Beeston Market Report 6th May
Beeston Market Report 6th May
6th May 2016 BEESTON CASTLE AUCTION 407 CALVES £392 107 STORES TO £1105 121 BARREN COWS 154ppkg SALES & TIMES Next Week at Beeston Every Friday 8.30am Native Breed Calves 10.00am Barren Cows 11.15am Continental Calves 12noon Finished Cattle 12.15 pm Store Cattle First Friday Each Month 1.30pm Catalogued Sale of Weanlings Second Tuesday Each Month 10.00am The Famous Mid Month First Wednesday Each Month 9.30am TUESDAY, 10th MAY - 10.00 AM THE “MID MONTH FOCUS MILK DAIRY SALE” 321 HEAD (184 MILKERS) “THE LARGEST COLLECTIVE SALE ANYWHERE IN THE UK………..AND THE BEST FOR PURE QUALITY” “BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM THIS TRULY GREAT MONTHLY SALE” Monthly Implement Sale ANY FURTHER ENQUIRIES PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE 407 REARING CALVES (Not for export) Auctioneers: Jonny Dymond 07703 676227 and Jonty Cliffe 07595 453306 One of the first pieces of local knowledge I was told when I moved up here from Cornwall was “The Bulls Calves are at their Dearest when the Lilac is out”. Breed For 3 springs this has rung true, but I don’t think British Blue it is 2016! Buyers are wanting their calves but at Simmental a price, in the face of a £3.00per kg finished Limousin product you cannot blame the beef man for Blonde wanting his calves cheaper. I have got to Angus recommend that all beef producers get some Hereford calves bought this year, these are the one that Dairy will bring you profit!! You’ve got to be on the pitch to score some runs so do not worry it will go up again! No 27 17 15 2 33 61 121 Top 392 315 315 215 260 270 138 Heifers Ave No 263 32 270 20 243 12 213 177 25 152 44 3 61 Top 300 268 225 175 205 32 Ave 195 188 187 105 110 24 59 Continental Bulls Top call £392 for A F Shallcross’s Blue, then we travel back to £338 for RG Wooleys Blue bull. Nearly all the continental bulls with shape and bounce trade from £270-£330, any buyer looking at the top of that price range was getting value for money compared with those 2 quality calves bought at £270. Lims to £315 for Done & Hampson & Alex Williams, Simmentals to the same money for John Hopley. 64 Continental Heifers Top call for JLR Ball of Betchton’s Blue heifer at £300, good heifers today trading at £240-260 for Latham farming C&S Fitton. Top call for Simmentals £268 for HF Langley’s lovely sort Limousins to £225 for FB Griffiths. The calves today were not just as strong as we are used to seeing at Beeston, when strength came in we and the buyers to give the money, but they were not willing to give if for young calves this week. 94 Native Bulls – WHERE ELSE CAN YOU FIND THE NUMBER It’s a pleasure to report an uplift in trade in this section Angus to £260 for GE Oakley’s Lovely Calf but it was the medium Angus that sold very well on and aroung £200 when they have been £170 in recent weeks. A massive show of Hereford topped at £270 for P&D Smallwood’s strong calve with fresher types with shape from £190-£230 for D & M Rutter the best from Shavington Farms £228. Channel island x types from £100-£150. 69 Native Heifers Hereford over £200 again for S Carden and DM Rutter both realising £205, £198 for Grasslands Farming, Cholmondeston Hall. A lot of black Hereford heifers around £140 today look well bought. In the angus line top call £175 for S Carden and PAJ & EH Davis. Channel island cross native heifers trading from £65-£100 121 Dairy Bulls The strong Holsteins at 5 weeks traded from £60-80, the rearing types at 3 weeks traded at exactly the same price! Top call £138 for PA&JE Vaughan, £105 for Colin Wildman Brown Swiss to £112 for Done and Hampson. The processing calves this week saw a significant uplift in price with very few under £30. MORE NEEDED NEXT WEEK WITH SOME SPECIAL ORDERS FOR CALVES TO FILL! FOR DETAILS CONTACT JONNY DYMOND 07703 676227 April 2016 Calf Competition Winners – Under 42 Days of Age Congratulations: British Blue x Bull - £428 – T.S. & A.E. Hartley. British Blue x Heifer - £410 – T.S. & A. E. Hartley. Limousin x Bull - £420 – David Parry. Limousin x Heifer - £378 – Allen Family Farm Ltd. Simmental x Bull - £355 – J. & S. Oakes. Simmental x Heifer - £300 – L.E. Weston & Sons. Blonde/Charolais x Bull - £385 – I.C. Huxley & Co. Blonde/Charolais x Heifer - £290 – I.C. Huxley & Co. Aberdeen Angus x Bull - £335 – A.F. Shallcross. Aberdeen Angus x Heifer - £255 – S. Carden. Hereford x Bull - £275 – D. Latham. Hereford x Heifer - £280 – T. S. & A.E. Hartley Black and White Bull - £160 – John Cooke. Genus Calf Competition Winners – April 2016 – Under 42 Days with the Sires Eartag printed on the Passport by B.C.M.S. Best Continental Bull - £400 British Blue x Bulls – J.R. Ward & Sons & C. & S. Fitton & Son Best Continental Heifer - £350 British Blue x Heifer – C. & S. Fitton & Son. Best Native Bull - £330 Aberdeen Angus x Bull – W. Shone & Sons. Best Native Heifer - £240 Aberdeen Angus x Heifer – G.E. Oakley & Sons. 107 STORE CATTLE Auctioneer: Jonathan Farrall A few more cattle about and with the sun shining, the grass growing and a general upbeat atmosphere around the ring, trade found a little extra ‘bite’. Forward cattle were in short supply, only 3 steers over £1000, a pair of Hereford x from David PriceJones at £1105 and a good Simx from Messrs Littler at £1065. Some great young cattle about once again, the best of Peter Siddorn’s steers selling to £840 at 13mo and a pen of young Limx from Barbara Heyes Land Improvement at £520 apiece. Best heifers were of the younger variety also, Adrian Piggott’s 13mo Suckler bred Charolais x to £815 and similar Charolais x from Peter Siddorn to £780. Forward heifers in very short supply, Hereford x to £780 for Thomas & Fred Jones. Dare I say that it looks like trade may be on the move, granted 6 weeks later than everyone had anticipated, if you have stores to sell, now could be the time to get some tested and give us a try. Steers Her x Sim x BB x Lim x Chx AAx Heifers Chx Herx Chx Chx AAx Simx £1105 £1065 £875 £850 £840 £810 £ Overton on Dee x2 Chester Wrexham x5 Helsby Chester Chester £815 £780 £780 £770 £735 £720 Shocklach Backford Chester x4 Shocklach Chester x2 Tarporley Please keep the numbers coming, if you need any assistance with Store Cattle marketing at Beeston or Chelford don’t hesitate to get in touch 07796 952948 or 01625 861122. 12 BEEF CATTLE Auctioneer: Simon Lamb 07815 188125 Steers to 191p or £1197 Heifers to 196p or £1107 Tight on numbers again, but selling to a slightly firmer trade. A little more spark around the ring today with steers averaging £1118 per head and heifers £965. Top call on the day was for a Limousin heifer at 196ppk with the same beast grossing £1107. Steers topped at 191ppk for T Bunn with S Plumbley taking the honours in the lump at £1197 for their 19mo Charolais. Just the one Limousin bull today selling for 185ppk or £999. Thanks to all vendors for you custom and support, please don’t keep them too long, as anything up to or over age much harder to sell!! Please REMEMBER they do not have to be TB tested to sell in the Beef Cattle Section. Don’t hesitate to contact Simon for FREE marketing and on farm inspection. 07815 188125 Top Prices 196p 191p 185p 179p 176p 164p 158p 155p LIM LIM LIM LIM LIM CHA SIM SIM 565kg 565kg 540kg 565kg 675kg 730kg 605kg 585kg 34mo 19mo 17mo 21mo 29mo 19mo 20mo 34mo Hfr Steer Bull Steer Steer Steer Hfr Hfr J Root T Bunn A Cook PS & BM Crossley JS & DG Thelwell S Plumbley PS & BM Crossley PS & BM Crossley 204 WEANLINGS Auctioneer: Jonny Dymond 07703 676227 Steers to £620, Bulls to £610, Heifers £525 Its spring the sun is shining the grass is growing but it did take some work to get the buyers into action this month at the weanling sale! As always quality and bunches commanded a premium in comparison to odd singles. Top call for steers when for a superb Blue from C&J Jackson 6 month old which cruised to £620, this was closely followed by a 8 month Hereford from Rob Hale at £610, The same price achieved by a Pair of Simmentals from D Thornhill. A Bunch of 5 4-5 Month Blue Steers from J R Drinkall looked well sold at £500. Steers generally commanded a £50 premium to bulls thoughout the day and traded from £400-£500 at 4/5 months of age. Heifers topped fro a pend of 5 8 month old blues from SH & N Jones £525, blue heifers from J R drinkall £510k, a Pair of 11month Hereford heifers from A Massey £500. Heifers from 4-5 months generally traded from £400-£450 for continetlas young native to £415 at 2 Months fro EH Morris Rossett. Dairy Bulls traded 10% either side of £200 or thereabouts all day long almost regardless of size! Top £285 for JC Myott. Young Bulls at 2 Months from EH Morris £180. 121 CULL COWS 10.00am Auctioneer: Simon Lamb 07815 188125 Topping at 154.0p or £1218 AS DEAR AS THEY’VE BEEN FOR MONTHS……… COWS AVERAGE 95.08PPK!! Numbers down, mainly due to the fine weather where spring work and cattle turnout can eventually get started!! And not only was it hot outside, but the cull cow ring was on fire as well!! First cow in the ring set the trend, thinking she was at the May meet at Chester races, eventually stopping her jumping, she came in the ring, half meated and selling for more than a £1, we were away. Countless black and whites way over the 110ppk mark, with the best to 126ppk for P J Probins 5yo. Younger Holsteins to 130ppk for local vendor P Tushingham, on the day anything with flesh selling to a real trade, and as previously stated, genuinely as dear as they’ve been for months. Continentals readily over the 140ppk for old sucklers with the best to 154ppk. Two bulls in today, both Angus, one quiet, one NOT selling for 124ppk and 121ppk respectively. More cattle needed, with numbers drying up trade will increase, helped by the exchange rate, they always say May is a good month to sell cows?? Please inform myself of future entries. Guaranteed payment on the day if you collect!! BACS payment available! We’re here to help whenever we can, call Simon on 07815 188125. Today’s market average (mostly black and white), coming in at 96.43ppk or £598.15 per head. (Everything in, including the lean, mean, lame and loopy!) Dairy bred cows averaging 95.08 pence or £578.19 per life. Black and white cows traded throughout the day at 105p to 125p for meated cows, 90p to 105p for steakers, 80p to 90p for stronger plain cows and 50p to 70p there after! Continentals to 154p or £1218, Dairy bred to 143p or £1023 and Bulls to 124p or £1184. PAYMENT ON THE DAY FOR ALL LIVESTOCK SOLD AT OUR WEEKLY SALES! MORE CATTLE NEEDED EACH WEEK, DON’T MISS THE TRADE. Contact SIMON LAMB for further details on marketing your cattle. TOP PRICES Price 154p 146p 145p 143p 139p 139p 130p 130p Weight 680 725 840 535 620 645 625 535 Breed LIM LUING CHA B SWISS HOL LIM HOL FR Vendor I V Jones M Ross V France TO & GO Lewis R Langford T Bunn PM & SM Tushingham TO & GO Lewis A ‘PASSION FOR PEDIGREE’ STILL VERY MUCH IN EVIDENCE AT BEESTON CASTLE AUCTION WITH A 10000 GNS TOP SELLER AND AN AVERAGE OVER £3000!! It took a little over three weeks, once the decision had been made to advertise, market, catalogue and conduct a sale of cutting edge Holsteins from the highly respected Sahara and Wiltor Herds, the property of Sheikha Noora Alkhalifa and Dave and Claire Jones of Church Farm, Wilcrick, Magor, Monmouthshire. The sale was promoted under the banner ‘Passion for Pedigree’ in the belief that even in these turbulent and troubled times for all milk producers there was still a passion for pedigree breeding and top quality individuals in the Holstein breed. Dave and Claire Jones who manage the Sahara cattle as well as their own Wiltor Herd were fully aware that prices that may have been achieved would not reach the heights of a couple years ago but with over 70 heifers carrying embryo pregnancies to calve this year room had to be made somewhere at Church Farm. So a sale had to happen and Dave and Claire put a wonderful catalogue together featuring show cows and calves as well as heifers at the leading edge of genomic genetics. In fact never before had a catalogue been produced in the UK featuring so many high genomic animals. So good was the catalogue and pre-sale marketing that potential buyers gathered from all over the country from Central Scotland down to the South Coast as well as Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. When the first animal came in, the ring was packed such was the interest in the sale which was absolutely brilliant to and vindicated the decision, which many considered fairly risky, to hold the sale. The choice was fantastic throughout and it was a show cow that led the way – Ortongrange Snowman Alysia (VG89) (Max score) (EX-MS), a second calf daughter of Snowman who was All-Britain Junior Heifer In-milk 2014 and who had two EX94 dams! She gave 10000 kg as a heifer and was giving almost 50 kg in her second having calved in early January. She was the first to be sold; bidding opened at 5000 gns with other bids flying in from all over and eventually the hammer was knocked down at 10000 gns to Stephen Robinson of Crossgar, County Down, Northern Ireland for his Cluntagh Herd. A great start to the sale. Her November born Doorman ET calf then came in and made 2400 gns to Ruth Harper of Dearham, West Cumbria. The next animal in was a fantastic calf with incredible show potential. This was Sahara Bradnick Ambrosia with UK type Merit of +2.95 and a daughter of last year’s Royal Welsh Champion and Reserve All Britain Junior Cow Sahara Atwood Ambrosia (Ex93-4yr). Again lots of bidding here with the hammer being knocked down at 5500 gns to Llyr Lloyd of St. Clears, Carmarthenshire for their Llangynin Herd. But the sale wasn’t all about show animals, there was also a big proportion of the sale with leading edge genomics and two of these such animals were near to the top of the price list. Selling at 5600 gns to Hugh Neilson of the Lanarkshire based Overside Herd was Sahara Silver Fleur with a GPLI of +£541 the highest in the catalogue. She was an August 2015 daughter of Seagull-Bay Silver and out of Sahara Oak Fleur (VG87-2yr). Her ET sister just a day younger with a GPLI of +£524 sold for 4600 gns to Carys Jones of the Monmouthshire based Chequers Herd and her dam, Oak Fleur, sold for 3700 gns to an undisclosed East Midlands buyer. Selling at 5100 gns to Andrew Mackellar of Drointon Farms, Stafford was the young dry cow Sahara Numero Uno Jasmine who gave 9013 kg at 4.54% as a heifer and was a month off calving to Cookie Cutter Harper. Another milker that created much interest was the outstanding fresh heifer Sahara Cruise Roza (VG87-2yr) a daughter of the much talked about Wiltor Cruise at Cogent, she calved in February and was sold giving 34 kg to A & B Bargh of Skelton, Penrith for their Woodclose Herd. This was a great sale and much thanks is given to all those who attended, those who bid even if they didn’t buy and there was plenty of you, and those who actually did buy. You all made a big contribution to the day and just to prove, that even in these awful times for all dairy farmers there is still a passion for pedigree! TOP PRICES: GNS Lot 101 Ortongrange Snowman Alysia ET (VG89)(EX-MS) AS Robinson, N.Ireland 10000 Lot 113 Sahara Silver Fleur ET WW Neilson, Lanarkshire 5600 Lot 103 Sahara Bradnick Ambrosia RH & E Lloyd Ltd, Carmarthen 5500 Lot 122 Sahara Numero Uno Jasmine ET (VG87-2yr) A Mackellar, Stafford 5100 Lot 114 Sahara Silver Faith JM & BS Jones, Monmouthshire 4600 Lot 119 Sahara Cruise Roza (VG87-2yr) A & B Bargh, Penrith 4500 Lot 129 Sahara Powerball Perfekt-PP ET DP & FM Day & Son Ltd, Gt. Ayton 4300 Lot 112 Sahara Oak Fleur ET (VG87-2yr) Undisclosed East Midlands Buyer 3700 Lot 125 Sahara Jacey Jamaica 2nd ET Grange Hall Farm, Lanark 3600 Lot 124 Sahara Distinction Jasmine ET AL Moore & Partners, Cheshire 3300 Lot 110 Wiltor Bradnick Flo Designer Holsteins, Essex 3100 AVERAGES: 11 Cows and Milking Heifers £4371.18 (including 4 heifer calves at £2100.00); 8 Served Heifers £2506.88; 17 Maiden Heifers £2730.00. 36 Lots £3182.08. WYNDFORD HERD DOMINATES LEADING PRICES AT BEESTON MONTH END SALE TOP FIGURE OF £3500 FOR A VG88-3Yr SID The April Month End Sale incorporating the Western Holstein Club’s Focus Milk Sale of Pedigree Holsteins attracted an entry 99 fresh calved cows and heifers of which 17 were not forward on the day. A good trade was experienced, particularly for the better individuals and only three cattle failed to find new homes. The top prices were all dominated by entries from the highly regarded Wyndford Herd, the property of Wilfred Maddocks Ltd of Newport, Shropshire and managed by Ben Yates and were only for sale due to a change in farming policy which is moving from all year round calving to Autumn calving. The top seller was the outstanding Wyndford Sid August 26th (VG88-3yr), a daughter of Pine Tree Sid and the 9th generation of VG/EX cows from the well known August family. This beautiful young cow had given 8689 kg in her first lactation, had freshened with her second in the third week of March and was giving 44.5kg a day. She sold for £3500 to Jason Booth of Stewardstown, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland for his Beechview Herd. Not far behind selling at £2700 was Wyndford Artes Wendy, another (VG88-3yr) second calver from the Maddocks family. This daughter of Go-Farm Artes is out of the Isle of Man bred Fingan Duplex Wendy (LP80) (Ex94-5E & SP). She freshened in the third week of March too and was sold giving 43.2 kg to Alan Smith of Hinckley, Leicester for his Bumblebee Herd. Wyndford also led the heifer prices with Wyndford Mincio Hall 37th (VG85-2yr) who has an (Ex94-2E) sister and an EX93-8E) dam. She sold at £1720 to Sion and Audrey Davies of Carmarthen. From the same home an 8th generation Wyman Heifer from the Melody sold for £1550 to M & JC Gould Ltd., of Bomere Heath, Shrewsbury. Selling at £1650 was Leesemanor Asterix Charlene (VG86-2yr) from Wilf and Pam Lomas of Byley, Middlewich and was part of the gradual dispersal of their herd. This daughter of Woodmarsh Asterix was purchased by Peter Rutter of Saughall, Chester. A very fresh heifer by Zelgadis from the Amelia family from Harold and Pat Crapper of Dronfield, Sheffield sold for £1550 to BG & MA Elkin of Hilderstone, Stone. AVERAGES: 40 Cows £1203.80; 39 Milking Heifers £1211.08. HOLSTEIN BULLS TO 1900 GNS AT BEESTON The Western Holstein Club’s Annual Spring Bull Show and Sale took place at Beeston Castle Auction in conjunction with the Month End Sale. Just a small entry of 17 bulls were catalogued but unfortunately 6 were not forward, some being un able to get to the sale due to being blocked in by snow on the Lancashire Hills! The bulls that were there were of good quality and were judged by Keith Davies, formerly of the Montgomery Herd. For his Champion he selected Aintree Sherwood from Richard Pilkington of Hope, Wrexham for his son of Monument Impression bred from 10 generations of VG/EX dams of the well known Sherry family. In reserve was Tregibby Brooklyn from Hefin Wilson of Cardigan for his Windbrook son with 11 generations of two graded dams from the Romance/Roxy family. However in the sale ring it was the Reserve Champion who claimed top honours selling for 1900 gns to selling to C & R Owen of Talybont, Bangor, Gwynedd with the Champion selling for 1700 gns to RW Newns & Son of Treuddyn, Mold, Flintshire. Also selling at 1700 gns was Woodmarsh Sentinel from M & KG Gould Ltd of Bomere Heath, Shrewsbury for their Gillette Jordan son out of a sixth generation Excellent line of cows from the Dunnerdale Sabrian family who has nine sisters classified in the top two grades. Of the 11 bulls forward, 8 were sold to average £1588.13. PRODUCE REPORT 28 LOADS OF FARM PRODUCE MONDAY 2th May 2016 Auctioneer: Alan Lane A respectable entry for a Bank Holiday but, for the first time since anyone could remember, no loads of big bale straw, confirming the apparent shortage at least in this area. A large Bank Holiday crowd saw first quality round bale hay make up to £108 per tonne and first quality small bale hay £3.20 per bale. With both local weighbridges closed, approximately half the loads today were sold by the bale rather than per tonne. Good quality big bale hay made up to £24 per bale with second quality at £10 to £15 per bale, £50 to £68 per tonne. Ten loads of haylage sold well enough between £30 and £48 per tonne, £11 to £20 per bale. The shortage of straw generally was reflected in the prices achieved for two loads of small bale straw, barley at £2.90 per bale and wheat at £1.20 per bale. FARM FOR SALE Webscott Farm, Myddle, Shrewsbury, SY4 3QU A notable Dairy & Stock Farm comprising multi-purpose land equally capable of arable cultivation located in a prime agricultural area. Substantial 5 Bedroom Farmhouse. Extensive range of Dairy & Youngstock Buildings. Highly productive Land presently all in grass. Total area 218 Acres Substantial Detached 3 Bedroom Dormer Bungalow For sale by Private Treaty as a whole or in lots. Enquiries to 01829 731 300 or 01829 262 132 AKW or Berrys on 01743 290632. GRASSLAND CATTERALLS LANE, BROUGHALL WHITCHURCH, SY13 4DF 22.90 Acres or 9.26 Hectares First class block of grassland in a quiet rural setting divided into four fields with mains water to troughs. For Sale by Private Treaty. Enquiries to Beeston on 01829 262 132. Ref: AKW. KENNELWOOD MEADOWS, WHITCHURCH ROAD, COMBERMERE, SY13 4AL Prime accommodation land, split into seven well drained parcels with natural boundaries defined including a wooded copse and useful open fronted steel portal frame building with parking TOTAL AREA 52.698 ACRES Guide Price £8,000 - £12,000 per acre FOR SALE BY INFORMAL TENDER TO BE SUBMITTED BY FRIDAY 20TH MAY To: Mr N.A. Eckersley FRICS, Wright Marshall, 63, High Street, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 0DR. BY DIRECTION OF FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL PASTURELAND FOR SALE IN 5 LOTS SITUATED THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY OF FLINTSHIRE COMPRISING Lot 1- 3.28 acres – Stryt Isa, Hope Lot 2 – 1.09 acres – Wrexham Road, Hope Lot 3 – 13.72 acres – Penyffordd, Nr. Holywell Lot 4 – 9.41 acres – Trelogan Lot 5 – 0.9 acres – Cornist Hall, Flint FOR SALE BY AUCTION (Subject to reserve, conditions and prior sale) ON TUESDAY 31ST MAY 2016 @ 7.00 P.M. AT OLD PADESWOOD GOLF CLUB, STATION ROAD PADESWOOD, MOLD, CH7 4JD Enquiries to Chester Office on 01244 317 833. Ref: PDL. FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION (subject to reserve, conditions and prior sale) To Include Lot 1 – Land at Childer Thornton – 11.356 acres of fertile and versatile arable land situated at Welsh Road, School Lane, Childer Thornton Lot 2 – Duck Lane, Ashton – An affordable building plot within a highly desirable Cheshire village. Granted consent for one 2 storey detached dwelling Lot 3 – Land at Burton, South Wirral – 11.5 acres of versatile pastureland situated at Dunston Lane, Burton, South Wirral ON TUESDAY 17TH MAY 2016 7.00 P.M. At Rowton Hall Hotel, Rowton, Chester, CH3 6AD Enquiries to 01244 317 833. Grassland Available For sale by informal tender 22 acres of land in 3 enclosures Whitchurch available for the 2016 grazing season, complete with BPS entitlements. Tenders close Friday 6th May at 5pm Ref JD 07703 676227 Contact Jonny 07703 676227 SILAGE/HAYLAGE FOR SALE 150 wrapped 2015 Bales of Silage. Contact R. Goodwin on 07970 638 966 SILAGE FOR SALE At Sandbach Enquiries: Tel:01829 262 132. SILAGE FOR SALE 1,000 Tonnes at Winsford Vendor can Load. Enquiries to Andrew/Jean at Beeston on 01829 262 132. SILAGE FOR SALE 800 Tonnes of Grass Silage at Audley 32% Dry Matter 10.6% ME Enquiries to Beeston Andrew/Jean Ref:PT On 01829 262 132. FORTHCOMING SALES TUESDAY, 10th MAY - 10.00 AM THE “MID MONTH FOCUS MILK DAIRY SALE” 321 HEAD (184 MILKERS) “THE LARGEST COLLECTIVE SALE ANYWHERE IN THE UK………..AND THE BEST FOR PURE QUALITY” “BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM THIS TRULY GREAT MONTHLY SALE” The Sale is supported by the Western Holstein Club and comprises mostly Holstein: 24 COWS & 160 FRESH CALVED HEIFERS; 18 IN-CALF HEIFERS; 75 MAIDEN HEIFERS and 44 HEIFER CALVES. Those selling the most include: 25 Ped. Calved Cows and Heifers from BURNBRAE herd of DJD & JB Taylor, Shrewsbury; 14 Ped. Calved Heifers from M Struthers, Fife; 12 Ped. Calved Heifers from J & TJN Platt, Lach Dennis; 11 Cows & Heifers from D & AC Shakeshaft, Ellesmere; 9 Cows and Heifers each from EG & A Evans, Holyhead; TS & C Powell, Shrewsbury and DB Kippax, Preston. IN-CALF HEIFERS & YOUNGSTOCK Include: 12 Pedigree In-calf Heifers from DW & MN Ishmael, Wigan; 14 Ped. In-calf & Maiden Heifers from P & A Mercer, Malpas, 11 Ped. Maidens from Keythorpe Farms, Leics., 20 Heifer Calves from PN Holmes, Leics., and 11 from Grosvenor Farms, Chester. * CATALOGUES AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE OR BY REQUEST * SATURDAY 14TH MAY at 10AM FARM & LANDSCAPERS DISPERSAL SALE AT GRANGE FARM, STONE CROSS LANE, LOWTON,WARRINGTON, CHESHIRE, WA3 1JU ON INSTRUCTIONS RECEIVED BY MR A BURMAN JD 6910S 190HP 50K on Air Breaks -7562 Hours- TLS 25HP Turbo Boost, JD 6410 6200 Hours- LHR, JCB 526S Farm Special Loadall with 6300H, JD 6310 5520 Hours, Komatsi 5T Mini Digger with Kubota 4cyl Engine with 1 track needing attention with side slew and 4 buckets, Ford 4610 with Twin Rear Wheels and Elcon Mid-mounted Hedgemaster, Trifitt 11T Trailers on Super Singles, IW12`Twin Axle Trailer with Ramps, Tyrer 6T Tipping Trailer, 40ft Arctic Trailer with Doll, 25ft Arctic Trailer with Dolly,28ftWagon Trailer with draw bar on super singles, 33ft Arctic Bale Trailer,2 x 30ft Arctic Bale Trailers2012 14`Pottinger Novacat 402 12`Cut Mowing Machine- like new, 2012 Lely Rotonde 510CD Roto-tedderall new tines good condition , 2012 Krone KVN 8.82/8 Eight Rota Hay Tedder – like new, 2003 Kuhn GF5801 MH Digi Drive 6 Rota Tedder, 1995 `Claas Markant 65 Baler, Round Bales of Silage, 40 Round Bales of Haylage, 350 Small Bales of Hay TUESDAY 17TH MAY- RESERVED FOR FARM DISPERSAL SALE AT LYMM To Include- Claas Scorpio 6030 CP Vari Power- 800 Hours, 2 MF 135 Tractors, Farm Machinery and Dairy Equipment, 430 Sleepers etc. SATURDAY, 21st MAY THE LONGHORN CATTLE SOCIETY’S 8th NORTHERN SPRING SHOW & SALE (Show 9.30 am Sale 11.00 am) 86 HEAD Comprising: 7 Bulls; 22 Cows In-calf and/or Calf at foot; 40 In-calf and Maiden Heifers and 17 Steers consigned by leading Breeders from the following herds: BOLLIN, CHOLMONDELEY, CROFTLANDS, FULLWOOD,K KIRKLAN, LACEBY, LAYCROFT, MOSSIDE and WHEATLANDS. The Sale includes a major reduction through loss of land from the well known LAYCROFT herd, the property of Gary and Nicky Prance (Barnston, Wirral) and features 20 Cows and 13 In-calf Heifers. (Catalogue will be available on website) SATURDAY 21TH MAY COLLECTIVE YESTERYEAR VINTAGE MACHINERY SALE plus FUR AND FEATHER VINTAGE AND SMALLHOLDERS SALE - Sale of Vintage and Agricultural Bygones. Entries invited. So far incl: 1958 FORDSON DEXTA; LEYLAND 154. A Fur & Feather Sale to include poultry, waterfowl, ducks, sheep, pigs, cattle and accoutrements that are associated with Smallholders. Contact Tony Icke 07764 320679. TUESDAY, 24th MAY 225 PEDIGREE HOLSTEINS Being the Entire LYNGATE herd the property of Worstead Farms Ltd, Smallburgh, Norwich, Norfolk and removed to Beeston Castle Auction for Sale convenience. Comprising 87 Milking Cows and Heifers, 35 In-calf Heifers, 56 Maiden Heifers and 47 Heifer Calves. (FULL DETAILS NEXT WEEK) FRIDAY 27th MAY “THE MONTH END FOCUS MILK” DAIRY SALE OF COMMERCIAL AND PEDIGREE HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE Supported by the Western Holstein Club. Including Commercial and Pedigree dairy cattle from leading UK herds. (Mostly Holstein but Open to all breeds). Entries for cataloguing close: FRIDAY, 13th MAY. SATURDAY 28TH MAY- SMALLWOOD VINTAGE RALLY COLLECTIVE SALE - Already entered1947 Field Marshall Series 1 Tractor, 1947 David Brown Cropmaster Tractor, Potato Elevator, Ford Model T Flat Back, Vintage Food Mixer. ENTRIES INVITED. Further details: SALE ANNOUNCEMENT WEDNESDAY 8th JUNE: PEDIGREE HOLSTEINS: Dispersal of the Milking Portion of the MEIKLEFIRTH herd (350 head) the property of Mr D Yates and Family and removed from Firth Head Farm, Haugh of Urr, Castle Douglas to Borderway Mart, Carlisle for Sale convenience (with Harrison & Hetherington). SEPTEMBER 20th : AYRSHIRES: Major Sale featuring the Entire Milking Portion (except older cows) plus a Special group of Elite Maiden Heifers and Calves from the Noted and Prize-winning SANDYFORD Herd, the property of ET Tomlinson & Son at Charnwood Forest Farm, Charley Road, Nanpantan, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE12 9XJ.