Annual Report - Riddet Institute
Annual Report - Riddet Institute
Rethinking food... THE RIDDET INSTITUTE | ANNUAL REPORT 2011 A New Zealand Centre of Research Excellence Hosted by Massey University ...beyond the lab. contents reVIEW in brief OUR YEAR our science leadership globalising educating transferring knowledge a model for success FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OUR PEOPLE SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS and other research outputs 2011 our partners .2 .4 .6 .8 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .24 .40 .1 ANNUAL REPORT 2011 The Riddet Institute is the only national centre of research excellence dedicated to researching foods that will promote health and wellness for humanity and generate economic opportunity for New Zealand. Awarded CoRE (Centre of Research Excellence) status in 2007, the Riddet Institute is a unique intellectual environment. We use a multi-disciplinary scientific approach. REVIEW in brief A catalyst for INNOVATION DIRECTORS’ COMMENT .2 The Riddet Institute consistently goes beyond what is expected. It is a nimble, well managed and internationally acclaimed centre of scientific research. In addition, it helps focus the food industry as a whole, offering a national vision for the future of research and education in agrifood science. Dr Jim Watson Chairman Within the university context, research and teaching are inseparable. Our research excellence is evident in the quality of our scientific publications. Our high levels of scholarship and increasing numbers of PhD scholars will enable us to build the capability that will ensure that New Zealand remains at the forefront in international food research. Paul J Moughan PhD DSc FRSNZ FRSC Distinguished Professor | Co-director, Riddet Institute We have become a successful model of collaboration, bringing together over 120 fundamental and applied scientists, whose expertise spans food science, technology and engineering, human nutrition and physiology and health science. Our people are the nucleus of New Zealand’s expertise in foods research and a unique resource. Harjinder Singh PhD FRSNZ, FIAFoST Professor | Co-director, Riddet Institute Riddet Institute Scientific Advisory Panel As part of its on-going commitment to ambitious research, the Institute receives guidance from a panel of internationally acclaimed scientists. Overall, the Panel considers that the research performance has reached, and in some cases even surpassed, the standard of excellence expected of such a prestigious national programme.” Report of the Scientific Advisory Panel | March 2011 ANNUAL REPORT 2011 “We were delighted to observe an impressive level of scientific progress achieved by Institute researchers during the year. The Panel was greatly impressed by the enthusiasm and consistently high level of scientific expertise of the research teams and by the generally high quality of their journal publications. Especially noteworthy were the excellent concise presentations by the principal investigators expressing consistent commitment to the establishment of strong links and interdisciplinary collaborations amongst individual projects within the programme. .3 Message from host institution Massey University has the greatest respect for the way the Riddet Institute acts as a national catalyst for food innovation. From small beginnings, the Institute now has links with other major institutes and food companies around the world. This is beneficial for all the Riddet Institute partners and also serves to highlight New Zealand’s expertise in food and nutrition. Steve Maharey Vice-Chancellor Massey University from top Professor Mark Wahlqvist Dr Peter Munro Professor Eric Dickinson OUR YEAR The exceptional quality of our science within the national network of excellence leads to a superb environment for discovery and learning. This in turn leads to very fertile ground for building research capacity, which will promote a prosperous food industry. .4 OFFERING EXPERTISE TO INDUSTRY The Primary Growth Partnership is a government-industry initiative that will invest in significant programmes of research and innovation to boost New Zealand’s primary, forestry and food sectors. Three new professorial chairs are to be appointed under the $73 million PGP agreement between MAF and Fonterra. Professor Peter Munro was appointed in May as the Fonterra Chair in Food Materials Science. We hosted a Food Colloids workshop for the food industry led by visiting experts Professor Eric Dickinson of the University of Leeds, UK, and Professor Douglas Dalgleish of the University of Guelph, Canada. BRINGING THE WORLD TO US TOMORROW’S LEADERS Our annual student colloquium took place in Palmerston North. This gives our postgraduates an opportunity to present new work, be subject to peer review and enjoy the fellowship afforded by the Institute. We held a major symposium on dietary protein quality in conjunction with FAO and Health Canada, which attracted top researchers from around the world. ProBioLife TM INFLUENCING New ZealandERS OUR TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASED Our new book, Floreat Scientia: Celebrating New Zealand’s agrifood innovation, was published and received positive reviews. The book explores how agrifood science has contributed to New Zealand’s economic prosperity. Our ProBioLife™ delivery technology received the 2011 NZIFST Food Industry Excellence award for Excellence in Innovation. It was also selected for the prestigious IFT New Product and Technology showcase event held in the United States. THE RIDDET INSTITUTE 2011 GETTING PGP UNDER WAY .5 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS We held two Food Innovation workshops in Asia in partnership with New Zealand Trade & Enterprise. The workshops were held in Shanghai and Singapore. We signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the MacDiarmid Institute (Victoria University of Wellington), which will consolidate our existing relationship and encourage the appointment of joint postdoctoral students. THOUGHT LEADERSHIP FOR New Zealand’S FUTURE THE RIDDET INSTITUTE 2011 PRESTIGIOUS AWARD FOR CO-DIRECTOR The 2011 New Zealand Institute of Food Science & Technology (NZIFST) J C Andrews Award was presented to Professor Harjinder Singh. The award recognises Institute members who have made a substantial contribution to science and technology and leadership in the food industry. It is the NZIFST’s most prestigious award. Our independent thought leadership team completed their consultation with industry. A FIRST FOR New Zealand Professor Moughan was elected Chair of the FAO WHO Expert Consultation on Dietary Protein Quality. This is the first time such an influential consultation has been held in New Zealand. ANNUAL REPORT 2011 WORKING WITH OTHER CoREs OUR science .6 Our researchers work at the interface of food science and human nutrition. Our projects are multi-disciplinary and collaborative. We are pre-eminent in the chemistry and physics of food structures, food digestion and gastrointestinal biology, modelling and engineering of the entire gastrointestinal tract, and in the effects of diets and nutrient uptake on human metabolism and health. Dr Sophie Gallier, a postdoctoral fellow, has been comparing the chemical and structural properties of bovine milk fat globules and almond oil bodies. These two oil droplet systems were subjected to in vitro gastric and intestinal digestion to discover how natural emulsions are digested in humans. The findings have been published in three international journals and have led to collaboration with the MacDiarmid Institute and one of the Riddet Institute partners, the University of Otago. GRANT FOR RESEARCH OFFICER Dr Maria Ferrua was awarded a Massey University Research Fund grant to initiate research aimed at characterising the failure mode of different foods during digestion and their kinetics as a function of the environmental and dynamic conditions to which the structure is exposed during the process. PIONEERING WORK LEADS TO AUSTRALIAN COLLABORATION Dr Mita Lad’s research has a focus on interface science, where she is seeking an understanding of the conformation of protein at an oil-water interface applied to food emulsions. This pioneering work is being advanced through collaboration with ANSTO (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation), which will aid understanding of emulsions using neutron scattering. HONING COMMUNICATION SKILLS Dulantha Ulluwishewa and others published a critical review entitled ‘Regulation of tight junction permeability by intestinal bacteria and dietary components’, which made the cover of the May 2011 issue of The Journal of Nutrition. Dulantha is based at AgResearch in Palmerston North and is studying the physical intestinal barrier and the interactions between intestinal cells, nutrients and microbes promoting health. He was runner-up in Massey University’s 3-minute-thesis competition for doctoral scholars. FRAMEWORK FOR FOOD BOLUS FORMATION PhD scholar Eli Gray-Stuart has used an engineering approach to understand and describe the oral processing of food, which has led to a framework for modelling food bolus formation outlining the key rate processes of comminution, dissolution, absorption and melting during mastication. The framework has been used to develop models for three case study foods – peanuts, rice and gelatine gels. THE RIDDET INSTITUTE 2011 NEW CLUES ON DIGESTION OF NATURAL EMULSIONS .7 ANNUAL REPORT 2011 DRINKS study in Otago KIWIFRUIT AFFECTs PROTEIN DIGESTION Dr Lovedeep Kaur, Dr Carlos Montoya and others have conducted a study showing how kiwifruit (actinidin) changes the rate of digestion of proteins in the stomach after meat and other protein foods have been consumed. Kiwifruit increases the digestion rate overall but affects different proteins in different ways. TWO NEW PACEMAKERS DISCOVERED IN SMALL INTESTINE THE RIDDET INSTITUTE 2011 OPTICAL TWEEZERS USEFUL IN BIOLOGICAL STUDIES Using a novel combination of optical tweezers and microfluidics, PhD scholar Marjorie Griffiths has demonstrated that it is possible to trap and subsequently measure with high precision the forces between a pair of emulsion droplets. This technology leads to an understanding of how droplet interactions affect bulk sample properties and hence aids emulsion design. At the University of Auckland, Riddet Institute PhD scholar Tim Angeli and others have mapped the electrical activity of the porcine small intestine, in vivo and in high resolution (256 electrodes), with a particular aim of identifying and quantifying intestinal pacemakers. They discovered two novel types of re-entrant pacemakers in the small intestine, showing that these operate at higher frequency and velocity than the traditional ‘focal’ pacemakers. This study has increased understanding of the underlying electrical control of the small intestine, which helps co-ordinate and govern the process of digestion, and it is currently being translated to human patients. Postdoctoral researcher Dr Lisa Te Morenga and Riddet Institute Principal Investigator Professor Jim Mann are midway through the DRINKS study – a dietary intervention designed to find out whether different sugars are implicated in the development of diabetes. They are recruiting people at risk of developing diabetes and who habitually consume high amounts of sugary drinks and asking them to change their usual sugary drinks with either sugar-sweetened soft drink, diet soft drink, 100% natural fruit juice or low-fat milk for 8 weeks. They are then measuring a range of metabolic risk factors, body composition and dietary behaviours to see whether the absence of sugar or change in sugar composition alters these factors. FOOD PRINTER IN FINAL PHASE PhD scholar Teresa Wegrzyn and others have constructed a large-scale bi-channelled mixing device to characterise the flow and mixing properties of model concentrated Newtonian fluids. Preliminary studies show some interesting effects on single channel flow behaviour. This represents another step in the development of a futuristic food printer. .8 A POSITION OF LEADERSHIP Enthusing researchers, industry and government with a common vision. We believe strongly that the New Zealand agrifood industry builds off the nation’s comparative advantages, and it is a sector where we are truly an international leader. The imperative has never been greater for science-based innovation across the entire agrifood value chain. leadERSHIP .9 POLICY INPUT We have met with individual government officials and ministers to set out our view of how food innovation can be more rapidly achieved. In addition, we have held annual agrifood summit meetings for industry and government leaders so that the issues around New Zealand’s future economic prosperity can be debated. At our summit meeting in 2010, we were challenged to develop a formal strategy around New Zealand’s future food research and education needs. We subsequently formed a thought leadership team of four independent leaders in the field, whose responsibility would be to consult widely and produce a blueprint for the future research and education needs for the sector. Their full report will be made public at our next summit meeting in 2012. Dr Kevin Marshall, who has led the thought leadership process, has travelled extensively around New Zealand to consult with people in the agrifood industry and in government circles. In addition, the team has commissioned considerable quantitative analysis, which supports the thrust of the report. It is the first time such a report has been based on essential data relevant to New Zealand’s agrifood research and education resourcing. Professor Paul Moughan and Professor Harjinder Singh met with New Zealand’s High Commissioner and Education Counsellor in New Delhi, India, in November to discuss the India/New Zealand science relationship. Development of education, research and business links between New Zealand and India have been accorded a priority since the recent visit to India by Prime Minister John Key and government negotiations on a New Zealand/India Free Trade Agreement. The Riddet Institute has linkages with the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) and the National Dairy Research Institute at Karnal, and during the visit, the Co-directors met with Dr Kiran Bains to discuss the on-going PAU/Riddet Institute joint project to investigate the bioavailable lysine content of Indian foods. They were also invited speakers at the International Conference on Functional Dairy Foods 2011, organised by the Dairy Technology Society of India and the National Dairy Research Institute, India. ANNUAL REPORT 2011 The Riddet Institute has been a visible advocate promoting the current and future strategic importance of the agrifood industry to New Zealand’s economy. The opportunities have never been greater to bring science to bear to engender agrifood innovation. There is the need for a national coordinated approach, and this is where the Riddet Institute plays a role. The Co-directors and Riddet Institute Associate Investigator Dr David Everett (University of Otago) with Dr K K Bhutani, Director of the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) located at Nagar (Mohali), India. The Institute is dedicated to research and postgraduate education in pharmaceuticals and natural medicinal compounds and has been identified by the Riddet Institute as a key collaborator. SENDING A MESSAGE TO New ZealandERS New Zealand must continue to focus on the agrifood sector for future prosperity. To reinforce this message to a wider audience, we published a book celebrating New Zealand’s track record in agrifood innovation. Floreat Scientia (let knowledge flourish) brings together stories from 48 authors on various agrifood innovation successes. It was launched in December and has received praise from key people in government, industry and the media. It will be a permanent testament to New Zealand’s pre-eminence in this sector and an invaluable resource for New Zealand secondary schools. .10 A GLOBAL INFLUENC E Recognising that science is an international effort. Top science requires international effort. The Riddet Institute is closely connected to major international research groups to create new and healthier foods. GLOBALISING .11 PROTEOS, which will address the issues around the global supply of protein in the face of a rapidly expanding world population. PROTEOS will formulate novel solutions that involve extending and using more effectively future animal-based protein sources, transforming the protein supply chain. Project plans involving staff from both organisations will be finalised in 2012. FULL MARKS INTERNATIONALLY MEMBERSHIP OF THE Our international connections were boosted by an invitation from FAO to jointly host an international symposium in Auckland in March on dietary protein quality. Health Canada was also a partner in the conference organisation. Proceedings from the conference will be published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2012. The FAO also held an Expert Consultation in New Zealand, the first time such a consultation has been held in Australasia. Professor Paul Moughan, Co-director of the Riddet Institute, was elected to chair the consultation and lead the preparation of a final report, which is due out in 2012. This report will have implications for human nutrition and the way protein is traded around the world. EU DIGESTION TEAM PARTNERING WITH EUROPE’S TOP UNIVERSITY IN AGRIFOODS We continued to develop our relationship with Wageningen University and Research Centre in the Netherlands, the leading university in agrifood research in Europe. We are working together on a joint project, Another important international linkage has been formed through our membership of the European Union (EU) Committee on Science and Technology (COST). This is an international network of institutions working on digestion of dietary proteins, and the Riddet Institute is just one of three institutions involved outside the EU. With 45 research institutions spread across 24 countries, COST provides access to potential collaborators who have expertise not readily available in New Zealand and a mechanism for international researchers to be seconded to the Riddet Institute. This has already been realised with the arrival, in early 2012, of a Portuguese scientist from the University of Minho to work on gastric digestibility of nanostructures using the human gastric simulator housed at the Riddet Institute. This project comes under COST action FA1001: The Application of Innovative Fundamental Food-structure-property Relationships to the Design of Foods for Health, Wellness and Pleasure. ANNUAL REPORT 2011 The Riddet Institute was very active internationally over the year under review, continuing to build existing relationships and embarking on new activities. Our activities included working with international science organisations, attracting new postgraduate students to come and work with us in New Zealand and meeting with international industry to create linkages for the New Zealand food industry. The international symposium Dietary Protein for Human Health attracted top medical researchers to New Zealand. The symposium was organised by the Riddet Institute in conjunction with the FAO and Health Canada. Clockwise from top: Dr Ricardo Uauy, Professor of Public Health Nutrition, University of London; Professor Joe Millward, Emeritus Professor of Human Nutrition, University of Surrey, UK; Dr David Bender, Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University College London; Dr Barbara Burlingame, Senior Officer and Leader of the Nutrition Requirements and Assessment Group of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome. .12 I N S P I R AT I O N & E D U C AT I O N Inspiring and qualifying the next generation of researchers. We supervise and mentor more than 50 PhD students who come to study with us from around the world. We support all these students financially, and they have been carefully selected to reflect our standing as a national Centre of Research Excellence. educating .13 Countries of origin for students at the Riddet Institute Our students cement our international reputation as a premier centre of scholarship. Many of them go on to take jobs in industry and academia in New Zealand and overseas, and they retain their links with us, continuing to contribute to joint scientific publications and to conferences. Tim Angeli VIBRANCY The vibrancy and new ideas generated by our students are evident at the student colloquium held annually in Palmerston North, where each student shares their work with the wider Riddet Institute community. This meeting is an opportunity for presenting new information, for peer review and for fellowship among the entire Riddet Institute team. OUTSTANDING success Notable success during the year was achieved by Riddet Institute PhD scholar Tim Angeli. Mr Angeli is based at the Bioengineering Institute at the University of Auckland. During the year, he was awarded a New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology 2011 Young Investigator Award for Luminal Research, he attained first place in the University of Auckland’s ‘Exposure’ Postgraduate Research Oral Presentation Competition and he won the Student Communicator Award for Best Presentation at the Riddet Institute annual student colloquium. Early in 2012, he also received a Royal Society of New Zealand R.H.T. Bates Postgraduate Scholarship. Mr Angeli is from Michigan, USA. INDIA New Zealand CHINA MALAYSIA SRI LANKA united states GERMANY uk AUSTRIA PAKISTAN FRANCE VENEZUELA THAILAND ISRAEL MAURITIUS JAPAN SWITZERLAND ITALY ireland BRAZIL iran ANNUAL REPORT 2011 NURTURING POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS .14 F O R N ew Z ealand A catalyst for food innovation. We are using our connections to accelerate technology transfer to the New Zealand food industry. transferring knowledge .15 SEAL OF APPROVAL Our reason for being is to inspire the food industry to create foods that are healthy, tasty and convenient, using the fundamental knowledge amassed by scientists. Our research excellence is recognised by the New Zealand food industry and particularly by the leading food export companies. Our reputation was instrumental in the Riddet Institute being named as the primary research provider in the Primary Growth Partnership programme between the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) and Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd. The programme, worth $73 million over 7 years, means in the first instance an expansion of our capability in three areas: food materials science, human nutrition and process analytical technology. The first Fonterra Chair in Food Materials Science was appointed in 2011, and we welcomed Professor Peter Munro to this new role at the Institute. The Fonterra Chair in Human Nutrition will be appointed in 2012. RIDDET FOODLINK™ Our main vehicle for interaction with the food industry is our Riddet Foodlink™ network, which has more than 100 member companies. We use this group to share ideas on research directions. We offer Riddet Foodlink™ members preferential access to our industry workshop programme. During 2011, we were privileged to have Professor Eric Dickinson from the University of Leeds in the UK and Professor Emeritus Douglas Dalgleish from the University of Guelph in Canada as key presenters in a workshop on food colloids. Under the banner of Riddet Foodlink™, we also supported New Zealand Trade & Enterprise’s efforts to link New Zealand food companies with Asian companies by holding a series of science seminars in Singapore and Shanghai. These workshops help to build our international reputation and provide a link for overseas researchers wishing to come to New Zealand or to forge relationships through us to New Zealand food companies. We also carried out a survey of our Riddet Foodlink™ membership for New Zealand Trade & Enterprise’s Korea office, which is trying to encourage New Zealand exports to Korea. SPIN-OUT INNOVATIONS While our main focus is on fundamental scientific research, we also develop technologies for specific industry clients that are innovative and will result in significant export earnings for those companies. In 2011, we completed projects for eight major food companies both within New Zealand and overseas. Our research has also led to the in-house development of our own technologies, which are of immediate interest to the food industry. Following the success of our omega-3 delivery technology, we are now taking to the open market another major innovation – ProBioLife™, a delivery method that allows probiotics to be delivered in a range of foods that can then be stored at ambient temperatures, cutting out the need for chilled supply chains and storage. It is of particular relevance in developing countries. ProBioLife™ was selected by the International Food Technology (IFT) organisation in the United States for its 2011 innovation showcase. It also received the 2011 NZIFST Food Industry Excellence award for Excellence in Innovation. ASSISTING GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES We continued to work with government agencies to promote New Zealand’s expertise in food innovation. These agencies included New Zealand Trade & Enterprise, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Tertiary Education Commission and the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Professor Harjinder Singh is the Focal Point Co-ordinator appointed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation to lead the Korea-New Zealand science relationship in the area of innovative foods. In 2011, Professor Singh led a delegation to the New Zealand second Focal Point Programme workshop on innovative foods in Seoul, Korea. Two joint research projects between the Riddet Institute and the Korea Food Research Institute are under way on bioactive compounds derived from native New Zealand plants. Professor Harjinder Singh hosted a delegation of senior Indian agricultural scientists at the Riddet Institute and also at Lincoln University as part of a New Zealand-India joint science and technology initiative on agricultural and food research. Professor Paul Moughan was invited to give presentations at a series of roadshows around New Zealand on innovation, organised by New Zealand Trade & Enterprise. ANNUAL REPORT 2011 WORKING WITH INDUSTRY a model for success food Industry FUNDING .16 primary growth partnership FUNDING Ministry of Science and Innovation FUNDING CoRE FUNDING The ascendancy of the Riddet Institute to Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE) status in 2007 allowed New Zealand for the first time to bring together all major public organisations carrying out food research. This marked not only a new environment for co-operative research but also the deliberate inclusion of disciplines such as engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry and other fundamental sciences into mainstream food research. The strength of the CoRE model, with its focus on fundamental knowledge, is in its dynamism: it has a ripple effect, generating confidence from government and industry. This is not only because of the ability of the Institute to integrate its research partners to provide a very broad capability in food science and engineering, and nutrition, but it is able to offer the benefits of a pipeline of innovation and knowledge arising from the CoRE programme. Thus, CoRE funding is at the heart of our operation and vital for our continuing success as the pre-eminent research centre for the New Zealand food industry. Our partners in the CoRE wholeheartedly endorse this interdisciplinary and cross-institutional model 1 3 5 .17 ANNUAL REPORT 2011 2 4 We are united in our belief that the country’s food research capability is enhanced by the CoRE model. It is essential that we optimise the resources we have in order to contribute to one of New Zealand’s most important economic sectors. 1 Professor Harlene Hayne ONZM, FRSNZ Vice-Chancellor University of Otago 2 Professor Stuart McCutcheon Vice-Chancellor The University of Auckland 3 Dr Tom Richardson CEO AgResearch 4 Peter Landon-Lane CEO Plant & Food Research 5 Steve Maharey Vice-Chancellor Massey University financial statements The Riddet Institute consists of the Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE) partnership (hosted by Massey University) and a Massey University research group under the same directorship. The following financial statements cover income and expenditure associated with the Institute’s CoRE activities and direct income to the Institute as a Massey University research centre but do not include any related or associated research income to the CoRE partners. Statement of Financial Performance (Core Activities only) For the period 1 January to 31 December 2011 .18 Income 2010 TEC operational funding Revenue 3,134,660 3,239,315 Interest (scholarship fund) 63,659 31,399 Sundry income 30,400 30,400 Total revenue Funds brought forward from previous year 3,228,719 3,301,114 810,218 491,028 1,071,025 986,657 1,881,243 1,477,685 Operational funding 491,028 577,546 Earle Food Research Fund 986,657 767,361 1,477,685 1,344,907 3,632,277 3,433,892 2,457,386 2,202,844 Education and outreach 237,494 249,593 Earle Food Research Fund scholarships 148,027 250,695 2,842,907 2,703,132 Operational funding Earle Food Research Fund Total funds brought forward Funds carried forward to following year 2011 Total funds carried forward TOTAL INCOME Expenditure Research, education and outreach Research costs1 Total research/education/outreach Administration and infrastructure Staff-related costs 443,181 458,149 Operational costs2 245,178 135,606 688,359 593,755 101,010 137,006 3,632,277 3,433,892 Total administration/infrastructure Overheads Massey University overheads (administration) TOTAL EXPENDITURE notes 1 Includes Massey University research costs (including overheads) and payments to partners and collaborators. 2 Includes contribution to Massey University space charges and costs for CoRE meetings and events. entity reporting These financial reports are for the Riddet Institute, a Centre of Research Excellence hosted by Massey University, and have been generated from Massey University financial records, which are audited annually. income and expenditure Revenue is recognised in the Statement of Financial Performance as that actually received. Income is adjusted to account for research activity completed in advance or yet to be completed. Expenditure by partners and collaborators under research subcontracts is shown as payments to them rather than expenditure incurred by them. GST These financial reports have been prepared so that all figures are stated exclusive of GST. Riddet Institute Income (all sources) .19 Industry (New Zealand and overseas)1 PBRF Massey and trusts 2010 2011 3,134,660 3,134,660 3,239,315 1,342,870 1,658,453 3,351,364 472,819 649,723 802,772 52,357 65,367 31,399 857,357 800,001 905,569 Total other income 2,725,403 3,173,544 5,091,104 TOTAL 5,860,063 6,308,204 8,330,419 FRST/MSI and other government notes 1 Includes income from Crown Research Institutes on industry-supported projects. ANNUAL REPORT 2011 TEC CoRE operational 2009 OUR PEOPLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 .20 image 1 image 3 image 5 image 7 Chairman Professor Jane Harding Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, University of Auckland. Mr Peter Landon-Lane CEO of Plant & Food Research. Dr Tom Richardson CEO of AgResearch. Dr James (Jim) Watson Past-President of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Former CEO of Genesis Research and Development. Past-Chair of the National Science Panel. Past Head of the Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Auckland. Former Professor, University of California, Irvine. image 2 Professor Robert Anderson Pro Vice-Chancellor, College of Sciences, Massey University. image 8 image 6 image 4 Dr Jeremy Hill Group Director, Technology, Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd. Member of the National Committee of the International Dairy Federation (IDF). Dr Tracey McIntosh Head of the Department of Sociology, University of Auckland. Former Director of the Centre of Research Excellence, Nga- Pae o te Ma-ramatanga. Professor Vernon Squire Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and International, University of Otago. Co-directors Distinguished Professor Paul Moughan Professor Harjinder Singh CoRE Principal Investigators (in addition to Co-directors) Professor Juliet Gerrard Co-director of the Biomolecular Interaction Centre, University of Canterbury Professor Geoffrey Jameson Director of the Centre for Structural Biology, Massey University Dr Nigel Larsen Science Group Manager, Processed Foods, Plant & Food Research, Lincoln Professor Warren McNabb Adjunct Professor, Massey University, and Research Director, AgResearch Professor Jim Mann Department of Human Nutrition and Department of Medicine, University of Otago, and Director of the Edgar National Centre for Diabetes Research Professor Laurence Melton Department of Chemistry, University of Auckland Professor Andrew Pullan (died 7 March 2012) Department of Engineering Science, University of Auckland Professor R Paul Singh Distinguished Professor of Food Engineering, University of California, Davis Professor Gerald Tannock Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Otago CoRE Associate Investigators Dr Eric Altermann AgResearch Dr Skelte Anema Fonterra Dr Juliet Ansell Plant & Food Research Dr Mike Boland Massey University Professor John Bronlund Massey University Professor Mark Wahlqvist Director, Asia Pacific Health and Nutrition Centre, Monash University, Australia, and Visiting Professor, National Health Research Institute, Taiwan Kevin Heagney*# Professor Peter Derrick Massey University Management and Administrative staff Dr Lovedeep Kaur Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Jolon Dyer AgResearch Jinita Das Administration Assistant Cynthia Kingi*# Research Assistant Dr David Everett University of Otago John Henley-King Business Manager Dr Mita Lad Research Officer Assoc. Professor Matt Golding Massey University Paula McCool Communications Officer Dr Simon Loveday Research Officer Dr John Grigor Massey University Terri Palmer PA to Paul Moughan Dr Carlos Montoya Postdoctoral Fellow Assoc. Professor Paul Kilmartin University of Auckland Felicia Stibbards Business Administrator Professor Roger Lentle Massey University Ansley Te Hiwi PA to Harjinder Singh Prof. Peter Munro* Chair, Food Materials Science (PGP) Dr Duncan McGillivray University of Auckland Willi Twight Operations Manager Professor Kate McGrath Victoria University of Wellington Mark Ward General Manager Professor Clive Davies Massey University Dr Kevin Davies Plant & Food Research Professor Robert McLachlan Massey University Dr John Monro Plant & Food Research Dr Gill Norris Massey University Professor David Parry Massey University Research and Technical staff Prabhu Balan Research Assistant # Dr Mike Boland Principal Scientist and Executive Officer Research Officer Dr Sharon Henare Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Jason Hindmarsh Research Officer Arup Nag Food Technologist Trent Olson Technical Assistant Ajitpal Purba Technical Assistant Russell Richardson Technical Officer Shane Rutherfurd Senior Research Officer Stuart Saigeman# Veterinary Technical Officer Dr Guillaume Brisson Postdoctoral Fellow Nok Sawatdeenaruenat Technician Steven Chalmers IT and Web Consultant Dr Jaspreet Singh Research Officer Sree Chary# Technical Officer Prof. R Paul Singh Resident Fellow Prof. Srikanta Chatterjee* Resident Fellow Dr Jiahong Su# Research Assistant Jack Cui Technologist Vivian Tan* Research Associate Dr Shantanu Das Product Development Manager Amit Taneja Research Officer Dr Ashling Ellis* Postdoctoral Fellow Namrata Taneja Technician Professor Eric Dickinson Professor of Food Colloids, Procter Department of Food Science, University of Leeds, UK Dr Maria Ferrua Research Officer Emile Webster# Research Officer Dr Sophie Gallier Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Aiqian Ye Senior Research Officer Professor Daryl Lund (appointed 2011) Janiene Gilliland Technician/Laboratory Supervisor Dr Peter Zhu Technologist Emeritus Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison Dr Derek Haisman Senior Technical Advisor Maggie Zou Research Associate Dr Peter Munro (retired 2011) General Manager, Ingredients Innovation, Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd Chris Hall Food Technologist Dr Nicole Roy AgResearch Dr Shane Rutherfurd Massey University Dr Paul Shorten AgResearch Professor Graeme Wake Massey University Assoc. Professor Bill Williams Massey University Dr Aiqian Ye Massey University Scientific Advisory Panel Dr Kyoung-Sik Han# Postdoctoral Fellow # Resigned or left in 2011 * Joined the Institute in 2011 .21 ANNUAL REPORT 2011 Professor Richard Archer Head of the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University Dr Adrian Cookson AgResearch Affiliated Researchers Dr Rachel Anderson Senior Research Scientist, AgResearch Mario Alayon VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON PhD Caleb Millen* MASSEY UNIVERSITY MSc Prasannalakshmi Amaravadi* MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Warren Miner-Williams MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Visaka Anantawat MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Jane Mullaney MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Dr Brendan Haigh Senior Research Scientist, AgResearch Tim Angeli UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND Arup Nag MASSEY UNIVERSITY MSc PhD Gregory O’Grady Prabhu Balan PhD MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND Allan Hardacre Senior Lecturer, Massey University Alicia Barnett MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Justin O’Sullivan* MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Ofir Benjamin UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO PhD Niranchan Paskaranandavadivel UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND PhD Dr Blair Lawley Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Otago Nadja Berger MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Mallesh Rao Peram MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Gail Bornhorst UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS PhD Devastotra Poddar MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Dr Kay Rutherfurd-Markwick Senior Research Scientist, Massey University Heather Bunting* MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Sebastian Riedle MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Lakshmi Chaitanya MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Emmanuelle Riou MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Shahin Roohinejad* UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO PhD Arnab Sarkar MASSEY UNIVERSITY MSc Dr Leo Cheng Senior Research Fellow, University of Auckland .22 Postgraduate students Sylvia Chun Chung Lam MASSEY UNIVERSITY Leah Coles MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Horng Yuan Saw MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Peter Crutchley* UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO MSc Anant Dave PhD Christiane Schmidmeier* MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD MASSEY UNIVERSITY Honorary Researchers Peng Du UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND PhD Ranjita Sengupta MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Dr Lawrence Creamer Massey University Pankaj Sharma* UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO PhD Ian Lim Yuen Feung MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Shakti Singh* MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Professor Yi Huai Gao Massey University Vish Gaikwad MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Christina Streicher MASSEY UNIVERSITY MSc Eli Gray-Stuart MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Winai Suthanthangjai Resident Visiting Scientists Marjorie Griffiths VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON PhD PhD UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND Amit Taneja MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Qing Guo* MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Caroline Thum MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Charith Hettiarachchi UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND PhD Alana Sruba-Vernon* MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Shiromani Jayasekera MASSEY UNIVERSITY MPhil Hayley Stewart MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Natascha Ströbinger MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Minako Kataoka UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO MSc Lucile Tercinier* MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Kalpana Kathriarachchi* UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO PhD Dulantha Ulluwishewa MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Rao Sanaullah Khan MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Amy Van Wey MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Sandra Kim MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Teresa Wegrzyn MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Moritz Lassé UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY PhD Hongyan Yao MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Jessie Li MASSEY UNIVERSITY MSc Sia Yen Yap MASSEY UNIVERSITY PhD Jeelean Lim UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND MSc Davoud Zare* VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON PhD Davide Mercadante UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND PhD Haotian Zheng UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO PhD Dr Lisa Te Morenga Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Otago Dr Wayne Young Postdoctoral Fellow, AgResearch Professor Douglas Dalgleish University of Guelph, Canada Professor Manohar Garg University of Newcastle, Australia Professor Jim Harper Ohio State University, USA Dr Gorakh Mal Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India Assoc. Professor Fernandez Perez Universitat Automona Barcelona, Spain Professor Andy Rao Cornell University, USA Professor Jerry Wells Wageningen University, Netherlands PhD * Joined the Institute in 2011 awards 1 3 5 .23 4 6 image 1 image 3 image 5 Professor Harjinder Singh received the New Zealand Association of Scientists’ Shorland Medal in recognition of major and continued contribution to applied research. Distinguished Professor Paul Moughan received the Massey University Research Medal – Individual and a Massey University College Research Award. He was also admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Principal Investigator Professor Jim Mann received an honorary doctorate from the North-West University in South Africa. image 2 Principal Investigator Professor Geoffrey Jameson received the New Zealand Association of Scientists’ Marsden Medal, which is awarded for a lifetime of outstanding service to science. image 4 Principal Investigator Professor Gerald Tannock was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand. image 6 Dr Kevin Davies of Plant & Food Research was awarded the 2011 Roger Slack Award for Outstanding Plant Biology by the New Zealand Society of Plant Biologists’ Council. Student Interns Anne-Cecile Brit INRA-Rennes, France Nelly Le Cam Agrocampus-Oeust Rennes, France Guillaume Pau Agrocampus-Oeust Rennes, France Lucy Qian Chang University of California, Davis, USA Joleyn Lee National Uni of Singapore, Singapore Maxine Roman University of California, Davis, USA Eva Elena Colino Wageningen University, Netherlands Weilin Liu Nanchang University, China Tania Setiawati Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore Erin Doherty California Polytechnic State Uni, USA Jerilyn Ann Lo National Uni of Singapore, Singapore Heleen van Dijke Wageningen University, Netherlands Fanny Elie-Michel Agro Paris Tech, France Jokob Lollike University of Copenhagen, Denmark Timothy Verrier Agro Paris Tech, France Romain Garcia ENSAIA, Nancy-Universite, France Eva Maier Hohenheim University, Germany Tan Zixi Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore Lucrecia Gonzalez Valero Inst. en Formacion de Nutricion Animal, Spain Marie Maison ENSAIA, Nancy-Universite, France Beibei Zhou Wageningen University, Netherlands ANNUAL REPORT 2011 2 Scientific publications and other research outputs 2011 Peer-reviewed Journal Publications .24 A Albert, N., Lewis, D., Zhang, H., Schwinn, K., Jameson, P., and Davies, K. (2011). Members of an R2R3-MYB transcription factor family in Petunia are developmentally and environmentally regulated to control complex floral and vegetative pigmentation patterning. Plant Journal, 65(5), 771–784. Balan, P., Han, K-S., Rutherfurd-Marwick, K., Singh, H., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Ovine serum immunoglobulin has immunomodulatory effects in growing rats gavaged with Salmonella enteritidis. The Journal of Nutrition, 141(5), 950–956. doi:10.3945/jn.110.131433 Al-Ghobashy, M.A., Williams, M.A.K., Laible, G., and Harding, D.R.K. (2011). CZE with on-line micellar sample stacking for determination of protein concentration of biopharmaceuticals. Chromatographia, 73(11–12), 1145–1153. Balan, P., Han, K-S., Singh, H., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Dietary supplementation with ovine serum immunoglobulin is associated with an increased gut luminal mucin concentration in the growing rat. Animal, 5(12), 1916–1922. Ali, A., Duizer, L., Foster, K., Grigor, J., and Weir, W. (2011). Changes in sensory perception of sports drinks when consumed, pre, during and post exercise. Physiology and Behavior, 102(5), 437–443. Bateman, L., Ye, A., and Singh, H. (2011). Re-formation of fibrils from hydrolysates of ß-lactoglobulin fibrils during in vitro gastric digestion. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(17), 9605–11. Allen, T., Herbst-Johnstone, M., Girault, M., Butler, P., Logan, G., Jouanneau, S., Nicolau, L., and Kilmartin, P.A. (2011). Influence of grape-harvesting steps on varietal thiol aromas in sauvignon blanc wines. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(19), 10641–10650. Allison, T.M., Hutton, R.D., Cochrane, F.C., Yeoman, J.A., Jameson, G.B., and Parker, E.J. (2011). Targeting the role of a key conserved motif for substrate selection and catalysis by 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 8-phosphate synthase. Biochemistry, 50(18), 3686–3695. Allison, T.M., Hutton, R.D., Jiao, W., Gloyne, B.J., Nimmo, E.B., Jameson, G.B., and Parker, E.J. (2011). An extended ß7a7 substrate-binding loop is essential for efficient catalysis by 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 8-phosphate synthase. Biochemistry, 50(43), 9318–9327. Altermann, E., and Klaenhammer, T.R. (2011). Group-specific comparison of four lactobacilli isolated from human sources using differential blast analysis. Genes and Nutrition, 6(3), 319–340. Anema, S.G., and De Kruif, C.G. (2011). Interaction of lactoferrin and lysozyme with casein micelles. Biomacromolecules, 12(11), 3970–3976. Ansell, J., and Drummond, L.M. (2011). Establishing the prebiotic potential of whole kiwifruit. AgroFOOD Industry Hi-tech, 22(6), 18–20. Armstrong, K.M., Bermingham, E.N., Bassett, S.A., Treloar, B.P., Roy, N.C., and Barnett, M.P.G. (2011). Global DNA methylation measurement by HPLC using low amounts of DNA. Journal of Biotechnology, 6(1), 113–17. B Bagga, P., Brisson, G., Baldwin, A., and Davies, C.E. (2011 online). Stick-slip behaviour of dairy powders: Temperature effects. Powder Technology. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2011.05.015 Balan, P., Han, K.S., Rutherfurd, S.M., Singh, H., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Dietary supplementation with ovine serum immunoglobulin attenuates acute effects on growth, organ weights, gut morphology and intestinal mucin production in the growing rat challenged with Salmonella enteritidis. Animal, 5(10), 1570–78. Benjamin, O., Leus, M., and Everett, D.W. (2011). Static headspace analysis of volatile compounds released from ß-lactoglobulin-stabilized emulsions determined by the phase ratio variation method. Food Research International, 44(1), 417–24. Benjamin, O., Silcock, P., Leus, M., and Everett, D.W. (2011). Multilayer emulsions as delivery systems for controlled release of volatile compounds using pH and salt triggers. Food Hydrocolloids, 27(1), 109–118. Bergquist, J., and Derrick, P. (2011). It’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it. Editorial: EJMS protocols. Spectrometry, 17(5). Bermingham, E.N., Kittelmann, S., Young, W., Henderson, G., Roy, N.C., and Thomas, D.G. (2011). Five-week dietary exposure to dry diets alters the faecal bacterial populations in the domestic cat (Felis catus). British Journal of Nutrition, 106(S1), S49–S52. Bermingham, E.N., McNabb, W.C., Sinclair, B.R., Tavendale, M., and Roy, N.C. (2011). Valine partitioning and kinetics between the gastrointestinal tract and hind limbs in lambs with an adult Trichostrongylus colubriformis burden. Journal of Animal Science, 89(11), 3501–3513. Biggs, P.J., Fearnhead, P., Hotter, G., Mohan, V., CollinsEmerson, J., Kwan, E., Besser, T.E., Cookson, A., Carter, P.E., and French, N.P. (2011). Whole-genome comparison of two Campylobacter jejuni isolates of the same sequence type reveals multiple loci of different ancestral lineage. PLoS ONE, 6(11), Art. No. e27121. Bindelle, J., Pieper, R., Montoya, C.A., Van Kessel, A.G., and Leterme, P. (2011). Nonstarch polysaccharide-degrading enzymes alter the microbial community and the fermentation patterns of barley cultivars and wheat products in an in vitro model of the porcine gastrointestinal tract. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 553–563. Bordoloi, A., Kaur, L., and Singh, J. (2011 online). Parenchyma cell microstructure and textural characteristics of raw and cooked potatoes. Food Chemistry. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.11.044 138 Peer-reviewed Journal Publications 2011 16% INCREAsE ON 2010 Brooking, L.A., Williams, S.M., and Mann, J.I. (2011 online). Effects of macronutrient composition of the diet on body fat in indigenous people at high risk of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. doi:10.1016/j.diabres.2011.11.021 Burton, P.M., Monro, J.A., Alvarez, L., and Gallagher, E. (2011). Glycemic impact and health: New horizons in white bread formulations. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 51(10), 965–982. 73% of our publications were published in journals ranked in the top 30% of their respective categories. Dupont, D., Bordoni, A., Brodkorb, A., Capozzi, F., Cirkovic Velickovic, T., Corredig, M., Cotter, P.D., De Noni, I., Gaudichon, C., Golding, M., Lea, T., Le Huërou-Luron, I., MacKie, A., Madsen, C., De Meulenaer, B., Nys, Y., Pihlanto, A., Recio, I., Rémond, D., Requena, T., Souchon, I., Swiatecka, D., Turgeon, S., Vegarud, G., Vreeburg, R., Weitschies, W., and Wickham, M. (2011). An international network for improving health properties of food by sharing our knowledge on the digestive process. Food Digestion, 2(1–3), 23–25. Coles, L.T., Moughan, P.J., Awati, A., and Darragh, A.J. (2011). Influence of assay conditions on the in vitro hindgut digestibility of dry matter. Food Chemistry, 125, 1351–58. Considine, T., Noisuwan, A., Hemar, Y., Wilkinson, B., Bronlund, J., and Kasapis, S. (2011). Rheological investigations of the interactions between starch and milk proteins in model dairy systems: A review. Food Hydrocolloids, 25(8), 2008–17. Cooney, J., Barnett, M., Brewster, D., Knoch, B., McNabb, W., Laing, W., and Roy, N. (2011 online). Proteomic analysis of colon tissue from interleukin-10 gene-deficient mice fed polyunsaturated fatty acids with comparison to transcriptomic analysis. Journal of Proteome Research, 11(2), 1065–1077. doi:10.1021/pr200807p Edmunds, S.J., Roy, N.C., Love, D.R., and Laing, W.A. (2011). Kiwifruit extracts inhibit cytokine production by lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages, and intestinal epithelial cells isolated from IL10 gene deficient mice. Cellular Immunology, 270(1), 70–79. Edmunds, S.J., Roy, N.C., Davey, M., Cooney, J.M., Zhu, S., Barnett, M., Park, Z., Love, D.R., and Laing, W.A. (2011 online). The effects of kiwifruit extracts on colonic gene and protein expression levels in interleukin 10 gene-deficient mice. British Journal of Nutrition. doi:10.1017/S0007114511005241 Erickson, J.C., O’Grady, G., Du, P., Egbuji, J.U., Pullan, A.J., and Cheng, L.K. (2011). Automated gastric slow wave cycle partitioning and visualization for high-resolution activation time maps. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 39(1), 469–83. Evans, G.L., Schuldt, L., Griffin, M.D.W., Devenish, S.R.A., Pearce, F.G., Perugini, M.A., Dobson, R.C.J., Jameson, G.B., Weiss, M.S., and Gerrard, J.A. (2011). A tetrameric structure is not essential for activity in dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Archives of Biophysics and Biochemistry, 512(2), 154–159. F D Coppell, K.J., Lee, J., Williams, S.M., and Mann, J.I. (2011). Progression of glycaemia and cardiovascular risk factors in patients of different age groups with new type 2 diabetes over 5 years of follow-up in a diabetes quality improvement initiative. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 93(3), 357–362. Davidson, J.B., O’Grady, G., Arkwright, J.W., Zarate, N., Scott, S.M., Pullan, A.J., and Dinning, P.G. (2011). Anatomical registration and three-dimensional visualization of low and high-resolution pan-colonic manometry recordings. Neurogastroenterol & Motility, 23(4), 387. Docherty, P.D., Chase, J.G., Lotz, T.F., Hann, C.E., Shaw, G.M., Berkeley, J.E., Te Morenga, L., Mann, J.I., and McAuley, K. (2011). Independent cohort cross-validation of the real-time DISTq estimation of insulin sensitivity. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 102(2), 94–104. Domigan, L.J., Healy, J.P., Meade, S., Blaikie, R.J., and Gerrard, J.A. (2011). Controlling the dimensions of amyloid fibrils: Towards homogenous components for bionanotechnology. Biopolymers, 97(2), 123–133. Du, P., Poh, Y., Lim, J., Gajendiran, V., O’Grady, G., Buist, M., Pullan, A., and Cheng, L. (2011). A preliminary model of gastrointestinal electromechanical coupling. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 58 (12 Part 2), Art. No. 5999709, 3491–3495. Fellah, A., Anjukandi, P., Hemar, Y., Otter, D., and Williams, M.A.K. (2011). Towards polysaccharide handles for single molecule experiments: Spectroscopic evidence for the selective covalent coupling of terminal sugar residues to desired substrates. Carbohydrate Polymers, 86, 105–111. Fellah, A., Belmiloud, N., Haverkamp, R.G., Hemar, Y., Otter, D., and Williams, M.A.K. (2011). Facilitating high-force singlepolysaccharide stretching using covalent attachment of one end of the chain. Carbohydrate Polymers, 87(1), 806–815. Ferrua M.J., and Singh, R.P. (2011). Improved airflow method and packaging system for forced-air cooling of strawberries. International Journal of Refrigeration, 34(4), 1162–1173. Ferrua, M.J., Kong, F., and Singh, R.P. (2011). Computational modelling of gastric digestion and the role of food material properties. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 22(9), 480–491. Flynn, C.S., Foster, K.D., Bronlund, J.E., Lentle, R.G., Jones, J.R., and Morgenstern, M.P. (2011). Identification of multiple compartments present during the mastication of solid food. Archives of Oral Biology, 56(4), 345–352. .25 ANNUAL REPORT 2011 C E Cameron, R.G., Luzio, G.A., Vasu, P., Savary, B.J., and Williams, M.A.K. (2011). Enzymatic modification of a model homogalacturonan with the thermally tolerant pectin methylesterase from citrus: 1. nanostructural characterization, enzyme mode of action, and effect of pH. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(6), 2717–2724. Peer-reviewed Journal Publications CONTINUED .26 Foster, K.D., Grigor, J.M.V., Cheong, J.N., Yoo, M.J.Y., Bronlund, J.E., and Morgenstern, M.P. (2011). The role of oral processing in dynamic sensory perception. Journal of Food Science, 76(2), R49–R61. Gong, H., Zhou, H., Plowman, J.E., Dyer, J.M., and Hickford, J.G.H. (2011). Identification of the ovine KAP11-1 gene (KRTAP11-1) and genetic variation in its coding sequence. Molecular Biology Reports, 38(8), 5429–5433. Fraser, R.D.B., and Parry, D.A.D. (2011). The structural basis of the filament-matrix texture in the avian/reptilian group of hard ß-keratins. Journal of Structural Biology, 173(2), 391–405. Gong, H., Zhou, H., Yu, Z., Dyer, J., Plowman, J.E., and Hickford, J. (2011). Identification of the ovine keratinassociated protein KAP1-2 gene (KRTAP1-2). Experimental Dermatology, 20(10), 815–819. Fraser, R.D.B., and Parry, D.A.D. (2011). The structural basis of the two-dimensional net pattern observed in the X-ray diffraction pattern of avian keratin. Journal of Structural Biology, 176(3), 340–349. Frese, S.A., Benson, A.K., Tannock, G.W., Loach, D.M., Kim, J., Zhang, M., Oh, P.L., Heng, N.C.K., Patil, P.B., Juge, N., MacKenzie, D.A., Pearson, B.M., Lapidus, A., Dalin, E., Tice, H., Goltsman, E., Land, M., Hauser, L., Ivanova, N., Kyrpides, N.C., and Walter, J. (2011). The evolution of host specialization in the vertebrate gut symbiont Lactobacillus reuteri. PLoS Genetics, 7(2), Art. No. e1001314. Griffin, M.D.W., Bilakanti, J.M., Gerrard, J.A., Dobson, R.C.J., and Pearce, F.G. (2011). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of dihydrodipicolinate synthase 2 from Arabidopsis thaliana. Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, 67(11), 1386–1390. Grosvenor, A.J., Morton, J.D., and Dyer, J.M. (2011). Proteomic characterisation of hydrothermal redox damage. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 91(15), 2806–2813. G H Gallier, S., Gordon, K.C., Jimenez-Flores, R., and Everett, D.W. (2011). Composition of bovine milk fat globules by confocal Raman microscopy. International Dairy Journal, 21(6), 402–412. Gao, J., Du, P., Archer, R., O’Grady, G., Gibbons, S.J., Farrugia, G., Cheng, L., and Pullan, A.J. (2011). A stochastic multi-scale model of electrical function in normal and depleted ICC networks. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 58 (12 part 2), Art. No. 5979206, 3451–3455. Giorgi, G., and Derrick, P. (2011). Editorial: European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, the Division of Mass Spectrometry of the Italian Chemical Society and the International Year of Chemistry. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 17(1), v–vi. Gladine, C., Roy, N.C., Laillet, B., Rigaudiere, J.P., Jouve, C., Joly, C., Park, Z.A., Morio-Lindore, B., McNabb, W.C., Chardigny, J.M., and Comte, B. (2011). Increasing intake of long chain omega 3 PUFA enhances lipoperoxidation and modulates hepatic gene expression in a dose-dependent manner. British Journal of Nutrition, 13, 1–20. Goh, K.K.T., Matia-Merino, L., Pinder, D.N., Saavedra, C., and Singh, H. (2011). Molecular characteristics of a novel watersoluble polysaccharide from the New Zealand black tree fern (Cyathea medullaris). Food Hydrocolloids, 25, 286–92. doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2010.06.005 Goh, Y.J., Goin, C., O’Flaherty, S., Altermann, E., and Hutkins, R. (2011). Specialized adaptation of a lactic acid bacterium to the milk environment: The comparative genomics of Streptococcus thermophilus LMD-9. Microbial Cell Factories, 10(Suppl.1), Art. No. S22. Golding, M., Wooster, T.J., Day, L., Xu, M., Lundin, L., Keogh, J., and Clifton, P. (2011). Impact of gastric structuring on the lipolysis of emulsified lipids. Soft Matter, 7(7), 3513–3523. Gujral, H.S., Angurala, M., Sharma, P., and Singh, J. (2011). Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of germinated and cooked pulses. International Journal of Food Properties, 14(6), 1366–1374. Han, K.S., Balan, P., Molist Gasa, F., and Boland, M. (2011). Green kiwifruit modulates the colonic microbiota in growing pigs. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 52(4), 379–385. Hutchings, S.C., Foster, K.D., Bronlund, J.E., Lentle, R.G., Jones, J.R., and Morgenstern, M.P. (2011). Mastication of heterogeneous foods: Peanuts inside two different food matrices. Food Quality and Preference, 22(4), 332–339. Jackson, A.J., and McGillivray, D.J. (2011). Protein aggregate structure under high pressure. Chemical Communications, 47(1), 487–89. Jayasekera, S., Molan, A.L., Garg, M., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Variation in antioxidant potential and total polyphenol content of fresh and fully-fermented Sri Lankan tea. Food Chemistry, 125(2), 536–41. Ji, Y.-R., Lee, S.K., and Anema, S.G. (2011). Effect of heat treatments and homogenisation pressure on the acid gelation properties of recombined whole milk. Food Chemistry, 129(2), 463–71. Jiao, W., Hutton R.D., Cross P.J., Jameson G.B., and Parker E.J. (2011 online). Dynamic cross-talk among remote binding sites: The molecular basis for unusual synergistic allostery. Journal of Molecular Biology. 415(4), 716-726. doi:10.1016/j. jmb.2011.11.037 Kaur, L., Han, K.-S., Bains, K., and Singh, H. (2011). Indian culinary plants enhance glucose-induced insulin secretion and glucose consumption in INS-1 ß-cells and 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Food Chemistry, 129(3), 1120–25. McAuley, K.A., Berkeley, J.E., Docherty, P.D., Lotz, T.F., Te Morenga, L.A., Shaw, G.M., Williams, S.M., Chase, J.G., and Mann, J.I. (2011). The dynamic insulin sensitivity and secretion test – a novel measure of insulin sensitivity. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental, 60(12), 1748–1756. Kiataramakul, C., Wake, G.C., Ben-Tal, A., and Lenbury, Y. (2011). Optimal nutritional intake for fetal growth. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 8(3), 723–732. McLeod, J., Paterson, A.H.J., Jones, J.R., and Bronlund, J.E. (2011). Primary nucleation of alpha-lactose monohydrate: The effect of supersaturation and temperature. International Dairy Journal, 21(7), 455–461. Koehn, H., Lau, B., Clerens, S., Plowman, J., Dyer, J., Salamah Ramli, U., and Deb-Choudhury, S. (2011). Combination of acid labile detergent and C18 Empore™ disks for improved identification and sequence coverage of in-gel digested proteins. Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 400(2), 415–421. Meas, P., Paterson, A.H.J., Cleland, D.J., Bronlund, J.E., Mawson, A.J., Hardacre, A., and Rickman, J.F. (2011). Effects of different solar drying methods on drying time and rice grain quality. International Journal of Food Engineering, 7(5), Art. No. 11. Kong, F., Oztop, M.H., Singh, R.P., and McCarthy, M.J. (2011). Physical changes in white and brown rice during simulated gastric digestion. Journal of Food Science, 76(6), E450–E457. Meas, P., Paterson, A.H.J., Cleland, D.J., Bronlund, J.E., Mawson, A.J., Hardacre, A., and Rickman, J.F. (2011). Measurement of bed grain and air conditions during solar drying of rice. International Journal of Food Engineering, 7(5), Art. No. 12. L Kong, F.B., and Singh, R.P. (2011). Solid loss of carrots during simulated gastric digestion. Food Biophysics, 6(1), 84–93. Lees-Green, R., Du, P., O’Grady, G., Beyder, A., Farrugia, G., and Pullan, A.J. (2011). Biophysically based modelling of the interstitial cells of Cajal: Current status and future perspectives. Frontiers in Computational Physiology and Medicine, 2 (29), 1–19. Lepper, C., Edwards, P.J.B., Dykstra, R., and Williams, M.A.K. (2011). Rheo-NMR studies of a nematic worm-like micelle system in a high-shear-rate regime. Soft Matter, 7(21), 10291–10298. Loveday, S.M., Huang, V.T., Reid, D.S., and Winger, R.J. (2011 online). Water dynamics in fresh and frozen yeasted dough. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. doi:10.1080/10408398.2010.500265 Loveday, S.M., Su, J., Rao, M.A., Anema, S.G., and Singh, H. (2011). 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Book chapters Anderson, R.C., Dalziel, J.E., Gopal, P.K., Bassett, S., Ellis, A., and Roy, N.C. (2011). The role of intestinal barrier function in early life in the development of colitis. In M. Fukata (Ed.), Colitis (Chapter 1, 3–30). InTech – Open Access Publisher, Croatia. ISBN 978-953-307-799-4 Golding, M. (2011). Gastronomic engineering: Where science meets food. In Floreat Scientia – Celebrating New Zealand’s Agrifood Innovation (Chapter 40, 228–234). Wairau Press, New Zealand. Golding, M., and Wooster T.J. (2011). Colloidal dynamics and lipid digestive efficiency. In R.G. Lentle, and P.W.M. Janssen (Eds.), The Physical Processes of Digestion (63–90). Springer, New York. Hill, J., Boland. M.J., and Landells, V.A. (2011). Diabetes mellitus and consumption of milk and dairy products. In Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (Edition 2, Vol, 3, 1046–1050). Elsevier. Kong, F. and Singh, R.P. (2011). Chemical deterioration and physical instability of foods and beverages. In D. Kilcast, and P. Subaramaniam (Eds.), Food and Beverage Stability and Shelf Life (29–62). Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Archer, R. (2011). The lactose industry. In Floreat Scientia – Celebrating New Zealand’s Agrifood Innovation (Chapter 19, 108–112). Wairau Press, New Zealand. Kong, F. and Singh, R.P. (2011). Advances in instrumental methods to determine food quality deterioration. In D. Kilcast, and P. Subaramaniam (Eds.), Food and Beverage Stability and Shelf Life (381–404). Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Boland, M. (2011). Whey proteins. In G.O. Phillips and P.A. Williams (Eds.), Handbook of Food Proteins (30–51). Woodhead Publishing Limited. Lad, M. (2011). Food nanotechnology. In Floreat Scientia – Celebrating New Zealand’s Agrifood Innovation (Chapter 41, 235–239). Wairau Press, New Zealand. Boland, M. (2011). Our time. In Floreat Scientia – Celebrating New Zealand’s Agrifood Innovation (Chapter 42, 240-244). Wairau Press, New Zealand. Loveday, S.M., and Singh, H. (2011). Fortifying foods with Vitamin A: Technological challenges and opportunities. In L.P. Scott (Ed.), Vitamin A: Nutrition, Side Effects and Supplements (163–191). Bootten, T.J., Harris, P.J., Melton, L.D., and Newman, R.H. (2011). Using solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy to study the molecular organisation of primary plant cell walls. In Methods in Molecular Biology (715, 179–196). Clifton, NJ. Chatterjee, S. (2011). A supply-demand analysis of economic growth of China and India. In X. Huang, A.C. Tan, and S. Bandyopadhyay (Eds.), China, India and the End of Development Models (Chapter 3, 51–67). Chatterjee, S., Rae, A., and Ray, R. (2011). Globalisation, India’s evolving food economy and trade prospects for Australia and New Zealand. In M. Tonts, and M.A.B. Siddique (Eds.), Globalisation, Agriculture and Development: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific (Chapter 6, 102–130). Chung Chun Lam, S.M.S. and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Whey protein and satiety: Implications for diet and behaviour. In V.R. Preedy (Ed.), The Handbook of Behavior, Diet and Nutrition (Vol.1, Parts 1–5, 1107–1124. Springer. Moughan, P.J. (2011). Endogenous amino acids at the terminal ileum of the adult human. In F. D’Mello (Ed.), Amino Acids in Human Nutrition and Health (Chapter 14, 245–255). CABI. Moughan, P.J. (2011). Our time. Floreat Scientia – Celebrating New Zealand’s Agrifood Innovation. Wairau Press, New Zealand, Chapter 1, 13-15. Moughan, P.J. (2011). Protein Quality. In Floreat Scientia – Celebrating New Zealand’s Agrifood Innovation (Chapter 26, 145–149). Wairau Press, New Zealand. Moughan, P.J. (2011). Functional foods. In Floreat Scientia – Celebrating New Zealand’s Agrifood Innovation (Chapter 38, 217–221). Wairau Press, New Zealand. Moughan, P.J. (2011). Foreword. In R.G. Lentle, and P.W.M. Janssen (Eds.), The Physical Processes of Digestion. Springer, New York. Parry, D.A.D. (2011). Structure of neural intermediate filaments. In R.A. Nixon, and A. Yuan (Eds.), Cytoskeleton of the Nervous System. Advances in Neurobiology 3 (167–188). Springer Science + Business Media. Pullan, A.J., Cheng, L.K., Nash, M.P., Ghodrati, A., Brooks, D., and Macleod, R. (2011). The inverse problem of electrocardiography. In P.W. Macfarlane, A. van Oosterom, M. Janse, J. Camm, P. Kligfield and O. Pahlm (Eds.), Comprehensive Electrocardiology (2nd ed., Chapter 9, 299–344). Springer, New York. Rutherfurd, S.M., and Dunn, B.M. (2011). Quantitative amino acid analysis. In J.E. Coligan, B.M. Dunn, D.W. Speicher, P.T. Wingfield, and H.L. Ploegh (Eds.), Current Protocols in Protein Science (Chapter 3, 63, 3.2.1–3.2.6). John Wiley & Sons. Anantawat, V. (2011). Studies on the effects of heat and high pressure treatments on fat globule surface layers in recombined milk. PhD thesis, Massey University. Balan, P. (2011). Effects of orally administered ovine serum immunoglobulin in the normal and Salmonella enteritidischallenged growing rat. PhD thesis, Massey University. Coles, L. (2011). Predication of cellular ATP generation from foods in the adult human: Application to developing specialist weight-loss foods. PhD thesis, Massey University. Du, P. (2011). Biophysical modelling of gastric electrophysiology. PhD thesis, The University of Auckland. Li, J. (2011). In vitro intestinal digestion of emulsions after gastric treatment. MSc thesis, Massey University. Nag, A. (2011). Development of a microencapsulation technique for probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus casei 431 using a protein-polysaccharide complex. Master of Food Technology thesis, Massey University. Sarkar, A., Das, S., Gosh, D., and Singh, H. (2011). Green concepts in food industry. In G. Pathak (Ed.), Handbook of Nutraceuticals Scale-Up, Processing, and Automation (457–485). Taylor & Francis Group, USA. Other publications Singh, H. (2011). Functional properties of milk protein. In J.W. Fuquay, P.F. Fox, and P.L.H. McSweeney (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (Edition 2, Vol. 3, 887–893). Elsevier. Boland, M. (2011). PROTEOS – The future of world protein. Food New Zealand, 11(2), 19, April/May. Singh, H. (2011). Novel milk proteins. In Floreat Scientia – Celebrating New Zealand’s Agrifood Innovation (Chapter 25, 140–144), Wairau Press, New Zealand. Singh, R.P., and Zorilla, S.E. (2011). Process and plant design. In J.W. Fuquay, P.F. Fox, and P.L.H. McSweeney (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (Edition 2, Vol. 4, 124–133). Elsevier. Singh, S.K., and Singh, R.P. (2011). Gastric digestion of foods: Mathematical modeling of flow field in a human stomach. In J.M. Aguilera, G.V. Barbosa-Canovas, R. Simpson, J. WeltiChenas, and D. Bermudez-Aguirre (Eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces (99–117). Springer, New York. Te Morenga, L., and Mann, J. (2011). Nutrition: Its relevance in development and treatment of the metabolic syndrome. In C. Byrne, and S. Wild (Eds.), The Metabolic Syndrome (2nd ed., Chapter 17, 297–326). Blackwell Publishing, Chichester, UK. Ward, M. (2011). Creating the future of food. In Floreat Scientia – Celebrating New Zealand’s Agrifood Innovation (Chapter 43, 245–249). Wairau Press, New Zealand. Boland, M. (2011). Project launched to solve global protein shortage. Food New Zealand, January 1, 45. Boland, M. (2011). POSIFoods: Personalised nutrition and the power of combinatorial foods. Food New Zealand, 11, June. Boland, M., Breier, B., Ingram, J., and Roy, N.C. (2011). Report on Twinning Workshop on Food and Health with the European Union, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, Brussels, 15–16 November. MSI 51 pages. Das, S., and Nag, A. (2011). Probiolife™: Technology enabling probiotic bacteria to be used in shelf stable foods. Food New Zealand, Dec 2010/Jan 2011, 21. Das, S., and Haisman, D. (2011). Delivering natural fibre through read-to-drink beverages. Food New Zealand, Feb/Mar, 25. Golding, M., and Matia-Merino, L. (2011). Gums: New Gums from Nature – F-Files. Food New Zealand NZIFST, 11(2). Golding, M. (2011) Future Foods: Sustainability and Obesity. NZ Teachers (126). Mishra, S., and Monro, J.A. (2011). Glycemic impact of kiwifruit and the properties of kiwifruit non-starch polysaccharides that may modulate glycaemic impact. Confidential PFR client report. Monro, J.A. (2011). Multi-well mini-batch gut model of colonic fermentation. International Mobility Fund Activity Report, collaboration with Prof Glen Gibson, Reading University. 10–18 September. .31 ANNUAL REPORT 2011 Roy, N.C., Berger, N., Bermingham, E.N., McNabb, W.C., and Cooney, J. (2011). The effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acidrich salmon on inflammatory bowel diseases. In A. Nagal (Ed.), Inflammatory Diseases: A Modern Perspective (Chapter 11, 221–240). InTech – Open Access Publisher, Croatia. ISBN: 978-953-307-444-3 Postgraduate theses OTHER PUBLICATIONS CONTINUED .32 Nag, A., Das, S., and Khamrui, K. (2011). Dairy proteins: Superior probiotic encapsulation agents. Food & Beverage Asia, June/July 2011. Everett, D.W. (2011). Maintaining cheese quality with lower salt levels: Insights and advancements. Dairy Innovation Summit, Auckland, 29 November. Nag, A., and Das, S. (2011). Delivery of probiotic bacteria in shelf stable foods. Food & Beverage Asia, October/November. Gerrard, J. (2011). Physical and chemical alterations to proteins during food processing: Implications for nutrition. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March. Ward, M. (2011). The Riddet Institute – the National Centre of Research Excellence in foods. Food New Zealand, February/March. Keynote and invited addresses Ansell, J. (2011). Whole kiwifruit confer gut health and immune benefits both directly and indirectly through prebiotic effects. VitaFoods Europe, Geneva, 10–12 May. Ansell, J. (2011). Holobiotic plants. International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) Meeting, Berkeley, California, USA, 23–25 October. Boland, M. (2011). Implications of the digestion process for the design of new foods. COST Action: FA1011. Developing an integrated process and product design approach for multiphase structured foods with health benefits and optimal sensory characteristics, Institute of Food Engineering for Development, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, 23–24 March. Larsen, N.G. (2011). The rise of nanotechnology. AgCarm Conference 2011, Auckland, New Zealand, 24 February. Lawley, B., Sims, I., and Tannock, G.W. (2011). Foraging mechanisms in the gut commensal Lactobacillus ruminis. New Zealand Society for Microbiology, Palmerston North. Loveday, S., and Singh, H. (2011). Nanotechnology and future dairy foods: Opportunities and challenges. Dairy Innovation Summit, Auckland, New Zealand, 28–29 November. Mann, J. (2011). The role of high-protein diets in body weight management and health. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March. Mann, J. (2011). Future for public health in New Zealand. Agencies for Nutrition Action National Conference 2011 (ANA), Auckland, May. Boland, M.J. (2011). Food synergy: The interaction of kiwifruit with other dietary components. Science Symposium 2011: Connecting Science to Consumers, University of Auckland, 11 April. Mann, J. (2011). Added sugars: Devil or not. 29th Symposium on Diabetes and Nutrition of the Nutrition Study Group (DNSG) of the EASD, Rome, Italy, June/July. Boland, M.J. (2011). Cow diet and milk quality. Forum of the Americas: Milk and Dairy Products Workshop, Brazil, 12–14 July. McGrath, K. (2011). Mixing the soft with the hard: Synthetic biomineralisation. AMN-5 Fifth International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Wellington, New Zealand, 7–11 February. Boland, M.J. (2011). Breed, genetics and milk quality. Forum of the Americas: Milk and Dairy Products Workshop, Brazil, 12–14 July. Cheng, L.K., and Pullan, A.J. (2011). Modelling the human gut and implications for bioavailability of nutrients. New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 29 June–1 July. Das, S. (2011). Novel technology for delivery of probiotic bacteria in shelf stable foods. Thailand Food Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, March. Das, S., Nag, A., and Singh, H. (2011). Microencapsulation for improving the stability of probiotic bacteria. Industrial Partnership on Microencapsulation Technology, Berlin, 19–21 October. Das, S. (2011). Open innovation – a new way of product development. Inauguration of Tetra Pak Process Development Centre, Shanghai, 7–8 November. Everett, D.W., Gallier, S., Benjamin, O., Zheng, H., Su, J., and Paiboonsiri, D. (2011). Structure and functionality of the milk fat globule membrane. International Conference on Functional Dairy Foods, Karnal, India, 16 November. McGrath, K. (2011). Biomineralisation. Chemed 2011, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 17–20 July. McGrath, K. (2011). Emulsions: Will we ever be able to predict their behaviour? New Zealand Institute of Chemistry Conference 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand, 27 November–1 December. Moughan, P.J. (2011). Dairy Health and Nutrition Consortium, Dairy Innovation Australia Ltd, Melbourne, 3–4 March. Moughan, P.J. (2011). Gut luminal endogenous protein: Implications for the determination of ileal amino acid digestibility in humans. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March. Moughan, P.J. (2011). Research and innovation – for the fruit industry. 2011 International Summit Forum of the Bio-Tech Industry of Red Jujube, Laoling, China, September. Moughan, P.J. (2011). 2011 Symposium of the Fujian HOME Program for domestic and overseas biological sciences experts, Ningde, Fujian, China, September. Moughan, P.J. (2011). Food bioactive peptides: Effects on gut function. International Conference on Functional Dairy Foods, Karnal, India, 16–19 November. Singh, R.P. (2011). Unraveling gastric digestion of foods to develop novel foods for health. International Food Congress NAFI, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, 28 May–1 June. Parry, D.A.D. (2011). Structure of intermediate filaments and their importance for the formation of human hair. 17th International Hair Science Symposium, Irsee, Germany, 6–8 September. Singh, R.P. (2011). Energy management to reduce carbon footprints in food processing. Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, Louisiana. Singh, R.P. (2011). Understanding gastric digestion to develop future foods for health. Food Symposium, International Union of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, 21–22 June. Rutherfurd, S.M. (2011). Available versus digestible amino acids. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March. Williams, M.A.K. (2011). Take the pieces and build them skywards: Pectin and its nanomachines. The Pilnik Lecture, Gums & Stabilizers for the Food Industry, University of Wageningen, 30 June. Rutherfurd, S.M. (2011). Available versus digestible amino acids: Implications for feed formulation. Advancing Poultry Production Massey Technical Update Conference, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 8 June. Conference papers and abstracts in published proceedings Singh, H. (2011). Future foods: Challenges for food science and technology. Food Science and Technology Forum, Singapore, 12 May. Singh, H. (2011). From Punjab to Palmerston North: A journey of basic science, dairy research and food research leadership. JC Andrews address, New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 29 June–1 July. Singh, H. (2011). Digestibility of whey protein aggregates and fibrils under simulated gastro-intestinal environments. Milk Protein and Enzyme Symposium, ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual meeting, New Orleans, USA, 10–14 July. Singh, H. (2011). Dairy ingredient interactions and functionality: Status and prospects. 7th NIZO Dairy Conference – Flavour and Texture: Innovations in Dairy, Papendal, The Netherlands, 21–23 September. Singh, H. (2011). Functional dairy products: Status and prospects. International Conference on Functional Dairy Foods, Karnal, India, 16–19 November. Singh, H. (2011). Nanotechnology and the development of novel dairy foods. International Conference on Functional Dairy Foods, Karnal, India, 16–19 November. Singh, H. (2011). Modifying food emulsion structures to influence lipid digestibility. Functional Foods Symposium 2011, The University of Auckland, 30 November. Singh, R.P. (2011). Predictive modeling of textural quality of almonds during commercial storage and distribution. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food, Athens, Greece, 22–26 May. Singh, R.P. (2011). Food engineering education in the digital age. Invited plenary lecture. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food, Athens, Greece, 22–26 May. Anderson, R.C., and Roy, N.C. (2011). The importance of the intestinal barrier function in early life. IIOF Workshop The Role of Nutrition and Microbiota in Early Life, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 8 March, 18–19. Anderson, R.C., Young, W., McCann, M.J., Armstrong, K.M., and Roy, N.C. (2011). Human oral isolate Lactobacillus fermentum AGR1487 decreases intestinal barrier integrity in vitro and has a large effect of intestinal epithelial cell gene expression. 10th Lactic Acid Bacteria Conference (LAB10), Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands, 28 August–1 Sept. Poster No. C068. Abstract No. 201. Abstract book of the 10th symposium on lactic acid bacteria Celebrating 30 Years of Lab Research. Angeli, T.R., O’Grady, G., Paskaranandavadivel, N., Du, P., Bissett, I.P., Cheng, L.K., and Pullan, A.J. (2011). Circumferential loop and functional re-entry as novel mechanisms of small intestine pacesetting. Gastroenterology, 140(5), Supplement 1, S-374. Abstract. Angeli, T.R., O’Grady, G., Erickson, J.C., Du, P., Paskaranandavadivel, N., Bissett, I.P., Cheng, L.K., and Pullan, A.J. (2011). Mapping small intestine bioelectrical activity using high-resolution printed-circuit-board electrodes. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, Art. No. 6091227, 4951–4954. Arkwright, J.W., Lim, J., Pullan, A.J., Archer, R., O’Grady, G., Brookes, S.J., Spencer, N.J., Cook, I.J., and Dinning, P.G. (2011), viscous content affects the dynamics of manometric recordings – an important issue for the interpretation of manometry in the colon. Gastroenterology, 140(5), Supplement 1, S-869. Abstract. Balan, P., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Potential application of ovine serum immunoglobulins during total parenteral nutrition. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 83 (Poster Abstract). .33 ANNUAL REPORT 2011 Parry, D.A.D. (2022). Unravelling the workings of the animal body: A biophysical approach. New Zealand Institute of Physics, Wellington, New Zealand, 17–19 October. Conference papers and abstracts in published proceedings CONTINUED .34 Benjamin, O., Silcock, P., Leus, M., and Everett, D.W. (2011). Multilayer emulsions as delivery systems for controlled release of volatile compounds using pH and salt triggers. 7th NIZO Dairy Conference, Papendal, The Netherlands, 21–23 September. Oral presentation and non-peer-reviewed abstract in proceedings. Coles, L.T., Moughan, P.J., and Rutherfurd, S.M. (2011). A model to predict the ATP equivalents of macronutrients absorbed from food. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 109 (Poster Abstract). Bentley-Hewitt, K., Blatchford, P., and Ansell, J. (2011) The prebiotic-mediated health effects of kiwifruit. New Zealand Microbiological Society Annual Meeting, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 23 November, 196. Deglaire, A., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Animal models for determining amino acid digestibility in humans. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 65. Bornhorst, G.M., Singh, R.P., Strobinger, N., Rutherfurd, S.M., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Properties of gastric digesta in pigs fed with cooked brown and white rice. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists. New Orleans, Louisiana, 12 June, 71. Du, P., O’Grady, G., Paskaranandavadivel, N., Angeli, T.R., Lahr, C., Abell, T.L., Cheng, L.K., and Pullan, A.J. (2011). Quantification of velocity anisotropy during gastric electrical arrhythmia. Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, Art. No. 6091092, 4402–4405. Bornhorst, G.M. Rutherfurd, S.M., Strobinger, N., Singh, R.P., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Rheological properties of brown and white rice during in vivo digestion in pigs. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food, Athens, Greece, 22–26 May, 631–632. Bornhorst, G., Heldman, D.R., and Singh, R.P. (2011). Rate kinetics of bread bolus disintegration during in vitro digestion. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food, Athens, Greece, 22–26 May. Bull, S.H., O’Grady, G., Cheng, L.K., and Pullan, A.J. (2011). A framework for the online analysis of multi-electrode gastric slow wave recordings. Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, Art. No. 6090498, 1741–1744. Butts, C.A., Monro, J., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). In vitro determination of protein and amino acid digestibility for humans including multi-component computer simulated models of digestion. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 62. Butts, C.A., Rosendale, D., Hooten, D., Stoklosinski, H., Hedderley, D., Paturi, G., Roy, N., and Ansell, J. (2011). Microbial carbohydrate enzymes, dietary fibre and gastrointestinal health. Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand and the Nutrition Society of Australia, Queenstown, New Zealand, 29 November–2 December, p.58. Cameron, R.G., Luzio, G.A., Kim, Y., Vasu, P., Savary, B.J., and Williams, M.A.K. (2011). Characterization of nanostructural modifications introduced into a model pectic homogalacturonan by esterases or chemical saponification and modelling of enzyme mode of action. Technical Proceedings of the 2011 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2011, 3, 275–278. Chung Chun Lam, S.M., Moughan, P.J., Henare, S.J., and Ganesh, S. (2011). Effect of time of consumption of a protein or carbohydrate preload on satiety in normal weight women. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 90 (Poster Abstract). Dyer, J.M., Haines, S.R., Deb-Choudhury, S., Thomas, A., Vernon, J.A., Cornellison, C.D., Plowman, J.E., Harland, D.P., Grosvenor, A.J., and Clerens, S. (2011). Mapping and controlling protein modification in foods: Advanced redox proteomic approaches. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 94 (Poster Abstract). Egbuji, J.U., O’Grady, G., Du, P., Cheng, L.K., Lammers, W.J., Windsor, J.A., and Pullan, A.J. (2011). Conduction block, escape, competing ectopics and re-entry in porcine gastric dysrhythmia. Gastroenterology, 140(5), Supplement 1, S-376. Abstract. Everett, D.W. (2011). The story of rotting milk in New Zealand: A centenary, and more, of cheesemaking. Bringing it Home: Remembering the Past + Feeding the Future, University of Otago Consumer and Applied Sciences Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, 6–9 February, 51. ISBN 978-0-9876513-0-3 Ferrua, M., and Singh, R.P. (2011). Experimental validation of a CFD model to predict gastric flow induced by peristalsis. IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo Technical Program, New Orleans, USA, 11–14 June. Gao, J., Du, P., Archer, R., Gibbons, S.J., O’Grady, G., Farrugia, G., and Pullan, A.J. (2011). Virtual ICC network generation algorithms for modeling the physiological consequences of ICC depletion. Gastroenterology, 140(5), Supplement 1, S-373-S-374. Abstract. Gerrard, J. (2011). Physical and chemical alterations to proteins during food processing: Implications for nutrition. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 66. Henare, S.J., Deglaire, A., Bos, C. and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Postprandial metabolic utilisation of 15N-labelled casein in older adult humans. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 100 (Poster Abstract). Henare, S.J., Rutherfurd, S.M., Drummond, L.N., Boland, M.J., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Available (ATP) energy contents of two varieties of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa var Hayward and Actinidia chinensis var Hort16A). Proceedings of the Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand and the Nutrition Society of Australia, Queenstown, New Zealand, 29 November–2 December. Hodgkinson, A.J., McDonald, N.A., Barnett, M.P.G., Prosser, C.G., and Roy, N.C. (2011). Immunomodulatory effects of milk and soy protein-based diets in the Interleukin-10 gene-deficient mouse. 15th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology, Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France, 5–9 July 2011. Abstract and poster No T.144, 123, Abstract Supplement of the 15th Internal Congress of Mucosal Immunology. Kaur, L., Boland, M.J., Rutherfurd, S.M., Drummond, L.N., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Kiwifruit proteases enhance digestion of common protein-based foods under simulated gastric and small intestinal conditions. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand and the Nutrition Society of Australia, Queenstown, New Zealand, 29 November– 2 December. Kaur, L., Haisman, D.R., Boland, M.J., and Singh, H. (2011). The impact of cooking on microstructure and gastrointestinal digestibility of beef meat as assessed using an in vitro protein digestion model. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, p102 (Poster Abstract), 27-30 March, Auckland, New Zealand. Kim, J.H.K., Pullan, A.J., and Cheng, L.K. (2011). Reconstruction of multiple gastric electrical wave fronts using potential based inverse methods. Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, Art. No. 6090319, 1355–1358. Kobayashi, I., Kong, F., Singh, R.P. (2011). Disintegration of cheddar cheese in simulated gastric environment. Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 11–15. Poster presentation – Conference Abstract Book. Kong, F., and Singh, R.P. (2011). Development of in vitro stomach systems to study food digestion. Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11–15 June. Poster presentation – Conference Abstract Book. Kong, F., Oztop, M.H., Jelicich, A.J., Singh, R.P., and McCarthy, M.J. (2011). Physical changes in white and brown rice during simulated gastric digestion. Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11–15 June. Poster presentation – Conference Abstract Book. Lees-Green, R., Beyder, A., Farrugia, G., O’Grady, G., Poh, Y.C., Buist, M., and Pullan, A.J. (2011). Computational modeling of the human sodium channel: Mechanical stretch effects on the electrical function of interstitial cells of Cajal and smooth muscle cells. Gastroenterology, 140(5), Supplement 1, S-120. Abstract. Mann, J., and Te Morenga, L. (2011). The role of high-protein diets in body weight management and health. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 29–30. Marra, F., Ferrua, M.J., and Singh, R.P. (2011). Experimental characterization of the fluid dynamics in an in vitro system simulating the peristaltic movement of the stomach wall. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food, Athens, Greece, 22–26 May. Marra, F., and R.P. Singh. (2011). Modeling fluid flow in gastric digestion simulators. Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11–15 June. Poster presentation – Conference Abstract Book. McCann, M.J., Rowland, I.R., and Roy, N.C. (2011). Inhibition of enterolactone of prostate cell growth occurs through alterations in DNA licencing. 5th International Conference on Mechanisms of Action of Nutraceuticals (ICMAN5), The Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, 13–15 October. Mishra, S., and Monro, J.A. (2011). Effects of food structure on nutritionally distinct carbohydrate fractions in cereal. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand and the Nutrition Society of Australia, Queenstown, New Zealand, 29 November–2 December, 65. Montoya, C.A., Hindmarsh, J.P., Boland, M.J., Drummond, L.N., Moughan, P.J., and Rutherfurd, S.M. (2011). Effect of an actinidin-containing kiwifruit extract on stomach emptying rate in rats. Poster presentation. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 108 (Poster Abstract). Monro, J.A., and Mishra, S. (2011). Kernel intactness, carbohydrate digestibility and the relative glycaemic impact of white, wholemeal, multigrain and mixed grain breads. Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand and the Nutrition Society of Australia, Queenstown, New Zealand, 29 November–2 December, p.21. Montoya, C.A., Hindmarsh, J.P., Boland, M.J., Drummond, L.N., Moughan, P.J., and Rutherfurd, S.M. (2011). Actinidincontaining kiwifruit extract enhance the stomach protein digestion of some dietary proteins in rats. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand and the Nutrition Society of Australia, Queenstown, New Zealand, 29 November–2 December. .35 ANNUAL REPORT 2011 Hindmarsh, J.P., Awati, A., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Can NMR-based metabonomics detect differences in the metabolism of proteins with a similar amino acid profile? International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 101 (Poster Abstract). Kong, F., and Singh, R.P. (2011). Using a human gastric simulator to study rice digestion. Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11–15 June. Poster presentation – Conference Abstract Book. Conference papers and abstracts in published proceedings CONTINUED Montoya, C.A., Rutherfurd, S.M., Drummond, L.N., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Do we need to correct for endogenous material when determining fibre fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract? Proceedings of the Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand and the Nutrition Society of Australia, Queenstown, New Zealand, 29 November– 2 December. .36 Montoya, C.A., Lalles, J.P., Beebe, S., and Leterme, P. (2011). Could phaseolin diversity improve the nutritional value of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)? International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 107 (Poster Abstract). Moughan, P.J., and Rutherfurd, S.M. (2011). Gut luminal endogenous protein: Implications for the determination of ileal amino acid digestibility in humans. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 61. Nag, A., Das, S., and Singh, H. (2011). Encapsulation technologies for improving the stability of probiotic bacteria. International Food Machinery and Technology Exhibition 2011 – FOOMA Japan, The Japan Food Machinery Manufacturers’ Association, 242–245. O’Grady, G., Angeli, T.R., Cheng, L.K., Lahr, C.J., Paskaranandavadivel, N., Du, P., Lammers, W.J., Midgley, D., Farrugia, G., Abell, T.L., and Pullan, A.J. (2011). Emergence of circumferential slow wave propagation during gastric dysrhythmias in diabetic gastroparesis. Gastroenterology, 140(5), Supplement 1, S-705. Abstract. O’Grady, G., Angeli, T.R., Cheng, L.K., Lahr, C.J., Du, P., Lammers, W.J., Midgley, D., Deacon, M., Farrugia, G., Abell, T.L., and Pullan, A.J. (2011). Aberrant initiation and conduction of slow wave activity in diabetic and idiopathic gastroparesis. Gastroenterology, 140(5), Supplement 1, S-705-S-706. Abstract. Paskaranandavadivel, N., Cheng, L.K., Du, P., O’Grady, G., and Pullan, A.J. (2011). Improved signal processing techniques for the analysis of high resolution serosal slow wave activity in the stomach. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, Art. No. 6090497, 1737–1740. Reis, M.M., Reis, M.G., Roy, N.C., Bermingham, E.N., Ryan, L., Otter, D.E., North, M.F., and Bibiloni, R. (2011). Dairy polar lipids alter brain lipid metabolism of C57Bl/6J mice under diet-induced stress. 7th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns, Australia, 27–30 June. Poster Abstract #205, 139. Program and Abstract Book of Metabolomics 2011. Reis, M.G., Reis, M.M., Roy, N.C., Bermingham, E.N., Ryan, L., North, M.F., Stelwagen, K., Otter, D.E., Young, W., Krause, L., Berger, B., and Bibiloni, R. (2011). Nutritional application of polar dairy lipids: Effect on lipogenesis and intestinal microbiota. 10th International Lecithin and Phospholipid Society (ILPS) Phospholipid Conference “Phospholipids – Sources, Processing and Application”, Congress Centre “De Doelen”, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 16–18 September. Poster – Abstract Book, 2–3. Riedle, S., Otter, D.E., Singh, H., and Roy, N.C. (2011). Dietary uptake of titanium dioxide (TiO2) in Peyer’s patches (PP) and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) of C57BL/6 mice. 41st Australasian Society for Immunology Annual Meeting, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia, 11–15 December. Poster Abstract No. 467, 202, Meeting Programme and Abstract Book. Riedle, S., Thomas-McKay, E., Otter, D., Pele, L., Powell, J., Singh, H., and Roy, N.C. (2011). Dietary exposure to titanium dioxide does not affect growth and immune cell composition of Peyer’s patches and mesenteric lymph nodes in healthy mice. Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, L. Pele, J.J. Powell, S. Kinrade, R. Jugdaohsingh, P. Collery, I. Maymard, and A. Badawi A (Eds.), John Libbey Eurotext, Paris, 11, 30. Rutherfurd, S.M. (2011). Available versus digestible dietary amino acids: Implications for feed formulation. Proceedings of the Advancing Poultry Production, Massey Technical Update Conferencei, V. Ravindran (Ed.), Palmerston North, New Zealand, June, 13, 76–93. Rutherfurd, S.M. (2011). Available versus digestible amino acids. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 67. Rutherfurd, S.M., Chung, T.K., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Microbial phytase improves bone mineral density (BMD). Is there an application for bone health in humans? Proceedings of the Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand and the Nutrition Society of Australia, Queenstown, New Zealand, 29 November–2 December. Rutherfurd, S.M., Bains, K., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Proteinaceous foods of India and the supply of available lysine. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 26–27. Rutherfurd, S.M., Chung, T.K., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Microbial phytase improves bone mineral density (BMD). Proceedings of the Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand and the Nutrition Society of Australia, Queenstown, New Zealand, 29 November–2 December. Rutherfurd, S.M., Hamel-Desbrueres, B., Chary, S., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). Effect of carbamylation on amino acid availability: A preliminary study. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 115 (Poster Abstract). Rutherfurd, S.M., Richardson, R.K., Sawatdeenaruenat, C., and Moughan, P.J. (2011). The effect of dietary peptide source on ileal endogenous tryptophan loss. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 114 (Poster Abstract). Rutherfurd, S.M., Zou, M.L., Darragh, A.J., Fanning, A.C., and Miller, B.J. (2011). Limitation of truncated PDCAAS values as a measure of protein quality. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 95 (Poster Abstract). Van Wey, A.S., Shorten, P.R., Soboleva, T.K., Roy, N.C., McNabb, W.C., and Cookson, A.L. (2011). Nutrient transport within bacterial biofilms. International Symposium of Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 120 (Poster Abstract). Saw, H.Y., Davies, C.E., Paterson, A.H.J., Brisson, G. (2011). Flow indices for fine food powders. SCENZ-IChemE in New Zealand Annual Meeting, Hamilton, New Zealand, 2 December, online proceedings 1–5. Van Wey, A., Cookson, A.L., Soboleva, T.K., Roy, N.C., McNabb, W.C., and Shorten, P.R. (2011). Diffusion of nutrients within single species bacterial biofilms. New Zealand Microbiology Conference, Palmerston North, 23–25 November. Student Presentation. Programme Handbook of the New Zealand Microbiological Society Conference 2011 “Right Here, Right Now”, 52. Singh, H., Peram, M., Loveday, S., Bateman, L., and Ye, A. (2011). Digestibility of whey protein aggregates and fibrils under simulated gastro-intestinal environments. ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting. Journal of Animal Science, 89, E-Suppl. 1, Journal of Dairy Science, 94, E-Suppl.1, 437. Singh, R.P., and Ferrua, M.J. (2011). Flow field and food disintegration in a human stomach. Proceedings of the XIII Congés de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP), Lille, France, 29 November–1 December. Sun, C., Bronlund, J.E., Huang, L., and Xu, W.L. (2011). Adaptive fuzzy control on a chewing machine. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, CIS 2011, 202–207. Taitano, L., Lee, J.H., and Singh, R.P. (2011). Kinetics of water uptake in almonds during storage. Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11–15 June. Poster presentation – Conference Abstract Book. Te Morenga, L.A., Williams, S.M., McAuley, K.A., and Mann, J. (2011). The effect of a diet moderately high in protein and fibre on insulin sensitivity measured using the Dynamic Insulin Sensitivity and Secretion Test (DISST). International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 118 (Poster Abstract). Torres, J., Montoya, C.A., Munoz, L.S., Martens, S., and Peters, M. (2011). Heat treatment of tropical multipurpose legume grains affects in-vitro digestion and fermentation in pigs. Tropentag 2011: Development on the Margin, University of Bonn, 5–7 October. Conference proceedings, 396. Thum, C., Cookson, A.L., Otter, D.E., Dyer, J., Hodgkinson, A., McNabb. W.C., and Roy, N.C. (2011). Effects of milk oligosaccharides during pregnancy and lactation on postnatal intestinal function. IIOF Workshop “The Role of Nutrition and Microbiota in Early Life”, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 8 March, 22–23. Ulluwishewa, D., Anderson, R.C., McNabb, W.C., Moughan, P.J., Wells, J.M., and Roy, N.C. (2011). Development of a physiological model of the intestine to study the effects of food components on the intestinal barrier. International Symposium of Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 119 (Poster Abstract). Yassi, R., O’Grady, G., Paskaranandavadivel, N., Du, P., Angeli, T.R., Cheng, L.K., Pullan, A.J., and Erickson, J. (2011). The Gastric Electrical Mapping Suite (GEMS): Software for analyzing and visualizing gastrointestinal multi-electrode recordings. Gastroenterology, 140(5), Supplement 1, S-120. Abstract. Young, W., Roy, N.C., Lee, J., and Tannock, G.W. (2011) Digestion-resistant carbohydrates modify the large bowel ecosystem and host gene expression in newly-weaned rats. IIOF Workshop “The Role of Nutrition and Microbiota in Early Life”, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 8 March, 12–13. Conference presentations Altermann, E. (2011). Genomic analyses of two Lactobacillus fermentum strains with contrasting effects on intestinal barrier function. 10th Lactic Acid Bacteria Conference (LAB10), Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 28 August–1 September. Altermann, E. (2011). Two Lactobacillus fermentum strains that show opposing effects on intestinal barrier integrity: Do the bacterial secretome or cell wall components play a part? 10th Lactic Acid Bacteria Conference (LAB10), Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 28 August–1 September. Boland, M. (2011). Milk Quality Part 1: Breeds and genetics and Milk Quality Part 2: Management and feeding. Forum das Americas: Leite e Derivados, Brazil, 12–14 July. Cronin, K., and Larsen, N. (2011). Secrets of success – developing market and social intelligence to support successful bio-enterprise. NZBio Conference, 21 March. Crutchley, P.W., Te Morenga, L.A., Kataoka, M., and Mann, J.I. (2011). Do sugary drinks have any role in the development of the metabolic syndrome in New Zealanders? Poster presentation. Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand and the Nutrition Society of Australia, Queenstown, New Zealand, 29 November–2 December. (Poster). Das, S. (2011). ProBioLifeTM – a novel technology for delivering probiotic bacteria in shelf stable foods. Selected for ‘IFT New Product and Technology’, Technology Showcase, IFT Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, 11–14 June. .37 ANNUAL REPORT 2011 Sarkar, A., Chatterjee, S., Das, S., and Boland, M.J. (2011). Global patterns of protein production and consumption: A nutritional perspective. International Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health, Symposium Proceedings, Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 March, 116 (Poster Abstract). Conference PRESENTATIONS CONTINUED Davies, K., McCallum, J., Ngo, H., Pither-Joyce, M., Shaw, M., Kenel, F., Baldwin, S., Eady, C., and Schwinn, K. (2011). The genetic basis of anthocyanin colouration in onion. 6th International Workshop on Anthocyanins, Charlotte, North Carolina, 11–14 September. .38 Deroles, S.C., Zhang, H., Wang, L., Chen, R., and Davies, K.M. (2011). In vitro analysis of anthocyanic vacuolar inclusions (AVIs) and their ability to stabilize anthocyanins in solution. 6th International Workshop on Anthocyanins, Charlotte, North Carolina, 11–14 September. Ferrua, M. (2011). Dynamics of gastric contents. New Advances in GI Motility Workshop. Auckland, New Zealand, 31 October– 2 November. Ferrua, M., and Singh, R.P. (2011). Understanding the fluid dynamics of gastric design using computational modeling. 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food, Athens, Greece, 22–26 May, 619–620. Ferrua, M., and Singh, R.P. (2011). Improving the design and efficiency of the forced-air cooling process of fresh strawberries using computational modeling. 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food, Athens, Greece, 22–26 May. Gallier, S., and Singh, H. (2011). Physical, chemical and structural changes in almond oil bodies during in vitro digestion. 9 Euro FedLipid Congress, Rotterdam, 18–21 September. Golding, M., Archer R.H., Kim, S., Wegrzyn, T., Millen, C., Sen Gupta, G., Ramsay, G., and Pemberton, J. (2011). Design and development of a 3-D food printer. New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 29 June–1 July. Hettiarachchi, C., Melton, L., Gerrard, J., and Loveday, S. (2011). Novel approach for making nanofibrils from ß-lactoglobulin. School of Chemical Sciences Research Showcase, University of Auckland, 8 June. Larsen, N. (2011). Ancient and modern – grains and seeds in today’s foods. New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology Annual Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 29 June–1 July. Loveday, S.M., Rao, M.A., and Singh, H. (2011). Rheological and structural characteristics of nanometer-scale food protein fibril dispersions and gels (FMS1299). International Congress on Engineering and Food, Athens, Greece, 22–26 May. Loveday, S.M., Rao, M.A., Anema, S.G., and Singh, H. (2011). Indirect influence of CaCl2 on the rheology and morphology of whey protein nanofibrils. Delivery of Functionality in Complex Food Systems, 4th International Symposium, Guelph, Canada, 21–24 August. McGrath, K. (2011). Templated mineral growth – a pathway to synthetic biomineralisation. ACIS 2011 – The 5th Biennial Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium, Hobart, Australia, 30 January–3 February. McNabb, W.C. (2011). Future of functional food in New Zealand. IIOF Workshop “The Role of Nutrition and Microbiota in Early Life”, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 8 March. Mercadante, D., Melton, L.D., Jameson, G.B., and Williams, M.A.K. (2011).That’s how plant infection begins. School of Chemical Sciences Research Showcase, University of Auckland, 8 June. Melton, L., Mercadante, D., Hettiarachchi, C., Dobson, R., De Simone, A., Jameson, G., and Williams, B. (2011). How do proteins and polysaccharides interact to give foods their structure. New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology Annual Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 29 June–1 July. Mercadante, D. (2011). Interaction dynamics of PME-pectin complexes reveals enzyme specificity and a novel strategy of progressive catalysis. Queenstown Molecular Biology Conference – Biointeractions, Queenstown, 28–29 August. Nag, A., and Das, S. (2011). Shelf stable probiotic foods – now a reality. New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 29 June–1 July. Hettiarachchi, C., Melton, L., Gerrard, J., and Loveday, S. (2011). ß-Lactoglobulin nanofibrils. New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology Annual Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 29 June–1 July. Ne Cheong, J., Foster, K.D., Grigor, J.M.V., Bronlund, J.E., and Morgenstern, M.P. (2011). Dynamic texture perception of solid foods. New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 29 June–1 July. Kataoka, M., Venn, B., Williams, S.M., Te Morenga, L,A., and Mann, J.I. (2011). Glycaemic response and glycaemic index for rice in people of European and Chinese ethnicity. Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand and the Nutrition Society of Australia, Queenstown, New Zealand, 29 November–2 December. Ng, J., Melton, L., Smith, B., Schroeder, R., and Johnston, J. (2011). The development and degradation of apple texture. School of Chemical Sciences Research Showcase, University of Auckland, 8 June. Khan, R.S., Grigor, J., Winger, R., and Win, A. (2011). Firm orientation and NPD approaches towards functional foods development: A census of New Zealand food manufacturers. Poster presentation. New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 29 June–1 July. Shorten, P.R., and Sneyd, J. (2011). A mathematical model of obstructed diffusion in skeletal muscle. ANZIAM Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 30 January–3 February. Singh, H. (2011). Encapsulation technologies for improving the stability of probiotic bacteria. Poster presentation. The Japan Food Machinery Manufacturers’ Association Conference, Tokyo, 7–10 June. Singh, J. (2011). Postharvest processing of potato and nutritional characteristics. US-NZ Science and Technology Workshop, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 23–25 August. Suthanthangjai, W. (2011). Electrochemical interactions of phenolic acids and other antioxidants. The 7th PERC Symposium/2nd Hybrid Polymers Symposium, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, 5–6 December. Suthanthangjai, W., Phillips, A., Davies, K., Ansell, J., and Kilmartin, P.A. (2011). Characterisation of phenolic acids important to gut metabolism by cyclic voltammetry. New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 29 June–1 July. Te Morenga, L.A., McAuley, K.A., Docherty, P.D., Williams, S.M., and Mann, J. (2011). The effect of a high protein, high fibre diet on insulin sensitivity measured using the Dynamic Insulin Sensitivity and Secretion Test (DISST). Poster presentation. Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand and the Nutrition Society of Australia, Queenstown, New Zealand, 29 November–2 December. (Poster) Te Morenga, L.A., Williams, S.M., Mann, J.I., and Parnell, W.P. (2011). Disentangling the obesity epidemic. Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand and the Nutrition Society of Australia, Queenstown, New Zealand, 29 November–2 December. Wegrzyn, T., Golding, M., and Archer, R.H. (2011). Layer-onlayer fabrication of foods. Poster presentation. New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 29 June–1 July. Ye, A., Bateman, L., and Singh, H. (2011). Hydrolysis of ß-lactoglobulin fibrils and reformation of fibrils during in vitro gastric digestion. Delivery of Functionality in Complex Food Systems, Physically-Inspired Approaches from the Nanoscale to the Microscale, 4th International Symposium, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 21–24 August. Das, S., Singh, H., Moughan, P.J., Henare, S.J., Cui, J., Wilkinson, B., and Chong R. (2011). Use of an edible composition. Meat protein hydrolysate technology. New Zealand patent application 591558. Das, S., Singh, H., Moughan, P.J., Henare, S.J., Cui, J., Wilkinson, B., and Chong R. (2011). Method of manufacture of an edible composition. Meat protein hydrolysate technology. New Zealand patent application 591557. Das, S., Singh, H., Moughan, P.J., Henare, S.J., Cui, J., Wilkinson, B., and Chong R. (2011). Edible composition and method of manufacture. Meat protein hydrolysate technology. New Zealand patent application 591556. Deroles, S.C., Huaibi, Z., and Davies, K. (2011). Pigment compositions comprising anthocyanic vacuolar inclusions. European patent 2274381. Han, K.-S., Anal, A.K., and Singh, H. (2011). Encapsulation system for protection of probiotics during processing. US 13/088,165. Nag, A., Singh, H., and Das, S. (2011). Process of producing shelf stable food. New Zealand patent application 592728. .39 ANNUAL REPORT 2011 Suthanthangjai, W., Phillips, A., Davies K., Ansell, J., and Kilmartin, P.A. (2011). Characterisation of catechin oxidation processes in the presence of SO2, Fe3+ and Cu2+ by cyclic voltammetry. The 5th International Conference on Advance Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN-5), Wellington, New Zealand, 7–12 February. Patents OUR Partners .40 A partnership approach is central to our vision. The Riddet Institute brings together leading scientists from Massey University (host institution), the University of Otago, the University of Auckland, AgResearch Limited and the New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited. Riddet Institute Massey University Private Bag 11 222 Palmerston North New Zealand +64 6 350 5284 +64 6 350 5655 email: web: Telephone: facsimile: Innovation in New Zealand for GLOBAL advantage