New Times - February 2010 - Uniting Church SA


New Times - February 2010 - Uniting Church SA
12 month
term investments
Issue 29, No 1 February 2010
24 month
term investments
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Power, politics &
the kingdom of God
PP 565 001/00190 ISSN 0726-2612
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fighting like a peacemaker
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This advertised offer is available from 1 October 2009 and is subject to change or withdrawal without notice. The
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Uniting Church SA are supervised by the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA). Investments lodged with
UC Invest are not protected by the provisions of the Banking Act 1959. UC Invest is designed for investors who wish
to promote the charitable purposes of the Uniting Church SA.
Stirring the pot of justice
p. 7-10
Uniting Church
at Christmas
you&me&us&them across SA
p. 4
New Times
Don’t dress as Batman
In Australia, it’s apparently
illegal to dress up as Batman (or
I’m sure this law has its
reasoning and rationale but, for
the most part, it’s absurd. And,
yes, there’re many more odd
laws like it around the world!
Unfortunately, absurd laws
don’t inspire us to trust the
powers that be, because it means
aligning to their agenda, without
a sense of trust.
We don’t like people to have
power over us - especially ones
that we are suspicious of. I
know that, for me, it confirms
the shocking truth: I am not
the most powerful person in the
world, and, if others knew, they
may purport and manipulate this
fact to bring harm.
Do I sound paranoid?
Maybe. What can I say, I’m an
Australian Gen Y, and as such,
I’m suspicious of both politics
and power.
It’s because it means giving
up the right to self-rule.
And to show allegiance to
Christ is the ultimate giving
up of self-rule. Instead we are
ruled, and called upon to not be
selfishly ambitious, but instead
to look to the interests of others,
not just our own.
Our attitude should be that of
Jesus. He who, as God, gave up
the power of equality with God,
to be one of us, and less than
one of us – to be our servant,
in our skin. As a man, already
totally humbled, he humbled
himself further and experienced
the humiliation of the cross – for
us. (Phil 2)
This is a God who went to
the enth degree to prove his
Surely, Jesus sets the highest
example of what it is to live, and
if we call ourselves ‘little Christ’
as the term Christian denotes, we
must follow in his footsteps, and
take the way of the cross, the
way of self-giving sacrifice.
If God as the all-powerful
could, in Christ, give up his
power for us, what choice do we
have but to show our allegiance
to him and give up our limited
And what could be more
politically controversial than
to say ’yes I will serve and love
you, come what may’? What
could show greater power than
to give up all of our power to
harm others and to hold them
under our control?
Instead we choose to be
human, to serve, and be humble
– because we first were shown
true humanity, service and
I always liked Wonderwoman
better than Batman anyway,
Who is blessed?
Caryn Rogers, the ed.
Rod Dyson, the Mod.
ISSN 0726-2612
New Times is the voice of Uniting Church SA. Published monthly,
February through December, New Times represents the breadth, diversity
and vision of Uniting Church members in SA. News policies, guides
and deadlines appear online at Articles and
advertising do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor.
Caryn Rogers
8236 4230
Russell Baker
8361 6822
Enquiries and Book Reviews
Alex McGrath
8236 4242
Joie Creative
Cadillac Printing
At our October Synod meeting our president,
Rev Alistair Macrae, talked about The
Beatitudes (Matthew 5.1-11). The Beatitudes tell
us what is reality in the Kingdom of God. The
poor in spirit, those who mourn, the persecuted
etc are all called blessed. That is they are in a
place where they are likely to encounter God, to
be very close to God. This is the reverse of how
many would see people experiencing the things
that the beatitudes list.
The season of Advent and Christmas
reinforces these thoughts for me. God comes
in the most fragile way, well away from
the sources of political power, completely
dependent on a poor woman and man.
Jesus’ birthplace is a box amongst animals,
not a classy hotel or palace. The ragged
shepherds, regarded as somewhat unclean and
not fulfilling their religious duties, are the ones
whom God chooses to tell about the Messiah.
And then John the Baptist appears in the
desert rather than the town square. Mary,
Joseph and God’s anointed one become
refugees. Despite all this Jesus was crucified.
I have been led to believe that this was a
punishment for a political crime rather than a
religious one.
Another beatitude may perhaps read, blessed
are those away from the sources of power.
Lately I have been thinking a lot about
congregations. They are places where we gather
to worship, learn, serve and fellowship. They
are very significant for all of us and there is a
sense in which they are a home for us. I could
also describe them as the place of the church’s
power. They are the safe place in a world that
often feels un-safe.
Perhaps provocatively I could now repeat
my new beatitude: blessed are those away from
the sources of power. As I begin the New Year
I wonder whether the main place we encounter
God is away from our safe place – out in the
I wonder whether blessed refers to the six
days between Sundays. Is it time to spend less
time and energy on one or a few hours a week
and invest all that time in relating in the wider
community and, together, discovering the
presence of God there?
The times, they are a’ changin..
Yes New Times is changing! As of May 2010 we will be refreshing
our format and taking on a new shape and design style. For any
advertising queries associated with this full-colour facelift, please
contact Russell Baker on 8361 6822
Otherwise, watch this (changing) space!
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Editorial and Advertising Deadlines for March
10 February
Uniting Church SA
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PO BOX 2145 Adelaide SA 5001
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Next issue:
Families and Fringe-dwellers
New Times
Back on the strategic wagon
Sarah Urmston,
Communications Project Officer
If you’re anything like me, you’ll view the start
of each year as a beautifully clean slate. Here in
the magical freshness of those first few days we
find the opportunity to live life as we meant to
last year - an opportunity welcomed with much
joy and most likely, a hint of relief.
Remember a few years ago when Uniting
Church SA came up with six new resolutions?
These resolutions are geared towards ensuring we
know where we’re going and how we’re getting
there; they’re steps to help us work towards our
vision as, “we seek to be an innovative, growing
church proclaiming Jesus Christ, empowered by
the Spirit to transform God’s world.”
It’s a big task. And that’s fine, because
visions need to be big. But to even come close
to achieving such a large vision, some kind of
plan is necessary – a plan with God at the core,
that purposes to offer him our minds and actions
as we participate in the bigger mission of the
So, need a refresher on what the resolutions
1.Fostering conversion growth
2.Raising leaders
3. Growing disciples
4. Developing new models
5.Expanding our profile
6. Championing justice
The strategic plan is designed to support your
congregation as you plan for the future; it’s
there as a useful and relevant tool to help your
We’re better together. As we navigate through the strategic plan,
our many congregations are all aiming at the one goal: to be an
innovative, growing church proclaiming Jesus Christ, empowered by
the Spirit to transform God’s world.
congregation live out our shared Uniting Church
SA vision for 2010 and beyond.
When you look at your congregation, chances
are you’re already participating in one or more
of the key directions of our strategic plan.
Running weekly Bible studies? That’s discipleship.
Encouraging further studies at Uniting College?
You’re investing in leadership. Taking part in
postcard campaigns? Way to raise your profile.
Using fair trade products? Hello, justice!
The question is: with the limited time and funds
of your congregation, how do you decide what
will and won’t be a priority? My guess is that these
kinds of decisions are made with much prayer,
discernment and combined wisdom.
I’d like to challenge your congregation to take
a fresh look at your current activities through the
lens of the six key directions. If our goal, together
as the Uniting Church in South Australia, is to live
out our vision statement then each of the activities
we do needs to have a purpose connected to a key
direction. If the connection can’t be made, then
perhaps we need to ask the tough question of ‘why
are we doing this?’
We all have limited time and resources – that’s
why strategy is so important! You may only be
able to focus on one or two of the key directions –
and that’s great. Perhaps your church is just more
passionate about fresh expressions than it is about
raising its profile. The key idea with the big plan is
to know your strengths and weaknesses, choose to
do what you can, and move forward.
If we’re all moving forward under the same plan,
we’re that much closer to becoming the church we
have the vision to be.
Where to from here?
As we use the strategic plan to assess our directions, know that you don’t have to go it
alone. A central place to share your journey and learn from others is the strategic plan
website – If you need resources or assistance with how to work
towards a particular key direction, contact Rev Russell Knight on 8236 4206, and he can
direct you to the right person.
Church launches online prayer room
The Uniting Church SA launched South
Australia’s first online prayer room – the Quiet
Space – in December.
The cyber-prayer room enables people to post
a prayer and light a virtual candle that will burn
for up to 24 hours.
The website has been created by South
Australian digital media company, I Love
Biscuits, on behalf of the Uniting Church SA
and features South Australian images and music
by local artists.
Those posting a prayer can choose from one
of five different ‘locations’: Flinders Ranges,
Indigenous art room, Local Uniting Church Clayton Wesley, Fleurieu Peninsula beach or
McClaren Vale bush track.
“Our online prayer room is a simple tool
designed to help people to find space to pray
amongst the busyness of life,” says Rev Rod
Dyson, Moderator of the Uniting Church.
“Making space to reflect and talk with God is
not just something that we do in churches but
something people do while walking in nature, or
driving their car or reflecting at the end of the
“We believe it is vital to ensure that spirituality
has a place in cyberspace too.”
The Uniting Church SA created the Quiet Space
as part of its Uniting People campaign.
You can access the prayer space via the Uniting
Church’s new website or
directly at
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U N I T I N G C H U R C H a t C hri s tm a s
When ‘merry Christmas’ is too difficult
Rev Jenny Ducker,
Marion–Warradale Congregation
It is simply very difficult for a lot of
people to be merry at Christmas.
While tinsel drapes across the city
and ‘Frosty the Snowman’ blares in
shopping centres, lots of people find it
difficult to feel joy around Christmas.
The whole world seems to expect that
people will be happy, and families will
want to be together at this time of year.
For many people, this is simply not
the reality. Some have experienced
huge grief that makes tinsel seem more
like a noose than a decoration. Others
will be feeling the ‘chill’ of broken
relationships, or damaged dreams.
Each year at Marion-Warradale
Congregation we think of people who
have suffered the death of someone
they love, had a terrible diagnosis,
experienced shattered relationships
or perhaps lost their job, license or
something else. These people are sent a
personal invitation to come to a ‘Blue
Christmas’ service, otherwise known
as a ‘Service of Solace’. Others come
because there are concerns within the
world they want to acknowledge and
grieve for at this time of year.
This service is an intentional time,
set apart from the rush and bustle of
commercial and community expectations.
It is a space in which people are invited
to know and name the dread, darkness
and despair of human living; perhaps
finding God ‘born again’ into our lives
and travelling with us - especially during
these times.
A week and a half before Christmas
Day, on a Wednesday evening, around 20
people gathered for the service of solace
offered in the informal worship space
of Marion’s Wesleyan Chapel hall. We
gathered in a circle around a low table,
upon which were the rich colours of
purple and gold, and dark green leaves.
Purple candles were lit, and from these
people lit their own candles as they
offered personal prayers.
Without fail, there are tears found
on faces; partly because grief is so raw
and sits so close to the surface, but also
because there are few opportunities in our
society to openly lament. In sharing the
peace with each person, I am invariably
invited to share in a small part of their
Equally without fail, people turn to one
another and offer the comfort of embrace.
This is truly Emmanuel, God with us.
Pollies and poultry fight poverty Kids march to church
977 hampers, 832 toy packages, 600 chickens,
150 volunteers and a handful of politicians
helped make a brighter Christmas for 977
families in need through the UnitingCare
Wesley Bowden(UCW Bowden) Hamper drive
on Thursday 17 December.
“Everyone has felt the pinch to some
extent this year, but it’s easy to forget that
those most disadvantaged suffer more,” said
Natalie Martin-Loat, Volunteer & Fundraising
Coordinator UCW Bowden.
“There are children, teenagers, families
and older people who often can’t afford to
celebrate Christmas with gifts and luxury food
like thousands of other South Australians do.”
The Governor of SA, his Excellency Rear
Admiral Kevin Scarce and Mrs Scarce, the
Honourable Tom Koutsantonis representing
the Premier of SA, the Honourable Michael
Atkinson, UCW Bowden Board members and
many other VIP’s were in attendance to help
dedicated volunteers hand out the hampers.
“All of those who volunteered their
time, both in the lead up to the event and
on the day itself, gained much from their
contribution, including the stark realisation
of just how many people in Adelaide do not
normally experience a ‘magical Christmas’.”
Politicians, volunteers and UCW Bowden staff
participated in the largest hamper distribution in
the State on Thursday 17 December, 2009. 977
families in need were cheerfully helped by the team
of helpers.
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For all your property needs
From its formation, UCW Bowden
has sustained a tradition of never
closing its doors to people in need
while resources remain, so the
hampers, toy packages and chickens
continued to be distributed for days
after the actual event.
Pastor Grant Jewell
The entire student body and teaching staff of Owen Primary
school took to the streets on Tuesday 9 December, 2009.
Their destination: Owen Community Church, where a team
of volunteers awaited their arrival. The church and hall were
packed with activities and displays, the kitchen with goodies for
morning recess.
Following the apt Christmas theme of ‘Jesus, Light Of the
World’, the 70 children were divided into age groups for
Their teachers helped supervise the students as the team of
church volunteers guided, assisted and encouraged the kids on
their journey through the ten displays featuring messages, Bible
verses and questions to answer.
Our key display was a 1.5 metre high lighthouse, complete
with rotating light. There were also, model houses, a ‘life’
pathway, Lego blocks and data projector messages.
Thanks to the local principal and staff, we were able to make
a connection between school and church institutions, and so
introduce the value of a spiritual life.
Berri carols a great success
A tradition was restored in
Berri last Sunday with Carols
returning to the riverfront after
many years of absence.
A 450-strong crowd attended
joined in the carol singing
at the community event,
organised by a small committee
representing the Berri Barmera
Ministers Association.
“The crowd really
appreciated Ron Harris telling
the Christmas story, a visit from
the Christmas angel and the
Rev Trevor Klar’s reminder to
respond to Christmas with awe
and wonder,” one organiser
The event brought in $1280
for the Riverland Christmas
Organisers appreciated
the assistance of the Berri
Barmera Council and support
of Fletchers Freighters for the
provision of a stage.
We hope, with anticipation,
that this will become an annual
event once again.
New Times
Flipping for a cause
Turning up for life change
Jane Moad,
ncyc11 Marketing Team Coordinator
For Alison Cox, ncyc11 Coordinator, her most
memorable National Christian Youth Convention
(NCYC) experience was at Toowoomba, in 1991.
“We were at an evening worship time where
Tony Campolo had spoken,” reflects Alison. “The
question posed was, ‘God is calling you, are you
going to sit there or do something about it?’
“There was no way I could stay in my seat.
My heart was pounding and I stood up having
no idea that it would mean having a completely
different life.
“I’d planned to be a psychologist in South
Australia - now I’m ordained as a minister in the
Uniting Church in Queensland.”
For the first time in NCYC history, ncyc11
begins in December, running from 29 Dec
2010 - 4 Jan 2011, meaning that attendees will
welcome 2011 in special NCYC style New Year’s
Confirmed speakers for the conference
include Gillian Best, speaker and Youth Ministry
Coordinator for the Irish Methodist Church and
Australian Christian comedian and magician,
Christopher Wayne.
Have you registered yet
for Pancake Day?
Well come on, it’s that
time again! Don your apron,
dust off your frypan and get
flipping for a great cause at the
eighth annual UnitingCare SA
Pancake Day.
“The funds you raise at
your event will help local
UnitingCare agencies give hope
to people in need,” said Alice
MacFarlane, UnitingCare SA
Events Officer.
“Your support means we can
help more people, including
those without a home, those
with disabilities, abused and
vulnerable children and adults,
older people and families in
This year’s Pancake Day
officially falls on Shrove
Tuesday, 16 February - but
rest assured, you can hold
your event anytime during the
month of February.
Last year, more than 450
groups registered to take part
and more than $62,000 was
raised for local UnitingCare
“We’re hoping for similar
numbers again this year.
The funds are needed more
than ever - many people are
feeling the pinch of the current
economic climate.”
“Every cent counts in the
fight against poverty and
together, we can make a
difference. And it can be with
something as simple as sharing
a pancake or two in your
church or workplace.”
To run your own event
you can register now; online
pancake_day or by calling
1800 060 543. Groups receive
an event host pack DVD to
assist with planning as well as
promotional materials.
If you can’t host your own
event, you can still be part
of the pancake fun! Visit us
in Rundle Mall at our launch
event Tuesday 16 February,
under the Gawler Place
canopy. The launch will feature
local celebrities and light
entertainment and as always,
there’ll be our annual pancake
flipping race!
“My dream for ncyc11 is to see young people
together in a space where they are free to ‘be’,”
Alison says.
To find out the latest news, announcements
and information, you can register at the official
website:, follow ncyc11 at or
NCYC – At a glance
The National Christian Youth Convention
(NCYC) is a week long youth event held by
the Uniting Church in Australia to inspire,
challenge and excite young people in their
relationship with Christ.
Every two years, hundreds of youth,
aged 16 – 25, and their leaders gather to
experience Christian community through a
week long residential Christian convention.
The theme of ncyc11, Turn It Up, focuses
on the opportunity for young adults to
‘turn up’ their faith, engage with Jesus at
a deeper level and share their faith more
passionately with others.
The two-yearly Uniting Church
youth conference, National
Christian Youth Convention
(NCYC), is coming up again
in 2011. Looking forward to
‘ncyc11’ is coordinator Alison
Cox (left) and 23 year old NCYC
‘veteran’ Allison Tyquin (right).
Church partners respond to Haiti earthquake
More than 100,000 people
are feared dead and many
more are left homeless by
the catastrophic earthquake
that has crippled Haiti, the
poorest country in the Western
Act for Peace, the
international aid agency of the
National Council of Churches in
Australia is responding to the
tragedy through church partners
in Haiti who have described the
situation as ‘very chaotic’ and a
disaster of ‘huge dimensions’.
The earthquake was the
most powerful to hit Haiti in
more than 200 years. The 7.0
magnitude quake has caused
scenes of chaos in the streets.
Hospitals, schools, houses and
shops collapsed, and people
were screaming ‘Jesus, Jesus’,
not knowing where to run.
“This tragedy follows years
of conflict and instability in
Haiti,” said Alistair Gee, Act for
Peace Executive Director. We
are supporting the provision of
water and sanitation materials,
hygiene kits and psychosocial
treatment for the victims of this
“Our partners are already in
place, assisting those affected
by the earthquake.”
“It has caused major damage
to water, electricity and road
systems. The immediate need is
to rescue people trapped in the
rubble, then to get people food
and water; children were still in
school in the afternoon when
the earthquake hit, so there
are many children trapped in
crumbled buildings.
“Two of our partner’s staff
members remain unaccounted
On 19 January, Anna Zizi is pulled alive from the rubble of Haiti’s devastating earthquake, one week after the city was reduced to ruins in a
matter of seconds. She was rescued from the collapsed home of the parish priest at Port-au-Prince’s Roman Cathedral Cathedral of Our Lady
of the Assumption by members of a Mexican search and rescue team, several of whom were in tears as they pulled the woman free from tons
of rubble. Photo by Paul Jeffrey/ACT.
for in Haiti, while most are still
in shock after surviving the
World Council of Churches
General Secretary, Rev Dr Olav
Fykse Tveit, also expressed
condolences and solidarity
with the people of Haiti. He
said, “Once again they have
experienced the great burdens
of anguish, damage and
death because of a natural
catastrophe. They have
already carried many burdens
of political instability and
Act for Peace is accepting
gifts to the Haiti Earthquake
Appeal and once immediate
needs are addressed, we
will focus on the long term
rehabilitation of the affected
populations. The scale of
the damage is immense and
we must make a long-term
commitment to our partners to
ensure they can rebuild.
You can give to this urgent appeal by:
• Calling us toll free on 1800 025 101
• Mailing a cheque or money order to Act for Peace
– NCCA, Locked Bag 199, Sydney NSW 1230
(please make the cheque payable to ‘Act for Peace
Haiti Earthquake Appeal)
• Giving securely online at:
P o l itic s A N D P o w er
New Times
Flexing your political muscles
Caryn Rogers
This year I will be
celebrating a personal political
milestone: my first decade of
I remember the first time I
voted. I nervously approached
the polling station, filled with
the fear that I could, singlehandedly, lead the country
into ruin. Sure, maybe my
felt power was greater than in
actuality, but all the same –
there was genuine trepidation.
Why? Because I wanted to
change the world - voting was
a privilege that could help me
do that.
Ten years on, I still want
to change the world, but
have a slightly more realistic
awareness of what my vote
gets. Though it might not
be the difference between
prosperity and irrevocable
poverty as a nation, my vote
still represents a voice, a
contribution, a flag waving in
the political breeze.
My political posture is
generally green, slightly left–
wing with some elements of
right, and always hoping the
best for the underdog. Last
year I became aware of a
different underdog though: the
imprisonment system.
As well as being highlighted
by the Prison and Justice
Advocacy Group at last
year’s October Presbytery/
Synod meeting, we have seen
newspapers across the nation
host numerous articles over
recent months regarding
concerns with reform, or lack
of it.
In the Australian Financial
Review, Andrew Leigh,
economist in the Research
School of Social Sciences
at the Australian National
University, noted, “In 2009,
more than 20,000 Australians
received a ‘get out of jail’ card
and walked through the gates
of 120 or so prisons dotted
across the country. However,
the sobering fact is that
during the next two years,
almost half of these will
return to prison, and some
will replay that prison-release
scene again and again.”
Anne-Maree Neal, of
Quakers Hill, wrote into
her local paper declaring
shame on NSW’s former
Premier Nathan Rees, “The
government wants to be seen
as being tough on crime
but all they are doing is
destroying the lives of young
people who are the most
vulnerable, disadvantaged and
The ABC proffered a
new report last November
highlighting the 35 young
North Territorians in
detention, 91 per cent of
whom were Indigenous, on an
average day in 2007-08.
Back in New Times
Dec 2008, Charlene Kent
highlighted the South
Australian Council of Social
Services ‘Blueprint for the
eradication of poverty in
South Australia’, noting a
number of current difficulties
with the system including:
• Issues related to poverty
and disadvantage account
for a 56% higher chance of
participating in offending
behaviour later in life;
• Between 60-80% of
prisoners are estimated to
have literacy problems ;
• Many prisoners have
mental health and
psychological issues.
Between 1990 and
2005-06 there were 39
recorded suicides in South
Australian prisons;
• Indigenous Australians
are over-represented in
our prisons, an indicator
of disadvantage and
• South Australia currently
has the longest average
prison term of any state
in Australia;
This ‘prison issue’ is a
political one, cycling around
re-offending, indigenous
and juvenile imprisonment
as well as a lack of
What do we do as the
Uniting Church? Well, we
most certainly won’t tell you
how to cast your votes. But
as we approach the polls
it’s time to inform ourselves
so we have a good shot at
making a change in this part
of our world.
Getting involved
1. Get involved in initiatives supporting prevention and early
2. Write to your local MP, the Premier, the Attorney General and
the leader of the Opposition, calling for better rehabilitation
programs for prisoners and improvements in prevention and
early intervention.
3.Speak to Bill Reddin, Uniting Church chaplain at Yatala
Correctional Facility, about the post-release prisoner program
‘U-Turn’, ph: 8343 0469.
4. Investigate ministry opportunities.
Kairos Prison Ministry Australia They
currently have programs in SA booked for 11: 13 - 16 April
(Mobilong), 27 - 30 Sept Torch (Cavan), Kairos Outside: 30 April
- 2 May and 10 - 12 September.
Caring For Ex Offenders (CFEO) is running an information
workshop for churches, Sat 13 March at Parafield Gardens
Uniting Church, 9-4pm. Call Grant (CFEO SA liaison) 85286036
for more info.
OARS SA (Offenders Aid & Rehabilitation Services of SA Inc.)
Prison Fellowship South Australia
Alpha for Prisons
Angel Tree helps the children of prisoners with presents at
Christmas time through
A team of highly qualified
counsellors experienced in handling
issues of anxiety, stress, burnout,
depression, grief, chronic illness
and relationship matters.
PHONE: 8271 6817
44 Marlborough Street, Malvern
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P o l itic s A N D P o w er
New Times
Be the change
Caryn Rogers
Dave Andrews, keynote speaker at this month’s Presbytery/
Synod meeting, knows it takes more than words to start a
revolution - the Bible lays down transformative, life-changing
words that we need to hear and act upon, now.
“Plan A has been to treat others like they treat us; Plan Be is to
treat others how we would like to be treated,” comments Dave, in
his aptly titled book, Plan Be.
“The trouble with an ‘eye-for-an-eye’ policy is that in the end
it makes us ‘blind’ – we are no longer able to see - let alone do the sort of things that make for peace and love and justice.”
With the Uniting Church President Alistair Macrae’s
expounding of the beatitudes at the October Synod meeting, Dave
is sure to follow on with equal passion for action.
Working extensively through the beatitudes, or ‘be-attitudes’
as Dave calls them, Plan Be is part of an excellent resource
pack from Bible Society Qld. Highlighted at the state meeting,
the Uniting Church’s core discipleship team will be calling on
churches to utilise these resources and be part of a be-attitudinal
change, with the support of the MRN and Uniting College.
What Plan Be does is to show that the time for talk is done and
that Jesus’ words from the Sermon on the Mount are critical to
being the change we want to see.
February’s Presbytery/Synod meeting will be held at
Adelaide West Uniting Church from Friday 26 - Saturday 27
February 2010.
Contact Heather Bald in the MRN centre on (08) 8236
4243 or to order resource packs for you
and your congregation. For more information, head online
to or visit the information desk at the
Presbytery/Synod meeting.
Plan Be helps readers to make a genuine heart connection to the
beatitudes in a way that must action lifestyle change. The author,
Dave Andrews, is the keynote speaker at February’s Presbytery/
Synod meeting.
Are you interested in serving as a Board member?
Volunteer your time, support your local Uniting Church agency or
school and enrich your life through serving as a Board member.
To register, visit
Uniting Director links people wishing to serve as a Board member
with Uniting Church agencies and schools seeking to fill Board
Register yourself: tell your colleagues, friends and social networks
and help spread the word.
Rev Tony Eldridge and Rev Sandy Boyce are encouraging those who’ve been hurt by ‘the Church’
to enter their doors for an honest attempt to begin healing. Photo: Caryn Rogers
Giving power back
Rev Tony Eldridge,
Pilgrim Uniting Church
At its best we know the church to be a
community that enables God’s love and care
to be expressed in words and actions to all
people. It is a place of growth and nurture
where Christ’s ministry is shared with
individuals and with the wider world.
The reality is that the church is made
up of fallible people with mixed motives
and agendas. The church is not a ‘thing’
somewhere ‘out there’ or inanimate. The
church is people; people who have the power
to make mistakes, and people who have
the power to cause harm, unintentional or
Most people have experienced or know
somebody who has experienced ‘the Church’
as a cause of significant pain in their life.
For some, the very thought of walking into a
church fills them with dread.
There can be many reasons lying at the
core of their hurt; misunderstandings, not
being heard or cared for, being overlooked,
judgemental attitudes, abusive comments and
actions - just to name a few. Unaddressed,
these hurts can fester and grow; from unease
with others through to leaving the church
and, perhaps, even losing faith in God.
Here at Pilgrim Uniting we wanted to
reach out and offer help to those for whom,
for one reason or another, feel hurt by the
church. In this endeavour, we’ll be hosting a
series of four services throughout the year to
help begin a healing process.
The services will be sensitive and discreet,
giving liturgical and symbolic opportunities to
express hurts. We will also create space within
the services for reflective silence and, in our
prayers for healing, we will be real about
the sources of hurt and invite God into the
healing process.
Our primary concern is that these
opportunities might be helpful for people to
find voice for their hurt, grow and step into a
new stage in their healing process. We hope
that enabling hurt people to reconnect with
God and church may be a part of this healing.
We are very aware that this is an integrated
and potentially lengthy process. Resources and
information will be offered at these services
for follow up with professional counselling
and further support.
For further information please contact the
Pilgrim Uniting Church Office on 8212 3295
Steps towards healing services
Pilgrim Church, 12 Flinders St, Adelaide
Wednesday 17 Feb, 5:30 pm
Tuesday 27 Apr, 5.30 pm
Thursday 8 Jul, 12.15 pm
Sunday 19 Sept, 5.00pm
P o l itic s a n d P o w er
New Times
The Adivasi’s struggle for identity
Tomas Ganderton,
UnitingWorld Communications Officer
The influence of power and politics
means different things around the
As Australians, we can enjoy
relatively carefree lives. We have
a national government healthcare
system, a guaranteed place in school
and access to housing, employment,
food and water is rarely a problem.
But there are countless examples
around the world where a people’s
opportunities to look after themselves
and build their own future are buried
under longstanding structures of
power and domination.
India is home to some of the world’s
fastest growing developments and
corporations which exist alongside
some of the most marginalised
communities in the world - like the
Believed to have been descended
from the original population of India,
the Adivasi (roughly translating to
‘earliest inhabitants’ or ‘forest people’)
of Nilgiri Hills in Southern India know
‘political burial’ all too well.
Although around 400 Adivasi
communities are living in India today
and have their own language, culture
and customs, the authorities consider
them as lacking an official identity. As
such, they cannot own land or access
basic civic services.
The Adivasi were excluded from
India’s administered ‘caste system’
which, before its abolition in 1997,
stratified the population into four
distinct groups with varying levels of
rights and privileges.
Today, they are listed as one of the
lowest ‘scheduled tribes’ - creating
a widespread social stigma of
UnitingWorld’s Associate Director,
Relief and Development, Mr Rob
Floyd, has seen firsthand the problems
associated with this lack of official
“The Adivasi lead marginalised
lives, cut off from mainstream
society by long-lived structures of
Australia & India –
the contrast
In an area of 7.69 million
square kilometres, Australia
comfortably houses
around 21 million people
in our six states and two
India, in contrast, houses
roughly 1.1 billion people,
approximately 16% of
the world’s population,
filling 28 states in just 3.3
million square kilometres.
The highly populated
country boasts a vast
array of distinct cultural
The Adivasi people struggle as one of the most forgotten and marginalised people groups in India. In partnership with the Church of
South India, Uniting World has begun to see some significant victories won for these people; like 98% of children, including the girls
pictured above, now attending school daily.
oppression,” said Rob.
“The wide-reaching consequences
for both current and future generations
within the Adivasi stand in place as a
barrier inhibiting development.”
For decades the Adivasi have lived
traditional and self-sufficient lifestyles,
living amongst the immense forests in
rural India in communities consisting
of only a few hundred people each.
Over time, the Indian authorities
rezoned the land where Adivasi people
were living.
Consequently, hundreds of acres of
forest could be legally felled to make
way for cash crop developments,
like tea plantations. Entire Adivasi
communities have been uprooted and
driven to the edge of forests or the
outskirts of expansive developments.
“Many are forced to work under
bonded labour agreements with
developers in order to stay alive, with
interest rates so high that repayment is
nearly impossible,” said Rob.
The Relief and Development Unit at
UnitingWorld has been working with
Adivasi in Nilgiris Hills to address this
structural imbalance and empower
them to lift themselves out of poverty.
Working in partnership with the
Church of South India, official identity
papers have been obtained, resulting
in land rights being gained for many
Educational facilities have been
established and now 98% of children
are attending school daily.
Nutritional awareness programs
are working together with medical
facilities to improve the health of
tribal populations.
Women are being empowered
through self-help groups to address
the gender imbalance operating within
communities, resulting in many
gaining meaningful employment.
We can happily report that great
progress has been made in some
communities, with the cycle of
prejudice and injustice slowly starting
to deteriorate. There is still much more
work to do be done, however, to bring
about lasting change for the Adivasi.
Education with
Uniting Church Schools
89 Greenhill Road Wayville
South Australia 5034
P: 8422 2288
F: 8272 0142
Campus Drive, Aberfoyle Park
South Australia 5159
P: 8270 3033
F: 8370 7734
PO Box 571 Kent Town
South Australia
P: 83341200
F: 83630702
Carruth Road Torrens Park
South Australia 5062
P: 8274 4333
F: 8274 4247
546 Portrush Road
Glen Osmond 5064
Telephone: 8303 9000
Facsimile: 8303 9010
Alison Ave, Marion
South Australia 5043
P: 8 8276 0276
F: 8 8276 0277
Our independent schools provide education for around 6,000 students in South Australia from Early Learning to Year 12.
They offer a variety of learning environments, and a world-class standard of excellence in facilities and academic standards.
While these schools respect the faith diversity of all students, the story, values and practices of the Christian faith are expressed with
integrity in order to nurture young lives for sound learning, faith, compassion and responsible service.
P o l iticS A N D P o w er
New Times
Politics of affording power
Mark Henley,
Manager Advocacy and
Communications; UnitingCare
Wesley Adelaide
Frontier Services’ Patrol Minister Rev Jenny Swanbury is based in Orooroo. She provides pastoral care to
the people and communities in the area located along the Barrier Highway to the NSW border as well
as the Gawler Ranges. Jenny is also the face of June in the Uniting Church SA 2010 Calendar.
Long-distance call
Rev Jenny Swanbury,
Frontier Services Sturt Patrol Minister
As I reflect on politics and power in the
context of the remote region in which I live, I
experience an immediate sense of gratitude. In
this remarkable area whose people continue to
demonstrate incredible resilience in the face of
hardships, there is relative peace here.
I am struck, though, by how easy it is to feel
distanced from the centres of power and politics
in my ‘patch’. Among the ancient, ochre-red
landscapes of the Gawler Ranges, the stations
and communities scattered along the Barrier
Highway and the former railway towns of Yunta
and Cockburn, politics and power appear no
closer than the edge of the horizon.
But people, no matter where they live, want to
feel that they matter; that they are listened to at
the coalface, so to speak.
This feeling was evident recently in the strong
reaction to the State’s Minister for Health,
John Hill. The government’s non-consultative
approach to the apparent curtailment of health
services at rural hospitals resulted in protest.
The government has promised to engage more
with the local populace and what their vision is
for health over the next 10 years. Only time will
tell if they keep this promise.
The recent debilitating dust and sand
storms in the north-east of the state have also
highlighted the entrenched disparity between
power, politics and people. While images of an
eerie, orange dust stifling Sydney appeared in
media across the nation; news of the storm’s
devastation at its origin seemed to disappear in
the haze.
Station people at the storm’s centre say
they had never seen anything like it. The dust
destroyed feed so, with significant difficulty,
animals were trucked off to be fed. After hard
lobbying by individuals and organisations,
eventually, a little government finance was
When someone from this devastated area
said; ‘We have been abandoned!’ it was difficult
to argue.
Politics and power may seem a world away
from the daily routine but it is everywhere.
From the price of milk to what services are
available where. Too often it takes a crisis or
an emergency for its impact to be appreciated,
especially in remote Australia.
Over the last decade
Australian Governments, and
some overseas jurisdictions,
have progressively privatised
the provision of utilities,
seeking more efficient
management and competitive
pricing for ‘the long term
benefit of consumers’.
Increasingly, environmental
implications of essential
service overuse are being
recognised too. Environmental
sustainability principles need
to apply as the generation of
electricity accounts for about
50% of Australia’s greenhouse
gas emissions and the pressure
on water availability has been
highlighted by recent drought
People with economic or
environmental perspectives
often say that current pricing
for utilities is too low and that
prices should increase to reflect
scarcity and environmental
impacts, in turn, encouraging
more judicious consumption.
Of great concern is that
utilities include essential
services, particularly electricity
and water, which we all need
for living and for which there
are no substitutes. A social
justice perspective says that
these essential services are just
that, and therefore must be
accessible and affordable for all
UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide
says that after a doubling of
electricity prices over the past
decade, indicative estimates
suggest that the price of
electricity could double again in
the next five years - without the
impacts of a Carbon Pollution
Reduction Scheme, which will
be cost neutral for households.
Currently, about one in five
households cannot afford to pay
their electricity bills on time.
The poorest 20% of
households, on average, are
currently spending 11-12%
of their household budget on
electricity; the wealthiest 20%
spending about 1%.
This suggests that lower
income people are wasteful in
their energy use but the reality
is that the wealthiest 20% of
households use about 50% more
electricity than the poorest
households, who use less, on
average, than anyone else.
Noting that affordability of
essential services is likely to be
a significant ‘driver’ of poverty
over coming years, Uniting
Care Australia has recently
established a national energy
project to focus on the social
justice aspects of energy policy.
The suggestion is, initially, that
fair utilities policy will require
a mix of demand management
(finding ways of using less
energy / water), pricing policies
that both reflect ability to
pay and which increase for
higher use households and
finally concessions to maintain
affordability for disadvantaged
households, larger families
and people with higher energy
health needs.
Any groups or congregations interested in a discussion
about energy affordability and policy issues are
encouraged to contact Mark Henley to set up a time
and place. These discussions will help inform Uniting
Care’s input into national energy policy.
Email Mark Henley: mark.henley@ucwesleyadelaide. for more information.
New Times
Leading leaders
Caryn Rogers
Having taken up the Director of
Leadership mantle at Uniting College
part-time in July 2009, Craig Bailey
has made a fresh, full-time start at
the College in 2010. Though sadly
farewelling his role of Senior Pastor at
Aberfoyle Uniting Church at the end of
2009, Craig feels ready to sink his teeth
fully into the role.
“My experience at Aberfoyle of 14
and a half years has been an incredible
journey of learning and discovery,”
reflects Craig. “I’ve worked with
wonderful leaders, wonderful teams and
wonderful servant-hearted volunteers.
“It was quite painful and a real grief
for me leaving that role, but there is
a great satisfaction in knowing that
Aberfoyle is well positioned for further
growth and development.”
So what would make a minister
give up ministering in a church well
positioned for future growth? Simple.
Craig’s a born leader who loves
developing leaders – this was a great
opportunity for the innovative teacher.
“I’m really excited about the
leadership development council’s vision
for leadership training. I think in my
hearts of hearts I’m a teacher - this gives
me the opportunity to exercise that gift
more extensively.
“There’s a significant responsibility
in this role, both to bring a leadership
mindset to the college while, at the
ground level, training ministers and
leaders in leadership.”
Craig’s draws on a broad range of
leadership resources and models. He
considers the ‘leadership thing’ to be a
very broad discipline.
“While trying to meet the needs of
the new church and faith community
models, there are still three elements
at the heart of all leadership. They’re
understanding leadership in the context
of ministry, valuing leadership itself and
gathering skills in leadership that is part
of being a missional church.
“Were not just talking about
leadership of anything – it’s leadership
that forwards the mandate of the Church
to be missional - by that I mean to
evangelise, connect with community,
seek conversions and grow churches.”
Craig is excited to be part of the
changing culture at Uniting College
that is looking towards new models of
training ministers and leaders, without
losing the academic integrity of the past.
Further appointments at Uniting College
for 2010 include
1. Beatrice Panne as Lecturer in Pastoral Care (0.5) for a period of
five years commencing 1 January 2010.
2. Rev Roger Brook as Supervised Field Education Coordinator (0.7)
for a period of five years commencing 1 January 2010. Roger will
also continue his employment with Hope Valley Uniting Church
as Executive Pastor, part-time.
Pastor Craig Bailey (right) is the fulltime Director of Leadership at Uniting
College. Craig handed the leadership reins at Aberfoyle Uniting Church over to
Rev Phil Pynor (left) at the end of 2009. The two are pictured here at the launch
of 56, Aberfoyle Park’s community facility. Photo: Caryn Rogers.
Pastor Craig Bailey
Since coming to faith as a 17 year old, Craig has found himself
in positions of leadership – children’s and youth ministry, church
leadership and more – with sound evangelistic outcomes. Craig’s
six year stint in the Synod office saw the development of Kid’s
Camp Out (KCO) and South Australian Youth Camp Out (SAYCO)
- initiatives that share the love of God with thousands of young
people each year.
M a g a z ine
New Times
The South Australian Council
of Christians and Jews (CCJ)
is helping congregations
rediscover their spiritual
connection. Pictured (L-R)
are honorary Secretary of
the CCJ, Anglican Deacon,
Rev Dawn Colsey; Jewish
Co-Chair, Ron Hoenig; Rabbi
Shoshana Kaminsky from the
Beit Shalom Synagogue and
Christian Co-Chair, Rev David
Houston. Rabbi Shoshana
is pictured here reading
from the Holy Scriptures as
key representatives of CCJ
SA engage with the text of
Exodus. Photo: Caryn Rogers.
It’s time to rediscover the Christian/Jewish connection
David Houston, Christian
Co-Chair, Council of Christians
& Jews SA
Through my involvement
with the South Australian
Council of Christians and
Jews (CCJ), I have made
the observation that many
Christians know that
Christianity has historic and
biblical links with Judaism but
rarely give time to exploring
their significance. For those
who do however, the effort
is richly rewarding - it leads
to new friendships and
Reverend Dawn Colsey,
Anglican Deacon and
honorary Secretary of the CCJ
SA, recently described her
pathway to understanding
the link between Judaism and
Christianity: “I first became
interested in Judaism as a
living cultural and religious
reality through becoming
close to a Jewish family who
had arrived here from Egypt
in the late 1950s. They were
understandably wary of my
interest and aware of my
ignorance, though I was a
well-informed Christian, or so I
“Decades later, while
studying theology, I came
to the realisation that Jesus
was a faithful Jewish man,
who knew his scriptures and
practiced his faith. I have
come to understand Jewish
history, faith and culture as the
basis of Christianity. My own
Christian faith has been greatly
I recall a meeting planned
by CCJ SA at which Rabbi
Shoshana Kaminsky from
the Beit Shalom Synagogue,
and Dr Vicki Balabanski
from the Uniting College for
Leadership and Theology shared
a reflection on Psalm 34,
particularly, verse 15, to “seek
peace and pursue it.”
One person, from a group
attending for the first time,
remarked, “It has been a most
informative and inspirational
meeting, so many fresh insights
came through to us – we look
forward to coming to more
presentations like this one.”
To encourage a renewed
exploration of the links between
Judaism and Christianity,
I have prepared an easy,
accessible workshop activity
for small groups in local
Christian congregations. The
workshop plan can be found
on the CCJ SA link to the
national CCJ website: www.
The workshop considers six
topics, including ‘Jesus was
and always remained a Jew’
and ‘Jesus regarded the Law (or
Torah) as central for himself
and his life and teaching’ –
these, and other topics, aim to
stimulate rewarding discussion
and new understanding.
Nigel Mitchell, a teacher
of Religion and History
at Saint Ignatius College,
reflecting on the workshops
said, “It’s always important to
remind one-self that Jesus is a
Jew. By studying the Judaism
of Jesus and the Judaism of
today, Christians grow in their
understanding of the Bible, and
begin to turn around some of
the fear and misunderstanding
which characterises ChristianJewish relations for the past
two millennia. David Houston’s
study provides an excellent way
to open up this conversation in
your church.”
For groups who may like to
take up this workshop activity,
follow the links and contacts
en/ or contact me via email: or phone
on 8296 0395.
New Times
A new year – a new team
Ian Price, MRN Executive Officer
Who was it that said ‘the only certainty in life is change’?
As we begin 2010, the Mission Resourcing Network (MRN) is
entering another fascinating, exciting and, yes, changing phase.
In the first quarter of the year the MRN will experience a
review of every aspect of its ministry. What a great opportunity
to consider how best to help the Uniting Church SA to engage
the future.
We welcome Al Brocklehurst who will help the MRN team
develop its web presence and education capacity. Al comes with
a wealth of experience and knowledge.
We have Ken Sumner joining the team as Covenanting
Coordinator. Could there be a more informed person than the
National Chairperson of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander
Christian Congress to bring such a wealth of knowledge and
relationships to this area?
Will Hall starts as the Mission Planner with Youth. Will has
been a youth pastor with Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and
Chaplain at Endeavour College and has great skills in building
networks and developing initiatives.
To complete the scene, we will have new people working in
international mission, solidarity and justice and multi-cultural
ministries by May.
This promises to be one of the most creative times for the
missional part of our Church for a long time. The opportunities
that are before us to deepen our mission and ministry as a whole
church are tremendous - God is really blessing our church.
Letters to
the Editor
I was disappointed to read your views in ‘Tis the season to
be Grinchy (Dec, New Times), that you do not go in for this
‘Christmas cheer business’, the singing of Christmas carols, and
Christmas decorations.
Christmas surely is a time for a great celebration, when we
remember the wonderful time when Christ, our Saviour was
born. How lovely to see the smiles on people’s faces, and to give
love to others because of Christ’s love for us. I know, through
my time spent on Lifeline that there are many people for whom
Christmas brings back memories they would rather not have, and
we must be conscious of those people, and help where we can,
but please editor, let us celebrate cheerfully each Christmas, this
wonderful birth and life of our saviour, Jesus Christ, and carry
that Christmas spirit with us throughout the year.
Christmas is a miracle, so let’s celebrate!!!!!
S. Winsor
Send your letters to: or PO Box 2145,
Adelaide 5001.
Be topical, be brief, be timely.
Letters over 150 words will be edited; responses to previous letters /
articles will be considered within two months of the original item’s
publication only.
All letters are published at the editorial team’s discretion.
Will ‘Get it Done’ Hall
Caryn Rogers
Will Hall started his role
as the new Youth Mission
Planner in the Mission
Resourcing Centre, midJanuary this year. The
ex-Lutheran Youth Pastor,
Chaplain and newlywed
took five minutes to discuss
his passion for the task
ahead, jumping ship denominationally speaking,
and a love for going MIA to
plan strategies for success.
How are you qualified
for the year ahead?
I generally have a high,
energetic work ethic, which
is definitely what this job
requires. I’m a pragmatist,
and known as the ‘get it done’
guy, because that’s exactly
what I do!
I spent five years
establishing leaders and
building a youth ministry
from zero to flourishing at
Good Shepherd Lutheran.
I’ve also worked as a college
chaplain, so understand the
importance of one-to-one
rapport with young people
and the cultural shifts that
have taken place over the past
few years.
When did you first get
into youth ministry?
I was appointed in late 2003
at Good Shepherd. At the time,
I wasn’t interested in that field,
but the Senior Pastor, Peter
Steicke, said ‘hey can you stand
in as a youth leader for six
months?’ I was working as an
actor at the time, as a result of
my first Bachelor degree, but I
was between work; it seemed
to be a stop-gap that worked
for both of us. And well, like
Cinderella – the shoe just fit. Of
course Peter and the other staff
had planned on this affinity,
and the rest is history.
What will be the first
task on the agenda for
strategic ministry
I usually disappear to a
remote shack for a week with
a big sheet of paper, a Bible
and a fishing rod; then I just
dream and listen. At the end
of it I’d write a strategic plan.
That’s been my planning
process for the past six years.
So if you’re in youth
ministry, in some capacity
at all, keep an ear out –
I’m sure Will Hall will
be knocking on your door
sometime soon to ‘get it
Relationally I want to meet
everyone - every youth leader,
pastor, worker, whatever and
find out what they want, what
they need, and the best way to
resource and empower them in
their work. If I don’t do it that
way – not many people are
going to like me!
After the initial network
building I’ll create a strategic
plan for Uniting Church youth
ministry and get to work on it
with my newfound UC youth
pastor friends.
Where is your favourite
place to plan your world
domination, I mean,
Will Hall: MRN’s new Youth
Mission Planner.
Kickstarting faith at KCO
Jo Watts,
KCO and SAYCO Event Officer
such a large percentage of people make their
commitment to Christ at camps - why not let us
help you kick-start your ministry this year?
KCO (KUCA Camp Out) is a 24 hour camp
committed to assisting 7-12 year old children
explore faith through their own discovery and
encouraging sharing and relationships with
their peers. At KCO kids enjoy a wide range of
performances, activities, games, worship and
music - based on a central theme unpacking
Jesus’ life and teachings in an understandable,
age-appropriate and incredibly fun manner.
This year fly with us to ‘KCOnia United’ and
discover a universe of faith, fun and friendship;
celebrating community united under the cross
of Jesus and life together as God’s people,
encouraging and serving others.
You bring your group - we run the program
for you! So join us on 13-14 March, at the
Barossa Valley Tourist Park.
Head online to
or talk to your local congregation for more
information about KCO.
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A life well
Book: Inlander at Heart: The
Story of Arch Grant
Author: Joy Grant Hicks
Recommended for: an
insight into an AIM
Padre’s life and Ministry
In short: A dramatic, painful,
and inspiring record of
ministry in the Outback,
with insights into the
founding of the United
Church in Darwin and
Alice Springs.
RRP: $45.00
This book tells the story of
the ministry of Arch Grant, one
of the pioneers in the work of
Frontier Services.
The enthralling read, written
by his daughter, utilises much
of Arch’s own written material,
augmented by detailed research
in the Australian Inland Mission
(AIM) files, UCA records, and
NT archival data. The 446
footnotes are an indication of
a meticulously documented
history; but it’s much more,
with many marvellous stories.
A great tribute to her father,
Joy offers an important insight
into the many aspects of the
ministry which the AIM offered,
including the introduction of
wireless communications, the
Flying Doctor service, and the
inauguration of the United
Church in North Australia.
Arch played an important
role in the Presbyterian Church
discussions which led to the
formation of the UCA. His
ministry included a number
of creative and compassionate
responses to events as varied
as the bombing of Darwin,
the evacuation of hundreds
of children from floods in
the region of Maitland and
the establishment of the Ella
Community Centre in the
Haberfield area.
This is a book which will
educate, inspire and inform
many through the record of
Arch and Erla Grant’s long
life and ministry, lovingly and
carefully portrayed in Inlander
at Heart.
- Rodger Bassham
Available from the author at or
5 Fountain Avenue Encounter Bay
SA 5211. Packing and postage
New Times
Through the
eyes of an
Book: Borrowing the Eyes of
Others: Reflecting with
Paintings, Volume 1
Author: Denis McBride
Recommended for: personal
reflection and immersion
in other perspectives
In short: The imagined
stories of figures in art,
flawed yet compelling.
RRP: $27.95
When you look at a painting,
what do you see? The technical
elements, like colour, form and
brushstrokes? The art history
you learnt in high school? Or
are you like Denis McBride,
drawn to the stories hidden on
the canvas in front of you?
Selecting ten paintings from
renowned artists including
Vincent Van Gogh, to those
more obscure like J W Miller,
McBride invites us into a space
of imagination and reflection.
The penitent figure in Paul
Cézanne’s ’Old Woman Praying
the Rosary‘ is imbued with a
story in the first person; with
hopes and fears, complexity,
frailty, confusion and faith. The
other nine stories are presented
in a similar relaxed prose,
provoking conversation between
the spectator and the subject.
This volume provides an
implicit invitation to slow down
and consider the conversations
around us. While I commend
this approach, I struggled to
hear the individuality in such
different characters; each story
is clearly written by the same
To fully explore these stories,
to borrow the eyes of others,
it would have been inspired
for McBride to invite actual
people from divergent cultures,
backgrounds and experiences all
to reflect on the one painting,
to show how God speaks to us
personally. That said, the choice
of art is wonderful, especially
the surprising choice of the logo
from the Frankfurt Book Fair,
and the stories engaging.
- Matt Osborn
The second
Book: Hitchhiker’s Guide to
Authors: Bill Tenny-Brittian
Recommended for: people
like me, who are too
scared to speak up at
In short: Keep the faith; just
don’t keep it to yourself.
RRP: $24.95
Apistoiphobia, a word
previously foreign to me, is
defined as the irrational fear of
Trepidation in the face of the
lost has seemed rational for my
inner-circle over the past three
and a half decades that I have
been a churchgoer. WWJD had
nothing on WWOT (what will
others think) as a motive to act.
In the face of this,
Hitchhiker’s Guide to
Evangelism encourages every
Christian to follow his/her pain.
Who or what breaks your heart?
Who are your friends? What
cause are you passionate about?
Tenny-Brittian encourages his
readers to be intentional about
making a difference in these
situations asking, “what is it
about your experience of Jesus
that your neighbour cannot live
without?” This is a question I
am confident to answer now.
I like the practical and
imaginative ideas for engaging
with aspects of the unchurched
world. This is a guidebook,
not just telling Christians what
to do but helping us to get
underway and to continue with
thinking outside the box.
Hang an icon in your office,
put a mezuzah on your front
door, make a shrine out of a
shoebox for your lounge. Celts
and Jews know that every event
is filled with sacred meaning:
Western Christians can feel
encouraged to speak and teach
the idea of sacred space and
sacred time in life.
This book takes some reading
and is overtly American/
Canadian, but with the
introduction to Jesus based on
friendship and conversation
rather than targeted conversion;
this is a book for even the most
introspective of twenty-first
century evangelists.
- Damien Tann
Chosen and
special, or
A Cranmerian
feast for the
academic mind
Book: The Girl in the Orange
Dress: searching for a
father who does not fail
Author: Margot Starbuck
Recommended for: anyone
who is adopted or knows
someone who is
In short: Explores the
feelings associated with
rejection and the journey
towards accepting who
she is.
RRP: $26.95
Book: Signs of God’s Promise
Author: Gordon P Jeanes
Recommended for:
Anglicans, historians and
theology geeks
In short: An academic
study of the maturation
and historic situation
surrounding the life
of the great Anglican
forefather Thomas
RRP: $49.95
I always enjoy reading people
stories. This autobiography of
Margot Starbuck shares the
honest struggle of a woman to
come to terms with having been
adopted. She asks all the usual
questions. Why couldn’t my
mother keep me? How could she
give me up? What was it about
me that made me unlovable?
By her own admission,
Margot always describes her
adopted family as loving,
despite her parents’ marriage
breaking up and the advent of a
less than satisfactory stepfather.
She comes to realise though that
deep down she feels rejected,
particularly by the important
male figures in her life. For
me the most poignant part of
the book is when, having met
and formed a relationship with
her birth mother, she receives
no recognition or wish for a
relationship from her birth
father. Yet another rejection.
All this, understandably, has
repercussions for a relationship
with a God imaged as a Father.
The chapters of the book
are broken up into short
sections each with a heading I
found somewhat intrusive and
responsible for impeding the
flow of the narrative. While
Starbuck uses humour, it
sometimes seems rather flippant
and self-deprecating, but maybe
it’s just American.
Nevertheless it is a detailed
story told with a degree of
honesty and self disclosure
which is admirable. It gives
a refreshing insight into one
woman’s quest to discover who
she really is and where she
finds the answers.
- Glenys Badger
Thomas Cranmer was
instrumental in the creation
of the liturgy so pivotal in
Anglicanism. Although the form
of the prayer book changed
under the reigns of royal
contemporaries, Henry VII and
Edward VI, Cranmer’s theology
has influenced the church ever
since, particularly in the rites of
Baptism and the Eucharist.
Jeanes’ complex but
informative work fills the
gaps left by previous Cranmer
historians on how his influence
brought the church from a mix
of sterile rituals to a heart and
theology filled with meaning
and purpose, as well as the
growing pains of the church
during this transition.
The humanity of Cranmer is
evident as we see his theology
evolve over time, grasping
the opportunity for ‘liturgical
reform’ at the death of King
Henry VII. The point is made
that his theology is quite
similar to that of the protestant
reformer Huldrych Zwingli, at
the same time being wholly
‘Cranmerian.’ One example is
in the matter of the Eucharistic
presence of Christ where it
is stated beautifully that the
grace of Christ is present, not
necessarily his physical body.
After an analysis of Cranmer’s
theology, Jeanes looks at the
immensely popular 1549 and
1552 Books of Common Prayer,
Anglican Church staples for
hundreds of years.
Signs of God’s Promise is
not for the faint hearted; those
of us who enjoy depth and
historic theology will be well
pleased though.
- Callum Iles
New Times
To advertise in New Times:
contact Russell Baker
p. 8361 6822
f. 8361 6833
Robe Uniting Church is
now meeting in the new chapel
at the Tarooki camp site in Robe.
The official opening is on 7
February. All welcome to attend.
The Robe congregation would
like to thank everyone who has
helped and prayed for them to
make this possible. We would
like to invite any interested
people to attend anytime they
are holidaying in Robe.
Canberra Region Presbytery
Presbytery Minister
The Presbytery of Canberra Region seeks applications from
Ministers of the Word, Deacons and suitably qualified lay members
of the UCA, for a full-time Presbytery Minister within the new
Presbytery Ministry Team staffing structure.
The Presbytery has a diverse range of congregations, in suburban,
regional and rural settings and sees its primary focus as assisting
congregations discern and resource their mission.
interesting mix of culture,
church and tourism along with
some fabulous scenery in Bali
and Manado in the Sulawesi
Islands. April 5 - 16 (school
holidays). Group Leader:
Rev Sue Langhans, Ascot
Community Uniting Church.
Phone 8293 6680 or email for
further information.
The Presbytery Minister’s role will be to provide leadership in the
areas of Mission and Education across the Presbytery.
Enquiries for further information and for a copy of the job
description should be directed to the Presbytery Chairperson,
Gordon Ramsay, phone 02 6254 1733 or
Applications should be sent to Synod Assoc Secretary
(Ministry), Meg Herbert, or PO Box
A2178, Sydney South 1235.
Closing date for applications - 26 February 2010
Art exhibition at
Blackwood Uniting Church
to be held on 15 - 18
April with the theme of
‘Community’. An opportunity
to create and exhibit artwork
through painting, sculpture,
photography, textiles, glass,
ceramics and other mixed
media. Entries close on 12
March. Application forms from
the website: www.blackwood. Enquiries
to Christa on 8278 8308.
Blackwood Uniting
Church invites to you to take
part in the Community Program.
Come and learn a new skill,
meet new people and have some
’me’ time. Free crèche and a
cuppa included. Wednesdays
and Thursdays from 10am 12noon and 1pm - 3pm during
school terms. There are over
25 different classes, including
beading, felting, mosaics, Mah
Jong, gardening club, adult
continuing learning as well as
yoga and pilates classes. For
more information: 8278 7699.
General Manager, Camps
and Conference Centres
At Uniting Church SA we’re about
connecting you & me & us & them.
Through networks and communities
Uniting Church. Uniting People.
we offer innovative ways to bring
people together. Our camping and conference centres operate
throughout South Australia as places to re-connect; for recreation,
refreshment and reflection.
As General Manager you will provide strategic leadership,
management and development over all aspects of Camps
and Conference Centres’ operations. You will be instrumental
in planning financial forecasts, responsible for all marketing
strategies while empowering staff to achieve outstanding results
– at all facilities. You must be able to deliver within agreed
timeframes while providing exceptional customer service.
Finniss Uniting Church
will be celebrating their
centenary on 16 May 2010.
All welcome to a pleasant
Sunday afternoon at the church
commencing at 2pm. Enquiries:
(08) 8536 3882.
To have your upcoming event
or message published here,
with ‘Notebook’ in the
subject line.
We need someone with a demonstrated capacity to work
professionally within a diverse and demanding work agenda.
Home maintenance with gardening
$20 per hour “Your spare pair of
hands”. Phone: 8346 0933.
Antique motor bike complete or in
parts. Please phone 8396 7469.
Very nice old pocket watch wanted
– over 60 years old – working or not
working condition. Please
phone 8271 6842.
Relevant tertiary qualifications and an active involvement in a
local Church are required.
So why not take up the challenge?
Please contact Nicky Blenkinsop on
(08) 8210 8585 or via email to
quoting Reference Number 1601.
Mps People Solutions is a member of the
Morton Philips Group of Companies
P rep a ring f o r E a s ter
New Times
Enriching your heart and soul at Easter
Mark Hewitt,
Spicer Uniting Church
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players,” rings true at Spicer Uniting
Church at Easter time; here all attendees join in the Passion narrative as ‘Jesus’ (Norman Johnston)
enters Jerusalem in their annual Easter Play.
‘Easter Sights & Sounds’ lies at the heart of our Easter
tradition here at Spicer Uniting Church, St Peters; the Easter
Play has been a regular expression of our ministry and mission
since 1995.
Spicer’s Easter play begins its narrative with Jesus’ entry
into Jerusalem and concludes with the Resurrection. The whole
church complex is used to create stages for the different scenes;
beginning outside in a ‘market bazaar’ in ‘Jerusalem’ the
audience are then lead on by a narrator. Performances are every
half hour, for an hour in duration.
Continuing the tradition of experiential spiritual involvement,
each scene is performed by congregational members, supported
and augmented by other church communities. All involved have
found it an important part of their own spiritual and Christian
journey - many members even take annual leave from work so
they can participate.
Each season of Easter Sights & Sounds has seen more than
600 people attend and it is advertised widely throughout the
Adelaide community. The interactive play is suitable for all ages
- families, school and youth groups are welcomed.
Daytime performances are running between 24 - 26 March
2010 with additional evening sessions on Thursday (25) and
Friday (26). Bookings are essential for daytime performances
and advisable for evening performances.
We invite you to engage in this spiritual practice, either
as an actor, member of the crowd or crew member, or just to
come and see the play. Check our website,,
or ring the church office, 8362 3771, for more information and
session times.
Once again, Lent means Lenten Appeal
The Lenten Appeal is a central feature of our journey as
a Church. As we make our pilgrimage towards Holy Week,
Good Friday and Easter Day, we look towards the needs of
others. Jesus, obedient and faithful even to death on the
Cross, calls us in love to reach out to others - 2010 is no
This year’s projects link us with partner churches and the
Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress. They
offer us a great opportunity to make a real difference in the
lives of people in need.
AIDS Ministry, Church of
Christ in Thailand
Over three years (2009-2011)
Uniting Church SA is funding
a church and community foster
care programme for children
with parents affected by HIV/
AIDS. Ten congregations have
already been trained and are
now offering care to children
whose parents have died from
HIV/AIDS or are too ill to care
for them.
TB Hospice, North Korea
UnitingCare Wesley would sincerely like
to thank everyone who supported our
The Presbyterian Church in
the Republic of Korea is one
of our SA partner churches.
Our support of a project in
North Korea is an opportunity
to provide encouragement and
partnership as they minister
to people in the north of
the deeply divided Korean
Your generosity made it possible for us to assist
OZ-iwi and Ninti Time,
2009 Christmas Appeal
more than 4000 families across South Australia.
We look forward to your continued
support throughout 2010
Donate at...
Adelaide 10 Pitt St
Bowden 77 Gibson St
Port Adelaide 70 Dale St
Port Pirie 60 Florence St
1800 247 365
8245 7100
8241 0211
8633 8600
Our Congress project this
year is based in Port Augusta.
‘OZ-iwi’ will bring together
young people from Congress
and the Evangelical Maori
Fellowship of Aotearoa, NZ
at an Easter Youth Leadership
Training Camp in Port Augusta.
‘Ninti* Time’ is an
afterschool program for
primary school children,
offering children and their
parents the Good News in
stories, songs, dance, language
and lots of fun. *‘Ninti’ means
The 2010 Lenten appeal is supporting three projects including
AIDS ministry in Thailand. The Thai Village Pastor (pictured) is
fostering children whose parents have died of AIDS.
Resources available to congregations for the Lenten appeal
• Powerpoint presentations on each project
• Up-to-date information on the website –
• Worship resources
To access these resources head online to
goto/lenten_appeal, or contact the International Mission office
on 8236 4203.
Lenten Appeal 2009
The 2009 Lenten Appeal brought in more than $45,000.
It boosted the Congress youth and children’s program in
Oodnadatta; sustained PNG’s microfinance project and
supported the North Luzon Jurisdiction pastors in poor
rural communities, post-typhoon devastation in late 2009.