2014 Product Manual
2014 Product Manual
2014 Product Manual PASSENGER • SUV • LIGHT TRUCK • WINTER PASSENGER TIRES Strategy Avenger Touring LSR suv / light truck TIRES COOPER zeon TIRES (V/ H-Rated) Cooper Zeon RS3-S Courser AXT Avenger G/T A/S IV MC-440 (T-Rated) (V/H-Rated) Cooper Zeon RS3-A Courser HSXTOUR Cooper Zeon ZPT Courser HTR Cooper Zeon LTZ (T-Rated) Cooper Zeon XSTA Courser HTR Plus Courser A/T2 NEW! Courser LTR winter TIRES Courser STR Courser C/T Courser MXT Courser R/D ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. Glacier-Grip II Courser MSR NOTES tire size matrix . . . . . . . . 2-5 Light Truck Metric / High Floatation Conversion chart . . . . . 6 WARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PASSENGER TIRES Avenger Touring LSR . . . . . . 8 Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Avenger G/T . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 A/S IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 MC-440 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 ZEON TIRES Cooper Zeon RS3-S . . . . . . . 22 Cooper Zeon RS3-A . . . . . . . 24 Cooper Zeon ZPT . . . . . . . . . 26 Cooper Zeon LTZ . . . . . . . . . 28 Cooper Zeon XSTA . . . . . . . . 30 SUV / Light truck TIRES Courser AXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Courser HSXTOUR . . . . . . . . . . 36 Courser HTR . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Courser HTR Plus . . . . . . . . .40 Courser A/T2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Courser STR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Courser LTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Courser C/T . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Courser MXT . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Courser R/D . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 winter TIRES Glacier-Grip II . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Courser MSR . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 safety precautions . . . Back page SPEED RATING SYMBOLS F . . . . . 50 mph G . . . . . 56 mph J . . . . . 62 mph K . . . . . 68 mph L . . . . . 75 mph M . . . . . 81 mph N . . . . . 87 mph P . . . . . 93 mph Q . . . . . 99 mph 1 R . . . . 106 mph S . . . . . 112 mph T . . . . . 118 mph U . . . . 124 mph H . . . . 130 mph V . . . . 149 mph W . . . 168 mph Y . . . . 186 mph Z . . . 150+ mph Mastercraft Brand Passenger Tire Size Matrix 13 80 155/80R13 70 175/70R13 185/70R13 14 75 185/75R14 195/75R14 205/75R14 70 175/70R14 185/70R14 195/70R14 205/70R14 215/70R14 225/70R14 65 175/65R14 185/65R14 60 185/60R14 195/60R14 235/60R14 15 75 205/75R15 215/75R15 225/75R15 235/75R15 70 205/70R15 215/70R15 225/70R15 235/70R15 255/70R15 65 185/65R15 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/65R15 60 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 235/60R15 245/60R15 255/60R15 275/60R15 55 195/55R15 50 195/50R15 205/50R15 295/50R15 16 70 225/70R16 65 205/65R16 215/65R16 225/65R16 235/65R16 60 205/60R16 215/60R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 55 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 235/55R16 16 50 205/50R16 225/50R16 245/50R16 45 205/45R16 T H H T T T T T T T H/T H/T V/H/T T T H/T H/T H/T T H/T H/T T T H H T V S S S S S S S S T H/T H H S S S S S (B/W) S S T T T T T T T T S S S S S S S H/T H/T H/T T T H/T H H T T T T T T T T V T T T T V V/T H/T V/H/T V/T V/H/T H/T H H COOPER ZEON ZPT COOPER ZEON RS3-A COOPER ZEON RS3-S GLACIERGRIP II MC-440 Cooper Zeon Performance Enthusiast H H S T H V T T T T Winter S S S S S S S S S S S T T T T T T T V/H/T V/H/T V/H/T V/T V V/H/T H V/H T T A/S IV AVENGER G/T T T T Value Enthusiast STRATEGY AVENGER TOURING LSR Size Aspect Ratio Rim Diameter Touring S T 2 T T T T T T T T V/H H V/H T T-RE V V T T W W W W W H H H H Mastercraft Brand Passenger Tire Size Matrix 17 65 215/65R17 225/65R17 235/65R17 60 215/60R17 225/60R17 235/60R17 55 215/55R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 50 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 45 205/45R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 40 205/40R17 245/40R17 255/40R17 275/40R17 18 65 235/65R18 255/65R18 60 225/60R18 55 225/55R18 235/55R18 245/55R18 50 225/50R18 235/50R18 45 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 265/45R18 40 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 275/40R18 35 215/35R18 255/35R18 275/35R18 19 55 235/55R19 50 245/50R19 45 245/45R19 40 245/40R19 255/40R19 275/40R19 35 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 265/35R19 275/35R19 285/35R19 30 325/30R19 20 45 245/45R20 255/45R20 40 245/40R20 275/40R20 35 255/35R20 275/35R20 305/35R20 T T H/T T T T V V/T V/T V-XL V V T COOPER ZEON ZPT Cooper Zeon Performance Enthusiast COOPER ZEON RS3-A GLACIERGRIP II MC-440 A/S IV AVENGER G/T Winter COOPER ZEON RS3-S Value Enthusiast STRATEGY AVENGER TOURING LSR Size Aspect Ratio Rim Diameter Touring T T T T T V V V-XL V V-XL V T T T T T T T T W-XL W W-XL T-RE T W-XL W-XL *Y / Y-XL Y W-XL W W T H V/H H/T V T T T T W W-XL Y V Y-XL Y-XL Y-XL Y-XL Y H T-XL Y Y-XL Y-XL Y-XL Y-XL Y-XL Y-XL Y +Y-XL Y-XL Y-XL Y-XL W-XL W-XL +Y-XL 3 W W-XL W-XL W-XL W W W-XL W-XL W W W-XL W W W W W W W-XL W-XL W W-XL W W-XL W-XL W-XL W W W-XL W W W-XL W-XL W-XL W-XL W-XL W W-XL H H H H H-RE H H H H-RE H-RE S S S S/S-RE/C S S S S T/C C C E E T/E T T/C/E T/C/E E D T T T T T T/E E E +T E +T T-XL T/E T T/C/E C/E +T/E T T T T T T T T T T S S S S S-XL S S S S C C S/S-RE/C S S S C C C E E S E E E C/E C/E S S E C/E D S S S S S S S T E E E T-XL T E S T E S D New Size + Availabilty to be announced 4 S C C C C C C E E E E C/E D D E E E E D E E E E E E E E S/E S S/C/E S/C/E E D S E E E E E S/E S S/E C/E C D E E D E S S S S S S E E E C E E E ZEON XSTA Sport Truck COOPER Winter COURSER MSR COURSER R/D COURSER MXT COURSER LTR COURSER STR A/T2 COURSER COURSER HTR PLUS COURSER HTR HSX TOUR COURSER COURSER AXT Size Aspect Ratio Rim Diameter 14 70 225/70R14 15 75 205/75R15 215/75R15 225/75R15 235/75R15 265/75R15 70 225/70R15 235/70R15 255/70R15 265/70R15 30X9.50R15LT 31X10.50R15LT 32X11.50R15LT 33X12.50R15LT 35X12.50R15LT 16 85 215/85R16 235/85R16 75 225/75R16 235/75R16 245/75R16 265/75R16 285/75R16 315/75R16 70 215/70R16 225/70R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/70R16 305/70R16 65 255/65R16 7.50R16LT 17 80 235/80R17 75 235/75R17 245/75R17 255/75R17 70 235/70R17 245/70R17 255/70R17 265/70R17 275/70R17 285/70R17 295/70R17 315/70R17 COURSER C/T Commercial & Traction All-Season COOPER ZEON COOPER ZEON LTZ Mastercraft Brand SUV & LT Tire Size Matrix T T T T H T T T T S S S E S T T E T T/C/E E T H-XL H T H-XL T E T T-XL D D T T T T T T E E E E D E E E +T T-XL T T-XL S E E E S S S S/E T-XL S-XL E S-XL T-XL S-XL E S-XL New Size + Availabilty to be announced 5 V-XL H-XL E S-XL S-XL E S-XL S-XL S-XL S-XL E ZEON XSTA S S S S S-XL S T-XL T-XL T-XL Sport Truck COOPER COURSER MSR Winter S S S + H-XL T +H T-XL COURSER R/D COURSER MXT COURSER LTR COURSER STR A/T2 COURSER COURSER HTR PLUS COURSER HTR HSX TOUR COURSER COURSER AXT Size Aspect Ratio Rim Diameter 17 65 225/65R17 235/65R17 245/65R17 255/65R17 265/65R17 305/65R17 60 275/60R17 33X12.50R17LT 35X12.50R17LT 37X12.50R17 18 70 255/70R18 265/70R18 275/70R18 305/70R18 65 235/65R18 255/65R18 265/65R18 275/65R18 285/65R18 60 235/60R18 245/60R18 265/60R18 285/60R18 55 255/55R18 19 55 245/55R19 255/55R19 50 255/50R19 20 65 275/65R20 60 275/60R20 55 255/55R20 275/55R20 305/55R20 50 265/50R20 285/50R20 305/50R20 45 275/45R20 275/45R22 285/45R22 305/45R22 305/40R22 265/35R22 35X12.50R20 COURSER C/T Commercial & Traction All-Season COOPER ZEON COOPER ZEON LTZ Mastercraft Brand SUV & LT Tire Size Matrix V-XL V-XL V-XL V-XL V-XL 6 ® REPLACEMENT TIRE LIMITED WARRANTY ELIGIBILITY This warranty applies to the original purchaser of a replacement Mastercraft passenger or light truck tire and is not transferable. Eligible tires must be purchased new and used on the vehicle which they were originally installed. Proof of purchase is required for all warranty claims. Additionally, they must be the size, load index, and speed rating equivalent or greater than that specified by the vehicle manufacturer. This warranty applies to the 48 contiguous continental United States, District of Columbia and Canada. For warranty exclusions see “WHAT ISN’T COVERED”. 3. Conditions resulting from consumer damage, such as (A) improper tire and vehicle maintenance, (B) misuse, (C) abuse, (D) accident, fire or chemical corrosion, (E) underinflation, (F) overloading, (G) over deflection, (H) failure to follow recommended rotation practices. B. Ride complaints after the first 2/32" (1.6mm) of tread wear. C. Ride complaints on tires branded “Blemish”. D. Use in any commercial service (i.e. tires used for taxi service, delivery, etc.). E. Use in any racing or off road applications. F. Ozone or weather checking on tires over (4) four years from date of manufacture or date of purchase. Proof of purchase is required. Without proof of purchase the manufacture date will be used to determine eligibility. G. Tires stored improperly., OR H. Tires that are: 1. Worn unevenly and/or show a difference of 2/32" (1.6mm) between the grooves. 2. Installed on any vehicle other than the vehicle on which they were first installed. 3. Sold or adjusted outside the 48 contiguous continental United States, District of Columbia and Canada. 4. Acquired as used (tires purchased used, equipped on a pre-owned vehicle, etc.). 5. Altered in any manner (additional siping, buffing, stud pin holes, re-grooving, truing, etc.). 6. Worn to 2/32" (1.6mm) or more than 72 months old (based on date of purchase) whichever comes first. Proof of purchase is required. Without proof of purchase the manufacture date will be used to determine eligibility. 7. Improperly repaired or with repairs not conforming to the Rubber Manufacturer’s Association standards. Tires branded “MALWEAR” or “NON-UNIF” (Non-Uniform), or with any other branding are not covered under the Tread Wear Protection provided herein. STANDARD COVERAGE If your replacement Mastercraft branded radial tire becomes unserviceable as a result of an eligible adjustable condition during the first 2/32" (1.6mm) of tread wear, it will be replaced with an equivalent new Mastercraft tire, FREE OF CHARGE, including mounting and balancing. When the tread is worn more than 2/32" (1.6mm), a replacement charge will be required in order to obtain a replacement tire. You must present proof of purchase and be the original owner when requesting a replacement for your tire. The replacement charge will be determined by multiplying the dealer's current selling price by the percentage of original tread depth worn from the tire. You must pay for mounting, balancing, and any other additional charges, such as taxes or the acceptance of a higher priced replacement tire. EXTRA COVERAGE FOR PREMIUM TIRES The following No-Charge Warranty covers eligible adjustable conditions only, and should not be confused with the prorated Tread Wear Protection covered in the next section. If your replacement Mastercraft Avenger Touring LSR, Courser HSXTOUR or Cooper Zeon (all models) radial tire becomes unserviceable as a result of an eligible adjustable condition during its usable tread life, it will be replaced with an equivalent new Mastercraft or Cooper Zeon tire FREE OF CHARGE, including mounting and balancing. You must present this warranty booklet, proof of purchase, and be the original owner when requesting a replacement for your tire. 45 DAY ROAD TEST The following 45 Day Road Test Warranty covers eligible adjustable conditions only. If you are not satisfied with your replacement Mastercraft Avenger Touring LSR, Mastercraft Courser HSXTOUR, Cooper Zeon RS3-S, Zeon RS3-A, Zeon XSTA, or Zeon ZPT radial tire for any reason, other than the conditions that are listed in the “What Isn’t Covered” section, you may return them to your original dealer within 45 days of purchase for a FREE OF CHARGE Mastercraft or Cooper Zeon brand replacement only, including mounting and balancing. You must present this warranty booklet, proof of purchase, and be the original owner when requesting a replacement or refund. NO ROAD HAZARD COVERAGE Many dealers sell or provide their own warranty coverage for road hazards and/or repairs. Mastercraft Tire does not provide this coverage. Check with your dealer to determine if Road Hazard/Repair coverage is available from them. REPLACEMENT WARRANTY If you receive a replacement tire under the terms of this Warranty, the replacement tire will be covered by the Warranty then currently given by Mastercraft for the replacement tire. TREAD WEAR PROTECTION The following Tread Wear Warranty is a prorated warranty (there is no free replacement period) based on mileage received, and is separate from the Standard Coverage & Extra Coverage Warranties just covered. No manufacturer or dealer can guarantee you a certain number of miles from a given tire. Driving habits, driving conditions, tire and vehicle maintenance all play a part in the tread life of a tire and all differ with each purchaser. The following replacement Mastercraft and Cooper Zeon radial tires only are warranted against tread wear out prior to the applicable indicated mileage: WHERE TO GO FOR WARRANTY REPLACEMENT See your Mastercraft dealer–listed in the yellow pages under Tire Dealers–Retail. In the event you are unable to locate a Mastercraft dealer, you can obtain assistance by contacting the Consumer Relations Department, telephone number 1-800-822-8686. You may also visit our website at www.mastercrafttires.com CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS Any tire, no matter how well constructed, may fail in service or otherwise become unserviceable due to conditions beyond the control of the manufacturer. Nothing in this Warranty is intended to be a representation by Mastercraft that tire failure cannot occur. _________________________________________________ Tire Miles Warranted _____________________________________________________ Tire Miles Warranted Touring LSR (T rated) . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000 miles Strategy (T rated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65,000 miles Touring LSR (H/V rated) . . . . . . . . . . 60,000 miles Courser HSXTOUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,000 miles Courser HTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 miles* Avenger G/T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 miles Courser AXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 miles* Courser A/T & A/T2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 miles* Strategy (H/V rated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 miles Courser STR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 miles Courser LTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 miles MC-440 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 miles A/S IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 miles Zeon RS3-A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 miles/20,000 miles** Zeon RS3-S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 miles/10,000 miles** TIRE SERVICE LIFE Mastercraft recommends that all passenger and light truck tires, including full-size spare tires, that are beyond 10 years from their date of manufacture, be replaced with new tires. Tires that are 10 or more years old should be replaced even if the tires appear to be undamaged and have not reached their tread wear limits. In some cases, a vehicle manufacturer may make a recommendation for tire replacement earlier than 10 years for their products based upon their understanding of the specific vehicle characteristics and application. If so, you should follow those vehicle manufacturer’s specific recommendations for their vehicle. *Mileage Warranty applies to Passenger and Light Truck lines. **Staggered fitments can be defined as different tire sizes on the front and rear axles. Due to the inability to rotate onto different axles, the 20,000/10,000-mile warranty applies to the rear tires only. USED TIRES Never purchase used tires! Previous usage may have damaged internal components. This damage may lead to sudden tire failure. MASTERCRAFT DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY STEMMING FROM THE USE OF A USED TIRE FOR LOSS OF TIME, OR USE, INCONVENIENCE, OR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. The Tread Wear warranty is available provided that you: 1. are the original owner. 2. rotate your tires in accordance with prescribed rotation patterns at least every 8,000 miles and it must be recorded. 3. present the tire for adjustment. 4. present this warranty booklet when requesting an adjustment and your original purchase receipt, date of purchase, vehicle type, model, odometer reading and rotation record are properly recorded If the tire wears to the tread wear indicators in less than the miles warranted, a pro-rated adjustment will be made according to actual mileage delivered. Your replacement cost will be determined by dividing the actual mileage delivered by the miles warranted and multiplying the result times the current selling price of an equivalent or comparable replacement Mastercraft or Cooper Zeon tire. You must pay for mounting and balancing and any other additional charges, such as taxes or the acceptance of a higher priced replacement tire. Some states do not allow exclusion of incidental or consequential damages. As a result, this limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. CONSUMER RIGHTS This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state. OWNER’S OBLIGATION When making a claim, you must return the tire to be replaced to your Mastercraft dealer. Proper vehicle and tire care is necessary to obtain the expected wear from a tire. It is your obligation to properly maintain your tires and the vehicle upon which they are mounted, including: (A) operating your tires at the inflation pressures recommended by the vehicle manufacturer, (B) keeping your tire/wheel assemblies in balance, (C) proper wheel alignment, and (D) rotation. You must check your tire’s inflation pressure at least monthly and before long trips. TREAD LIFE When the tread becomes worn to 2/32" (1.6mm) anywhere on the tire (shown by tread wear indicators molded into the tread grooves), the tire is worn out. WARNING—for important safety information, you must read the section titled “Tire Service Life” and the Tire Safety Warnings section of this guide. Safety information is also located at www.mastercrafttires.com (and select: "Tire Safety); and, from your dealer. We recommend that you have your Mastercraft dealer inspect your tires any time you notice irregular of uneven tread wear and rotate them, if necessary. Also, they should be inspected by your dealer any time your vehicle is brought in for service. For additional safety information please visit: HOW TO OBTAIN AN ADJUSTMENT Tire adjustments must be presented to your local Mastercraft dealer. You must present this booklet, proof of purchase and be the original owner when requesting a replacement for your tire. See “WHERE TO GO FOR WARRANTY REPLACEMENT”. www.rma.org www.nhtsa.gov www.safercar.gov www.nsc.org WHAT ISN’T COVERED Adjustments will not be made for: A. Tires that become unserviceable due to: 1. Conditions resulting from road hazards, such as (A) impact damage, (B) cuts, (C) snags, (D) punctures, or (E) vandalism. 2. Conditions such as, but not limited to, uneven, cupping, spotty, feathering tread wear resulting from (A) improper installation, (B) wheel misalignment, (C) tire/wheel assembly imbalance, (D) use of an improper rim, (E) improper mounting or dismounting, (F) misapplication, or (G) use of tire chains. MASTERCRAFT TIRES P.O. BOX 550 FINDLAY, OHIO 45839 www.mastercrafttires.com REV. 11-12-13 7 PASSENGER Avenger Touring LSR TM ® Premium LIMITED WARRANTY FREE 45-Day Road Test! V&H-RATED 60,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION Premium Luxury Touring v/h-Rated The Avenger Touring LSR was designed for drivers who demand ride comfort, handling and all-season performance while sporting attractive style. Fitments: Camry, Jetta, Acadia, Enclave, Maxima UTQG TREADWEARTRACTION TEMP. V-RATED 520 A A H-RATED 560 A A M+S Rated PERFORMANCE COMPOUNDING WIDE CIRCUMFERENTIAL GROOVES Specially-formulated performance compounds are derived from performance tire technology for improved performance and enhanced vehicle control. Four circumferential grooves that include wider outboard grooves resist hydroplaning at higher speeds and contribute to reduced stopping distance. INNOVATIVE 5-RIB ALL-SEASON TREAD DESIGN OPEN SHOULDER DESIGN The innovative 5-rib tread design incorporates numerous features to provide for excellent stability, traction and treadwear. The open shoulder design utilizes lateral slots and strategic siping to create biting edges for all-season traction, improved wet cornering performance and excellent handling in snow. COUPLED SILICA TREAD COMPOUND The chemically coupled silica and carbon black compound allows for superior wet traction without sacrificing treadwear. An optimized polymer matrix allows the compound to remain pliable at lower temperatures while contributing to lower rolling resistance. HIGH-DENSITY SIPING CENTER RIB The wide tread arc improves handling and contributes to excellent tread life. The high density sipes allow for increased capillary action to remove water from the tread area to reduce stopping distances, improve wear and provide extra grip in rain and snow. WIDE TREAD ARC The center rib provides for improved steering response and responsive handling while contributing to reduced noise. ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 8 Avenger Touring LSR TM PASSENGER Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Max. Load Overall Diam. Sect. Width Tread Width Rev. Per Mile AVENGER TOURING LSR Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC BLACK SIDEWALL V & H-speed rated 90000005400 11601 BLK 185/60R14 82H (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1047 22.72 7.5 5.91 913 11.0 8.8 17 7.7 029142654407 90000005405 11606 BLK 185/65R15 88H (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1235 24.45 7.8 5.75 848 11.0 8.8 19 8.6 029142654339 90000005421 22707 BLK 195/55R15 85V (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1135 23.43 7.9 6.54 885 11.0 8.8 20 9.1 029142654551 90000005424 22719 BLK 195/55R16 87V (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1201 24.49 8.0 6.54 847 11.0 8.8 20 9.1 029142743873 90000005401 11602 BLK 195/60R14 86H (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1168 23.19 8.0 6.30 894 11.0 8.8 18 8.2 029142654469 90000005402 11603 BLK 195/60R15 88H (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1235 24.21 8.0 6.30 856 11.0 8.8 20 9.1 029142654346 90000005406 11607 BLK 195/65R15 91H (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1356 24.96 8.0 6.14 831 11.0 8.8 20 9.1 029142654414 90000005409 11614 BLK 205/50R16 87H (6.5) 5.5-7.5 44 1201 24.09 8.3 7.05 860 11.0 8.8 22 10.0 029142654353 90000005425 22720 BLK 205/55R16 91V (6.5) 5.5-7.5 44 1356 24.84 8.6 7.17 835 11.0 8.8 21 9.5 029142743880 90000005410 11611 BLK 205/55R16 91H (6.5) 5.5-7.5 44 1356 24.84 8.6 7.17 835 11.0 8.8 22 10.0 029142654421 90000005403 11604 BLK 205/60R15 91H (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1356 24.65 8.3 6.54 841 11.0 8.8 20 9.1 029142654438 90000005427 22701 BLK 205/60R16 92V (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1389 25.67 8.4 6.54 808 11.0 8.8 23 10.4 029142654568 90000005413 11617 BLK 205/60R16 92H (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1389 25.67 8.4 6.54 808 11.0 8.8 23 10.4 029142672074 90000005422 22706 BLK 205/65R15 94V (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1477 25.39 8.4 6.46 816 11.0 8.8 22 10.0 029142654575 90000005407 11608 BLK 205/65R15 94H (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1477 25.39 8.3 6.46 816 11.0 8.8 22 10.0 029142654445 90000005431 22716 BLK 215/50R17XL 95V (7.0) 6.0-7.5 50 1521 25.47 8.9 7.36 814 11.0 8.8 26 11.8 029142689065 90000005411 11612 BLK 215/55R16 93H (7.0) 6.0-7.5 44 1433 25.28 8.9 7.36 820 11.0 8.8 23 10.4 029142654452 90000005434 22708 BLK 215/55R17 94V (7.0) 6.0-7.5 44 1477 26.30 8.9 7.32 788 11.0 8.8 27 12.2 029142654513 90000005404 11605 BLK 215/60R15 94H (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1477 25.12 8.8 6.93 825 11.0 8.8 22 10.0 029142654360 90000005428 22702 BLK 215/60R16 95V (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1521 26.10 8.9 7.13 794 11.0 8.8 25 11.3 029142654476 90000005414 11618 BLK 215/60R16 95H (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1521 26.10 8.9 7.13 794 11.0 8.8 25 11.3 029142672081 90000005423 22713 BLK 225/50R16 92V (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1389 24.88 9.1 7.68 833 11.0 8.8 24 10.9 029142654483 90000005432 22714 BLK 225/50R17 94V (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1477 25.91 9.6 7.68 800 11.0 8.8 27 12.2 029142654520 90000005426 22709 BLK 225/55R16 95V (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1521 25.79 9.4 7.60 804 11.0 8.8 25 11.3 029142654537 90000005412 11613 BLK 225/55R16 95H (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1521 25.79 9.3 7.80 804 11.0 8.8 24 10.9 029142654384 90000005435 22710 BLK 225/55R17 97V (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1609 26.77 9.3 7.40 774 11.0 8.8 27 12.2 029142654490 90000005417 11615 BLK 225/55R18 98H (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1653 27.83 9.1 7.60 745 11.0 8.8 27 12.2 029142743903 #90000005429 22703 BLK 225/60R16 98V (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1653 26.57 9.1 7.17 780 11.0 8.8 25 11.3 029142654582 90000005415 11619 BLK 225/60R16 98H (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1653 26.57 9.1 7.17 780 11.0 8.8 25 11.3 029142672098 #90000005439 22704 BLK 225/60R18 100V (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1764 28.62 9.0 7.20 724 11.0 8.8 29 13.2 029142654599 90000005418 11622 BLK 225/60R18 100H (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1764 28.62 9.0 7.20 724 11.0 8.8 28 12.7 029142689508 90000005433 22715 BLK 235/50R17 96V (7.5) 6.5-8.5 44 1565 26.30 9.9 8.07 788 11.0 8.8 28 12.7 029142654544 #90000005436 22711 BLK 235/55R17 99V (7.5) 6.5-8.5 44 1709 27.17 9.8 7.99 763 11.0 8.8 30 13.6 029142654605 #90000005438 22718 BLK 235/55R18 100V (7.5) 6.5-8.5 44 1764 28.39 9.6 7.40 730 11.0 8.8 30 13.6 029142720263 90000005420 11616 BLK 235/55R19XL 105H (7.5) 6.5-8.5 50 2039 29.21 10.0 7.44 710 11.0 8.8 32 14.5 029142743910 90000005430 22705 BLK 235/60R16 100V (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 1764 27.09 9.5 7.56 765 11.0 8.8 27 12.2 029142654612 90000005416 11610 BLK 235/65R17 104H (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 1984 29.09 9.6 7.36 713 11.0 8.8 30 13.6 029142654391 90000005437 22717 BLK 245/45R18 96V (8.0) 7.5-9.0 44 1565 26.65 9.8 8.15 778 11.0 8.8 28 12.7 029142689478 90000005419 11623 BLK P255/65R18 109H (7.5) 7.0-9.0 44 2271 31.02 10.2 8.35 668 11.0 8.8 37 16.8 029142718482 # Products have been approved for Police Pursuit per Government Item Number X1.3.103P ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 9 PASSENGER Avenger Touring LSR TM ® Premium LIMITED WARRANTY FREE 45-Day Road Test! T-RATED 80,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION Premium Luxury Touring T-RATED The Avenger Touring LSR products were designed with ventless technology so they look attractive right off the shelf. The LSR has a competitive warranty, excellent performance and size coverage to accommodate most of today’s original equipment requirements. Fitments: Town Car, Pacifica, Altima, Sportage, PT Cruiser UTQG TREADWEARTRACTION TEMP. 14” 640 A A OTHERS 780 A A M+S Rated PERFORMANCE COMPOUNDING EXTRA-WIDE SECONDARY GROOVES Specially-formulated performance compounds are derived from performance tire technology for improved performance and enhanced vehicle control. Two wide secondary grooves resist hydroplaning and contribute to reduced stopping distance. INNOVATIVE 4-RIB ALL-SEASON TREAD DESIGN The innovative 4-rib tread design incorporates numerous features to provide for excellent stability, traction and treadwear. The open shoulder design utilizes lateral slots and strategic siping to create biting edges for all-season traction, improved wet cornering performance and excellent handling in snow. COUPLED SILICA TREAD COMPOUND HIGH DENSITY SIPING The chemically coupled silica and carbon black compound allows for superior wet traction without sacrificing treadwear. An optimized polymer matrix allows the compound to remain pliable at lower temperatures while contributing to lower rolling resistance. The high density sipes allow for increased capillary action to remove water from the tread area to reduce stopping distances, improve wear and provide extra grip in rain and snow. SMOOTH CENTER AQUA CHANNEL The smooth center aqua channel offers excellent hydroplaning resistance. OPEN SHOULDER DESIGN WIDE TREAD ARC The wide tread arc improves handling and contributes to excellent tread life. OPTIMIZED TREAD ELEMENT SIZE The tread elements are optimized to promote even wear and all-season traction. ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 10 Avenger Touring LSR TM PASSENGER Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Max. Load Overall Sect. Tread Diam. Width Width Rev. Per Mile AVENGER TOURING LSR 90000005369 Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC BLACK SIDEWALL T-speed rated 11301 BLK 185/60R15 84T (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1102 23.74 7.4 5.94 873 12.0 9.6 20 9.1 029142657354 90000005366 11311 BLK 185/65R14 86T (5.5) 5.0-6.5 90000005373 11312 BLK 185/65R15 88T (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1168 23.50 7.6 5.83 882 12.0 9.6 19 8.6 029142657316 44 1235 24.53 7.8 5.83 845 12.0 9.6 20 9.1 029142657323 90000005367 11325 BLK 185/70R14 90000005370 11302 BLK 195/60R15 88T (5.5) 4.5-6.0 44 1235 24.13 7.4 5.67 859 12.0 9.6 19 8.6 029142657293 88T (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1235 24.25 8.0 6.34 855 12.0 9.6 21 9.5 029142657361 90000005374 11313 BLK 195/65R15 91T (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1356 25.04 8.0 6.18 828 12.0 9.6 22 10.0 029142657330 90000005368 11326 BLK 195/70R14 91T (6.0) 5.0-6.5 44 1356 24.80 8.0 6.02 836 12.0 9.6 20 9.1 029142657309 90000005379 11321 BLK 205/55R16 91T (6.5) 5.5-7.5 44 1356 24.92 8.6 7.01 832 12.0 9.6 23 10.4 029142657422 90000005371 11303 BLK 205/60R15 91T (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1356 24.72 8.3 6.57 839 12.0 9.6 22 10.0 029142657378 90000005380 11304 BLK 205/60R16 92T (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1389 25.71 8.4 6.57 806 12.0 9.6 23 10.4 029142657491 90000005375 11314 BLK 205/65R15 94T (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1477 25.47 8.3 6.42 814 12.0 9.6 23 10.4 029142657415 90000005377 11327 BLK 205/70R15 96T (6.0) 5.0-7.0 44 1565 26.30 8.2 6.26 788 12.0 9.6 23 10.4 029142657392 90000005372 11305 BLK 215/60R15 94T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1477 25.16 8.8 6.97 824 12.0 9.6 24 10.9 029142657385 90000005381 11306 BLK 215/60R16 95T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1521 26.14 8.9 6.97 793 12.0 9.6 25 11.3 029142657231 90000005391 11307 BLK 215/60R17 96T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1565 27.13 9.0 6.97 764 12.0 9.6 28 12.7 029142657262 90000005376 11315 BLK 215/65R15 96T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1565 26.02 8.7 6.77 797 12.0 9.6 24 10.9 029142657347 90000005385 11316 BLK 215/65R16 98T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1653 27.09 8.7 6.81 765 12.0 9.6 25 11.3 029142657439 90000005394 11317 BLK 215/65R17 99T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1709 27.99 8.9 6.81 741 12.0 9.6 29 13.2 029142657255 90000005378 11328 BLK 215/70R15 98T (6.5) 5.5-7.0 44 1653 26.85 8.7 6.61 772 12.0 9.6 25 11.3 029142657408 90000005397 11331 BLK 225/50R18 95T (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1521 26.89 9.2 7.68 771 12.0 9.6 27 12.2 029142743897 90000005389 11322 BLK 225/55R17 97T (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1609 26.77 9.3 7.40 774 12.0 9.6 28 12.7 029142657286 90000005398 11323 BLK 225/55R18 98T (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1653 27.83 9.1 7.60 745 12.0 9.6 29 13.2 029142657477 90000005383 11308 BLK 225/60R16 98T (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1653 26.61 9.1 7.20 779 12.0 9.6 26 11.8 029142657453 90000005392 11309 BLK 225/60R17 99T (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1709 27.56 9.1 7.20 752 12.0 9.6 28 12.7 029142657279 90000005386 11330 BLK 225/65R16 100T (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1764 27.52 9.1 7.09 753 12.0 9.6 27 12.2 029142743507 90000005395 11318 BLK 225/65R17 102T (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1874 28.39 9.0 7.01 730 12.0 9.6 30 13.6 029142657507 90000005388 11350 BLK 225/70R16 103T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1929 28.50 9.6 6.89 727 12.0 9.6 28 12.7 029142672272 90000005390 11324 BLK 235/55R17 99T (7.5) 6.5-8.5 44 1709 27.20 9.8 7.99 762 12.0 9.6 31 14.1 029142657484 90000005384 11310 BLK 235/60R16 100T (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 1764 27.17 9.5 7.56 763 12.0 9.6 28 12.7 029142657248 90000005393 11349 BLK 235/60R17 102T (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 1874 28.15 10.1 7.64 737 12.0 9.6 29 13.2 029142672265 90000005387 11319 BLK 235/65R16 103T (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 1929 27.91 9.6 7.40 743 12.0 9.6 29 13.2 029142657446 90000005396 11351 BLK 235/65R17 104T (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 1984 29.17 9.7 7.44 711 12.0 9.6 30 13.6 029142689461 90000005399 11320 BLK 235/65R18 106T (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 2094 29.92 10.1 7.36 693 12.0 9.6 31 14.1 029142657514 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 11 PASSENGER Strategy TM ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY V&H-RATED 50,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION T-RATED 65,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION TOURING ALL-SEASON V/H/T- RATED The Strategy was designed for consumers looking for touring performance but do not want to pay a lot for it. This tire provides all-season capabilities, a quiet ride and long wear for a variety of vehicles. Fitments: Accord, Impala, Civic, Protégé, Cavalier UTQG V/H-RATED T-RATED TREADWEARTRACTION TEMP. 440 540 A A A B M+S Rated QUIET-RIDING DESIGN EVEN-WEARING DESIGN The five-rib, all-season design employs a computer enhanced sound quality system that optimizes the tread pattern’s pitch sequence for a quiet ride. A notched, solid center rib along with a refined tread element shape, helps provide even treadwear. Shoulder slotting is also designed for resistance to irregular wear while providing solid, all-season performance. FOUR CIRCUMFERENTIAL GROOVES Designed to propel water out and away from the tread contact area, the grooves combine with the high sipe density and variable shoulder slots to help provide superior all-weather traction. OPTIMAL TIRE SHAPE TOURING TREAD FORMULA The faceted bead provides a uniform and secure fit of the tire onto the rim for a smooth and comfortable ride. The compounding used in the Strategy has been formulated for long wear and all-weather grip to provide consumers with value and dependability in a variety of conditions. ® An optimal tread and sidewall shape was created to deliver uniform pressure distribution across the tread contact area. FACETED BEAD Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 12 Strategy TM PASSENGER Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Max. Load STRATEGY Overall Sect. Tread Diam. Width Width Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC BLACK AND WHITE SIDEWALL V, H & T-speed rated 90000005878 01703 BLK 175/65R14 82T (5.0) 5.0-6.0 44 1047 22.95 6.9 5.20 903 10.0 8.0 16 7.3 029142642091 90000005877 01711 BLK 175/70R13 82T (5.0) 4.5-6.0 44 1047 22.68 6.9 5.12 914 10.0 8.0 15 6.8 029142642022 90000005880 01712 BLK 175/70R14 84T (5.0) 4.5-6.0 44 1102 23.66 6.9 5.12 876 10.0 8.0 17 7.7 029142642015 90000005885 01790 BLK 185/60R15 84T (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1102 23.58 7.2 5.63 879 10.0 8.0 17 7.7 029142678007 90000005879 01704 BLK 185/65R14 86T (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1168 23.39 7.4 5.55 887 10.0 8.0 17 7.7 029142642107 90000005887 01705 BLK 185/65R15 88T (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1235 24.41 7.4 5.55 849 10.0 8.0 18 8.2 029142642114 90000005881 01713 BLK 185/70R14 88T (5.5) 4.5-6.0 44 1235 24.21 7.4 5.31 856 10.0 8.0 18 8.2 029142642039 90000005901 01780 BLK 195/60R15 88H (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1235 24.17 7.9 5.98 858 11.0 8.7 19 8.6 029142668732 90000005888 01706 BLK 195/65R15 91T (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1356 24.88 7.8 5.87 833 10.0 8.0 20 9.1 029142642121 90000005903 01783 BLK 195/65R15 91H (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1356 24.96 7.9 5.87 831 11.0 8.7 20 9.1 029142668763 90000005882 01714 BLK 195/70R14 91T (6.0) 5.0-6.5 44 1356 24.76 7.8 5.59 837 10.0 8.0 19 8.6 029142642046 90000005893 01710 BLK 205/55R16 91T (6.5) 5.5-7.5 44 1356 24.65 8.3 7.01 841 10.0 8.0 22 10.0 029142642183 90000005905 01785 BLK 205/55R16 91H (6.5) 5.5-7.5 44 1356 24.84 8.4 6.65 835 11.0 8.7 22 10.0 029142668787 90000005902 01781 BLK 205/60R15 91H (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1356 24.65 8.2 6.22 841 11.0 8.7 21 9.5 029142668749 90000005909 01755 BLK 205/60R16 92V (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1389 25.67 8.2 6.22 808 11.0 8.7 24 10.9 029142680512 90000005889 01707 BLK 205/65R15 94T (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1477 25.28 8.1 6.06 820 10.5 8.3 21 9.5 029142642138 90000005904 01784 BLK 205/65R15 94H (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1477 25.39 8.2 6.02 816 11.0 8.7 22 10.0 029142668770 90000005891 01717 .75" W 205/70R15 96T (6.0) 5.0-7.0 44 1565 26.18 8.1 5.79 792 10.5 8.3 21 9.5 029142642077 90000005911 01758 BLK 215/50R17XL 95V (7.0) 6.0-7.5 50 1521 25.47 8.9 7.05 814 11.0 8.7 26 11.8 029142680536 90000005906 01786 BLK 215/55R16 93H (7.0) 6.0-7.5 44 1433 25.24 8.9 7.05 822 11.0 8.7 23 10.4 029142668756 90000005913 01757 BLK 215/55R17 94V (7.0) 6.0-7.5 44 1477 26.26 8.9 7.05 790 11.0 8.7 27 12.2 029142680543 90000005886 01791 BLK 215/60R15 94T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1477 24.92 8.5 6.57 832 10.5 8.3 21 9.5 029142678014 90000005894 01701 BLK 215/60R16 95T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1521 25.94 8.5 6.54 799 10.5 8.3 24 10.9 029142642169 90000005910 01756 BLK 215/60R16 95V (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1521 26.10 8.7 6.65 794 11.0 8.7 26 11.8 029142680529 90000005898 01719 BLK 215/60R17 96T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1565 26.93 8.7 7.99 770 10.5 8.3 23 10.4 029142743484 90000005890 01708 BLK 215/65R15 96T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1565 25.83 8.7 6.50 803 10.5 8.3 22 10.0 029142642145 90000005896 01709 BLK 215/65R16 98T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1653 26.81 8.7 6.50 773 10.5 8.3 24 10.9 029142642152 90000005900 01720 BLK 215/65R17 99T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1709 27.83 8.7 7.91 745 10.5 8.3 24 10.9 029142743477 90000005892 01718 .75" W 215/70R15 98T (6.5) 5.5-7.0 44 1653 26.69 8.6 6.10 777 10.5 8.3 22 10.0 029142642084 90000005912 01759 BLK 225/50R17 94V (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1477 25.83 9.2 7.24 803 11.0 8.7 27 12.2 029142680550 90000005907 01754 BLK 225/55R16 95H (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1521 25.75 9.2 7.09 805 11.0 8.7 26 11.8 029142680505 90000005895 01702 BLK 225/60R16 98T (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1653 26.50 8.8 6.81 782 10.5 8.3 24 10.9 029142642176 90000005908 01782 BLK 225/60R16 98H (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1653 26.57 9.1 6.77 780 11.0 8.7 25 11.3 029142668794 90000005899 01792 BLK 225/60R17 99T (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1709 27.36 8.8 6.77 758 10.5 8.3 25 11.3 029142678038 90000005897 01793 BLK 235/65R16 103T (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 1929 27.80 9.4 7.09 746 10.5 8.3 26 11.8 029142678021 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 13 PASSENGER Avenger G/T TM ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY 50,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION COSMETIC PERFORMANCE T & S - RATED The Avenger G/T is a cosmetic performance tire available in today’s black sidewall or an eye-catching raised white letter that will retain the character of the old “muscle car.” Fitments: Various older model passenger cars, classic muscle cars UTQG TREADWEARTRACTION TEMP. T-RATED 440 A B S-RATED 440 A C M+S Rated PERFORMANCE TREAD SIDEWALL AND SIZE OPTIONS The void ratio in this performance radial has been re-distributed for increased tire-to-road contact which leads to improvements in treadwear and handling. Available in a full selection of popular sizes, the Avenger G/T offers a unique, stylized, raised white letter sidewall to enhance vehicle appearance. The reverse side offers a serrated, blackletter look for a more subtle effect. Some sizes are available in black lettering only featuring a reversible option: stylized sidewall on one side and a traditional, smooth sidewall with standard lettering on the reverse. EVEN-WEARING DESIGN A notched, solid center rib, along with a refined tread element shape, helps provide even treadwear. Shoulder slotting is also designed for resistance to irregular wear while providing solid, all-weather performance. OPTIMIZED TREAD COMPOUND QUIET RIDE A delicate balance between all-season traction capability and excellent treadwear has been achieved in this product. Pitch sequence has been optimized to reduce tread related tire noise for increased consumer riding comfort. PERFORMANCE RATING ® Indoor-wheel tested to meet or exceed the original equipment requirements of many automobiles, minivans and crossovers. Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 14 Avenger G/T TM PASSENGER Material # Tire Size & Service Description Item # Sdwl. 39720 BLK P185/60R14 AVENGER G/T 90000005345 Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Max. Load Overall Sect. Diam. Width Tread Width Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC BLACK SIDEWALL AND RAISED WHITE LETTER T & S-speed rated 82T (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1047 22.80 7.2 5.98 910 11.0 8.6 17 7.7 029142364658 90000005354 39716 RWL P215/65R15 95T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1510 25.98 8.4 6.81 798 11.0 8.6 23 10.4 029142364733 90000005347 39733 RWL P215/70R14 96T (6.5) 5.5-7.0 44 1554 25.75 8.7 7.01 805 11.0 8.6 22 10.0 029142364917 90000005355 39735 RWL P215/70R15 97T (6.5) 5.5-7.0 44 1620 26.69 8.7 7.01 777 11.0 8.6 23 10.4 029142364931 90000005348 39734 RWL P225/70R14 98T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1675 26.26 8.9 7.20 790 11.0 8.6 24 10.9 029142364924 90000005356 39736 RWL P225/70R15 100T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1753 27.36 9.1 7.20 758 11.0 8.6 25 11.3 029142364948 90000005359 39750 BLK P235/55R16 96T (7.5) 6.5-8.5 44 1565 26.14 9.6 7.95 793 11.0 8.6 24 10.9 029142366218 90000005346 39708 RWL P235/60R14 96T (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 1565 25.08 9.1 7.60 827 11.0 8.6 23 10.4 029142364702 90000005350 39712 RWL P235/60R15 98T (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 1642 26.10 9.1 7.60 794 11.0 8.6 25 11.3 029142364788 90000005357 39737 RWL P235/70R15 102T (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1896 27.91 9.4 7.60 743 11.0 8.6 27 12.2 029142364955 90000005351 39713 RWL P245/60R15 100T (7.0) 7.0-8.5 44 1753 26.54 9.5 7.99 781 11.0 8.6 26 11.8 029142364795 90000005352 39714 RWL P255/60R15 102T (7.5) 7.0-9.0 44 1885 27.01 10.2 8.19 768 11.0 8.6 28 12.7 029142364801 90000005358 39738 RWL P255/70R15 108T (7.5) 6.5-8.5 44 2183 28.94 10.4 8.19 716 11.0 8.6 32 14.5 029142364962 90000005353 39715 RWL P275/60R15 107T (8.0) 7.5-9.5 44 2149 28.07 10.7 8.90 739 11.0 8.6 31 14.1 029142364818 90000005349 39702 RWL P295/50R15 105S (9.5) 8.0-10.0 35 2061 26.81 12.2 10.12 773 11.0 8.6 32 14.5 029142365006 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 15 PASSENGER A/S IV TM ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY 40,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION STANDARD ALL-SEASON SIZES The A/S IV is an entry level, all-season tire designed for the value-oriented consumer. This tire fits a variety of older vehicles and is available in select white sidewall sizes. Fitments: Various passenger cars, SUV, CUVs and smaller pick-ups UTQG TREADWEARTRACTION TEMP. 440 A B M+S Rated ALL-WEATHER TREAD PATTERN OPTIMIZED TREAD VOID Squared off tread elements form an effective pattern of distinct gripping edges for year round traction. Wide circumferential grooves and lateral grooves promote excellent wet traction by channeling water out from the contact patch. Tread void, created by grooves and sipes, is greatest at the center of the tread to aid traction, then decreases gradually toward the shoulder area for overall, even treadwear. Variable sizing of the tread elements helps reduce noise. DURABLE RUBBER COMPOUNDS DOUBLE-STRENGTH INNERLINER Rubber compounds used throughout the tire are formulated for durability and performance. The combination of tread stock and tread pattern delivers even wear and excellent mileage. A halobutyl innerliner contributes to excellent air retention. WHITE SIDEWALL STYLING A smooth white stripe of stay-bright rubber compound is available in selected sizes. ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 16 A/S IV TM PASSENGER Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Max. Load Overall Sect. Tread Diam. Width Width A/S IV Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC BLACK AND WHITE SIDEWALL S-speed rated 90000008037 06320 BLK P155/80R13 79S (4.5) 4.0-5.0 35 959 22.76 6.1 3.90 911 9.5 7.4 12 5.4 029142696254 90000005331 05807 BLK P175/70R13 82S (5.0) 4.5-6.0 35 1036 22.68 6.9 4.88 914 10.0 8.0 15 6.8 029142364054 90000005333 05813 BLK P175/70R14 84S (5.0) 4.5-6.0 35 1102 23.19 6.9 4.88 894 10.0 7.8 16 7.3 029142366331 90000005332 05808 BLK P185/70R13 85S (5.5) 4.5-6.0 35 1135 23.23 7.4 5.12 893 10.0 8.0 16 7.3 029142364061 90000005334 05809 BLK P185/70R14 87S (5.5) 4.5-6.0 35 1201 24.21 7.4 5.12 856 10.0 8.0 17 7.7 029142364078 90000008038 06321 BLK P185/75R14 89S (5.0) 4.5-6.0 44 1290 24.80 7.2 4.61 836 10.0 7.8 16 7.3 029142744924 90000005335 05810 BLK P195/70R14 90S (6.0) 5.0-6.5 35 1312 24.76 7.8 5.39 837 10.0 8.0 18 8.2 029142364092 90000008040 06322 BLK P195/75R14 92S (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1400 25.39 7.6 4.88 816 10.0 7.8 18 8.2 029142744931 90000005344 05832 BLK P205/55R16 89S (6.5) 5.5-7.5 35 1279 24.76 8.3 7.09 837 10.0 7.8 21 9.5 029142368786 90000005336 05814 BLK P205/70R14 93S (6.0) 5.0-7.0 35 1433 25.28 8.1 5.59 820 10.0 8.0 18 8.2 029142365051 90000005340 05811 BLK P205/70R15 95S (6.0) 5.0-7.0 35 1499 26.30 8.1 5.59 788 10.0 8.0 20 9.1 029142364122 90000005339 05805 .75" W P205/70R15 95S (6.0) 5.0-7.0 35 1499 26.30 8.1 5.59 788 10.0 8.0 20 9.1 029142364139 90000008036 06324 P205/75R14 95S (5.5) 5.0-7.0 35 1532 25.94 8.0 5.12 799 10.5 8.3 18 8.2 029142745075 90000008044 06312 .75" W P205/75R15 97S (5.5) 5.0-7.0 35 1598 26.97 8.0 5.12 769 10.5 8.3 20 9.1 029142362098 90000005337 05840 P215/70R14 96S (6.5) 5.5-7.0 44 1554 25.79 8.6 5.91 804 10.0 8.0 20 9.1 029142745204 90000005341 05806 .75" W P215/70R15 97S (6.5) 5.5-7.0 35 1620 26.77 8.6 5.91 774 10.0 8.0 22 10.0 029142364146 90000008045 06313 .75" W P215/75R15 100S (6.0) 5.5-7.0 35 1742 27.56 8.4 5.39 752 10.5 8.3 22 10.0 029142362104 90000005342 05841 BLK P225/70R15 100S (6.5) 6.0-7.5 35 1753 27.28 8.9 6.14 760 10.0 8.0 22 10.0 029142745198 90000008046 06323 BLK P225/75R15 102S (6.0) 6.0-7.5 44 1874 28.03 8.7 5.59 740 10.5 8.3 22 10.0 029142744948 90000008048 06315 .75" W P235/75R15 105S (6.5) 6.0-8.0 35 2028 28.66 9.1 5.91 723 11.0 8.7 25 11.3 029142362128 BLK BLK ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 17 PASSENGER MC-440 TM ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY 40,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION VALUE LINE V/H-RATED The MC-440 will provide great all-season traction with a smooth, quiet ride and responsive handling. With the MC-440 you will get excellent performance without the premium price. Fitments: Grand Am, Alero, Mustang, Neon, Camry UTQG TREADWEARTRACTION TEMP. 400 A A M+S Rated MODERN ALL-SEASON TREAD DESIGN CIRCUMFERENTIAL GROOVES This modern-looking radial will perform well in wet and dry weather. See-through grooves help disperse water and slush to provide dependable all-season traction. DEEP LATERAL SHOULDER SLOTS VARIABLE PITCH TREAD Our new design uses lateral slots in the shoulder to help ensure excellent traction throughout the life of the tire. Computer-designed to provide a quiet-running tire at highway speeds. OFFSET SHOULDER SIPE TECHNOLOGY SOLID CENTER RIB Computer-modeled geometry balances larger areas for element stability with small element flexibility and biting edges for allweather performance. Provides a smooth ride and enhances handling ability. SPIRAL NYLON OVERWRAP Provides high speed capability while maintaining a smooth ride. ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 18 MC-440 TM PASSENGER Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Max. Load Overall Sect. Tread Diam. Width Width MC-440 Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC BLACK SIDEWALL V & H-speed rated 90000005852 12301 BLK 185/60R14 82H (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1047 22.95 7.2 5.71 903 9.5 7.7 17 7.7 029142688457 90000005854 12308 BLK 185/65R14 86H (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1168 23.46 7.4 5.71 884 9.5 7.7 16 7.3 029142688440 90000005858 12309 BLK 185/65R15 88H (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1235 24.45 7.4 5.71 848 9.5 7.7 18 8.2 029142688471 90000005866 12504 BLK 195/55R15 85V (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1135 23.43 7.8 6.02 885 9.5 7.7 19 8.6 029142688662 90000005853 12302 BLK 195/60R14 86H (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1168 23.43 7.8 6.06 885 9.5 7.7 20 9.1 029142688464 90000005855 12303 BLK 195/60R15 88H (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1235 24.41 7.8 6.06 849 9.5 7.7 21 9.5 029142688501 90000005859 12310 BLK 195/65R15 91H (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1356 25.00 7.8 6.02 829 9.5 7.7 18 8.2 029142688488 90000005867 12508 BLK 205/50R16 87V (6.5) 5.5-7.5 44 1201 24.13 8.3 6.77 859 9.5 7.7 22 10.0 029142688686 90000005861 12312 BLK 205/55R16 91H (6.5) 5.5-7.5 44 1356 24.88 8.3 6.26 833 9.5 7.7 22 10.0 029142688556 90000005869 12505 BLK 205/55R16 91V (6.5) 5.5-7.5 44 1356 24.88 8.3 6.26 833 9.5 7.7 23 10.4 029142688631 90000005856 12304 BLK 205/60R15 91H (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1356 24.88 8.2 6.26 833 9.5 7.7 20 9.1 029142688518 90000005864 12305 BLK 205/60R16 92H (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1389 25.91 8.2 6.26 800 9.5 7.7 22 10.0 029142688532 90000005871 12501 BLK 205/60R16 92V (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1389 25.91 8.2 6.26 800 9.5 7.7 22 10.0 029142688617 90000005860 12311 BLK 205/65R15 94H (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1477 25.55 8.1 6.38 811 9.5 7.7 20 9.1 029142688495 90000005874 12509 BLK 215/50R17XL 95V (7.0) 6.0-7.5 50 1521 25.55 8.7 7.48 811 9.5 7.7 25 11.3 029142688679 90000005862 12313 BLK 215/55R16 93H (7.0) 6.0-7.5 44 1433 25.31 8.7 6.69 819 9.5 7.7 24 10.9 029142688563 90000005876 12506 BLK 215/55R17 94V (7.0) 6.0-7.5 44 1477 26.34 8.7 6.69 787 9.5 7.7 24 10.9 029142688587 90000005857 12306 BLK 215/60R15 94H (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1477 25.24 8.7 6.65 822 9.5 7.7 22 10.0 029142688525 90000005872 12502 BLK 215/60R16 95V (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1521 26.22 8.7 6.65 791 9.5 7.7 24 10.9 029142688624 90000005868 12510 BLK 225/50R16 92V (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1389 24.92 9.0 7.32 832 9.5 7.7 25 11.3 029142688655 90000005875 12511 BLK 225/50R17 94V (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1477 25.94 9.0 7.32 799 9.5 7.7 26 11.8 029142688600 90000005863 12314 BLK 225/55R16 95H (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1521 25.79 9.0 7.24 804 9.5 7.7 24 10.9 029142688570 90000005870 12507 BLK 225/55R16 95V (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1521 25.79 9.0 7.24 804 9.5 7.7 25 11.3 029142688648 90000005865 12307 BLK 225/60R16 98H (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1653 26.61 8.8 6.85 779 9.5 7.7 25 11.3 029142688549 90000005873 12503 BLK 225/60R16 98V (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1653 26.61 8.8 6.85 779 9.5 7.7 26 11.8 029142688594 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 19 PASSENGER MC-440 TM ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY 40,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION VALUE LINE T- RATED The MC-440 will provide great all-season traction with a smooth, quiet ride and increased steering response. With the MC-440 you will get excellent performance without the premium price. Fitments: Corolla, Civic, Escort, Sunfire and smaller SUVs and pick-ups UTQG TREADWEARTRACTION TEMP. 500 A B M+S Rated MODERN ALL-SEASON TREAD DESIGN OFFSET SHOULDER SIPE TECHNOLOGY This modern-looking radial will perform well in wet and dry weather. Computer-modeled geometry balances larger areas for element stability with small element flexibility and biting edges for allweather performance. RAMP-LOCK CENTER RIB Unique center rib design provides cross slot for all-weather traction and controlled handling. DEEP LATERAL SHOULDER SLOTS Our new design uses lateral slots in the shoulder to help ensure excellent traction throughout the life of the tire. ® CIRCUMFERENTIAL GROOVES See-through grooves help disperse water and slush to provide dependable all-season traction. VARIABLE PITCH TREAD Computer-designed to provide a quiet-running tire at highway speeds. Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 20 MC-440 TM PASSENGER Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Max. Load Overall Diam. Sect. Tread Width Width MC-440 Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC BLACK SIDEWALL T-speed rated 90000005839 12101 BLK 175/65R14 82T (5.0) 5.0-6.0 44 1047 22.91 6.9 5.00 905 10.0 7.8 15 6.8 029142688846 90000005841 12120 BLK 185/60R15 84T (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1102 23.58 7.2 5.63 879 10.0 7.8 16 7.3 029142688914 90000005840 12102 BLK 185/65R14 86T (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1168 23.35 7.4 5.35 888 10.0 7.8 16 7.3 029142688853 90000005843 12123 BLK 185/65R15 88T (5.5) 5.0-6.5 44 1235 24.33 7.4 5.35 852 10.0 7.8 17 7.7 029142688891 90000005842 12105 BLK 195/60R15 88T (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1235 23.98 7.8 5.75 865 7.7 19 8.6 029142688921 90000005844 12103 BLK 195/65R15 91T (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1356 24.88 7.8 5.71 833 10.0 7.8 18 8.2 029142688860 90000005847 12121 BLK 205/60R16 92T (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1389 25.67 8.2 6.54 808 10.0 7.8 20 9.1 029142688945 90000005845 12104 BLK 205/65R15 94T (6.0) 5.5-7.5 44 1477 25.24 8.1 5.87 822 10.0 8.0 20 9.1 029142688877 90000005848 12106 BLK 215/60R16 95T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1521 25.98 8.5 6.42 798 10.0 7.8 23 10.4 029142688884 90000005846 12124 BLK 215/65R15 96T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1565 25.87 8.7 6.38 802 10.0 7.8 21 9.5 029142688907 90000005850 12125 BLK 215/65R16 98T (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1653 26.81 8.8 6.50 773 10.0 7.8 22 10.0 029142688938 90000005849 12107 BLK 225/60R16 98T (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1653 26.42 8.8 6.61 785 10.0 7.8 23 10.4 029142688969 90000005851 12122 BLK 225/60R17 99T (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1709 27.36 8.8 6.77 758 10.0 7.8 24 10.9 029142688952 9.5 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 21 Zeon RS3-S TM PASSENGER Performance Performance Tires by Cooper ® PREMIUM LIMITED WARRANTY FREE 45-DAY ROAD TEST! *20,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION SUMMER ULTRA HIGH PERFORMANCE ASYMMETRICAL DESIGN Y / W-RATED The RS3-S is the ultra high performance summer tire within the Cooper Zeon performance family. Its low-profile, high performance rating combines world-class dry road traction, handling and cornering with outstanding appearance. The tread compounds are specifically formulated to combine dry and wet traction with crisp handling and high speed capabilities. Fitments: Roush Mustang, Camaro SS, Mustang GT and BMW 5-Series UTQG TREADWEARTRACTIONTEMP. 300 AA A ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY MOLD PROFILE SILICA FORMULATED TREAD COMPOUND ASYMMETRIC DESIGN VARIABLE DRAFT GROOVE WALLS Advanced technology mold profile provides for a square tread footprint which means more tread-to-road contact. Silica formulated tread compound is designed for exceptional wet driving performance. The asymmetric design allows for tread pattern tuning. This design allows for cross-rotation which reduces heal-toe wear, promotes even wear, less noise and increased overall tread life. The outboard tread pattern is tuned for excellent dry handling and traction. The inboard of the pattern is optimized for wet weather conditions. Dual pitch sequence provides a low tread pattern noise. Increased grooves create more void on the inside of the tread pattern which helps maintain better wet performance. The variable draft groove walls help provide even treadwear. INTERMEDIATE TREAD ELEMENTS Large intermediate tread elements are joined together for stable cornering and reduced noise. SHOULDER GROOVES AND UNIFORM ELEMENT GEOMETRY Laterally oriented shoulder grooves and uniform element geometry minimizes irregular wear. Variable draft groove walls also reduces uneven treadwear. CIRCUMFERENTIAL GROOVES Wide, circumferential grooves are positioned towards the inside of the tread pattern. This increases the size of the outside shoulder and the intermediate tread element rows which allows for more rubber on the outside of the pattern for ultimate dry traction, increased handling and exceptional cornering ability. The increased void and two circumferential grooves on the inside of the pattern channel water out of the tread for hydroplane resistance. DURABLE UNIFORM TIRE CONSTRUCTION Crisp and tight steering response is delivered by a combination of high density belt wire, high modulus polyester plies and high modulus bead filler. *See page 62 for specific Cooper Zeon product warranty details. ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 22 Zeon RS3-S TM Performance Tires by Cooper PASSENGER Performance Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Max. Load Overall Diam. Sect. Width COOPER ZEON RS3-S Tread Width Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth nds mm 32 Ship Wt. lbs. kg. UPC BLACK SIDEWALL Y & W-speed rated 90000003543 22015 BLK 205/50R17XL 93W (6.5) 5.5-7.5 50 1433 25.08 8.4 6.89 827 9.5 7.7 22 10.1 029142714828 90000003541 22018 BLK 215/45R17XL 91W (7.0) 7.0-8.0 50 1356 24.65 8.4 7.64 841 10.0 7.9 22 10.0 029142714859 90000003528 22006 BLK 225/40R18XL 92Y (8.0) 7.5-9.0 50 1389 25.08 9.1 8.23 827 10.0 7.9 25 11.3 029142714668 90000003542 22019 BLK 225/45R17XL 94W (7.5) 7.0-8.5 50 1477 24.96 8.9 7.76 831 9.5 7.7 23 10.7 029142714798 90000003546 22020 BLK 225/45R18XL 95W (7.5) 7.0-8.5 50 1521 25.94 8.9 8.07 799 10.0 7.9 25 11.3 029142714811 90000003544 22016 BLK 225/50R17XL 98W (7.0) 6.0-8.0 50 1653 25.91 9.2 7.56 800 9.5 7.7 24 10.9 029142714835 91Y (8.5) 8.0-9.5 50 1,356 25.47 9.5 8.35 814 10.0 7.9 24 10.9 029142803331 029142714736 90000020055 90000003529 n/a BLK 235/35R19XL 22007 BLK 235/40R18XL * 90000003524 22004 BLK 235/45R17 90000020632 n/a BLK 235/45R17XL 95Y (8.5) 8.0-9.5 50 1521 25.35 9.5 8.50 818 10.0 7.9 24 11.1 94Y (8.0) 7.5-9.0 51 1477 25.35 9.3 8.07 818 9.5 7.7 25 11.5 029142714699 97Y (8.0) 7.5-9.0 50 1477 25.35 9.3 8.07 818 9.5 7.7 25 11.5 029142805977 90000003547 22017 BLK 235/50R18 97W (7.5) 6.5-8.5 51 1609 27.28 9.6 8.19 760 10.0 7.9 27 12.2 029142714781 90000003545 22014 BLK 235/55R17 99W (7.5) 6.5-8.5 51 1709 27.13 9.6 7.83 764 7.7 29 13.3 029142714804 93Y (8.5) 7.5-9.5 50 1,433 25.79 9.8 8.58 804 10.0 7.9 26 11.8 029142803348 91W (8.5) 8.0-9.5 51 1356 24.72 9.8 8.50 839 7.7 26 11.8 029142735120 90000020056 n/a BLK 245/35R19XL 90000003539 22023 BLK 245/40R17 90000003530 22005 BLK 245/40R18XL 90000020057 n/a BLK 245/40R20XL 9.5 9.5 97Y (8.5) 8.0-9.5 50 1609 25.71 9.8 8.82 806 10.0 7.9 26 11.8 029142714712 99Y (8.5) 8.0-9.5 50 1,709 27.72 9.8 8.74 748 10.0 7.9 29 13.2 029142803355 029142714651 90000003525 22002 BLK 245/45R17 95Y (8.0) 7.5-9.0 51 1521 25.71 9.6 8.23 806 9.5 7.7 26 11.7 90000003533 22003 BLK 245/45R18 96Y (8.0) 7.5-9.0 51 1565 26.69 9.5 8.62 777 10.0 8.1 28 12.7 029142714705 90000003538 22001 BLK 245/45R20XL 103Y (8.0) 7.5-9.0 50 1929 28.70 9.5 8.62 722 10.0 8.1 30 13.6 029142714729 90000003526 22011 BLK 255/35R18 90Y (9.0) 8.5-10.0 51 1323 25.00 10.2 8.74 829 9.5 7.7 26 11.8 029142714750 90000003534 22012 BLK 255/35R19XL 96Y (9.0) 8.5-10.0 50 1565 25.98 10.2 9.06 798 10.0 7.9 27 12.2 029142714675 90000003548 22026 BLK 255/35R20XL 97W (9.0) 8.5-10.0 50 1609 27.01 10.2 8.74 768 9.5 7.7 27 12.2 029142743668 90000003531 22008 BLK 255/40R18XL 99Y (9.0) 8.5-10.0 50 1709 26.02 10.2 8.94 797 9.5 7.7 28 12.9 029142714743 90000003536 22025 BLK 255/40R19XL 100Y (9.0) 8.5-10.0 50 1764 27.01 10.2 8.94 768 9.5 7.7 29 13.2 029142743651 98Y (9.5) 9.0-10.5 50 1,653 26.34 10.7 9.39 787 10.0 7.9 28 12.9 029142803362 90000020058 n/a BLK 265/35R19XL 90000003527 22013 BLK 275/35R18XL 99Y (9.5) 9.0-11.0 50 1709 25.51 10.9 9.69 813 10.0 7.9 27 12.2 029142714774 90000003549 22024 BLK 275/35R20XL 102W (9.5) 9.0-11.0 50 1874 27.56 10.9 9.09 752 9.5 7.7 31 14.1 029142736455 90000003540 22021 BLK 275/40R17 98W (9.5) 9.0-11.0 51 1653 25.63 10.9 9.92 809 10.0 7.9 28 12.7 029142714842 90000003532 22010 BLK 275/40R18 90000003537 22009 BLK 275/40R20XL 90000003535 22022 BLK 285/35R19 99Y (9.5) 9.0-11.0 51 1709 26.61 10.9 9.92 779 10.0 7.9 30 13.4 029142714767 106Y (9.5) 9.0-11.0 50 2094 28.62 10.9 9.92 724 10.0 7.9 31 14.1 029142714682 99Y 772 (10.0) 9.5-11.0 51 1709 26.85 11.4 9.76 9.5 7.7 31 14.1 029142735113 + 90000020059 n/a BLK 305/35R20XL 107Y (11.0) 10.0-12.0 50 2149 28.43 12.3 10.96 729 10.0 7.9 32 14.7 029142803379 + 90000020060 n/a BLK 325/30R19XL 101Y (11.5) 11.0-12.0 50 2039 26.73 12.3 11.57 776 10.0 7.9 26 11.8 029142803386 * Discontinued and replaced with extra load. + New sizes to be introduced 2Q14 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 23 Zeon RS3-A TM PASSENGER Performance Performance Tires by Cooper ® 3-D micro-gauge siping (half-worn) PREMIUM LIMITED WARRANTY FREE 45-DAY ROAD TEST! *40,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION ALL-SEASON ULTRA HIGH PERFORMANCE ASYMMETRICAL DESIGN W-RATED The RS3-A is the latest ultra high performance all-season tire within the Cooper performance family. This all-season performance tire provides the driver with a dynamic handling tire that inspires confidence and control in all seasons. Fitments: : Nissan 370Z, Camaro LT, Challenger and Acura TL UTQG TREADWEARTRACTIONTEMP. 500 AA A M+S Rated ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY MOLD PROFILE ASYMMETRIC TREAD DESIGN 3-D MICRO-GAUGE SIPING More rubber on the outboard tread pattern equals exceptional dry handling and traction. The large outside shoulder and intermediate tread elements increase handling, stability control and ultimate cornering ability. Advanced technology mold profile provides for a square tread footprint which means more tread-to-road contact. 3-D micro-gauge siping increases tread element stability, improves handling and tire control while reducing the possibility of stone retention. 3-D dimple sipes with interlocking geometry provide more sipe depth without sacrificing tread element stability. The 3-D dimple sipes are used in the center, intermediate and shoulder elements and provide increased length and more road biting edges as the pattern wears for maximum wet and light snow traction. SILICA FORMULATED TREAD COMPOUND The silica formulated tread compound is designed for exceptional all-season driving performance. DUAL PITCH SEQUENCE ELEMENTS Dual pitch sequence elements provide low tread pattern noise. The asymmetric design allows for tread pattern tuning. This design allows for cross-rotation which reduces heal-toe wear, promotes even wear, less noise and increased overall tread life. The offset shoulder-to-intermediate grooves and large intermediate tread elements are joined together for stable cornering and noise reduction. Laterally oriented shoulder grooves, uniform element geometry and chamfered edges resist irregular or rapid treadwear. The continuous, solid rib on the outside of the center row of tread elements increases steering response. The inboard tread pattern is optimized for wet and light snow conditions. Two, wide circumferential grooves channel water away from the tire for hydroplane resistance. Even wear is achieved by the laterally oriented shoulder grooves and uniform elements. Winter traction performance is aided by the technical sweeping elliptical groove. *See page 62 for specific Cooper Zeon product warranty details. ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 24 Zeon RS3-A TM Performance Tires by Cooper PASSENGER Performance Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Max. Load Overall Diam. Sect. Width Tread Width Rev. Per Mile COOPER ZEON RS3-A Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Wt. lbs. kg. UPC BLACK SIDEWALL W-speed rated 90000003490 22827 BLK 205/40R17XL 84W (7.5) 7.0-8.0 50 1102 23.46 8.3 7.17 884 11.0 8.7 20 9.2 029142715207 90000003494 22818 BLK 205/45R17 84W (7.0) 6.5-7.5 51 1102 24.29 8.1 6.97 854 11.0 8.7 21 9.7 029142715160 90000003499 22809 BLK 205/50R17XL 93W (6.5) 5.5-7.5 50 1433 25.12 8.4 6.81 825 11.0 8.7 22 10.1 029142714989 90000003487 22802 BLK 205/55R16 91W (6.5) 5.5-7.5 51 1356 24.88 8.4 6.77 833 11.0 8.7 22 9.8 029142714873 90000003495 22819 BLK 215/45R17XL 91W (7.0) 7.0-8.0 50 1356 24.69 8.4 7.36 840 11.0 8.7 22 10.1 029142714927 90000003510 22820 BLK 215/45R18XL 93W (7.0) 7.0-8.0 50 1433 25.67 8.4 7.60 808 10.5 8.3 23 10.4 029142715061 90000003500 22810 BLK 215/50R17XL 95W (7.0) 6.0-7.5 50 1521 25.51 8.9 7.24 813 11.0 8.7 24 10.9 029142715115 90000003488 22803 BLK 215/55R16 93W (7.0) 6.0-7.5 51 1433 25.31 8.9 7.17 819 11.0 8.7 22 10.0 029142715092 90000003503 22804 BLK 215/55R17XL 98W (7.0) 6.0-7.5 50 1653 26.30 8.9 7.44 788 10.5 8.3 24 10.9 029142715030 90000003507 22828 BLK 225/40R18XL 92W (8.0) 7.5-9.0 50 1389 25.12 9.1 8.19 825 10.5 8.3 24 10.9 029142714972 90000003496 22821 BLK 225/45R17XL 94W (7.5) 7.0-8.5 50 1477 25.00 8.9 7.76 829 11.0 8.7 23 10.7 029142714880 90000003511 22822 BLK 225/45R18XL 95W (7.5) 7.0-8.5 50 1521 25.98 8.9 8.03 798 10.5 8.3 25 11.3 029142715009 90000003485 22811 BLK 225/50R16 92W (7.0) 6.0-8.0 51 1389 24.92 9.2 7.48 832 11.0 8.7 25 11.3 029142715108 90000003501 22812 BLK 225/50R17XL 98W (7.0) 6.0-8.0 50 1653 25.91 9.2 7.48 800 11.0 8.7 24 10.9 029142714934 90000003514 22813 BLK 225/50R18 95W (7.0) 6.0-8.0 51 1521 26.93 9.1 7.76 770 10.5 8.3 26 11.8 029142714965 90000003489 22805 BLK 225/55R16 95W (7.0) 6.0-8.0 51 1521 25.75 9.2 7.44 805 11.0 8.7 24 11.0 029142715023 90000003508 22829 BLK 235/40R18XL 95W (8.5) 8.0-9.5 50 1521 25.39 9.5 8.46 816 10.5 8.3 24 10.9 029142715016 90000003497 22823 BLK 235/45R17 94W (8.0) 7.5-9.0 51 1477 25.39 9.3 8.03 816 11.0 8.7 25 11.5 029142714941 90000003502 22814 BLK 235/50R17 96W (7.5) 6.5-8.5 51 1565 26.30 9.6 7.83 788 11.0 8.7 26 11.8 029142715085 90000003515 22815 BLK 235/50R18 97W (7.5) 6.5-8.5 51 1609 27.28 9.6 8.11 760 10.5 8.3 27 12.2 029142714866 90000003504 22806 BLK 235/55R17 99W (7.5) 6.5-8.5 51 1709 27.17 9.6 7.76 763 11.0 8.7 29 13.3 029142714910 90000003491 22836 BLK 245/40R17 91W (8.5) 8.0-9.5 51 1356 24.76 9.8 8.50 837 11.0 8.7 25 11.3 029142735090 90000003509 22825 BLK 245/40R18XL 97W (8.5) 8.0-9.5 50 1609 25.75 9.8 8.82 805 10.5 8.3 26 11.7 029142714958 90000003518 22826 BLK 245/40R19 94W (8.5) 8.0-9.5 51 1477 26.73 9.8 8.82 776 10.5 8.3 29 13.2 029142715054 99W (8.5) 8.0-9.5 50 1,709 27.72 9.8 7.48 748 10.5 8.3 30 13.6 029142800286 90000003498 90000019694 22816 BLK 245/45R17 95W (8.0) 7.5-9.0 51 1521 25.75 9.6 8.23 805 11.0 8.7 26 11.7 029142714996 90000003512 22817 BLK 245/45R18 96W (8.0) 7.5-9.0 51 1565 26.73 9.5 8.54 776 10.5 8.3 27 12.2 029142714897 98W (8.0) 7.5-9.0 51 1,653 27.68 9.6 8.19 749 10.5 8.3 31 14.1 029142799993 103W (8.0) 7.5-9.0 50 1929 28.74 9.6 8.23 721 11.0 8.7 30 13.6 029142737858 97W (7.5) 7.0-8.5 51 1609 25.71 10.0 8.19 806 11.0 8.7 28 12.5 029142715078 90000019675 n/a n/a BLK 245/40R20XL BLK 245/45R19 90000003523 22838 BLK 245/45R20XL 90000003486 22807 BLK 245/50R16 90000003522 22839 BLK 245/50R19XL 105W (7.5) 7.0-8.5 50 1609 28.70 10.1 8.19 722 11.0 8.7 30 13.6 029142744856 90000003516 22801 BLK 245/55R18 103W (7.5) 7.0-8.5 51 1929 28.62 9.9 8.35 724 10.5 8.3 28 12.7 029142715047 90000003505 22837 BLK 255/35R18 90W (9.0) 8.5-10.0 51 1323 25.04 10.2 8.66 828 11.0 8.7 27 12.1 029142735106 90000003517 22834 BLK 255/35R19XL 96W (9.0) 8.5-10.0 50 1565 26.02 10.2 8.98 797 10.5 8.3 26 12.0 029142715122 90000003492 22830 BLK 255/40R17 94W (9.0) 8.5-10.0 51 1477 25.04 10.2 8.90 828 11.0 8.7 27 12.2 029142715184 90000003519 22831 BLK 255/40R19XL 100W (9.0) 8.5-10.0 50 1764 27.05 10.2 8.90 767 11.0 8.7 29 13.2 029142715139 90000003513 22824 BLK 255/45R18XL 103W (8.5) 8.0-9.5 50 1929 27.09 10.0 8.74 765 11.0 8.7 24 10.9 029142715146 (8.5) 8.0-9.5 51 1,819 29.06 10.0 6.77 714 10.5 8.3 32 14.5 029142800903 1,819 27.36 10.5 7.17 758 10.5 8.3 30 13.6 029142800910 90000019676 n/a BLK 255/45R20 101W 90000019677 n/a BLK 265/45R18 101W (9.0) 8.5-10.0 51 90000003506 90000019678 22835 BLK 275/35R18 n/a BLK 275/35R19XL 90000003493 22832 BLK 275/40R17 90000003520 22833 BLK 275/40R19XL 95W (9.5) 9.0-11.0 51 1521 25.55 10.9 9.61 811 10.5 8.3 28 12.7 029142715177 100W (9.5) 9.0-11.0 50 1,764 26.57 10.9 7.44 780 10.5 8.3 29 13.2 029142800927 98W (9.5) 9.0-11.0 51 1653 25.67 10.9 9.88 808 10.5 8.3 29 13.0 029142715191 105W (9.5) 9.0-11.0 50 2039 27.68 10.9 9.53 749 11.0 8.7 33 15.0 029142715153 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 25 PASSENGER Zeon ZPT TM Performance Tires by Cooper Performance Enthusiast ® premium limited warranty FREE 45-Day Road Test! DIRECTIONAL cosmetic performance h-rated The Cooper Zeon ZPT is an all-season performance tire targeted to the “tuner” market. The Cooper Zeon ZPT provides a high-performance “look” at an affordable price. Fitments: Eclipse, Civic, GTI, Focus, Plus Fitments UTQG TREADWEARTRACTIONTEMP. 380 A A M+S Rated DIRECTIONAL TREAD SPIRAL WOUND NYLON OVERWRAP (S.N.O.W.) ALL-SEASON PERFORMANCE APEX PERFORMANCE ENGINEERED PACKAGE TAPERED TREAD The directional tread pattern cuts through surface water to help prevent hydroplaning. Directional capability also helps provide outstanding traction and handling. With a deep tread depth and high void ratio, this all-season design provides excellent traction in all types of weather conditions throughout the year. This performance radial combines spiral wound nylon overwrap, steel belts and a polyester cord body in a solid, high-tech construction package to meet car enthusiasts’ demands for responsive handling. Spiral wound nylon overwrap combats centrifugal force under high-speed applications. This ability inhibits tire “growth” and maintains stability and carcass integrity. The hardened rubber compound, or bead filler, above the bead discourages sidewall flex in cornering. The result is crisp handling. This design feature puts deep tread in the center and slightly shallower tread in the shoulders. This puts more rubber down in the fastest wearing part of the tire, the center. The result is less weight and improved wet handling. OPTIMUM MOLD PROFILE Using state-of-the-art finite element modeling technology, an optimum mold profile was selected to provide excellent handling characteristics. ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 26 Zeon ZPT TM Performance Tires by Cooper PASSENGER Performance Enthusiast Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Max. Overall Sect. Load Diam. Width Tread Width Rev. Per Mile COOPER ZEON ZPT Tread Depth Ship Wt. nds kg. mm lbs. 32 UPC BLACK SIDEWALL H-speed rated 90000003616 01852 BLK 195/50R15 82H (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1047 22.76 8.0 7.24 911 10.5 8.2 19 8.6 029142603702 90000003622 01868 BLK 205/40R17RE 84H (7.5) 7.0-8.0 50 1102 23.46 8.4 7.80 884 10.5 8.2 20 9.1 029142603740 90000003618 01860 BLK 205/45R16 83H (7.0) 6.5-7.5 44 1074 23.31 8.1 7.40 890 10.5 8.2 20 9.1 029142603825 90000003617 01853 BLK 205/50R15 86H (6.5) 5.5-7.5 44 1168 23.15 8.3 7.36 896 10.5 8.2 20 9.1 029142603795 90000003619 01857 BLK 205/50R16 87H (6.5) 5.5-7.5 44 1201 24.06 8.3 7.36 862 10.5 8.2 21 9.5 029142603771 90000003628 01877 BLK 215/35R18RE 84H (7.5) 7.0-8.5 50 1102 23.90 8.5 7.95 868 10.5 8.2 21 9.5 029142603719 90000003624 01863 BLK 215/45R17 87H (7.0) 7.0-8.0 44 1201 24.76 8.3 7.95 837 10.5 8.2 22 10.0 029142603856 90000003632 01878 BLK 215/45R18 89H (7.0) 7.0-8.0 44 1279 25.67 8.3 7.99 808 10.5 8.2 23 10.4 029142626688 90000003629 01874 BLK 225/40R18 88H (8.0) 7.5-9.0 44 1235 25.08 9.0 8.43 827 10.5 8.2 23 10.4 029142603733 90000003625 01864 BLK 225/45R17 91H (7.5) 7.0-8.5 44 1356 24.92 9.0 8.19 832 10.5 8.2 23 10.4 029142603801 90000003620 01859 BLK 225/50R16 92H (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1389 24.96 9.1 8.31 831 10.5 8.2 25 11.3 029142603818 90000003630 01875 BLK 235/40R18 91H (8.5) 8.0-9.5 44 1356 25.39 9.6 8.78 816 10.5 8.2 25 11.3 029142603788 90000003626 01865 BLK 235/45R17 94H (8.0) 7.5-9.0 44 1477 25.35 9.3 8.58 818 10.5 8.2 25 11.3 029142603764 90000003631 01876 BLK 245/40R18RE 97H (8.5) 8.0-9.5 50 1609 25.71 9.8 9.09 806 10.5 8.2 26 11.8 029142603726 90000003627 01866 BLK 245/45R17 95H (8.0) 7.5-9.0 44 1521 25.67 9.6 8.94 808 10.5 8.2 25 11.3 029142603757 90000003621 01861 BLK 245/50R16 97H (7.5) 7.0-8.5 44 1609 25.75 9.8 8.94 805 10.5 8.2 28 12.7 029142603832 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 27 SUV / LIGHT TRUCK Sport Truck Zeon LTZ TM Performance Tires by Cooper ® PREMIUM LIMITED WARRANTY ALL-TERRAIN SPORT TRUCK The Cooper Zeon LTZ was developed as a hybrid between a sport truck tire and an all-terrain tire. The aggressiveness of the Cooper Zeon LTZ can tame any road surface while providing excellent ride and handling capabilities. Fitments: Armada, Titan, Escalade, Avalanche, half-ton pickups UTQG TREADWEARTRACTION TEMP. SUV SIZES 520 A B M+S Rated ALL-TERRAIN DESIGN This modern design features a combination of sweeping lateral grooves and functionally patterned tread elements to provide dependable all-terrain performance. The optimized pitch sequence helps provide even treadwear and reduced tread related noise. ALTERNATELY SCALLOPED SHOULDER LUGS Shoulder lugs are alternately scalloped and offset for improved traction on soft surfaces like mud and sand. RIM PROTECTOR (select sizes) A rubber rim protector extends beyond the rim flange and decreases the chance of rim damage that can occur if a tire / wheel assembly scuffs a curb. TAPERED TREAD This design feature puts deep tread in the center and slightly shallower tread in the shoulders to improve wear and wet handling while reducing weight. PERFORMANCE APEX LONG “TWO Z” ELEMENT SIPING The use of dual "Z"-shaped sipes on each tread lug help provide for long, dependable traction in all-weather conditions while balancing tread element stiffness for treadwear and handling. The high modulus rubber compound above the bead minimizes sidewall flex in cornering resulting in crisp handling. VENTLESS TECHNOLOGY LUG TIE-IN ZONES These zones incorporate raised, serrated "lug-locks" between the tread block elements to reinforce the tread pattern for enhanced steering and traction. ® The molds used to manufacture the Cooper Zeon LTZ incorporate special venting technology in the tread area to provide a crisp, clean, premium appearance. Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 28 Zeon LTZ TM Performance Tires by Cooper SUV / LIGHT TRUCK Sport Truck Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size, Load Range & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Pass. / LT / Single Dual Overall Sect. Max. Max. Diam. Width Load Load Rev. Tread Depth Ship Wt. Tread Dual Per kg. Width Spcg. 32nds mm lbs. Mile COOPER ZEON LTZ UPC SUV BLACK SIDEWALL 90000003469 01410 BLK 255/55R19 XL 111H (8.0) 7.0-9.0 50 2403 2185 30.12 10.4 8.54 ---- 688 12.0 90000003470 01411 BLK 275/45R20 XL 110S (9.0) 8.5-10.5 50 2337 2125 29.80 10.9 9.25 ---- 696 14.0 11.1 41 18.6 029142652182 9.6 37 16.8 029142729716 90000003473 01405 BLK 275/55R20 XL 117S (8.5) 7.5-9.5 50 2833 2575 31.93 11.2 9.29 ---- 649 14.0 11.1 47 21.3 029142652151 90000003474 01403 BLK 275/60R20 XL 119S (8.0) 7.5-9.5 50 2998 2725 33.03 11.1 9.02 ---- 628 14.0 11.1 47 21.3 029142652144 90000003471 01409 BLK 285/50R20 XL 116S (9.0) 8.0-10.0 50 2756 2505 31.30 11.6 9.72 ---- 662 14.0 11.1 47 21.3 029142652168 90000003468 01401 BLK 285/60R18 XL 120S (8.5) 8.0-10.0 50 3086 2805 31.50 11.4 9.45 ---- 658 14.0 11.1 46 20.9 029142652137 90000003475 01402 BLK 305/40R22 XL 114S (11.0) 10.0-12.0 50 2601 2365 31.65 12.7 11.02 ---- 655 14.0 11.1 48 21.8 029142652199 90000003472 01407 BLK 305/50R20 XL 120S (9.5) 8.5-11.0 50 3086 2805 32.17 12.1 10.35 ---- 645 14.0 11.1 53 24.0 029142652175 90000003478 01412 OWL LT265/70R17 E 121/118R (8.0) 7.0-8.5 80 3195 2910 31.61 10.9 8.50 12.4 656 16.5 13.1 50 22.7 029142675853 90000003477 01430 OWL LT265/75R16 E 123/120R (7.5) 7.0-8.0 80 3415 3085 31.61 10.6 7.80 12.2 656 16.5 13.1 47 21.3 029142675846 LIGHT TRUCK BLACK SIDEWALL AND OUTLINE WHITE LETTER 90000003482 01406 BLK LT275/65R20 E 126/123S (8.0) 7.5-9.5 80 3750 3415 34.21 11.1 8.90 12.8 606 16.0 12.6 55 24.9 029142694366 90000003480 01420 OWL LT275/70R18 E 125/122S (8.0) 7.0-8.5 80 3640 3305 33.15 11.1 9.02 12.8 625 16.0 12.6 56 25.4 029142675860 90000003479 01418 BLK LT285/70R17 E 121/118S (8.5) 7.5-9.0 80 3195 2910 32.76 11.7 9.02 13.4 633 17.0 13.5 52 23.6 029142694373 90000003481 01408 BLK LT305/55R20 E 121/118S (9.5) 8.5-11.0 65 3195 2910 33.19 12.4 10.20 14.5 625 16.0 12.6 60 27.2 029142652946 If the dual max load and spacing is not noted here, please call the Cooper Tire Consumer Relations Department for a proper fitment recommendation. ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 29 Zeon XSTA TM SUV / LIGHT DUTY Sport Truck Performance Tires by Cooper ® PREMIUM LIMITED WARRANTY FREE 45-Day Road Test! ASYMMETRICAL SPORT TRUCK DESIGN The XSTA is a premium sport truck tire that utilizes an asymmetrical tread design to combine ride comfort with all-season traction. The XSTA size range provides coverage from plus sizing applications to O.E. sizes. The asymmetrical design enhances stability and steering response for year-round driving. Fitments: BMW X5, Cayenne, Audi Q7, Plus Fitments UTQG TREADWEARTRACTIONTEMP. 420 A A M+S Rated ASYMMETRICAL TREAD DESIGN VENTLESS TECHNOLOGY OFFSET CENTER RIB CIRCUMFERENTIAL AND TRANSVERSE GROOVES The outboard tread design provides enhanced stability in turns, while the inboard design provides increased performance for all seasons. The rib enhances high speed stability and improves steering response catering to the needs of today’s drivers. ® The molds used to manufacture the Cooper Zeon XSTA incorporate special venting technology in the tread area to provide a crisp, clean, premium appearance. The grooves expel water in all four directions to increase water evacuation, resist hydroplaning and enhance wet traction. Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 30 Zeon XSTA Performance Tires by Cooper TM SUV / LIGHT DUTY Sport Truck Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Pass Max Load LT Overall Sect. Max Diam. Width Load Tread Width Rev. Per Mile COOPER ZEON XSTA Tread Depth 32nds Ship Wt. kg. mm lbs. UPC BLACK SIDEWALL V-speed rated 90000003586 06061 BLK 255/55R18XL 109V (8.0) 7.0-9.0 50 2271 2065 29.02 10.3 8.58 715 12.0 9.6 36 16.3 029142668244 90000003590 06077 BLK 265/35R22XL 102V (9.5) 9.0-10.0 50 1874 1704 29.29 10.9 9.61 708 12.0 9.6 35 15.9 029142668305 90000003592 06097 BLK 275/45R22XL 112V (9.0) 8.5-10.0 50 2469 2245 31.69 10.8 9.41 654 12.0 9.6 43 19.5 029142668251 90000003593 06076 BLK 285/45R22XL 114V (9.5) 9.0-11.0 50 2601 2365 32.01 11.3 9.88 648 12.0 9.6 45 20.4 029142668268 90000003591 06089 BLK 305/40R22XL 114V (11.0) 10.0-12.0 50 2601 2365 31.61 12.5 10.79 656 12.0 9.6 45 20.4 029142668282 90000003594 06088 BLK 305/45R22XL 118V 50 2910 2645 32.72 12.0 10.39 634 12.0 9.6 46 20.9 029142668275 (10.0) 9.5-11.0 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 31 SUV / LIGHT DUTY Courser AXT TM ® STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTY 50,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION warranty PREMIUM ALL-TERRAIN The Mastercraft Courser AXT is a true all-terrain tire that delivers a progressive 5-rib tread design, aggressive off-road capabilities, confident highway control and wear, and balanced all-season performance. Fitments: Expedition, Jeep, small pick-ups and vans up to 1 ton UTQG SUV TREAD WEAR TRACTION 500 A TEMP. B M+S Rated AGGRESSIVE 5-RIB, ALL-TERRAIN TREAD DESIGN PAIRED INTERMEDIATE TREAD ELEMENTS With 12% more lateral grooves, the tread pattern of the Courser AXT was designed to tackle tough off-road terrains while providing superior on-road performance and handling. The intermediate tread elements are tied together in pairs, with our ramp-lock design. This ramped feature helps reduce stone retention by pushing gravel towards the wide, circumferential grooves for easy release. WIDE, CENTER TREAD ELEMENTS The wide, center tread elements have an open groove design for better off-road traction but are tied together with our ramp-lock feature that provides a stable feel on the highway, even under heavy loads. VARIABLE FULL-DEPTH SIPING The variable full-depth siping within the tread elements help maintain the wet traction capabilities of the tire as well as provide an attractive worn appearance throughout the life of the tire. WIDE-ANGLE “S” SHAPED SIPING The wide angled siping forms a continuous “S” shape to maximize the stability of each tread element. This gives the tire many sipe edges for wet and winter traction, without sacrificing the tire’s handling characteristics. WIDE, ZIG-ZAG CIRCUMFERENTIAL GROOVES The wide, zig-zag shape of the circumferential grooves provides increased soft surface and snow traction. OPTIMIZED PROFILE SHAPE SILICA-INFUSED TREAD COMPOUND The tread compound of the Courser AXT is infused with silica. The silica, in conjunction with the tread design features, improve the all-weather traction and overall treadwear. The tire’s profile is designed to improve handling characteristics and promote even treadwear in highway applications. OPTIMIZED TREAD PITCH A combination of the engineered tread pattern and computer optimized pitch sequence minimizes the sound vibration to deliver a quiet ride. ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 32 Courser AXT TM SUV / LIGHT DUTY Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI (6.5) 5.5-7.0 44 COURSER AXT 90000005505 Pass Max Load LT Max Load Overall Diam. Sect. Width Tread Width Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC SUV BLACK SIDEWALL AND OUTLINE WHITE LETTER T-speed rated 52213 OWL 215/70R16 100T 1764 1604 27.72 8.7 6.89 748 13.0 10.3 28 12.7 029142738480 90000005506 52214 OWL 225/70R16 103T (6.5) 6.0-7.0 44 1929 1754 28.62 9.0 7.01 724 13.0 10.3 31 14.1 029142738473 90000005511 52222 OWL 225/75R16 104T (6.0) 6.0-7.5 44 1984 1804 29.09 8.6 6.42 713 13.0 10.3 29 13.2 029142738398 90000005515 52206 OWL 235/65R17 104T (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 1984 1804 29.17 9.4 7.64 711 12.5 9.9 33 15.0 029142738435 90000005507 52215 OWL 235/70R16 106T (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 2094 1904 28.82 9.4 7.44 719 13.0 10.3 32 14.5 029142738305 90000005519 52203 111T (7.0) 6.0-8.0 50 2403 2185 29.96 9.5 7.44 692 13.0 10.3 35 15.9 029142738442 90000005504 52223 OWL 235/75R15 105T (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 2039 1854 28.66 9.3 6.73 723 13.0 10.3 30 13.6 029142738275 90000005512 52224 OWL 235/75R16 108T (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 2205 2005 29.65 9.3 6.89 699 13.0 10.3 33 15.0 029142738459 + 90000021388 OWL 235/75R17 109T (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 2271 2064 12.5 9.9 35 15.7 90000005516 52205 OWL 245/65R17 107T (7.0) 7.0-8.5 44 2149 1954 29.53 9.5 7.76 702 12.5 9.9 34 15.4 029142738350 90000005508 52211 OWL 245/70R16 107T (7.0) 6.5-8.0 44 2149 1954 29.41 9.8 7.68 705 13.0 10.3 34 15.4 029142738329 90000005520 52212 OWL 245/70R17 110T (7.0) 6.5-8.0 44 2337 2125 30.43 9.7 7.76 681 13.0 10.3 37 16.8 029142738381 90000005513 52221 OWL 245/75R16 111T (7.0) 6.5-8.0 44 2403 2185 30.24 9.6 7.09 686 13.0 10.3 35 15.9 029142738299 90000005517 52209 OWL 255/65R17 110T (7.5) 7.0-9.0 44 2337 2125 30.12 10.1 8.23 688 12.5 9.9 37 16.8 029142738466 90000005509 52219 OWL 255/70R16 111T (7.5) 6.5-8.5 44 2403 2185 29.96 10.2 7.95 692 13.0 10.3 35 15.9 029142738336 90000005521 52220 OWL 255/70R17 112T (7.5) 6.5-8.5 44 2469 2245 31.10 10.2 7.91 667 13.0 10.3 38 17.2 029142738374 90000005526 52275 BLK 255/70R18 113T (7.5) 6.5-8.5 44 2535 2305 32.09 10.2 8.07 646 13.0 10.3 39 17.7 029142749950 + 90000021441 n/a OWL 255/75R17 115T (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 2679 2435 12.5 9.9 38 17.4 90000005523 52204 OWL 265/60R18 110T (8.0) 7.5-9.5 44 2337 2125 30.55 10.5 9.02 679 12.5 9.9 39 17.7 029142738497 90000005518 52207 OWL 265/65R17 112T (8.0) 7.5-9.5 44 2469 2245 30.59 10.6 8.54 678 12.5 9.9 39 17.7 029142738367 90000005524 52208 OWL 265/65R18 114T (8.0) 7.5-9.5 44 2601 2365 31.50 10.7 8.54 658 12.5 9.9 40 18.1 029142738428 90000005510 52216 OWL 265/70R16 112T (8.0) 7.0-9.0 44 2469 2245 30.35 10.8 8.31 683 13.0 10.3 37 16.8 029142738282 90000005522 52217 OWL 265/70R17 115T (8.0) 7.0-9.0 44 2679 2435 31.38 10.7 8.31 661 13.0 10.3 40 18.1 029142738268 90000005527 52218 OWL 265/70R18 116T (8.0) 7.0-9.0 44 2756 2505 32.56 10.7 8.46 637 13.0 10.3 42 19.1 029142738343 90000005514 52225 OWL 265/75R16 116T (7.5) 7.0-9.0 44 2756 2505 31.50 10.6 7.76 658 13.0 10.3 39 17.7 029142738251 90000005528 52202 BLK 275/55R20XL 117T (8.5) 7.5-9.5 50 2833 2575 31.93 10.9 9.17 649 12.5 9.9 41 18.6 029142738404 90000005529 52201 BLK 275/60R20 115T (8.0) 7.5-9.5 44 2679 2435 33.03 10.9 8.86 628 12.5 9.9 43 19.5 029142738411 90000005525 52210 OWL 275/65R18 116T (8.0) 7.5-9.5 44 2756 2505 32.13 11.0 8.74 645 12.5 9.9 42 19.1 029142738312 117T (8.5) 7.5-9.5 44 2833 2575 12.5 9.9 44 20.0 + 90000021442 n/a BLK 235/70R17XL n/a OWL P285/70R17 + Availability to be announced 1Q14 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 33 LIGHT TRUCK Courser AXT TM ® STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTY 50,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION warranty PREMIUM ALL-TERRAIN The Mastercraft Courser AXT is a true all-terrain tire that delivers a progressive 5-rib tread design, aggressive off-road capabilities, confident highway control and wear, and balanced all-season performance. Fitments: Various larger pick-ups M+S Rated AGGRESSIVE 5-RIB, ALL-TERRAIN TREAD DESIGN WIDE, ZIG-ZAG CIRCUMFERENTIAL GROOVES With 12% more lateral grooves, the tread pattern of the Courser AXT was designed to tackle tough off-road terrains while providing superior on-road performance and handling. The wide, zig-zag shape of the circumferential grooves provides increased soft surface and snow traction. PAIRED INTERMEDIATE TREAD ELEMENTS While the zig-zag shape of the circumferential groove provides increased soft surface and snow traction, the corners can be areas where stones traditionally could get trapped. The stepped corner feature significantly reduces the chance of stones lodging in these corners. The intermediate tread elements are tied together in pairs, with our ramp-lock design. This ramped feature helps reduce stone retention by pushing gravel towards the wide, circumferential grooves for easy release. STONE EJECTOR RIBS Stone ejector ribs in the base of the outer circumferential grooves help reduce stone retention that can lead to tire damage caused by stone drilling. ASYMMETRIC ANGLES ON TREAD BLOCK WALLS The asymmetric angles on the circumferential groove walls reduce the chance of stone retention by easily releasing stones. RAMPED CENTER TREAD ELEMENT WALLS STEPPED CORNERS IN CIRCUMFERENTIAL GROOVES AGGRESSIVE BUTTRESS / SHOULDER DESIGN The buttress design with alternating shoulder scallops gives the Courser AXT an aggressive look and increases the off-road traction of the tire. TOUGH SHOULDER DESIGN The continuous band of rubber in the upper shoulder area of the tire and angled stone ribs provide extra abrasion resistance when in rough off-road environments. The ramped walls of the center tread elements create an asymmetric design in the groove walls to reduce the chance of stone retention. ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 34 Courser AXT TM LIGHT TRUCK Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size, Load Range & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Single Max Load COURSER AXT Dual Max Load Overall Sect. Diam. Width Tread Dual Width Spcg. Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Weight 32nds mm UPC LIGHT TRUCK BLACK SIDEWALL AND OUTLINE WHITE LETTER 90000005530 52256 OWL 30X9.50R15LT C 104R (7.5) 6.5-8.5 50 1985 ---- 29.29 9.6 7.28 ---- 708 16.5 13.1 37 16.8 029142741411 90000005531 52255 OWL 31X10.50R15LT C 109R (8.5) 7.0-9.0 50 2270 ---- 30.20 10.6 8.31 ---- 687 16.5 13.1 40 18.1 029142741299 90000005541 52253 BLK LT215/85R16 E 115/112R (6.0) 5.5-7.0 80 2680 2470 30.31 8.4 5.98 9.9 684 16.5 13.1 36 16.3 029142741428 029142741336 90000005534 52252 BLK LT225/75R16 E 115/112R (6.0) 6.0-7.0 80 2680 2470 29.33 8.5 7.01 10.2 707 16.5 13.1 36 16.3 90000005532 52272 OWL LT235/75R15 C 104/101R (6.5) 6.0-7.0 50 1985 1820 28.90 9.1 7.01 10.8 717 16.0 12.7 35 15.9 029142741367 90000005550 52274 OWL LT235/80R17 E 120/117R (6.5) 6.0-7.5 80 3085 2835 31.77 9.2 6.69 10.8 653 16.5 13.1 42 19.1 029142741404 90000005542 52254 BLK LT235/85R16 E 120/116R (6.5) 6.0-7.5 80 3042 2778 31.77 9.4 6.69 10.8 653 16.5 13.1 41 18.6 029142741282 90000005543 52259 OWL LT245/70R17 E 119/116R (7.0) 6.5-8.0 80 3000 2755 30.55 9.8 7.87 11.4 679 16.5 13.1 43 19.5 029142741459 90000005536 52266 OWL LT245/75R16 E 120/116R (7.0) 6.5-8.0 80 3042 2778 30.35 9.7 7.52 11.3 683 16.5 13.1 41 18.6 029142741305 90000005535 52267 OWL LT245/75R16 C 108/104R (7.0) 6.5-8.0 50 2205 2006 30.51 9.6 7.40 11.3 680 16.5 13.1 39 17.7 029142741442 90000005549 52268 OWL LT245/75R17 E 121/118S (7.0) 6.5-7.5 80 3195 2910 31.50 10.0 7.64 11.3 658 16.0 12.6 45 20.4 029142741374 90000019696 52277 OWL LT265/70R16 E 121/118R (8.0) 7.0-9.0 80 3195 2910 30.63 10.9 8.70 12.5 677 16.5 13.1 47 21.3 029142753858 90000005544 52260 OWL LT265/70R17 E 121/118R (8.0) 7.0-8.5 80 3195 2910 31.65 10.9 8.58 12.4 655 16.5 13.1 49 22.2 029142741275 90000005545 52261 OWL LT265/70R17 C 112/109R (8.0) 7.0-8.5 50 2470 2270 31.57 10.6 8.50 12.4 657 16.5 13.1 46 20.9 029142741350 90000005538 52269 OWL LT265/75R16 E 123/120R (7.5) 7.0-8.0 80 3415 3085 31.61 10.6 7.80 12.2 656 16.5 13.1 48 21.8 029142741251 90000005537 52270 OWL LT265/75R16 C 112/109R (7.5) 7.0-8.0 50 2470 2270 31.61 10.5 7.80 12.2 656 16.5 13.1 46 20.9 029142741312 90000005552 52257 OWL LT275/65R18 E 123/120S (8.0) 7.5-9.5 80 3415 3085 32.09 11.1 8.82 12.8 646 16.0 12.6 51 23.1 029142741381 90000005551 52258 OWL LT275/65R18 C 113/110S (8.0) 7.5-9.5 50 2535 2335 32.09 11.1 8.82 12.8 646 16.0 12.6 48 21.8 029142741473 90000005554 52250 BLK LT275/65R20 E 126/123S (8.0) 7.5-9.5 80 3750 3415 34.06 11.1 8.90 12.8 609 16.0 12.6 55 24.9 029142741398 90000005546 52264 OWL LT275/70R17 C 114/110R (8.0) 7.0-8.5 50 2600 2335 32.20 11.1 8.66 12.8 644 16.5 13.1 47 21.3 029142741497 90000019699 52278 OWL LT275/70R17 E 121/118R (8.0) 7.0-8.5 80 3195 2910 32.17 11.0 8.86 12.8 645 16.5 13.1 51 23.1 029142753872 90000005553 52265 OWL LT275/70R18 E 125/122S (8.0) 7.0-8.5 80 3640 3305 33.23 11.1 8.90 12.8 624 16.0 12.6 52 23.6 029142741343 90000019760 52276 OWL LT285/65R18 E 125/122S (8.5) 8.0-10.0 80 3640 3305 32.56 11.6 9.41 13.4 637 16.0 12.6 54 24.5 029142808206 90000005547 52251 BLK LT285/70R17 E 121/118S (8.5) 7.5-9.0 80 3195 2910 32.76 11.7 9.02 13.4 633 17.0 13.5 52 23.6 029142741329 90000005539 52271 OWL LT285/75R16 E 126/123R (8.0) 7.5-9.0 80 3750 3415 32.60 11.5 8.82 13.1 636 17.0 13.5 54 24.5 029142741268 90000005533 52262 OWL LT305/70R16 E 124/121R (9.0) 8.0-9.5 65 3525 3195 32.95 12.2 9.69 14.2 629 17.0 13.5 56 25.4 029142741480 90000005548 52263 OWL LT315/70R17 D 121/118R (9.5) 8.5-10.0 50 3195 2910 34.33 12.6 10.00 14.8 604 17.0 13.5 60 27.2 029142741435 90000005540 52273 OWL LT315/75R16 D 121/118R (9.5) 8.0-11.0 50 3195 2910 34.49 12.4 17.0 13.5 60 27.2 029142741466 9.80 14.3 601 If the dual max load and spacing is not noted here, please call the Cooper Tire Consumer Relations Department for a proper fitment recommendation. ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 35 SUV / LIGHT DUTY Courser HSX TOUR TM ® PREMIUM LIMITED WARRANTY FREE 45-DAY ROAD TEST! 60,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION PREMIUM SUV TOURING H/T- RATED The Mastercraft Courser HSXTOUR is a premium SUV tire designed to deliver a smooth, comfortable ride, responsive handling, all-season traction with long wearing tread. The HSXTOUR is offered in the most popular sizes in the SUV market. Fitments: Need information. UTQG TREADWEARTRACTIONTEMP. 600 A B M+S Rated SCS TECHNOLOGY™ VENTLESS MOLDING Stability Control Siping utilizes 3-D sipes to stabilize tread elements providing enhanced handling in wet and dry conditions. Also, contributes to more even treadwear throughout the life of the tire. The use of ventless molds improves the overall appearance of the Courser HSX TOUR. OPTIMIZED WATER CHANNELS Wide water channels allow water to be evacuated away from the tread area reducing the potential for hydroplaning and improves handling in adverse weather conditions. R-TECH™ CONSTRUCTION R-Tech™ construction is sidewall construction feature that improves responsiveness in all driving conditions. The tire responds more quickly to driver input. MODERN TREAD AND COMPOUND DESIGN The design of the tread and silica-infused tread compound leads to a better balance of all-weather performance. Treadwear is also improved through this feature. ® OPTIMIZED TREAD PITCH SEQUENCE The unique size and positioning of the tread elements minimizes the noise that could migrate into the vehicle cabin, improving overall ride comfort. OPTIMIZED TIRE PROFILE Provides an even wear pattern and maintains optimal road contact pattern for improved traction in all conditions. WIDE, LATERAL SHOULDER GROOVES Speeds the ability of the Courser HSX Tour to move water away from the tire, reducing the potential for hydroplaning. INCREASED BITING EDGES Smaller tread elements and increased siping provide improved wet/winter handling performance. Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 36 Courser HSX TOUR TM SUV / LIGHT DUTY Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths COURSER HSX TOUR Max PSI Pass Max Load LT Max Load Overall Sect. Tread Diam. Width Width Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC BLACK SIDEWALL AND OUTLINE WHITE LETTER H & T-speed rated 90000005586 50115 OWL 215/70R16 100T (6.5) 5.5-7.0 44 1764 1604 27.72 8.7 6.89 748 13.0 10.3 29 13.2 029142694144 90000005613 50129 BLK 225/65R17 102H (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 1874 1704 28.54 9.1 7.28 726 12.0 9.6 30 13.6 029142694359 90000005587 50116 OWL 225/70R16 103T (6.5) 6.0-7.0 44 1929 1754 28.62 9.0 7.01 724 13.0 10.3 31 14.1 029142694175 90000005592 50123 OWL 225/75R16 104T (6.0) 6.0-7.5 44 1984 1804 29.09 8.6 6.42 713 13.0 10.3 30 13.6 029142694229 90000005615 50130 107H (7.0) 6.5-8.5 50 2149 1954 29.29 9.4 7.72 708 12.0 9.6 34 15.4 029142724476 90000005596 50110 OWL 235/65R17 104T (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 1984 1804 29.17 9.4 7.64 711 12.5 9.9 33 15.0 029142694205 90000005604 50131 BLK 235/65R18 106T (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 2094 1904 30.08 9.4 7.60 689 12.5 9.9 35 15.9 029142724469 90000005588 50117 OWL 235/70R16 106T (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 2094 1904 28.82 9.4 7.44 719 13.0 10.3 33 15.0 029142694113 90000005600 50105 111T (7.0) 6.0-8.0 50 2403 2185 30.00 9.5 7.44 691 13.0 10.3 35 15.9 029142694298 90000005593 50125 OWL 235/75R16 108T (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 2205 2005 29.65 9.3 6.89 699 13.0 10.3 33 15.0 029142694182 90000005610 50124 BLK 245/55R19 103T (7.5) 7.0-8.5 44 1929 1754 29.69 9.8 8.15 698 12.5 9.9 33 15.0 029142743057 90000005616 50128 BLK 245/60R18 105H (7.0) 7.0-8.5 44 2039 1854 29.69 9.6 7.99 698 12.0 9.6 34 15.4 029142694342 90000005597 50109 OWL 245/65R17 107T (7.0) 7.0-8.5 44 2149 1954 29.53 9.5 7.76 702 12.5 9.9 35 15.9 029142694120 90000005589 50113 OWL 245/70R16 107T (7.0) 6.5-8.0 44 2149 1954 29.41 9.8 7.68 705 13.0 10.3 34 15.4 029142694137 90000005601 50114 OWL 245/70R17 110T (7.0) 6.5-8.0 44 2337 2125 30.43 9.7 7.76 681 13.0 10.3 37 16.8 029142694106 90000005594 50122 OWL 245/75R16 111T (7.0) 6.5-8.0 44 2403 2185 30.24 9.6 7.09 686 13.0 10.3 35 15.9 029142694199 107H (8.0) 7.0-9.0 44 2149 1954 29.09 713 12.0 9.6 34 15.5 + 90000021288 n/a BLK 235/60R18XL BLK 235/70R17XL BLK 255/50R19XL 90000005614 50108 BLK 255/55R18XL 109H (8.0) 7.0-9.0 50 2271 2065 29.13 10.3 8.54 712 12.0 9.6 36 16.3 + 90000021289 n/a BLK 255/55R20 107H (8.0) 7.0-9.0 44 2149 1954 31.10 10.4 8.78 667 12.0 9.6 34 15.5 90000005585 50102 BLK 255/65R16 109T (7.5) 7.0-9.0 44 2271 2065 29.09 10.2 8.23 713 12.5 9.9 35 15.9 029142694236 90000005598 50112 OWL 255/65R17 110T (7.5) 7.0-9.0 44 2337 2125 30.12 10.1 8.23 688 12.5 9.9 37 16.8 029142694304 90000005605 50103 BLK 255/65R18 111T (7.5) 7.0-9.0 44 2403 2185 31.10 10.1 8.31 667 12.5 9.9 38 17.2 029142694311 90000005590 50121 OWL 255/70R16 111T (7.5) 6.5-8.5 44 2403 2185 29.96 10.2 7.95 692 13.0 10.3 35 15.9 029142694083 90000005608 50106 BLK 255/70R18 113T (7.5) 6.5-8.5 44 2535 2305 32.09 10.2 8.07 646 + 90000021390 n/a BLK 265/50R20 107T (8.5) 7.5-9.5 44 2149 1954 11.0 9.02 50107 OWL 265/60R18 110T (8.0) 7.5-9.5 44 2337 2125 30.55 10.5 9.02 90000005599 50111 OWL 265/65R17 112T (8.0) 7.5-9.5 44 2469 2245 30.59 10.6 90000005606 50126 OWL 265/65R18 114T (8.0) 7.5-9.5 44 2601 2365 31.50 10.7 90000005591 50118 OWL 265/70R16 112T (8.0) 7.0-9.0 44 2469 2245 30.35 90000005602 50119 OWL 265/70R17 115T (8.0) 7.0-9.0 44 2679 2435 31.38 90000005609 50120 OWL 265/70R18 116T (8.0) 7.0-9.0 44 2756 2505 90000005603 029142741855 13.0 10.3 40 18.1 029142694281 12.0 9.6 35 15.6 029142809814 679 12.5 9.9 39 17.7 029142694212 8.54 678 12.5 9.9 39 17.7 029142694250 8.54 658 12.5 9.9 40 18.1 029142743071 10.8 8.31 683 13.0 10.3 37 16.8 029142694090 10.7 8.31 661 13.0 10.3 40 18.1 029142694076 32.56 10.7 8.46 637 13.0 10.3 43 19.5 029142694274 90000005595 50127 OWL 265/75R16 116T (7.5) 7.0-9.0 44 2756 2505 31.42 10.6 7.76 660 13.0 10.3 39 17.7 029142694168 90000005611 50104 BLK 275/55R20XL 117T (8.5) 7.5-9.5 50 2833 2575 31.93 10.9 9.17 649 12.5 9.9 42 19.1 029142694335 90000005612 50101 BLK 275/60R20 115T (8.0) 7.5-9.5 44 2679 2435 33.03 10.9 9.02 628 12.5 9.9 43 19.5 029142694328 90000005607 50132 OWL 275/65R18 116T (8.0) 7.5-9.5 44 2756 2505 32.13 11.0 8.74 645 12.5 9.9 41 18.6 029142743064 + Availability to be announced 1Q14 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 37 SUV / LIGHT TRUCK Courser HTR TM ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY 50,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION HIGHWAY TOURING The Courser HTR is a highway touring O.E. replacement line. This tire was designed for ride comfort, all-season traction with an attractive warranty. Fitments: Excursion, Denali, Nitro, various pick-ups and vans up to 1 ton UTQG SUV TREADWEARTRACTION TEMP. 520 A B M+S Rated RADIUSED AQUA CHANNELS NOTCHED, SOLID CENTER RIB Assists in the efficient expulsion of water from the contact patch. Improves steering response while reducing noise. OFFSET SHOULDER SLOTS SUV AND LIGHT TRUCK SIZING Enhances traction while providing a quiet ride. Fits a broad range of popular sports utility vehicles and light trucks. VARIABLE TREAD BLOCK PITCH SEQUENCE Reduces noise for a quiet ride. HIGH SIPE DENSITY Improves wet traction and winter performance on snow and ice. Additionally, aids quiet ride. ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 38 Courser HTR TM SUV / LIGHT TRUCK Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size, Load Range & Service Description Max PSI Pass / Single Max. Load LT / Dual Max. Load Overall Diam. 109S (6.5) 6.0-8.0 41 2271 2065 29.02 Approved Rim Widths COURSER HTR Sect. Width Tread Dual Width Spcg. Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC SUV BLACK SIDEWALL AND OUTLINE WHITE LETTER 90000005624 59506 OWL 235/75R15 RE 9.4 6.85 ---- 715 13.5 10.6 33 15.0 90000005619 59524 OWL 255/70R15 108S (7.5) 6.5-8.0 44 2205 2005 29.02 10.4 7.99 ---- 715 12.0 9.6 33 15.0 029142368601 029142603276 90000005639 59516 OWL 275/60R17 110S (8.0) 7.5-9.5 44 2337 2125 29.88 11.0 9.02 ---- 694 12.0 9.6 36 16.3 029142369028 90000005634 59539 OWL 275/70R16 114S (8.0) 7.0-9.0 44 2601 2365 31.18 11.0 8.94 ---- 665 13.0 10.3 40 18.1 029142603283 90000005620 59510 OWL P205/75R15 97S (5.5) 5.0-6.5 35 1598 1453 27.05 8.1 5.71 ---- 767 13.0 10.3 24 10.9 029142367291 90000005621 59511 OWL P215/75R15 100S (6.0) 5.5-7.0 35 1742 1584 27.60 8.6 5.94 ---- 751 13.0 10.3 26 11.8 029142367307 90000005617 59521 OWL P225/70R15 100S (6.5) 6.0-7.0 35 1753 1594 27.24 9.1 7.01 ---- 761 12.0 9.6 27 12.2 029142367352 90000005622 59512 OWL P225/75R15 102S (6.0) 6.0-7.0 35 1874 1704 28.19 8.9 6.18 ---- 736 13.0 10.3 27 12.2 029142367314 90000005618 59522 OWL P235/70R15 102S (7.0) 6.0-7.5 35 1896 1724 27.80 9.6 7.40 ---- 746 12.0 9.6 29 13.2 029142367369 90000005623 59513 OWL P235/75R15 105S (6.5) 6.0-7.5 35 2028 1844 28.86 9.3 6.46 ---- 718 13.5 10.6 29 13.2 029142367321 90000005625 59517 OWL P265/75R15 112S (7.5) 7.0-8.5 35 2469 2245 30.51 10.7 7.60 ---- 680 14.0 11.0 37 16.8 029142367345 LIGHT TRUCK BLACK SIDEWALL AND OUTLINE WHITE LETTER 90000005649 59553 OWL 31X10.50R15LT C 109Q (8.5) 7.0-9.0 50 2270 ---- 30.28 11.1 8.50 90000005651 59503 BLK LT225/75R16 E 115/112Q (6.0) 6.0-7.0 80 2680 2470 29.41 8.9 6.61 685 16.0 12.7 40 18.1 029142367208 10.2 705 ---- 16.0 12.7 39 17.7 029142661832 90000005650 59551 OWL LT235/75R15 C 104/101Q (6.5) 6.0-7.0 50 1985 1820 28.82 9.0 6.61 10.8 719 16.0 12.7 33 15.0 029142367185 90000005660 59586 OWL LT235/80R17 E 120/117R (6.5) 6.0-8.0 80 3085 2835 31.65 9.4 6.85 10.8 655 16.0 12.7 44 20.0 029142605058 90000005656 59597 BLK LT235/85R16 E 120/116Q (6.5) 6.0-7.5 80 3042 2778 31.65 9.3 6.77 10.8 655 16.0 12.7 43 19.5 029142367215 90000005657 59589 BLK LT245/70R17 E 119/116R (7.0) 6.5-8.0 80 3000 2755 30.59 9.6 7.44 11.3 678 16.0 12.7 45 20.4 029142605065 90000005652 59580 BLK LT245/75R16 E 120/116Q (7.0) 6.5-8.0 80 3042 2778 30.43 9.6 7.44 11.3 681 16.0 12.7 45 20.4 029142367239 90000005653 59564 OWL LT245/75R16 C 108/104Q (7.0) 6.5-8.0 50 2205 2006 30.43 9.6 7.44 11.3 681 16.0 12.7 41 18.6 029142367246 90000005659 59502 OWL LT245/75R17 E 121/118S (7.0) 6.5-7.5 80 3195 2910 31.61 9.6 7.64 11.3 656 16.0 12.7 47 21.3 029142661849 90000005658 59592 OWL LT265/70R17 E 121/118R (8.0) 7.0-8.5 80 3195 2910 31.61 10.9 8.50 12.4 656 16.0 12.7 51 23.1 029142605041 90000005654 59567 OWL LT265/75R16 C 112/109Q (7.5) 7.0-8.5 50 2470 2270 31.61 10.3 7.64 12.2 656 16.0 12.7 43 19.5 029142367260 90000005655 59569 OWL LT265/75R16 E 123/120Q (7.5) 7.0-8.0 80 3415 3085 31.61 10.4 7.60 12.2 656 16.0 12.7 47 21.3 029142368892 90000005661 59501 OWL LT275/65R18 E 123/120S (8.0) 7.5-9.5 80 3415 3085 32.09 10.9 8.82 12.8 646 18.0 14.3 54 24.5 029142661856 If the dual max load and spacing is not noted here, please call the Cooper Tire Consumer Relations Department for a proper fitment recommendation. ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 39 Courser HTR Plus TM SUV / LIGHT DUTY ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY sport truck highway T-RATED The Courser HTR Plus is an extension of the Courser HTR line featuring sizes for sport trucks and plus fitment sizes. This line is also well suited for those 20” O.E. replacements. Fitments: Dakota, half-ton pick-ups, Harley Ford, Plus Fitments UTQG TREADWEARTRACTIONTEMP. 460 A B M+S Rated LATERALLY BIASED SHOULDER ELEMENTS OPTIMIZED TIRE PROFILE The shoulder element design effectively conducts water evacuation away from the contact area while combating irregular wear (heel and toe wear). The slightly rounded mold profile of the Courser HTR Plus balances wet traction and long tread life. OPTIMIZED PITCH SEQUENCE BY SIZE A rubber rim protector extends beyond the rim flange and decreases the chance of rim damage that can occur if a tire / wheel assembly scuffs a curb. Industry-wide, typically, the same pitch sequence is applied throughout a tire line. But the Courser HTR Plus varies the number of shoulder elements based on tire size, which reduces noise frequency, allowing a quiet ride in large diameter sizes. TAPERED TREAD This design feature puts deep tread in the center and slightly shallower tread in the shoulders. This puts more rubber down in the fastest wearing part of the tire, the center. The result is less weight and improved wet handling. ® RIM PROTECTOR ALL-SEASON TREAD “See-through” grooves, wide, lateral traction slots and high sipe density provide excellent all-weather performance. FOUR, WIDE CIRCUMFERENTIAL GROOVES Offers resistance to hydroplaning, while improving snow traction. Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 40 Courser HTR Plus TM SUV / LIGHT DUTY Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Pass Max Load LT Max Load Overall Sect. Diam. Width Tread Width Rev. Per Mile COURSER HTR PLUS Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC BLACK SIDEWALL T-speed rated 90000005662 20144 BLK 255/55R18XL 109T (8.0) 7.0-9.0 50 2271 2065 28.98 10.4 8.86 716 12.0 9.6 36 16.3 029142646884 90000005663 20141 BLK 265/60R18XL 114T (8.0) 7.5-9.5 50 2601 2365 30.39 10.9 8.98 682 12.0 9.6 38 17.2 029142646853 90000005665 20149 BLK 275/45R20XL 110T (9.0) 8.5-10.0 50 2337 2125 29.76 10.7 9.25 697 12.0 9.6 38 17.2 029142646938 90000005668 20145 BLK 275/55R20XL 117T (8.5) 7.5-9.5 50 2833 2575 31.89 11.1 9.49 650 12.0 9.6 43 19.5 029142646891 90000005669 20142 BLK 275/60R20XL 119T (8.0) 7.5-9.5 50 2998 2725 32.95 11.0 9.29 629 12.0 9.6 43 19.5 029142646860 90000005666 20147 BLK 285/50R20XL 116T (9.0) 8.0-10.0 50 2756 2505 31.14 11.9 9.92 666 12.0 9.6 43 19.5 029142646914 90000005664 20140 BLK 285/60R18 116T (8.5) 8.0-10.0 44 2756 2505 31.34 11.7 9.65 662 12.0 9.6 43 19.5 029142646846 90000005667 20146 BLK 305/50R20XL 120T 50 3086 2805 32.05 12.4 10.55 647 12.0 9.6 47 21.3 029142646907 (9.5) 8.5-11.0 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 41 SUV / LIGHT DUTY Courser A/T 2 TM ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY 50,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION ALL-TERRAIN The Courser A/T2 is an all-terrain SUV tire line. This product was designed to provide increased traction and a quiet ride without sacrificing ride comfort. Fitments: Tahoe, Dakota, Durango UTQG TREADWEARTRACTIONTEMP. 500 A B M+S Rated HIGH-DENSITY TREAD BLOCK SIPES VT²ech OPTIMIZED TIRE PROFILE Increases the effectiveness of gripping edges for dependable traction on ice, snow and wet surfaces. Using state-of-the-art VT2ech computer aided engineering, an optimum mold profile was designed to provide favorable balance of wear and handling characteristics. FIVE-RIB ALL-TERRAIN DESIGN This five-rib design features a combination of lateral slots and sawtooth circumferential grooves which are wide and deep to provide solid all-terrain performance. A center rib along with a refined tread element shape and optimized pitch sequence helps provide even treadwear and reduced tread related noise. Both are extensively siped to enhance all-season traction. BALANCED TREAD COMPOUND SOLID CENTER RIB Offers resistance to hydroplaning while improving traction on soft surfaces. Improves steering response while reducing noise. ® Designed to provide excellent all-weather traction and long wear. The tread compound is formulated to also provide low rolling resistance characteristics for enhanced fuel efficiency. WIDE “ZIG-ZAG” CIRCUMFERENTIAL TREAD GROOVES Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 42 Courser A/T 2 TM SUV / LIGHT DUTY Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Pass Max Load LT Max Load Overall Sect. Tread Diam. Width Width 05611 OWL 215/75R15 90000005453 90000005455 Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC OUTLINE WHITE LETTER S-speed rated COURSER A/T2 90000005454 Rev. Per Mile 100S (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 1764 1604 27.60 8.4 6.42 751 13.5 10.6 26 11.8 029142649731 05602 OWL 225/70R14 99S (6.5) 6.0-7.0 44 1709 1554 26.46 8.9 7.05 784 12.5 9.9 05603 OWL 225/70R15 100S (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1764 1604 27.44 9.0 7.05 756 12.5 9.9 25 11.3 029142649816 27 12.2 90000005458 05612 OWL 225/75R15 102S (6.0) 6.0-7.0 44 1874 1704 28.35 8.7 6.65 731 13.5 029142649823 10.6 28 12.7 029142649748 90000005456 05604 OWL 235/70R15 103S (7.0) 6.0-8.0 44 1929 1754 27.99 9.4 7.40 741 90000005459 05615 OWL 235/75R15XL 109S (6.5) 6.0-8.0 41 2271 2065 28.90 9.2 7.01 717 12.5 9.9 29 13.2 029142649830 14.0 11.0 31 14.1 029142649762 90000005457 05606 OWL 265/70R15 112S (8.0) 7.0-9.0 44 2469 2245 29.61 10.6 8.46 90000005461 05617 OWL 265/75R15 112S (7.5) 7.0-8.5 44 2469 2245 30.71 10.5 7.99 700 14.0 11.0 36 16.3 029142649847 675 14.5 11.4 37 16.8 029142649779 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 43 SUV / LIGHT DUTY Courser STR TM ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY 40,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION HIGHWAY VALUE The Courser STR is an SUV value design with excellent allseason performance at “value tire” cost. The Courser STR has size coverage focused on today’s most popular vehicles. Fitments: Various SUV, CUV and pickup trucks UTQG TREADWEARTRACTIONTEMP. 500 A B M+S Rated MODERN HIGHWAY DESIGN CIRCUMFERENTIAL GROOVES M+S RATING VARIABLE PITCH TREAD The modern highway tread pattern is for popular crossover, SUV and light pickup vehicles. Provides excellent year-round, all-season performance. See-through grooves help disperse water and slush from the tread to provide dependable all-season traction. Computer-designed to provide a quiet-running tire at highway speeds. SEMI-SOLID CENTER RIB Provides a smooth ride and controlled handling. ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 44 Courser STR TM SUV / LIGHT DUTY Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Pass Max Load LT Max Load Overall Sect. Tread Diam. Width Width COURSER STR Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC OUTLINE WHITE LETTER S-speed rated 90000005767 51245 OWL 215/70R16 100S (6.5) 5.5-7.0 44 1764 1604 27.56 8.7 7.01 752 11.0 8.8 27 12.2 029142685913 90000005768 51232 OWL 225/70R16 103S (6.5) 6.0-7.5 44 1929 1754 28.19 9.1 7.09 736 11.0 8.8 29 13.2 029142684374 90000005773 51246 OWL 225/75R16 104S (6.0) 6.0-7.5 44 1984 1804 28.98 8.7 6.50 716 11.0 8.8 28 12.7 029142685937 90000005776 51241 OWL 235/65R17 104S (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 1984 1804 28.90 9.4 7.80 717 11.0 8.8 30 13.6 029142685906 90000005769 51233 OWL 235/70R16 106S (7.0) 6.0-7.5 44 2094 1904 28.74 9.4 7.40 721 11.0 8.8 31 14.1 029142684381 90000005766 51239 OWL 235/75R15 105S (6.5) 6.0-8.0 44 2039 1854 28.62 9.3 6.50 724 11.0 8.8 25 11.3 029142684343 90000005777 51230 OWL 245/65R17 107S (7.0) 7.0-8.5 44 2149 1954 29.49 9.6 8.03 703 11.0 8.8 33 15.0 029142684435 90000005770 51231 OWL 245/70R16 107S (7.0) 6.5-8.0 44 2149 1954 29.33 9.8 7.72 707 11.0 8.8 32 14.5 029142684398 90000005779 51243 OWL 245/70R17 110S (7.0) 6.5-8.0 44 2337 2125 30.24 10.2 7.91 686 11.0 8.8 33 15.0 029142685890 90000005774 51238 OWL 245/75R16 111S (7.0) 6.5-8.0 44 2403 2185 30.20 9.8 7.09 687 11.0 8.8 32 14.5 029142684350 90000005771 51237 OWL 255/70R16 111S (7.5) 6.5-8.5 44 2403 2185 29.80 10.3 7.99 696 11.0 8.8 33 15.0 029142684404 90000005778 51242 OWL 265/65R17 112S (8.0) 7.5-9.5 44 2469 2245 30.39 10.6 8.82 682 11.0 8.8 36 16.3 029142685920 90000005772 51235 OWL 265/70R16 112S (8.0) 7.0-9.0 44 2469 2245 30.24 10.8 7.83 686 11.0 8.8 35 15.9 029142684411 90000005780 51236 OWL 265/70R17 115S (8.0) 7.0-9.0 44 2679 2435 31.34 10.6 8.31 662 11.0 8.8 37 16.8 029142684428 90000005775 51240 OWL 265/75R16 116S (7.5) 7.0-8.5 44 2756 2505 31.34 10.6 7.80 662 11.0 8.8 35 15.9 029142684367 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 45 LIGHT TRUCK Courser LTR TM ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY 40,000 MILE TREADWEAR PROTECTION ALL-TERRAIN VALUE The Courser LTR is a light truck tire providing good traction in all terrains and all seasons. The Courser LTR has the size coverage for popular light truck vehicles of yesterday and today. The Courser LTR will fit the needs of consumers looking for a tire with good all around performance that they can trust. Fitments: Various pickup trucks M+S Rated MODERN ALL-TERRAIN DESIGN MODERN SIDEWALL STYLING M+S RATING SIZING The five-rib tread design creates a pattern of gripping edges that allows the tire to perform equally well on the road and off. Provides excellent year-round, all-season performance. WIDE FOOTPRINT / DUAL TREAD ARC Available in outline white letter and outline black letter styling in specific sizes. Contains the industry’s top range of sizes to fill the replacement requirements for the most popular pick-ups, and vans used for commercial or recreational purposes. A wider tread footprint along with a dual radius tread arc, gives this tire uniform pressure distribution across the contact patch for even wear and consistent grip. ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 46 Courser LTR TM LIGHT TRUCK Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size, Load Range & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Single Max Load Dual Max Load Overall Diam. Sect. Width COURSER LTR Tread Width Dual Spcg. Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Weight 32nds mm UPC BLACK SIDEWALL AND OUTLINE WHITE LETTER 90000005670 51217 OWL 30X9.50R15LT C 104R (7.5) 6.5-8.5 50 1985 ---- 29.21 9.6 6.89 ---- 710 14.0 11.2 34 15.4 90000005671 51216 OWL 31X10.50R15LT C 109R (8.5) 7.0-9.0 50 2270 ---- 30.24 10.7 7.80 ---- 686 14.0 11.2 38 17.2 029142682752 029142682769 90000005678 51215 BLK LT215/85R16 E 115/112R (6.0) 5.5-7.0 80 2680 2470 30.20 8.3 5.79 9.9 687 14.0 11.2 34 15.4 029142682783 90000005673 51221 BLK LT225/75R16 E 115/112R (6.0) 6.0-7.0 80 2680 2470 29.25 8.6 6.42 10.2 709 14.0 11.2 34 15.4 029142682806 90000005672 51211 OWL LT235/75R15 C 104/101R (6.5) 6.0-7.0 50 1985 1820 28.82 9.2 6.69 10.8 719 14.0 11.2 32 14.5 029142682776 90000005679 51212 BLK LT235/85R16 E 120/116R (6.5) 6.0-7.5 80 3042 2778 31.50 9.3 6.46 10.8 658 14.0 11.2 38 17.2 029142682790 90000005674 51213 BLK LT245/75R16 E 120/116R (7.0) 6.5-8.0 80 3042 2778 30.31 9.6 7.01 11.3 684 14.0 11.2 38 17.2 029142682813 90000019729 n/a BLK LT245/75R17 E 121/118S (7.0) 6.5-7.5 80 3195 2910 31.50 10.0 7.64 11.3 658 16.0 12.6 45 20.4 029142801450 90000005680 51218 OWL LT265/70R17 E 121/118R (8.0) 7.0-8.5 80 3195 2910 31.50 10.9 7.99 12.4 658 14.0 11.2 46 20.9 029142682837 90000005675 51219 OWL LT265/75R16 E 123/120R (7.5) 7.0-8.0 80 3415 3085 31.50 10.6 7.60 12.2 658 14.0 11.2 43 19.5 029142682820 90000005676 51220 OWL LT265/75R16 C 112/109R (7.5) 7.0-8.0 50 2470 2270 31.46 10.6 7.60 12.2 659 14.0 11.2 39 17.7 029142682844 BLK LT275/70R18 E 125/122S (8.0) 7.0-8.5 80 3640 3305 33.23 11.1 8.90 12.8 624 16.0 12.6 52 23.6 029142808602 51210 OWL LT285/75R16 D 122/119R (8.0) 7.5-9.0 65 3305 3000 32.60 11.3 8.39 13.1 636 14.0 11.2 47 21.3 029142682851 90000019781 90000005677 n/a If the dual max load and spacing is not noted here, please call the Cooper Tire Consumer Relations Department for a proper fitment recommendation. ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 47 LIGHT TRUCK Courser C/T TM ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY PREMIUM TRACTION Studdable The Courser C/T is a premium all-purpose traction tire. The C/T’s design is a hybrid of all-terrain, high-void and commercial traction designs. This product is especially suited for high-powered, high-torque light trucks when optimal wear and traction are required. Fitments: Light trucks up to 1-ton, high-powered torque vehicles M+S Rated LARGE, BEEFY TREAD ELEMENTS OPTIMIZED TREAD PROFILE Designed for off-road applications while providing long, even wear in highway applications. Distributes contact evenly across the tread for balanced wear. DEEP TREAD AND SCALLOPED SHOULDER DESIGN Fights irregular wear and improves self-cleaning capabilities. Maximizes traction in soft surfaces. BEVELED TREADBLOCK EDGES STAGGERED TREAD ELEMENTS ALL-WEATHER TREAD COMPOUND Provides excellent performance during all seasons, on- or offroad. Breaks up harmonic pitch, significantly reducing tire noise. PINNED FOR STUDS Self-cleaning tread features holes for metal traction studs. ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 48 Courser C/T TM LIGHT TRUCK Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size, Load Range & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Single Max Load Dual Max Load Overall Sect. Diam. Width Tread Width COURSER C/T Dual Spcg. Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds mm Stud Size Ship Wt. TSM Euro lbs kg UPC BLACK SIDEWALL AND OUTLINE WHITE LETTER 90000005559 73747 OWL 31X10.50R15LT C 109Q (8.5) 7.0-9.0 50 2270 ---- 30.47 10.7 8.19 ---- 680 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 42 19.1 029142368670 90000005571 73750 OWL 33X12.50R17LT D 114Q (10.0) 8.5-11.0 50 2600 ---- 32.64 12.4 9.80 ---- 635 20.0 15.9 17 9-16 57 25.9 029142622697 90000005560 73749 OWL 35X12.50R15LT C 113Q (10.0) 8.5-11.0 35 2535 ---- 34.88 12.9 10.20 ---- 594 20.0 15.9 17 9-16 64 29.0 029142368625 90000005570 73751 OWL 35X12.50R17LT D 119Q (10.0) 8.5-11.0 50 3000 ---- 34.88 12.9 10.20 ---- 594 20.0 15.9 17 9-16 67 30.4 029142622703 *90000005563 73733 BLK LT225/75R16 E 115/112N (6.0) 6.0-7.0 80 2680 2470 29.33 8.5 6.61 10.2 707 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 40 18.1 029142368694 +90000020738 n/a BLK LT225/75R16 E 115/112Q (6.0) 6.0-7.0 80 2680 2470 29.33 8.5 6.61 10.2 707 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 40 18.1 029142807612 90000005561 73722 OWL LT235/75R15 C 104/101Q (6.5) 6.0-7.0 50 1985 1820 28.62 9.1 7.20 10.8 724 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 36 16.3 029142368663 90000005578 73781 OWL LT235/80R17 E 120/117Q (6.5) 6.0-8.0 80 3085 2835 31.85 9.4 7.01 10.8 651 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 46 20.9 029142622642 *90000005569 73732 BLK LT235/85R16 E 120/116N (6.5) 6.0-7.5 80 3042 2778 31.89 9.3 7.01 10.8 650 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 45 20.4 029142368687 +90000020741 n/a BLK LT235/85R16 E 120/116Q (6.5) 6.0-7.5 80 3042 2778 31.89 9.3 7.01 10.8 650 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 45 20.4 029142807582 90000005572 73771 OWL LT245/70R17 E 119/116Q (7.0) 6.5-8.0 80 3000 2755 30.43 10.1 7.44 11.3 681 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 46 20.9 029142622659 *90000005564 73734 BLK LT245/75R16 E 120/116N (7.0) 6.5-8.0 80 3042 2778 30.51 9.8 7.44 11.3 680 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 46 20.9 029142368700 +90000020739 n/a BLK LT245/75R16 E 120/116Q (7.0) 6.5-8.0 80 3042 2778 30.51 9.8 7.44 11.3 680 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 46 20.9 029142807605 90000005577 73737 OWL LT245/75R17 E 121/118Q (7.0) 6.5-8.0 80 3195 2910 31.73 9.6 7.68 11.3 653 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 49 22.2 029142653462 90000005574 73773 OWL LT265/70R17 C 112/109Q (8.0) 7.0-8.5 50 2470 2270 31.65 10.7 8.39 12.4 655 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 47 21.3 029142622666 90000005573 73775 OWL LT265/70R17 E 121/118Q (8.0) 7.0-8.5 80 3195 2910 31.65 11.0 8.39 12.4 655 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 52 23.6 029142622673 *90000005565 73744 OWL LT265/75R16 E 123/120N (7.5) 7.0-8.0 80 3415 3085 31.77 10.6 8.11 12.2 653 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 51 23.1 029142368717 OWL LT265/75R16 E 123/120Q (7.5) 7.0-8.0 80 3415 3085 31.77 10.6 8.11 12.2 653 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 51 23.1 029142807599 73743 OWL LT265/75R16 C 112/109N (7.5) 7.0-8.0 50 2470 2270 31.65 10.5 8.11 12.2 655 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 46 20.9 029142368724 +90000020740 *90000005566 +90000020742 n/a OWL LT265/75R16 C 112/109Q (7.5) 7.0-8.0 50 2470 2270 31.65 10.5 8.11 12.2 655 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 46 20.9 029142807575 90000005579 73731 OWL LT275/65R18 E 123/120Q (8.0) 7.5-9.5 80 3415 3085 32.28 10.9 8.82 12.8 642 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 55 24.9 029142653479 90000005575 73778 OWL LT275/70R17 C 114/110Q (8.0) 7.0-9.0 50 2600 2335 32.20 11.3 8.82 12.8 644 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 50 22.7 029142622680 90000005580 73736 OWL LT275/70R18 E 125/122Q (8.0) 7.0-8.5 80 3640 3305 33.31 10.9 8.82 12.8 622 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 56 25.4 029142653486 90000005576 73735 OWL LT285/70R17 D 121/118Q (8.5) 7.5-9.0 65 3195 2910 32.80 11.3 9.09 13.4 632 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 56 25.4 029142653493 *90000005567 73745 OWL LT285/75R16 D 122/119N (8.0) 7.5-9.0 65 3305 3000 32.80 11.3 9.21 13.3 632 20.0 15.9 17 9-16 56 25.4 029142368632 OWL LT285/75R16 D 122/119Q (8.0) 7.5-9.0 65 3305 3000 32.80 11.3 9.21 13.3 632 20.0 15.9 17 9-16 56 25.4 029142807551 73761 OWL LT305/70R16 D 118/115N (9.0) 8.0-9.5 50 2910 2680 32.80 12.3 10.00 13.3 632 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 57 25.9 029142368656 OWL LT305/70R16 D 118/115Q (9.0) 8.0-9.5 50 2910 2680 32.80 12.3 10.00 13.3 632 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 57 25.9 029142807568 73755 OWL LT315/75R16 D 121/118N (9.5) 8.0-11.0 50 3195 2910 34.61 12.9 10.00 14.3 599 20.0 15.9 17 9-16 65 29.5 029142368649 D 121/118Q (9.5) 8.0-11.0 50 3195 2910 34.61 12.9 10.00 14.3 599 20.0 15.9 17 9-16 65 29.5 029142808077 +90000020756 *90000005562 +90000020743 *90000005568 +90000020525 n/a n/a n/a n/a OWL LT315/75R16 + New products will replace N-speed rated - 4Q13 * To be discontinued and replaced by Q-speed rated product. Only new tires should be fitted with studs. On vehicles with front wheel drive, adverse handling characteristics can be introduced by mounting studded tires on front wheels only. Studded tires can be sold for use only where use is not prohibited by law. If the dual max load and spacing is not noted here, please call the Cooper Tire Consumer Relations Department for a proper fitment recommendation. ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 49 LIGHT TRUCK Courser MXT TM NEW! ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY PREMIUM HIGH-VOID Studdable The Courser MXT is a mud terrain tire sporting an aggressive, high-void tread design, functional side biter shoulders and solid 2-ply carcass construction for a durable tire and dependable off-road traction in tough terrains. Fitments: Off-Road or rugged-use pick-ups M+S Rated Large Surface Area Tread Blocks Wide Shoulder Grooves Provide increased grip on- and off-road while improving wear performance. The wide grooves between the outer tread blocks allow the MXT to easily clean out, increasing grip for superior traction. Optimized Void-to-Rubber Ratio Offset Shoulder Elements The amount of rubber on the road is optimized to provide excellent extreme terrain traction and enhanced driving feel. Aggressive Upper Sidewall Design Aggressive, deep “side biter” design increases off-road traction, and sidewall abrasion resistance. Large Shoulder Scallops and Traction Edges The scallops provide a “mud-scoop” effect, for superior off-road traction. Traction edges on the alternating shoulder elements add additional biting edges for improved lateral grip. Proven 2-Ply Carcass Construction Our dependable and durable 2-ply carcass has a long history of strong performance capabilities. Stone Ejector Ribs Built in stone ejector ribs in the base of the grooves provide added resistance to stone capture and stone drilling. ® The offset shoulder elements enhance off-road traction and rough terrain grip and also help block the path of tread pattern noise for a quieter tire on the road. “Zig-Zag” Center Groove The “zig-zag”shape of the center groove increases mud traction grip off-road and promotes on-center feel on highway surfaces. Variable, Full-Depth Siping Siping for increased wet traction on the highway also provides extra biting edges for enhanced off-road traction. Even at half worn, 80% of the MXT’s sipes remain functional, providing for more consistent performance throughout the life of the tire. Pinned for Studs The MXT can be studded for improved traction in icy, winter conditions. UNIQUE TREAD COMPOUND A unique blend of enriched carbon black and natural rubber, give the MXT great all-season grip on the highway and superior traction on off-road surfaces. Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 50 Courser MXT TM LIGHT TRUCK Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size, Load Range & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Single Max Load Dual Max Load Overall Sect. Diam. Width Tread Width Dual Spcg. COURSER MXT Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds mm Stud Size TSM Euro Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC BLACK SIDEWALL AND OUTLINE WHITE LETTER 90000020183 n/a OWL 31X10.50R15LT C 109Q (8.5) 7.0-9.0 50 2270 ---- 30.63 10.9 8.15 ---- 677 19.0 15.1 15 9-13 46 20.8 029142803669 90000020184 n/a OWL 32X11.50R15LT C 113Q (9.0) 8.0-10.0 50 2535 ---- 31.61 11.4 8.98 ---- 656 19.0 15.1 15 9-13 49 22.1 029142803676 90000020186 n/a OWL 33X12.50R15LT C 108Q (10.0) 8.5-11.0 35 2205 ---- 32.83 12.1 9.80 ---- 631 20.0 15.9 17 9-16 57 25.6 029142803690 90000020185 n/a OWL 35X12.50R15LT C 113Q (10.0) 8.5-11.0 35 2535 ---- 34.72 12.2 9.88 ---- 597 20.0 15.9 17 9-16 60 27.1 029142803683 90000020202 n/a BLK 35X12.50R20LT E 121Q (10.0) 8.5-11.0 65 3195 ---- 34.69 12.5 9.88 ---- 598 20.0 15.9 17 9-16 64 29.2 029142803881 90000020126 n/a BLK 37X12.50R17LT D 124P (10.0) 8.5-11.0 50 3525 ---- 36.69 13.1 9.88 ---- 565 21.0 16.7 17 9-16 73 33.1 029142803829 90000020203 n/a BLK LT235/80R17 E 120/117Q (6.5) 6.0-8.0 80 3085 2835 31.81 9.4 7.13 10.8 652 18.5 14.7 15 9-13 45 20.4 029142803898 90000020125 n/a BLK LT235/85R16 E 120/116Q (6.5) 6.0-7.5 80 3042 2778 31.77 9.7 6.85 10.8 653 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 46 20.8 029142803812 90000020121 n/a BLK LT245/75R16 E 120/116Q (7.0) 6.5-8.0 80 3042 2778 30.59 9.4 7.32 11.3 678 18.0 14.3 15 9-13 46 20.9 029142799672 90000020204 n/a OWL LT245/75R17 E 121/118Q (7.0) 6.5-8.0 80 3195 2910 31.69 9.6 7.56 11.3 654 18.5 14.7 15 9-13 48 21.9 029142803904 90000020127 n/a OWL LT265/70R17 E 121/118Q (8.0) 7.0-8.5 80 3195 2910 31.73 10.8 8.35 12.4 653 18.5 14.7 15 9-13 50 22.8 029142803836 90000020122 n/a OWL LT265/75R16 E 123/120Q (7.5) 7.0-8.0 80 3415 3085 31.73 10.1 7.95 12.2 653 18.5 14.7 15 9-13 50 22.5 029142799689 90000020200 n/a OWL LT275/65R18 E 123/120Q (8.0) 7.5-9.0 80 3415 3085 32.20 11.0 8.78 12.8 644 19.0 15.1 15 9-13 54 24.6 029142803867 90000020201 n/a OWL LT275/70R18 E 125/122Q (8.0) 7.0-8.5 80 3640 3305 33.31 11.0 8.82 12.8 622 19.0 15.1 15 9-13 55 24.9 029142803874 90000020128 n/a OWL LT285/70R17 E 121/118Q (8.5) 7.5-9.0 80 3195 2910 32.91 11.5 9.09 13.4 630 18.5 14.7 15 9-13 56 25.5 029142803843 90000020123 n/a OWL LT285/75R16 E 126/123Q (8.0) 7.5-9.0 80 3750 3415 32.83 11.3 8.58 13.7 631 18.5 14.7 15 9-13 57 25.7 029142799696 90000020129 n/a OWL LT295/70R17 E 121/118Q (8.5) 7.5-10.0 80 3195 2910 33.46 11.8 9.49 13.7 620 19.5 15.4 17 9-16 58 26.5 029142803850 90000020208 n/a BLK LT305/55R20 E 121/118Q (9.5) 8.5-11.0 65 3195 2910 33.31 12.5 10.08 14.4 622 19.5 15.4 17 9-16 61 27.7 029142803942 90000020205 n/a OWL LT305/65R17 E 121/118Q (9.0) 8.5-11.0 65 3195 2910 32.76 12.3 9.88 14.2 633 19.5 15.4 17 9-16 57 25.8 029142803911 90000020187 n/a OWL LT305/70R16 E 124/121Q (9.0) 8.0-9.5 65 3525 3195 32.95 12.0 9.69 13.3 629 19.0 15.1 15 9-13 57 25.8 029142803706 90000020207 n/a OWL LT305/70R18 E 126/123Q (9.0) 8.5-10.0 65 3750 3415 34.96 12.5 9.88 14.2 593 19.5 15.4 17 9-16 66 29.8 029142803935 90000020206 n/a OWL LT315/70R17 D 121/118Q (9.5) 8.0-11.0 50 3195 2910 34.49 12.8 10.00 14.7 601 20.0 15.9 17 9-16 62 28.3 029142803928 90000020124 n/a OWL LT315/75R16 E 127/124Q (9.5) 8.0-11.0 65 3860 3525 34.65 19.5 15.4 17 9-16 62 28.1 029142803805 11.9 9.80 14.3 598 NEW PRODUCT INTRODUCED FALL 2013 AND REPLACED THE COURSER MT Only new tires should be fitted with studs. On vehicles with front wheel drive, adverse handling characteristics can be introduced by mounting studded tires on front wheels only. Studded tires can be sold for use only where use is not prohibited by law. If the dual max load and spacing is not noted here, please call the Cooper Tire Consumer Relations Department for a proper fitment recommendation. ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 51 Courser R/D TM LIGHT TRUCK ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY HIGHWAY RIB COMMERCIAL USE The Courser R/D is a premium all-season light truck rib tire especially for drivers of work and commercial vehicles where tire rotations are infrequent. The R/D is also suitable as a companion tire used on steer axles of vehicles using traction tires on drive axles. Fitments: Commercial or work style vans and pick-up trucks M+S Rated FIVE-RIB TREAD DESIGN SOLID SHOULDERS Five-rib tread design helps this radial deliver excellent directional control for great handling and dependable highway driving. Solid shoulder design helps to promote a balanced treadwear pattern throughout the tire life in both free rolling and drive axle positions. AGGRESSIVE RIB ELEMENTS Three center ribs with strategically placed cross slots combine with four wide circumferential grooves to help channel away water and slush for continuous road contact during wet highway driving. ® RUGGED BLACK SIDEWALL Designed for commercial use, our easy to clean black sidewalls require a minimum of care for busy truck owners. Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 52 Courser R/D TM LIGHT TRUCK Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size, Load Range & Service Description Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Single Max Load Dual Max Load Overall Sect. Tread Dual Diam. Width Width Spcg. Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds mm Ship Weight 32nds mm COURSER R/D UPC BLACK SIDEWALL 90000005760 65301 BLK 7.50R16LT D 112/107N (6.0) 5.5-7.0 65 2470 2150 31.81 8.3 6.14 10 652 14.0 11.3 38 17.2 029142365532 90000005764 65311 BLK LT215/85R16 E 115/112Q (6.0) 5.5-7.0 80 2680 2470 30.28 8.2 5.94 9.9 685 14.0 11.3 38 17.2 029142366829 90000005761 65306 BLK LT225/75R16 E 115/112Q (6.0) 6.0-7.0 80 2680 2470 29.17 8.6 6.61 10.2 711 14.0 11.3 38 17.2 029142366454 90000005765 65310 BLK LT235/85R16 E 120/116Q (6.5) 6.0-7.5 80 3042 2778 31.69 9.2 6.69 10.8 654 14.0 11.3 42 19.1 029142365525 90000005762 65307 BLK LT245/75R16 E 120/116Q (7.0) 6.5-8.0 80 3042 2778 30.47 9.3 6.97 11.3 680 14.0 11.3 43 19.5 029142366461 90000005763 65312 BLK LT265/75R16 E 123/120Q (7.5) 7.0-8.0 80 3415 3085 31.65 10.5 7.99 12.2 655 14.0 11.3 47 21.3 029142604310 ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 53 PASSENGER Glacier-Grip II TM ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY severe weather rated Studdable The Glacier-Grip II is a premium studdable winter passenger tire. This design is for drivers looking for excellent traction on snow and ice without sacrificing performance in dry or all-weather conditions. Fitments: Various passenger cars, SUV, CUVs and smaller pick-ups M+S Rated HIGH TRACTION TREAD DESIGN The intricate tread pattern balances winter traction and a smooth, quiet ride. The deep lateral and notched circumferential grooves provide excellent evacuation of water and slush from the tread contact patch. IB-12 (ICE-BITER) ENHANCED STUD TECHNOLOGY Provides an optimal combination of design, quantity and placement of stud pin holes to maximize the tire’s traction on ice when studded. The stud pin hole design improves stud retention while the number has been increased allowing for the use of a greater number of studs. The stud pin holes are strategically located along 12 distinct paths across the tread contact patch to allow each row a clean bite at the road surface to maximize traction. “D SQUARED” SIPE TECHNOLOGY (DENSITY x DEPTH) Incorporates a dense zig-zag sipe pattern that further enhances winter performance while maintaining excellent wet traction. Variable sipe depth maintains element stability while optimizing winter performance. COMPUTER-OPTIMIZED RANDOM PITCH SEQUENCE The tread pitch sequence has been computer-optimized to reduce tread related tire noise for increased riding comfort. STYLIZED SIDEWALLS Reversible black sidewall option offers a stylized sidewall on one side and a smooth sidewall with standard lettering on the reverse. TRI-POLYMER BLEND TREAD COMPOUND Specially formulated for excellent winter traction while maintaining wet and dry performance and treadwear. ® Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 54 Glacier-Grip II TM PASSENGER Material # Item # Sdwl. Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Max. Load Overall Diam. Sect. Width Tread Width Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds mm 82T 82S 84T 86T 88T 88S 89S 85T 86T 88T 91T (5.0) 5.0-6.0 (5.0) 4.5-6.0 (5.5) 5.0-6.5 (5.5) 5.0-6.5 (5.5) 5.0-6.5 (5.5) 4.5-6.0 (5.0) 4.5-6.0 (6.0) 5.5-7.0 (6.0) 5.5-7.0 (6.0) 5.5-7.0 (6.0) 5.5-7.0 44 35 44 44 44 35 44 44 44 44 44 1047 1047 1102 1168 1235 1235 1279 1135 1168 1235 1356 23.11 22.91 23.90 23.54 24.53 24.45 25.12 23.74 23.31 24.29 25.00 6.9 6.8 7.4 7.4 7.6 7.4 7.2 7.9 7.8 7.8 7.8 5.20 5.04 5.75 5.55 5.79 5.31 5.00 6.14 6.06 6.06 6.10 897 905 868 881 845 848 825 873 890 854 829 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.5 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.6 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-11 17 16 19 17 19 18 18 20 19 21 20 7.7 7.3 8.6 7.7 8.6 8.2 8.2 9.1 8.6 9.5 9.1 029142369943 029142369844 029142550037 029142369950 029142369998 029142369875 029142691464 029142622413 029142369981 029142550044 029142550006 91S 92S 87T 93T 91T 91T 92T 94T 95T 95S 96S 95S 97S 91T 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12.7 11.3 12.2 10.9 12.2 12.2 10.9 11.3 11.8 13.6 14.1 15.9 12.7 12.2 13.2 029142369882 029142691471 029142622444 029142727460 029142550112 029142550051 029142550082 029142550013 029142622390 029142691532 029142691556 029142691488 029142691495 029142622468 029142622420 029142659808 029142550068 029142550099 029142659822 029142550020 029142550075 029142659839 029142691549 029142691563 029142691501 029142622475 029142622451 029142680277 029142750864 029142550129 029142550105 029142659853 029142659815 029142742067 029142680284 029142691570 029142691518 029142622482 029142622437 029142742050 029142750857 029142622406 029142659846 029142691525 Tire Size & Service Description GLACIER-GRIP II 90000005783 90000005781 90000005793 90000005784 90000005797 90000005785 90000005789 90000005792 90000005782 90000005794 90000005798 03841 03820 03834 03842 03851 03823 03881 03864 03832 03835 03852 BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK 175/65R14 175/70R13 185/60R15 185/65R14 185/65R15 185/70R14 185/75R14 195/55R15 195/60R14 195/60R15 195/65R15 90000005786 90000005790 90000005808 90000005822 90000005810 90000005795 90000005812 90000005799 90000005816 90000005787 90000005802 90000005791 90000005805 90000005823 90000005811 90000005825 90000005796 90000005813 90000005828 90000005801 90000005817 90000005830 90000005788 90000005803 90000005800 90000005820 90000005809 90000005824 90000005832 90000005826 90000005814 90000005829 90000005834 90000005818 90000005831 90000005804 90000005806 90000005821 90000005827 90000005833 90000005835 90000005815 90000005819 90000005807 03824 03882 03867 03825 03861 03836 03860 03853 03846 03888 03889 03883 03884 03866 03862 03819 03837 03839 03801 03854 03855 03804 03890 03891 03885 03869 03868 03856 03829 03875 03840 03802 03803 03826 03850 03892 03886 03870 03876 03827 03828 03844 03813 03887 BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK 195/70R14 195/75R14 205/50R16 205/50R17XL 205/55R16 205/60R15 205/60R16 205/65R15 205/65R16 205/70R14 205/70R15 205/75R14 205/75R15 215/50R17 215/55R16XL 215/55R17 215/60R15 215/60R16 215/60R17 215/65R15 215/65R16 215/65R17 215/70R14 215/70R15 215/75R15 225/45R17RE 225/50R16 225/50R17 225/50R18 225/55R17 225/60R16 225/60R17 225/60R18 225/65R16 225/65R17 225/70R15 225/75R15 235/45R17 235/55R17 235/55R18 235/55R19XL 235/60R16 235/65R16 235/75R15 Stud Size TSM Euro Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC BLACK SIDEWALL T & S-speed rated For optimum safe and satisfactory performance, winter tires should be used in sets of four. Only new tires should be fitted with studs. On vehicles with front wheel drive, adverse handling characteristics can be introduced by mounting studded winter tires on front wheels only. Studded tires can be sold for use only where use is not prohibited by law. ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 55 SUV / LIGHT TRUCK Courser MSR TM ® standard LIMITED WARRANTY SEVERE WEATHER RATED STUDDABLE The Courser MSR is a premium winter SUV and light truck tire designed for drivers seeking excellent traction on snow or ice. Mastercraft snow tires are pinned for studs where studded tires are not prohibited by state laws. Fitments: Larger SUV and pick-ups M+S Rated HIGH TRACTION TREAD DESIGN TRI-POLYMER BLEND TREAD COMPOUND The intricate tread pattern balances winter traction and a smooth, quiet ride. The deep lateral and notched circumferential grooves provide excellent evacuation of water and slush from the tread contact patch. Specially formulated for excellent winter traction while maintaining wet and dry performance and treadwear. PATENTED “SNOW GROOVE” DESIGN TECHNOLOGY Incorporates a dense zig-zag sipe pattern that further enhances winter performance while maintaining excellent wet traction. Variable sipe depth maintains element stability while optimizing winter performance. Provides biting edges for excellent snow and ice traction without reducing element stiffness. The snow groove enhances the retention of snow in the outer circumferential grooves to capitalize on the higher traction characteristics of “snow on snow” versus “snow on rubber”. ENHANCED STUDDED PERFORMANCE The stud pin hole design improves stud retention and the number has been increased allowing for the use of a greater number of studs for better traction on ice. The stud size is conveniently molded into the sidewall for easy reference. ® “D SQUARED” SIPE TECHNOLOGY (DENSITY x DEPTH) COMPUTER-OPTIMIZED RANDOM PITCH SEQUENCE The tread pitch sequence has been computer-optimized to reduce tread related tire noise for increased riding comfort. Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. 56 Courser MSR TM SUV / LIGHT TRUCK Material # Item # Sdwl. Tire Size, Load Range & Service Description COURSER MSR Approved Rim Widths Max PSI Pass / Single Max. Load LT / Dual Max. Load Overall Diam. Sect. Width Tread Dual Width Spcg. Rev. Per Mile Tread Depth 32nds mm 90000005697 90000005689 03780 BLK 215/70R16 03771 BLK 225/70R14 100S (6.5) 5.5-7.0 99S (6.5) 6.0-7.5 35 35 1764 1709 1604 1554 27.76 26.26 8.8 9.1 7.20 7.01 ------- 747 790 15.0 15.0 90000005698 90000005703 03781 BLK 225/70R16 03748 BLK 225/75R16 103S (6.5) 6.0-7.5 104S (6.0) 6.0-7.5 35 35 1929 1984 1754 1804 28.31 29.17 9.0 8.7 7.01 6.81 ------- 732 711 90000005719 90000005710 90000005722 03704 BLK 235/60R18 03713 BLK 235/65R17 03709 BLK 235/65R18 103S (7.0) 6.5-8.5 104S (7.0) 6.5-8.5 106S (7.0) 6.5-8.5 44 35 44 1929 1984 2094 1754 1804 1904 29.29 29.06 30.20 9.4 9.4 9.4 7.91 7.77 7.72 ---------- 90000005690 90000005699 90000005692 03775 BLK 235/70R15 03782 BLK 235/70R16 03744 BLK 235/75R15 103S (7.0) 6.0-7.5 106S (7.0) 6.0-7.5 105S (6.5) 6.0-8.0 35 35 35 1929 2094 2039 1754 1904 1854 27.99 28.86 29.02 9.6 9.4 9.6 7.40 7.40 7.13 90000005693 90000005704 90000019373 90000005720 90000005711 90000005700 90000005715 90000005705 03745 03749 03712 03702 03729 03783 03786 03750 109S 108S 103S 105S 107S 107S 110S 111S 41 35 44 44 44 35 44 35 2271 2205 1929 2039 2149 2149 2337 2403 2065 2005 1754 1854 1954 1954 2125 2185 29.02 29.84 29.65 29.76 29.53 29.49 30.51 30.39 9.4 9.3 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.6 7.20 7.01 8.35 8.11 9.25 7.72 7.72 7.40 BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK 235/75R15 235/75R16 245/55R19 245/60R18 245/65R17 245/70R16 245/70R17 245/75R16 RE (6.5) 6.0-7.5 (6.5) 6.0-8.0 (7.5) 7.0-8.5 (7.0) 7.0-8.5 (7.0) 7.0-8.5 (7.0) 6.5-8.0 (7.0) 6.5-8.0 (7.0) 6.5-8.0 Stud Size TSM Euro Ship Wt. lbs kg UPC SUV BLACK SIDEWALL S-speed rated 12.0 12.0 13 13 9-12 9-12 29 27 13.2 12.2 029142550235 029142550136 15.0 15.0 12.0 12.0 13 13 9-12 9-12 30 31 13.6 14.1 029142550242 029142550198 708 714 687 14.0 13.5 14.0 11.0 10.6 11.0 13 13 13 9-12 9-12 9-12 36 31 36 16.3 14.1 16.3 029142726876 029142691587 029142726869 ---------- 741 718 715 15.0 15.0 14.5 12.0 12.0 11.6 13 13 13 9-12 9-12 9-12 30 32 32 13.6 14.5 14.5 029142550174 029142550259 029142550143 ------------------------- 715 695 699 697 702 703 680 682 15.0 15.0 12.5 13.0 14.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 12.0 12.0 9.9 10.3 11.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 13 13 12 12 13 13 13 13 9-12 9-12 9-11 9-11 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 33 33 34 35 34 34 35 34 15.0 15.0 15.5 15.9 15.4 15.4 15.9 15.4 029142550150 029142550204 029142751878 029142742258 029142740285 029142550266 029142622178 029142550211 90000019370 03720 BLK 255/50R19 XL 107S (8.0) 7.0-9.0 50 2149 1954 29.09 10.4 8.70 ---- 713 12.5 9.9 12 90000005718 90000005695 90000005713 90000019371 90000005701 90000005716 90000005724 90000005721 90000005714 90000019372 90000005691 90000005702 90000005717 90000005694 90000005706 90000005725 90000005726 03797 03730 03728 03708 03784 03715 03721 03703 03701 03705 03778 03785 03788 03747 03751 03725 03799 XL 109S 109S 110S 111S 111S 112S 113S 110S 112S 114S 112S 112S 115S 112S 116S 117S 119S (8.0) 7.0-9.0 (7.5) 7.0-9.0 (7.5) 7.0-9.0 (7.5) 7.0-9.0 (7.5) 6.5-8.0 (7.5) 6.5-8.5 (7.5) 6.5-8.5 (8.0) 7.5-9.5 (8.0) 7.5-9.5 (8.0) 7.5-9.5 (8.0) 7.0-9.0 (8.0) 7.0-9.0 (8.0) 7.0-9.0 (7.5) 7.0-9.0 (7.5) 7.0-9.0 (8.5) 7.5-9.5 (8.0) 8.0-9.5 50 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 35 35 35 44 35 50 50 2271 2271 2337 2403 2403 2469 2535 2337 2469 2601 2469 2469 2679 2469 2756 2833 2998 2065 2065 2125 2185 2185 2245 2305 2125 2245 2365 2245 2245 2435 2245 2505 2575 2725 29.13 29.17 30.20 31.06 29.88 31.22 32.20 30.59 30.67 31.54 29.45 30.39 31.42 30.59 31.61 32.05 33.03 10.4 10.2 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.7 10.6 10.7 10.4 10.8 10.7 10.7 10.6 11.0 10.9 8.90 8.27 8.50 8.39 7.99 8.19 8.19 8.82 8.70 8.74 7.99 7.99 8.31 8.11 8.11 9.41 9.21 ---------------------------------------------------- 712 711 687 667 694 664 644 678 676 657 704 682 660 678 656 647 628 14.0 14.0 12.0 12.5 15.0 15.0 15.0 13.0 14.0 12.5 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 14.0 14.0 11.0 11.0 9.6 9.9 12.0 12.0 12.0 10.3 11.0 9.9 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.0 11.0 13 13 13 12 13 13 13 12 13 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 9-11 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-11 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-11 9-12 9-11 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 35 39 34 38 37 35 41 42 39 39 40 36 39 39 37 39 45 47 16.0 17.7 15.4 17.2 16.7 15.9 18.6 19.1 17.7 17.7 18.1 16.3 17.7 17.7 16.8 17.7 20.4 21.3 029142751885 029142622208 029142740278 029142718468 029142751908 029142550273 029142694748 029142694731 029142742265 029142726852 029142751892 029142550181 029142550280 029142550303 029142550167 029142550228 029142694724 029142622192 90000005723 03723 BLK 275/65R18 116S (8.0) 7.5-9.5 44 2756 2505 32.17 11.0 9.09 ---- 645 14.0 11.0 13 9-12 43 19.5 029142694717 90000005727 03714 BLK 31X10.50R15LT C 109Q (8.5) 7.0-9.0 50 2270 ---- 30.24 10.5 8.19 ---- 686 19.0 15.1 15 9-13 40 18.1 029142550358 90000005736 90000005729 90000005728 90000005742 03722 03731 03710 03719 LT215/85R16 LT225/75R16 LT235/75R15 LT235/80R17 E E C E 115/112Q 115/112Q 104/101Q 120/117Q (6.0) 5.5-7.0 (6.0) 6.0-7.0 (6.5) 6.0-7.0 (6.5) 6.0-8.0 80 80 50 80 2680 2680 1985 3085 2470 2470 1820 2835 30.28 29.29 28.82 31.85 9.1 8.9 9.0 9.4 5.91 6.69 7.20 7.01 9.9 10.2 10.8 10.8 685 708 719 651 17.0 17.0 17.0 18.0 13.5 13.5 13.5 14.3 15 15 15 15 9-13 9-13 9-13 9-13 38 39 34 44 17.2 17.7 15.4 20.0 029142550365 029142550389 029142550341 029142622888 90000005737 90000005738 03724 BLK LT235/85R16 03716 BLK LT245/70R17 E E 120/116Q (6.5) 6.0-7.5 119/116Q (7.0) 6.5-8.0 80 80 3042 3000 2778 2755 31.77 30.43 9.3 10.1 6.93 7.44 10.8 11.3 653 681 17.0 17.0 13.5 13.5 15 15 9-13 9-13 42 44 19.1 20.0 029142550372 029142622895 90000005731 90000005730 90000005741 03734 BLK LT245/75R16 03732 BLK LT245/75R16 03727 BLK LT245/75R17 C E E 108/104Q (7.0) 6.5-8.0 120/116Q (7.0) 6.5-8.0 121/118R (7.0) 6.5-7.5 50 80 80 2205 3042 3195 2006 2778 2910 30.43 30.43 31.81 9.6 9.6 9.9 7.44 7.44 7.64 11.3 11.3 11.3 681 681 652 17.0 17.0 17.0 13.5 13.5 13.5 15 15 15 9-13 9-13 9-13 40 45 45 18.1 20.4 20.4 029142550396 029142550402 029142694755 90000005739 90000019727 03717 BLK LT265/70R17 n/a BLK LT265/70R18 E E 121/118Q (8.0) 7.0-8.5 124/121R (8.0) 7.0-9.0 80 80 3195 3525 2910 3195 31.65 32.64 11.0 10.7 8.39 8.62 12.4 12.4 655 635 18.0 16.5 14.3 13.0 15 15 9-13 9-13 50 54 22.7 24.4 029142622901 029142805847 90000005733 90000005732 90000005743 90000005745 03735 03737 03707 03792 LT265/75R16 LT265/75R16 LT275/65R18 LT275/65R20 C E E E 112/109Q 123/120Q 123/120R 126/123R (7.5) 7.0-8.0 (7.5) 7.0-8.5 (8.0) 7.5-9.5 (8.0) 7.5-9.5 50 80 80 80 2470 3415 3415 3750 2270 3085 3085 3415 31.54 31.54 32.09 34.17 10.3 10.5 11.1 11.1 8.15 8.15 8.90 9.02 12.2 12.2 12.8 12.8 657 657 646 607 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 15 15 15 15 9-13 9-13 9-13 9-13 44 49 52 56 20.0 22.2 23.6 25.4 029142550419 029142550426 029142741107 029142726456 90000005744 90000005735 03711 BLK LT275/70R18 03706 BLK LT285/75R16 E E 125/122R (8.0) 7.0-8.5 126/123Q (8.0) 7.5-9.0 80 80 3640 3750 3305 3415 33.15 32.56 10.9 11.4 9.02 9.02 12.8 13.1 625 637 17.0 17.0 13.5 13.5 15 15 9-13 9-13 55 53 24.9 24.0 029142675884 029142741091 BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK BLK 255/55R18 255/65R16 255/65R17 255/65R18 255/70R16 255/70R17 255/70R18 265/60R18 265/65R17 265/65R18 265/70R15 265/70R16 265/70R17 265/75R15 265/75R16 275/55R20 275/60R20 XL XL LIGHT TRUCK BLACK SIDEWALL For optimum safe and satisfactory performance, winter tires should be used in sets of four. Only new tires should be fitted with studs. On vehicles with front wheel drive, adverse handling characteristics can be introduced by mounting studded winter tires on front wheels only. Studded tires can be sold for use only where use is not prohibited by law. If the dual max load and spacing is not noted here, please call the Cooper Tire Consumer Relations Department for a proper fitment recommendation. ALWAYS CONSULT AND FOLLOW THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER REPLACEMENT TIRE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WARNINGS. Use the information on the vehicle placard and vehicle owner's manual to identify original equipment air pressure, tire size, speed rating and load carrying capacity. Cooper Tire reserves the right to change and improve construction, materials or specifications without notice or obligation. Please refer to the back cover of this book for important tire safety considerations and recommendations. 57 IMPORTANT TIRE SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS AND VEHICLE MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS: PLEASE OBSERVE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: • Disregarding any of the safety precautions and instructions contained here may result in tire failure or explosion causing serious personal injury or death. For the safety of yourself and your customer, always read and refer to the safety precautions and instructions for Plus Sizing Fitment, RMA Replacement Guidelines, Bennett Garfield Publications, Cooper Service Bulletins, Load & Inflations Tables and Approved Rim Charts for additional safety precautions and instructions for proper tire and fitment applications. • Metric tires may be used in P-metric application, provided metric load index values are equal to or greater than P-metric load index values. Use inflation pressure specified on vehicle placard. • When passenger tires are used in light truck service, tire and rim industry standards apply a 10% reduction in maximum load. • Load index differs depending on whether the tires are used in a single or dual application (Single/Dual). • Under-inflated tires lead to tire failure. The result is unnecessary tire stress, irregular wear, loss of control, and accidents. A tire can lose up to half of its pressure and not appear to be flat! • Worn out or damaged tires are dangerous! Advanced and unusual wear can reduce the ability of tread to grip the road in adverse conditions. Tires worn to the “Wear-Bars” or 2/32” at any place on the tire, MUST BE REPLACED IMMEDIATELY! Visually check your tires for uneven wear, looking for high and low areas, unusually smooth areas, check for signs of damage and rotate tires regularly based on vehicle owner’s manual recommendations and specifications. • Driving on overloaded tires is dangerous, building up excessive heat and can result in sudden tire destruction! The maximum load rating of your tires is marked on the tire sidewall and load instructions of the vehicle are referenced in the vehicle’s owner’s manual. Do not exceed these load ratings. • When tires need to be replaced, consult the tire placard, which is normally located on the vehicle door edge, door post, glove box or fuel door. Use the information on the vehicle placard, vehicle owner’s manual or consult with the vehicle manufacturer or tire manufacturer to identify original equipment (O.E.) air pressure for the front /rear axles and spare, tire size (including the spare), speed rating, load capacity and other tire-related details. • It is recommended that all four tires be of the same size, speed rating, and construction (radial, non-radial). In some cases the vehicle manufacturer may require different sized tires for either the front or rear axles. NEVER mix P-Metric or European Metric passenger tires with light truck sized tires on the same vehicle. Match tire size designations in pairs on an axle, except for temporary use of a spare tire. If two radial tires and two nonradial tires must be used on a vehicle, put radials on the rear axle. If radial and non-radial tires are used on a vehicle equipped with dual rear tires, the radial tires may be used on either axle. • With the exception of winter tires, replacement tires must have the same or higher speed rating as specified on the vehicle placard or owner’s manual to maintain vehicle speed capability. Tire speed ratings do not imply that vehicles can be safely driven at the maximum speed for which the tire is rated, particularly under adverse road and weather conditions, or if the vehicle has unusual characteristics. Never operate a vehicle in an unsafe or unlawful manner. If replacement tires have lower speed capability than specified by the vehicle manufacturer, the vehicle’s speed must be restricted to that of the replacement tire and lower speed rated tires should always be placed on the front axle to prevent potential oversteer conditions where vehicle handling could be affected. Consult your dealer, the vehicle manufacturer or tire manufacturer for recommendations — and replace the emergency tire fitment with the proper speed rated tire when the emergency is over. • Four-wheel drive (4WD) and all-wheel drive (AWD) vehicles: DO NOT mix tire sizes. All four tires must be marked with the same tire size, unless otherwise specified by the vehicle manufacturer. This also applies to winter/snow tires. DO NOT mix radial and non-radial tires. All four tires must be either radial or non-radial. DO NOT mix tread pattern types such as all-terrain and all-season. For 4WD and AWD vehicles, even small differences in outside diameter may cause drive-train damage or mechanical malfunction. • When replacing only two (2) tires in the same size and construction as those on the vehicle, the two newer tires should be installed on the rear axle unless the new replacement tires are of a lower speed rating. Replacing one (1) tire on a vehicle can have an adverse affect on suspension systems, gear ratios, transmission, and tire treadwear. If a single tire replacement is unavoidable, it is recommended that the single new tire be paired with the tire that has the deepest tread and both be placed on the rear axle. New tires with deeper tread provide better grip and evacuate water more effectively, which is important as a driver approaches hydroplaning situations. Placing greater traction on the rear axle on wet surfaces is necessary to prevent possible oversteer condition and possible loss of vehicle control, especially during sudden maneuvers. • Apply winter and studded tires to all wheel positions, including duals, to maintain vehicle mobility and control. Winter and studded tires have higher traction qualities under most winter weather conditions. If winter and studded tires are applied to the front axle of any vehicle, winter and studded tires MUST also be installed on the rear axle. DO NOT apply winter and studded tires only to the front axle. This applies to all passenger and light truck vehicles including front-wheel-drive, 4WD, and AWD vehicles. WARNING! Installing only two winter and studded tires on the front axle of any vehicle without winter and studded tires on the rear axle can cause adverse vehicle handling characteristics. This may result in loss of vehicle control, which could cause serious injury or death. Only new tires should be fitted with studs. Studded tires can be sold for use only where use is not prohibited by law. • Do not alter tires in any manner (add siping, buff, add stud pin holes, etc.) or improperly repair to RMA standards. • For more information on safety, visit www.coopertire.com and select “Tire Safety” and “Tire Education.” ® www.mastercrafttire.com Visit cooperworld.net for up-to-date spec information. Customer Service: 800.847.3777 PRINTED IN U.S.A. Consumer Relations: 800.854.6288 58 Home Office: 419.423.1321 or 800.537.9523 850-P8A-1109 11-15-13
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