December 2007 - Whyte Ridge Community Centre


December 2007 - Whyte Ridge Community Centre
The Spirit
December 2007
Serving the Communities of
Whyte Ridge, Linden Ridge & Westridge
Lightridge Competition
From Dec 1 to 15 our elves will be looking for
you with our NEW Lightridge Christmas house
decorating contest. Nominate yourself, your
friends or your neighbours house by e-mailing
the address to and
then YOU get to vote online at for the winner.
Voting will open Dec. 16 and close Dec 22.
For more info, check
The following
positions are
needed. We
have lots we
want to do, but
can’t do it
without your
For more information on these or any other
positions, please email Mark Jones at
Tell us your best holiday season story
and you could win $$$!!
You must be 15 or younger and a resident of
Whyte Ridge/Westridge to be eligible to
enter. Entries should be no more than 400
words and we’d love it if they included a
picture as well. Submissions must be sent to
Entry deadline is January 31, 2008. The grand
prize winner will receive a $50 Walmart gift
certificate and have their article published
in the March 2007 Spirit.
First with the good. You have likely noticed that
the basketball court at Fleetwood is completed and
being very well used. Our grand opening in September featured a full day of activities an clinics
put on by Tanya McKay and and several players
from the U of W Wesmen basketball team. A project of this magnitude takes the efforts of a number
of people and I’d like to recognize a few of them.
First and foremost is the Winnipeg Minor
Basketball Association and specifically Ted Fardoe
& Mike Ruta from the WMBA. Ted, Mike and
their entire foundation were the driving force
behind this project and their generous support in
terms of funding, expertise and their own time
made this a reality. We are incredibly fortunate to
have this type of facility in our collective backyard
and we can not thank the WMBA enough for
selecting our site as the home for this court.
continued on page 2
Happy December to you all!! Lots to report on
in this issue, so I’ll get right to it. Throughout this
issue you will see details of several projects and
events completed or underway and it’s been a
pleasure for us all to be a part of it.
We are in the final weeks before Westridge
Community Centre and Whyte Ridge Community
Centre separate into two separate entities. We all
look forward to the logistical burden of 2 facilities
being behind us but we take great pride in the fact
that we collectively have accomplished what neither
community could have done on its own. While it’s
clear that the time is right for each center to stand
alone, we will always be one community.
Our Winter Carnival and Skate with Santa
events are coming up shortly, more details can be
found throughout this
issue and we look forward to some great
In the last issue, I
Your neighborhood Travel Agency
called out for more
community involvement
Trafalgar Tours • Real Ireland
and am pleased to
report that a couple of
March 29 to April 6
people have stepped forair and tour $2500.00 per person. Limited
ward to help. We of
course can always use
more hands, particularly
with the impending separation and so we’ve
hotel and pass
appealed for you
for 7 days
(yes…you) to pitch in
starting at $
however you can. One
event, one shift at the
Book by
by Dec.15th
canteen, whatever you
can help…we’d appreciate it. Please send me an
e-mail if you’d like to
discuss helping out…no
obligations, I promise.
There are two very
significant things I’d like
to end on, some great
news and unfortunately
149 Scurfield Blvd.
some very sad news.
Walt Disney World Resorts
Legacy Travel
visit us online at
Basketball Court
Grand Opening
As with most projects like this, we have to
secure funding from many sources and we’d also
like to thank the Province of Manitoba through
their Community Places grant for their generous support.
In addition, the City of Winnipeg showed our
community their support once again through
the Community Incentive Grant Program.
Thanks to Councilor Bill Clement for his support in securing this for us.
Of course a big thanks to the Whyte Ridge
CC board members past and present who made
this happen. Our entire Board of Directors has
been incredibly supportive of this project and I
commend them for making this the top priority
and doing whatever was needed to get this court
built. There are a few people in this group that I
would like to mention specifically. Brad
Anderson, our past basketball convener got the
Local children enjoying the new
Whyte Ridge basketball courts
ball rolling a number of years ago on this project and
planted the seed for this. Carol Ploen Hosegood, who
championed the project a year or so ago and as she is
famous for, gave a good kick start. I’d also like to
thank Bob and Barb Axworthy, our current basketball
conveners for their help with fundraising and the
grand opening events. Last but not least, a big thank
you goes out to our community residents for their
support. Your generosity thorough fundraising and
program support makes this and all of our activities
and projects possible.
Now, on to the sad news as I report the passing of
Craig Fields, our original webmaster for Although Craig lived in Morden, he
very generously gave his time and expertise to start
and grow our website. Craig’s generosity and sense of
community is truly an inspiration and our online
presence simply would not be what it is today without him. I’ve asked Clarence Zacharias, the former
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Coaching Clinic with Wesmen Coach
Tanya McKay held at Grand
Opening of Whyte Ridge
Basketball Court
communications director and Craig’s long-time
friend, to write an article about Craig’s contribution to our community. Our thoughts and
prayers go out to Craig’s family and our eternal
thanks to Craig for his contributions to our
On behalf of the Board of Directors and our
families to you and your family, we wish you the
very best of the holiday season and a safe and
prosperous 2008.
As always, if you have any feedback at all, my
electronic door is always open at
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays!
Lylyk Insurance
Terry Newman
I attended both the September and October CCCCB meetings. CCCCB
stands for the City Center Community Centres Board. Community Clubs
belonging to this board include Westridge-Whytridge, Crescentwood, Fort
Garry, Sir John Franklin, Riverveiw, Lord Roberts, River Heights, Victoria,
Linden Woods, River Osbourne, R.A. Steen, Valour, Earl Grey and
Wildwood. We meet monthly to report on our community clubs’ recent
activities. Reports can include such things as upcoming activities, concerns,
questions and projects. We use each other as resources when appropriate.
The City representative Terry Cormier attends and reports as well. We often
utilize his expertise for clarification of a proceedure and ask his assistance if
required. We also hear presentations and receive handouts from other
organizations such as MYVOP (Manitoba Youth Volunteer Opportunities
Programs) and relay this information back to our respective clubs. The
CCCCB also has representatives sit on other committees including the
GCWCC (General Council of Winnipeg Community Centres).
I have also been involved with and attended meetings of the Working
Together Committee. This committee includes representatives from the
Whyte Ridge, Victoria, Westridge, Linden Woods and Wildwood
Community Centres.
Separation of the Westridge and Whyte Ridge Community Centres is slated
for January 1, 2008. As a Board member residing in the Westridge area, I plan
to continue on the Westridge board. I hope to work together with other
residents of our community as well as other community centres in the Fort
Garry area to maintain our current programs (ie: the daycare, the two hockey
pens) and create new ones (ie: spring/fall ball hockey league, winter carnival).
It is only through volunteers that our Winnipeg Community Centres
hope to maintain their viability and subsequent existance.
If anyone is interested in donating 1 to 2 hours a month to help out with
our transition with separation, please feel free to contact me directly at
999-8001 or by e mail at
Thank You.
Todd Hamin, Vice President
Powell Property Group
Commissions from 4%
Hi folks! I haven’t yet totally disappeared into the woodwork! I’d just like
to commend the current Board for moving things forward this year and add
my plea to Mark’s and Todd’s for more volunteers.
We’ve been missing three key director positions for more than seven
months now. That means that the workload has been spread among the
existing Board. It’s the reason things have slowed down a little in terms of
activities at our Community Centre. With the upcoming separation of our
Board from the Westridge Board, it’s really critical that we have strong volunteer suppport. Each new Board will need to increase membership to
effectively manage each facility.
From the more than 10,000 people in our Community, surely three or
four can step up and help. I think the problem is that people use this logic
to assume that somebody else (other than themselves) will come forward.
Most of our Board have kids in activities, most are in double income families, and many coach kids in at least one sport. However, they’ve found that
with a few extra hours each month they can do something really great for
their community. Please give this some thought and have a great Christmas!
Nick Barnes
Past President
Liz Cale
Your Resident Realtor
Tel. 784.3828
Interpretive Trail and Grounds
Whyte Ridge
Basketball Court
The recent grand opening of the basketball
courts was one of the most popular community
centre events in recent memory. The event was
well attended and was fitting for such a magnificent venue. The Community Centre wishes to
express thanks to Brad Anderson, who established basketball in our community in the fall of
2000 and who wrote the initial proposal in the
spring of 2004 to the WMBA Foundation and
lobbied hard to get the new court established in
Whyte Ridge. Please see the Basketball update
in this edition of the Spirit for further details.
Air Conditioning
The air conditioning unit for the multi-purpose room has received official approval, and
the funding has been secured! This will be in
place shortly, offering welcome summer relief
for our summer tenants and community members. Hopefully an air conditioned centre will
more inviting to community members who
need an inexpensive facility of reasonable size
for family gatherings, birthday parties, and
similar events.
As you may recall, based on the Community site
development survey, the installation of an interpretive trail at the Community Centre is beginning to
gain momentum. Former WRCC President Nick
Barnes has taken ownership of this initiative and
HGI has expressed enthusiasm based on the educational opportunities and the formation last year of
their Environmental Action Club and Naturalization
Project. The City of Winnipeg and Native Plant
Solutions (part of Ducks Unlimited) have provided
initial cost estimates and there have been very positive discussions with the Winnipeg Trails Association,
CP Rail, Manitoba Heritage Resources Branch, and
the Evergreen Foundation. Discussions have also
been initiated with Fort Whyte Alive.
The interpretive trail would begin on the east
side of the new basketball court
Basically, the concept is to establish a new
segment of path along the east fence line from
Fleetwood Road going north, bypassing the
parking lot beside the new basketball court and
connecting with the existing path by the hockey
pen. The TransCanada Trail would be relocated
from its present path north via Cloverwood to
north via the CC property, connecting with Fort
Whyte Alive. The entire east side of the property (between the path and the fence line by the
rail track) would then receive native prairie vegetation. Several plaques would be installed to
highlight featured prairie species and several
historic events. These would include a local historic conflict between CP Rail and the City, and
a local historic conflict between Louis Riel and
Canadian surveyors – the first public act of the
Red River Resistance that led ultimately to the
creation of the new province of Manitoba. A
Plaque commemorating this event used to be
located by the play structure at Don Smith Park
and efforts are being made to reinstall it at the
community centre. Benches and/or a picnic
table would be installed at the fork in the path
on the east side of the property, where several of
the plaques would be located. It is hoped that
that this work will form a catalyst to install
additional shade trees and shrubs on the property. The project will likely take several years to
implement, but hopefully funding will be in
place to begin initial work next spring.
Upcoming Programs & Activities
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Other Site Development Projects
As discussed in past Spirit articles, in addition to the interpretive trail, we
hope to look at other “modest” projects such as skateboard facilities,
tennis/lacrosse components in the paved rink, trees and park benches with
the fundraiser donations, and picnic shelter, sand volleyball court (west
rink) and other larger-scale initiatives as long-term projects that will require
grants, City of Winnipeg funding, and major corporate sponsorship.
Unfortunately, progress on these components will most likely slow down in
the next while as we continue to look for revenue to fund the initiatives
selected by the community in our recent survey. Donations from residents
and local businesses have not been gaining the momentum we had hoped,
but the program is still in its infancy and will grow as its visibility increases!
The fundraising article in this newsletter expands on this theme.
Although our recent community survey did not expose the requirement for
a gymnasium at our site, the practicality of such a venue is obvious. Winter
sports such as indoor soccer and basketball have very limited facilities and
school gymnasiums are typically fully booked. The multipurpose room at
the community centre is also significantly undersized for our community
for many social activities and a gymnasium at the community centre would
serve multiple needs. However, this project is a major capital venture and
would require someone to champion it for several years. If you know of
anyone who could help in this regard, please contact us.
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Tom Albig, Site Development Director, WRCC
Eyecare Centres
The Man
Behind The Scenes.
The First Webmaster
Craig Fields (1950-2007)
In June of 2003, the WRCC Executive unveiled the new Westirdge
Community Centre website. It wasn’t much to start with, one page, but it
did get the message out that we were starting a new era at this CC.
But, let’s go back a few months. At one of the Board meetings, we discussed the concept of a website. But we couldn’t afford to pay anyone to create a website because back then, it was prohibitively expensive. But we knew
that’s the direction we wanted to go. I contacted a long-time friend of mine,
Mr. Craig Fields, who lived in Morden MB. He had started building websites
in the last year, and knew all about it. After a discussion about us creating
one, he actually volunteered to use a template he had created for someone
else’s website, and modify it slightly for our use. “How much would it cost” I
asked? He said “I won’t charge you anything to start. If it grows, we’ll work
something out.”
continued on page 6
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If it grows! Well grow it did, and fairly quickly! We kept adding functionality and more and
more information, but we still couldn’t afford
anything, and he kept doing it for nothing. I
arranged to give him an honorarium at
Christmas. I think the first year it was only
$100. Not only did he create the website, he
stored the whole website and all its associated
files in his own commercial space. He also did
all the updates – gratis.
I think we operated like that for at about two
years. We then had a long talk about how the
space “WE” used had grown from one page to
40 + pages, and it was now costing him to store
it all. It was time to start paying for what we
used. We agreed on $30 per month, updates
included! That was still very reasonable, as most
other websites were three times that.
I had asked him for some time whether he
wanted all that work updating the website? Why
didn’t he set it up so we could upload changes
ourselves? Well, about three months later we
were talking and he asked whether I still wanted
it. He had already set it up, but didn’t tell me ‘til
now. So, of course we did! All we had to do was
convert our Word documents to Adobe PDF’s
and upload them to the website storage area. It
worked like a charm. That’s the kind of man
that Craig was.
In Memorian:
This September, our webmaster, Mr. Craig Fields,
passed away, very unexpectedly. A very gracious and
generous man, who struggled with Muscular
Dystrophy, - he gave us our first website, and he contributed, albeit behind the scenes, in a great way to
the success of our Community Centre. Not many
people from this community knew about him, or
what he did for us, other than a few of us at the
Community Centre. It was my honour and privilege
to be his friend all these years.
Clarence Zacharias
Former Communications Director
Whyte Ridge
Join the Whyte Ridge Canteen Team!
Opening December 3, 2007
Who can help: Adults & mature teens (14 or older)
Hours of operation: 6:30 – 8:30 pm on weeknights &
1-3 pm weekends, if we have Volunteers
Canteen season: Dec. 3 till the ice melts!
Job responsibilities: Sell lots of pop, chips & candy.
Also looking for people to help shop for supplies,
take inventory, supervise younger helpers, etc.
Mark your calendar:
Orientation December 1st
at 11 am or December 4th
or 6th at 6:30 pm.
Nelson Silva
Westridge Canteen Director
Whyte Ridge
Who to contact: Debbie
Neufeld at 488-3278 or
Since his “real job” seems to take him out of
town quite a lot, Mike Callaghan was searching
for some asistance and we’re pleased to say that
Derek McMillan has jumped in to help out.
Thanks Derek!
As mentioned in
September, the Westridge
canteen in the Skate Shack
will be in full operation
again this winter during
skating season. We look
forward to providing the
Community with some
tasty treats. Our menu
will include hot and cold
drinks, cup-a-soups, bottled water, chips, popcorn,
chocolate bars, energy
bars and a variety of
candy. We now have a
microwave in the canteen,
which was relocated from
the Whyte Ridge
Community Centre.
In the canteen, for your convenience, we will
have available for sale hockey tape, laces and
pucks. We will also have a variety of used skates
and sponge hockey shoes for Community members to use. So this winter you’ll need to come
on out to meet the neighbours, have a cup or
two of some great hot chocolate and snacks, lace
up some skates and have some great old time
fun! I’m sure our ice rink manager Murray
would be pleased to have the company!
If you are interested and have some time to
spare, we are always in need of evening and
weekend volunteers to help with operating the
canteen. A few hours a month of volunteerng
would make a world of difference. We look forward to the increased involvement and service
provided to our Community.
We look forward to receiving your ideas and
suggestions. As the Canteen Director for
Westridge, I can be reached most days at 4525282, or you can leave a message for me at the
Welcome to another winter season at the
Westridge Community Centre. Murray and Stu
Swanson have been busy this fall getting the
rinks ready for the skating season. They have
painted the rinks, had the boards pushed down
level with the ground after several years of the
frost heaving them up, and they have replaced
broken boards.
The guys have been busy inside as well painting the skate shack, installing a water fountain
and preparing the canteen to open for another
busy season.
Kelly Huff
House and Grounds, Westridge
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Official Opening of the Whyte Ridge Basketball Court
A beautiful, sunny Saturday afternoon in September marked the official
opening of the new Whyte Ridge Community basketball court. In
Community Club President Mark Jones’ opening remarks, he credited the
hard work of former board members including Past President Nick Barnes,
former Basketball Convenor Brad Anderson and former Fundraising
Director Carol Ploen, for having the vision and commitment to bring this
initiative to life. The court was built with the support of the WMBA
Foundation, through a competitive selection process that began in 2004. It
was Brad Anderson (who established basketball in our community in the fall
of 2000) who wrote the initial proposal in the spring of 2004 and lobbied
hard to get the new court established in Whyte Ridge. Foundation chair
Mike Ruta and WMBA President Ted Fardoe were on hand at the official
opening to commend the volunteer community leaders whose hard work
and dedication made the court possible. Neighborhood kids were treated to
a skills camp run by University of Winnipeg Wesmen head coach Tanya
McKay and several Wesmen players who volunteered their afternoon to
come out and join the celebration. Among the players helping out was
Whyte Ridge resident Mackenzie Prasek, who is now in her first year with
the University team. As part of the day’s activities, there was a full-day
coaching clinic run by Tanya McKay. Fourteen volunteer coaches devoted
their Saturday to earning their Level One coaching certificate – a clear
demonstration of their commitment to building a thriving basketball program in our community. It was a great day and the court is clearly a welcome addition to the neighborhood. Throughout the fall the court has been
in constant use by players of all ages.
Fall-Winter Season
The Whyte Ridge Community Basketball program is off to a great start
for the 2007-2008 season. Whyte Ridge has 12 teams in the league this year,
with over 120 athletes competing at the community club level. League games
began on October 21st and the season will continue to the end of March.
Game schedules and results are available at
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Coaching opportunities.
The program continues to rely on the volunteer efforts of coaches from our
community. While many of the coaches have children in the program, we
have been fortunate to benefit from a number of individuals whose children
have moved on, but are still willing to devote a few hours a week to the
game and its young players. If you have experience in the sport and are
interested in getting involved, please send us an email
( We are already looking for coaches for the
spring season.
Barbara and Bob Axworthy
Basketball Convenors
Well, our outdoor teams didn’t have quite as
good a season this year as previous, but we’re
happy to report that our Youth 17 B Girls team
won the City Championship!
In terms of the indoor season, we have six
teams of boys and six teams of girls registered,
and most seem to be doing very well so far. The
overall numbers are down slightly from last year
– possibly because of the remote locations of the
some of the current indoor facilities. It’s a
tough haul driving to the Gateway Arena for an
8 AM Saturday game! We’re all looking forward
to the establishment of the indoor soccer complex at the U of M next year!
Jim Waytt
Soccer Convenor
Whyte Ridge
Our Community Centre continues to play
host to a number of fitness classes, as well as
family celebrations and meetings. We are
pleased to be able to offer the space to our resi-
dents and to members of surrounding communities
and we look forward to doing so throughout 2008.
If you are interested in offering a program at the
CC, please give me a shout at and tell me what you
would like to see.
Some suggestions have been: babysitting course,
youth drop in centre, Mom & Tot program.
Let me know what you would like to see and we can
try to make it happen!
Jill Chongva
Rentals & Programming Assistant
have hot chocolate, coffee and munchies at the
canteen all season.
Our main building is available for rent, and
it is the perfect size for birthdays, showers or
family gatherings.
The daycare is running 5 days a week from
7am to 6pm, and in the evening we have
Brownies and Yoga available.
We do have space available on weeknights and
weekends for programs such as Pilates,Karate,
dance classes and more. We are always looking
for creative new ideas and programs at
Westridge, Please leave us a message at 453-2025
if you have some plans for this open space.
Kelly Huff
Once again there will be lots of activity at
Westridge this winter. Here are a few things that will
be going on: The Learn to Skate program will return
again this winter. The Saturday Shinny Hockey program. The Skate with Santa afternoon.
This winter we will be offering Broomball as an
after School program on the rinks. There will also be
Hockey games and practices, Sponge Hockey and of
the usual daily public skating.
We do have goalie equipment and some helmets
available for the kids to use as well.
Inside the skate shack we will have Play Station
video games available to play, and the table top hockey game at the very popular youth drop-in program,
held every weekend in the winter. Of course we will
Outside skating is coming soon to the Westridge
Community Centre!
(submitted by Todd Hamin)
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WRCC VP Todd Hamin and family
get into the Halloween Spirit!
(submitted by Todd Hamin)
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Dr. Allan Winchar
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September saw the kick-off of our fundraising campaign, aimed at raising $20,000 for the community centre. More than 150 local businesses were contacted
in a request for support, and the website was populated with details relating to the fundraiser. Several residents got into the spirit immediately with generous
donations. You can see info on our website at
Some local businesses also showed their community spirit in a big way
Platinum sponsor (>$1,000)
Platinum sponsor (>$1,000)
Silver sponsor ($250-$499)
Dr Gary Yan
Whyte Ridge Dental Centre
Linden Ridge
Linden Ridge
Animal Hospital
147 Scurfield Boulevard
11-1080 Waverly
1549 Kenaston Blvd
Please make sure you stop by these businesses to thank them for their donation.
The fundraising campaign is fairly new and will hopefully see many more community residents and businesses show their support for our community.
Please give this some serious thought. If you are a resident, consider this your opportunity to contribute, and challenge your neighbours to do the same. If you
own or work for a local business, ask your organization how it would like to be viewed in the eyes of the community and think of the benefits of having its
donation recognized in this newsletter.
The community centre cannot keep relying on the City of Winnipeg to keep donating money, especially when our centre is in good shape when compared
to some of the other aging facilities in the city. We cannot expect new facilities or programs to be realized without local involvement. Future growth in our
community must be initiated by the community itself, so please get involved!
Full details on the fundraiser can be found on the website at Donations can be made out to Whyte Ridge Community Centre and be
mailed to: Whyte Ridge Community Fundraiser, 2 Tamblyn Rd, Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1Y5
Tom Albig, WRCC Fundraising Director
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The holiday season is fast approaching along with all the parties. Here are
some simple tips to keep you are the straight and narrow during the holidays.
Stick to your regular exercise routine as much as possible.
There may be some disruptions in your regular routine due to parties or
event, but don’t give up your workouts until after the New Year. Simply
resume your workout the next day and add the extra cardio time.
Take advantage of the winter season.
Take the kids to the community and go skating or tobogganing. Add
variety, so you don’t get bored.
Use your workout time wisely.
If you are pressed for time, it’s okay to shorten your workout. You might
want to increase the intensity to compensate for the shorter time.
Add some exercise to your shopping trip.
Don’t circle the parking lot of the mall finding the closest parking spot,
park far away and walk. Use the escalators instead of the elevators.
Exercise to beat holiday stress.
Remember, exercise reduces stress and elevates mood. This is a very busy
time, so use your workout as a stress buster.
Incorporate the holidays into your workout.
Listen to holiday music while running on the treadmill.
Recruit a friend or family member to help.
You might not want to skip knowing you have someone to answer to.
Don’t expect too much of yourself.
If you eat too many shortbread cookies at the Christmas party or skip a
couple of workouts in a row, don’t sweat it. Just resume your regular
healthy eating and exercise routine as soon as possible.
1549 Kenaston Blvd.
Winnipeg, MB
Submitted by Fitness Instructor Gloria Klotz
Information courtesy of
® Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia.
North Fort Garry Community Centres Working Together Committee
As reported in previous Spirit issues, this committee was formed in July 2005 in response to new
City policies and plans surrounding community centres. It includes representatives from the
Whyte Ridge, Victoria, Westridge, Linden Woods and Wildwood Community Centres.
The committee met on November 6 to review the most recent version of the Phase 1
Report. This report summarizes the existing facilities and programs/activities in each of
the participating community centres. One noteworthy observations from this
process are that there are similar programs being run at several facilities where
attendance is low, and programs offered at one community centre that might be of
interest to residents in another community centre. Another noteworthy observation is that Fort Garry is the only Community Characterization Area in the City
with no community gym, no recreation centre, no leisure centre and no indoor
soccer facility. All of the participating WTC community centres are significantly
smaller (in heated square footage) than the average community centre in
Winnipeg. This shortage in facilities will become even more unmanageable when
the Waverley West development occurs.
Preliminary recommendations in the Phase 1 Report include the following:
• Maintain existing outdoor facilities such as hockey rinks and soccer fields at each
community centre;
• Investigate potential efficiencies in consolidating certain programs at one
community centre if there is low participation at other community centres and
advertize hroughout the broader area;
• Work with City staff to investigate the potential to conastruct additional indoor
facilities/gymnasiums for sports such as soccer and basketball.
It is expected that Phase 2 will involve a closer examinaton of programs/activities and a
rationalization process to look for efficiencies and synergies.
Nick Barnes, WRCC Past President
Yo u r
Whyte Ridge
New High School Lobby Group Update
The new high school lobby group is a committee of concerned parents
representing the communities of Linden Woods, Linden Ridge and Whyte
Ridge striving to draw attention to the need for a high school in this area.
We are the only riding in the province without a high school to serve the
needs of our children.
We have begun a letter writing campaign to impress upon our politicians
the importance of this issue. We are asking you to pick up your “pen” and
participate. Write a letter/e-mail to the Premier at
and the Minister of Education Mr.Peter Bjornson at
Please CC your letters to our MLA Hugh McFadyen at and to our group at For
the newest information on our cause and data to include in your letters feel
free to use the information on our website
and Resident
Alan Ediger
“You can call me Al”
Committed to Excellence
Award Winning Service
A portion of Alan’s commissions of
Whyte Ridge listings is donated to
the Whyte Ridge Schools
Wh y
Finally, please forward our letter writing request to any friends and
family who may be able to participate. Remember that collectively we can
make a difference.
We appreciate your support and interest,
Sandie Matheson
New High School Lobby Group
Executives Realty
Whyte Ridge Elementary School
Whyte Ridge School had the following fitness
activities in the fall: All grade 4’s participated in
3 Divisional x-country runs as well as hosting
the Whyte Ridge Invitational on Thursday Oct.
4th. 13 schools participated.
The Champions were:
Grade 4 Girls:
Whyte Ridge and Bairdmore
Grade 4 Boys: Whyte Ridge
Grade 5 Girls:
H.G.I and Robert H. Smith
Grade 5 Boys: H.G.I.
Grade 6 Girls: H.G.I.
Grade 6 Boys: H.G.I.
If you are:
Expecting/had a baby
Planning a Wedding
Being Promoted/Appointed to a new position
Grade 3’s at Whyte Ridge also particpated in a
800m x-country run on Thursday Oct. 4th
Call (204) 956 4033 or toll free 1 877 875 846
for gifts and local information
World Record Walk: Wednesday Oct. 3rd.
the entire school participated in a
1 kilometer walk at 11:30am...along with
the rest of Manitoba and Canada!
Look for it in the new
Guiness Book of Records!
Eye Exams
Monday through Saturday
Evenings available
Dr. Neil Campbell
488-EYES (3937)
K-1765 Kenaston Blvd.
Financial advice,
now right in the
Now we’re open closer to you
at Kenaston and McGillivray
It’s always good to find what you want close to home. Take financial
services for example. From chequing accounts to financing your
home or retirement, nothing beats having the financial resources
you need right around the corner. That’s why there’s a new RBC
Royal Bank® branch open in your neighbourhood — complete with
specialists to provide valuable advice. Drop in and see us soon.
Because, at RBC®, the reason we’re open is to put you first.
RBC Royal Bank, Unit 200 – 1610 Kenaston Blvd, Winnipeg:
Monday to Wednesday, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
Thursday, 9:30 am – 7:00 pm
Friday, 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday, 9:30 am – 3:00 pm
Susan De Luca, manager of the new RBC Royal Bank branch
now open at Kenaston and McGillivray.
Why, in an age of online and telephone
banking, does a bank open a new branch? We
asked Susan De Luca, manager of the new RBC
Royal Bank® branch now open at Kenaston
and McGillivray.
“More than ever, we know it’s important
for clients to have the option of meeting face
to face. Whether you’re paying down your
mortgage, financing an early retirement,
starting an education fund for your kids or
simply saving for your next vacation, you want
to know you can get advice that’s appropriate
for your particular situation. And that’s why
we’re here.”
In fact, the new RBC® branch offers the
services of investment representatives,
mortgage specialists (who will meet you
anywhere, any time) and a number of
knowledgeable staff who can do personal
financial reviews and help you select the right
financial products to meet your needs.
“Mortgages, investments, retirement
— they’re all different. That’s why we have
specialists in branch who can offer you specific
information, valuable advice, no matter how
big or small your financial needs are.”^
A $10,000 Dream Vacation†
to be won, plus more
“But we don’t stop there.” Susan and her staff
want local residents to know just how much
they appreciate them. So they’re asking residents to stop by and enter to win a $10,000
Dream Vacation — plus a chance to win an
Early Bird Prize.
Come see us at our new location —
you could win a $10,000 Dream Vacation,
plus a chance to win an Early Bird Prize†!
Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. † No purchase necessary. To enter and for full rules, visit www.rbc.
com/dreamvacation3 or follow the directions found inside the promotional mail piece. The 3 Early Bird contest close dates are 11:59 PM (EST) on 09/28/07, 12/28/07, 03/28/08, and 1 Grand
Prize contest close date at 11:59 PM (EST) on 06/30/08. Open to residents of Canada who have reached the age of majority in their province or territory of residence. Correct answer to mathematical skill-testing question required. There will be 3 Early Bird Prizes available to be won each consisting of $1,000 Cdn in Carlson Wagonlit Travel certificates, and there will be 1 Grand Prize
available to be won consisting of $10,000 Cdn in Carlson Wagonlit Travel certificates. Odds of winning depend on the total number of eligible entries received.
Entry date:
Complete the survey on this Boarding Pass and drop
it in the ballot box provided in branch any time before
June 30, 2008.
Are you an RBC Royal Bank client?
Do you own a business?
Please tell us which goal is most appropriate for you?
Buying, selling, or renovating a home
Saving for children or grandchildren’s education
Saving for retirement
Starting a business
Tel. Day
E-mail (optional)
Postal Code
Yes, I am interested in meeting with an RBC Royal Bank
representative to discuss my financial goals
By entering this Contest, you permit Royal Bank of Canada and its agents and/or representatives to collect the information submitted and to use it to administer the Contest. You
also permit us to use and share the ballot and survey information with other companies under RBC® in order for us and them to promote to you products and services that may be of
interest to you, unless prohibited by law. For additional information, please see our Privacy Policy at
Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. ^Financial planning services and investment advice are provided by Royal Mutual Funds Inc. Royal Mutual Funds Inc., RBC Asset Management Inc., Royal
Bank of Canada, Royal Trust Corporation of Canada and The Royal Trust Company are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. † No purchase necessary. To enter and for full rules, visit or follow the directions found inside the promotional mail
piece. There are 3 Early Bird contest close dates each at 11:59 PM (EST) on 09/28/07, 12/28/07, 03/28/08, and 1 Grand Prize contest close date at 11:59 PM (EST) on 06/30/08. Open to residents of Canada who have reached the age of majority in their province or territory of
residence. Correct answer to mathematical skill-testing question required. There will be 3 Early Bird Prizes available to be won each consisting of $1,000 Cdn in Carlson Wagonlit Travel certificates, and there will be 1 Grand Prize available to be won consisting of $10,000 Cdn in
Carlson Wagonlit Travel certificates. Odds of winning depend on the total number of eligible entries received.
South Winnipeg Speed Skating
Speed Skating in south Winnipeg takes place at the River Heights
Arena, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings
beginning in October.
Registration begins at River Heights
Arena in September.
Must be 5 years of age or older.
We offer recreational and
competitive programs.
Come join one of the fastest
growing sports in Canada.
Speed skating is an
excellent cross trainer
for hockey or
For more info
please call Bill
or Suzanne at
Century Skating Club
Century Skating Club is accepting
registrations for all programs at Century arena.
Programs include CanSkate, Pre-power, Adult,
Learn to Figure Skate, Skating skills development,
Recreation and competitive skating. For more
program information, visit our website
or call Tanya
It is never too late to join Beavers or Cubs.
There is a discounted cost if you join after Christmas.
Beavers meet 6:30 to 7:30 Thursdays for children 5 to 7
Cubs meet from 6:30 to 8:00 pm Thursdays at the
Whyte Ridge Elementary School.
Please contact:
Brent Glesby at 489-1144 for Beavers
Rob Hamm att 489-9125 for Cubs
Beavers and parents enjoy a
campfire song while out
watching the geese arrive
at Fort Whyte.
There is a Scout group active in Lindenwoods for children 11-14 .
Please contact: Group commisioner Terry Zdan at 488-8988
Girl Guides of Canada is the largest
organization for girls and women in
Canada. Currently in Whyte Ridge
and Waverley Heights we offer Girl
Guides for the following age groups:
• Sparks - 5 and 6
• Brownies - 7 and 8
• Guides - 9 to 11
The Guiding program is well-rounded, flexible and diverse.
We offer girls:
For information about teaching MYC, please contact 488.8488
Classes beginning December, 2007!
Norma Donogh ,MYC Teacher
• A place to have fun, learn new things and make new friends.
• Rolling membership intake – you can join anytime of the year.
• Adventurous, activity-based programs where girls can
challenge themselves in a safe environment.
• An accepting and nurturing all-girl atmosphere.
Already this year, girls in our units have toured the Corn Maze,
gone horseback riding and visited the moon!
Contact us at 253-3937 to join Girl Guides of Canada today
to begin a lifetime of fun, challenge and adventure.
Season Greetings
from your friends in the community
Thank you for your
patronage in 2007.
We look forward to serving you in 2008
Good news everyone! The Triple B’s house
band is in full swing!
For those of you who haven’t heard, “The
Faculty” has been rocking Triple B’s on
Kenaston for the past few weeks. Comprised of
teachers from your friendly neighborhood
Whyte Ridge Music Centre, this eclectic group
has been performing a mix of rock, blues, Latin,
jazz standards and whatever else you’re in the
mood for on Thursday nights.
Dramatic results in
only 12 weeks!
Grades 4-6
Grades 7-12
Classes beginning soon
Eli Herscovitch is featured on the sax, guitar, and
vocals. On the mainstage, Eli has performed at the
Winnipeg Jazz Festival, Winnipeg Folk Festival, as
well as the Governor General’s Mansion, Berney
Theatre, and countless private functions at
Winnipeg’s best hotels and private clubs. Eli has performed with many of Winnipeg’s excellent local
James Carter plays sax,
and has been enjoying
the saxophone since he
was just a young child.
In the past, James has
helped out local musicians and bands
(Christian and Jazz)
with their management
and marketing. James’
musical influences
include jazz, blues,
punk, ska, and various
other styles from the
‘80s ‘alternative scene’,
‘60s, and ‘70s.
Kim Carter brings
an extensive vocal background to the group,
and has vast experience
in all genres from jazz
standards to urban
gospel. As pianist and
vocalist, she works with
many well known
Christian Music and
Jazz artists. Kim can be
seen leading music at
Assiniboia Charleswood
Community Church on
Friday nights for
“Finding Freedom”
addictions recovery
Phone: 783-9462
Now in Winnipeg!
Local Band tears it up at
Triple B’s
Nick Mullin brings the groove to the band as
our bassist, and switches it up on the keyboard
every once in a while. Nick has his composition
degree from the University of Manitoba, and
before returning to Winnipeg, he toured internationally with many different bands including
the indy-rock group “The Reception”. With
extensive touring and recording experience on
both the keyboard and the bass, Nick brings a
solid feel to our rhythm section.
Marco Castillo Cunha is our lead guitarist and
comes to us all the way from Brazil. He has a
strong background in Latin music but loves to
play all styles. Marco is also featured as vocalist
in some of our repertoire, singing in both
Portuguese and Spanish. Although he has only
been in Canada for a year, Marco has already
developed an incredible reputation for himself,
performing with many of Winnipeg’s best artists.
Finally, we’ve got me, Matt Abraham, on the
drums. I’m currently completing a dual degree
in Music and Education at the University of
Manitoba, but I still enjoy rocking out every
once in a while. Though classically trained, I’ve
played with various jazz, rock, blues and other
groups around town. I’m a member of the
Percussive Arts Society, and enjoy teaching
drums and percussion in my spare time. I’ve
lived in Whyte Ridge all my life, and I hope to
see lots of you out to enjoy the music.
Come on out every Thursday, starting in
January, at 9:00 pm to meet the band (we love
to chat), have some refreshments and enjoy the
music! Trust me, if you come and check us out,
you won’t regret it!
See you there! Matt Abraham
Fusion Fitness
Yoga for Kids
8:00 PM TO 9:00 PM
5:45 PM TO 6:45 PM
Yoga, weights and pilates
Bring mat, weights and towel
Instructor: Cathy Spack
Ages 8-12 years old
10 weeks @$100.00
January 9 to March 12, 2008
Pilates and More!
8:10 PM TO 9:10 PM
Contact Gloria at 254-5403
Using Pilates principles and
dynabands for resistance to work
upper and lower body
along with core exercises.
Bring mat and towel
Family, Cosmetic and Laser Dentistry
Dr. Les Rykiss DMD • Dr. Sherri Mitani DMD
11 week sessions @ $60.50
All classes begin the week of
January 14th
Drop-Ins Welcome @ $6.00
Contact Gloria at
254-5403 to register.
Smiles for Life!
Da Vinci Veneers & Lumineers
• Laser Fillings
• Cosmetic Dentistry
• Implants
• Crown & Bridge
• White Fillings
• Root Canals
• Zoom ll Bleaching
• Smile Makeovers
New Patients Welcome • Evening Appointments Available
P. 487.2226 • F. 487.1360 • 7-877 Waverley Street
Power Yoga
with Lia Kruger, Certified Yoga Instructor
These classes are based on the
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga system. This
vigorous flowing style of hatha yoga
will detoxify your body; increase
your strength and flexibility,
and calm your mind. Great
for all levels!
after school classes for children
783 – 9462
Little Years Nursery School
We are continuing to accept registrations
for the 2007/2008 school year. We are located
in Ralph Maybank School at 20 Donnelly St.
A five minute drive from Whyte Ridge &
Linden Woods
We offer early years education for 3 & 4 yr olds.
Our staff is experienced and well educated.
Please call Olga at 489-0303 for more info
Whyte Ridge Community Centre
Thursdays, 7 - 8pm
Nov. 22, 2007 - Jan. 31, 2008
(10 weeks)
Feb. 1 - April 5, 2008
(10 weeks)
Cost: $80 per 10 week session
Contact Lia to register
or for more info @ 783-4758
Aerobics at Whyte Ridge CC!
Classes will include hi/low aerobics, interval training, and circuit/bootcamp style classes.
Session will run from January 15th - March 25th, 2008 (11 classes).
Cost: $55 • Time: 6:45-7:45pm Tuesdays
Participants must bring their own mat and weights.
For more information, call Chris at 489-7840.
For those of you who have already taken the class, you
can look forward to some new tunes & moves! If you
have any song requests, please email them back and we’ll
try to incorporate into the next bust-a-groovin’ session.
2 New Sessions Starting in January!!
Ladies, it ’s time to let loose,
have fun, learn steps, get fit,
follow the leader, dance to your
own beat, bust-a-groove!
This is a great, low-impact dance work out that doesn’t
feel like exercise! If you can go out for a night on the
town with your girlfriends you can do this class.
No experience necessary! All you need is an open mind,
a comfortable pair of shoes and a bottle of water!
Come as you are!
**Bring your friends out with you. Everyone can try the
first class for just $5 if you like and then sign up for the
rest of the session for just $55. Regular Drop-in rate $8
Whyte Ridge Community Centre (170 Fleetwood)
January 15 – March 18 (10 classes)
Time: 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Cost: $60.00
Wednesdays: January 16 – March 19 (10 classes)
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $60.00
Karrianne Scott, instructor
Phone: (204) 633-9090
Relocating to Winnipeg? For information on
Winnipeg and area try this website!
The NEXT issue of the SPIRIT will be
delivered the 1st week of March 2008.
Deadline for all articles and notices is
4 weeks in advance, on/or about
February 8th, 2008.
Need information on Whyte Ridge? Try here.
Community Centre Information:
Contact Communicatons Director
Jill Chongva
W.R.C.C. Executive 2007 Board of Directors
Mark Jones
Past President
Nick Barnes
Vice President
Todd Hamin
Shelley Nakonechny
Sherri Baldwin
Special Events Director (Whyte Ridge)
Volunteer Needed
Communications Director
Jill Chongva
Soccer Director
Jim Waytt / web site:
Basketball Director
Barbara and Bob Axworthy
Site Development Director
Tom Albig
Rentals/Programming Director (Whyte Ridge)
Volunteer Needed
House & Grounds Director (Whyte Ridge)
Derek MacMillan
Canteen Director (Whyte Ridge)
Debbie Neufeld
Director-at-Large (Whyte Ridge)
Ryan Setter
Fundraising Director (Whyte Ridge)
Volunteer Needed
Sports Liaison Director
Volunteer Needed
Special Events Director (Westridge)
Marilyn Catellier
Rentals/Programming Director (Westridge)
Marilyn Catellier
House and Grounds Director (Westridge)
Kelly Huff
Canteen Director (Westridge)
Marilyn Catellier
Director-at-Large (Westridge)
Shane Murray
Check out the New Community Website at:
Our new website is up and running and waiting for community input. Please have a look at and send your comments to
As always “The Spirit” is there and we are adding new content weekly. CHECK IT OUT!
Our Marshall Crescent site remains at
The Spirit Newsletter is published by
Advertising in the Spirit
Please contact MarsMedia for all information regarding advertising and rates.
MarsMedia has an exclusive contract to handle all SPIRIT advertising for the
Westridge - Whyte Ridge Community Centre.
Publishing • Design • Print
For advertising rates and information call
284-8244 or email
45 Bessboro, 105 Portwood, 18 St Albans, 256 Vineland, 239 Vineland, 18 Fleetwood,
67 Linden Ridge, 7 Ocean Ridge, 75 Battleford, 43 Ocean Ridge
Bachman & Associates
AirMiles when you list and sell with Cole
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