The Physics of Energy sources Nuclear Fission
The Physics of Energy sources Nuclear Fission
The Physics of Energy sources Nuclear Fission B. Maffei Nuclear Fission 1 Introduction ! We saw previously from the Binding energy vs A curve that heavy nuclei (above A~120) will gain stability by splitting into 2 fragments of A~60 each ! This reaction will release energy (Q) due to difference in binding energy between the parent nucleus and the products ! The reaction will also produce neutrons ! This has been observed in early fission experiments in the early 40s ! The reaction will quite probably produce γ rays A simple energy release model B/A energy for heavy nuclei (A~200) is about 7.6MeV B/A energy for more stable nuclei (fragments) ~ 8.5MeV The change of B/A is about 0.9MeV per nucleon If we have 235U fission we have a release of energy Q=235x0.9MeV= 211.5MeV A typical Nuclear Fission nuclear fission releases an energy of the order of 200MeV 2 Mass partition An typical example of fission is 235 U + n→236U *→147La +87Br + 2n Ref 2 It is not unique and many different mass partitions are possible as shown in figure. 235U For fragment mass numbers vary between 70 and 160 with most probable values at about 96 and 135 Distribution of fission fragment masses from the fission of 235U The energy released in process will be transmitted to the fragments as Kinetic energy Nuclear Fission 3 Neutron production Ref 2 ! The line of stability of the nuclei is not totally a straight line ! There is a slight curvature leaning towards neutron rich nuclei when A increases ! Ratio N/Z for A>200 is ~ 1.5 • Uranium, Plutonium ….. ! Ratio N/Z for 70<A<160 is 1.3-1.4 • These are the fragments When the fission of the heavy nucleus occurs, the fragments end up having the same neutron to proton ratio (~1.5) than the original nucleus. So compared to the line of stability for nuclei of their mass, these fragments are neutron rich. They will decay towards the line of stability mainly by β- emissions (long) but also by rapid shedding of several neutrons. These will be crucial to initiate other fission reactions chain reaction Several fission reactions for the same original element Average number of neutrons produced Nuclear Fission 4 Induced fission reaction Imagine a typical fission reaction 239 94 124 Pu →112 Pd + 46 48 Cd + 3n The calculation of the Q factor will give 188MeV (in agreement with the rough estimate of 200MeV we saw earlier). From this figure we might think that fission is quite a probable process due to the energy released so could it be spontaneous ? Actually no: do not forget the Coulomb interaction Coulomb barrier Let s assume that the 2 fragments are uniformly charged spheres of radius rpd and rcd We have the energy due to the Coulomb potential between the 2 fragments E coulomb e 2 Z Pd ZCd = 4 "# 0 r r being the distance between them Let s try to bring these 2 nuclei as close as possible to each other ! 1/ 3 r = rCd + rPd = r0 ( ACd + A1/Pd3 ) Nuclear Fission Reminder: nucleus radius r = r0 A1/ 3 , where r0 = 1.2fm 5 Induced fission reaction (2) Replacing all the parameters by their value we find (strongly recommended to do that as an exercise) Bc = Ecoulomb = 270MeV Bc: Coulomb barrier Coulomb Potential energy (1/r variation) c distance Attractive strong nuclear interaction Based on Ref 2 Nuclear Fission We see that in order to be able to glue the 2 fragments together, we need to cross this energy barrier due to the Coulomb repulsion Only when the 2 nuclei will be close enough (basically coming in contact) the strong force will be able to overcome the repulsion and keep them together as one nucleus So working the other way round, in order to have a high probability of spontaneous fission of the parent nucleus, the energy Q that can be released during the fission should be comparable to the Coulomb barrier. It is not the case here 6 Induced fission reaction (3) Note: Spontaneous fission does exist • Even with a low probability, it will occur statistically • Occurs quantum mechanically by tunnelling effect • Some very heavy isotopes are so instable that fission overcomes the Coulomb barrier We would need A large (~300) and roughly Z2/A>47 However for some isotopes spontaneous fission is a non negligible decay mode Example: 252Cf is used as a radioisotope (spontaneous fission branch ratio~3%) More generally for fission reaction to happen, it needs to be induced (triggered) We need to excite the nucleus to above the Coulomb barrier That will happen through absorption of a neutron Having no charge, the neutron will not have to go through a Coulomb barrier in order to be absorbed by the nucleus The addition of the neutron will leave the resulting nucleus in an excited state 235 U + n→236U * Nuclear Fission 7 Activation energy ! The previous crude model was mainly to explain why fission needs to be induced. ! However, in reality the necessary extra energy amount to make fission happen is not that large. This is what we call activation energy. Energy plot from our simple model of Pu fission Coulomb barrier 270 MeV 188 MeV Fission energy released Equivalent to Reference: Energy of 2 fragments far apart Energy state of Pu nucleus Graphs based on Ref 3 So to make sure that the reaction will occur (probability=1), the neutron needs to provide an energy at least equal to the activation energy Nuclear Fission 8 Activation energy: crude model to more realistic one ! The actual activation energy is not as high as we did calculate ! Mainly for heavy nuclei ! Part of that can be explained with our simple liquid drop model n+ 235U 236U* +n(s) Due to nucleus stretching, the overall binding energy of the nucleus has changed Consider the semi-empirical mass formula from the LDM 2 ac .Z(Z "1) asym (A " 2Z) 2/3 B(Z, A) = av .A " as .A " " + # (A,Z) A1/ 3 A When the nucleus is stretched, the volume is constant but the surface increases: ! Volume term is ! the same ! Surface and Coulomb terms will be modified ! Binding energy decreased (for more details see ref 3) Nuclear Fission 9 Variation of activation energy with mass number ! In order to get a better value of the activation energies more detailed models are used taking into account more sophisticated effects than the LDM (i.e. shell model). Z Around Uranium 5MeV typically Dark curve: LDM Thin curve: shell structure model Nuclear Fission Figs based on Ref 3 A~280 Spontaneous fission Activation energy for heavy nuclei. A and Z dependence 10 Application to uranium 235 U + n→236U * When 235U captures a neutron to form a compound state 236U* the excitation energy is: Qex = [ m( 236U * ) " m( 236U)] # c 2 Assuming the kinetic energy of the neutron small, the energy of the compound state 236U* can be found directly by the mass energies of 235U and the neutron: !236 m( U * ) = m( 235U ) + mn = (235 .043924u + 1.008665u ) = 236 .052589u Qex = (236.052589u − 236.045563) × 931.5MeV / u = 6.5MeV The activation energy of 236U is 6.2MeV 235U can be fissioned with zero energy neutron. Similar calculation for 238 U + n→239U * gives Qex=4.8MeV Activation energy for 239U is 6.6MeV. We need a neutron of at least ~2MeV to get fission. The difference between the excitation energies (6.5 and 4.8MeV) is one of the explanations for the extreme difference in the fissionability of 235U and 238U Nuclear Fission 11 Fission energy budget Example on thermal-neutron induced fission of 235U (all figures from ref 2) For this reaction, there is an average of 2.4 neutrons per fission ! About 87% of the total energy is released promptly Mean energy of each released neutron ~ 2MeV ! 90% of this in fragments KE. ! ~13% in radioactive decay ! Electrons, γ rays energy converted into heat ! Neutrino energy not recoverable Nuclear Fission Energy spectrum of emitted neutrons 12 Neutrons released We have seen that there is a prompt release of a few neutrons per reaction These prompt neutrons have a range of kinetic energy By convention we have the following designation: ! Thermal: E ~ 0.025 eV ! Epithermal: E ~ 1 eV Delayed neutrons ! Slow: E ~ 1 keV Timescale ~ 6sec ! Fast: E ~ 100 keV to 10 MeV About 1% of released neutrons These are released within about 10-14 sec after fission Other neutrons are emitted during some of the fission decay chains (from heavy fragments) Ex: 93 37 About 99% of released neutrons sec 93 92 Rb56 ⎯6⎯→ ⎯ Sr → 38 55 38 Sr54 + n Decay branch β- followed by neutron em. 1.4% probability Nuclear Fission 13 Cross section – A brief explanation For a more precise development see references at the end Intensity I=φA Flux φ Consider an incident flux of particles on a surface A of width dx (Number of particles/m2/sec) Intensity (number of incident particles per second) = φ × A A If N target nuclei are exposed to the beam (number of atoms in volume A.dx) N = ρ N × dx × A ρN being the atoms volume density (Number/m3) dx Let s suppose that we have a reaction (i.e. fission) between the incident particles and the atoms in the volume A.dx. If the nuclei in the target act independently, the reaction rate will be proportional to the number of incident particles ( φ or I), and the number of atoms N. Rate R ∝ N × φ R ∝ ρ N × dx × A × φ event rate per nucleus σ= incident flux Nuclear Fission The constant of proportionality is called the cross section σ σ is the reaction rate per target atom per unit of flux. It is equivalent to a probability of the process to occur. and R = σ × N ×φ Note: σ as units of area (cross section). R number of reaction per unit of time 14 A classical approach of the cross-section (but wrong!) Consider the reaction R1 R R2 135 Xe + n→136Xe* The neutron (radius R1) can be captured by the nucleus of Xeon (radius R2) when the strong interaction act distance between their centres is r ≤ R = R + R 1 2 Neglecting R1 in comparison with R2, R=R2 Then a simple picture of the cross section would give: σ = π × R 2 = π × r02 × A2 / 3 ≈ 120 fm 2 However, the cross section for this specific reaction is actually σ~106 fm2 The classic approach is not the right one. In order to get the real values of the cross-sections a proper quantum mechanical treatment has to be perform and other physical processes have to be taken into account. Units: we use a more appropriate one for cross-section – 1 barn=100 fm2= 10-28 m2 Nuclear Fission 15 Example Given 10g of natural uranium (mass 238.029u) and a neutron flux of 1013cm-2s-1, a thermal fission cross section of 235U of 584b, find the fission rate. Fission rate = Nσφ with N being the number of 235U atoms. Abundance of 235U in natural uranium= 0.72% 10 g × 6.023 ×10 23 N= × 0.0072 = 1.82 ×10 20 atoms 238.029 Fission rate = 1.82 ×10 20 ×1013 × 584 ×10 −24 = 1.06 ×1012 reactions / sec Note: if several reactions are possible, each with a cross section σi, total cross section: σ total = ∑σ i i Nuclear Fission 16 Cross section data Thermal neutrons Fast neutrons Cross sections of neutron induced fission of 235U and 238U as a function of the incident neutron KE Note the poor cross section of 238U Nuclear Fission Figures from Ref 3 17 What happens to the emitted neutron? ! There is an average of η neutrons emitted per reaction ! Not all emitted neutrons will be able to trigger another fission. ! There are other reactions that enter in competition ! Not all neutrons are useful in a chain reaction ! Each competitive reaction has a probability to occur Reaction rate 4 possible reactions: 3 competitors to fission scattering U + n→236U * ⎯elastic ⎯ ⎯ ⎯⎯→235U + n 235 Back to square one Scattering U * ⎯inelastic ⎯ ⎯scattering ⎯ ⎯ ⎯→235U * + n Re-emitted neutron as lower KE leaving 235U in an excited state U * ⎯radiative ⎯ ⎯capture ⎯⎯→236U + γ Heavy nucleus + low energy incident neutron: most probable decay 236 236 Nuclear Fission 18 Fission vs capture ! Each of the previous reactions has a corresponding cross section. ! The cross sections are normalised: we can sum them σ fission + σ capture = σ f + σ c = σ absorption = σ a σ elastic + σ inelastic = σ e + σ i = σ scattering = σ s with σ total = σ a + σ s In order to get a good fission rate, we want σfission to be the dominant cross section From previous plot we saw that the fission cross section of 235U is strongly dependent of the incident neutron KE. σsis relatively independent of the energy ~ 10b σfission= 584b for thermal neutrons (~0.025eV) σfission~ 1.5b for fast neutrons (~2MeV), ~1/6 of σs Fast neutrons (mean of 2MeV) are released during fission Nuclear Fission We need to slow them down to thermal energies to sustain chain reaction à Moderation 19 Number of useful neutrons ! Each 235U fission reaction, initiated by a thermal neutron, produces an average of η=2.4 neutrons. ! Some neutrons are lost through radiative capture both with 235U and 238U. Suppose that we have pure 235U Let s call the number of released neutrons available η to induce fission ηa (also called ) σf σc 235U 584 96 238U - σa σs 680 10 2.72 2.72 8.3 σf ηa = η = 2.06 σ f +σc Suppose that we have natural uranium which contains 0.72% 235U ⎡ ⎤ 0.72 × σ f ( 235U ) ηa = η ⎢ ⎥ = 1.328 235 238 ⎢⎣ 0.72 × σ a ( U ) + 99.28 × σ c ( U ) ⎥⎦ We can vary ηa by changing the enrichment (proportion of 235U in natural uranium) Note: an enrichment of 1.6% leads to ηa = 1.654 Nuclear Fission 20 Reactor kinetics ! We introduce the neutron reproduction (or multiplication) factor k. ! This is the ratio in number of neutron from one generation to the next. ! Neutrons are characterised by a time constant τ, mean time before absorption occurs ! Includes the time necessary to moderate the neutron (10-6 s) ! Includes a diffusion time at thermal energies before absorption (10-3 s) If there are N neutrons at time t, then there will be on average kN neutrons at time t+τ, k2N at time t+2τ and so on. Then in a short time interval dt, the increase will be: dt dN = (kN " N) # Giving Nuclear Fission dN(t) dt = (k "1) N(t) #! $ N(t) = N 0e t (k "1) # 21 Energy rate The rate of energy released during fission will be: Q value per fission x number of absorbed neutrons leading to fission in time dt % (k $1)t ( N(t) dE = Q " dt = QN 0 exp' *dt & # ) # The integration gives making ! ! We then have 3 cases Nuclear Fission $ (k #1)t ' N 0" E =Q exp& ) + C st % " ( (k #1) % (k #1)t ( E " exp' * & $ ) ! k<1 the number of neutrons decreases with time. The energy produced also decreases. Sub-critical: the chain reaction will stop after a while ! k~1 The number of neutron!remains constant, so is the produced energy. Critical: the chain reaction will be steadily sustained. ! k>1 The number of neutrons and the energy will increase exponentially with time. Super-critical: we get a bomb 22 How to keep k~1 ? ! An ideal reactor would have k=ηa ! We have seen that each fission gives an average of ηa fast neutrons ! However other processes impact the neutron production ! Before moderation, a small fraction of fast neutrons will create fission with 238U (even with a small cross section ~ 1b). We have εηa with ε ~ 1.03 (fast fission factor) ! During moderation the neutrons slowing down will encounter some resonances in the 238U capture cross section. We now have εpηa with p ~ 0.75 (resonance escape probability) ! There is a probability of neutron capture by the moderator εpfηa with f ~ 0.83 (thermal utilisation factor) ! There will be neutron leakage in the reactor ~ 3% All these factors will depend on the reactor design. These are typical values k ηa = ≈ 1.656 if we want k ~ 1 0.97εpf Nuclear Fission This can be achieved with an uranium enrichment of 1.5% typically 23 Moderation of fast neutrons ! Neutrons need to be slowed down as rapidly as possible ! Neutrons will be slowed down through successive scattering with moderator nuclei Let s have a look at the kinetic energy loss of one neutron after one scattering Consider fast neutrons (mass mn) with a speed v. Originally the moderator is static (nucleus mass M). After scattering neutrons will have a speed v1, the moderator nuclei a speed v2 2 Suppose that the neutron is scattered through 180deg # & 2 mn 2 m 2 n v " v = v + v % ( ( ) ( 1) 1 $M' M Conservation of Conservation of energy momentum # mn & 2 1 1 1 (v " v1)(v + v1) = %$ M ('(v + v1) mn v = "mn v1 + Mv 2 mn v 2 = mn v12 + Mv 22 2 2 2 + ! v1 ( mn + M ) = v( M " mn ) 2 " mn % 2 2 m v = v + v $ ' ( 1) 2 v1 ( M " mn ) v 22 = n ( v 2 " v12 ) #M& = ! M ! v (mn + M ) ! For the neutron: When M>>mn neutron does not lose much energy ! Moderator should have a small atomic mass number Nuclear Fission KE ! after KE before 1 mn v12 # M " m & 2 n =2 =% ( 1 m + M ' mn v 2 $ n 24 2 Summary ! Fission reaction key points: ! Why/how can we have a fission reaction? • Explanation from B/A curve • Activation energy • Products ! Energy produced How to calculate Q ! Neutron production ! How to trigger efficiently a fusion reaction ! What is a cross-section? ! What are the mean free path and mean free time associated to cross-section • See example 6 ! Take into account the various cross-sections ! Neutron moderation ! Reactor kinetics - why and how to keep k~1 Nuclear Fission 25 References Ref 2: Lilley, J. Nuclear Physics Principles and Applications (Wiley 2006) Ref 3: Kenneth S. Krane, Introductory Nuclear Physics (Wiley 1988) Nuclear Fission 26