GEOBLOCK® System Provides Durable Grassed Pavement for
GEOBLOCK® System Provides Durable Grassed Pavement for
GEOBLOCK® System Provides Durable Grassed Pavement for Special Event Parking at Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh, PA. Project Pictorial Geoblock Unit Turf Topsoil Aggregate / Topsoil Engineered Base Natural Ground GEOBLOCK® Grass Pavement Units: High Strength and Eco-friendly. CLICK HERE FOR 6 SLIDE PER PAGE PRINTER FRIENDLY VERSION Existing sod was cut out from area to receive GEOBLOCK® base and grass paver units 1. The traffic on the Geoblock system rides on top of the structure’s cell walls, protecting top soil from compaction and the vegetative root zone from damage. 2. That load is then distributed across the wide semi-riged paver unit. 1. 2. 3.a 3. The interlocking tab joints transfer the load across adjacent Geoblock units. 3.b 50 50 mm mm (2 (2 in) in) mm 05 )ni 2( 3.c5050(2 mm mm in) (2 in) mm 05 )ni 2( The Presto Geoblock® system offers exceptional aesthetics, permeability, turf protection and load support for pedestrian or vehicle traffic areas. GEOBLOCK® Durable Grass Pavement Units Palletized and delivered to site. Each pallet of light weight units represents 269 sq.ft. Project specific guidance for the engineered base depth was provided by Presto Products based on vehicle loading and usage considerations. 3.28 ft 1.64 ft The Geoblock® system’s recommended engineered base is an aggregate (70%)/topsoil (30%) mix, and provides 5-10 times faster percolation and better storage capacity than typical road gravel. The high performance aspect of the system reduces overall installation costs by requiring far less depth of base than lighterweight or rolled pavement systems. Small equipment and hand tools were used to smooth engineered base surface. A string line and wood stakes were used to keep Geoblock units aligned. The GEOBLOCK units were laid out in a bricklayer pattern. The units were easy to cut with standard equipment where needed. Mechanical reinforcement with screws provides additional resistance to movement or damage from vehicle turning stresses and torsional loads (typically only required around perimeter). The GEOBLOCK® system maximizes load transfer and distribution of wheel loads to 80,000 lbs. through large rigid surface area and strong interlocking connections. Completed Geoblock paved area to be utilized for special event parking. Geoblock prior to infill and vegetation Design strong porous pavements that support H-20 loadings and offer desirable aesthetics of green space. Geoblock grass paving can help reduce land space and costs associated with impervious pavements by infiltrating stormwater and reducing runoff. Cooler pavements minimize the heat island effect. Turf Topsoil Interlocking Tabular Joint Geoblock Aggregate/Topsoil Engineered Base Natural Ground Geoblock’s deep cells protect from topsoil compaction and vegetative damage caused by repeated loadings. The engineered base provides an excellent medium for healthy roots, and grass grows faster reducing wait time to use pavement. CLICK HERE FOR 6 SLIDE PER PAGE PRINTER FRIENDLY VERSION
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