WUKO - World Union of Karate Do Organizations
WUKO - World Union of Karate Do Organizations
WUKO - World Union of Karate Do Organizations WUKO Headquarters: Rua João Cachoeira n.º 519 - Itaim Bibi - São Paulo - SP Brazil - Zip Code: 04535-002 Phone - Fax - 00 55 11 3078.6014 - 3168.7249 Home Page - www.wuko-karate.org E-mail - information@wuko-karate.org 世界空手道連 Bulletin 11/2008 DEAR FRIENDS IN KARATE WUKO was created to revitalize Karate and promote the exchange of technical, cultural and friendship internationally among the affiliated members. We started with the creation of a series of events, both Continental and Worldwide, offering at each event a FREE Kata Seminar to the participating Referees at the events. We are now proceeding to the next stage of our plans to develop and educate our affiliated members. Our goal is to bring Kata, Kumite and Referee Seminars to all 5 continents and in this way give more prominence to teachers and coaches in WUKO. This March we organized the first Special International Seminar for WUKO Referees in Norcia, Italy. The referees were invited by Mr Carlo Henke, our General Co-ordinator. The Seminar was free of charge and all hotel and food costs were paid by WUKO. Now we are bringing our team to all five Continents, with the goal to continually improve the level of Teachers, Referees and Coaches of Karate. It is our intention during the 2008 Children, Cadet and Junior World Championships in Jesolo, Italy to provide a Kata Seminar (Shotokan, Gojuryu, Shitoryu & Wadoryu) FREE OF CHARGE. We will be organizing these Seminars in 2009 in America, Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania. We will also be going to Arabian Countries and East European, where our affiliates need our technical support, and we will be there to assist them. We would like to remind everyone that in May 2008 we are organizing the European Championships in Belgium, the Pan-American Open International in São Paulo, Brazil in July, and in October the Children, Cadet and Junior World Championships in Jesolo, Italy. To finish the year's activities, we will host the Open Intercontinental Asian-Oceania in Hyderabad, India. As you can see, we have a full calendar of events for the year! Because we have the cooperation and participation of our affiliated members, we once again anticipate great success at these events. Let us proceed into the future together and do the Best Karate in the World. Osvaldo Messias de Oliveira WUKO President SPECIAL BULLETIN WUKO EVENTS "2nd WUKO EUROPEAN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS SENIORS" 21st to 25 May 2008 Herstal - Liege - BELGIUM Sport Hall - Salle Omnisports de Herstal Rue Emile Muraille 4040 Hosting - Michel Lelievre LFK - Ligue Francophone de Karaté de Belgique E-mail - europeanchampionship2008@hotmail.com PARTICIPATION: Fee has to be paid upon registration. Please bring the fees in cash in euros. Only federations having paid their annual 2008 affiliation fee may participate on the championships; !FEES: Individual Participation - Rate will be € 25 Euros per category. Team Participation - Rate will be € 50 Euros per each team. Referees - Rate will be € 50 Euros Coaches - Rate will be € 50 Euros !WEIGHT IN: Obligatory on the same time and place of the registration; !NATIONAL FLAG: Please bring two national flags to the registration; !ANTHEM: Please bring your national anthem on CD to the registration; !REFEREES: All referees shall bring their own whistle and of course the referee uniform, mandatory: gymnastics free exercises training shoes; !ATTENTION – The deadline for inscriptions will be May, 10th, !Send the inscriptions by e-mail to - o.messias@wuko-karate.org 2008. FOR ALL INFORMATIONS ABOUT THIS EVENT SEE OUR SITE www.wuko-karate.org SALLE OMNISPORTS DE HERSTAL 03rd to 06th July 2008 Sao Paulo - BRAZIL Sport Hall - Ginásio Poliesportivo do Ibirapuera Hosting - Osvaldo Messias de Oliveira CBKI - Confederação Brasileira de Karatê Interestilos E-mail - o.messias@wuko-karate.org !NATIONAL FLAG: Please bring two national flags to the registration; !ANTHEM: Please bring your national anthem on CD to the registration; !REFEREES: All referees shall bring their own whistle and of course the referee uniform, free exercises training shoes; mandatory: gymnastics !REFEREES AND VIPS - Must bring 1 picture ¾ for us to make the Identification Card. !REFEREES SEMINAR: It will start on Thursday, 3rd July, at 8 a.m.Only 'referees who attended to entitled to officiate at the Championships. the Seminar are INSCRIPTIONS: Inscription forms in our site - www.wuko-karate.org. PARTICIPATION: Fee has to be paid upon registration. Please bring the fees in cash in euros. Only federations having paid their annual 2008 affiliation fee may participate on the championships; !FEES: Individual Participation - Rate will be € 20 Euros per category. Team Participation - Rate will be € 40 Euros per each team. Referees - Rate will be € 40 Euros Coaches - Rate will be € 40 Euros !TIME LIMITED: Deadline on June 20th, 2008. The Inscription Forms have to be returned by e-mail or fax to WUKO President Office: Phone - Fax - (5511) 3078.6014 3168.7249 - E-mail - cbki@cbki.com.br !CATEGORIES: On INFANTILE INDIVIDUAL Categories from 6 to 14 years old, each participant entity may register until 8 (eight) athletes for Kata and Kumite. On INDIVIDUAL CATEGORIES up to 15 years old, each participant entity may register until 4 (four) athletes for Kata and Kumite. On TEAM CATEGORIES, each entity may register 1 TEAM per category. There will be TEAM CATEGORIES OF KATA AND KUMITE only for athletes from 18 years old and up in Kata and Kumite. !WEIGHT IN: Obligatory on the same time and place of the registration; The Organizing Committee of “2nd PAN-AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS AND OPEN INTERNATIONAL WUKO” will offer FREE TRANSFER only to that participants hosted in the Official Hotels - CENTURY PAULISTA HOTEL - BOURBON CONVENTION HOTEL INTERCITY PREMIUM IBIRAPUERA - ARRIVE - from JUNE 30th to 02nd JULY - International Airport Guarulhos - São Paulo. - DEPARTURE - on 07th JULY - International Airport Guarulhos - São Paulo. AIRPORT - HOTEL - STADIUM - HOTEL - AIRPORT - Another days won't have transfer free. ORGANIZATION: CBKI - Confederação Brasileira de Karatê Interestilos OSVALDO MESSIAS DE OLIVEIRA Phone Fax - (5511) 3078.6014 3168.7249 Site - www.cbki.com.br E-mail cbki@cbki.com.br ! OFFICIAL HOTEL INTERCITY PREMIUM IBIRAPUERA HOTEL RESERVES - Contact: Andrea Toazza Fone - 055 11 3577-7164 - Fax: 055 11 3577-7581 Av.Ibirapuera, 2577 - CEP 04029-200 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil SITE - www.intercityhoteis.com.br E-mail: reservas.ibp@intercityhoteis.com.br All participants can go walking to Bourbon Convetion Hotel. INTERCITY PREMIUM IBIRAPUERA HOTEL - 4 Stars superior Hotel. This hotel is 100 ms from the BOURBON CONVENTION IBIRAPUERA HOTEL and the best Shopping Center of São Paulo city, nice place, marvelous food with different restaurants and international foods BOURBON CONVENTION IBIRAPUERA RESERVES - Contact - Andreia Oliveira Av. Ibirapuera, 2927 Moema CEP. 04029-200 - São Paulo - SP - BRAZIL Tel.:(55 -11)2161-2240 Fax.:(55 -11)2161-2216 SITE - www.bourbon.com.br -E-mail - grupos1.conv@bourbon.com.br BOURBON CONVENTION IBIRAPUERA HOTEL - 4 Stars superior Hotel ( same 5 stars hotel) This hotel is 50 ms from the best Shopping Center of São Paulo city, nice place, marvelous food with different restaurants and international foods. Because this hotel has big rooms all of the activities as: • Registration • Referee Seminar – WUKO • Congress for Presidents • Reception CBKI with dinner for all Presidents, Officials and Referees will be here. • In attachment you can see the prices and address of Bourbon Convention Ibirapuera Hotel for contact, please, when you do the reservation, talk about Karate Group for special price. CENTURY PAULISTA HOTEL * * * * Rua Teixeira da Silva, 647 CEP 04002-033 - Paraíso - São Paulo/ SP Pabx (55-11) 3884-9977 Toll Free: 0800 179-977 - Fax (55-11) 3887-8833 Site: www.centuryflat.com.br e-mail: century@centuryflat.com.br CENTURY PAULISTA HOTEL - Is a very nice 4 STARS hotel, near to the Stadium and the participants can go to the Gymnasium walking (600 ms), but it is FULL yet, many Federations made reservations there. • Who host in the Hotel, will have Free Transportation from Airport – Hotel – Airport. The Organizing Committee of “2nd PAN-AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS AND OPEN INTERNATIONAL WUKO” will offer FREE TRANSFER only to that participants hosted in the Official Hotels - CENTURY PAULISTA HOTEL - BOURBON CONVENTION HOTEL - INTERCITY PREMIUM IBIRAPUERA HOTEL !ARRIVE - from JUNE 30th to 02nd JULY - International Airport Guarulhos - São Paulo. !DEPARTURE - on 07th JULY - International Airport Guarulhos - São Paulo. AIRPORT - HOTEL - STADIUM - HOTEL - AIRPORT - Another days won't have transfer free. 2nd WUKO WORLD CHILDREN, CADETS and JUNIORS KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS - 2008 Jesolo - ITALY 15 to 19 OCTOBER, 2008 2nd WUKO World Children, Cadets and Juniors Karate Championships - 2008 15 to 19 October, 2008 Hosting: Carlo Henke FESIK - Federazione Sportiva Italiana de Karate Jesolo Lido ( 20 km from Venice ) Sport Hall Palazzo Del Turismo E-mail - presidenza.fesik@tiscali.it Sport Hall Palazzo Del Turismo OFFICIAL HOTEL Hotel Europa 4 stars: www.hoteleuropajesolo.it RESERVATIONS ONLY BY: PromoJesolo - Congress & Convention Bureau Piazza Brescia n°17/6 - 30016 Lido di Jesolo VE Tel: ++39-0421-382856 Fax ++39-0421-380019 Site - www.promojesolo.com E-mail - eventi@promojesolo.com FOR MORE INFORMATIONS ABOUT THIS EVENT VISIT OUR SITE: www.wuko-karate.org WUKO - ASIA OCEANIA INTERCONTINENTAL OPEN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS - 2008 Hyderabad - INDIA - 27 to 30 November, 2008 WUKO - Asia Oceania Intercontinental Open Karate Championships - 2008 27 to 30 November, 2008 Hyderabad - INDIA Hosting: Hannumantha Rao All India Budokan Karate Federation E-mail - raoaibkf@gmail.com By Sensei LESLIE SAFAR - AJKA _ HUNGARY SHORIN AND SHOREI KATA One of the most important and most interesting aspects of Karate is form or Kata. Katas are based on imaginary opponents, numbering from four to eight, attacking from any direction. In the Kata there are all types of karate techniques, such as punching, kicking, blocking etc, put together in a set sequence and they are performed in a pre-determined direction. There are approximately fifty-six of these katas. Some are relatively simple while others are quite complex. Many years ago Kata was the main form of karate training. A master would determine the number of ways an assailant can attack, with or without a weapon and he would create defensive techniques against these attacks. He would then put them together in the form of a Kata. This Kata was practiced over and over until all moves were natural to the body, with total understanding of their meaning and purpose. Through this type of training one was able to defend against any assailant. The fact that the practice of Kata does not require an opponent or special equipment, made it more practical than any other type of practice. Kata basically fall into two categories one is Shorin and the other is Shorei. SHORIN KATA - These katas are basically quick and light with speedy movement in all directions. These help us develop speed good reaction and body shifting ability. SHOREI KATA - Shorei katas are exactly opposite of shorin, meaning they are extremely dynamic, requiring great physical strength and muscular power. These aid us in the development of dynamic power and strength which in turn will help us move quicker and with more control. Shorin katas includes the five Heian katas, Empi, Gankaku and many others. Some of the better known of these katas are Jion, Jutte, Hangetsu and the three Tekki katas. These are primarily determined by looking at the movements in the Kata. We see that a large percentage of the moves are light and fast and they are therefore considered a Shorin Kata. In the opposite situation, where more than 50% of the moves are powerful, or if dynamic strength is needed, it will be classified as a Shorei Kata. If we closely examine kata's, we will find that every single one of them begins with a block, which therefore leads us to believe that karate is, and always was, a defensive form of martial art. Unlike in free sparring where we have a tendency to develop or favor one specific technique or special ability, such as good body shifting or an ability to quickly get in to an opponent, during Kata training all techniques are practiced equally. During the practice of Kata, even at the simplest form, we are subjected to a tremendous amount of body shifting as well as numerous punching, blocking, kicking and striking techniques, which require and develop balance, co-ordination, agility, mental sharpness and a tremendous amount of endurance. Katas must be practiced diligently. Each one of them must be practiced over and over. It is important that one understand and be able to apply each technique that is in the Kata. Only in this way can one understand the statement made by our masters - that Kata is the essence of karate. Sensei Leslie Safar - 8º Dan AJKA - Hungary 3rd WUKO WORLD KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS SENIORS 18th to 21th JUNE, 2009 ODESSA - UKRAINE 3rd WUKO World Karate Championships Seniors 18th to 21st June, 2009 Odessa - UKRAINE Hosting: Valeriy Kusiy JUNDOKAN FEDERATION OF UKRAINE SITE - www.jfu.org.ua E-mail - sgs@jfu.org.ua SHOULD SHE OR SHOULDN'T SHE? By Karyn Smith - JKA - South Africa W hen researching into why girls do karate, a great diversity of reasons became apparent. Similarly, there was a great deal of differing opinion as to why others do not do karate. It is vitally important that karate instructors and dojo heads are aware of these reasons if we are to develop karate amongst young girls. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons, and certainly one that is cause for great concern on a social level, is that many young girls begin karate due to bullying at school. One only needs watch Oprah's talk-show to realize that this appears to be a phenomenon that is rapidly growing world wide. While it used to be prevalent amongst school going boys it is now also greatly affecting girls. Bullying is certainly not new and is something that has happened throughout time. However, it is something we were probably vaguely aware was happening to a small percentage of our school mates but most likely did not affect us personally. Sadly this is changing and it is becoming a huge problem worldwide, often with tragic results. Although in the past, physical bullying was something that happened far more amongst boys, it usually took the form of mental and emotional bullying amongst girls. Sadly, this too is changing and girls and now increasingly becoming the victims of the more physical type of bullying. Similarly, whilst boys used to be the physical aggressors, it appears that girls are now taking over this type of bullying too often intimidating their victim both physically and emotionally. For this reason many parents are opting to send their daughters to karate in the hope that it will teach them to defend themselves physically and make them emotionally stronger and more resilient. The self-confidence and more assertive body language that karate instills definitely does seem to enable them to stand up more for themselves and be less likely to be victims. Of course, while this is probably one of the saddest reasons that girls start karate it is certainly not the only one. Many young girls like to feel empowered and to stand on an equal footing as their male counterparts. Others say that they started because it looked like fun! Some start so that they have the tools to defend themselves against physical attack such as rape. Many young girls find that karate has the athletic appeal of gymnastics or dancing, but with a different perspective. Some girls like to be unique and do something different to the rest of the crowd and therefore find karate appealing due to the fact that it is not as widely practiced as ballet or dancing. If we wish to grow the sport it is imperative that we understand all aspects of why girls start and as importantly why they DON'T start karate. When looking into this issue I found several answers, including the obvious one that it simply does not appeal to them as a sport. Others felt that they initially thought it was only for boys. However, the reason for not doing karate that was most surprising to me is that although the young girls may wish to do karate, their parents (usually their mothers) are very concerned that they will become tomboyish and “butch”. I found this to be rather amusing in light of the fact that from personal experience I have found that there is no greater percentage of this amongst karate girls and women than in the rest of the population. In fact it always impresses me how attractive the women and girls in the karate world are. Karate encompasses many types of physical training. These include anaerobic, aerobic (cardio-vascular) and strength and conditioning (body toning). Because karate emphasizes the importance of full range of movement, long lean muscle is developed rather than short, bulky muscle, much like a ballerina or someone doing pilates training. For all of these reasons, karate training is excellent for the female form. One look at the physiques of some of the top female karateka will attest to this. There also seems to be great concern from parents about girls doing kumite. The perception seems to be that if they do kumite, they will somehow “damage” their faces. I have yet to see any evidence of this for myself I look around at my fellow female karateka or at the top competitors at tournaments and I certainly do not see “boxer” type noses or “damaged” faces! After all, karate is semi-contact with little or no contact to the face allowed in competition. In addition to this karate training teaches blocking as a vital component and most importantly, if possible, avoiding being hit completely. Even in the event of contact accidently taking place, the new padded type mitts and protective gear go a long way to ensure very little physical damage is actually caused. Sadly, this irrational and unfounded fear, all too often leads young talented karate girls to compete in kumite until they reach their early or late teens at which point they stop doing kumite altogether and concentrate solely on kata. This is very worrying. Kata is an essential part of karate training but so too is kumite. The two are interlinked and one can not exist without the other. Although most karateka will excel or prefer one aspect to the other, both have equal importance. In an increasingly violent world, the ability to defend oneself is vital, especially for females. In addition to this we live in a society where obesity and complete lack of physical training is threatening our overall health. Physical education has been removed completely from the school curriculum in many countries. Therefore an extra-curricular activity is essential. Karate is a great alternative to the usual mainstream sports and activities and it encompasses both mental and physical development. If we hope to grow the sport, it is imperative that we address the concerns and misbeliefs held by many, and where possible, educate people to the positive aspects of girls doing karate. SPECIAL INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR OF REFEREES WUKO NORCIA - ITALY 07th and 08th March, 2008 WUKO - World Union Of Karate Do Organizations and FESIK - Federazione Sportiva Italiana de Karate, have organized the "First International Seminar for Referees ". Mr. Carlo Henke (General Coordinator of Referees WUKO), invited 20 Referees from 5 Continents for this stage in Norcia - Italy. The Seminar was very good; all of the participants liked a lot and learned the rules and behavior of the good referees. Mr. Sever Cucu, Director of the Referees, and Mr. Luis Ivan, Secretary of the Referees Department, were the responsible for the work of the referees in Norcia, always under supervision of Mr.Carlo Henke a very experimented man in Karate. In 2009 we'll have a new Seminar like this, maybe in Romania or other European country, this time with more Referees invited. The presence of the WUKO President, Mr. Osvaldo Messias de Oliveira, and the Vice-President and General Secretary, Mr. Liviu Crisan, was important for a better organization and contact with the referees. Congratulations to FESIK and to Mr.Carlo Henke for this first promotion in benefit of the world Karate. Osvaldo Messias de Oliveira WUKO President SPECIAL INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR OF REFEREES WUKO NORCIA - ITALY 07th and 08th March, 2008