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Welkom Boas-vindas STUDYING Bienvenido Bem-vindo in Montpellier Bienvenue USEFUL GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Benvenuto Bem-vindo Welcome Willkommen CONTENTS 1 PRESENTATION OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM 1 A. Higher education in France1 B. Higher education in Montpellier4 2 STUDENT’S ROUTE 6 The International sponsorship7 1 PReSENTATION A. HIGHER EDUCATION IN FRANCE French Universities organize their studies amongst 3, 5 and 8 year courses awarding a diploma of Licence (L), Master (M) and Doctorate (PhD) respectively. For each diploma, lessons are divided into semesters (each student can complete two-semesters per academic year) that correspond to 30 ECTS credits - additive and transferable in France and in Europe. D3 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES8 D2 A.Before leaving - Obtain pre-admission8 B.Upon arrival - Obtain a Residence Permit 10 D1 M2 B 4 USEFUL INFORMATION 12 A.Accommodation 12 B.Healthcare 16 C.Budget18 D.Food supply19 E. Pass’Culture21 F. Transport21 G.International Students office information22 H.Required documents24 I. Glossary25 CONTACT INFORMATION 26 Useful addresses within each University and institution (web site, postal address, e-mail) PhD: (BAC+8) three years of studies after Master’s degree (180 credits) Master’s degree: (BAC+5) two years of studies after Licence (Bachelor’s degree) (120 credits) M1 L3 Licence (Bachelor’s degree): (BAC+3) three years of Higher Education (180 credits) L2 L1 BAC Note: Baccalaureate = high school diploma HIGHER EDUCATION IN FRANCE pAGES 2 & 3 1 Higher education in France Nombre d’années d’études Autres spécialités Lexique BTS(A) : brevet de technicien supérieur (agricole) D : doctorat DCG : diplôme de comptabilité et de gestion DEC : diplôme d’expert-comptable DEUST : diplôme d’études universitaires scientifiques et techniques DMA : diplôme des métiers d’art DNAP : diplôme national d’arts plastiques DNAT : diplôme national d’arts et techniques DNSEP : diplôme national supérieur d’expression plastique DSAA : diplôme supérieur d’arts appliqués DSCG : diplôme supérieur de comptabilité et de gestion DUT : diplôme universitaire de technologie ENS : École normale supérieure IEP : institut d’études politiques L : licence M : master PAGES : première année commune aux études de santé Légende 11 Diplôme ou Diplôme d’État S Accès selectif (concours à épreuves, selection sur dossier) Vétérinaire spécialisé Il existe des passerelles entre les différentes filières. 10 Médecin généraliste Pharmacien spécialiste (1) Attention, certaines écoles paramédicales recrutent après une première année d’études de santé 9 Dentiste spécialiste Doctorat 8 Docteur en architecture DEC D3 Vétérinaire 7 D2 S Dentiste Archiviste paléographe Master Pharmacien 6 Master Habilitation D1 S Sage-femme Diplôme d’ingénieur S 5 Diplômes d’écoles (IEP, commerce, art et audiovisuel, Diplômes ingénieurs…) d’écoles S Master S Diplôme d’ingénieur DSCG Orthophoniste Assistante sociale, infirmière, kiné (1)... M2 S BAC 2 école ou Université U niv e r s i t é École des chartes Autres écoles ENS Architecture S Beaux-Arts S L1 PAGES Arts 1 S Social & paramédical S S S Compta-gestion S L2 S Prépa lettres BTS/BTSA Prépa sciences DUT DNAP/DNAT Prépa éco DEUST S DSG Grandes écoles post-bac S S Pharmacie Dentaire Médecine Sage-femme 2 L3 ENS 3 Licence professionnelle Ingénieurs S Licence ENS M1 Vétérinaires DSAA Commerce - gestion 4 DNSEP Diplômes d’écoles (vente, industrie, tourisme, communication, Architecte transports…) S S S S S S S S S S DMA lycée ou école ou Université 3 1 Presentation B. HIGHER EDUCATION IN MONTPELLIER UNIVERSITY MONTPELLIER 1 www.univ-montp1.fr UNIVERSITY MONTPELLIER 2 www.univ-montp2.fr UNIVERSITY MONTPELLIER 3 www.univ-montp3.fr Economic and Social Administration (AES) Sciences: - Basic biology - Applied Biology and Ecology - Chemistry - Engineering - Earth sciences - Physics and Mathematics Literature, Arts, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis Political Science and Law Economy Institute of Preparation for General Administration (IPAG) Institute of Business Studies and Management (ISEM) Institute of Business Administration (IAE) Languages and Foreign and Regional Cultures & Foreign Languages (LEA) Social and environmental sciences Economics, Mathematics and Educational Sciences Sciences of the individual and society (Sociology, Anthropology and Psychology) Medical studies Polytech’ - School of Engineering Dentistry Technological University Institute (IUT) of Montpellier Techno sciences Institute of Information and Communication and Language Sciences (ITIC) Pharmacy Technological University Institute (IUT) of Béziers Institute of French Studies for Foreign Students (IEFE) Science and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities Technological University Institute (IUT) of Nîmes Teachers College Portail Cales-LR* (On-line brochure of Languedoc-Roussillon higher education - www.formations-lr.fr) Multi-service card (student card, cafeteria card, library purse - www.carte-sup-lr.fr) Digital Workspace (ENT*): is a portal of on-line services offering unique access point where student can find the information, tools and digital services in keeping with his studies. The student connects by visiting special web page - available on his University web site. By entering his name and password ENT allows them to access to individualized services, in touch with his formation. PRES* Sud de France (Centre for Research and Higher Education), transformed into “Community of Universities and Establishments” by the July 22nd 2013 law: > Reception desk for International Students/Researchers > École Supérieure du Professorat et de l’Éducation du Languedoc-Roussillon > Collège Doctoral du Languedoc-Roussillon > Pôle Entrepreneuriat Étudiant du Languedoc-Roussillon > Pôle Chimie et la Fondation Balard > Pôle BioSanté Rabelais > Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Montpellier > Campus Mag-LR l’émission TV des Campus CROUS* de Montpellier Multiple services for student life: > Scholarships > Accommodation > Cafeterias > International office > Social action > Cultural events Inter Library Service: www.biu-montpellier.fr University Department for Physical and Sport Activities (SUAPS): www.sport-u-montpellier.com: www.sport-u-montpellier.com Houses and office for International students: there is one in each University; you can find their contact information in their respective website. You can find all Montpellier universities and their departments’ geographical locations here: www.crous-montpellier.fr > the CROUS > location plan * Glossary p.25 4 5 2 STUDENT’S ROUTE To be received upon your arrival in Montpellier You wish to be greeted and guided as soon as you arrive in Montpellier? The CROUS of Montpellier and the PRES-Sud de France offer an “host program” for international students. 1 6 PRE-ADMISSION AT THE UNIVERSITY Registration as a hosted student from the month of June, through the Office of International Relations of your host university in France. To get in touch right now with students in Montpellier: www.facebook.com/crouspres.parraininternational www.parrainage-international-montpellier.fr 2 VISA AT THE CONSULATE 3 Bank + caf* + insurances 7 8 RESIDENCE PERMIT OR OFII* STAMP TRANSPORT ENROLLMENT AT THE UNIVERSITY + SOCIAL SECURITY AND PRIVATE HEATHCARE INSURANCE © Fotolia.com FIRST CONTACT WITH THE UNIVERSITY 6 4 Staudt photo : Wolfgang - 2013 - Crédit de France PRES - Sud © UM2 - Luc Jennepin RECEPTION BY HOST STUDENT You will be paired with a host (French or foreign) student in Montpellier who will: - Contact you by e-mail before your departure - Meet you at the station or at the airport - Accompany you to your place of accommodation - Help you, if needed, with your administrative procedures. : P.Sentenac- 5 Réalisation ACCOMMODATION HAPPY ACADEMIC YEAR! 9 7 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES A. OBTAIN PRE-ADMISSION, FORMALIITIES TO COMPLETE BEFORE LEAVING FOR FRANCE In order to come and study in France, the formalities must be completed at the national level. Indeed, you should prepare your stay in advance. The understanding of French language is essential. Lessons are held in French. Level 4 of the TCF* or B2 DELF* is required. If you come to France as part of an (ERASMUS, CREPUQ etc.) exchange program, in general, you should inquire with your home institution, which arranges the admission to your host university. If you ask to apply individually: the procedures change by country (European Union or outside European Union), type of institutions (University, High School, IUT...) training sector (language, medicine...) and by access level (License/Master/PhD) The main steps of pre-admission are to complete an application for preliminary admission and to apply for a visa. • If you live in France: You should download the admission request form on the website of the Ministry of education (green application form) or obtain this form from the education office of each University department. Exemptions: www.education.gouv.fr For other years of study (Licence 3rd Year, Licence professional, Master 1, Master 2) residents living abroad must pass the Campus France compulsory application procedure. If your country does not offer this service, we advise you to contact the institution directly. Important notice: The deadline for receiving applications is March 31th! The admission request should be made directly with the institution- charged with enrollment in: - SPGEs (programs that prepare students for the Grandes Ecoles) - STSs postsecondary technical sections of secondary schools - Third University cycle (PhD) - Or other institutions not covered by DAP process Apply for a visa The request for an extended-stay student visa comes after your pre-admission. Request for preliminary admission to an institution of Higher Education Important notice: The deadline for receiving applications is January 31th! To enroll in the first or second year (L1 or L2) at a French University or IUT, DAP is compulsory. There are 2 possibilities: • If you live abroad: There is a compulsory online application process on the CEF website: www.campusfrance.fr It’s a simple and fast procedure for which an application fee is requested. Important notice: The deadline for receiving applications is January 31th! In countries where this procedure does not exist, you should complete an application for preliminary admission, known as a DAP (demande d’admission préalable) at the cultural office of the French embassy in your country of residence. (White application form). 8 9 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES B. GET A RESIDENCE PERMIT FORMALITIES TO BE FULFILLED ON ARRIVAL IN FRANCE All foreigners aged at least 18 years intending to stay in France for more than 3 months must have a residence permit. VISA “D” Extended-stay student visa (CESEDA R311-3 6°) You have got a VISA “D” Extended-stay student visa from the French embassy or consulate in your country. This VISA is marked CESEDA R311-3 6°: Once you arrive in France there are 4 steps to follow: 1. Complete the official form OFII* (French office of immigration and integration) delivered by consulate. Send it to the OFII* of Montpellier by registered mail (return receipt requested) with a copy of your passport pages (identity + Visa + stamp indicating entry into France). Address: Office Français de l’Immigration et de l’Intégration, “Le Régent” - 1er étage - 4 rue Jules Ferry - 34000 Montpellier Other type of extended-stay visa If you apply for a different type of visa mentioning (Residence permit application must be submitted within two months after arrival in France “intern”, “Students exchange Canada”...): You should go to the Reception Desk for International Students/Researchers PRES-Sud de France for the deposit of your first resident’s permit request. European Students European students are exempted from the requirement for a residence permit request. General information The residence permit allows students to work 964 hours in a given year, which corresponds to 60% of full-time employment for the year. Tourist Visa type “C” short stay visa. This type of visa applies to every foreign citizen wishing to enter the Schengen area as a tourist, or to participate in the conferences. The “C” type visa does not apply to long-term stays. It doesn’t allow you to obtain a student residence permit. 2. Upon receipt of these documents, the OFII* will send you a delivery receipt. 3. You will receive a notification from the OFII*requesting for a medical examination (This notification will specify the official forms that you have to bring for your appointment, as well as a fee which must be paid during this appointment). 4. After your medical examination a stamp will be attached to your passport by the OFII*. This allows you to stay in France legally. This visa also serves as a residency permit for the duration of its validity. You have two months before the expiration date of your visa to come to the Reception Desk for International Students/Researchers PRES Sud de France and fill in the renewal form. For the deposit of your resident’s permit, you need to take a compulsory appointment through the following website: www.pres-suddefrance.fr The Reception Desk for International Students/Researchers PRES Sud de France is a one-stop service for the deposit of your resident’s permit request for students and researchers in Hérault. 10 One-step service for Residence permit Unique address for your resident’s permit request: PRES SUD DE FRANCE - Reception Desk for International Students/Researchers 163 rue Auguste Broussonnet - 34090 Montpellier - France Phone: +33 (0)4 67 41 67 87 - Fax: +33 (0)4 67 41 93 34 E-mail: accueilinternational@pres-suddefrance.fr Access: Tramway line 1 - Station “Place Albert 1er” Open from Monday to Friday September to November: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm December to July: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm To take an appointment and see: www.pres-suddefrance.fr 11 4 USEFUL INFORMATION A. ACCOMMODATION Primavera Residence To find an accommodation in Montpellier is not easy! You need to be organized and have financial resources. See the list page 18. At the beginning of your stay, you will also need a sufficient amount of money to find a temporary accommodation and pay inherent expenses to flat hunting (guarantee deposit, agency fees, deposit... see page 15). Public offers of the CROUS of Montpellier The International student office at the CROUS offers accommodations in universities dormitories or residences. The rent for a dormitory in university ranges from 169€ to 259€ (depending on the level of comfort). The rent of an accommodation in a residence costs around 300€/month depending on the surface. 1. You have been granted a scholarship from the French Government or your home country: you will make a request for a CROUS accommodation to Campus France: www.campusfrance.org 2. You are enrolled (or are going to be enrolled) in a university or a school in Montpellier through an Exchange program: you will make a request for an accommodation to the office of International Relations of your host school or university. 3. Other cases • You will apply for a Master’s or PhD’s degree • You will get into a ‘Grande Ecole’ / ‘Classe Préparatoire’ / ‘IUT’, Postsecondary schools (excluding private institutions): you will download the requested form for an accommodation in the CROUS website: www.crous-montpellier.fr > rubrique International / se loger / étudiant en mobilité individuelle. Cité La Colombière Cité Boutonnet International student office of the CROUS: Address: 2 rue Monteil - 34033 Montpellier - Tramway line 1 / Stop “Boutonnet” Opening hours: Monday to Friday From 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Phone: +33 (0)4 67 41 50 38 - Fax: +33 (0)4 67 87 23 62 The accommodation requests will be considered according to your level of study and the date of filing or on receipt of the mail as well as the availability of the accommodations. Even though you meet the conditions, there is no guarantee that you get an accommodation because of the limited number of accommodation available, above all in case of late arrival. In all the other cases, you won’t be able to obtain an accommodation from the CROUS. Cité Triolet Renovated in 2011 12 13 4 USEFUL INFORMATION Finding private housing Guarantee deposit and joint and several guarantees The websites of CROUS (the regional student service agency) of Montpellier and of the CRIJ Languedoc Roussillon You will find private housing offers (free of agency fees) on: www.lokaviz.fr www.logement.informationjeunesselr.fr (you can also download a complete guide to housing) Deposit When you sign your lease, you will have to pay a deposit. This sum will cover the tenant’s possible defaults of their obligations (repair expenses or restoration...). The deposit cannot exceed a month of rent excluding maintenance charges and has to be returned within two months after the return of the keys (for unfurnished apartments). The “Phare” The Phare is a reception office for international students looking for accommodation/housing. Multilingual students help international students in their flat - hunting. Opening hours: September and October, From Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. 163 rue Auguste Broussonnet - 34090 Montpellier (Tramway line 1 or 4 - Stop “Place Albert 1er”). Phone number: +33 (0)4 67 41 67 94. Joint guarantees To have an access to an accommodation, you will also have to provide co-signers guarantee, from a person residing and working in France. This person is responsible for you and commits themselves to settle any rental payments you may not have paid. If you pay several months’ rent in advance, DEMAND a rent receipt from the landlord of your accommodation. Student accommodation office (Espace Logement Etudiant) This information space will allow you to search for housing and achieve all your administrative issues related to your installation. Student accommodation office From August to October at the Corum Salon du Belvédère - Esplanade Ch. de Gaulle - Montpellier www.espace-etudiant.com Temporary accommodation Emergency accommodation La Noria This house offers 60 double bedrooms and hosts students for up to a maximum of two weeks. Nightly rate: 5€ Please contact the PHARE or the International student office at the CROUS. Youth Hostel Nightly rate (breakfast included): 20.60€ Rooms can be booked from your home country Address: Impasse de la Petite Corraterie - 34000 Montpellier Phone number: +33 (0)4 67 60 32 22 - Fax: +33 (0)4 67 60 32 30 www.fuaj.org/Montpellier 14 Financial housing aid The APL (Aides Personnalisées au Logement = personalized housing aid) or ALS (Allocations de Logement à caractère Social = type of social welfare housing aid) are financial housing aids granted by the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF = family financial aid agency). Application forms have to be filled out on www.montpellier.caf.fr You will be offered assistance with filling out your form at the International office of the PRES. House insurance A comprehensive house insurance is compulsory in order to rent unfurnished accommodations or highly advised if the accommodation is furnished. This insurance covers you against fire risks, water damage, explosions, civil responsibilities, thefts... Besides classic insurance agencies (insurance companies, supplementary insurance companies), some banks offer a “package” with special student rates. 15 4 USEFUL INFORMATION B. HEALTH The two organizations managing the student social security are: LMDE, La Mutuelle des Etudiants : www.lmde.fr MEP, La Mutuelle des Étudiants de Provence : www.mep.fr Affiliation to Social Security You can subscribe for a social security while doing your administrative registration. The Social Security is mandatory for non-European students. Cost: 211€ (2013/2014 rate) To benefit from the ‘Student Social Security’, students need to be less than 28 years old and registered to a higher education Institution for at least 4 months. If you are 28 years old or older, you cannot be affiliated with the traditional Student Social Security. You may benefit (under conditions) from the ‘Universal Medical Insurance’ (CMU), for more information you need to contact the CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie). For other students, you need to subscribe to a private health insurance (cost: 150€/550€). Students from the European Economic Area are exempt if they hold for the entire academic year, a European health insurance card (or a provisional certificate). Complementary Insurance The traditional social security reimburses 60% of your health expenses; therefore you can subscribe to a complementary insurance to cover the total cost of your medical expenses. Fee: from 200€ to 500€/year depending on the supplementary insurance and the rate coverage. These policies enable to benefit from a third-party insurance that is mandatory in many cases. Special cases: Students who have been granted a scholarship from the French Government or their home country. Students affiliated to a ‘student social security’ are exempted to pay the social security. Campus France will reimburse them the total amount of the subscription if this one does not exceed 264€. (Official document required for the current academic year). Preventive medicine Teams of doctors, nurses and social workers are present in our universities. Go and ask at your university to get an appointment with them. Handicap Services for disabled students are available in the 3 Universities of Montpellier. Do not hesitate to contact the person in charge of them, or visit the website of each university for more information. University Montpellier 1 : handiversite@univ-montp1.fr University Montpellier 2 : handicap@univ-montp2.fr University Montpellier 3 : etud.handi@univ-montp3.fr The CROUS also offers a hundred specially adapted houses for disabled students. For further information, you can visit: www.crous-montpellier.fr > service social / handicap In this section, disabled students can fill out an “adaptive accommodation request” form, in which they will be able to detail the facilities they need. Thus, the CROUS will be able to propose suitable accommodation. Requests can be made throughout the year. Social Aid Students can meet CROUS social workers at CROUS and on the university sites. You will be welcomed, supported, informed, and given advised concerning financial aid. Preventive action will be provided. Social workers can also help students with psychosocial or financial problems. Social service of CROUS (Montpellier) Phone: +33 (0)4 67 41 50 28 - service.social@crous-montpellier.fr Students who do not meet the requirements to be affiliated to the student social security system are directly covered by Campus France. The social security provided by Campus France is strictly personal and therefore cannot be applied to a family. 16 17 4 USEFUL INFORMATION C. BUDGET Opening a bank account Obligation of Financial Resources French law requires/demands International students to provide evidence of sufficient financial Resources, that is to say: 615€/month The existence of financial resources can be proved by one of the following documents: - Proof of scholarship award. - A permanent transfer order from your home country (verified with an official bank seal) - A bank statement of the last three months showing a regular money transfer (615€/month) or an official document from the bank that gives evidence of a credit balance that is at least equal to the 3 months resources required. The 615€ Sum is a minimum. Your first month’s expenses may reach up to 1800€ (deposit, insurance, purchase of supplementary insurance). University tuition fees vary according to your level of study: 183€ for students in “Licence” degree (= the first 3 years of university), 254€ for students in master degree, 388€ for Phd students (Rate 2013-2014). Monthly budget Main documents requested: • Proof of residence (with exact address), • Proof of school or university attendance, • Copy of your passport and visa. D. CAFETERIAS With its 4 restaurants and its university cafeterias located near classrooms, CROUS of Montpellier offers you varied and healthy food for only 3.15€ a meal! The Traditional meal at the resto’U* Complete and healthy, this meal is composed of 3 choices: a main course (varied dishes at every meal: meat / fish / pizzas / specialty from our region / world cuisine...) and two choices amongst starters and dessert buffets. Available in every resto’U from Monday to Friday included. BOUTONNET: Tramway line 1 stop station “Boutonnet” This approximate monthly budget applies for a single person who does not reside in a university dormitory that is to say, the situation for the majority of students. Rent (including maintenance charges) 400€ Food expenses/Cafeteria It is highly recommended that you open a bank account, in particular in order to receive financial aid which is typically transferred to bank accounts. 200€ RICHTER: On the UFR de Sciences Economiques square. Tramway line 1/2/3 - stop station “Rives du Lez” or “Port Marianne” TRIOLET: Across the street from university Montpellier 2. Tramway line 1 - stop station “Universités” VERT-BOIS: On the university Montpellier 3 Campus.Tramway line 1 - stop station “Saint-Eloi” Transportation30€ University supplies/stationery 20€ Hobbies100€ Internet20€ Cell Phone 30€ Total800€ Restos’U Vert-Bois & Triolet 18 19 4 USEFUL INFORMATION E . Pass’Culture: the good deal Cafeterias: eat in or take away Pizzas, Panini, kebabs, wraps, salads, all kinds of sandwiches, Viennese pastries, you can take a pick! Cafeterias are located in the Resto’U or on the university sites. Various deals for 3.15€! The CROUS of Montpellier offers to all the students that are not over 30 years old a special card to give them a very rich and cultural Access to different activities at attractive prices: the Pass’Culture. The membership costs 9€, it gives Access to cinema tickets at only 3.70€ and to show and concerts with prices that varies from 5€ to 10€ (in the limit of available seats). LE FLAHAULT (Cafeteria lounge): On the university Montpellier 2 campus. Tramway line 1 - Station “Universités” TRIOLETTO (cité Triolet): Located within the “cité Triolet”. Tramway line 1 - stop station “Universités” ODONTOLOGIE : On the “UFR d’odontologie” campus. Tramway line 1 stop station “Malbosc” For more information: CROUS Montpellier Phone number:04 67 41 50 96 - pass.culture@crous-montpellier.fr www.crous-montpellier.fr/Culture IUFM: Tramway line 1 - stop station “Stade Philippidès” LA CAFET : Located at the “Université de Droit” in the Cloister. Tramway line 1/4 stop station “Louis Blanc” STAPS: On the UFR Staps site. Tramway line 1 - stop station “Occitanie” F. TRANSPORTATION LA PASSERELLE: On the IUT campus. Tramway line 1 - stop station “Occitanie” Saint Charles: in the campus of Saint Charles. Tramway line 1/4 - stop station “Albert 1 ” er Bike, tramway and buses, the transportation of Montpellier and its suburbs (TAM) offers numerous “packages” and types of subscriptions for getting around. For further information go to: www.montpellier-agglo.com Vert-Bois : situated within the student residence Vert-Bois. Tramway line 1 - stop station “Saint Eloi” Please note: the Mandarine association offers a guide to the “ecomobility” that lists all the transportation systems of Montpellier and its area. Download here: www.mandarinepressee.net > guide de l’écomobilité Trioletto Cafeteria © iStock Photo Saint Charles Cafeteria 20 21 4 USEFUL INFORMATION G. USEFUL ADDRESSES Reception Desk for International Students/Researchers PRES-SUD de FRANCE A team of multilingual students helps you with formalities : one-stop service for residence permits, assistance with finding accommodation (PHARE page 14), “host program for international students” (page 7), help for housing aid application (CAF), information and how-to books at your disposal. CROUS of Montpellier Scholarships, accommodation, cafeterias, cultural events, jobs, international office or social action, CROUS facilitates student life by offering multiple services. If you are an international student, the office of Accueil International is the place where you can find all the information needed to find an accommodation. “Accueil International” Office Open from Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Phone number: +33 (0)4 67 41 50 38 - Fax number: +33 (0)4 67 87 23 62 E-mail: international@crous-montpellier.fr - Website: www.crous-montpellier.fr Address: 2 rue Monteil - 34033 Montpellier - Tram station: line 1, stop “Boutonnet” University of Nîmes - www.unimes.fr Office of International Relations 2 rue Dr. Georges Salan - 30021 Nîmes cedex - Phone number: + 33 (0)4 66 36 45 83 international@unimes.fr Opening hours - Monday to Friday - From September to November: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, - From December to July: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Phone number: +33 (0)4 67 41 67 87 - Fax: +33 (0)4 67 41 93 34 E-mail: accueilinternational@pres-suddefrance.fr Website: www.pres-suddefrance.fr Address: 163 rue Auguste Broussonnet - 34090 Montpellier Tram station: line 1/4, stop “Albert 1er” 22 International Office “Accueil Étudiants Internationaux” Tuesdays from 9:30 am to 12:30 am and Thursdays from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. or you can take an appointment through: international@unimes.fr - Phone number: + 33 (0)4 66 36 45 83 For more information go to: “Accueil Scolarité” - Université de Nîmes - Site Vauban 2 rue Dr. Georges Salan - 30021 Nîmes cedex University of Perpignan Via Domitia - www.univ-perp.fr Office of International Relations 52 avenue Paul Alduy - Bât A RDC - 66860 Perpignan Phone number: + 33 (0)4 68 66 22 18 - Fax: +33 (0)4 68 66 17 49 - Email: sec-suri@univ-perp.fr International Office “Accueil Étudiants Internationaux” 52 avenue Paul Alduy - Bât BASE - 66860 Perpignan - Bus line 8, stop “Campus” Phone number: + 33 (0)4 68 66 20 11 - Email: guichet-unique@univ-perp.fr Open from September to July: from Monday to Friday Opening hours: 9:00 am to 12:00 am and from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. 23 4 USEFUL INFORMATION H. Reminder of required documents for administrative issues I. GLOSSARY ACCOMMODATION BAC: Baccalauréat - Baccalaureate/Bachelor 1. Joint guarantee - Passport - Identity paper of the guarantor - The last three pay slips and/or the tax notice of the guarantor - Proof of address of the guarantor (eg: electricity or phone bill) - Bank identification numbers (tenant and guarantor) BDE: Bureau des Étudiants - Student Office 2. Comprehensive house insurance CROUS: Centre Régional des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires - Students’ representative body BANK - Proof of residence (rent receipt or lease) - Passport with visa HOUSING AID (CAF) - Forms duly completed - Bank identification number (RIB) OFFICE FRANÇAIS DE L’IMMIGRATION ET DE L’INTÉGRATION (OFII) - Passport with visa and border control stamp with date of entry into France - The OFII certification duly completed (certificate given by consular authorities along with visa) ENROLMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION - The original passport as well as the photocopy of the passport mentioning “student visa” (except those from EU/EEE countries) or the residence permit - The enrolment form duly completed - The admission letter or e-mail of your host higher education institution - The original birth certificate translated into French and a photocopy thereof - For scholarship holders, a photocopy of the proof of receipt of the scholarship - If you have access to the first year (L1): Original of the degree certificate giving you access to university/college in your country along with a translation done by a consular service or by an official translator and a photocopy. - For all other levels of studies: In addition to the BAC (baccalauréat)1, please present the original of the degree certificate giving you access by equivalence, with an official translation and a photocopy. AFFILIATION TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY - Original birth certifícate translated into French CAF: Caisse d’allocation Familiale - Family Allowance Fund CMU: Couverture Maladie Universelle - Universal Health Coverage CPAM: Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie - Primary Health Insurance CRIJ: Centre Régional Information Jeunesse - Regional Center for Youth Information DELF: Diplôme Élémentaire de Langue Française - Elementary French Language Diploma ENT: Espace Numérique de Travail - Digital Workspace LR: Languedoc-Roussillon (Région) MDE: Maison des Étudiants - Student House OFII: Office Français de l’Immigration et de l’intégration - French Office for Immigration and Integration PHARE: Point Hébergement Accueil et Recherche de logement pour les Etudiants Internationaux Accommodation Service for International students PRES: Pôle de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur - Centre for Research and Higher Education (transformed into “Community of Universities and Establishments”) RIB: Relevé d’Identité Bancaire - Bank information SAMU: Service d’Aide Médicale d’Urgence - Emergency Medical Service TCF: Test de Connaissance du Français - French language test UFR: Unité de Formation et de Recherche - Section of Research and Teaching Abbreviations BU: Bibliothèque Universitaire - University Library Cafèt’: Cafétéria - Cafeteria Cité U: Cité Universitaire - Student halls of residence Coloc’: Colocation - Roomate Fac: Faculté = UFR = Unité de Formation et de Recherche - Faculty RU / resto’U: Restaurant Universitaire - Students’ restaurant Tram’: Tramway RDV : Appointment NB : Do not forget to bring several original documents and photocopies of each of these documents and several valid passport photos. 1 = A-Level (Brit.) or High School Diploma (US). 24 25 Contacts CROUS of Montpellier Office “Accueil International” 2 rue Monteil - 34033 Montpellier Phone number: +33 (0) 4 67 41 50 38 - Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 41 50 29 international@crous-montpellier.fr - www.crous-montpellier.fr Reception Desk for International Students/Researchers PRES Sud de France 163 rue Auguste Broussonnet - 34090 Montpellier Phone number: +33 (0)4 67 41 67 87 - Fax: +33 (0)4 67 41 93 34 accueilinternational@pres-suddefrance.fr - www.pres-suddefrance.fr UNIVERSITY MONTPELLIER 1 Office of International Relations – Central services / Espace Richter Rue Vendémiaire - Bât. E - CS 29555 - 34961 Montpellier cedex 2 Phone number: + 33 (0)4 34 43 23 23 sri@univ-montp1.fr - www.univ-montp1.fr UNIVERSITY MONTPELLIER 3 Office of International Relations Bureau 213 - Route de Mende - 34199 Montpellier cedex 5 Phone number: + 33 (0)4 67 14 21 31 info.ri@univ-montp3.fr - www.univ-montp3.fr MINE DE RIEN ARTS, LETTRES, LANGUES, SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALES Visuel couverture : © Aldo Murillo UNIVERSITY MONTPELLIER 2 Department of International Relations and Mobility Place Eugène Bataillon - 34095 Montpellier cedex 5 Phone number: + 33 (0)4 67 14 30 46 iris-ri@univ-montp2.fr - www.univ-montp2.fr
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