June 17, 2014 - Village of Cary
June 17, 2014 - Village of Cary
MEETING NOTICE Committee of the Whole Tuesday, June 17, 2014 6:30 p.m. @ Cary Village Hall 655 Village Hall Drive Cary, IL 60013 Mark Kownick, Mayor AGENDA I. II. Call to Order Roll Call III. Pledge Of Allegiance IV. Public Comments V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Consideration of the June 3, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Discussion – Fall Festival Contribution Department Updates Discussion by the Committee of the Whole and Future Committee Items Adjourn The Village of Cary is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations so that they can observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the Village’s facilities, should contact Chris Clark, the Village’s ADA Coordinator at (847) 639-0003 [TDD (630) 8452180] promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. June 17, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda Item: Consideration of the June 3, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Type: Review of Minutes Report From: Village Administrator Introduction The following meeting minutes are being presented: • June 3, 2014 Committee of the Whole Action Requested A consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval. Exhibits • Minutes Bragg Aye Nay (Committee of the Whole Action Taken) Chapman Dudek Kaplan Kraus Lukasik Kownick Minutes Committee of the Whole Tuesday, June 3, 2014 6:00 p.m. @ Cary Village Hall 655 Village Hall Drive Cary, IL 60013 I. II. Call to Order This meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: Trustees Kaplan, Bragg and Chapman. Trustee Kraus arrived at 6:02 p.m.; Trustee Dudek arrived at 6:03 p.m. Absent: Trustee Lukasik Others present included Village Clerk Bragg, Village Administrator Clark, Finance Manager Ventrella, Assistant Village Administrator Rife, and Director of Community Development Stilling, Public Works Director Morimoto, Police Chief Finlon and members of the audience per the sign-in sheet. III. Pledge Of Allegiance Mayor Kownick led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. IV. Public Comments None. V. Consideration of the May 20, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Mayor Kownick stated there was an edit made on the last paragraph of Page 2 and to change the name “Bragg” to “Kaplan.” It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board’s June 3, 2014, meeting under “Consent Agenda” approval of the May 20, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes, as amended. Page 2 of 7 Minutes - Committee of the Whole Meeting June 3, 2014 _____________________________________ VI. Discussion – Cary Jewel Director Stilling introduced Mr. Mike Mallon from DK Mallon. Director Stilling stated Mr. Mallon has been retained by the Village to assist with monitoring the property lease status of the Cary Jewel. Mr. Mallon gave a brief summary of his conversations he had with Jewel representatives as well as shopping center ownership representatives at the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) event held two weeks ago in Las Vegas. Mr. Mallon indicated he met with Mr. Dave Hene, Asset Manager at New Albertson’s, which is the parent company of Jewel/Osco. Mr. Mallon expressed to Mr. Hene the Village’s desire to keep Jewel/Osco operating at its current location and to begin talking about the long term plans about this store. Mr. Mallon stated Jewel’s Option Notification will be in September, 2014, and this will be to exercise another five year option that would take their existing lease term and control through April, 2020. Mr. Mallon stated that no decision to exercise that option had yet been made. Mr. Mallon stated the Cary store is in good standing in that they pay good rent (less than $10/sq. ft.), and that the store is profitable. Mr. Mallon stated he believes both the Fox River Grove Jewel/Osco and the Cary Jewel/Osco can be successful. Mr. Mallon stated Mr. Hene will be meeting with Richard Spinell, Principal of MidAmerica, the current leasing agent for the shopping center. This is the firm that has been engaged by the ownership to do the leasing, as well as to do the negotiations with Jewel/Osco moving forward. Mr. Mallon indicated he had a meeting today with Phil Sturtevant who is the owner’s representative and manager of the shopping center. Mr. Mallon stated Mr. Sturtevant wanted to inform the Village Board that ownership is also very committed toward working on a long term deal with Jewel/Osco. Trustee Dudek asked Mr. Mallon for clarification on the term “ownership.” Mr. Mallon stated ownership refers to the Jewel/Osco building and the adjacent retail space, which makes up ownership’s interest of an approximate 90,000 sq. ft. shopping center. Trustee Dudek asked Director Stilling if there are multiple leasing agents handling the different parcels that are owned there. Director Stilling stated MidAmerica has single ownership from the Jewel/Osco to the Ace Hardware store. Mr. Mallon stated he believes Jewel/Osco will exercise the five year option in September but that does not mean that they will operate for the next five years. Page 3 of 7 Minutes - Committee of the Whole Meeting June 3, 2014 _____________________________________ Mr. Mallon stated he also believes Jewel/Osco has several options that go beyond their next option in 2020. Mr. Mallon stated Jewel/Osco is not interested in expanding their store from the existing 48,000 sq. ft. to a prototype, which is approximately 62,000 sq. ft., due to cost. Mr. Mallon indicated he conducted a walk-through of the Cary Jewel and the shopping center. Mr. Mallon feels it is very dated and he feels a remodel is justified. Mr. Mallon stated Jewel/Osco will attempt to leverage their position with ownership and the Village of Cary to achieve some financial advantage, possibly through reduced rent. Mr. Mallon stated Jewel/Osco may look to the Village for financial assistance in regards to doing something longer than a five year option. Mr. Mallon stated recently in the grocery store industry, there has been a decline of market share of Jewel as well as Dominick’s. Mr. Mallon added that there is a continued growth of independent grocers in the marketplace including Mariano’s, Heinen’s, Plum Market, Fresh Time as well as discounters like Wal-Mart, Target, Meier’s and Costco. Mr. Mallon stated other communities have participated in shared sales tax with grocers, provide free land for buying land down to stimulate development, created TIF Districts to stimulate the development, streamlined development or the redevelopment process, waived permits or tap-on costs, approved additional outlots, or modified codes to provide for additional development whether it be with an existing grocer or involved in the shopping center. Mr. Mallon continued by stating some communities have provided tax subsidies for abatements, enterprise zones, or providing below market rent terms. Mr. Mallon stated it is important that if the Village provides any type of assistance, the Village gets something back in return. Mayor Kownick asked Mr. Mallon what the Village’s next best option should be. Mr. Mallon stated he believes Jewel will exercise the next five year option to 2020. Mr. Mallon further stated the Village should be aggressive toward Jewel notifying them the Village wants the store to remain open in Cary. Mayor Kownick asked Mr. Mallon what type of renovation Jewel would consider for the Cary store. Mr. Mallon stated renovation could cost between $1 million and $3.5 million and Cary would have to commit to at least $1.5 million in order to make an impact on that store moving forward. Mr. Mallon suggested new lighting levels and re-merchandising items in the store as upgrades. Page 4 of 7 Minutes - Committee of the Whole Meeting June 3, 2014 _____________________________________ VII. Discussion – Draft Revised Village Code Director Stilling updated the Village Board on the codification process. Director Stilling stated the Village provided MuniCode with 700 ordinance amendments that have occurred since 2001. Director Stilling stated MuniCode digitized the Village Code. Director Stilling stated the Village Code went through a legal review and the Code is now in a redline format. Director Stilling stated one major change was the Village will adopt the Illinois Vehicle Code as it pertains to Title 10. Director Stilling stated once all the comments are reconciled, the Code will go back to MuniCode for finalization before the Village Board considers the adoption. Trustee Dudek asked Director Stilling what happens when the Comprehensive Plan is complete. Director Stilling stated once the Comprehensive Plan is complete, staff is going to have a comprehensive review of the zoning ordinance to ensure it complies with the new recommendations that are going to be proposed in the Comprehensive Plan. Director Stilling stated MuniCode would then upload any changes that were recommended by the Village. Trustee Kaplan stated that he is pleased to see the Village Code being updated and put on the website. VIII. Discussion - Police Department Tasers Mayor Kownick stated this item was budgeted for and that there were questions on the implementation, training, etc. of tasers. Chief Finlon stated the implementation of tasers as a use of force option was proposed for the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Budget. Chief Finlon provided a background in regards to use of force and described the use of force options a police officer may consider. Chief Finlon stated the Police Department selected tasers because they are effective and IRMA supports tasers as a risk management tool. Chief Finlon stated tasers reduce exposure to injury to both the offender and the police officer. Chief Finlon stated the use of tasers would be implemented by following IRMA guidelines. Chief Finlon stated there would be significant training of at least eight hours. Chief Finlon stated the Village will maintain a record of all the implementations of the taser so they can be reviewed by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training & Standards Board. Trustee Kaplan asked if the two barbs from the taser make a person bleed. Chief Finlon stated yes, but it is minimal. Page 5 of 7 Minutes - Committee of the Whole Meeting June 3, 2014 _____________________________________ Trustee Kaplan asked if the police officers in training will feel the effect of the taser. Chief Finlon stated IRMA discourages the use of volunteers during training. Chief Finlon stated IRMA suggests officers fire the darts and touch the darts instead. Trustee Kaplan asked if the officers are supportive of the use of tasers. Chief Finlon stated that he believes the officers are supportive. Trustee Kraus asked for clarification why this item is not being voted on because he considers this a policy change. Trustee Kraus noted the Strategic Plan was voted on and was under the Village Administrator’s purchasing authority of $20,000. Administrator Clark indicated he wanted to ensure tasers were brought back up for discussion. Trustee Kraus stated a few months ago he asked if the tasers were going to be voted on and that Administrator Clark indicated they were. Administrator Clark stated he did not attempt to try and circumvent any process. Administrator Clark indicated, from a purchasing policy standpoint, the tasers were under $20,000 and the purchasing policy was followed. Administrator Clark stated this is a sole source purchase and that policy was followed. Administrator Clark further stated he needs to communicate more with the Board regarding voting on any future purchases that involve the Village’s Purchasing Policy. Trustee Chapman stated he felt it was important that the Village Board discussed the tasers as this is a policy decision that affects the Village and its residents. IX. Department Updates – Community Development and Finance Finance – Finance Manager Ventrella summarized the May 2014 Financial Update for the Committee. Finance Manager Ventrella stated all departments completed performance evaluations for non-union staff members. Finance Manager Ventrella stated wage adjustments were reflected as of May 1 for the beginning of the new Fiscal Year. Finance Manager Ventrella added that both Administration and Finance staff had completed extensive analysis on the annual health, dental and vision insurance renewals and staff is currently processing all rate changes for the next payroll effective July 1 through June 30. Finance Manager Ventrella indicated on May 22, a preliminary planning meeting was held with auditors from McGladrey to lay out the audit schedule and plan. The week of June 16th will be the week of the preliminary audit fieldwork. Page 6 of 7 Minutes - Committee of the Whole Meeting June 3, 2014 _____________________________________ Community Development – Director Stilling reminded the Committee of the continuance of the Pedcor Public Hearing on June 5th. This Special ZPA meeting will be held at the Cary Park District to accommodate audience members and signs will be posted at Village Hall and the Park District. Director Stilling stated the two workshops have been completed for the Comprehensive Plan. Director Stilling outlined the next steps in the process: Houseal & Lavigne will create a draft document, with completion anticipated within the next few months; The Steering Committee will meet to review the draft document; The document will go before multiple Public Open Houses in the Village; The document will go before the Zoning Board of Appeals for consideration; and the Comprehensive Plan will go before the Village Board for consideration. Director Stilling indicated the goal is to have this process complete in fall 2014. Director Stilling indicated Officer Tim Kelly has assisted the Development Department with projects as he is on light duty. Director Stilling stated one of the projects Officer Kelly assisted with was updating the Business List database. Director Stilling stated there will be a marketing brochure created. Director Stilling indicated this will be mailed to the newly updated Business list database and used as a handout to realtors, the Chamber and potential new businesses. Director Stilling stated he will add regional data to the brochure. Director Stilling asked for any edits by next Monday before it is printed as a final. Director Stilling stated the West Lake Shopping Center went to auction last week and is under contract. Director Stilling stated he has given a number of tours through the Wool Street building with some interest seen. Director Stilling stated the Cary Pub is currently under contract. At the Board Meeting on June 17th, a façade grant will be discussed regarding the Cary Pub. Director Stilling indicated building permit activity has seen a significant increase of late. Since 2005, May 2014 has been the busiest month so far. As of last Friday morning, there have been 154 building permits issued, with 15-20 building permits issued daily. There were 90 over-the-counter permits issued in May. Director Stilling stated Swiss Automation broke ground recently. Director Stilling stated Cary Animal Hospital has submitted drawings and construction will begin soon. Page 7 of 7 Minutes - Committee of the Whole Meeting June 3, 2014 _____________________________________ Administrator Clark read an email from a Brittany Woods resident regarding their disappointment that backyard chickens are not allowed in the Village. Administrator Clark stated the email continued with the resident asking if the Village would consider allowing backyard chickens on a trial basis. Trustee Chapman asked for background on raising chickens and bees in backyards. The consensus of the Committee was to discuss raising chickens in backyards at a future meeting. X. XI. Discussion by the Committee of the Whole and Future Committee Items None. Adjourn There being no further items to discuss, a MOTION was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 p.m. MOTION: Trustee Chapman SECOND: Trustee Kaplan The Voice Vote noted all ayes and the motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Julie Novak, Deputy Village Clerk Nancy Bragg, Village Clerk June 17, 2014 Committee of the Whole Agenda Item: Fall Festival Contribution Type: Discussion Background The Village is seeking to assist the Chamber of Commerce with planning and funding the Fall Festival which is planned for September 27 and 28. The Chamber has selected Big Buzz Idea Group to provide the management oversight for the event. The Chamber is currently working to develop a Fall Festival Committee to help organize the event. Staff Analysis As part of the fiscal year 2014/2015 budget, the Village budgeted $20,000 to provide funding assistance for the Fall Festival. The Village is proposing to provide the Chamber with two separate contributions of $10,000. It is the Village’s intent that these funds would be used for the Big Buzz Idea Group management fee and funding for the bands. Upon approval by the Village Board, the Village will provide the first $10,000 contribution to the Chamber. A separate payment of $10,000 is expected to be made in mid-August. Action Requested A consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval of a $20,000 contribution to the Chamber of Commerce for purposes of the Fall Festival. Exhibits A. Draft Fall Festival Budget B. Draft Letter to the Chamber C. Fall Festival Location Map D. Email Regarding First Fall Festival Steering Committee Meeting Exhibit A Exhibit B [DATE] Mr. Brad Ball, Executive Director Cary Grove Area Chamber of Commerce 445 Park Avenue Cary, IL 60013 Re: Fall Festival Contribution Dear Mr. Ball: The Village of Cary looks forward to participating and assisting the Chamber with the first annual Fall Festival. The Village feels this is another great community event that will bring residents and visitors into the Village’s downtown district. The Village appreciates the Chamber taking the lead on planning the Fall Festival. To help assist with the event, the Village Board has approved a $20,000 contribution to the Chamber to help cover costs associated with the event. The Village will provide two separate contributions in the amount of the $10,000. The Village proposes that this donation be allocated towards a portion of the management fee for Big Buzz Entertainment and to help cover costs associated with the bands. No amount of this contribution should be for any cost subsidy of alcoholic beverage sale at the event. The Village looks forward to working with the Chamber and other community groups to plan a successful Fall Festival event. Sincerely, Village of Cary Christopher Clark Village Administrator Exhibit C Fest Fest Site Site Copyright Copyright County County of of McHenry McHenry 2014. 2014. All information is provided 'as-is' All information is provided 'as-is' with with no no guarantee of accuracy, completeness, or currency. guarantee of accuracy, completeness, or currency. Page 1 of 1 Exhibit D Department Updates Village of Cary :: Public Works Department Public Works At a Glance... Monthly Report May/June 2014 CARMAGEDDON !?! Earlier work by AT&T as part of a utility service installation along Route 14 near Spring Beach Way resulted in a gas main break that westbound caused traffic to be reduced to one lane for nearly 12 hours. Public Works crews set up emergency traffic control and manually staffed the intersection to ensure that traffic from the dead-end side street could safely maneuver. AT&T's contractor did not provide a relief crew for the traffic control, forcing the Village to keep the work zone manned until nearly midnight. AT&T will be sent a request for reimbursement. Note that this utility work is unrelated to the Village's Jandus Cutoff project. Jandus Cutoff Work Officially Begins Improvements to Jandus Cutoff are now in full swing! This month, work began on the initial preparation for the realignment of the street. Temporary concrete pavement was poured and underground utility work began. Staff is coordinating with the contractor and our on-site resident engineer to help ensure that the disruptions to traffic are managed as well as possible, while maintaining steady progress on the construction work. Visit the department's Flickr page or the Construction page on the Cary website for updates. Spring Tree Plantings Completed Due to the impacts on nursery stock from the severe winter, certain species of trees for this year's replacement program were not available. Staff coordinated with the nursery companies to try and locate the original list of selected species, but was able to secure desirable alternatives that still add diversity to our urban forest. 48 trees were planted in one week and marked one of the first steps to help mitigate some of the devastation that the Emerald Ash Borer has had on nearly every community in the area, including Cary. Staff is on pace to complete the stump grinding from the nearly 800 ash trees removed by the contractor in the previous fiscal year. Work to begin marking and cataloging the remaining ash trees in the Village right of way that will be removed later this year will start soon. Newly Planted Tree From This Year's Replacement Program MAY/JUN '14 BY THE NUMBERS... ENGINEERING UPDATE 2014 ROAD & WATER DISTRIBUTION IMPROVEMENTS: Design was completed this past month, approved by IDOT, and sent out for bid. As the lowest bid is approximately 11% over the engineer's estimate and above the budgeted funding level, staff worked with the designer to recommend which elements of the original scope to phase as future improvements and keep the construction costs under budget. Work is expected to begin sometime in July and be completed by the end of October. SUNSET-CREST UPDATE: Staff received initial feedback from IEMA and has coordinated with Christopher B. Burke Engineering to determine some steps that could be prepared in case FEMA and IEMA release the formal approval of the HMGP grant to buyout some of the flood prone properties. Staff has identified potential property appraisal firms and will be able to move forward with requests for proposals quickly upon approval of the grant. UTILITIES UPDATE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT INSPECTION: Conducted the annual inspection with the IEPA on May 29. Results are expected later this summer but initial reaction appears to be favorable. PLUNGER PUMP REPAIRS: Staff performed in-house repairs to some of the treatment plant's plunger pumps, saving significant costs for an outside repair and avoiding any major operation impact on operations. 35 804 250 32 309 31 364 65 Iperl Water Meters Installed Water Treatment Related Analysis Tree Removal Sites Fire Hydrants Inspected JULIE Locates Processed Water Related Service Requests Brush Piles Chipped (May) Vehicle Maintenance Tasks (Emergency & Routine) WATER MAIN BREAKS: Two water main breaks occurred this past month. The first break occurred on Margaret Terrace and was addressed by the contractor for the 2013 road program under warranty. The second break was along Pearl Street, in an area that will be replaced with the 2014 road program. OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE UPDATE SPECIAL EVENT SUPPORT: The summer season kicked off with the first Cary Cruise Night in the downtown. Staff coordinated with the Chamber of Commerce to install new banners and provide cones/barricades for the road closures. LANDSCAPING: Spring landscape work wrapped up with the placement of mulch on Village property and right-of-way, flower plantings, installation of downtown baskets and planters, and other miscellaneous cleanup work. In addition to the routine landscape work at Village Hall, a dead tree was removed and damaged areas of the entry sidewalk and curb were replaced. VILLAGE HALL HVAC REPAIRS: Mechanical issues to the aging HVAC system occurred, resulting in the need to replace a major compressor component to one of the four rooftop AC units. Interim repairs were made by a contractor and pricing is being secured for the permanent fix. Cruise Night!