B A L T I C L I F E J A C K E T S S W E D E N 0 8
B A L T I C L I F E J A C K E T S S W E D E N 0 8
B A l T I C l I F e j A C k e T S S w e d e n 0 8 Head Office Baltic Safety Products AB (publ) • Box 60, S-545 02 ÄlgAråS, SWEDEN Tel +46 506 369 90 • Fax +46 506 401 96 • info@baltic.se • www.baltic.se ISO 9001:2000 Certified Manufacturer of M.e.d./sOlas approved products b a l t i c l i f e j a c k e t s s w e d e n 0 8 enG aGents & distRibUtORs denmark Kap Horn Sportswear 12 Handverkervej, DK-4000 Roskilde Tel +45 467 572 72, Fax +45 467 570 52 baltic@kap-horn.dk, www.kap-horn.dk iceland Vélasalan ehf. Ananaust 1, IS-101 Reykjavik Tel +354 580 53 00, Fax +354 580 53 01 velasalan@velasalan.is, www.velasalan.is norway EOL Agenturer A/S Boks 40, NO-3137 Torød Tel +47 333 871 30, Fax +47 333 863 58 eol-ag@online.no estonia Alfa GPS OÜ Suur-Patarei 18a, EE-10415 Tallinn Tel +372 646 10 00, Fax +372 646 13 04 info@gps.ee ireland CH Marine Ltd Nautic House, Marsh Rd, Skibbereen, CO Cork Tel +353 28 231 90, Fax +353 28 220 28 sales@chmarine.com, www.chmarine.com Poland PPU Sail Service Sp. z.o.o Sienna 45, PL-80-605 GDANSK Tel +48 58 307 3785, Fax +48 58 307 0924 office@sailservice.com.pl, www.sailservice.com.pl estonia (Industrial & commercial) AV Safety Limited Tulika Poik 4, EE-10613 Tallinn Tel +372 668 43 14, Fax +372 668 43 15 mail@safety.ee italy Nautica Mazzeo s.r.l. di Casali Adele, Viale Vespucci 11, lT-47042, Cesenatico (FC) Tel +39 547 838 43, Fax +39 547 832 41 mazzeo@mazzeo.it, www.mazzeo.it Russia Petroset Bolshoi Ltd. Sredny pr. V.O. 86 St. Petersburg Tel +7 812 7035505, Fax +7 812 3222480 acc@petroset.ru, www.petroset.ru japan Harken Japan Ltd 2-42, Nishinomiyahama, Nishinomiya City Tel. +81 798 22 2520, Fax. +81 798 22 2521 harkenjptadikami@bca.bai.ne.jp, www.harken.jp slovakia IMIDJEX S.R.O Pribinova 32, 82109 Bratislava Tel +421 2 5296 0877, Fax +421 2 5296 0878 imidjex@imidjex.sk, www.imidjex.sk latvia Regate Takats Sia 4 Maskavas str., LV-1050 Riga Tel +371 678 719 33, Fax +371 678 717 07 regate@regate.lv, www.regate.lv spain Tridente SL c/ Marques de Valterra, 5 bajo, ES-36202 Vigo Tel. +34 986 44 74 46, Fax +34 986 43 56 50 tridente@tridentesl.com, www.tridentesl.com lithuania Regate Sailing UAB J. Basanaviciaus str. 11/1-16A LT-03108 Vilnius Tel. +370-686 080 68, Fax. +370 521 272 76 regate@regate.lt, www.regate.lt switzerland YC Nautica Sport Bern AG Moserstr. 2, CH-3000 Bern 25 Tel +41 31 331 92 41, Fax +41 31 331 93 78 info@ycnautica.ch, www.ycnautica.ch finland OY Rymaco AB PB 9, FI-02921 Espoo Tel +358 989 465 60, Fax +358 985 462 81 rymaco@rymaco.fi faroe islands Bátatænastan P/F P.O. Box 101, FO-110 Tórshavn Tel +298 31 17 35, Fax +298 31 38 35 batataen@post.olivant.fo, www.batataenastan.fo france F.O.B. B.P. 14, FR-29801 Brest Cedex 9 Tel +33 298 020 417, Fax +33 298 024 348 fob.brest@wanadoo.fr, www.fob.fr Germany Navyline GmbH Hans-Böckler-Ring 33, DE-228 51 Norderstedt Tel +49 40 511 37 80, Fax +49 40 51 74 37 info@navyline.de, www.navyline.de Hong kong Honour Marine Safety Equipment 2/F Block B On Fat Industrial Building 12 - 18 Kwai Wing Road, Kwai Chung N.T. Hong Kong Tel +852 281 984 17, Fax +852 281 984 43 honourms@netnavigator.com Hungary Marina Yacht Sport Kft Becsi út 118/A, HU-1034 Budapest Tel +36 1 322 86 55, Fax +36 1 322 98 34 info@marina.hu, www.marina.hu netherlands On-Deck b.v. Leimuiderdijk 478a, NL-2156 MX Weteringbrug Tel. +31 -71 331 33 66, Fax. +31-71 331 33 87 allhands@on-deck.nl, www.on-deck.nl United kingdom Baltic Safety Products UK Ltd Unit 4 Mitchell Point, Ensign Way, Hamble, Southampton SO31 4RF Tel +44 2380 457 272, Fax +44 2380 454 747 sales@baltic-uk.com, www.balticlifejackets.com new Zealand Safety At Sea 79-81 Gaunt Street, Westhaven, AUCKLAND Tel +649 3099111 Fax +649 3099211 sales@safetyatsea.co.nz, www.safetyatsea.com dUe TO OUr POlICY OF COnSTAnT deVelOPMenT, SPeCIFICATIOnS In THIS CATAlOgUe MAY VArY. COlOUr rePrOdUCTIOn OF PrOdUCTS IS AS ClOSe AS THe PrInTIng PrOCeSS AllOwS. COPYIng Or OTHer dISTrIBUTIOn OF THe COnTenTS In THIS CATAlOgUe wITHOUT APPrOVAl IS PrOHIBITed. © BAlTIC SAFeTY PrOdUCTS AB. PrOdUCTIOn: SeHéler neTwOrk AB, Snw.Se • PHOTO: THOMAS HArrYSSOn, exClUdIng PAge 55 BY OSkAr kIHlBOrg • PrInTIng: elAnderS gUMMeSSOn AB. 150 Innovations. And one Classical. We are passionate about R&D and this has been our focus since we started thirty years ago. This passion has also shown results. This year we celebrate three decades that has made us the largest manufacturer in Europe of PFD’s. In conjunction with this we are proud to present 150 products born from our innovative passion and contemporary designs. Plus a flirt with the past with our jubilee PFD Rekord. 3 4 ContentS Inflatable lifejackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Accessories/Spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Floatation clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Industrial products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Floatation suits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 generAl InformAtIon Lifejackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Buoyancy aid, floatation clothing or inflatable lifejacket? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Buoyancy aids for active water sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Frequently asked questions and answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Specialist buoyancy aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 Newton classification for lifejackets and buoyancy aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 All purpose buoyancy aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 How inflatable lifejackets operate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Safety harnesses and safety lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 Pre-wear check, inspection and rearming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Lifebuoys and M .O .B . systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 Spare parts for inflatable lifejackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Pet buoyancy aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Product range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 5 6 7 8 Inflatable lifejackets. Our inflatable lifejacket is of minimal size so that you hardly know you are wearing it. Yet, when inflated it has up to 50% more buoyancy than traditional lifejackets. They are simply the most elegant solution to give maximum safety in minimal form. Inflatable buoyancy A Baltic lifejacket in inflated form . All our inflatable lifejackets are high visibility colour when inflated, regardless of the colour of the cover . Please note that these lifejackets require a pre-wear check and annual inspection . 9 10 en396 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE InflAtABle lIfejACketS Baltic Argus lifts the standard for inflatable lifejackets to a higher level. Argus allows a quick visual status check from the outside. Baltic Argus Visible colour status indicators shows whether Argus is ready for use or must be rearmed . Argus offers more features, e g universal attachment for VHF, EPIRB etc . Plus a 30 mm detachable crutch strap that can also be stored inside the cover when not required . Two quick release openings, on the zip to access the mouth inflation tube and the gas inflation mechanism . The Argus has the same qualities as our popular Winner 150 ZIP: waistband with quick release easy adjustable buckle, comfortable fleece lined collar and mouth inflation/ deflation tube . Other features are six retro reflective patches, whistle, lifting becket and toggles to fit onto a sailing jacket and/or spray hood . For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88 . CO2 cylinder: 33g . SIZE 40-150kg AuTO MANuAL Two quick release openings in the cover Zip closure for access to the mouth inflation tube and the gas inflation mechanism . The Argus has a wide, comfortable crutch strap that can be detached if required . ART NO 1597 ART NO 1587 The crutch strap can also be stowed inside the cover using an elastic loop . AuTO MANuAL ART NO 1557 ART NO 1547 Identical characteristics to the Winner but with the newly developed automatic head with status indicators visible through a window . Red showing that the Automatic and or the CO2cylinder has been used . Green the lifejacket is ready for use . Argus is available with manual or automatic gas inflation, with or without integrated safety harness. Also available optional spray hood and lifejacket light. See page 72. 11 12 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE EN 3 9 6 Argus is available with manual or automatic gas inflation, with or without integrated safety harness. Also available optional spray hood and lifejacket light. See page 72. Baltic Argus with safety harness Newly developed inflatable lifejacket with automatic and manual gas inflation and integrated safety harness, approved to EN1095. This easy adjustable harness has non-magnetic stainless steel buckles and sturdy D-ring attachment point. Visible colour status indicators shows whether Argus is ready for use or must be rearmed. Argus offers more features, e g universal attachment for VHF, EPIRB etc. Plus a 30 mm detachable crutch strap that can also be stored inside the cover when not required. Two quick release openings, on the zip to access the mouth inflation tube and the gas inflation mechanism. The Argus has the same qualities as our popular Winner 150 ZIP: waistband with quick release easy adjustable buckle, comfortable fleece lined collar and mouth inflation/deflation tube. Other features are six retro reflective patches, whistle, lifting becket and toggles to fit onto a sailing jacket and/or spray hood. For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88. CO2 cylinder: 33g. SIZE Auto MANUAL ART NO 1577 ART NO 1567 Auto MANUAL 40-150kg ART NO 1537 ART NO 1527 13 14 15 EN 3 9 6 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE Inflatable lifejackets Baltic Winner 150 ZIP – now with zip instead of the Velcro closure. Special features are the two ”quick release” openings, one to access the mouth inflation tube and the other the gas inflation mechanism. ”recommended buy” – five stars in the Yacthing monthly ”MBY Gold Award” – test winner in the motorboat & yachting Baltic Winner 150 ZIP A 150N inflatable lifejacket with automatic or manual gas inflation. Having a comfortable fleece lined collar and easy adjustable waistband. Other features included are an oral inflation/deflation tube, lifting becket, whistle, six retro reflective patches and toggles to fit onto a sailing jacket and sprayhood. For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88. CO2 cylinder: 33g. SIZE 40-150kg Auto MANUAL ART NO 1555 ART NO 1545 Auto MANUAL ART NO 1595 ART NO 1585 Winner 150 ZIP has an integrated detachable crutch strap and is available with manual or automatic gas inflation, with or without integrated safety harness. Also available optional spray hood and lifejacket light. See page 72. Baltic Winner 150 ZIP with safety harness A 150N inflatable lifejacket with automatic or manual gas inflation and an integrated harness to EN1095. This easy adjustable harness has nonmagnetic stainless steel buckles and sturdy D-ring attachment point. Other features included are an oral inflation/ deflation tube, soft fleece lined collar, lifting becket, whistle, six retro reflective patches and toggles to fit onto a sailing jacket and sprayhood. For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88. CO2 cylinder: 33g. SIZE Auto MANUAL 16 ART NO 1535 ART NO 1525 Auto MANUAL ART NO 1575 ART NO 1565 40-150kg FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE EN 3 9 6 Baltic Delta 150 ZIP A 150N inflatable lifejacket with automatic gas inflation. Having a comfortable fleece lined collar and easy adjustable waistband. Other features included are an oral inflation/ deflation tube, lifting becket, whistle, six retro reflective patches and toggles to fit onto a sailing jacket and sprayhood. For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88. CO2 cylinder: 33g. 40-150kg ART NO 1552 ART NO 1553 SIZE Delta 150 ZIP has an integrated detachable crutch strap and is available with manual or automatic gas inflation, with or without integrated safety harness. Also available optional spray hood and lifejacket light. See page 72. Baltic Delta 150 ZIP with safety harness A 150N inflatable lifejacket with automatic gas inflation and an integrated harness to EN1095. This easy adjustable harness has non-magnetic stainless steel buckles and sturdy D-ring safety line attachment point. Other features included are an oral inflation/deflation tube, soft fleece lined collar, lifting becket, whistle, six retro reflective patches and toggles to fit onto a sailing jacket and sprayhood. For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88. CO2 cylinder: 33g. ART NO 1532 40-150kg ART NO 1533 SIZE 17 18 19 EN 3 9 6 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE ”Bluewater 150 – is especially designed to be worn with foul weather clothing” Auto MANUAL ART NO 1590 ART NO 1580 Bluewater 150 The Bluewater 150 is a robust 150N lifejacket as its name implies. Designed to be compatible and comfortable when worn with foul weather clothing. Toggles to fit on to a jacket and sprayhood plus whistle, lifting becket and retro reflective patches. The cover is integrated to the stole for easy re-packing. This is the ocean sailors favourite choice. For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88. CO2 cylinder: 33g. SIZE Auto MANUAL ART NO 1570 ART NO 1560 Bluewater 150 with safety harness The same features as the Bluewater 150 but fitted with a robust harness with non-magnetic stainless steel buckles and D-ring to EN1095. For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88. CO2 cylinder: 33g. SIZE 40-150kg 40-150kg Bluewater 150 and Flyfisher 150 have an integrated detachable crutch strap and are available with manual or automatic gas inflation. Also available optional spray hood and lifejacket light. See page 72. Baltic Flyfisher 150 ZIP The Baltic Flyfisher 150N ZIP is based upon our Winner ZIP model but with modifications to meet the demands of top flyfishermen. Extra short for wading, soft Velcro patch on the cover to fasten your fly’s and the gas cylinder is fitted on the left side for hunting. Toggles to fit on to a jacket and a sprayhood plus whistle, lifting becket and retro reflective patches. For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88. SIZE 40-150kg ”The Baltic Flyfisher used by the Swedish National flyfishing team” 20 Auto MANUAL ART NO 1583 ART NO 1582 21 22 Floatation clothing. The Baltic Hamble and Surf & Turf are examples of trendy garments that are just as safe as traditional buoyancy aids. The buoyant properties come from either an integrated inflatable lung or from floatation foam. Shell jacket, down vest or foul weather gear style – it’s your choice. Comfort and safety are included. 23 en393 TWO YEARS GUARANTEE InflAtABle floAtAtIon ClothIng The Baltic Softshell combines the best of two worlds. A flexible soft shell garment for protection against the elements combined with a inflatable buoyancy aid for safety. Baltic Softshell floatation jacket FEMALE MALE A pliant waterproof softshell fabric, with protected zips and taped seams makes the Baltic Softshell floatation jacket a perfect garment to keep the elements out . An integrated inflatable lung gives the Softshell the same performance as a 50N buoyancy aid . There are two models – one with automatic gas inflation and the other with mouth inflation only . The mouth inflation tube is located under the zip on the left hand side; this tube is also used for inspection and deflation . If the automatic model has been activated it must be rearmed with a new 10g CO2 cylinder and cartridge . For inspection and rearming kits see pages 84-88 . The jacket has specially pre-shaped arms, adjustable fleece lined collar and is available in male and female cut . The hood has two adjusters and two retro reflective patches . The Softshell has two pockets with water protected zips, fold-away crutch strap and D-ring for emergency switch lanyard . CO2 cylinder: 33g . XS S M L 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 S/M M/L L/XL 50-60 60-70 70-80 Adjustable hood fitted with retro reflective patch . 24 XL MALE MOuTH INFL MALE AuTO FEMALE MOuTH INFL FEMALE AuTO XXL 90-100 100+kg Wind and water protected zips . Adjustable cuffs . ART ART ART ART NO NO NO NO 6901 6911 6801 6811 Before purchase - Baltic anti tamper safety seal . 25 26 TWO YEARS GUARANTEE en393 InflAtABle floAtAtIon ClothIng Baltic marstrand floatation jacket The Marstrand is a new floatation jacket in a classic design . Fitted with a 50N lung, the Marstrand is available with automatic gas and mouth inflation or mouth inflation only, giving the same performance as a conventional buoyancy aid . A before purchase Baltic anti tamper safety seal is fitted to the automatic model to control the inflation system . If the automatic model has been activated it must be rearmed with a new 10g CO2 cylinder and cartridge . For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88 . Comfortable fleece lined collar, adjustable cuffs and internal GPS/mobile pocket . Fold-away crutch strap and D-ring for emergency switch lanyard . The Marstrand is available in male and female cut . CO2 cylinder: 10g . FEMALE MALE Before purchase – Baltic anti tamper safety seal . XS S M L 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 S/M M/L L/XL 50-60 60-70 70-80 MALE MOuTH INFL MALE AuTO FEMALE MOuTH INFL FEMALE AuTO ART ART ART ART XL XXL 90-100 100+kg MALE MOuTH INFL MALE AuTO FEMALE MOuTH INFL FEMALE AuTO NO NO NO NO 6504 6514 6404 6414 MALE MOuTH INFL MALE AuTO FEMALE MOuTH INFL FEMALE AuTO ART ART ART ART NO NO NO NO 6501 6511 6401 6411 ART ART ART ART NO NO NO NO 6502 6512 6402 6412 MALE MOuTH INFL MALE AuTO FEMALE MOuTH INFL FEMALE AuTO ART ART ART ART NO NO NO NO 6503 6513 6403 6413 27 en393 TWO YEARS GUARANTEE floAtAtIon ClothIng MALE MOuTH INFL MALE AuTO FEMALE MOuTH INFL FEMALE AuTO Baltic hamble buoyancy aid ART ART ART ART NO NO NO NO MALE MOuTH INFL MALE AuTO FEMALE MOuTH INFL FEMALE AuTO 6104 6114 6004 6014 ART ART ART ART NO NO NO NO 6105 6115 6005 6015 FEMALE MALE Hamble is a gilet style buoyancy aid with an integrated inflatable 55N lung . The Hamble has the same buoyant properties as a standard buoyancy aid . This light weight garment is lined throughout with a mesh to help prevent moisture buildup . There are two versions; Automatic inflation with a manual override and a mouth inflation tube or mouth inflation only . The mouth inflation tube is conveniently accessible on the left chest via the water protective zip . Two outside pockets, an inside GPS/mobile phone pocket, crutch strap and adjustable elasticated hem . Manufactured and approved to EN393 and CE-marked . If the buoyancy aid has been inflated automatically, the cartridge and the 10g CO2 cylinder must be replaced . For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88 . The Hamble is available in both male and female cuts . CO2 cylinder: 10g . XS S M L 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 S/M M/L L/XL 50-60 60-70 70-80 XL XXL 90-100 100+kg MALE MOuTH INFL MALE AuTO FEMALE MOuTH INFL FEMALE AuTO ART ART ART ART NO NO NO NO 5750 5751 5740 5741 MALE MOuTH INFL MALE AuTO FEMALE MOuTH INFL FEMALE AuTO ART ART ART ART • Mouth inflation/deflation tube • GPS/Mobile phone pocket • Crutch strap 28 NO NO NO NO 5756 5757 5746 5747 MALE MOuTH INFL MALE AuTO FEMALE MOuTH INFL FEMALE AuTO ART ART ART ART NO NO NO NO 5753 5754 5743 5744 29 30 31 EN 3 9 3 TWO YEARS GUARANTEE MALE ART NO 5569 FEMALE ART NO 5559 floatation clothing Baltic Surf & Turf Trend buoyancy aid M L 70-80 80-90 S/M M/L L/XL 50-60 60-70 70-80 32 XL XXL 90-100 100+kg MALE ART NO 5567 S 60-70 MALE ART NO 5565 FEMALE ART NO 5555 XS 50-60 MALE ART NO 5668 FEMALE ART NO 5658 FEMALE MALE Modern, twin colour, fashionable gilet style buoyancy aid which is a pleasure to wear both on land and at sea. Surf & Turf Trend utilises a wonderful outer fabric from Italy and supersoft floatation material rolled into each compartment. Two zipped outer pockets and two inside pockets, one for mobile phone/GPS. Fleece lined collar, crutch strap and D-ring to attach emergency switch lanyard. Baltic Surf & Turf T1 buoyancy aid Fashionable buoyancy aid with the same excellent characteristics and fittings as the Baltic Surf & Turf Trend. MALE ART NO 5682 FEMALE ART NO 5672 XS S M L 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 S/M M/L L/XL 50-60 60-70 70-80 MALE ART NO 5684 XL EN 3 9 3 XXL 90-100 100+kg female ART NO 5671 ART NO 5175 MALE ART NO 5680 FEMALE ART NO 5670 FEMALE MALE TWO YEARS GUARANTEE Baltic Arctic buoyancy aid SIZE A warm and comfortable floatation jacket in Polartec®-fleece with the Baltic Multilayer Floatation System giving the same buoyancy as our other 50N buoyancy aids. Fastened by a sturdy Delrin zip with inside wind flap and a hidden crutch strap. Inside GPS/ Telephone pocket plus two outer side pockets, one fitted with D-ring for attaching an emergency switch lanyard. XS S M L 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 XL XXL 90-100 100+kg 33 en393 TWO YEARS GUARANTEE floAtAtIon ClothIng Baltic Bergen floatation jacket SIZE A warm and comfortable floatation jacket incorporating completely new styling . The Baltic Multilayer Floatation System gives the Bergen the same buoyancy rating as a traditional 50N buoyancy aid . Fleece lined collar, high visibility retro reflective patches, whistle attached to the collar and an adjustable hood . Inner pocket and crutch strap . Fleece lined and drained outer pockets . Fitted with drained adjustable polyurethane cuffs and D-ring to attach emergency switch lanyard . XS S M L 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 XL XXL 90-100 100+kg the Bergen combination 34 ART NO 5679 ART NO 5677 ART NO 5678 Baltic Chest high trousers, in combination with our Bergen floatation jackets provides a 100% waterproof system giving buoyancy equivalent to a 50N buoyancy aid . ART NO 5171 Baltic Chest high trousers A chest high trouser manufactured in waterproof polyester coated nylon with taped seams. An ideal combination to wear with our Bergen jacket. Features include two hand warmer pockets with outside cargo pockets, reinforced seat and knees plus fitted with retro reflective tape. The trousers also have adjustable shoulder straps and ankles with mesh drain bottoms. N.B. there are no buoyant properties in these trousers. XS S M L XL XXL 35 en393 TWO YEARS GUARANTEE floAtAtIon ClothIng Baltic Winter floatation jacket XS S M L 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 XL XXL 90-100 100+kg ART NO 5373 SIZE Although the Baltic Winter was designed as a waterproof snowmobile jacket it also has many other uses . The key features are a lengthened back, drained sleeves with inside cuffs and Velcro closures . Fleece collar, seven pockets, four of these fitted with hand warmers, plus inside phone pocket and whistle . Retro reflective tape fitted to the shoulders and arms . The Winter floatation jacket has the Baltic Multilayer Floatation System to give the same buoyancy as our other 50N buoyancy aids . Baltic Winter trousers Designed to be worn in conjunction with the Winter floatation jacket . These warm lined snowmobile trousers have reinforced seat and knees plus two outside pockets . Both legs have a two-way zip full length on the outside with drain mesh bottoms . Fitted with elasticated waist with Delrin belt and braces . N .B . These trousers have no buoyant properties . XS S M L XL XXL the Winter combination 36 ART NO 5374 Baltic Chest high trousers, in combination with our Winter floatation jacket provides a warm and 100% waterproof system giving buoyancy equivalent to a 50N buoyancy aid . 37 38 Floatation suits. Our floatation suits have the ability to protect against the first shock of entering cold water. It then traps water inside the suit and the same principle as a wet suit applies with the body heating the trapped water. floatation suits – with Baltic multilayer floatation System The buoyant properties of our floatation suits stems from our Multilayer Floatation System . This technical system consists of super soft foam combined with a lining that wicks away moisture . There is then an interlining which is covered on the outside with various materials such as water repellent fleece or waterproof nylon, depending on the design or application . The lining is made from a nonabsorbent quick draining mesh . The Baltic Multilayer Floatation System makes our floatation suits as soft and pliable as normal clothing . Yet our floatation clothing will support an adult with the same or more buoyant properties than a 50N buoyancy aid . All Baltic floatation clothing is tested and approved according to EN393 . Lining in non absorbent nylon mesh for quick drainage and comfort . Super soft closed buoyant foam . Protective polyester interlining . Outer material in waterproof or water repellent fabric . 39 40 TWO YEARS GUARANTEE All Baltic floatation suits have three important features for persons in rugged marine environments. These features are: 100% water proof, the same buoyant properties as a standard buoyancy aid and protection against the first cold shock. Baltic’s floatation suits are CE-marked and tested and approved according to EN393 and ISO 15027-1. One of the criteria is that five persons, each wearing a flotation suit, are immersed in water at 15°C for two hours. During that time they must not lose more than 2°C core temperature. The test subjects for Baltic lost only 0.8°C. Three lifesaving features: • The same properties as a buoyancy aid • Water proof • Protection against cold shock Baltic Polar XS S M L XL XXL XXXL 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100+ 100++kg ART NO 5794 also junior Size 40-50kg 40-50kg ART NO 5796 JUNOR SIZE The Polar is ideal for every day boating, having the same characteristics as a modern sailing suit. The Baltic Multi Floatation System not only provides the added benefit of being water proof but also gives extra buoyancy and protection from cold shock. The Polar has four fleece lined thermo pockets plus two cargo pockets and one inside pocket. Other features are retro reflective patches, D-ring for emergency switch lanyard, internal braces, whistle and quick drying mesh lining. The legs are fitted with water locks and the PU-cuffs are adjustable. The blue/grey Polar is also available in junior size. ART NO 5795 floatation suits EN 3 9 3 41 EN 3 9 3 TWO YEARS GUARANTEE Baltic Alaska floatation suit Although the Baltic Skoter was primarily designed as a no-compromise snow mobile suit, the Skoter has been found to be the ideal all-round garment to combat the elements. Waterproof, warm and very comfortable, the Skoter is fitted with the Baltic Multilayer Floatation System to give the same buoyancy as our other 50N buoyancy aids. Incorporating a strong Delrin two-way zip plus inside braces for easy donning and an adjustable fold away lined hood that is also detachable. Six outer pockets, two of which are zipped hand warmers. There is also a windowed GPS pocket on the sleeve and an inside mobile phone pocket. Fitted with whistle and D-ring to attach an emergency switch lanyard. This waterproof floatation suit although designed for snow mobile use is ideal for on and off water use at the ends of the season. The Alaska is fitted with the Baltic Multilayer Floatation System to give the same buoyancy as our other 50N buoyancy aids. This floatation suit is based on the Skoter but has water-locks at the bottom only. This stylish suit has retro reflective tape fitted along both arms. Fitted with whistle and D-ring to attach an emergency switch lanyard. XS S M L XL XXL XXXL 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100+ 100++kg SIZE Baltic Skoter floatation suit SIZE 42 ART NO 5389 ART NO 5292 floatation suits XS S M L XL XXL XXXL 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100+ 100++kg EN 3 9 3 adult ART NO 5599 child/junior ART NO 5598 TWO YEARS GUARANTEE Baltic Nova snow mobile/floatation suit XS S M L XL XXL XXXL 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100+ 100++kg 30-40kg JUNIOR CHILD SIZE Has the same basic features as the Polar but with two fleece lined thermo pockets, two cargo pockets and a map pocket. The legs are fitted with water locks and the PU-cuffs are adjustable. Internal braces, water proof, high visibility retro reflective patches and whistle. The Novas’ features make it ideal for amongst other purposes winter fishing and trolling. 40-50kg 43 44 Lifejackets. Our constant comfort and rapid turning research and development has times. These properties have created 100N lifejackets with made our child’s lifejackets excellent buoyancy properties, frequent test winners. EN 3 9 5 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE ART NO 1257 ART NO 1255 ART NO 1252 ART NO 1253 lifejackets 15-30kg 15-30kg ART NO 1254 -15kg ART NO 1251 BABY 3-15kg -15kg CHILD The Tuff Tuff has the same design and performance as the Baltic Print in an alternative child friendly print. BABY Baltic Tuff Tuff The Baltic Print has divided front panels to ensure a perfect fit and comfort. The size 15 kg has a comfortable beaver tail crutch strap with two positions to allow for growth. Size 15-30 kg is fitted with a robust and easy adjustable crutch strap. The large collar to protect the head is fitted with retro reflective patches and under the collar a whistle plus easy to reach lifting handle. Quick lock waistband and sturdy zip front with top and bottom ties. Durable high visibility fabric with a child friendly print design. CHILD Baltic Print At last! A lifejacket designed to fit babies. The zip front has a quick lock waistband and top and bottom ties. For security it has a beaver tail adjustable crutch strap with two positions to allow for growth. The Bambi has a large collar to protect the head with retro reflective patches and under the collar a whistle plus easy to reach lifting handle. Durable high visibility fabric. BABY Baltic Bambi Supersoft The divided front panels on this lifejacket ensure a perfect fit and comfort. The large collar to protect the head is fitted with retro reflective patches and under the collar a whistle plus easy to reach lifting handle. For security it has a beaver tail adjustable crutch strap with two positions to allow for growth. BABY Baltic 1254 Split Front This lifejacket has a zip front with top and bottom ties and a quick lock adjustable waistband. The large collar to protect the head is fitted with retro reflective patches and under the collar a whistle plus easy to reach lifting handle. For security it has a beaver tail adjustable crutch strap with two positions to allow for growth. BABY Baltic 1251 -15kg -15kg 45 46 en395 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE lIfejACketS ART NO 1244 ART NO 1256 ”Baltic Split Front – our most comfortable lifejackets due to the split front panels” Baltic 1240 15-30kg SIZE 15-30kg ART NO 1240 -15kg CHILD The Baltic 1244 lifejacket 100N is manufactured from a durable high visibility fabric with a split front design for a superior fit . An easy to adjust robust centre belt, sturdy Delrin zip and crutch strap keep the lifejacket in place . The collar is fitted with retro reflective and whistle, there is also on size 15-30 kg a lifting becket . CHILD Baltic 1244 Split front The Baltic 1256 100N lifejacket comes with integrated safety harness tested and approved to EN1095 . Manufactured using high visibility orange fabric and non-magnetic quality stainless steel fittings . Size 0-15 kg has an extra D-ring fitted to the back plus a two-position beaver tail crutch strap . Both sizes are also fitted with lifting becket, sturdy Delrin zip, whistle and retro reflective patches BABY Baltic 1256 with integrated safety harness S M L XL 30-50 50-70 70-90 90+kg The foundation of lifejacket design is in research and development . Testing using children or test dummies for buoyancy and turning ability is part of our daily routine . All of Baltic’s lifejackets are tested and approved by the accredited test institute Force Technology . 15-30kg SIZE CHILD 100N lifejacket is similar to the 1244 but without the split front panels . An easy to adjust robust centre belt, sturdy Delrin zip and crutch strap keep the lifejacket in place . The collar is fitted with retro reflective and a whistle, there is also on size 15-30 kg a lifting becket . S M L XL 30-50 50-70 70-90 90+kg 47 Buoyancy aids for active water sports. High velocity, hard falls and rough starts are the every day events of the wakeboarder and waterskier. Our water sport buoyancy aids are therefore developed with a focus on effective shock absorbing, high buoyancy and perfect fit. no compromising on materials At Baltic´s development department, the selection of materials and their detailed use are priority parameters as our products are expected to perform in the harshest kompromisslöst materialval of environments . På Baltics utvecklingsavdelning materialval och detaljSturdy Pu-coated fabrics areärmixed with neoprene to lösningar viktiga combination parametrar .ofDetta är särskilt för give the perfect strength and fit .viktigt Different vattensportvästarna som utsätts för stora types of floatation materials matched to påfrestningar . the properties kraftiga tyger varvas meda neoprene för of the outer Pu-belagda fabric make the final product secure friend att få bästa kombinationen av new styrka och passform . Olika for many years to come . Our water sport buoyancy typer av flytmaterial som aids are equipped with twomatchar handlesyttertygens at the frontegenskaper to give the ger en slutprodukt somofkommer att vara en säker kompis i passenger a firm hold the driver . många år . Allabuoyancy vattensportvästarna är försedda fäste All these aids are equipped with amed D-ring to för nödstoppskontakt . attach the emergency switch lanyard . 49 EN 3 9 3 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE buoyancy aids for active water sports Baltic Neo XL 90+kg Baltic Shockwave A cool Jet-ski buoyancy aid made from a rugged hightenacity fabric and neoprene panels in the shoulders and the waist. Two passenger handles on the front, locking zip, two webbing straps for security and a D-ring to attach the emergency switch lanyard. ART NO 5738 SIZE ART NO 5737 All of our buoyancy aids for active water sports are fitted with a D-ring for emergency switch lanyard. 50 ART NO 5712 M/L 70-90 ART NO 5711 S/M 50-70 ART NO 5713 SIZE An entirely new concept in water sport buoyancy aids from Baltic. The Neo’s construction is based on an inner layer giving the strength to pass the criteria in the EN393 and an outer jersey laminated neoprene fabric to give a close fitting. This buoyancy aid features two passenger handles on the front. Fitting like a glove the Neo has two waistbands, chest strap, self locking zip and a D-ring to attach emergency switch lanyard. Tested and approved to CE-standard. XS S M M/L L XL 30-40 40-50 50-70 70-80 80-90 90+kg 51 EN 3 9 3 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE ART NO 5532 buoyancy aids for active water sports This buoyancy aid is specially designed for waterskiing and other similar high speed water sports. The design features four strong adjustable waist buckles and durable polyurethane coated outer fabric. Special high impact foam provides protection and buoyancy which has been increased in this buoyancy aid to aid water starting. XS S M M/L L XL 30-40 40-50 50-70 70-80 80-90 90+kg ART NO 5430 SIZE ART NO 5531 Baltic Waterski Baltic Wake The Wake is a universal fit buoyancy aid for swimmers over 40 kg and is a perfect choice for wake boarding, tube riding and leisure waterskiing. SIZE 52 40-130kg TWO YEARS GUARANTEE en396 ART NO 1515 hyBrID lIfejACket Baltic rIB The RIB is a newly developed hybrid lifejacket for use in extreme conditions . With several functions similar to our professional Rescue lifejacket . The RIB offers advanced functions such as; 75N inherently buoyant foam combined with an automatic inflatable lung giving a total of 240N buoyancy when deployed . Other features are an integrated spray hood, VHF/EPIRB adjustable holder, an inspection window for easy control of the automatic inflation mechanism, lifejacket light attachment point, knife holder and ID card pocket . There is also an integrated safety harness tested and approved to EN 1095 with stainless steel, anti magnetic buckles and D-ring . Sturdy shoulder straps and integrated thigh straps to prevent riding up when being lifted up . For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88 . CO2 cylinder: 33g . SIZE 40-150kg The RIB is equipped with thigh straps that can be folded away when not required . 53 54 Specialist buoyancy aids. Our Born from experience this collection of buoyancy aids for results in truly functional special purposes have been buoyancy aids loaded with developed in co-operation with features available when you experts in their particular field. need them. en393 ART NO 5701 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE Baltic Dinghy Pro SIZE An advanced dinghy and kayak buoyancy aid used by olympians and world champions . Airex super soft foam in combination with laminated polyester foam makes it extremely comfortable to wear . Featuring Mylar front pocket, durable all Delrin zip . Waist band with double Velcro closure to prevent riding up, reinforced shoulders and bottom draw tie . High cut for easy hiking and trapezing . XS S M M/L L XL 30-40 40-50 50-70 70-80 80-90 90+kg New! Optional crutch strap for sizes XS 30-40 and S 40-50 kg. ”The choice of the Swedish national team for the World, European and Nordic championships” ART NO 5702 ART NO 5703 ART NO 5704 ART NO 5705 55 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE ART NO 5110 ART NO 5511 en393 ”Integrated safety harness for rough conditions” Baltic offshore 56 New! Universal attachment point for fitting (lifejacket light etc). SIZE The Baltic Offshore buoyancy aid comes with an integrated safety harness tested and approved to EN1095 . Manufactured with a durable polyester cover and heavyduty all Delrin zip . Easy adjustable waistband with robust non-magnetic stainless steel buckles and a sturdy attachment D-ring . Fitted with two hand warmer pockets, elasticated hem, crutch strap and retro reflective patches . XS S M L XL 30-40 40-50 50-70 70-90 90+kg FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE EN 3 9 3 The Henley is specifically designed for training and competitive rowing. This buoyancy aid has nothing from the centre of the chest down to impede the rower. The fleece collar can be zipped up for warmth or unzipped to increase ventilation. There is also a duck tail to provide cover for the lower back. Inside the close fitting Lycra outer is an 85N inflatable lung that is manually inflated by pulling the red handle on the left shoulder. The Henley can also be inflated by the mouth inflation tube situated under the black flap. After manual inflation the 16g CO2 cylinder must be replaced as described in the product manual. The Henley is tested and approved to EN393 and CE-marked. SIZE ART NO 5643 Baltic Henley S/M M/L XL 50-70 70-80 80-90 Baltic Canoe The Baltic Canoe is a classic universal size canoe buoyancy aid for persons over 40 kg. Features include reinforced shoulders and a drain mesh front pocket. Perfect for centre or hire use as the waist belt and crutch strap is sewn in so that it cannot be lost. ”A classic buoyancy aid for paddlers. Light, flexible and robust” 40-130kg ART NO 5517 ART NO 5518 ART NO 5519 SIZE 57 58 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE EN 3 9 3 specialist buoyancy aids Baltic Nature XL 90+kg ART NO 5616 L 70-90 ART NO 5515 M 50-70 Baltic Fisherman A practical, comfortable buoyancy aid for all types of fishing. Three gear pockets and a landing net hook. Made from waterproof durable polyurethane coated nylon with fold away adjustable hood. Tough all Delrin front zip, centre waistband with accessory loops. Fitted with D-ring to attach an emergency switch lanyard. SIZE S 30-50 S M L XL 30-50 50-70 70-90 90+kg ART NO 5310 SIZE The perfect 50N buoyancy aid for the great outdoors made in a durable soft handle micro-fibre outer fabric with two front cargo pockets plus two on the back. The Nature has an extra long cut but with the split floatation it will not ride up. Fastened by a strong easy adjustable waistband and sturdy Delrin zip. Two D-rings to attach to an emergency switch lanyard. 59 All purpose buoyancy aids. gives these buoyancy aids Practical buoyancy aids for excellent manoeuvrability, quick today’s boating. The laminated drying and a long life span. polyethylene buoyancy foam 60 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE EN 3 9 3 ART NO 5830 all purpose buoyancy aids Baltic Rekord S M/L 50-60 60-80 L/XL XXL 80-100 100+kg ART NO 5832 XS 40-50 ART NO 5831 SIZE The Rekord has many attributes coming from its retro design; brass coloured zip and grommets, retro inspired logo and cut. The Rekord has all the performance of modern Baltic 2000 production; the same 50N buoyancy as a normal buoyancy aid, internal GPS/mobile pocket and a wonderful classic fit. The Rekord is supplied in a colour coordinated traditional style seaman’s duffel bag. 61 63 64 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE EN 3 9 3 ART NO 5813 all purpose buoyancy aids Baltic Axent L XL 30-50 50-70 70-90 90+kg ART NO 5812 M ART NO 5811 S ART NO 5814 SIZE An all purpose buoyancy aid in an entirely new design with strict attention paid to function. Divided panels to provide flexibility, comfort and fit. The practical zipped pocket has a contrasting coloured trim. Fitted with a D-ring for emergency switch lanyard, bottom hem elasticated and tied plus locking front zip. 65 EN 3 9 3 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE ART NO 5829 ART NO 5825 all purpose buoyancy aids Baltic Genua XS S M L XL 30-40 40-50 50-70 70-90 90+kg ART NO 5506 ART NO 5507 ”Comfortable classic buoyancy aid with entirely new cut” ART NO 5826 SIZE ART NO 5828 A very comfortable buoyancy aid featuring split front panels, reinforced shoulders, top ties. Heavy Delrin zip with a mesh drain pocket, elasticated side panels and hem. Fitted with D-ring to attach emergency switch lanyard. Baltic Spray 66 S M L XL 30-50 50-70 70-90 90+kg ART NO 5504 ART NO 5505 SIZE A stylish buoyancy aid that is fastened at the front with an all Delrin zip, a quick lock adjustable waist band, draw string hem and elasticated side panels. D-ring for emergency switch lanyard is also fitted to this buoyancy aid. EN 3 9 3 ART NO 5315 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE Baltic Aqua M L XL 50-70 70-90 90+kg ART NO 5617 ART NO 5319 S 30-50 ART NO 5116 SIZE The Aqua is easy to don and a well fitting 50N buoyancy aid. Fastened by a secure easy adjustable waistband, elasticated side panels, top and bottom ties. Fitted with D-ring to attach an emergency switch lanyard. 67 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE ART NO 5716 EN 3 9 3 Baltic Twin Female L XL 50-70 70-90 90+kg 68 ART NO 5717 M ART NO 5715 SIZE The Twin Female buoyancy aid is 100% tailored to fit ladies and is manufactured from a new soft handle fabric. The floatation material is divided into several sections with the top section containing a supersoft foam and with jersey laminated neoprene inserts under the arms and on the shoulders to ensure a perfect fit. Sturdy locking zip, adjustable elasticated hem with D-ring attachment for emergency switch lanyard. Available in red, white and light blue with black lining and details. Baltic GT S M M/L L XL 30-40 40-50 50-70 70-80 80-90 90+kg ART NO 5622 ART NO 5621 ART NO 5623 XS ART NO 5624 SIZE The Baltic GT is designed for all purpose active use. Robust nylon fabric, neoprene shoulder inserts and waistband means the buoyancy aid fits like a glove. Quick adjustable waistband, heavy duty zipper and D-ring to attach emergency switch lanyard. 69 EN 1 0 9 5 FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE safety harnesses and safety lines ART NO 0104 The strength, functionality and reliability of our safety harnesses and lines make them the obvious choice of the worlds most experienced ocean racers. SIZE 50+kg Baltic Safety harness Adult SIZE 20-50kg ART NO 0124 ART NO 0125 A robust safety harness approved for national and international yacht racing, tested and approved to EN1095. Fitted with an anti-tangle back separator, reflective tape and two toggles to attach to a sailing jacket. Fully adjustable shoulder straps and waistband with non-magnetic stainless steel fittings with a sturdy D-ring for safety line attachment. -20kg Baltic Safety harness Child A robust safety harness for persons 15-20 kg tested and approved to EN1095. Fully adjustable shoulder straps and waistband with non-magnetic stainless steel fittings with a sturdy D-ring for safety line attachment. A safety harness for persons up to 20 kg tested and approved to EN1095. This safety harness has a specially designed beaver tail crutch strap which enables the child to be lifted and carried. Non-magnetic stainless steel fittings with a sturdy D-ring for safety line attachment fitted on the back. ART NO 0115 Baltic Safety harness Junior ART NO 0120 70 SIZE Baltic 3-hook safety line Baltic 2-hook safety line 3-hook safety line to enable extra mobility. With three double action locking safety hooks made in non-magnetic stainless steel. An overload indicator is fitted to show when the safety line needs to be replaced. Tested and approved according to EN1095. Approved for national and international yacht racing. Length 2 metres. A strong safety line with two double action locking safety hooks made in nonmagnetic stainless steel. An overload indicator is fitted to show when the safety line needs to be replaced. Tested and approved according to EN1095. Approved for national and international yacht racing. Length 2 metres. TWO YEARS GUARANTEE lIfeBuoyS AnD m.o.B. SyStemS Baltic horseshoe buoy Baltic horseshoe buoys are manufactured with a firm core covered with a durable coated nylon . A grab line is fitted around the outside . Red, Art no 8563 . White, Art no 8560 . Yellow, Art no 8562 . Spare Cover: Red, Art no 9573 . White, Art no 9570 . Yellow, Art no 9572 . ”The test team favourite choice” – Praktiskt Båtliv 2006” Baltic Swedebuoy man overboard rescue system A unique man overboard rescue system incorporating a lifebuoy with 30 metres of floating line in a neat storage container . The lifebuoy is fitted with eight pieces of retro reflective tape plus a webbing grab handle with security buckle and two sturdy lifting attachment points . Yellow, Art no 9590 . White, Art no 9595 Case only: Yellow, Art no 9591 . White, Art no 9596 . Benefits of the Baltic recovery sling: • Baltic recovery sling An effective man overboard system in a compact design . Contains a buoyant lifting sling made from robust nylon fabric fitted with a stainless steel buckle and 30 m of floating line . The storage bag is equipped with two practical pockets and webbing attachment straps . Yellow Art no 9603, Grey Art no 9601, White Art no 9600, Navy Art no 9602 . Case only: Yellow Art no 9613, Grey Art no 9611, White Art no 9610, Navy Art no 9612 . • • • • A superb man overboard system for recovery of a person in distress . Easy to fasten to the boat – no tools required . Once in the recovery sling the distressed is connected to the vessel and supported by the buoyancy in the sling . Easy to adjust straps to ensure secure fit . Can be used in all weather conditions . 71 TWO YEARS GUARANTEE SIZE ART NO 0420 pet buoyancy aids S M L XL XXL -8 8-15 15-40 40+ 40++kg Baltic Professional pet aid SIZE ART NO 0410 An advanced dog buoyancy aid suitable for pool exercising, training and rescue. Manufactured from durable fluorescent material with lifting handle and retroreflective tape. Wide comfortable webbing fixing straps and D-rings for leash or search and rescue line. S M L XL XXL -8 8-15 15-40 40+ 40++kg Baltic Pet buoyancy aid A comfortable pet buoyancy aid that protects your pet from cold and heat. Wide webbing fixing straps with Delrin buckles for easy fit and comfort. Fitted with a lifting handle and D-ring for the leash. Baltic accessories/spare parts Baltic Retro reflective kit Baltic Crutch strap kit Two pieces of adhesive retro reflective tape. Peel off backing sheet and apply to whatever you want. CE- and M.E.D./SOLAS approved. Art no 2507. A crutch strap kit for retro fitting on all Baltic inflatable lifejackets. Easy to fit and adjust. Size One-size. Art no 2509. Baltic Whistle A safety orange non-clog plastic whistle. CE- and M.E.D./SOLAS approved. Art no 2508 Baltic Lifejacket light Art no AQ02-U. Baltic Sprayhood Baltic Lifejacket light Art no CFX-1. 72 Designed to fit neatly inside the collar of Baltic inflatable lifejackets, a must to prevent water and spray from entering the airways. A unique stay system supports the hood away from the face coupled with ventilation to stop condensation and keep CO2-build-up below 2.5%. Fluorescent coloured back with clear front to give excellent visibility. Fitted with retro reflective, tested and approved to EN394. Art no 2516. Maritime industrial & commercial. shore side. Development has Our extensive commercial range focused on comfort and durability is designed for people who earn for use in a demanding and their living from the sea or harsh environment. 73 en393 TWO YEARS GUARANTEE BAltIC InDuStrIAl floAtAtIon ClothIng Baltic Dock floatation jacket Baltic chest high trousers The Dock jacket is from our industrial program approved to EN471 . This warm waterproof floatation jacket has the Baltic Multilayer Floatation System to give the same buoyancy as our other 50N buoyancy aids . High visibility from the fluorescent signal yellow top half and reflective tape . Adjustable lined hood that rolls up and fits at the back of the collar . Fitted with outside shoulder pocket for a communication radio and two fleece lined hand warmer pockets with drained cargo pockets on top . Other features include adjustable polyurethane cuffs with mesh drains . Also fitted with crutch strap and D-ring to attach an emergency switch lanyard . A chest high trouser manufactured in waterproof polyester coated nylon with taped seams, an ideal combination to wear with our Dock jacket . Features include two hand warmer pockets with outside cargo pockets, reinforced seat and knees plus fitted with retro reflective tape . The trousers also have adjustable shoulder straps and ankles with mesh drain bottoms . N .B . There are no buoyant properties in these trousers . SIZE 74 ART NO 5470 EN471 ART NO 5171 Robust and durable floatation clothing for working on or next to water. XS S M L 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 XL XXL 90-100 100+kg XS S M L the Dock-combination Baltic Chest high trousers, in combination with our Dock floatation jacket provides a 100% waterproof system giving buoyancy equivalent to a 50N buoyancy aid . XL XXL m.e.D./SolAS CERTIFIED m.e.D./SolAS lIfejACketS ART NO 1011 ART NO 1021 M.E.D./SOLAS approved lifejackets with the design focus being on durability with a user-friendly compact form. M .E .D ./SOLAS Certified M .E .D ./SOLAS Certified Baltic m.e.D./SolAS 125 Adult Baltic m.e.D./SolAS 125C Child A compact, modern lifejacket considered ”state of the art” . Equipped with M .E .D ./ SOLAS approved retro reflective patches, buckle, whistle and attachment for emergency light . N .B! The lifejackets must be equipped with emergency lights – various models are available . The outer material is made of durable uV-reflective polyester, with floatation material of laminated polyethylene foam .Tested and approved to SOLAS 74 regulations III/4, X/3, III/7 .2, III/34 and IMO resolutions MSC 48(66), MSC 97(73) 8 .1 & 8 .3 (2000 HSC Code), MSC 81(70) . Similar to Baltic M .E .D ./SOLAS 125 . SIZE SIZE 15-43kg 40-kg technical specifications m.e.D./SolAS 125 Adult technical specifications m.e.D./SolAS 125C Child Unfolded: Width: 280 mm Height: 110 mm Length: 640 mm Buoyancy: 125N Weight: 0,66 kg Unfolded: Width: 280 mm Height: 90 mm Length: 480 mm Buoyancy: 90N Weight: 0,40 kg Folded: Width: 280 mm Height: 300 mm Depth: 210 mm Folded: Width: 280 mm Height: 160 mm Depth: 320 mm Laminated donning instructions are available separately . 75 EN 3 9 6 TWO YEARS GUARANTEE BALTIC rescue hybrid LIFEJACKET In our newly developed hybrid lifejacket for rescue personnel we combine the advantages of our foam lifejackets with our inflatable lifejackets. The result is an air/foam lifejacket where 77N buoyancy comes from the supersoft buoyancy material and an 185N inflatable twin chamber lung. Together giving a total of 262N buoyancy. Quick release deflation valve By pulling the mouth piece and the hose the quick release valve will rapidly deflate the front lung. art no 1895 Integrated sprayhood Emergency light holder Radio holder Adjustable holder to fit a variety of VHF or communication radios. Oval shaped hose Flexible and oval shaped hose for lower profile. Detachable lung for inspection and service. Velcro detachable retro reflective patches at the back Inspection window Window for easy visual inspection of the automatic inflator and its safety indicator. Mouth piece Inflation and deflation button for mouth inflation of the front lung to adjust the floating position. ID card holder Epirb holder Adjustable holder for different types of Epirbs. Manual inflation toggle Rear chamber manual activation. Manual inflation toggle Manual back up activation of the automatic inflation system for the front chamber. Lifting loop Loop attached to the safety harness. Accessible at the back of the neck to provide lifting of the lifejacket wearer. Knife holder Adjustable holder for emergency knife. M.E.D./SOLAS Certified Plastic D-ring Attachement point for various purposes e.g. emergency switch lanyard. Safety harness Adjustable safety harness approved to EN 1095 with non magnetic stainless steel buckles and D-ring for attaching safety line. The Rescue lifejacket is equipped with an EN1095 approved safety harness, integrated sprayhood, holder for VHF and knife, double crutch straps, a quick release and inflation valve, identification card holder and an Epirb holder. Tested and approved to the M.E.D./ SOLAS, EN396 and EN1095 standards. SIZE 76 40-150kg Adjustable thigh straps The inflatable twin chamber is approved manual/automatic or automatic/automatic. The rescue is suitable for use on Fast Rescue Boats and on Life boats. Weight: 2,9kg. For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88. CO2 cylinder: 38g. Optional accessory: Lifejacket light. TWO YEARS GUARANTEE EN 3 9 6 inflatable lifejackets* ART NO 1510 ART NO 1511 Inflatable lifejackets with durable flame resistant PVC cover; very resistant to fish oils, industrial oils, mould, UV-light, heavy abrasion etc. EN396 SIZE 40-150kg Baltic Industrial 150 ZIP** The new Industrial 150 comes with a zip instead of a Velcro closure system. A special feature of this zip is that it has two ‘quick release’ openings, one by the gas inflation mechanism and one by the mouth inflation tube. The Industrial 150 comes with a durable soft PVC outer cover, providing very high resistance to flame, fish oil, industrial oil, mould, UV-light, heavy abrasion etc. Developed for the professional fisherman or for use when an extra durable lifejacket with automatic inflation is needed. Easy re-closing by a way of a Delrin zip, the rest of the features and functions are similar to the Baltic Winner 150. Other features are retro reflective patches, lifting becket and four toggles to attach this lifejacket to a jacket and to attach a sprayhood. Tested and approved to EN396 and EN394, Industrial use. For inspection and rearming kits – see page 84-88. CO2 cylinder: 33g. Optional accessories: sprayhood, lifejacket light and crutch strap. TWO YEARS GUARANTEE EN 3 9 9 ”Inflatable lifejackets for heavy industry – providing maximum buoyancy” EN399 EN399 Auto MANUAL ART NO 2796 ART NO 2786 SIZE 40-150kg Auto MANUAL ART NO 2776 ART NO 2766 SIZE 40-150kg Baltic 275 Baltic 275 with safety harness The Baltic 275 lifejacket is tested and approved to EN399 as is recommended for industrial use only. The 275N has the buoyancy to overcome the negative forces of industrial clothing. Toggles to fit sprayhood and attach to a jacket. Buckle made from non-magnetic stainless steel. Other features include whistle, lifting becket, crutch strap and retro reflective patches. For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88. CO2 cylinder: 60g. Accessories: Sprayhood, lifejacket light. The same as the Baltic 275, but with integrated safety harness tested and approved to EN1095. This harness is made with robust non-magnetic stainless steel buckles and a sturdy attachment D-ring. Available in manual or automatic and fitted with retro reflective tape, whistle and crutch strap. Toggles to fit sprayhood and attach to a jacket. Accessories are sprayhood and lifejacket light. For inspection and rearming kits see page 84-88. CO2 cylinder: 60g. Accessories: Sprayhood, lifejacket light. * Also available with the Swedish Hammar inflation system. ** Crutch strap will be introduced as standard in 2008. 77 EN 3 9 6 TWO YEARS GUARANTEE M.E.D./SOLAS inflatable lifejackets ART NO 1820 ART NO 1800 M.E.D./SOLAS approved inflatable lifejackets for demanding industrial use. Double safety through twin chambers. The lifejackets must be equipped with lifejacket lights – various models are available. EN396 SIZE SIZE 40-150kg Baltic 185 M.E.D./SOLAS Tested and approved to M.E.D./SOLAS regulations this lifejacket has 185N buoyancy. Manufactured with twin chambers, the first chamber is automatic and the second chamber has a manual backup. Fitted with double crutch straps, retro reflective tape and whistle. SOLAS lifejackets have both manual and automatic gas inflation. CO2 cylinder: 38g Accessories: Sprayhood, lifejacket light. M.E.D./SOLAS Certified 40-150kg Baltic 185 M.E.D./SOLAS with safety harness This is a twin chamber M.E.D./SOLAS approved lifejacket incorporating a CE1095 approved safety harness. This harness is made with robust nonmagnetic stainless steel buckles and attachment D-ring. Fitted with double crutch straps, retro reflective tape and whistle. SOLAS lifejackets have both manual and automatic gas inflation. CO2 cylinder 38g. Accessories: Sprayhood, lifejacket light. EN399 SIZE ART NO 2820 TWO YEARS GUARANTEE ART NO 2800 EN 3 9 9 EN396 M.E.D./SOLAS Certified EN399 M.E.D./SOLAS Certified SIZE 40-150kg Baltic 275 M.E.D./SOLAS This lifejacket is twin chambered. One chamber has automatic gas inflation the other chamber has manual gas inflation as a back-up. Both chambers have an oral tube, one which is fitted with an overpressure valve. The 275N of buoyancy makes this lifejacket suitable for to use in conjunction with industrial clothing and equipment. It has four toggles to attach this lifejacket to a jacket and to attach a sprayhood. Other features include a lifting becket, crutch strap, retro reflective patches and a whistle. Optional extras include sprayhood and lifejacket light. SOLAS lifejackets have both manual and automatic 78 gas inflation. CO2 cylinder: 60g. Accessories: Sprayhood, lifejacket light. M.E.D./SOLAS Certified 40-150kg Baltic 275 M.E.D./SOLAS with safety harness This lifejacket has the identical features as the Baltic 275N SOLAS. This lifejacket is fitted with an approved to EN1095 safety harness with nonmagnetic stainless steel buckles and sturdy D-ring. SOLAS lifejackets have both manual and automatic gas inflation. CO2 cylinder: 60g. Accessories: Sprayhood, lifejacket light. industrial protective lifejacket covers Winner protective lifejacket covers for industrial use Molten metal splash proof cover Cover to protect against abrasion, oil and other industrial strains. Tested and approved according to EN394. For Bluewater 150: Art no 2519 For Winner 150: Art no 2540 Cover to protect against sparks and welding splash. For Bluewater 150: Art no 2515 For Winner 150: Art no 2541 79 What do I require? A buoyancy aid, floatation clothing or a lifejacket? Selecting the correct model Different applications demand varying functional and buoyant properties. For instance sometimes manoeuvrability and comfort are preferable to buoyant turning ability. Lifejackets which concentrate the foam to the front and collar have been developed to aid a person into a safe back position. Select the correct size It is important a lifejacket should fit well and not be oversized. For children this is especially true and the lifejacket should never be purchased to “grow into”. The fit is more important than the weight class indicated in the neck label. For instance if you are 73 kg and the 50–70 kg buoyancy aid fits better than the 70–90 kg you should select the 50–70 kg. 80 Biggest is not always the best More buoyancy requires more floatation material, because of this there is an opposite relationship between manoeuvrability and comfort. Therefore more buoyancy will affect the manoeuvrability. To eliminate this bulk we have developed inflatable lifejackets which are compact until inflated. It is easy to believe that a lifejacket with the most buoyancy is always the most secure, but this is not always true. For instance an inflated lifejacket because of its volume may impede your ability to re-board or self rescue. All purpose buoyancy aids 50N Select among our all purpose buoyancy aid if you require manoeuvrability and are a swimmer. The Baltic all purpose buoyancy aids are perfect for most types of water activities. Water sport buoyancy aids 50N Active water sports demand high buoyancy, shock absorbing ability when falling at high speeds and a tight fit. If you go water skiing or wake boarding, choose from within this range of buoyancy aids. Suitable for swimmers only as all are 50N buoyancy aids. Buoyancy aids for special purposes 50N When you have specific demands of manoeuvrability in combination with other functions, eg. paddling, fishing or sailing, you should choose from amongst these specifically designed buoyancy aids. Suitable for swimmers only as all are 50N buoyancy aids. Floatation clothing 50N Our floatation clothing has all the properties of a traditional buoyancy aid. Practical yet giving comfort with safety. Suitable only for swimmers as the rest of the 50N range. Lifejackets 100N The 100N lifejackets aids you into the safe back position and is the choice for non-swimmers. Inflatable lifejackets 150N The advantage of an inflatable lifejacket is that it is compact until inflated. We recommend inflatable lifejackets for swimmers only as they have no inherent buoyancy. 81 Frequently asked questions and answers Will I sink if I use a buoyancy aid one weight-class lower than my body weight? Answer: No, all our products have enough buoyancy to keep you afloat. A good fit is more important than the weight-class. Can I buy a large lifejacket for my child to grow into? Answer: No, for the lifejacket to perform correctly it must fit. When is it suitable for my child to start using a buoyancy aid? Answer: When the child is a competent swimmer and over 30 kg. Why is the neck label in my child’s lifejacket printed with 43N and 100N? Answer: The lifejacket is manufactured for the 100N class and 43N is the actual buoyancy in that size. Why do some Baltic buoyancy aids and lifejackets have divided panels? Answer: The division on some panels help to give a better fit. Why have Baltic’s lifejackets in size 15-30 kg more foam on one side than the other? Answer: We have found in testing that having more buoyancy on one side induces the roll and shortens the turning time. 82 The floatation clothing is so thin will I really float? Answer: Yes. The garments are lined with 3.5-7 mm closed cell foam, providing the same buoyancy as all our 50N products. Does rain and spray set off my automatic lifejacket? Answer: No, it is designed only to activate when immersed. Does my inflatable lifejacket need servicing? Answer: Yes. You should service your lifejacket annually. Where can I service my lifejacket? Answer: Baltic service stations are available everywhere in Europe. Please refer to your distributor. See inside back page. Could my lifejacket malfunction if it is not serviced? Answer: Yes. That is why it is essential to service lifejackets annually. Can I wear my inflatable lifejacket under a jacket? Answer: No, it must always be worn as the outermost item, so that it can deploy correctly. Newton classification for lifejackets and buoyancy aids All lifejackets and buoyancy aids must be CE-marked. The CE mark shows that the product is tested and approved to EU standards. These standards divide the products into different Newton classes. Each Newton class is a European standard with its own designated number, e.g. EN393. EN393 EN395 50 Newton class Buoyancy aids and floatation clothing that hold a person afloat with a great safety margin. Must be used by swimmers only as they do not help you onto a safe back position in the water. For persons 30 kg and over. 100 Newton class Inherent foam lifejackets with the buoyancy concentrated to the front and to the collar. To help a person turn over to a safe back position. Suitable for swimmers and non swimmers. Newton is the unit for force and the abbrevation for it is N. An adult needs 20-30N of buoyancy to float, with or without clothing. A 50N buoyancy aid will therefore keep you afloat with a great safety margin. However if you wish to be turned over in the water, you will need a greater force, i.e. more Newtons. EN396 150 Newton class Inflatable lifejackets with good turning capacity when inflated. Can be inflated manually or automatically. We recommend 150N lifejackets for swimmers as they only provide buoyancy when inflated. For persons 40 kg and over. EN399 275 Newton class Inflatable lifejackets with extremely good turning capacity. For industrial use only. Manual or automatic inflation. We recommend 275N lifejackets for swimmers as they only provide buoyancy when inflated. For persons 40 kg and over. 83 Inflatable lifejackets: How they operate Inflatable lifejackets have an inflation valve either automatic or manual connected to an airtight bladder. To operate the manual valve you simply pull the toggle on the right hand side of the jacket downwards with a jerk and the bladder will start to inflate immediately. The automatic lifejacket will operate and inflate once it has been immersed in water for three seconds. The automatic can be operated manually and both types can be inflated orally by the tube. The oral tube is used to deflate the lifejacket. N.B! After gas inflation the lifejacket must be rearmed. Inside the lifejacket you will find instructions as to which rearming kit to use. Instructions to complete the reaming procedure are included with our reaming kits. Baltic inflatable lifejacket inflated Baltic inflatable lifejacket deflated Retro reflective patches Whistle Oral inflation/ deflation tube Inspection history Lifting becket Part number for rearming kit Inflation mechanism Pull cord Annual inspection The importance of annual inspection! Inflatable lifejackets require inspection regardless of whether they have been inflated or not. Failure to carry out the annual inspection may cause your inflatable lifejacket to malfunction! The annual inspection is best carried out by our accredited service stations, or as an 84 alternative you can perform a simplified inspection yourself. Instructions for this simplified self inspection and information of our accredited service stations are to be found on our web page: www.baltic.se Inflatable lifejackets: Pre-wear check Every time you wear your inflatable lifejacket you should check the following: 1. Check the CO2 cylinder Unscrew the CO2 cylinder anti clockwise and make sure it is not pierced. Screw the unpierced CO2 cylinder back tightly by hand clockwise. A pierced CO2 cylinder is empty and must be replaced. 2. Check the safety indicators and cartridge/bobbin Automatic version: Check both safety indicators. If either of the green indicators is missing and/or the CO2 cylinder is pierced the lifejacket must be rearmed. Carefully follow the instructions on the next page or the instructions enclosed with our rearming kits. Check that the cartridge/bobbin is in date. See page 87. Cartridge United Moulders automatic valve Halkey Roberts automatic valve The bobbin is inside the transparent cup. United Moulders manual valve Halkey Roberts manual valve Manual version: Check the safety indicator. If it is missing, the CO2 cylinder is empty and must be replaced. Carefully follow the instructions on the next page or the instructions enclosed with our rearming kits. 3. Check pull knob Check that the manual inflation pull knob is accessible when donned. 85 Inflatable lifejackets: REARMING United Moulders or Halkey Roberts? Depending on the model or year of manufacture the inflation mechanism will be Halkey Roberts or United Moulders. These mechanisms are manual or automatic. To be able to replace indicator clips, cartridges, bobbins or CO2 cylinders you will need to identify the mechanism your lifejacket is equipped with. Compare the inflation mechanism in your inflatable lifejacket with the mechanisms illustrated below. United Moulders Halkey Roberts NB! This is a smaller format of the instructions attached to our rearming kits. 86 Inflatable lifejackets: CONTROL OF EXPIRY DATES OF CARTRIDGES/ BOBBINS, DEFLATION AND RE-PACKING United Moulders United Moulders cartridge On the cartridge is printed the expiry date. E.G. 0309, this would denote replace by March 2009. Halkey Roberts Halkey Roberts bobbin NB. The Bobbin has a lifespan of four years and is printed with the date of manufacture. There are two different formats for the dates. Example 0650, which denotes year 2006 on the 50th day. Alternatively Feb19 06HRC, which denotes the 19th of February 2006. In recreational use the bobbin must be replaced no later than the third year from its first use. For industrial use please refer to your agent or service station. Deflation of an inflated lifejacket Re-packing of a deflated and rearmed lifejacket Winner, Argus, Delta Bluewater 150 87 Inflatable lifejackets: Spare parts for rearming For maximum safety ensure only to fit genuine Baltic spares. The parts and kits listed below are available from our stockists and service stations. Our service stations are listed on our web site: www.baltic.se Important information! We have changed our rearming kits to reduce the storage time for cartridges and bobbins. All cylinders are supplied with both types of safety indicators. Please use table above to cross reference to our new article numbers. N.B. Your old kit article number may be superceeded by two new article numbers. E.G. art no 2504 becomes 2433 plus 2406. Cross reference table for rearming kits Former article number: Superceeded by article number: Old rearming kit no CO2 cylinder Bobbin/Cartridge (Manufacturer of inflation mechanism) 88 2504 (Halkey Roberts) 2433 2503 (United Moulders) 2433 2501 (United Moulders) 2420 2511 (Halkey Roberts) 2420 2522 (United Moulders) 2416 2502 (Halkey Roberts) 2416 2505 (Halkey Roberts & United Moulders) 2433 + + + + + + + + + + + + 2406 2520 2520 2406 2520 2406 – 10 g cylinder 16 g cylinder 20 g cylinder 33 g cylinder 38 g cylinder 60 g cylinder with safety indicators ART NO 2410 with safety indicators ART NO 2416 with safety indicators ART NO 2420 with safety indicators ART NO 2433 M.E.D./SOLAS M.E.D./SOLAS 38 g cylinder with safety indicators ART NO 2438 60 g cylinder with safety indicators ART NO 2460 Safety indicators Bobbin Halkey Roberts United Moulders, Halkey Roberts and Halkey Roberts Old. ART NO 2404 Yellow bobbin has superceeded red bobbin. The bobbin is printed with the date of manufacture. Refer to page 85. ART NO 2406 Cartridge United Moulders Cartridge. On the cartridge is printed the expiry date. Refer to page 85. ART NO 2520 BALTIC PRODUCT RANGE inflatable lifejackets page 10* Argus Auto 1597 Argus Man 1587 Argus Auto 1557 Argus Man 1547 Winner 150 ZIP Auto harn 1535 Winner 150 ZIP Man harn 1525 Bluewater 150 Auto 1590 Bluewater 150 Man 1580 *Crutch strap will be introduced as standard in 2008. Argus Auto harn 1577 Argus Man harn 1567 Winner 150 ZIP Auto harn 1575 Winner 150 ZIP Man harn 1565 Bluewater 150 Auto harn 1570 Bluewater 150 Man harn 1560 Delta 150 ZIP Auto 1553 Argus Auto harn 1537 Argus Man harn 1527 Delta 150 ZIP Auto 1552 Winner 150 ZIP Auto 1555 Winner 150 ZIP Man 1545 Delta 150 ZIP Auto harn 1533 Winner 150 ZIP Auto 1595 Winner 150 ZIP Man 1585 Delta 150 ZIP Auto harn 1532 Flyfisher 150 ZIP Auto 1583 Flyfisher 150 ZIP Man 1582 Floatation clothing page 22 Softshell Male Mouth infl 6901 Male Auto 6911 Female Mouth infl 6801 Female Auto 6811 Marstrand Male Mouth infl 6504 Male Auto 6514 Female Mouth infl 6404 Female Auto 6414 Sizes Softshell: Male XS 50-60, S 60-70, M 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90-100, XXL 100+kg. Female S/M 50-60, M/L 60-70, L/XL 70-80 kg Sizes Marstrand: Male XS 50-60, S 60-70, M 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90-100, XXL 100+kg Female S/M 50-60, M/L 60-70, L/XL 70-80 kg Hamble Male Mouth infl 6104 Male Auto 6114 Female Mouth infl 6004 Female Auto 6014 Hamble Male Mouth infl 5750 Male Auto 5751 Female Mouth infl 5740 Female Auto 5741 Marstrand Male Mouth infl 6501 Male Auto 6511 Female Mouth infl 6401 Female Auto 6411 Hamble Male Mouth infl 5753 Male Auto 5754 Female Mouth infl 5743 Female Auto 5744 Marstrand Male Mouth infl 6502 Male Auto 6512 Female Mouth infl 6402 Female Auto 6412 Hamble Male Mouth infl 5756 Male Auto 5757 Female Mouth infl 5746 Female Auto 5747 Marstrand Male Mouth infl 6503 Male Auto 6513 Female Mouth infl 6403 Female Auto 6413 Hamble Male Mouth infl 6105 Male Auto 6115 Female Mouth infl 6005 Female Auto 6015 Sizes Hamble: Male XS 50-60, S 60-70, M 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90-100, XXL 100+kg Female S/M 50-60, M/L 60-70, L/XL 70-80 kg Surf & Turf Trend Male 5569 Female 5559 Surf & Turf Trend Male 5565 Female 5555 Surf & Turf Trend Male 5567 Sizes Trend: Male XS 50-60, S 60-70, M 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90-100, XXL 100+ kg Female S/M 50-60, M/L 60-70, L/XL 70-80 kg 89 BALTIC PRODUCT RANGE Floatation clothing page 22 Surf & Turf Trend Male 5668 Female 5658 Surf & Turf T1 Male 5680 Female 5670 Surf & Turf T1 Male 5682 Female 5672 Surf & Turf T1 Male 5684 Surf & Turf T1 Female 5671 Sizes T1: Male XS 50-60, S 60-70, M 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90-100, XXL 100+ kg Female S/M 50-60, M/L 60-70, L/XL 70-80 kg Bergen 5677 Bergen 5678 Bergen 5679 Sizes Bergen: XS 50-60, S 60-70, M 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90-100, XXL 100+ kg Chest high trousers 5171 XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL Arctic 5175 Sizes Arctic: XS 50-60, S 60-70, M 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90-100, XXL 100+ kg Winter 5373 XS 50-60, S 60-70, M 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90-100, XXL 100+kg Winter trousers 5374 XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL floatation suits page 38 Polar 5795 Polar 5796 Polar 5794 Sizes Polar: XS 50-60, S 60-70, M 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90-100, XXL 100+, XXXL 100++ kg Polar 5794 also as Junior 40-50 Skoter 5292 XS 50-60, S 60-70, M 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90-100, XXL 100+, XXXL 100++ kg lifejackets page 44 90 Bambi Supersoft 1253 Baby 3-15 kg Bambi Supersoft 1252 Baby 3-15 kg Print 1255 Baby -15 kg, Child 15-30 kg Tuff Tuff 1257 Baby -15 kg, Child 15-30 kg Baltic 1251 Baby -15 kg Alaska 5389 XS 50-60, S 60-70, M 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90-100, XXL 100+, XXXL 100++ kg Nova 5599 XS 50-60, S 60-70, M 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90-100, XXL 100+, XXXL 100++ kg Child/Junior 5598 30-40, 40-50 kg BALTIC PRODUCT RANGE lifejackets page 44 Baltic 1254 Split Front Baby -15 kg Baltic 1256 Harn Baby -15 kg Child 15-30 kg Baltic 1244 Split Front Child 15-30 kg S 30-50, M 50-70, L 70-90, XL 90+ kg Baltic 1240 Child 15-30 kg S 30-50, M 50-70, L 70-90, XL 90+ kg Buoyancy aids for active water sports page 48 Neo 5713 Neo 5711 Neo 5712 Shockwave 5737 Sizes Neo: S/M 50-70, M/L 70-90, XL 90+ kg Shockwave 5738 Sizes Shockwave: XS 30-40, S 40-50, M 50-70, M/L 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90+ kg hybrid lifejacket page 53 Waterski 5531 Waterski 5532 Sizes Waterski: XS 30-40, S 40-50, M 50-70, M/L 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90+ kg Wake 5430 40-130 kg RIB 1515 40-150 kg Specialist buoyancy aids page 54 Dinghy Pro 5701 Dinghy Pro 5702 Dinghy Pro 5703 Dinghy Pro 5704 Dinghy Pro 5705 Sizes Dinghy Pro: XS 30-40, S 40-50, M 50-70, M/L 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90+ kg Offshore 5511 Offshore 5110 Sizes Offshore: XS 30-40, S 40-50, M 50-70, L 70-90, XL 90+ kg Henley 5643 S/M 50-70, M/L 70-80, XL 80-90 kg 91 BALTIC PRODUCT RANGE Specialist buoyancy aids page 54 Canoe 5519 40-130 kg Canoe 5518 40-130 kg Canoe 5517 40-130 kg Nature 5515 Nature 5616 Fisherman 5310 S 30-50, M 50-70, L 70-90, XL 90+ kg Sizes Nature: S 30-50, M 50-70, L 70-90, XL 90+ kg All purpose buoyancy aids page 60 Rekord 5830 Rekord 5831 Rekord 5832 Sizes Rekord: XS 40-50, S 50-60, M/L 60-80, L/XL 80-100, XXL 100+ kg Genua 5828 Genua 5825 Genua 5829 Axent 5813 Axent 5814 Genua 5826 Spray 5507 Sizes Genua: XS 30-40, S 40-50, M 50-70, L 70-90, XL 90+ kg Spray 5505 Spray 5504 Axent 5811 Axent 5812 Sizes Axent: S 30-50, M 50-70, L 70-90, XL 90+ kg Spray 5506 Sizes Spray: S 30-50, M 50-70, L 70-90, XL 90+ kg Aqua 5319 Aqua 5116 Aqua 5617 Aqua 5315 Sizes Aqua: S 30-50, M 50-70, L 70-90, XL 90+ kg Twin Female 5715 Twin Female 5717 Sizes Twin Female: M 50-70, L 70-90, XL 90+ kg 92 Twin Female 5716 GT 5623 GT 5624 GT 5621 Sizes GT: XS 30-40, S 40-50, M 50-70, M/L 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90+ kg GT 5622 BALTIC PRODUCT RANGE Safety harnesses and safety lines page 70 Safety harness Adult 0104 Sizes: 50+ kg Safety harness Junior 0125 Sizes: 20-50 kg Safety harness Child 0124 Sizes: -20 kg 3-hook safety line 0120 2-hook safety line 0115 Lifebuoys and M.O.B. systems page 71 Horseshoe buoy Red 8563, White 8560, Yellow 8562 Swedebuoy man overboard recovery system 9590 Swedebuoy man overboard recovery system 9595 Spare cover: Red 9573, White 9570, Yellow 9572 Case only: 9591 Case only: 9596 Pet buoyancy aids page 72 Baltic Recovery sling Yellow 9603, Grey 9601, White 9600, Navy 9602 Pet buoyancy aid 0410 Sizes: S -8, M 8-15, L 15-40, XL 40+, XXL 40++ kg Professional pet aid 0420 Sizes: S -8, M 8-15, L 15-40, XL 40+, XXL 40++ kg Case only: Yellow 9613, Grey 9611, White 9610, Navy 9612 Accessories/Spare parts page 72 Crutch Strap kit 2509 10 g cylinder with safety indicators 2410 Retro reflective kit 2507 16 g cylinder with safety indicators 2416 20 g cylinder with safety indicators 2420 Whistle 2508 33 g cylinder with safety indicators 2433 Lifejacket light CFX-I 38 g cylinder with safety indicators 2438 Lifejacket light AQ02-U 60 g cylinder with safety indicators 2460 Sprayhood 2516 Safety indicators Bobbin Halkey United Moulders, Roberts Halkey Roberts and 2406 Halkey Roberts Old. 2404 Cartridge United Moulders 2520 93 BALTIC PRODUCT RANGE Industrial products* page 73 Dock 5470 XS 50-60, S 60-70, M 70-80, L 80-90, XL 90-100, XXL 100+ kg Industrial 150 ZIP*/** Auto 1510 40-150 kg 185 M.E.D./SOLAS harn* 1820 40-150 kg Winner 150 molten metal splash proof cover 2541 94 Chest high trousers 5171 XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL Industrial 150 ZIP*/** Auto 1511 40-150 kg 275 M.E.D./SOLAS* 2800 40-150 kg Bluewater 150 molten metal splash proof cover 2515 Baltic 125 SOLAS Adult 1021 40+ kg 275 Auto 2796* 275 Man 2786* 40-150 kg 275 M.E.D./SOLAS harn* 2820 40-150 kg Rescue 1895 40-150 kg Baltic 125 SOLAS Junior 1011 15-43 kg 275 Auto harn 2776* 275 Man harn 2766* 40-150 kg Winner 150 protective cover 2540 185 M.E.D./SOLAS* 1800 40-150 kg Bluewater 150 protective cover 2519 Rib 1515 40-150 kg * Also available with the Swedish Hammar inflation system. ** Crutch strap will be introduced as standard in 2008. aGents & distRibUtORs denmark Kap Horn Sportswear 12 Handverkervej, DK-4000 Roskilde Tel +45 467 572 72, Fax +45 467 570 52 baltic@kap-horn.dk, www.kap-horn.dk iceland Vélasalan ehf. Ananaust 1, IS-101 Reykjavik Tel +354 580 53 00, Fax +354 580 53 01 velasalan@velasalan.is, www.velasalan.is norway EOL Agenturer A/S Boks 40, NO-3137 Torød Tel +47 333 871 30, Fax +47 333 863 58 eol-ag@online.no estonia Alfa GPS OÜ Suur-Patarei 18a, EE-10415 Tallinn Tel +372 646 10 00, Fax +372 646 13 04 info@gps.ee ireland CH Marine Ltd Nautic House, Marsh Rd, Skibbereen, CO Cork Tel +353 28 231 90, Fax +353 28 220 28 sales@chmarine.com, www.chmarine.com Poland PPU Sail Service Sp. z.o.o Sienna 45, PL-80-605 GDANSK Tel +48 58 307 3785, Fax +48 58 307 0924 office@sailservice.com.pl, www.sailservice.com.pl estonia (Industrial & commercial) AV Safety Limited Tulika Poik 4, EE-10613 Tallinn Tel +372 668 43 14, Fax +372 668 43 15 mail@safety.ee italy Nautica Mazzeo s.r.l. di Casali Adele, Viale Vespucci 11, lT-47042, Cesenatico (FC) Tel +39 547 838 43, Fax +39 547 832 41 mazzeo@mazzeo.it, www.mazzeo.it Russia Petroset Bolshoi Ltd. Sredny pr. V.O. 86 St. Petersburg Tel +7 812 7035505, Fax +7 812 3222480 acc@petroset.ru, www.petroset.ru japan Harken Japan Ltd 2-42, Nishinomiyahama, Nishinomiya City Tel. +81 798 22 2520, Fax. +81 798 22 2521 harkenjptadikami@bca.bai.ne.jp, www.harken.jp slovakia IMIDJEX S.R.O Pribinova 32, 82109 Bratislava Tel +421 2 5296 0877, Fax +421 2 5296 0878 imidjex@imidjex.sk, www.imidjex.sk latvia Regate Takats Sia 4 Maskavas str., LV-1050 Riga Tel +371 678 719 33, Fax +371 678 717 07 regate@regate.lv, www.regate.lv spain Tridente SL c/ Marques de Valterra, 5 bajo, ES-36202 Vigo Tel. +34 986 44 74 46, Fax +34 986 43 56 50 tridente@tridentesl.com, www.tridentesl.com lithuania Regate Sailing UAB J. Basanaviciaus str. 11/1-16A LT-03108 Vilnius Tel. +370-686 080 68, Fax. +370 521 272 76 regate@regate.lt, www.regate.lt switzerland YC Nautica Sport Bern AG Moserstr. 2, CH-3000 Bern 25 Tel +41 31 331 92 41, Fax +41 31 331 93 78 info@ycnautica.ch, www.ycnautica.ch finland OY Rymaco AB PB 9, FI-02921 Espoo Tel +358 989 465 60, Fax +358 985 462 81 rymaco@rymaco.fi faroe islands Bátatænastan P/F P.O. Box 101, FO-110 Tórshavn Tel +298 31 17 35, Fax +298 31 38 35 batataen@post.olivant.fo, www.batataenastan.fo france F.O.B. B.P. 14, FR-29801 Brest Cedex 9 Tel +33 298 020 417, Fax +33 298 024 348 fob.brest@wanadoo.fr, www.fob.fr Germany Navyline GmbH Hans-Böckler-Ring 33, DE-228 51 Norderstedt Tel +49 40 511 37 80, Fax +49 40 51 74 37 info@navyline.de, www.navyline.de Hong kong Honour Marine Safety Equipment 2/F Block B On Fat Industrial Building 12 - 18 Kwai Wing Road, Kwai Chung N.T. Hong Kong Tel +852 281 984 17, Fax +852 281 984 43 honourms@netnavigator.com Hungary Marina Yacht Sport Kft Becsi út 118/A, HU-1034 Budapest Tel +36 1 322 86 55, Fax +36 1 322 98 34 info@marina.hu, www.marina.hu netherlands On-Deck b.v. Leimuiderdijk 478a, NL-2156 MX Weteringbrug Tel. +31 -71 331 33 66, Fax. +31-71 331 33 87 allhands@on-deck.nl, www.on-deck.nl United kingdom Baltic Safety Products UK Ltd Unit 4 Mitchell Point, Ensign Way, Hamble, Southampton SO31 4RF Tel +44 2380 457 272, Fax +44 2380 454 747 sales@baltic-uk.com, www.balticlifejackets.com new Zealand Safety At Sea 79-81 Gaunt Street, Westhaven, AUCKLAND Tel +649 3099111 Fax +649 3099211 sales@safetyatsea.co.nz, www.safetyatsea.com dUe TO OUr POlICY OF COnSTAnT deVelOPMenT, SPeCIFICATIOnS In THIS CATAlOgUe MAY VArY. COlOUr rePrOdUCTIOn OF PrOdUCTS IS AS ClOSe AS THe PrInTIng PrOCeSS AllOwS. COPYIng Or OTHer dISTrIBUTIOn OF THe COnTenTS In THIS CATAlOgUe wITHOUT APPrOVAl IS PrOHIBITed. © BAlTIC SAFeTY PrOdUCTS AB. PrOdUCTIOn: SeHéler neTwOrk AB, Snw.Se • PHOTO: THOMAS HArrYSSOn, exClUdIng PAge 55 BY OSkAr kIHlBOrg • PrInTIng: elAnderS gUMMeSSOn AB. B A l T I C l I F e j A C k e T S S w e d e n 0 8 Head Office Baltic Safety Products AB (publ) • Box 60, S-545 02 ÄlgAråS, SWEDEN Tel +46 506 369 90 • Fax +46 506 401 96 • info@baltic.se • www.baltic.se ISO 9001:2000 Certified Manufacturer of M.e.d./sOlas approved products b a l t i c l i f e j a c k e t s s w e d e n 0 8 enG