- Immaculate Conception Parish Elmhurst


- Immaculate Conception Parish Elmhurst
Immaculate Conception Parish Bulletin
The Baptism of the Lord, January 10, 2016
If you are new to our church or just visiting, please stop and introduce yourself.
We are pleased to have you share in this celebration of the Eucharist. If you do not
have a church home, or your church is not a home to you, we invite you to become
part of our parish family. We are so glad you’re here and hope you will come back
again for Mass or become a parishioner.
Staff Directory
A Message from
Father Tom
Today’s Readings &
Readings for the Week
Mass Intentions
Prayer Intentions
Coming Events
Marriage Enrichment
Religious Education
Grade School
High School
Music Mnistry
Memorial Opportunities
Christian Service
Weekly Sharing
Lector Schedule
We the people of Immaculate Conception Parish are Christians who worship and glorify God as a
sign of our faith. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we proclaim our faith to the world through prayer,
education, concern, and service to our community. By participating in the sacraments and giving of our
time, talent and treasure, we help to make Christ present and share God’s love in our community and
the world around us.
Presider Schedule
Respect Life
The Baptism of the Lord
134 Arthur St.
Elmhurst, IL 60126
January 10, 2016
Please visit our website at
Parish Office: (630 530-8515
Fax: (630) 530-9346
Catholic Charities
Parish Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 8:30 a.m. ~ 4:30 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. ~ 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 530-8515 Fax: 530-9346
Website: www.icelmhurst.org
Please click on “New to IC?” on our parish website homepage or call the 530-8515 for more information.
Please call Linda Grisolia for information (530-8991).
Please call Linda Grisolia at least 6 months in advance (530-8991).
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Monday-Friday By Appointment Only; Saturday: 4:00-4:45PM
Bulletin submissions, please e-mail bulletin@icelmhurst.org . Deadline is
Friday 12:00 Noon, nine (9) days prior to bulletin date. Special Early Deadlines may apply.
To reserve a room in one of our campus buildings, please email calendar@icelmhurst.org.
Thank You!
The Baptism of the Lord
January 10, 2016
Masses on Friday, January 15, will be at 6:15 and 8:15 am.
Dear Friends in Christ,
The Great Feast we celebrate today is the Baptism of the Lord. When John
baptized Jesus, a great change occurred in His life. Jesus now began His
public ministry. He would no longer simply be the son of a carpenter. Now He
would begin to fulfill His true purpose for coming to the Earth. Christ was
truly man and also truly God.
As followers of Christ, our relationships with Him began when we were
baptized. Baptism is the doorway into the Church. Through it we become
members of the family of God. We thankfully receive the Holy Spirit and are
cleansed of sin. Our relationship with Christ begins in an everlasting way.
The Baptism of Christ encourages us to be grateful for our own experience of
Baptism. I encourage you to remember when this important event happened in
your life. It would also be a good idea to celebrate this anniversary each year.
You might also consider contacting your Godparents or even Godchildren, if you have them. Also consider
reconnecting with your Baptism experience through pictures and other memorabilia that you might have.
Thank you for all of your generosity throughout the Christmas Season. So many members of our parish
contributed in numerous ways to help us to truly celebrate the Birth of Christ. May 2016 be a time of many
blessings for our parish. We are very blessed in the Holy Year of Mercy to be one of the nine Pilgrimage
Churches in the Joliet Diocese. 2016 also is a special year of celebration for Immaculate Conception as we mark
the 140th anniversary of our founding.
As a Church on January 11, we return to Ordinary Time. You might consider leaving your Nativity Scene
displayed in your homes until February 2. It is the European tradition to have the Crib displayed for 40 days
until the Lord was presented in the Temple.
Sincerely in Christ,
Merry Christmas! Share that cheerful greeting with some folks today. They may wonder if you have had any Elvis
sightings lately, attended Star Trek conventions, or were Cleopatra in a previous lifetime. Despite the skeptics, today is
solidly within the Christmas season. In fact, in some strands of the Christian tradition it represents the clearest
manifestation of the mystery of the Incarnation. On Christmas Day, for example, the Gospel reading is the Prologue of
John’s Gospel, which reveals the glory of Christ shining through our humanity precisely in his baptism.
At any rate, this is an ancient feast, celebrated first in Egypt sixteen centuries ago. More than most other ancient
people, the Egyptians understood the life giving properties of water. On this day, they drew water from the Nile, so
central in the history of their people, and reserved it in honor. Many other places copied the custom, so that St. John
Chrysostom wrote of people in Antioch gathering at midnight to collect flowing water into vessels they brought from
home since “today there is a blessing on the water.” At home for dinner tonight, decorate the table with beautiful bowls
of water and white candles, toast one another with goblets of sparkling water, and light a Christmas candle in the
window one last time.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The Baptism of the Lord
January 10, 2016
W or s h ip
Welcome to the Word
First Reading — Isaiah speaks of the Servant whom the
Lord upholds; he shall bring forth justice to the nations
(Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11.
Psalm — The Lord will bless his people with peace
(Psalm 29) or Psalm 104.
Second Reading — Jesus was anointed by God with the
Holy Spirit; he went out healing and doing good (Acts
10:34-38) or Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7.
Gospel — A voice comes from heaven proclaiming Jesus
as the beloved Son, with whom God is well pleased
(Luke 3:15-16, 21-22).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for
Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the
Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 1:14-20
1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd;
Mk 1:21-28
Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10;
Mk 1:29-39
Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25;
Mk 1:40-45
1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk
Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7;
Mk 2:13-17
Is 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11;
Jn 2:1-11
The Baptism of the Lord
First Week in Ordinary Time
Wednesday: St. Hilary
Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary
Congratulations to
Jennifer Koch
Thomas Muisenga
Married December 31, 2015
at Immaculate Conception Church
Masses for the Week
6:15AM—†Stanley & Genevieve Gasiciel/Family
†Joseph & Stephanie Gawlik/ Family
7:30AM—†Marian Wagner/Hugh & MaryBeth McLean
6:15AM—†Lawrence & Mary Cygan/Family
7:30AM—In Thanksgiving/Olivia Gow
6:15AM—†Leopold & Caroline Kertz/Family
†Frank Cygan/Family
7:30AM—†Beth Bache/Schleiter Family
6:15AM—†Marion & Joseph Kertz/Family
7:30AM—†Betty Groom/Tomaciewicz Family
6:15AM—†Rose Beales
8:15AM—†James Dolan/GS Faculty, Staff & Students
8:00AM—†Sean McQuaid/Dolores McQuaid
5:15PM—In Thanksgiving
7:30AM—†Russ Zanghi/Betty McCarthy
9:00AM—†Tom Revane/Family
11:30AM—Parish Family
5:15PM—† Christine Farley
The Baptism of the Lord
January 10, 2016
Stewardship of Our Prayer for...
Anzuini-Moctezuma, Mary
Bank, Helen
Bennett, Brad
Brooks, Reggie
Cada, Dawn
Cooper, Mary
Cosgrove, James
Cosgrove, Joan
Cronin, Richard
Donohue, John
Ewald, Peter
Frer, Mike
Genthe, Candice
Genthe, Wesley
Giacobbe, Michael
Gonzales, Leah
Hogan, Joan
Howard, Cathy
Kubiesa, Keith
Lahey, Tom
Main, Diane
McGinley, Eileen
Olsen, Cheryll
Prancer, Mark
Ratliff, Kathleen
Rife, Maureen
Riley, Sue
Rogers, Jackie
Ruiz, Joseph
Ruiz-Block, Vanessa
Salerno, Madeline
Thiltgen, Mary
Thoman, Linda Cozza
Tomko, Lori
Virzi, Richard
Williams, Judy
Wisbrock, Irene
Wohlers, Lois
Prayers for Our Troops
Please remember recently deceased family, friends
and parishioners in your prayers.
Grant them eternal rest and may your
light shine on them forever.
†Roger Schmith,
husband of Barbara Schmith
Francesca Demaria & Christopher Kelly
Rosalia Calderone & Michael Bledsoe
Christine Picchietti & Marco Spinelli
Nentzin Esinoza & David Vejcik
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families
For the selfless acts they perform for us
in our time of need. And give us peace.
I ask this in the name of Jesus,
Our Lord and Savior. Amen
2016 E
Lt. Joe Doyle, US Army,
Son of Deb and Tom Doyle
1st Lt. Ryan Kenny, USMC,
Son of Mary Beth Kenny
Staff Sgt. Melinda Jolly, USMC
Daughter of Linda and Tom Makinney
Pvt. Jeffery Crones, US Ar my,
Grandson of Joan Leyden
Cpl. Ben Gieser, USMC,
Son of Monica and William Gieser
Specialist Jonathan M. Pichler, US Ar my,
Son of Ginny & Mark Gronek,
Grandson of Catherine Young
Capt. Andrew Smyrnios, USAF,
Brother of Stephanie Alfini
Airman 1st Class, Nick Lezza, USAF,
ICHS Class of 2003
Recruit Garrett Gong, USMC
LCpl. Ben Bright, USMC
Friend of the Genthe Family
Capt. Jeffrey Robbins, USMC,
Son of Barb & Larry Robbins,
Grandson of Georgiana Ryan
Maj. Kevin Mott, 101st Air bor ne, US Ar my
Nephew of Greg & Mary Pat Vanderlaan
Paul Hornstra, USMC, ICHS Class of 2009
Son of Paul and Dawn Hornstra
Pvt. Patrick O’Hara, USMC
Nephew of Francis & Sheila O’Hara
Cpl. Brittney Young , US Ar my
Cousin of Denise and John Doherty
LTJG Joe Shannon, US Navy
Son of John & Maria Shannon
Petty Officer Alexander Fisette, US Navy
Son of Beth & Ed Fisette
1st Lt. Alex Hossfeld, US Ar my
Nephew of Ed & Jan Dorner
Pvt. Matthew R. Mundle, USMC
Grandson of Rudolph & Evelyn Mundle
The Baptism of the Lord
January 10, 2016
Weekly Calendar
Daily Masses are celebrated in the Church Monday through Thursday at 6:15 am and 7:30 am,
Fridays when there is a school mass, masses will be held at 6:15 am 8:15 am
Saturday at 8:00 am
Monday, January 11
3:30 pm—4:30
6:30 pm
ICGS/ICCP Teachers Gathering
GS School Board Meeting
Agnesian Room
Media Center
Tuesday, January 12
8:00 am
1:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Lectio Divina
ICCP Early Dismissal
Parish Finance Committee Meeting
Parish Council Meeting
Resource Room
Media Center
Resource Room
ICGS Junior Choir Rehearsal
Bible Study
GS Science Fair
Religious Education Classes
GS Parents Club Meeting
Resource Room
Plunkett Hall
GS/HS Classrooms
Agnesian Room
Operation Andrew Dinner
Parish Choir Rehearsal
Marian Room
Friday, January 15
8:15 am
Grade School Mass
Saturday, January 16
8:00 am
8:30 am
5:15 pm
Bible Study
Resource Room
Wednesday, January 13
7:25 am—7:50 am
9:30 am
3:15 pm—6:00 pm
5:10 pm—6:15 pm
7:00 pm
Thursday, January 14
6:00 pm
7:00 pm—9:00 pm
Sunday, January 17
7:30 am
8:30 am
9:00 am
10:15 am
11:30 am
5:15 pm
RCIA Journey
Resource Room
Chapel-Children’s Church
Spiritual Classics
Media Center
being held on Sunday,
JANUARY 24, 2016 from
7:30 to 1:30 in Plunkett Hall.
The experience of grief is different for everyone. There
are, however, common denominators for all of us.
Beginning on Wednesday, January 27, 2016 and
continuing for six Wednesdays, Immaculate Conception
will offer a bereavement support group for anyone
mourning the loss of a loved one. Sessions will begin
promptly at 7:00 PM in the PAC/Rectory.
If you would like to share, understand and process your
grief, please join us. Please call Pam at 530-3497 to
reserve a space. All are welcome!
Sign-up is next weekend January 16/17 in the
narthex. You may also sign up online at
www.lifesource.org Our code is EH07.
Blood cannot be manufactured; it can only come as a
gift from people. Please consider sharing a life-giving
resource! Invite family and friends to give, as well.
Cancer restrictions, diabetes and tattoo laws have
been updated so you may be newly eligible. Please
call LifeSource at 847-543-3768 for details.
The Baptism of the Lord
January 10, 2016
“It’s Your Lucky Knight”
Calling all IC men!
Your 2016 IC men’s “Faith Break’
is next weekend, Jan 16-17!
$50,000 Grand Prize
One $3,000 Prize
Two $1,000 Prizes
Four $500 Prizes
Five $200 Prizes
Grand Prize Drawing February 5th at
ICGS Dinner Dance
Purchase tickets after mass
TODAY or online at
While you are watching the NFL playoffs
this weekend, take a minute to think about
your Faith.
Could you take some time next weekend for
your family, yourself and your God?
Join other IC men for a well deserved
‘Faith Break’. Your experience will renew
your Faith, last the whole year and maybe
even change your life. .
Tickets are $100 each and can be shared by a
Proceeds benefit ICGS.
For more information or to register for next
week’s IC Men’s CRHP renewal, click the
CRHP tab at
Raffle presented by ICGS Parents’ Club and
underwritten by our generous
Ultimate Sponsors:
And for the women of IC;
coming in three weeks!
~ 2016 Women’s weekend: January 30-31 ~
Widowed Men & Women
Are you looking for a way to become
Joyful again?
Consider attending the Joyful Again!
retreat/workshop being held on
January 16/17 at Our Lady of the
Angels House of Prayer (located in
Lemont on Alvernia Manor’s
campus). Being widowed is a special loss, and our
program is designed to help the widowed find hope & joy
again in life.
Includes overnight and meals. Space is limited, so
please register early. Contact the Joyful Again Widowed
Ministry at 708-354-7211 for further information.
The Baptism of the Lord
January 10, 2016
The Council of Catholic Women invite all the ladies in the parish to our January Meeting. It will be held on
Wednesday, January 27th at 7 pm in Monsignor Plunkett Hall. It will be a cupcake decorating event. Each participant
will receive four cupcakes and learn how to decorate them. The class will be taught by a Wilton expert. The cost will be
$20 with most of the money being donated to Upendo Village.
Upendo Village is a project designed by Kenyans to respond at the local level to the needs of Kenyans living with HIV/
AIDS. It has a partnership with the Assumption Sisters of Nairobi, and the Wheaton Franciscan Sisters. Clients are
surrounded with loving care and programs that improve their health and give them hope.
Come out for a fun evening, learning a new skill and helping the Upendo Village project.
R.S.V.P – Jennifer Morrissey at tjmjlm445@yahoo.com or 630-776-2330
Gretchen Meurer at gkmeuer@hotmail.com or 630-440-2710
“10 Ways to Really LOVE your Valentine”
February 12, 2016
Friday, 7-10 pm
Ascension of Our Lord Parish,
1 S 314 Summit Ave Oakbrook Terrace
Join other married couples from your parish and neighboring parishes for a
Valentine’s Day date and walk away with new concrete ways to connect and love
your spouse.
Wine, cheese, and program.
Cost - $25 per couple prior to January 31, 2016
$30 per couple February 1, 2016 and after.
To register, send your name, parish, phone number and check
payable to Immaculate Conception
(indicate Marriage Enrichment Event in Memo section of your check)
Marriage Enrichment Ministry
Immaculate Conception Parish, Kathy Kiebala, Accounting Manager
134 Arthur St., Elmhurst, IL 60126
Sponsored by:
Marriage Enrichment Ministry (MEM) of the Eastern DuPage Deanery.
The mission of this NEW marriage ministry is to support and encourage married couples to celebrate and strengthen
their relationships. Our goal is to provide opportunities and events for couples to experience practical ways to deepen
their marriage emotionally and spiritually.
If you have any questions or are interested in helping the Planning Committee for this first MEM event, please contact
us at EasternDuPageDeaneryMEM@gmail.com
The Baptism of the Lord
January 10, 2016
Religious Ed uca tion 53 0 348 3
January 10
January 24
January 13
January 20
January 27
January 10
January 17
January 24
RE News
Thank you to the 5th graders and their families who joined us for the 9 am 5th Grade Family Liturgy this morning.
Sunday Religious Education 5th graders will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation this morning in the Chapel during
the regularly scheduled Rel. Ed. class time. Fifth graders in the Wednesday Religious Education class will celebrate the
Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday January 13 in the Church during Rel. Ed. class. Fifth graders are encouraged
to review the Act of Contrition and to examine their consciences in preparation for participating in this sacrament.
The DuPage Deaneries Annual Catechist Institute welcomes Carol M. Eipers, D. Min .
The topic : Catholicism: Our Pride & Joy
When :
Wednesday February 3, 2016 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
St. Petronille Glen Ellyn, IL
All Catechists and Catechist Assistants are invited and encouraged to attend this important gathering. A perfect way to
complete some professional development hours and share with other Catechists in our Deanery.
RSVP to Josephine or Sr. Mary Francis by January 20 please!
The celebration of a sacrament is always one that involves our whole Church Family. In order to support our 8th Grade
RE and ICGS we ask members of our I. C. Parish family to pray for our Confirmation Candidates from both our
Religious Education and Grade School. You will find prayer cards with a candidate’s name in a basket in the Narthex
on the weekends of January 30 & 31 and Feb. 6 and 7. Please take one and pray to the Holy Spirit as our Candidates
prepare to receive the sacrament on April 16, 2016. If you choose to send a card or note to the student, please send it to
the Rectory and put “Attention RE Office” and the student’s name and we will forward it to the student. It will mean a
great deal to our Candidates to know you are praying for them.
Spiritual Classics Discussion Group
Bernard of Clairvaux is one of the world’s great contemplatives, influencing St. Francis of Assisi, St. Francis de Sales,
St. Ignatius and others. Join us in the Media Center starting January 10 for an 8-session discussion of his Selected
Works. We meet on Sundays from 10:15 to 11:15 am
Please purchase the Classics of Western Spirituality edition of the text prior to our first meeting. For further
information, contact Len Hohbein at 708-544-7928 or lenhohbein@aol.com.
10 The Baptism of the Lord
Immaculate Conception Grade School, 530-3490
January 10, 2016
IC Catholic Prep 530-3460
A Tradition of Faith, Family, and
Academic Excellence
Congratulations to all of our ICGS Band members
who participated in a collaborative Christmas
concert in December. Pictured are two members
of our ICGS Band.
ICGS Open House
New Student Registration
Sunday, January 31st
11am to 1pm
In the School Building
The ICCP National Honor Society members led a toy
drive between Thanksgiving and Christmas break in
hopes of bringing a little extra joy to some families in
need this holiday season. Donation baskets were placed
in classrooms and students were asked to bring in new,
unwrapped toy donations. NHS leaders also collected
cash to be used to purchase even more toys for the ICCP
donation. The ICCP “Santa’s Helpers” loaded up cars
and minivans with boxes of goodies after school and
personally delivered over $2,000 worth of toys to the
Toy Express main facility. This past weekend the Toy
Please bring student’s
Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate,
Social Security Card &
$100 Deposit
If you would like to schedule a
personal tour, please call Mrs. Sheila
Wachholder at 630-530-3486.
Express gave the toys to 96 families who came to the
store to pick out toys for their kids.
The ICGS Science Fair will be held on Wednesday, January 13, 2016 in Plunkett Hall. We have
54 seventh grade students that need projects judged. Projects are independently judged against a set
of objective scientific criteria. We are looking for more volunteers to judge projects in the areas of
consumer science, biology, chemistry, physics, behavioral health, etc. The fair begins at 3:15 and
will run until approximately 6:00PM.
If you would like further information about being a Science Fair Judge, please call the school office
at 30-530-3490. Thank you in advance for helping to provide this opportunity for our students
The Baptism of the Lord
January 10, 2016
Thank you to all who shared
their musical gifts with us this Christmas!
Maggie Dahlberg, Roger Dickman, Victor Moreno
Eva, Gina Marie, Holly & Melanie Hughes, Erin Lee, Brianna Maki, Robert McNeily,
Alexandra Nowakowski, Camille Steahly
Margaret FioRito (violin), Ella Lee (violin), Matt Lee (trumpet), Grace (viola), Liz & John
(violin) Mazzocco, Meg Sullivan (violin), Rick Temple (trumpet)
Parish Choir:
Jim Flatley, Carmine Grisolia, Brianna Maki, Judy Michalski, Joan Obial, Joe Thornton
Children’s Choir:
Andrea Alcaraz, Mia Barton, Ari Bolt, Brooke (assistant) & Ella Conkle, Natalie Denekas,
Marguerite DiMarco, Meghan Farnan, Lauren Fisher, Jenin Gabato, Addy Gannon, Patrick
Gilboy, Enya Gildea, Emma Giura, Alina & Tyler Hayes, Clare, Grace & Keira Kapsch,
Samantha Lara, Cassie Levy, Ava Lisanti, Clare McQuade, Evelyn Mulvihill, Olivia Nybo,
Mina Reichwald, Sophia Smith, Ariana & Francesca Spizzirri, Paolo Tobiano, Luke Walega,
Olivia Walsh, Jenna Wasco, Chloe Wetterquist, Roberto Williamson, Lauren Wilson,
Eva Wojcik, Regan Wright
4pm Chapel Prelude:
Payton & Will Bryk (piano), Marguerite & Stephanie DiMarco (piano), Ella (violin) & Erin
(voice) Lee, Ariana Spizzirri (piano), Chloe Wetterquist (guitar) & Lauren Wilson (voice)
Memorial Opportunities
Memorial Opportunities—Stained Glass Windows
At this time, we have only one stained glass window available as listed below. Don’t miss out on
this opportunity to honor your loved ones.
St. Matthias
If you are interested in any of the opportunities listed above,
please contact Kathy Kiebala, 630 530-8848 or kkiebala@icelmhurst.org
12 The Baptism of the Lord
January 10, 2016
Christian Service
Our most needed items this
week are milk, eggs and
cheese, pancake mix, flour,
sugar, vegetable oil,
pasta sauce, canned fruit,
coffee, skillet dinners, soup,
laundry detergent and dish soap.
Prayer for Blessed Service
Dear God, let your will for me be known.
Use me, oh God, as your creation.
When a kind word needs to be spoken,
use my voice.
When a load needs to be lifted, use my back.
When a hug needs to be given, use my arms.
When a journey needs to be taken, use my feet.
When a message needs to be delivered,
use my mind.
When a friend needs to be loved, use my heart.
In all things, in all ways,
use me, God, as your instrument of love,
faith, peace and tranquility.
-Journey with Spirit ©2002-2010
Vicky Thompson
Remember that you may drop food off at the PAC/
Rectory during normal business hours. Our faith is
reflected most strongly in our actions to help the most
vulnerable, especially those who hunger. "Love of
neighbor is inseparable from love for
God." Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1878
Immaculate Conception
Transitional Housing for
the Homeless
Annual Appeal / 2015
Please prayerfully consider
responding to the needs of
the homeless. 100% of your
donation is used for rent
and utilities. We need your financial support to
continue this outreach to homeless families. May
God bless you abundantly for your generosity.
Please remit donations to IC Daybreak of Elmhurst,
P. O. Box 2033, Elmhurst, IL 60126
Grace Café
…..is being sponsored by IC Parish on February 8,
2016. We are in need of men, women and students
(looking for service hours) who can spend an hour or
two helping to set up, serve or clean up. We also need
people to prepare parts of the meal. Grocery gift cards
to purchase items for our dinner would be greatly
appreciated. Please contact Pam at 530-397 for
additional information.
IC will offer a Protecting God’s
Children workshop on
Wednesday, January 20,
2016 at 6:30 PM in the
Resource Room of the PAC/
Rectory. To register, please
access www.dioceseofjoliet.org
and go to the Protecting
Children website. Any adult
who works with minors in the parish setting must attend
this class.
Please call 630-530-3497 for further information.
We are in need of men, women and students (looking for service hours) who can spend
an hour or two helping to cook, serve or clean up. We are also in need of people to
prepare parts of the meal. Jewel and/or Mariano’s gift cards to purchase items for our
dinner would be greatly appreciated. Please use the following link to sign-up:
http://www.PerfectPotluck.com Coordinator name is King and the password is gc2016.
Please contact Roy at 630-279-4024with additional questions.
The Baptism of the Lord
January 10, 2016
Stewardship of Treasure
Stewardship of Time
Weekly Sharing
Lectors and Servers for Next Weekend
December 26 & 27, 2015
Sunday Envelopes Total:
$ 25,149.08
Electronic Offerings:
$ 11,291.50
Total Gifts:
$ 36,440.58
(Includes $216 of Capital Improvement Donations)
Number of Electronic Offerings:
Number of registered households:
Amount Budgeted Per Week:
$ 28,814.00
Thank You in His Name!
JANUARY 16 & 17
11:3 0
David/Deacon Keith
Tom/Deacon Keith
Jan 16,
5:15 PM
Jan 17,
7:30 AM
Jan 17,
9:00 AM
Jan 17,
11:30 AM
Jan 17,
5:15 PM
A. Paprocki (1) M. Loch (1)
T. Paprocki (2) J. Hilgart (2)
L. Reilly (3)
T. Lamborn (4)
D. Diks, T. Wedell
S. Scott, M. Ryan
J. Korinek, R. Spizzirri
M. Ashton (1)
R. Cello (2)
T. Sloan (1)
O. Buscemi (2)
J. Geiger (3)
M. Hilgart (4)
J. Kenneally
R. Kenneally
A. Chiappetta, S. Sloan
T. Miller, P. McGowan
J. Callahan
B. Reagan (1)
J. O'Leary (2)
K. King (1)
L. Narcisi (2)
E. King (3)
K. Reagan (4)
A. Meurer, K. Grasse
Judith McFarlane
M. Tovey, Amy Conkle
M. Karsten
J. Calles (1)
S Whiteside (2)
K. Wood (1)
A. Buffo (2)
E. Calles (3)
M. Hughes (4)
J. Randag, J. Cozzi
M. Sutton, S. Natanek
L. Millar, O. Condon
T. Cahill
K. Hillsman (1) Sean Maher (1)
D. Kannin (2)
J. Morey (2)
A. Brandstatter (3)
C. Fahey (4)
S. Koch, S. Hillsman
M. Hillsman, M. Maher
Shannon Maher
L. Schreiber, C. Eckhoff
Presider schedule is subject to change
Baby Bottles for Life
On Saturday, January 16th, and Sunday, January 17th, we will be distr ibuting “Baby
Bottles for Life” at all the exits after Mass. Please return them with your donation to help in
building a Culture of Life in our parish and community on Saturday, January 30th, and
Sunday, January 31st. The money will be for Woman’s Choice Services (WCS), which
has two life-saving Catholic pregnancy centers in Lombard and Bolingbrook.
WCS gives counseling and medical referrals to pregnant teens and young women in danger of abortion, assisting them
if they want to keep their babies or to put them up for adoption. This fundraiser is a great way for each member of the
family to help in building a Culture of Life. Thank you in advance for your response to the call of the Gospel to serve
those in great need!
Evening of Prayer for the Protection of the Unborn and Pro-Life Witness
On Friday, January 22nd, the 43rd Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Abortion Case, Immaculate
Conception Parish (134 Arthur St. Elmhurst) will host an Evening of Prayer for the Protection of the Unborn in
solidarity with the March for Life 2016. The evening begins with the Rosary at 6:30 pm, The Sacrifice of the Mass
will be celebrated in the Church at 7:00 pm, following the Rosary. Pro-life witness, Jessia Schuessler, will speak
in the Agnesian Room from 8:00—9:15 pm.
Jessica Schuessler is a young Christian mom with four children who is on fire to stop the tragedy of abortion. She goes
to Planned Parenthood-Aurora most weeks to pray and plead with men and women not to have an abortion. In March
2015, she began sending the book Deliver Us from Abortion: Awakening the Church to End the Killing of America’s
Children by Brian Fisher to local pastors and priests. Currently, 675 pastors/priests have received the book (covering all
churches in Kane County and almost all of Dupage County). Jessica will talk about how she found forgiveness from her
own abortion when she was 14 yrs old, how she is reaching out to others and answer questions from attendees. Snacks
and refreshments will be served. All are invited. Bring the entire family. Please contact Mary Kay at
mklivorsi@comcast.net with any questions or call (630) 279-5825.