NUAL REVIEW - The Bob Rumball
NUAL REVIEW - The Bob Rumball
Chairman’s Report As Chair of the Ontario Community Centre of the Deaf (BRCD) it is my pleasure to share with you the Strategic Plan that has been developed by the current Board, our Executive Director Derek Rumball, and various managers from BRCD, BRHD, OCD, and BRAD. We realize that we can never be satisfied with the status quo. We strive to strengthen our services and face the challenge of finding individuals with Chris Kenopic Chairman experience in governance to serve on the Board of Directors. In today’s society in the not for profit sector we see increased accountability to our funders, our members and most importantly the Deaf community. We will build a strong foundation for the future of the Rumball organizations with a strong and concise strategic plan. There are 6 areas that the strategic plan will focus on: 1. Governance, 2. Programs & Services, 3. Finance, 4. Staff, 5. Facilities, and 6. Communication The members of the Board will be given specific tasks to work with the management in achieving our expected outcomes. We will report regularly to our members as to the progress we are making. Since the OCCD has been founded, so many great things have happened. We want to be sure we have a strong foundation in order to continue the work that we do. I am grateful to be working with Derek and his management Team. The management and staff do an outstanding job. They are committed to serving you well. Please join me in thanking them for their work. We also thank the members and donors who believe in our services and continue to support us! It is you who inspire us to do more. Chris Kenopic Chair Management Staff Founder: Reverend Bob Rumball a Executive Director.................................... Derek Rumball Division Directors: Senior Services...........................................Shirley Cassel Educational Services..............................Cathy McKibbin Developmental Services....................... Christine Geobey Finance................................................................ Ali Rana Managers: Adult Education......................................Christine Nelson Supportive Independent Living...................Robert Miller Day Program ....................................Christian Kingsmill Progressive Assisted Living..................... Tracey Switzer Adult Residential Program....................... Tracey Switzer Seniors Supportive Housing................... Babette Oliveira Rumball Early Education Centre...................... Kim Reid Environmental Services...................... Mauricio Da Rosa Human Resources................................... Melanie Haynes I.T. ..................................................................Fred Cheng r l a u nn e vi e w Thank you to our supporters The Bob Rumball Centre for the Deaf and the Deaf community express their appreciation to our supporters: Education: Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services City of Toronto Children’s Services Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Ontario Ministry of Education Thorncliffe Neighbourhood Offices Seniors: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Toronto Central LHIN City of Toronto Ministry of HEALTH AND LONG-TERM CARE Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network Developmental Sector: Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services Thank you to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for their continued support. BRCD wishes to express sincere gratitude to Quota Club District 18, The Toronto Deaf Seniors Centre, The Toronto Police Pensioners Association and the many other corporations, foundations, and service and fraternal organizations for their continued financial and moral support. We would also like to thank all of the individuals and businesses who so generously support our work in the Deaf community .Charitable Registration Number 10807 3776 RR00001 2395 Bayview Avenue Toronto, ON M2L 1A2 (416) 449-9651 (Voice) (416) 449-2728 (TTY) (416) 449-8881 (Fax) Website: Email: 2013 annual review It is the mission of The Bob Rumball Centre for the Deaf to provide opportunities for a higher quality of life for Deaf people while preserving and promoting their language and culture. Ontario Community Centre for the Deaf Highlights of the Year Adult Education Program The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities provided one-time funding for 2 Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) assistant teachers to aid in teaching our increasing numbers of learners with additional special needs. Many of these learners would be left isolated in their homes if unable to attend this LBS program. Our Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) funding allowed us to service over 200 clients and learners in both Employment Services for Deaf Immigrants and Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC), with some people finding employment and others obtaining Canadian Citizenship. Parent-Infant Program 2012 saw a marked increase in the number of registered families who have English as second language. Multilanguage brochures and translators assist us in providing access for these families. There has also been an increase in the number of families whose children have unilateral (one ear) or mild hearing loss. The Parent Infant Program continues to support agencies and hospitals in finding research participants, including the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario. Ontario Early Years Centre Our OEYC program hosts monthly workshops, delivered in partnership with Toronto Public Health nurses. All workshops are free and are ASL interpreted as we continue to be the only Early Years Centre drop-in program in Toronto to offer services to culturally Deaf parents. As a member of the Deaf Parents Resource Group, we are learning how to better meet the needs of Deaf parents. Rumball Early Education Centre The Rumball Early Education Centre benefits from the Campbell's “Labels for Education” program in which collected Campbell’s product labels are redeemed for educational resources. In 2012, we were recognized as one of the top collecting schools and were able to purchase teaching materials, games and equipment. A donation to a food bank was also made in our name. The implementation of the new ELECT curriculum was begun. Developmental Services 2012/2013 We united into a partnership with The Brown Group of Companies Inc. who have built a new apartment building in the Victoria Park/ Sheppard area. The building is mainly for seniors and 21 of those units are affordable and available Financial Overview STATEMENT OF INCOME to the Deaf community. The building has opened up this year and we were fortunate to relocate some of our individuals we currently support into the new apartment building. This was a great opportunity and experience. The Sensory Partners continue to work together in creating awareness throughout the province about our services. We are members of the Faith and Culture Inclusion Network and have recently accepted the offer to host the 2015 OASIS Conference. Adult Residential Program It has been another year of change in ARP, bringing many new faces to the staff team which has allowed for changes to programing and planning. We also have a new individual join the ARP family. The last year has also brought about the creation of the DS Social Club which allows individuals from all of the DS programs to get together on a monthly basis and enjoy great food, friendship and fun. Plans are currently in the works for our next big vacation and we can’t wait. Progressive Assisted Living Program The last year has been full of change and challenge for PAL. We unfortunately had to say goodbye to a long time member of our family. However, with the goodbye has come a wonderful hello as we have welcomed a new member to our PAL family all the way from New Brunswick. We continue to work closely with several local colleges and universities to host placements and allow students the opportunity to gain practical work experience in the field of Developmental Services. This is an experience that enhances the lives of both the students and the individuals of PAL. We look forward to what adventures the next year holds in store for us. Year Ended March 31, 2013 Revenues and expenditures at March 31, 2013 2013 2012 REVENUE Programs $ Other 6,127,464 $ 6,253,527 1,326,828 1,434,568 7,454,292 7,688,095 EXPENSES Program Supportive Independent Living Program Bi-weekly cooking classes head the excitement in SIL. Interactive classes in a supportive group setting teach our Individuals about healthy foods and the ease of preparation. A hands on practice, followed by the enjoyment of eating your “culinary masterpiece” encourages even the most diehard take-out fan to join in. When the participants arrive with Tupperware in hand, you know the program is a success! Weekends can be spent exploring Toronto and the surrounding area. When not watching sporting events (their favourite!) the SIL Individuals can be found visiting flea markets and experiencing Toronto’s many cultural events. Having a weekend staff person organize trips, has encouraged them to step out and experience the exciting world around them. What’s happening in Toronto? Just ask one of our Individuals! Day Program New programs and activities have been developed so every individual has the opportunity to explore their own unique interests and skills within these activities. We have celebrated a variety of cultures, traditions and customs within Canada. Participants planned for and enjoyed the festival of dance during Diwali, they tried new foods during the ‘Wild Wild West’ celebration and learned of new customs and traditions during our Multicultural Day. Our packaging area provided printing and work contracts for the individuals who choose to participate in the work component of the Day Program. And our wood shop was very busy as participants honed their woodworking skills making a variety of projects for themselves and the various programs within the Centre. 4,966,054 5,060,682 General and Administration 952,570 771,415 Building and Grounds 879,204 871,336 Mortgage Interest 130,767 137,847 Cafetaria 169,051 297,789 Amortization 241,740 206,275 7,339,386 7,345,344 Allowance for doubtful accounts - - 1,785,752 7,339,386 Surplus (Deficit) $ 114,906 5,559,592 $ 2,128,503.00 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION As At March 31, 2013 ASSETS Current $ Other 399,805 $ 5,850,249 $ 535,812 5,876,052 6,250,054 $ 2,664,600 $ 6,411,864 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Current $ 2,902,088 Long Term 1,367,832 4,032,432 4,309,148 Fund Balance 2,217,622 2,102,716 $ 6,250,054 1,407,060 $ 6,411,864
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