Tr 1519 1813 WUWM WMBI "Lake Effect Weekend". calls 322 Moody REL, RDS 349 Oct 20 Ms 1826 1848 KJLU WMAU Oct 23 Ms 0015 KWFX 100.1 Oct 24 Ms 0132 0156 KWQW Unid 98.3 98.3 Boone ? 1329 WGEX 97.3 Bainbridge Several bursts with TLK, RDS PI: 'KWPV' 632 ".Elementary on Lakeland Drive.", pointed west, no web matches GA Rock, RDS PS: WGEX 875 104.5 Noblesville IN 91.3 92.9 94.7 Yellow Springs Eaton Columbus OH "Public Radio for the Miami Valley" 292 OH RDS: The Fly 300 OH Ads 263 92.9 Tuscaloosa AL 92.9 Grand Ledge MI Oct 24 Tr 1954 WJJK Indianapolis ads, calls 354 Oct 25 Tr 1829 1829 1918 WYSO WCTZ WSNY Oct 25 Ms 1855 WTUG RDS PI: WTUG, RDS PTY: R&B, prev by Es Oct 30 Tr 0000 {WLMI} 1101 1622 1938 WOUC 89.1 WKWK 97.3 CBOQ 103.3 Cambrige Wheeling Ottawa "Smooth Jazz 92.9", ex WJZL. Most of the time still IDs as WJZL, new calls given at TOH only "WLMI Grand Ledge-Lansing" 164 OH Legal ID along with WOUB, WOUL, etc 243 WV Election ads 246 ON "CBC Radio 2" 310 Gainesville FL Oct 30 Ms 1128 WUFT 89.1 RDS PI: WUFT, RDS PTY: Public 960 WTFDA EMAIL REFLECTORS Enhance your DXing experience! Entertaining and informational. E-skip alerts! Tropo alerts! DX discussion and more! For WTFDFA members! Sign Up Today! The WTFDA list with 194 users…send an email to And for AM Dxers there’s the AMDX list. To join, send a blank email to 24 Southern FM DX John Zondlo – 4009 Driftwood Circle – Yukon, OK 73099 – Deadline: 15th December 2010 Steven Wiseblood – Harlingen, TX – EL16 – 26:12N 97:45W Roadmaster VRCD400-SDU AM/FM$ car stereo, Winegard 8 element yagi HD6055P @ 18’ 10/31 Tr 0459 WVRK 0508 WCDV 0522 WXBM 0529 WWL 0537 KFTE 0544 WJAD 0550 WGEX 0628 WRKN 0904 WSTZ 10/30 Tr 1054 WKSJ 1100 WABB 1143 WJLQ 1225 WOSM 1740 WAKT 102.9 103.3 102.7 105.3 GA LA FL LA 105.1 103.5 97.3 92.3 106.7 LA GA GA LA MS Columbus, “Rock 103 WVRK Columbus,” classic r 890 Hammond, “…music for Tiger Country…the new 103-3,” hot A/C mix 511 Milton, ads for Pensacola, “Your Country 102.7 WXBM,” 688 Kenner, PSA, “The Big 870 WWL New Orleans and 105.3 WWL-FM KennerNew Orleans,” 543 Lafayette, “Resurrecting the 80’s and 90’s on Planet Radio 105-1” 432 Leesburg, “Albany’s rock station Rock 103” 910 Bainbridge, ID, “This is Gen-X Radio,” rock-A/C mix 871 Galliano, metal/alternative rock, “The new Rock 92-3” Vicksburg, “Jackson’s classic rock Z-106.7” 606 94.9 97.5 100.7 103.1 103.5 AL AL FL MS FL Mobile, “95-KSJ,” mentions of Biloxi, modern k 667 Mobile, hot A/C, “The Gulf Coast’s hit music station” 670 Pensacola, “This is the all new J-100” 670 Ocean Springs, “The Gospel Giant, FM 103-1 WOSM” 615 Callaway, “Hank FM, we play everything country” 780 FM FACILITIES CONTINUES FROM PAGE 15 UT Roosevelt 89.3 KUOU VA Bowling Green VA Eastville 91.3 91.9 NEW NEW VA Lynchburg VA Montpelier 93.7 91.3 WKHF NEW VA Shenandoah 107.1 NEW VA Sweet Briar 89.5 WNRS-FM VA Tappahannock VI Christiansted WA Aberdeen 91.7 90.7 90.3 NEW WXZT NEW WA Chehalis WA Clarkston WA Littlerock 89.7 88.1 89.7 NEW KUCC NEW WA McCleary 89.7 NEW WA Montesano 89.7 NEW WA Onalaska 89.7 NEW WA Palouse 90.1 NEW NW 2.5kw-V/524m, 40-3216/109-41-57 AF dismissed (CSN) AF 3.7kw/127m, 37-2132/75-56-31 (WHRO) PR>1.6kw/197m AF dismissed (Synergy Project) AF 175w/562m, 38-36-05/7838-01 reinstated (Fairfield Center) QR from 89.9, 20kw/173m, 37-23-17/78-50-23; supercedes permit for 190m at different site AF dismissed (WHRO) QC from 90.9 NS 25kw/89m, 46-56-01/12343-56 (Grays Harbor LP FM) AF dismissed (KBOO) PR>670w AF dismissed (Alliance for Democracy, South Puget Sound Chapter) AF dismissed (Samsno Educational Media) AF dismissed (Horizon Christian Fellowship) AF dismissed (Lewis Co. Educational Broadcasting) AF dismissed (Country WA Pullman 89.9 NEW WI Minocqua 95.9 WI Stoughton 95.9 WMQAFM WBKY WY Hillsdale 92.3 KYOY WY Jackson 106.7 NEW WY Jackson 106.7 NEW WY Jackson 89.1 KHOL WY Jackson 89.1 KHOL WY Kaycee 88.7 NEW WY Lovell 107.1 KWHO WY Rozet 99.1 KLSX 25 Roots Preservation Group) NS 350w/240m, 46-3759/117-05-17 (KWSU) PG>22kw/107m PR 2.65kw/153m, 42-5115/89-17-41; CL from Portage; amendment from 2.5kw/157m PG>6kw/100m, 41-0958/104-31-16 AF 1.1kw/789m, 43-3550/110-52-12 reinstated (CSN) AF 4.2kw/789m, 43-3550/110-52-12; amendment from 480m and to change site AF 600w/811m-H/809m-V, 43-35-50/110-52-12 (aux) NS 600w/811m, 43-3550/110-52-12 (aux) NS 2kw/72m, 43-53-41/10640-48 (KUWR) PG>18kw/419m, 44-3413/108-49-09 NW 25kw/96m, 44-1733/105-26-10 Coast to Coast TV DX Featuring reports from the entire United States and all of Canada. Send reports by the 15th of each month to: Nick Langan 1040 Riverview Drive Florence, NJ 08518 E-mail: (East) (West) ________________________________________________________________________________ The Editor’s Note th st Seasons greetings from Coast to Coast TV DX! Some decent tropo could be found across the south on the 20 and 21 of November, with DXers in Kentucky and Illinois getting DTV decodes from as far as Texas. The Great Lakes region th experienced some active tropo conditions around the 10 of the month. Otherwise conditions have remained fairly quiet across the nation. We await any potential winter E-skip outbreaks. The winter Es openings have varied year-to-year in their occurrences (such as last winter’s main activity being at the beginning of February), but generally the period to watch is between December 15 and January 15. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bob Seybold 1865 W. Main Road Silver Creek, NY 14136 Dave Pomeroy 2321 S.E. Libra Ct. Topeka, Kansas 66605-3505 Nick: A short report to let everybody know that I am OK and still watching DX now and then. Recent DX was in period November 10 to 13. A good tropo opening brought many Canadian analogs with stations seen on following channels: 2(2), 3, 4(2), 5, 6(2), 8(3), 9(2), 10(2), 11(2), 12(2), 13(2), 15, 16(2 including Barrie 16 for second time only), 18, 19, 20(2) including French on 20(?), 21, 22(2), 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 40, 41, 42, 44(2), 47, 48, 51(2), 52, 53(2), 54, 55(2), 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 64, 67, 68, 69. Hello Nick, For the most part tropo has been absent with the exception of October 25 when strong signals from Oklahoma and Texas came in that morning. Dallas-Ft. Worth stations are over 500 miles. Reception of WFAA8 is my most distant VHF tropo to date. Other than that it was Omaha, Wichita, etc. WDAF-34 is preparing to add channel 4.2 with the Tribune retro feed on January 1. Also, in Kansas City, KSMO-47 is promoting the "new channel 62," but isn't giving any on-air clues as to what that will be. Dave Also Canadian digital channels on 9, 11, 18, 20, 40, 44, and 64. Also a lot of US digitals, including Michigan 21, 25, 30, 40, 41, 44, 45, also other digitals (not including locals) on 3, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 46, 50, 51, 55, 56. Mostly New York, Erie, Ohio, and Indiana. Conditions peaked on Nov 11-12. October 25, 2010 0800 KDFI-36 KDFW-35 KDAF-32 Dallas, TX KTAQ-46 Greenville, TX KSTR-48 Irving, TX KPXD-42* Arlington, TX KXAS-41 KTVT-19 Ft. Worth, TX KQCW-20 Muskogee, OK 0830 KERA-14 Dallas, TX KUVN-23 Garland, TX KMPX-30 Decatur, TX 0915 KDTX-45 Dallas, TX WFAA-8* Dallas, TX KOKI-22 Tulsa, OK KDOR-17 Bartlesville, OK KTBO-15 Oklahoma City, OK 1000 KTEN-26 Ada, OK KWTV-39 Oklahoma City, OK 1100 KAFT-9 Fayetteville, AR KOTV-45 Tulsa, OK KRSC-36 Claremore, OK KJRH-8* KTUL-10 Tulsa, OK The summer season gave me Mexico on E-Skip on few occasions, also Cuba and a couple real good Canadian E-skip and tropo openings, as well as tropo into PA, OH, MI, and IN. Recent November opening was really welcome but not surprising as conditions were ideal for opening. Best DX to all. _____________________________________________ Dennis Park Smith 3605 Sam Remo Drive Santa Barbara, CA 93105-2523 Tel: (805)687-7803 Times 24-hour PDT This report is for October 2010. All observations in & out of town (all Calif locations) were with LG 20” flat screen (+ car radio FM 87.7), with outside antennas only at Wasco. Tropo at times in stable condx, alternating with instability & occas rain & no tropo. So-Calif coastal tropo btw Santa Barbara & San Diego/Tijuana up to 220 miles: Oct 1 Oct 2 Oct 3-7 26 Poor Fri (unsettled, low pressure) Very Poor Sat None Sun-Thur (wed Oct 6 rain) CONTINUED ON PAGE 31 WTFDA MEMBERSHIP As of 11/28/2010 This list contains all renewals received through October 2010. Older entries have been eliminated. Total as of 11/28/10: 263 ENDS 4/30/2011 1/31/2011 3/31/2012 4/30/2011 10/31/2011 12/31/2010 4/30/2011 7/31/2012 5/31/2011 3/31/2011 11/30/2010 12/31/2010 12/31/2010 1/31/2011 2/28/2011 2/28/2011 3/31/2011 3/31/2011 4/30/2011 5/30/2011 5/31/2011 6/30/2011 8/31/2011 12/31/2011 8/31/2012 12/31/2010 7/31/2011 11/30/2010 12/31/2010 9/30/2011 5/31/2011 8/31/2012 1/31/2011 6/30/2011 12/31/2011 1/31/2011 1/31/2011 3/31/2011 4/30/2011 5/31/2011 5/31/2011 8/31/2011 8/31/2011 10/31/2011 1/31/2012 6/30/2012 3/31/2011 3/31/2011 7/31/2011 8/31/2011 8/31/2011 9/30/2011 10/31/2010 6/30/2011 7/31/2011 12/31/2010 3/31/2011 4/30/2011 4/30/2011 5/31/2011 6/30/2011 7/31/2011 8/30/2011 9/30/2011 10/31/2011 11/30/2011 2/28/2012 F.Name Robert E. Les David S. Fritze H. Dave Robert Stephen Eric David A Ivan Roderick Chester James Victor Dan William J. Frank E. Tim Matt Tim Lawrence Alphonse B Eugene Wolfgang Dennis Park James E. John Bill Brian Mike Claudio Michael John David Barry J. Carlon Juan Chris Tom Randy Jim Donald Lee Ronald M. Gary A. Dave George Ray Nick Howard Melvin G. James Bill Frank Robert J. Roger Christopher Robert Ken Andy Timothy W. Curtis William Patrick Steven Marvin Richard L.Name Fischer Rayburn Cox Prentice, Jr Dennett Coomler Naetzker Sundius Sinclair Silva Thompson Jaffee Roggentine Frank Dankert Higgs Drobny Katlic Lanza Alderman Kenney Tobia Hinton Schneiter Smith Thomas Hourigan Nollman May Bugaj Leite Levintow Cereghin Braun Bauer Howington Gualda Dunne Colyard Zerr Gill Barnes Freshwater Cesarek Olson Bright Rogers Dees Lombardi Fountain_Jr. Dishong Snow Heusmann Aden_ Jr. Williams Sabella Cervantez Delaney Onyschuk Bolin Cronin Sadowski Eckberg O'Brien Branch Shults Porter City Fairbanks Maylene Birmingham Star City North Little Rock Tucson Mohave Valley Sierra Vista Vancouver Sorocaba/SP Sacramento Berkeley Modesto Woodside Tustin San Jose Valencia Los Angeles Pasedena Oakland San Francisco Groveland Porterville Canoga Park Santa Barbara Milliken Parker Farmington Fairfield Enfield Washington Washington Smyrna Wyoming Rehoboth Beach St. Petersbutrg Pembroke Pines Port St. Lucie Ft. Walton Beach Bradenton Jacksonville Ocala Ocala Sarasota Tallahassee Trenton Cumming Atlanta Calhoun Kennesaw St. Simons Island Des Moines Boise Twin Falls Oak Lawn Peoria Mt. Vernon Lockport Charleston Worth Paxton Dixon Pekin Savoy Toulon Wood Dale 27 S/P/C AK AL AL AR AR AZ AZ AZ BC BRAZIL CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CO CO CT CT CT DC DC DE DE DE FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL GA GA GA GA GA GA IA ID ID IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL Email Addr. 2/28/2012 9/30/2013 12/31/2010 2/28/2011 3/31/2011 3/31/2011 3/31/2011 4/30/2011 4/30/2011 5/31/2011 7/30/2011 7/31/2011 7/31/2011 7/31/2011 12/30/2010 6/30/2011 8/31/2011 7/31/2012 12/31/2010 7/31/2011 5/31/2011 7/31/2011 12/31/2010 1/31/2011 1/31/2011 1/31/2011 2/28/2011 3/31/2011 4/30/2011 6/30/2011 7/31/2011 7/31/2011 8/31/2011 9/30/2011 10/31/2011 6/30/2012 8/31/2012 10/30/2010 10/31/2010 2/28/2011 3/31/2011 4/30/2011 4/30/2011 6/30/2011 9/30/2011 10/31/2011 5/31/2011 7/31/2011 2/28/2011 2/28/2011 4/30/2011 4/30/2011 8/31/2011 8/31/2011 12/31/2010 12/31/2010 3/31/2011 6/30/2011 7/31/2011 7/31/2011 7/31/2011 7/31/2011 11/30/2011 3/31/2012 12/31/2010 8/31/2011 10/31/2011 5/31/2012 5/30/2011 7/31/2011 1/31/2011 5/31/2011 8/31/2011 6/30/2012 11/30/2011 2/28/2012 8/31/2015 Frank Jeff Ed Glen Aaron Roger Greg Quenton R. Michael James H Bob Ralph M. Bob Steve Dave Mike Roosevelt Paul Girard Edwin Danny Richard Adam Craig Jeffrey Kaimbridge Paul H. Allan G. Bill Robert Alan Roy Jeffrey Bill Steven Keith Richard J. Daniel William Jeff Thomas Daniel William W Alfred A. David William Roderick Benjamin L. Robert James J. Timothy J. Doug John F. Chris Bruce F. Melvyn E. David F. Steven Fred John Ronald P. Glen Randall Jacob Gil John R Edward Eric Tom John C. Calvin A. Jay Russel Gray Matthew C. David Daniel Merrill Kadet Norris Hale Mitterling Winsor Barker Davis WA9WME Glass Montgomery Timmerman Strobel Hawkins Rich Pomeroy DeRoo Crawford Swearingen Westerberg Phelps Oglethorpe Gray Rivers Healy Rostron Hansen Dunn Grant Rush Michalek Barstow Lehmann Smith Solomon McGinnis Cabral Gillet Patalon III Wolf Yingling_ Jr. Oetting Thompson Laun III Mackes Harms O'Connor Greenlaw Grant Nahirniak Clampit McAbee Vervoort Kadlec Elving_ Phd. Larson KC0P Legler French McCormack_ Jr. Ebeling Purdue Boche Trapp Norlund Morgan Tudenham MacDonald Bueneman Kraft Johnson Glover, Jr. Novello Lay Fulk Sittel Shapiro Bartek_ Jr. MaComb Macomb Logansport Indianapolis Warsaw Portage Greensburg Clarksville Indianapolis Poseyville Fishers Muncie Edinburgh Indianapolis Topeka Roeland Park Junction City Topeka Lexington Benton Shreveport New Orleans Chicopee Seekonk Indian Orchard N. Shore Marlborough Holbrook Worcester Southampton Springfield Teaticket Hanson Douglas Yarmouthport Hingham Dartmouth Winnipeg Fallston West Bethesda Baltimore Elkdon Cheverly Temple Hills Baltimore Elkridge Southwest Harbor Portland Temperance Warren Brooklyn Goodrich Flint Fremont Esko Rochester Rochester Crystal Woodbury Bloomington Byron South St. Paul Dodge Center Hermantown Macks Creek Joplin Kansas City Hazelwood Billings Billings Kill Devil Hills Wake Forest Nags Head Pilot Mountain Bellevue Lincoln Wahoo 28 IL IL IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN KS KS KS KS KY KY LA LA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MB MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD ME ME MI MI MI MI MI MI MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MO MO MO MO MT MT NC NC NC NC NE NE NE 10/31/2011 4/30/2012 11/30/2010 3/31/2011 4/30/2011 5/31/2011 5/31/2011 7/31/2011 8/31/2011 11/30/2011 1/31/2011 1/31/2011 3/31/2011 3/31/2011 3/31/2011 4/30/2011 4/30/2011 5/31/2011 5/31/2011 6/30/2011 6/30/2011 7/31/2011 7/31/2011 8/30/2011 8/31/2011 8/31/2011 8/31/2011 9/30/2011 9/30/2011 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 3/31/2012 6/30/2012 1/31/2020 10/31/2020 1/31/2020 11/30/2010 1/31/2011 3/31/2011 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 7/31/2012 10/31/2012 5/31/2011 5/31/2011 7/31/2011 8/31/2011 1/31/2011 4/30/2011 5/31/2011 5/31/2011 5/31/2011 7/31/2011 7/31/2011 7/31/2011 9/30/2011 9/30/2011 11/30/2011 7/31/2012 3/31/2013 7/31/2011 11/30/2011 12/31/2010 12/31/2010 2/28/2011 2/28/2011 2/28/2011 3/31/2011 6/30/2011 6/30/2011 9/30/2011 10/31/2011 12/31/2011 9/30/2012 3/31/2011 3/31/2011 1/31/2011 Larry Laurence Rick Jason Nick Michael Michael Joseph A. Robert P. Ted S. Paul John T. Fred Gerard Paul Michael Charles Owen P. Jerry Richard Mike Peter Richard David W. Scott Peter B. Richard James Gregory R Karl J. Sidney L. Jim Michael W Bill Robert Robert Richard Sam Joe Earl F. Keith R. Gary William R. Gary Richard John Glenn Stewart Jonathan John Roger Bruce Saul Robert S Jeff FJ Vincent Garth Walter William Randy John M. Eldon Russ Harry J. Jon John David J. Steve Lee John Jeffrey Allan Robert Hugh Luis A Charles Weil Weisberg Shaftan Hustedt Langan Temme-Soifer Hunter W2MHZ Esser Smolarek Liszewski Mitschler Ridge Newlin Hart Crego Ehrhardt Burnham Wood Bond Lucas Lazaro Giacopelli McVicar Hines Fybush Luskey Antos Renfrew Coniglio Zuk Emmons Pizzi Lapinski Thompson Seybold Cooper Nelson W8PRR Sauiers Perge Bronkar, Jr. Short Siegel Mitchell Hickerson Allen Zondlo Hauser Douglas Hamilton Griffiths Gravelle Hall Chernos Ross Falconer Issard Ferme Jensen Patton Hepburn Miltier, K7RPM Adams Geiman Edmunds Hayes Petricoin Zeis Nieman Walko Molineux II Demmitt AK0848 Kitsko Radella Seaman Hoover Franceschi Gauthier Salem Manchester Sparta Somerset Florence Mays Landing Neshanic Station Summit High Bridge Paramus Albuquerque Brooklyn Lewiston Niagara Falls Lockport Alden Southold Fabius Rochester Rochester Guilderland Massapequa Syracuse No Bellmore Rochester Rochester Somers Holley Alden Katonah Cuba Palmyra Lakewood Buffalo Silver Creek Mangonui Far North West Liberty Cuyahoga Falls Newark Chillicothe Columbus Toledo Columbus Arkoma Perry Yukon Enid Orangeville St. Catherines Burlington Port Stanley Brantford Toronto London Clinton Brampton Ottawa Markham North York Grimsby Phoenix Seaside Greencastle Blue Bell Wilkes-Barre Akron Exton Bradford Milford Square Brookhaven Somerset Latrobe Rochester Hazelton Loule Ponce Brossard 29 NH NH NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NM NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NEW ZEAL OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OK OK OK OK ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OR OR PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PORTUG PR QC 4/30/2011 5/31/2011 6/30/2011 10/31/2016 10/31/2010 7/31/2011 12/31/2010 3/31/2011 7/31/2011 8/31/2011 9/30/2011 8/31/2012 12/31/2010 2/28/2011 3/31/2011 4/30/2011 6/30/2011 6/30/2011 9/30/2011 7/31/2012 12/31/2010 12/31/2010 2/28/2011 2/28/2011 3/31/2011 3/31/2011 4/30/2011 6/30/2011 8/31/2011 11/30/2011 11/30/2010 12/31/2010 3/31/2011 3/31/2011 6/30/2011 7/31/2011 11/30/2010 1/31/2011 2/28/2011 2/28/2011 2/28/2011 3/31/2011 3/31/2011 3/31/2011 5/31/2011 6/30/2011 6/30/2011 9/30/2011 12/31/2011 8/31/2012 5/31/2012 7/31/2011 Neil Frederic J Franklin David J.P. Lewis Anders Tom Peter Douglas E Tommy Bryce William James Steven Pat Michael Stephen H. Jeff William John Edward Leslie Anthony Barry E. James A Adam Paul Stephen Tim Mark RC John Jerry Peter V. Don Stanley E William H John J. Timothy Ronald Robert Nathaniel Bill William J. Dan Sheryl John C. Edward Roderick C. David M. John M James A Ronnie Griffin Nordquist Austin Jones Kruger 41487 Akerlind Bryant Baskind Smith Adair Foster Hein Niven Wiseblood Dyer Beu Ponder Kruszka Hale Callarman Cotton Prus Costa Shinall Brown_ Jr Ebel West McVey Colombo Rippel Jefferson Ball Taylor Voegele Weisbeck Lindsay III Rieger Noonan Ehlke Steadman Ely Dvorak Draeb Novotny Paszkiewicz Marx Ritchie_ Jr. Jorgenson Wurl Lentz Ivil Rader Spartansburg Moncks Corner Columbia Columbia Sioux Falls Henan Nashville Germantown Pleasant View Columbia Murfreesboro College Grove SC SC SC SC SD SWEDEN TN TN TN TN TN TN TX Harlingen TX San Antonio TX Austin TX Houston TX Pearland TX North Richland Hills TX Krum TX Chesapeake VA Alexandria VA Virginia Beach VA Cedar Bluff VA Arlington VA Virginia Beach VA Virginia Beach VA Stafford VA Randolph VA Chesapeake VA Auburn WA Richland WA Tacoma WA Bellingham WA Spokane WA Lynwood WA S. Milwaukee WI Oak Creek WI Fremont WI Milwaukee WI Madison WI Madison WI Kewaunee WI Phillips WI Manitowoc WI Madison WI Milwaukee WI Madison WI Marshfield WI Muskego WI Colliers WV xxx xxx So far in 2010 we have had 30 members drop out of the club. Some of the more recent ones may renew since we may not have given them enough time before deleting them from this list. At this point in 2010 we have had 21 new members join the club. WTFDA is a niche hobby and every one of our members is important to our club’s success. 30 SIGN UP/Renewal form Name_____________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________Apt #________ City_______________________ State/Prov_________Zip__________ Country_______ Interests: TV ( ) FM ( ) 30-50( ) Weather( ) email address______________________________________________ Sign me up/renew me for: 1 year ( ) 2 years ( ) More ( ) Yearly dues $24 (US), $26 to (CANADA), $10 (Electronic VUD) (Students get a discounted rate of $15 yearly for the paper VUD.) Mail your dues to: WTFDA, P.O. Box 501, Somersville, CT USA 06072 Make your checks/money orders payable to: WTFDA And thanks for your support of the WTFDA! Return this form with your dues or make a copy of it and return that. COAST TO COAST TV DX CONTINUES FROM PAGE 26 Dennis Smith’s report continues… Oct 8-10 Variably poor-fair Fri-Sun (stable, high pressure) Oct 11 Fair+, almost good Mon Oct 12-15 Var. poor-fair Tue-Fri Oct 16-19 None Sat-Tue (low pressure, rain Sun-Tue) Oct 19-28 Out of town, to Wasco & Corning Tue-Thur Oct 28-29 Poor Thur-Fri Oct 30-31 None Sat-Sun (rain Sat) Oct 21-27: In northern Calif while visiting relatives, TV observed at CORNING, btw Chico & Redding. No tropo. Locals/regulars included 10 analogs (chs 6-46) & 12 DTVs (chs d7-d43) from Chico, Red Bluff, & Redding. Oct 19-21 & 27-28: At WASCO, regulars & tropo Oct 19 new local/regular eve miles 45 SE d29 KBFX-CD “58” Bakersfield (ex-CA)(FOX) change from analog 58 Oct 28 tropo 0300-0900+ 27 K27GZ Mariposa (TBN) 150 N d21 KMAX-TV “31” Sacramento (CW) 215 NW d25 KOVR Stockton (new tentative) 215 NW (This & KGET-d25 Bak 35miSE canceled each other.) d26 KTFK-DT “64” Stockton (Telef) 215 NW 175 NNW 27 KEXT-CA Modesto (// d26) (Maybe my mystery Ch-27 HSN seen July 3, 2009 was KEXT-CA 27 now Telefutura.) d18 KUVX-DT Modesto (new tent) 175 NNW (This & K18HD-d18 Bak 35miSE canceled each other.) 14 KAZV-LP Modesto(local pgms) 175 NNW d46 KQCA “58” Stockton (My) 215 NW (This over K46II-d46 Bak 35miSE for a short time.) Wasco analog total is now 228 (1 new). Wasco DTV total is now 31 (2 new). Best of DX to All Dennis 31 Now you can pay for your dues by check, money order and ONLINE with Paypal! If you have a Paypal account you’ll be done in a matter of seconds! Pay at our Paypal webpage at NOW! JOIN AND RENEW USING PAYPAL! Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual contributor and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or board of directors. We reserve the right to edit material to meet publishing standards. Unless previously agreed upon in writing, all material submitted for publication in the VHF-UHF Digest becomes the property of the WTFDA. Reproduction of material from the VHF-UHF Digest without permission of the WTFDA is prohibited. Individuals and other organizations are granted such permission providing proper credits is given to the source. THE WORLDWIDE TV-FM DX ASSOCIATION THE VHF- UHF DIGEST P.O. Box 501, SOMERSVILLE, CT 06072 FIRST CLASS MAIL