YMCA Camp Pine Crest Little Critters Day Camp Registration Form
YMCA Camp Pine Crest Little Critters Day Camp Registration Form
YMCA CAMP PINE CREST Little Critters Day Camp (ages 4-8) REGISTRATION FORM 2016 Welcome and thank you for choosing the YMCA. Please note: Registrations must be submitted 1 week prior to the start date of the session you are registering for. This is for staffing purposes. Thank you. CAMPER INFORMATION Last Name: First Name: Gender: Address: City: Postal Code: Age (as of July 1, 2015) D.O.B. Health Card # (optional) Swim Level: Grouped with: Legal Custody: SESSION INFORMATION Week Date Base Fee Pls 1 $185 July 11-15 2 $185 July 18-22 3 $185 July 25-29 4 $148 August 2-5 5 $185 August 8-12 6 $185 August 15-19 7 $185 August 22-26 August 29-September 2 $185 8 Please note: We will not be offering camp during the week of July 4 - 9 and August 1. All campers must be signed in and signed out by a parent/guardian or a person over the age of 16 years. Program day starts at 8:00 am and ends promptly at 4:30 pm. After care: 4:30-5:30 □ $15 / week PARENT/GUARDIAN 1 Pine Crest t-shirt □ $15/ shirt PARENT/GUARDIAN 2 (Authorized pickup and primary emergency contact) (Authorized pickup and secondary emergency contact) Last Name: First Name: Relationship to camper: Work Phone: Home Phone: Cell Phone/Pager: Email: PAYMENT INFORMATION Last Name: First Name: Relationship to camper: Work Phone: Home Phone: Cell Phone/Pager: Email: To secure your child's spot - a deposit of $25.00 per child/per week is required at the time of registration. $25 deposit with scheduled payments (until June 30) Full Payment Payment total: Program fee X # weeks Cheque (please include) After care X # weeks Visa T-shirt ($15) Pine Crest Annual Giving Campaign Donation Mastercard Cash (please include) Total Please make cheques payable to "YMCA of Greater Toronto". Camp payment must be paid in full by June 30, 2016 **Please note we are no longer able to request written credit card information and so if you are paying by credit card, please call 1-877-303-2267 to speak to our registrar directly. Your YMC!’s charitable registration number is: 11930 7080 RR0001 CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS Requests for cancellations or refunds must be made in writing and submitted to YMCA Camp Pine Crest for review. Please contact our registrar directly for refund criteria. Refunds are not granted for inclement weather or for inability to attend each day of the session. Refunds will not be issued in instances where the camper is removed from the camp program at the choice or request of the camper, camper's parent/guardian, or is dismissed from the camp for contravention of camp guidelines or the camp code of conduct for behaviour. YMC! Camp Pine Crest reserves the right to cancel registrations and to not accept responsibility for the camper at camp if the camper’s medical information is not completed and if the authorization is not signed by the parent/guardian and returned to YMCA Camp Pine Crest prior to the commencement of the camp session. YMCA Camp Pine Crest reserves the right to cancel programs by June 15, 2016 due to inadequate registration. YMCA CAMP PINE CREST Little Critters Day Camp (ages 4-8) CAMPER HEALTH INFORMATION Camper's Name: Parent's Name: Condition Allergies Medications Food Insects Other Does your child carry an epi pen? Yes No Doctor's Name: Phone: Please provide full details Asthma Seizures Diabetes Dietary Restrictions Medications Does your child receive medication at camp? ADD/ADHD Is your child on a medication holiday at camp? Behaviour Issues Does your child receive support at school? AUTHORIZATION- Registration will not be processed without a signature below While YMCA staff and instructors will make every reasonable effort to minimize exposure to known risks, I understand that in registering my child/children in a YMCA Camp Pine Crest program, my child/children will be involved in physical activities and that with any physical activity, there is risk of injury. I do hereby release the YMCA of Greater Toronto (YMCA), and its respective officers, directors, employees, volunteers and agents, and their successors and assigns, from all liability for damages sustained in consequence of loss, injury or damage to myself or my child/children, and from all other actions, causes of action, claims, demands or damages of any kind with respect to death, injury, loss or damages to any person or property including myself or my child/children arising out of or connected with preparation for, or participation in YMCA programs or activities. I have provided a complete and accurate health history and permit my child/children to participate in the full range of camp activities, except as noted by me in the health information section of the YMCA registration form. In the event of an accident, injury or illness involving my child, and immediate contact by the YMCA with a parent/guardian cannot be made, I authorize and grant permission to YMCA staff to secure proper medical treatment and authorize on my behalf all procedures, including admission to an emergency unit, hospital and treatment therein, ordering of x-rays, tests or treatment, injections, anesthesia and/or surgery, as deemed necessary by the attending medical professional(s). I agree not to hold the YMCA of Greater Toronto responsible for any costs or injury arising out of an emergency situation. The YMCA may wish to use photographs, images or recordings containing my child/children's picture or image for promotional, advertising, public relations and/or informational purposes. Such photographs, images or recordings may be used or published in YMCA brochures, newsletters, annual reports, posters and/or on website/internet materials. The safety of each individual is of the utmost importance to the YMCA. I and my child/children recognize a personal responsibility to learn and follow at all times safety and other rules established by YMCA staff. I and my child/children understand that any behavior that places my child/children, or others, at risk may result in immediate dismissal from the program. I agree to assume any expense(s) arising from program dismissal. I understand no refund will be granted for dismissal or removal of my child/children at my or my child's/children's request before the end of a camp session. I have carefully read, understand and accept Assumption of Risk and Release, Authorization, and Code of Conduct information outlined above. I have the authority to sign on behalf of the child's/children's, I am the parent/s and or legal guardian/s. In registering, I am permitting my child ______________________ to attend YMCA Camp Pine Crest, operated by the YMCA of GTA. Signature of Parent/Guardian Camp Contact: 1-877-303-2267 Printed Name Date Summer.camp@ymcagta.org