April - AEDDinc.org!


April - AEDDinc.org!
April 2016 edi(on
Please let me know what you’d like to read
about. Please send photos of you and your
coworkers doing wellness activities.
Send to: roger.decker@aeddinc.org
Remember: AEDD/CLS will reimburse up to $30 for parcipaon in community health & fitness events. Below are
some events that will take place in the coming months. Please contact Roger at (501) 801-3635 for details .
This is for entertainment and informational
purposes and is not intended as
medical advice.
Walk to Defeat ALS
WHEN: April 2, 2016 @ 9:00 AM
WHERE: William J. Clinton Presiden!al
More than just a few-mile trek, the Walk
to Defeat ALS® is an opportunity to bring
hope to people living with ALS, to raise
money for a cure, and to come together
for something you care about. The Walk
to Defeat ALS® is The ALS Associa!on’s
biggest annual event, which raises funds
that allow our local chapters to sustain
care services and support research for
much of the next year.
The 3rd Annual Downtown Dash
Na(onal Walk at Lunch Day
WHEN: April 23, 2016
WHERE: wherever you are
Kids' 1K Fun Run Start Time: 8:00 a.m.
WHEN: April 27, 2016 @ lunch
Na!onal Walk@Lunch Day 2016 is
Wednesday, April 27! Because Na!onal
10K/5K Start Time: 8:30 a.m.
Walk@Lunch Day is designed to compleWHERE: Downtown Li<le Rock, AR
ment—not compete with—busy lifestyles,
The race will start at 8:30 am at the Junior it provides the perfect opportunity to get
up from your desk and get on your feet.
League Building on Sco< Street, and will
feature Downtown Li<le Rock landmarks, Turn a normal working lunch into a
such as the River Market, Clinton Library, walking lunch! Talk to your supervisors
and Arkansas Arts Center. The race is also about par!cipa!ng at your office.
handicap and stroller accessible.
Congratula(ons to our Biggest Loser Winners!
This contest was a huge success! Twenty-one employees lost more than five pounds apiece and most everyone
par!cipated in the weekly “healthy challenges.” We awarded $925 in cash and also gave away Tropical Smoothie GiG
Cards, Adidas gym bags, Pinnacle thermo lunch kits, exercise journals, water bo<les and Massage Envy GiG Cards.
Sweat Hogs 12.96% ($400)
Mission Slimpossible 11.27 % ($200)
Bye Fatlecia 11.13% ($100)
1st place: Sweat Hogs (leG) Eric Jones, Alisa Lyons, Paule<e Watson and Coach Joseph Giles.
2nd place: Mission Slimpossible (middle) Reginald Johnson, Coach Veronica Rancifer, Triska Thomas and Pat Curry.
3rd place: Bye Fatlecia (right) Cur!s Willding, Lexie McPherson, Coach Veronica Reed and Liz Tyger.
Thank you to all the coaches that kept your teams mo(vated and engaged!
I hope you enjoyed the process and will be involved in future challenges.
Don’t forget our Bravo wellness screenings are coming up soon. Registraon is from April 12th—April 26th.
Our screenings will take place on May 12th & 13th. To register go to bravowell.com/aedd
Recipe of the Month– Caribbean Treat Smoothie
1 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 banana
3/4 cup Knudsen papaya
1 serving calorie-free
1 scoop whey protein
1 cup of ice
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month
The Na!onal Highway Traffic Safety Administra!on (NHTSA)
es!mates that in 2011, the most recent year for which data is
available, 3,331 people lost their lives and another 387,000
were injured in distrac!on-affected crashes. Drivers engage in a
range of distrac!ng ac!vi!es from talking and tex!ng on their
phones, to ea!ng, grooming and reading. Even using hands-free
technologies isn’t without risk as dangerous mental distrac!ons
exist even when drivers keep their hands on the wheel and eyes
on the road.
Take frozen strawberries and put in bowl and let them thaw
out in fridge before using.
I use Banana Nut flavored Dyma!ze Protein Powder.
Na!onal Walk@Lunch Day 2016 is Wednesday, April 27! Because Na!onal Walk@Lunch Day is designed to
complement—not compete with—busy lifestyles, it provides the perfect opportunity to get up from your desk and get
on your feet. Turn a normal working lunch into a walking lunch! Talk to your supervisors about par!cipa!ng.
Combine all ingredients in blender and blend on high for 30-45
This smoothie tastes amazing, has many vitamins and minerals,
is low-calorie and is also high in protein!
Nutri!on Facts:
Remember the PASS Method to Effec(vely Use a Fire Ex(nguisher
P - Pull the pin. It is there to prevent accidental discharge.
calories 337
carbs 58g
protein 23g
Want to try something new and meet new people?
A - Aim low at the base of the fire. This is the where the fuel source is.
Place any fire ex!nguisher that has been used on its side on the floor. It will
be collected and recharged aGer the fire scene is secure.
AEDD receives Fire Ex(nguisher Training
On Tuesday March 15th AEDD’s admin staff received fire
ex!nguisher training from Capt. Warren Robinson Sr. (on right).
Captain Robinson is the Community Outreach Coordinator for
Li<le Rock Fire Department.
Kelvin Jefferson (pictured le) receiving congratulaons from
Capt. Robinson for exnguishing the fire simulator.
1. Turn it off and stow it. Turn your phone off or switch it to
silent mode before you get in the car. Then stow it away so that
it’s out of reach.
2. Spread the word. Record a message on your phone that tells
callers you’re driving and will get back to them when you’re off
the road, or sign up for a service that offers this feature.
3. Pull over. If you need to make a call, pull over to a safe area
4. Use your passengers. Ask a passenger to call or text for you.
S - Squeeze the trigger above the handle. Release to stop the flow.
(Some ex!nguishers have a bu<on instead of a lever)
S - Sweep from side to side. Move toward the fire, aiming low at its base. Sweep
un!l all flames are ex!nguished. Watch for re-igni!ng. Repeat as necessary.
Have site inspected by fire department.
Here are 10 ps for managing some of the most
common distracons.
This website exists for the purpose of connec!ng people.
Their website descrip!on says the following: neighbors
ge#ng together to learn something, do something, share
something. There are groups in central Arkansas for
hiking, volunteering, learning salsa, biking, dog walking,
support groups, pain!ng, learning a new language and
also da!ng. They have something for everyone, no ma<er
your age or interest. To join or learn more about local
groups and ac!vi!es go to h<p://www.meetup.com/
5. X the Text. Don’t ever text and drive, surf the web or read
your email while driving. It’s dangerous and against the law in
most states. Even voice-to-text isn’t risk-free.
6. Know the law. Familiarize yourself with state and local
laws before you get in the car.
7. Prepare. If using a GPS device, enter your des!na!on before
you start to drive. If you prefer a map or wri<en direc!ons,
review them in advance.
8. Secure your pets. Unsecured pets can be a big distrac!on.
9. Mind the kids. Pull over to a safe place to address situa!ons
involving children in the car.
10. Focus on driving. Mul!-tasking behind the wheel is
dangerous. Refrain from ea!ng, drinking, reading, grooming,
smoking, and any other ac!vity that takes your mind and eyes
off the road.