Remontowa News_2.2011
Remontowa News_2.2011
Contents EDITORIAL 3 Three VIPs within a month! EVENTS 4 Politicians among ships. Norwegian and Polish Prime Ministers visited shipyards of REMONTOWA Group. Jens Stoltenbergs presence added splendour to the ceremony of the first steel cutting for the construction of a new ship for Norway. REVIEW 6 Partners from the North. REMONTOWA Group, providing ship repairs, conversions, newbuildings and other services is a major contributor to Norwegian-Polish trade volume. 4 CONVERSIONS 11 Sailing for change. Two Stena Line chartered sister ferries come to Remontowa SA for major refit before deployment on their new route on the Irish sea. EVENTS 12 Polish President was impressed... On 14 May 2011, Gdansk Shiprepair Yard Remontowa S.A. hosted a visit from the President of the Republic of Poland - Mr. Bronislaw Komorowski. NEWBUILDINGS. 11 13 Truly multipurpose platform supply vessels under construction. PSV Lewek Andes was launched on July 27, 2011, as the first unit of a pair ordered by Singapore based owners and operators. These supply units will also have anchor handling and ocean towage capabilities. INTERVIEW 14 We get the best. An interview with Mr. B H Wong, executive director of EMAS. NEWBUILDINGS 15 Another ferry for Scottish Owners has been delivered. Following successful sea trials in Gdansk, Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited took delivery of the Finlaggan ferry on May 11, 2011. It is the brand new vessel that serves the Kennacraig to Islay route in Scotland. 12 SERVICED SHIPS DOING THE JOB 17 Work for WilHunter secured. AHTS vessels deployed in South East Asia. CLIENTS SAY 18 Prosafe has evaluated us! The Prosafes corporate magazine Prosafe NOW (01/2010 issue) published an article on the conversion of the Safe Esbjerg jack-up platform which had been accomplished at Remontowa SA... 19 Board and Commercial Offices. 2 Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 15 Editorial Three VIPs within a month! It was a really hot winter. I wrote those words in a recent issue of RemontowaNEWS, keeping in mind an image of the shipyard with plenty of ships being serviced in docks and at shipyard quays during last winter. But at that time, I could hardly imagine what a really hot season would bring along! And it surely has... Within just a month, as many as three political VIPs from two countries visited the shipyards of the REMONTOWA Group, an achievement that no other Polish company can pride itself in, as yet... At first, on 14 May 2011, Gdansk Shiprepair Yard Remontowa S.A. hosted a visit of the President of the Republic of Poland - Mr Bronislaw Komorowski. He was taken by the shipyard authorities on a tour guide, having a rare opportunity to see a large number of huge ships around gathered in one place, since it happened the very first time in his term. He was listening carefully to a comprehensive account of the shipyards activity and was really impressed. The more so that what he learned was quite contrary to the commonly held opinion categorizing European shipyards as a sunset industry. He saw a modern, competitive, reliable and perfectly managed privateowned company, functioning without any public aid. Keep it up! these were the words that Polish President greeted the shipyard workers with and he sure was right! The next month, the presidential tour around the shipyard was followed by a visit of the Prime Minister of Norway Jens Stoltenberg, assisted by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Norwegian Prime Ministers presence added splendour to the ceremony of the first steel cutting for the construction of a new advanced, environmentally friendly and innovative ship being built for one of the Norways largest coastal shipping operators. The guest from the North wasnt surprised when he saw dozens of ships being serviced, with many Norwegian ones among them. He also had an opportunity to shake hands and exchange a few words with Norwegian seafarers and superintendents present at the yard onboard Norwegian vessels. Norwegian politicians probably know the only shipyard in Poland which specializes in ship repairs, maintenance, conversions and newbuildings, providing a full range of services to its Clients, among which the Norwegians belong to the most valuable ones. And, what is more, a buyer of Norwegian marine equipment and know-how for a long time now, the Group has enjoyed a long-lasting, mutually fruitful business relations with Norwegian companies. Thats why the REMONTOWA Group is a major contributor to Norwegian-Polish trade volumes, with annual sales figures on the Norwegian market amounting to EUR 150-200 million! This amount certainly commands respect even among Polish politicians, who got so used to listening about former trouble of Polish state-owned shipyards, a fact widely known also to the public. But those very important events described above havent been the only interesting developments, of course. There are other exciting projects being executed or about to open, such as PSV newbuildings, ferries for Scottish owners and a conversion of two Stena Line chartered sister ferries (see details in this issue). Enjoy your reading! Remontowa at trade fairs Forthcoming events: Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 6th-8th September 2011, Aberdeen Visit us at stand No 4A71 BALTEXPO 16TH INTERNATIONAL MARITIME EXHIBITION 6th-8th September 2011, Gdansk Visit us at stand No 3.20 Grzegorz Landowski RemontowaNews is a quarterly customer magazine dedicated to Clients of the shipyard and of the REMONTOWA Group. Publisher: Shipbuilding & Shipping Ltd., member of the REMONTOWA Group, Na Ostrowiu 1, 80-958 Gdansk, Poland. Editor - in - Chief: Grzegorz Landowski. Phone: +48 58 307 17 90, fax: +4858 307 12 56, e-mail: content of the magazine (with the exception of photos) may be reproduced provided the source citation. Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 3 Review Norwegian Prime Minister visited REMONTOWA Group Politicians among ships Programme of Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg presence in Gdansk, Poland, on June 10, included attending the ceremony of the first steel cutting for the construction of an innovative and environmentally friendly, LNG powered ferry for Norwegian Owners at REMONTOWA Shipbuilding SA and a visit to Gdansk Shiprepair Yard Remontowa SA - ship repair and conversions arm of REMONTOWA Group enjoying long lasting, firm, mutually beneficial business relations with many Norwegian shipping, offshore and maritime industry companies. Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg starting NC steel plate cutting machine at REMONTOWA Shipbuilding. On June 10, 2011, Jens Stoltenberg, the Prime Minister of Norway, visited Gdansk to have bilateral meeting with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Norwegian Prime Minister regularly meets his colleagues in the countries that are about to take over the EU presidency, which has become the case with Poland, from July 1, 2011. Both politicians had a rare opportunity to know the shipyard from left: Jaroslaw Flont, chairman of the board of Remontowa SA, Jens Stoltenberg, the Prime Minister of Norway, Donald Tusk, the Prime Minister of Poland, Piotr Soyka, president of the supervisory board of Remontowa SA. 4 Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 Review There have been such topics as energy cooperation, industrial policy and cooperation between Poland and Norway on the agenda of meeting in Gdansk, followed by Norwegian Prime Ministers visit to REMONTOWA Group companies: Gdansk Shiprepair Yard Remontowa S.A. and newbuilding yard REMONTOWA Shipbuilding. First, Mr Stoltenberg, arrived to Gdansk Shiprepair Yard Remontowa S.A., accompanied by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, onboard Polish Coast Guard patrol boat coming from the old town in Gdansk. The boats with Norwegian and Polish officials happened to be berthed at the yards quay just between the two Norwegian ships nearby. One, that had just arrived and was being moored and the other one - large shuttle tanker - lifted dry on the Remontowas largest floating dock - both ships belonging to renowned Norwegian operator - Knutsen OAS. Meeting at the yards quay was an opportunity to shake hands and exchange a few words also between the Norwegian Prime Minister and Norwegian seafarers and superintendents present at the yard onboard Norwegian ships. After short presentation of the company and its facilities by Jaros³aw Flont, chairman of board of the Remontowa SA Board and Piotr Soyka, president of the supervisory board, the delegation proceeded to Groups newbuilding arm REMONTOWA Shipbuilding. There, the honorable visitors, were guided by REMONTOWA Shipbuilding chairman Andrzej Wojtkiewicz and had an occasion to see small ferries for Norwegian owners at the outfitting quay. Finally, Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenbergs presence added splendour to the ceremony of the first steel cutting for the construction of the new advanced, environmentally friendly, LNG powered ferry for Norwegian coastal waters - the fourth unit (yard no. B 612/4) in a series of innovative ships being built for one of the Norways largest coastal shipping operators - Torghatten Nord AS. Actually, PM Jens Stoltenberg started the numerically controlled steel cutting machine processing the first steel plate for the construction of the Lødingen ferry for Torghatten Nord AS (LMG 120 type, newbuilding no. B 612/4). Piotr Soyka and Donald Tusk. In the background one of ferries being built for Torghatten Nord AS. Norwegian and Polish Prime Ministers in assistance of other officials arrived to shipyards of REMONTOWA Group onboard Polish Coast Guard patrol boat. From left: Zbig Andruszkiewicz, member of board (Commercial Affairs, Remontowa SA), Jaroslaw Flont, chairman of Remontowa SA and Jens Stoltenberg. In the background one of the shuttle tankers owned by Norwegian Owners. Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 5 Shiprepair and conversion Partners from the North... REMONTOWA Group (including Gdansk Shiprepair Yard Remontowa S.A., providing mainly ship repairs, maintenance and conversions and REMONTOWA Shipbuilding, as well as several other companies, active in ship equipment manufacturing and installation area) is a major contributor to Norwegian-Polish trade volume. Yearly sales of REMONTOWA Group on the Norwegian market amount to EUR 150-200 million. Windsor Knutsen redelivered in April 2011 to her operator Knutsen OAS Shiping, after being converted at Remontowa SA from suezmax tanker to one of the worlds largest shuttle tankers. 6 Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 Norwegian shipowners are among most valuable customers for the REMONTOWA group of companies. Many of Norwegian ship owners and operators, praising the track record of co-operation with REMONTOWA Group, return with repeat orders. REMONTOWA is able to offer favorable pricing, however this is not always price, but mainly quality and reliablity, that becomes the decisive factor behind winning new contracts by REMONTOWA Group and attracts Norwegian Owners to ship repair and conversion services as well as newbuildings from REMONTOWA. Full range service Gdansk Shiprepair Yard Remontowa S.A. has been repairing, refurbishing, upgrading and converting Norwegian ships and offshore units for many years. In 2010 Remontowa S.A. has successfully accomplished repairs of 31 ships for Norwegian Owners, including: n Bergshav Ship Management AS n Conoco Philips AS n Jo Tankers n Klaveness Maritime Logistics n Knutsen OAS n Mowinckel Ship Management AS n Odfjell AS n Teekay Shipping Norway AS n Utkilen AS Shiprepair and conversion Repairs During 1st half of this year (2011) alone, Remontowa have been repairing as many as 24 ships for: n Bergen Tankers AS n Gearbulk Norway AS n Hoegh Fleet Services AS n Jo Tankers n Knutsen OAS n Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Skipsrederi AS n Odfjell AS n Ramco Marine AS n Siem Offshore AS n n n n Teekay Shipping Norway AS Torghatten ASA Utkilen AS Vaage Ship Management AS During the first half of 2011, Remontowa S.A. also signed new contracts with Norwegian Clients amounting to EUR 20 million. Among the most recent references of Remontowa shiprepair yard there are FSO Apollo Spirit operated by Teekay Shipping Norway AS and chemical tanker Bow Flora of Odfjell AS. Conversions The year 2010 saw the completion of five ship conversions for Norwegian owners at Remontowa, which was a significant amount in sales value. During the first half of 2011 four conversions have been carried out. These included upgrade and conversions of semi-submersible drilling rigs WilPhoenix and WilHunter for Awilco ASA, while Fjord1 MRF took delivery of converted LNG powered car and passenger ferry Glutra (conversion included lengthening). By the way - this ferry, conversion of which was entrusted to Remontowa, was the worlds first LNG fuelled ferry, built in Norway in 2000. Recently also Knutsen OAS owned tankers have been converted into shuttle tankers and have had KVOC (Knutsen Volatile Organic Compounds recovery systems) installed at Remontowa. Norwegian Client base of Remontowa also includes Petrojarl ASA, Fred Olsen Energy / Fred Olsen Production and BW Offshore. Protect the environment Norwegian companies are at the forefront of development and application of environmentally-friendly technologies, also in shipping and offshore industries. Companies of REMONTOWA Group are Photo: Remontowa SA Many of Remontowas Clients (including Norwegian ones) are the world leaders in their respective market domains, such as Odfjell AS in chemical tankers operation and Knutsen OAS and Teekay Shipping Norway AS in shuttle tankers. Sales of Remontowa in ship repairs on the Norwegian market amounted to EUR 25 million in 2010. Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 7 Photo: Piotr B. Stareñczak Shiprepair and conversion A semi-submersible unit Safe Bristolia visited Remontowa in 2010 / 2011 for upgrade and refurbishment. Arrival of this large hotel and workshop platform marks the return of Prosafe Rigs PTE LTD to Gdansk quite soon after the shipyard completed its first job on a Safe Esbjerg jack-up unit. Photo: Piotr B. Stareñczak Among the most recent references of Remontowa shiprepair yard there is chemical tanker Bow Flora operated by Odfjell AS. 8 Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 Shiprepair and conversion meeting the requirements of Norwegian shipping companies committed to environment protection by development of green ship designs (at in-house ship design office or in co-operation with Norwegian ship design consultancies) and installation of eco-friendly equipment and systems onboard ships (big portion of which comes from Norwegian marine equipment manufacturers). One good example is a new generation VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) recovery system. Such plants have so far been installed at Remontowa on several tankers operated by such Norwegian companies, as Teekay Norway AS, IUM Shipmanagement and Knutsen OAS Shipping AS / Knutsen Offshore Tankers ASA (KVOC - Knutsen VOC - system). The VOC recovery system prevents Volatile Organic Compounds from being released to atmosphere during tanker cargo handling operations. 12 years of cooperation Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenbergs presence during the ceremony of the first steel cutting for the construction of the new advanced, envi- ronmentally friendly, LNG powered ferry for Torghatten Nord AS marked 12 years of the successful cooperation between Norwegian shipping companies and REMONTOWA Group in the field of newbuildings (new ships construction). REMONTOWA Shipbuilding has been building mainly the following types of ferries: n double ended ferries for short fjord connections (sheltered waters); n ro-pax type ferries for outer (open sea) long distance connections. (detailed information about modern newbuildings from Remontowa Shipbuilding was posted in the previous issue of the RemontowaNews). Support for new opportunities... Recently, high on the agenda for Norwegian maritime sector companies, is taking opportunities and gaining significant new business and market shares, while assisting Brazilian shipping, offshore and shipbuilding industries in development of booming Brazilian offshore oil and gas exploration and production. It is worth mentioning that Gdañsk Shiprepair Yard Remontowa SA delivered a FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) unit to Norwegian company for use offshore Brazil already in 2007. Teekay Petrojarl ASA operates FPSO Petrojarl Cidade De Rio Das Ostras, converted from tanker by Remontowa, on the Siri Field in Brazil for Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras). Cooperation with Norwegian companies REMONTOWA Group has also been a buyer of Norwegian marine equipment and know-how for a long time. Equipment and systems used by REMONTOWA companies for replacement during repairs and upgrades or conversions of ships and offshore units as well as onboard new ships delivered include supplies from such renowned Norwegian companies as: n APL (bow loading systems for shuttle tankers and submerged buoy loading systems) Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 9 Shiprepair and conversion Photo: Remontowa SA n Brude Safety AS (MES) n Norsafe (MOB boat) n Sperre (air compressors / pressure vessels) n Solberg Scandinavian AS (foam systems) n Pyro (boilers) n Kongsberg (navigation sytems) n Zenitel / Vingtor (telephone systems) n Autronica (fire alarm systems) n Unitor (AC plant) n Norac (external / internal doors) n Norsap (captains chair) n LMG Marin (ship design) The shipyard representatives are always present at Norshipping, maintaining good relationships with existing customers and meeting new ones... In the picture, second from the right: Zbigniew Andruszkiewicz, Member of the Board (commercial affairs) of Remontowa SA. As far as equipment and systems for new LNG ferries are concerned, the following Norwegian suppliers are involved: n Rolls-Royce Marine AS package delivery: - Bergen Diesel (gas fuelled engines) - CPP with gearbox / shaftline - rudder system with steering gear - tunnel thrusters - propulsion remote control system - power electric system - integrated automation system - LNG fuel tank and fuel feeding system (sub-contracted to Hamworthy) Photo: Remontowa SA n Pusnes (loading systems, deck machinery) n Brunvoll (thrusters) n Bergen Diesel (engines, Rolls-Royce group) n Framo (pumps) n Draka n Norlift (cranes) n Noreq (life saving equipment) n Kongsberg Simrad (navigation equipment, DP Systems) n Hernis (CCTV) n Autronica (ship automation, fire alarm systems) It is worth mentioning that REMONTOWA Group has been often building ships of various types according to designs supplied by Norwegian ship designers - consultants or according to designs developed in-house (by the Groups own ship design office Remontowa Marine Design & Consulting Ltd) in co-operation with Norwegian ship design companies, such as Bergen based LMG Marin, Nordnorsk Skipskonsult AS (NSK) and others. And last, but not least, long-lasting fruitful co-operation has to be mentioned, between REMONTOWA Group companies and DNV (Det Norske Veritas) - one of the leading international classification societies, being also the safety, quality assurance as well as maritime and offshore industries services and know-how provider and competence centre. Teekay Petrojarl ASA operates FPSO Petrojarl Cidade De Rio Das Ostras, converted by Remontowa from a conventional tanker. 10 Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 Conversions Photo: Tallink Superfast VII is sailing to Remontowa for conversion from overnight to day ferry. Sailing for change Two Stena Line chartered sister ferries come to Remontowa for major refit before deployment on their new route on the Irish sea. Tallink and Stena Line entered in a charter agreement for sister vessels Superfast VII and Superfast VIII servicing the route between Rostock and Helsinki so far. From Autumn 2011, after transformation of passenger and cargo spaces at Remontowa, they will join Stena Line UK fleet for a 3 years deal including a 1 year option for both vessels. Stena will be able to buy the vessels once the charter ended. Superfast VII and Superfast VIII will be used on the Irish Sea route linking Belfast and Stranraer (with the latter to be replaced by Loch Ryan soon). - The vessels fit well into our service and they are faster than traditional ferries - said Jesper Waltersson, information officer at Stena Line. The two vessels will undergo an intensive refit program in order to be upgraded according to Stena Line requirements for the new route for these ships. The ferries come to Gdañsk based Remontowa Shiprepair Yard in the second half of August for this extensive refit, upgrade, repairs and maintenance program. This will include stripping all passenger cabins off decks 7th and 8th. They will be replaced by common passenger spaces with restaurants, bars and entertainment functions. Also car decks will be modified and all necessary changes or upgrades to general ships systems will be performed. In result, the pair will be converted from overnight ferries (with 678 beds) to day ferries to operate an intensive 2 hours 15 minutes crossing. As stated on the Both vessels will be given extensive refits to ensure they deliver a great experience with new attractive onboard concepts for restaurants and public areas and as well as providing complete flexibility for freight operators. The upgrades will include the provision of extra deck height to cater for the trend towards higher vehicles and hauliers increased use of double-deck freight units. After conversion, the 27 knot Superfast VII and Superfast VIII will be able to handle 1200 passengers with 660 cars or 120 freight vehicles. The two ferries will enter into service in autumn 2011. The ferries to be upgraded at Remontowa before the end of Autumn 2011 were built at HDW Yard, Kiel, in 2001 for Greek Superfast Ferries. In 2006, they were sold to Estonian Tallink. The Superfast VII and the Superfast VIII will replace the HSS Stena Voyager, the Stena Caledonia and the Stena Navigator on the BelfastStranraer run. Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 11 Photo: Czes³aw Romanowski Events Polish President was impressed... President Komorowski paid a visit to one of the largest European shiprepair yards and the biggest privately owned employer in Northern Poland. He was warmly welcomed by Piotr Soyka, president of the supervisory board of Remontowa SA, Jaroslaw Flont, chairman of the board at Remontowa SA and other yard officials. The honorable guest accepted an invitation to take a tour around the shipyard, where he had an opportunity to see ships under repair and maintenance in Remontowas two largest floating docks and offshore platforms serviced or upgraded at the yard. Surrounded by giant tankers and other ships moored at the shipyard quays, he was really impressed since he had never seen such a large number of huge ships gathered in one place. President Komorowski expressed his satisfaction with what he saw at Remontowa and what has confirmed his earlier impression of the yard as an effective and competitive company drawn from the media and second-hand accounts. President Komorowski also visited the site at Remontowa where a large classic wooden yacht General Zaruski is being restored. 12 Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 Keep it up! President greeted shipyard workers with these words... Photo: Czes³aw Romanowski On 14 May 2011, Gdansk Shiprepair Yard Remontowa S.A. hosted a visit of the president of the Republic of Poland - Mr. Bronislaw Komorowski. Polish President (on the right) attentively listened to the information about repairs and conversions carried out at the yard, given by Piotr Soyka (on the left), president of the supervisory board of Remontowa SA. Newbuildings Photo: Piotr B. Starenczak Truly multipurpose platform supply vessels under construction PSV Lewek Andes was launched on July 27, 2011, as the first unit of a pair ordered by Singapore based owners and operators. Supply units with additional capabilities The versatile ships will serve predominantly as supply units, however they also have anchor handling and ocean towage capabilities. The vessels will be able to fulfill general needs of contemporary offshore industry such as carriage of dry bulks, general supplies and liquid mud, general cargo on the open deck as well as special products, like methanol. Measuring 87.90 metres in length and 18.80 metres wide, the 5200 dwt vessels have a spacious deck area exceeding 900 sq m and an accommodation capacity for 60 persons. In order to conduct oilfield support features, the vessels comply with Fi-Fi 1 and are equipped for oil recovery and safety standby assignments. The vessels are designed so that they can carry out towage and anchor handling duties, Principal characteristics of MMC 887 CP PSV vessels Length over all Breadth moulded Depth to main deck Design draught Scantling draught GT Deadweight at 6,50 m Speed Bollard pull Berths 87.89 m 18.80 m 8.00 m 5.90 m 6.50 m 3800 5200 t 15 kn 100 T 60 Class +A1(E) Offshore Support vessel, +AMS, +Oil Recovery Class 2, +ACCU, +DPS-2, + FFV Class 1, ENVIRO, UWILD, GPTCM, +Safety Standby Service GR B-I300) Special Purpose Ship Photo: Kazimierz Gliszczyñski The first steel cutting was performed in September last year, while the keel laying for the two ships took place in December 2010. These events follow Remontowa entering into a contract with Lewek Shipping Pte Ltd., a subsidiary of Ezra Holdings of Singapore, for the construction and delivery of two Multipurpose Platform Supply Vessels of the MMC 887 CP design (with design supplied by Poland based MMC Ship Design & Marine Consulting Ltd). The vessels will be entirely constructed at REMONTOWA Shipbuilding (formerly known as Northern Shipyard - Stocznia Polnocna SA ) facilities in Gdansk with delivery dates set for first and second quarter 2012. The ships are designed and being built according to class requirements and under supervision of American Bureau of Shipping. Launch ceremony attracted hundreds of the shipyard workers, tourists and Gdansk inhabitants. The hull of the PSV was slipped into the water. Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 13 Newbuildings thanks to features of the main deck (i.e. stern roller, towing winch), as well as due to hybrid propulsion drive provided. Additional power provided The combination of electric drive used in supply mode and possibility of engagement of additional power from main engines directly via shaft lines to CP propellers gives the Owners necessary operational flexibility. In the supply mode, the vessels operate on electric drive. However, the main engines can provide additional directly via shaft lines to the CP propellers when extra power is required. DP2 gives adequate station keeping properties. Moreover emphasis has been given to observe regulation of ABS ENVIRO class notation, a clear, internationally recognized credential that can be used to demonstrate Owners commitment to operating with minimum adverse impact on the environment. Well suited to other tasks The new MPSV are being built in accordance with the latest SPS code and to the requirements for the ABS ENVIRO class notation, and will include facilities Computer renderization of PSV for Ezra Holdings. that will make the vessels very well suited to other specific tasks and charters, thus increasing its market value. The ships will be operated, under Singapore flag, by EMAS, which is a recAlsoglobal huge Finnlines ognized leading offshorero-pax contracFinnstar has visited tor providing construction, marine, proRemontowa for planned repairs and maintenance. duction and well intervention services. EMAS is the operating brand of Ezra Holdings Limited. The company operates globally with offices in 16 locations across five continents spanning Africa, the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe. EMAS, under Ezra Holdings Limited, is a leading integrated support and marine services We get the best... An interview with Mr. B H Wong, executive director of EMAS - the operator of the ship. Talks after the launch. From left: Andrzej Wojtkiewicz, chairman of Remontowa Shipbuilding SA, a representative of EMAS, Piotr Soyka, president of supervisory board of Remontowa SA and B. H. Wong, executive director of EMAS. 14 Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 provider in the offshore oil & gas (O&G) sector. Shipyard experienced in offshore... REMONTOWA Group has a vast experience in newbuildings, conversions and repairs for the offshore industry. In the years 2003-2010 REMONTOWA Shipbuilding delivered some 25 AHTS vessels for such renowned owners as Tidewater, Edison Chouest and others, as well as 10 advanced offshore evacuation units for the Caspian Sea. - Why has EZRA chosen the shipyard so remote from their headquarters for the construction of their new PSV? - We know, the quality of the Eastern and Central European shipbuilders is good. They are also cost competitive comparing to Western European shipbuilders. You get the best of both worlds at the same time. On one side you get economy, on the other side you get good quality. We know, this shipyard has a good tradition. - This ship has anchor handling capability and a towing winch, but you call it a PSV - Yes, thats right. It is versatile, but the premier function of this ship, with deadweight of some 5000 tons, will be offshore supply services. We think however, such a ship is well suited also for long tows sometimes, when there is a demand for half around the world rig transfer for example... The ship is designed with not the strongest winch available perhaps, but it still may also function as an anchor handler in many cases. So, the main purpose of this ship is to be a supply ship, but you never know - it is versatile and ready for other tasks as well - Do you already know, where will these ships you build at REMONTOWA Shipbuilding be deployed when ready? - Because of the size, they will probably go to Africa or Brazil, unlikely to go to serve Asian offshore oil developments. In Asia you would rather not get the return on investment on such big and well equipped ships. Photo: Piotr B. Starenczak Newbuildings Another ferry Finlaggan sets sail... for Scottish Owners Following successful sea trials in Gdansk, Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL) took delivery of the Finlaggan ferry on May 11, 2011. It is the brand new vessel that serves the Kennacraig to Islay route in Scotland. Gdañska Stocznia Remontowa im. Józefa Pilsudskiego S.A. deliver the vessel in Gdañsk, and CMAL immediately bareboat chartered the vessel to the operator - CalMac Ferries Limited (CFL). Euro Class B passenger ferry The new 90 m long vessel is a modern ro-ro Euro Class B passenger ferry with capacity for 550 passengers and 85 cars, or the equivalent coaches and commercial vehicles. The vessel was contracted by CMAL in November 2007 and is the first new ship to serve the Islay route in almost 40 years. Extremely good tender The ferry, with 34 crew berths, boasts three passenger decks, an observation lounge, reclining seats and quiet lounge, restaurant, shop, childrens play area, two decks of external panoramic seating and two disabled lifts accessing all decks, including the outside upper deck. The vessel has been built by Remontowa Shipbuilding Yard S.A. in accordance with Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee (DPTAC) and European Directive 2003/ 24/EC requirements. On the occasion of signing the agreement, CMALs Managing Director, Guy Platten said: - The Remontowa tender was one of 4 received and represented extremely good value in a very challenging shipbuilding market. The delivery of the vessel in spring 2011 reflects the huge demand for new shipping worldwide and the scarcity of vital components including engines. CMAL and CFL have been working very closely together on this project and are convinced that the ship will be cost-effective, provide value for money, and will meet all of our technical requirements. [...] Once delivered it Customer Magazine - ISSUE 1 (1) 2011 15 Newbuildings Photo: Piotr B. Starenczak The May 2011 delivery of Finlaggan follows launching, which took place on June 30, 2010, under newbuilding no. B 608/1. This was the third vessel launched and delivered from REMONTOWA Group for operation in livery of renowned Scottish ferry operator Caledonian MacBrayne (CalMac). REMONTOWA Group had completed two highly successful ferries operated by CalMac, slightly smaller than Finlaggan, before. These were Argyle and Bute operated on the route from Wemyss Bay to Rothesay. Bute was included in the 2005 edition of prestigious publication of Royal Institution of Naval Architects - Significant Small Ships of the Year. Bon voyage and good luck! will provide the operator with the resources needed on the routes from Kennacraig to Islay to offer a first-class service. The ferry commenced sailing from Kennacraig to Port Askaig initially, while infrastructure works are completed at Port Ellen. Commenting on the handover, Guy Platten, Chief Executive of CMAL said: We are delighted to see this project reach fruition on time and on budget, which has been down to excellent teamwork between CMAL as the owners and project managers, CFL as operator and the shipyard in Gdansk. CMAL own property at piers and harbours at more than 24 locations throughout Scotland. In addition to its pier and harbour facilities, CMAL owns 30 ferries which are leased to CalMac Ferries Ltd and Cowal Ferries Ltd for use on ferry services on the Clyde and Hebrides. CMAL is a publicly owned company with Scottish Ministers as the sole shareholder. Contribution of Remontowa Marine Design & Consulting Ltd, Strong involvement in the project has come from Remontowa Marine Design and Consulting Ltd (RMDC). Upon Clients concept design, REMONTOWA Groups ship design and marine engineering consultancy prepared all class drawings, workshop and as-built documentation including Intact Stability & Loading Manual Booklet. RMDC has supervised all stages of the vessel construction, outfitting and trials. 16 Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 Principal characteristics Length over all (LOA) Length b.p. Breadth moulded Depth moulded to main deck Depth to upper deck Design draught Gross tonnage Net tonnage Passengers 89.80 m 81.80 m 16.40 m 5.50 m 11.20 m 3.40 m 5209 1562 550 Personal Car Units (PCU) /or trucks - on Main Deck - on Mezzanine Deck 66 cars or 10 articulated lorries / coaches 18 Crew Passenger facilities: 34 3 passenger decks with observation lounge, reclining seat lounge, quiet lounge, restaurant, shop, children play area, two disabled lifts, two decks of external panoramic seating. Speed Trailers and cars Deadweight (summer freeboard) 16.5 knots 470 tons 740 tons Rules The ferry complies with the Lloyds Register of Shipping (LR) rules and regulations. Classification society Class + 100A1, Passenger and Vehicle Ferry, *IWS, EP, EU(B), + LMC, UMS, NAV1, PCAC33, Green Passport, LI Lloyds Register Serviced ships doing the job Work for WilHunter secured As revealed by the rigs Owner in Aberdeen late April, Awilco Drilling Plc has signed a drilling contract with MPX North Sea Ltd for 1 firm well and 1 optional well, representing the second and third well of the SPD multi-client, multiwell 2011 drilling programme. The contract value for the firm part is approximately USD 11 million. The contract, utilizing the WilHunter semi-sub, is expected to commence early July 2011. WilHunter (ex WilHunter ex GSF Arctic II) has been recently undergoing its 5 yearly Special Periodic Survey and an accommodation upgrade at Gdansk Shiprepair Yard Remontowa SA. WilHunter is one of Awilco Drillings two Enhanced Pacesetter semi-submersibles and is equipped for drilling in water depths up to 1500 ft. WilHunter (ex Arctic II) approaching its berth at Remontowa. AHTS vessels deployed in South East Asia According to shipbrokers sources and Company website (indicating the fleet areas of deployment), the two capable AHTS vessels delivered last year have found a long term commitment in South East Asia. Remontowa delivered to owners GulfMark Offshore the 10,000 BHP / 120 T bollard pull AHTS Sea Valiant in June 2010. The 70 m vessel features DP2, FiFi 1, 440 m2 clear deck with provision below deck for the carriage of pot & drill water, fuel, mud and dry bulk. Anchor handling equipment comprises a 400 ton brake force double drum anchor handling and towing winch, 2 × SWL 300 T Karm forks, 4 × SWL 160 T towing pins plus 2 × 80 m3 chain lockers. Good manouverability is afforded by two bow thrusters 800 BHP each and similarly rated stern thruster, plus high lift rudders. The Sea Valiant briefly played the North Sea spot market, before proceeding to SE Asia where it is understood the vessel has a term contract. At the end of July 2010 Remontowa delivered a sister vessel, Sea Victor which also proceeded to SE Asia and is likewise believed to have secured long term employment. Sea Valiant and Sea Victor at the quay of Remontowa Shipbuilding SA. Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 17 Clients say Prosafe has evaluated us! Prosafe NO W, 01/2010 issue, front cover. In the Prosafes corporate magazine Prosafe NOW (01/2010 issue), David Smith, Project Manager, published an interesting article on the conversion of the Safe Esbjerg jack-up platform which had been accomplished at Remontowa SA. Let us quote some excerpts... Safe Esbjerg was in operation until mid-February 2010, when the jack-up rig was mobilised to Gdansk to undertake class renewal, steel work and refurbishment. Safe Esbjerg recommenced operations for Maersk in mid-April (...). A major part of the Special Periodic Survey (SPS) yard stay involved the replacement of approximately 210 tonnes of steel within hull and preload tanks.[ ] Yard selection Due to the extent of the SPS Yard scope it was decided by the Project Group to develop a comprehensive Invitation to Tender (ITT) package including both the SPS and the Additional Works scope as defined by AMS for submission to several ship repair yards (...)Following various yard visits, bid clarification meetings and the final bid review, Remontowa Ship Repair Yard in Gdansk, Poland was awarded the turn key contract, based on delivery schedule, competence, price and positive third party feedback on the previous performance on steel replacement. Identifying the critical path From the ongoing development of the yard SPS work scope it was identified that the critical path would be the steel renewal works. (...) Remontowas Project Management and construction team responded very positively to the tasks of preparation, removal and reinstatement of the hull and tanks steelwork, and this scope was effectively completed by the end of week 11, basically one week ahead of the negotiated completion date of the 29th March. Excellent workmanship The quality of the steel workmanship was excellent with very little repairs after inspection. This significant effort by the LTI-free project HSE is always on top of the agenda in Prosafe, and in line with this, the Project Group decided to have a HSE team from Prosafe to interface with the yards HSE department during the execution of the work. Our joint HSE efforts paid off - the project was conducted without any lost time incidents. Given the level of the steel construction work that took place within confined spaces, this represented a significant achievement of which all involved should be proud. 18 Customer Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2) 2011 yard allowed the expansion of the coating scope to include painting of all remaining tanks and external hull over and above the new steel covered by the original contract. The remaining SPS inspection and the Additional Works program continued in parallel with the steel renewal work and all works were completed by the 29th March. All As Built documentation was issued on site (...) prior to departure, six days ahead of accelerated schedule on 30th March 2010. On time, below budget The initial duration of the yard stay as per the ITT was 45 days. The yard did a tremendous job and completed the work in 35 days. Another important achievement was completion of the work below budget, despite the substantial mob/demob costs due to the tow distance to Gdansk from the location offshore Denmark. This summarises yet another very cold and snowy yard stay in which the efforts of all parties involved in the execution and completion of Safe Esbjergs 2010 SPS yard stay were impressive by any standards and a major contribution in the successful early departure of the vessel. The common goal and cooperation with all parties including Remontowa made this yard stay running very smooth indeed. Remontowas hospitality was also very much appreciated by the Prosafe Project Team. Safe Esbjerg is a Le Tourneau 82-S designed 3 leg triangular jack-up accommodation vessel capable of working in harsh environments in water depths up to 50 m. It was thoroughly serviced by Remontowa in 2010 within the Special Periodic Survey.