A Small Boring Head for the Taig Mill
A Small Boring Head for the Taig Mill
A Small Boring Head for the Taig Mill Parts List Exploded View 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Base Shank Head Gib Dial Leadscrew Gib screw Head locking screw Tool and shank set screw 12L14 12L14 12L14 Brass 12L14 4-40 x 1" SHCS 4-40 x 3/32" SHSS 4-40 x 1/4" SHCS 10-32 x 1/4" SHCS Shank 2 A Small Boring Head for the Taig Mill Base 1 2 3 A Small Boring Head for the Taig Mill 3 4 5 6 4 7 8 9 A Small Boring Head for the Taig Mill 10 11 Head Gib A Small Boring Head for the Taig Mill 5 12 15 13 16 14 6 17 A Small Boring Head for the Taig Mill 19 22 20 23 24 21 A Small Boring Head for the Taig Mill 7 27 Dial 25 28 Drill #16 (.177") about .110" deep for a press fit on the head of a 4-40 SHCS. 26 8 29 A Small Boring Head for the Taig Mill 30 33 31 34 32 A Small Boring Head for the Taig Mill 9