USE OF STANDARDS IN PUBLIC SECTOR ICT ePROCUREMENT The experience of a regional purchasing body as «Central Competence Center» Massimiliano Inzerillo Head of the e-Procurement Services for ARCA Lombardia Bruxelles, December the 3rd, 2014 Part 1 – The Regional Procurement Body and the awareness of the increasing importance of e-Procurement Region Lombardia at-a-glance The most populated Italian region (~10 millions) The highest number of municipalities (1.546) 12 provinces, with the biggest one in Italy (Milan) 3rd Region in Italy for geographical extension (~23.000 km²) The real regional GDP is 20,9% of the Italian GDP! Lombardia Region (Headquarter): ~300 M€/year Health sector, 50 authorities: ~2.100 M€ /year Public procurement value Regional sector, 70 authorities: ~60 M€ /year Local Entities, 1600 authorities: ~1.500 M€ /year Total amount: ~4.000 M€ 3 About ARCA: central procurement body of Region Lombardia “Palazzo Lombardia”, Milan – Lombardy Region’s Headquarter (built in 2012) Framework Contract manager Awards bundled tendering procedures which may be joined by every public entity within the region, thus realizing scale economies e-Procurement service provider ARCA is a public utility 100% owned by Lombardy Region ARCA manages a full range of public eprocurement solutions which are available to use free-of-charge for both contracting authorities and suppliers Procurement Competence Center ARCA offers consultancy to public authorities over procurement and change management issues. ARCA can also directly award tenders on behalf of other public entities Over 1.700 CAs existing in Lombardy (involved by regional or national laws) 4 Regional e-Procurement (SINTEL) factsheet: overview Suppliers 34.492 2014 vs 2013 C.A.s Tenders 41.799 1.042 6,26 Bln€ +78% 2014 Healthcare 48 Public Residential Housing Entities Regional Entities 12 12 Chambers of Commerce 12 Local Public Entities 858 2014 27.489 2014 2,33 Bln€ 7.234 1.555 M€ 362 100 M€ 1.855 293 M€ 613 3,9 M€ 17.425 375 M€ Updating: 30 November 2014 5 Regional e-Procurement (SINTEL) factsheet: trends YoY Number of tenders Total amount (M€) A way to measure the strenght and stability of e-Procurement solution is the number of legal petitions on the total number of procedures:10 petitions on over 38.500 tenders (2012-2014) = 0,0004%, with 80% of positive sentences. Number of new active CAs in 2014 Number of active CAs +550 Updating: 30 November 2014 6 Part 2 – Capitalize the wide spectrum of opportunities of CPB activities Why Central Purchasing Body is an efficient enabler? 1. 2. 3. Competence Center Framework agreement e-Procurement ARCA has a central position in the “procurement system” in Lombardia and (according with Regional targets) it can facilitate Manages bundled tendering procedures for goods and services: • Tender strategy design • Vendor Management • Tendering • Evaluation and awarding • Contract Management Develops and promotes e-Procurement solutions: • Efficiency in resourse usage (HR, Time, Other materials) • Automatic notifing • Data-entry validation • Automatic ranking • Procedure Templates External factors Great expectation National, Regional rules and European guidelines define the boundaries of activities e-Procurement would be the Panacea of all diseases in Public procurement A CPB mixes “all ingredients” to become the “MasterChef” of Procurement & e-Proc could be the main tool to change management in Public Procurement 8 European Procurement Directive: our «driving star» ARCA e-Procurement approach is based on an «annual plan» also developed on European Guidelines (DG MARKT and DG CONNECT) e-Procurement Pre-award e-Planning* eNotification eAccess eSubmission SINTEL* SINTEL SINTEL SINTEL Post-award eEvaluation e-Awarding SINTEL SINTEL e-Contracting e-Ordering NECA** NECA e-Invoicing N.A. e-Payment N.A. SINTEL e-Tendering SINTEL Vendor Management Tool EFT SINTEL was selected in the panel of 30 European platforms for the Golden Book of e-Procurement project. *Starting from January 2015 ** NECA is the regional Procure-2-Pay solution 9 Before starting: What is SINTEL? SINTEL is the regional e-Procurement platform owned by Regione Lombardia and managed by ARCA. The Platform is a “single access point” for all the all Public Entities in Lombardia; it allows them to purchase everything they needs in an electronic way, both over and down European threshold. All procedures are completely online. IN COMPLETE AUTONOMY CAs can use the regional platform by their own: ARCA is a public entities not a consulting firm, so our mission is to teach how improve the competence of CAs, not “to sell services” COMPLETELY FREE SINTEL is free both for CAs and enterprises. No added or ghost costs, they needs only a digital sign and «certified email» (both mandatory for fiscal activities) GOODS WORKS SERVICES CONCESSIONS D.P.S. E-AUCTION CHANGE MANAGEMENT CONSULTING ARCA «business model» is based on a strong support for CAs users, with a specialized team that offers competences in tendering and change management: OUR GOAL IS TO INCREASE EFFICIENCY and REDUCE PROCESS COSTS. 10 Part 3 – Sintel (Regional e-Procurement Platform): the way to spread good practices to Public Procurers How to create a new tendering procedure in SINTEL A) Start from scratch B) Copy an existing procedure* C) Start from templates created by ARCA Procedure categorization (goods, services, works…) 1. Procedure categorization CPV codes “Specific economic sector” additional categorizations Administrative requirements 2. Add requirements Technical requirements Economical requirements 3. Define procured items Configure the “items” object of the tender Add further technical specifications linked to every item 4. Selectively activate other functionalities * Feature available in few months (even if created by another contracting authority) 12 How SINTEL helps to spread good practices: how to fight “lock in effect on ICT” If procedures are created starting from a template, the Contracting Authority can automatically adopt a set of (customizable) “Standard requirements” which fit in the context of that specific procedure! Automatically adopt updated sets of administrative requirements, specific for public works Automatically adopt the “Green public procurement” technical specifications (“CAM”) issued by the Italian Ministry of the Environment. Minimal standard specifications regarding a new category are issued on a yearly basis. Automatically adopt a strategy that encourages the participation of social co-operatives The use of templates greatly helps the spreading of best practices and allows contracting authorities to easily implement the most up-to-date tendering requirements Introduce new templates also for ICT facilities, following the purpose of spreading the adoption of open standards (such as open license software, transmission protocols, shared specifications), thus reducing the “lock-in effect” 13 Demo: a realistic way to reduce lock-in effect in tendering [1/5] Single-Sign-On system: by typing my username and password, me (as any other user) can access SINTEL to start a purchasing procedure Let’s start to create a Template (“Modello”) of an ICT tender 14 Demo: a realistic way to reduce lock-in effect in tendering [2/5] Step one: give a name to the Model (so that it can be re-used many times) and identify the Tender categorization Step two: SINTEL architecture allows to link Tender Categorization with many information as “Products “ and “Standard Requirements” (our purpose) Consider the peculiarity of procurement types Procurement of public works and pharmaceuticals products are very different. Sintel allows to tailor its functionalities according to the type of procedure 15 Demo: a realistic way to reduce lock-in effect in tendering [3/5] Step three: define the type of procedure. The mix of “Type of procedure” and “Categorization of Tender” allows adoption of specific functionalities 16 Demo: a realistic way to reduce lock-in effect in tendering [4/5] Users can select/activate the requirement they needs in the procedure Step four: SINTEL proposes to the user a list of “Standard Requirement” set by ARCA 17 Demo: a realistic way to reduce lock-in effect in tendering [5/5] Step five: set TECHNICAL requirement, choosing from the set of options proposed by SINTEL (and thus by ARCA as provider) Each option can be customized by the user, so a CA chooses a Requirement and then give it the “personal” importance Step six: and finally, same selection for Economic requirements 18 Conclusions Conclusion: lesson learned? At the end: the procedure is ready to be lauched! Opportunities Threats Using a centralized solution, it is possible to spread in all the public entities some good practices, reducing “no added value” activities. Somebody else does the “dirty work”… Often Public Operators are “lazy people” … It needs an active campaign for involving procurers and spread the concept of “competition” also in ICT markets to reduce lock-in effect Strengths Constraints ARCA can extend more new “standard requirements” with low-cost activities of software maintenance. ARCA is not a “lawgiver” and ICT standard requirements (such as GPP requirements) are opportunities, but they are not mandatory… 20 Massimiliano Inzerillo Head of e-Procurement Services of ARCA Lombardia : 21