

Innovative projects in Midi-Pyrénées
Innovative projects
in Midi-Pyrenees
deserve to be
transposed !
bolishing distances, enabling all citizens to enjoy quality services across the territory, at all times,
this is what the development of the information society is all about.
In the largest region of France, this is a formidable opportunity for maintaining economic activities locally.
The Region has decided to foster innovation for the benefit of the Midi-Pyrénées’ people. This has
resulted in the development of Asymmetric Digital Subscriber lines (ADSL), the deletion of uncovered
zones, the creation of about 60 Cyber-bases, the generalization of Digital Working Environments, in
high schools and colleges and even the extension of telemedicine.
Now, we would like to go even further, with the development of e-Administration. In 2006, Midi-Pyrénées
was selected by the E.U. to experiment this project within the framework of Regional Programme for
Innovative Actions.
This, in turn, enabled us to train local elected representatives, to help project engineering and also to
provide support for 20 innovative projects across the region.
These projects are presented in this document.
A number of common features can be underlined :
q they provide innovation in terms of territory, approach and services more than in terms
of technology.
q they are supported by the territorial echelons allowing means to be pooled together :
intercommunalities, local countries, departmental structures.
q services are offered either to local communities (dematerialization platform…)
or directly to users (early childhood teleservice…).
q they benefit from a financial support making up 80 % of the investment (50 % from FEDER
and 30 % from the Region), accounting for a budget in excess of € 1 million.
It should be recalled in particular that the so-called PRAI is intended
as an experimenting vehicle. And as a result all these projects
have been developed with a view to a possible transposition to
the whole country.
Therefore, I trust that innovations devised in Midi-Pyrénées will
benefit other territories which will not hesitate to take advantage
of them to offer increasingly up-to-date and efficient tools to
meet their citizens’ concerns as best they can.
Martin MALVY
Former minister
President of the Midi-Pyrénées Region
c o n t e n t s
d The House of Communes of Ariège
/ p.5
d Proximity teleservices in the Arize valley
/ p.6
d Aveyron Mayors operating in a network
/ p.7
d Allowing Aveyron communities to access
e-administration services
/ p.8
d Visiting Bas Armagnac country with a PDA
/ p.9
d The Digital Development Plan of the Community of Communes of Coteaux du Girou
/ p.10
d Sustainable development at the heart of digital systems in the Community of Communes of Véziaux d’Aure
/ p.11
d The “ Early Childhood, Childhood and Youth ” teleservice
of The Community of Communes of Lourdes country
/ p.12
d The Figeac country :
A partnership tool for a better service to users
/ p.13
d Reinforcing accessibility of remote public services in rural zones in the Lot
/ p.14/15
d CDG46 and CDG82 : partners for new services to local communities of Lot and Tarn-et-Garonne
/ p.16
d Digital travel journal in Souillac country
/ p.17
d The Albigeois and Bastides country observatory
/ p.18
d Playful tourist trips on PDA at Moissac
/ p.19
The “ House
of Communes
of Ariege ”
The projet
The “ House of Communes of Ariège ” portal features the following items :
c An electronic directory of communes, access to the departmental Geographic
Information System (GIS).
c Access to the services of the Management Centre which proposes an
employment exchange, legal events and new dematerialized procedures
such as registration to competitive recruitment exams.
c Access to the website of the Mayors’ Association which offers in-depth
Extranet contents (electronic directory, legal watch, publication of public
markets…) to the elected representatives.
Operating mode
p Project sponsorship for a Management Centre of Ariège.
p Joint construction of contents with the Mayors’ Association.
p Thinking has been conducted on how to reorganise
work internally at the Management Centre and the
reinforcement of human resources to stage in-house
training sessions.
Cost incurred
by the project
p Actual cost for the project : € 40 200
p FEDER subsidy : € 20 100
p Region’s subsidy : € 12 060
Transferability items
p The set of specifications for constructing the website portal
for communes at the departmental level.
p Reproducible across the department where the Management
Centre and the Mayors’Association intend to work in concert.
For more information :
Contacts :
Cécile Costesseque
Head of the Management Centre of Ariège
05 34 09 32 44
Alain Rameil
The “ plus ” project
p The departmental portal for the 332 communes
(elected representatives and agents).
p 22 joint training sessions between Management Centre
and the Mayors’ Association.
p Reinforcement of visibility, services and support to the Management Centre
and to the Mayors’ Association thanks to two new digital services.
Head of the Mayors’ Association
05 34 09 32 41
available in the
Arize Valley
The projet
The community of Communes of Arize is in the process of constructing an
Internet portal which will feature :
c the 14 websites of the member communes
c 7 websites with an educational purpose (the college and 6 schools)
c 2 public services websites dedicated to users (transportation on request,…)
c 4 websites dedicated to tourism ( Mas d’Azil cave…)
Also proposed are :
c online tasks : public contracts, books from the library that can be
consulted or requested
c interactive mapping that can be used to locate professionals (artisans…)
or ongoing or upcoming events
Extranet offering collaborative functions in the form of e-planner, equipment
rental reservations and documents) supplements the portal’s functionalities.
Operating mode
p A lot of thinking upstream to define the contents
of the website and establish partnerships.
p A steering committee involving elected representatives,
cultural associations, welcoming structures, municipal
and cultural community services as well as school
p Distribution of the contents elaboration and update
between the different actors.
Cost incurred
by the project
p Actual cost for the project : € 30 610
p F EDER subsidy : € 15 305
egion’s subsidy : € 9 183
Transferability items
p Internet website architecture.
p The set of specifications to comply with the “ Gold ” level
accessibility of W3C.
For more information :
The “ plus ” project
p A project pooling together all the “ active forces ” of an intercommunity.
Contact :
p The possibility of booking online books from the intercommunal library.
Hervé Barthe
p Geolocation of information on the website portal.
Head of Services at Community
of Communes of Arize
05 61 60 14 63
ebsite comarking with www.service public.fr, giving access to all
administrative forms and information.
p Website accessibility for the visually-impaired.
The Mayors
of Aveyron
in a network
The projet
The Mayors’ Association of Aveyron offers a new service to citizens, companies
and 304 local communities in Aveyron :
c An Internet section (for the public at large) providing updated information
on current events in the association, a directory of elected representatives
with interactive mapping along with a search engine. In particular, the “ Public
Contracts ” heading is intended as a means to inform companies about
ongoing public tenders issued by the local communities of the department.
c An Extranet section (for ADM members only) with profiling on the front
page to filter out information of particular interest to the user, ongoing
events, legal watch, an e-planner, and a heading dedicated to new mayors…
Elected representatives can also react to any published material and/or put
their own contents on line.
c Direct interaction : the Extranet section directly feeds the Internet part.
Operating mode
p A preliminary survey conducted in 2006 on the uses and
on the Communication Information Technology (TIC)
equipment in the communes of Aveyron (280 answers).
p Providing leadership to the community (particularly via
Extranet) entrusted to a full-time team.
p A partnership with the Mixed Computerization Committee
of the Local Communities of Aveyron to stage training
sessions for elected representatives.
Cost incurred
by the project
p Actual cost for the project : € 31 400
p FEDER subsidy : € 15 700
p The Region’s subsidy : € 9 420
Transferability items
p The study conducted upstream and the set
of specifications drawn up for constructing the website.
p This project can be transferred to any departmental
Mayors’ Association in France.
The “ plus ” project
p Digital tools leading to greater visibility and means of action for the Mayors’
Association with respect to its targets. Thus, the communes can become
actors of their own communication :
ommunication intended for other communities and / or ADM on the Extranet
For more information :
Contact :
Cécile Blanc
Project Manager of TIC,
Mayors’ Association of Aveyron
05 65 78 60 88
ommunication for the general public through the interaction of both
website sections
p A federating “ place ” for the 304 local communities of Aveyron in order to :
ool together the resources needed by the local representatives,
and to help the latter carry out their task
ring closer together the local representatives in a department where
road access may be difficult
licit active solidarity: elected representatives are equally contributors
and promote the vitality of their website.
communities from
Aveyron to access
The projet
In addition to the possibility of dematerializing and posting the calls for tender
onlline, the so-called SMICA (standing for the Mixed Computerization Committee
of Aveyron communities) proposes to its 296 community members to :
c Dematerialize their procedures for the State and the Tax Authorities
in respect of the transmission of administrative forms and accounting
vouchers (according to the ACTES and HELIOS programmes).
c Archive dematerialized data on that same platform.
c Create their website using “ turnkey ” models of dynamic websites and a
management tool giving them autonomy in respect of updating tasks.
Operating mode
p A partnership with the Prefecture for ACTES
and with HELIOS for Tax Authorities.
p Highly–motivated SMICA teams including four staff
members involved in the development and support
of these new services.
p Getting the action started with dynamic volunteering
Cost incurred
by the project
p Actual cost for the project : € 257 200
p F EDER subsidy : € 128 600
egion’s subsidy : € 77 160
Transferability items
pThe set of specifications for the creation of dynamic
websites (in kits).
pSupporting actions in the field conducted by elected
representatives and clerks.
The “ plus ” project
For more information :
p Equality and solidarity of communities in respect of the access to all
the services proposed.
Contacts :
p Human support brought to each community during the implementation
of its project.
Didier Michonska
Project Manager at SMICA
05 65 67 85 95
p Economies of scale derived from pooling together resources at the
departmental level.
p Links with the departmental Mayors’ Associations (ADM) : an agreement
grants its members access to the Aveyron platform whilst SMICA provides
training with respect to the ADM website.
Visiting the Bas
Armagnac country
with a pocket
The projet
The Community of Communes of Bas Armagnac wishes to make optimal use of
its territories for the benefit of tourists. To do this, an interactive guide that
can be used with a Personal Digital Assistant, called “ Ludognac ”, is proposed
and features two itineraries for tourists, either the Izaute or La Douze trails.
PDA devices fitted with GPS enable tourists to access various contents
(gastronomy, history, local traditions like bull races in Landes…) based on their
actual location in the field, as well as offerings in terms of accommodations,
and catering…
18 PDA devices are thus provided free at Nogaro’s tourist information centre.
Operating mode
A steering committee including the Tourist Information
Centre, the Departmental Tourism and Leisure Committee,
and the Departmental Union of Tourist Information Centres
and Local Tourist Publicity Agencies (UDOTSI), the Armagnac
country, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the
European Enterprise and Innovation Centre of Gers Gascogne.
The work accomplished by all partners enables everyone to
fully support the final concept.
Cost incurred
by the project
p Actual cost for the project : € 48 000
p F EDER subsidy : € 24 000
egion’s subsidy : € 14 400
Transferability items
p A simple concept combining a tourist discovery
and a playful atmosphere.
p This project can be developed on a larger scale across
a country.
The “ plus ” project
Contact :
Loïc Bombelli
Aministrative Manager
Community of Communes
of Bas Armagnac
05 62 69 01 16
p An approach to tourist information which is both innovating and away
from conventional leaflets.
p The use of PDA devices gives access to georeferenced data through GPS.
p These guides can also be downloaded on the Nogaro’s Tourist Information
Centre website.
The Digital Development
of the Community of
Communes of Coteaux
du Girou
The projet
The Community of Communes of Coteaux du Girou implements a digital
strategy through four additional projects :
c An Internet Citizen portal proposes information about inter-communality
and services to the locals (administrative tasks thanks to co-marking
with the website (service-public.fr), and economic and association
directories, interactive map…).
c A teleservice for early childhood: leadership programme, pre-registration
to the activities proposed by the three leisure centres…
c A Geographic Information System (GIS) with a section dedicated to the
users on the website (particularly in the field of city planning).
c A digital cooperation section (collaborative Extranet for elected
representatives) featuring the traditional functions of a directory,
document sharing, shared planners, forums…
Operating mode
p An upstream study to define a development strategy
for CITs in line with the territory (survey of a town halls’
p The recruitment of an agent within the community
with a CIT background.
p A very strong involvement of the working group NCIT
as well as a greater involvement of all elected
representatives at the main validation steps.
p Managing change with a working group consisting
of elected representatives and town hall secretaries.
Cost incurred
by the project
p Actual cost for the project : € 82 050
p F EDER subsidy : € 41 025
egion’s subsidy : € 24 615
Transferability items
p The assessment questionnaire about existing equipment.
p The solution on how to handle early childhood.
For more information :
Contact :
Nicolas Aniort
Project Manager,
Community of Communes
of coteaux du Girou (C3G)
/ 10
The “ plus ” project
p A strategic action plan on a four-year horizon with strong ambitions
supported by the elected representatives.
p A Geographic Information System (GIS), used as a decision aid for elected
p An early childhood teleservice for parents available 24 hours a day to avoid
unnecessary trips.
Sustainable development
at the heart of digital
systems at the Community
of Communes of Veziaux
The projet
The Community of Communes of Véziaux d’Aure is in the process of constructing
its own website and Extranet which places emphasis on two major services :
c Managing Agenda 21, within the framework of a sustainable development
approach, with follow-up and interactive survey and discussion tools for
the users.
c A search engine intended to help seasonal workers across the territory
secure a new job or find a flat to rent.
Extranet can be used to handle information flows in the community: number
of school meals, premises and equipment reservations, and weekly work
schedules for the personnel.
Operating mode
p The elected representatives’ involvement through
training sessions and drawing up of a set of specifications
for the project.
p The involvement of both the communication commission
and the intercommunality president at each step in
project validation.
p The use of Extranet by canteen personnel to count
the number of school meals (explanation of the daily
operating mode…).
p Users’ involvement for the implementation of Agenda 21.
Cost incurred
by the project
p Actual cost for the project : € 25 350
p FEDER subsidy : € 12 675
p Region’s subsidy : € 7 605
Transferability items
p The management tools for Agenda 21 (survey, users’ point
of view…)
ools promoting participatory democracy.
The “ plus ” project
For more information :
Contact :
Julie Pitchelu
Development Manager, Community
of Communes of Véziaux d’Aure
05 62 39 97 24
p A sustainable development approach implemented by a small
intercommunality in a mountainous zone.
p A tool designed to facilitate participatory democracy on the issue of Agenda 21.
p Co-marking with the local public service to help users process administrative
tasks online.
p A very strong link with the local employment agency to territorialize job offers.
p These first dematerialization items pave the way for larger projects
(e.g., dematerialization of ACTES with the State).
/ 11
The “ Early childhood,
Childhood, and Youth
teleservice ”
of the Community
of Communes
The projet
The Community of Communes of the Lourdes country is in the process of
constructing its website (featuring easy access for the visually-impaired).
Among the main items are an “ early childhood, childhood and youth
teleservice ” allowing parents to register and pay online for their children’s
attendance to school and extracurricular activities.
This project relies on a new in-house tool for managing its own services,
using a single database for all activities, thus avoiding any double capture.
Initially this leads to a reorganization of the services to comply with this
new mode of management and then, to major time savings for agents whilst
greatly simplifying administrative tasks for parents.
Operating mode
p An orders grouping managed by the Community
of Communes of the Lourdes country, Batsurguère,
and La Baronnie des Angles and by the Hospital Centre
of Lourdes in charge of the Saint Vincent crèche.
p The setting up of a steering committee involving future
managers in devising the tool and managing changes
initiated in all these structures.
p The project “ Early Childhood, Childhood and Youth ” relies
on the ICONITO solution devised free of charge for the city
of Limoges and the dematerialization platform CAP-Démat
completed by the General Council of Val d’Oise.
Cost incurred
by the project
p Actual cost for the project : € 85 600
p F EDER subsidy : € 42 800
egion’s subsidy : € 25 680
Transferability items
p The orders grouping agreement between the various
p The website and portal “ Early Childhood, Childhood
and Youth ” currently under construction as free software
to be used by any other community at lower costs.
For more information :
Contact :
Valérie Teulé
Head of Community of Communes
of the Lourdes country
05 62 42 14 48
/ 12
The “ plus ” project
p Numerous structures involved: 11 schools, 12 CLSH, one crèche,
1 central school.
p Information sharing made possible between different services through
use of a common “ children ” base.
p A solution based on a free licence, using the “ full web ” technology
and suited to the organisation and to the specific needs of communities.
p A tool for the visually-impaired : readspeaker (web page reader tool).
The Figeac Country :
A partnership tool
for delivering a better
service to users
The projet
The creation of a website leads to the optimal use of the territory, of the
local country and of the 69 communes composing it, to a better knowledge of
its roles and missions with one access per topic or public profile (newcomer,
project leader, locals and visitors).
Extranet sections are constructed :
c A “ Country ”, Extranet for agents.
c An “ elected representatives ” Extranet for the Mayors and Presidents of
the Community of Communes.
c A “ Projects ” Extranets, linked to partners: tourism (with the Tourist
Information Centre…), employment (with DDTEFP, the National
Employment Agency, the General Council of Lot, the Joint Employment
and Training House…), culture and health.
Operating mode
p The involvement of chargés de mission engaged
in particular domains (communication, culture, economy).
p Strong partnership with a score of actors in each field
(tourism, culture, employment), formalized by agreements.
p Network meetings and technical committees with partners
in order to validate the project milestones.
Cost incurred
by the project
p Actual cost for the project : € 37 315
p F EDER subsidy : € 18 657
egion’s subsidy : € 11 194
Transferability items
p The procedure for managing information within a local
country : between agents, with elected representatives
and with citizens.
he set of specifications for the construction of a website
in line with the size of a local country.
The “ plus ” project
For more information :
p To provide visibility to a rural territory and pool together information
(as the three communities of communes do not have a website).
Contact :
p Passing on information is facilitated by the collaborative tools used :
from issuance by the agents, to validation by the elected representatives
and posting on the website.
Bénédicte Dupré
Head of the Figeac Country
05 65 34 78 67
p Exemplary partnerships between key actors of a territory to offer the best
services to the users.
/ 13
accessibility of remote
public services in the
rural zone of Lot
The projet
This project is supported by six communities of the Lot department : the
Community of Communes Salviac, Cère and Dordogne, Quercy Bouriane,
Causse Ségala Limargue, Haut Ségala and the Social Action Intercommunal
Centre (CIAS) of Catus.
Thus access is provided to users situated some distance from such public
services as CPAM, CRAM, UDAF and CAF.
Through a portal, users can access the latter’s websites to seek information or
fill in any application form online.
Direct access is also provided (appointments at a certain time with public
organizations) to a counsellor (videoconferencing) for specific requests. As
a result one does not have to travel long distances sometimes up to 40 km
to reach these organizations. Each welcoming site has introduced all the
necessary modifications required to ensure complete confidentiality during
these interviews.
To help process theit applications, specially trained and qualified staff members
are available to “ demystify ” the tool and anticipate possible reluctance to
use this new mode of communication. This coordinator also handles the
appointments via a reservation platform shared by the six communities.
All coordinators have been specially trained by partnering public organisations
to help them get a more thorough knowledge of their field of activity.
/ 14
Operating mode
p A preliminary study is performed : mapping of the local
“ antennas ”, identification of unconvered zones in the
department and setting up of partnerships.
p Several working meetings are held to standardize the needs
of local communities and partners.
Contacts :
p An orders grouping managed by the Community of
Communes Cère and Dordogne for the creation of a service
platform and coordination of this work in conjunction with
the service provider.
Community of Communes
Causse Segala Limargue
p Coordination of the system and evaluation provided
by the General Council of Lot.
p The appointment of opposite parties within the public
services to conduct videoconference interviews and
manage the changes thus entailed.
Cost incurred
by the project
p Actual cost for the project (for the six communities) : € 40 186
p FEDER subsidy : € 20 093
p Region’s subsidy : € 12 056
The equipment purchased by the public services is not taken into
account by PRAI and has been fully funded by the latter services.
Transferability items
p The technical choices of a videoconferencing tool.
p Partnership agreements between local communities and
public services.
p The results of an evaluation that can be either quantitative
(how many users will use these teleservices), or qualitative
(what about the quality of the exchange, what type of
answer is provided,…) will enable us to draw profitable
lessons for the benefit of other project leaders. This
experiment could then be extended across the territory
where the public service still suffers ” uncovered zones ”.
The “ plus ” project
p A proximity service to do away with trips: to save time
and money, to reduce green-house effect emissions…
p Technology (videoconferencing) allows access to public
services even in the most remote rural areas where
no physical point of contact can be found.
p The importance of helping users relies on competent
and well-trained coordinators.
p The project carried out by the six communities within
the framework of PRAI resulted in the granting of the
public service “ relay ” label by the State.
Cathy Labarthe
Head of SCIC Competences
and Territory
05 65 38 28 40
Community of Communes
Cère et Dordogne
Sébastien Delpy
Head of Cultural Centre Robert
05 65 38 03 79
Community of Communes
of Haut Ségala
Marjorie Corbrejaud
05 65 11 61 97
Community of Communes
of Pays de Salviac
Virginie Pellicer
05 65 41 62 40
CIAS of Catus
Caroline Vittori
05 65 20 86 45
Community of Communes
Quercy Bouriane
Ludovic Delcros
05 65 37 23 70
/ 15
CDG46 and CDG82 :
partners for new services
to local communities of Lot
and Tarn-et-Garonne
The projet
The Management Centres of Lot and Tarn et Garonne provide the following
means to their members :
c A platform for dematerializing their exchanges (legality inspections,…).
c A platform for generating websites dedicated to the needs of regional
communities : “ premockup ” dynamic website creation including
information flows, teleprocedures, an information sharing system,
collaborative working tools enabling free management by each
c Modernized services on the new websites of the Management Centres
(job exchange…) developed with the aid of the same website generating
Operating mode
p Strategic thinking on the contribution of services
by the Management Centre to the local communities.
p A collaborative practice between the two management
p A significant experience in assisting communities
with computerization and the Internet.
p A partnership for the implementation of the project :
a single project for pooling together human resources
and sharing costs, a set of specifications jointly drawn up
for the website generating platform…
p Work on standardizing and qualitatively expanding websites.
CDG 46
p A high involvement of the teams in both Management Centres.
p An orders grouping by the Management Centre
of Tarn-et-Garonne for the website generation platform.
CDG 82
Cost incurred
by the project
p Actual cost for the project : € 266 100
p FEDER subsidy : € 133 075
For more information :
www.cdg82.fr / www.info82.com
www.cdg46.fr / www.info46.net
Contacts :
Frédéric Frances
Head of Data Processing and Internet,
Management Centre of Lot
05 65 23 00 94
Pierre Lorenzo
Deputy Head, in charge of Data
Processing department, Management
Centre of Tarn et Garonne
05 63 21 62 00
/ 16
p Region’s subsidy : € 79 845
Transferability items
p All developments are then handed back free of charge
under GNU-GPL licence, to the official site of TYPO3
and/or on the forge of ADULLACT (Free software
Developers and Users Association for the Administration
and regional communities).
p The set of specifications for the creation of websites.
The “ plus ” project
p Pooling together resources to reduce costs (economies of scale).
p Local communities helped by management centres to implement
these services.
Digital travel
journal in
Souillac Country
The projet
The Tourist Information Centre of Souillac Country adds new services to its
website to inform, promote and communicate on its territory :
c A photo-library, a showcase of the territory.
c A “ customized trail ” : a road journal centralizes and maintains the web
user’s information between two visits on a personal account ; the website
headings are organized in accordance with his expectations (places to
visit and local heritage, caterers and accommodations, upcoming cultural
events and, sports activities…).
c Interactive mapping allows geolocation of tourism providers.
c Subscription to an information flow.
c Premiums : e-cards, games, quizzes, screen saver and wallpapers.
c The website can also be consulted in English, Spanish and Dutch.
Operating mode
p A strategy defined to match up needs of each user :
customers, locals, providers…
commission associating providers, elected
representatives and partners supported by the solid
structures of the Community of Communes, the local
country, the department and the region (ARDESI).
umerous contributors: the 9 communes of the
Community of Communes, the local art and history with
respect to the regional heritage, and a constant update
(e.g., the movie and stage theatre manager sends his
programming schedule every week).
n approach involving approximately 350 regional actors.
Cost incurred
by the project
p Actual cost for the project : € 73 255
p F EDER subsidy : € 36 627
egion’s subsidy : € 21 976
Transferability items
p The common repositories between the tourist
information centre, the departmental and the regional level.
p This project can be extended to an intercommunality
or to a larger territory like a Country.
The “ plus ” project
For more information :
p Interactive mapping.
Contact :
p The travel journal used to plan various trips during a stay while maintaining
personal data.
Chantal Lacassagne
p Emphasis placed on the regional providers (restaurants…).
Head of the Tourist Information
Centre of Souillac Country
05 65 37 81 56
p Translation into three languages to meet the needs of foreigners involved
with the tourist information bureau.
p A collaborative software allowing real-time data exchange between partners,
data sharing with the departmental and regional levels whilst profiting from
an automatically updated mapping service.
/ 17
The Albigeois
and Bastides
The projet
The Albigeois and Bastides country observatory has devised a “ local country
observatory ”, in the form of a shared tool for observing the territory
which corresponds to a genuine working, decision-aid and exchange tool so
that projects submitted by the communities and actors meet at best the
expectations of the territory.
Several topics are addressed. They pool together statistic, documentary and
geographic information... provided by the local country, communities and
partners. Topics currently available are :
c An overview of the territory with information on demography,
c Housing-City planning
c Economy-Employment
c Environment
Collecting information can only be carried out through numerous partners (DDE,
DIREN, MSA, CAF …) along with the use of an information management process.
Operating mode
p The definition of priority topics to be studied
and indicators to be integrated.
p A partnership approach along with the involvement
of all in the data update (9 exchange agreements have
been signed). Each one benefits from the tool implemented
(system based on pooling resources together).
p A validation group composed of representatives from the
communities of the local country, elected representatives,
communities of the local country and technical partners.
Cost incurred
by the project
p Actual cost for the project : € 89 648
Site Internet
p F EDER subsidy : € 44 824
egion’s subsidy : € 26 894
Partie Extranet
Transferability items
p Mapping models based on comparing data online
on the website.
p This project is recognised as a model in terms of local country
observatory and can be transferred to any other region.
For more information :
Contacts :
Julien Frat
Head of the Observatory Mission,
The Albigeois and Bastides Country
05 63 36 20 15
/ 18
The “ plus ” project
p Multiple partners for a highly diversified information (e.g., note in particular
a partnership with the National Botanical Conservatory of Midi-Pyrénées).
p A strategic decision-aid useful for town and country planning.
p The proof of the strategic dimension of the local country for its member
communities allows its legitimacy to be firmly established and to reinforce
its recognition.
Playful tourist
trails on PDA
at Moissac
The projet
The Tourist Information Centre of the city of Moissac proposes to tourists to
discover Moissac and the old pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela on
PDA. Fitted with GPS, the handheld device allows users to see the highlights
of the territory (e.g., the Canal Bridge) while getting practical information on
the closest accommodations and catering. A discovery game on the pilgrim’s
route to Compostela adds a playful tone to the visits.
15 devices are available in the five following tourist information offices :
Valence d’Agen, Castelsarrasin, St Nicolas de la Grave, Auvillar and Lauzerte.
Operating mode
p Tourist trails and contents are defined in partnership
with these five tourist bureaus which subsequently
promote them.
atabases on professionals (accommodations, catering)
are created.
Cost incurred
by the project
p Actual cost for the project : € 53 685
p F EDER subsidy : € 26 842
egion’s subsidy : € 16 105
Transferability items
p An easily transferable fully-tested technological solution.
p Possible dissemination to other Tourist Information
The “ plus ” project
p A new way of attracting tourists through an original offering.
p For tourists, an interactive “ guided visit ” without the need for a real guide.
p A “ modular ” content that can be enriched by adding on new routes.
Contact :
Bruno Boutrolle
system that can equally be made available to students during
“ discovery classes “.
Head of Moissac Tourist Information
05 63 04 66 80
/ 19
Credit Photos : Patrick DUMAS - CRT Midi-Pyrénées - D.VIET
Édition : novembre 2008