November 2011 GOODNIGHT IRENE!!!
November 2011 GOODNIGHT IRENE!!!
November 2011 GOODNIGHT IRENE!!! Hurricane Irene visited us recently in South Down and left visible images of it’s impact. We were very fortunate that she didn’t travel further east. ATTENTION SNOWMOBILERS Hopefully snow will be here soon so that we can enjoy the upcoming snowmobile season. Here are a few notes for you to follow: Signs have been put up at the key entry points to South Down informing non-owners to stay on “marked county trails” (groomed and marked by Belknap Snowmobile Club that run through Recreation Area, across Outerbridge, through Fields Crossing wetlands and back up to Parade Road, and include the railroad tracks along Paugus Bay. ) That’s it!. All of the marked walking and cross country trails within SD are only for walking, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. They have been groomed specifically for that purpose. Owners should only use the most direct access from their homes to drive to the county trails and back. If you need to practice, use the Recreation Area carefully. If you must use the SD trails, the speed limit is 10 MPH and any walking person has the right of way on the trail. Please slow down and stop to let them pass safely. Obey all rules and laws for safe snowmobile use . If you don’t know what they are, get a copy from a dealer or the NH Bureau of Trails. The use of an ATV (all terrain vehicle) of any type is NOT allowed at any time in SD. Winter Parking Ban Although we are now enjoying our beautiful fall season, the snow will be falling soon. Please remember there is a winter parking ban on all SDRA roads from November 1st to April 15th. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Daylight Savings Time ends on November 6th. Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour. Also, for safety’s sake, check the batteries in all of your smoke and carbon dioxide detectors. Please use this e-mail for all communication with your newsletter committee. Next deadline is December 2, 2011. Message from the President Warren Murphy Harvard Management News & Information Another amazing summer, which was prolonged through Columbus Day, has come and gone here at South Down. We had a record number of summer residents and visitors this year enjoying the South Down amenities and the attractions that the area has to offer. The newly refurbished tennis courts and basketball court; and the beach were all fully utilized. The roadways and trails were busy with joggers, walkers, bikers and golf carts all going nowhere in particular but having a good time getting there. Some evenings it was hard to find an unoccupied Adirondack chair on the Greenbelt. The Boat Club forklift about wore out a set of tires shuttling boats between the storage racks and Paugus Bay. It was a very busy and fun summer and more importantly a very safe and secure summer. There were no reports of significant injury or vandalism and the need for gendarme intervention was at an all time low. The ‘R’ in SDRA was a standout this year. Flying South- Many of you will be leaving your beautiful communities for your winter homes, so be sure to notify our Merrimack office of your change of address in order to receive newsletters, important information and account statements. They can be reached at 603-429-2019 or send an e-mail to: Although property sales reflect the general trend across the country, property values are doing well at South Down due in large part to the association’s excellent fiscal health, superb maintenance program, and overall visual appeal thanks to those responsible for all of the flowers, bushes and landscaping. There will be no increase in SDRA dues for next year and we are totally debt free as of the last loan payment in June for the Beach House renovations. Things get fixed when they break, roads are well maintained both in the summer and winter, and speed calming devices have been installed and have been verified to be effective. The community has been decorated to reflect the changing season and many visitors comment on how attractive the entrance to South Down is. Our thanks for those of you who help make that happen by volunteering your time and talent. Trailer Storage Renewal- 2012 Trailer storage renewal fees of $150.00 are due no later than January 1, 2012 made payable by check to SDRA. Any owner, who does not wish to renew their trailer storage space, must remove the trailer by January 1, 2012. Machines and/or trailers may be removed, at the owner’s expense, and/or may be barred from the premises at the discretion of the Management Company or the Directors of SDRA, for violations, non-payment, or for actions that may threaten injury or property damage. No watercraft will be stored in or on trailers in the trailer parking space and owners are responsible for shoveling out trailers or machines. Flu season will soon be upon us and it is recommended that we get a flu shot sometime between October and mid-December. The hospital, clinics, and most pharmacies in the area will administer the shot. For the few of us over 65, Medicare pays for the shot. For the rest of you, thanks. Your turn may come. Warren Murphy Canoe/Kayak Storage Renewal- Owners who wish to store their crafts over the winter and secure their current space for the 2012 season, must pay by check made out to SDRA for the 2012 season between Labor Day and November 15, 2011. Contact Harvard Management at 603-528-1988 to renew your space; otherwise your craft must be removed by November 15, 2011. Owners who have not removed their crafts or paid for the next season will have their crafts removed at the sole risk and responsibility of the craft owner. Removed crafts will be held by SDRA until December 31, 2011 after which time the craft will become the property of SDRA. Owners, who have had their crafts removed by SDRA and which are still in the possession of SDRA, may obtain their crafts after paying all fees incurred for removal, storage and administration. Owners who have had their crafts removed will not be allowed the use of a rack for a period of one year. Office hours- 9-5 Monday through Friday. Please call ahead to ensure we are here as we are often at our properties—we do not want to miss you. You may also call and make an appointment. Winter Advisory - Last year there were several properties with frozen pipes and significant damage. Turning off your water when you leave for 24 hours or more can greatly reduce the possibility of damage. A SAFE AND HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON TO EVERYONE Donna Faucette, Property Manager Katie Dodge, Assistant Property Manager Harvard Management Solutions, Inc. 14 Country Club Road Gilford, NH 03249 Phone: 603-528-1988 Fax: 603-528-0018 MEET YOUR NEIGHBOR Mark and Diane Libby “Another boating season has passed and much too quickly for most of us. Mark and Diane first met while attending college in Boston and have been married for 27 years. They live in rural northwest Connecticut, in Diane’s hometown. They have two girls, Kathleen and Sarah. Mark is a New Hampshire native, born and raised in the seacoast area. While growing up he spent time with his parents and sister at the lake and the beach, and continued the tradition with his own family. “We would rent a cottage for a week or two every summer, and then graduated to keeping our boat at Mountain View in Gilford. While cruising around one day, we found South Down Shores and loved the area”. They purchased their home on Davidson Drive in 2006. The house is currently a vacation retreat, but they hope to be able to spend more of their time here, as their busy careers allow. Diane is a CPA and a partner in a large local firm in Connecticut, and specializes in tax, trust, and estate matters. She also serves on the board of several institutions including the local hospital, and is active with church committees. Mark is a nurse / paramedic who was an Army officer, and has a background in critical care, trauma, and flight nursing. He served as the director of the Office of Emergency Medical Services for the State of Connecticut and founded a disaster medical assistance team. He is currently the regional emergency coordinator for the federal Department of Health and Human Services in New England. He has led the public health and medical response to over 30 presidentially declared disasters across the country, and works with the U.S. Secret Service to safeguard dignitaries at special events. The launch ramp is being reconstructed. For your safety, there will be no access to the docks or SDBC waterfront until all the work is completed. The Boat Club has signed another 5 year contract with Irwin Marine. As always, please remember to notify me of any changes in slip/dry berth ownership, boat ownership or contact information. All boats must be approved by the Board before being brought to the Boat Club. Contact me for a Boat Approval form if you are thinking about purchasing another boat. We want to thank you all for another great summer and we look forward to seeing you all again in May!” Carol Downing (603) 527-6169 SDBC (603) 524-0673 Fax The Libby’s have two daughters. Kathleen recently completed her master’s in accounting and passed the CPA exam. She works for a large accounting firm in Boston, and lives in the North End. Sarah is a junior at Providence College, majoring in business. She is looking forward to her international semester in Australia this coming spring. Both of the girls love coming up to the lake and spending time on the boat. Mark says, “We always look forward to spending time with family and friends at the lake, winter or summer.” Owned And Operated By NRT LLC. News We hope you are enjoying fall and joined your neighbors for one of the many social activities over the last couple of months. We are proud to report that more than 60 people, in addition to your Long Bay Board, are actively working on committees to improve our community. Below you will see brief summaries of their work. I hope you are inspired to join us. Long Bay website: A couple of people and Matt Miller (we are lucky to have his expertise) presented a mock-up of the new site to the Long Bay Board in October. The committee will proceed to update the site over the next few months. A few features follow: - Interactively updated, multi-page web site with templates (e.g. groups/committees could each have their own page) - Multi-category event calendar (e.g. annual meeting, pool committee updates, social events, etc) - Document sharing (upload photos, documents, in many formats, view on-line) - Manage groups/sub-groups with authorization/passwords - Discussion forums - Standard "" domain name (or other) could be used - News feeds (similar to Facebook "wall", i.e. RSS) of new events - A 3rd party administrator will not be needed; 2 or 3 people could update the site as needed from their home computer Pool committee: Several residents are working diligently to better assess ‘a new pool option’ while others on the pool committee are considering how best to repair the existing pool. All will present information to help residents make an informed choice on how best to proceed regarding the Long Bay pool. While we still await a chairperson for this committee, Matt Miller is the Board liaison and can provide more information. Security committee: Sandy Watson, Jim Thompson and Don Brough met on Thursday, September 29th and reviewed: - Current Security concerns - Current Safety concerns - What our current by-laws already cover - What needs tweaking or added anew - Plans for future meeting with White Mountain Security - Open discussion regarding a possible Security "Waiver of Liability" Form for residents to sign taking on full responsibility for their behavior and actions judged against final Board approved security rules. Long Range Planning Committee: The Long Bay - Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) met for a kick-off meeting at Matt Miller's house on Sept 22, 2011. Present were Sandy Sadja, Peter Waligria, Mark Edelstein, Matt & Pam Miller. We brainstormed a wide variety of topics regarding the Communication with Village presidents: long-term quality of living here in Long Bay. Specific action items Within Long Bay, there are five villages; Bay Reach, Oakleigh, were identified: put together a survey to go to Long Bay residents Prides Point, Willows, and Willow Pond. At this writing, the to get more input about long-term interests; organize a separate village presidents are in the very early stages of establishing a pool planning committee; begin the inventory of Long Bay commuCommittee and exploring ways that they may be helpful to the nity assets; draft a long-range maintenance plan; and identify and Long Bay Board. As they identify areas of mutual interest be- introduce parties for better dialog with South Down and the City of tween the villages and the Board, if it appears to be useful, the Laconia. Please take a few minutes to respond to the upcoming Committee will begin to establish an agenda to improve com- survey! Anyone interested in joining the committee please contact munications and to deal with issues, both present and future. Matt Miller ( Garden Committee: Long Bay Boat Club News Three residents agreed to serve on the committee and will build The Long Bay Boat Club is still looking for one gardens in the most public venues. One such location is the more director to fill out the remaining empty slot. ‘corner’ of Long Bay Drive and Outerbridge Drive near the Please contact Donna Faucette at Harvard Mgmt. if water tower. The plan is to build a perennial garden using soil you are willing to serve on the Board. and rocks donated by local builders. The Garden Committee is looking for locations in Long Bay Charlie Laros monitors the docks and handles the maintenance that can be ‘spruced up’ using plantings. Are you interested in work when needed. One ice cluster will be replaced in November building gardens or know places where plantings will beautify and some minor dock repairs will be done as well. Long Bay? Contact: The policy for the day docks will be revised by the Long Bay Social Committee: Board of Directors and the Boat Club Board. Rules will be updatSeveral new members have brought more hands and new ideas. ed and published prior to next year’s boating season. Check the Pumpkin carving, a costume party for adults, a kayak trip to website for Boat Club policies. Clarification of contradictory inRagged Island and a hike up Mt. Major were all new for the formation regarding overnight docking and length of time a boat Fall. As winter approaches, snow activities may be planned. can stay at one of the day docks will be decided. Contact Gail Mayhew for further information. Correction: The Annual meeting is the second Saturday in June. SOUTH DOWN COMMUNITY GROUPS GARDEN CLUB: The days are shorter, the lake is quiet, and our first frost is not far off. Our beautiful South Down gardens are starting to lose their color and prepare for their winter rest. We hope our residents have enjoyed the gardens and overall landscape this season. The Garden Club had a very busy and productive summer. The June meeting was our annual flower arranging exhibition with a “Teddy Bear Picnic” theme. In July we traveled to Emma’s Perennials in Bristol for a tour of that beautiful nursery. The August program was a fascinating demonstration of the ancient Japanese art of Ikebana. Guided by our Program Committee, we created decorative illuminated glass cubes in September. Our Beautification has been extra busy, sharing their expertise, providing input on the plantings for the new traffic calming island on Outerbridge Drive as well as designing and overseeing plant- Someone found some wonderful plants to ing of a new garden this fall along the beach walkway which will be complet- buy at Emma’s! ed in the spring. In late September, members planted fall mums and asters and arranged seasonal decorations in eye catching locations. October will bring a class on making Hydrangea wreaths, followed by designing boxwood trees in November, just in time for the holidays. Our season ends with the annual Christmas Party in December. In July the South Down Executive Committee voted to support and authorize the South Down Garden Club to take a leadership and ownership role with respect to all the gardens on common South Down property. In this expanded role, the Garden Club is charged with the purchasing of flowers and plantings, providing for planting and maintenance of the gardens, seeking professional help in designing new gardens, preparing an annual budget, and coordinating with the property manager and various South Down stakeholders and outside contractors who are involved with our overall landscaping. Many people work quietly to insure our South Down community is attractively landscaped and well maintained. KNITTING GROUP: The South Down/Long Bay knitters group continues to meet Fridays at 1:00 pm at the South Down Beach House. There will be no meetings on November 25th or December 23rd. On December 2nd, the group will begin to meet in member’s homes for the winter months. Please call Nancy Barth at 527-8022 or Susan Godfrey Gilchrist at 528-7923 for more information. Knitters and crotchetier of all levels are welcome to join the group. TASTERS GROUP: The “TASTERS” had a fun summer dining out at restaurants throughout the region. For those of you that were not able to join us, you missed many enjoyable evenings of good conversation and laughs with our South Down/Long Bay friends and neigh- FROM THE HELM . . . Weather can change very rapidly and create unexpected situations for boat operators. Even meteorologists have trouble predicting rapid weather changes. What to do if caught in severe weather: Prepare the boat by slowing down to keep enough power to maintain headway speed Close all hatches, windows & doors to reduce chance of swamping Turn on your lights Keep bilges free of water If there is lightning, disconnect all electrical equipment, stay clear of metal objects Prepare passengers with a life jacket (PFD) Passengers should sit on the floor close to the centerline Head for the nearest shore that is safe to approach Head the bow into the waves at a 45 degree angle If the engine stops, drop a “sea anchor” off the bow to keep the bow headed into the wind (A bucket will work as a sea anchor) VHF radio frequencies to monitor: Channel 16 –Distress & safety calls to Marine Patrol; Channel 22 – USCG weather warnings: Channel 14 – Irwin Marine Service Dept Prepared for your safety by Irwin Marine bors. We have dined at The Lyons Den in Gilford, the Squam Lake Inn in Holderness, Canoe in Center Harbor, LemonGrass in Moultonborough, the Coe House in Center Harbor and the Tilton Inn in Tilton. These outings ranged from groups of 18 to 36. I know everyone enjoyed getting out for the evening and socializing with our wonderful community friends. We chose the third Thursday of each month, so people could mark their calendars and because weekends are difficult to make arrangements for large groups at restaurants. We look forward to having more of you join us in the future. Now that the summer is over, we have already lost a lot of the Florida Snow Birds, but there are still a lot of us that will be here the year round. During the Winter we are going to rename our Tasters group the “LEFTOVERS”. If anyone is interested in joining our evenings out during the winter, please let me know and I will try to make arrangements, weather and restaurants permitting. If you are not receiving the emails regarding the monthly outings, please contact me at or call me at 603-524-0740 and I will add your email address to the contact folder. CLASSIFIED ADS Effective immediately, Classified Ads will be accepted from South Down Shores and Long Bay residents at no charge: to rent or sell boats, boat slips and boat berths located in South Down Shores and Long Bay, to rent or sell South Down Shores or Long Bay property, to rent or sell South Down Shores storage units, to sell or seek household type items by South Down Shores or Long Bay owners. Classified ads will not be accepted from owners wanting to rent or sell condos, time shares or time share weeks at properties not in South Down Shores or Long Bay. Classified ads will not be accepted if deemed by the Communications Committee to be a business enterprise. These types of ads should be paid for and placed in the advertising pages of the newsletter. LADDER, SKIS, SPEAKERS FOR SALE 24' metal extension ladder, $25. Atomic Beta Carv, Power Channel Carbon skis,150 length. Made in Austria: barely used, like new C:8 18 with Bindings: Atomic Device 311, $75. Model # SS-MB150H speakers. 10"H x 6 3/4"W x 7"D $75 for set of four. Call Phyllis at 527-1001. ********************************* 2003 MAYTAG REFRIGERATOR FOR SALE Top Freezer Refrigerator. Door opens left and right, no ice maker. Dimensions 32.63”w X67.25”X 31.13”d. Call Barbara at 527-8656. ********************************* LONG BAY BOAT SLIP #2 FOR SALE Comes with 8,000-pound capacity lift. A bargain at $59,900. Call Tricia at 617-877-5876. ********************************* GREAT LOT IN LONG BAY FOR SALE Willow Pond. 80' on the center of the pond with beautiful views of pond and island. Lot is between 2 new homes, across the street from a natural preserve. This lot is a must see. For sale at $85,000. BY OWNER. Call 603-527-8719. ********************************* GABLES CONDO FOR SALE Beautiful home, meticulously maintained and extensively upgraded. New enlarged kitchen with granite countertops. Views of Lake Winnipesaukee. Deck, 3 bedrooms plus a large loft, 1st floor master suite and 4-season sunroom. Detached garage with workshop and basement for storage. Gables has a gorgeous pool, clubhouse, and tennis court. Dry berth available for additional cost. $345,900. Call 603-527-7819. ********************************* CONDO FOR RENT—Annual Rental—Excellent water view! Well cared for 3+ bedroom condo in Birchwood Village. Across from boat club and private beach. 3 large bedrooms plus a loft. 2 1/2 baths. Central air: economical monitor heating—also central propane plus electric backups. Master suite on first floor with walk-in custom closet and private bath. Excellent closet and storage space throughout. Washer/dryer hookups in laundry room. Updated tile and laminate flooring. Upgraded 3-4 season sun room with sliders to patio overlooking Paugus Bay. Irrigation system for green grass and beautiful flowers all summer. $1,400 per month, plus utilities. Security deposit and references required. Call Sharon at 603-420-8254. LONG BAY LOT FOR SALE Lot #37 Deerfield Turn in Bay Reach. Lake views in front, NH state forest in back. Custom house plan available. $119,000. Call 603-556-7791. ********************************* DRY BERTH FOR SALE Upper berth for sale. $7,950. Call 603-556-7791. ********************************* STORAGE UNIT FOR SALE 10X10, Unit B-19. On the sunny side. Has sturdy shelves built across the back and one side. $5,200. Call Sharon at 603-420-8254. ********************************* WINTER CONDO FOR RENT IN BIRCHWOOD. $1,500 Month. Call Bob @ 603-669-7822. ********************************* LONG BAY DRY BERTH FOR SALE Lower boat rack available immediately. 2011 dues paid. $6500. Call Bob at 603-888-4779/e-mail ********************************* LONG BAY DOCK FOR SALE OR RENT Long Bay Yacht Club. Purchase for $61,900 or rent for 2012 Season for $2,500. Call John at 978-833-0704. ********************************* LOOKING TO RENT NEXT SUMMER Retired couple looking to rent in South Down or Long Bay for the months of July & August, 2012. Please call 239-992-2894. ********************************* LOWER RACK BOAT BERTH FOR SALE B-1—$7,000. Call Ken at 978-664-5302 or 617-529-4843. ********************************* DRY BERTH FOR SALE $7,500. Call Steven at 239-848-8461. ********************************* STORAGE UNIT FOR SALE 10x15 unit in Building B—sunny side. Call Steve at 603-528-3368. ********************************* STORAGE UNIT FOR SALE Call Mark at 603-845-3796. ********************************* CONDO FOR RENT Birchwood Village—3 Bedrooms. Fall rental $900/wk. Call 978-273-9701. ********************************* DRY BERTH FOR SALE BN-19 – Top row. $7,200. Call Sharon at 603-420-8254. These pages contain advertisers who want their services known to South Down Shores & Long Bay residents. Although we do not endorse these companies, when you visit their businesses or use their services, please thank them for making our newsletter possible. Imperial Cleaning Services G. Jay Brittain Cell: (603) 520-7713 Master Plumber 603-393-5507 For a cleaner than new Hi-Definition Shine Lic. # 2805 BP MS Window & Solar Panel Cleaning Carpets New Construction and more Owner Operated Free Estimates Same Day Call Back I’m in your area Tel. (603) 528-5361 BRITTAIN PLUMBING & MECHANICAL SERVICES, LLC HANDYMAN SERVICES Small Jobs Are My Specialty Richard W. Drouin ‘Rick’ New Construction Repair Work Renovations Water Heaters Radiant Heat Gas Installations Tel (603) 744-6277 Or (603) 520-5642 148 Ten Mile Brook Rd. Bristol, NH 03222 Fully Insured Interior Exterior Virginia Duval Cleaning Service (603) 293-4510 645 Cherry Valley Road Gilford, NH 03249 Residential Fully Insured Commercial Since 1976 Painting Contractors Commercial Residential Association Maintenance Also Available: Popcorn Ceilings Water Damage Repairs Pressure Washing Sealers/Stains 603.293.4513 Gilford, NH Fully Insured GOING SOmewhere? FaSt, eaSy, Immediate ONlINe CONFIrmatIONS! Shuttle Service to: Manchester Airport Logan Airport South Station from the lakes region area Special Events? South Down Savings! 15% Off Round Trip for 1st-Time Users! Weddings Family & Company Parties Anniversaries & Birthdays A Special Night on the Town Dinner & Dancing For special discounts, join our e-mail list. 1.888.386.8181 068712 Boissonneault Carpentry Fully Insured 501 Bean Hill Road #24 Northfield, NH 03276 603-707-9288 Matthew J. Boissonneault Owner Spalidays! Cascade Spa Open House Wednesday, November 30th • 5–7:30 pm at Church Landing at Mill Falls Complimentary mini services featuring a dedicated room with four types of massage . Fabulous goodie bags Unique gift giving ideas . Hors d’oeuvres by Lakehouse Grille Spalidays guests must be 18 year or older to attend. 20% off Holiday Gift Cards Gentleman’s express purchase at the Church Landing front desk. Make a night of it! Guestrooms starting at $59.50 at Church Landing and $39.50 at Mill Falls (per person based on double occupancy, cannot be combined with any other offer) Ask about our Spa-Talk Luncheon on Dec. 1st with Antonio Corral Calero, Artistic Director for MOROCCANOIL® - From Morocco to Hollywood! Cascade Spa . The Inns & Spa at Mill Falls . Meredith, NH . (603) 677-8620 . 1 (866) 719-0161 MITSUBISHI Ductless Air Conditioners And Heat Pumps MONITOR AND TOYOTOMI Direct Vent Heating Systems 170 Daniel Webster Highway Belmont NH 03220 603-524-2308 800-924-6568 WE’RE YOUR COMFORT ZONE Jane Angliss Realtor ® Cell (603) 630.5472 Office (603) 279.0079 Fax (603) 279.0083 208 Daniel Webster Highway Meredith, NH 03253 A leader in Sales and Rentals AT SOUTH DOWN SHORES & LONG BAY Contact one of our full-time REALTORS® located at “The Barn” at the entrance to South Down Shores Managing Broker Linda Harris Cell : 603-387-3533 Michelle Crumb Cell : 496-4084 Cell : 491-4624 Steve Welch Cell : 603-387-1452 Nancy Williams Cell : 603-393-9716 Jeremy Avery Cell : 603-481-2657 Mary Anne Klostermann Joe Macdonald Cell : 603-520-1057 PK Zyla Cell : 603-496-8490 Rentals & sales Christine Kemos Cell : 978-985-4029 Kara Parent Sue Ippolito Kevin Shaw Cell : 603-244-9232 Cell : 603-455-7437 Cell : 603-387-4778 “Roche” has marketed and sold South Down Shores & Long Bay properties since its inception in the 1980’s 1921 Parade Road, Laconia New Hampshire 03246 603.528.0088 ● 1.888.214.0088 ● Residential & Commercial—Local & Regional Packing Service—Climate-Controlled ADT Secured—Pest-Free Warehouse Storage “This was the best moving experience we’ve ever encountered, and we’ve moved a lot in our lives. Thanks for having such caring, hardworking employees with the cleanest equipment we’ve ever had”. (M.R.V. & E.L.V.—Laconia) “Our moving team was superb. They were extremely professional and paid close attention to the smallest detail. We have recommended Starving Artists Movers to all our friends”. (P.B. & J.B.— Plymouth) STARVING ARTISTS ICC LIC. #MC210983—NO DOT Permit #791 Laconia: 527-9200 Toll Free: 1-800-698-4468 E-mail: 134-B Hall St., Concord, NH 03301-3470 FIVE STAR Meredith, New Meredith, New Hampshire Hampshire *Offering one-of-a-kind custom kitchens, baths & built-in cabinetry, including countertops *Handcrafted and professionally installed *A full-service design & build company *Showroom by appointment 603-279-0970 603-279-0970 Laconia, NH Pocasset, MA Queensbury, NY G OL F C A R S A N D U T I L I T Y V E H I C L E S SALES SERVICE PARTS RENTALS NEW & USED FINANC I N G A V A I L A B L E 1165 Union Ave., Laconia, NH 03246 603.527.8095 M.J. Cappellucci General Contractor Kitchens Bathrooms Decks Tax-free Patios Brick—Stone—Tile Interior/Exterior Painting Fully Insured Mike: 267-6776 The Standard of Excellence NH’s Most Respected Name in Boating Since 1919 ROUTE 28A ALTON BAY, NH 603-875-5700 958 UNION AVE. LACONIA • NH 603-524-6661 261 DERRY RD., RT. 102 HUDSON, NH 603-595-7995 New and Good Quality Pre-owned Boats Full Service Marina – Boat Slips, Valet, Storage, Service and Parts NOW SCHEDULING FALL CLEAN-UPS Jeff Derynioski (603)524-3574 (603)455-8306 Snowplowing/Removal/Blowing Also Available Fully Insured, Reasonable Rates & Free Estimates • Full Traditional Funerals • Cremation Services • Memorial Services • Pre-Planning • All Religious Faiths Served • Full Line of Caskets & Urns 164 Pleasant Street, Laconia, NH A Berkkshire Hathaway Company NORTHEAST PLANNING ASSOCIATES, INC. A Registered Investment Adviser Charles C. Leonard Jr., CLU Certified Financial Plannertm • • • • • R Io Pg Ivs Mg Io Dsbuo Sgs Csh Fow Ayss Io Tx Ruo Sgs Hpg Pop Pusu M F Ip 92 M S • P.O. Box 276 • Mh, NH 0325 Pho: (603) 677-7009 • Fx: (603) 677-7023 E-: o@ohspg.o • Wbs: www.opg.o Sus vsoy svs off hough LPL F, b FINRA/SIPC. Nohs Pg Assos, I. LPL F o ffi. LACONIA SERVICE Now Open PARTS Mondays! SALES STORAGE PICK UP & DELIVERY All Brands now in Laconia! 1197 Union Ave, Laconia 603-524-0100 Smart choice. Selecting the right club can be challenging, determining your Realtor shouldn’t be. Choose one that lives, works, and plays here. Jackie Gauvin, REALTOR ® DISTINCTIVE MARKETING GROUP MEMBER Web: Direct: Office: Email: 603-630-2325 603-677-0001 ext. 7357 Distinctive Properties. Exceptional Service. “Keeping America Beautiful” Custom Homes—Remodeling—Woodworking (603) 293-4646 Charles Barnett (603) 340-0685 Gilford, NH Tues.-Sat. 8am-5pm Tues.-Sat. 8am-5pm Keinan KeinanMartin Martin Owner Owner Certified Technician Certified Technician 527-0940 527-0940 Melcher & Prescott $25.00 OFF INSURANCE Any of Our Services! 426 Main Street, Laconia, NH 03246 *Minimum Charges Apply. Limit one per customer. Offer Expires 12/30/11* ▪ Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning ▪ ▪ Tile & Grout Cleaning & Sealing ▪ ▪ Window Film Installation ▪ ▪ Carpet Color Repair & Dying ▪ ▪ Carpet Stretching& Repairs ▪ ▪ Area Rug / Oriental Rug Cleaning Moultonboro, NH 476-8000 Meredith, NH 279-4591 Plymouth, NH 536-2440 Individual • Business Employee Benefits Risk Management 365/24/7 Emergency Services Water~ Smoke ~ Fire ~ Soot ~ Mold Phone: 603-524-4889 Chocorua, NH 323-8800 Serving Central New Hampshire 524-4535 Watchovaya, Property Management LLC “Second Home Peace of Mind” Bruce C. Anderson Managing Partner 67 Water Street Suite #208 Laconia, New Hampshire 03246 Contact: 603.524.4800 Fax: 603.524.4833 Stylish Spaces LLC Custom Window Treatments z� Sandy Joncas, Owner z� 603-528-1444 z�� z An authorized Hunter Douglas Dealer • Valances • Cornices • Roman Shades • Drapes • Cushions • Pillows • Duvet Covers • Swags & Jabots • Blinds • Shades “YOUR HOME TO STAY” LLC WHEN ALL YOU NEED IS A HELPING HAND Daily Errands Shopping Companionship Meal Preparation Escort to Appointments Light Housekeeping ***FULLY INSURED***STATE LICENSED*** 603-286-8200 NON-MEDICAL IN-HOME ASSISTED LIVING SERVICES PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LACONIA NH PERMIT # 200 South Down Recreation Association 14 Country Club Road Gilford, NH 03249 FOR YOUR CALENDAR GEESE BE GONE! NOVEMBER: Birthstone: Topaz 6 End of Daylight Savings Time 8 Election Day 10 Garden Club Meeting—Beach House at 6:30 11 Veterans Day 18 Executive Meeting 24 Thanksgiving Day In the continuing attempt to drive the Canada Geese from the ponds in the Greenbelt and in Birchwoods, many ideas have been tried. Colorful streamers, screaming rockets, and contact with the State of Connecticut for removal of the geese. Nothing has been successful for long. The latest attempt is to have floating alligator heads in the ponds. If you look carefully in the picture below, you will see the head in the far left corner with all the ducks around it but not close. If you walk by now, you can see the latest attempt—fake coyotes, that swivel in the wind, and are moved daily to scare the geese. Anyone have any other ideas? DECEMBER: Birthstone: Blue Topaz 8 Garden Club Christmas Party 16 Executive Meeting 20 Hanukkah 22 1st day of Winter 25 Christmas 31 New Year’s Eve Please use this e-mail for all communication with your newsletter committee. Don’t Miss an Issue of Shorelines! Remember to call Harvard Management at 528-1988 if you plan to be away to let them know where you would like your copy sent. A new mailing list is given to the printer before every issue. Call again when you return.