Final Report - Medizinische Fakultät Mannheim
Final Report - Medizinische Fakultät Mannheim
International Research Training Group GRK 880 “Vascular Medicine” Final Report International Research Training Group GRK 880 Table of Contents 1. General Information 3 1.1 Title in German and English 3 1.2 Funding period 3 1.3 Spokespersons 3 1.3.1 Mannheim / Heidelberg 3 1.3.2 Groningen 3 1.4 Participating researchers (affiliation and research area) 3 1.4.1 Mannheim / Heidelberg 3 1.4.2 Groningen 7 2. Research Results 11 3. Qualification, Supervision, Cooperations 14 Appendix 1: List of the Graduates, Postdocs and Research Students n.a. 1a) Graduates with stipend (GRK 880/1) n.a. Graduates with stipend (GRK 880/2) n.a. Graduates with stipend (GRK 880/2-3) n.a. Graduates with stipend (GRK 880/3) n.a. 1b) Graduates without stipend (GRK 880/1-4) n.a. 1d) Postdoctoral researcher (Funding by the DFG) n.a. 1h) Research students (Funding by the DFG) n.a. Appendix 2: Individual Reports of the Graduates and Postdoctoral Researcher 17 2a) Graduates (GRK 880/2) 17 Graduates (GRK 880/2-3) 51 Graduates (GRK 880/3) 64 2b) Postdoctoral researcher (GRK 880/3) 111 Appendix 3: Publication list (Graduates, Research Students, Postdoctoral Researcher) n.a. 2 1. General Information 1.1 Title in German and English Vaskuläre Medizin / Vascular Medicine Vaskuläre Schäden und Reparatur / Vascular Damage and Repair Vaskuläre Schäden / Vascular Damage 1.2 Funding Period GRK 880/1 (01.01.2004-31.12.2006) GRK 880/2 (01.01.2007-30.06.2008) GRK 880/3 (01.07.2008-31.12.2012) GRK 880/4 (01.01.2013-31.12.2013) (Completion funding) 1.3. Spokespersons University of Heidelberg Prof. Dr. Fokko van der Woude† (GRK 880/1) Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Hammes (GRK 880/2- GRK 880/4) University of Groningen Prof. Dr. Lou de Leij (GRK 880/1) Prof. Dr. Han Moshage (GRK 880/2- GRK 880/4) 1.4 Participating Researchers Name 1.4.1 Mannheim/ Heidelberg Time Period Research Area Prof. Dr. Hellmut G. Augustin 01.01.200830.09.2013 Vascular biology, tumor biology Prof. Dr. Grietje Beck 01.01.200431.12.2006 Anaesthesiology critical care, sepsis microcirculation Dr. Urs Benck 01.01.200431.12.2006 Nephrology Prof. Dr. Angelika Bierhaus† 01.01.200415.04.2012 Experimental Diabetology Prof. Dr. Martin Borggrefe 01.07.200831.12.2012 Cardiology, arrhythmia, cardiomyopathies Affiliation Vascular Biology & Tumor Angiogenesis; Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg;LudolfKrehl-Str. 13-17, 68167 Mannheim +49-621-383-9962 :+49-621-383-9961 HSK, Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken GmbH Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 100, 65199 Wiesbaden +49-611 - 43 2176 +49-611 - 43 2521 http://www.hsk V. Medical Dept., Medical Faculty Mannheim; University of Heidelberg, Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3, 68167 Mannheim +49-621-383-2495 +49-621-383- 733525 Medizinische Universitätsklinik Heidelberg Innere Medizin I Im Neuenheimer Feld 410 D-69120 Heidelberg I. Medical Dept., Medical Faculty Mannheim; University of Heidelberg, Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3, 68167 Mannheim +49-621-383-2204 +49-621-383-2012 3 Name Time Period Research Area Affiliation Prof. Dr. Michael Deuschle 01.01.200431.12.2006 Central Institute of Mental Health, Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy; J5, 68159 Mannheim +49-621-1703-2321 +49-621-1703-2325 Prof. Dr. Matthias Goebeler 01.01.200730.06.2013 Prof. Dr. Christian Fink 01.07.200831.12.2012 Depression, sleep medicine, stress physiology, sequelae of stress-related disorders Vascular signalling, endothelial inflammation and migration, innate immunity, dermatology Cardiothoracic Imaging PD Dr. Andreas Fischer 01.07.200831.12.2013 Cardiovascular biology and pathophysiolog, clinical chemistry Prof. Dr. Sergij Goerdt 01.01.200431.12.2013 Prof. Dr. HermannJosef Gröne 01.01.200731.12.2012 Dermatooncology, vascular biology, dermatoimmunology Cellular and molecular pathology Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Hammes 01.01.200431.12.2013 Endocrinology, diabetology, diabetic retinopathy Prof. Dr. Markus Hecker 01.01.200730.09.2013 Cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology Clinic for Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology, University Hospital Würzburg, Josef-Schneider-Str. 2 D-97080 Würzburg +49- 0931/201-26351 Allgemeines Krankenhaus Celle Siemensplatz 4 D-29223 Celle +49-5141 72-1701 +49-5141 72-1709 Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg 06221 42 4150 06221 42 4159 Dept. of Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg; Theodor-Kutzer Ufer 1-3, 68167 Mannheim +49-621-383-2280 +49-621-383-3815 Department of Cellular and Molecular Pathology German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg +49-621-6221-4350 +49-621-6221-4352 V. Medical Dept., Medical Faculty Mannheim; University of Heidelberg, Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3, 68167 Mannheim +49-621-383-2663 +49-621-383-2663 Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology; Division of Cardiovascular Physiology, University of Heidelberg; Im Neuenheimer Feld 326, 69120 Heidelberg, +49-6221-54-4035 +49-6221-54-4038; 4 Name Time period Dr. 01.01.2004Ralf 31.12.2006 Jesenofsky Prof. Dr. Thomas Korff 01.01.200730.09.2013 Prof. Dr. Jens Kroll 01.07.200830.09.2013 Prof. Dr. Julia Kzhyshkowska 01.01.200428.02.2013 Prof. Dr. Florian Lederbogen 01.01.200431.12.2006 01.07.200831.12.2013 Prof. Dr. Matthias Löhr 01.01.200431.12.2006 Prof. Dr. Susanne Lutz 01.07.200831.01.2010 Prof. Dr. Peter Paul Nawroth 01.01.200431.12.2013 Research Area Affiliation Experimental pancreatology and GI oncology II. Medical Dept., Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3, 68167 Mannheim +49-621-383- 5982 +49-621-383-3805 Vascular biology Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology; Division of Cardiovascular Physiology, University of Heidelberg; Im Neuenheimer Feld 326, 69120 Heidelberg, +49-6221-54-4131 +49-6221-54-4038; Vascular Vascular Biology & Tumor Angiogenesis; Medical biology, Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg ; Ludolfangiogenesis, Krehl-Str. 13-17, 68167 Mannheim developmental +49-621-383-9965 :+49-621-383-9961 biology, zebrafish Immunology, Dept. of Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology, cellular and Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg; molecular Theodor-Kutzer Ufer 1-3, 68167 Mannheim biology +49-621-383-2440 +49-621-383-3815 Stress research, Central Institute of Mental Health, Dept. of Psychiatry platelet and Psychotherapy; J5, 68159 Mannheim activation +49-621-1703-2402 +49-621-1703-2325 Tumour biology, Institutionen för Klinisk Vetenskap, Intervention och pancreas Teknik (CLINTEC),Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, carcinoma, Huddinge, K54, 141 86 Stockholm animal models +46-8-5858-9591 +46-8-5858-2340 Cardiovascular Center for Pharmacology and Toxicology, University G protein of Göttingen, Robert-Koch-Str. 40, 37075 Göttingen signaling +49- 551-39-10665 +49- 551-39-5699 Clinical and University Hospital Heidelberg; Dept. of Medicine I experimental and Clinical Chemistry; Im Neuenheimer Feld 410, diabetology, 69120 Heidelberg diabetic +49-6221-56-8600 +49-6221-56-5226 complications 5 Name Time period Research Area Affiliation Prof. Dr. Liliana Schaefer 01.01.200731.12.2012 Matrix biology, immunology, nephrology Prof. Dr. Dr. Lothar Schilling 01.01.200431.05.2013 Cerebrovascular function – physiology and pathophysiology Dr. Kai Schledzewski 01.01.200431.12.2013 Vascular biology, endothelial differentiation, tumor biology Prof. Dr. Patrick Schloss 01.07.200831.12.2013 Prof. Dr. Marc Schmidt 01.01.200730.06.2013 Prof. Dr. Stefan Schönberg 01.07.200831.12.2012 Neuronal differentiation of stem cells, monoaminergic neurotransmitter systems Vascular signalling, endothelial inflammation and migration, innate immunity Radiology, cardiovascular imaging, oncologic imaging Institute for Pharmacology und Toxicology Division Nephropharmacologie Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Theodor-Stern Kai 7, Bau 75 - 1.126 60590 Frankfurt a.M., Germany +49-69-6301-7899 +49-69-6301-7942 Dept. of Neurosurgery, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Theodor-Kutzer Ufer 1-3, 68167 Mannheim +49-621-383-1623 +49-621-383-1937 Dept. of Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg; Theodor-Kutzer Ufer 1-3, 68167 Mannheim +49-621-383-3103 +49-621-383-3815 Central Institute of Mental Health, Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy; J5, 68159 Mannheim +49-621-1703-2901 +49-621-1703-2325 Prof. Dr. Tim Süselbeck 01.07.200831.12.2012 Cardiology, Coronary artery disease Prof. Dr. Peter Vajkoczy 01.01.200431.12.2006 Neurosurgery Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieland 01.07.200831.12.2013 Molecular pharmacology, vascular signal transduction, vascular biology Clinic for Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology, University Hospital Würzburg, Josef-Schneider-Str. 2 D-97080 Würzburg +49- 0931/201-26396 Institute for Clinical Radiology, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Theodor-KutzerUfer 1-3, 68167 Mannheim +49-621-383-2276 +49-621-383-3817 Kardiologische Praxisklinik Ludwigshafen,LudwigGuttmann-Str. 11, 67071 Ludwigshafen +49- 621 - 53 82 50 +49-621 - 53 82 525 Department of Neurosurgery, Charité, Augustenburger Platz , 13353 Berlin +49-30-450-560-002 +49-30-450-560-900 Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Mannheim Medical Faculty, University of Heidelberg,Maybachstraße 14, 68169 Mannheim +49-621-383-9610 +49-621-383-9611 6 Name Time period Research Area Affiliation Prof. Dr. Fokko van der Woude† Prof. Dr. Benito Yard 01.01.200404.12.2006 Vasculitis, organ transplantation, diabetic nephropathy Experimental diabetic nephropathy V. Medical Dept., Medical Faculty Mannheim; University of Heidelberg, Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3, 68167 Mannheim 01.01.200431.12.2013 V. Medical Dept.; Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg; Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3, 68167 Mannheim +49-621-383-3212 +49-621-383-2610 1.4.2. Groningen Name Time Period Research Area Affiliation Dr. Stephan Bakker 01.01.200431.12.2012 Diabetic nephropathy, cardiovascular disease, renal transplantation Prof. Dr. J. A. den Boer 01.01.200431.12.2006 Mental stress Dr. Jacob van den Born 01.01.200731.12.2012 Experimental nephrology Prof. Dr. Reinold Gans 01.01.200431.12.2009 Clinical diabetology Dr. Martin Harmsen 01.01.200731.12.2012 Cardio-vascular regenerative medicine Dr. Wijnand Helfrich 01.01.200431.12.2006 Tumor Immunology Dept. of Internal Medicine; UMCG, University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen +31-50-361-3677 +31-50-361-9310 internegeneeskunde/algemeneinterne/index Dept. of Psychiatry, UMCG, University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen +31 50 361 2056 +31 50 361 9132 try Laboratory of Experimental Nephrology; UMCG; University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, De Brug 4.042; 9713 GZ Groningen +31-50-361-0475 +31-50-361-9310 organisatie/Specialismen/nefrologie/Pages/default.asp x Dept. of Internal Medicine; UMCG, University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen, +31-50-361-2587 +31-50-361-3677 Dept. of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine; Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine Research Group (CAVAREM); UMCG, University of Groningen; Hanzeplein 1, 9700 RB Groningen, + 31-50-361-4776 + 31-50-361-9911 Department of Surgery - Surgery Research Laboratory, UMCG, University of Groningen Hanzeplein 1,9713 GZ Groningen +31 50 361 3733 7 Name Time Period Research Area Prof. Dr. Robert Henning 01.01.200731.12.2012 Vascular pharmacology, renocardiovascular disease, hibernation Dr. Peter Heeringa 01.01.200731.12.2012 Prof. Dr. 01.01.2007Jan-Luuk 31.12.2012 Hillebrands Dr. Jan Kamps 01.01.200731.12.2012 Prof. Dr. Cees Kallenberg 01.01.200431.12.2012 Prof. Dr. Lou de Leij 01.01.200431.12.2009 Dr. Henri Leuvenink 01.07.200831.12.2012 Prof. Dr. Jan Jakob Mooij 01.01.200431.12.2006 Affiliation Dept. Clinical Pharmacology; Faculty of Medicine, UMCG, University of Groningen; Ant. Deusinglaan 1, FB20, 9713 AV Groningen +31-50-363-2810 +31-50-363-2812 /klinischefarmacologie/index Immunology Dept of Pathology and Medical Biology, Medical Biology section UMCG, University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen +31 50-361-0789/8043 +31 50-361-9911 g/medbiol/research/ec/index Diabetes and Dept. of Pathology & Medical Biology – Pathology; transplantation- UMCG,University of Groningen; PO box 30.001 EA10, associated 9700 RB Groningen vascular +31-50-361-2875 +31-50-361-9107 disease /Research/ Lipid based drug Dept. of Phathology & Laboratory Medicine, section delivery systems Medical Biology, UMCG, University of Groningen and vascular Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen drug targeting +31-50-361-1293 +31-50-361-9911 g/medbiol/research/ec/index Clinical Dept. of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, immunology, T3.242, UMCG, University of Groningen systemic P.O. Box 30.001, 9700 RB Groningen autoimmune +31 50 3612945 diseases and vasculitis enberg.aspx Endothelial cell Currently: Dean of research biology UMCG; University of Groningen; Hanzeplein 1; 9713 GZ Groningen; +31-50-3639167; +31-503632883; Organ Dept of Surgery, Surgical Research Laboratory, preservation UMCG, University of Groningen, transplantation Hanzeplein 1, 9700 RB Groningen +31 50-361-9801 +31 50-363-2796 Brain tumours Dept. Neurosurgery,UMCG, University of Groningen Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen +31 50 361 2837 8 Name Time Period Research Area Affiliation Prof. Dr. Grietje Molema 01.01.200431.12.2012 Microvascular endothelial pharmacology and vascular drug targeting Prof. Dr. Han Moshage 01.01.200731.12.2012 Experimental hepatology and gastroenterology, graduate education Prof. Dr. Gerjan Navis 01.01.200731.12.2012 Experimental nephrology Prof. Dr. Matthijs Oudkerk 01.07.200831.12.2012 Cardiovascular imaging Prof. Dr. Rutger Ploeg 01.01.200431.12.2012 Transplantation medicine Dr. Gieta Lammersvan der Pompe Prof. Dr. Martina Schmidt 01.01.200431.12.2006 Biological psychiatry Dept. Pathology and Medical Biology, Medical Biology section, Laboratory for Endothelial Biomedicine & Vascular Drug Targeting research; UMCG, University of Groningen; University of Groningen; Hanzeplein 1,IPC EA11, 9713 GZ Groningen, +31-50-361-8043/0115 +31-50-361-9911 disciplinegroepen/plg/medbiol/index Dept. of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; UMCG, University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen + 31-50-361-2364 + 31-50-361-2612 disciplinegroepen/maagdarmenlever/apoptosis Dept. of Medicine, Division of Nephrology; UMCG, University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, 9700 RB Groningen +31-50-361-2955 +31-50-361-9310 Dept. of Radiology, UMCG, University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen +31-50-3614260 +31-50-3619168 Dept. of Surgery,UMCG, University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen, +31-50 361-2283 +31-50 361-4873 irurgie/index Past address: Dept. of Biological Psychiatry, University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen. 050-361 2056/06 – 512 89 160 01.08.200831.12.2012 Cell biology, translational pharmacology, cardiovascularneuronal biology Prof. Dr. Willem van Son 01.01.200431.12.2006 Dept. of Molecular Pharmacology; Centre of Pharmacy, UMCG, University of Groningen; Antonius Deusinglaan 1,9713 AV Groningen +31-50-363-3322 +31-50-363-6908 Clinical Div. Nephrology - Dept. Internal Medicine; UMCG; transplantation University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1; 9713 GZ role complement Groningen; in brain +31-50-3616161/3614877; +31-50-3619310 death/ischemia reperfusion/ chronic allograft failure 9 Name Time Period Research Area Affiliation Prof. Dr. Hauw The (retired) Prof. Dr. Elisabeth de Vries 01.01.200431.12.2006 Clinical immunology 01.01.200431.12.2006 Brain tumour Prof. Dr. Dick de Zeeuw 01.01.200431.12.2006 Clinical nephrology Dr. Jan Zijlstra 01.01.200431.12.2006 Sepsis Past address: Dept. Clinical Immunology; UMCG; University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1; 9713 GZ Groningen; +31-50-3614339; +31-50-3121576 Dept. Medical Oncology; UMCG; University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1; 9713 GZ Groningen; +31-50-3612821/3611847; +31-50-3614862 cologie/index Dept. Clinical Pharamcology; UMCG; University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1; 9713 GZ Groningen; +31-50-3632810; +31-50-3632812 nischefarmacologie/index Dept. of Intensive Care; UMCG; University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1; 9713 GZ Groningen; +31-50-3612315 10 2. Research Results Vascular medicine is considered an important and interesting research area that only recently has received the attention that it deserves. At the transition from GRK880-1 to GRK880-2 and -3, the focus of the graduate school changed from four topics (immunologically mediated endothelial damage, endothelial damage by hypxia or metabolic disease, tumor angiogenesis, and stress, hormones and the vascular system) to a focus on mechanisms that mediate vascular damage and repair. The multidisciplinary expertise in the participating academic institutions allowed to touch upon research approaches in clinical areas as diverse as hypertension, vasculitis, tumor angiogenesis and diabetic microvascular complications. New discoveries were made in the areas of endothelial signaling, vascular cell communication, inflammation, metabolic and tumor associated endothelial damage. More specifically, in the area of endothelial signalling, novel FOXO dependent transcriptional regulators of endothelial cell survival were identified which display an orchestrated role in endothelial cell survival (Czymai, T et al., J Biol Chem 2010). In continuation, the role of functionally relevant mediators oft he MEK5/Erk5 pathway were elucidated, and the revealed P21-activated kinase 1 (PAK) 1 as novel flow-repressed gene and migration-relevant target of the MEK5/ERK5/KLF2 pathway. This previously unknown pathway may limit undesired cell migration in unperturbed endothelium and reduce the sensitivity to migration cues under pathological conditions. The role of the tissue microenvironment on endothelial homeostasis and plasticity was defined as it determines a set of factors which can induce transdifferentiation, in this case, of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (Géraud C., et al, Hepatology 2010). RhoGEF 17 was identified as a novel complex partner required for the formation of adherence junctions in endothelial and smooth muscle cells, linking junctional proteins to Rho-dependent alterations of the cytoskeleton, migration and viability (Lutz S, et al., Cell Signal 2013). The RhoA kinases ROCKI/II with a so far undefined role in vascular homeostasis was studied in context of angiogenesis. It was found that ROCKI/II act as negative regulators of angiogenesis, and may serve as therapeutic targets of inhibit hypoxia induced angiogenesis such as proliferative retinopathy. Adaptive remodelling processes play an important role in diseases affecting the general vascular tone, and in particular responses to increased shear stress. Increased wall tension drives maladaptive inward remodeling through factors that maintain the SMCs in a contractile state. Myocardin was identified as a remodeling factor, and a novel mechanism by which increased wall tension inactivates myocardin leading to a switch to the synthetic SMC phenotype was detected (Pfisterer L, et al., Cardiovasc Res 2012). The consortium was able to contribute important novel aspects relevant to diabetic microvascular damage. Pericyte migration was defined as a major factor relevant in early pericyte loss, relevant for the development of diabetic retinopathy which is the most common microvascular damage in diabetes (Pfister et al., Diabetes 2008). Decorin and soluble biglycan were identified as a crucial trigger of albuminuria which represents the most important incipient clinical biomarker of diabetic nephropathy (Merline R, Lazaroski S, et al., J Physiol Pharmacol 2009). In a combined model of diabetes and hyperlipidemia, the effects of the lipid regulated nuclear receptors LXRa and b on diabetic nephropathy were studied. It was shown that the selective activation of LXRa in monocytes/macrophages was sufficient to prevent diabetic nephropathy (Kiss E, et al., AJP 2013). As a particular achievement, a novel non-hyperglycemic model of retinopathy, was characterized, and pathways involved in secondary vasoregression were established. Antigen processing and the specific role of CD 74 in capillary damage were delineated, 11 identifying the similarities to both diabetic retinopathy, and Alzheimer’s disease (Feng Y, Wang Y, et al. PlosOne 2009 and 2011, Busch et al. Cell Physiol Biochem 2012, Busch et al., PlosOne 2014). As a major genetic determinant of diabetic kidney disease, the role of the CNDP1 gene coding for the human serum carnosinase was further elucidated. The polymorphism of this gene was identified as a gain of function mutation associated with reduced serum carnosine levels, hyperglycemia was specified as a determinant of enzyme activity, and the pharmacological supplementation of L-Carnosine, the substrate of CNDP1 revealed antifibrotic and antiapoptotic functions in the diabetic kidney, and preserved retinal microvessels (Riedl et al., Diabetes 2007, Diabetes 2010, Cell Physiolog Biochem 2011, Pfister et al., Cell Physiol Biochem 2011). In the microvasculature, the interaction with blood cells such as leucocytes and macrophages is particularly important, since both the waste removal function and the potential to induce endothelial damage via inflammatory signals is clinically highly relevant, but also quite enigmatic. Stabilin-1 is expressed on scavenging cells and sinusoidal endothelial cells with relevance for handling of waste products and secretion of newly synthesized mediators of cell-cell crosstalk. Therefore, the identification of binding partners and the mechanisms of intracellular trafficking is important. A new molecular mechanism was discovered that controls intracellular transport essential for scavenging and secretory function of stabilin-1. It was demonstrated that the intracellular sorting adaptors GGAs interact with novel binding motifs of stabilin-1 and that both GGA interacting sites are required for the cooperative action during stabilin-1 medaited secretion of cytokine-like proteins and clearance of soluble components of extracellular matrix. Both functions are essential for the control of inflammatory activation of the endothelium by macrophages (Zhang J, et al., Mol Cell Biol 2009). Cell-cell communication was also studied at sites of experimental atherosclerosis. It was found that atherosclerosis-prone sites present the ligand ephrinB2 which may interact with the EphB2 receptor on monocytes to promote inflammatory activation (Korff T, Braun J, et al., Blood 2008; Braun J et al., ATVB 2011). Conversely, the functional consequences of the ephrinB2-EphB2 interactions in endothelial cells were studied. Inflammation was found to upregulate the ligands ephrinB1 and B2 in endothelial cells, and forward signaling promoted the activation of EphB receptor bearing monocytes. EphrinB reverse signaling induced the surface deposition of vWf and the overexpression of molecules which are known to indicate endothelial dysfunction and increased monocyte-endothelial attachment. Combined analysis of four different models revealed that the EphB/ephrinB system contributes to the inflammatory response of endothelial cells whereby reverse signaling determines monocyte behaviour (adhesion and transmigration) and endothelial permeability (Liu H, et al., Throm Haemost 2014). Similarly, the role of the Delta-Notch signaling in vascular damage was studied. Apart from its dominant role in regulation angiogenesis, it was identified that Notch signaling in endothelial cells also regulates glucose and fatty acid metabolism, suggesting that Notch signaling in the adult vasculature is a critical regulator of tissue homeostasis and metabolism (Berger C., et al, manuscript in revision). Ongoing work suggests that the metabolic phenotype of mice with a conditional inactivation of endothelial Notch represented by lower blood glucose in the presence of unaltered insulin levels (= improved insulin sensitivity) may result from improved trans-endothelial insulin transport through caveolae. Another cell population with a major role in vascular homeostasis is the platelet. A novel model to study platelet protein expression and cell trafficking (using MEG-01 cells treated with valproic acid) identified the serotonin and the dopamine transporter as critical regulators of megakaryopoiesis and platelet-like particle formation (Schweinfurth N, et al., Platelet 2010). Moreover, to identify key mechanisms involved in platelet serotonin metabolism, the novel model was further tested using a novel differentiation protocol to analyze serotonin transporter densities in cultured blood cells, and to measure changes in platelet activity markers associated with mental stress in humans. The role of the (microvascular) endothelium was studied in relation to small vessel systemic vasculitis, as it is believed that binding of ANCA to their putative antigens and FC receptors on white blood cells is critical in the pathogenesis. ANCA binding to TNF stimulated 12 neutrophils leads to ROS overproduction that can damage endothelial cells, but endothelial cells can defend themselves via inhibition of the oxidative burst. Using neutrophils from antibody-associated vasculitis (AAV) patients, it was found that endothelial cells inhibit ROS production, but not degranulation, ruling out that endothelial cells insufficiently inhibit ROS production of neutrophils. Degranulation may serve as a biomarker of active AAV patients (Al Laham F et al., Clin & Exp Immunol 2010). AAV can become aggravated with immunosenescence rendering age a risk factor for autoimmune diseases. This important clinical question was addressed using AAV-related fatigue as a determinant. In a large clinical cohort study, the role of age as a major determinant of fatigue could be excluded (Tuin J, Sanders JS, Buhl BM, et al. Arthritis Res Ther 2013). Donor catecholamine pretreatment has been demonstrated to reduce the need for dialysis after kidney transplantation (Schnülle P, Göttmann, U, Höger S, et al., JAMA 2009) and improve heart allograft survival and function (Benck U et al., 2011). As dopamine may result in hypertension and tachycardia, compounds lacking these side effects, while maintaining the benefits were developed. It was identified that the catecholamine analogue N-octanoyl dopamine (NOD) lacks hemodynamic effects while it limits the expression and regulation of proinflammatory transcription factors which may play a critical role in endothelial barrier function after cold preservation in lung allografts (Hottenrott M, Wedel J, et al., PlosOne 2013). These studies are extended to heart transplantation (Vettel C, Hottenrott M, et al., J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2014) with similar beneficial effects. NOD can also mitigate transplant vasculopathy in an allogeneic rat model by mechanisms involving proliferation of immune and vascular cells (Stamellou E, et al., PlosOne 2014). In turn, monocytes/macrophages are important determinants of the microvasculature in response to inflammation and in tumors. The transcription factor FoxQ1 was studied in human monocytes during inflammatory conditions and it was found that this transcription factor is critical for monocyte extravasation and deep migration at sites of inflammation and in tumors. The microvascular integrity and tightness of the blood-tissue barrier is of utmost importance in two organs in which edema can have fatal consequence, one being the eye the other one being the brain. In the brain, the kallikrein-kinin system is a major determinant of the bloodbrain-barrier. Using a model of focal ischemia, the KKS was characterized with de novo expression of the B1 receptor, an dann upregulation of the B2 receptor in brain tissue, brain arteries, and in the MV compartment suggesting that the KKS is an early inflammatory response in this model (Seiffge, DJ, Lapina N, et al., Experimental Neurology 2012). Consecutively, a model of permanent focal brain ischemia in rats mimicking malignant stroke in humans was successfully developed (NC Shanbhag et a., unpublished) and neuroprotective concepts are tested. The advent of novel imaging technologies provides a highly relevant technical platform for clinical education and research. The combined expertise of radiology and cardiology addressed the question whether coronary plaque composition of patients with NSTEMI can be distinguished from stable coronary patients by intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and Dual Source CT. The results suggest that plaque quality cannot be differentiated between the two groups by sophisticated imaging, but that with soluble CD40 ligand, there is a biomarker candidate that can predict NSTEMI (Sudarski S, et al., Acad Radiol 2013). This clinical study was supported by an experienced graduated physician and radiologist. Supervision was performed during the scientific, experimental, technical and administrative steps as requested by the DFG reviewers. 13 In summary (see Figure left), GRK 880 Vascular Medicine has met its first aim, i.e. to enable young talented graduates to understand and solve complex problems of vascular medicine with a high potential of medical translation. The excellent result was only possible because of the complementary and joint expertise of both universities. As proof of its trend-setting potential, selected areas of research have been chosen to serve as the teaching focus in an EU-funded program between the universities of Groningen and Heidelberg and southamerican medical research institutions in Mexico and Chile (EULAMDIMA; Furthermore, 20 % of the project results have been propagated to the newly established IRTG 1874 DIAMICOM in which diabetic microvascular complications is the focus (see On record, 50% of the projects in GRK880/2-3 have shared publications. Four joint projects were developed with a focus on vascular medicine as associated projects that resulted in joint publications. Overall, GRK 880 Vascular Medicine has accomplished aim 1 more than predicted. 3. Qualification, Supervision, Cooperations The second aim of GRK 880 Vascular Medicine was the allocation of a co-educational framework for young graduate students with biomedical and medical background, and the implementation of the GRK education in the scientific track of the reformed medical curriculum in Mannheim. The review board at second on-site visit appreciated that the international MD/PhD degree is unique in Germany, and as such, its integration into the available doctoral degrees at the University of Heidelberg is one of the most important achievements during GRK 880. Currently twelve candidates have passed or are in the process of completing this degree. It was expected, that four MD/PhD degrees would be completed per period. With currently twelve candidates that either have completed their MD/PhD r are in the process of completing, GRK880 has clearly lived-up to this expectation. This achievement is obviously the most relevant value of the cooperation between the two universities, and unique in the European science area. On a local level, a testimony of the qualification standards of GRK 880 is that the Faculty of Life Sciences at the Heidelberg University accepted the GRK teaching program as blueprint for the program for Dr. rer. nat. (Cooption via PI Prof. Wieland). During GRK 880/2-3, the education program was continuously developed further as multidisciplinary approach to teach vascular medicine involving courses, workshops and seminars. An emphasis was put on state-of-the-art lectures presented by guest professors, on technical workshops, and on seminars teaching soft-skills. The Groningen University Institute for Drug Exploration (GUIDE) provided an ORPHEUS (Organisation for PhD Education in Biomedicine and health Sciences in the European System) compatible program of workshops and tutorials. The networking was greatly endorsed by the acquisition of a videoconference system that allowed for the participation of the three locations (Mannheim, Heidelberg, Groningen) of GRK 880 in the regular seminar program. Furthermore, the GRK 880 teaching program benefited from the interaction with the Transregio SFB 23. As a response to the reviews from GRK 880-1, a structured series of basic lectures was established during year one of GRK 880-2 and -3. With the Groningen partner, we shared a lively season school program that did not only cover our focus of vascular medicine, but also implemented novel faculty programs such as Vascular Aging in Groningen, and the interaction with the Transregio SFB 23 in Mannheim/Heidelberg/Frankfurt (Vascular Differentiation and Remodelling). With the videoconference system, the opportunity was provided to participate in the regular seminar program given by SFB PIs and by invitees which represented the field of vascular biology and medicine on a state of the art level. GRK 880 also started a season school program with other international graduate schools with compatible subjects (GRK 1302 Tübingen-Dundee, GRK 1508 „EUCAR“ AachenMaastricht, GRK 1566 „PROMISE“ Giessen-Barcelona) that finally culminated in a meeting of four international graduate schools in Rauischholzhausen Castle, organized by GRK 1566 in 2013. Based on the success of this meeting in 2013, the international graduate schools decided to persue these meetings in the future and a follow up meeting of GRK 1508, 1566, and the 14 new 1874 was held in March 2014 in Heidelberg, organized by GRK 1874. Beyond these meetings, all graduates of GRK880 actively participated in national and international meetings, including the meetings of the SFB/TR23, SFB 834, keystone meetings, meetings of the German Cardiac Society, German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology and of the German Diabetes Association. With the exception of two projects, each project was supervised by two investigators in Mannheim/Heidelberg. The cooperative supervision was particularly diligent in the area of vasculitis, transplantation medicine, vascular biology and physiology, and diabetic nephropathy. All graduates enjoyed the presentation rounds (progress reports) as fixed part of each season school. The supervision concept (A – PI level – daily-weekly contact; B – PI progress report; C – external review – progress report) proofed effective, but stimulated discussions as to whether to establish formerly a thesis advisory committee to increase the success rates. During the fourth year in the MD/PhD program, supervision was provided from the Dutch partner who also guided the promotion defence in Groningen. During GRK 880-2, a studentship was established with great success. It allowed not only to support the graduates in their research work, but also allowed for intensifying of the exchange between labs, particularly at the technology level. Local input also came from the graduate school of the University of Heidelberg, and from the Hartmut Hoffmann-Berling International Graduate School of Molecular and Cellular Biology by providing specific support in the development of the teaching program, the allocation of graduates, and in supervision strategies. In medicine, the GRK 880 program is the first of its kind at the Mannheim Medical Faculty. On several occasions, including the review of the progress report, and during the review of the new GRK 1874 DIAMICOM, it was noted that the continuum of structured scientific education for the future clinical researcher (Junior Scientific Master Class, GRK, International PhD Groningen) is unique in Germany and should set an example. Compared with the standard supervision of medical doctoral thesis, the GRK training differs in three important aspects: a. it provides a structured doctoral education platform, b. it increases the time of scientific education to 3 years and one optional year (3+1 years vs 1 year) and c. it increases the scientific output of medical students (1-2 first and up to 16 co-author papers). This training enables medical graduates to become independent clinical researchers and prepares them to apply for external funding. We are certain that this is most significant change in medical doctoral education. However, since the reformed curriculum in Medicine at the Mannheim (and also at the Heidelberg) Medical faculty gives strategic room for this scientific education, the time to thesis is not critically prolonged while allowing for a significant increase in the quality of the medical doctoral thesis. Gender issues did not develop during GRK880-2-3. The majority of graduate candidates were female with no visible discrimination during the funding period. Support letters and references were broadly distributed, and post-doctoral positions were available for female GRK alumni. Habilitations of both, female and male co-PIs were supported and successfully completed (Susanne Lutz, Yuxi Feng, Simone Höger, Uwe Göttmann, Marc Schmidt, Sigrid Hoffmann, Thomas Korff, Rainer Birck, Wilhelm Schmitt, Benito Yard, Jens Kroll). GRK880 also provided a working platform for graduates to develop into PIs of a subsequent graduate school (Guido Krenning, Sibylle Hauske). The education in GRK880 also aimed at developing the graduates into future independent researchers. This included the submission of grant applications, and travel and research awards. A considerable number of prices were awarded to graduates of the school, including invitations to the Nobel Laureate Meetings, organized by the DFG, to which only top graduates are invited. Cooperations with Groningen PIs and within Heidelberg University, and with SFB Transregio 23 was fostered during GRK 880 for the benefit of both, graduates and PIs. Development of novel projects, joint publications, and a steep increase of experimental expertise through the application of complementary techniques resulted. Although not applicable to all partners, the broad spectrum of available expertise within GRK 880 caused a substantial added value in the field of vascular medicine. It may be mentioned at this point that the “Wissenschaftsrat” 15 accepted that vascular medicine is one “Forschungsschwerpunkt” of the Mannheim Medical Faculty to which GRK 880 contributed ( _0314.pdf). In summary, the second aim of GRK 880 – providing a joint educational framework for young graduates from medicine and life sciences – was also achieved. 16 Appendix 2: Individual Reports of the Graduates 2a) Graduates (GRK 880/2) Project number: GRK 880/2, Project 1 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Tobias Czymai (Working) title of doctoral project: FoxO forkhead transcription factors in endothelial activation, vascular damage and repair Names of supervisors: M.Goebeler, M. Schmidt, G. Molema 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 March 2007 - 28 February 2010 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 March 2007 - 28 February 2010) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: Start 01 March 2007; End: 25 November 2010; Dr. Sc. hum. Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): 01.10.2002; Biotechnology; University of Applied Sciences Bingen; 22.11.2006; Diploma-Engineer Biotechnology Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: 01 August 2010 until today: Product manager at R-Biopharm AG in Darmstadt 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date The FoxO subfamily of forkhead transcription factors comprises four related proteins, FoxO1/FKHR, FoxO3/FKHR-L1, FoxO4/AFX, and FoxO6 that represent key phosphorylation targets of a growth factor-activated signaling pathway composed of PI3K (phosphatidylinositol-3OH-kinase) and PKB/AKT, which antagonizes FoxO activity through direct phosphorylation at three conserved residues. In analogy to their C. elegans counterpart, DAF16, FoxOs play crucial roles in important biological processes including lifespan regulation, glucose metabolism, stress responses and cellular survival. Remarkably, expression of PKB-insensitive FoxO mutants bearing alanine replacements at the three PKB phosphorylation sites (FoxO.A3) can counteract many functions of active PI3K/PKB and induces either a G1/G0 cell cycle arrest or apoptosis, depending on the cell type studied. While early cell culture experiments supported the view that FoxOs act functionally redundant, recent studies have challenged this concept suggesting that in certain tissues FoxOs may also have divergent targets and fulfill alternative functions. This includes endothelial cells (ECs) where FoxO 1 and 3 have been reported to regulate non-redundant but overlapping sets of angiogenesis- and vascular remodeling genes as well as inflammation-associated genes. Interestingly, earlier data of our group suggested that FoxOs can regulate gene expression both through direct DNA binding to a conserved FoxO responsive element (FRE) and by influencing the transactivation capacity of other transcription factors, raising the possibility that cell- and isoform-specific FoxO functions may rely on indirect mechanisms of gene regulation. 17 Goals Major goal of this study was to analyse the relative contribution of FRE-dependent (=classical/direct) and -independent (=alternative/indirect) transcriptional mechanisms to vascular functions by comparing the transcriptional and cellular responses to conditional activation of FoxO3 and a corresponding FRE-mutant. Considering the important role of FoxOs in the regulation of cellular survival particular emphasis was laid on the role of these mechanisms in apoptosis regulation as this represents a key process determining vascular damage in the context of inflammation. Summary of the results: a) Conditional activation of FoxO3 in ECs results in apoptosis irrespective of FRE-binding To study the impact of FoxO3 on ECs we used a conditionally active FoxO3.A3 mutant, fused to a mutant form of the hormone-binding domain of the murine estrogen receptor (FoxO3.A3.ER), which renders this protein conditionally active by addition of 4 hydroxytamoxifen (4OHT) to the culture medium. Additionally, we generated a corresponding FREbinding mutant of FoxO3 by site-directed mutagenesis of histidine 212 in the third DNAbinding helix of the forkhead box to arginine (FoxO3.A3.H212R-ER). Surprisingly, 4OHTinduced activation of both mutants resulted in a substantial induction of apoptosis as indicated by the presence of cleaved effector Caspase-3 in Western blots and by subdiploidy analysis of propidium-iodine stained cells. Although the pro-apoptotic response was less prominent with the FRE-binding mutant these data provided first evidence that FoxO3 can regulate important endothelial functions by indirect mechanisms. b) FoxO3 regulates vascular remodelling genes in an FRE-dependent manner but proapoptotic, pro-inflammatory and cell-cycle-related genes by indirect mechanisms To analyse which other functions might be regulated by alternative mechanisms we retrovirally infected human primary ECs with either empty vector, FoxO3.A3.ER or FoxO3.A3.ER.H212R and compared the gene expression patterns of the differently tranduced cells upon treatment with 4OHT or medium by gene chip microarray. Interestingly, bioinformatical functional annotation cluster analysis of the 4OHT-regulated genes revealed a unique overrepresentation of genes associated with vascular remodelling/migration in the class of FRE-dependent transcripts whereas cell-cycle-relevant gene clusters were primarily found in the group of genes co-regulated by both mutants. Remarkably, we also noticed a statistically significant overrepresentation of genes related to leucocyte differentiation in the co-regulated group and an enrichment of apoptosis-releated clusters in both experimental groups. However, consistent with the less pronounced apoptotic response triggered by the FRE-binding mutant the total enrichment score of apoptosis-related clusters was lower for the co-regulated group than for the group of direct FoxO3 targets. These results from our bioinformatical analysis were also validated by additional qRT-PCR experiments performed for selected FoxO3 targets representative for different enriched clusters. Using BrdU labelling, DNA profiling and qRT-PCR we furthermore could confirm that FoxO3-induced cell cycle arrest and regulation of important G1-S genes such as Cyclin D1 and PCNA occurred independently of FRE-binding. This result corroborates our earlier findings that FoxOs can effectively repress D-type cyclins in various cell types despite of the absence of conserved FRE-binding sites in their promoter sequences. c) FoxO3-induced apoptosis and occurs indendently of the extrinsic death-receptor pathway Our microarray analysis revealed regulation of multiple apoptosis-associated genes. These included both genes involved in the mitochondrial/intrinsic apoptosis pathway (such as BIM and NOXA) as well as transcripts involved in extrinsic (death-receptor dependent) apoptosis (e.g. TRAIL). However, further elucidation of the mechanism of FoxO3-induced apoptosis, demonstrated that conditional FoxO3-activation failed to activate Caspase 8 cleavage that typifies death receptor activation. Moreover, overexpression of the anti-apoptotic Caspase 8 antagonist cFLIP, which inhibits death-receptor signalling was incapable to restore FoxO3induced apoptosis in ECs, excluding an extrinsic apoptosis mechanism. 18 d) FoxO3-induced apoptosis is mediated by BIM and NOXA In conflict with earlier reports that implicated the prominent pro-apoptotic Bcl2 family member BIM as direct FoxO target, our microarray data suggested FoxO3-induced BIM expression to occur in an FRE-independent fashion. This was confirmed by chromatin immune precipitation (CHIP) experiments, which provided evidence that the FRE-binding mutant was effectively recruited to the BIM promoter but failed to bind to an established FRE-element in the IGFBP1 promoter. Consistent with the presumed key role of BIM in mediating the FRE-independent portion of FoxO3-induced apoptosis, BIM knockdown largely prevented apoptosis induction by FoxO3.A3.H212R-ER but failed to abolish the pro-apoptotic response to activation of the FRE-binding proficient FoxO3.A3 mutant. This indicated the existence of at least one additional direct FoxO3 target that contributed to FoxO3-induced apoptosis. siRNA experiments proved the proapoptotic Bcl2 family member NOXA to exert this function since knockdown of NOXA significantly decreased apoptosis induction by FoxO3.A3 but failed to affect apoptosis triggered by its FRE-binding mutant. Conclusion Our data show that FoxO transcription factors regulate endothelial gene expression both by direct binding to a conserved FoxO responsive element (FRE) and via alternative mechanisms. In addition they reveal NOXA and BIM as key direct and indirect FoxO3 targets relevant for its proapoptotic role in ECs. Intriguingly, the two tumor suppressive functions attributed to FoxOs (i.e. cell cycle suppression and apoptosis induction) both did not depend on FRE-binding, suggesting that indirect mechanisms importantly contribute to the tumor suppressive role of FoxOs. Another unexpected result of our experiments was that cellspecific functions such as vascular remodelling strictly required direct DNA binding. Thus, our experiments suggest that the outcome of FoxO activation is likely dependent on tissuespecific expression of the different FoxOs as well as on presence and activation status of cofactors and posttranslational modification enzymes, which together determine the cell typespecific responses to FoxO factors. Status: Study completed 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy The qualification programme offered an excellent mixture of lectures, methodical laboratory courses, soft-skill trainings and schools. During my research the regular lectures offered state-of-the-art knowledge from key researchers and the lab courses helped me to extend my methodical possibilies for research. The schools offered great opportunities for an intensive exchange and discussion with other researchers and created a lot ideas for my own research project. I still benefit from the soft skill courses in my job outside of academia. In combination with the intensive supervision of my PI and direct supervisor, the qualification programme was one of the key factors for the excellent and fast accomplishment of my PhDthesis Participation in the teaching program of GRK 880: attended lectures: 41 attended labcourses: 7 attended workshops: 6 attended schools: 6 attended symposia: 1 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: 06.10.2008 - 17.10.2008: Design and data analysis of microarray expression studies; GUIDE AIO Course UMCG, Groningen, The Netherlands 19 Participation in schools, conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: 17.07. - 19.07.2008: International Symposium: Vascular Differentiation and Remodeling, Frankfurt, Germany 02.09. - 05.09.2009: EC7, Vienna, Austria 25.06. - 26.06.2009: Apoptosis and Cancer Conference, Dartmouth College, USA 4. Own publications 1. Czymai T, Viemann D, Sticht C, Molema G, Goebeler M, Schmidt M. Foxo3 modulates endothelial gene expression and function by classical and alternative mechanisms. J Biol Chem. 2010;285:10163-10178 2. Ohnesorge N, Viemann D, Schmidt N, Czymai T, Spiering D, Schmolke M, Ludwig S, Roth J, Goebeler M, Schmidt M. Erk5 activation elicits a vasoprotective endothelial phenotype via induction of kruppel-like factor 4 (klf4). Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2010;285:26199-26210 3. Bergstraesser C, Hoeger S, Song H, Ermantraut L, Hottenrot M, Czymai T, Schmidt M, Goebeler M, Ponelies N, Stich C, Loesel R, Molema G, Seelen M, van Son W, Yard BA, Rafat N. Inhibition of vcam-1 expression in endothelial cells by corm-3: The role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, p38, and mitochondrial respiration. Free radical biology & medicine. 2012;52:794-802 20 Project number: GRK 880/2, Project 2 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Francis Peyre (Working) title of doctoral project: Tumor induced endothelial differentiation in vitro Names of supervisors: S. Goerdt, K. Schledzewski, J. Kamps, H. Moshage 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 January 2007 - 31 December 2009 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 January 2007 - 31 December 2009) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 01 January 2007- 23 June 2011 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Master of Immunology Level 2 and Master of Science Degree Level 1, University of the Mediterranean Sea, Marseilles, France, 13.04.2006 Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: Clinisciences as Scientific Advisor (Nanterre) 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Endothelial cells compose the inner part of every blood vessel. The vascular endothelium plays the role of barrier between the vessel lumen and the surrounding tissue, controlling the transit of substances solved in the blood as well as the movement of leukocytes into and out of the blood stream. Endothelial cells are involved in many aspects of vascular biology as control of blood pressure, haemostasis, and angiogenesis which is the neoformation of blood vessels from a pre-existing one and a crucial event in metastatic development. According to their localisation, endothelial cells display great differences in shape and also in function. In the present work, we focused on lung microvascular endothelial cells (LMECs) and on liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs). LMECs treated with TS/A (a murine breast cancer strain) -conditioned medium presented a change in their morphology and underwent an increase of tube formation in vitro. Affymetrix gene profiling of both LMECs and LSECs treated with TS/A-conditioned medium was performed and several gene families were found to be over expressed. Different matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs); CC and CXC inflammatory cytokines; as well as Ptges1, coding for the enzyme responsible of the production of the prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), displayed an increase in their transcription after treatment. PGE2 is a lipid principally implicated in inflammation but also in metastasis spread and angiogenesis, and it was chosen as a candidate for TS/A-conditioned medium effects. LMECs treated with PGE2 showed the same morphologic change than that produced by TS/A-conditioned medium. However the cells did not display any stimulation in the set of genes induced by TS/A-conditioned medium, and on functional level the tube formation in vitro was increased but did not reach significance. The data exposed in this dissertation show that ECs isolated ex vivo from preferential target organs of metastasis can undergo transdifferentiation and angiogenic activation induced by tumor-derived soluble factors, in vitro. TS/A-conditioned medium can trigger a kind of “edothelial-mesenchymal transition” morphological change in LMECs, comparable to epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and enhance their angiogenic potential in tube forming assay in vitro. Moreover, in response to this stimulus, LMECs can over-express molecules which could be relevant for promotion and treatment of tumor metastases in vivo. 21 Status: Study completed 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy No comment provided by the graduate Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 41 attended labcourses: 9 attended workshops: 6 attended schools: 6 attended symposia: 3 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: Not applicable Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: 14th International Symposium of the Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid (ISCHS) Aug 31 - Sep 4, 2008, Tromso, Norway, aktive Teilnahme (Poster) EC7, 7th international symposium on the biology of endothelial cells, Wien, 02-05 September 2009 (poster presentation). 4. Own publications 1. Geraud C, Schledzewski K, Demory A, Klein D, Kaus M, Peyre F, Sticht C, Evdokimov K, Lu S, Schmieder A, Goerdt S. Liver sinusoidal endothelium: a microenvironment-dependent differentiation program in rat including the novel junctional protein liver endothelial differentiation-associated protein-1. Hepatology. 2010; 52: 313-26. 2. Klein D, Demory A, Peyre F, Kroll J, Augustin HG, Helfrich W, Kzhyshkowska J, Schledzewski K, Arnold B, Goerdt S. Wnt2 acts as a cell type-specific, autocrine growth factor in rat hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells cross-stimulating the VEGF pathway. Hepatology. 2008; 47: 1018-31. 3. Klein D, Demory A, Peyre F, Kroll J, Geraud C, Ohnesorge N, Schledzewski K, Arnold B, Goerdt S. Wnt2 acts as an angiogenic growth factor for non-sinusoidal endothelial cells and inhibits expression of stanniocalcin-1. Angiogenesis. 2009; 12: 251-65. 22 Project number: GRK 880/2, Project 3 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Jingjing Zhang Title of doctoral project: Mechanism of stabilin-1-mediated intracellular trafficking Names of supervisors: J. Kzhyshkowska, K. Schledzewski, S. Goerdt, M. Harmsen 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 January 2007 - 31 December 2009 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 January 2007 - 31 December 2009) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 01.06.2006 start of PhD project, Final PhD examination: 02.11.2011 Dr. sc. hum, summa cum laude Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): 09.1993 – 07.1997: Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Beijing).Degree: Bachelor of Science 09.2002-09.2005: Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. Degree: Master of Science in Biotechnology Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: Maternity leave 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Background of the project Stabilin-1 was discovered on our department and specific marker expressed on scavenging cells, such as alternatively activated macrophages and sinusoidal endothelial cells that are important for the clearance of non-self and unwanted components from blood, lymph and extracellular spaces in tissues. Stabilin-1 has been described as a scavenger receptor internalizing acLDL, the matricellular glycoprotein SPARC, and growth hormone family member PL. Besides its endocytic function, stabilin-1 also delivers the endogenously synthesized chitinase-like protein SI-CLP from the biosynthetic compartment to the endosomal/lysosomal system (Kzhyshkowska te al, Blood, 2006). In alternatively activated macrophages, SI-CLP is expressed in Lamp1-positive classic lysosomes and also found colocalized with CD63, which is specifically associated with a subpopulation of secretory lysosomes. SI-CLP is partially expressed in p62lck-positive late endosomes, but not found in EEA1-positive stabilin-1-containing endosomes. Immunoprecipitation experiments performed in the liver sinusoidal endothelial cell extracts showed that stabilin-1 can be detected in complex with clathrin and internalization adaptor AP-2 (Hansen et al, Exp. Cell Research, 2005). The authors concluded that stabilin-1 is constitutively internalized via the clathrindependent endocytic pathway, which is the classical pathway for the internalization of scavenger receptors. However, the mechanism of endocytosis was still unknown and direct interaction of stabilin-1 with AP-2 was not confirmed. Moreover, cytoplasmic tail of stabilin-1 does not contain the motifs for AP-2 binding suggesting that other than AP-2 sorting adaptors mediate stabilin-1 internalization. GGA proteins play an important role in intracellular protein sorting processes. Previous work of our group has demonstrated that stabilin-1 is colocalized with GGA2 and GGA3 in the trans-Golgi Netwrok (TGN) in human macrophages. Inhibition of the GGAs-mediated trafficking with brefeldin A caused accumulation of stabilin-1 in the TGN (Kzhyshkowska et al, J Leuk Biol, 2004). The DXXLL-type motif, DDSLL, has been identified in the cytoplasmic tail of stabilin-1 as a GGA-binding motif in our laboratory. DXXLL signal has been found in the cytoplasmic tail of several receptors and other proteins that shuttle 23 between the TGN and endosomes. In our laboratory characterization of the interaction of stabilin-1 cytoplasmic tail with various GGAs has been performed using GST pull down assay. Kzhyshkowska et al showed that the interaction between stabilin-1 and GGA2 was stronger than interaction of stabilin-1 with GGA1 and GGA3. Deletion of the DDSLL in the cytoplasmic tail of stabilin-1 decreased the binding of GGAs the stabilin-1 cytoplasmic tail, but did not completely abrogate the interaction TGN (Kzhyshkowska et al, J Leuk Biol, 2004).. Next, the second binding site of GGAs, an acidic cluster EDDADDD, was identified using a set of deletion and truncation mutants within the 70-amino-acid cytoplasmic tail of stabilin-1. GST pull down assay revealed that both DDSLL and EDDADDD are required for the interaction of stabilin-1 cytoplastic tail with GGAs in vitro. The major goal of the project was to identify binding partners and molecular mechanism regulating intracellular localization of stabilin-1. Specific objectives of the PhD project included: 1. Generation of CHO cells stably expressing recombinant full length stabilin-1 with deleted GGA binding sties. These cells were required for functional analysis of stabilin-1//GGA interactions during stabilin-1-meidated endocytosis. 2. Analysis of the intracellular and surface localization of stabilin-1 mutants in the stably transfected CHO cells. 3. Analysis of the role of GGA-binding motifs during stabilin-1 mediated endocytosis. 4. Functional consequence of stabilin-1 mediated endocytosis of SPARC 5. Analysis of the role of GGA-binding motifs during stabilin-1 mediated intracellular sorting of newly synthesized SI-CLP. The results of the PhD project In the present work, the role of GGA-binding sites within cytoplamic tail of stabilin-1 in its endocytic and intracellular sorting function was investigated. The first GGA-binding site was identified as a classical dileucine binding motif, DDSLL, at the stabilin-1 cytoplasmic tail. But deletion of DDSLL did not abolish its interaction with GGA proteins. The second binding site of GGAs, EDDADDD, was then also identified at the stabilin-1 cytoplasmic tail. Deletion of both DDSLL and EDDADDD abrogates the interaction of stabilin-1 and all three GGAs as shown by the GST-pull-down assay. According to these results, deletions were introduced into the cytoplasmic tail of stabilin-1 in order to remove each GGA binding site separately and both GGA binding sites simultaneously. Expression constructs for stabilin-1wt and stabilin- with deleted GGA binding sites DSSLL, EDDADDD as well as double deletion for both sites were generated and used for the development of the model systems for analysis of the mechanism of stabilin-1 mediated endocytosis and intracellular sorting. Effect of the deletions on the endocytic function of stabilion-1 was examined in CHO cells stably transfected with wt stabilin1-as well as stabilin-1 mutants. Using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy it was demonstrated that deletion of GGA binding sites does not affect either stabilin-1 surface expression or endocytosis of stabilin-1 ligands acLDL, SPARC, PL as well as a-stabilin-1 mAb MS1. However, deletion of EDDADDD but not DDSLL resulted in impaired transport of SPARC to the late endosomal compartment. In addition, it was found that SPARC can be targeted not only to the lysosomal degradation, but also to the degradation proteasomes in stabilin-1-positive macrophages. Second model system was used in order to examine the role of GGAs in intracellular taffikicn of stabilin-1. The system was based on the stable expression of SI-CLP in H1299 cells (H1299-SI-CLP-FLAG cell line). H1299-SI-CLP-FLAG cells lack endogenous SI-CLP and express the recombinant FLAG-tagged SI-CLP. In these cells SI-CLP-FLAG is missorted into the globular nuclear structures or localizes to the nuclear rim. Transient overexpression of stabilin-1 causes complete redistribution of SI-CLP-FLAG into stabilin-1-positive cytoplasmic structures, partially colocalized with TGN. Using this model system for the stabilin-1 mediated intracellular sorting of SI-CLP, the ability of stabilin-1 with deleted of GGA-binding sites to sort SI-CLP was investigated. Double immunofluorescence revealed that not only a single deletion of the classical DXXLL-type motif (DDSLL) but also a single deletion of the novel GGA-binding acidic cluster EDDADDD led to the abrogation of stabilin-1 mediated translocation of SI-CLP. Therefore, cooperative action of both the DDSLL and the EDDADDD GGA-binding site is necessary for efficient stabilin-1-mediated intracellular sorting. 24 At the same time, investigation of the role of GGA binding sites on the late steps of stabilin-1meidated ligand transport along the endocytic pathway revealed that DDSLL and EDDADDD motifs have distinct roles in this process. Thus, deletion of the DDSLL site had no effect on the trafficking of stabilin-1 endocytic ligand SPARC into the late endocytic pathway. In contrast, deletion of the EDDADDD site alone or in combination with DDSLL site resulted in the impaired trafficking of SPARC along the endocytic pathway. The ligand was partially arrested in the enlarged early/sorting endosomes. This difference in function of two distinct GGA binding sites can be explained by the site-specific assembling of the additional components of sorting protein complexes after GGA binds to the specific motif of stabilin-1. Alternative explanation is that the GGA binding sites are used by other adaptors that remain to be identified in future studies. In additional, the investigation of the role of GGA binding sites in the degradation of SPARC in the CHO-based model system allowed making an unexpected observation suggesting that SPARC can undergo degradation in the alternative, non-lysosomal system. This assumption was tested in the stabilin-1 positive primary human macrophages. Indeed, it was found that SPARC can be degraded in proteasomes. This finding opens a perspective to investigate in future the role of stabilin-1-mediated endocytosis in the proteasomal targeting of the internalized ligands. In conclusion, the results of the present study demonstrate for the first time that both GGA interacting sites are required for the cooperative action during intracellular sorting of SI-CLP performed by stabilin-1. Moreover, GGA-binding EDDADDD site is specifically required for the efficient stabilin-1-mediated targeting of SPARC to the late endocytic pathway. The generated models systems with CHO cells stably transfected with stabilin-1wt and mutant deficient in specific transport abilities in future can be used for the analysis of the role of surface expressed stabili1 for the interaction with its counter-ligand CD63. Expressed on the surface of other cell types, including tumor cells. In frames of the project PhD student has analysed several human melanoma cell lines, both available commercially and unique lines generated in the Department of Dermatology, Medical faculty Mannheim for the expression of CD63. Two cell lines, MEWO and MV-3 were found to have high level of CD63 expression both in intracellular secretory lysosomes and on the cell surface. These cell lines will be investigated for their ability to adhere to stabilin-1 expressed on the surface of CHO cells. Status: Study completed 3. Comments on the qualification programm and supervision strategy During my PhD program in frames of GRK880/2 I have mastered number of techniques in protein biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, immunology and advanced microcopy including confocal microcopy. I have generated several cellular model systems and leaned how to design experiments and how to evaluate the results. During the educational program of GRK880/2 I have acquired a lot of theoretical knowledge in endothelial cell biology and vascular medicine. I have attended several practical courses and learned complementary techniques in vascular biology. I have attended several joint Mannheim/Groningen spring and autumn schools and enjoyed international scientific atmosphere and knowledge exchange between different research groups. I had excellent opportunity to present my results regularly and discuss the data with other students and principal investigators. I have significantly improved my presentation skills. I have also attended classes on scientific writing and learned how to write research papers. Supervision of my thesis by principal investigator from Mannheim and Groningen significantly improved quality of my research. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 28 attended labcourses: 6 attended workshops: 4 attended schools: 4 attended symposia: 1 25 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: n.a. (due to heart insufficiency) Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad (as presenting author): n.a. (due to heart insufficiency) 4. Own publications 1. Zhang J, Gratchev A, Riabov V, Mamidi S, Schmuttermaier C, Krusell L, Kremmer E, Workman G, Sage EH, Jalkanen S, Goerdt S, Kzhyshkowska J. Novel GGA-binding site is required for intracellular sorting mediated by stabilin-1. Mol Cell Biol, 2009 Nov;29(22):6097105. 2. Kzhyshkowska J*, Gratchev A*, Schmuttermaier C, Brundiers H, Krusell L, Mamidi S, Zhang J, Workman G, Sage EH, Anderle C, Sedlmayr P, and Goerdt S. Alternatively activated macrophages regulate extracellular levels of the hormone placental lactogen via receptor-mediated uptake and transcytosis. J Immunol, 2008 Mar 1;180(5):3028-37(*equal contribution). 3. Kzhyshkowska J, Zhang J. GGA1 Targeted Proteins Database 1 (2008), [22660], 10.2970/tpdb.2009.222. 26 Project number: GRK 880/2, Project 4 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Sandra Lazaroski (Working) title of doctoral project: Innate Immune Receptors: Toll-like Receptors in Degenerative Renal Vascular Disease Names of supervisors: H.-J. Gröne, L. Schaefer, J. van den Born 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 11 June 2007 - 10 June 2010 Funding (type and duration): IRTG scholarship (11 June 2007 - 10 June 2010) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 06/2007 Start of doctorate, completion of doctorate: 10/10/2011 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Diploma in molecular biology and physiology 28 December 2005. Belgrade, Serbia Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: 31 October 2011 Postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Chronic Immunodeficiency, University Clinic Freiburg, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Biglycan is a ubiquitously expressed member of the class I family of small leucine- rich proteoglycans (SLRPs). One or two chondroitin-/dermatan-sulfate glycosaminoglycan (GAG) side chains are covalently bound to leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) of a 42 kDa protein core of biglycan. Biglycan is sequestered in the extracellular matrix (ECM) where it interacts with its components including collagens and elastin. In its soluble form, which results from its proteolytic release from the ECM or secretion by activated macrophages, biglycan acts as danger signal (damage-associated molecular pattern, DAMP) and constitutes an endogenous ligand of the innate immune receptors Toll-like Receptor (TLR) 2 and 4. This binding induces downstream signaling events that lead to the activation of p38, ERK and NFkB, with subsequent generation of TNF- and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2). In addition, by clustering TLR2/4 and purinergic P2X7/P2X4 receptors, biglycan induces the formation of a multireceptor signaling complex that activates the NLR family, pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome in a ROS- and heat-shock protein 90–dependent manner, driving the apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing caspase activation and recruitment domain (ASC)/caspase-1– mediated maturation and secretion of IL-1 . Despite its ubiquitous expression, biglycan is not uniformly distributed throughout the tissues and organs. In murine lung, liver, spleen and bone, biglycan is expressed abundantly; opposite to its expression in kidney, heart and skin. Biglycan is synthesized by a variety of cells of the kidney. Under pathological conditions, as has been demonstrated in the context of various renal diseases, biglycan expression pattern is altered. Indeed, numerous studies have indicated a marked correlation between biglycan expression and the severity of renal inflammatory diseases, suggesting that biglycan may initiate kidney injury during inflammation. Nonetheless, the underlying mechanisms of biglycan actions in the pathology of kidney diseases remain poorly understood. Glomerular diseases constitute the major causes of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) that requires dialysis or, ideally, kidney transplantation. These include focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), minimal change disease (MCD), membranous 27 glomerulonephropathy (MN) and diabetic nephropathy (DN), which are characterized by podocyte injury and albuminuria. Podocytes are essential for normal kidney function because they constitute the outer layer of the glomerular filtration barrier (GFB), thereby preventing albumin leakage into the urine or microalbuminuria. Podocytes are highly specialized cells that form foot processes (FP), which interdigitate between neighboring cells, building filtration slits. FPs are rich in filamentous (F)-actin, which is important to maintain their intact structure, critical for normal podocyte morphology and function. The disturbance of the podocyte actin skeleton and/or its associated proteins is one of the main causes of FP retraction and proteinuria in the course of glomerular disease. FP effacement leads to podocyte apoptosis and/or detachment from the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) and a reduction in podocyte numbers or podocytopenia. Small Rho-GTPases (Rac1, RhoA and Cdc42) are the key players in the regulation of podocyte migration and its actin dynamics. Moreover, Rac1 is a component of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase complex and is involved in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS itself is known to contribute to podocyte injury including FP effacement, apoptosis and subsequent albuminuria. Previous studies also indicate that the activation of Rac1 leads to enhanced podocyte motility, FP effacement and proteinuria, and more importantly, the specific inhibition of Rac1 was shown to prevent albuminuria, demonstrating a direct role for Rac1 in proteinuric renal diseases. In this study, we aimed to investigate the role of biglycan in the pathology of glomerular diseases, and its mechanisms of actions leading to podocyte injury and subsequent albuminuria. We used biglycan deficient (Bgn-/0) mice to investigate the role of biglycan in the cause of podocyte injury and albuminuria. We observed that biglycan deficiency attenuates albuminuria in the streptozotocin-induced model of diabetes. Moreover, increased biglycan expression in podocytes of patients with diabetic nephropathy (DN) and minimal change disease (MCD) was observed. These observations suggested that biglycan mediates the podocytic changes that take place during the early stages of kidney pathophysiology, like in diabetic nephropathy, in which the potential involvement of biglycan has been previously addressed. To obtain deeper insights into the mechanisms of biglycan-induced albuminuria, we used a model of LPS-induced albuminuria. Our data demonstrated that biglycan-deficient mice treated with LPS had a significantly lower albuminuria compared to wild type counterparts, whereas TLR2/4-deficient animals did not develop albuminuria, indicating that endogenous biglycan is able to stimulate albuminuria via TLR2 and 4 in mice under pathological conditions. in vivo overexpression of exogenous human soluble biglycan (hBGN) significantly increases albuminuria. The ability of soluble biglycan to aggravate albuminuria was also demonstrated in a model of LPS-induced proteinuria. We show that biglycan is overexpressed in glomeruli, mostly in podocytes, inducing Rac1 activation via TLR2/4 and the production of ROS. These effects lead to podocyte cytoskeleton remodeling, apoptosis and excretion in the urine. More importantly, biglycan expression is enhanced in podocytes of patients with diabetic nephropathy, with the biglycan expression levels correlating with the severity of the patients' disease progress, proving the existence of a direct link between biglycan expression in the kidney and the extent of albuminuria. Altogether, our results demonstrate that soluble biglycan is a danger signal that aggravates proteinuria under various pathological conditions, worsening considerably the disease outcomes. Our study further highlights the needs for therapeutic approaches that block soluble biglycan-induced-signaling under pathological conditions. Status: Study completed 3. Comments on the qualification program and supervision strategy Graduate school and the qualification program were of extremely high quality. There were balanced amounts of lectures, practical workshops and scientific meetings (autumn schools) organized by the graduate school itself. 28 Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 26 + (22 In Frankfurt) attended labcourses: 1 attended workshops: 3 attended schools: 4 attended symposia: 1 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: n.a. Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: Annual Meeting of the German Connective Tissue Society, Cologne, March 31st-April 2nd, 2011 4. Own publications 1. Merline R, Lazaroski S, Babelova A, Tsalastra-Greul W, Pfeilschifter J, Schluter KD, Gunther A, Iozzo RV, Schaefer RM, Schaefer L: Decorin deficiency in diabetic mice: aggravation of nephropathy due to overexpression of profibrotic factors, enhanced apoptosis and mononuclear cell infiltration, J Physiol Pharmacol 2009, 60 Suppl 4:5-13. 2. Dreieicher E, Beck KF, Lazaroski S, Boosen M, Tsalastra-Greul W, Beck M, Fleming I, Schaefer L, Pfeilschifter J: Nitric oxide inhibits glomerular TGF-beta signaling via SMOC-1, J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009 Sep; 20(9):1963-74 29 Project number: GRK 880/2, Project 5 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Frederick Pfister (Working) title of doctoral project: Vasoregression in incipient diabetic retinopathy Names of supervisors: H.-P. Hammes, I. Molema, M. Harmsen 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 February 2007 - 31 January 2010 Funding (type and duration): MD position IRTG GRK 880/2 (01 February 2007 – 31 January 2010), PhD position GUIDE in Groningen (01 February 2010 - 31 October 2010) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: July 2005 start of practical work, 31 October 2010 end of practical work, thesis submitted 09/2011, Doctoral degree (PhD) awarded 2011 MD submitted 2014 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): 10/02 -10/09 Medicine, University of Heidelberg Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: Assistant physician, Institute of Pathology, UMM Assistant physician, Institute of Pathology, University of Erlangen/Nürnberg 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date DR is a clinically well-defined, sight-threatening, chronic microvascular complication that affects virtually all patients with diabetes mellitus. DR is characterized by gradually progressive damage in the retinal microvasculature, leading to areas of retinal nonperfusion, increased vasopermeability, and in response to retinal non-perfusion, pathologic intraocular proliferation of retinal vessels. Mechanisms underlying the progressive alterations in retinal microvessels which precede and stimulate neovascularization are not well understood. The primary and predominant pathological changes in the diabetic retinal microvasculature are the loss of pericytes and endothelial cells and the progressive occlusion of capillaries. The mechanisms causing vasoregression in the diabetic retina are complex. The specific biochemical changes that occur under diabetic conditions include apoptosis and destructive signaling pathways in pericytes and endothelial cells. However, growing evidence suggests that alternative mechanisms including activations of ligand-receptor systems that determine the fate of retinal capillaries during vascular development and maturation are also involved in pericyte loss during incipient DR. Ang-2 is among the relevant growth factors induced by hypoxia and hyperglycemia and acts dependent on the VEGF environment either proangiogenic or vasoregressive. Ang-2 is upregulated at the angiogenic front of a growing vasculature and induces destabilization of endothelial cells via down-regulation of intercellular junction molecules and promotes endothelial cell proliferation in vitro. It is not known, however, what the precise role of Ang-2 is in physiological and pathological angiogenesis. We show that overexpression of Ang-2 in the retina enhances retinal vascular outgrowth and capillary density during physiological angiogenesis and reduced pericyte coverage. Similarly, intraretinal vascular regrowth and preretinal neovascularization are increased in the model of oxygen-induced retinopathy, and newly formed vessels were also pericyte-deficient. In line with the notion that capillaries with reduced pericyte coverage are more susceptible to angiogenic signals, Ang-2 overexpressing mice revealed endothelial cell proliferation and enhanded vascular sprouting. Together, Ang-2 is an important regulator of pericyte recruitment and investment to the growing vasculature under physiological and pathological conditions, and pericyte deficient capillaries show enhanced angiogenesis and 30 endothelial cell proliferation under Ang-2 overexpression in a hypoxic environment. Furthermore, our data indicate that in the mature retinal vasculature pericytes are in particular sensitive to changes in Ang-2 expression. Pericyte loss and vasoregression are the typical hallmarks of incipient DR. It is clear, however, that these vascular lesions do not only occur in the diabetic retina. Such lesions can also be found in retinae from humans that are over 50 years of age. That the lesions in aged rat retinas have striking anatomical and histological similarities to those found in diabetic rat retinas has recently been demonstrated by a comparative study between nondiabetic and diabetic rats. It is therefore conceivable that the mechanisms underlying agerelated and diabetic retinal vasoregression bear similarities. It has been suggested that the age-related imbalance of pro- and anti-angiogenic factors may contribute to the vascular changes observed in aging and diabetic retinas. We evaluated age dependent retinal vascular changes and alterations in gene expression of growth factors in healthy and in heterozygous Ang-2 deficient mice. Our data show that Ang-2 deficiency protects from agerelated decrease of the number of endothelial cells and pericytes and significantly decelerated the formation of acellular capillaries. Moreover, gene expression analysis revealed that Ang-2 deficiency prevented the decrease of VEGF and Ang-1 protein observed in aged wild-type mice. These data suggest that the vasoprotective effect of Ang-2 gene dose reduction results from consequently higher levels of survival factors, such as VEGF and Ang-1 and further illustrates that the ratio of these factors is crucial for capillary cell survival in the mature vasculature. Our previous work uncovered that Ang-2 is linked to pericyte loss, thus plays an important role in diabetic retinopathy. Overexpression of human Ang-2 in the mouse retina during development resulted in reduced pericyte coverage and accelerated retinal angiogenesis. However, the further fate of retinal capillaries in this gain-of-function model is unknown, and a final proof for the causal role of Ang-2 in DR was still missing. We showed that overexpression of Ang-2 in retinas of healthy causes pericyte loss and the formation of acellular capillaries equivalent to the vasoregression found in diabetic mice. If the Ang-2 overexpressing mice are diabetic, a significantly worse vascular pathology is present compared to wild type counterparts. These results provide further evidence that Ang2 plays a critical role in retinal vascular maintenance and in retinal vascular damage of early diabetic retinopathy by regulating pericyte coverage. Nevertheless, the mechanisms by which Ang-2 causes pericyte drop-out remained unclear. Data from human and animal studies suggested that diabetic pericyte loss is the result of apoptosis induced by activation of NFkB. However, the frequency of apoptotic pericytes detected in retinal digest specimens is too low to explain the amount of pericytes lost after several months of diabetes Thus, other mechanisms than apoptosis must also be involved. The developmental origin and the morphological diversity of pericytes in retinal capillaries indicate that pericytes consist of a heterogeneous population. We determined the pattern of pericyte loss in the diabetic retina by performing quantitative retinal morphology in healthy and diabetic mice. Moreover, to investigate the impact of Ang-2 on pericytes, we examined healthy and diabetic retinas from mice with different levels of Ang-2 expression. We categorized pericytes into three classes, one being located at vessel branches („saddle pericytes“), another being located on straight parts of capillaries, and a third one showing different degrees of detachment from adjacent endothelial cells („migrating pericytes“). We show that saddle pericytes remained unaffected by diabetes, while pericytes on straight parts of capillaries were reduced in diabetic retinas. The decrease of pericytes on straight capillaries is paralleled by an increased number of migrating pericytes, exclusively detaching from straight capillary parts. Migrating pericytes from the saddle position was never pbserved suggesting that these pericytes might represent a distinct population from a different origin. In Ang-2 overexpressing non-diabetic animals, the numbers of migrating pericytes are also increased whereas in Ang-2 deficient non-diabetic mice, the numbers are reduced. Together, the data from chapter 5 strongly support that migration of pericytes is an alternative mechanism contributing to the loss of pericytes in the diabetic retina, that involves the AngTie ligand-receptor system. Avoiding early damage in the diabetic retina, such as pericyte loss and vasoregression, is the goal of primary prevention. We studied two promising therapeutic agents, Epo and carnosine, which are characterized by their vaso- and neuroprotective function. Recently, it has been reported that Epo plays an important role in 31 the pathogenesis of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and experimental inhibition of EPO is as effective as inhibition of VEGF in the ROP model. However, the impact of Epo on vasoregression in experimental diabetic retinopathy has not been assessed yet. We show that low-dose Epo treatment of diabetic rats over 3 months, reduces oxidative stress, inhibits methylglyoxal-modification of retinal proteins and ameliorates pro-survival signals in the diabetic retinas. Furthermore, Epo treatment prevents Ang-2 upregulation paralleled by reduced pericyte loss and reduced glial activation. The formation of acellular capillaries and the loss of pericytes were significantly reduced in treated diabetic animals after 6 months of hyperglycemia, demonstrating that low-dose Epo treatment could sufficiently prevent the development of vasoregression in diabetic retinopathy. Of note, the increased levels of leukostasis, recently proposed to be involved in the pathogenesis of vasoregression in diabetes, were not affected by Epo treatment, suggesting that vasoregression in the diabetic retina can successfully be prevented without correcting leukostasis. A number of reports demonstrated that the endogenous dipeptide carnosine suppresses the progression of secondary complications of diabetes, such as diabetic cataract, nephropathy and neuropathy. However, the therapeutic potential of carnosine in the treatment of DR has not been tested. We supplemented diabetic rats with carnosine and examined the effect on biochemical, growth factor, vascular and neuroglial changes. We show that carnosine treatment prevented diabetic pericyte loss and acellular capillary formation. In contrast to the effects observed in Epo treated animals, the protective effect of carnosine is independent of ROS- and AGE-inhibition. However, vascular protection by carnosine was associated with normalized Ang-2 levels and induction of Hsp-27 in activated glial cells. Therefore, the study emphasizes the importance Ang-2 and other factors in the development of DR and introduces the neuroglial retina as a target for intervention of retinal vasoregression. In summary, the results achieved in this thesis emphasize the importance of the Ang-2 in diabetic vasoregression. Beside direct hyperglycemic toxicity, the initiation and propagation of diabetic retinopathy strongly depends on firm pericyte coverage and the complex interplay between survival factors, such as VEGF, NGF and Hsp and other growth factors like the angiopoietins. Furthermore, recent evidence and data generated in this thesis introduced the neuroglial retina as a major target of hyperglycemic damage and a key component in the pathogenesis of incipient DR. Of note, neuroglial cells contribute substantially to the overall production of the above mentioned key factors of DR. Understanding of the interaction between neuroglial and vascular cells and the importance of factors released by it is of utmost importance for the development of novel and specific molecular drug targets with the potential to prevent or arrest the progression of intraretinal vasoregression in DR. Status: Study completed 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy From my personal experiences with the ITRG 880 I can really recommend this fantastic education program to every medical student and young researcher who wants to push his scientific education and career forward. As a member of the GRK 880/2 from 2007 to 2011, I attended numerous high quality lecture, several scientific training courses and international scientific meetings/congresses and it was possible for me to generate data for first- or coauthorships of 13 peer review publications, 2 reviews and 3 book chapters and the german doctoral degree (MD) and to award the international doctoral degree (PhD). In my opinion, these numbers speak for themselves and highlight the quality of program and the supervision of my projects by my supervisor. Beside, this great scientific success, I got in touch and familiar with colleges and friends from germany, the Netherlands, France, China and Russia and with cooperating partners from the Netherlands. Some of these connections still exist and are the basis for my current and future scientific work. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 38 attended labcourses: 5 attended workshops: 3 attended schools: 5 attended symposia: 1 32 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: University of Groningen 01.022010-12.05 2010, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Pathology and Medical Biology, UMCG, Groningen, the Netherlands Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: 2009 International Symposium of the PREDICTIONS project, Karl-Franzens Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, oral presentation 2009 Angiopoietin-2 Modulates Pericyte Migration in Experimental Diabetic Retinopathy; 69th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, San Francisco, United States; poster presentation 2009 Carnosine protects against glomerular Apoptosis and Podocyte loss, 44. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Diabetes-Gesellschaft, Leipzig, Germany; oral presentation 2008 Angiopoietin-2 modulates Pericyte Migration in Experimental Diabetic Retinopathy, Angiogenesis: Molecular Mechanisms and Functional Interactions, Kloster Seeon, Germany; poster presentation 2008 Decrease of hypoxia-induced neovascularisation in angiopoietin-2 deficiency by reduced MMP activity, European Association for the Study of Diabetic Eye Complications, Amsterdam, Netherlands; poster presentation 2008 Influence of the Carnosine/Carnosinase-1-system on the development of Diabetischen Retinopathy, 43. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Diabetes-Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany, oral presentation 2007 The Carnosine/Carnosinase-1 system influences the development of incipient diabetic retinopathy, Joint Meeting of the Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology and the 6th International Symposium on the Biology of Endothelial Cells, Heidelberg, Germany; poster presentation 2007 Identification of Pericyte subpopulations in a spontaneous diabetic mouse model, 42. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Diabetes-Gesellschaft in Hamburg, Deutschland, Hamburg, Germany; oral presentation Awards 2007 Deutschen Diabetes-Gesellschaft Project Grant: The effect of insulin and analogues on angiogenesis in a model of hypoxia-induced proliferative retinopathy 2008 Deutschen Diabetes-Gesellschaft Project Grant: Wirkung von Angiopoietin-2 auf die Migration von Perizyten in der diabetischen Retinopathie 2009 Deutschen Diabetes-Gesellschaft Project Grant, Untersuchungen zur Behandlungsmöglichkeit der experimentellen diabetischen Retinopathie mit dem Dipeptid Carnosin 2011 Einladung als Nachwuchswissenschaftler zum Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau am Bodensee 4. Own publications 1. Pfister F, Riedl E, Wang Q, vom Hagen F, Deinzer M, Harmsen MC, Molema G, Yard B, Feng Y, Hammes HP. Oral carnosine supplementation prevents vascular damage in experimental diabetic retinopathy. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2011;28(1):125-36 33 2. Riedl E, Pfister F, Braunagel M, Brinkkötter P, Sternik P, Deinzer M, Bakker SJ, Henning RH, van den Born J, Krämer BK, Navis G, Hammes HP, Yard B, Koeppel H. Carnosine prevents apoptosis of glomerular cells and podocyte loss in STZ diabetic rats. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2011;28(2):279-88 3. Wang Q, Gorbey S, Pfister F, Höger S, Dorn-Beineke A, Krügel K, Berrone E, Wu L, Korff T, Lin J, Busch S, Reichenbach A, Feng Y, Hammes HP. Long-term treatment with suberythropoietic Epo is vaso- and neuroprotective in experimental diabetic retinopathy. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2011;27(6):769-82 4. Riedl E, Koeppel H, Pfister F, Peters V, Sauerhoefer S, Sternik P, Brinkkoetter P, Zentgraf H, Navis G, Henning RH, van den Born J, Bakker SJ, Janssen B, van der Woude FJ, Yard BA. N-glycosylation of carnosinase influences protein secretion and enzyme activity: implications for hyperglycemia. Diabetes. 2010 Aug;59(8):1984-90 5. Wang Q, Pfister F, Dorn-Beineke A, vom Hagen F, Lin J, Feng Y, Hammes HP. Lowdose erythropoietin inhibits oxidative stress and early vascular changes in the experimental diabetic retina. Diabetologia. 2010 Jun;53(6):1227-38 6. Pfister F, Wang Y, Schreiter K, vom Hagen F, Altvater K, Hoffmann S, Deutsch U, Hammes HP, Feng Y. Retinal overexpression of Angiopoietin-2 mimics diabetic retinopathy and enhances vascular damages in hyperglycemia. Acta Diabetol. 2010 Mar;47(1):59-64 7. Feng Y, Wang Y, Stock O, Pfister F, Tanimoto N, Seeliger MW, Hillebrands JL, Hoffmann S, Wolburg H, Gretz N, Hammes HP. Vasoregression linked to neuronal damage in the rat with defect of polycystin-2. PLoS One. 2009 Oct 6;4(10):e7328 8. Feng Y, Vom Hagen F, Wang Y, Beck S, Schreiter K, Pfister F, Hoffmann S, Wagner P, Seeliger M, Molema G, Deutsch U, Hammes HP. The absence of angiopoietin-2 leads to abnormal vascular maturation and persistent proliferative retinopathy. Thromb Haemost. 2009 Jul;102(1):120-30 9. Feng Y, Wang Y, Pfister F, Hillebrands JL, Deutsch U, Hammes HP. Decreased Hypoxia-Induced Neovascularization in Angiopoietin-2 Heterozygous Knockout Mouse through Reduced MMP Activity. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2009;23(4-6):277-284 10. Pfister F, Feng Y, vom Hagen F, Hoffmann S, Molema G, Hillebrands JL, Shani M, Deutsch U, Hammes HP. Pericyte migration: a novel mechanism of pericyte loss in experimental diabetic retinopathy. Diabetes. 2008 Sep;57(9):2495-502 11. Wang Y, Vom Hagen F, Pfister F, Bierhaus A, Feng Y, Gans R, Hammes HP. Receptor for advanced glycation end product expression in experimental diabetic retinopathy. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2008 Apr;1126:42-5 12. Feng Y, Pfister F, Schreiter K, Wang Y, Stock O, Vom Hagen F, Wolburg H, Hoffmann S, Deutsch U, Hammes HP. Angiopoietin-2 deficiency decelerates age-dependent vascular changes in the mouse retina. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2008;21(1-3):129-36 13. Feng Y, vom Hagen F, Pfister F, Djokic S, Hoffmann S, Back W, Wagner P, Lin J, Deutsch U, Hammes HP. Impaired pericyte recruitment and abnormal retinal angiogenesis as a result of angiopoietin-2 overexpression. Thromb Haemost. 2007 Jan;97(1):99-108 Reviews 1. Pfister F, Przybyt E, Harmsen MC, Hammes HP. Pericytes in the eye. Pflugers Arch Eur J Physiol. 2013. 465:789-796 2. Hammes HP, Feng Y, Pfister F, Brownlee M. Diabetic retinopathy: targeting vasoregression. Diabetes. 2011 Jan;60(1):9-16. 34 Project number: GRK 880/2, Project 6 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Yumei Wang (Working) title of doctoral project: Characterization of a new animal model for retinal vasoregression Names of supervisors: H.-P. Hammes, Y. Feng, J.- L. Hillebrands 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 April 2007 – 31 March 2010 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 April 2007 – 31 March 2010) Start of doctoral training and date of doctoral degree: 04/2007 start of practical work, 03/2010 end of practical work, thesis submitted 23 November 2009, Doctoral degree (PhD) awarded 22 November 2011 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Bachelor degree/ China, Henan Province, June 1998 Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: Associate Chief Physician Wuhan, China 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Retinal vasoregressioncharacterized by theformation of acellular capillaries, is the hallmark of vascular eye diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy.Vasoregression is a complex processes entailing activation of neuroglia and vascular damage. There is emerging evidence indicating that neuroglial changes can precede vascular alterations. Recently, we described a new transgenic rat (PKD TGR) that contains a c-terminal truncated human polycystin-2 cDNA under control of CMV promoter and develops extensive retinal vasoregression. Our data suggest that PKD TGR retinasexhibit primary neuronal degeneration and secondary vasoregression. These data suggest some similarities between this model and the changes found in DR. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms of retinal vasoregression. In order to identify genes and pathway involved in the transition from neurodegeneration to vasoregression, we performed gene microarray analysis, TaqMan real-time PCR, western blot analysis and immunofluorescence staining of 1 month- and 3 month-old PKD TGR and SD retinas, i.e. before and after the initiation of vasoregression. Our study demonstrated that predominantly genes involved in immune/inflammatory pathways were strongly upregulated, CD74 being thestrongest upregulated one. Glial cells including astrocytes and Müller cells became activated prior to vasoregression. CD74 was predominantly expressed in microglial cells in proximity of the deep capillary layers in which vasoregression ensues. HSP27 was upregulated in glial cells around degenerating vessels in PKD rats. Up-regulated expression of FGF2 and CNTF prior to vasoregression likely reflects a response to photoreceptor damage, while NGF upregulated after the onset of vasoregression may have an association to vascular degeneration.Our findings indicate that genes involved in immune/inflammatory pathways may act as predominant regulators in the development of vasoregression in the degenerating retina and a marked activation of glia cells may closely link to the vasoregression in the PKD retina. Taken this together, the mechanisms underlying vasoregression in PKD TGR seem to be a sequential cascade starting from neuronal damage.Defects in cilia of the photoreceptor cells lead to apoptotic changes in these cells, releasing molecules and cell debris that can 35 contribute to activation of glial and microglial cells. Glial cells produce, among many others, small heat shock proteins and neurotrophins to protection the retina from further injury, and phagocytotic microglia may eliminate harmful molecules, but also release inflammatory cytokines, which may cause or aggravate blood vessel damage. Vasoregression may occur when pericytes and endothelial cells are exposed to glial activation and lose their function in maintaining vascular integrity. Our study suggests that CD74 and immune/inflammatory pathways together with activated glia cells can cause retinal vasoregressionas exemplified in this animal model.Further analysis addressing functional modification may provide insights of the relative importance of the genetic alterations identified herein. Status: Study completed 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy GRK 880 plays a pivotal role in scientific research work and training. It is nonreplaceable. As an excellent educational platform focusing on the vascular medicine, which is particularly important especially for me, because my major is nephropathy, i.e., a vascular disease. The experience in GRK 880 helps me to build a bridge between basic medical knowledge and clinical science in my field. It assists both exact design and successful implementation of scientific research project in scientific research work in my present job.It is beneficial for improving the levels of scientific projects and establishing cooperation relations. In talent training,it can enrich knowledge, deepen thinking, enlighten thoughts and improve ability. For example, the “Scientific Writing” class helps me to know how to write an excellent scientific paper, and the “Presentation Skills” improve my ability to present myself. The events including meetings, seminars and lectures, theoretical courses and practical courses, provide the basic sciences which are necessary to the clinical doctors and improve the experiment skills for a clinical doctor. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 36 attended labcourses: 4 attended workshops: 4 attended schools: 5 attended symposia: 1 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: 09/2010 – 12/2010 University of Groningen Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: n.a. 4. Own publications 1. Feng Y, Wang Y, Yang Z, Wu L, Hoffmann S, Wieland T, Gretz N, Hammes HP. Chronic hyperglycemia inhibits vasoregression in a transgenic model of retinal degeneration. Acta Diabetol. 2014, 51: 211-8 2. Wang Y, Landheer S, van Gilst WH, van Amerongen A, Hammes HP, Henning RH, Deelman LE, Buikema H. Attenuation of renovascular damage in Zucker diabetic fatty rat by NWT-03, an egg protein hydrolysate with ACE- and DPP4-inhibitory Activity. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e46781 3. Feng Y, Wang Y, Li L, Wu L, Hoffmann S, Gretz N, Hammes HP. Gene expression profiling of vasoregression in the retina--involvement of microglial cells. PLoS One. 2011;6(2):e16865 4. Feng Y, Wang Y, Stock O, Pfister F, Tanimoto N, Seeliger MW, Hillebrands JL, Hoffmann S, Wolburg H, Gretz N, Hammes HP. Vasoregression linked to neuronal damage in the rat with defect of polycystin-2. PLoS One. 2009;4(10):e7328. 36 Project number: GRK 880/2, Project 7 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Jennifer Braun (Working) title of doctoral project: The impact of the Eph/ephrin system on the interaction between leukocytes and vascular cells Name of supervisors: M. Hecker, T. Korff, R. Henning, I. Molema 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 January 2007 - 31 December 2009 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 January 2007 - 31 December 2009) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 01 January 2007- 18 June 2010 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): 2000; Biology; 09/2006 TU Darmstadt Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: 1) Post-Doc, University of Heidelberg 07-08/2010 2) Post-Doc, DKFZ 10/2010-11/2013 3) Scientific Project Coordinator, DKTK since 12/2013 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Cardiovascular diseases, arteriosclerosis in particular, are the leading causes of death in the Western world as approximately 50% of the population suffer from these diseases. Arteriosclerosis is a pathophysiological alteration of the vascular wall. Hence, it is of great interest to investigate the mechanisms leading to these pathological alterations. As the Eph/ephrin system is a crucial player of vascular remodelling processes, we hypothesized this system may be involved in the pathomechanism of arteriosclerosis. Therefore, the aim of this study was to elucidate a possible involvement of this system in the pathophysiological remodelling process of arteriosclerosis. Analysis of the distribution of ephrinB2 in the arterial system of the mouse revealed a heterogeneous expression pattern of this molecule. The overall expression of ephrinB2 was rather weak with an up-regulation in large conduit arteries like the aorta. Subsequent studies of the aortic arch verified a strong expression at the inner curvatures but a weak expression at the outer curvatures of the bifurcations. This expression pattern coincides with the so-called arteriosclerosis-prone sites in LDL-R- or ApoE-deficient mice, respectively. Detailed analysis of these plaques indicated a correlation between the ephrinB2 expression in the endothelial cells covering the plaque and the number of infiltrated monocytes/macrophages and pointed towards a possible role of the Eph/ephrin system plaque-development. Moreover, monocytes express the receptors for ephrinB2 EphB1-4 with EphB2 being up-regulated upon trans-differentiation into macrophages. By applying atomic force microscopy (AFM), we could demonstrate that monocytes physically interact with ephrinB2. Furthermore, adhesion of these cells to endothelial-intact mouse aortic segments abundantly expressing ephrinB2 was inhibited by pre-treatment with soluble ephrinB2. As the development of arteriosclerotic plaques is not only dependent on the adhesion of monocytes to the endothelium but also on their transmigration into the vascular wall we analyzed if this process is enhanced by ephrinB2. The corresponding analyses confirmed that ephrinB2 not only affects the migration as such but also the transmigration of these cells through the endothelium. In addition, interaction 37 with ephrinB2 led to a pro-inflammatory activation of the monocytes, as evidenced by an increased expression of the arteriosclerosis-related chemokines MCP-1 and Interleukin-8 by these cells. Further protein arrays showed that the release of these chemokines is enhanced as well. The specifity of this reaction was confirmed by blocking the ephrinB2-dependent pathways. Moreover, the monocytic receptor EphB2 was phosphorylated upon interaction with ephrinB2. Taken together, these observations establish ephrinB2 as a molecule that is abundantly expressed at remodelling sites of the arterial tree and as new determinant of the pro-inflammatory stimulation of monocytes and therefore is likely to contribute to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. This shows a new function of ephrinB2 in cardiovascular (patho)physiology, which clearly exceeds its role as a mere arterial marker molecule. 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy No comment submitted Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880 attended lectures: 34 attended labcourses: 5 attended workshops: 6 attended schools: 6 attended symposia: 1 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: n.a. Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: Joint Meeting of the Society of Microcirculation and Vascular Biology and the 6th International Symposium of the Biology of Endothelial Cells; Heidelberg 4.-6. Oktober 2007 DPG (87. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physiologischen Gesellschaft); Köln, 02.-05. März 2008 International Symposium "VAscular Differentiation and Remodeling"; Frankfurt/Main 17.-19. Juli 2008 5th European Meeting on Vascular Biology and Medicine, 14.9.-17.9. 2009, Marseille 4. Own publications 1. Korff T, Braun J, Pfaff D, Augustin HG, Hecker M Role of ephrinB2 expression in endothelial cells during arteriogenesis: impact on smooth muscle cell migration and monocyte recruitment. Blood 2008; 112:73‐81. 2. Braun J, Hoffmann S, Feldner A, Ludwig T, Henning R, Hecker M, Korff T Endothelial cell ephrinB2‐dependent activation of monocytes in arteriosclerosis. Arter Thromb Vasc Biol 2011; 31(2):297-305. 38 Project number: GRK 880/2, Project 10 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Malte Depping Title of doctoral project: Modulation of human in vivo triosephosphate isomerase transcription with alteration of obesity and impaired glucose tolerance Names of supervisors: A. Bierhaus †, P. Nawroth, S. Bakker, R. Gans 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 March 2007 - 30 June 2009 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 March 2007 - 30 June 2009) Start of doctoral training and date of doctoral degree: 03/2007 Start of doctoral training, date of doctoral degree: 11 December 2012. Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): 10/2004, Medicine, Medical Faculty of Heidelberg, Heidelberg University, 16 June 2011: Medical Degree Please note any circumstances which could have affected your scientific work: My project’s supervisor, Prof. Bierhaus, died from cancer during the last period of my project. Occupation after leaving the IRTG: 08/2011 Residency at the Center of Psychosocial Medicine, Department of General Psychiatry, University of Heidelberg, Germany 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Late diabetic complications are causally related to chronic hyperglycemia. The toxic effects of high glucose levels are believed to result from elevated metabolic flux and consecutively increased formation of reactive glucose metabolites. Current treatment strategies of diabetes aim at lowering elevated glucose levels, however some patients with good glycemic control still develop severe complications, suggesting persistent changes in cellular metabolism despite restoration of euglycemia. Apart from hyperglycemia, susceptibility to late diabetic complications may be related to impaired transcription of glycolytic enzymes that maintain physiological substrate flux and reduce the formation of reactive glucose metabolites. Triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) is a crucial glycolytic enzyme. If this enzyme’s function is impaired, as e.g. in the rare genetic enzymopathy TPI deficiency, severe glucose-induced cellular damage can be observed independent from elevated blood glucose levels. In pathobiological models of diabetic complications, alterations of TPI transcription have yet not been investigated. In this study, by means of real time quantitative PCR, we investigated TPI transcription in erythrocytes from peripheral blood of obese patients with normal glucose tolerance (NGT), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), or type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) before and after completing a 12-week controlled lifestyle modification program. We predicted that lower levels of TPI transcription would be found in DM compared to NGT and IGT, and that such a reduction would be reversible in the DM group following exercise-based lifestyle intervention. 19 subjects with NGT, 5 with IGT, and 3 with DM were enrolled. Pretreatment TPI transcription showed a trend towards lower transcription in the DM group, which however did not reach statistical significance. An analysis of variance revealed a main effect of group 39 for change of transcription with intervention. A significant increase in transcription with intervention was observed in the DM subjects, but not in the NGT or in the IGT subjects. Across the entire patient group, change in TPI transcription with intervention was related to lowered fasting glucose and improved glucose tolerance following intervention. These results indicate that alterations of glycolytic enzyme transcription may be associated with severity of metabolic derangement in diabetes mellitus, potentially reflecting ’hyperglycemic memory’. Such measures of transcription may warrant consideration as diagnostic determinants of susceptibility to late diabetic complications. Status: Study completed 3. Comments on the qualification program and supervision strategy Participation in the IRTG enabled me to be first introduced to general research principles, laboratory problem solving, and scientific exchange among fellow colleagues. Sadly, my project’s supervisor, Angelika Bierhaus, died during the period of my project. I will keep her in mind as a warm-hearted person who dedicated herself to her research. I found the IRTG’s training program to be suitable with regard to content and organization. I would however recommend future medical students to temporarily pause their medical teaching while engaging in the IRTG, as a compelling medical school’s curriculum may at times be in conflict with laboratory duties and the IRTG teaching program. Since completing the IRTG, I have engaged myself in a research area and methodology different from my doctoral project. My initial research experience has however proven beneficial since then. Participation in the teaching program of GRK 880: attended lectures: 27 attended lab courses: 0 attended workshops: 6 attended schools: 3 attended symposia: 1 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs, stays at the partner university: n.a. Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: Revisiting Default Mode Network Function in Major Depression, Evidence for Disrupted Subsystem Connectivity, 2014 European Congress of Psychiatry, Munich, Oral presentation Longitudinal task-negative network analyses in preclinical Huntington's disease, 2013 Annual Conference of the German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Berlin, Poster presentation Abnormal gray and white matter volume in delusional infestation, 2012 Annual Conference of the German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Berlin, Poster presentation Default-mode network changes in preclinical Huntington’s disease, 2012 Annual Conference of the German Society of Biological Psychiatry, Heidelberg, Poster presentation Local organization committee, 2012 Annual Conference of the German Society of Biological Psychiatry, Heidelberg 4. Own publications 1. Wolf RC, Sambataro F, Vasic N, Baldas EM, Ratheiser I, Landwehrmeyer BG, Depping MS, Thomann PA, Sprengelmeyer R, Sussmuth SD, Orth M. Visual system 40 integrity and cognition in early Huntington's disease. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 2014; Epub ahead of print. 2. Wolf R, Huber M, Lepping P, Sambataro F, Depping MS, Karner M, Freudenmann RW. Source-based morphometry reveals distinct patterns of aberrant brain volume in delusional infestation. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry; 2014; 48, 112-116. 3. Hirjak D, Thomann PA, Depping MS, Bienentreu SD, Wolf RC. Neuronale Korrelate des Psychoserisikosyndroms. Funktionelles Neuroimaging bei Personen mit erhöhtem Psychoserisiko. Nervenheilkunde. 2014; 33, 64-74. 4. Wolf RC, Huber M, Depping MS, Thomann PA, Karner M, Lepping P, Freudenmann RW. Abnormal gray and white matter volume in delusional infestation. Progress in NeuroPsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 2013; 46, 19-24. 5. Hirjak D, Thomann PA, Depping MS, Wolf RC. Neuronale Korrelate des Psychoserisikosyndroms. Strukturelles Neuroimaging bei Personen mit erhöhtem Psychoserisiko. Nervenheilkunde. 2013; 32, 582-591. 6. Sprengelmeyer R, Orth M, Muller HP, Wolf RC, Gron G, Depping MS, Kassubek J, Justo D, Rees EM, Haider S, Cole JH, Hobbs NZ, Roos RA, Durr A, Tabrizi SJ, Sussmuth SD, Landwehrmeyer BG. The neuroanatomy of subthreshold depressive symptoms in Huntington's disease: a combined diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) study. Psychological Medicine. 2013; 1-12. 41 Project number: GRK 880/2, Project 11 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Natalia Lapina (Working) title of doctoral project: Role of the kallikrein-kinin (KK) system in the cerebrovascular system in ischemia-reperfusion injury Names of supervisors: L. Schilling, R. Henning 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 June 2007- 31 May 2010 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 June 2007- 31 May 2010) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 06/2007 Start of doctorate, anticipated submission of doctoral thesis on 01 July 2014, anticipated completion of doctorate: Autumn/Winter 2014 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): 1996-2002 Study of human medicine with specialisation medical biochemistry at the Russian State Medical University, Moscow. 24.07.2002 Diploma “Medical biochemistry” Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: 01 June 2010 Division of Neurosurgical Research, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Bradykinin, the major metabolite of the kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) affects vascular function including induction of endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in arteries and an increase of blood-brain barrier permeability leading to brain edema and swelling. These effects are due to interacting with constitutively expressed B2 receptors or B1 receptors following de novo expression. A full KKS has been found in the brain tissue, but its expression in the cerebral vasculature has not yet been studied. The KKS is considered an important component of early inflammation under pathological conditions including ischemia-reperfusion. In the current project (#7 of the International Research Training School GRK 880 2/3 “Vascular Medicine”) we have addressed the expression of the KKS in brain parenchyma, brain macrovasculature (pial arteries, PAs) and cerebral microvessels (MVs) on the level of gene expression KKS in response to a standardised ischemia reperfusion injury. The first step was to establish a method of high yield high purity MV extraction from the rat hemisphere. In order to protect the mRNA as much as possible MV extraction was performed in a purely mechanical way at < 4°C throughout. The mechanical isolation of brain MVs includes homogenization, density gradient centrifugation, and the purification of capillaries by filtration. Purity of MVs extraction was regularly checked by light microscopy revealing mainly capillaries and a small fraction of pre-/postcapillary MVs. The purity was also checked on the level of gene expression using these cell-type specific markers: synapsin (SYN; neuronal marker), calponin (CNN; smooth muscle cell marker), platelet derived growth factor receptor (PDGF-R; pericyte marker), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP, astrocyte marker), and endothelial nitric oxide synthetase (eNOS, endothelial cell marker). Elongation factor (EF)-1 was used as reference in reverse transcription real time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) measurements. Quantification was done using the Ct methodology. In MV extracts there was a clear-cut (~100 fold) enrichment of eNOS and PDGF-R mRNA species over brain tissue reflecting the high purity of the MV extracts. Unexpectedly, GFAP 42 mRNA also showed an enrichment (~40fold) in MVs vs. tissue. However, even higher levels of GFAP mRNA were measured in the extraparenchymal PA (~60fold enrichment vs. tissue). When we extended these studies into the extracerebral internal carotid artery, the common carotid artery, and the aorta the GFAP mRNA level decreased steadily with increasing distance from the brain. Using confocal microscopy we found GFAP immunoreactivity (IR) around MV resembling the structure of glial endfeet. In whole mount preparation from extraparenchymal PAs GFAP IR was detected in the adventitial layer of the arterial wall and in vessel free regions of the pia-arachnoid membrane. From these observations we suggest that the sources of GFAP mRNA were glial endfeet in MVs and meningeal cells in the case of arteries. The latter may well play an important role in the induction and maintenance of blood-brain barrier features in the cerebral macrovasculature. Under control conditions a complete KKS gene expression pattern including the B2-receptor, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), kininogen (KIN), and kallikrein (KAL) was found in the arterial wall as well as in the MVs. Quantitatively, marked tissue-specific differences in the expression levels for B2, KIN, and ACE were observed. The sequence was PAs > MVs > tissue with 100 to 1,000 fold higher expression levels in PAs over tissue. After focal brain ischemia, both transient and permanent a de novo expression of the B1 receptor was found in brain tissue as well as in the PA and MV compartment. The B2 receptor mRNA was markedly upregulated, most notably in the MVs. The largest degree of upregulation, however, was observed with KIN in all tissue compartments. This upregulation was not restricted to the ischemic side but was also present in samples of tissue, PAs, and MVs taken from the contralateral side. The functional meaning of this generalized upregulation is not yet clear. In conclusion, I have established a new method of brain MV extraction particularly suited for gene expression studies. An apparent enrichment over brain tissue with GFAP mRNA is probably due to a tight association of astrocytic endfeet with MVs and does not conflict with the purity of the MV extraction. A complete KKS gene expression was found in brain tissue, MVs and extraparenchymal arteries the latter exhibiting the highest expression levels for the B2 receptor, ACE, and KIN. Thus, it is concluded that the KKS in the brain displays a predominantly macrovascular expression pattern. After focal ischemia there is a de novo expression of the B1 receptor and an upregulation of the B2 receptor in brain tissue, brain arteries, and the MV compartment. The highest degree of upregulation was found for KIN in tissue, PAs, and MVs, and it was not restricted to the ischemic side but occurred in the contralateral side as well. These observations further substantiate the functional importance of the KKS as an early inflammatory response. However, the pathophysiological importance of the KIN remains to be clarified. Status: Study completed 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy For me it was important to have an opportunity not only to get acquainted with the method theoretically, but also to apply them under supervision of the skilled colleagues. The courses I had a chance to take allowed me not only to learn about the new methods and improve my skills, but also to familiarize myself with other laboratories. Furthermore the lectures in which I had the honor to participate helped me learn more about the subjects which had not been directly related to my thesis and provided me with a perspective to the vascular medicine which was of great importance for me. In addition I would like to mention the opportunity to go through the detailed and consecutive discussion of all the steps of the thesis which was kindly offered to me (starting with the planning stage and conducting experiments and ending with final results and the writing itself) guided by my supervisor and supported by students-colleagues and professors. A particularly friendly atmosphere at springs and autumn schools is to be mentioned. And of course participation in the German and international conferences gave skill a presents of results and cooperation with international research groups. 43 Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880 attended lectures: 33 attended labcourses: 5 attended workshops: 7 attended schools: 6 attended symposia: 1 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: n.a. 44 Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: 04-06.10.2007: Join Meeting 2007 Annual Meeting of the Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology and 6th International Symposium on the Biology of Endothelial Cells Heidelberg 31.10-01.11.2008: 34 Jahrestagung der Sektion „Intrakranieller Druck, Hirnödem und Hirndurchblutung“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie, Mainz. Studies on the expression of the Kallikrein - kinin system (KKS) in cerebral ischemia: comparison between brain tissue and brain arteries. (Oral presentation) 24-27.05.2009: 60. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie Joint Meeting mit Benelux-Länder und Bulgarien, Münster, Studies on the gene expression of the Kallikrein - kinin system (KKS) in brain arteries and tissue in a rat model of focal cerebral ischemia. (Poster) 08.-10.10.2009 : Gemeinsame Jahrestagung Gesellschaft für Mikrozirkulation und vaskuläre Biologie und der „Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Mikrozirkulation“ in Bern, Studies of the gene expression of the Kallikrein - kinin system (KKS) in the cerebroarterial vasculature – comparison with brain tissue in focal ischemia models. (Poster) 06.-07.11.2009 : Jahrestagung der Sektion „Intrakranieller Druck, Hirndurchblutung und Hydrocephalus“ der deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie, Homburg/Saar. Änderungen der Genexpression im Kallikrein - Kinin System im Hirngewebe und in cerebralen Arterien bei transienter und permanenter fokaler Ischämie (Oral presentation) 14-16.08.2010: Gesellschaft für Mikrozirkulation und Vaskuläre Biologie. Evidence for a pathophysiological role of tissue hypoxia during early reperfusion after transient focal ischemia in rats (Poster) 21-25.10.2010: Studies on the gene expression of bradykinin receptor subtypes 1 and 2 in brain tissue following transient middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats (Poster) 05-06.11.2010: Jahrestagung der Sektion „Intrakranieller Druck, Hirndurchblutung und Hydrocephalus“ der deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie, Berlin. Untersuchungen zur Rolle des Kallikrein-Kinin Systems und von VEGF/flt1 in der Entwicklung der akuten Schwellung im Modell der fokalen cerebralen Ischämie (Oral presentation) 21-25.09.2010: Neurowoche in Mannheim Studies on the gene expression of Bradikinin receptor subtypes 1 and 2 in brain tissue following transient middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats (Poster) 25-28.05.2011: XXVth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism & The Xth International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function, Barcelona; Early hemispheric swelling in focal brain ischemia: comparing the roles of bradykinin and vascular endothelial growth factor (Poster) 13-16.10.2011: Joint Meeting of the European Society for Microcirculation (ESM) and the German Society of Microcirculation and Vascular Biology (GfMVB), Münich; Alteration of gene expression of the kallikrein-kinin system in brain tissue, arteries and microvessels after focal cerebral ischemia (Poster) 28-29.10.2011: 37.Jahrestagung der Sektion „Intrakranieller Druck, Hirndurchblutung und Hydrozephalus“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie, Tübingen Änderung der Genexpression im Kallikrein-Kinin-System in Hirngewebe, Arterien und Mikrogefässen in einem Modell der fokalen cerebralen Ischämie (oral presentation) 26-27.10.2012: Tagung der Sektion Intrakranieller Druck, Hirndurchblutung und Hydrozephalus der DGNC Heidelberg; Nachweis von GFAP mRNA in Mikrogefäßen und pialen Arterien der Ratte (oral presentation) 20-23.05.2013: XXVIth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function and the XIth International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET (Brain 2013), Shanghai; Studies on the kallikrein-kinin system in cerebral arteries, microvessels and brain tissue after brain ischemia damage (Poster) 26.-28.09.2013: 2nd Joint Meeting of the GfMVB and the SSMVR , Dresden; High yield microvessel extraction from rat brain: characterisation of cell-type specific marker genes and comparison with cerebral arteries (Poster). Poster Prise. 45 4. Own publications 1. I.Y.Petrushanko, N.B.Bogdanov, N.Lapina, A.A.Boldarev, M.Gassmann and A.Y.Bogdanova Oxygen-induced regulation of Na/K ATPase in cerebellar granule cells, J Gen Physiol. 2007 Oct;130(4):389-98 2. David J. Seiffge, Natalia E. Lapina, Charalambos Tsagogiorgas, Bastian Theisinger, Rob H. Henning, Lothar Schilling “Impact of enhanced oxygen supply on tissue damage and hypoxia in focal ischemia” Experimental Neurology 237 (2012) 18–25 46 Project number: GRK 880/2, Project 13 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Firas Al Laham (Working) title of doctoral project: Predictive value of serum parameters for disease activity in ANCA-associated systemic vasculitis (AASV) Names of supervisors: B. Yard, P. Heeringa, C.G.M. Kallenberg 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 January 2007 - 31 December 2009 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 January 2007 - 31 December 2009) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 01 January 2007- 18 June 2010 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Biotechnology, Magister rer. nat. (Österreich), 06/2006 Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: Postdoc/ Damaskus 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date In anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ANCA)-associated small vessel systemic vasculitis, e.g. Wegener's granulomatosis, microscopic polyangiitis, Churg–Strauss syndrome and ANCA-positive rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN), it is believed that concomitant binding of ANCA to their putative antigens and to Fc receptors on the cell surface of neutrophils or monocytes is a critical event in the pathogenesis of these diseases Binding of ANCA to tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α-primed neutrophils leads unambiguously to the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can subsequently damage the endothelium. Recently however, it has been reported that endothelial cells have the intrinsic property to inhibit ROS production by neutrophils via the release of adenosine. This therefore raises the question as to whether ROS production by ANCA-stimulated neutrophils is important in the pathogenesis of AAV. It must be emphasized, however, that studies using neutrophils from AAV patients have not been performed in such a setting; hence it is not known if neutrophils from these patients behave similarly to healthy controls. If endothelial cells do not inhibit oxidative burst or degranulation in neutrophils from AAV patients, this could explain, at least partly, the vascular pathology observed in AAV patients. Hence, this study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that in the interaction of endothelial cells with neutrophils of AAV patients there is a lack in the control of oxidative burst and degranulation. The main findings of this study are the following: first, our study confirms and extends previous data that endothelial cells inhibit ROS production, but not degranulation, of fMLPactivated neutrophils. Endothelial cells neither inhibit ROS production nor degranulation when neutrophils are challenged with PMA. Second, healthy controls and patients in remission do not differ in this respect. However, in the only active patient who was studied, degranulation was inhibited by endothelial cells before initiation of treatment but not 6 weeks later under immunosuppressive treatment. Third, endothelial cells inhibit LPS-mediated TNFα production in co-cultures of endothelial cells and PBMC, but enhance IL-8 production in cocultures of neutrophils and endothelial cells. This was also not different between patients and controls. 47 In conclusion, our data do not support the hypothesis that endothelial cells inhibit ROS production of neutrophils from AAV patients inadequately. Impaired neutrophil degranulation may exist in active patients, but this finding needs to be confirmed. It also remains to be elucidated how and if immune modulation at the vascular interface is impaired in vasculitis patients. Further studies are warranted to address if ATP release by activated neutrophils is diminished in these patients. Similarly, the expression of CD39 and CD73 at vasculitic lesion might provide further clues as to whether the lack of adenosine generation might underlie vascular damage at these sites. 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy No comment provided by the graduate Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 26 attended labcourses: 4 attended workshops: 5 attended schools: 5 attended symposia: 1 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: n.a. Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: n.a. 4. Own publications 1. Al Laham F, Kälsch AI, Heinrich L, Birck R, Kallenberg CG, Heeringa P, Yard B. Inhibition of neutrophil-mediated production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by endothelial cells is not impaired in anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ANCA)-associated vasculitis patients. Clin Exp Immunol. 2010 Aug;161(2):268-75. 48 Project number: GRK 880/2, Project 14 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Eva Pfister (maiden name: Riedl) (Working) title of doctoral project: Carnosine as a protective factor in the glomerular capillary loop Names of supervisors: B. Yard, J. van den Born, G. Navis 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 February 2007 - 31 January 2010 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 February 2007 - 31 January 2010), PhD-Position GUIDE in Groningen (2010) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 2007- 2011 (PhD in Groningen) Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Medical studies; University of Heidelberg; State examination and licensure as a doctor (10/2009 and 01/2010) Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: Specialist medical training for pathology 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is the most common cause for end stage renal disease (ESRD) and is recognized as an urgent medical problem of world wide dimension. Approximately one third of the diabetic patients develop DN. A number of risk factors are associated with the development of DN, including prolonged duration of diabetes, poor glycemic control, raised blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia. It is clear however, that these risk factors alone are not sufficient for the development of this complication, since susceptibility to developing DN seems to be genetically determined. We have recently demonstrated the CNDP1 gene is a susceptibility locus for susceptibility to develop DN. In the present project the role of carnosine and CNDP1 for DN was further investigated. The main findings of this project are the following. 1) The polymorphism in the CNDP1 gene is a gain of function mutation that influences CNDP1 secretion. 2) Hyperglycemia influences CNDP1 secretion in diabetic patients without renal involvement. This is most likely due to an increased efficiency of N-glycosilytion. 3) CNDP1 in human serum is present in two conformations. 4) Homocarnosine is a natural inhibitor of CNDP1. 5) L-carnosine inhibits high glucose mediated matrix accumulation in human mesangial cells by interfering with TGFß production and signaling. 6) L-carnosine prevents apoptosis of glomerular cells and podocyte loss in STZ diabetic rats. 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy The interaction with Groningen was enjoyable and really helped me to pursue my personal goals. 49 Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 38 attended labcourses: 4 attended workshops: 3 attended schools: 5 attended symposia: 1 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: 01.02.2010 -12.05.2010 stay in Groningen UMCG lab of Prof. Navis. Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: 2007 DDG-Congress in Hamburg 2007 Podocytes in-vitro Conference in Dublin 2008 RCSG in Wales 2008 DDG-Congress in Munich 2009 DDG-Congress in Leipzig 2007 Joint Meeting of the Society of Microcirculation and Vascular Biology in Heidelberg 2009 Carnosinase Symposia in Graz 2008 ASN in San Francisco 4. Own publications 1. Riedl E, Koeppel H, Brinkkoetter P, Sternik P, Steinbeisser H, Sauerhoefer S, Janssen B, van der Woude FJ, Yard BA. A CTG polymorphism in the CNDP1 gene determines the secretion of serum carnosinase in Cos-7 transfected cells.Diabetes. 2007 Sep;56(9):2410-3. 2. Peters V, Kebbewar M, Jansen EW, Jakobs C, Riedl E, Koeppel H, Frey D, Adelmann K, Klingbeil K, Mack M, Hoffmann GF, Janssen B, Zschocke J, Yard BA. Relevance of allosteric conformations and homocarnosine concentration on carnosinase activity. Amino Acids. 2010 May;38(5):1607-15 3. Riedl E, Koeppel H, Pfister F, Peters V, Sauerhoefer S, Sternik P, Brinkkoetter P, Zentgraf H, Navis G, Henning RH, Van Den Born J, Bakker SJ, Janssen B, van der Woude FJ, Yard BA. N-glycosylation of carnosinase influences protein secretion and enzyme activity: implications for hyperglycemia. Diabetes. 2010 Aug;59(8):1984-90 4 Peters V, Jansen EE, Jakobs C, Riedl E, Janssen B, Yard BA, Wedel J, Hoffmann GF, Zschocke J, Gotthardt D, Fischer C, Köppel H. Anserine inhibits carnosine degradation but in human serum carnosinase (CN1) is not correlated with histidine dipeptide concentration. Clin Chim Acta. 2011 Jan 30;412(3-4):263-7 5. Köppel H, Riedl E, Braunagel M, Sauerhoefer S, Ehnert S, Godoy P, Sternik P, Dooley S, Yard BA. L-carnosine inhibits high-glucose-mediated matrix accumulation in human mesangial cells by interfering with TGF-β production and signalling. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011 Dec;26(12):3852-8. 6. Riedl E, Pfister F, Braunagel M, Brinkkötter P, Sternik P, Deinzer M, Bakker SJ, Henning RH, van den Born J, Krämer BK, Navis G, Hammes HP, Yard B, Koeppel H. Carnosine prevents apoptosis of glomerular cells and podocyte loss in STZ diabetic rats. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2011;28(2):279-88 7. Pfister F, Riedl E, Wang Q, vom Hagen F, Deinzer M, Harmsen MC, Molema G, Yard B, Feng Y, Hammes HP. Oral carnosine supplementation prevents vascular damage in experimental diabetic retinopathy Cell Physiol Biochem. 2011;28(1):125-36. 8. Adelmann K, Frey D, Riedl E, Koeppel H, Pfister F, Peters V, Schmitt CP, Sternik P, Hofmann S, Zentgraf HW, Navis G, van den Born J, Bakker SJ, Krämer BK, Yard BA, Hauske SJ. Different conformational forms of serum carnosinase detected by a newly developed sandwich ELISA for the measurements of carnosinase concentrations. Amino Acids. 2012 Jul;43(1):143-51. 50 Graduates (GRK 880/2-3) Project number: GRK 880/2-3, Project 16 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Caroline Berger Title of doctoral project: Blockade of endothelial Notch signaling in cellular systems and adult mice Names of supervisors: A. Fischer, H. Augustin, G. Molema 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 October 2008 - 30 June 2011 Funding (type and duration): IRTG Fellowship (01 October 2008 - 31 March 2011) Start of doctoral training and date of doctoral degree: Start of doctoral training in October 2008; graduation 08 February 2013 (Dr. rer. nat.; magna cum laude) Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): 10/2003 – 8/2008: Studies of Biology (Dipl. Biol.) at University of Karlsruhe (TH) Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: 4/2011 – 12/2012 PhD student in the same group Since 8/2013: Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Stryker Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG, Freiburg 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Angiogenesis is a fundamental process during embryogenesis, inflammation and wound healing. The formation of new vessels is coordinated by proteins of the VEGF and the Notch signaling. Dysfunction of the precisely balanced crosstalk between Notch and VEGF signaling entails the formation of a non‐functional vascular network. These imbalances play a critical role during progression of many diseases including atherosclerosis and tumor growth. Blocking of Notch signaling, by small molecule inhibitors or DLL4‐specific antibodies, perturbs tumor perfusion and inhibits tumor growth in animal models. This study aimed to gain deeper insight into the complex function of Notch signaling in the endothelium. For this purpose, small soluble Notch ligand and receptor peptides were generated, which consist of the respective interaction domains only. Furthermore, the effects of deleting endothelial Notch signaling in adult mice were investigated. Application of the designed soluble DLL1, DLL4, and JAG1 ligands, as well as, the soluble NOTCH1 receptor blocked Notch signaling in endothelial and myogenic cells. All soluble ligands consistently exerted pro‐angiogenic effects in vitro. The effects of DLL1 and DLL4 were markedly stronger than that of the JAG1 ligand and could also evoke elevated sprouting angiogenesis in the retina of newborn mice. Treatment with the soluble Notch receptor reduced endothelial sprouting in vitro. However, in vivo application of soluble NOTCH1 receptor protein resulted in increased retinal sprouting with elevated numbers of tip cells. Thus, the soluble ligands suppressed Notch receptor activity by acting as competitors for endogenous membrane‐bound ligands; whereas the soluble receptor acted as a decoy for the different Notch ligands. Genetic studies with adult mice after endothelial‐specific deletion of Notch signaling were performed. These mice developed cardiomyopathy within a few months; whereas vascular tumors developed after one year. In an ApoE‐deficient model of hyperlipidemia, the deletion of endothelial Notch signaling improved the glucose tolerance of mice, but caused 51 development of steatohepatitis. Thus, Notch signaling in the adult vasculature could be identified as a critical regulator of organ homeostasis as well as glucose and fat metabolism. 3. Comments on the qualification program and supervision strategy The graduate school offered various opportunities to improve my scientific and non-scientific qualification. I took part in several workshops teaching specific techniques, which I could successfully use for my projects afterwards. The graduate school also offered highly helpful courses for soft skills. I also benefitted from the fruitful cooperation with other graduate schools, which allowed me to participate in their workshops as well. The graduate school organized several meetings and retreats with other graduate schools dedicated to familiar topics. These events offered the possibility for exchange with other students and allowed me to discuss my own work with PIs from other universities. I also enjoyed the summer schools, which on a regular basis brought together the students from Mannheim and Groningen. The large support of my graduate school allowed me to present my research at international meetings for cell biology and angiogenesis as well. My supervisors greatly supported my work with their expertise. They discussed my research strategy and also helped me to overcome methodological problems. Participation in the teaching program of GRK 880: attended lectures: 30 attended lab courses: 4 attended workshops: 5 attended schools: 5 attended symposia: 2 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: n.a. Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: Development and characterisation of optimized Notch-blocking constructs to interfere in tumor angiogenesis - 33rd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Cell Biology (DGZ). March 10–13, 2010, Regensburg 6th Swiss Zebrafish Annual Meeting, Biozentrum Basel, CH, April 13th 2012 4. Own publications 1. Adam MG, Berger C, Feldner A, Yang WJ, Wüstehube-Lausch J, Herberich SE, Pinder M, Gesierich S, Hammes HP, Augustin HG, Fischer A. Synaptojanin-2 binding protein stabilizes the Notch ligands DLL1 and DLL4 and inhibits sprouting angiogenesis. Circulation Res. 2013. 113(11):1206-18. 52 Project number: GRK 880/2-3, Project 17 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Julia Rauch (Working) title of doctoral project: (Patho)physiological role of NO/cGMP-induced RhoGEF17 activation in the vasculature Names of supervisors: T. Wieland, S. Lutz, M. Schmidt 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 July 2008 – 30 June 2011 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 July 2008 - 31 March 2011) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 07/2008 start of practical work, 31 October 2011 end of practical work, thesis submitted 01/2012, Doctoral degree (PhD) awarded 26 April 2012 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): 10/02 -10/07 Human Biology (diploma), University of Greifswald Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: Scope International AG, Mannheim 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date The monomeric GTPase RhoA and the second messenger cGMP play important roles in the regulation of different processes in vascular smooth muscle cells like contraction, relaxation and differentiation. Work in our group identified the guanine nucleotide exchange factor RhoGEF17 as a mediator of a cGMP-induced activation of RhoA, which is expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells. Based on this data investigated the function of RhoGEF17 in vascular as well as in tracheal smooth muscle cells. Therefore, the endogenous expression of RhoGEF17 in isolated rat aortic and tracheal smooth muscle cells was suppressed by an adenovirus encoding a specific shRNA targeting RhoGEF17 mRNA. The knockdown of RhoGEF17 resulted in a change of smooth muscle cell morphology, a loss of actin stress fibers and a decreased expression of the GTPase RhoA. Moreover the expression level of RhoGEF17 influenced the attachment of vascular smooth muscle cells to a surface after detachment and affected the proliferation of tracheal smooth muscle cells. The knockdown experiments confirmed the requirement of RhoGEF17 for the cGMP-induced activation of RhoA in vascular smooth muscle cells. Overexpression of the cGMP-dependent kinase cGKIα, which activates RhoGEF17 through phosphorylation, caused an additional increase in the cGMP induced RhoA activity. A stimulation of tracheal smooth muscle cells with cGMP, however, did not elicit an activation of RhoA. Several lines of evidence for a physiological relevance of the cGMP/cGKIα/RhoGEF17 signaling pathway in vascular smooth muscle cells were obtained. Knockdown of RhoGEF17 ablated cGMP-induced relaxation in a 3D culture model of vascular smooth muscle cells whereas the contraction in response to serum was not affected. With regard to cell adhesion, cGMP stimulated the attachment of isolated vascular smooth muscle cells to a surface under control conditions, but had no effect on the adhesion process of cells with a reduced expression of RhoGEF17. In summary, the data collected indicate that RhoGEF17 is required for the regulation of vascular as well as tracheal smooth muscle cell integrity. Especially in vascular smooth muscle cells, it additionally plays a role as a mediator of cGMP-dependent signaling. 53 Status: Study completed 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy I learned a lot from my supervisors and I had received continuous supervision, input and exchange during the time span of the graduate school as well as after my membership in the graduate school had officially ended. The meetings organized by the graduate school were very balanced with regard to length and frequency. I profited from the multiple practical workshops being provided by the GRK and partner graduate schools. Due to the support by the GRK I got the opportunity to present my data on national and international meetings, by means of posters and oral presentations. It was largely valuable for me to get routine in statistics, laboratory work, and constant literature study. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 32 attended labcourses: 2 attended workshops: 5 attended schools: 5 attended symposia: 2 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: 09/2010 – 12/2010 University of Groningen Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: Analysis of the function of RhoGEF17 in isolated smooth muscle cells. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, Jahrestagung 2010, Mainz, March 23 –25, Oral presentation Function of RhoGEF17 in isolated smooth muscle cells. Figon Dutch Medicines Days, 2011, Amsterdam, October 4-6, Poster presentation RhoGEF17 mediates cGMP/cGK induced adherence and relaxation of vascular smooth muscle cells. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, Jahrestagung 2012, Dresden, March 19- 22, Poster presentation 4. Own publications 1. Lutz, S., Mohl, M., Rauch, J., Weber, P., Wieland, T. (2013) RhoGEF17, a Rhospecific guanine nucleotide exchange factor activated by phosphorylation via cyclic GMPdependent kinase Iα. Cell Signal. 25, 630-638. 54 Project number: GRK 880 2-3, Project 18 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Nina Schweinfurth (Working) title of doctoral project: Culture-derived platelets: Impact of serotonin metabolism on differentiation and function Names of supervisors: F. Lederbogen, M. Deuschle, P. Schloss, M. Harmsen 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 October 2008 – 30 June 2011 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 October 2008 – 31 March 2011) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 10/2008 Start of doctorate, anticipated submission of doctoral thesis in 06/2014, anticipated completion of doctorate: Autumn/Winter 2014 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): 10/2006; Medical School, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg; graduation date: 03 December 2013 (last step of the German Medical Licensing Examination / approbation as physician) Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: 01/03/2014 residency in internal medicine at the department of hematology, oncology, clinical immunology and palliative medicine, St. Vincentius Hospital Karlsruhe, teaching hospital of the University of Freiburg, Germany 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Platelets play a pivotal part in recruitment of CD34+ endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) toward vascular lesions, using glycoprotein receptors (e.g. P-selectin/PSGL-1, beta1- and beta2-integrin) to mediate adhesion and EPC homing. Recent data indicate that serotonin conjugation is used to augment the retention of these adhesive proteins on platelet surface. Further details of this mechanism came from mice rendered selectively deficient in tryptophan hydroxylase, the rate limiting enzyme in serotonin synthesis. In this animal model, the serotonin-deficient platelets exhibited a reduced adhesion due to a blunted secretion of adhesive -granular proteins. Serotonin is synthesized in the enterochromaffin cells in the gastrointestinal tract and taken up into blood platelets by the serotonin transporter (SERT). Thus, the density of cell-surface expressed SERT proteins directly controls the concentration of serotonin in platelets. Consequently, platelet serotonin content also can be lowered by selective serotonin reuptake-inhibitors (SSRIs), substances used to treat depression, anxiety and other psychiatric disorders. Interestingly, the use of these substances is associated with a lower rate of cardiac events in depressed subjects, but rarely, also with an increased bleeding tendency. In addition, it had been shown that SSRIs not only block SERT activity, but also reduce the cell surface density of SERT proteins in serotonergic neurons. Our aim in this GRK project was to analyse the impact of altered serotonin metabolism on surface adhesion molecule expression and SERT expression in functional culture derived platelets. In order to compare transcriptional versus posttranslational effects, we performed these studies both, in megakaryocytes and in mature platelets. The rationale behind this strategy was that in contrast to megakaryocytes platelets are devoid of cell nuclei and thus incompetent for mRNA transcription. 55 To do so, we choose the megakaryoblastic cell line MEG-01. Upon induction of differentiation, this cell line allows to follow MEG-01 megakaryoblasts all the way down to megakaryoctes and finally to functional platelets in vitro. One obstacle, however, was that usually production of platelets from MEG-01 derived megakaryocytes was generally induced by treatment with the phorbolester PMA and that the cells did not survive for much longer than 6 days in culture. Therefore we first had to develop a new, more efficient and gentle differentiation protocol for MEG-01 cells. In this line, we have investigated the impact of alltrans-retinoic acid (ATRA) and valproic acid (VPA) on the differentiation of megakaryocytes and platelets from the megakaryocyte progenitor cell line MEG-01. Our data revealed that treatment with ATRA (10-11 M) and VPA (2X10-3 M) induces megakaryopoiesis of MEG-01 cells as estimated by polyploidy, formation of characteristic proplatelets and elevated expression of the megakaryocytic markers CD41 and CD61. The resulting megakaryocytes stayed viable for more than 3 weeks and shed platelet-like particles positive for CD41, CD61 and CD42b into the supernatant. Platelet-like particles responded to thrombin receptor activating peptide (TRAP-6) with increased externalization of P-selectin. Thus, ATRA and VPA proved to be efficient agents for the gentle induction of megakaryopoiesis and thrombopoiesis of MEG-01 cells providing the possibility to study molecular events underlying megakaryopoiesis and human platelet production over longer time periods. As a next step, we investigated the expression of SERT on developing megakaryocytes and platelet-like particles derived from the megakaryocyte progenitor cell line MEG-01 upon differentiation by valproic acid (VPA) and all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). Because we had also characterized the expression of the dopamine transporter (DAT) on human blood platelets, we included the characterization of DAT expression in developing megakaryocytes in this study. Our results showed that MEG-01 cells express SERT and DAT and that VPA and ATRA induce a significant increase of transporter expression on developing megakaryocytes and platelets. As compared to ATRA, VPA more efficiently induced SERT expression but not DAT expression. Comparable to naïve platelets and neurons, SERT was localized to both the cell surface and intracellular compartments. Hence we have shown that VPA and ATRAtreated MEG-01 cells provide a model well-suited to studying platelet monoamine transporter expression, not only during transcription and translation but also with respect to protein trafficking to and from the cell surface. Status: Study completed 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy Great balance of interdisciplinary and international supervision. Graduate school network provided extraordinarily valuable opportunity for knowledge and methodological exchange and progress. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 33 attended labcourses: 8 attended workshops: 2 attended schools: 6 attended symposia: 2 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: Research stays in the Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine Research Group (CAVAREM), head: Dr. MC Harmsen, PhD, Department of Medical Biology and Pathology, University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands - 08/2009 - 08/2011 - 07/2012 (PhD research) 08 - 11/2012 research elective in psychiatric research, head: Prof. Dr. CU Correll, MD, at the Zucker Hillside Hospital, North Shore Long Island Jewish Health Systems and Hofstra University School of Medicine, Glen Oaks, NY, USA 56 Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: 07/2012 Donald J. Cohen Fellowship and Grant for the 20th World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP) in Paris, France 06/ 2012 Continuous selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatment downregulates surface serotonin transporter (SERT) expression in maturating megakaryocytes and platelet like particles from MEG-01 cells. Poster, 7th Int. Platelet Symposium in Beverly, MA, USA. 10/ 2011 VPA and ATRA differentially impact on SERT expression in maturating MKs and PLT-like particles from MEG-01 cells. Poster, 2nd Int. Joint SFB/GRK Meeting on Vascular Biology, Mannheim, Germany 05/ 2010 Megakaryopoiesis and platelet-like particle formation from the megakaryoblastic cell line MEG-01 is induced by ATRA and VPA. Poster, 6th Int. Platelets Symposium in Jerusalem, Israel 4. Own publications 1. Schweinfurth N, Hohmann S, Deuschle M, Lederbogen F, Schloss P. Valproic acid and all trans retinoic acid differentially induce megakaryopoiesis and platelet-like particle formation from the megakaryoblastic cell line MEG-01. Platelets. 2010; 21(8):648-57. 2. Hohmann S, Schweinfurth N, Lau T, Deuschle M, Lederbogen F, Banaschewski T, Schloss P. Differential expression of neuronal dopamine and serotonin transporters DAT and SERT in megakaryocytes and platelets generated from human MEG-01 megakaryoblasts. Cell Tissue Res. 2011 Nov;346(2):151-61. 3. Schneider P, Weber-Fahr W, Schweinfurth N, Ho YJ, Sartorius A, Spanagel R, Pawlak CR. Central metabolite changes and activation of microglia after peripheral interleukin-2 challenge. Brain Behav Immun. 2012 Feb;26(2):277-83. 4. Schweinfurth N, Schloss P, Deuschle M, Lederbogen F. Manipulation of serotonin transporters in human platelets: Option for P-Selectin control? Response to: Transporters in human platelets: physiologic function and impact for pharmacotherapy. [e-Letter], Blood. May 25, 2012 57 Project number: GRK 880/2-3, Project 19 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Christina Maximilia Hottenrott (Working) title of doctoral project: N-octanoyl dopamine preconditioning: Protection against pro-inflammatory and kryo-induced injury during the transplantation process Names of supervisors: B. Yard, H. G.D. Leuvenink 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 July 2008 - 30 June 2011 Funding (type and duration): IRTG Fellowship (01 July 2008 - 31 March 2011), PhD Fellowship GUIDE 01 October 2012 – 01 October 2013, Department of Thoracic Surgery 01 October 2013 -01 October 2014 Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 01/2008 Start of doctorate, submission of MD doctoral thesis planned for June 2014, PhD defense planned 2015 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Autumn/winter 2005, Human medical studies, Medical Faculty Pecs, Hungary; Reception of approbation June 2012 Medical Faculty Mannheim, University Heidelberg Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: 01 October 2013 Continuation of PhD thesis in the department of Thoracic Surgery 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Although donor dopamine treatment has shown its salutary effect on transplantation outcome in kidney and heart recipients, in approxiamtly 12% of treated donors dopamine treatment has tob discontinued as a consequence of high blood pressure and tachycardia. Since the protective effect of donor dopamine treatment is not attributed to its hemodynamic properties we have developed a dopamine variant that is completely devoid of hemodynamic activity. In the present project N-octanoyl was exploited to address its anti-inflammatory potential on human endothelial cells and to study its protectective properties on cold inflicted injury of cardiomyocytes. The main findings of this project are the following. 1) NOD down-regulates a wide range of κB regulated pro-inflammatory mediators, e.g. chemokines and adhesion molecules, yet not all κB regulated genes were affected by NOD. Down-regulation of inflammatory mediators had functional consequences for the adherence of PBMC to endothelial cells and was associated with inhibition of NF-κB. 2) Inhibition of NF-κB occurred independently of IκBα degradation and was reflected by an overall decrease in p65 expression and a decreased phosphorylation of p65Ser276. 3) de novo protein synthesis was not required for inhibition of NF-κB, hence excluding that up-regulation of HO-1 was involved in the anti-inflammatory properties of NOD. In line with this, it was found that in HO1 siRNA transfected cells NOD mediated inhibition of VCAM-1 expression was not impaired. Finally, we provide evidence that redox activity and hydrophobicity are important molecular entities that are required for the anti-inflammatory properties of NOD. In the present project we also sought to explore the biological plausibility of our clinical observation that treatment of the brain-dead cardiac donor with low-dose DA is associated with an improved clinical outcome after heart transplantation. We hypothesized that dopamine pre-treatment increases the viability of cardiomyocytes during cold preservation and that NOD is superior in this regard. Our data clearly substantiate this hypothesis as pretreatment with DA or NOD concentration-dependently reduces cell damage and enhances tolerance of cardiomyocytes to withstand cold preservation in culture. A similar loss of 58 damage was seen if NOD was applied to rat hearts before explantation. In cultured cardiomyocytes, ATP depletion was prevented, and as a consequence spontaneous contractility as well as responsiveness to adrenergic stimuli is preserved upon re-warming. 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy The supervision in Germany has influenced strongly the scientific working approach and helped me working independently. The very close collaboration between the laboratory of the Nephrology department in Mannheim and the Department of Thoracic Surgery has led to a very broad and sophisticated insight in transplantation medicine. As a result of our collaborative work with N-octanoyl-dopamine, stem cells and mitochondria the PhD has been extended and might be continued in a Postdoc position. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 24 attended labcourses: 3 attended workshops: 6 attended schools: 8 attended symposia: 2 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: 10/2012- 10/2014 (expected): PhD in the department of Thoracic Surgery in collaboration with the Department of Surgery Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: N-octanoyl dopamine ameliorates lung function in the acute phase after transplantation. IMIRT 2014, Poitiers, France N- octanoyl dopamine reduses the function of the ATP Synthase, IMIRT 2014, Poitiers, France N- octanoyl dopamine reduses the function of the ATP Synthase;; Bootcongress 2014, Leiden, The Netherlands UW solution preserves organ quality significantly better than HTK solution after prolonged cold ischemia time: a comparative experimental study;; 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Transplantations Gesellschaft, Hamburg August 2010, Germany N-Octanoyl-Dopamine reduces inflammation and compared to Dopamine improves renal function in acute renal failure; 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Transplantations Gesellschaft, Hamburg August 2010, Germany N-octanoyl dopamine as anti-inflammatory agent for donor preconditioning;; 40th Annual Meeting der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immunology (DGfI), Leipzig September 2010, Germany N-octanoyl dopamine as anti-inflammatory agent for donor pre-conditioning; Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie, Göttingen September 2009, Germany N-octanoyl dopamine as anti-inflammatory agent for donor pre-conditioning; Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology (ASN), San Diego 2009, United States of Amerika 59 4. Own publications 1. J. Krebs, C. Tsagogiorgas, P Pelosi, P. Rocco, M. Hottenrott, C. Sticht, B. Yard, T.Luecke; Open lung approach with low tidal volume mechanical ventilation attenuates lung injury in rats with massive brain damage;Critical Care 2014, 18:R 59 2. C. Vettel*, M.C. Hottenrott*, R.Spindler, U. Benck, P. Schnuelle, C. Tsagogiorgas, B.K. Krämer, S. Hoeger, A. El-Armouche, T. Wieland, B.A. Yard; Dopamine and lipophilic derivates protect cardiomyocytes against cold preservation injury;J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2014 Jan;348(1):77-85 3. M.C. Hottenrott*, J. Wedel*, S. Gaertner, E. Stamellou, T. Kraaij, L. Mandel, R. Loesel, C. Sticht, S. Hoeger, L. Ait-Hsiko, A. Schedel, M. Hafner, B. Yard, C. Tsagogiorgas; N-octanoyl dopamine inhibits the expression of a subset of κB regulated genes: potential role of p65 Ser276 phosphorylation;PLoS One. 2013 Sep 2;8(9) 4. C. Tsagogiorgas, J. Wedel, M. Hottenrott, M.O. Schneider, U. Binzen, W. Greffrath, R.D. Treede, B. Theisinger, S.Theisinger, R. Waldherr, B.K. Krämer, M. Thiel, P. Schnuelle, B.A.Yard, S.Hoeger; N-octanoyl-dopamine is an agonist at the capsaicin receptor TRPV1 and mitigates ischemia-induced acute kidney injury in rat;PLoS One. 2012;7(8) 5. C. Bergstraesser, S. Hoeger, H. Song , L. Ermantraut, M. Hottenrott, T. Czymai, M. Schmidt, M. Goebeler, N. Ponelies, C.Stich, R. Loesel, G. Molema, M. Seelen, W. van Son, B.A. Yard, N. Rafat; Inhibition of VCAM-1 expression in endothelial cells by CORM-3: the role of the ubiquitin- proteasome system, p38, and mitochondrial respiration;Free Radic Biol Med. 2012 Feb 15;52(4):794-802 * equally contributed 60 Project number: GRK880/2-3, project 21 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Míriel Tonja Teichmann (Working) title of doctoral project: Role of RhoA kinases ROCK I/II in angiogenesis and arteriogenesis Name of supervisors: J. Kroll, T. Korff, H. Augustin, M. Hecker, R. Henning 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 December 2008 – 30 November 2011 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (1 December 2008 - 31 March 2011); PhD student at the Department of Vascular Biology and Tumorangiogenesis; Stipend of Medical Faculty Mannheim of Heidelberg University (01 April 2011 – 30 November 2011) PhD student at the Department of Vascular Biology and Tumorangiogenesis Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 01 December 2008; PhD September 2012, Heidelberg University Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Life Science, University of Kassel, Diploma (October 2008) Where applicable, please note any circumstances which could have affected your scientific work1: long-term illnesses, (about 10 month within three years) Occupation after leaving the RTG, if applicable: Patent Professional 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Angiogenesis, the formation of blood from pre-existing one, is an essential process during embryonic development and in several pathological conditions including tumor growth, ischemic diseases and inflammation. Sprouting angiogenesis is stimulated by angiogenic growth factors, such as VEGF, and shows characteristic and hierarchically organized patterns of events. Firstly, endothelial cells secrete proteases which degrade the vessel basement membrane, followed by migrating (called tip cells) and proliferating (called stalk cells) endothelial cells towards an angiogenic stimulus (Adams RH and Alitalo, 2007). Arteriogenesis is a specialized type of vessel growth that occurs during vessel occlusion in myocardial ischemia and in arterial periphery disease and is mainly characterized by an increase in the width of existing arterial vessels. Arteriogenesis is induced by increased blood pressure resulting in an increase of radial wall stress and higher blood flow (Troidl K and Schaper W, 2012). 61 The processes of angiogenesis and arteriogenesis are regulated by a large set of angiogenic growth factors. VEGF is the pivotal growth factor in angiogenesis and regulates several endothelial actions including migration, proliferation and permeability. Arteriogenesis is mainly regulated by cytokines and cell adhesion receptor. For example, MCP-1 MMP, bFGF and TNF-α show increased expression levels caused by a rise of shear stress and MCP-1 has been identified as an important factor for recruiting monocytes to active sites of arteriogenesis (Troidl K and Schaper W, 2012). Angiogenesis and arteriogenesis are regulated by a complex network of intracellular signal cascades. One major pathway is the activation of the serine/theronine RhoA dependent kinases ROCK I and ROCK II. Both, ROCK I and ROCK II, are expressed in the vascular system and both kinases consist of an amino-terminal kinase domain, a potential coiled-coil-forming region including the Rhobinding domain (RBD) and a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, which has an internal cysteine-rich domain. In the inactive form, the PH domain and the RBD of ROCK bind to the amino-terminal region of the protein, which forms an autoinhibitory loop. Activated, GTPbound Rho, binds to RBD of ROCK, which results in an open conformation of the kinase and sets the catalytic activity free (Schofield AV and Bernard O, 2013). Based on ROCK I’s and ROCK II’s vascular expression and its activation by several angiogenic growth factors, we aimed to identify the function of ROCK I and ROCK II in physiological and pathophysiological blood vessel growth. Based on a large set of biochemical, functional and in vivo experiments we identified ROCK I and ROCK II as negative regulators of the microvasculature. In detail, we have achieved the following data: 1. Pharmacological inhibition of Rho-dependent kinases ROCK I and ROCK II by H1152 and Fasudil activates retinal angiogenesis in mice leading to increased neovascularization. 2. Pharmacological as well as siRNA based inhibition of ROCK I/II in endothelial cells activates sprouting angiogenesis in vitro. 3. Pharmacological inhibition and expression silencing of ROCK I/II activates angiogenic signaling (enhanced VEGF receptor 2 and ERK1/2 phosphorylation) in endothelial. 4. In a rat myocardial infarction (MI) model, treatment with H1152 (using an osmotic mini pump for 7 days; sham n=8; MI + water n=16; MI + H1152 n=16) does not affect body weight, organs weight (heart and kidney) and H1152 is well tolerated by the animals. 5. Aorta heart rate, LV heart rate, blood pressure and LV systolic blood pressure in a rat myocardial infarction model is unaltered after H1152 treatment. 6. Anti CD31 staining to analyse blood vessel formation in the ischemic rat hearts after H1152 treatment, did not show an increased neovascularization in the myocardium. In conclusion, the study shows that inhibition of the ROCK I/II activity in endothelial cells leads to an increased angiogenic response in cultured endothelial cells and in the mouse retina. Therefore, ROCK I/II act as negative regulators of angiogenesis and thus, modulation of ROCK I/II activity seems to be an interesting therapeutic target to enhance or inhibit angiogenesis in the eye microvasculature. Yet, since a similar protective function after ROCK I/II inhibition did not increase angiogenesis or arteriogenesis in a rat myocardial infarction model, further studies are necessary to either improve therapeutic application of ROCK I/II inhibitors, develop better ROCK I/II inhibitors and to dissect differences in aniogenesis induction in the retina and angiogenesis/arteriogenesis induction in the rat myocardium. 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy The central aim of GRK880 “Vascular Medicine” was to establish a teaching platform for medical and life science doctoral students and to create a supportive and productive research environment. Medical students (MDs) had to combine their clinical studies with solid, hands on training in experimental research laboratories aimed at understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms altered in diseases. Basic scientists (PhDs) with a future career in academia (research institutes) or industry are more competitive when they have a sound clinical understanding. GRK880 established such an environment where MD students and PhD students were similar trained. The GRK880 offered trainings on several levels: courses, workshops and seminars in Vascular Medicine. For teaching purpose, GRK880 also benefit from established teaching programs established at the Medical Faculty Mannheim 62 including the MaReCuM, the Master of Translational Medicine and other graduate schools of the Medical Faculty Mannheim (Vascular Cell Biology, SFB/TR23) and of Heidelberg University (HBIGS; Helmholtz International Graduate School). The training program also offered courses for general orientation, such as project management, a course in writing a paper in English, and presentation skills. Supervision of Miriel Teichmann’s practical work in the research laboratory included three different levels: 1. daily individual supervision by the PI; 2. Mrs. Teichmann met the PI on a weekly basis to discuss results, to review future experiments and to exchange information and 3. Mrs. Teichmann met with the other PIs, partners and with the speaker at regular seminars, schools and during progress report meetings. During these meetings, scientific progress and difficulties were recorded. One important aspect of GRK880 was the international collaboration with the University of Groningen. Miriel Teichmann went there three times for the Autumn Schools. She presented her data, discussed progress and problems with the dutch PIs, including Profs. Henning, Moshage, Hillebrands and Buikema. In October 2010, she stayed for four weeks at the University of Groningen in the lab of Prof. Robert Henning. During that time she tested the ROCK I/II inhibitor H1152 in a rat myocardial infarction model to identify potential benefits of H1152 on blood vessel formation during ischemia. Mrs. Teichman was strongly supported by Prof. Henning’s lab, the project was well organized and all necessary equipment and tools were offered to her. Likewise, Mrs. Teichmann was personally well integrated in the laboratory. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 27 attended labcourses: 2 attended workshops: 4 attended schools: 4 attended symposia: 2 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: University of Groningen/Netherlands (October 2010), Rat myocardial infarction model, effect of ROCK I/II inhibitor on ischemia induced angiogenesis Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: International Symposium of SFB/TR23, SFB834 and GRK880 in Mannheim, Germany 2011 (Poster presentation). 4. Own publications n.a. 63 Graduates (GRK 880/3) Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 1 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Ravi Kumar Komaravolu (Working) title of doctoral project: Elucidation of functionally relevant mediators of the MEK5/Erk5 pathway in endothelial cells Names of supervisors: S.Goerdt, M.Goebeler, M. Schmidt, M. Schmidt (Groningen) 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 July 2010 - 30 June 2013 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 July 2010 - 30 June 2013) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 07/2010 Start of doctorate, anticipated submission of doctoral thesis on 01 July 2014, anticipated completion of doctorate: Winter 2014 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): M.Tech: Biotechnology, JNT University, 2008, Hyderabad, India M.Sc: Microbiology, Andhra University, 2004, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. B.Sc: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Appl Nutrition and Public Health 2002, ANU, Guntur. Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: 01 August 2013 – 31 March 2014: PhD completion scholarship of the IZKF Würzburg (Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Klinische Forschung der Universität Würzburg). Since April 01, 2014 unemployed and looking for Post-doctoral opportunities in the area of vascular signaling. 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Description of the project: Extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 5 (Erk5) is a member of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family. Erk5 activity has been implicated in regulating proliferation, migration and survival associated with growth factors such as EGF, VEGF and G-CSF. Moreover, Erk5 is activated by various stress stimuli including oxidative and fluid shear stress, UV and hyperosmolarity. Targeted germline deletion of Erk5 or its upstream activator MEK5 revealed an essential role of the MEK5/Erk5 pathway in cardiovascular development. Erk5 knockout mice die at the onset of blood flow at embryonic stage 10.5 and are characterized by increased endothelial apoptosis, compromised angiogenesis and heart malformation. These defects arise due to endothelial dysfunction since cardiomyocyte-specific knockout mice for Erk5 were inapparent while endothelial-specific ERK5 deletion phenocopied the full knockout. Conditional deletion of ERK5 in adult mice lead to vascular leakage, suggesting a major role of the Erk5 pathway in the vessel maintenance. In vitro, Erk5 is potently activated by experimental conditions imitating laminar blood flow in endothelial cells (EC), which represents a major protective force exerting various beneficial functions including inhibition of thrombosis, inflammation and apoptosis of ECs. While this observation implicates a role of Erk5 in protective flow responses its exact role in ECs is still unclear and the functionally relevant downstream effectors of the MEK5/Erk5 pathway remain elusive. 64 To elucidate the role of Erk5 activation in ECs we previously performed a transcriptome analysis of human primary ECs expressing a constitutively active mutant of MEK5, MEK5D. Intriguingly, this study revealed that forced Erk5 activation triggered a largely protective gene expression pattern in human primary ECs, which closely resembled that induced by laminar shear stress. Accordingly, this pattern was characterized by statistically significant suppression of inflammatory genes and increased expression of vasodilatory, hemostatic and anti-thrombotic genes. In addition we noticed that MEK5D expression resulted in several morphological changes associated with a dramatic anti-migratory and anti-angiogenic response that was also reflected by a significant regulation of several migration-related gene clusters. Subsequent analysis of candidate transcriptional effectors put the mechanoreceptive Krüppel-like transcription factors KLF2 and KLF4 into focus as they importantly contributed to Erk5-dependent protective gene expression. Forced expression of both KLF2 and KLF4 was shown to inhibit endothelial migration and angiogenesis. However, both KLFs exhibit a substantial degree of functional and transcriptional redundancy upon overexpression, raising questions about their individual contribution to Erk5-dependent migration arrest. In addition, due to our focus on the identification of primary Erk5 target genes our inital transcriptome analysis fell short in providing compelling migration-relevant secondary targets that satisfactorily could account for the dramatic anti-migratory phenotype of Erk5-activated cells. Goals This follow-up study thus had three major goals: a) clarification of the role of KLF2 and KLF4 regarding downstream mediation of the observed Erk5-dependent anti-migratory changes b) identification of migration-relevant secondary targets and c) elucidation of the physiological relevance of Erk5-dependent migration arrest. Summary of the results: a) Erk5-mediated inhibition of migration relies on KLF2 To unequivocally clarify the individual contribution of each KLF to the anti-migratory response to Erk5 we performed in vitro migration assays with MEK5D-expressing ECs depleted of KLF2, KLF4 or both KLFs in combination. Surprisingly, these experiments revealed that only KLF2 knockdown was capable to substantially rescue the migration defect of MEK5Dtransduced cells. By contrast knockdown of KLF4 at best had a mild effect and no additional pro-migratory influence of combined KLF2/KLF4 knockdown was observed suggesting that the potent anti-migratory effect of Erk5 activation relied on KLF2. b) Erk5 activation leads to repression of p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1) To identify functionally relevant secondary targets of Erk5 we performed qRT-PCR-based arrays with human primary ECs infected with constitutively active MEK5D. In contrast to our initial microarray study, we chose a late time-point (72h post infection) to identify secondary Erk5 targets rather than primary response genes. These assays revealed a potent repression of the established pro-migratory Rac and Cdc42 effector PAK1, which was confirmed by additional immunoblots. Intriguingly, the reported phenotype of PAK-depleted cells was similar to that observed with MEK5D-expressing cells and likewise characterized by decreased focal adhesion turnover and random focal adhesion distribution suggesting that the observed loss of PAK1 could account for the strong anti-migratory response to Erk5 activation. c) MEK5D-dependent PAK1 repression is mediated via Erk5 and KLF2 To validate that the loss of PAK1 expression in MEK5D-transduced cells was mediated via Erk5 we used pharmacological inhibitors for Erk5. Both the highly specific Erk5 inhibitor XMD8-92 and the dual-specific MEK5/Erk5 inhibitor BIX02188 reverted MEK5D-induced PAK1 repression at concentrations sufficient to block MEK5D-dependent Erk5 phosphorylation. Consistent with the expendability of KLF4 for establishment of the Erk5dependent migration arrest RNAi experiments demonstrated that only knockdown of KLF2 but not of KLF4 was sufficient to normalize PAK1 mRNA and protein levels in MEK5D cells, suggesting that KLF2 acts as a specific, non-redundant PAK1 repressor in ECs. d) Laminar flow represses PAK1 via KLF2 To confirm our findings in a more physiological setting we performed laminar shear stress experiments. Exposure of human primary ECs to LSS resulted in a robust activation of Erk5, 65 which correlated with a time-dependent increase of KLF2 and KLF4 mRNA as well as an appropriately timed PAK1 repression at both protein and mRNA level. Subsequent knockdown experiments confirmed a dependency of flow-mediated PAK1 repression on KLF2 since PAK1 mRNA expression was preserved in KLF2 siRNA-transfected ECs upon flow treatment but was only slightly increased upon KLF4 siRNA transfection under these conditions. e) PAK1 re-expression increases migration of MEK5D-infected ECs Since the best-established endothelial function of PAK1 is its pro-migratory action we evaluated if PAK1 loss could account for the observed migration defect of MEK5D cells. Indeed, reconstitution experiments revealed that re-expression of wild type but not kinasedead PAK1 from a constitutive viral promoter partially reverted the migration defect of MEK5D cells confirming PAK1 as functionally relevant gene downstream of Erk5, Conclusion Our data for the first time reveal PAK1 as flow-repressed gene and migration-relevant target of the MEK5/Erk5/KLF2 pathway. This finding may have far-reaching implications since PAK1 not only acts as pro-migratory factor but also been reported to exert pro-inflammatory and vessel-destabilizing functions in endothelial cells and has recently been shown to promote atherosclerosis initiation. Intriguingly, our findings raise the possibility that via modulation of PAK1 hemodynamic forces may importantly take influence on endothelial migration and potentially other atherosclerosis-relevant functions. Our data thus may encourage future efforts to target PAK1 signalling as potential strategy to interfere with atherosclerosis progression. Status: Study completed 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy I sincerely thank my supervisors and the speaker of the graduate school GRK 880/3 for their continuous support. This study greatly helped me to understand the molecular mechanism of MEK5/ERK5 pathway in endothelial cells and their significance in vascular diseases. I thoroughly enjoyed regular lab meetings and the scientific meetings held by the graduate school. Participation in both the spring and autumn schools greatly enhanced and helped me to focus more on vascular biology. In fact, I strongly feel happy that the scientific curiosity maintained by the graduate school was always more than my expectations. I thank the speaker of this graduate school for giving me the opportunity to finish my doctoral studies in time. Moreover, I would like to thank my supervisors for allowing me to participate in the joint workshop meetings and retreats at Giessen, Groningen, Wuerzburg and Konstanz to present my data in the forms of poster and oral presentations. Without these meetings I would have missed a chance to meet vascular research experts and maintain my scientific network. In addition, I would like to thank our collaborative partners at the Netherlands, where I have largely benefited from the special techniques learned from the faculty of medical sciences at UMCG. I believe I have completed the project with in the stipulated time and looking forward to the publication of my work in a reputed journal. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880/3: attended lectures: 34 attended labcourses: 3 attended workshops: 1 attended schools: 6 attended symposia: 4 66 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: 01 November 2010 to 30 December 2010 Two months research training on small GTPase pulldown assay at the Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Prof. Dr. Martina Schmidt, UMCG, Groningen, Netherlands. 01 December 2011 to 02 December 2011 Two day training on cell migration assays at the Institute of Molecular Virology IMV and ZMBE, PD Dr.Viktor Wixler, University of Muenster. Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: 07.06.2013 IZKF- Retreat 2013, Kloster Banz 08.06.2013 Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Klinische Forschung, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg Sprecher: Professor Dr. Thomas Hünig 4. Own publications n.a 67 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 2 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Siladitta Biswas (Working) title of doctoral project: Physiological mechanisms and pathological changes in sinusoidal endothelial cell endocytosis: identification of key regulators as targets for hepatic vascular repair Names of supervisors: S. Goerdt, K. Schledzewski, J. A. A. M. Kamps, H. Moshage 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 15 November 2011 - 31 December 2013 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (15 November 2011 - 31 December 2013) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 15 November 2011 Start of doctorate, anticipated submission of doctoral thesis on Summer semester 2015, anticipated completion of doctorate: Winter semester 2015/16 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Winter semester 2008, MSc Biotechnology, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Winter semester 2010/11: Reception of degree Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: n.a. 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Endothelial cells (ECs) display marked heterogeneity in different organs and in different segments of the vascular tree. Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) are a prime example of uniquely differentiated microvascular EC that exert highly specialized functions as professional endocytes and participate in induction of hepatic immune tolerance. Despite their highly specialized microvascular differentiation, LSECs retain remarkable phenotypic and functional plasticity. Unfortunately, not much is known about the mechanisms that control regular LSEC differentiation and LSEC transdifferentiation during pathogenic processes. A major setback in deciphering LSEC-specific differentiation is the fact that LSECs are not amenable to long-term cultures in vitro. LSECs rapidly lose their characteristic morphology as well as some of their specialized functions in culture. Hitherto, attempts to improve LSEC culture conditions have had limited success, indicating that a better understanding of the molecular programs underlying LSEC-specific differentiation in vivo and dedifferentiation in vitro is urgently needed. For a comprehensive analysis of the molecular programs mediating LSEC-specific differentiation, a two-sided, comparative gene expression profiling approach was performed. Selection of the genes that were both overexpressed in LSEC in comparison to LMEC (Lung Microvascular Endothelial Cells) and down-regulated in LSEC upon short-term cultivation resulted in identification of an LSEC-specific gene signature including genes in several functional categories. Among these molecules, liver endothelial differentiation-associated protein (Leda)-1 was identified as a novel homolog of adherens junction-associated protein-1 (Ajap-1/Shrew-1) involved in cell adhesion and polarity. Within the LSEC specific gene signature, a novel uncharacterized gene (GenBank Access. No. 00101459.1) was identified, whose 2,456 basepair (bp) cDNA codes for a putative type-1 transmembrane protein of 282 amino acids (aa) with a predicted molecular weight of 30 kDa, including a 27 aa n-terminal signal peptide in human. This protein was named liver 68 endothelial differentiation-associated protein (Leda)-1. The putative Leda-1 protein sequences in mouse and human display striking identity. A Blast search using rat Leda-1 as a query in the nonredundant National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database identified Leda-1 genes in the vertebratum phylum and revealed a significant homology to adherens junction-associated protein-1 (Ajap-1/Shrew1), a protein that targets adherens junctions in polarized epithelial MDCK cells and influences cell invasion. For further studies, a polyclonal guinea pig antibody was raised against a 22 aa c-terminal peptide of rat Leda-1. When used in western blotting experiments, this anti-Leda-1 antibody labeled a protein with a molecular weight of 26 kDa in lysates of freshly isolated LSEC. Signal intensity in lysates of LSEC48h was drastically reduced and no signal was obtained from LMEC. Leda-1 labeled both the central parts as well as the periphery of LSEC and displayed full coverage of the vessel wall; in addition, Leda-1 was mostly located at the abluminal/basal side of LSEC. To further analyze Leda-1 function, MDCK cells which do not express Leda-1 endogenously were stably transfected with full-length human Leda-1. Leda-1 localized to the basolateral compartment of the membrane as demonstrated by its location below ZO-1, a cytoplasmic protein that targets tight junctions separating the apical and basolateral compartments in polarized cells. Furthermore, Leda-1 specifically targeted adherens junctions in MDCK cells, as shown by colocalization with E-cadherin. These data suggest a role for Leda-1 in cell polarity and adhesion. In addition it has been shown that Leda-1/PANP binds to the Pilr-alpha and can activate this receptor. Furthermore it was shown that binding to Pilr-alpha relies on its N-terminal Oglycosylation. To further study Leda-1 processing and functions several recombinant protein fragments of different C- and N-terminal areas of Leda-1 is generated, as it displays extensive posttranslational modification by proteolysis and glycosylation. For this purpose Mouse/ Human full length Leda-1 or N-terminal Leda-1 or C-terminal Leda-1 fragments coding plasmids are generated. These DNA constructs are then stably transfected in eukaryotic cell lines and further used to study post-translational modification. In the mean time, protein fragments are used for immunization of animals (rats and mice) to generate new poly- and monoclonal antibodies against differing and independent epitopes as well as to investigate binding of these fragments to potential interaction partners. After generation of antibodies and protein fragments of Leda-1 it is planned to analyse Leda1 knock out mice, which are currently located in the animal facility of University Clinic Mannheim. Firstly Leda-1 KO characteristic is confirmed by WB and qRT-PCR and then the animals are expected to be characterized by assessing viability, survival and general behavior. In addition the KO and WT mice are utilized to characterize expression of Leda-1 in all organs of mice with a set of antibodies to further delineate Leda-1 expression and processing patterns in different organs. Subsequently a comprehensive survey of pathologic abnormalities and functional deficits of different organs will be carried out to scrutinize Leda1 functions in mice. Status: Research in progress 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy The meetings planned with other graduate schools were really helpful for me. They were organized in a regular interval of time. The interaction with different people performing different research really improved my scientific thought process. Guest lecturers invited from all over the world to speak about their projects was also an exciting process to learn different aspects of biology. Workshops organized for basic courses (scientific writing, statistics) and different practical courses were very beneficial for me as an aspiring graduate student. 69 Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 8 attended labcourses: 2 attended workshops: 1 attended schools: 3 attended symposia: 1 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: n.a. Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: International Vascular Biology Meeting, June 2-5, 2012, Wiesbaden 4. Own publications 1. Evdokimov, K., S. Biswas, M. Adrian, J. Weber, K. Schledzewski, M. Winkler, S. Goerdt and C. Geraud (2013). "Proteolytic cleavage of LEDA-1/PIANP by furin-like proprotein convertases precedes its plasma membrane localization." Biochem Biophys Res Commun 434(1): 22-27. 70 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 3 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Ilja Ovsiy Title of doctoral project: Analysis of the expression and function of transcription factor Forkhead box Q1 (FoxQ1) in macrophages Names of supervisors: J. Kzhyshkowska, K. Schledzewski, S. Goerdt, M. Harmsen 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 March 2010 - 28 February 2013 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship fellowship (01 March 2010 - 28 February 2013) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 01 March 2010 start of PhD project Final PhD examination: 10 March 2014, Dr. sc. hum, magna cum laude Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): 03/2006-02/2010: University of Applied Science, Mannheim (FH Mannheim); MA: Biotechnology 03/2010-01/2013: Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: Since 02.2013: Postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratory of Cellular Immunology, University Clinic Frankfurt 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Background and original aims of the project. The major goal of the project was to identify novel molecular mechanisms that regulate transmigration of different cell types through the endothelium in caner and in inflammatory conditions. The original process that was in focus of our investigation was analysis of Stabilin-1/CD63 as a novel receptor/ligand pair as a potential target to modulate sinusoidal endothelial cell-mediated adhesion / transmigration in inflammation and metastasis. The working hypothesis was based on our original data produced by yeast two-hybrid screening, where we have identified CD63 as a counter-receptor for stabilin-1 and demonstrated by affinity chromatography, we found that CD63 binds to fasciclin domains 3, 4 and 7 of stabilin1. A next step was to establish in vitro system for the analysis of CD63/stabilin-1 interaction. According to the project plan CHO-Satbilin-1 stably transfected single-cell derived cell lines have been generated and role of stabilin-1 in the adhesion of CD63-psotve cells and their transmigration has been analysed. However it was found that despite interactions with CD63 in vitro, stbailin.1 does not have statistically significant effects on the adhesion of CD63+ cells. Searching for the new molecular mechanism that mediated inducible transmigration of different cell types through the endothelium in inflammatory conditions, we focused on the IL4 stimulated macrophages. During chronic inflammation and in cancer Th2-derived cytokine IL-4 mediates alternative activation of macrophages. Bound to its receptor IL-4 mediates signal cascades in the cell leading to transcription initiation of various M2 associated target genes. However, the specificity of IL-4 associated gene expression profile as well as the role of known IL-4 target genes in transmigration of monocytes/macrophages through the endothelium was still poorly understood. Transcription factor FoxQ1 was identified in our laboratory as IL-4-induced gene in human primary macrophages. Forkhead box Q1 is winged helix/forkhead transcription factor expressed by various cancer cell lines as well as in the cells of epithelial origin. Published 71 data indicated that FoxQ1 modulates natural killer cells function and regulates EMT in the cells of epithelial origin. However, the role of FoxQ1 in monocytes /macrophage activities and their ability to transmigrate through the endothelium in inflammatory conditions was not investigated. Therefore, the main focus of the present work was to characterize the function of FoxQ1 in monocytes during inflammatory conditions. The aims and objectives of the performed PhD project included: 1. Investigation of FoxQ1 expression regulation in monocytes/macrophages by inflammatory and cancer-related cytokines. 2. Identification of the role of FoxQ1 in monocyte/macrophage functions and transmigration through the endothelium in inflammatory conditions. 3. Identification of the effects of FoxQ1 on the transcriptional changes in macrophages and analysis of the mechanisms of FoxQ1-dependend macrophage functions. The results of the PhD project Analysis of FoxQ1 expression in different stimulated human monocyte–derived macrophages by qRT-PCR revealed that IL-4 is primary factor needed for FoxQ1 expression. Human monocytes respond to IL-4 stimulation by FoxQ1 expression already after 3 hours, and this effect is increasing during monocyte to macrophage differentiation. The effect of IL-4 is amplified by TGF-β1 in macrophages that express TGF-βRII on their surface. Expression of FoxQ1 in epithelial cells was shown to be induced by TGF-β1 and led to transcriptional repression E-cadherin that in turn caused increase of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cell motility. Elevated levels of FoxQ1 in mammary and colorectal cancer epithelial cells led to their enhanced metastatic activity. The ability of TGF-β1 to affect FoxQ1 expression in macrophages was studied. TGF-β1 alone or in combination with dexamethasone failed to induce FoxQ1 production in macrophages. Only after IL-4 induction TGF-β1 starts to contribute to the FoxQ1 production. As expected, presence of dexamethasone enhanced this effect of TGF-β1 due to the discovered earlier ability of dexamethasone to stimulate expression of TGF-βRII receptor on the surface of macrophages. The pro-inflammatory Th1-dervied cytokine IFNγ did not stimulate the expression of FoxQ1 in human monocytes. These findings indicated that FoxQ1 is overexpressed in macrophages during alternative activation, when they are displaying antiinflammatory properties. It is known, that tumour cells with elevated IL-4 and TGF-β1 production condition tumour infiltrating macrophages to support tumour growth and immune escape. Enhanced expression of FoxQ1 by monocytes in this situation correlates to its contribution to epithelial-mesenchymal transition that leads to suggestion about FoxQ1 as a mediator of macrophages migration. Using short time course experiments was demonstrated that human monocytes respond to the stimulation with anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-4 by FoxQ1 expression already after 3 hours. This very rapid response indicates the contribution of FoxQ1 to early stages of macrophage activation, when monocytes start to migrate to the sites of inflammation. Interestingly, production of transcription factor FoxQ1 is not induced by inflammatory chemotactic cytokine MCP-1 in monocytes, i.e. the cells require the first anti-inflammatory signal by IL-4 to start expressing FoxQ1. Cell-based model system was generated in order to identify FoxQ1-induced genes and to analyse function of FoxQ1. Murine macrophage-like RAW 264.7 cells were stably transfected with pEF6/V5-HisB-mFoxQ1 construct or empty vector pEF6/V5-HisB. Comparison of three RAW-mFoxQ1 and three RAW-vector single cell-derived clones revealed, that overexpression of recombinant FoxQ1 does not affect basic macrophage functions endocytosis and phagocytosis, but suppresses both basic inflammatory response and inducible inflammatory response of macrophages to LPS by secretion of TNF-α. In order to identify possible target genes of transcription factor FoxQ1 expression profiles of five RAW-mFoxQ1 clones and five RAW-vector clones were analyzed and compared using Affymetrix microarray assay. Affymetrix chip assay revealed that FoxQ1 target genes can be involved in cell motility and cytoskeletal dynamics. Downregulation of cell migration suppressors Plexin C1, LSP1 and Claudin 11 in RAW-mFoxQ1 cells was confirmed by qRTPCR. Semaphorin 7a receptor Plexin C1 was found to be suppressed in human-derived 72 microphages after treatment with IL-4 and in monocytes of patients with atopic dermatitis, indicating that Plexin C1 is target gene of FoxQ1 in human monocytes. All results of previous experiments as well as published evidence are pointing that FoxQ1 is playing an important role in motility of cells. In order to be sure that FoxQ1 has no additional effects on the amount of cells during the analysis of migration, BrdU proliferation assay was performed. The proliferation test revealed that FoxQ1 has no effect on monocytes proliferation, since no difference of BrdU incorporation between stable RAW-mFoxQ1 and RAW-vector clones was observed (Figure 28). These data correlate with report of Zhang et al. indicating that FoxQ1 is not involved in cell proliferation. In the present work was demonstrated that human monocytes start to express FoxQ1 in response to stimulation with IL-4 after very short time (3 hours) suggesting FoxQ1 contributes to the early stages of the cell differentiation. During the monocyte to macrophage differentiation process the proliferative activity of cells is suppressed. To analyze the migration activity of FoxQ1 overexpressing monocytes, in vitro transmigration assay using Neuro Probe chemotaxis chamber was established. Hereby, following parameters were optimized: amount of cells, fixation and staining of cells, gradient and transmigration time. Migration analysis of different amounts of cells during different time spans revealed 1.5x106 cells/ml as an optimal number of cells for migration during 2 h. The bigger amount of cells led to production of cell-clusters so that it was impossible to count them. Due to different transmigration speed of RAW-mFoxQ1 and RAW-vector clones decreasing amount of cells in the assay was impossible, because transmigrating cell were not detectable in the slowest clones. Fixation and staining procedure were optimized, whereby fixation with 4% PFA and cell labelling with the staining solution from Cell Biolabs proved to be very effective. During optimization of nutritional gradient the highest migration rate of tested cells yielded 2% → 20% FCS gradient, so that it was enough cells to be properly stained and quantified. This FCS gradient was used for further analysis of transmigration activity of RAW-mFoxQ1 and RAW-vector clones. To investigate the effect of inflammatory chemoattractant MCP-1 on the RAW-mFoxQ1 chemotaxis assay toward MCP1 gradient (0 ng/ml → 100 ng/ml) was performed. Comparison of transmigration rate between RAW-mFoxQ1 clones and RAW-vector clones revealed enhanced migratory activity of FoxQ1 overexpressing monocytes. RAW-mFoxQ1 cells migrated 19.5 times more efficient compared to RAW-vector cells in presence of MCP-1 and 15.5 times faster toward FCS gradient. These findings indicate FoxQ1 as an effective enhancer of monocytes migratory activity. In order to analyse whether FoxQ1 has a general effect on macrophage motility independently on the gradient of stimuli scratch assay was performed. It was observed already after 4 hours that RAW-mFoxQ1 cells reconstruct the monolayer more effectively then RAW-vector clones. Although chemotactic factors were absent in the culture medium, macrophage-like cells overexpressing FoxQ1 showed increased migration activity, however the effect of FoxQ1 was much weaker (only approximately 3.5 times) in the absence of stimuli gradient. These data indicate that FoxQ1 has a general effect on the macrophage migration activity, and this FoxQ1 function can be strongly activated in response to the nutritional stimuli or major inflammatory chemotactic cytokine MCP-1. Moreover, this effect of MCP-1 is not related to the induction of FoxQ1 expression as it was demonstrated in human monocyte-derived macrophages. In addition, generated anti-FoxQ1 antibody (HFQC 1D5) were very specific in recognition of recombinant over expressed FoxQ1, however the sensitivity of HFQC 1D5 was insufficient for the quantitative analysis of endogenous FoxQ1. Therefore Real-time PCR remains to be the most reliable method for the FoxQ1 quantitative analysis in monocytes/macrophages. In conclusion, the results of the thesis project indicate that monocytes rapidly respond IL-4 by FoxQ1 upregulation that in turn mediate efficient migration of monocytes toward MCP-1 gradient. The FoxQ1-induced cell migration can be mechanistically explained by the suppression of Plexin C1, LSP1 and Claudin 11. TGFbeta, a multifunctional cytokine supporting tumor growth and having multiple effects on chronic inflammation including progression of atherosclerotic plaque, was shown by us to stimulate FoxQ1 expression in M2 macrophages. Therefore, monocytes, upon their induced migration into tissue, differentiate into M2 macrophages and respond to TGFbeat by expression of TGFbeta. The TGFbeta- 73 induced FoxQ1+ macrophages in turn can further migrate deeply into tumor tissues or into atherosclerotic plaque. Therefore FoxQ1 may support increased monocytes extravasation and deep migration to the sites of chronic inflammation or into tumours. Status: Study completed Experimental results are being prepared for publication as follows: Ilja Ovsiy, Ioannis Manousaridis, Vladimir Riabov, Sergij Goerdt, Elisabeth Kremmer2, Guido Krenning3, Marco Harmsen, Alexei Gratchev, and Julia Kzhyshkowska. IL-4/FoxQ1 pathway stimulates transmigration of monocytes. Target Journal: Journal of Immunology 3. Comments on the qualification programm and supervision strategy During my PhD program in frames of GRK880/3 I have made a great progress as a researcher in fundamental science. I have mastered number of techniques in cell and molecular biology, endothelial cell biology, immunology and advanced microcopy including confocal microcopy. I had a great chance to develop the skill of an independent investigator and after learning functional transmigration assay in Groningen, I have transferred this technology to my host group at the Medical Faculty Mannheim, and modified this technique to answer experiential questions of my PhD project. During the educational program of GRK880/3 I have obtained profound knowledge in endothelial cell biology and associated disorders, learned a lot of soft skills, in particular the conference presentation and scientific writing skills. Participation in the seminar and joint Mannheim/Groningen spring and autumn schools allowed me to develop high quality presentation skills. I have also obtained experience i writing of scientific publications. I had a great opportunity to exchange the experience and theoretical knowledge both with different principal investigators a well as with other MD and PhD students from GRK880/3. The quality of my thesis had benefit due to supervision by PIs from Medical Faculty Mannheim and Groningen, since the supervisors had complimentary expertise. The obtained experimental and theoretical knowledge and soft skill are essential for the continuation of my research career. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 28 attended labcourses: 5 attended workshops: 6 attended schools: 8 attended symposia: 3 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: 2011. Practical project on the methodology of cell transmigration at the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Medical Biology Section, University of Groningen Medical Center, Groningen. Supervisor of practical project: Prof. Dr. Marco Harmsen Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad (as presenting author): 2nd International SFB Symposium (SFB Transregio23, SFB834, GRK880), Mannheim, Role of FoxQ1 in monocyte/endothelial interactions (2011) 17th International Vascular Biology Meeting 2012, Wiesbaden, The role of FoxQ1 in monocytes transmigration (2012) Gesellschaft für Mikrozirkulation und Vaskuläre Biologie e.V. - Annual Meeting, Mannheim, The Role of FoxQ1 in the transmigration of monocytes in inflammatory conditions (2012) 74 4. Own publications 1. Gratchev A, Ovsiy I, Manousaridis I, Riabov V, Orekhov A, Kzhyshkowska J. Novel monocyte biomarkers of atherogenic conditions. Curr Pharm Des. 2013;19(33):585964. Review. 2. Fuchs T, Puellmann K, Hahn M, Dollt C, Pechlivanidou I, Ovsiy I, Kzhyshkowska J, Gratchev A, Fleig J, Emmert A, Neumaier M, Beham AW, Kaminski WE. A second combinatorial immune receptor in monocytes/macrophages is based on the TCRγδ. Immunobiology. 2013 Jul;218(7):960-8. 75 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 4 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Katja Wagenblaß (Working) title of doctoral project: Impact of LXR on the development of diabetic nephropathy Names of supervisors: H.-J. Gröne, L. Schäfer, J. van den Born 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 January 2010 - 31 December 2012 Funding (type and duration): IRTG 880/3 fellowship (01 January 2010 - 31 December 2012) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 01/2010 Start of doctorate, submission of doctoral thesis on 10 January 2013, completion of doctorate: 18 March 2013 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Winter semester 2004, Biology, University of Heidelberg, August 2009: Reception of Diploma degree Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: Perora GmbH, Heidelberg 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease with a worldwide increasing prevalence. Approximately one third of affected patients develop a renal manifestation as defined by diabetic nephropathy. Abnormal lipid metabolism and renal accumulation of lipids are thought to contribute to diabetic nephropathy. The hypothesis for this PhD thesis is that activation of the nuclear transcription factors Liver – X – receptors, as key regulators of lipid metabolism and immune system, are able to ameliorate diabetic nephropathy. To test this hypothesis, the effect of LXR activation by the synthetic ligand GW3965 was evaluated in animal models of hyperglycemic and hyperlipidemic LDL receptor knockout mice (LDLR-/-) or mice deficient for endothelial nitrogen monoxide synthase (eNOS-/-). Treatment of diabetic and hyperlipidemic experimental animals with the LXR agonist GW3965 reduced renal lipid accumulation and improved renal function and morphology. Genes involved in cholesterol efflux (ABCA1, ABCG1) were upregulated with concomitant downregulation of proinflammatory and profibrotic cytokines (TNFα, TGFβ). In addition, LXR activation through GW3965 reduced parameter of lipid associated oxidative and nitrosative stress (xanthin – oxidoreductase, 3 – nitrotyrosine). Complemental in vitro experiments could confirm the results of the animal studies. GW3965 treatment in HK-2 cells stimulated with oxLDL lead to upregulation of genes involved in cholesterol efflux and reduced lipid droplet formation. Furthermore, it could be shown that LXR activation decreased mitochondrial activity and the production of reactive oxygen species. These data provide insight into the mechanisms of intracellular lipid accumulation mediated renal lesions, which can be effectively regulated by LXRs. These results demonstrate potent regulatory effects of LXR in preventing renal damage in diabetes mellitus. Activation of LXR improved significantly lipid – aggravated diabetic nephropathy in mice. Therefore, synthetic ligands of LXR are promising therapeutic agents in preventing renal participation in diabetic patients and are focused by current research. 76 Status: Study completed 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy I largely profited from the PhD programme offered by the GRK, getting the opportunity to present my data on national and international meetings, by means of posters and oral presentations. It was very valuable for me as my direct supervisor disliked that PhD students spent time in lectures and meetings instead of working in the lab of the research group. Thanks to GRK I had a platform to broaden my knowledge and interact with other researchers. The meetings organized by the graduate school itself were in my opinion very balanced with regard to length and frequency. I also profited from the multiple practical workshops being provided by the GRK and partner graduate schools. I was guided well by my supervisors and I had received continuous supervision, input and exchange during the time span of the graduate school. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 18 attended labcourses: 2 attended workshops: 3 attended schools: 4 attended symposia: 3 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: n.a. Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: n.a. 4. Own publications 1. Kiss E, Kränzlin B, Wagenblaβ K, Bonrouhi M, Thiery J, Gröne E, Nordström V, Teupser D, Gretz N, Malle E, Gröne HJ. Lipid droplet accumulation is associated with an increase in hyperglycemia-induced renal damage: prevention by liver X receptors. Am J Pathol. 2013 Mar;182(3):727-41. Epub 2013 Jan 12 77 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 6 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Stephanie Busch (Working) title of doctoral project: Identification of novel cell-cell communication pathways and genes in polycystin-associated retinal vasoregression Names of supervisors: H.-P. Hammes, Y. Feng, N. Gretz, S. Hoffmann, J.-L. Hillebrands, J. van den Born 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 March 2010 - 31 December 2012 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 March 2010 - 31 December 2012) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 01/2010 start of doctorate, submission of doctoral thesis in 03/2014, anticipated completion of doctorate: autumn 2014 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Autumn/winter 2007, Human medical studies, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University Heidelberg, 15 November 2013: Reception of approbation Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: 01 April 2014 Residency at the Institute for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Klinikum der Stadt Ludwigshafen GmbH, Ludwigshafen, Germany 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date The transgenic polycystic kidney disease rat (PKD) develops a photoreceptor degeneration and secondary vasoregression. Prior to vasoregression, activation of the innate immunity system, especially CD74-positive microglia, occurs. These microglial cells are localized in proximity to capillaries undergoing regression, predominantly in the deep vascular layer. The aim of this project was to identify the pathomechanism of vasoregression in the PKD rat, used as a model for nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy. The project was divided into three parts. 1. Identification of possible CD74 activators. 2. Study the effector system of microglia. 3. Therapeutic intervention to prevent capillaries from degeneration. The first part was dedicated to identify potential activators of CD74 positive microglia. MIF, Tubulin-alpha, Tubulin-beta, Glutathion S-Transferase and GP96 were excluded from the list of possible activators due to CD74-distant localization. No precise activator had been identified. Massive cell degeneration in the PKD model is likely to activated microglia in an unspecific manner. Gene analysis revealed complement as one of the major upregulated pathways. Localization of different complement activation pathways showed an activation of the alternative pathway in the PKD model. C3 was just present in the deep capillary layer of PKD rats. However, MAC was not present neither in PKD or in SD rats. As a consequence, complement seems to be a signaling pathway in the PKD model, but not causal to capillary damage. Given that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) shows broad overlap to the pathogenesis of the PKD model - neuronal injury, activation of microglia and astrocytes and secondary vessel degeneration – we determined the activation of astrocytes and the accumulation of amyloid-ß in PKD retinae. Immunohistochemistry of PKD retinae for vimentin, carboxymethyllysin, betaAmyloid 1-42, High-Mobility-Group-Protein B1 (HMGB1) and amyloid protein precursor (APP) was performed. Adjunct to astrocyte activation, accumulation of beta-Amyloid 1-42 78 and HMGB1 in astrocytes and around vessels of the superficial network was found in PKD retinae prior to the onset of vasoregression. APP was localized adjacent to the outer segment of photoreceptors in PKD and control rats. The parallel appearance of AD-related peptides indicates an alarmine based response to photoreceptor degeneration and secondary vasoregression. The model has broad overlap with AD and may be suitable to study beneficial pharmacological concepts. The second part brought the microglia itself in focus. Cell culture was used to test wether microglia were influenced by surrounding medium (containing LPS or GM-CSF). Cultured cells revealed different surface marker depending on surrounding medium. We showed that M1-stimulated microglia had a higher adhesion to endothelial cells than M2-stimulated microglia, indicating higher aggressivity of M1-microglia againgst endothelium and thereby vessels than M2-microglia. Typical M1/M2 marker were localzied in PKD and SD retinae. Interetingly typical M1 marker like Il-1ß and IL-6 were localized in a typical morpholoy of macroglia, not microglia. In the last part of this project we aimed to prevent capillaries form vasoregression. To target the whole neuroglialvascular unit, neuro- and vasoprotective Erythropoietin (EPO) was intraperitoneally injected to four weeks old male homozygous PKD rats three times a week with a dose of 256IU/kg body weight. For comparison EPO-like peptide, missing unwanted side effects of EPO-treatment was given five times a week with a dose of 10µg/kg body weight. Matched EPO respectively water-injected Spraque Dawley and PKD rats were hold as control. After four weeks of treatment the animals were sacrificed and neuronal and vascular morphology was quantified. EPO-treatment exclusively protected thinning of the central retina by 10% (p<0.05), consisted of an increase of the outer nuclear layer by 12% (p<0.01) and the outer segments of photoreceptors by 26% (p<0.001). Quantification of cell nuclei revealed no difference. The number of endothelial cells and pericytes did not change after treatment with EPO or EPO-like peptide. There was a non significant reduction of migrating pericytes by 23% respectively 34%. Formation of acellular capillaries was significantly reduced by 49% (p<0,001) respectively 40% (p<0.05). In conclusion, EPO protects the neurovascular unit this model of retinal neurodegeneration. This finding strengthens EPO in its protective capability for the whole neuroglialvascular unit. To test whether microglial activation is a bystander effect of photoreceptor degeneration or causally involved in vasoregression, we depleted microglia by intravitreal injection of clodronate-coated liposomes. Immunofluorescence, gene analysis and retinal morphology were used to quantify the effect of clodronate-treatment. While the absolute number of microglia was modestly affected by clodronate, the amount of activated CD74-positive microglia in the deep capillary layer decreased by 50% upon clodronate-treatment. Quantitative retinal morphometry showed a significant reduction of acellular capillaries by 31% (p<0.01) only in the deep capillary layers. Gene analysis of whole retinal lysate revealed no major changes in the expression of macrophage polarity markers, but complement factor 3 and B were increased by 110% and 72%, respectively. This study shows that a reduction of activated CD74-expressing microglia in the deep capillary layer leads to a reduction of acellular capillaries, suggesting that microglial activation damages the vascular system Status: Study completed 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy I learned a lot during my time in the graduate school. We had the chance to participate in different schools, meetings and practical workshops. As we were working in the same field, there was a great exchange between students, different labs and even countries. Due to many presentations we were supposed to do during GRK meetings, we had a great chance to practice for oral presentations or posters at congresses. I owe the graduate school all the basic skills, being important for research, as statistic, literature study, paper writing and so on. 79 Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880 attended lectures: 31 attended labcourses: 3 attended workshops: 3 attended schools: 5 attended symposia: 2 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: Research Elective at the Experimental Nephrology, UMCG, Groningen, Netherlands (03/2012 and 04/2012) Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: Mikroglia schädigt Retinakapillare, Kongress der Deutschen Diabetes Gesellschaft (DDG) 05/2012, Berlin, oral presentation Activated microglia promote vasoregression, Congress of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) 10/2012, Stuttgart, poster Protection of the Neurovascular Unit in a Model of retinal Neurodegeneration by EPO and EPO-like Peptide, Congress of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) 06/2013, Chicago, poster 4. Own publications 1. Busch S, Wu L, Feng Y, Gretz N, Hoffmann S, Hammes HP.: Alzheimer's disease and retinal neurodegeneration share a consistent stress response of the neuro-vascular unit. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2012;30(6):1436-43. doi: 10.1159/000343331. Epub 2012 Nov 22. 2. Vogler S, Pannicke T, Hollborn M, Grosche A, Busch S, Hoffmann S, Wiedemann P, Reichenbach A, Hammes HP, Bringmann A.: Müller cell reactivity in response to photoreceptor degeneration in rats with defective polycystin-2. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 3;8(6):e61631. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061631. Print 2013. 3. Feng Y, Busch S, Gretz N, Hoffmann S, Hammes HP.: Crosstalk in the retinal neurovascular unit - lessons for the diabetic retina. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2012 Apr;120(4):199-201. doi: 10.1055/s-0032-1304571. Epub 2012 Mar 8. Review. 4. Wang Q, Gorbey S, Pfister F, Höger S, Dorn-Beineke A, Krügel K, Berrone E, Wu L, Korff T, Lin J, Busch S, Reichenbach A, Feng Y, Hammes HP.: Long-term treatment with suberythropoietic Epo is vaso- and neuroprotective in experimental diabetic retinopathy. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2011;27(6):769-82. Epub 2011 Jun 17. 5. Busch S, Kannt A, Kolibabka M, Schlotterer A, Wang Q, Feng, Y, Hoffmann S, Gretz N, Hammes HP: Systemic treatment with Erythropoietin protects the neurovascular unit in a rat model of retinal neurodegeneration PLOS ONE Decision: Accepted [PONE-D-1415319R1] 80 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 7 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Larissa Pfisterer (Working) title of doctoral project: The role of myocardin and miRNA 143/145 in biomechanically induced vascular damage Names of supervisors: M. Hecker, T. Korff, R. Henning, I. Molema 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 January 2010 - 31 December 2012 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 January 2010 - 31 December 2012) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 01 January 2010- 25 June 2013 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): 15 October 2003, Biology, University Karlsruhe and Tübingen, Diploma in April 2009 Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: Post-Doc (scholarship granted by the DGK) at the Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Cardiovascular diseases are still the major cause of death in industrialized countries with hypertension being the most important risk factor for these pathologies, namely for the onset and development of arteriosclerosis. Hypertension itself typically leads to an increase in peripheral resistance causing a rise in diastolic blood pressure initiating detrimental changes in structure and function of arterial blood vessels. This local rise in transmural pressure in these blood vessels causes an increase in wall tension to which the arterial smooth muscle cells (SMCs) first respond with active vasoconstriction, the so-called myogenic response, aimed at reducing the biomechanical strain within the arterial vessel wall. If the increase in blood pressure hence wall tension persists, however, the smooth muscle cells within the media will inevitably undergo hypertrophy or hyperplasia, depending on the size of the arterial blood vessel, resulting in an inward remodeling that according to the law of Laplace reduces wall tension at the expense of a further rise in peripheral resistance. Depending on the intensity and duration of the increase in wall tension, therefore, the remodeling process in the arterial vessel wall becomes maladaptive ultimately causing an irreversible fixation of diastolic blood pressure at an elevated level. The basis of this initially adaptive remodeling process turning into maladaptive is a switch in phenotype of the arterial SMCs from the contractile to the synthetic state which is earmarked by their increased rate of proliferation and loss of their contractile capacity. The reasons why vascular SMCs in general fail to maintain their contractile state in conditions of hypertension are still elusive. Starting from the hypothesis that increased wall tension is the driver of this maladaptive inward remodeling through weakening factors that maintain the vascular SMCs in the contractile state, this work addressed the putative role of such a phenotype stabilizing factor therein, i.e. myocardin. Mainly localized to the nucleus of these cells, myocardin is a coactivator of the transcription factor serum response factor (SRF) and as such pivotal for maintaining the expression of contractility promoting gene products in vascular SMCs. In this context, knockdown of myocardin in human arterial SMCs in fact revealed a loss of expression of such gene products like smooth muscle α-actin (SMA) or calponin, and subsequently a loss of their contractile capacity while their rate of proliferation increased. In 81 line with these findings, myocardin abundance decreased in the media of remodeling arteries from hypertensive mice. Subsequent analyses of isolated perfused murine blood vessels and both human and mouse cultured SMCs exposed to elevated wall tension or stretch confirmed a loss of myocardin from the nucleus of the arterial SMCs as well as a concomitant reduction of its abundance in the cytoplasm. Stretching of the cultured SMCs also promoted the rapid phosphorylation of myocardin at a serine residue through activated extracellular reactive kinase (ERK) 1/2. As a result, the phosphorylated myocardin dissociated from SRF and bound to histone deacetylase (HDAC) 4/5 followed by its chaperone 14-3-3-mediated export from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. There, presumably the exported myocardin was ubiquitinated by the E3-ligase CHIP and subsequently degraded by the 26S-proteasome. Collectively these findings point towards a novel mechanism by which elevated wall tension or stretch causes an ERK1/2-mediated serine phosphorylation of myocardin leading to its HDAC4/5 and 14-3-3-mediated transport from the nucleus to the cytoplasm where it is subsequently degraded through the proteasome. As such, a pivotal transcriptional coactivator in vascular SMCs controlling the gene expression program required to maintain their contractile phenotype is effectively inactivated and removed paving the way for their transient or chronic switching to the synthetic phenotype that is prototypic for vascular remodeling processes owing to an increase in wall tension. In this respect, this mechanism may offer a novel and interesting therapeutic approach to address hypertension-related cardiovascular disorders through maintaining the contractile vascular SMC phenotype. Further remarks: Initial data at the beginning of the project excluded a relevant role of the miRNA-cluster 143/145 in the context of hypertension-associated remodeling and myocardin regulation. Following, no further experiments in that context have been performed. The insights gained by the dissertation could be translated and applied to other projects, such as the pathogenesis of varicose-like venous malformations (Pfisterer et al, 2014, FASEB). Furthermore, based on the above introduced data, we could design a continuative study, which is currently funded by a scholarship of the DGK (German Society of Cardiology). The presented work was awarded with the young investigator award (2012) of the GfMVB (Society for microcirculation and vascular biology), the posterprice (2013) by the DPG (German society of physiology), the so called Promotionspreis (2013) granted by the DHL (Deutsche Hochdruckliga) and the Friedrich-Reutner-Preis (2014) from the medical faculty Heidelberg. 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy Prof. Dr. med. Hammes always welcomed ideas and suggestions coming from the students concerning the organization and design of the GRK-lecture-program. The practical courses met the needs of the field of vascular biology/medicine but on the other hand also addressed experimental approaches beyond that specific scope. The offer of lectures and courses in the third and final period of the GRK 880 was a little reduced due to the decreased number of students. Prof Dr. Hammes elegantly solved this problem by opening the scientific program of the topic-related SFB/TR23 for the students of the GRK880. In my personal case, the daily/close supervision by my PIs was very good. I had a strong and constructive support, especially by Prof. Thomas Korff. The support by Prof. Dr. Hammes was always very enthusiastic and motivated. He did not hesitate to offer solutions and share input from another point of view. The feedback given by all participating PIs during progressreports at spring- respectively autumn-schools in Heidelberg or Groningen was very useful, since they all shared the same interest but with a different focus. Therefore, one can say that the crosslink of all projects was good. In that sense, it was possible and welcomed to address other groups with a specific question or problem besides the official practical courses, which provides a very efficient and helpful environment. 82 Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880 attended lectures: 15 (36 SFB/TR 23) attended labcourses: 1 attended workshops: 3 attended schools: 6 attended symposia: 2 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: Research stay in Groningen in May/June 2012 in the Lab of Prof. R. Henning, Prof. M Harmsen Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: DPG in Regensburg (2011), EB in San Diego (2012), IVBM in Wiesbaden (2012), GfMVB in München (2011) und Mannheim (2012), SFB Symposium in Mannheim (2011), DGK Herbsttagung in Hamburg (2012) 4. Own publications 1. Pfisterer L, Feldner A, Hecker M, Korff T, Hypertension impairs myocardin function – a novel mechanism facilitating arterial remodeling, Cardiovasc Res, 96: 120-129, 2012 2. Korff T, Pfisterer L, Schorpp-Kistner M, miR-663 and the miRaculous vascular smooth muscle phenotypic switch, (Editorial) Circ Res., 113: 1102-1105, 2013 3. Pfisterer L, König G, Hecker M*, Korff T*, Pathogenesis of varicose veins – lessons from biomechanics, (Review) Vasa 2014; 43: 88 – 99 4. Scherer C*, Pfisterer L*, Hödebeck M, Wagner A, Cattaruzza M, Hecker M, Korff T, From osmotic to biomechanical stress - stretch controls NFAT5 activity in vascular smooth muscle cells, J Am Heart Assoc. 2014;3:e000626, (*authors contributed equally) 5. Pfisterer L, Meyer R, Feldner A, Drews O, Hecker M, Korff T (2014), Bortezomib protects from varicose-like venous remodeling, FASEB, 2014 Apr 25. [Epub ahead of print] 6. Arnold C, Feldner A, Pfisterer L, Hödebeck M, Troidl K, Genové G, Wieland T, Hecker M, Korff T (2014) RGS5 promotes arterial growth during arteriogenesis, accepted for publication in EMBO Mol Med 83 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 9 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Joshua Krämer (Working) title of doctoral project: Pyruvate Kinase Expression and Activity in Hearts, Kidneys and Livers of Mice with Experimental Diabetes Names of supervisors: P. Nawroth, A. Bierhaus †, S. J. L. Bakker, J. van den Born 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 February 2012 - 31 December 2013 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (1 February 2012- 31 December 2013) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: Start of doctorate January 2012, anticipated completion of doctorate: Autumn/Winter 2015 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): 01 October 2007; Human medical studies; Medical Faculty Heidelberg, University Heidelberg Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: n.a. 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a central role in the development of complications in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2. In diabetes, the formation and release of ROS is elevated, and additionally the activity of the antioxidant defense system is impaired. Oxidative stress leads to the formation of reactive metabolites and a series of harmful effects in several organs. In the vasculature, both endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells are affected by oxidative damage. The resulting endothelial dysfunction is considered to be a key factor in the development of microvascular and macrovascular complications. Metabolic pathways in diabetes are altered in a complex manner, which is not yet fully understood. Several bottlenecks in glycolysis occur, one of which is the inhibition of the glycolytic enzyme GAPDH by ROS. As a consequence, metabolic intermediates accumulate and are shifted into alternative pathways, which are responsible for the development of diabetic complications. A better understanding of the metabolic alterations that underlie the development of these complications is necessary in order to develop better treatment strategies for their prevention. One of the enzymes which could be also affected is pyruvate kinase, as it is one of the ratelimiting, regulatory enzymes in glycolysis. Previous studies have shown that pyruvate kinase activity is diminished in the liver of rats after experimental induction of diabetes. Additionally, results from genetic studies indicate that pyruvate kinase genes are associated with several forms of diabetes. The aim of this project was to find out if pyruvate kinase expression or activity in different organs is altered in long-term experimental diabetes of mice. Hearts, kidneys and livers of mice with streptozotocin-induced diabetes and of untreated healthy mice were analyzed in comparison. Seven mice were used in each group. The mice were killed 3 month after streptozotocin treatment. Pyruvate kinase expression was measured by real-time PCR. Because pyruvate kinase occurs in several isoforms, isoformspecific primers were used. Pyruvate kinase activity was measured by an enzymatic assay (in which oxidation of NADH + H+ to NAD+ was detected photometrically). 84 In the diabetic mice, the heart and the kidney exhibited a pyruvate kinase expression that is different from healthy animals: In the heart, overall pyruvate kinase expression was reduced, and in both heart and kidney, expression was shifted from pyruvate kinase isoenzyme M1 to the less active isoenzyme M2. This shift was based on reduced expression of isoenzyme M1 in the heart and increased expression of isoenzyme M2 in the kidney. Despite these changes in expression, activity in both heart and kidney didn’t differ from the control animals. In the liver, expression as well as activity was not different between the control and diabetic mice. The fact that pyruvate kinase activity was not different between the diabetes and control groups in the heart and in the kidney despite the changes observed in expression, especially the reduction of overall pyruvate kinase expression in the heart, means that a mechanism enhancing the specific pyruvate kinase activity must be in effect to compensate for the impaired enzyme expression. It may be that the risk to develop diabetic complications depends on the individual ability to activate and maintain such compensatory mechanisms to cope with deranged metabolic pathways. As in this study organs from mice were analyzed, the results can’t be applied to humans without caution. Additionally, it is questionable to what extent results from an experimental approach with artificially induced diabetes are representative for the natural disease. On these grounds, this project was conceived as a pilot study, and the results must be confirmed with data from human patients. Isoenzyme-specific PCR primers for human pyruvate kinase mRNA have already been developed in our lab, and work has begun to analyze the expression of pyruvate kinase in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with diabetes type 2. To summarize, this study shows that in experimental diabetes of mice, the heart and the kidney, but not the liver, exhibit a pyruvate kinase expression that is different from healthy animals. It has to be investigated with data from humans if these findings are relevant for diabetic patients. Status: Study completed 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy In my opinion, the biggest benefit of the graduate school is the exchange with other people doing research in the same field, by personal communication and by presentations. This provided me a constant stream of impulses for further thoughts. I discovered lots of links and touching points between different projects and learned to look at topics from different perspectives, ultimately developing a better understanding of the bigger picture in the field of vascular medicine. The dialogues with other GRK members also yielded many suggestions and ideas of practical importance. The supervisors were also very helpful. They always took the time for personal discussions whenever necessary, cared for individual questions, and provided precious advice. The graduate school workshops and seminars were interesting and informative. What I learned there was useful beyond research and medicine, for example the presentation workshop. I appreciate that the courses were executed by alternating lecturers and instructors, which ensures diversity in topics and opinions. The meetings I attended were exemplarily organized and had a good work-leisure balance. In my judgement, the frequency and duration of the events was appropriate. I regret that obligations due to my studies made it impossible for me to attend many events. I suggest to transmit more lectures by videoconference from Mannheim to Heidelberg, which makes it easier for students from Heidelberg to take part. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 7 attended labcourses: 0 attended workshops: 1 attended schools: 2 attended symposia: 2 85 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: n.a. Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: n.a. 4. Own publications n.a. 86 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 11 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Nagesh Shanbhag (Working) title of doctoral project: Developing a model of permanent focal cerebral ischemia in rats mimicking malignant stroke Names of supervisors: L. Schilling, R. Henning 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 June 2010 - 31 May 2013 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 June 2010 - 31 May 2013) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 06/2010 Start of doctorate, anticipated submission of doctoral thesis on /2014, anticipated completion of doctorate: 12/2014 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): 06/ 2010, Promotion studies, Medical Faculty Mannheim; 09/ 2008, M.Sc in Experimental & Clinical Neurosciences, University of Regensburg, 11.10.2010; September 2001, M.B.B.S (Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery, Human Medicine, Goa University, India, 14.03.2007 Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: Currently spending final 1year (culminating in a PhD) as part of the collaborating MD/PhD programme at the Dept. of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology, UMCG, University of Groningen, The Netherlands since 10/October 2013 under Prof. Dr. Robert Henning 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Ischemic stroke accounts for around 80% of the total stroke cases resulting in severe adult disability and poor quality of life. Except for the thrombolysis (using recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, rtPA), there are currently no therapeutic approaches alleviating this condition. Thrombolysis however, has a narrow therapeutic time window (upto 4.5h after symptom onset). Although several compounds tested pre-clinically have shown promising alsneuroprotective effects, they have failed in the clinic trials. Around 10% of all the supratentorial stroke patients show a rapid progression of ischemic damage (especially involving the blockage of proximal part of internal carotid artery, ICA or proximal trunk of middle cerebral artery, MCA), along with severe brain swelling from 24-72h from the symptom onset with a mortality upto 80%, which is referred to as malignant stroke. Such patients undergo decompressive craniectomy procedure to relieve the edema and thereby, reducing the raised intracranial pressure. Various pre-clinical animal models mimicking the clinical set up of ischemic stroke followed by reperfusion have been developed and used widely to study the pathophysiological mechanisms and as a tool to test novel therapeutic agents. Most of the pre-clinical models (using either blood clots, microsphere injection, photothrombosis, intravascular occluders) mimic a state of ischemia-reperfusion injury as seen in the clinics. However, considerable number of patients are not eligible due to the current narrow therapeutic time window. Therefore, chronic permanent cerebral ischemia models could prove to be a valuable tool in this regard. The widely used approach in order to create a permanent MCA (commonly involved arterial territory) occlusion (MCAO) using intravascular occluders (4-0 nylon suture coated with silicone rubber at its tip in case of rats, passed through external carotid, ECA or common carotid artery,CCA) has restricted its long-term studies due to high rate of mortality encountered in these animals as a result of severe brain swelling (24-36h post MCAO). We set out to develop a rat model of severe brain ischemia (malignant MCA stroke) without 87 reperfusion, by modifying the occluding silicone tip shape, in such a manner, that it selectively blocked the proximal blood flow through the MCA, without compromising the posterior cerebral circulation, thereby, giving rise to a low mortality, moderate-severe ischemic volume accompanied with brain swelling and a delayed progression of cerebral infarct (as seen in patients). We compared the results of our modified occluders (ischemic volume, brain swelling, hemispheric infarction along the fronto-occipital axis, mortality) with that of the groups involving conventional lab-made and a commercially available occluders. Our modified group involved bowling pin-shaped (BP, approximately 1mm distance between 2 ball-shaped tips, n=7) silicon tip occluders, due to their peculiar shape of silicon coating. While the other groups involved long tubing-based (L-TB, 2-3mm length of silicone coating, n=6), short tubing-based (S-TB, <2mm, n=6) silicone cocated occluders and Doccol (DOC, 2-3mm, commercially available, n=6) occluders. After several modifications of the silicon coating of the tip, did we finally succeed in creating a selective occlusion of the MCA origin (proximal) with a significantly reduced but with a severe degree of ischemic volume and a comparable amount of brain swelling to the other groups at 24h. However, a high rate of mortality was evident in the L-TB (53.8%), S-TB (64.7%) in comparison to the BP group (12.5%). All the animals in the DOC group had a worse clinical outcome at around 24h post MCAO, which led to their euthanisation at this stage (these animals showed evidence of a higher ischemic volume as later detected by the high contrast Silver nitrate staining to delineate the ischemic and non-ischemic areas in the brain). Besides, the hemispheric infarction along the frontooccipital axis showed a significant increase in the area under the curve, especially in the occipital part of the axis in the groups, which signified a compromised posterior cerebral circulation. The long coverage of silicone at the occluders’ tip invariably interrupts the blood flow through the origin of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA), resulting in a state of two-vessel occlusion. This leads to a severe degree of ischemic damage with accompanying swelling, compromising the cerebrovascular compliance and leading to a high rate of mortality. Nevertheless, the short silicone coating of the occluders resulted in a mechanical displacement (anteriorly) of the MCA origin (as evident at the base of brain upon its removal) on the side of occlusion as compared with the contralateral non-occluded hemisphere. We proposed the hypothesis that this displacement could to some extent, compromised the blood flow through the PCA origin, further aggravating the ischemic damage. To test this, we performed a selective ex vivo infusion of 2% Evans blue dye via a catheter (70µl/min,2mins) placed in the CCA without disturbing the occluder, which is already fixed in the ECA stump, upon in situ physiological saline perfusion (via abdominal aorta). This enabled us to visualize and thereafter, quantify the dye spectrophotometrically (expressed as micrograms per gram of fresh tissue) in our regions of interest (dissecting the occipital pole from the rest of hemisphere on both sides). Thus, the groups which showed a mechanical displacement (especially S-TB), resulted in a significantly lower levels of the dye in the right occipital pole (occlusions in our case were performed on the right side) as compared to the BP occluder group, proving that vascular displacement did compromise the blood flow to the posterior cerebral territory. While a high amount of dye was also evident in the residual right hemisphere in our BP group, signifying the circulation of the dye via collaterals between MCA-PCA and/or MCA-ACA. This could be a potential factor for a low mortality rate encountered in these animals. With a negligible rate of mortality in the BP group, we extended their survival time points until day 5. While in a separate group of animals which were utilized for longitudinal MRI imaging, the animals could survive 3 weeks post occlusion also. At day 3 post MCAO, a significant increase in the ischemic volume was evident, which signified a delayed phase of infarct extension as evident clinically in patients of malignant MCA stroke. However, the brain swelling was comparable with that of the day 1- BP group, while a significant decrease was seen on day 5, with a well-developed collateral network between the MCA-ACA and MCAPCA as evident on the dorsal surface of the brain. We thus, could establish a permanent focal cerebral ischemic model in adult rats with features (severe brain infarction with edema, delayed progression of ischemia from day-1 to 88 day-3) mimicking to certain extent, a clinical condition of malignant MCA stroke. This model could prove to be a potential tool to study the pathophysiological mechanism(s) underlying the infarct progression and to test novel neuroprotective agents including cell therapies. As a continuation of my work in Mannheim, I have now moved to the University of Groningen, The Netherlands to carry out relevant therapeutic studies in the area of cerebral ischemia, focusing primarily on CNS inflammation as a potential therapeutic target. Status: Study completed. Manuscript is in preparation Shanbhag NC, Henning RH, Schilling L, Long-term survival in a model of malignant stroke in rats 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy Various guest lectures/talks, annual Spring and Autumn schools provided a broader view for scientific development in the field of vascular medicine. Besides, the constant support, feedbacks and patience from my supervisor enabled me to carry out the required study in order to finally establish a long-term surviving rat model of permanent focal cerebral ischemia after several modifications of the intravascular occluder. Previously established models of permanent focal ischemia have gone along with high mortality rates, and I have analyzed the mechanisms which enabled the long-term survival of the animals with a low mortality. I also profited from the multiple practical workshops being provided by the GRK and partner graduate schools. Besides, based on my experimental experience I got invovlved in a collaboration with fellow departments in the UMM (Dept. of Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine) under Prof. Lothar Schad resulting in a joint publication (mentioned above). In this study a newly developed cryocoil for detection of in vivo potassium levels at a 9.4T MRI scanner was tested in rats under control conditions and following focal cerebral ischemia. My current work as a collaboration with the University of Groningen under Prof. Robert Henning (Dept. of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology, University Medical Centre Groningen) will be to assess relevant therapeutic compounds in the cerebral ischemia model established and studying neuroprotective mechanisms underlying. Based on the current work I will earn a PhD degree from the University of Groningen. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 20 attended lab courses: 2 attended workshops: 2 attended schools: 5 attended symposia: 3 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: n.a. Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: 37.Jahrestagung der Sektion Intrakranieller Druck, Hirndurchblutung und Hydrozephalus (Oct 28—29, 2011), Tubingen, Germany. A modified intravascular occluding filament to result in long-term survival in a rat model of permanent focal cerebral ischemia (Oral presentation) 7th International Symposium on NEUROPROTECTION and NEUROREPAIR (May 2-5, 2012), Potsdam, Germany, Intravascular filament occlusion technique to enable long-term studies in a rat permanent focal cerebral ischemia model (Poster presentation) Participated in th GfMVB Annual Meeting, Mannheim, Germany, 27- 29th September, 2012 4. Own publications n.a. 89 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 13 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Birgit Maria Buhl (Working) title of doctoral project: Age and Immunosenescence related factors in ANCAassociated vasculitis Names of supervisors: B. Yard, C. Kallenberg 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 January 2010 - 31 March 2012 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 January 2010 - 31 March 2012) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 01/2010 Start of doctorate, MD doctoral degree 13 July 2011, anticipated defense of PhD doctoral thesis 02/2015 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Autumn/winter 2003, Human medical studies, University Frankfurt, Autumn/winter 2005 Medical Faculty Mannheim, University Heidelberg, 27 November 2009: Reception of approbation Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: 01 April 2012 Phycician at Nephrology Department, University Medical Center Mannheim 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV) composes a group of auto-immune diseases characterized by inflammation and necrosis of the small to medium sized vessels in combination with the presence of circulating ANCAs directed against either proteinase 3 (PR3) or myeloperoxidase (MPO). Age is known to be a risk factor for many autoimmune diseases, most likely as a consequence of immunoscenescence that contributes to increased autoimmunity. In the present project we questioned as to whether age-related changes of the immune system make some people more susceptible to AAV. We first tried to identify the determinants of AAV-related fatigue and the impact of fatigue on Health-Related Quality of Life in patients with AAV. Fatigue was assessed in cross-sectional cohort of 187 patients with AAV in complete remission (diagnosed 1989- 2010), using the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20), health-related quality of life (SF-36) and a visual analogue scale for night rest. For each scale of the MFI-20patients with AAV had significantly higher scores compared with controls and national norm values. General fatigue and physical fatigue reached the highest scores. The MFI-20 scores negatively correlated with SF-36 scores. Fatigue is one of the main reasons for patients not to participate in physical activities. Participation in physical activity was associated with lower MFI-20 scores. Also the use of corticosteroids was associated with higher levels of fatigue. Age was not a determinant of AAV-related fatigue In addition we hypothesized that CYP450 genotypes modify cyclophosphamide metabolism and influence response to treatment and occurrence of adverse effects in AAV. We could demonstrate that CYP450 SNPs involved in yclophosphamide metabolism significantly influence the occurrence of leucopenia and relapse in patients with AAV. With respect to immunesenescence we found a significant positive correlation between the percentages of CD56+CD4+ T cells and age in granulamatous poly-angiitis (GPA) patients in remission (r= 0, 6 p= 0,004). We also observed elevated IL-15 serum levels in patients in remission compared to HC (p= 0,001). In vitro stimulation of PBMCs with IL-15 increased not only the proportion of CD4+ memory cells (CD45RO+) but also the expression of CD56 and NKG2D 90 on these cells. The driving force behind the persistent expansion of a unique cytotoxic subset of CD4+ effector memory T-cells expressing CD56 and NKG2D+ and being TCR – independent is likely the increased IL-15 expression in AAV patients. Beyond the published results, one manuscript has been submitted, and two others are in preparation, as follows: Buhl BM, Tuin J, Rutgers A, Yard BA, Krämer , Kallenberg C, Stegeman C Impact of Fatigue on Health-Related Quality of Life in patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis. Submitted. Buhl BM, Tuin J, Rutgers A, Yard BA, Krämer , Kallenberg C, Stegeman C Cytochrome P450 Polymorphism as a predictor of adverse effects and therapy response in patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis. In preparation. Buhl BM, Rutgers A, Yard BA, Krämer , Kallenberg C, Stegeman C Potential role of interleukin-15 in the immunopathogenesis of AAV In preparation. 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy The GRK as a whole, the interaction between Mannheim and Groningen and the different researchers involved in this project inspired me to continue research while working as a physician. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 0 attended labcourses: 1 attended workshops:1 attended schools: 1 attended symposia: 2 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: January 2010 - May 2011 PhD-student at the UMCG lab of Prof. Dr. Kallenberg Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: Poster: ANCA-Workshop, Chapel Hill, USA, 2011 ANCA-Workshop, Paris, Frankreich, 2013 Deutscher Rheumatologie Kongress, Mannheim/Heidelberg, 2013 Deutscher Nephrologie Kongress, Hamburg, 2012 Deutscher Nephrologie Kongress, Berlin, 2013 4. Own publications 1. Tuin J, Sanders JS, Buhl BM, van Beek AP, Stegeman CA: Androgen deficiency in male patients diagnosed with ANCA-associated vasculitis: a cause of fatigue and reduced health-related quality of life? Arthritis Res Ther 2013, 15(5):R117. 2. Kalsch AI, Peters A, Buhl B, Breedijk A, Prem K, Schmitt WH, Weiss C, Heeringa P, Kallenberg C, Birck R et al: Retinoid X receptor beta polymorphisms do not explain functional differences in vitamins D and A response in Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody associated vasculitis patients. Autoimmunity 2009, 42(5):467-474. 91 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 14 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Johannes Wedel (Working) title of doctoral project: N-octanoyl dopamine attenuates chronic allograft vasculopathy (original project title as formulated in the GRK880/3 application: prevention of glycosaminoglycan degradation by carnosine – possible role for endothelial dysfunction in diabetic patients) Names of supervisors: B. Yard, J.-L. Hillebrands 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 January 2010 - 31 December 2012 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 January 2010 - 31 December 2012), PhD fellowship GUIDE 01 February 2013 – 31 January 2014 Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 01/2010 Start of doctorate, submission of MD doctoral thesis 02 January 2014, anticipated defense of PhD doctoral thesis 09/2014 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Autumn/winter 2006, Human medical studies, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University Heidelberg, 02 November 2013: Reception of approbation Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: 01 March 2014 Post-Doc at Boston Children’s hospital, Transplant research program, Harvard Medical school in the lab of Prof. David Briscoe. 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Allograft vasculopathy is the foremost cause for chronic allograft loss in transplant recipients. Although the molecular mechanisms that underlie its pathophysiology remain far from clear, it seems to result from the concerted action of immunological and non-immunological factors. In both prospective randomized multicenter and retrospective studies it has been shown that donor dopamine treatment has a salutary effect on transplantation outcome in renal and heart allograft recipient. The pitfall however is that donor dopamine treatment may result in hypertension or tachycardia in a subset of donors, while its protective effect is independent of adrenoceptor or dopaminegic receptor engagement. By conjugation of octanoic acid to dopamine we have developed a new compound, i.e. NOD, that completely lacks hemodynamic action while retaining its protective properties. In the present study we have addressed 1) to what extent NOD impairs T-cell activation, which is instrumental for allograft vasculopathy and 2) to assess if NOD can prevent neo-intima formation in a model of aorta transplantation in the rat. The main findings of this study demonstrate that NOD transiently inhibits T-cell proliferation in a dose dependent fashion. This was reflected by a decreased percentage of T-cells that became CD25 positive or started to express the memory marker CD45RO upon mitogen activation. NOD also caused G1-arrest in cell cycling, which was paralleled by a diminished cyclin D expression. Secondly, the T-cell suppressive properties of NOD were most likely depending on the redox-active dopamine moiety, as N-octanoyl Tyramine did not inhibit T-cell proliferation. Thirdly, NOD did not affect early TCR signaling, e.g. phosphorylation of Lck and ZAP70 and CD3 capping. In contrast, activation of the redoxdependent transcription factors NF-κB and AP-1 was profoundly impaired. Last but not least, NOD and CNI display a strong synergy to suppress T-cell proliferation. 92 To verify the immunosuppressive data in vivo and to investigate NODs potentially beneficial properties on chronic rejection, we assessed the influence of NOD on the development of transplant vasculopathy in allogeneic aortic transplanted rats. In the NOD intervention study, we demonstrated that NOD significantly reduced the development of transplant vasculopathy with a trend towards a lower graft infiltration by T cells. Also the number of neointimal αsmooth muscle actin (SMA)+ cells was significantly reduced in the allograft. Although in vitro NOD inhibited human aortic smooth muscle cell (haSMC) proliferation by G1 arrest, in vivo no difference was found for the proliferation markers Ki67 or PCNA. Collectively our data clearly indicate that NOD can mitigate transplant vasculopathy. Whether this is due to its T-cell suppressive, anti-proliferative or anti-iflammatory effect remains to be assessed in further studies. 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy I largely profited from the interaction between Mannheim and Groningen enabling me to gain insight in various aspects of transplantation research. This interaction and the GRK as a whole have substantially contributed to my decision to continue my research career as a Post-doc in the lab of Dr. Briscoe (Harvard Medical school). Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 13 attended labcourses: 3 attended workshops: 2 attended schools: 6 attended symposia: 2 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: January 2011: Internship at the UMCG (6 weeks) lab of Prof. Dr. Hillebrands February 2012 – January 2013 Ph.D.-Student at the UMCG lab of Prof. Dr. Hillebrands. November 2013: Research stay at Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, lab of Dr. David Briscoe, March 2014: Internship at Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School (6 months), lab of Dr. David Briscoe. Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: Oral presentations: 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Transplantationsgesellschaft, Regensburg, 2011 European Society of Organ Transplantation, Wien 2013 Poster: 40. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Immunologie, Leipzig 2011 22. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Transplantationsgesellschaft, Frankfurt 2013 World Transplant Congress, San Fransisco, USA, 2014 4. Own publications 1. Stamellou E., Fontana J., Wedel J., Ntasis E., Sticht C., Becker A., Pallavi P., Wolf K., Krämer BK, Hafner M., van Son WJ, Yard BA. N-octanoyl dopamine treatment of endothelial cells induces the unfolded protein response and results in hypometabolism and tolerance to hypothermia. PLoS One 2014 accepted 2. Hottenrott MC*, Wedel J*, Gaertner S, Stamellou E, Kraaij T, Mandel L, Loesel R, Sticht C, Hoeger S, Ait-Hsiko L, Schedel A, Hafner M, Yard B, Tsagogiorgas C. N-Octanoyl Dopamine Inhibits the Expression of a Subset of κB Regulated Genes: Potential Role of p65 Ser276 Phosphorylation. PLoS One. 2013 Sep 2;8(9):e73122. 3. Ait-Hsiko L, Kraaij T, Wedel J, Theisinger B, Theisinger S, Yard B, Bugert P, Schedel A. N-octanoyl-dopamine is a potent inhibitor of platelet function. Platelets. 2013;24(6):428-34 93 4. Tsagogiorgas C, Wedel J, Hottenrott M, Schneider MO, Binzen U, Greffrath W, Treede RD, Theisinger B, Theisinger S, Waldherr R, Krämer BK, Thiel M, Schnuelle P, Yard BA, Hoeger S. N-octanoyl-dopamine is an agonist at the capsaicin receptor TRPV1 and mitigates ischemia-induced acute kidney injury in rat. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e43525 5. Peters V, Jansen EE, Jakobs C, Riedl E, Janssen B, Yard BA, Wedel J, Hoffmann GF, Zschocke J, Gotthardt D, Fischer C, Köppel H. Anserine inhibits carnosine degradation but in human serum carnosinase (CN1) is not correlated with histidine dipeptide concentration. Clin Chim Acta. 2011 Jan 30;412(3-4):263-7. * equally contributed 94 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 16 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Markus Jabs (Working) title of doctoral project: Notch Signaling and Endothelial Metabolism Names of supervisors: A. Fischer, H. Augustin, H.-P. Hammes, I. Molema 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 November 2011 - 31 December 2013 Funding (type and duration): Fellowship (01 November 2011 - 31 December 2013) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: Start of doctoral training in November 2011; anticipated graduation in summer 2015 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): 10/2006 – 8/2009 Studies of Biology (B.Sc.) at Leibniz University of Hannover 10/2009 – 10/2011 Studies of Molecular Biosciences (M.Sc.) at Heidelberg University Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: n.a. 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date The vasculature is one of the largest organs in vertebrates and fulfills many different functions, among them the transport of gases and nutrients. Because of these important tasks, blood vessels are linked to severe diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disorders. The latter are the primary cause of mortality in industrialized countries. Although the vasculature is a central communication system in vertebrates, there is only little knowledge about how it contributes to the regulation of systemic metabolism. Interestingly, many risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and the metabolic syndrome overlap, arguing for a connection between these conditions. However, besides its relevance, the molecular role of blood vessels for the development of metabolic disorders is not well understood today and requires further investigation. Apart from its role in the generation of new blood vessels, Notch signaling seems to be required for the maintenance of endothelial functions in the existing vasculature. In this context, I study the effects of endothelial Notch signaling on energy metabolism. Specifically, I am interested in the alterations of triacylglycerol and glucose metabolism at the systemic level caused by Notch blockade in the endothelium. For this purpose I analyze a mouse model, in which Notch signaling is abolished specifically in the endothelium upon tamoxifen injection (VE-Cadherin-CreERT2 / flox-RBPJ; hereafter referred to as “ko mouse”). Compared to controls, these mice have reduced blood glucose levels and increased insulin sensitivity. Interestingly, there is no difference regarding circulatory insulin levels, which would potentially explain this phenotype. However, loss of Notch signaling in the endothelium improves the trans-endothelial insulin transport, which potentially augments the amount of biologically active insulin in the interstitium. Insulin is actively shuttled from the blood through the endothelium to extravascular tissues by vesicles called caveolae. The increased insulin transport upon Notch blockade is triggered by up regulation of caveolin-1, which causes more caveolae to be formed. This implies Notch signaling regulates the transport of insulin through the endothelium by modifying the amounts of caveolae. 95 I also observed that there are increased amounts of triacylglycerols (TAG) in the blood of ko mice and that the activity of lipases is decreased in the blood after heparin injection. TAG are cleaved into glycerol and fatty acids at the apical side of the endothelium, the latter are transported through the vessel wall to surrounding tissues, in which they are metabolized. In vitro, Notch blockade causes down regulation of several genes involved in the cleavage of TAG (LIPG), as well as of uptake (CD36) and shuttling (FABP4) of fatty acids. This suggests the cleavage and transport of fats from the blood to the interstitium is reduced by endothelial Notch blockade, which potentially is the reason for the elevated blood fat levels in ko mice. These data show that signaling pathways within blood vessels have the potential to modulate metabolic homeostasis. Mice without functional endothelial Notch signaling have increased transport of insulin from the blood to the interstitium, which might cause elevated glucose uptake by skeletal muscles and other organs. This could be the reason why these mice show decreased blood glucose levels as well. The transport of fatty acids through the vessel wall might be impaired in mice deficient for endothelial Notch signaling, which could explain elevated triacylglycerol levels in their blood. My experiments suggest that the peripheral tissues of mice lacking Notch signaling in the endothelium have limited access to fatty acids but take up more glucose in turn. This suggests that the Notch pathway in the endothelium has a role in switching the systemic catabolic metabolism from glucose to fat oxidation. 3. Comments on the qualification program and supervision strategy The graduate school offered various opportunities to improve my scientific and non-scientific qualification. I took part in several workshops teaching specific techniques, which I could successfully use for my projects afterwards. The graduate school also offered highly helpful courses for soft skills. I also benefitted from the fruitful cooperation with other graduate schools, which allowed me to participate in their workshops as well. The graduate school organized several retreats and meetings with other graduate schools dedicated to familiar topics. These events offered the possibility for exchange with other students and allowed me to discuss my own work with PIs from other universities. The large support of my graduate school allowed me to present my research at an international meeting for blood vessels and metabolism as well. My supervisors greatly supported my work. They discussed my research strategy and also helped me to overcome methodological problems. Apart from my supervisors, the other PIs from the graduate school were extremely helpful, too, and shared their expertise with me. Participation in the teaching program of GRK 880: attended lectures: 7 attended lab courses: 0 attended workshops: 1 attended schools: 2 attended symposia:1 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: n.a. Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: Notch Signaling Regulates Systemic Energy Metabolism, Keystone Symposium on Metabolism and Angiogenesis, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada; March 16. – 21. 2014 oral presentation and poster presentation 4. Own publications n.a. 96 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 17 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Pamina Weber (Working) title of doctoral project: Function of RhoGEF17 in the vascular endothelium Names of supervisors: T. Wieland, S. Lutz, M. Schmidt 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 September 2011 – 31 December 2013 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 September 2011 – 31 December 2013) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: Start of doctorate on 09/2011, anticipated submission of doctoral thesis in Autumn 2014, anticipated completion of doctorate in Spring 2015. Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Start of Biology studies (Diploma) in 09/2004, Faculty of Biology, Eberhard-Karls-University Tuebingen, Diploma received 11/2010 Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: Residency at the Institute for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University (01 January 2014 – 31 September 2014) 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Monomeric GTPases of the Ras-superfamily are pivotal biological switches involved in a huge variety of cellular functions. Based on sequence homology and physiological functions, these monomeric GTPases are classified in five families: Ras, Rho, Rab, Ran, and Arf (Colicelli, 2004). The best characterized members of the Rho-family are the GTPases RhoA, Rac1, and Cdc42, which are key regulators of the actin cytoskeleton dynamics. They are essential regulators of many physiological processes, like cell migration, proliferation and cellular contraction. In particular actin dynamics are regulated. RhoA directs the formation of actin stress fibres (Ridley & Hall, 1992). Rac1 promotes the assembly of lamellipodia and membrane ruffles (Ridley et al., 1992). Cdc42 regulates the formation of filopodia (Nobes & Hall, 1995). The spatiotemporal activation of RhoGTPases is therefore complexly regulated by a subset of accessory proteins, which are under strict control of upstream signal mediators. All RhoGTPases are molecular switches that cycle between an inactive, GDPbound and an active, GTP- bound state. GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) reduce the signaling of RhoGTPases by accelerating their low intrinsic GTPase activity. Thus, the majority of the proteins reside in the GDP- bound state within the cell (Moon & Zheng, 2003; Bernards & Settleman, 2004; Scheffzek & Ahmadian, 2005). This inactive conformation is stabilized by guanine dissociation inhibitors (GDIs), which bind to the GTPases and inhibit the translocation to the membrane (Lang et al., 1996; Forget et al., 2002, Sauzeau et al., 2000; Sawada et al., 2001). The activation of RhoGTPases and downstream effector functions is mediated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) catalyzing the exchange of GDP to GTP (Schmidt & Hall, 2002; Hakoshima et al., 2003). The largest family of RhoGEFs is the Dbl family with their characteristic and catalytically active Dbl homology (DH) domain and an adjacent pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. RhoGEF17 is a member of this protein family, activating specifically RhoA, B and C (Rümenapp et al, 2002). We could show that RhoGEF17 is under autoinhibitory constraint, which is controlled by cGMPdependent kinase Iα (Lutz et al., 2013). Furthermore it is a fact, that RhoGEF17 can directly 97 associate with actin stress fibres via an actin binding domain (ABD) within the N-terminus (Mitin et al., 2012). Since RhoGEF17 is a RhoA-C specific GEF, which was found to be upregulated in endothelial cells during tumor cell- induced angiogenesis – a process which is characterized by an increase in endothelial permeability followed by endothelial cell activation, proliferation, and migration – we studied the role of RhoGEF17 in microvascular endothelial cells. Therefore we performed knockdown experiments by an adenoviral delivery of shRNA in microvascular rat fat pad endothelial cells (RFPECs). The recombinant adenovirus encodes for a RhoGEF17-specific short hairpin RNA, by which we could effectively suppress the expression of endogenous RhoGEF17. The loss of RhoGEF17 expression was associated with changes in cell morphology, that include cell rounding, loss of cell-cell contacts, and the dislocation of adherence junction of proteins from the cell membrane into sub-membranous compartments. Furthermore the cells lost their capability to adhere efficiently to extracellular matrix substitutes. Since these changes pointed to a reorganization of the cytoskeleton, we analyzed actin and vinculin containing filaments. Indeed, the cells that lacked RhoGEF17 expression lost their ability to form stress fibers and showed a strongly reduced formation of focal adhesions within the cells. This finding indicates that RhoGEF17 plays a role in the organization of the actin cytoskeleton of endothelial cells. In accordance with these differences, the migration behavior of the RhoGEF17 depleted endothelial cell was dramatically altered. While the sheet migration and wound closure in a classical scratch assay was strongly suppressed, the amount of endothelial cells displaying contactindependent single cell migration was increased. In agreement with these data we exhibited an impaired proliferation whereas the apoptosis rate was significantly reduced. On a molecular level, the knockdown of RhoGEF17 and the loss of cell-cell contacts are paralleled by a reduced expression of the adherence junction proteins N-cadherin, p120catenin and β-catenin. Preliminary data indicate that this loss is due to proteasomal degradation. Interestingly, the depletion of RhoGEF17 also reduced the protein expression level of its effector proteins RhoA, B, and C and the Rho-inactivating protein p190RhoGAP, which is known to directly interact with p120-catenin. Using a proximity ligation assay, the colocalization between the prominent adherence junction protein N-cadherin, p190RhoGAP, p120-catenin, β-catenin and RhoGEF17 could be demonstrated. Importantly, the colocalization of the RhoGEF17 effector RhoA an N-cadherin was dramatically impaired in RhoGEF17-depleted endothelial cells. Therefore our data indicate that RhoGEF17 is an essential complex partner for the functional formation of adherence junctions in endothelial cells linking the junction proteins to Rho-dependent alterations of the cytoskeleton, migration and viability. To get a first indication of the function of RhoGEF17 in vivo, we performed a morpholinomediated knockdown of its orthologue in zebrafish embryos in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jens Kroll. The RhoGEF17-depleted larvae displayed a phenotype similar to that reported for an acute knockdown of VE-cadherin, thus, allowing for irregular vessel formation and increased sprouting in the subintestinal veins. Further experiments are however necessary to confirm this in vivo observation and to link them to an endothelial loss in RhoGEF17 expression. 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy In my opinion, the graduate school is a great platform to get into contact with other laboratories. During the meetings organized by the GRK, I was introduced to the studies of the other doctoral students, which was in several ways helpful and offered me a lot of new ideas. Because of the very friendly and relaxed atmosphere during these meetings, it was even for me, who attended the graduate school as one of the latest ones, no problem to make contact both with the other students and the PIs. In this context, I also profited from the multiple practical workshops provided by the GRK or the associated graduate schools. All this took place in a very balanced way with regard to length and frequency. There was still enough time for realization of the newly acquired ideas and own research. During my still ongoing doctoral research study, I learned and still learn a lot from my supervisors. I am very glad for the input and exchange I still receive not only from my direct supervisors but also from all the collaborators. 98 Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 18 attended labcourses: 2 attended workshops: 3 attended schools: 6 attended symposia: 1 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: Research internship at the Medical University Goettingen, Department of Pharmacology, Goettingen, Germany (11-12/2013; 02-03/2014) Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: RhoGEF17, a novel contributor to cell adherence in vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie, Jahrestagung 2014, Mannheim: April 3-6, Poster presentation RhoGEF17 participates in regulation of angiogenesis in endothelial cells. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Experimentelle und klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, Jahrestagung 2014, Hannover: April 1-4, oral presentation 4. Own publications 1. Lutz, S., Mohl, M., Rauch, J., Weber, P., Wieland, T. (2013) RhoGEF17, a Rhospecific guanine nucleotide exchange factor activated by phosphorylation via cyclic GMPdependent kinase Iα. Cell Signal. 25, 630-638. 99 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 18 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Matthias Richter (Working) title of doctoral project: Culture-derived platelets: Impact of serotonin metabolism on differentiation and function Names of supervisors: P. Schloss, F. Lederbogen, M. Deuschle, M. Harmsen 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 November 2011 – 31 December 2013 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 November 2011 – 31 December 2013) Medical Faculty Mannheim, University Heidelberg (01 January 2014 – 31 March 2014) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: Start of doctorate: 11/2011 Anticipated completion of doctorate: Winter 2014 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Autumn/winter 2009, Human medical studies, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University Heidelberg Spring 2015: Reception of approbation Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: n.a. 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date Platelets play a pivotal role in thrombus formation and thus in cardiovascular risk. Antiplatelet drugs, such as acetylsalicylic acid or clopidogrel, are efficient in preventing coronary and cerebrovascular events in patients at risk. An important player in platelet function is serotonin, as this molecule is involved in the activation process and in platelet reactivity. Platelet serotonin content is regulated by the serotonin transporter (SERT), which is present in multiple cells like platelets, mononuclear blood cells and neurons, and provides uptake of serotonin into the cells. SERT may be manipulated by selective serotonin transporter inhibitors (SSRI), drugs that are commonly used in patients with mental depression. There are several observations indicating that treatment of depressed patients with SSRIs like citalopram may result in a beneficial effect on their cardiovascular risk. Hence, we wanted to study the effect of the SSRI citalopram on SERT activity in platelets, taking into account a functional polymorphism of the serotonin-transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR), which is located in the promoter region of this gene. It can be distinguished between the LL-, the SL- and the SS-type (L = long, S = short). The 5-HTTLPR was found to moderate the influence of stressful life events on depression. Furthermore, platelet activation is increased in elderly depressed patients, especially those with the LL-genotype. These genetic differences may influence cardiovascular mortality in depressed patients. The first aim of the study was to analyze the influence of candidate polymorphisms (5HTTLPR polymorphism) on serotonin metabolism and differential protein expression of SERT in platelets by comparing two CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cell lines with different 5-HTTLPR genotypes (MEG-01 and M-07). Previously, our group established a differentiation method for the MEG-01 cell line in order to induce megakaryopoiesis as estimated by polyploidy, formation of characteristic proplatelets and elevated expression of the megakaryocytic markers CD41 and CD61. The resulting megakaryocytes stayed viable for more than 3 weeks and shed platelet-like particles positive for CD41, CD61 and CD42b 100 into the supernatant. We tried to transfer the MEG-01 differentiation protocol to the M-07 cell line, but while we could see clear histological signs of differentiation in the MEG-01 cells, the M-07 cells formed colonies and seemed to proliferate at a higher rate. Other differentiation protocols for CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cell lines described in the literature were also not successful in inducing differentiation of the M-07 cell line. Since the regulation of SERT in different cell types is thought to follow similar biologic mechanisms, we next studied the influence of 5-HTTLPR on serotonin metabolism in monocytes from peripheral blood in humans. We obtained EDTA blood samples from healthy volunteers and produced white blood cell pellets, from which DNA was isolated. Subjects were typified by PCR analysis to determine the 5-HTTLPR genotype. In a second step, blood from subjects with distinct 5-HTTLPR genotypes was collected. The mononuclear blood cells were isolated by plastic adhesion and different washing steps. After being kept in culture for two weeks, the cells were incubated with the SSRI citalopram for four hours and stained immunocytochemically for SERT and integrin, a cell wall marker; protein biosynthesis was blocked by cycloheximide. SERT internalization/expression on the cell surface of the different cells was measured by immunofluorescence (on-cell western) to clarify the impact of the 5HTTLPR genotype. This work is still in progress, and first results suggest that monocytes with 5-HTTLPR genotype LL express display an increased SERT density on the cell surface, while monocytes with 5-HTTLPR genotype SL or SS internalize SERT into the cell after four hours of incubation with citalopram. Mental stress is associated with both platelet activation and an increased incidence of coronary events. The second aim of our studies was therefore to test the hypothesis that there is a change in platelet activity induced by exposure to a social evaluative stress paradigm, which was recently established by our group. In healthy volunteers, blood was drawn immediately before and 15 minutes after stress exposure. We produced platelet rich plasma and measured the expression of CD41, CD62P, CD63 and PAC-1 on the cell surface with and without activation by cADP and prostaglandin PGH2 analog U46619 by flow cytometry. In a pilot study, we did not observe any significant change in platelet reactivity before and after stress exposure. We attributed this negative finding to the time interval between the end of stress exposure and the blood sampling, which could not be varied due to technical reasons. Another explanation may be that the catecholamines responsible for changes in platelet activity and reactivity were already metabolized at the point in time when the second blood sample was collected. Stress testing was efficient, as salivary cortisol concentrations nearly doubled in association with the task. 3. Comments on the qualification program and supervision strategy There surely is a certain lack of scientific education in medical studies nowadays, thus it was important for me to learn more about proper research by participating in the International Graduate School GRK 880 „Vascular Medicine“. Hearing about other projects and getting in contact with other graduates and professors really helped me a lot, since we could share our experiences and thereby gain more knowledge in a shorter amount of time. Therefore, my research visit at the University Medical Center in Groningen, and the contacts I made there, were a huge gain for my continuing scientific work. The supervision in the GRK program was very helpful regarding my scientific progress, especially when certain throwbacks in my studies occurred. Given that not everything worked out as expected, there was always new input by my supervisors, which helped me stay motivated and keep on researching. 101 Participation in the teaching program of GRK 880: attended lectures: 6 attended lab courses: 0 attended workshops: 2 attended schools: 2 attended symposia:1 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: Research visit at the University Medical Center Groningen, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Pathology & Medical Biology, Groningen, The Netherlands (02/2012 – 03/2012) Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology (GfMVB) Annual Meeting 2012, Mannheim: September 27th – 29th 4. Own publications n.a. 102 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 19 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Prama Pallavi (Working) title of doctoral project: Identification of molecular pathways by which Noctanoyl-dopamine inhibits vascular inflammation Names of supervisors: B. Yard, M. Harmsen 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 October 2011 - 31 December 2014 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 October 2011 - 31 March 2013), Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 10/2011 Start of doctorate, anticipated defense of PhD doctoral thesis 09/2015 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): June 2011, M.Sc. Biotechnology, Hochschule Mannheim Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: n.a. 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date We have previously demonstrated that N-octanoyl dopamine (NOD) is inhibiting vascular inflammation and mitigates acute kidney injury (AKI). Moreover NOD is able to activate TRPV1 and inhibits NFκB in a redox dependent manner. In the present study we assessed 1) if due to its redox activity NOD is able to induce the unfolded protein response (UPR) in endothelial cells, 2) if NOD affects vascular barrier function, 3) if the renoprotective effect of NOD in AKI is mediated by TRPV1 and 4) how NOD activates TRPV1. The main findings of this project are the following. NOD transiently activates the UPR. This property seems to be dependent on the redox activity of these compounds. NOD did not affect cell viability, but strongly impaired cell proliferation of HUVEC, most likely by attenuation of cells in the S-G2/M phase. In concordance to this, mRNA expression for a number of genes involved in S-G2/M progression was significantly down-regulated by NOD. Long-term NOD treatment resulted in hypometabolism and thermotolerance, as suggested by a decreased intracellular ATP concentration, activation of AMPK and increased resistance to cold inflicted cell injury. Independent of UPR activation NOD treatment of HUVEC increased the transendothelial electrical resistance as indicated by increased impedance. This was paralleled by the induction of F-actin stress fibers, redistribution of focal adhesion contacts and activation of paxillin within the focal adhesions. In vivo studies using TRPV1-/rats it was demonstrated that the renoprotective effect of NOD in AKI was completely depending on TRPV1 activation. NOD activates TRPV1 in a similar fashion as capsaicin as demonstrated by docking modeling studies. The following manuscripts are in preparation: 1. Prama Palavi, Eleni Stamellou, Bastian Theisinger, Sonja Theisinger, Bernhard K Kraemer, Marco Harmsen, Utta Binzen, Wolfgang Grefrath, Mathias Hafner, Benito Yard. Analyses of different synthetic N-acyl dopamine derivatives reveal different structural requirements for their anti-inflammatory effect and TRPV1 activation. 103 2. Prama Pallavi, Eleni Stamellou, Christian, Bernhard K Kraemer, Marco Harmsen, Ruediger Rudolf , Mathias Hafner, Benito Yard. Restoration of endothelial barrier function after cold preservation does not require the formation of actin stress fibers 3. Sarah Klotz*, Prama Pallavi*, Eleni Stamellou, Bernhard K Kraemer, Charalambos Tsagogiorgas, Marco Harmsen, Mathias Hafner, Benito Yard. The reno-protective effect of N-octanoyl dopamine (NOD) is mediated via TRPV1 activation 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy The GRK research training group, has provided a very nice platform for me to not only learn in terms of techniques and ways one can investigate a question and but also to connect different areas and to look at broader perspective. Interactions with different researchers organized by GRK have inspired me to continue a career in research. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880: attended lectures: 9 attended labcourses:0 attended workshops: 2 attended schools: 3 attended symposia:1 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: n.a. Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: Presented a scientific talk titled NOD improves AKI, possible role of TRPV 1 on 7th May 2014 for Bioscience club of Heidelberg. 4. Own publications: 1. Stamellou E., Fontana J., Wedel J., Ntasis E., Sticht C., Becker A., Pallavi P., Wolf K., Krämer BK, Hafner M., van Son WJ, Yard BA. N-octanoyl dopamine treatment of endothelial cells induces the unfolded protein response and results in hypometabolism and tolerance to hypothermia. PLoS One 2014 Jun 13;9(6):e99298 104 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 20 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Sonja Sudarski (Working) title of doctoral project: Coronary plaque composition in patients with NSTEMI and stable coronary artery disease: A comparison of virtual histology intravascular ultrasound analysis and Dual source CT Names of supervisors: S. Schönberg, M. Borggrefe, H.-P. Hammes, C. Fink, T. Süselbeck, M. Oudkerk 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 March 2010 - 31 December 2012 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 March 2010 - 31 December 2012) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 01/2010 Start of doctorate, anticipated submission of doctoral thesis on 24 June 2014, anticipated completion of doctorate: Autumn/Winter 2014 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Autumn/winter 2007, Human medical studies, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University Heidelberg, 14 November 2013: Reception of approbation Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: 01 December 2013 Residency at the Institute for Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim, Medical Faculty Mannheim- Heidelberg University, Germany 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date The propensity of a coronary atherosclerotic plaque to rupture – its so-called vulnerability - is known to be largely dependent on inflammatory processes at the site of the plaque leading to an instable microanatomy. In case of rupture, sudden vessel obstruction leads to ischemia and subsequent myocardial necrosis. The clinical manifestation is the acute coronary syndrome (ACS), which is a life-threatining acute manifestation of coronary artery disease (CAD). Strong efforts are made to reliably risk-stratify plaques and patients suffering from CAD. The reference standard for the assessment of coronary plaque composition is virtual histology intravascular ultrasound (VH-IVUS), performed in the course of invasive coronary angiography. However, due to its invasiveness, the search for accurate non-invasive plaque imaging modalities is ongoing. Coronary CT angiography (cCTA) is increasingly used not only to reliably rule out CAD but also to diagnose CAD and further characterize atherosclerotic plaques. One objective of this study was therefore to quantitatively assess coronary atherosclerotic plaque composition in patients presenting with ACS, in more detail, in patients with acute non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and to compare plaque composition with that of patients with stable CAD by means of cCTA and VH-IVUS. Another approach to determine presence of vulnerable plaques in patients with CAD is the assessment of chemical biomarkers circulating in the patient’s blood, associated with plaque destabilization, inflammation and rupture. Consequently, we also assessed in our patient cohort concentrations of matrixmetalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), myeloperoxidase (MPO), pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A), placental growth factor (PlGF) and soluable CD 40 ligand (sCD40L) by performing conventionally available enzyme-linked 105 immunoassays and investigated for possible differences between patients with NSTEMI and patients with stable CAD. 60 patients (35 with NSTEMI) were enrolled in the course of the study. 40 corresponding plaques (22 of NSTEMI patients) of 28 patients (15 with NSTEMI) were finally assessed by a first-generation dual-source CT scanner and 20-MHz VH-IVUS performed in the course of invasive coronary angiography (ICA) regarding volumes and percentages of fatty, fibrous and calcified component, overall plaque burden and maximal percent area stenosis. cCTA plaque analysis revealed no significant differences between plaques of patients with NSTEMI and stable CAD regarding absolute and relative amounts of any plaque component, neither did VH-IVUS plaque analysis. The only difference with regard to plaque morphology observed in this study was higher area stenosis in NSTEMI patients compared to patients with stable CAD as measured with VH-IVUS. Volumes of fatty component were measured systematically lower in cCTA, whereas calcified and fibrous volumes were measured higher. No significant bias was observed comparing volumes of overall non-calcified component and overall plaque burden. Regarding the analysis of biomarker levels, in total, 47 blood samples (28 of NSTEMI patients) were collected. NSTEMI patients had higher MMP-9, MPO and sCD40L levels and lower PAPP-A and PlGF levels than the group of patients with stable CAD, yet only concentrations of sCD40L were significantly differing between NSTEMI patients and patients with stable CAD. Levels of sCD40l were negatively and significantly correlated with PAPP-A and PlGF levels. PAPP-A and PlGF concentrations were positively correlated with each other and these two biomarkers were also both significantly elevated after ICA procedure independent of patient group and the performance of percutaneous interventions in the course of ICA. Concentrations of the study biomarkers did not correlate with concentrations of hsTnI, CRP, HDL, LDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides. The only correlation observed between study biomarker concentrations and plaque components was a weak positive correlation between percentage of fatty component and sCD40L levels. In summary, these data suggest that plaques of patients with NSTEMI and of patients with stable CAD cannot be differentiated by mere quantification of plaque components, neither by dual-source cCTA nor with VH-IVUS. The most promising biomarker candidate observed in this study was sCD40L, which showed significantly higher concentrations in NSTEMI patients than in patients with stable CAD, suggesting usefulness to determine patients at risk and blood levels were positively correlated with fatty plaque component, which is a surrogate for plaque vulnerability. Longitudinal studies are warranted to evaluate to which extent coronary plaque composition imaging can add to proper risk stratification of plaques and patients and prompt treatment strategies, and to determine specific biomarkers of coronary plaque vulnerability. Assumed that a reliable diagnostic approach applicable in clinical routine will be established and vulnerable plaques could be accurately distinguished from stable plaques, proof of the usefulness of “preventive” conservative or even interventional treatment strategies of vulnerable plaques with regard to short-term and long-term survival and morbidity of patients with CAD is still to be made. Status: Study completed Ongoing collaboration projects in the field of cardiothoracic research between the Institute of Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim and the Center for Medical Imaging – North East Netherlands, University Medical Center Groningen including phantom studies on coronary calcium risk scores, lung nodule detection as well as clinical studies on myocardial perfusion imaging. 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy I largely profited from the early time point during my studies being introduced into research, getting the opportunity to present my data on national and international meetings, by means of posters and oral presentations. It was largely valuable for me to get routine in statistics, laboratory work, and constant literature study. 106 The meetings organized by the graduate school itself were in my opinion very balanced with regard to length and frequency. I also profited from the multiple practical workshops being provided by the GRK and partner graduate schools. I learned a lot from my supervisors and I had received continuous supervision, input and exchange during the time span of the graduate school as well as after my membership in the graduate school had officially ended. As a medical student, I would have probably profited from taking a semester/term off to complete my thesis in full-time. I decided not to do this, but to continue and finish my studies and start to work immediately after the final exams, which lead to a certain delay regarding the completion of my dissertation. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880 attended lectures: 29 attended labcourses: 2 attended workshops: 4 attended schools: 5 attended symposia: 1 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: Research Elective at the Heart and Vascular Center, Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA (08/2011 and 09/2011) Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: Comparison of coronary plaque morphology in patients with stable coronary artery disease and non-ST myocardial infarction using Dual Source CT. European Congress of Radiology 2011, Vienna: March 3 – 7, Digital poster Determination of Plaque Composition with Dual Source Computed Tomography and Virtual Histology Intravascular Ultrasound in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome and Stable Coronary Artery Disease. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie, 76. Jahrestagung, 2011, Mannheim: April 27 - 30, Oral presentation Evaluation of Coronary Plaque Composition with Dual Source CT and Virtual Histology Intravascular Ultrasound in Patients with ACS and Stable Coronary Artery Disease European Society of Cardiac Radiology, Annual Scientific Meeting, 2011, Amsterdam: October 27 – 29, Oral presentation Workflow improvements in cardiac CT post-processing with iterative reconstruction compared to filtered back projection European Congress of Radiology 2012, Vienna: March 1 – 5, Digital poster Zusammensetzung von Koronarplaques mit Dual Source CT-Angiographie und Virtual Histology Intravascular Ultrasound in NSTEMI-Patienten und Patienten mit stabiler KHK 93. Deutscher Röntgenkongress 2012, Hamburg: May 16 – 19, oral presentation Coronary Dual Source CT-Angiography and Intravascular Ultrasound Assessed Plaque Composition in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease and Patients with Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction RSNA 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting 2012, Chicago: November 25-30, Oral presentation 107 4. Own publications 1. Sudarski S, Apfaltrer P, Nance JW, Jr., Meyer M, Fink C, Hohenberger P, Leidecker C, Schoenberg SO, Henzler T. Objective and subjective image quality of liver parenchyma and hepatic metastases with virtual monoenergetic dual-source dual-energy CT reconstructions: an analysis in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Academic radiology. 2014;21(4):514-22. Epub 2014/03/07. 2. Schneider D, Apfaltrer P, Sudarski S, Nance JW, Jr., Haubenreisser H, Fink C, Schoenberg SO, Henzler T. Optimization of kiloelectron volt settings in cerebral and cervical dual-energy CT angiography determined with virtual monoenergetic imaging. Academic radiology. 2014;21(4):431-6. Epub 2014/03/07. 3. Apfaltrer P, Sudarski S, Schneider D, Nance JW, Jr., Haubenreisser H, Fink C, Schoenberg SO, Henzler T. Value of monoenergetic low-kV dual energy CT datasets for improved image quality of CT pulmonary angiography. European journal of radiology. 2014;83(2):322-8. Epub 2013/12/24. 4. Sudarski S, Henzler T, Schoenberg SO. Post-therapeutic positron emission tomography/computed tomography for early detection of non-small cell lung cancer recurrence. Translational lung cancer research. 2013;2(4). 5. Sudarski S, Fink C, Sueselbeck T, Kayed H, Schoenberg SO, Borggrefe M, Vliegenthart R, Oudkerk M, Henzler T. Quantitative Analysis of Coronary Plaque Composition by Dual-Source CT in Patients with Acute Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Compared to Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease Correlated with Virtual Histology Intravascular Ultrasound. Academic radiology. 2013;20(8):995-1003. Epub 2013/07/09. 6. Sudarski S, Apfaltrer P, W. Nance J J, Schneider D, Meyer M, Schoenberg SO, Fink C, Henzler T. Optimization of keV-settings in abdominal and lower extremity dual-source dual-energy CT angiography determined with virtual monoenergetic imaging. European journal of radiology. 2013. Epub 2013/06/15. 7. Shi J, Schmid-Bindert G, Fink C, Sudarski S, Apfaltrer P, Pilz LR, Liu B, Haberland U, Klotz E, Zhou C, Schoenberg SO, Henzler T. Dynamic volume perfusion CT in patients with lung cancer: Baseline perfusion characteristics of different histological subtypes. European journal of radiology. 2013. Epub 2013/10/08. 8. Gruettner J, Walter T, Bolte M, Haghi D, Sudarski S, Henzler T. Incidence of pulmonary embolism in an emergency department cohort evaluated with a simple symptombased diagnostic algorithm. In vivo (Athens, Greece). 2013;27(2):215-20. Epub 2013/02/21. 9. Ebersberger U, Sudarski S, Schoepf UJ, Bamberg F, Tricarico F, Apfaltrer P, Blanke P, Schindler A, Makowski MR, Headden GF, Leber AW, Hoffmann E, Vliegenthart R. Atherosclerotic plaque burden in cocaine users with acute chest pain: analysis by coronary computed tomography angiography. Atherosclerosis. 2013;229(2):443-8. Epub 2013/07/25. 108 Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 21 First and last name of doctoral researcher: Hui Liu (Working) title of doctoral project: The impact of ephrinB2 on the proinflammatory activation of leukocytes Names of supervisors: M. Hecker, T. Korff, H. Augustin, J. Kroll, R. Henning 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 01 October 2010 - 30 September 2013 Funding (type and duration): IRTG fellowship (01 October 2010 - 30 September 2013) Start of doctoral training and (anticipated) date of doctoral degree: 01 October 2010- 18 November 2013 Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Study of medicin (Bachelor), University of Shanxi, China; postgraduate student for additional 3 years (Master of science, 2009), University of Shanxi, China Occupation after leaving the IRTG, if applicable: Postdoc, Cardiovascular Research, Rochester, USA 2. Description of doctoral project and research results achieved to date The binding of membrane-associated ephrinB ligands to corresponding EphB receptors in endothelial cells (ECs) is pivotal for orchestrating the development of the circulatory system. Although the EphB/ephrinB system has been extensively studied during early embryonic development, its function in the adult vasculature is largely unknown. EphrinB2 is apically expressed on quiescent endothelial cells, and the level of its expression depends on local microenvironmental cues such as hypoxia, contact with SMCs and pro-angiogenic stimulation by VEGF. On the other hand, EphB2 is expressed on the surface of monocytes. The pattern of EphB2/ephrinB2 expression led to the hypothesis that their interaction might be involved in circulating monocyte adhesion to and transmigration through the endothelial cell monolayer, which are pivotal processes during inflammation. Consequently, the project was focused on clarifying the role of endothelial cell ephrinB2 in monocyte diapedesis and the underlying mechanisms. Considering the unique feature of bidirectional signaling in the Eph/ephrin system, as well as the evidence that EphB2 forward signaling activates monocytes, within another part of this project the impact of ephrinB reverse signaling on the pro-inflammatory differentiation of endothelial cells and monocyte adhesion was investigated. To further explore the role of endothelial ephrinB2 in inflammation in vivo, tamoxifen inducible endothelial cell specific ephrinB2 knockout mice were generated. Finally, this study was aimed at delineating the individual impact of either ephrinB1 or ephrinB2 on the observed pro-inflammatory differentiation of endothelial cells and monocyte diapedesis. Against this background, we observed that the ligands ephrinB1 and ephrinB2 are localized on the surface of ECs where their expression is upregulated during inflammation, while EphB2 receptors are located on the surface of monocytes. Consequently, we hypothesized that these ligands bind to EphB receptors expressed in monocytes under pro-inflammatory conditions. To study functional consequences of their ligand-receptor interactions, ECs were exposed to EphB2 receptor bodies or EphB2-overexpressing mouse myeloma cells upon siRNA-mediated knockdown of ephrinB1 or ephrinB2. 109 Based on this experimental setup, we analyzed the pro-inflammatory differentiation of the ECs and the transmigration of monocytes through the EC monolayer. Whereas forward signaling downstream of the EphB receptors promotes activation of monocytes, ephrinB reverse signaling induces the deposition of von Willebrand factor on the ECs surface, increases the expression of E-selectin, VCAM-1 and granulocyte-macrophage colonystimulating factor in ECs, and consequently stimulates monocyte attachment. Moreover, ephrinB1 and ephrinB2 are crucial for the transmigration of monocytes through the endothelial cell monolayer. Their activation by EphB2 not only promotes PECAM-1 phosphorylation through a Src-dependent mechanism while diminishing SHP-2 activity, but also triggers displacement of VE-cadherin from interendothelial cell junctions. In addition, EphB2 stimulation increases the permeability of endothelial cells. In vivo, endothelial cell specific ephrinB2 ablation was induced by injecting tamoxifen in Tie2CreERT2/ephrinB2flox/flox mice. Three distinct types of inflammatory models-TPA-induced ear edema, thioglycollate-elicited peritonitis, atherosclerosis, as well as an arteriogenesis model were employed to analyze the impact of ephrinB2 on monocyte extravasation and progression of pathological processes. However, all four models indicated that loss of endothelial ephrinB2 has no impact on monocyte infiltration, inflammatory pathology, and progression of arteriogenesis. This might be due to the limitations of the utilized models and compensatory effects of ephrinB1. Collectively, our data indicates for the first time that the EphB/ephrinB system contributes to inflammatory responses of ECs whereby ephrinB reverse signaling supports adhesion and transmigration of EphB2-expressing monocytes, and increases endothelial cell permeability. 3. Comments on the qualification programme and supervision strategy Practical courses were suitable to expand the technical knowledge of the PhD stundents and improves their interactions. Hui Liu attended several lectures focusing on vascular biology. Moreover, she also reported in some meetings which offered her the opportunity to present data and communicate with other groups. It is a good programme for the PhD students to gain the scientific knowledge and develop the ability to be a researcher. Prof. Korff gave some lectures and practical courses. Prof. Korff offered a lot of advice, came up with new ideas to improve the project, helped with trouble shootings and encouraged the PhD student all the time. In addition to the excellent guidance of the project, he also taught a lot about how to be a good researcher, how to collaborate with others and how to develop the career.The GRK880 supported my work by practical courses, seminars and lectures as well as a lively network that helped much to connect with national and international other research teams. Participation in the teaching programme of GRK 880 attended lectures: 6 attended labcourses: 0 attended workshops: 4 attended schools: 5 attended symposia: 3 Research stays or internships at other research institutions both at home and abroad, for IRTGs: stays at the partner university: Groningen, May/June 2012, laboratory of Dr. Henning/Deelman Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: DPG-Tagung 2011, IVBM 2012, Experimental Biology meeting (USA) 2012, GFMVB-Meeting 2012, DPG-Tagung 2013 4. Own publications 1. Liu H, Devraj K, Möller K, Liebner S, Hecker M, Korff T. EphrinB-mediated reverse signalling controls junctional integrity and pro-inflammatory differentiation of endothelial cells. Thromb Haemost. 2014 Feb 13;112(1). 110 2b) Postdoctoral Researcher (GRK 880/3) Project number: GRK 880/3, Project 20 First and last name of postdoctoral researcher: Hany Kayed (Working) title of doctoral project: Coronary plaque composition in patients with NSTEMI and stable coronary artery disease: A comparison of virtual histology intravascular ultrasound analysis and Dual source CT 1. General information Duration of Research Training Group membership: 1 September 2008 - 31 August 2012 Funding (type and duration): Postdoctoral at the Institute for Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, funded by the IRTG (1 September 2008 - 31 August 2012); Postdoctoral position in the IRTG (1 September 2008 - 31 August 2012) Subject; institution; start date of doctoral programme; degree date: “New Molecular Factors in The Pathogenesis of Pancreatic Diseases”, University Clinic of Surgery, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, Feb. 2003 - 03.02.2005. Commencement of studies; subject; university and date of degree (diploma, MA, etc.): Autumn/winter 1994, Human medical studies and 2000 Master of Radiology, Medical Faculty, University of Cairo, Egypt. 03.02.2005 Doctorate, University of Heidelberg. 10.09.2010 Reception of approbation Occupation after leaving the RTG, if applicable: 01/09/2012 Senior Radiologist (Oberarzt), Department of Radiology, General hospital of Celle, Celle, Germany. 2. Description of individual project and research results achieved to date The vulnerability of a coronary atherosclerotic plaque to rupture is largely dependent on inflammatory processes at the site of the plaque leading to an instable microanatomy. Consequently, sudden vessel obstruction leads to acute ischemia and myocardial infarction. This is known clinically as acute coronary syndrome (ACS), which is a life-threatining acute manifestation of coronary artery disease (CAD). Strong efforts are made to reliably riskstratify plaques and patients suffering from CAD. The gold standard for the assessment of coronary plaque composition is virtual histology intravascular ultrasound (VH-IVUS), which is performed during the invasive coronary angiography procedure. The non-invasive coronary CT angiography (cCTA) is increasingly used to reliably rule out or diagnose CAD. More importantly, it can be also used to characterize atherosclerotic plaques as an alternative to the invasive VH-IVUS. Our objective in this study was to assess the composition of the coronary atherosclerotic plaque in patients presenting with ACS in a quantitative manner. The plaque composition was assessed in patients with acute non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and compared to plaque composition with that of patients with stable CAD by means of cCTA and VH-IVUS. Another approach to determine presence of vulnerable plaques in patients with CAD is the assessment of biomarkers circulating in the patient’s coronaries, which might be associated with plaque destabilization, inflammation and rupture. We assessed in our patient cohort concentrations of matrixmetalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), myeloperoxidase (MPO), 111 pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A), placental growth factor (PlGF) and soluable CD 40 ligand (sCD40L) by performing conventionally available enzyme-linked immunoassays and investigated for possible differences between patients with NSTEMI and patients with stable CAD. 60 patients (35 with NSTEMI) were enrolled in the study. 40 corresponding plaques (22 of NSTEMI patients) of 28 patients (15 with NSTEMI) were assessed by a first-generation dualsource CT scanner as well as by the 20-MHz VH-IVUS; which was performed in the course of invasive coronary angiography (ICA). The assessed parameters were the volumes and percentages of fatty, fibrous and calcified component, overall plaque burden and maximal percent area stenosis. The only observed difference related to plaque morphology was higher area stenosis in NSTEMI patients compared to patients with stable CAD as measured with VH-IVUS. In cCTA volumes of fatty component were measured systematically lower, whereas calcified and fibrous volumes were measured higher. Regarding the analysis of biomarker levels, in total, 47 blood samples (28 of NSTEMI patients) were collected. NSTEMI patients had higher MMP-9, MPO and sCD40L levels and lower PAPP-A and PlGF levels than the group of patients with stable CAD, yet only concentrations of sCD40L were significantly differing between NSTEMI patients and patients with stable CAD. Levels of sCD40l were negatively and significantly correlated with PAPP-A and PlGF levels. PAPP-A and PlGF concentrations were positively correlated with each other and these two biomarkers were also both significantly elevated after ICA procedure independent of patient group and the performance of percutaneous interventions in the course of ICA. Concentrations of the study biomarkers did not correlate with concentrations of hsTnI, CRP, HDL, LDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides. The only correlation observed between study biomarker concentrations and plaque components was a weak positive correlation between percentage of fatty component and sCD40L levels. In summary, these data suggest that plaques of patients with NSTEMI and of patients with stable CAD cannot be differentiated by mere quantification of plaque components. The most promising biomarker candidate observed in this study was sCD40L, which showed significantly higher concentrations in NSTEMI patients than in patients with stable CAD. In addition blood levels were positively correlated with fatty plaque component, which is a surrogate for plaque vulnerability. Status: Study completed 3. Description of individual RTG-specific tasks As a graduated physician and radiologist my main role was to act as a study physician in the clinical study. In this role I furthermore supervised the doctorate during all scientific, experimental, technical and administrative steps until she completed her thesis. Furthermore, with my scientific expertise in basic research I acted as a link for the IRTG’s basic research and clinical studies. Participation in or organisation of RTG-related events: I participated regularly in the Autumn / Spring school in Heidelberg/Mannheim. I took part in some of the seminars as well. both Groningen and Research stays at other research institutions at home and abroad, for IRTGs also research stays at the partner university: No Participation in conferences, congresses, etc., at home and abroad: I participated in congresses and conferences in the field of clinical Radiology such as ECR and ACSI as well as regular seminars of the Institute of Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at the University Medicine Mannheim. 112 4. Own Publications 1. Sudarski S, Fink C, Sueselbeck T, Kayed H, Schoenberg SO, Borggrefe M, Vliegenthart R, Oudkerk M, Henzler T. Quantitative analysis of coronary plaque composition by dual-source CT in patients with acute non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction compared to patients with stable coronary artery disease correlated with virtual histology intravascular ultrasound. Acad Radiol. 2013 Aug;20(8):995-1003. 2. Kayed H, Meyer P, He Y, Kraenzlin B, Fink C, Gretz N, Schoenberg SO, Sadick M. Evaluation of the Metabolic Response to Cyclopamine Therapy in Pancreatic Cancer Xenografts Using a Clinical PET-CT System. Transl Oncol. 2012 Oct;5(5):335-43. Epub 2012 Oct 1. 3. Gazquez C, Ribal MJ, Marín-Aguilera M, Kayed H, Fernández PL, Mengual L, Alcaraz A. Biomarkers vs conventional histological analysis to detect lymph node micrometastases in bladder cancer: a real improvement? BJU Int. 2012 Nov;110(9):1310-6. 4. Sadick M, Attenberger U, Kraenzlin B, Kayed H, Schoenberg SO, Gretz N, SchockKusch D. Two non-invasive GFR-estimation methods in rat models of polycystic kidney disease: 3.0 Tesla dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and optical imaging. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011 Oct;26(10):3101-8. 5. Henzler T, Porubsky S, Kayed H, Harder N, Krissak UR, Meyer M, Sueselbeck T, Marx A, Michaely H, Schoepf UJ, Schoenberg SO, Fink C. Attenuation-based characterization of coronary atherosclerotic plaque: comparison of dual source and dual energy CT with single-source CT and histopathology. Eur J Radiol. 2011 Oct;80(1):54-9. 113 Appendix 3: see publication list 114