Agenda - the City of Laconia, New Hampshire
Agenda - the City of Laconia, New Hampshire
CITY OF LACONIA - CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 8, 2016 - 7:00 PM City Hall - Conference Room 200A CALL TO ORDER SALUTE TO THE FLAG RECORDING SECRETARY ROLL CALL STAFF IN ATTENDANCE COUNCIL PROCLAMATION 1. Laconia High School Boys Lacrosse Champions ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 1. Regular meeting minutes of July 25, 2016 CONSENT AND ACTION CALENDAR 1. Temporary Traffic Order 2016-11 - Laconia Multicultural Festival CITIZEN COMMENTS FOR MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA INTERVIEWS COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HEARING 1. 2. Public hearing regarding a Community Development Block Grant Project to report on the progress of the Grantie State Children's Alliance's Child Advocacy Center Planning Study for 95 Water Street Public hearing regarding resolution 2016-20 relative to authorizing the City Manager to accept and expend grants on behalf of the City from the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in conjunction with the Belknap County Sheriff’s Department. The total amount of the grant is $15,714 with the City’s share being $14,550. The grant does not require a municipal or county match and is earmarked for the purchase of police firearms PRESENTATIONS 1. Belknap House MAYOR'S REPORT COMMITTEE REPORTS *Not all items in this section may be acted on. Reports and updates will be made when necessary. 1. FINANCE: (Lipman, Hamel, Baer) (a) Downtown TIF Financing Page 1 of 64 (b) WOW Trail Funding 2. PUBLIC SAFETY: (Baer, Doyle, Bownes) (a) Fair St/Court St traffic problems and accidents 3. GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS and ORDINANCES: (Doyle, Bolduc, Bownes) (a) Review of Chapter 167, Noise and Chapter 161, Licensing as it pertains to outdoor sound equipment and loudspeakers (b) Ordinance Amending Chapter 221, Vehicles and Traffic/Parking on Sublawns (c) Procedural review of grant applications (d) Requests for "No Parking" zones to be established on three public streets: Centenary Avenue, Haven Avenue and Moulton Street 4. LANDS and BUILDINGS: (Hamel, Lipman ,Bolduc) (a) Downtown parking garage (b) Repair & maintenance of City Buildings LIAISON REPORT CITIZEN REQUESTS TO COMMENT ON CURRENT AGENDA ITEMS MANAGER'S REPORT 1. 2. Financial and Operational Trends Report Monthly Economic Development Update NEW BUSINESS 1. 2. 3. 4. Request to approve the application for the Hazard Mitigation Plan grant application with a City share of $2,500 First reading of Resolution 2016-21 relative to authorizing the City Manager to accept the donation of two Soofa benches (solar powered park benches) with a value of $5,200 and to schedule a public hearing on August 22, 2016 during the regular Council meeting Request from Watermark Marine to become a boat agent of the City Council review of the Commercial Resort (CR) zone and a proposal for discussion and possible referral to the Planning Board to create a new Commercial Resort Corridor (CR-2) zone UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Second Reading of Resolution 2016-20 relative to authorizing the City Manager to accept and expend grants on behalf of the City from the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in conjunction with the Belknap County Sheriff’s Department. The total amount of the grant is $15,714 with the City’s share being $14,550. The grant does not require a municipal or county match and is earmarked for the purchase of police firearms NOMINATIONS, APPOINTMENTS & ELECTIONS 1. Request to appoint Christopher Reynolds as a Selectman in Ward 4 for a term to Page 2 of 64 expire in November 2021 COUNCIL COMMENTS NON-PUBLIC SESSION According to RSA 91-A:3, II: (a) The dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee, or the investigation of any charges against him, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a meeting and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted. (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee. (c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of the body or agency itself, unless such person requests an open meeting. (d) Consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or personal property which, if discussed in public, would likely benefit a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community. (e) Consideration or negotiation of pending claims or litigation which has been threatened in writing or filed against the body or agency or any subdivision thereof, or against any member thereof because of his membership in such body or agency, until the claim or litigation has been fully adjudicated or otherwise settled. (i) Consideration of matters relating to the preparation for and the carrying out of emergency functions including training to carry out such functions, developed by local or state safety officials that are directly intended to thwart a deliberate act that is intended to result in widespread or severe damage to property or widespread injury or loss of life. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ordinance amendment relative to Chapter 167, Noise and Chapter 161, Licensing as it pertains to outdoor sound equipment and loudspeakers (tabled at the meeting of 9/28/15) Second reading of a resolution relative to the adoption of RSA 31:95-b, Appropriation of funds made available during the year (tabled at the meeting of 11/23/15 pending the outcome of legal matters) Master Plan Milfoil Treatment Funding Request Sewer & Water Master Plan Single Stream Recycling/Concord Co-op/Solid Waste Disposal Cost Reduction Strategic Planning/Goal Setting WOW Trail ADJOURNMENT Page 3 of 64 CITY COUNCIL ITEM INFORMATION SHEET DATE SUBMITTED: 7/26/2016 FROM: Mary Reynolds, City Clerk SUBJECT: Acceptance of regular meeting minutes of July 25, 2016 DISCUSSION: Minutes of the July 25, 2016 meeting were distributed to the Council on July 26, 2016. No corrections have been received. ATTACHMENTS: Description Regular minutes Type Backup Material Upload Date 8/5/2016 File Name 07_25_16-DRAFT.pdf Page 4 of 64 CITY OF LACONIA - CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 25, 2016 - 7:00 PM City Hall - Conference Room 200A CALL TO ORDER Mayor Engler called the meeting to order at the above date and time. SALUTE TO THE FLAG Henry Lipman led the Salute to the Flag. RECORDING SECRETARY City Clerk Mary Reynolds ROLL CALL City Clerk Reynolds called the roll with the following Councilors in attendance: Ava Doyle, David Bownes, Henry Lipman, Brenda Baer, Robert Hamel and Armand Bolduc. AF STAFF IN ATTENDANCE T Mayor Engler stated that all six (6) Councilors are in attendance and a quorum us established. City Manager Scott Myers, Finance Director Donna Woodaman COUNCIL PROCLAMATION Laconia High School Girls Lacrosse Champions R Mayor Engler delivered a proclamation to the Laconia High School Girls Lacrosse team in recognition of being the 2016 Divsion III State Champions. Each member of the team was presented with a certificate of recognition. Team members included the following: D (1) Mackenzie Howe Natalie Compton Meya Minor Gabrielle Smith Hailey Martel Rachel Lowe Becki Kneuer Helen Tautkus Abigail Crowell Teegan Stevens Cheyanne Zappala Lyndsey Paronto Rebecca Howe Emily Avery Devon Mello Tieana Florence Skyler Tautkus Page 5 of 64 Sydney Stevens Kaitlyn Brooks Hannah Dow Solary Chhun The team was coached by Head Coaches Kerri and Robert Howe, Assistant Coaches Tony Pederzanni and Dylan Martel, and managed by Amanda Stefanik. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS (1) Regular meeting minutes of July 11, 2016 Minutes of the regular meeting were distributed to the Council on July 15, 2016. No corrections were received. With no further corrections to the minutes they were accepted as distributed. CONSENT AND ACTION CALENDAR T (1) Temporary Traffic Order 2016-10, Penny Pitou Blood Drive AF Motion to approve the request as submitted made by Councilor Bolduc and seconded by Councilor Doyle; the motion passed with all in favor. (2) Request to set the polling hours for the State Primary Election to be held on September 13, 2016 and the State General Election to be held on November 8, 2016 R Motion to set the polling hours for the State Primary Election on September 13, 2016 and the State General Election on November 8, 2016 as 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. made by Councilor Bolduc and seconded by Councilor Doyle; the motion passed with all in favor. CITIZEN COMMENTS FOR MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA D INTERVIEWS COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HEARING PRESENTATIONS MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Engler noted that he was in attendance for the post-Motorcycle Week meeting, which was very favorable in nature regarding the event itself but there were concerns about the quality of the sound coming from the microphones at the table. It was encouraged that users please speak with the microphones close to them. It was advised that at the August 8, 2016 meeting there will be amendments to the Zoning Code regarding the Commercial Resort Zone (CRZ) as was directed by the Council after a series of public input sessions held during Council meetings in the Spring. Mayor Engler stated that the proposal coming forward will be a starting point for a more detailed Page 6 of 64 conversation among the Council, Planning Board and the Zoning Task Force. COMMITTEE REPORTS *Not all items in this section may be acted on. Reports and updates will be made when necessary. (1) FINANCE (a) Downtown TIF Financing (b) WOW Trail Funding (2) PUBLIC SAFETY (a) Fair St/Court St traffic problems and accidents (3) GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS and ORDINANCES T (a) Review of Chapter 167, Noise and Chapter 161, Licensing as it pertains to outdoor sound equipment and loudspeakers AF (b) Ordinance Amending Chapter 221, Vehicles and Traffic/Parking on Sublawns (c) Procedural review of grant applications (d) Requests for "No Parking" zones to be established on three public streets: Centenary Avenue, Haven Avenue and Moulton Street R Councilor Doyle requested to schedule a meeting for August 8, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss this topic. With no objections the meeting was scheduled. (4) LANDS and BUILDINGS D (a) Downtown parking garage (b) Repair & maintenance of City Buildings LIASON REPORT Councilor Bownes requested the Council review the recap of the Master Plan in the City Manager's Report this evening. CITIZEN REQUESTS TO COMMENT ON CURRENT AGENDA ITEMS MANAGER'S REPORT (1) Project Updates Report City Manager Myers reviewed the report. (2) FY 2016 Recycling Report - Comparative Cost of MSW Collection City Manager Myers reviewed the report. Page 7 of 64 A discussion followed about how to reduce solid waste tonnage and enforce the ordinance for mandatory recycling. (3) NHMA State Aid to Municipalities Report City Manager Myers reviewed the report. Discussion followed on some streets that needed attention and it was advised that a report will be forthcoming to the Council. (4) Other Information City Manager Myers advised that the Motorcycle Week fund will settle in the good approximately $3,000. The Council was advised that Ed Balboni has been reappointed to the Board of Assessors as an alternate; he was a full member in the past and being an alternate is more conducive to his summer/winter schedule. AF NEW BUSINESS T It was announced that Wesley "Wes" Anderson will begin with the City as the Director of Public Works on August 15, 2016. R (1) First Reading of Resolution 2016-20 relative to authorizing the City Manager to accept and expend grants on behalf of the City from the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in conjunction with the Belknap County Sheriff’s Department. The total amount of the grant is $15,714 with the City’s share being $14,550. The grant does not require a municipal or county match and is earmarked for the purchase of police firearms; and a request to schedule a public hearing on August 8, 2016 during the regular Council meeting relative to acceptance of this grant (attached) D Chief Chris Adams reviewed the grant purpose with the Council. Each front line officer would have access to the weapons purchased with this grant. A discussion followed regarding the need for the weapons. Motion to waive the reading of resolution 2016-20 in its entirety and to read by title only made by Councilor Baer and seconded by Councilor Bolduc; the motion passed with all in favor. A first reading resolution 2016-20 relative to authorizing the City Manager to accept and expend grants on behalf of the City from the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in conjunction with the Belknap County Sheriff’s Department. The total amount of the grant is $15,714 with the City’s share being $14,550. The grant does not require a municipal or county match and is earmarked for the purchase of police firearms; and a request to schedule a public hearing on August 8, 2016 during the regular Council meeting relative to acceptance of this grant made by Councilor Bolduc and seconded by Councilor Baer; the motion passed with all in favor. (2) Transfer Request from the Impact Fees - Roads to DPW Street Repairs in the amount Page 8 of 64 of $16,000 Motion to approve the transfer of $16,000 from account 50-301-001-0005, Impact Fees – Roads, to account 01-497-500-0013, DPW Street Repairs made by Councilor Bolduc and seconded by Councilor Doyle ; the motion passed with all in favor. (3) Project funding from the Non-Capital Reserve Account for FY 2017 Mayor Engler advised that the items proposed have been discussed by the Council at a prior meeting. The total request is for $118,000 from the Non-Capital Reserve Account. Motion to fund from the Non-Capital Reserve Account the following items: T Memorial Park bleachers an amount not to exceed $15,000 LHS window repairs an amount not to exceed $10,000, provided the work is completed at the previously agreed to bid. Leavitt Park Tennis Courts an amount not to exceed $78,000 Playground Revitalization an amount not to exceed $15,000 AF Made by Councilor Doyle and seconded by Councilor Bolduc; the motion passed with all in favor. Councilor Lipman asked if the tennis courts could be done before the end of the season. City Manager Myers advised it should be done in the fall. R (4) Request to schedule a public hearing on August 8, 2016 regarding a Community Development Block Grant Project to report on the progress of the Granite State Children's Alliance's Child Advocacy Center Planning Study for 95 Water Street D Motion to schedule a public hearing on August 8, 2016 during the regularly scheduled Council Meeting, which begins at 7:00 p.m., regarding a Community Development Block Grant Project to report on the progress of the Granite State Children's Alliance's Child Advocacy Center Planning Study for 95 Water Street made by Councilor Bolduc and seconded by Councilor Hamel; the motion passed with all in favor. (5) Final Encumbered Balances (carry-forwards) for FY 2016 Motion to approve the encumbered balances as presented made by Councilor Doyle and seconded by Councilor Bownes; the motion passed with all in favor. Discussion followed regarding the Winter Maintenance carry-forward to be used for road construction and repair, as well as sidewalk repairs and the Internal Service Fund. Page 9 of 64 (6) Review of the Parking Committee makeup Mayor Engler reviewed that the Parking Committee was established in 2012 to take a comprehensive look at the parking issues in Downtown. The committee met once and made a recommendation to the Council; with the recent discussions of the parking garage it is necessary to begin discussions of Downtown parking again. The original members of the Parking Committee included Brenda Baer (City Council), Andy Patterson (Laconia Clinic), Robert Sawyer (Downtown property owner), Chris Santaniello (LRCS), John Moriarty (Downtown property owner), Shanna Saunders & Scott Myers (City Staff). T It was discussed that this was a branch off of the discussion regarding the current parking garage, the need or lack of need for a new garage in the municipal parking lot on Beacon Street East, and the need to make sure that no additional parking spaces are taken from Downtown. It was encouraged that a discussion be held before there is a quantified analysis done with a professional, and the discussion to include a member of the Police Department, Public Works and Downtown merchants/property owners. Concerns were brought up regarding this becoming the same discussion as was had before and it may not be effective. AF Motion to charge for the City of Laconia Parking Committee with the following: R 1. To study short (1-2 years), medium (3-6 years) and long term (7-10 years) public parking needs of the downtown area and report back to the City Council with recommendations on how to meet any identified needs. 2. Recommendations should include the topics of paid vs. free public parking, and time limits, if any, on some or all public parking spaces, as well as traffic patterns. D Made by Councilor Hamel and seconded by Councilor Bolduc; the motion passed with all in favor. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NOMINATIONS, APPOINTMENTS & ELECTIONS (1) Lisa Morin - Seeking reappointment to a regular position on the Conservation Commission for a three-year term expiring at the end of August, 2019 (One regular position available for reappointment and one vacant position) Motion to to reappoint Lisa Morin to a regular position on the Conservation Commission for a three-year term expiring at the end of August, 2019 made by Councilor Hamel and seconded by Councilor Bolduc; the motion passed with all in favor. (2) Orry Gibbs - Seeking reappointment to a regular position on the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a three-year term expiring at the end of August, 2019 (1 regular position available for reappointment and 4 vacant alternate positions) Page 10 of 64 Motion to reappoint Orry Gibbs to a regular position on the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a three-year term expiring at the end of August, 2019 made by Councilor Bolduc and seconded by Councilor Doyle; the motion passed with all in favor. (3) Breanna Henderson - Seeking appointment to a regular position on the Downtown TIF Advisory Board for a three-year term expiring at the end of August, 2019 (2 positions available for reappointment) Motion to reappointment Breanna Henderson as a regular member of the Downtown TIF Advisory Board for a three-year term expiring at the end of August, 2019 made by Councilor Bolduc and seconded by Councilor Doyle; the motion passed with all in favor. (4) Charlie St. Clair - Seeking reappointment to a regular position on the Downtown TIF Advisory Board for a three-year term expiring at the end of August, 2019 (two positions available for reappointment) AF COUNCIL COMMENTS T Motion to reappoint Charlie St. Clair to a regular position on the Downtown TIF Advisory Board for a three-year term expiring at the end of August, 2019 made by Councilor Bolduc and seconded by Councilor Doyle the motion passed with all in favor. Councilor Bownes asked if anyone is going to be doing the trim work for the oak on Union Avenue. It was discussed that the tree is privately owned and the property owner is responsible. City Manager Myers offered to get a status update. R Councilor Lipman noted that the current budget is the 12th Tax Cap compliant budget this Council has passed and he thanked City staff for the assistance in making it possible. It was also noted that creative thinking will be needed for the upcoming budget cycle. D NON-PUBLIC SESSION According to RSA 91-A:3, II (a) The dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee, or the investigation of any charges against him, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a meeting and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted. (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee. (c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of the body or agency itself, unless such person requests an open meeting. (d) Consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or personal property which, if discussed in public, would likely benefit a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community. (e) Consideration or negotiation of pending claims or litigation which has been threatened in writing or filed against the body or agency or any subdivision thereof, or against any member thereof because of his membership in such body or agency, until the claim or litigation has been fully adjudicated or otherwise settled. (i) Consideration of matters relating to the preparation for and the carrying out of emergency functions including training to carry out such functions, developed by local or state safety officials that are directly intended to thwart a deliberate act that is intended to result in widespread or severe damage to property or widespread injury or loss of life. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Page 11 of 64 (1) Ordinance amendment relative to Chapter 167, Noise and Chapter 161, Licensing as it pertains to outdoor sound equipment and loudspeakers (tabled at the meeting of 9/28/15) (2) Second reading of a resolution relative to the adoption of RSA 31:95-b, Appropriation of funds made available during the year (tabled at the meeting of 11/23/15 pending the outcome of legal matters) (3) Master Plan (4) Milfoil Treatment Funding Request (5) Sewer & Water Master Plan (6) Single Stream Recycling/Concord Co-op/Solid Waste Disposal Cost Reduction (7) Strategic Planning/Goal Setting T (8) WOW Trail AF ADJOURNMENT D R Motion to adjourn made by Councilor Baer and seconded by Councilor Bolduc at 9:14 p.m.; the motion passed with all in favor. Page 12 of 64 CITY COUNCIL ITEM INFORMATION SHEET DATE SUBMITTED: 8/2/2016 FROM: Scott Myers, City Manager SUBJECT: Temporary Traffic Order 2016-11 - Laconia Multicultural Festival DISCUSSION: This is a recurring request with no changes from the previous year. REQUESTED ACTION: Proposed motion: "I move to approve Temporary Traffic Order 2016-11 - Laconia Multicultural Festival as presented." ATTACHMENTS: Description Temporary Traffic Order 2016-11 - Laconia Multicultural Festival Type Upload Date File Name Backup Material 8/2/2016 TTO_201611_Multicultural_Festival.pdf Page 13 of 64 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC ORDER 2016-11 LACONIA MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL According to the provisions of Chapter 221, Section 53 of the Laconia City Ordinances, the City Council hereby adopts the following Temporary Traffic Order. 1. This order shall become effective on Saturday, September 10, 2016 beginning at 6:30 a.m. and ending at 5:30 p.m. 2. That the east side driving lane and parking lane of Beacon Street East shall be closed from its intersection with the Main Street Bridge to Hanover Street from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 10, 2016. A lane of barricades down the closed east side driving lane shall be erected and provided by the City’s Public Works Department. Appropriate signs warning motorists of the single lane traffic and a parked unmanned police car near the bridge will warn motorists of the closed lane. 3. That City Hall parking lot be closed off for Festival use from 6:30 am to 5:30 pm. on Saturday, September 10, 2016. 3. All event materials and refuse shall be removed from Rotary Park, the City parking lot and any other areas used for Multicultural Market Day activities by Sunday, September 11, 2016. Adopted by the Laconia City Council this ____ day of August, 2016. Mary Reynolds, City Clerk Issued this _____ day of August, 2016 Scott Myers, City Manager Page 14 of 64 CITY COUNCIL ITEM INFORMATION SHEET DATE SUBMITTED: 7/20/2016 FROM: Mary Reynolds, City Clerk SUBJECT: Public hearing regarding a Community Development Block Grant Project to report on the progress of the Grantie State Children's Alliance's Child Advocacy Center Planning Study for 95 Water Street DISCUSSION: Donna Lane will be in attendance to update the Council. REQUESTED ACTION: None needed at this time. ATTACHMENTS: Description Public Hearing Notice Type Backup Material Upload Date 7/20/2016 File Name CDBG_Block_grant_PH_notice.pdf Page 15 of 64 CITY OF LACONIA Public Hearing Notice Community Development Block Grant Project The Laconia City Council will hold a Public Hearing on August 8, 2016, during the regular City Council meeting which begins at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 45 Beacon Street East, Laconia, New Hampshire 03246. Community Development Block Grant funds are available to municipalities through the NH Community Development Finance Authority. Up to $500,000 annually is available on a competitive basis for economic development, up to $500,000 for public facility and housing projects, up to $350,000 in emergency activities and up to $12,000 is available per each Planning grants. All projects must primarily benefit low and moderate income persons. During a CDBG project, a progress update public hearing is required. The public hearing will update the public on, and take public comment on, the progress of the CDBG Project. This hearing is to report on the progress of the Granite State Children’s Alliance’s Child Advocacy Center Planning Study, 95 Water Street. The study was to determine the measures and costs to renovate the facility into a Child Advocacy Center. Provisions for persons with special needs can be made by contacting the City Manager’s Office, via telephone or mail, at least five days prior to the public hearing. City of Laconia 45 Beacon Street East Laconia, New Hampshire 03246 (603)527-1270 Page 16 of 64 CITY COUNCIL ITEM INFORMATION SHEET DATE SUBMITTED: 7/25/2016 FROM: Mary Reynolds, City Clerk SUBJECT: Public hearing regarding Resolution 2016-20 relative to authorizing the City Manager to accept and expend grants on behalf of the City from the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in conjunction with the Belknap County Sheriff’s Department. The total amount of the grant is $15,714 with the City’s share being $14,550. The grant does not require a municipal or county match and is earmarked for the purchase of police firearms Page 17 of 64 Page 18 of 64 Page 19 of 64 Page 20 of 64 Page 21 of 64 Page 22 of 64 MONTHLY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT AUGUST, 2016 Laconia’s Unemployment Rate Geography Laconia Belknap County Concord Manchester State of NH June 2016 2.7% 2.5% 2.5% 3.0% 2.7% May 2016 2.7% 2.4% 2.3% 2.8% 2.6% June 2015 3.1% 3.0% 3.1% 3.7% 3.3% Employment & Wages Laconia, NH MicroNECTA - 4th QUARTER 2015 Industry Total, Private plus Government Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing Mining Construction Manufacturing Service-Providing Industries Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Information Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Technical Service Management of Companies/Enterprises Administrative and Waste Services Administrative & Support Services Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services Except Public Admin Total Government Units October 2015 Empl. November 2015 Empl. 421 n n 60 19 309 n 20 62 15 6 12 20 39 n 28 n n 20 11 39 31 26 4,235 n n 390 202 2,602 n 223 678 177 109 43 118 126 n 260 n n 190 116 373 100 1,009 4,141 n n 372 194 2,537 n 227 681 176 107 45 119 128 n 256 n n 196 102 315 97 1,006 December 2015 Empl. Average Quarterly Empl. 4,030 n n 282 197 2,523 n 224 679 176 103 44 116 135 n 254 n n 193 81 336 94 998 4,135 n n 348 198 2,554 n 225 679 176 106 44 118 130 n 257 n n 193 100 341 97 1,004 Average Weekly Wage $877.19 n n $1,601.06 $1,041.85 $789.27 n $1,515.46 $570.13 $659.99 $1,155.64 $972.39 $792.79 $1,540.69 n $580.95 n n $1,116.62 $492.18 $401.49 $518.00 $808.20 n = data does not meet disclosure standards Prepared by: Economic and Labor Market Information Bureau, New Hampshire Employment Security, Concord, New Hampshire 03301 (603) 228-4124 Page 1 Page 23 of 64 CPI-U 12 Month Percent Change Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual HALF1 HALF2 2006 4.0 3.6 3.4 3.5 4.2 4.3 4.1 3.8 2.1 1.3 2.0 2.5 3.2 3.8 2.6 2007 2.1 2.4 2.8 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.4 2.0 2.8 3.5 4.3 4.1 2.8 2.5 3.1 2008 4.3 4.0 4.0 3.9 4.2 5.0 5.6 5.4 4.9 3.7 1.1 0.1 3.8 4.2 3.4 2009 0.0 0.2 -0.4 -0.7 -1.3 -1.4 -2.1 -1.5 -1.3 -0.2 1.8 2.7 -0.4 -0.6 -0.1 2010 2.6 2.1 2.3 2.2 2.0 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.5 1.6 2.1 1.2 2011 1.6 2.1 2.7 3.2 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.8 3.9 3.5 3.4 3.0 3.2 2.8 3.5 2012 2.9 2.9 2.7 2.3 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.2 1.8 1.7 2.1 2.3 1.8 2013 1.6 2.0 1.5 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.0 1.5 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 2014 1.6 1.1 1.5 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.3 0.8 1.6 1.7 1.5 2015 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.1 -0.1 0.3 2016 1.4 1.0 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.1 * Annualized Year To Date: 1.1% UPDATE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIPS: Colonial Theater Open for Public Tours in August As the Colonial Theater block restoration project continues moving forward, Belknap EDC is pleased to be able to offer the general public the opportunity to tour the theater. The theater will be open on several Wednesday afternoons for the general public to walk-through the theater and learn more about the project, timeline, and plans. The general public is welcome during the following times and dates in August: · Wednesday, August 10, 12-1PM · Wednesday, August 17, 12-1PM · Wednesday, August 24, 12-1PM More details can be found at Page 2 Page 24 of 64 CITY COUNCIL ITEM INFORMATION SHEET DATE SUBMITTED: 9/13/2016 FROM: Ken Erickson, Fire Chief SUBJECT: Request to approve the application for the Hazard Mitigation Plan grant application with a City share of $2,500 DISCUSSION: Included is the Hazard Mitigation Plan grant applicaiton for final approval. The agreement must be signed by the City Council. In addition, the Council must approve the application and acknowledge our share of the project, which is $2,500. The minutes of the meeting must also be included in the application. The City share includes all of the time of various departments during the planning process. We will not be required to produce monetary funds and the plan will take several meetings over the next six (6) months to complete. REQUESTED ACTION: Proposed motion: "I move to approve the Hazard Mitigation Plan grant application as presented and acknowledge the in-kind contribution of the City share totaling $2,500." ATTACHMENTS: Description Agreement Type Backup Material Upload Date 8/5/2016 File Name hazard_mitigation_application.pdf Page 25 of 64 Page 26 of 64 Page 27 of 64 Page 28 of 64 Page 29 of 64 Page 30 of 64 CITY COUNCIL ITEM INFORMATION SHEET DATE SUBMITTED: 8/3/2016 FROM: Scott Myers, City Manager SUBJECT: First reading of Resolution 2016-21 relative to authorizing the City Manager to accept the donation of two Soofa benches (solar powered park benches) with a value of $5,200 and to schedule a public hearing on August 22, 2016 during the regular Council meeting DISCUSSION: Bree Henderson wishes to donate to the City of Laconia two Soofa benches (solar powered park benches) These benches provide free, clean energy and allow people to charge their mobile devices via solar power at no cost to them. Ms. Henderson requests that one bench be placed downtown beside the millstone fountain at the corner of Pleasant and Main Streets, and the other placed on the boardwalk in Weirs Beach between the beach and the dock. Funds raised to purchase these benches came from a crowdfunding (Gofundme) campaign that was completed by the citizens that live in and spend time in Laconia. The normal cost of a bench is $3,800; the company offered a reduced rate and sold both benches for $5,000 as this was their first crowd funded sale. The cost of the five-year extended warranty covering anything that breaks on or in the two benches, (whether it occurs by vandalism or other causes), is $200, for a total cost of $5,200. Installation of the benches will be done by the City with only minor assembly required. These benches are the basic model, and have the ability (should the City choose) to be upgraded with censors that can be used to help in City planning. There are censors available that can measure pedestrian traffic, noise levels, and/or pollution levels. These censors would send information to a cloud site the City would be able to access as they choose. REQUESTED ACTION: Proposed motion #1: "I move to waive the reading of Resolution 2016-21 in its entirety and read by title only." Proposed motion #2: "I move the first reading of Resolution 2016-21 relative to authorizing the City Manager to accept the donation of two Soofa benches (solar powered park benches) with a value of $5,200 and to schedule a public hearing on August 22, 2016 during the regular Council meeting." Page 31 of 64 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Upload Date Resolution 2016-21 Backup Material 8/3/2016 Soofa specifications Backup Material 8/3/2016 Soofa Invoice Backup Material 8/3/2016 Soofa Concept Backup Material 8/3/2016 File Name 2016-21__Solar_Powered_Benches.pdf Soofa_Basic.pdf SoofaLaconia_Invoice_072016.pdf soofa_concept.pdf Page 32 of 64 RESOLUTION 2016-21 CITY OF LACONIA In the Year of Our Lord two thousand and sixteen A RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE DONATION OF TWO SOOFA BENCHES (SOLAR POWERED PARK BENCHES), ONE TO BE PLACED IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA AND THE OTHER IN WEIRS BEACH, THE COMBINED VALUE OF WHICH IS $5,200.00 Resolved by the City Council of the City of Laconia as follows: WHEREAS, the Laconia City Charter, Section 5:06, requires the Council to designate the source of any money appropriated after the budget is adopted; and WHEREAS, Bree Henderson wishes to donate two Soofa benches to the City of Laconia to allow charging of mobile devices via solar power. Funds raised to purchase the benches came from a crowdfunding campaign. The benches are covered by a five year extended warranty. NOW THEREFORE, the City Manager is hereby authorized, on behalf of the City, to accept the donation of two Soofa benches as described above. This Resolution shall take effect after two readings and upon its passage. Edward Engler, Mayor Passed and approved this ____ day of August, 2016 Mary Reynolds, City Clerk 1 Page 33 of 64 Because we smart cities. Page 34 of 64 charges smart phones and tablets outdoors day and night with the power of the sun. Base Fee $3,800 Page 35 of 64 Height: 28 1/2" Seat Height: 18 1/2” Depth: 23 3/4" Length: 82" Weight: 180lb Technology Specifications Bench Specifications Installation Housing : Polyethylen Solar panel : 30W, tempered glass Battery : 12V, 8Ah UBS : 2x weatherproof Supports : Steel Finish : Zink & polyester powder coated Slats : 1" X 3.5" FSC certified hard wood Fasteners : Stainless steel Suggested anchors (not inlcuded): 4 stainless steel kwik bolts or 4 drop-in anchors with stainless steel theftproof bolts F +1 857 891 5310 Page 36 of 64 275 Third Street Cambridge, MA 02142 Page 37 of 64 Changing Environments Inc. 24 Thorndike St Cambridge MA 02141 US Invoice 1064 BILL TO Bree Henderson Laconia, NH DATE 07/20/2016 DATE ACTIVITY 07/20/2016 V1.2:Soofa Basic Bench PLEASE PAY $5,200.00 DUE DATE 08/19/2016 QTY RATE AMOUNT 2 3,800.00 7,600.00 2 100.00 200.00 1 250.00 250.00 1 -2,850.00 -2,850.00 Soofa Basic 07/20/2016 Products/Services:Soofa Care 5 Year Warranty 07/20/2016 Shipping & Handling Delivered to Laconia, NH 07/20/2016 Discount Crowd funding discount! Dear Bree, Thanks so much for your commitment to making Laconia's outdoor spaces even more innovative and sustainable. And, again, congrats on successfully running Soofa's first ever crowd funded bench purchase! I'm including here your invoice for (2) Soofa Benches delivered to Laconia. You'll see we've also added the Soofa Care program (our 5 year warranty). Upon your review, please let me know if you have any questions. TOTAL DUE $5,200.00 THANK YOU. Thank you, Ed -Edward Krafcik SOOFA 908-295-4210 Page 38 of 64 Because we cities Page 39 of 64 THE SOOFA BENCH Your icon for a social, sustainable and smart city. The soofa bench is the first of its kind. Powered by solar energy urban dwellers have a place to chat and charge up. It is a magnet for people and a conversation piece for the public. “Your cell phone doesn’t just make phone calls,” Boston Mayor Walsh said. “Why should our benches just be seats?” Page 40 of 64 THE SOOFA PLATFORM Sensory information transforms cities and businesses We incorporate sensors into soofa benches to gather valuable environmental data for municipalities, planners and the public. We access open data for customized intelligence. HEDY Page 41 of 64 HOW TO GET STARTED Install soofa benches and upgrade with sensors It takes four bolts to show that your city is social, sustainable and smart. We support a sensor selection process suited to your needs. Page 42 of 64 275 Third Street Cambridge, MA 02142 Page 43 of 64 CITY COUNCIL ITEM INFORMATION SHEET DATE SUBMITTED: 8/2/2016 FROM: Mary Reynolds, City Clerk SUBJECT: Request from Watermark Marine to become a boat agent of the City DISCUSSION: Watermark Marine has been approached by the State of NH to participate in a pilot program to place marinas and other boat agents on-line with the State registration processing system. This step will allow for boat registrations to be processed in a timely manner and with accuracy at boat agents after the pilot time frame. At this time Watermark is not an authorized boat agent for the City, which is required for them to be covered by the surety bond issued by Primex to all boat agents. At this time we are asking the Council to authorize this request. REQUESTED ACTION: Proposed motion: " I move to authorize Watermark Marine to act as a boat agent on behalf of the City" Page 44 of 64 CITY COUNCIL ITEM INFORMATION SHEET DATE SUBMITTED: 8/2/2016 FROM: Mayor Engler SUBJECT: Council review of the Commercial Resort (CR) zone and a proposal for discussion and possible referral to the Planning Board to create a new Commercial Resort Corridor (CR-2) zone DISCUSSION: Mayor Engler has provided the attached proposal for Council review. ATTACHMENTS: Description CR Zone information Type Backup Material Upload Date 8/5/2016 File Name CR_zone_information.pdf Page 45 of 64 Page 46 of 64 Page 47 of 64 Page 48 of 64 Page 49 of 64 Page 50 of 64 Page 51 of 64 Page 52 of 64 Page 53 of 64 Page 54 of 64 Page 55 of 64 Page 56 of 64 CITY COUNCIL ITEM INFORMATION SHEET DATE SUBMITTED: 7/19/2016 FROM: Scott Myers, City Manager SUBJECT: Second Reading of Resolution 2016-20 relative to authorizing the City Manager to accept and expend grants on behalf of the City from the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in conjunction with the Belknap County Sheriff’s Department. The total amount of the grant is $15,714 with the City’s share being $14,550. The grant does not require a municipal or county match and is earmarked for the purchase of police firearms DISCUSSION: Attached is Resolution 2016-20, a narrative providing details of the items being purchased from the grant funds, and the grant application. Additional information regarding this grant is available to the public during business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm) in the City Manager's office in City Hall. REQUESTED ACTION: Proposed motion: "I move a second reading of First Reading of Resolution 2016-20 relative to authorizing the City Manager to accept and expend grants on behalf of the City from the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in conjunction with the Belknap County Sheriff’s Department. The total amount of the grant is $15,714 with the City’s share being $14,550. The grant does not require a municipal or county match and is earmarked for the purchase of police firearms" ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution 2016-20 JAG Grant Info Type Resolution Letter Backup Material Upload Date 7/21/2016 7/21/2016 File Name 2016-20_-_JAG_Grant.pdf JAG_Grant_Information.pdf Page 57 of 64 RESOLUTION 2016-20 CITY OF LACONIA In the Year of Our Lord two thousand and sixteen A RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT AND EXPEND A JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE BELKNAP COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,714 WITH THE CITY’S SHARE AT $14,550 Resolved by the City Council of the City of Laconia as follows: WHEREAS, the Laconia City Charter, Section 5:06, requires the Council to designate the source of any money appropriated after the budget is adopted; and WHEREAS, on July 18, 2016 the Laconia Police Department applied for a Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in conjunction with the Belknap County Sheriff’s Department. The grant is for $15,714 with the City’s share at $14,550. This grant does not require a municipal or county match and is earmarked for the purchase of police firearms. NOW THEREFORE, the City Manager is hereby authorized, on behalf of the City, to accept and expend the Justice Assistance Grant as described above. This Resolution shall take effect after two readings and upon its passage. Edward Engler, Mayor Passed and approved this ____ day of August, 2016 Mary Reynolds, City Clerk 1 Page 58 of 64 Page 59 of 64 Page 60 of 64 Page 61 of 64 Page 62 of 64 CITY COUNCIL ITEM INFORMATION SHEET DATE SUBMITTED: 7/28/2016 FROM: Mark Haynes, Moderator - Ward 4 SUBJECT: Request to appoint Christopher Reynolds as a Selectman in Ward 4 for a term to expire in November 2021 DISCUSSION: Please see the attached request from Mark Haynes. In accordance with section 2:05 of the City Charter, all vacancies in the office of Selectman are to be filled by the City Council. At this time there are two (2) vacancies for Selectman; one expires in 2017 and one in 2021. REQUESTED ACTION: It is the request to make this appointment this evening so that Mr. Reynolds is eligible to attend Election Official Training before the September 13 Primary Election. Proposed motion: "I move to appoint Christopher Reynolds as a Selectman in Ward 4 for a term to expire in November 2021." ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Appointment Type Backup Material Upload Date 8/2/2016 File Name appointment_letter.pdf Page 63 of 64 Page 64 of 64